University of Washington

Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree Program


Clinical Handbook
Internship Schedules
Clinical Site Information Forms (CSIFs)
Other Clinical Education Forms

Clinical Site Roster
REHAB 500 and 595, year-round
Clinical Clerkships and Internships

Instructor: Cyndi Robinson

Office: UW Med Ctr, Suite CC-902
Office Hours: by appointment
Telephone: (206) 598-5366

Dear Students and Clinical Instructors:

Welcome to the UW DPT Clinical Education home page.  We hope you will find the links in the left column useful in answering your questions.  Please direct any feedback to me at my contact points listed above.  Thank you.

Cyndi Robinson

UW PT Students at Work
therapy ball fun practicing e-stim poster presentation unstable push-ups
therapy ball fun practicing e-stim poster presentation unstable push-ups
stretch that hip traction mat table exercises hand flexibility exercises
stretch that hip traction mat table exercises hand flexibility exercises