About Me

Hi, I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Washington. I am a part of the Autonomous Insect Robotics lab directed by professor Sawyer Fuller. My research interests are in Robotics, controls and Computer vision.

Before starting my Ph.D, I was a Master's student at the University of Washington. I have also worked as an automation engineer in NBC bearings, Jaipur. My focus there was to work on innovative projects to decrease manual labor in between works cells. I did my bachelors in Mechanical engineering from YMCA University, India.


A Device for Rapid, Automated Trimming of Insect-Sized Flying Robots ., Dhingra, D., Chukewad, Y., and Fuller S. B., IEEE Robotics and automation Letters (RA-L), 2020. [video] [PDF]



I work on flapping-wing insect robots. My doctoral thesis goal is to work on the flying maneuverability of these robots by exploiting their low moment of inertia and fast dynamics.

The focus of my master is in Robotics and controls. I covered topics ranging from Artificial intelligence in robots to underlying fundamental controls.

Here is a list of courses I did in my masters.

In my bachelors I focussed on design and simulation. Manufacturing always intrigues me so I spent most of my summers in the workshop working on different projetcs.

Here is a list of relevant courses I did in my bachelors.

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