Contents of this directory and its subdirectories © 2000 by Jonathan Jacky

This work may be copied or reproduced in whole or part without payment of fee for nonprofit educational and research purposes, provided that all such copies include a notice that such copying is by permission of the author; an acknowledgement of the author; and all applicable portions of this copyright notice.

This work may not be copied or reproduced in whole or part for any commercial purpose, with this exception: you may copy the Z2HTML scripts and symbol image files in order to create web pages, even for commercial purposes. However you may not copy or reproduce the scripts or other pages for resale or any other commercial purpose.

Jonathan Jacky / Department of Radiation Oncology Box 356043
University of Washington / Seattle, Washington 98195-6043 / USA
Tel (206) 598-4117 / Fax (206) 598-6218
