Stuart H. D. Ching
University of Hawai'i, Manoa, B.Ed.
Colorado State University, M.F.A. 1990 Cowry
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Ph.D. 2000 Memory as travel in composition : continuity and transformation across generations
Bellarmine College, Loyola Marymount University, assistant professor of English
The subject is story : essays for writers and readers / edited by Wendy Bishop and Hans Ostrom. Portsmouth, NH : Boynton/Cook Heinemann, c2003.
Growing up local : an anthology of poetry and prose from Hawaii / edited by Eric Chock ... [et al.]. Honolulu : Bamboo Ridge Press, c1998.
Stuart Ching's dissertation, Memory as Travel in Composition (completed in May 2000) attempts to expand traditional definitions of memory in composition studies and K-12 literacy education. More than a vehicle of recall, memory in cross-cultural writing pedagogy may function as critical resistance and cultural and social change. His dissertation, which combines memoir and inter-disciplinary research across the humanities and social sciences, combines Stuart's interests in writing instruction, the politics of literacy, literary and ethnic studies, multicultural education, and creative writing.
Stuart is currently the assistant director of the Liberal Studies Program for elementary education majors and an assistant professor of English at Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles), where he has served as chair of the Asian American Faculty-Staff Association and has taught courses in composition and rhetoric, Asian Pacific American Literature, and children's literature. His scholarship has appeared in journals such as The New Advocate (journal of children's literature), Language Arts and Writing on the Edge and in anthologies such as Fourteen Landing Zones (University of Iowa Press), The Subject Is Story (Heinemann), and Fractured Feminisms (SUNY Press). He has also published fiction in journals such as North Dakota Quarterly, Madison Review, and Hawaii Review and in anthologies such as The Best of Honolulu Fiction (Bamboo Ridge Press), Growing Up Local: An Anthology of Poetry and Prose from Hawaii (Bamboo Ridge Press), and New Voices (The Center for Literary Publishing). His works-in-progress include a study that critically examines race-and-ethnicity-discourses in composition studies through global rhetorics of Asian Pacific America; a screen adaptation of his story "Way Back to Palolo"; and a collection of short fiction, Broad Water, Distant Land.