1 Oxidation process

U 5 Patent 3,156,709, November 10, 1964.

2 Pesticide a liburation retardne et son procHdu d'obtention

Belgian Patent 706,809, December 15, 1967.

3 Sustained release pesticide and process of making same

Australian Patent 423, 990, October 31, 1967.

4 Pesticida a cessione ritardata e procedimentu per la sua preparazione

Italian Patent 820813, August 1, 1968.

5 Pesticide a libiaration prolongne et procudH pour sa fabrication

French Patent 128,017, September 23, 1968.

6 Resin hardeners derived from bark phenolic acids

Canadian Patent 815,588, June 17, 1969.

7 Sustained release pesticide and process of making the same

Japanese Patent 588,788, November 12, 1969.

8 Reaction products of lignin and bark extracts and process for same

US Patent 3,470,148, September 30, 1969.

9 Esters of bark phenolic acids

US Patent3,511,874, May 12, 1970.

10 Method of making a fast-curing adhesive and a method of bonding members

uti lizing said adhesive (with G.F. Baxter and H.G. Freeman)

US Patent 3,518,159, June 30, 1970.

11 Process of making and using a sustained release pesticide

and products obtained therefrom

Canadian Patent 855,181, November 3, 1970.

12 Controlled release pesticides

Canadian Patent 846,785, July 14, 1970.

13 Sustained release pesticide and process of making the same

Canadian Patent 863,310, February 9, 1971.

14 Method of clarifying aqueous suspensions with polymerized lignin derivatives

US Patent 3,600,308, August 17, 1971.

15 Coagulants, coagulating aids and coagulating

sys tems using forest-derived products

Canadian Patent 919,826, January 23, 1973.

16 Sustained release pesticide composition and method of using

US Patent 3,813,236, May 28, 1974.

17 Phenolic-rapid curing resin compositions comprising the reaction product of aldehyde condensation polymer with a primary aromatic amine further reacted with a curing agent (with H.G. Freeman and G.F. Baxter)

US Patent 3,784,515, January 8, 1974.

18 Method of bonding using rapid curing resin compositions comprising the reaction product of an aldehyde condensation polymer with a primary aromatic amine further reacted with a curing agent (with H.G. Freeman and G.F. Baxter)

US Patent 3,880,694, April 29, 1975.

19 Zubereitung fbr die kontrollierte Abgabe einer wirksamen Menge eines biologisch aktiven Materials an die Umgebung und deren Verwendung (with A.N. Neogi) Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Deutsches Patentamt,

Offenlegungsschrift 25 01 808, July 24, 1975.

20 Amine-modified condensation polymers and rapid curing adhesive compositions prepared therefrom (with H.G. Freeman and G.F. Baxter)

U 5 Patent 3,920,613, November 18, 1975.

21 Verfahren zum Immobilisieren von Enzymen, die dabei

erh altenen Produkte und ibre Verwendung,

Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Deutsches Patentamt,,

Offenlegungsschrift 25 28 617 Jan. 22, 1976.

22 Method of immobilizing enzymes for isolation or use

UK Patent 1,461,025, January 13, 1977.

23 Synthetic polymers fumishing controlled release of a biologically

act ive component during degradation (with A.N. Neogi)

US Patent 4,062,855, December 13, 1977

24 Biologically-active materials (with A.N. Neogi)

UK Patent 1,502,441, March 1, 1978.

25 Synthetic polymers fumishing controlled release of a biologically

active component d unng degradation (with A.N. Neogi)

US Patent 4,126,445, November 21, 1978.

26 Process for the partial substitution of ammonium lignosulfonate

for phenol in phen olic-aldehyde resin adhesives

US Patent 4,127,544, November 28, 1978.

27 Zubereitung fEr die kontrollierte Abgabe einer wirksamen Menge eines biologisch aktiven Materials an die Umgebung and deren Verwendung (with A.N. Neogi)

Swiss Patent 611,132, May 31, 1979.< /FONT>

28 Un procedimento para la preparacion de melamina recristalizada para uso como un fertilizante de las plantas sin effectos fitotoxicos

Spanish Patent 494.936/6, September 10, 1980.

29 Melamine as a nitrogen source in plant fertilization

Australian Patent 519,839, September 9, 1982.

30 Melamine as a nitrogen source in plant fertilization

Canadian Paten t 1,124,539, June 1, 1982.

31 Method of reducing formaldehyde emissions from

for maldehyde condensation polymers

US Patent4,346,181, August 24, 1982.

32 Method to reduce animal browsing damage to plants

Canadian Patent 1,168,978, February 15, 1982.

< /FONT>

33 Un procedimiento para la preparacion de un producto fertilizante en forma granulada (with D.E. Freepons and G.M. Crews)

Spanish Patent 515,876, September 22, 1982.

< /FONT>

34 Fertilizer compositions, processes of making them, and process of using them (with D.E. Freepons and G.M. Crews)

South African Patent 826,609, September 9, 1982.

35 Fertilizer compositions, processes of making them, and processes of using them (with D.E. Freepons and G.M. Crews)

Australian Patent 534,003, September 24, 1982.

36 Compositions d'engrais, leurs procHdus de fabrication et leurs

procHdHs d'utilisation (with D.E. Freepons and G.M. Crews)

Belgian Patent 894,470, January 17, 1983.

< /FONT>

37 Method to reduce animal browsing damage to

pla nts employing selenium compounds

US Patenl 4,388,303, June 14, 1983.

38 Method for preparing a controlled release composition

(with Y.C. Ko)

US Patent 4,388,352, June 14, 1983.

39 Un procedimiento para la preparacion de un producto fertilizante en forma de globulos (with D.E. Freepons and G.M. Crews)

Spanish Patent 522,033, May 3, 1983.

40 Method to reduce animal browsing damage to plants

U K Patent 2,126,895, April 4, 1984.

41 Sposyb otrzymywania chitozanu o rozbudowanej powierczchni wewnetrznej (with H. Struszczyk)

Polish Patent 125,995, May 30, 1984.

42 Process for bleaching paper pulp using caffeine

or guanine as a viscosity stabilizer

US Patent 4,484,980, November 27, 1984.

43 Sposyb modyfikacji chitozanu (with H. Struszczyk)

Polish Patent 127,084, September 15, 1984.

44 Process for bleaching paper pulp using melamine as a viscosity stabilizer

U S Patent 4,487,656, December 11, 1984.

45 Process for oxygen bleaching paper pulp using melamine as a viscosity stabilizer

US Patent, 4,526,651, July 2, 1985.

< /FONT>

46 Aminopolysaccharide vision correction lens composition

U S Patent 4,532,267, July 30, 1985.

47 Vision correction lens made from an aminopolysaccharide

com pound or an ether or ester thereof

Japanese Patent, PCT US85/00169, October 14, 1985.

48 Controlled release compositions (with A.N. Neogi)

US Patent 4,554,155, November 19, 1985.

49 Vision correction lens made from an aminopolysaccharide

com pound or an ether or ester thereof

European Patent 85,901,178.5, November 28, 1985.

50 Liquid biologically active compositions

European Patent 85,114,421.2, December 10, 1985.

51 Fertilizer compositions, processes of making them and processes of using them (with D.E. Freepons and G.M. Crews)

US Patent 4,560,400, December 24, 1985.

52 Wettable, gas permeable contact lens

(with J. C. Powell)

US Patent 4,611,039, September 9, 1986.

53 Melammina come sorgente di azoto nel fertilizzare le piante

Italian Patent 1,132,647, July 2, 1986.

54 Sposyb otrzymywania chitozanu o rozbudowanej powierzchni wewnetrznej (with H. Struszczyk)

Polish Patent 125,995, March 31, 1987.

55 Long-acting pyrethrum pyrethroid based pesticides with silicone stabilizers (with T. A. Miller)

US Patent 4,668,666, May 26, 1987.

56 Vision correction lens made from an aminopolysaccharide

com pound or an ether or ester thereof

Canadian Patent 1,235,264, April 19, 1988.

57 Fertilizer compositions, processes of making them, and processes of using them; particles, melamine, salts (wi th G.M. Crews and D.E. Freepons)

U.S. Patent 4,832, 728, May 23, 1989.

58 Liquid herbicidally active compositions; mixtures with nitrogeneous compounds

U.S . Patent 5,022,917, June 11, 1991.

59 Cell wall loading of never-dried pulp fibers

Jap. PatentAppl. 3-15 2295, June 28, 1991.

60 Cell wall loading of never-dried pulp fibers

U.S . Patent 5,096,539, March 17, 1992.

61 Cell wall loading of never-dried pulp fibers

Eur opean Patent Appl. No. 90911505-7, Feb. 14, 1992.

62 Circuitwriter (with K. Bates and A.N. Neogi)

U.S. Patent 5,099,090, March 2 4, 1992.

63 Controlled release composition and method of using

U.S . Patent 5,252,542, October 12, 1993.

64 Compositions and methods for filling dried cellulose fibers with an inorganic filler (with J.P. Carroll)

U.S. Patent 5,275,699, January 4, 19 94.