Preparing to Migrate Your Chem Email

The UW Chemistry Dept. is phasing out our email service. Over the next few months we will individually visit each staff and faculty to assist you in your transition to an external email service provider of your choice.

You will NOT need to change your email address

In fact, if you have been using as your email address, we encourage you to continue using that email address. Although your email service will move to a server outside of our department, we will continue to support the email domain name as a "virtual email domain". Email addressed to will be redirected to your new account at your new email service. If all is configured properly, this should be completely transparent to your email correspondents and to you.

Choose your External Email Service Provider

Determine the size of your email currently stored on the Chemistry Email server

Most chemistry email users have IMAP mail accounts, which store the user's mail on our mail server. Copying your email from our chem dept. server to your new email server is a key part of your migration. Your migration plan will depend on how much mail you need to move. The button below will lead you to a page where you can log in with your chemistry email credentials to get the size of your email stored on our server. You can get a more detailed breakdown of your email holdings by folder by logging into chemistry webmail. Log in to webmail and click on the link "Folder sizes" at the bottom of the left pane. You may also contact your chemistry email administrator, and I will send you the information.

How big is my Chem Email account?

Proceed to the Pre-Migration Checklist for your Chosen Email Service Provider

Pre-Migration Checklists

UW Deskmail Checklist UW Google Mail Checklist

After you have completed the pre-migration checklist, proceed to the migration launch page by clicking one of the buttons below. There you will enter your log-in credentials and optionally set set some additional parameters. No action will be taken until you hit the "LAUNCH" button at the end of that page. That button will launch your migration process, which might run for hours, or days, copying your email on the Chemsitry server to your new email home.

Proceed to Launch Page

Migrate to DeskMail Migrate to Google Mail