1 Condensation products of rhodanine and keto-acids
(with D. Maclean amd G.T. Newbold )
Journal of the Chemical Socie ty, 1952, 5053.
2 Triterpene resinols and related acids. Part XXIX. The structur e of
oxoiso-!3-amyradienyl acetate (wi th J.D. Johnston and
F.S. Spring)
Journal of the Chemical Society, 1954, 1546.
3 The constitution and sterochemistry of the a-amyrin (ursane) group of triterpenoids (with J.M. Beaton, J.I. Shaw, F.S. Spring, R. Stevenson, J.L. Stewart and W.S. Strachan)
Chemistry & Industry, 1955, 281.
4 Triterpenoids. Part XXXVI. Reactions of 18a-olean-12-en-3~-ol derivatives and observations on the stereochemistry of a-amyrin (with F.S. Spring)
Journal of the Chemical Socie ty, 1955, 2125.
5 Triterpenoids. Part XLI. 12-oxo-13a-ursan-3~-yl acetate
(with F.S. Spring and R. Stevenso n)
Journal of the Chemical Socie ty, 1955, 3072.
6 Triterpenoids. Part XLIII. The constitution of some compounds< /FONT>
obtained by the dehydration of a- amyrin and related alcohols
(with F.S. Spring, R. Stevenson a nd W.S. Strachan)
Journal of the Chemical Socie ty, 1955, 3371.
7 Triterpenoids. Part XLVII. The constitution of some compounds< /FONT>
obtained by the dehydration of p- amyrin and related alcohols:
further observations on the stere ochemistry of a-amyrin
(with M.B.E. Fayez, F.S. Spring and R. Stev enson)
Journal of the Chemical Socie ty, 1956, 456.
8 Condensation of rhodanine with pyridine and quinoline aldehydes (with F.J. Allan and J.B. Thomson)
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1958, EM>23, 112.
9 Pyridinaldazines (with F.J. Allan)
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1958, 23, 639.
10 Constitution of a-amyrin
Chemistry & Industry, 1958, 529.
11 The condensation of rhodanine with aromatic dialdehydes and
some related compounds (with F.J. Allan and J.B. Thomson)
Canadian Journal of Chemistry , 1958, 36, 1579.
12 The condensation of rhodanine and denvatives with polycyclic< /P>
aromatic aldehydes (with F.J. All an)
Recueil Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1959, 78, 67.
13 Die Kondensation von Rhodanin und derivaten mit einigen Indol-Aldehyden (with F.J. Allan)
Monatshefte, 1963, 94, 5 69.
14 Isoxazolylmethylenerhodanines (with F.J. Allan)
Recueil Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1964, 83, 1299.
15 Anomalous triterpenoid dehydrations
Chemistry & Industry, 1965, 1497.
16 A rapid method for determination of infrared spectra of water-free polymers (with H.-m. Chang and K.V. Sarkanen)
Chemistry & Industry, 1967, 699.
17 An intrinsic hazard of dimethylsulphoxide as a reaction mediu m
(with E. Moks and E.N. Nelson)
Chemistry & Industry, 1967, 1706.
18 Species variation in lignins. II. Conifer lignins
(with K.V. Sarkanen and H.-m. Cha ng)
Tappi, 1967, 50, 583.
19 Species variation in lignins. III. Hardwood lignins
(with K.V. Sarkanen and H.-m. Cha ng)
Tappi, 1967, 50, 587.
20 The conversion of lignin methoxyl groups to methylamines usin g
boron tribromide
Tappi, 1968, 51, 224.
21 Fundamentals of fiber assemblages. l. Basic fiber geometry FONT>
(with L.A. Smith)
Cellulose Chemistry & Technology, 1968, 2, 89.
22 The stereochemistry of the boswellic acids
Phytochemistry, 1968, 7, 963.
23 Nonlinear deflection analysis of fiber using displacements
(with L.A. Smith)
Textile Research Journal, 1968, 38, 873.
24 Photolocation of polymers in fibrous structures (with G.D. Crosby)
Tappi, 1968, 51, 92A.
25 Fiber surface modification. Part I. The reactivity of lignoce llulosic fibers with a dichloro-s-triazine (with M.D. Desert, P. Mauranen and W.M. Reif).
Paperi Puu, 1968, 50 , 529.
26 The condensation of rhodanine and derivatives with trialdehydes containing a 1,3,5-triazine ring (with F.J. Allan)
Recueil Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1959, 78, 375.
27 Mothicidal rhodanine denvatives (with F.J. Allan and C.M.F. McNeil)
Nature, 1959, 984, 1637.
28 The condensation of rhodanine and derivatives with benzaldehydesulphonic acids (with F.J. Allan, G. Crank
and J. Jack)
Recueil Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1960, 79, 247.
29 Fungitoxicity of rhodanine derivatives (with F.J. Allan and
G. Crank)
Journal of Applied Chemistry, 1961, 11, 68.
30 The condensation of rhodanine and derivatives with 4-antipyrinaldehyde (with F.J. Allan)
Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1961, 39, 1397.
31 The condensation of rhodanine and derivatives with pyridine and quinoline aldehydes (with F.J. Allan and J.B. Thomson)
Recueil Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1961, 80, 404.
32 The 4-(p-phenylazophenyl)semicarbazones of some carbonylic
pyridine derivatives (with F.J. Allan)
Recueil Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1961, 80, 1255.
33 Fungitoxicity of rhodanine derivatives
(with F.J. Allan, G. Crank and J.B. Thomson)
Journal of Applied Chemistry, 1962, 12, 46.
34 A general route to hydantoins
(with J.N. Coker, W.L. Kohlhase, T.F. Martens and A.O. Rogers)
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1962, 27, 3201.
35 The condensation of rhodanine and derivatives with phenoxyacetic acids (with F.J. Allan and J.B. Thomson)
Bulletin Sociutu Chimique de Belgique, 1962, 72, 87.
36 Der Unversifbare Anteil des SamenLtls der Rosskastanie
(with J. McLean and J.B. Thomson)
Archiv der Pharmazie, 19 62, 295, 865.
37 The condensation of rhodanine and derivatives with aromatic
aldebydes containing iodine (with F.J. Allan)
Recueil Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1963, 82, 78.
38 Binders for nonwoven fabrics
(with R.L. Adelman and H.K. Sinclair)
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,
Product Research and Developm ent, 1963, 2, 108.
39 1-Hydroximidazoles
(with F.J. Allan)
Chemistry&lndustry, 1963, 1837.
40 Die gegenseitige Beziehung der Boswell-S,z~uren
und eine Ursan-Oleanan Umwandlung
Chimia, 1963, 17, 382. FONT>
41 Cataleptic polymers: oxidative grafting to lignocellulosic substrates (with P. Mauranen, A.N. Neogi and C.E. Peet)
Chemistry & Industry, 1969, 623.
42 Macromolecular organometallic catalysis (with A.N. Neogi)
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1969, 73, 2094.< /FONT>
43 Imidazoles. Part II. A general synthesis for l-hydroxyimidazoles
(with K. Akagane, F.J. Allan, T. Friberg, S. O Muircheartaigh and
J.B. Thomson)
Bulletin Chemical Society of Japan, 1969, 42, 3204.
44 Fiber surface modification. Part II. Modification of ligniferous
wood and bark fibers using a dichloro-s-triazine< /P>
(with A. Lacitis, F.-m. Liu, J.-h . Lee and P. Mauranen)
Holziorschung, 1969, 23, 198.
45 Fiber surface modification. Part III. The reaction of lignin
model compounds and other phenols with cyanuric chloride
(with F.J. Allan, T. Mattila and P. Mauranen)
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, EM>1969, 23, 1903.
46 Synthesis of S-boswellic acid
Phytochemistry, 1969, 8, 1597.
47 Enhancement of water quality using forest-derived coagulating systems. Part 1. The coagulant and dispersant characteristics of lignosulfonates (with D.D. Halabisky)
Pulp & Paper Magazine of Canada, 1970, 71, T50.
48 Macromolecular organometallic catalysis. Part 1. Epoxidation.
A comparative kinetic study of tungstate, molybdate and vana date ions as catalysts for the epoxidation of maleic acid at pH 5 (with A.N. Neogi)
Journal of Catalysis, 1970, 16, 197.
49 Physical entrapment of polyelectrolytes within microporous solids. The "Jack-in-the-box" effect (with K. Akagane, T. Mattila, A.N. Neogi and W.M. Reif)
Nature, 1970, 225, 175.
50 Copolymer characterization by surface tension (with A.N. Neogi)
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 1970, 14, 999.
51 Fiber surface modification. Part IV. The reactivity of lignocellulosic fibers with cyanuric chloride (with T. Mattila)
Tappi, 1970, 53, 1458.
52 Fiber surface modification. Part V. The synthesis of aminated lignocellulosic fibers using a dichloro-s-triazine (with F.-m. Liu and P. Mauranen)
Paperi Puu, 1970, 52, 403.
53 Cyanorhodanines (with F.J. Allan)
Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1970, 7, 1091.
54 Macromolecular organometallic catalysis. Part 11. Epoxidation using a polymeric quatemary ammonium hydrogen tungstate catalyst (with A.N. Neogi)
Journal of Catalysis, 1970, 19, 256.
55 Fiber surface modification-structure and stereotopochemistry
(with K. Akagane, A.N. Neogi and W.M. Reif)
Tappi Special Technical Assoc iation Publication, STAP No. 8, 1970, 125.
56 Marine polymers. Part I. A new procedure for the fractionation of agar (with P.G. Johnson, Y.-z. Lai and K.V. Sarkanen)
Carbohydrate Research, 1971,17, 234.
57 Fiber surface modification. Part VI. The "Jack-in-the-box" effect:
a new mechanism for the retention of polyethylenimine and< /P>
other polyelectrolytes by pulp fi bers (with W.M. Reif)
SvenskPapperstidning, 19 71, 74, 25.
58 Solubility and reactivity of marine polymers in dimethylformamide dinitrogen tetroxide (with P.G. Johnson, Y.-z. Lai and K.V. Sarkanen)
Chemistry & Industry, 1971, 127.
59 Fiber surface modification. Part VII. The mechanism of adhesion of phenol-formaldehyde resins to cellulosic and lignocellulosic substrates (with A.N. Neogi)
Journal of Adhesion, 1971, 3, 13.
60 Fiber surface modification. Part VIII. The grafting of phenolic
compounds onto lignocellulosic fibers by oxidative coupling
(with P. Mauranen, A.N. Neogi and C.E. Pee t)
Tappi, 1971, 54, 206.
61 Studies on the shootborer Hypsipyla grandella, Zeller. III.
The evaluation of some systemic insecticides for the control
of larvae in Cedrela odorata L. (with R.I. Gara and R.M. Wilkins)
Turrialba, 1971, 20, 478 .
62 Magnetolocation of polymers in fiber assemblages
(with B.K. Garg and M.L. Miller)
Tappi, 1971, 54, 406.
63 Fundamentals of fiber assemblages. ll. Hollow fibers in nonwoven structures (with M.L. Miller and A.N. Neogi)
Cellulose Chemistry & Technology, 1971, 4, 567.
64 The 18O -epimer of o -boswellic acid: conformational diagnosis of triterpenoids by ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy
(with C.S. Chopra)
Phytochemistry, 1971, 10, 1363.
65 Fiber surface modification. Part IX. Removal of phenolic pollutants from water by oxidative coupling to lignocellulosic substrates (with P. Mauranen and A.N. Neogi)
Paperi Puu, 1971, 53, 371.
66 A practical synthesis of cisepoxysuccinic anhydride
(with A.N. Neogi),
Chemistry & Industry, 1971, 545.
67 Controlled release pesticides. Part 1. Concept of chemical
combination of pesticides with solid waste macromolecules
(with C.S. Chopra, A.N. Neogi and R.M. Wilkins)
International Pest Conwol, EM>1971,13, 10.
68 Controlled release pesticides. Part 11. The synthesis of herbicide-forest solid waste combinations (with C.S. Chopra, A.N. Neogi and R.M. Wilkins)
Tappi, 1971, 54, 1293.
69 Degradable pesticides
(with C.S. Chopra, A.N. Neogi and R.M. Wilkins)
Chemistry in Britain, 1971, 7, 129.
70 Oxidation (with H.-m. Chang) (Chapter 11), in Lignins,
K.V. Sarkanen and C.H. Ludwig, eds.,
Wiley-lnterscience Publ., New Yor k, NY, 1971, p. 433.
71 Modification reactions (Chapter 13), in Lignins,
K.V. Sarkanen and C.H. Ludwig, eds.,
Wiley-lnterscience Publ., New Yor k, NY, 1971, p. 511.
72 High energy degradation (with T. Mattila) (Chapter 14),in
Lignins, K.V. Sarkanen and C.H. Ludwig, eds., FONT>
Wiley-Interscience Publ., New Yor k, NY, 1971, p. 575.
73 Adsorption phenomena of polyeth ylenimine in oc-cellulose in
water-organic solvent systems (wi th K. Akagane)
Kobunshi Kogaku, 1971, < EM>28, 522.
74 Utilization research on Pacific Northwest marine polymers
(with G.D. Crosby, P.G. Johnson, A.N. Neogi, C.E. Peet,< /FONT>
K.V. Sarkanen and R.A. Young) in Proceedings of the Seventh International Seaweed Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, August 8-12, 1971, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, Japan, 1972, p. 548.
75 Fiber surface modification. Part X. Thiolation of cellulosic and lignocellulosic fibers (with G.D. Crosby, C.C. Greig, J.-h. Lee and P. Mauranen)
Paperi Puu, 1971, 53 , 525.
76 Controlled release pesticide-polymer combinations: design and synthesis (with C.S. Chopra, A.N. Neogi and R.M. Wilkins)
Nature, 1971, 234, < /EM>349.
77 Adsorption of polyethyleneimine on o -cellulose in a FONT>
binary solvent system (with K. Ak agane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1971 , 44, 515.
78 Polymer architecture. Effect of dumb-bell type polymers adsorption onto cellulose (with K. Akagane and K. Matsuura)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1971, 44, 521.
79 Fiber surface modification. Part XI. The covalent attachment of
fungicides to lignocellulosic fibers (with D.D. Halabisky)
Journal Applied Chemistry &am p; Biotechnology, 1971, 21, 190.
80 Fiber surface modification. Part XII. The stereotopochemistry
of ionic bonding in paper (with W.M. Reif)'
SvenskPapperstidning, 19 71, 74, 503.
81 Controlled release pesticides. III. Selective suppression of weeds and deciduous brush in the presence of conifers
(with C.S. Chopra and R.M. Russell)
International Pest Conwol, 1972, 14(2) 15.
82 Imidazoles. lll. Pesticidal screening of some l-hydroxyimidazoles
(with C.S. Chopra and T. Mattila)
Pesticide Science, 1972, 3, 1953.
83 Marine polymers. IV. Diatom polysaccharides
(with J. Lewin and P.G. Johnson)
Botanica Marina, 1972, 15, 102. FONT>
84 Fiber surface modification. Part XIII. Constitutive fiber parameters for the reaction of pulps and cyanuric chloride
(with T. Mattila and S.C. Roberts)
Paperi Puu, 1972, 54, 207.
85 Controlled release pesticides. Part IV.
Diffusion from solid polymeric solutions (with A.N. Neogi)
International Pest Control, < /EM>1972, 14, 21.
86 Application of imidazolic polymers to paint
(with K. Akagane and K. Matsuura)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1972 , 45, 159.
87 Dyeing based on the "Jack-in-the-box" effect (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1972, 45, 189.
88 Transpolymerization (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1972, 45, 293.
89 Binder-fiber interactions in nonwovens, in
Theory and design of wood andfiber composite materials,
B.A. Jayne, ed., Syracuse Univers ity Press,
Syracuse, NY, 1972, p. 299.
90 Studies on long term protection. II. The effects of fungicidal
polymers for long term protection (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1972 , 45, 479
91 Imidazoles IV. Synthesis of some l-hydroximidazoles with aromatic and heterocyclic substituents (with K. Akagane,
C.S. Chopra, T. Fnberg, T. Mattila, S. O Muircheartaigh and
J.B. Thomson)
Sunmi Kemistilehti B, 1972, 45, 223.
92 Flight and host selection behavior of the mahogany shootborer, Hypsipyla grandella Zeller (with R.I. Gara, R.M. Wilkins, and
J.L. Whitmore)
Zeitschrift angewandte Entomologie, 1972, 72, 259.
93 Bonding in paper and nonwovens
(with M.L. Miller and W.M. Reif
Textile Research Journal, 1972, 42, 675.
94 New bonding systems for paper
(with G.D. Crosby, J.-h. Lee, M.L. Miller and W.M. Reif) Proceedings of the IUPAC-EUCEPA Symposium on
Man-Made Polymers in Papermaking, Helsinki, Finland, 1972,
p. 85.
95 Insolubilization of lignosulfonate by oxidative coupling
(with K. Akagane and E. Passot)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973 , 46, 2.
96 Particulate bonding in random webs
(with A.N. Neogi), Proceedings of Technical Symposium on Nonwoven Product Technology Materials, Processes and Evaluation. International Nonwovens and Disposables Association, New York, NY, 1973, p. 217.
97 Studies on long term protection. III.
(with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973, 46, 7.
98 Pesticides, pollution and polymers
(with C.S. Chopra, J.F. Friedhoff, R.I. Gara, M.W. Maggi, A.N. Neogi, S.C. Roberts and R.M. Wilkins)
Chem. Tech., 1973, 4, 171.
99 Adsorption of polyelectrolytes onto porous materials
(with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973, 46, 233.
100 Water pollution abatement by lignosulfonate-PEI or protein complexes (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973, 46, 239.
101 Clarification of polluted water from paper mills with combinations of cationic polymers and alum (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973, 46, 365.
102 Antifouling polymers for controlling seaweeds
(with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973, 46, 371.
103 Controlled release pesticides. Part VI. Growth enhancement
of a juvenile conifer forest by a controlled release herbicide P>
(with C.S. Chopra, M.W. Maggi, A. N. Neogi and R.M. Wilkins)
International Pest Control, < /EM>1973, 15(3) 8.
104 The concept of controlled release insecticides and the problem of shootborers of the Meliaceae (paper 29) (with C.S. Chopra, J.F. Friedhoff, R.l. Gara, M.W. Maggi, A.N. Neogi, J.C. Powell, S.C. Roberts and R.M. Wilkins) in Proceedings of the First Symposium on Integrated Control of Hypsipyla,
IICA-CTEI, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 1973.
105 Protection of Spanish cedar with controlled release insecticides (paper 30) (with R.I. Gara and R.M. Wilkins) in Proceedings of the First Symposium on Integrated Conwol of Hypsipyla, IICA-CTEI, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 1973.
106 Controlled release pesticides. Part V. Phytotoxicity of some systemic insecticides to Spanish cedar (with R.I. Gara and
R.M. Wilkins)
International Pest Control, 1973,15, 4.
107 Aquaphotochromism
(with K. Akagane, J.S. Bindra, T. Friberg and A.N. Neogi)
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1973, 77, 2160.
108 Fiber surface modification. XIV. Synthetic analogs of wood
(with G. Bullock and A.N. Neogi)
Journal of Polymer Science, 1 973, I I, 1759.
109 Coatings for culturing shellfish and seaweed
(with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973, 46, 483.
110 Simple purification method of arginase and enzymic behavior of arginase and urease bound to cellulose membrane
(with K. Akagane and J.E. Laine)
Hatsuko Kiyokaishi, 1973, 30, 495.
111 Clarification of polluted water from paper mills using an
alum-beer effluent combination (with K. Akagane)< /P>
Kami Pa GiLyoshi, 1973, 27, 7.
112 Water pollution abatement by lignosulfonate-PEI or protein complexes (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973, 46, 239.
113 Clarification of polluted water from paper mills with combinations of cationic polymers and alum (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973, 46, 365.
114 Antifouling polymers for controlling seaweed. IV.
(with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973, 46, 370.
115 Long term protection. V. Mutual interactions of active toxicants in antifouling polymers consisting of multicomponent toxicants (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973, 46, 437.
116 Application of imidazolic compounds to color materials. II.
General synthesis of l-hydroxymidazole oxides by the reaction FONT>
between cr-diketones and aldehyde s (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973 , 46, 555.
117 Application of imidazolic compounds to color materials. III.
General synthesis of l-hydroxyimidazoles (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973 , 46,560.
118 Enzymic behavior of arginase and urease bound to a cellulose membrane (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973, 46, 617.
119 Fiber surface modification. Part 16. The amination of lignocellulosic fibers using cyanuric chloride (with F.-m. Liu and S.C. Roberts)
SvenskPapperstidning, 1973, 76, 18.
120 Long term protection. VI. Antifouling properties of tributyltin
polymeric pesticides (with K. Akagane)
Shikizai Kyokaishi, 1973 , 46, 622.
121 Mechanism of irreversible absorption of cationic polyelectrolytes onto cellulosic fibers and its application to the dyeing process and fungicides (with K. Akagane)
Kami Pa GiLyoshi, 1973, 27(12), 595.
122 Controlled release pesticides: concepts and realization
(with A.N. Neogi), in Controlled release of biologically active agents, A.C. Tanquary and R.E. Lacey, eds., Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, NY, 1974, p. 195
123 Fundamentals of fiber assemblages. III. A unifying theory for the tensile strength of paper and nonwovens (with A.N. Neogi)
Cellulose Chemistry & Technology, 1974, 8, 297.
124 Controlled release pesticides. Part 7. Field testing of insecticide-polymer combinations for the long-term control of the mahogany shootborer (with R.I. Gara and R.M. Wilkins)
International Pest Control, 1974, 16 (4).
125 Fiber surface modification. Part XVII. The stereotopochemistry of the adsorption of polyaza heterocycles onto cellulose
(with K. Akagane and E.M. Passot)
Paperi Puu, 1974, 56, 5.
126 One-step syntheses of l-hydroxyimidazole-3-oxides
(with K. Akagane)
Chemistry & Industry, 1974, 5.
127 Addition of novel imidazolic chelating agents to cellulose using cyanuric chloride and the reaction product as a paper indicator for metal ions (with K. Akagane and J.E. Laine)
Kami Pa Gikyoshi, 1974, 28, 4.
128 Marine polymers 6. Evaluation of chitosan as a strength additive for or-cellulose and unbleached sulfite papers (with G.D. Crosby and K.V. Sarkanen), in Proceedings of the 1975 International Paper Physics Conference,
Ellenville, NY, September 21-25, 1975, p. 109.
129 Studies on the shootborer Hypsipyla grandella Zeller. XXVIII.
The comparative toxicity of aldicarb, carbofuran and the natura l
toxicant of Toona ciliata M. Roem var australis to first instar larvae (with R.l. Gara and S.C. Roberts)
Turrialba, 1975, 25(3) 2 55.
130 Fibre surface modification. Part XV. The development of
paper strength by ionic bonding (with W.M. Reif)< /P>
Trans. Tech. Sect Can. Pulp PaperAssoc . 1975, 1(4) 97.
131 Controlled release pesticides. Part 8. Growth enhancement of a juvenile conifer forest four years after application of a controlled release herbicide (with J.F. Friedhoff and J.C. Powell)
International Pest Control, 1975, 17(2) 4.
132 Marine polymers 5. Modification of paper with partially deacetylated chitin (with J.F. Fne&off, M. Korpela, J. E. Laine and J.C. Powell) in Cellulose Technology Research, A.F. Turbak, ed., ACS Symposiurn, Series 10, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1975, p. 172.
133 Discontinuously bonded nonwovens
(with W.J. McConnell and C.L. Ong), in
Proceedings of Technical Symp osium on Nonwoven Product Technology, International Nonwovens and Disposables Association, New York, NY, 1975, p. 129.
134 The potential of slow release pesticides in forest management
(with M.J. Cousin, R.I. Gara, W.J. McConnell, J.M. Miller, J.C. Powell and A. Yahiaoui), in Global Forestry and the Western Role, Permanent Association Committees Proceedings,
Western Forestry and Conservation Association,
Portland, OR, 1975, p. 67.
135 Modern Aladdin's lamp
Chemical Week, 1976, 118(8) 5.< /P>
136 The concept of controlled release insecticides and the problem of shootborers of the Meliaceae (with C.S. Chopra, J.F. Friedhoff, R.l. Gara, M.W. Maggi, A.N. Neogi, J.C. Powell, S.C. Roberts and R.M. Wilkins), in Studies on the Shootborer Hypsipyla grandella ZeHer (Lep. Pyralidae) Vol. ll, p. 110, J.L. Whitmore, ed., Centro Agronomico Tropical de Inveshgac~on
y Ensenanza, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 1976.
137 Comportamiento en vuelo y seleccion de hospedero del barrenador de las Meliaceas, Hypsipyla grandella Zeller (Lepid., Phyc~t~dae), (with R.l. Gara, R.M. Wilkins, J.L. Whitmore), in
Studies on the Shootborer Hypsipyla grandella Zeller ( Lep. Pyrahdae), Vol. 11, p. 116, J.L. Whitmore, ed., Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza,
Turrialba, Costa Rica, 1976.
138 The controlled release of bioactive compounds from polymeric systems (with J. F. Friedhoff, W.J. McConnell and J.C. Powell), in
Polymer Grafts in Biochemistry, H.F. Hixson and E.P. Goldberg, eds., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY, 1976, p. 223.
139 Stimulation of timber growth by controlled release herbicides
opportunities and economic considerations in the Pacific Nor thwest (with M.J. Cousin, W.J. McConnell, J.C. Powell and A. Yah~aou~), Reprints of Division of Chemical Marketing and Economics, Amencan
Chemical Society Centennial Meeti ng, San Francisco, CA 1976,
p. 186.
140 Frontiers of nonwoven fabric technology
(with J.R. Fox, C.W. Ingalls and W.J. McConnell), in
Proceedings of the Fourth Tec hnical Symposium
Nonwoven Technology Challenge s and Achievements,
International Nonwovens and Dispo sables Assoc.,
New York, NY, 1976, p. 1.
141 Controlled release herbicides in forestry
(with M.J. Cousin, W.J. McConnell, J.C. Powell and A. Yahiaoui) , in Proceedings Third International Controlled Release Pesticide Symposium, University of Akron, Akron, OH, 1976, p. 7.15.
142 Fundamentals of fiber assemblages. IV. The lateral flexibility of
helically crimped fibers in nonwovens (with C.W. Ingalls)
Cellulose Chemistry & Tec hnology, 1976,10, 401.
143 Fiber surface modification. Part 19. The attachment of lignin model compounds to lignocellulosic fibers using cyanuric chloride (with J.E. Laine, T. Mattila, P. Mauranen and S.C. Roberts)
Svensk Papperstidning, 1976, 79, 599.
144 The suppression of competitive vegetation around field plantings of Douglas-fir seedlings in sewage sludge using controlled release herbicides (with M.J. Cousin, J.C. Powell and A. Yahiaoui), in Use of dewatered sludge as an amendment for forest growth environmental engineering and economi analyses, Vol. 1, p. 42, R.L. Edmonds and D.W. Cole, eds. Bulletin No. 1, Center for Ecosystem Studies, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, 1976.
145 The controlled release of bioactive compounds from polymeric systems (with J.F. Friedhoff, W.J. McConnell and J.C. Powell)
J Macromol Sci. Chem. 1976, A10(1&2), 223.< /FONT>
146 Surface properties in relation to the bonding of nonwovens
(with J.E. Laine and A.N. Neogi), in Surface Characteristics of F ibers and Textiles, M. J. Schick, ed., Part II,
Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY , 1977, p. 577.
147 Wood chemistry and forest biology - partners in more effective reforestation (with J.W. Beer and M.J. Cousin), in Proceedings of the 1977 Tappi Forest Biology Wood Chemistry Conference,
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, Atlanta, GA, 1977, p . 255.
148 Chitosan, a mediator for fiber-water interactions in paper
(with G.D. Crosby, J.M. Fox and K.V. Sarkanen), in
Fiber-Water Interactions in Papermaking,
Sixth Fundamental Research Sympos ium, Oxford, England, 1977, Tech. Division, British Paper and Board Industry Federation, William Chowes and Sons, Ltd., London, England,
p. 765.
149 Controlled release of herbicides from biodegradable substrates
(with J.W. Beer and M.J. Cousin), in Controlled Release Pesticides, EM>H.B. Scher, ed., ACS Symposium Series 53, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1977, p. 94.
150 Wood chemistry and forest biology: partners in more effective reforestation (with J.W. Beer, M.J. Cousin and J.C. Powell)
Tappi, 1978, 61, 33.
151 Current status of controlled release herbicides in Pacific Northwest reforestation (with J.W. Beer and M.J. Cousin), in
Proceedings 1977 Controlled Release Pesticide Symposium,
Oregon State University, Corvalli s, OR, p. 19.
152 Polymeric drugs for plants
(with J.W. Beer, M.J. Cousin, W.J. McConnell, J.C. Powell and FONT>
A. Yahiaoui), in Polymeric Dr ugs, L.G. Donaruma and O. Vogl, eds., Academic Press, New York, NY, 1978, p. 185.
153 Controlled release pesticides. Part 9. Growth enhancement of a juvenile conifer forest six years after application of a controlled release herbicide (with J.W. Beer and M.J. Cousin)
International Pest Control, 1978, 20(2) 6.
154 A critical evaluation of the potential sources of chitin and chitosan (with J.R. Fox and N. Kong), in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Chitin Chitosan R.A.A. Muzzarelli and E.R. Pariser, eds., MIT Sea Grant Report MITSG 78-7,
Index 78-307-Dmb, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, MA, 021 39, 1978, p. 64.
155 Creativity - the greatest renewable natural resource
Puget Soundings, April, 1979, 15.
156 Controlled release growth stimulants for plants (with R.A. Mikels and M.J. Cousin)
ACS Polymer Reprints, 1979, 20(1) 341. P>
157 Plant growth stimulants: a new area of application for controlled release techmology (with W. Balaba, C. Balaban, J. Dutkiewicz, A.W.W. Lee, R.A. Mikels and H. Struszczyk), in Proceedings, Sixth International Symposium on Controlled Release of
Bioactive Materials, The Controlled Release Society, I nc., 1979, p. 111.
158 Melamine, a new controlled release nitrogen source for conifers (with M.J. Cousin, J. Dutkiewicz and R.A. Mikels), in Proceedings, Sixth International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, The Controlled Release Society, Inc., 1979, p. 111.
159 Fibre surface modification. Part 20. Multi-centre hydrogen bonding; a new concept in adhesion (with K. Akagane, J. Dutkiewicz, J.M. Liu and J. Palicka)
Paperi Puu, 1979, 61, 624.
160 Rapid pyrolysis of biomass/lignin for production of acetylene
(with M. Graef and B.B. Krieger), in Proceedings of Symposi um on Biomass as a Non-Fossil Fuel Source, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Inc., Preprints, 24, No. 2, March 1979, p. 432,
Joint meeting of the American Che mical Society and the
Chemical Society of Japan, Honolu lu, Hl, April 1-6, 1979.
161 Energy conservation, rural housing, and the use of urea-formaldehyde foamed-in place insulation. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Rural Development of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Ninety-Sixth Congress, First Session, in Concerns Expressed by Many Agencies and Organizations Regarding the Use of Urea-Formaldehyde Insulation, and the Work Underway Toward US Government Establishing Standards for its Use
December 19, 1979. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1980, p. 83 .
162 Formaldehyde: not dangerous
The Seattle Times, 1980, June 6, A7.
163 Modification of the refining process by additives, particularly Congo Red (with J.E. Laine and T. Sloan), in Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Fundamental Concepts of
Refining, The Institute of Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wl,
September 16-18, 1980, p. 237.
164 Interactions stHrHo-topochimiques cellulose-polymHres
(with K. Akagane, G.G. Allan, J. Dutkiewicz, T.M. Liu, J. Palicka and E.M. Passot) Trans. Tech. Sect. Canadian Pulp and Paper Assoc 1980, 6(3), TR 57.
165 Controlled release growth stimulants for plants
(with M.J. Cousin and R.A. Mikels), in Biomedical Polymers Poly meric Materials and Pharmaceuticals for Biomedical Use, E.P. Goldberg and A. Nakijima, eds. Academic Press,
New York, NY, 1980, p. 381.
166 The biodegradative controlled release of pesticides from polymeric substrates (with J.W. Beer, M.J. Cousin and R.A. Mikels), in Controlled Release Technologies; Methods, Theory and Applications, Vol. 2, A. F. Kydonieus, ed., CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 1980, p. 7.
167 New chemical bonding systems in papermaking, in
Innovation in the Paper Industry for the Corporate Executiv e,
E. Haylock and J. Elliott, eds., Paper, Benm Pu blications Ltd.,
London, England, UK, 1980, p. 112 .
168 Long-term stability of urea-formaldehyde foam insulation
(with J. Dutkiewicz and E.J. Gilmartin)
Environmental Science & T echnology, 1980, 14, 1235.
169 Dielectric loss microwave degradation of polymers: cellulose
(with B.B. Krieger and D.W. Work)
Journal Applied Polymer Scien ce, 1980, 25, 1839.
170 New bromoperoxidases of marine origin; partial purification and characterization (with T.J. Ahern and D.G. Medcalf)
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1980, 616, 329.< /FONT>
171 The reaction of chlorophosphazenes with chitosan
(with E.J. Gilmartin and H. Struszczyk)
Journal of Macromolecular Sci ence, 1981, A15(4), 599.
172 The control of pine tip moths by using sustained release systemic insecticides (with H.E. Thompson and A.N. Neogi)
International Pest Control, 1981, 23(1) 10.
173 Product distribution in the rapid pyrolysis of biomass/lignin for
production of acetylene (with M. Graef and B.B. Krieger), in
Biomass as a nonfossilfuel so urce D.L. Klass, ed., ACS Symposium Series 144, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1981, p. 293.
174 Controlled release technology: developing a slow release
systemic repellent for the protection of tree seedlings from de er
(with D.I. Gustafson, R.A.Mikels, J.M. Miller and S. Neogi), in
Proceedings of the 10th Inter national Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, San Francisco, CA, July 24-27, 1983, p. 180.
175 Use of controlled release herbicides for the suppression of competitive vegetation around Douglas-fir seedlings planted in sewage sludge (with A. Yahiaoui), in Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, San Francisco, CA, July 24-27, 1983, p. 227.
176 A geometric model for the voids and surfaces formed in wood
by the action of water (with Y. Hirabayashi and T. Murayama)
Mokusai Gakkaishi, 1983, 29(7) 45 3.
177 Controlled release pesticides. Part 10. Growth enhancement of a juvenile loblolly pine forest by treatment with a controlled release herbicide (with M.J. Cousin, J.F. Friedhoff, R.C. Maggio, W.F. Miller and J.C. Powell)
International Pest Control, 1983, 26(6) 172.
178 Reduction of deer browsing of Douglas-fir fPseudotsuga menziesii) seedlings by quadrivalent selenium
(wi th D.l. Gustafson, R.A. Mikels, J.M. Miller and S. Neogi)
Forest Ecology and Management, (1983/1984), 7, 163.
179 Getting a good start on forest productivity
(wi th C. Balaban, J.W. Beer, M.J. Cousin, J. Dutkiewicz, D.l. Gustafson,B. Laskiewicz, A.W.W. Lee, W.J. McConnell, R.A. Mikels, J.M. Miller, S. Neogi, H. Struszczyk and A. Yahiaoui), in
IUFRO Symposium on Forest Site and Continuous Productivity. August 22 28, Washington 1982. R. Ballard and S.P. Gessel, eds., U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR, General Technical Report PNW-163, December 1983, p. 118.
< /FONT>
180 Fiber surface modification. Part 21. Chitosan-based polymeric dyes (with Y. Hirabayashi)
Cellulose Chemistry & Technology, 1984, 18, 83.
181 Fundamentals of fiber assemblages Vl. Spot-bonded nonwoven structures (with C.L. Ong and E.M. Passot)
Cellulose Chemistry & Technology, 1984, 18, 223.
182 Biomedical applications of chitin and chitosan
(wi th L.C. Altman, R.E. Bensinger, D.K. Ghosh, Y. Hirabayashi,
A.N. Neogi and S. Neogi), in Chitin, Chitosan and Related Enzymes, J. Zikakis, ed., Academic Press, New York, NY, 1984,
p. 119.
183 Rapid succinoylation of cellulose in methane sulfonic acid
(wi th Y. Hirabayashi)
Makromolekular Chemie, 1984, 185, 2371.
Wood Science & Technology , 1985, 19, 13.
185 A new simple controlled release delivery system
(with C. Balaban, J. Dutkiewicz, A.W.W. Lee and H. Struszczyk), in Macromolecules as Drugs and as Carriers for Biologically Active Materials, D.A. Tirrell, L.G. Donaruma and A.B. Turek, eds., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 466, The New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, 1985, p. 14.
186 Changing perspectives in controlled release systems, in Proceedings 12th International Symposium Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, Geneva, Switzerland, July 8-12, 1985, N.A. Peppas and R.J. Haluska, eds. Controlled Release Society, Inc., Lincolnshire, IL, 1985, p. 366.
187 Chemical modification of pulp refining rates
(with R. Aravamuthan, C. Christien and M.K. Raghuraman), in
Papermaking Raw Materials, EM>Trans. Eighth Fundamental Research Symposium, Oxford, Sept. 16-20, 1985, Vol. 2, V. Punton, ed., Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd., London, U.K., 1985, p. 879.
188 Modification of fiber surfaces,
in Composite Systems from Natural and Synthetic Polymers,
L. Salmun, A. de Ruvo, J. C. Seferis and E.B. Stark, eds., Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., New York, NY, 10163, 1986, p. 47.
189 Melamina jako substancja odzywcza ryslin
(with B. Laskiewicz).
Przemysl Chemiczny, 1986, 65, 196.
190 The role of innovation in business growth
The Forum Journal, 1987, 4(1) 1.
191 1987 Annual review and forecast of the nonwovens industry
Nonwovens Industry, 1987, 18(12), 29.
192 Chitin and chitosan,
Chemical & EngineeringNews, 1988, 66(28) 2.
193 Modification of lignins for use in phenolic resins
(with J. A. Dalan and N. C. Foster), in Adhesives from Rene wable Resources, R. W. Hemingway, A. H. Conner and S.J. Branham, eds., ACS Symposium Senes 385, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1989, p. 55.
194 Timed-release herbicides
Agricultural Age, 1989, 33(3), 4.
195 The kinetics of the depolymerization of chitosan by nitrous acid
(with M. Peyron), in Chitin and Chitosan, Sources, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Properties and Applications, G. Skjek-braek, T. Anthonsen and P. Sandford, eds., Elsevier Applied Science, London, England, 1989, p. 443.
196 196 Chitosan-coated fibers
(with J.P. Carroll, Y. Hirabayashi, M. Muvundamina and J.G. Winterowd), in Chitin and Chitosan, Sources, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Properties and Applications, G. Skjek- braek, T. Anthonsen and P. Sandford, eds., Elsevier Applied Science, London, England, 1989, p. 765.
197 1989 Annual review and forecast of the nonwovens industry
Nonwovens Industry, 1989, 20(12), 39.
198 Long-acting pyrethrin formulations (with T.A. Miller), in
Proceedings, Pesticides and Alternatives: International Conference on Innovative Chemical and Biological Approaches to Pest Control, Sept. 4-8, 1989, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1990, p. 357.
199 1990 Annual review and forecast of the nonwovens industry,
Nonwovens Industry, 1990, 21(12), 26.
200 Chitosan-coated fibers for use in papermaking
(with J.P. Carroll, Y. Hirabayashi, M. Muvundamina and J.G. Winte rowd) Proc. Materials Research Society, San Francisco, 1990, 197, 239.
201 The microporosity of pulp. A key to new markets
(with C. Balaban, C.I. Bellefeuille-Williams, J.P. Carroll, S.W . Carroll, J. Dutkiewicz, B.A. Garner, Y.C. Ko, A.W.W. Lee, W.J. McConnell, J.M. Miller, A. Negri, J. Tantikulananta, M. Raghuraman, P. Ritzenthaler, L. Sahafi, H. Struszczyk and
A. Yahiaoui)
Tappi J., 1991, 74(1), 83.
202 The microporosity of pulp. The nature of the pore size distribution (with Y.C. Ko and P. Ritzenthaler)
Tappi J., 1991, 74(3), 205.
203 Nerve growth factor: Increased angiogenesis without improved nerve regeneration (with P.M. Santos, J.G. Winterowd, M.A. Bothwell and E.W. Rubel)
J. Otolaryngology, Head and NeckSurgery, 1991,105( 1),12.
204 Processability of composite materials containing chitosan
(with M. Muvundamina)
Proc. Materials Research Soci ety, Boston, 1991, 218, 225.
205 Decolorization of chitosan
(with M. Muvundamina)
Proc. Materials Research Society, Boston, 1991, 218, 265.
206 Simple creation of controlled release formulations of insecticides by a polymeric spray tank additive (with R.G. Allan, J.P. Carroil and A.N. Neogi) Proceedings of the Seminar for Africa on Animal Trypanosomiasis. Tsetse Control, Diagnosis and Chemotherapy using Nuclear Techniques, Nairobi, Kenya, Feb. 11-15, 1991. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency.
207 Counterpoint: The microporosity of pulp. The importance of being accessible (with Y.C. Ko and P. Ritzenthaler)
Tappi J, 1991, 74(11), 202.
208 New technologies based on the microporosity of cellulosic pulp fibers (with J.P. Carroll, Y.C. Ko, A.W.W. Lee, A.R. Negri and P. Ritzenthaler)
Jap. Tappi~l., 1991, 45(9), 986.
209 Development of an epoxy-based adhesive for use with aramid nonwoven composites (with R. Brouns)
INDA J Nonwovens Research, 1991, 3(4), 38.
2101991 Annual review and forecast of the nonwovens industry
Nonwovens Industry, 1991, 22(12), 46.
211 The microporosity of pulp. The precipitation of inorganic fillers
within the micropores of the cell wall (with J.P. Carroll, A.R. Negri, M. Raghuraman, P. Ritzenthaler and A. Yahiaoui)
Tappi J, 1992, 75(2), 17 5.
212 The microporosity of pulp. The properties of paper made from pulp fibers internally filled with calcium carbonate
(with A.R. Negri and P. Ritzenthaler)
Tappi J, 1992, 75(3), 23 9.
213 Bicomponent sheath-core fibers with a chitin exterior
(with F. Lopez-Dellamary).
INDA J Nonwovens Research, 1992, 4(2), 37.
214 1992 Review and forecast of the nonwovens industry
Nonwovens Industry, 1992, 23(12), 38.
215 The microporosity of pulp: one more round
(with Y.C. Ko and P. Ritzenthaler)
Tappi J, 1992, 75(1), 13 .
216 A new route to alkaline high ash paper by filling the cell wall of pulps with calcium carbonate; Una nuova strada per la fabbricazione di carte ad alto contenuto di carica alcalina-riempire la parete cellulare delle fibre con calcio carbonato (with J.P. Carroll, K.A. Gindroz, A.R. Negri and P. Ritzenthaler), in Proceedings of the 4th Intemational Conference on New Available Techniques and Current Trends, p. I I I, XXIV Riunione Annuale Aticelca, Nuave Tecniche Emergenti e tendenze Attuali, 19-22 Maggio 1992, Bologna, Italia, The Swedish Association of Pulp and Paper Engineers, L'Associazione Tecnica Italiana per la Cellulosa e la Carta.
217 Extension de fibras celulosicas con pigmentos inorganicos: la tecnica de "Carga en la Pared Celular" con pulpas de bagazo y un empaste experimental para papel prensa (with A.R. Negri and G. Jimunez) in Proceedings, 28th Congreso technico sobre celulosa y papel, Asociacion de Tecnicos de la Industria Papelera y Celulosica Argentina, 30 Novembre al 5 d Deciembre, 1992, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
218 Controlled release plant growth stimulants
(with A. Stoyanov and M. Ueda), in Proceedings, Nineteenth Intem. Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, The Controlled Release Society, Inc., 1992, p. 178.
219 As major companies start to decline, workers must think creatively
Seattle Times, Feb. 7, 1993, p. Al9.
220 Biodegradable nonwovens from the sea
(with J.P. Carroll, E. Delgado, J. Dutkiewicz, F. Lopez-Dellama ry,
Y. Hirabayashi, M. Muvundamina, H . Struszczyk and J.G. Winterowd)
INDA J Nonwovens Research, EM>1993, 5(1), 33.
221 Creativity more lucrative than any resume padding
The Daily of the University of Washington, March 5, 1993, p. 4.
222 A new interfibre system for paper involving zwitterions
(with E. Delgado and F. Lopez-Dellamary) in Products of Papermaking, Trans. Tenth Fundamental Research Symposium,
Oxford, England, Sept. 20-24, 199 3, Vol. 2, C.F. Baker, ed., Pira Intemational, Leatherhead, U.K., 1993, p. 1101.
223 Controlled release delivery of agrochemicals...looking back and looking forward (with J.P. Carroll) Proceedings of the International Seminar on Research and Development of
Controlled-Release Formulations of Pesticides, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 6-9, 1993. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations/lnternational Atomic Energy Agency.
224 1993 Annual review and forecast of the nonwovens industry
Nonwovens Industry, 1993, 24(12), 53.
225 Creativity and innovation for chemical engineers
Chemical Engineering Education, 1994, 28(4), 270.
226 Cell wall loading of never-dried pulp fibers
European Patent Specification 0484398BI, Sept. 21, 1994.
227 Fiber wall filler technology
PaperAge, 1994, 110(11), 36.
228 The past 25 years in nonwovens
Nonwovens Industry, 1994, 25(12), 58.
229 1994 Annual review and forecast of the nonwovens industry
Nonwovens Industry, 1994, 25(12), 60.
230 Paper for the 21st Century
PaperAge, 1995,111, (1) 10; (3) 6.
231 The microporosity of pulp. The forces influencing the intra- and inter-fiber pore structure and pore size distribution in pulp and paper (with Y.C. Ko)
Cellulose Chemistry & Technology, 1995, 29, 479. FONT>
232 Molecular weight manipulation of chitosan. I: Kinetics of depolymenzation by nitrous acid (with M. Peyron)
Carbohydrate Research, 1995, 277, 257.
233 Molecular weight manipulation of chitosan. ll: Prediction and control of extent of depolymerization by nitrous acid
(with M. Peyron)
Carbohydrate Research, 1995, 277, 273.
234 The effect of molecular size on the release of plant growth regulators from microporous cellulose fibers (with A.P. Stoyanov) Proceed Intern. Symp. Control Rel. Bioact. Mater., 1995, 22.
235 Future directions for materials science in the paper industry for the 21st century Proceed IVInternational Conf on Advanced Materials, Cancun, Mexico, Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1995. Int. Union Mat. Res. Soc., S7-1.1.
236 Interaction between fibers and polymers in paper. The mechanisms of wet strength (with E. Delgado F., F. Lopez-Dellamary T. and J. Cruz A.) Proceed IVInternationalConf onAdvancedMaterials, Cancun,Mexico, Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1995. Int. Union Mat. Res. Soc., S7-2.4.
237 Controlled-delivery fungicide systems for grapevines (with A. Yahiaoui) Proceed Intern. Symp. Control. Rel Bioact., 1984, 12.
238 Book Review of Handbook of Advanced Materials Testing, N.P. Cheremisinoff and P.N. Cheremisinoff, eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, 1994.
J Am. Chem. Soc., 1996.
239 The potential of the microporosity of cellulose fibers for interactive paper (with J.P. Carroll, B.G. Lee, J. Pitchitlamken, A. Stoyanov, M. Ueda and A. Yahiaoui) Proceedings First International Symposium on Interactive Paper, Universidad de Guadalajara, Oct. 20-26, 1996.
240 The AAUP in the 21st Century
Advocate, Spring 1996, 2.
241 Enhancement of the optical properties of a bagasse newspnnt furnish by fiber wall filler (with J.P. Carroll, G. Jimenez and A.R. Negri) Cell Chem. Tech., 1997
242 The microporosity of pulp: the effect of filler location on the drainage, pressing, and drying of pulp and paper (with J.P. Carroll, M.L. Pararnaporn Devakula, K. Gaw, A.A. Joseph and J. Pitchitlamken) Tappi J., 1997, 80(8), 175.
243 Researchers strengthen collective impact
Advocate, Spring 1997, 3.
244 Interactive paper symposium focuses on paper and electronics, Tappi J 1997, 80(5), 262.
245 Kreativnost i inovacije za kemijske inzenjere, Kem. Ind 1997, 46(8), 327-330.
246 Sugar-cellulose composites. l. The incorporation of simple saccharides into paper as cellulose substitutes (with A.P. Stoyanov, M. Ueda and A. Yahiaoui).
247 Sugar-cellulose composites. ll. The properties of paper containing monosaccharides with A.P. Stoyanov, M. Ueda and A. Yahiaoui).
248 Sugar-cellulose composites. III. The incorporation of sucrose into paper as a cellulose substitute (with A.P. Stoyanov, M. Ueda and A. Yahiaoui).