Theoretical condensed matter physics, chemistry and spectroscopy: Excited
states, optical and X-ray spectroscopy, chemical reactivity, catalysis at the
nanoscale, nuclear and electronic real-time dynamics, intermolecular interac-
tions, scientific software development.
Staff Scientist Jan 2005 – Present
Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Washington
Supervisor: Prof. John J. Rehr
Lead and pursue a wide variety of lines of research. Engage in multidis-
ciplinary research in the areas of materials science, condensed matter
physics, theoretical chemistry and spectroscopy.
Lead, participate and manage the development of new scientific soft-
ware. Co-developer of the widely-used real-space multiple scattering
code FEFF. Original developer of SC2VP/SC2IT, a scientific cloud comput-
ing platform for materials science, condensed matter physics and com-
putational chemistry.
Lead and participate in the writing of successful funding proposals. Wrote
and coordinated the submission of a successful NSF proposal to develop
Scientific Cloud Computing Software. Led yearly successful allocation
requests for supercomputer time.
Manage graduate and undergraduate research. Mentored undergrad-
uate students in the REU program.
Postdoctoral Research Associate Aug 2003 – Dec 2005
Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Washington
Supervisor: Prof. John J. Rehr
Affiliations: Center on Materials and Devices for Information Technology
Co-developer of RT-SIESTA, a real-time time-dependent density functional
theory code for the realistic simulation of the interaction between matter
and radiation.
Studied the linear and non-linear optical response of organic materials
of interest in information technology
Postdoctoral Research Associate Jan 2001 – Aug 2003
Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Washington
Supervisor: Prof. Hannes Jónsson
Worked in the development of a transferable, single-center interaction
potential for water
Research and Teaching Assistant Jan 1996 – Aug 1998
Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Supervisor: Prof. Kenneth Jordan
Studied dipole-bound anions, weakly interacting and hydrogen-bonded
Studied the low-lying excited states of organic molecules with complex
electronic structure
Profesor (Grado 1) Mar 1992 – Dec 1995
Facultad de Química, Univ. de la República
Supervisor: Prof. Oscar N. Ventura
Studied the excited states of the water monomer and dimer
Studied the sintering of zinc-oxide in the presence of different gases
EDUCATION Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Ph.D., Chemistry, Dec 2000
Thesis Topic: Electron-Molecule Interactions
Advisor: Prof. Kenneth Jordan
Area of Study: Theoretical Chemistry
Univ. de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
M.Sc., Chemistry, Dec 1995
Thesis Topic: Theoretical study of the low-lying and Rydberg excited states
in the water monomer and dimer
Advisor: Prof. Oscar N. Ventura
Area of Study: Quantum Chemistry
B. Sc., Chemistry, Dec 1991
Area of Study: Chemical Engineering
EXPERTISE Theoretical chemistry:
Chemical reactivity
Intermolecular interactions and hydrogen bonding
Post-Hartree-Fock methods (MPn, CC, MRCI, CASSCF)
Theoretical spectroscopy:
Infrared, UV-Vis and X-ray spectroscopies
Excited states, linear and non-linear optical properties
Nuclear and electron real-time dynamics
Theoretical condensed matter physics:
Density Functional Theory, Molecular Dynamics
Energy-related materials and catalysis at the nanoscale
Scientific software and programming:
Molecular codes: Gaussian, StoBe, and NWChem
Condensed matter codes: FEFF, VASP, ABINIT, and Siesta
High-performance scientific computing and programming
Parallel and distributed computing
2019 SSRL/LCLS Users’ Meeting
“Developments & Challenges in X-ray Spectroscopies and Ultrafast Dynamics:
Experiment and Theory” Organizer, SLAC National Lab. 2019.
Computational Scattering Science 2010
“Fast and Ultrafast Phenomena” Topic Leader, Argonne National Lab. 2010.
Envisioning XD: Cloud Computing
Invited consulter, Argonne National Lab. 2009.
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
Guest Lecturer Nov 2019
Short Course on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure: Theory, Data Analysis
and Modeling
Graduate and postgraduate course on the theory and experiment
of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and its applications
Presented sections on “FEFF9 code for XANES modelling”, and “FEFF9
code for XANES modelling (demo)”
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
Guest Lecturer Nov 2018
Short Course: Introduction to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Graduate and postgraduate course on the theory and experiment
of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and its applications
Presented sections on “Theory of XAFS”, “FEFF9 code for XANES and
EXAFS analyses”, and “XANES data analysis with FEFF9 (demo)”
Univ. de São Paulo, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Guest Lecturer Mar – Apr 2015
Brazilian School of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Graduate and postgraduate course on the theory and experiment
of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and its applications
Presented sections on “Introduction to XANES theory”, “XANES with
FEFF”, and “FEFF demonstration”
Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Teaching Assistant Fall 1996
Instructor in Quantum Mechanics and Kinetics (CHEM 2430)
Developed and graded problem sets
Taught usage of Computational Chemistry software
Managed laboratory for computer experiments
Univ. de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
Lecturer 1994 – 1996
Lecturer in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Chemistry
Developed and taught curricula for Basic Quantum Mechanics and
Chemistry courses
Instructor 1992 – 1994
Instructor in Applied Numerical Methods and Programming
Taught Pascal programming applied to numerical methods (integra-
tion, differential equations, root finding, etc.)
American Physical Society
International X-ray Absorption Society
Referee Service
Physical Review
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Surface Science
Journal of Physical Chemistry
SERVICE Finn Hill Middle School Career Day, Apr 2015 and Apr 2019
Presented: “Becoming a condensed matter theorist (Or “How to play with
atoms in a computer”)”
Lake Forest Park Elementary School Science Night, Mar 2010
Managed a booth with hands-on demonstrations of the interaction between
light with matter
Distributed Cluster Assembly, Maintenance and Administration:
Collaborated in the construction, configuration and administration of IBM
and Linux clusters in the Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Requisitioned, administered and maintained the Linux clusters of the Con-
densed Matter Theory Group in the Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Washington
Computer Programming:
Fortran, MPI, Python, Pascal, UNIX shell scripting
Numerical Analysis:
Octave, MATLAB, Mathematica
Version Control:
Git and CVS
Information/Internet Technology:
Cloud Computing, Amazon EC2
Desktop Editing and Productivity Software:
Microsoft Office,, Google Docs
GIMP, InkScape, POVRay
Operating Systems:
Microsoft Windows family, Linux, BSD, IRIX, AIX, Solaris, and other UNIX variants
AWARDS Univ. of Pittsburgh
Andrew Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship, 1999–2000
A full resume can be found here.