ROV Jason Video from 2018 OOI O&M Cruise
All videos captured by ROV Jason during the 2018 Cabled Array Visions18 Operations and Maintenance Cruise, please credit: UW/OOI-NSF/WHOI; Visions 18
Unless otherwise noted, videos are from Jason dive J1092, which took place on July 27th on the third leg of the operations cruise off the R/V Revelle, cruise rr1812. Cruise meta-information available in the WHOI VirtualVan.
- Survey of Mushroom and Inferno, mp4, 169MB. Not a great view; there’s a lot of backscatter from suspended solids, but Jason is able to see both vents and CamHD, providing a good contextual view.
Survey of Inferno Vent
Taken with HD Main Science Camera, ~1h 24m
Full video with timecode overlay (1 hour and 24 minutes): ProRes @ 84GB; MP4 h264 @ 5.5GB
Full video without timecode (1 hour and 24 minutes): ProRes @ 81GB; MP4 h264 @ 6.5GB
Orbiting crown of Inferno (3 minutes 34 seconds): ProRes @ 3.7GB
Examining North face of Inferno (4 minutes 33 seconds): ProRes @ 4.7GB; With depth/estimated altitude overlay, ProRes @ 6.8G
Vent at SE base of Inferno (1 minute): ProRes @ 981MB
Protruding vent no North side (15 seconds): ProsRes @ 265MB
North face cluster (43 seconds): ProRes @ 755MB
Additional video of Inferno from dive J1096
The (green) ranging lasers are visible in this video. The lasers are 10cm apart, and are parallel.
Examining the central area of the North face cluster (2 minutes 8 seconds): ProRes @ 2.26GB
Orbiting the crown of Inferno (7 minutes 5 seconds): ProRes @ 7.55GB Starts in NE corner and circles the top of the vent clockwise, returning to roughly the same location (north side). Not the most direct view of the crown, it’s largely off the starboard side, however it is a clear well-lit video. It also shows CamHD and COVIS.
Survey of Mushroom Vent
Taken with HD Main Science camera, ~25minutes. No timecode overlay.