This is Ken Speer's UW Staff site!


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I help unblock the potential in learners' brains. Here we see one of my friends examining a block of potential discovery.

brain scan

Here are a few tips about developing eLearning:

eLearning Modules Online Assessments
  1. Don't make it "Show and Tell"
  2. Explain/Demonstrate/Let Learner Try
  3. Put the lesson in context of UW and Job Role
  4. Be relevant to actual job requirements
  5. Focus on one main topic per module
  6. Use words appropriate to the audience
  7. Don't use graphics that don't aid learning
  8. Keep narrations to 30 seconds or less per screen
  9. Frequently remind about objectives
  10. Frequently remind about skills already learned
  11. Give learners choices
  12. Give learners challenges, not pitfalls
  13. Provide a good wrap-up of the whole lesson
  14. Provide contact info for questions
  1. Don't make it a "Gotcha!"
  2. Use exact words and phrases from eLearning Module
  3. Focus on information most often needed
  4. Be relevant to actual job requirements
  5. Use scenarios to base the quiz on performance
  6. Use Multiple Select or fill blank type questions
  7. Use graphics to reinforce the topic of the question
  8. If appropriate to Module, use more than one scenario
  9. Focus questions on course objectives
  10. Use failure captions that explain the right answer
  11. Do not use jargon or stilted language
  12. Use Hotspots for hard-to-remember screen navigation
  13. Avoid True/False type questions
  14. On Single Choice questions, don't make right answer the longest

Here is a link to a fun page!

My eLearning Page!

Here is a link to a sample team page