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Nystuen, J.A., 1999. The Ambient Sound Data from the ATLAS Mooring: Acoustic Measurements of Wind and Rain", TRMM Data Archive, South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX), NASA.

Nystuen, J.A., 1998. Analysis of OASIS Data: Air-Sea Measurements using Ambient Sound

Nystuen, J.A., 1997. Evaluating Automatic Rain Gauges for Deployment on Ocean Buoys, National Data Buoy Center, February, 57 pp.

Nystuen, J.A. and H.D. Selsor, 1996. Monitoring Air/Sea Interaction Processes using Passive Acoustic Drifters (AN/WSQ-6 Buoys), Naval Research Laboratory - Stennis Space Center Technical Memorandum, in press.

Nystuen, J.A., 1995. Listening to the Underwater Sound of Rainfall, in Acoustic Applications to Measure Oceanic Variables: A Review of Existing and Emerging Opportunities, NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Technical Memorandum, April.

Nystuen, J., J. Proni, C. Lauter, J. Bufkin, U. Rivero, M. Boland and J.C. Wilkerson, 1994. APL Disdrometer Evaluation, NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL AOML-83.

Bufkin, J., C. Lauter and J. Nystuen, 1994. Manufacturing Report for the Modified Applied Physics Laboratory Disdrometer, NOAA Technical Memorandum, AOML.

Nystuen, J.A., 1994. Inter-Comparison of Automatic Rain Gauges, Second Workshop on Optical Rain Gauge Measurements, NASA TRMM Office.

Nystuen, J.A., 1992. Rainfall Measurement using Passive Underwater Acoustical Remote Sensing, Proceedings of OCEANS '92, 26-29 October, Newport, R.I., 508-513.

Nystuen, J.A., 1992. A Modified Acoustic Wind Speed Algorithm, Report to the Tactical Oceanography Warfare Support Program Office, Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-5004, June.

Nystuen, J.A., 1991. Comments on "An Evaluation of the WOTAN Technique of Inferring Oceanic Winds from Underwater Ambient Sound" by Vagle et al., Report to NOARL, February.

Nystuen, J.A., 1988. Validation of Satellite Derived Precipitation in Canada", in Validation of Satellite Precipitation Measurements, edited by J.C. Wilkerson, World Meteorological Organization Report WMO/TD No. 203.

Nystuen, J.A., 1987. Development of Techniques for Measuring Rainfall at Sea, Technical Research Report, Contract No. 01SB.FP941-5-1528, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, B.C., Canada, February.

Nystuen, J.A., 1985. Underwater Ambient Noise Measurements of Rainfall, Ph.D. Disseration, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California, 86 pp.

Nystuen, J.A., 1981. Using Underwater Ambient Noise Levels to Measure Rainfall Rate: A Preliminary Report, in Precipitation Measurements from Space, NASA Workshop Report, October.

Invited Conference Presentations:

2002, "Using Ambient Sound to Passively Monitor Sea Surface Processes", INVITED KEYNOTE SPEECH, Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC 2002), Bali, Indonesia 3-6 September 2002, Special Volume, p 9-14.

1992, "Rainfall Measurement using Passive Underwater Acoustical Remote Sensing", OCEANS '92, 26-29 October, Newport, RI.

1992, "An Inversion Technique to Measure Rain Using Underwater Sound", J.A. Nystuen and L.H. Ostwald, Acoustical Society of America, Spring Meeting, Salt Lake City.

1990, "The Underwater Sound Generated by Light and Heavy Rain", Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, San Diego.

1989, "Monitoring Oceanic Precipitation using Ambient Sound - An Assessment", Acoustical Society of America, Spring Meeting, Syracuse.

Contributed Conference Presentations:

2002, "Rain Rate Distributions from Underwater, Ground-based and Spacebourne Observation", E. Amitai, J.A. Nystuen, L. Liao, R.Meneghini, E. Morin and D.C. Goodrich, International Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Science Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-26 July 2002. (presented by E. Amitai).

2002, "Acoustic Measurements of Precipitation from Deep Ocean Moorings", J.A. Nystuen, Barry Ma and M.J. McPhaden, AGU Spring Meeting, Washington D.C., May 2002.

2001, "The Underwater Sound from Crater Lake, Oregon", J.A. Nystuen and Robert Collier, Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, 3-7 December, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

2001, "Polarimetric Radar Rainfall Estimates During SCSMEX: Validation", T. Keenan, Zhao Nan, Feng Lei, V. Bringi and J. Nystuen, (presented by Tom Keenan), TRMM Science Meeting, 23-26 October, Fort Collins, CO.

2001, "Validation of Polarimetric Rainfall Measurements During SCSMEX", T. Keenan, Zhao Nan, Feng Lei, V. Bringi, J. Nystuen and M. Whimpey, (presented by T. Keenan), Inter. Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoons in East Asia, September, Taiwan.

2001, "A Comparison of Radar Rainfall Estimators during the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX)", T.Keenan, Zhao Nan, Feng Lei, V. Bringi, J. Nystuen and M. Whimpey, (presented by T. Keenan), 30th Inter. Conference on Radar Meteorology, 19-24 July, Munich, Germany.

2001, "High Temporal Resolution of Extreme Rainfall Rate Variability using Underwater Sound", J.A. Nystuen and Eyal Amitai, 7th International Conference on Precipitation, 30 June-3 July, Rockport, ME.

2001, "The Beginnings of Operational Marine Weather Observations using Underwater Ambient Sound", J.A. Nystuen and M.J. McPhaden, Acoustical Oceanography, Institute of Acoustics, 9-12 April, Southampton, England.

2000, "Listening to Raindrops: The Detection and Measurement of Rain at Sea", 10th International Symposium on Acoustic Remote Sensing ISARS 2000, December, Auckland, New Zealand.

2000, "Development of an underwater acoustic rain gauge co-located with a vertically-pointing precipitation profiler", C.R. Williams, P.E. Johnston and J.A. Nystuen, (presented by CR Williams), 10th International Symposium on Acoustic Remote Sensing ISARS 2000, December, Auckland, New Zealand.

2000, "Effects of Rain on Ku-Band Microwave Backscatter from the Ocean", R. Contreras, W.Plant, J.Nystuen, W. Keller and K. Hayes, (presented by R. Contreras), NASA TRMM Science Meeting, October, Greenbelt, MD.

2000, "Improved Rainfall Measurements after Acoustical Classification of Rainfall", J.A. Nystuen and E. Amitai, NASA TRMM Science Meeting, October, Greenbelt, MD.

2000, "Acoustical Rainfall Measurements from the TAO Moorings along 95° W", J.A. Nystuen, M.J. McPhaden and Y. Serra, CLIVAR P.I. Meeting, September, Potomac, MD.

1999, "Acoustical Rainfall Analysis", J.A. Nystuen and E. Amitai, (presented by Eyal Amitai), TRMM Global Precipitation Mission Meeting, October, College Park, MD.

1999, "Listening to Raindrops", The John D. Nystuen Symposium, 24 September, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

1999, "The Acoustic Log from the South China Sea Experiment (SCSMEX): Remote Sensing of Precipitation, Wind, Ambient Bubbles and Pirates Using Underwater Ambient Sound", American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, May, Boston, MA.

1998, "Acoustical Measurements of Air-Sea Fluxes: Precipitation, Wind and Bubbles", PACS PI Meeting, October, Tucson, AZ.

1998, "Monitoring air-sea exchange using ambient sound", Acoustical Society of America, Spring Meeting/16th International Congress on Acoustics, Seattle, WA, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103, p2910.

1998, "Characteristics of the low- and high-frequency ambient sound from breaking waes in the surf zone", A.R. Kolaini and J.A. Nystuen, (presented by Ali Kolaini), Acoustical Society of America, Spring Meeting/16th International Congress on Acoustics, Seattle, WA, .J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103, p 2865.

1998, "Oceanic Precipitation: Remote Acoustic Detection and Measurement", American Geophyiscal Union, Spring Meeting, May, Boston, MA.

1998, "Acoustics - a sound method of measuring rain?", G.D. Quartly, T.H. Guymer, K.G. Birch, J. Smithers, A. Keast and J.A. Nystuen, (presented by Graham Quartly), Proc. Oceanology International 98 'The Global Ocean' Vol 2, 231-239.

1998, "Rainfall at the Air-Sea Interface", American Meteorological Society, 9th Conference on Interaction of the Sea and Atmosphere, January, Phoenix, AZ, p146-148.

1997, "The influence of rainfall at the ocean surface", Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, San Diego, CA.

1997, "Exploring the surf zone using ambient sound", J.A. Nystuen and A.R. Kolaini, (presented by Ali Kolaini), Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, San Diego, CA.

1997, "Characteristics of low-frequency ambient sound in the surf zone", A.R. Kolaini and J.A. Nystuen, Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, San Diego, CA.

1997, "Quantiative rainfall measurements using the underwater sound field", Sea Surface Sound '97, University of Southampton, Southampton, England.

1996, "Subsurface bubble layers generated by extremely heavy rainfall", Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, Honolulu, HI.

1996, "Inversion of the Underwater Sound Field to Quantify the Formation of a Subsurface Bubble Layer", Acoustical Society of America, Spring Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

1994, "Acoustical Rainfall Analysis", Acoustical Society of America, Spring Meeting, Boston, MA.

1994, "Acoustical Rainfall Analysis", American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

1993, "Underwater Sound Generated by Rainfall: Secondary Splashes of Aerosols", J.A. Nystuen and H. Medwin, Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, Denver, CO.

1992, "Weather Observations using Autonomous Acoustic Drifters", Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

1992, "Delayed Microbubble radiation due to Aerosols from Large Raindrop Splash: Dependence on Surface Wave Slope", G.A. Miller, H. Medwin and J.A. Nystuen, (presented by Ali Kolaini), Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

1991, "Tracking Mesoscale Features in the Caribbean Sea using Geosat", J.A. Nystuen and C.A. Andrade, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

1991, "The Hydroacoustics of a Drop Impact", Leo H. Ostwald and J.A. Nystuen, (presented by L. Ostwald), Acoustical Society of America , Fall Meeting, Houston, TX.

1991, "Underwater Sound Energy from Large Terminal Velocity Raindrops as a Function of Drop Volume, Temperature and Salinity", P.W. Jacobus, H. Medwin and J.A. Nystuen, (presented by H. Medwin), Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, Houston, TX.

1991, "The Sound Generated by Heavy Precipitation", J.A. Nystuen and Charles C. McGlothin, Jr., Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, Houston, TX.

1991, "Sound Radiation from Large Raindrops", Peter W. Jacobus, H. Medwin and J.A. Nystuen, (presented by P. Jacobus), Acoustical Society of America, Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

1990, "Characteristics of Sound Radiation from Large Raindrops", David E. Snyder, P.W. Jacobus, H. Medwin and J.A. Nystuen, (presented by David Snyder), Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, San Diego, CA .

1990, "An Explanation of the Sound Generated by Light Rain in the Presence of Wind", NATO Advanced Research Workshop, July, Cambridge, England.

1989, "The Attenuation of Surface Gravity Waves by Rainfall", American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

1989, "Underwater Sound Generated by Impacts and Bubbles from Raindrops at Oblique Incidence", Armagan Kurgan, H. Medwin and J. Nystuen, (presented by A. Kurgan), Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, St. Louis, MO.

1988, "Hydroacoustics of a Drop Impact", Acoustical Society of America, Fall Meeting, Honolulu, HI.

1987, "Observations of Ocean Phenomena using Underwater Ambient Sound", American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

1987, "The Sound Generated by Precipitation Striking the Ocean Surface", NATO Advanced Research Workshop, June, Lerici, Italy.

1986, "Validations of Satellite Derived Precipitation Measurements in Canada", Validation of Satellite-derived Precipitation Workshop, World Meteorological Organization, November, Washington, D.C.

1986, "Theory of Underwater Sound Generation by Rain", Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, June Meeting, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

1985, "Underwater Ambient Noise Measurements of Rainfall", American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.