born in Yokohama, Japan, and has lived mostly in the U.S. since the age of six
graduate of Brown University
writes poetry, prose, and performance text, and translates from Japanese to English
currently lives outside Tokyo, Japan
editor of !Factorial Press, which publishes collaborative writing, and the translation coordinator for How2, an online journal of contemporary innovative writing by women
work in Chain, Conundrum, Kenning, 108, Aufgabe, and New American Writing, and Clutch, a book of hockey love poems, from Tinfish Press.
Sawako Nakayasu at the Poetry Project
Hockey Love Letters Tin Fish Press
texture notes from Japan and elsewhere - by Sawako Nakayasu
Sawako Nakayasu at the Poetry Project
note on Sawako Nakayasu at the Poetry Project
"An ant against time," by Sawako Nakayasu
Balconic by Sawako Nakayasu at Durationpress
poems by Hiromi Ito, translated by Sawako Nakayasu