Monthly archives: March, 2018

CentOS 7 Workarounds for old Topspin

Here are descriptions of some workarounds we developed to allow old versions of Bruker Topspin™ to run on CentOS 7. Network Interface Names The old traditional interface names are hard coded into old versions of of Topspin.  The software expects that an interface named “eth0” will be the external (i.e. public) network interface and eth1…

Dept. of Chemistry Email Migration Project

Here is archival documentation of the U.W. Dept. of Chemistry’s project of outsourcing email service from 2014 to 2015. A phased implementation allowed us to outsource SMTP, IMAP and POP3 services without interruption of service. To facilitate the migration of approximately 100 email accounts, I prepared the following  email user migration guide to migrations and migration…