photo by Catherine Gabrol
real name Yan Ni
her pseudonym may mean "wind rustle" or "wind scatter"
born October 28, 1972 in Beijing
published a collection of poems at age 8
received a prize for her poetry at age 15
shocked by the horrors of Tien An Men (April 4 - June 3, 1989
left China and joined her father at the Sorbonne in 1990 at age 17
studied philosophy and sociology in Paris at the Ecole Alsacienne
worked 1994 to 1996 as secretary for the painter Balthus, whom she met through his daughter, Harumi Klossowska
the feminist Setsuko Ideta (wife of Balthus and mother of Harumi) introduced her to Japanese civilization
1997, Porte de la paix celeste, editions du Rocher, received the bourse Goncourt du Premier roman
1999, second novel, Les quatre vies du saule, Gallimard, was awarded the Prix Cazes
2000, Le Vent vif et le glaive rapide, William Blake & Co
2001, third novel, La joueuse de go, Gallimard (2003, translated into English as The Girl Who Played Go, Knopf)
2002, Le miroir du calligraphe, Albin Michel
2003, a fourth novel, Imperatrice, Albin Michel
Shan Sa profile at RFP Culture
Shan Sa profile at Sit'art mag
Shan Sa profiled by Antoine Tanguay at Librairie Pantoute
Shan Sa at Bienvenue sur L'Express Livres, August 2003
Shan Sa at the cafe les Troix-Artes
Shan Sa interviewed by Emma Le Clair at Zone-Litteraire
Shan Sa interviewed by Emmanuel Deslouis at
Shan Sa interviewed by Nicolas Barotte at Zoom
Shan Sa at Premieres chapitres, Grasset
Shan Sa at Club des rats de biblio-net