This bibliography lists cataloged holdings of gay and lesbian materials (books, serials, documents, microfilms, sound- and videorecordings, and cataloged websites) available in the University of Washington Libraries system including the Law Library.
Gay and lesbian refers to explicit content, not authorship, readership, or supposed content, and embraces bisexual, transgender, transvestite, sexual orientation, passionate same-sex friendship, same-sex sexual behavior, homosexual, queer, and sexual minority subject matter. It does not include important related fields such as gender studies or minority studies except when those directly and explicitly address gay and lesbian subjects. Nor does it include titles composed of essays on related topics unless a significant portion of those essays are devoted to gay and lesbian subjects. Nor does it include biography or fiction in which gay content is simply of passing interest.
The citation format is according to Library of Congress practice. Citations sometimes have clarifying notes when such notes are necessary to distinguish edition, content information, original title in the case of translated works, or variant title information. Citation information is followed by library location(s) and call number(s). Location duplicates not indicated.
Most works appear only under main entry, usually author in the case of single-author works, or under title in the case of works of mixed authorship, although the latter sometimes are main-entried under the editor.
Cross references are rare, but occur 1) when the same work or editions of a work have appeared under different main entries, 2) when an author has published under various names, e.g., real name and pseudonym, 3) when monographic works appear among other works in collections of reprints or in collected works, or 4) between a film script (under author) and the videorecording (under title) based on that script.
In rare instances articles are cited, but only in cases of extraordinary importance, such as Adrienne Rich's "Compulsory Heterosexuality...," Evelyn Hooker's "The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual," and Carl Wittman's "A Gay Manifesto."
The bibliography includes special gay issues of non-gay journals under title of the special issue with cross-reference from the journal title.
Websites cataloged through the UW Libraries' digital registry are included in the bibliography and linked, as are catalog entries created for manuscript and archival collections.
Within the parameters set, the bibliography aims at completeness; inevitably some works, especially those lacking thematic subject headings, such as biography and works of the imagination, escape attention. The bibliography is fully updated each September.
A. E. Housman: a reassessment. Edited by Alan W. Holden and J. Roy
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan, 2000.
Suz PR 4809 .H15 A849 2000b
A. R. Gurney: a casebook. Edited by Arvid F. Sponberg.
NY: Routledge, 2004.
note: Indeterminacy as tragic fate: issues of race, class, gender, and
sexual orientation in Gurney (Mark William Rocha), pp. 79-93.
Drama PS 3557 .U82 Z53 2004
AALS Workshop on Clinical Legal Education (1991: Washington D.C.)
AALS Workshop on Clinical Legal Education [sound recording]. Association
of American Law Schools.
Millersville, MD: Recorded Resources Corp., [1991]
note: tape 3. Teaching methods to discuss heterosexism & homophobia (Nancy
D. Polikoff, Peter Toll Hoffman and Karen L. Tokarz)
Law KF 282 .A75 W67 1991
Aardweg, G. J. M. van den.
The battle for normality: a guide for (self-) therapy for
San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c1997.
Suz BR 115 .H6 A27 1997
Aardweg, G. J. M. van den.
On the origins and treatment of homosexuality: a psychoanalytic
NY: Praeger, 1985.
NatSci, HSLIC WM 615 A113o 1986
Aaron, William.
Straight; a heterosexual talks about his homosexual past.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.
Suz HQ 76 .A23 1972
Aarons, Leroy.
Prayers for Bobby: a mother's coming to terms with the suicide of her gay
San Francisco: HarperSan Francisco, c1995.
SocWk, Tac HQ 75.8 .G75 A25 1995
Abbott, Sidney.
Sappho was a right-on woman; a liberated view of lesbianism.
By Sidney Abbott and Barbara Lane.
NY: Stein and Day, [1972]
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 A26
Abel, Samuel D.
Opera in the flesh: sexuality in operatic performance.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996.
(Queer critique)
note: [chapter] 5, Opera and homoerotic desire, pp. 58-75; [chapter] 9,
The Castrati and the erotics of vocal excess, pp. 129-145; [chapter] 10,
Women-as-men in opera, pp. 146-162
Music ML 1700 .A24 1996
Abelove, Henry.
Deep gossip.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 A24 2003
Abes, Elisa S.
The dynamics of multiple dimensions of identity for lesbian college
students. 2004.
Thesis (Ph. D.)-- Ohio State University, 2004.
available online,
Abortion under attack: women on the challenges facing choice. Edited by
Krista Jacob; foreword by Rebecca Walker; afterword by Gloria Feldt.
Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, c2006.
note: Nassan ka anak ko? a queer Filipina American feminist's tale of
abortion and self-recovery (Patricia Justine Tumang), pp. 43-52.
Bot HQ 767.5 .U5 A2827 2006
Abraham, Julie.
Are girls necessary?: lesbian writing and modern histories.
NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz, Tac PS 153 .L46 A27 1996
Abramson, Paul R.
Sexual rights in America: the Ninth Amendment and the pursuit of
happiness. Paul R. Abramson, Steven D. Pinkerton, Mark Huppin.
NY: New York University Press, c2003.
note: "Bowers v. Hardwick", pp. 52-56.
Suz KF 9325 .A93 2003
Abrams, Nancy.
The other mother: a lesbian's fight for her daughter.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c1999.
(Living out)
Suz, Law HQ 75.53 .A27 1999
Abse, Leo.
The bi-sexuality of Daniel Defoe: a psychoanalytic survey of the man and
his works.
London: Karnac Books, 2006.
Suz PR 3408 .S48 A37 2006
Abuse [videorecording]. Cinevista; a Steven R. McMillin production; an
Arthur J. Bressan, Jr. film, Arthur J. Bressan, Jr., writer, editor,
Miami Beach, FL: Cinevista, Inc. [1996]
note: VHS; originally released as a motion picture in 1983
note: cast- Richard Ryder, Raphael Sbarge; credits- cinematography,
Douglas Dickinson; original music, Shawn Phillips
note: To fulfill the requirements for his master's degree in film making,
a film student is making a documentary film of a 14-year-old boy who is
being verbally and physically (mainly physically) abused by his parents.
The film student runs into all kinds of difficulties and problems with
his faculty adviser and with others about the making of this film.
In the process, a love relationship between the boy and the student
UglMed Videorecord CVV 010
Access to reproductive health services of sex workers in Ho Chi Minh
Hanoi: [1998]
note: includes male prostitutes
Suz HQ 242.5 .H6 A33 1998
Acero, Rosa Maria.
Novo ante Novo: un novisimo personaje homosexual.
Madrid: Editorial Pliegos, c2003.
Suz PQ 7297 .N7 Z523 2003
Ach Kerl ich krieg dich nicht aus meinem Kopf: Männerliebe in
deutschen Gedichten unseres Jahrhunderts. Herausgegeben und mit einem
Nachwort von Hans Stempel und Martin Ripkens.
München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, c1997.
Suz PT 1231 .L6 A3 1997
Das achte Feld: Geschlechter, Leben und Begehren in der Kunst seit 1960:
[Museum Ludwig, Köln, 19. August - 12. November 2006] = The eighth
square: gender, life, and desire in the arts since 1960. Herausgegeben von
Frank Wagner, Kasper König, Julia Friedrich.
Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2006.
Art N8217 .E6 A25 2006
Achtenberg, Roberta.
AIDS and child custody: a guide to advocacy. 2nd ed.
San Francisco: National Center for Lesbian Rights, 1989.
note: published in cooperation with: Volunteer Legal Services Program of
the Bar Association of San Francisco
Suz KF 3803 .A54 A22 1989
Aciman, André.
Call me by your name.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.
Bot PS 3601 .C525 C35 2007
Ackerley, J. R. (Joe Randolph)
The Ackerley letters, edited by Neville Braybrooke.
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1975.
Suz PR 6001 .C4 Z53 1975
Ackerley, J. R. (Joe Randolph)
Hindoo holiday; an Indian journal.
London: Chatto & Windus [1937]
Suz 921 Ac57a
Ackerley, J. R. (Joe Randolph)
My dog tulip. Introduction by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas.
NY: New York Review of Books, 1999.
Suz PR 6001 .C4 Z468 1999
Ackerley, J. R. (Joe Randolph)
My father & myself.
London: Bodley Head, 1968.
Ugl HQ 76 .A27
Suz HQ 76 .A27 1969 [NY ed., Coward-McCann]
Ackerley, J. R. (Joe Randolph)
We think the world of you.
NY: Poseidon Press; Distributed by Simon & Schuster, [1988],
Ugl PR 6001 .C4 W4 1988
Suz PR 6001 .C4 W4 1981 (Berkeley: Creative Arts Book Co. ed)
Ackerman, Susan.
When heroes love: the ambiguity of eros in the stories of Gilgamesh and
NY: Columbia University Press, c2005.
Suz PJ 3771 .G6 A25 2005
Ackland, Valentine.
For Sylvia: an honest account. Foreword by Bea Howe.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1985.
note: biography of Sylvia Warner and Valentine Ackland.
Suz, Ugl PR 6051 .C6 Z463 1985b
Ackroyd, Peter.
Dressing up, transvestism and drag: the history of an obsession.
NY: Simon and Schuster, c1979.
Suz HQ 77 .A25 1979
Ackroyd, Peter.
The great fire of London.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988, c1982.
Suz PR 6051 .C64 G7 1988
Ackroyd, Peter.
The last testament of Oscar Wilde.
London: Hamish Hamilton, c1983.
Suz PR 6051 .C64 L3 1983b
ACLU AIDS Project.
Epidemic of fear: a survey of AIDS discrimination
in the 1980s and policy recommendations for the 1990s.
A report of the ACLU AIDS project ...; principal
investigator, Nan D. Hunter.
NY: American Civil Liberties Union, c1990.
Suz KD 3368 .A54 A76 1990
The ACLU freedom files [videorecording] Robert Greenwald presents a Brave
New Films production in association with the American Civil Liberties
Union Foundation, The ACLU Freedom Files; written by Anneke Campbell;
produced and directed by Jeremy Kagan.
NY: The Disinformation Company Ltd., 2006.
note: DVD, originally broadcast on television on Link TV.
note: credits -Editors, Stephanie Hubbard, Mike Stanley, Tim Tobin.
note: hear the stories of people in America who are having their civil
liberties stripped from them, and how they fought back. Includes
interviews, commentary, animation, music, and much more; bonus features:
material from comedians Lewis Black, Margaret Cho, Judy Gold and Warren
Hutcherson; Interview with ACLU executive director Anthony Romero;
interview with executive producer Robert Greenwald; Director Jeremy Kagan
discusssing each episode; Interview with series writer Anneke
TacMed DVD TAC-943
ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Project.
1998 lesbian & gay rights report.
NY: American Civil Liberties Union, [1998]
Suz KF 4754.5 .Z9 A36 1998
Acocella, Joan Ross.
Mark Morris.
NY: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1993.
SpecColl PNW, Ugl, Bot GV 1785 .M635 A27 1993
Acosta, Mercedes de.
Here lies the heart.
London: A. Deutsch, 1960.
Suz PS 3501 .C7 Z52 1960
The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and infections of homosexual
[Edited by] Pearl Ma and Donald Armstrong.
NY: Yorke Medical Books, c1984.
see also: 2nd ed., published as: AIDS and infections
of homosexual men.
HSLIC WD 308 A186 1984
Across the Great Divide: cultures of manhood in the American West.
Edited by Matthew Basso, Laura McCall, and Dee Garceau.
NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: chapter 2, Bulls, bears, and dancing boys. Race, gender, and leisure
in the California Gold Rush (Susan Lee Johnson), pp. 45-71; chapter 7,
Nomads, bunkies, cross-dressers, and family men. Cowboy identity and the
gendering of ranch work (Dee Garceau), pp. 149-168.
Suz HQ 1090.5 .W4 A37 2000
Acting on AIDS: sex, drugs & politics.
Edited by Joshua Oppenheimer & Helena Reckitt.
London; NY: Serpent's Tail, 1997.
Suz WC 503.6 A188 1997
Acting out: feminist performances. Lynda Hart and Peggy Phelan,
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1993.
Ugl, Art, Drama PN 1590 .W64 A38 1993
Action research for inclusive education: changing places, changing
practice, changing minds.
Edited by Felicity Armstrong and Michele Moore.
London; NY: RoutledgeFalmer, 2004.
note: chapter 9, Out of the closet, into the classroom; gay students,
teachers and research action (Colin J. Slater), pp. 123-137.
Suz LC 1203 .G7 A54 2004
Activating theory: lesbian, gay, bisexual politics.
Edited by Joseph Bristow and Angelia R. Wilson.
London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1993.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.5 A25 1993
Activism and marginalization in the AIDS crisis. Michael A. Hallett,
NY: Haworth Press, c1997.
Suz, Tac WC 503.7 A188 1997
Acton, Harold Mario Mitchell.
Memoirs of an aesthete.
London: Methuen [1948]
Suz 921 Ac871a
Acton, Harold Mario Mitchell.
More memoirs of an aesthete.
London: Methuen, 1970.
Suz, Ugl PR 6001 .C7 Z52
The actor's book of gay and lesbian plays. Edited by Eric Lane and Nina
NY: Penguin Books, 1995
Drama PS 627 .H67 A28 1995
Acts of passion: sexuality, gender, and performance. Nina Rapi, Maya
Chowdhry, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1998.
Suz HQ 75.5 .A26 1998
Adair, Gilbert.
Buenas noches Buenos Aires.
London: Faber and Faber, c2004.
Suz PR 6051 .D287 B84 2004
Adair, Gilbert.
Love and death on Long Island.
NY: Grove Press: Distributed by Publishers Group West, c1990.
Suz PR 6051 .D287 L68 1990
Adair, Gilbert.
The real Tadzio: Thomas Mann's "Death in Venice" and the boy who inspired
London: Short, 2001.
Suz CT 1232 .M64 A63 2001
Adair, Nancy.
Word is out: stories of some of our lives. By Nancy Adair and Casey
San Francisco: New Glide Publications, c1978.
note: Based on documentary film, Word is out.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 U5 A3
Adam, Barry D.
The rise of a gay and lesbian movement.
Boston: Twayne Publishers, c1987.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.5 .A33 1987
Adam, Barry D.
The rise of a gay and lesbian movement. Rev. ed.
NY: Twayne, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.5 .A33 1995
Adam, Barry D.
The survival of domination: inferiorization and everyday
NY: Elsevier, c1978.
Suz, Ugl HM 291 .A3
Adam & Steve [videorecording] Funny Boy Films presents; produced by
Kirkland Tibbels and George Bendele; written and directed by Craig
[Philadelphia, PA]: TLA Releasing, 2006.
note: DVD, originally produced as a motion picture in 2005
note: performers -Craig Chester, Malcolm Gets, Parker Posey, Chris Kattan,
Melinda Dillon, Paul Sand, Sally Kirkland, Julie Hagerty; credits -music,
Roddy Bottum; editor, Phyllis K. Housen; director of photography, Carl F.
note: Two New York city couples -- one heterosexual and one gay -- explore
the peaks and the valleys of their respective relationships.
UglMed DVD TLA 009
Adam, Eve and the genome: the Human Genome Project and theology. Edited by
Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite.
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003.
note: [chapter] 5, Adam, Eve, and the Genome (Ken Stone), pp. 112-126: The
Quest for a "gay gene" as "etiological text", pp. 115-117.
Ugl, Tac QH 438.7 .A32 2003
Adams, Elizabeth.
Going to heaven: the life and election of Bishop Gene Robinson.
Brooklyn, NY: Soft Skull Press: Distributed by Publishers Group West,
Ugl BX 5995 .R56 A33 2006
Adams, Henry.
Eakins revealed: the secret life of an American artist.
Oxford [England]; NY: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Art N6537 .E3 A84 2005
Adams, Marc.
The preacher's son.
West Hollywood, CA: Window Books, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.8 .A336 A3 1996
Adams, Matt.
Hustlers, escorts, and porn stars: the insider's guide to male
prostitution in America.
2nd ed., re-ed., rev.
Las Vegas: Insider's Guide, c1999.
Suz HQ 144 .A565 1999b
Adams, Mike S.
Welcome to the ivory tower of Babel: the confessions of a conservative
college professor.
Augusta, GA: Harbor House, 2004.
note: Gay pride and prejudice, pp. 83-85; Ridiculour man-hating
lesbians, pp. 116-119. Regards diversity (gays, affirmative action, feminism)
on campus as a one-sided effort to stifle conservative (Christian, free
speech) values
Suz LC 89 A542 2004
Adams, Stephen D.
The homosexual as hero in contemporary fiction.
London: Vision, 1980.
Suz PN 3352 H66 A32 1980b
Suz PN 3352 .H66 A32 1980 (Barnes & Noble)
Adams, Stephen D.
James Purdy.
NY: Barnes & Noble Books, 1976.
Suz, Ugl PS 3531 .U426 Z57
Adamska, Katarzyna.
Ludzie obok: lesbijki i geje w Polsce.
Torun: Pracownia Duszycki, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.3 .P7 A3 1998
Addiction and recovery in gay and lesbian persons. Robert J. Kus,
NY: Haworth Press, c1995.
Suz HV 5139 .A33 1995
Addictions: a comprehensive guidebook. Edited by Barbara S. McCrady,
Elizabeth E. Epstein.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 29, Gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals (Rodger L. Beatty ...
[et al.]...), pp. 542-551.
Health WM 270 A22435 1999
Addressing homophobia and heterosexism on college campuses. Elizabeth P.
Cramer, editor.
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, c2002.
Suz LC212.862 .A33 2002
Adolescent sexuality. Edited by Thomas P. Gullota, Gerald R. Adams,
Raymond Montemayor.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, c1993.
(Advances in adolescent development, v.5)
note: [chapter] 4, A developmental, clinical perspective on lesbian, gay
male, and bisexual youths (Ritch C. Savin-Williams, Richard G. Rodriguez),
pp. 77-101.
SocWk WS 462 A24165 1993
Adolescent sexuality, pregnancy, and parenting: selected readings.
Washington, D.C.: Child Welfare League of America, c1997.
note: Concrete strategies for sensitizing youth-serving agencies to the
needs of gay, lesbian, and other sexual minority youths (Susan Phillips,
Curtis McMillen, Joshua Sparks, and Mimi Ueberle), pp. 39-55. Appeared
also in: Child Welfare, 76 (May/June 1997): 393-409.
SocWk HQ 759.64 .A37 1997
Suzzallo Periodicals, SocWk Periodicals 362.7 C437b v.76
Tac Microforms Microfilm TAC-389 (v.76)
Adolescent stress: causes and consequences. Mary Ellen Colten, Susan Gore,
NY: Aldine de Gruyter, c1991.
note: [chapter] 9, Minority youths at high risk: gay males and runaways
(Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, Margaret Rosario, and Cheryl Koopman), pp.
Suz BF 724.3 .S86 A36 1991
Adolescents at school: perspectives on youth, identity, and education.
Edited by Michael Sadowski.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press, c2003.
note: chapter 5, "I am not insane; I am angry"; Adolescent masculinity,
homophobia, and violence (Michael S. Kimmel), pp. 69-78; chapter 6,
Growing up in the shadows. School and the identity development of sexual
minority youth (Michael Sadowski), p. 85-141 [with] Commentary, Why use
that word? Adolescents and queer identity (Arthur Lipkin), pp.
Suz, Bot LB 1135 .A337 2003
Tac LB 1135 .A337 2004
Adonis: the male physique pin-up, 1870-1940. Introduced by David
London: Gay Mens Press; Boston: Distributed in North America by Alyson
Publications, 1989.
Suz TR 681 .M4 A36 1989
Adoption. Mary E. Williams, book editor.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, c2006.
note: Viewpoint 5, Homosexuals should have the right to adopt (Adam
Pertman, American Academy of Pediatrics), pp. 131-138; Viewpoint 6,
Homosexuals should not have the right to adopt (Robert H. Knight), pp.
Bot HV 875 .A3185 2006
Adoption matters: philosophical and feminist essays. Edited by Sally
Haslanger and Charlotte Witt.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005.
note: chapter 4, Several steps behind: gay and lesbian adoption (Sarah
Tobias), pp. 95-111.
Bot, Tac HV 875 .A3425 2005
Adoption: opposing viewpoints. Roman Espejo, book editor.
San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, c2002.
note: chapter 3, What types of adoption should be encouraged? Viewpoint 3,
Gay and lesbian couples should have the right to adopt (Jill M.
Crawford), pp. 102-112; Viewpoint 4, Gay and lesbian parenting may not be
beneficial (Lynn D. Wardle), pp. 113-126.
Bot HV 875.55 .A3647 2002
Adoptive families in a diverse society. Edited by Katarina Wager.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 8, Family values: gay men and adoption in America (Ellen
Lewin), pp. 129-145.
Tac HV 875.55 .A366 2006
Adventures in lesbian philosophy. Edited by Claudia Card.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1994.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.5 .A38 1994
Adventures in the gender trade [videorecording] Kate Bornstein; Green
Dragon Productions.
NY: Filmakers Library, c1993.
note: 1 videocassette. "Sponsored by the Film Arts Foundation of San
Francisco." Produced and directed
by Susan Marenco; co-director,
Jay Mason.
note: This documentary examines the life and work of Kate Bornstein, a San
Francisco playwright and transsexual lesbian. Using Kate's play "Hidden:
a gender" as a backdrop, this documentary explores the cultural
dynamics of gender. Kate's work questions the usefulness of our current
bipolar gender system. Through Kate's humor and intelligence, her life and
art, "Adventures in the gender trade" exposes viewers to the
value of honoring rather than alienating people who do not fit neatly into
society's rigid gender system.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2002
TacMed Videorecord TAC-896
The adventures of Priscilla, queen of the desert [videorecording] PolyGram
Filmed Entertainment in association with the Australian Filmed
Entertainment in association with the Australian Film Finance Corporation
presents a Latent Image/Specific Films production; executive producer,
Rebel Penfold-Russell; produced by Al Clark and Michael Hamlyn; written
and directed by Stephen Elliott.
Santa Monica, CA: Distributed by MGM Home Entertainment, [2000]
note: DVD, videotape; in English or French with optional French or
Spanish subtitles; closed-captioned for the hearing-impaired.
note: cast, Terence Stamp, Hugo Weaving, Guy Pearce, Bill Hunter;
director of photography, Brian J. Breheny; film editor, Sue Blainey;
music, Guy Gross.
note: videodisc release of the 1994 motion picture by PolyGram Filmed
Entertainment in association with the Australian Film Finance
note: With a contract to perform a drag show way out in the Australian
desert, Tick, Adam and Ralph each has his own reason for wanting to leave
the safety of Sydney. Christening their battered pink tour bus
"Priscilla," the trio heads for the outback and into crazy adventures in
even crazier outfits.
UglMed DVD MGM 083
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2465
Advise & consent [videorecording] Hal Roach Studios Inc.; Otto Preminger
presents; screenplay by Wendell Mayes; produced & directed by Otto
Hauppauge, NY: Video Treasures: Distributed by Video Cassette Sales,
note: VHS; originally released as a motion picture in 1962; based on the
novel of the same title by Allen Drury.
note: cast- Henry Fonda, Charles Laughton, Don Murray, Walter Pidgeon,
Peter Lawford, Gene Tierney, Franchot Tone, Lew Ayres, Burgess Meredith,
Eddie Hodges, Paul Ford, George Grizzard, Inga Swenson; credits- music,
Jerry Fielding; director of photography, Sam Leavitt.
note: Blackmail, suicide and scandal (senator under threat of exposure as
a homosexual) follow the President's appointment of an unpopular Secretary
of State, and put the stability of the entire U.S. Government at risk in
this highly praised political drama.
UglMed Videorecord VCS 001
Advocate (Los Angeles, Calif.)
The advocate.
[Los Angeles, Calif.: Liberation Publications]
note: continues: The Los Angeles Advocate.
see also: The Los Angeles Advocate.
Suzzallo Microforms/Newspapers Microfilm A4790 no.33-866, 880-892
(May 13-16, 1970-2001, Jan-Jun 2003)
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 76 .A35 no. 776/777- (Jan. 19, 1999- ) latest
issues on display shelves
available fulltext online Jan 21, 1997+ (724/725+ to University of
Washington users
The adz.
San Francisco, CA: Adz, [1970]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continued by Adz gayzette, see Adz gayzette
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 1 v.1, n.1-3 (Oct 9-22, 1970)
Adz gayzette: the s.f. scene.
San Francisco, CA: Adz, [1970-1971]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues Adz, see Adz; continued by Gayzette, see Gayzette
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 1
v.1, n.4-5 (Oct. 29, 1970-Dec. 1971)
The Speeches of Aeschines. With an English translation
by Charles Darwin Adams.
London: W. Heinemann; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1919.
(Loeb classical library, 106)
note: Greek and English on opposite pages
note: Against Timarchus, pp.2-155 (prosecution against
Timarchus on charges of prostitution)
Suz PA 3612 .A3 1919
Suz,Ugl PA 3612 .A3
Aesthetic subjects. Pamela R. Matthews and David McWhirter, editors.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2003.
note: chapter 5, Caravaggio's secrets (Leo Bersani and Ulysse
Dutoit), pp. 99-122; chapter 12, Cloth wounds; queer aesthetics of
debasement (Kathryn Bond Stockton), pp. 268-294; chapter 13, Embodying culture;
Dorian's wish (Audrey JaVe), pp. 295-312.
Suz BH 19 .A465 2003
Afary, Janet.
Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: gender and the seductions of
Islamism. Janet Afary and Kevin B. Anderson.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 5, Foucault, gender, and male homosexualities in
Mediterranean and Muslim Societies, pp. 138-162.
Suz B2430 .F724 A63 2005
The affectionate shepherd: celebrating Richard Barnfield. Edited by
Kenneth Borris and George Klawitter.
Selinsgrove, PA: Susquehanna University Press; London: Associated
University Presses, c2001.
Suz PR 2209 .B8 Z54 2001
Affirmative action's testament of hope: strategies for a new era in higher
education. [Edited by] Mildred Garcia.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c1997.
note: [chapter] 8. Toward a more inclusive vision of affirmative action:
improving campus environments for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people
(Robert A. Rhoads), pp. 181-204.
Suz LC 212.42 .A39 1997
Affirmative dynamic psychotherapy with gay men.
Edited by Carlton Cornett.
Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson, c1993.
NatSci WM 460.6 A256 1993
Afrekete: an anthology of contemporary Black lesbian writings.
Edited by Catherine E. McKinley and L. Joyce DeLaney.
NY: Anchor Books, 1995.
Suz, Ugl PS 509 L47 A38 1995
African American men in college. [Edited by] Michael J. Cuylet and
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, c2006.
note: African American gay men: another challenge for the academy, (Jamie
Washington and Vernon A. Wall), pp. 174-188.
Suz, Bot, Tac LC 2781 .A39 2006
African Americans and whites: changing relationships on college campuses.
Edited by Robert M. Moore III.
Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c2006.
note: chapter 4, Black and gay identity selection on college campuses:
master and subordinate status strain and conflict (Tim Baylor), pp.
Suz LC 191.94 .A39 2006
African masculinities: men in Africa from the late nineteenth century to
the present. Edited by Lahoucine Ouzgane and Robert Morrell.
NY; Palgrave Macmillan; Scottsville, South Africa: University of
KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 2, Somewhere, over the Rainbow: Cape Town, South Africa,
as a "Gay Destination" (Glen S. Elder), pp. 43-59; [chapter] 3,
Visualizing homosexualities in Africa -- Dakan: An interview with
filmmaker Mohamed Camara (Beti Ellerson), pp. 61-73.
Suz HQ 1090.7 .A35 A37 2005
After Amsterdam
[electronic resource]: sexual
orientation and the European Union: a guide.
Brussels: ILGA-Europe, c1999.
note: guide to legal aspects of homosexuality and gay rights in the
European Union
After dark.
NY: Dance Magazine, Inc. [etc.], v. [1]- May 1968-
note: continues Ballroom dance magazine
note: an arts and entertainment magazine widely regarded as a thinly
veiled, although not explict, gay magazine
note: v.1,n.9-v.3,n.4 of After dark published as v.10,n.9-v.12,n.4,
continuing the numbering from the previous title
Suzzallo Periodicals PN 1560 .A42
v.1,n.9--v.9, no. 8 (Jan 1969-Dec. 1976)
After Stonewall [videorecording]: from the riots to the millenium.
A First Run Features presentation; produced in association with the Center
for Independent Documentary; produced and written by John Scagliotti.
NY: First Run Features, 1999.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS.
note: narrator, Melissa Etheridge; editors, Janet W. Baus and Elizabeth
Meister; music, Don DiNicola.
note: The sequel to Before Stonewall chronicles the history of lesbian and
gay life from the roots at Stonewall to the end of the century. For
Before Stonewall, see Before Stonewall.
UglMed Videorecord FRF 009
After you're out: personal experiences of gay men
and lesbian women.
Edited by Karla Jay and Allen Young.
NY: Links, distributed by Quick Fox, c1975.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.5 A34
Against sadomasochism: a radical feminist analysis.
Edited by Robin Linden...[et al.]
East Palo Alto, CA: Frog in the Well, 1982.
Ugl HQ 79 A35 1982
Agape and action. Committee of Concern for Homosexuals, Inc.
Berkeley, CA: Committee of Concern for Homosexuals, Inc., [1970]
note: continued by Effeminist, see Effeminist.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 no. 1-7 (June 5, 1970-Feb. 1971)
Age matters: realigning feminist thinking. Edited by Toni M. Calasanti and
Kathleen F. Slevin.
NY: Routledge, c2006.
note: chapter 11, The embodied experiences of old lesbians (Kathleen F.
Slevin), pp. 247-268.
Suz, Bot HQ 1061 .A423 2006
The age of AIDS [videorecording] Series producer and reporter, Renata
Simone; a co-production of WGBH/Frontline and Paladin InVision Ltd. with
Silverbridge Productions Ltd. and Channel 4; WGBH Educational
[Alexandria, VA:]: PBS Home Video, [2006]
note: DVD; originally broadcast in two parts on May 30-31, 2006 as part of
the Frontline television series.
note: narrator, Will Lyman. Part one: producer and director, William Cran;
writers, William Cran, Renata Simone; camera, Paul Lang; editors, Steve
Audette, David Espar, Joe Frost; music, Mason Daring. Part two: producer
and director, Greg Barker; writers, Greg Barker, Renata Simone; camera,
Frank-Peter Lehmann; editors, Paul Carlin, Jon Neuburger; music, Maron
note: Part one follows the trail of a medical mystery which began in 1981
when five gay men in Los Angeles were diagnosed with a deadly new disease.
Traces the international response in the first years of the epidemic,
contrasting moments of inspirational leadership with the tragedy of missed
opportunities. Reveals the astounding spread of the infection to over 70
million infections in 2006. Part two explores the chasm that emerged
between rich and poor following the development of the miraculous "triple
cocktail" HIV treatment. While the discovery seemed to signal a new era in
which AIDS was no longer a fatal disease, the high price of the drugs
meant they were unaffordable to patients in developing nations. Also
examines the next wave of the AIDS epidemic in some of the most populous
and strategically important nations in the word, including Russia, India
and China, and tracks the same pattern of official denial and political
indifference that characterized the epidemic in so many other
UglMed DVD PBSHV 024
TacMed DVD TAC-1062
The Age taboo: gay male sexuality, power, and consent. Daniel Tsang,
Boston: Alyson Publications; London: Gay Men's Press, 1981.
Suz HQ 71 .A375 1981
Agigian, Amy.
Baby steps: how lesbian alternative insemination is changing the
Middleboro, CT: Weslyan University Press, c2004.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.53 .A45 2004
Aging bodies: images and everyday experience. Edited by Christopher A.
Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, c2003.
note: chapter 6, The homosexual body in lesbian and gay elders'
narratives, (Dana Rosenfeld), pp. 171-203.
Suz HQ 1061 .A4574 2003
Aguilar, Asdrubal d'.
Medicina legal; homosexualidade masculina atraves
os tempos.
[Lisboa?] Edicao do autor, [19-?]
Health 132.754 Ag93m
Aguinaldo, Jeffrey.
Partner abuse in gay male relationships: challenging "we are family".
M.A. thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 2000.
available online,
Aguirre-Sacasa, Roberto.
Say you love Satan.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c2005.
Drama PS 3601 .G85 S29 2005
Ahern, John.
Brandy wine: a gay western.
Stamford, CT: Knights Press, c1988.
Suz PS 3551 .H45 B7 1988
Aherne, David.
Hindsight of one gay student.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 18)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 no. 18
Ahlstrom, Gabriella.
Ecco homo: berattelsen om en utstallning.
[Stockholm?]: Albert Bonniers forlag, c1999.
Suz TR 647 .O3993 A399 1999
Ahmed, Sara.
Queer phenomenology: orientations, objects, others.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2006.
Suz HQ 76.25 .A38 2006
Ahn, Jin-Tae.
Ostliche Weisheit, Tiefenpsychologie und Androgynie in deutscher
Frankfurt am Main; NY: P. Lang, c1991.
(Europaische Hochschulschriften. Riehe I, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur,
Bd. 1225)
Suz PT 129 .A46 1991
Ai qing wan sui [videorecording]=Vive l'amour. Central Motion Picture
Corporation; production, Sunny Overseas Corporation, Shiung Fa Film
Corporation Ltd.; produced by Hsu Li-Kong; written and directed by Zai
Santa Monica, CA: Strand Releasing; NY: Fox Lorber, [1997]
note: 1 videocassette; VHS; Mandarin with English subtitles; performers-
Yang Kuei-mei, Lee Kang-sheng, Chen chao-jung; Singapore International
Film Festival, 1995: Best actress; Best Asian feature film Venice Film
Festival, 1994: FIPRESCI Award; Golden Lion.
note: Drama without dialog takes place in Taipei, Taiwan where a strange
love triangle develops between a chic, seductive real estate agent, a
street merchant and a shy, gay man.
see also: for DVD format, Vive l'amour [videorecording]
UglMed Videorecord FOXL 035
UglMed DVD EAL 074 (DVD version, Mandarin with Chinese subtitles)
Ai ya ya, qu bu ru [videorecording] = Feeding boys, ayaya. Dao yan, bian
ju Cui Zien; produced by Cuizi DV Studio; producers, Liu Shujing, Zhang
Huilin, Du Jiayi.
[Charlottesville, VA]: Water Bearer Films, [2005]
note: DVD; in Chinese with English subtitles
note: cast- Jia Ge, Hou Jian, Yu Bin, Wen Wen, Zhang Shi Qin, Zhang Jian,
Sun Bin, Liu Anan; credits- cinematography, Zhang Huilin, Yuan Deqiang;
editor, Gao Bojie, Qi Jiang; special effects, Ren Yi Wang Fei.
note: Xiao Bo comes from a moderate, middle class family but has decided
to make his living as a male hustler. His older brother, Dabin, is a
Christian evangelist determined to reform China's hustler population. When
the two clash Xiao disappears into the streets.
UglMed DVD WBF 005
AIDS: activism and alliances. Edited by Peter Aggleton, Peter Davies and
Graham Hart.
[London]; Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1997.
note: Papers presented at the Eighth Conference on
Social Aspects of AIDS held in September 1995 in London.
Suz WC 503.7 A2883 1997
AIDS agenda: emerging issues in civil rights. Edited
by Nan D. Hunter and William B. Rubenstein.
NY: New Press, c1992.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk WD 308 A28775 1992
Law RA 644 .A25 A33214 1992
AIDS and civil society: India's learning curve. Edited by Radhika
Ramasubban, Bhanwar Rishyasringa.
Jaipur: Rawat Publications, c2005.
note: Section five, HIV/AIDS as a human rights issue and men who have sex
with men, pp. 161-188.
Suz HV 392 .A4425 2005
AIDS and infections of homosexual men. Edited by
Pearl Ma and Donald Armstrong. 2nd ed.
Boston: Butterworths, c1989.
note: Rev. ed. of: The Acquired immune deficiency syndrome and infections
of homosexual men.
HSLIC WD 308 A186 1989
AIDS and mental health practice: clinical and policy issues. Michael
Shernoff, editor.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
note: chapter 8, Support groups for HIV-negative gay men (Steven Ball),
pp. 85-94; chapter 9, Finding their voices in group: HIV-negative gay men
speak, (Carl Locke), pp. 95-116; chapter 13, HIV care for male-to-female
pre-operative transsexuals (James Grimaldi), pp. 159-177; chapter 14,
Internalized homophobia in the psychotherapy of gay men with HIV/AIDS
(Maria R. Derevenco, Ronald J. Frederick), pp. 179-186; chapter 28, Coming
out positive? HIV prevention for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youths (Peter
A. Newman), pp. 351-366.
Suz, Tac WC 503.7 A2867 1999
The AIDS crisis: a documentary history. Edited by Douglas A. Feldman and
Julia Wang Miller.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.
note: a collection of 228 documents gathered from books, the press,
the medical and the social science literature on all aspects of the AIDS
note: Document 12, "A Gay Plague"?, pp. 17-18; Document 18, Rock Hudson
dies of AIDS, pp. 25-26; Document 26, The Second wave of HIV infection
among Gay Men, pp. 35-36; Document 51, Gay male teens have special
emotional and informational needs, pp. 61-62; Document 52, Targeting young
gay men for behavioral research and HIV prevention, p. 63; The Gay
Community, Documents 74-82, pp. 84-92; Document 122, Robert Rafsky,
p. 138; Document 126, Paul Monette, p. 140; Document 127, Andrew Ziegler,
pp. 140-141; Document 128, Kim Foltz, p. 141; Ross Johnson, Document 130,
p. 142; Randolph Winchester King, Jr., p. 142; Document 133, Pedro Zamora,
p. 144; Document 134, Gay men with AIDS face discrimination from their
families, p. 145; Document 141, Gay marriages are still illegal, p. 151;
Document 177, HIV Prevention materials for gay men, p. 190-193.
Suz, Bot, Tac WC 11.1 A288 1998
AIDS: crisis in professional ethics. Edited by Elliot D. Cohen and Michael
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994.
HSLIC, Bot, Tac WD 308 A1754 1994
Law RC 607 .A26 A35 1994
The AIDS cult: essays on the gay health crisis. John Lauritsen, Ian Young,
Provincetown, MA: Askleopios, 1997.
Suz WC 503.3 A2887 1997
AIDS: cultural analysis, cultural activism. Edited
by Douglas Crimp; contributions by Leo al.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988, c1987.
Ugl, SocWk, Tac WD 308 A287953 1988
AIDS, drugs, and prevention: perspectives on individual
and community action.
Edited by Tim Rhodes and Richard Hartnoll.
London; NY: Routledge, 1996.
Ugl WC 503.6 A2882 1996
AIDS: ethics and public policy. [Edited] by Christine
Pierce, Donald VanDeVeer.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1988.
Ugl, HSLIC WD 308 A2881 1988
AIDS health services at the crossroads: lessons for community care.
Victoria D. Weisfeld, editor.
Princeton, N.J.: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1991.
note: discusses programs developed through grants from AHSP (AIDS Health
Services Program) to 11 communities, Seattle, among others
HSLIC WD 308 A28868 1991
AIDS, identity, and community: the HIV epidemic and
lesbians and gay men.
Editors, Gregory M. Herek and Beverly Greene.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1995.
(Psychological perspectives on lesbian and gay issues, v.2)
note: "Sponsored by the Society for the Psychological Study of
Lesbian and Gay Issues, Division 44 of the American Psychological
SocWk WC 503.7 A175 1995
AIDS in Europe: new challenges for the social sciences. Edited by
Jean-Paul Moatti ... [et al.]
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: [chapter] 7, Socio-economic status and HIV prevalence among gay men
in Germany (Michael Bochow), pp. 92-102.
Suz WC 503.4 GA1 A288 2000
AIDS in the barrio [videorecording] = eso no me pasa
a mi. 1 videocassette VHS.
[NY?]: AIDS Film Initiative in collaboration with
Documentary Film: Cinema Guild [distributor], c1988.
note: In English and Spanish with English subtitles.
note: Discusses the causes and effects of AIDS in the Hispanic community
through interviews with AIDS sufferers, their families, and members of
the community at large. Drug abuse, cultural attitudes toward condom use
and toward homosexuality, and the economic causes of drug abuse in the
barrio are covered, as well as the role of family and friends
in comforting and helping AIDS victims. Measures to prevent the spread of
AIDS to wives and women friends of drug users and bisexual men
are also discussed.
UglMed Videorecord CG 022
AIDS matters: a quarterly newsletter of the Northwest AIDS Foundation
Seattle: The Foundation, 1989-
note: v.7,n.2 is dated Spr 1996, but it's actually Sum 1996
note: prior to v.4 (Spr 1993) there was no volume or issue numbering
GovPub W1 AI696DC
Sum-Fall 1989; Spr 1990-Spr 1991; Fall 1991-Spr1992;
Fall-Win 1992; v.4,n.1 - v.6,n.2 (Spr 1993-Sum 1995); v.7,n.1-v.7,n.2
(Spr-Sum 1996);
v.7,n.4 (Win 1996); v.8,n.2-v.9,n.1 (Sum 1997-Spr 1998); v.9,n.3-v.10,n.2
(Win 1998/1999-Sum/Fall 1999); v.11,n.5 (Sum 2000)
AIDS, personal stories in pastoral perspective.
[Edited by] Earl E. Shelp, Ronald H. Sunderland & Peter W. A. Mansell.
NY: Pilgrim Press, c1986.
Suz WD 308 A28838 1986
AIDS prevention and services: community based research.
Edited by Johannes P. Van Vugt.
Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1994.
Ugl, SocWk, HSLIC, Tac WD 308 A2883887 1993
AIDS prevention in the community: lessons from the first decade.
Nicholas Freudenberg and Marc A. Zimmerman, editors; with Marshall
H. Becker, Barbara A. Israel, Nancy K. Janz.
Washington, D. C.: American Public Health Associaiton, c1995.
Tac WC 503 A288 1995
The AIDS reader: social, political, and ethical issues.
Ed. Nancy F. McKenzie.
NY: Meridian, c1991.
Suz WD 308 A288435 1991
AIDS: rights, risk, and reason. Edited by Peter Aggleton,
Peter Davies, and Graham Hart.
London; Washington, D. C.: Falmer Press, 1992.
Suz WD 308 A2884627 1992
AIDS: safety, sexuality and risk. Edited by Peter Aggleton, Peter Davies,
and Graham Hart.
London; Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1995.
note: Key papers presented during the 1994 conferences of the British
Sociological Association, the 2nd International Conference on the
BioPsycho-Social Aspects of AIDS, and the Xth International Conference on
Suz WC 503 A2882 1995
AIDS, social change, and theater: performance as protest. By Cindy J.
NY: Garland Pub., 1995.
Drama NX 180 .A36 A37 1995
AIDS: society, ethics and law. Edited by Udo Schuklenk.
Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate/Dartmouth, c2001.
note: A compendium of previously published articles (1986-1998) from
health, legal, policy, and ethics journals; in 6 parts, The Physician-Patient
Relationship, AIDS and the law, HIV Testing, Clinical research, Access to
(Experimental) Drugs, and Dying with dignity.
Suz WC 503.7 A28885 2001
AIDS: the burdens of history. Edited by Elizabeth
Fee and Daniel M. Fox.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1988.
Ugl, SocWk,HSLIC,Tac WD 308 A28843 1988
AIDS--the literary response. Edited by Emmanuel S. Nelson.
NY: Twayne Publishers; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan International,
Suz, Bot PN 721 A43 1993
AIDS: the making of a chronic disease. Ed. Elizabeth
Fee and Daniel M. Fox.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1992.
Suz, HSLIC WD 308 A288544 1992
AIDS: the women. Edited by Inex Rieder and Patricia Ruppelt.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, c1988.
note: see especially, Part I. Family, Lovers and Friends (8 articles),
pp. 19-62; Part III. The Professional Caregivers (7 articles), 101-128;
Part IV. Lesbians Facing Aids (5 articles), pp. 129-154.
Ugl, Bot WD 308 A28867 1988
Ailey, Alvin.
Revelations: the autobiography of Alvin Ailey. By Alvin Ailey with A.
Peter Bailey.
Secaucus, N. J.: Carol Pub. Group, c1995.
Ugl, Bot GV 1785 .A38 A3 1995
Aimée & Jaguar [videorecording] Senator Film, Hanno Huth
präsentiert eine Günter Rohrbach/Senator Film Produktion, einen
Max Färberböck Film; produzenten, Günter Rohrbach, Hanno
Huth; drehbuch, Max Färberböck, Rona Munro; regie, Max
[NY;: Zeitgeist Video, [2001]
note: DVD; originally produced a a motion picture in 1999.
note: cast- Maria Schrader, Juliane Köhler, Heike Makatsch, Johanna
Wokalek, Elisbeth Degen, Detlev Buck, Inge Keller, Krya Mladek, Peter
note: credits- Director of photography, Tony Imi; editor, Barbara
Hennings; music, Jan A. P. Kaczmarek; based on the book by Erica
note: It's the Battle of Berlin, during World War 2, two women find each
other. One is single, Aimée, the other, Jaguar, is unhappily
married with 4 children. In war torn Germany it was not safe to be Jewish,
it was just as unsafe to be a lesbian. When Jaguar's husband, who is a
German soldier, finds out about the relationship of his wife to
Aimée, nothing but trouble becomes the result.
UglMed DVD ZF 049
Aimez-vous le queer? Etudes réunies par Lawrence R. Schehr.
Amsterdam; NY: Rodopi, c2005.
Suz PQ 629 .A55 2005
Ainley, Rosa.
What is she like?: lesbian identities from the 1950s to the 1990s.
London: Cassell, 1995.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.5 .A43 1995
Aizley, Harlyn.
Buying dad: one woman's search for the perfect sperm donor.
Los Angeles, CA: Alyson Books, 2003.
Ugl HQ 761 .A37 2003
Akenson, Donald H.
At face value: the life and times of Eliza McCormack/John White/Don
Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, c1990.
Suz F1033 .W48 A37 1990
Akrigg, G. P. V.
Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton.
London: H. Hamilton, 1968.
Suz, Ugl DA 391.1 .S8 A65
Das Aktfoto: Ansichten vom Körper im fotografischen Zeitalter:
Ästhetik, Geschichte, Ideologie. Hrsg. von Michael Köhler und
Gisela Barche. Erw. und verb. Ausg.
München: Bucher, 1986, c1985.
note: Männerakte. Notizien zur Kunstfotografie des 19. und 20.
Jahrhunderts. (Peter Weiermair) pp. 148-156.
Art Desk TR 674 .A39 1986
al-Anisah Hanafi [videorecording] intaj Jalil al-Bindari; qissat
was-inariyu wa-hiwar Jalil al-Bindari; ikhraj Fatin 'Abd al-Wahhab.
al-Qahirah: Aflam Jamal al-Laythi lil-Sinima wa-al-Vidiyu, [1983?]
note: VHS; in Arabic; originally released as a motion picture in 1954.
note: cast- Isma'il Yasin, Majidah, Suliman Najib, Zinat Sidqi, 'Abd
al-Fattah al-Qasri, 'Umar al-Hariri, Riyad al-Qasabji; credits- Lahn
"al-Wad Hankurah" wa-al-raqsah Muhammed al-Kahlawi; muntaj, Sa'id al-Shakykh,
Husayn 'Afifi; mudir al-taswir Rubir Tumba; al-musiqah al-taswiriyah,
Ibrahim Hajaj.
note: a comedy about Hanfi, whose father and step-mother force into
marrying his step-sister, Nawa'im. During the wedding ceremony, Hafi feels
a terrible pain. He goes to the hospital, where the doctors operate and
somehow turn him into a woman. As a woman, Hanafi falls in love with one
of this best friends. However, Hanafi's father refuses to let him marry
the friend. They elope, and when they return a few months later, Hanafi is
pregnant with twins.
UglMed Videorecord NEA 068
Al ha-homoseksualim be-Yisrael: reka ve-avdut.
[Tel Aviv: ha-Agudah li-shemirat zekhuyot ha-perat, c1983.
Suz HQ 76.8 .I87 A4 1983
al-Anisah Hanafi [videorecording] intaj Jalil al-Bindari; qissat
wa-sinariyu wa-hiwar Jalil al-Bindari; ikhraj Fatin Abd al-Wahhab.
al-Qahirah: Aflam Jamal al-Laythi lil-Sinima wa-al-Vidiyu, [1983?]
note: VHS PAL; in Arabic; originally released as a motion picture in
note: cast- Ismail Yasin, Majidah, Suliman Najib, Zinat Sidqi, Abd
al-Fattah al-Qasri, Umar al-Hariri, Riyad al-Qasabji; credits- Lahn
"al-Wad Hankurah" wa-al-raqsah Muhammad al-Kahlawi; muntaj, Said
al-Shaykh, Husayn Afifi; mudir al-taswir Rubir Tumba; al-musiqah
al-taswiriyah, Ibrahim Hajaj.
note: A comedy about Hanafi, whose father and step-mother force into
marrying his step-sister, Nawaim. During the wedding ceremony, Hanafi
feels a terrible pain. He goes to the hospital, where the doctors operate
and somehow turn him into a woman. As a womn, Hanafi falls in love with
one of his best friends. However, Hanafi's father refuses to let him marry
the friend. They elope, and when they return a few months later, Hanafi is
pregnant with twins.
UglMed Videorecord NEA 068
al-Tifashi, Ahmad ibn Yusuf.
The Delight of hearts, or, What you will not find in any book.
English version edited by Winston Leyland; English translation by Edward
A. Lacey from the unabridged French translation of Rene B. Khawam, based
on the original Arabic manuscripts.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1988.
note: translation of: Nuzhat al-albab fima la uujadu fi kitab.
Suz PJ 7755 .T5 N813 1988
Aldama, Frederick Luis.
Dancing with ghosts: a critical biography of Arturo Islas.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2005.
Suz PS 3559 .S44 Z54 2005
Alameddine, Rabih.
Koolaids: the art of war.
NY: Picador USA, 1998.
Suz, Ugl PS 3551 .L215 K6 1998
Albee, Edward.
Edward Albee's The goat, or, Who is Sylvia?: (notes toward a definition of
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c2003.
Drama PS 3551 .L25 G63 2003b
Albee, Edward.
The goat, or, Who is Sylvia?: (notes toward a definition of tragedy)
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 2003, c2000.
Suz, Bot PS 3551 .L25 G63 2003
Albee, Edward.
Malcolm; [play] adapted from the novel by James Purdy.
NY: Atheneum, 1966.
Suz, Ugl PS 3551 .L25 M3
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Malcom (Dramatists Play Service ed)
Albee, Edward.
Tiny Alice, a play.
London: J. Cape [c1965]
Ugl, Drama PS 3551 .L25
Drama PS 3551 .L25 T5 1966 (Pocket ed.)
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Tiny Alice (Dramatists Play Service ed)
Albertson, Chris.
Bessie.[Bessie Smith]
NY: Stein and Day [1972]
Ugl, Music ML 420 .S667 A7
Albo, Mike.
Hornito: my lie life.
NY: Harper Collins, c2000.
Ugl PS 3551 .L268 H67 2000
Albrecht-Desirat, Karin.
Die transsexuelle Frau: zur Entwicklung und Beeintrachtigung
weiblicher Geschlechtsidentitat.
Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1985.
(Beitrage zur Sexualforschung, Bd. 60)
HSLIC Serials 392.608 B397 no.60
Albuquerque, Severino Joao Medeiros.
Tentative transgressions: homosexuality, AIDS, and the theater in
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, c2004.
Suz PQ 9595 .H65 A43 2004
Alcohol use/abuse among Latinos: issues and examples of culturally
competent services. Melvin Delgado, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
note: Latina lesbians and alcohol and other drugs: social work
implications (Migdalia Reyes), pp. 179-192.
note: also published as Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly. v.16, nn.1/2
SocWk, Tac HV 5292 .A3853 1998
Alcoholism & homosexuality. Thomas O. Ziebold & John E. Mongeon,
NY: Haworth, c1982.
(Research on homosexuality, v.5)
note: later published as: Gay and sober: directions for counseling and
see also: Gay and sober: directions for counseling and therapy.
SocWk HQ 76.2 A53 1982
Aldama, Frederick Luis.
Brown on brown: Chicano/a representations of gender, sexuality, and
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 153 .M4 A435 2005
Alden, Joan.
Before our eyes: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1993.
Ugl PS 3562 .I496 B4 1993
Alden, Joan.
Letting in the night: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1989.
Ugl PS 3562 .I492 L4 1989
Alderson, David.
Mansex fine: religion, manliness and imperialism in nineteenth-century
British culture.
Manchester, England; NY: Manchester University Press, 1998.
note: [chapter] 7, Buggering Gerald: Wilde and English virtue, pp.
Suz BR 759 .A43 1998
Alderson, Kevin George.
Beyond coming out: experiences of positive gay identity.
Toronto: Insomniac Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .C2 A43 2000
Aldrich, Ann.
Take a lesbian to lunch.
NY: MacFadden-Bartell Corp., 1972.
Suz HQ 75.5 .A44 1972
Aldrich, Ann.
We, too, must love. Introduction by Marijane Meaker; afterword by
Stephanie Foote.
NY: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2006.
Bot HQ 75.6 .U5 A43 2006
Aldrich, Ann.
We walk alone. Introduction by Marijane Meaker; afterword by Stephanie
NY: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2006.
Bot HQ 75.5 .A28 2006
Aldrich, Robert.
The seduction of the Mediterranean: writing, art and homosexual
London, NY: Routledge, 1993.
Suz PN 721 A43 1993
Aldrich, Robert F.
Colonialism and homosexuality.
London; NY: Routledge, 2003.
Ugl HQ 76.2 .E9 A43 2003
Aldridge, Sarah.
Nina in the wilderness.
[Rehoboth Beach, DE.]: A&M Books, 1997.
Suz PS 3551 .L345 N5 1997
Alekseev, N. A. (Nikolai Aleksandrovich)
Pravovoe regularovanie polozheniia seksualnykh menshinstv: Rossiia v svete
praktiki mezhdunarodnykh organizatsii i natsionalnogo zakonodatelstva
stran mira.
Moskva: Izd-vo SEK, 2002.
Suz KLB 2467 .G39 A44 2002
Alexander, Bryant Keith.
Performing Black masculinity: race, culture, and queer identity.
Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, c2006.
Suz, Tac E185.86 A3794 2006
Alexander, Christopher J.
Growth and intimacy for gay men: a workbook.
NY: Haworth Park Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .A44 1997
Alexander, J. Neil.
This far by grace: a bishop's journey through questions about
Cambridge, MA: Cowley Publications, c2003.
Ugl BR 115 .H6 A44 2003
Alexander, Jeb.
Jeb and Dash: a diary of gay life, 1918-1945. Edited by Ina
Faber and Faber, 1993.
Suz HQ 75.8 A74 A3 1993
Alexander, Marilyn Bennett.
We were baptized too: claiming God's grace for lesbians and gays.
By Marilyn Bennett Alexander and James Preston; [foreword by Desmond M.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1996.
Suz BV 4596 .G38 A42 1996
Alexie, Sherman.
The toughest Indian in the world.
NY: Atlantic Monthly Press, c2000.
note: see the title story.
Suz, SpecCollPNW PS 3551 .L35774 .T68 2000
Ali, Turan.
We are family: testimonies of lesbian and gay parents.
Foreword by Tom Robinson; additional research by Catherine Hopper.
London: Cassell, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.53 .A45 1996
Alice B. Theatre Oral History Project.
Oral history interviews of the Alice B. Theatre Oral History Project,
1991-1992. [sound recording]
note: 4 boxes; 39 sound cassettes.
note: Oral history tapes, summaries of tape contents, biographical
information about the interviewees, and script, 1991-1992. The Alice B.
Theater Oral History project is a collection of interviews with 37 Seattle
gays and lesbians over the age of fifty. The interviewees represent
various races and occupations, including teacher, soldier, activist,
publisher, Hollywood propman, statistician, actor, secretary, realtor,
housewife, professor, journalist, massage therapist, AIDS educator,
advocate for the deaf and hearing impaired, hypnotherapist, Air Force
officer, nurse, computer scientist, architect, social worker, coach,
clergyman, and businessman. Interviewees include Doreen Abrams, Carl-Louis
Bisson, Stephen R. Blair, Nola Blanes, Robert L. Carter, John W. Enders,
Kay Engel, Alverta Faucher, Ellsworth William Glover, Richard F. Kosbab,
Glen Hunt, Margaret King, Jean Lyons, Malcolm McKay, Robert McPherron, Don
Irwin Paulson, Joan Rencken, William Rule, Hurdie C. Styles, Tamara
Turner, and George Whitaker.
note: Filed with interviews is the script of Drew Emery's play "Hidden
history: True stories from Seattle's gay and lesbian elders." Forms part
of the Alice B. Theater Records at the University of Washington Libraries
and University Archives Division.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives.
Alice B. Theatre [sound recording]
[Seattle: University of Washington, School of Drama, 1989]
(Drama colloquium series)
note: Recorded at the University of Washington, Seattle, on October 16,
note: Drama 401 colloquium.
DramaMed Phonotape DRA-45 1989 no.3
Alice B. Theatre.
Alice B. Theatre records, 1976-1995.
note: ca. 35.8 cubic ft; minutes, audio recordings, card files,
financial records, historical features, interviews, logs, photographs,
programs, other.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives Inquire at Special Collections
Aliesan, Jody.
Jody Aliesan papers, 1969-2003.
note: poet, feminist, urban activist, and folk singer of Seattle, WA; b.
note: correspondence, literary mss., speeches, writings, publications,
awards, clippings, photos, audio tapes, and other papers, including
material relating to Aliesan's work as member of Seattle Women's
Commission and steering committee of Citizens to Retain Fair Employment
(an anti-gay discrimination organization), as well as correspondence
regarding her urban homestead grant from the U.S. Dept. of Energy.
Correspondents include Wesley C. Uhlman.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives inquire at location
Aliesan, Jody.
Loving in time of war.
Yakima, WA: Blue Begonia Press, c1999.
SpecCollPNW PS 3551 .L363 L68 1999
Alison, James.
Faith beyond resentment: fragments Catholic and gay.
NY: Crossroad Pub. Co., 2001.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 A45 2001
All dressed up and no place to go [videorecording] Cajun films presents;
directed, edited, and photographed by Peter Schwartz; written and produced
by Ellen Sherman.
[S.l.]: Cajun Films, [1996]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; original music, Wayne Sharpe.
note: "He's a husband. He's a father. He's your next door
neighbor...What's he doing in a dress?"; a documentary film that provides
a provocative look at how an otherwise traditional man's unorthodox
behavior affects his friends, family and the women who love him.
UglMed Videorecord CAJUN 001
All our families: new policies for a New Century: a report of the Berkeley
family forum.
Edited by Mary Ann Mason, Arlene Skolnick, Stephen D. Sugarman.
note: see chapter 6: Gay and lesbian families. Queers like us. (Judith
NY: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 536 .E88 1998
All our families: new policies for a new century: a report of the Berkeley
family forum. 2nd ed.
Edited by Mary Ann Mason, Arlene Sklonick, Stephen D. Sugarman.
NY: Oxford University Press, c2003.
Tac HQ 536 .A537 2003
All over me [videorecording] Fine Line Features; Medusa Pictures presents
in association with Slam pictures and Baldini Pictures; a Dolly Hall
production; a Sichel Sisters film; producer, Dolly Hall; director, Alex
Sichel; writer, Sylvia Sichel.
[United States]: New Line Home Video; Chatsworth, CA: distributed
exclusively by Image Entertainment, [2005]
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 1997.
note: cast- Alison Folland, Tara Subkoff, Cole Hauser, Wilson Cruz, Ann
Dowd; credits- photography, Joe DeSalvo; editor, Sabine Hoffmann; music,
Miki Navazio.
note: In New York's Hell's Kitchen Claude and her best friend Ellen come
of age in an urban culture which has many pitfalls for young women. Even
if you don't decide you love your best friend.
UglMed DVD IEF 166
All over the guy [videorecording] Lion's Gate Films presents a Susan
Dietz/Donnie Land production of a film by Julie Davis; producers, Susan
Dietz, Donnie Land, Dan Bucatinsky, Juan Mas; writer, Dan Bucatinsky;
director, Julie Davis.
[United States]: Trimark Home Video: distributed by Lion's Gate Home
Entertainment, c2001.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; in English with optional English or Spanish
subtitles; close-captioned; originally released as a motion picture in
note: cast- Dan Bucatinsky, Richard Ruccolo, Sasha Alexander, Adam
Goldberg, Andrea Martin, Joanna Kerns, Christina Ricci, Lisa Kudrow, Doris
Roberts; credits- director of photography, Goran Pavicevic; editors, Glenn
Garland, Mary Morrisey; music composers, Peter Stuart, Andrew Williams;
costume designer, Peter Mitchell; production designer, Fanae Aaron.
note: 4 friends, 3 guys, 2 couples ... you do the math! It's about the
quest to find the "one" when "the one" doesn't know he's the "one." It
explores the unlikely pairing of two guys thrown together by their
respective best friends in hopes of igniting their own romance. They do
everythning they can to NOT fall in love, but finally they overcome the
dysfunction of their parents and surrender to their hearts.
UglMed DVD LION 013
All the rage: reasserting radical lesbian feminism.Lynne Harne & Elaine
Miller, editors.
London: Women's Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G7 A44 1996
Ugl, Bot HQ 75.6 .G7 A44 1996b
All the ways home: parenting and children in the lesbian and gay
communities: a collection of fiction.
Edited by Cindy Rizzo ... [et al.]
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c1995.
Suz PS 648 .H57 A44 1995
All the women are white, all the Blacks are men, but some of us are brave:
Black women's studies. Edited by Gloria T. Hull, Patricia Bell Scott, and
Barbara Smith.
Old Westbury, NT: Feminist Press, c1982.
note: Chapter 15: Toward a black feminist criticism (Barbara Smith)
Ugl E 185.86 A43 1982
Allan, Kenneth.
Contemporary social and sociological theory: visualizing social
Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, c2006.
note: chapter 18, Materializing sex and queer theory: Judith Butler
(1956-), pp. 403-423.
Suz HM 585 .A52 2006
Allard, Jennine.
Legende: the story of Philippe and Aurelie.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1984.
Suz PS 3551 .L374 L44 1984
Allatini, Rose Laure.
see: Fitzroy, A. T. (pseudonym)
Allen, Carolyn.
Following Djuna: women lovers and the erotics of loss.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1996.
Suz, SpecColl Authors PS 153 .L46 A45 1996
Allen, Claudia.
She's always liked the girls best: lesbian plays.
Chicago: Third Side Press, 1992.
Drama PS 3551 L39215 S47 1993
Allen, Dennis W. (Dennis Winslow)
Sexuality in Victorian fiction.
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, c1993.
note: chapter 3, "Peter was a lady then": sexuality and gender in
Cranford, pp. 60-83; chapter 5, "The perfect type of the perfect
pleasure": homosexual desire in The Picture of Dorian Gray, pp,
Suz PR 878 .S49 A43 1993
Allen, J. J.
The man in the red velvet dress: inside the world of cross dressing.
NY: Carol Pub. Group, c1996.
Suz HQ 77 .A29 1996
Allen, Jeffner.
Lesbian philosophy: explorations.
Palo Alto, CA: Institute for Lesbian Studies, 1986.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.5 A45 1986
Allen, Jeffner.
Reverberations: across the shimmering cascadas.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c1994.
Suz PS 3551 L39382 R48 1994
Allen, Jeffner.
Sinuosities, lesbian poetic politics.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1996.
Suz, Bot PS 3551 .L39382 S56 1996
Allen, John D. (John Darrett)
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people with developmental
disabilities and mental retardation: stories of the Rainbow Support
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 30.5 .A45 2003
Allen, Louise.
The lesbian idol: Martina, kd and the consumption of lesbian
London; Washington: Cassell, 1997.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 .A452 1997
Allen, Mariette Pathy.
Transformations: crossdressers and those who love them.
NY: Dutton, c1989.
Suz HQ 77 .A33 1989
Allen, Paula Gunn.
The sacred hoop: recovering the feminine in American Indian
Boston: Beacon Press, c1986.
note: "How the West was really won," pp. 194-208; "Hwame, Koshkala, and
the Rest: Lesbians in American Indian cultures," pp. 245-261.
Suz, Ugl, Tac E 98 .W8 A44 1986
Suz E 98 .W8 A44 1992 (re-issue with a new preface)
Allen, Peter L.
The wages of sin: sex and disease, past and present.
Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2000.
note: chapter 6, AIDS in the U.S.A., pp. 119-155
Suz, Bot WC 140 A428w 2000
Allen, Robert H. (Robert Howard)
The classical origins of modern homophobia.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, c2006.
Suz HQ 76.4 .A44 2006
Allen Ginsberg [videorecording] Produced by After Stonewall Productions,
in association with Kopkind; produced by John Scagliotti.
NY: After Stonewall, c2005.
note: DVD
note: Original interview produced by Greta Schiller, John Scagliotti,
Robert Rosenberg; interview filmed in New York, March 24, 1983.
note: Andrew Kopkind interviewed Allen Ginsberg at his NYC apartment for
the film Before Stonewall, and that interview has been recovered and
reconstructed by the Before Stonewall Archive Project (Sponsored by
Kopkind). Ginsberg talks about his life, work, and life as a gay man (both
closeted & out) in the United States before Stonewall.
note: additional material: 2 poems: In society, Old love story; The Ike
headline, Andrew Kopkind & Allen Ginsberg; transcript (pdf file)
UglMed DVD AFTER 001
Allison, Dorothy.
Bastard out of Carolina.
NY: Dutton, c1992.
Ugl, Bot, Tac PS 3551 .L453 B37 1992
Suz PS 3551 .L453 B37 1993 (Plume ed.)
Allison, Dorothy.
NY: Dutton, c1998.
Suz, Bot PS 3551 .L453 C3 1998
Tac PS 3551 .L453 C3 1999
Allison, Dorothy.
Skin: talking about sex, class & literature.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1994.
Suz PS 3551 .L453 Z475 1994
Allison, Dorothy.
Trash. Stories.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1988.
Ugl PS 3551 .L453 T7 1988
Allison, Dorothy.
Two or three things I know for sure.
NY: Dutton, c1995.
Suz PS 3551 .L453 Z475 1995
Allison, Dorothy.
The women who hate me: poetry, 1980-1990.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1991.
Suz PS 3551 .L453 W6 1991
Allitt, Patrick.
Religion in America since 1945: a history.
NY: Columbia University Press, 2003.
note: In chapter 11, Homosexuality and religion, pp. 231-241.
Bot BL 2525 .A44 2003
Allman, Dan.
M is for mutual, A is for acts: male sex work and AIDS in Canada. In
cooperation with Health Canada, AIDS Vancouver, Sex Workers Alliance of
Vancouver, and the HIV Social, Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies
Unit, University of Toronto.
Vancouver: The Agencies, c1999.
GovPubStxFor H39-550/2000
Allsop, Kenneth.
Hard travellin': the hobo and his history.
London, Hodder & Stoughton [1967]
note: [chapter] 18: Sex and the single man, pp. 212-225.
note: rare in its concern with same-sex behavior among hobos
Ugl HV 4505 .A54
Allyn, David.
Make love, not war: the sexual revolution, an unfettered history.
Boston: Little, Brown, c2000.
note: chapter 12, Gay liberation, pp. 145-165; chapter 19, Lesbian
liberation: equal but separate, pp. 246-255.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 A38 2000
Almendros, Nestor.
Conducta impropia. By Nestor Almendros and Orlando Jimenez-Leal.
Madrid: Playor, c1984.
Suz PN 1997 .C778 1984
Alpern, Stanley B. (Stanley Bernard)
Amazons of black Sprata: the women warriors of Dahomey.
NY: New York University Press, c1998.
Suz UB 419 .B46 A48 1998
Alpert, George.
The queens. Photos by George Alpert.
NY: Da Capo Press, 1975.
Suz HQ 77 .A36 1975
Alpert, Rebecca T. (Rebecca Trachtenberg)
Like bread on the seder plate: Jewish lesbians and the transformation of
NY: Columbia University Press, c1997.
(Between men -- between women)
Suz, Ugl BM 729 .H65 A47 1997
Alphen, Ernst van.
Francis Bacon and the loss of self.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993.
Art ND 497 .B16 A9 1993
Als, Hilton.
The women.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1996.
Suz PS 153 .N5 A44 1996
Alsop, Rachel.
Theorizing gender. Rachel Alsop, Annette Fitzsimmons, and Kathleen Lennon;
with a guest chapter on psychoanalysis by Ros Minsky.
Cambridge, UK: Polity; Oxford; Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2002.
note: [chapter] 4, Judith Butler: 'The queen of queer', pp. 94-113.
Suz HQ 1075 .A435 2002
ALSORTS: a sexuality awareness resource. Edited by Daryl Higgins. 2nd
South Yarra, Victoria (Australia): ALSO Foundation, c2004.
Suz HQ 73.3 .A82 V5 2004
The shameless hussy: selected stories, essays, and poetry.
Introduction by Judy Grahn.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1980.
Suz PS 3551 .L76 A6 1980
Altering states: ethnographies of transition in Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union.
Edited by Daphne Berdahl, Matti Bunzl and Martha Lampland.
note: The Prague experience: gay male sex tourism and the neocolonial
invention of an embodied border (Matti Bunzl), pp. 70-95.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2000.
Suz HN 380.7 .A8 A45 2000
The alternative connection.
Portland, OR: Alternative Connection,
note: "Serving the community of alternative lifestyles."
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .A48
v.1,n.5 (Feb 1992); v.1,n.7 (Apr 1992); v.2,n.1-6 (Oct 1992-Mar 1993);
v.2,n.9 (Jun 1993); v.2,n.11 (Aug 1993); v.3,n.2-4 (Jan 1994)
Alternatives: gays & lesbians in the newsroom: American Society of
Newspaper Editors Human Resources Committee Report. Loren Ghiglione
Washington, D.C.: American Society of Newspaper Editors,
Suz PN 4888 P45 A493 1990
Althaus-Reid, Marcella.
The queer God.
London; NY: Routledge, 2003.
Suz BR 115 .H6 A46 2003
Alther, Lisa.
Five minutes in heaven.
NY: Dutton, 1995.
Suz PS 3551 .L78 F58 1995
Alther, Lisa.
Kinflicks: a novel.
NY: Knopf: distributed by Random House, 1976, c1975.
Ugl, Tac Ps 3551 .L78 K5
Alther, Lisa.
Original sins.
NY: Knopf: distributed by Random House, 1981.
Tac PS 35551 .L78 O74 1981
Alther, Lisa.
Other women.
NY: Knopf, 1984
Suz, Ugl PS 3551 .L78 O9 1984
Altman, Dennis.
AIDS in the mind of America.
Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1986.
note: also published as: AIDS and the new puritanism.
London: Pluto Press, 1986.
Ugl, SocWk WD 308 A468a 1986
Altman, Dennis.
Coming out in the seventies.
Sydney; Eugene, OR: Wild & Wooley, 1979, 1980 printing.
Suz HQ 76.25 .A47 1979
Altman, Dennis.
Defying gravity: a political life.
St. Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.8 .A75 A33 1997
Altman, Dennis.
Global sex.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 16 .A38 2001
Altman, Dennis.
Gore Vidal's America.
Cambridge; Malden, MA: Polity, 2005.
note: [chapter] 6, Sex, pp. 127-154.
Suz PS 3543 .I26 Z5 2005
Altman, Dennis.
Homosexual: oppression and liberation.
NY: Outerbridge & Dienstfrey; distributed by Dutton [1971]
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76 A585
Altman, Dennis.
The homosexualization of America: the Americanization of the homosexual.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1982.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Bot HQ 76.3 U5 A4 1982
Altman, Dennis.
Power and community: organizational and cultural responses to AIDS.
London; Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1994.
Ugl WD 308 A468p 1994
Altmann, Werner.
Der Schmetterling, der nicht fliegen konnte: Federico Garcia Lorca.
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2002.
Suz PQ 6613 .A763 Z5364 2002
Altschiller, Donald.
Hate crimes: a reference handbook.
Denver, CO: ABC-CLIO, 1999.
note: Gay men and lesbians, pp. 8-12.
Suz, Bot HV 6773.52 A47 1999
Altschiller, Donald.
Hate crimes: a reference handbook. 2nd ed.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, c2005.
note: Gays and lesbians, pp. 40-47.
SuzRef HV 6773.52 .A47 2005
Alumit, Noel.
Letters to Montgomery Clift: a novel.
San Francisco: MacAdam/Cage Pub., c2002.
Ugl PS 3601 .L86 L47 2002
Alvarez, Alma.
Liberation theology in Chicana/o literature: manifestations of feminist
and gay identities.
NY: Routledge, c2007.
Suz, Tac PS 153 .M4 A68 2007
Alvarez, Walter C. (Walter Clement)
Homosexuality and other forms of sexual deviance.
NY: Pyramid Books [1974]
note: issued with: March, Sue. Gay liberation; A bonus: the Gay Activists
Alliance's 20 questions about homosexuality, a political primer.
Suz HQ 76 .M235
Always remember: the Names Project AIDS memorial quilt: a selection of
panels created by and for international fashion designers.
Photographed by Paul Margolies.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1996.
Suz TT 505 .A1 A74 1996
Alwood, Edward.
Straight news: gays, lesbians, and the news media.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
(Bewteen men -- between women)
Suz, Bot P 56 .S45 A44 1996
The Alyson almanac.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1989-
note: 1st ed (1989), 2nd ed. (1989/90), 3rd ed. (1994/95)
Suz HQ 75 .A49 1989-1994/95 (1st-3rd eds.)
Am I blue?: coming out from the silence. Edited by Marion Dane Bauer.
NY: HarperCollins, c1994.
ChildLit, TacChiLit PZ 5 .A495 1994
Amadiume, Ifi.
Male daughters, female husbands: gender and sex in African society.
London: Zed, 1987.
Suz HQ 1815.5 .A52 1987
Amaechi, John.
Man in the middle. John Amaechi with Chris Bull.
NY: ESPN Books, c2007.
Ugl GV 884 .A47 A3 2007
Amazing grace: stories of lesbian and gay faith.
Ed. Malcom Boyd and Nancy L. Wilson.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1991.
Suz BV 4596 .G38 A43 1991
Amazon all stars: thirteen lesbian plays, with essays
and interview. Edited by Rosemary Keefe Curb.
NY: Applause, 1996.
Drama PS 648 .L48 A43 1996
Amazon expedition: a Lesbian feminist anthology.
Edited by Phyllis Birkby...[and others
NY:] Times Change Press; [distributed by Monthly
Review Press, 1973]
Suz, Bot HQ 76.5 A42
Amazon quarterly. v.1-3, n.2. 1972-75.
Oakland, CA: Amazon Press.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: "A lesbian-feminist arts journal."
SuzPer HQ 1101 .A46 v.1-3, n.2 (Fall 1972-Mar 1975)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 2 v.1-3, n.2 (Fall 1972-Mar. 1975)
Amazon to Zami: towards a global lesbian feminism.
Edited by Monika Reinfelder.
London; NY: Cassell, 1996.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 .A48 1996
Amborn, Erich.
Und dennoch ja zum Leben: die Jugend eines Intersexuellen in den Jahren
Schaffhausen: Verlag Meier, c1981.
Suz PT 2661 .M26 U5 1981
Amburn, Ellis.
Pearl: the obsessions and passions of Janis Joplin: a biography.
NY: Warner Books, c1992.
Suz ML 420 .J77 A8 1992
Amburn, Ellis.
Subterranean Kerouac: the hidden life of Jack Kerouac.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Suz PS 3521 .E735 Z54 1998
Ameen, Mark.
A circle of sirens.
NY: SeaHorse Press, 1985.
Suz PS 3551 .M3 C5 1985
Ameen, Mark.
Three New York poets. Poems by Mark Ameen, Carl Morse, and Charles
London, England: GMP Pub.; Eugene, OR: distributed in the U.S.A. by
Subterranean Co., 1987.
Suz PS 595 .H65 A47 1987
Amerasia journal. v.20, n.1 (1994)
see: Dimensions of desire; other Asian and Pacific American sexualities:
gay, lesbian and bisexual identities and orientations. (special issue)
American Association of Law Libraries. Meeting (98th: 2005: San Antonio,
Strategize! [sound recording]: values, visions, vistas. 98th AALL annual
meeting and conference, San Antonio, Texas, July 16-20, 2005.
[Chicago, IL?]: American Association of Law Libraries, [2005]
note: Realizing visions and valuing history: twenty years of the Standing
Committee for lesbian and gay issues.
Law Z673 .A56 A42 2005 pt. 4, CD-F6
American beauty [videorecording] Dreamworks Pictures; a Jinks/Cohen
Company production; directed by Sam Mendes; written by Alan Ball; produced
by Bruce Cohen & Dan Jinks.
Universal City, CA: DreamWorks Home Entertainment, [2000]
note: originally released as a motion picture in 1999
note: cast- Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening, Thora Birch, Wes Bentley, Mena
Suvari, Peter Gallagher, Chris Cooper, Allison Janney, Scott Bakula, Sam
Robards; credits; director of photogrphy, Conrad L. Hall; costume design,
Julie Weiss; production designer, Naomi Shohan; editors, Tariq
Anwar, Christopher Greenbury; music, Thomas Newman; co-produicers, Alan
Ball, Stan Wlodkowski.
note: An emotionally & spiritually comatose suburban man decides "to hell
with it all" and reverts to living as he did when he was happiest--as a
carefree teenager. His desperately uptight wife and sullen daughter can
only look on as he quits his corporate job to become a burger flipper,
starts getting high with a strange new neighbor (whose parents are even
stranger) and lusts after a pouty blonde teenager--his daughter's best
friend; cast includes a homophobic neighbor and a gay couple in a minor
UglMed Videorecord DW 006
The American child: a cultural studies reader. Edited by
Caroline F. Levander and Carol J. Singley.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 10, On Boyhood and Public Swimming; Sidney Kingsley's Dead
End and Representations of Underclass Street Kids in American Cultural
Production (Jeffrey Turner), pp. 208-225.
Suz, Tac HQ 792 .U5 A524 2003
American cold war culture. Edited by Douglas Field.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, c2005.
note: chapter 2, Gender and sexuality; all about the subversive femme:
Cold War homophobia in All About Eve, (Robert J. Corber), pp. 34-49;
chapter 5, Race; Passing as a cold War novel: anxiety and assimiliation in
James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room, (Douglas Field), pp. 88-105.
Suz, Tac E741 .A747 2005
American diversity, American identity: the lives and works of 145 writers
who define the American experience.
John K. Roth, editor.
NY: Holt, 1995.
note: Chapter 13: Balancing acts: America's gay and lesbian identities,
pp. 624-658.
SuzRef PS 169 .N35 A44 1995
American encounters: natives and newcomers from European contact to Indian
removal, 1500-1850. Edited by Peter C. Mancall and James H. Merrell.
NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: The Berdache and the Illinois Indian tribe during the last half of
the seventeenth century (Raymond Hauser), pp. 120-136.
Suz E98 .F39 A54 2000
American Ethnological Society.
Essays on the verbal and visual arts. June Helm, editor.
Seattle: Distributed by the University of Washngnton Press [1967]
note: Javanese clown and transvestite songs: some relations between
primitive classification and communicative events (James L. Peacock),
pp. 64-83.
Suz GN3 .A45 1967
American independent cinema. Edited by Jim Hillier.
London: British Film Institute Publishing, 2001.
note: section 3, Queers, pp. 74-118 (10 articles on queer cinema,
1991-2000, reprinted from the journal, Sight and Sound)
Tac PN 1993.5 .U6 A8755 2001
American Psychiatric Association. Committee on Nomenclature and
Diagnostic and statistical manual; mental disorders.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association [c1952]
note: section "000-x63. Sexual deviation. This diagnosis is reserved for
deviant sexuality which is not symptomatic of more extensive syndromes,
such as schizophrenic and obsessional reactions. The term includes most of
the cases formerly classed as "psychopathic personality with pathologic
sexuality," such as homosexuality, transvestism, pedophilia, fetishism and
sexual sadism (including rape, sexual assault, mutilation)," pp.38-39.
[definition cited in full]
HSLIC WM 15 A512s 1952
American Psychiatric Association. Committee on Nomenclature and
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 2d ed., 5th
printing [1973].
Washington: American Psychiatric Association, 1968.
note: 302 Sexual deviations. "This category is for individuals whose
sexual interests are directed primarily toward objects other than people
of the opposite sex, toward sexual acts not ordinarily associated with
coitus, or toward coitus performed under bizarre circumstances as in
necrophilia, pedophilia, sexual sadism, and fetishism. Even though many
find their sexual practices distasteful, they remain unable to substitute
normal sexual behavior for them. This diagnosis is not appropriate for
individuals who perform deviant sexual acts because normal sexual objects
are not available to them.
302.0 Homosexuality
302.1 .....
302.2 .....
302.3 Transvestitism"
note: This was changed in the 7th printing of the 2nd ed., see next entry
for the 2nd ed., 7th printing.
NatSci, HSLIC, SocWk WM 15 A512s 1968b
American Psychiatric Association. Committee on Nomenclature and
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 2d ed., 7th
printing [1974].
Washington, American Psychiatric Association., 1968
note: 302.0 Sexual orientation disturbance [Homosexuality], p. 44
note: "Since the last printing of this manual, the trustees of the
American Psychiatric Association, in December 1973, voted to eliminate
Homosexuality per se as a mental disorder and to substitute therefor a new
category title Sexual Orientation Disturbance. The change appears on page
44 of this, the seventh printing. In May, 1974 the trustees' decision was
upheld by a substantial majority in a referendum of the voting members of
the Association.
note: for earlier printing of the 2nd ed., see previous entry
note: 3rd ed. rev, and 4th ed. under title Diagnostic and statistical
manual..., see Diagnostic and statistical manual...
HSLIC WM 15 A512s 1968b
American queer, now and then. Edited by David Shneer and Caryn Aviv.
Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, c2005.
Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 A45 2006
American religions: a documentary history. R. Marie Griffith [editor].
NY: Oxford University Press, 2008.
note: Gay friendship: a thought experiment in Catholic moral theology, pp.
550-561 (Stanley Hauerwas); from Stranger at the Gate (Mel White), pp.
Ugl BL 2525 .A542 2008
American sexual politics: sex, gender, and race since
the Civil War.
Edited by John C. Fout and Maura Shaw Tantillo.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
note: "Essays from the Journal of the history of
note: Disclosure and secrecy among gay men in the United States and
Canada: a shift in views (Roy Cain), pp. 289-309; The return of butch and
femme: a phenomenon in lesbian sexuality of the 1980s and 1990s (Lillian
Faderman), pp. 333-351; Of purebreds and hybrids: the politics of teaching
AIDS in the United States (Katherine Cummings), pp. 353-379; "Black gay
male" discourse: reading race and sexuality between the lines (Arthur
Flannigan-Saint-Aubin), pp. 381-403. These articles appeared in the
Journal of the history of sexuality, v.2, n.1 (1991); v.2, n.4 (1992);
v.2, n.1 (1991); and v. 3, n. 3 (1993), respectively.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 A46 1993
Ames, Jonathan.
The extra man: a novel.
NY: Scribner, c1998.
Suz PS 3551 .M42 E9 1998
Amethyst: a journal for lesbians and gay men.
Atlanta, GA: Southeastern Arts, Media & Education Project, c1987-
SuzPer PN 6071 .H724 A44
Spr 1987-Autumn 1988 (1-3); Sum 1989, Summer 1990 (6); 1995 (13)
L'Amicizia amorosa. Renzo Paris, Antonia Vaneziani.
Milano: Gammalibri, 1982.
Suz PQ 4209.5 H65 A44 1982
Amis, Kingsley.
The Green man.
NY: Harcourt, Brace & World [1970. c1969].
Suz, Ugl PR 6001 .M6 G7
Among men, among women: sociological and historical recognition of
homosocial arrangements: Gay-studies and Women's studies University of
Amsterdam Conference 22nd-26th June 1983, Oudemanhuispoort Amsterdam.
Editors: Mattias Duyves ... [et al.]
Amsterdam: Sociologisch Instituut, [1983?]-
note: [v.1] contains essays 1-57; [v.2], composed of two supplements to
[v.1], contains essays 58-72 and essays 73-80, respectively..
Suz HQ 76.25 .A46 1983 v.1 [and] v.2, pt. 1-2
Among women: from the homosocial to the homoerotic in the ancient
Edited by Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz and Lisa Auanger.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2002.
Suz HQ 75.5 .A485 2002
L'amour bleu. By Cecile Beurdeley. Translated from the French by Michael
NY: Rizzoli, 1978.
ArtDesk NX 650 H6 A46
Analyzing Freud: letters of H.D., Bryher, and their circle. Edited by
Susan Stanford Friedman.
NY: New Directions, 2002.
Suz BF 109 .F74 A845 2002
Anarquismo y homosexualidad: antologia de articulos de la Revista blanca,
Generacion consciente, Estudios e iniciales (1924-1935). Richard Cleminson
Madrid: Huerga & Fierro Editores, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.3 .S7 A53 1994
Anatomie de l'Enfer [videorecording] = Anatomy of Hell. Un film de
Catharine Breillat; produit par Jean-François Lepetit; une
production Flach Film-CB Films; avec la participation de Canal + et du
Centre National de la Cinématographie.
[Los Angeles, CA]: Tartan Video, c2004.
note: DVD; based on Breillat's novel, Pornocratie; release of the 2003
film production.
note: cast- Amira Casar, Rocco Siffredi; credits- photography, Yorgos
Arvanitis ... [et al.]; editing, Pascale Chavance, Frédéric
Barbe; sound, Carlos Pinto, Filipe Gonçalves; music, D'Julz.
note: An anonymous woman makes an offer to a gay man she meets at a bar;
she will pay him to watch her for four nights. Watch and listen to
her, as she feels that all men hate and fear women and their bodies.
UglMed DVD TART 003
Anawak, Jack.
Who is equal?: the passage of Nunavut's first Human Right.
Vancouver: Lazara Press, 2005.
Suz HQ 76.2 C2 A53 2005
Anawalt, Sasha.
The Joffrey Ballet: Robert Joffrey and the making of an American dance
NY: Scribner, c1996.
Suz GV 1786 .J64 A53 1996
Ancient and modern images of Sappho: translations and studies in archaic
Greek love lyric.
Jeffrey M. Duban.
(The Classical world special series, v.2)
note: Translations of: Sappho, Alcman, Anacreon, Archilochus, and Ibycus.
Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c1983.
Suz PA3624.L7 A52 1983
And God bless Uncle Harry and his roommate Jack, who we're not supposed
to talk about: cartoons from Christopher Street [magazine]
NY: Avon, 1978.
Suz PN 6726 .A53 1978
..And justice for all; a tribute to the March on Washington, D.C., October
11, 1987.
Baltimore, MD (516 Cathedral St., Baltimore 21201): William W., Wolfe
Foundation, 1988.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 A66 1988
And justice for all: new introductory essays in ethics and public
Edited by Tom Regan and Donald VanDeVeer.
Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Allanheld, 1983, c1982.
note: chapter 2, Homosexuality (Joseph Margolis), pp. 42-63.
Suz HM 216 .A447 1983
Suz, Law HM 216 .A447 1982
And the band played on [videorecording]
NY: HBO Video, 1993. l videocassette. VHS.
note: Based on the book by Randy Shilts.
note: Videocassette release of a 1993 television production.
note: Matthew Modine, Alan Alda, Phil Collins, Richard Gere, Anjelica
Huston, Steve Martin, Ian Mc Kellan, Lily Tomlin, Gleene Headly, Swoosie Kurtz,
Richard Masur, Saul Rubinek, Charles Martin Smith, B. D. Wong.
Music, Carter Burwell; co-producers, Arnold Schulman, Edward Teets;
executive producers, Aaron Spelling, E. Duke Vincent; producers, Midge
Sanford, Sarah Pillsbury; screenplay, Arnold Schulman; director, Roger
see also: Shilts, Randy. And the band played on.
UglMed Videorecord HBO 127
TacMed Videorecord TAC-704
Andere lieben: Homosexualität in der deutschen Literatur: ein
Zusammengestellt von Joachim Campe.
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1988.
Suz PT 134 H73 A52 1988
Anderlini-D'Onofrio, Serena.
The "weak" subject: on modernity, eros, and women's playwriting.
Madison, NJ: Associated University Presses, c1998.
Drama PN 1650 .W65 A53 1998
Anders, John P.
Willa Cather's sexual aesthetics and the male homosexual literary
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, c1999.
Suz, Tac PS 3505 .A87 Z557 1999
Anders als die Anderen [videorecording]: Paragraph 175. Richard Oswald
Produktion; directed by Richard Oswald; written by Richard Oswald and
Magnus Hirschfeld.
[NY]: Kino International Corp., [2004]
(Gay-themed films of the German silent era)
note: DVD; silent with English intertitles and musical accompaniment.
note: cast- Conrad Veidt, Leo Connard, Ilse Von Tasso-Lind, Alexandra
Willegh, Ernst Pittschau, Fritz Schulz, Anita Berber, Magnus Hirschfeld;
credits- cinematography, Max Fassbender; produced for video by David
Shepard; originally produced in Germany in 1919.
note: A prosperous man encounters a sleazy blackmailer who discovers that
he is gay. Released in 1919, this film is an amazingly frank depiction of
a homosexual relationship. Banned at the time of its release, later burned
by the Nazis, the film was believed lost for more than forty years.
UglMed DVD KINO 086
Andersen, Ellen Ann.
Out of the closets & into the courts: legal opportunity structure and gay
rights litigation.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2005.
Suz, Law KF 4754.5 .A963 2005
Andersen, Jens.
Andersen: en biografi. 2 vols.
[Copenhagen?]: Glydendal, c2003.
Suz PT 8119 .A534 2003 v.1, v.2
Andersen, Jens.
Hans Christian Andersen: a new life. Translated from the Danish by Tiina
NY: Overlook Press, 2005.
Suz PT 8119 .A7155 2005
Andersen, Richard.
The straight cut ditch.
Port Washington, NY: Ashley Books, [1979]
Suz PS 3551 .N349 S8 1979
Anderson, Coyla Charmayne.
The relationship between self esteem and beliefs about the origin of
homosexuality in women who define themselves as homosexual.
note: Thesis (M. A.)--University of Washington.
Seattle, WA: 1973.
HSLIC WY 7 Th 21270
Aux Thesis 21270
Anderson, Daniel E.
The masks of Dionysus: a commentary on Plato's Symposium.
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, c1993.
Suz B385 .A96 1993
Anderson, Donna K.
Charles T. Griffes: a life in music.
Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, c1993.
Music ML 410 .G9134 A8 1993
Anderson, Eric.
In the game: gay athletes and the cult of masculinity.
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, c2005.
Ugl, Bot GV 708.8 .A43 2005
Anderson, Jervis.
Bayard Rustin: troubles I've seen: a biography.
NY: HarperCollinsPublishers, c1997.
Suz, Ugl, Tac E185.97 .R93 A53 1997
Anderson, Linda (Linda Frances)
Immunologic abnormalities among D.C. homosexuals with contacts from
high-risk AIDS areas.
[Bethesda, Md?]: National Cancer Institute, Office of Cancer
Communications, [1985]
see also: for reprint, Immunologic abnormalities among
D. C. homosexuals...
GovPubStxUS HE 20.3182/3:H 75
Anderson, Margaret.
Margaret Anderson papers, 1985.
note: ca. .12 cu. ft; tape recorded interview; summary; paper.
note: Margaret Anderson is a Canadian, but has lived in the U. S. since
she entered graduate school at Smith. She is a lesbian, a reformed
alcoholic, and a social worker. She moved to Seattle in 1982. Her life
history was done for Women Studies 364.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives Inquire at Special Collections
Anderson, Margaret C.
Forbidden fires. Edited and introduction by Mathilda Hills.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1996.
Suz PS 3501 .N2497 F6 1996
Anderson, Nels.
The hobo; the sociology of the homeless man; a study prepared for the
Chicago Council of Social Agencies under the direction of the Committee on
Homeless Men.
Chicago, IL: Univ. of Chicago Press [c1923]
note: "Perversion among the Tramps", "The Boy Tramp and
Perversion","Attitudes of the Pervert", pp. 144-149.
Suz 339.1 an2h
Anderson, Nels.
On hobos and homelessness. Edited and with an introduction by Raffaele
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1998.
note: "The Boy's Relations with the Tramp", "The Boy and the Pervert",
pp.110-115. (based on The Hobo and other writings of Nels Anderson)
Suz, SocWk, Tac HV 4505 .A623 1998
Anderson, Robert Woodruff.
Tea and sympathy.
NY: Random House [1953]
Ugl, Drama PS 3501 .N34 T4
Anderson, Robert Woodruff.
Tea and sympathy, a drama in three acts.
NY: French [1955]
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Tea and
Anderson, Shelley.
Out in the world: international lesbian organizing.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1991.
Suz HQ 75.5 .A53 1991
Anderson, Sherman Reed.
The shadowed self: androgyny and the art of Romaine Brooks.
Seattle: University of Washington, 1999.
note: Thesis (M.A.)--University of Washington, 1999
Art N25 Th48558
Aux Thesis 48558
Andreadis, Harriette.
Sappho in early modern England: female same-sex literary erotics,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Suz PR 428 .H66 A54 2001
Andrews, Christine Kay.
Closeness and satisfaction in lesbian relationships: an exploration of the
effects of feminized love.
note: Thesis (M. A.)--University of Washington, 1990.
Seattle, WA: 1990.
Suz HM 15 Th38198
Aux Thesis 38198
Andrews, Nancy.
Family: a portrait of gay and lesbian America.
[San Francisco]: HarperSan Francisco, c1994.
Suz,Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 A53 1994
Andrews, Terry.
The story of Harold. Illustrated by Edward Gorey.
NY: Avon Books, 1975.
Suz PS 3551 .N453 S76 1975
Andrews, Walter G.
The age of beloveds: love and the beloved in early-modern Ottoman and
European culture and society. Walter G. Andrews and Mehmet Kalpakli.
note: [chapter] 2, Beloved boys (and girls), pp. 32-58; [chapter] 3, Love
scripts I, male bonding, pp. 59-84. Passim in other chapters.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2005.
Suz GT 2630 .A53 2005
Andriote, John-Manuel.
Victory deferred: how AIDS changed gay life in America.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, c1999.
Suz, Tac WC 503.7 A573v 1999
Androgyn: Sehnsucht nach Vollkommenheit. [Ausstellung und Katalog, Ursula
Prinz; Mitarbeit, Tino Bierling]
Berlin: D. Reimer, c1986.
note: catalog of an exhibition held at the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein,
Nov. 17, 1986-Jan. 4, 1987, and the Kunstverein Hannover, Feb. 7-Apr. 12,
note: androgyny in art
Art N8241.5 .A647 1986
Androgynie und Inzest in der Literatur um 1900. Herausgegeben von Hans
Salzburg: Otto Müller, c2005.
(Trakl-Studien, Bd. 23)
Suz PT 405 .A537 2005
Angelica, Jade C. (Jade Christine)
We are not alone: a guidebook for helping professionals and parents
supporting adolescent victims of sexual abuse.
NY: Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press, c2002.
note: chapter 6, A Teenage boy's personal account of child sexual abuse
from disclosure through prosecution and treatment, pp. 105-152.
Suz HV 6570 .A54 2002
Angelides, Steven.
A history of bisexuality.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 74 .A54 2001
Angels in America [videorecording] HBO Films presents an Avenue Pictures
Production, a Mike Nichols film; produced by Celia Costas; screenplay by
Tony Kushner; directed by Mike Nichols.
NY: HBO Video, [2004]
note: 2 videodiscs, DVD; English, French or Spanish dialogue with optional
English or Spanish subtitles; closed-captioned; originally broadcast by
HBO in 2003; based on the play by Tony Kushner.
note: cast- Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Emma Thompson, Mary-Louise Parker,
Jeffrey Wright, Justine Kirk, Ben Shenkman, Patrick Wilson, Brian
Markinson, James Cromwell; credits- director of photography, Stephen
Goldblatt; editors, John Bloom, Antonia Van Drimmelin; music, Thomas
Newman; costume desginer, Stuart Wurtzel; visual effects supervisor,
Richard Edlund.
note: Set in 1985. Revolves around two very different men with AIDS, one
fictional, one fictionalized. Roy Cohn, personifies all the hypocrisy,
delusion and callousness of the official response to the plague. Nothing
shakes Roy's lack of empathy: even on his death bed, he's fighting with
his gay nurse and taunting the woman he helped put to death, Ethel Rosenberg.
The other patient is Prior Walter, who is visited by an angel and deserted
by his self-pitying lover, Louis. Louis moves on to a relationship with
Joe Pitt, a Mormon lawyer whose closeted homosexuality drives his wife to
delusions and brings his mother to New York.
UglMed DVD HBO 008
BotMed DVD BOT-502
Angels of the lyre: a gay poetry anthology. Edited by Winston Leyland.
San Francisco: Panjandrum Press, 1975.
Suz PS 595 .H65 A5 1975
Angelwings: contemporary queer fiction from Taiwan. Translated by Fran
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, c2003.
Suz PL 3031 .T32 A49 2003
[Vancouver: Vancouver Gay Community Centre Society, 1983]-c1998.
SpecCollPNW HQ 75 .A54
v.3,n.5-12 (May-Dec 1986); v.4,n.2 (Feb 1987); v.4,n.4-10 [10 actually
n.9] (Apr-Sep 1987); v.4,n.12-v.9,n.5 (Dec 1987-May 1991); v.13,n.8
(Aug 1995); v.15,n.3 (Mar 1997); v.15,n.5 (May 1997); v.15,n.8-9 (Aug-Sep
1997); v.15,n.12 (Dec 1997); v.16,n.4-5* (Apr-May 1998)
*v.16,n.5 (May 1998) publ. as Farewell issue
Angles, Jeffrey.
Writing the love of boys: representations of male-male desire in the
literature of Murayama Kaita and Edogawa Ranpo. 2003, c2004.
(Thesis (Ph. D.)-- Ohio State University, 2004.
available online,
Anglowski, Dirk Ch.
Homosexualität im Schulunterricht: Evaluation eines
Lambda-Aufklärungsprojekts unter einstellungstheoretischer
Perspektive. [2., unveränd..
Marburg: Tectum, 2000.
Suz LC 192.6 .A53 2000
Angry women. [publishers/editors: Andrea Juro & V. Vale]
San Francisco,
CA: RE/Search Publications, c1991.
(RE/Search, 13)
note: interviews with women performance artists, some lesbians (Holly
Hughes, pp. 98- 104; Susie Bright, pp. 194-221; et al.)
Art Desk NX 180 .F4 A53 1991
Angry women in rock.
NY: Juno Books, c1996-
note: interviews by Andrea Juno with women in rock, some lesbians ("Tribe
8," San Francisco's all-dyke punk band, pp. 36-67; "Phranc," pp.
Bot ML 82 .A54 1996 v.1
Anna Crusis Women's Choir.
Anna Crusis Women's Choir [sound recording]; Boston Women's Rainbow
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival, v.4)
note: compact disc, recorded on July 29-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: performer- 1st chorus: Jane K. Hulting, music director. 2nd chorus:
Ellen Oak, artistic director; Eric Helmuth, senior accompanist; Rachel
Hassinger, associate accompanist.
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.4
An annotated bibliography of gay and lesbian readings for social workers,
other helping professionals and consumers of services. Edited by Judith A.
B. Lee. 2nd ed.
East Rockaway, NY: Cummings & Hathaway, c1991.
SocWkRef Z 7164 S42 A55 1991
An annotated bibliography of homosexuality. Vern
L. Bullough...[et al.]
NY: Garland Pub., 1976. 2 v.
(Garland reference library of social sciences, v.22)
SuzRef, Suz, Ugl Z 7164 S42 B825 v.1 [and] v.2.
The invert and his social adjustment. With an introduction
by Robert H. Thouless.
London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1927.
HSLIC 132.754 An78i
The Scarlet pansy. [novel]
NY: Masquerade Books, c1992.
Suz PS 3550 .A1 S25 1992
Another country [videorecording] Goldcrest in association with the
National Film Finance Corporation; produced by Alan Marshall; screenplay
by Julian Mitchell; directed by Marek Kanievska.
[United States]: BBC Video; Burbank, CA: Distributed in the USA and Canada
by Warner Home Video, [2004]
note: DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in 1984.
note: cast- Cary Elves, Colin Firth, Rupert Everett, Robert Addie, Tristan
Oliver, Michael Jenn, Rupert Wainwright; credits- director of photography,
Peter Biziou; music, Michael Storey; editor, Gerry Hambling.
note: An elderly, exiled British spy remembers his days at an English
boarding school in the 1930s. In school, he fell in love with a male
classmate, explored his homosexuality and was exposed to Marxist ideas,
both contributing to his activities as a spy.
UglMed DVD WHV 177
Another Octave (Musical Group)
Another OCtave, Connecticut Women's Chorus [sound recording]; Atlanta
Feminist Women's Choir.
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival, v.10)
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: 1st chorus: Lydia Franks, artistic director; Leora Zimmer, assistant
artistic director; Nicole Biamonte, accompanist. 2nd chorus: Robert Glor,
artistic director; Ellen Chase, assistant director; Cheryl Hunter,
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.10
Ansen, Alan.
The table talk of W. H. Auden.
Edited by Nicholas Jenkins; with an introduction by Richard Howard.
Princeton [N. J.]: Ontario Review Press; NY; Distributed by G. Braziller,
note: reprint of the Sea Cliff Press limited edition, 1989.
Suz PR 6001 .U4 Z536 1990
Anshaw, Carol.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992.
Suz, Ugl PS 3551 N7147 A94 1992
Anshaw, Carol.
Lucky in the corner.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002.
Suz PS 3551 .N7147 L83 2002
Anshaw, Carol.
Seven moves.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1996.
Suz, Ugl PS 3551 .N7147 S4 1996
Anthology of fiction/poetry/prose. Edited by Winston Leyland.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1982.
(Gay sunshine journal; no. 47)
SpecColl Book Arts PN 6071 .H724 A57 1982
Anthology of friendship, Iolaus.
see: Iolaus, an anthology of friendship.
Anthony, Kathryn H.
Designing for diversity: gender, race, and ethnicity in the architectural
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2001.
note: chapter 3, Sexual orientation, race, and ethnicity, pp. 70-92.
Ugl, Arch NA 1997 .A56 2001
Anthropology and homosexual behavior.
note: Published also as: The Many faces of homosexuality...
see: The Many faces of homosexuality: anthropological approaches to
homosexual behavior.
The anthropology of globalization: a reader. Edited by Jonathan Xavier
Inda and Renato Rosaldo. 2nd ed.
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2008.
note: [chapter] 13, Dubbing culture: Indonesian gay and lesbi
subjectivities and ethnography in an already globalized world (Tom
Boellstorff), pp. 303-333.
Tac GN 27 .A673 2008
Anti-gay. Edited by Mark Simpson.
London; NY: Freedom Editions, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.25 .A57 1996
Anti-gay hate crime [videorecording] A&E Television Network; Kurtis
NY: A&E Television Network; Marketed and distributed by New Video Group,
note: 1 videocassette, VHS. 1 videodisc, DVD.
note: documentary; originally broadcast in the television series
Investigative reports
note: producers, Kate Davis, David Heilbroner; writer, David Heilbroner;
music, Joel Harrison; photography/editor, Kate Davis; produced by Q-Ball
Productions, Inc. for A&E Network.
note: Examines the increase in anti-gay hate crimes. The murder of
Matthew Shepard, a homosexual student at the University of Wyoming,
attracted national attention, but other anti-gay hate crimes have gone
unnoticed: Ryan was a teenaged girl strangled by a classmate because
her mother was a lesbian; Mark Bangerter, a heterosexual artist, was
blinded in one eye by a stranger who thought he was gay. Looks at
aspects of anti-gay hate crimes, including the possibility of an
organizational presence behind them. Looks at the Christian Right's
anti-gay factions. Shows Reverend Fred Phelps leading a group
picketing Matthew Shepard's funeral, and a re-enactment of Shepard's
murder. Goes inside the headquarters of the Family Research Council,
the largest and most powerful anti-gay organization in the nation.
UglMed Videorecord NVG 033
UglMed DVD AAE 003
Anti-gay/lesbian victimization: a study of the National Gay Task Force
in cooperation with gay and lesbian organizations in eight cities.
[NY]: National Gay Task Force, c1984.
note: for other editions and annuals, see also: National Gay Task Force
(U. S.) Anti-gay violence and victimization in...(1985) [and]
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U. S.). Anti-gay violence,
victimization & defamation in...
(1986, 1988) [and] National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Policy Institute.
Anti-gay/lesbian violence, victimization &
defamation in...(1990-1993) [and] Anti-gay/lesbian violence
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 A57 1984
Anti-gay/lesbian violence in...
[Washington, D. C.: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute],
note: for other editions and annuals, see also: Anti-gay/lesbian
victimization: a study by the National Gay Task Force in cooperation with
gay and lesbian organizations in eight U. S. cities (1984) [and]
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U. S.) Anti-gay violence and
victimization in...(1985) [and] National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U.
S.) Anti-gay violence, victimization & defamation in...(1986, 1988)
[and] National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U. S.) Policy Institute.
Anti-gay/lesbian violence, victimization & defamation in...(1990-1993)
note: the 1995 edition is entitled: Supplemental information and media
statements [supplemental to the the 1994 edition]
note: series discontinued with the 1995 edition
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 N37a 1994
Anti-gay rights: assessing voter initiatives. Edited by Stephanie L. Witt
and Suzanne McCorkle.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
Suz, Law HQ 76.8 .U5 A67 1997
Anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender violence in ...
[NY?]: National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs: New York City Gay and
Lesbian Anti-Violence Project. 1998+
note: online 1998+
note: variant titles, National hate crimes report, Hate violence report,
anti-LGBT violence...
note: annual report on anti-lgbt violence; for its report on lgbt domestic
violence, see Lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual (LGBT) domestic
Antologiia lesbiiskoi prozy. [Izdatel E. Gusiatinskaia].
Tver: Kolonna, c2006.
Suz PG 3096 .L47 A58 2006
Antosová, Svatava.
Dáma a svihadlo: lesbicko-killerska parodie s
autobiografickými prvky.
Olomouc: Votobia, c2004.
Suz PG 5039.1 .N78 D35 2004
Anzaldua, Gloria.
Borderlands: the new mestiza=La frontera.
San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, c1987.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PS 3551 .N93 B67 1987
Anzaldua, Gloria.
Interviews=Entrevistas. Edited by AnaLouise Keating.
NY: Routledge, 2000.
Ugl PS 3551 .N95 Z464 2000
The APA journal. v.2, n.1 (spring/summer 1993) [special issue]
see: Witness aloud: lesbian, gay & bisexual Asian/Pacific American
Aphrodisiac, fiction from Christopher Street. lst edition.
NY: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, c1980.
Suz, Ugl PS 648 H57 A6 1980
Appleby, George A.
Not just a passing phase: social work with gay, lesbian, and bisexual
By George Alan Appleby and Jeane W. Anastas.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1998.
SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .A66 1998
Approaches to teaching Balzac's Old Goriot. Edited by Michal Peled
NY: Modern Language Association of America, 2000.
note: A Queer theory approach: gender and genre in Old Goriot (Lawrence R.
Schehr), pp. 118-125; Kinship, economics, and queer sexuality in Balzac's
Old Goriot (Michael Lucey), pp. 126-133.
Suz PQ 2168 .A77 2000
Approaching the millennium: essays on Angels in America.
Deborah R. Geis and Steven F. Kruger, editors.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1997.
Drama PS 3561 .U778 A8532 1997
Apter, Emily S.
Andre Gide and the codes of homotextuality.
Saratoga, CA: ANMA Libri, 1987.
(Stanford French and Italian studies, v. 48)
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 Z5845 1987
Aptheker, Bettina.
Intimate politics: how I grew up Red, fought for free speech, and became a
feminist rebel.
Emeryville, CA: Seal Press: Distributed by Publishers Group West,
note: [chapter] 5, Coming out and coming home, pp. 337-428.
Suz HV 6570.7 .A67 2006
Aptheker, Bettina.
Tapestries of life: women's work, women's consciousness, and the meaning
of daily experience.
Amherst: University of Massachsetts Press, 1989.
Suz HQ 1154 A745 1989
Arabian nights.
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments, now
intituled The book of the thousand nights and a night, with introduction,
explanatory notes on the manners and customs of Moslem men and a terminal
essay upon the history of The nights by Richard F. Burton.
Benares: Printed by the Kamashastra society for private subscribers only,
note: IV. Social Condition. D. Pederasty (Richard F. Burton), pp. 205-254.
In: The Terminal Essay upon the history of The nights, pp. 63-302.
SpecColl PJ 7715 .B8 1885 v.10
The Arabian nights encyclopedia. By Ulrich Marzolph and Richard van
Leeuwen; with the collaboration of Hassan Wassout; with fourteen
introductory essays by internationally renowned specialists.
note: Homosociality, Heterosexuality, and Shahrazad (Fedwa Matli-Douglas),
v.1: pp. 38-42.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, c2004.
Suz PJ 7737 .A73 2004 v.1, v.2.
Araki, Gregg.
The living end: an irresponsible movie; Totally f***ed up: a screenplay.
NY: Morrow, c1994.
Suz PS 3551 .R27 L58 1994
ARC news. Association of Responsible Citizenship.
[Sacramento]: Association for Responsible Citizenship, [1966]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 3 Feb 1966-Apr 1967
The arc of love: an anthology of lesbian love poems.
Edited with an introduction by Clare Coss.
NY: Scribner, c1996.
Suz PS 595 .L46 A28 1996
Vancouver, B.C.: August Holdings, Ltd.,
SpecCollPNW HQ 75 .A73 v.1, n.2-3 (Nov-Dec, 1968)
[Paris]: Arcadie, c1954-c1982.
Suzzallo Periodicals PQ 145.1 .H66 A73
nos. 1-156 (1954-1966), 241-252 (1974), 293-311 (1978-1979)
Arce, Hector.
The secret life of Tyrone Power.
NY: Morrow, 1979.
Suz PN 2287 .P62 A83 1979
Archaeologies of sexuality. Edited by Robert A. Schmidt and Barbara L.
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: chapter 3, Sites, settlements, and urban sex: archaeology and the
study of gay leathermen in San Francisco, 1955-1995 (Gayle Rubin), pp.
62-88; chapter 5, William Beckford's Fonthill Abbey, 1780-1824 (Whitney
Davis), pp. 104-113; chapter 8, Bulldaggers and gentle ladies:
archaeological approaches to feamle homosexuality in convict-era
Australia (Eleanor Conlin Casella), pp. 143-159; chapter 11, Searching
for third genders: towards a prehistory of domestic space in Middle
Missouri villages (Elizabeth Prine), pp. 197-219.
Suz CC 72.4 .A734 2000
Archer, Bert.
The end of gay: (and the death of heterosexuality)
NY: Thunder's Mouth Press, 2004.
Bot HQ 23 .A73 2004
Archive stories: facts, fictions, and the writing of history. Edited by
Antoinette Burton.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2005.
note: A living archive of desire; Teresita La Campesina and the embodiment
of queer Latino community histories, (Horacio N. Roque Ramírez),
pp. 111-135.
Suz CD 971 .A72 2005
Arditti, Douglas Edward.
Life-style characteristics of gay men at risk for acquiring an infection
with t$
immunodeficiency virus.
Thesis (M. Nur.) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1987.
HSLIC WY 7 Th34665
Aux Thesis 34665
Are we there yet?: a continuing history of Lavender
Woman, a Chicago lesbian newspaper, 1971-1976.
Edited by Michael Brody.
Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute, c1985.
Suz HQ 75.5 A74 1985
Arenas, Reinaldo.
Arturo, la estrella mas brillante.
Barcelona: Montesinos, c1984.
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 A77 1984
Arenas, Reinaldo.
The assualt. Translated by Andrew Hurley.
NY: Viking, 1994.
note: translation of: Asalto.
Bot PQ 7390 .A72 A813 1994
Arenas, Reinaldo.
Before night falls. Translated by Dolores M. Koch.
NY: Viking, 1993.
note: Translation of: Antes que anochezca.
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 Z46313 1993
Arenas, Reinaldo.
Cantando en el pozo. Ed. rev. y autorizada.
Barcelona: Argos Vergara, c1982.
(Colleccion DB, 38)
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 C3 1982
Arenas, Reinaldo.
Celestino antes del alba.
Caracas: Monte Avila Editores, 1980.
(Colleccion Continenteo)
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 C4 1980
Arenas, Reinaldo.
El color del verano, o, Nuevo "Jardin de las delicias": novela escrita y
publicada sin privilegio imperial.
Barcelona: Tusquets Editores, 1999.
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 C55 1999
Arenas, Reinaldo.
The color of summer, or, The new garden of earthly delights. Translated
from the Spanish by Andrew Hurley.
NY: Viking, 2000.
note: translation of Color del verano.
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 C5513 2000
Arenas, Reinaldo.
Farewell to the sea: a novel of Cuba. Translated by Andrew Hurley.
NY: Viking, c1986.
note: Translation of: Otra vez el mar.
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 O813 1986
Arenas, Reinaldo.
Mona and other tales. Selected and translated by Dolores M. Koch.
NY: Vintage Books, c2001.
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 A24 2001
Arenas, Reinaldo.
Old Rosa: a novel in two stories.
Translated from the Spanish by Ann Tashi Slater and Andrew Hurley
NY: Grove Press, 1994, c1989.
note: Translation of: La vieja Rosa, and of: Arturo, la estrella mas
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 A6 1994
Arenas, Reinaldo.
Otra vez el mar.
Barcelona: Argos Vergara, 1982.
(Bibliotheca del fenice, 7)
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 O8 1982
Arenas, Reinaldo.
Singing from the well. Translated by Andrew Hurley.
NY: Penguin Books, 1988, c1987.
note: translation of: Celestino antes del alba.
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 C413 1988
Ugl PQ 7390 .A72 C413 1987 (Viking ed.)
Aretino, Pietro.
The Ragionamenti: the lives of nuns, the lives of marriedwomen, the lives
of courtesans.
London: Odyssey Press, 1970.
note: translated from the Italian.
Suz PQ 4563 .R2 E5 1970
Aretino, Pietro.
Sei giornate. Ragionamento della Nanna e della Antonia (1543). Dialogo nel
quale la Nanna insegna a la Pippa (1536). A cura di Giovanni
Bari: G. Laterza, 1969.
(Scrittori d'Italia, n. 245)
Suz PQ 4563 .R2 1969
Aretino, Pietro.
Sonetti lussuriosi e pasquinate. Con un saggio di Guillaume
Roma: Newton Compton, 1980.
Suz PQ 4563 .S6 1980
Arevalo Martinez, Rafael.
El hombre que parecia un caballo. 3a ed.
San Jose, Costa Rica: Editorial Unviersitaria Centroamericana, 1982.
note: exposition of neoplatonism in its expression of male love
Suz PQ 7499 .A7 H6 1982
Suz PQ 7499 .A7 H6 1960 (Lima, 196? ed.)
Suz 863 Ar3h8 (San Salvador [1958] ed.)
Argiri, Laura.
The god in flight.
NY: Random House, c1994.
Ugl PS 3551 .R4165 G3 1994
The armed services & homosexuality.
[Prepared by the Community
Services Committee and Publications Committee of the Society for
Individual Rights]
San Francisco: The Society, [1968?]
(Essays on Homosexuality, essay no. 1)
Suz UB 418 .G38 A7 1968
Armstrong, Elizabeth A.
Forging gay identities: organizing sexuality in San Francisco,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.3 .U52 S263 2002
Arnal, Frank.
Resister ou disparaitre?: les homosexuels face au sida: la prevention de
1982 a 1992.
Paris: Harmattan, c1993.
Suz WC 503.6 .A743r 1993
Arnaud, Claude.
Jean Cocteau.
[Paris]: Gallimard, 2003.
Suz PQ 2605 .O15 A549 2003
Arndt, William B.
Gender disorders and the paraphilias.
Madison, CT: International Universities Press, c1991.
NatSci WM 610 A7473g 1991
Arnold, C. D.
The dinosaur plays: three one-act plays.
NY: JH Press, [1984]
Suz PS 3551 .R523 D5 1984
Arnold, Catharine.
Lost time.
NY: Viking, 1987, c1986.
Suz PR 6051 .R618 L6 1987
Arnold, June.
The cook and the carpenter: a novel by the carpenter.
With an introduction by Bonnie Zimmerman.
NY: New York University Press, c1995.
(The cutting edge)
Suz PS 3551 .R53 C66 1995
Arnold, June.
Sister Gin: a novel. Afterword by Jane Marcus.
NY: Feminist Press at the City University of New York: Distributed by the
Talman Co., 1989, c1975.
Suz PS 3551 .R53 S5 1989
Arnold, Madelyn.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1988.
Suz, Ugl, SpecColl Bk Arts PS 3551 .R535 B56 1988
Arnold, Madelyn.
On ships at sea.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1992.
Suz PS 3551 R535 O5 1992
Arnold, Madelyn.
A year of full moons.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz PS 3551 .R535 Y43 2000
Arnold, Monty.
The art of Monty Arnold.
Berlin: Fun Factory, 1998.
note: in German
Suz PT 2661 .R66 A87 1998
Arnott, Jake.
The long firm.
NY: Soho, 1999
Suz PR 6051 .R6235 L66 1999
Aronson, Theo.
Prince Eddy and the homosexual underworld.
London: J. Murray, c1994.
Suz DA 559 .A2 A76 1994
Bot DA 559 .A1 A76 1994 (American edition, Barnes & Noble, 1995)
Arpin, Robert L.
Wonderfully, fearfully made: letters on living with hope, teaching understanding, and
ministering with love, from a gay Catholic priest with AIDS.
[San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco, c1993.
Suz BX 4705 .A7425 A3 1993
Arroyo, Rane.
How to name a hurricane.
Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c2005.
Ugl PS 3551 .R722 H69 2005
Arrizón, Alicia.
Latina performance: traversing the stage.
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, c1999.
Ugl, Drama PN 2270 .M48 A77 1999
Arrizón, Alicia.
Queering mestizaje: transculturation and performance.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 5, Epistemologies of "Brownness": Deployments of the
Queer-Mestiza Body, pp. 155-186.
Suz HT 1595 .M47 A77 2006
Art against AIDS, San Francisco: a sale exhibition of contemporary works
of art at Butterfield & Butterfield Warehouse; and, Art against AIDS, on
the road: a public art project, May 18-June 18, 1989. [Editor, Cynthia
NY: American Foundation for AIDS Research, 1989.
Suz N6512 .A715 1989
Art matters: how the culture wars changed America. Julie Ault ... [et
al.]; edited by Brian Wallis, Marianne Weems, and Philip Yenawine.
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
note: Postcards from America: X-rays from hell (David Wojnarowicz), pp.
74-81; What does silence equal now? (David Deitcher), pp. 93-125; How to
have promiscuity in an epidemic (Douglas Crimp), pp. 126-153; Skin head
thing: racial difference and the homoerotic imaginary (Kobena Mercer), pp.
183-209; Homophobia at the N.E.A. (Holly Hughes and Richard Elovich), pp.
Art, Tac N72 .S6 A752 1999
Art of brevity: excursions in short fiction theory and analysis. Edited by
Per Winther, Jakob Lothe, and Hans H. Skei.
Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, c2004.
note: The queer short story (Axel Nissen), pp. 181-190.
Suz, Tac PN 3373 .A67 2004
The art of gay love.
London: Hamlyn, 1995.
Suz NX 650 .H6 A78 1995
Art performs life: Merce Cunningham, Meredith Monk, Bill T. Jones.
Minneapolis: Walker Art Center; NY: Available through D.A.P., Distributed
Art Publishers, c1998.
note: Bill T. Jones, pp. 116-157. (curator's introduction and two
interviews); published in conjunction with exhibition to be held at
Walker Art Center, June 28-Sept. 20, 1998. Includes interviews with
Cunningham, Monk, and Jones.
Bot GV 1785 .A1 A78 19998
Arthur, Bev.
Mama's boy. By Bev Arthur and Martin Arthur.
San Francisco: Strawberry Hill Press, c1986.
Suz HQ 75.8 .A78 A78 1986
Arthur, Gavin.
The circle of sex.
San Francisco: Pan-Graphic Press, c1962.
Suz, Spec Coll HQ 64 .A7 1962
Arthur, Gavin.
The circle of sex.
New Hyde Park, NY: University Books [1966]
HSLIC 176 Ar77c
Arthur Penn's Bonnie and Clyde. Edited by Lester D. Friedman.
Cambridge, U.K.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
note: Erasure and taboo; a queer reading of Bonnie and Clyde (Liora
Moriel), pp. 148-176.
(Cambridge film handbooks series)
Suz PN 1997 .B6797 2000
Arthurian women: a casebook. Edited with an introduction by Thelma S.
NY: Garland Pub., 1996.
note: Heterosexual plots and lesbian subtexts: toward a theory of lesbian
narrative space in Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Mists of Avalon (Marilyn R.
Farwell), pp. 319-330.
PN 682 W6 A78 1996
Articulations of difference: gender studies and writing in French.
Edited by Dominique D. Fisher and Lawrence R. Schehr.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997.
Suz PS 295 .H65 A77 1997
As good as it gets [videorecording] TriStar Pictures presents a Gracie
Films production; a James L. Brooks film; story by Mark Andrus; screenplay
by Mark Andrus and James L. Brooks; produced by Bridget Johnson and Kristi
Zea; produced and directed by James L. Brooks.
Culver City, CA: Columbia TriStar Home Video, c1998.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; 1 videodisc
note: originally released as a motion picture in 1997; cast- Jack
Nicolson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Skeet Ulrich,
Shirley Knight; credits- music by Hans Zimmer; co-producers, John D.
Schofield, Richard Marks; executive producers, Laurence Mark, Richard
Sakai, Laura Ziskin.
note: Melvin Udall is an obsessive-compulsive novelist with Manhattan's
meanest mouth. But when his neighbor Simon is hospitalized, Melvin is
forced to babysit Simon's dog. And that unexpected act of kindness-- along
with waitress Carol Connelly-- helps put Melvin back in the human
UglMed Videorecord CTHV 087
UglMed DVD CTHV 033
BotMed DVD BOT-245
As we are now: mixblood essays on race and identity. Edited by William S.
Berkeley, CA: University of Claifornia Press, c1997.
note: Howling at the moon: the queer but true story of my life as a Hank
Williams song (Craig Womack), pp. 28-49.
Suz, Tac E99 .M693 A7 1997
Ascher, Barbara Lazear.
Landscape without gravity: a memoir of grief.
Harrison, NY: Delphinium Books, c1992.
Suz BF 575 .G7 A78 1992
Ash, John.
The burnt pages: poems
NY: Random House, c1991.
Suz, Ugl PR 6051 .S37 B87 1991
Ashbee, Edward.
The Bush administration, sex and the moral agenda.
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press; NY: Distributeed exclusively
in the USA by Palgrave, c2007.
note: [chapter] 3, Gay rights, same-sex marriage and AIDS, pp. 74-101.
Suz HN 90 .M6 A84 2007
Ashburn, Elizabeth.
Lesbian art: an encounter with power.
Roseville East, NSW: Craftsman House, c1996.
Art N7400.2 .A75 1996
Ashe, Arthur.
Days of grace: a memoir. Arthur Ashe and Arnold Rampersad.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993.
note: author's struggles with allegations of being gay
Ugl GV 994 .A7 a3 1993
Asher, Michael.
Lawrence, the uncrowned king of Arabia.
Woodstock: Overlook Press, 1999, c1998.
Suz D568.4 .L65 A74 1999
Ashley, David J. B. (David James Burrows)
Human intersex. Foreword by R. Winston Evans.
Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1962.
Health 612.608 As35h
Asian American sexualities: dimensions of the gay
and lesbian experience. Edited by Russell Leong.
NY: Routledge, c1996.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 .U6 A75 1996
Asian American women and gender. Edited with an introduction by Franklin
NY: Garland Pub., 1999.
note: Stories from the homefront: perspectives of Asian American parents
with lesbian daughters and gay sons (Alice Y. Hom), pp. 211-223; Searching
for community: Filipino gay men in New York City (Martin F. Manalansan
IV), pp. 225-239.
Ugl, Bot E184 .O6 A8424 1999
Asian American youth: culture, identity, and ethnicity. Edited by Jennifer
Lee and Min Zhou.
NY: Routledge, 2004.
note: chapter 17, Searching for home: voices of gay Asian American youth
in West Hollywood (Mark Tristan Ng), pp. 269-283.
Suz E184 .A75 A84264 2004
Asian and Pacific Islander Americans: issues and concerns for counseling
and psychotherapy. Daya Singh Sandhu, editor.
Commack, NY: Nova Science Publishers, c1999.
note: chapter 19, From Bakla to Tongzhi: counseling and psychotherapy with
gay and lesbian Asian and Pacific Islander Americans (Mark Pope, Y. Barry
Chung), pp. 283-300.
Tac WM 420 A832 1999
Asian gay men in Sydney: December 1999-January 2000. Garrett Prestage ...
[et al.].
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research: National Centre in
HIV Epidemiology & Clinical Research: Multicultural HIV/AIDS Service,
(Monograph, National Centre in HIV Social Research
(Australia)); 2/2000)
note: available also online
Suz HQ 76.2 .A82 S92 2000
Asian homosexuality. Edited with intro. by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen
NY: Garland, 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v.3)
Suz HQ 76.3 .A78 A85 1992
Asian/Pacific Islander American women: a historical anthology. Edited by
Shirley Hune and Gail M. Nomura.
NY: New York University Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 19, Asian Lesbians in San Francisco; struggles to create a
safe space, 1970s-1980s (Trinity A. Ordona), pp. 319-334.
Ugl, Bot, Tac E 184 .A75 A855 2003
Aslinger, Benjamin S.
National advertisers, The advocate, and queer sexual performance.
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, 2005.
available online,
Asprey, Robert B.
The panther's feast.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 1986, c1959.
Ugl DB 90 .R43 A87 1986
Asquith, Nicole L.
Text and context of malediction: a study of antisemitic and heterosexist
hate violence in New South Wales 1995-2000. 2004.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Melbourne, 2004.
available online,
Assault on gay America [videorecording]: the life and death of Billy
A Frontline co-production with Turn of River Films, LLC; written, produced
and directed by Claudia Pryor Malis.
[Alexandria, VA]: PBS Video, c2000.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; videocassette release of a television program
in the series Frontline
note: correspondent, Forrest Sawyer; camera, Hank Holton; editing, Jean
Tsien; music, Paula Gallitano
note: In the telling of the life and death of Billy Jack Gaither, explores
the roots of homophobia in America and asks how these attitudes, beliefs
and fears contribute to the recent rise in violence against gays
note: "contains language about sexual activity and graphic descriptions of
brutality; viewer discretion is advised
UglMed Videorecord PBS 290
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1682
Assaults on convention: essays on lesbian transgressors.
Edited by Nicola Godwin, Belinda Hollows and Sheridan Nye.
London: Cassell, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.5 .A87 1996
Asselineau, Roger.
L'evolution de Walt Whitman apres la premiere edition de Feuilles
Paris: Didier [1954]
Suz 811 W59zas
Auxstx 820.8 C685 v.2
Asselineau, Roger.
The evolution of Walt Whitman. [Translated by Richard P. Adams and the
author]. v.1: The creation of a personality. v.[2]: The creation of a
book. Translated by the author and Burton L. Cooper.
Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvare University Press, 1960-62.
Suz, Ugl PS 3231 .A833 v.1, v.2
Asselineau, Roger.
The evolution of Walt Whitman. Foreword by Ed Folsom. An expanded
edition. 2v. in 1.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c1999.
Suz PS 3231 .A833 1999
Associated Lesbians of Puget Sound.
ALPS: [newsletter]
note: continues: Associated Lesbians of Puget Sound. Newsletter, see
Associated Lesbians of Puget Sound. Newsletter.
note: *v.21 incorrectly numbered as v.22
SpecColl HQ 75 .A87a
v.18,n.6 (June 1998); v.18,n.8-v.19,n.1 (Aug 1998-Jan 1999);
v.19,n.3-v.21,n.1 (Mar 1999-Jan 2001); v.21,n.3-7 (Mar-Jul 2001);
v.21,n.9-v.21,n.12 (Sep-Dec 2001); v.22* [i.e., 21],n.2-12-v.22,n.9
(Feb 2002-Sep 2003)
Associated Lesbians of Puget Sound.
note: continued by ALPS: [newsletter], see Associated Lesbians of Puget
Sound. ALPS: [newsletter]
SpecColl HQ 75 .A87a
v.8,n.5-v.8,n.10 (May-Oct 1987); v.8,n.12 (Dec 1987); v.9,n.11-12 (Nov-Dec
1988); v.10,n.3-v.11,n.4 (Mar 1989-Apr 1990); v.11,n.9-10 (Sep-Oct 1990);
v.11,n.12 (Dec 19, 1990)
Asten, Maureen A.
Lesbian family relationships in American society: the making of an
ethnographic film.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 75.6 .U5 A87 1997
At the margins: minority groups in premodern Italy. Stephen J. Milner,
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2005.
(Medieval culture, v. 39)
note: [chapter] 4, The Ambivalence of Policing Sexual Margins; Sodomy and
Sodomites in Florence (Michael Rocke), pp. 53-70.
Suz HN 490 .M26 A82 2005
Atkins, Gary.
Gay Seattle: stories of exile and belonging.
Seattle: University of Washington Press, c2002.
Suz, Ugl, SpecColl, Bot, Tac HQ 76.3 .U52 S433 2002
Law HQ 76.3 .U52 S433 2003
Atkinson, David John.
Homosexuals in the Christian fellowship. By D. J.
Atkinson; with a chapter by A. W. Steinbeck.
Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1981, c1979.
Suz BR 115 .H6 A84 1981
Atkinson, Ti-Grace.
Amazon odyssey: [collection of writings]
NY: Links Books: distributed by Quick Fox, c1974.
Ugl HQ 1426 .A84
Attebery, Brian.
Decoding gender in science fiction.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz PS 374 .S35 A84 2002
Au dela de la haine [videorecording] = Beyond hatred. Une coproduction
Miss Luna Films, Hold Up Films; avec la participation de France 5, France
2; réalisation, Olivier Meyrou.
Brooklyn, NY: First Run/Icarus Films, [2006?]
note: DVD; in French with English subtitles; originally produced as a
television documentary in 2005.
note: credits- photography, Jean-Marc Bouzou, Floriant Bouchet, Emma
Fernandez; editors, Cathie Dambel, Jérome Pey; music,
François-Eudes Chanfrault.
note: The true story behind the violent death of François Chenu, a
young gay man who was murdered by 3 homophobic skinheads in 2002.
UglMed DVD FRIP 046
Audible traces: gender, identity, and music. Edited by Elaine Barkin
& Lydia Hamessley.
Zurich; Los Angeles: Carciofoli, c1999.
note: Lesbian skin and musical fascination (Martha Mockus), pp. 50-69;
Redefining yin and yang. Transformation of gender/sexual politics in
Chinese music (Su Zheng), pp. 153-176; It's raining men. The weather
girls, gay subjectivity, and the erotics of insatiability (Mitchell
Morris), pp. 213-229.
Music ML 82 .A83 1999
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 4549
Auerbach, Nina.
Our vampires, ourselves.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.
Suz GR 830 .V3 A92 1995
Auger, Jeanette A.
Passing through: end-of-life decisions of lesbians and gay men.
Black Point, NS: Fernwood Pub., 2003.
Bot, Tac HQ 76 .A84 2003
August, Duke of Saxe-Gotha and Altenburg, 1772-1822.
Ein Jahr in Arkadien: Kyllenion. Herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort
versehen von Paul Derks. [reprint, originally published: Jena:
Frommann, 1805].
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1985.
Suz PT 1812 .A83 J3 1985
August, Duke of Saxe-Gotha and Altenburg, 1772-1822.
Year in Arcadia: a shepherd's calendar. Translation and introduction by
Carl Skoggard; illustrations by Margitta Zachert.
note: translation from the German of Ein Jahr in Arkadien.
NY: Tropen: distributed in the U.S. by D.A.P., 1999.
Suz PT 1812 .A83 J341 1999
Augustson, Scot.
A very lesbian Nutcracker & Hung by the chimney.
Seattle, WA (1625 Broadway, Seattle 98121): Rain City Projects, c2001.
(Rain City Projects, RCP 169)
Drama PS 3551 .U414 V47 2001
Aurelianus, Caelius.
Eine medizinische Erklärung der männlichen Homosexualität
aus der Antike: (Caelius Aurelianus
De morbis chronicis IV 9). Von P. H. Schrijvers.
Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 1985.
note: Translation into Latin by Caelius Aurelianus from the Greek works by
Soranus, of Ephesus; edited and with a commentary by P. H. Schrijvers.
Suz PA 6220 .A9 1985
Aurnhammer, Achim.
Androgynie: Studien zu einem Motiv in der europäischen Literatur.
Koln: Böhlau, 1986.
(Literatur und Leben; n. F., Bd. 30)
Suz 830.8 L712 n.s. v. 30
Austen, Roger.
Genteel pagan: the double life of Charles Warren Stoddard.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1991.
Suz PS 2931 A97 1991
Austen, Roger.
Playing the game: the homosexual novel in America.
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, c1977.
Suz, Ugl PS 374 H63 A9
Australasian gay & lesbian law journal. v.3-9 (1993-2000)
Annandale, N.S.W.: Federation Press, [1993-2000].
continued by: Gay & lesbian law journal, see Gay & lesbian law journal
available online (restricted to University of Washington users):
Australian Broadcasting Authority.
Investigation report: a report of the investigation by the Australian
Broadcasting Authority into Sydney Youth Radio Inc. and Sydney Gay and
Lesbian Broadcasters Inc.
Sydney: Australian Broadcasting Authority, c2001.
available online,
Australian gay and lesbian writing: an anthology.
Edited by Robert Dessaix.
Melbourne: Oxford University Press, c1993.
Suz PR 9614.5 H57 A8 1993
Authority and transgression in literature and film. Edited by Bonnie
Braendlin and Hans Braendlin.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, c1996.
note: [chapter] 2, Who's transgressing now? some comments on gay and
lesbian literature, (Catherine R. Simpson), pp. 12-22; [chapter] 5, Violet
Trefusis's letters as literature and other boundary disputes; an essay in
letter form, (Kathrine Varnes), pp. 55-68.
Suz, Bot PN 56 .A87 A87 1996
Aviv, Caryn.
New Jews: the end of the Jewish diaspora. Caryn Aviv and David Shneer.
NY: New York University Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 4, Castro, Chelsea, and Tel Aviv; queer Jews at home, pp.
Suz DS 143 .A96 2005
The awful truth [videorecording]: the complete first season. Written and
directed by Michael Moore; producer, Ellin Baumel; produced by United
Broadcasting Inc. for Channel 4, UK in association with Bravo, the Film
and Arts Network.
NY: Docurama: Distributed by New Video, c2000.
note: 2 videodiscs, DVD; documentary, 12 episodes.
note: host, Michael Moore; head writer, Anne Cohen; senior editors, Kurt
Engfehr, David Zief; camera, Brian Danitz, Steve Golden, Bill Turnley;
originally aired on Bravo in the U.S. and Channel 4 in the U.K. in
note: Shot in his trademark "guerilla video" style, each episode is filled
with observations that bridge comedy and controversy and places Michael
Moore in the middle of today's hot topics; special features include:
Michael Moore Biography; "Moore awful truths"
note: v.1. Episode 2. Sodomobile. [episode in which homophobes Rev. Fred
Phelps and Senator Trent Lott are confronted with "the awful truth"]
UglMed DVD NVG 026 v.1, 1.2
Axel-Lute, Paul.
Same-sex marriages
[electronic resource]: a selective bibliography of the
legal literature.
Newark, NJ: Rutgers Law Library-Newark.
note: This site provides bibliographic citations to laws, books, websites,
and articles on the legal status of same-sex couples in the United States,
Europe, and some Pacific Rim countries. Links provide full-text access to
legislation and articles when available.
note: online resource:
Ayers, Tess.
The essential guide to lesbian and gay weddings. Tess Ayers and Paul
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 A94 1999
Aylesford review.
Frederick Rolfe and others: a miscellany of essays on John Gray, Henry
Williamson, Ronald Firbank, Andre Raffalovich and Frederick Baron Corvo.
By John Gawsworth [i.e. T. I. F. Armstrong] ... [et al.]; together with a
contribution from Gabriel Fielding and a theological fragment by Fr.
Rolfe: now printed for the first time.
[Aylesford, Kent]: St. Albert's Press, 1961.
SpecCollAuthors 820.4 Ay44f
Ayres, Ian.
Straightforward: how to mobilize heterosexual support for gay rights. Ian
Ayres and Jennifer Gerarda Brown.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c2005.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 A97 2005
Azevedo, Aluisio.
The slum: a novel. Translated from the Portuguese by David H. Rosenthal;
with a foreword by David H. Rosenthal and an afterword by Affonso Romano
de Sant'Anna.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, c2000.
note: translation of Cortico; lesbian subtheme
Suz PQ 9697 .A93 C613 2000
Azmi Ramli, Wan.
Dilema mak nyah: suatu ilusi.
Kuala Lampur: Utusan Publications & Distributors, 1991.
Suz HQ 76.3 I5 A95 1991
Azmi Ramli, Wan.
Petaka abad ke-21.
Kuala Lampur: Golden Books Centre, 1998.
Suz HV 5840 .M4 A955 1989
B. D. women [videorecording]
Editor, Joy Chamberlain; producer, Deanne Edwards;
written and directed by Inge Blackman.
A cultural partnerships production for Channel Four
NY: distributed by Women Make Movies, 1994.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS format.
note: On being a black lesbian, with interviews in
Great Britain and interspersed performance pieces.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 030
Baars, Conrad W.
The homosexual's search for happiness.
Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1976.
Suz WM 611 B111h 1976
Bab, Edwin.
Frauenbewegung und Freundesliebe. Versuch einer Lösung des
geschlechtlichen Problems.
Charlottenburg: A. Brand / Der Eigene, [1904].
see: Lesbianism and feminism in Germany, 1895-1910. (reprint)
Bab, Edwin.
Die Gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe (Lieblingminne) Ein Wort ueber ihr Wesen
und ihre Bedeutung.
Berlin NW: Hugo Schildberger, Verlag, 1903.
see: Documents of the homosexual rights movement in Germany,
1836-1927. (reprint, 1975)
Babington, Percy Lancelot.
Bibliography of the writings of John Addington Symonds.
London: J. Castle, 1925.
Suz Z 8857.5 .B12
Babst, Gordon Albert.
Liberal constituionalism, marriage, and sexual orientation: a contemporary
case for dis-establishment.
NY: P. Lang, c2002.
Suz KF 539 .B33 2002
Babuscio, Jack.
We speak for ourselves: experiences in homosexual counselling.
Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1977, c1976.
note: first edition published: London; SPCK, 1976.
Suz HQ 76.25 .B32 1977
Babuscio, Jack.
We speak for ourselves: the experiences of gay men and lesbians. Rev. ed.
London: SPCK, 1988.
SocWk HQ 76.25 B32 1988
Baby remember my name: an anthology of new queer girl writing. Edited by
Michelle Tea.
NY: Carroll & Graf, c2007.
Bot PS 648 .L47 B32 2007
Bachinger, Katrina.
Male pretense: a gender study of Sir Philip Sidney's
life and texts.
Lewiston [N. Y.]: E. Mellen Press, 1994.
Suz PR 2343 .B33 1994
Bachmann, Guido.
Bedingt entlassen.
Basel: Lenos, c2000.
Suz PT 2662 .A22 B43 2000
Bachmann, Guido.
Basel: Lenos, 1998.
Suz PT 2662 .A22 G5 1998
Bachmann, Guido.
Lebenslanglich: eine Jugend.
Basel: Lenos, c1997.
Suz PT 2662 .A22 Z465 1997
Back, Gloria Guss.
Are you still my mother?: are you still my family?
NY: Warner Books, c1985.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B32 1985
Backbone 2: new fiction by Northwest women.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1980.
Suz, SpecColl Book Arts, SpecColl PNW PS 647 .W6 B25
Backbone 3: essays, interviews and photographs, by Northwest women.
Seattle, WA: Seal Press, 1981.
SpecColl PNW, SpecColl Book Arts PS 647 .W6 B252 1981
Backbone 4: humor! by Northwest women. Editors: Barbara
Wilson and Rachel Da Silva.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1982.
SpecColl PNW, SpecColl Book Arts PS 647 W6 B253 1982
Bacon, Francis.
Francis Bacon: the human body. [Exhibition curated by] David
London: Hayward Gallery; Berkeley: University of California, c1998.
Art, Bot ND 497 .B16 A4 1998
Bad modernisms. Douglas Mao & Rebecca L. Walkowitz, editors.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2006.
note: Forced Exile: Walter Pater's Queer Modernism, (Heather K. Love), pp.
19-43; A Shaman in common: Lewis, Auden, and the queerness of
liberalism, (Douglas Mao), pp. 206-237.
Suz PR 478 .M6 B33 2006
Badgett, Lee.
Pervasive patterns of discrimination against lesbians and gay men:
evidence from surveys across the United States.
By Lee Badgett, Colleen Donnelly, Jennifer Kibbe.
Washington, DC: National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute,
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 B33 1992
Badgett, Mary Virginia Lee.
The impact on Washington's budget of allowing same-sex couples to
marry. M. V. Badgett ... [et al.]
[Amherst, MA]: IGLSS; [Los Angeles, CA]: Williams Institute, [2006?]
note: available online,
Badgett, Mary Virginia Lee.
Income inflation: the myth of affluence among gay, lesbian, and bisexual
Americans. Introduction by Suzanne B. Goldberg.
NY: Policy Institute, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, c1998.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B34 1998
Badgett, Mary Virginia Lee.
Money, myths, and change: the economic lives of lesbians and gay men.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.25 .B33 2001
Badinter, Elisabeth.
XY, on masculine identity. Translated by Lydia Davis.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1995.
note: translation of: X Y, de l'identite masculine
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1090 .B33 1995
Baer, Martha.
As Francesca.
NY: Broadway Books, c1997.
Suz PS 3552 .A3315 A8 1997
Baetz, Ruth.
Lesbian crossroads: personal stories of lesbian struggles
and triumphs. 1st ed.
NY: Morrow, 1980.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.8 B33
Baez, Joan.
And a voice to sing with: a memoir.
NY: Summit Books, c1987.
note: pp. describes lesbian affair with Kim [Chappell], pp. 74-82.
Ugl ML 420 B114 A3 1987
Ugl ML 420 B114 A3 1988 (New American Library, 1988, c1987]
Bagemihl, Bruce.
Biological exuberance: animal homosexuality and natural diversity.
Illustrated by John Megahan.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
NatSci, Ugl QL 761 .B24 1999
Bagley, Meredith M.
The beauty of basketball: the WNBA, lesbians, and discourses of
Seattle, WA: University of Washington, 2005.
note: Thesis (M.A.), University of Washington, 2005
Suz P90 Th54692
Aux Thesis 54692
Bai, Xianyong.
Crystal boys: a novel.
Translated from the Chinese by Howard Goldblatt.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1990.
note: translation of: Nieh-Tzu.
Suz, Ugl PL 2892 .A34 N5313 1990
Bailey, Derrick Sherwin.
Homosexuality and the Westerrn Christian tradition.
London; NY: Longmans, Green [1955]
Suz BR 115 .H6 B34 1955
Bailey, J. Michael.
The man who would be queen: the science of gender-bending and
Washington, D. C.: Joseph Henry Press, c2003.
note: also available as e-book through the catalog; UW users only
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.2 .U5 B35 2003
Bailey, Paul.
An immaculate mistake: scenes from childhood and beyond.
NY: Dutton, 1992.
note: originally published: London: Bloomsbury Pub., 1990.
Suz PR 6052 .A319 Z468 1992
Bailey, Robert W.
Gay politics, urban politics: identity and economics in the urban
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
(Power, conflict, and democracy)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B35 1999
Bailey, Robert W.
Out & voting II: the gay, lesbian and bisexual vote in congressional
elections, 1990-1998.
Washington, D.C.: Policy Institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 B34 2000
Bailey, Robert W.
Redistricting and
the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community: a strategy memo.
By Robert W. Bailey, Glenn Magpantay and Darren Rosenblum.
NY: Policy Institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force,
note: also available electronically on the web:
Suz KF 4905 .B33 2001
Bailey, Rosemary.
Scarlet ribbons: a priest with aids.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1997.
Suz BX 4705 .B36 B355 1997
Baird, Vanessa.
The no-nonsense guide to sexual diversity.
Oxford, England: New International Publications in association with Verso,
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .B35 2001
Baisden, Major J.
The dynamics of homosexuality. Edited by Joanna R. Tubbs.
Sacramento, CA: Allied Research Society, [1975]
Suz HQ 76 B33 1975
Baitz, Jon Robin.
The Paris letter: a play in two acts.
NY: Grove Press, c2005.
Drama PS 3552 .A393 P37 2006 (Dramatists Play Service)
Bot PS 3552 .A393 P37 2005
Baker, Alison.
Loving Wanda Beaver: novella and stories.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1995.
SpecColl PNW PS 3552 .A399 L68 1995
Baker, Daniel B.
Cracking the corporate closet: the 200 best (and worst) companies to work
for, buy from, and invest in if you're gay or lesbian--and even if you
aren't. In association with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy
NY: HarperBusiness, c1995.
UglCareer, SocWk HF 5382.685 .B35 1995
Baker, Don.
Beyond rejection; the Church, homosexuality, and hope. Foreword by Frank
Portland, OR: Multnomah Press, c1985.
Ugl BR 115 H6 B35 1985
Baker, Dorothy.
Cassandra at the wedding. Afterword by Deborah Eisenberg.
NY: New York Review Books, c2004.
Ugl PS 3503 .A54156 C37 2004
Baker, Dorothy.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1943.
Ugl PS 3503 .A54156 T7
Drama PS 3503 .A54156 T7 1977 (Greenwood reprint)
Baker, Elliott.
A fine madness.
NY: W. W. Norton, 1986, c1964.
Suz PS 3552 .A424 F5 1986
Baker, James Robert.
Tim and Pete: a novel.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1993.
Suz, Bot PS 3552 .A4278 T5 1993
Baker, Jean M.
Family secrets: gay sons--a mother's story.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
Suz HQ 75.8 .B35 A3 1998
Baker, Jean M.
How homophobia hurts children: nurturing diversity at home, at school, and
in the community.
NY: Harrington Park Press, 2002.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.45 .U5 B34 2002
Baker, Michael.
Our three selves: the life of Radclyffe Hall.
London: H. Hamilton, 1985.
Ugl PR 6015 A33 Z56 1985b
Suz PR 6015 .A33 Z56 1985 (Morrow ed.)
Baker, Paul.
Fantabulosa: a dictionary of Polari and gay slang.
London; NY: Continuum, 2002.
SuzRef PE 3727 .G39 B34 2002
Bot PE 3727 .G39 B34 2004 (later printing)
Baker, Paul.
Hello sailor!: the hidden history of gay life at sea. Paul Baker and Jo
London; NY: Longman, 2003.
Suz VB 324 .G38 B35 2003
Baker, Paul.
Polari--the lost language of gay men.
London; NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz PE 3727 .G39 B35 2002
Baker, Paul.
Public discourses of gay men.
London; NY: Routledge, 2005.
Suz PE 3727 .G39 B353 2005
Baker, Rob.
The art of AIDS.
NY: Continuum, 1994.
Ugl NX 180 .A36 B35 1994
Baker, Robin.
Human sperm condition: copulation, masturbation, and infidelity. By Robin
Baker and Mark A. Bellis.
note: [chapter] 5, Mammalian inheritance: masturbation, homosexuality and
push buttons, pp. 95-127.
London; NY: Chapman & Hall, 1995.
NatSci, Tac BF 692.2 .B34 1995
Baker, Roger.
Drag: a history of female impersonation in the performing arts.
With contributions by Peter Burton and Richard Smith.
London: Cassell, c1994.
Ugl, Drama PN 2071 .I47 B35 1994
Bakshi, Parminder Kaur.
Distant desire: homoerotic codes and the subversion of the English novel
in E. M. Forster's fiction.
NY: P. Lang, c1996.
(Sexuality and literature, v.5)
Suz PR 6011 .O58 Z6 1996
Balancing act: South African gay and lesbian youth speak out. [Compiled
by] Joanne Bloch and Karen Martin; with teaching notes by Susan Heese.
Claremont, South Africa: New Africa Books, 2005.
Suz HQ 76.3 .S5 B35 2005
Baldwin, Guy.
Ties that bind: the SM/leather/fetish erotic style: issues, commentaries,
and advice.
Edited by Joseph Bean; preface by Gayle Rubin.
Los Angeles: Daedalus Pub. Co., c1993.
Suz HQ 79 .B325 1993
Baldwin, James.
Another country.
NY: Dial Press, 1962.
Ugl PS 3552 .A45 A83
Baldwin, James.
Giovanni's room; a novel.
NY: Dial Press, 1956.
Ugl PS 3552 .A45 G4
Baldwin, James.
James Baldwin reading from Giovanni's room and Another country. [Sound
CMS Records [1967]
UglMed Phonodisc CMS 517
Baldwin, James.
Just above my head.
NY: Dial Press, c1979.
Suz, Ugl, Tac PS 3552 .A45 J87
Baldwin, James.
Tell me how long the train's been gone; a novel.
NY: Dial Press, 1968.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .A45 T4
Baldwin, Peter.
Disease and democracy: the industrialized world faces AIDS.
Berkeley: University of California Press; NY: Milbank Memorial Fund,
note: [chapter] 8, To die laughing; gays and other interest groups, pp.
Suz, Health, Bot WC 503.6 B182d 2005
Balkan as metaphor: between globalization and fragmentation. Edited by
Dusan I. Bjelic and Obrad Savic.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 10, Queer Serbs (Branka Arsic), pp. 253-277; [chapter] 11,
Sexualizing the Serb. VI. A Politics of Perversion (Dusan I. Bjelic and
Lucinda Cole), pp. 296-302.
Suz DR 48.6 .B3453 2002
Ball, Carlos.
The morality of gay rights: an exploration in political philosophy.
NY: Routledge, 2003.
Suz HQ 76.5 .B35 2003
Ball, Edward.
Peninsula of lies: a true story of mysterious birth and taboo love.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2004.
Ugl PS 3537 .I56 Z55 2004
Ball, Howard.
The Supreme Court in the intimate lives of Americans: birth, sex,
marriage, childbearing, and death.
NY: New York University Press, c2002.
note: chapter 1, part 4, Is there a protected liberty interest for persons
having intimate homosexual relations?, pp. 22-29.
Suz, Law, Bot KF 3760 .B35 2002
The ballad of Little Jo [videorecording] Fine Line Features & Polygram
Filmed Entertainment; a Fred Berner/Joco Production; produced by Fred
Berner and Brenda Goodman; written and directed by Maggie Greenwald.
[NY, NY]: New Line Home Video, c1994.
note: VHS; originally released as a motion picture in 1993.
note: cast: Suzy Amis, Bo Hopkins, Ian McKellen, David Chung, Rene
Auberjonois, Carrie Snodgrass; credits: music, David Mansfield; editor,
Keith Reasmer; director of photography, Declan Quinn; executive producers,
Ira Deutschman, John Sloss.
note: A society girl escapes the disgrace of bearing an illegitimate child
by heading for the Wild West, discovering along the way that she must
disguise herself as a man to be safe. She can handle all that comes her
way -- hard winters, outlaws -- until she falls in love.
UglMed Videorecord NLHV 026
Ballot measure 9: [videorecording] the Oregon Tape Poject; produced &
directed by Heather MacDonald.
Los Angeles, CA: Fox Lorber Home Video, c1996.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; videocassette release of a film originally in
note: camera, Ellen Hansen .. [et al.]; music, Julian Dylan Russell;
editors, Heather MacDonald, BB Jorissen
note: Documentary investigation of events surrounding the 1992 campaign
for Oregon's anti-gay ballot initiative
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1967
Balmer, Randall Herbert.
Protestantism in America. Randall Balmer and Lauren F. Winner.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2002.
note: chapter 8, Protestants and homosexuality, pp. 149-178.
Bot BR 515 .R36 2002
Bamforth, Nicholas.
Sexuality, morals and justice: a theory of lesbian and gay rights law.
London; NY: Washington, [D.C.]: Cassell, 1997.
Suz K 3242.3 .B36 1997
Bandits at sea: a pirates reader. Edited by C. R. Pennell.
NY: New York University Press, c2001.
note: chapter 12, The practice of homosexuality among the pirates of late
eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century China (Dian Murray), pp.
Suz G535 .B26 2001
Bang, Herman.
Breve til Fritz. Udg. ved Ulla Albeck og Erik Timmermann.
Kobenhavn: Westermann, 1951.
Suz 921 B224ba
The banner.
Seattle, WA: PFLAG/Seattle, [1998]-
note: continues Parents banner, see Parents banner
SpecColl HQ 75 .P25
v.14, n.6-v.16, [n.12] (Nov/Dec 1998-Nov/Dec 2001); v.2002, n. 1-5
(Jan/Feb 2002-Sep/Oct 2002); v.2003, n.3 (May/Jun 2003)
Bannon, Ann.
Beebo Brinker.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1986, c1962.
Suz, Bot PS 3552 .A495 B4 1986
Bannon, Ann.
I am a woman.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1986, c1959.
Suz PS 3552 .A495 I2 1986
Bannon, Ann.
Journey to a woman.
[Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press] 1983.
Suz PS 3552 .A495 J6 1983
Bannon, Ann.
Odd girl out.
[Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press] 1983.
Suz PS 3552 .A495 O4 1983
Bannon, Ann.
Women in the shadows.
[Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press] 1983.
Suz PS 3552 .A495 W6 1983
Banta, William F.
AIDS in the workplace: legal questions and practical answers.
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, c1988.
SocWk KF 3570 .B36 1988
Banta, William F.
AIDS in the workplace: legal questions and practical answers. Updated
& expanded edition.
NY: Lexington Books; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan Canada;
NY: Maxwell Macmillan International, c1993.
Suz, Bot WD 308 B219a 1993
Banville, John.
The Untouchable.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1997.
Suz PR 6052 .A57 U58 1997
Ugl PR 6052 .A57 U58 1998 (Vintage Books)
Bar rag.
San Francisco: Strait and Associates, [1967]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 96 v.1, no.1 (Spring 1967)
Bara no soretsu [videorecording] seisaku, Kudo Mitsuru; kyakuhon, kantoku,
Matsumoto Toshio.
[S.l.: s.n., 2005?]
note: DVD-R in Japanese with English subtitles; originally released as a
motion picture in 1969.
note: cast- Pita, Ogasawara Osamu, Azuma Emiko; credits- Satsuei, Suzuk
Tatsuo; ongaku, Yuasa Joji, henshu, Iwasa Toshie.
note: a gay man kills his mother and sleeps with his father in this
Japanese version of the Oedipus legend
UglMed DVD EAL 381
Barber, Dulan.
A world without wool shops.
NY: Marion Boyars, 1990.
Suz PR 6052 .A616 W67 1990
Barber, Malcolm.
The new knighthood: a history of the Order of the Temple.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Suz CR 4743 .B27 1994
Barber, Stephen.
Edmund White: the burning world: a biography.
London: Picador, 1999.
Suz PS 3573 .H463 Z54 1999b
Barber, Stephen.
Jean Genet.
London: Reaktion Books, 2004.
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 Z555 2004
Barber, William.
Diary of a New York queen.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1988.
Suz PS 3552 .A59198 D52 1988
Barbin, Herculine.
Herculine Barbin: being the recently discovered memoirs of a
nineteenth-century French hermaphrodite.
Introduced by Michel Foucault; translated by Richard McDougall.
NY: Pantheon Books, [1980]
note: translation of Herculine Barbin dite Alexina B.
Suz, Bot WJ 712 B237h 1980a
Barbin, Herculine.
Herculine Barbin dite Alexina B. Presente par Michel Foucault.
[Paris]: Gallimard, 1978.
Ugl WJ 712 B237h 1978.
Barda, Justine I.
Heteronormativity and the state: construction of marriage in contemporary
US law and popular culture.
Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington, 2004.
Suz PS 15 Th53521
AuxStx Thesis 53521
Bardakci, Murat.
Osmanli'da seks: sarayda gece dersleri.
Kadikoy, Istanbul: Gur Yayinlari, 1992.
(Arastirma, inceleme, basvuru dizisi, 15)
Suz HQ 18 T9 B37 1992
Barebacking: psychosocial and public health approaches. Perry N. Halkitis,
Leo Wilton, Jack Drescher, editors.
NY: Haworth Medical Press, c2005.
Tac WM 460.5 .S3 B248 2005
Barkan, Leonard.
Transuming passion; Ganymede and the erotics of humanism.
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991.
Art NX 652 G35 B37 1991
Barker, Pat.
The eye in the door.
London: Penguin, 1994.
Suz PR 6052 .A6488 E97 1994b
Suz PR 6052 .A6488 E97 1994 (Dutton ed.)
Barnard, Ian.
Queer race: cultural interventions in the racial politics of queer
NY: Peter Lang, c2004.
Suz HQ 76.25 .B375 2004
Barnes, Djuna.
The book of repulsive women and other poems. Edited with an introduction
by Rebecca Loncraine.
NY: Routledge, 2003.
Suz PS 3503 .A614 B63 2003
Barnes, Djuna.
Collected poems: with notes toward the memoirs. Selected and edited by
Phillip Herring and Osias Stutman.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2005.
Suz, Bot PS 3503 .A614 A6 2005
Barnes, Djuna.
Ladies almanack: showing their signs and their tides, their moons and
their changes, the seasons as it is with them, their eclipses and
equinoxes, as well as a full record of diurnal and nocturnal distempers
written & illustrated by a lady of fashion. 1st ed.
Paris: Printed for the author: sold by Edward W. Titus, 1928. (Dijon:
Impr. Darantiere)
note: Published anonymously. The author revealed her identity in a later
ed. (NY: Harper & Row, 1972)
SpecColl Authors PS 3503 .A614 K3
Suz PS 3503 .A614 L3 1972 (Harper ed.)
Barnes, Djuna.
Ladies almanack: showing their signs and their tides, their moons and
their changes, the seasons as it is with them, their eclipses and
equinoxes, as well as a full record of diurnal and nocturnal distempers
written and illustrated by a lady of fashion.
NY: New York University Press, c1992.
note: introduction by Susan Snaider Lanser.
(Cutting edge)
Suz PS 3503 .A614 L3 1992b
Barnes, Djuna.
London: Faber & Faber [1936]
SpecColl Authors PS 3503 .A614 N5 1936
Barnes, Djuna.
Nightwood: introd. by T. S. Eliot.
[NY: Harcourt Brace, 1937]
SpecColl Authors PS 3503 .A614 N5
Ugl PS 3503 .A614 N5 1946 (New Directions edition)
Suz PS 3503 .A614 N5 1949 (New Directions edition, re-issue)
Bot PS 3503 .A614 N5 1961 (New Directions paperback)
Suz PS 3503 .A614 N5 2000 (Modern Library, c1937)
Suz PS 3503 .A614 N5 2006 (New Directions with new preface, Jeanette
Barnes, Djuna.
Nightwood: the original version and related drafts.
Edited, and with an introduction by Cheryl J. Plumb.
Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, c1995.
Suz PS 3503 .A614 N5 1995
Barnes, Djuna.
Selected works: Spillway; The antiphon; Nightwood.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy [1962]
SpecColl Authors PS 3503 .A614 A6 1962
Barnes, Johnny L.
Don't ask, don't tell: a costly and wasteful choice.
Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, [2004]
Thesis (M.A.)--Naval Postgraduate School, 2004.
available online,
Barnet, Sophie.
Stringybark summer.
M.A. thesis, University of Western Sydney, 2004.
available online,
Barnett, Allen.
The body and its dangers and other stories.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1990.
Suz, Ugl PS 3522 A6965 B64 1990
Bot PS 3552 .A6965 B64 1991
Barnett, Walter.
Homosexuality and the bible: an interpretation.
Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, c1979.
Ugl BS 680 H67 B37 1979
Barney, Natalie Clifford.
Adventures of the mind. Translated with annotations by John Spalding
NY; London: New York University Press, 1992.
(Cutting edge: lesbian life and literature)
note: Translation of: Aventures de l'esprit.
Ugl PQ 3939 .B3 Z46313 1992
Barney, Natalie Clifford.
A perilous advantage: the best of Natalie Clifford Barney.
Edited and translated by Anna Livia; with an introduction by Karla
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c1992.
Ugl PQ 3939 B3 P45 1992
Barnfield, Richard.
The affectionate shepherd. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell.
London: Reprinted for the Percy Society by Richards, 1845.
(Early English poetry, ballads, and popular literature of the Middle Ages,
v.20, no.1)
Suz 821.08 P412e v.20
Barnfield, Richard.
The complete poems of Richard Barnfield. Ed., with introduction and notes,
by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. Printed for the Roxburghe club.
London: J. B. Nichols and sons, 1876.
SpecCollStx 820.8 R no. 102
Barnfield, Richard.
see: Copland, Aaron. "As it fell upon a day." (song setting)
Barnfield, Richard.
Poems, 1594-1598. Edited by Edward Arber.
Westminster: Constable, 1895.
Suz 821 B26p
Barnfield, Richard.
The poems of Richard Barnfield.
London: Fortune Press [1936?]
note: notes by Montague Summers.
Suz 821 B26pf
Barnhouse, Ruth Tiffany.
Homosexuality: a symbolic confusion.
NY: Seabury Press, 1977.
NatSci WM 615 B262h 1977
Baron, Jeff.
Visiting Mr. Green.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, Inc., c1999.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Visiting Mr.
Baron, Sandy.
Sandy Baron's God save the queens [soundrecording] Created by Sandy Baron
and James R. McGraw.
Beverly Hills, CA: A & M Records, p1972.
UglMed Phonodisc AM 4355
Barr, James.
Quatrefoil: a modern novel.
NY: Greenberg, 1950.
SpecColl PNW PS 3503 .A6264 Q3 1950
Suz PS 3503 .A6264 Q37 1991 (Alyson ed., with new epilogue)
Barranger, Milly S.
Margaret Webster: a life in the theater.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2004.
Suz PN 2297 .W45555 B37 2004
Barret, Robert L.
Counseling gay men and lesbians: a practice primer. Bob Barret, Colleen
Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning, c2002.
Tac WM 55 B273c 2002
Barret, Robert L.
Gay fathers.
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1990.
SocWk HQ 76.2 U5 B37 1990
Barret, Robert L.
Gay fathers: encouraging the hearts of gay dads and their families. Robert
L. Barret, Bryan E. Robinson. New and rev. ed.
San Francisco: Jossey Bass, c2000.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.13 .B37 2000
Barrett, Martha Barron.
Invisible lives: the truth about millions of women-loving women.
NY: Morrow, c1989.
Suz,Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 B37 1989
Barrington, John S.
Kouros. Introduced by Emmanuel Cooper.
London: Editions Aubrey Walter/GMP; Boston: Distributed in North America
by Alyson Publications, 1990.
note: photographs 1948-1989
SpecColl TR 681 .M4 B37 1990
Barrington, Judith.
Lifesaving: a memoir.
Portland, OR: Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.
Suz PS 3552 .A73647 Z466 2000
Barrington, Judith.
Trying to be an honest woman: poems.
Portland, OR: Eighth Mountain Press, c1985.
SpecColl PNW PS 3552 .A77 T7 1985
Barrios, Richard.
Screened out: playing gay in Hollywood film from Edison to Stonewall.
NY: Routledge, 2003.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .H55 B37 2003
Barrus, Tim.
Anywhere, anywhere.
Stamford, CT: Knights Press, c1987.
Suz PS 3552 .A7414 A84 1987
Barrus, Tim.
Genocide: the anthology.
Stamford, CT: Knights Press: Distributed by Lyle Stuart, Inc., c1988.
Suz PS 3552 .A7414 G4 1988
Bartee, Alice Fleetwood.
Privacy rights: cases lost and causes won before the Supreme Court.
Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006.
note: [chapter] 2, Confusion in the conference, pp. 37-69 [concerns the
Bowers v. Hardwick case]; [chapter] 5, All is not lost: privacy cases won
[reversal of the Bowers v. Hardwick case; and the Lawrence v. Texas case],
pp. 205-226.
Suz, Bot KF 4749 .B327 2006
Barthes, Roland.
Paris: Editions du Seuil, c1987.
Suz PQ 2603 .A57 I5 1987
Barthes, Roland.
Incidents. Translated by Richard Howard.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.
note: translation of: Incidents.
Suz, Bot P85 .B33 A3 1992
Bartlett, Neil.
The house on Brooke Street.
NY: Dutton, c1997.
Suz PR 6052 .A7543 H68 1997
Bartlett, Neil.
Mr. Clive & Mr. Page.
London; NY: Serpent's Tail, 1996.
Suz PR 6052 .A7543 M57 1996
Bartlett, Neil.
Night after night.
London: Methuen Drama in association with the Royal Court Theatre,
note: books and lyrics by Neil Bartlett, music by Nicolas Bloomfield.
Drama PR 6052 .A7543 N54 1993
Bartlett, Neil.
Ready to catch him should he fall.
NY: Dutton, c1990. (1991 printing)
Suz, Ugl PR 6052 A7543 R43 1991
Bartlett, Neil.
Who was that man?: a present for Mr. Oscar Wilde.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1988.
Suz PR 5823 .B33 1988
Bashers, baiters & bigots: homophobia in American society. Edited by
John P. De Cecco.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1985.
note: Reprint. Originally published as: Homophobia. (c1984)
Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.3 .U5 H635 1985
Baskett, Edward Eugene.
Entrapped. Introd. by James A. Warren.
Westport, CT: L. Hill, 1976.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B37 1976
Bass, Ellen.
Free your mind: the book for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth-and their
By Ellen Bass and Kate Kaufman.
NY: HarperPerennial, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 B38 1996
Bastian, Till.
Homosexuelle im Dritten Reich: Geschichte einer Verfolgung.
München: C. H. Beck, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 B37 2000
Bastos, Cristiana.
Global responses to AIDS: science in emergency.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1999.
Suz WC 503.7 B327g 1999
Bateman, Geoffrey.
Multinational military units and homosexual personnel. Geoffrey
Bateman and Sameera Dalvi.
[Santa Barbara, CA:]: Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the
Military, [2004]
available online,
Bates, Natalie.
Friend of the family.
NY: Atheneum, 1988.
Suz PS 3552 .A8275 F74 1988
Bates, Stephen.
A church at war: Anglicans and homosexuality.
London: I.B. Tauris, 2004.
Suz BR 115 .H6 B38 2004
Bateson, Catherine Mary.
With a daughter's eye: a memoir of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson.
NY: W. Morrow, c1984.
Suz, Ugl GN 21 .M36 B37 1984
Battered women and their families: intervention strategies and treatment
programs. Albert R. Roberts, editor.
NY: Springer Pub. Co., c1998.
note: Chapter 15. Developing services for lesbians in abusive
relationships: a macro and micro approach (Christine Heer, Eileen Grogan,
Sandra Clark, and Lynda Marie Carson), pp. 365-384.
SocWk, Bot, Tac HV 699 .B37 1998
Baudelaire, Charles.
Intimate journals. Translated by Christopher Isherwood; with an
introduction by T. S. Eliot.
London: Black Spring, 1989
note: translation of: Journaux intimes.
Suz PQ 2191 .Z5 A341 1989
Baudelaire, Charles.
Journaux intimes; avertissement et notes de Jacques Crepet. Quatrieme
Paris: Mercure de France, 1938.
Suz 921 B324b4
Bauman, Robert.
The gentleman from Maryland: the conscience of a
gay conservative.
NY: Arbor House, c1986.
Suz HQ 75.8 .B38 A3 1986
Baumann, Hermann.
Das doppelte Geschlecht; ethnologische Studien zur Bisexualität in
Ritus und Mythos.
Berlin: D. Reimer [1955]
Suz 291.212 B327d
Baumgardner, Jennifer.
Look both ways: bisexual politics.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.
Ugl HQ 74 .B38 2007
Baumont, Maurice.
L'affaire Eulenberg et les origines de la guerre mondiale.
Paris: Payot, 1933.
Suz 943.08 Eu53b
Bawer, Bruce.
A place at the table: the gay individual in American society.
NY: Poseidon Press, c1993.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 U5 B39 1993
Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 B39 1994
Bawer, Bruce.
Stealing Jesus: how fundamentalism betrays Christianity.
NY: Crown Publishers, c1997.
Suz BT 82.2 .B39 1997
Baxt, George.
A queer kind of death.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1979.
Suz PS 3552 .A852 Q43 1979
Bay area reporter: B.A.R.
San Francisco: Benro Enterprises, c1971-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 4-34 v.1-19 (1971-1989)
Bayard, Louis.
Endanged species: a novel.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, c2001.
Suz PS 3552 .A85864 E54 2001
Bayard, Louis.
Fool's errand.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, c1999.
Ugl PS 3552 .A85864 F66
Bayer, Ronald.
AIDS doctors: voices from the epidemic. Ronald Bayer, Gerald M.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Suz WC 503 B357A 2000
Bayer, Ronald.
Homosexuality and American psychiatry: the politics of diagnosis.
NY: Basic Books, c1981.
NatSci, Bot WM 460.5 S3 B357h 1981
Bayer, Ronald.
Homosexuality and American psychiatry: the politics of diagnosis: with a
new afterword on AIDS and homosexuality.
Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1987.
Suz, SocWk WM 615 B357h 1987
Bayer, Ronald.
Private acts, social consequences: AIDS and the politics of public
NY: Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan, c1989.
Ugl, HSLIC, Bot WD 308 B357p 1989
Law RA 644 .A25 B39 1989
Bayly, Jaime.
No se lo digas a nadie.
Barcelona: Seix Barral, c1999.
note: For the videorecording based on this novel, see: No se lo digas a
Suz PQ 8498.12 .A95 N67 1999
Bazin, Nancy Topping.
Virginia Woolf and the androgynous vision.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press [1973]
Suz, Ugl PR 6045 .O72 Z543
Bean, Billy.
Going the other way: lessons from a life in and out of the major league
baseball. Billy Bean with Chris Bull.
NY: Marlowe & Co., 2004, c2003.
Ugl GV 865 .B336 A3 2003
The bear book: readings in the history and evolution of a gay male
subculture. Les K. Wright, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76 .B37 1997
The bear book II: further readings in the history and evolution of a gay
male subculture. Les K. Wright, editor.
NY: Harringotn Park Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 76 .B372 2001
The bear handbook: a comprehensive guide for those who are husky, hairy,
and homosexual, and those who love'em. [Compiled by] Ray Kampf.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 76 .B373 2000
Bears, Conrad W.
The homosexual's search for happiness.
Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1976.
Suz WM 611 B111h 1976
Beat: a monthly newsletter for volunteers and friends of Gay City Health
Seattle, WA: Gay City Health Project
note: continues Volunteer Voice, see Volunteer Voice; continued by Gay
City bulletin; see those titles in this bibliography for holdings.
SpecColl HQ 75 .B43
Feb 1998, May 1998; Jul 1998-Aug 1999; Oct 1999-Mar 2004
Beauman, Nicola.
Morgan: a biography of E. M. Forster.
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1993.
Suz PR 6011 .O58 Z62 1993
Suz, Ugl PR 6011 .O58 Z62 1994 (NY edition)
Beautiful barbarians: lesbian feminist poetry. Edited by Lilian
London: Onlywomen, 1986.
Suz PR 1177 B42 1986
Beautiful boxer [videorecording] = Biutifun boksoe. Chi Em Em Pikchoe
sanoe; kamkap phapphayon lae borihan ngansang Ekkachai Uakhrongtham;
bophappphayon doe Ekkachia Uakhraongtham, Detmon Sim.
Director's cut; Special deluxe limited ed.
[Thailand]: Maengpong, [2006]
note: DVD; in Thai with short sequences in English and Chinese with Thai
note: cast- Atsani Suwan, Soraphong Chatri, Onanong Panyawong, Kyoko
Inoue, Sitthiphon Niyom.
note: Kamkap phap, Chuchat Nanthithanyathada; lamdap phap, Dutsadi
Phuyinongpho; dontri prakop lae okbaep siang, Amonphong
note: originally released in 2003 as a motion picture
note: Based on the true story of Thailand's famed transvestite kickboxer,
Beautiful Boxer is an action drama that punches straight into the heart
and mind of a boy who fights like a man so he can become a woman. Believing
he's a girl trapped in a boy's body since childhood, Parinya Charoenphon
(affectionately known as Nong Toom in Thailand) sets out to master the
most masculine and lethal sport of Muay Thai (Thai boxing) to earn a
living and to achieve his ultimate goal of a sex-change operation. Funny
and packed with breathtaking Thai kickboxing sequences, Beautiful Boxer
traces Nong Toom's childhood, teenage life as a traveling monk, and
grueling days in boxing camps.
UglMed DVD SEA 057
Beautiful thing [videorecording] Channel Four Films presents a World
Production; written by Jonathan Harvey; producers, Tony Garnett and Bill
Shapter; director, Hettie Macdonald.
Culver City, CA: Columbia TriStar Home Video, [2003], c1996.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; closed-captioned for the hearing impaired; based
on the play by Jonathan Harvey; originally produced as a motion picture in
note: cast- Linda Henry, Glen Berry, Scott Neal, Tameka Empson, Ben
Daniels; credits- director of photography, Chris Seager; editor, Don
Fairservice; music, John Altman.
note: set in London's lower class suburbs, this is the story of a teenager
who has discovered that he's gay and his love for another teenager who
lives next door.
UglMed DVD CTHV 173
Beauty queens on the global stage: gender, contests, and
Edited by Colleen Ballerino Cohen, Richard Wilk, and Beverly
NY: Routledge, 1996.
note: [chapter] 6, Negotiating style and mediating beauty: transvestite
(gay/Bantut) beauty contests in the Southern Philippines, (Mark Johnson),
pp. 89-104.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 1219 .B35 1996
Because this is about love [videorecording]: a portrait of gay and lesbian
marriage. By Bo Tree Video.
NY: Filmakers Library, c1991. 1 videocassette.
note: Producer/director, Shulee Ong. With Chuck Harnish
& Bill Norton, Desiree Thompson & Trinity Ordona, Tristano
Palermino & David Glassberg, Alice Heimsoth & Christmas Leubrie,
Maureen Longworth & Lin Davis.
note: "This is a touching profile of five lesbian and gay couples
from multicultural backgrounds who have made a life long commitment to
each other by going through a marriage ceremony. Each couple tells
the story of how they met, why they decided to marry, and how their family
and friends responded."
TacMed Videorecord TAC-870
Beccadelli, Antonio.
Antonio Beccadelli and The Hermaphrodite.
[Translated with an introduction by] Michael de Cossart.
Liverpool: Janus, c1984.
note: translation of: Hermaphroditus.
Suz PA 9475 .B4 H4 1984
Bech, Henning.
When men meet: homosexuality and modernity. Translated by Teresa Mesquit
and Tim Davies.
Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 1997.
note: Translation from the Danish of: Nar maend modes.
Suz HQ 76 .B3913 1997b
Bechard, Margaret.
If it doesn't kill you.
NY: Viking, c1999.
ChiLit, BotLit PZ7 .B38066 If 1999
Bechdel, Alison.
Dykes and sundry other carbon-based life-forms to watch out for.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, c2003.
Ugl, Bot PN 6728 .D94 B46 2003
Bechdel, Alison.
Dykes to watch out for.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1986.
Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 B42 1986
Bechdel, Alison.
Dykes to watch out for: the sequel: added attraction! "Serial
monogamy," a documentary.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1992.
Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 B42 1992
Bechdel, Alison.
Fun home: a family tragicomic.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, c2006.
Ugl, Bot PN 6727 .B3757 Z46 2006
Bechdel, Alison.
Hot, throbbing dykes to watch out for.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1997.
Ugl NC 1429 .B3513 A4 1997
Bechdel, Alsion.
The indelible Alison Bechdel: confessions, comix, and miscellaneous dykes
to watch out for.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1998.
Suz, Ugl NC 1429 .B3513 A4 1998
Bechdel, Alison.
Invasion of the dykes to watch out for.
NY: Alyson Books, 2005.
Ugl, Bot PN 6728 .D94 B48 2005
Bechdel, Alison.
More dykes to watch out for.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1988.
Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 B423 1988
Bechdel, Alison.
New improved! Dykes to watch out for.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1990.
Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 B424 1990
Bechdel, Alison.
Post-dykes to watch out for.
Ithaca: Firebrand Books, c2000.
note: selections from Dykes to watch out for.
Bot PN 6728 .D94 B484 2000
Bechdel, Alison.
Spawn of dykes to watch out for.
Ithaca: Firebrand Books, c1993.
Ugl HQ 75.5 B43 1993
Bechdel, Alison.
Split-level dykes to watch out for.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1998.
Ugl, Bot HQ 75.6 .U5 B425 1998
Bechdel, Alison.
Unnatural dykes to watch out for.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1995.
Ugl HQ 76.6 .U5 B426 1995
Beck, Brian Kevin.
But so did her brother!
Whitewater, WI: Wonderside Productions, c2006.
Suz HQ 76 .B4 2006
Beck, Gad.
An underground life: the memoirs of a gay Jew in Nazi Berlin.
Written with Frank Herbert; translated from the German by Allison
Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, c1999.
(Living out)
note: translation of: Und Gad ging zu David.
Suz DS 135 .G5 B333 1999
Beck, Nora.
Portland, OR: Carlton Street Press, c2002.
Suz PS 3552 .E255 F53 2002
Becker, Albrecht.
Fotos sind mein Leben.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, c1993.
Suz TR 140 .B4413 A3 1993
Becker, Carol S.
Unbroken ties: lesbian ex-lovers.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1988.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.6 U5 B43 1988
Becker, Evvie.
High-risk sexual behavior: interventions with vulnerable populations.
[By] Evvie Becker, Elizabeth Rankin and Annette U. Rickel.
NY: Plenum Press, c1998.
note: chapter 6. Guidelines for intervention, III: gay men and bisexuals,
pp. 121-142.
SocWk HQ 60.7 .U6 B43 1998
Becker, Raymond de.
The other face of love. Translated by Margaret Crosland & Alan
NY: Grove Press [1969]
note: Translation of: L'erotisme d'en face.
Suz HQ 76 .B4213 1969
Becker, Ron.
Gay TV and straight America.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2006.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 1992.8 .H64 B43 2006
Beckley, Robert E.
The continuing challenge of AIDS: clergy responses to patients, friends,
and families. Robert E. Beckley and Jerome R. Koch.
Westport, CT: Auburn House, 2002.
Suz BV 4460.7 .B43 2002
Beckman, Linda Hunt.
Amy Levy: her life and letters.
Athens: Ohio University Press, c2000.
Suz PR 4886 .L25 Z53 2000
Beckson, Karl E.
The Oscar Wilde encyclopedia. With a foreword by Merlin Holland.
NY: AMS Press, c1998.
(AMS studies in the nineteenth century, no. 18)
Drama PR 5823 .B34 1998
Becoming a spectacle: lesbian & gay politics & culture in the
[A special issue of] Radical America. v.24, n.4, September-December 1990
(publ. April, 1993)
note: see also Becoming a spectacle: Part II.
Social Work Periodicals HD 4802 R33 v.23-24
Becoming a spectacle: Part II. Culture and politics in the 1990s.
[A special issue of] Radical America. v.25, n.1,
January-March 1991 (publ. Sept., 1993)
note: see also: Becoming a spectacle: lesbian & gay politics &
culture in the nineties.
Social Work Periodicals HD 4802 R33 [v.25, n.1]
Becoming visible: a reader in gay & lesbian history for high school
& college students. Kevin Jennings, ed.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1994.
CurMatStx HQ 76.25 .B425 1994
Becoming-woman. [Edited by] Camilla Griggers.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1997.
(Theory out of bounds, v.8)
Suz, Bot HQ 1190 .B42 1997
Bedrooms and hallways [videorecording] Pandora Cinema presents in
association with ARP, Pandora Films and BBC Films; a Berwin and Dempsey
Production; written by Robert Farrar; produced by Ceci Dempsey and Dorothy
Berwin; directed by Rose Troche.
NY: First Run Features, 1999.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; 1 videodisc, DVD
note: cast-Kevin McKidd, Hugo Weaving, Simon Callow; credits- music
composed and arranged by Alfredo D. Troche and Ian McPherson; written by
Robert Farrar; produced by Ceci Dempsey and Dorothy Berwin; interview
with Rose Troche; originally released as a motion picture in 1998.
note: Leo and Darren are two gay roommates living in London, each single
and pursuing romantic happiness. While Darren strikes up a relationship
with real estate agent and sex-fiend Jeremy, Leo joins a New Age men's
therapy group and promptly develops a crush on fellow member Brendan-who
is recently separated from longtime girlfriend Sally.
UglMed Videorecord FREF 012
UglMed DVD FRF 002
Beer, Chris.
Gay workers: trade unions and the law.
By Chris Beer, Roland Jeffery and Terry Munyard; introduction by Tony Benn;
cartoons by Dominic Poelsma.
London: National Council for Civil Liberties, 1981.
Suz KD 3103 .H6 B4 1981
Beere, Carole A.
Sex and gender issues: a handbook of tests and measures.
NY; Greenwood Press, 1990.
note: [chapter] 7. Homosexuality, pp. 333-357. Describes 10 scales, 9 of
which assess attitudes regarding homosexuality.
SocWkRef, BotRef BF 692 .B38 1990
Before night falls [videorecording] Fineline Features; Grandview Pictures;
Jon Kilik presents a film by Julian Schnabel; Directed by Julian Schnabel;
produced by Jon Kilik; written by Cunningham O'Keefe, Lazaro Gomez
Carilles, Julian Schnabel.
[United States]: New Line Home Entertainment, [2001], c2000.
note: 1 videodisc; DVD; in English and Spanish with optional Spanish
soundtrack; optional subtitles in English, French or Spanish;
closed-captioned in English for the hearing impaired.
note: cast- Javier Bardem, Olivier Martinez, Andrea Di Stefano, Johnny
Depp, Sean Penn, Michael Wincott; credit- directors of photography, Xavier
Perez Grobet, Guillermo Rosas; editor, Michael Berenbaum; music, Carter
Burwell; costume designer, Mariestela Fernandez; production designer,
Salvador Parra.
note: originally released as motion picture in 2000; based on Antes que
anochezca by Reinaldo Arenas.
note: special features- commentary with Julian Schnabel, Javier Bardem,
Lazaro Gomez Carilles, Carter Burwell, Xavier Perez Grobet; documentary
shorts; cast & crew filmographies; theatrical trailer.
note: A look at the life of Reinaldo Arenas, from childhood in Cuba to his
death in New York City. His writings and homosexuality get him in trouble
with Castro's Cuba and he spends two years in prison before leaving for
the United States.
UglMedia DVD NLHV 026
TacMed DVD TAC-191
Before sexuality: the construction of erotic experience in the
ancient Greek world.
David M. Halperin, John J. Winkler, Froma I. Zeitlin, editors.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1990.
note: Chapter 8: Why is Diotima a woman? Platonic Eros and the figuration
of gender.
Suz, Ugl HQ 13 .B44 1990
Before Stonewall: activists for gay and lesbian rights in historical
Vern Bullough, editor; Judith M. Saunders, Sharon Valente, associate editors;
C. Todd White, assistant editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2002.
Ugl, Bot HQ 76.5 .R56 2002
Before Stonewall [videorecording]: the making of a gay and lesbian community.
Produced by Before Stonewall, Inc. in association with Alternative Media
Information Center; producers, Robert Rosenberg, John Scagliotti, Greta
Schiller; director, Greta Schiller, [199-]
NY: First Run Features Home Video, [199-]
[S.l.]: MPI Home Video, 1989, c1986.
note; 1 videocassette; VHS.
note: A social history of homosexuality in America from the 1920s to 1969,
showing how this group has moved from a secret shame to the status of a publicly
viable minority group. Tells how a group consciousness coalesced after the
1969 police raid on Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City, and the
three-day riot that followed gained them national publicity and the birth
of the gay movement.
see also: Weiss, Andrea. Before Stonewall...(an illustrated historical
guide to the ... film)
note: for its sequel, After Stonewall, see After Stonewall.
UglMedia Videorecord FRF 005
BotMedia Videorecord BOT-1176 (Cinema Guild, [1994] print)
Beger, Nicole J.
Tensions in the struggle for sexual minority rights in Europe: que(e)rying
political practices.
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press: Distributed exclusively in
the USA by Palgrave, 2004.
Suz HQ 76.8 .E85 B44 2004
Beginnings: lesbians talk about the first time they met their long-term
Edited by Lindsey Elder.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 B44 1998
Behavioral and developmental pediatrics: a handbook for primary care.
Edited by Steven Parker, Barry Zuckerman; foreword by Joel J. Alpert.
Boston: Little, Brown, 1995.
note: [chapter] 34, Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youth (Clifford W. Sells
and Gary Remafedi), pp. 157-160; [chapter] 35, Gender identity issues
(Susan Coates and Sabrina Wolfe), pp. 161-164; [chapter] 42,
Masturbation (Ilgi Ertem and John M. Leventhal), pp. 200-202; [chapter]
80, Lesbian and Gay Parents (Tamar Gershon), pp. 371-373.
note: revised ed. (2005) entitled: Developmental and behavioral
pediatrics: a handbook of primary care.
Health WS 39 B419 1995
Behavioral aspects of AIDS. Edited by David G. Ostrow.
NY: Plenum Medical Book Co., c1990.
note: [chapter] 4, AIDS prevention among gay and lesbian youth.
Psychosocial stress and health care intervention guidelines (Ritch C.
Savin-Williams and Rand E. Lenhart), pp. 75-99.
HSLC WD 308 B419 1990
Behling, Laura L.
The masculine woman in America, 1890-1935.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2001.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1236.5 .U6 B45 2001
Behrendt, Jörg.
Homosexuality in the work of Gore Vidal.
Münster: Lit; Piscataway, NJ: Distributed in North America by
Publishers, [2002?]
(Studien zu Geschichte, Politik und Gesellschaft Nordamerikas; Bd. 19)
Ugl PS 3543 .I26 Z54 2002
Behrmann, Katrin.
Mit der Doppelaxt durch den Paragraphen-Dschungel: Rechtsratgeberin fur Lesben
(und Schwule und andere Unverheiratete). Katrin Behrmann, Bea Trampenau.
Hamburg: Fruhlings Erwachen, 1991.
(Fruhlings Erwachen. Recht, 2)
Suz KK 160 .L47 B44 1991
Being gay [videorecording]: coming out in the 21st century. Written,
produced & edited by Charlotte Angel and Kyle Boyd.
Lawrence, NJ: Cambridge Educational, [2005]
note: DVD
note: This program presents the accounts and stories of people who have
recently taken the step of coming out. Interviewees and experts discuss
the benefits of this important transition by examining the six stages of
coming to terms with one's sexual identity.
UglMed DVD CAM 003
TacMed DVD TAC-571
Beith, Gilbert.
Edward Carpenter, in appreciation, ed. by Gilbert Beith; with two portraits.
London: G. Allen & Unwin ltd. [1931]
Ugl 921 C225be
Bejel, Emilio.
Gay Cuban nation.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 76.3 .C9 B45 2001
Belford, Barbara.
Oscar Wilde: a certain genius.
NY: Random House, c2000.
Suz PR 5823 .B346 2000
The believers. Campfire Films presents a film by Todd Holland; directed by
Todd Holland; produced by Nicole Miller and Beth Burkhart; a production of
Mister Jones, LLC.
San Francisco, CA: Frameline, [2006]
note: DVD, originally released in 2005
note: performer- The Transcendence Gospel Choir, Ashley Moore, Yvonne,
Evans, and Bishop Yvette Flunder; credits- director of photography, Todd
Holland; editor, Julie Griesert.
note: Built around the lives of 15 founding members of the world's first
transgender gospel choir, the film portrays the choir's dilemma--
how to reconcile their gender identity with the widespread belief that
changing one's gender goes against the word of God. Filmed over three
years, the film takes us from the Transcendence Gospel Choir's shaky
beginnings, when the heartwarmingly chaotic, cacophonous group is unable
to agree on much of anything, arguing over appropriate wardrobe and
learning to sing with transitioning voices, through their transformation
into a polished, award-winning choir and close-knit family.
UglMed DVD FRAM 008
Belkin, Aaron.
Don't ask, don't tell: is the gay ban based on military necessity?
[Carlisle, PA: US Army War College], c2003.
note: html version of article published in Parameters, v.33, n.2 (Summer
2003), pp. 108-119.
available online,
GovPubUSStx D101.72 v.33, n.2 (Summer 2003)
Bell, Alan P.
Homosexualities: a study of diversity among men and women. By Alan P. Bell and
Martin S. Weinberg.
NY: Simon and Schuster, c1978.
note: Report of a study made by the Institute for Sex Research.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 B45
Bell, Alan P.
Sexual preference, its development in men and women.
By Alan P. Bell, Martin S. Weinberg, and Sue Kiefer Hammersmith.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1981.
note: An official publication of the Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 B438
Bell, Alan P.
Sexual preference, its development in men and women. Statistical appendix. By
Alan P. Bell, Martin S. Weinberg, and Sue Kiefer Hammersmith.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1981.
note: An official publication of the Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex
Ugl HQ 76 B438 1981
Bell, Arthur (Arthur Irving)
Dancing the gay lib blues: a year in the homosexual liberation movement.
NY: Simon and Schuster [1971]
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.8 U5 B43
Bell, Arthur (Arthur Irving)
Kings don't mean a thing: the John Knight murder case.
NY: Morrow, 1978.
Suz KF 224 .S58 B44 1978
Bell, David.
The sexual citizen: queer politics and beyond. David Bell and Jon
Cambridge, UK: Polity; Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.25 .B45 2000
Bell, Laurie.
On our own terms: a practical guide for lesbian and gay relationships.
Toronto: Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights in Ontario, 1991.
Suz KE 590 .B45 1991
Bell, Mark.
After the Framework directive:
combating discrimination outside employment. Drafted for the board of
Brussels: ILGA-Europe, [2002]
(ILGA-Europe document, #3, 2002)
available online,
Bell, Mark.
EU directive on free movement and same-sex families: guidelines on the
implementation process.
Brussles, Belgium: ILGA-Europe, [2005]
available online,
Bell, Mark.
Families, partners, children, and the European Union. Drafted for the
Board of ILGA-Europe, [2003]
Brussels, Belgium: ILGA-Europe, [2003]
(ILGA-Europe document; #1/2003/EN)
available online,
Bell, Mark.
Protecting LGBT people seeking asylum: guidelines on the refugee Status
Directive. Written by Mark Bell.
Brussles, Belgium: ILGA-Europe, [2005]
available online,
Bell, Quentin.
Virginia Woolf: a biography.
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [1972]
Suz, Ugl PR 6045 .O72 Z545 1972 v.1-2
Bell, Robert R.
Social deviance; a substantive analysis.
Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press, 1971.
note: chapter 11, Male Homosexuality, pp. 248-284; chapter 12, The Female
Homosexual, pp.285-305.
SocWk, HSLIC HM 291 .B385
Bell, Robert R.
The social dimension of human sexuality. Edited by Robert R. Bell and
Michael Gordon.
Boston: Little, Brown [1972]
note: [chapter] 12, The homosexual role (Mary McIntosh), pp. 176-188;
[chapter] 13, Social roles in a prison for women (Rose Giallombardo), pp.
189-214; [chapter] 14, The Ethnography of male homosexual relationships
(David Sonnenschein), pp. 215-227. Reprinted from Social Problems,
v.16, n.2 (Fall, 1968), pp. 182-192; Social Problems, v. 13, n.3
(Winter, 1966), pp. 268-288; and The Journal of Sex Research, v. IV,
n.2 (May, 1968), pp. 215-227, respectively.
Ugl HQ 60 .B44
Bell-Metereau, Rebecca Louise.
Hollywood androgyny.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1985.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 I43 B45 1985
Bell-Metereau, Rebecca Louise.
Hollywood androgyny. 2nd ed.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1993.
Suz PN 1995.9 .I43 B45 1993
Belleza, Dario.
Morte di Pasolini.
Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1981.
Suz PQ 4835 .A48 Z62 1981
Bellis, Alice Ogden.
Science, scripture, and homosexuality. Alice Ogden Bellis and Terry L.
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2002.
Ugl BR 115 .H6 B45 2002
Benderson, Bruce.
The Romanian: story of an obsession.
NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, c2006.
Ugl HQ 75.8 .B46 A3 2006
Bending the landscape: fantasy. Edited by Nicola Griffith and Stephen
see: Fantasy.
see: Science fiction.
Beneke, Timothy.
Proving manhood: reflections on men and sexism.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1997.
Suz, Bot HQ 1090.3 .B45 1997
Benemann, William.
Male-male intimacy in early America: beyond romantic friendships.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 B46 2006
Bengis, Ingrid.
Combat in the erogenous zone.
NY: Knopf, [distributed by Random House,] 1972.
Ugl, HSLIC BF 692 B39
Benjamin, Harry.
The transsexual phenomenon.
NY: Julian Press [1966]
HSLIC WM 610 B468t 1966
Benkov, Laura.
Reinventing the family: the emerging story of lesbian and gay
NY: Crown Publishers, c1994.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 B46 1994
Benkovitz, Miriam J.
Frederick Rolfe, Baron Corvo: a biography.
NY: Putnam, 1977.
Ugl PR 5236 .R27 Z58 1977
Bennett, Betty T.
Mary Diana Dods, a gentleman and a scholar.
NY: Morrow, c1991.
Suz PR 4897 .L2 Z6 1991
Bennett, Lisa.
The perpetuation of prejudice in reporting on gays and lesbians: Time and
Newsweek, the first fifty years.
Cambridge: Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public
Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
(Research paper, R-21, September 1998)
Suz PN 4888 .H65 B55 1998
Benshoff, Harry M.
Monsters in the closet: homosexuality and the horror film.
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press; NY: Distributed exclusively in the
USA by St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 B457 1997
Benshoff, Harry M.
Queer images: a history of gay and lesbian film in America. Harry M.
Benshoff and Sean Griffin.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c2005.
Ugl, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .H55 B44 2006
Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic)
Fine feathers: and other stories. Selected and introduced by Jack
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 1994.
note: The male impersonator, pp. 204-218.
Ugl PR 6003 .E66 F56 1994
Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic)
Make way for Lucia.
NY: Crowell, c1977.
note: a compenium of seven novels featuring the character Lucia and her
local bachelor friend, Georgie, who likes to do embroidery and dye his
hair: Queen Lucia; The Male Impersonator; Lucia in London; Mapp and Lucia;
Miss Mapp; The Worshipful Lucia; Trouble for Lucia.
Suz PR 6003 .E66 M3 197
Benson, R.O.D.
In defense of homosexuality, male & female; a rational evaluation of
social prejudice.
NY: Julian Press, 1965.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 .B445
HSLIC HQ 76 .B445 1965
Benstock, Shari.
Women of the Left Bank: Paris, 1900-1940.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 151 .B46 1986
Bent [videorecording] Channel Four Films and Goldwyn Entertainment
Company; in association with NDF Inc., Ask Kodansha Co., Ltd. and the
Arts Council of England; director, Sean Mathias; producers, Michael
Solinger, Dixie Linder; co-producers, Sean Mathias, Martin Sherman;
screenplay, Martin Sherman.
note: DVD, videodisc release of the 1997 British motion picture; based on
the play by Martin Sherman.
note: performer- Lothaire Bluteau, Clive Owen, Brian Webber, Ian McKellen,
Mick Jagger; credits- director of photography, Yorgos Arvanitis; composer,
Philip Glass.
note: Max, is a handsome young man who, after a fateful tryst with a
German soldier, is forced to run for his life. Pursued and captured, Max
is placed in a concentration camp where he pretends to be Jewish-- because
in the eyes of the Nazis, gays are the lowest form of human being. But it
takes a forbidden relationship with an openly gay prisoner to teach him
that without the love of another, life is not worth living.
UglMed DVD MGM 222
The bent lens: a world guide to gay & lesbian film.
[Edited by Claire Jackson and Peter Tapp].
St. Kilda, Vic.: Australian Catalogue Company, 1997.
Suz PN 1995.9 .H55 B46 1997
The bent lens: a world guide to gay & lesbian film. [Edited] by Lisa
Daniel & Claire Jackson. 2nd ed.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2003.
note: also available electronically through the catalog; UW users only
SuzRef PN 1995.9 .H55 B45 2003
Bent on writing: contemporary queer tales. Edited by Elizabeth Ruth.
Toronto, ONT: Women's Press, 2002.
Ugl PR 9194.5 .L47 B46 2002
Bentham, Jeremy.
Jeremy Bentham's essay on "Paederasty." Edited by Louis
An introduction [by the editor]; Offences against one's self: Paederasty.
Part 1.
In: Journal of Homosexuality, v.3, n.4, (Summer), 1978, pp. 383-387;
Part 2. In: Journal of Homosexuality, v.4, n.1, (Fall)
1978, pp. 91-107.
note: an introduction to and a transcription of Bentham's manuscript (in
D. M. S. Watson Library
University College, London) essay on "Paederasty," c. 1785.
Suzzallo Periodicals, SocWk Periodicals HQ 76 .J67 v.3 and v.4
Bentley, Robert L.
Dangerous games: the true story of a convicted murderer on death row who
changed his sex and won her freedom.
Secaucus, N.J.: Carol Pub. Group, c1993.
Suz HQ 77.8 .P47 B46 1993
Bepko, Claudia.
The heart's progress: a lesbian memoir.
NY: Viking, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.4 .B47 A3 1997
Berco, Cristian.
Sexual hierarchies, public status: men, sodomy, and society in Spain's
golden age.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c2007.
Suz HQ 76.2 .S7 B47 2007
Berendt, John.
Midnight in the garden of good and evil: a Savannah story.
NY: Random House, c1994.
Ugl F294 .S2 B48 1994
Berg, Charles.
Fear, punishment, anxiety, and the Wolfenden report.
London: Allen & Unwin [1959]
Law HQ 76 .B45
Berg, Charles.
The problem of homosexuality. By Charles Berg and Clifford Allen.
NY: Citadel Press [1958]
Suz HQ 76 .B47 1958
Berg, Steven L.
The NALGAP annotated bibliography: resources on alcoholism, substance
abuse, and lesbians/gay men.
By Steven L. Berg, Dana Finnegan, and Emily McNally.
Fort Wayne: The National Association of Lesbian and Gay Alcoholism
Professionals, 1987.
SocWkRef HQ 76.25 B47 1987
Bergan, Ronald.
Sergei Eisenstein: a life in conflict.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1999.
Suz, Ugl PN 1998.3 .E34 B47 1999
Berger, Helmut.
Ich: die Autobiographie. Unter Mitarbeit von Holde Heuer.
Berlin: Ullstein, 1998.
Suz PN 2618 .B45 A3 1998
Berger, Raymond M.
Gay and gray: the older homosexual man.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1982.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76 B475 1982
Berger, Raymond M.
Gay and gray: the older homosexual man. 2nd ed.
NY: Haworth Press, c1996.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76 .B475 1996b
Bergeron, David Moore.
King James & letters of homoerotic desire.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c1999.
Suz DA 391 .B46 1999
Bergez, Gérard.
Homosexualité et créativité. Préface de
Catherine Tourette-Turgis.
Paris: Lumière & justice, [1987]
Suz HQ 76 .B479 1987
Bergh, Christine Elizabeth.
The relationship between sex-role classification and activity, and trait
and state anxiety [microform]
Eugene: Microform Publications, College of Humand Development and
Performance, University of Oregon, 1983.
(Health, physical education, and recreation publications (Microfiche)
note: Thesis (M.S.)--Ithaca College, 1981.
note: androgyny
MicNews Microfiche M-3462
Bergler, Edmund.
Counterfeit-sex; homosexuality, impotence, frigidity. 2nd enl. ed.
NY: Grune & Stratton, 1958.
note: 1st ed. published in 1951 under title: Neurotic counterfeit-sex.
SocWk 392.6 B454n2
HSLIC HQ 71 .B37 1982 (re-issue, 1982)
Bergler, Edmund
[?]: Hill and Wang, 1956.
Suz, HSLIC HQ 76 .B48
Bergler, Edmund.
Neurotic counterfeit-sex; impotence, frigidity, "mechanical" and
pseudosexuality, homosexuality.
NY: Grune & Stratton [c1951]
note: 2nd ed. published under title: Counterfeit-sex...
see also: Bergler, Edmund. Counterfeit-sex...
HSLIC 392.6 B454n
Bergler, Edmund.
One thousand homosexuals.
Pageant Books, 1959.
Suz 132.754 B454o
Bergling, Tim.
Reeling in the years: gay men's perspectives on age and ageism.
NY: Southern Tier Editions, Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 B48 2004
Bergling, Tim.
Sissyphobia: gay men and effeminate behavior. Illustrations by Joe
NY: Southern Tier Editions, 2001.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 B465 2001
Bergman, David.
Gaiety transfigured: gay self-representation in American
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c1991.
Suz, Bot PS 153 G38 B4 1991
Bergman, David.
Heroic measures.
Columbus: Ohio State University Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot PS 3552 .E71933 H4 1998
Bergman, David.
The violet hour: the Violet Quill and the making of gay culture.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2004.
Suz PS 153 .G38 B38 2004
Bergman, S. Bear.
Butch is a noun.
San Francisco: Suspect Thought Press, c2006.
Ugl HQ 77.9 .B47 2006
Bergman, Susan.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994.
Suz WC 503.7 B499a 1994
Berkery, Peter M.
J. K. Lasser's gay finances in a straight world: a comprehensive financial
planning handbook.
By Peter M. Berkery, Jr. and Gregory A. Diggins.
NY: Macmillan, 1998.
Suz HG 179 .B44 1998
Berkery, Peter M.
Personal financial planning for gays & lesbians: our guide to prudent
decision making.
Chicago: Irwin Professional Pub., c1996.
Suz HG 179 .B4572 1996
Berkman, Alexander.
Prison memoirs of an anarchist.
NY: Mother Earth publishing association, 1912.
note: These memoirs are the first to deal with homosexuality in
Suz 365 B45p
Berkman, Alexander.
Prison memoirs of an anarchist. Introductory by Hutchins Hapgood. With a
new introd. by Paul Goodman.
NY: Schocken Books [1970]
(Studies in the libertarian and utopian tradition)
note: reprint of the 1912 ed.
note: These memoirs are the first to deal with homosexuality in
Ugl HX 843 .B5 1970
Berkoff, Steven.
Gross intrusion and other stories.
London: J. Calder; Dallas: Riverrun Press, 1979.
Suz PR 6052 .E588 G7 1979
Berkshire Conference on the History of Women (7th: 1987: Wellesley
Gendered domains: rethinking public and private in women's history: essays
from the Seventh Berkshire Conference on the History of Women.
Edited by Dorothy O. Helly, Susan M. Reverby.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992.
note: chapter 5, In and around the Lighthouse: working-class lesbian bar
culture in the 1950s and 1960s (Janet Kahn and Patricia A. Gozemba), pp.
Suz HQ 1121 .B43 1987
Berlant, Lauren Gail.
The queen of America goes to Washington city: essays on sex and
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, c1997.
(Series Q)
Suz JK 1764 .B47 1997
Berman, Paul.
A tale of two utopias: the political journey of the generation of
NY: W. W. Norton & Co., c1996.
note: [chapter:] The gay awakening, pp. 123-194.
Suz, Ugl HN 17.5 .B415 1996
Berners, Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson, Baron.
The girls of Radcliff Hall. Lord Berners; edited by John Byrne.
North Pomfret, VT: Asphodel Editions, 2000.
Ugl PR 6003 .E7425 G57 2000
Bernstein, Robert.
Families of value: personal profiles of pioneering lesbian and gay
NY: Marlowe & Co., c2005.
Suz HQ 75.28 .U6 B47 2005
Bernstein, Robert.
Straight parents/gay children: keeping families together.
NY: Thunder's Mouth press; Emeryville, CA: Distributed by Publishers Group
West, c1995.
SocWk, Tac HQ 75 .P37 1995
Berridge, Virginia.
AIDS in the UK: the making of policy, 1981-1994.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Suz WC 503 B533a 1996
Berrong, Richard M.
In love with a handsome sailor: the emergence of gay identity and the
novels of Pierre Loti.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003.
Suz PQ 2472 Z8 B47 2003
Berry, Chris.
A bit on the side: East-West topographies of desire.
Sidney: EmPress, 1994.
Suz PN 1997 .G5943 B47 1994
Berry, Jason.
Vows of silence: the abuse of power in the papacy of John Paul II. Jason
Berry and Gerald Renner.
NY: Free Press, c2004.
Suz BX 1912.9 .B475 2004
Berry, Mary Frances.
The pig farmer's daughter and other tales of American justice: episodes of
racism and sexism in the courts from 1865 to the present.
NY: Knopf, 1999.
note: [chapter] 2. The crime that had no name: narratives of gay and
lesbian sex, pp. 49-79.
Suz KF 4757 .B44 1999
Bot, Tac KF 4757 .B44 2000 (Vintage ed.)
Bersani, Leo.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76 .B52 1995
Berta, Michel.
De l'androgynie dans les Rougon-Macquart et deux autres etudes sur
NY: P. Lang, c1985.
(American university studies. Series II, Romance languages and literature,
Suz PQ 2518 .B47 1985
Bérubé, Allan.
Coming out under fire: the history of gay men and women in World War
NY: Free Press, c1990.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac D769.2 B46 1990
Ugl D769.2 B46 1991 (Plume reprint of 1990)
Berzon, Betty.
An intimacy dance: a guide to long-term success in gay and lesbian
NY: Dutton, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B467 1996
Berzon, Betty.
Permanent partners: building gay & lesbian relationships that
NY: E. P. Dutton, c1988.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.3 U5 B47 1988
Berzon, Betty.
Setting them straight: you can do something about bigotry and homophobia
in your life.
NY: Penguin Books, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B475 1996
Berzon, Betty.
Surviving madness: a therapist's own story.
Madison, WU: University of Wisconsin Press, c2002.
(Living out)
Suz, Bot HQ 75.4 .B49 A3 2002
Besame mucho. Edited by Jaime Manrique with Jesse Dorris.
NY: Painted Leaf Press, c1999.
(New gay Latino fiction)
Suz PS 648 .H57 B43 1999
Besen, Wayne R.
Anything but straight: unmasking the scandals and lies behind the ex-gay
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Ugl BV 4437.5 .B47 2003
Besner, Hilda F.
Gay and lesbian students: understanding their needs.
By Hilda F. Besner and Charlotte I. Spungin.
Washington, D. C.: Taylor & Francis, 1995.
Suz, Tac LC 192.6 .B47 1995
Besner, Hilda F.
Training for professionals who work with gays and lesbians in educational
and workplace settings.
[By] Hilda F. Besner, Charlotte I. Spungin.
Washington, D.C.: Accelerated Development, c1998.
Suz LC 192.6 .B49 1998
Besset, Jean-Marie.
see: for translation into English (The function), Gay plays: an
international anthology.
Best American gay fiction . [annual] Edited by Brian Bouldrey.
Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1996-
Suz PS 648 .H57 B472 1996-1998 (1-3)
Ugl PS 648 .H57 B472 1996 (1)
Bot PS 648 .H57 B472 1996-1997 (1-2)
The best American science writing 2004. Editor, Dava Sobel; series editor,
Jesse Cohen.
NY: Ecco, c2004.
note: Transsexual Frogs (Elizabeth Royce), pp. 155-163.
Ugl, Bot Q158.5 .B47 2004
Best gay Asian erotica. Edited by Joël Barraquiel Tan.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2004.
Bot PS 648 .H57 B458 2004
Best gay erotica 2006. Edited by Richard Labonté; introduction by
Matt Bernstein Sycamore.
San Francisco, CA: Cleis; London: Turnaround [distributor], 2005.
Bot PS 648 .H57 B48 2005
The best men's stage monologues of 1993. Edited by Jocelyn Beard;
[introduction by Gregory Hurst]
Newbury, VT: Smith and Kraus, Inc., 1993.
note: "52 great audition pieces for men from the 1993 theatrical
season" [includes some gay roles]
Drama PN 2080 .B47 1993b
The best of both worlds: bisexual erotica. Sage Vivant, M. Christian,
NY: Southern Tier Editions, Harrington Park Press, c2005.
Bot PS 648 .E7 B4786 2005
The best of the Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review.
Edited by Richard Schneider, Jr.; foreword by Edmund White; illustrations
by Charles Hefling.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B479 1997
Bethe, Erich.
Die dorische Knabenliebe: ihre Ethik und ihre Idee. Neu herausgegeben von
Wolfram Setz.
Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel, 1983.
note: lst edition, 1907; reprinted in: Sexualität und Erotik in der
see also: Sexualität und Erotik in der Moderne, pp. 17-57. Reprint of
the 1907 edition.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G8 B37 1983
Betsky, Aaron.
Queer space: architecture and same-sex desire.
NY: William Morrow, c1997.
Suz, Art, A/UP NA 2543 .H65 B48 1997
Better than chocolate [videorecording] Alliance Atlantis Communications
presents a Sharon McGowan and Peggy Thompson production; a film by Anne
[United States]: Trimark Home Video, c1999.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; Enlgish, Spanish and French subtitles
note: cast- Wendy Crewson, Karyn Dwyer, Christina Cox, Ann-Marie McDonald,
Marya Delver, Kevin Mundy, Peter Outerbridge.
note: Maggie meets the woman of her dreams, Kim just hours before her
mother, Lila, and brother, Paul, move in with her.
UglMed DVD TRHV 005
Between the acts: lives of homosexual men, 1885-1967.
Edited by Kevin Porter and Jeffrey Weeks.
London, NY: Routledge, 1991.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.7 B48 1991
Between the acts: lives of homosexual men, 1885-1967. 2nd ed.
Edited by Jeffrey Weeks and Kevin Porter.
London; NY: Rivers Oram Press: Distributed in the USA by New York
University Press, 1998.
Suz HQ 75.7 .B48 1998
Between the lines: an anthology by Pacific/Asian lesbians of Santa Cruz,
Editors: C. Chung, A. Kim, A. K. Lemeshewsky.
Santa Cruz, CA: Dancing Bird Press: Distributed by HerBooks, c1987.
Suz PS 509 .L47 B48 1987
Between the sheets, in the streets: queer, lesbian, gay documentary.
Chris Homlund and Cynthia Fuchs, editors.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1997.
(Visible evidence, v.1)
Suz P96 .D622 U63 1997
Betz, Phyllis M. (Phyllis Marie)
Lesbian detective fiction: woman as author, subject, and reader.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c2006.
Ugl, Bot PS 153 .L46 B48 2006
Beyond blood: writings on the lesbian and gay family.
Editors, Louise Wakeling, Margaret Bradstock.
Sydney, Australia: BlackWattle Press, 1995.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.53 .B49 1995
Beyond condoms: alternative approaches to HIV prevention. Edited by Ann
NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pub., c2002.
note: Negotiated safety agreements among gay men (Susan Kippax), pp.
Bot WC 503.6 B573 2002
Beyond definition: new writing from gay and lesbian San Francisco.
Introduction by Susie Bright; edited by Marci Blackman
and Trebor Healey.
San Francisco: Manic D Press, c1994.
Suz PS 572 .S33 B49 1994
Beyond queer: challenging gay left orthodoxy. Edited by Bruce Bawer.
NY: Free Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B49 1996
Beyond sex and romance?: the politics of contemporary lesbian fiction.
Elaine Hutton, editor.
London: Women's Press, 1998.
Suz PR 888 .L46 B49 1998
Beyond sex-role stereotypes: readings toward a psychology of
androgyny. Edited by Alexandra G. Kaplan, Joan P. Bean.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1976.
Suz BF 692.2 .B49
Beyond sex roles. [Edited by] Alice G. Sargent.
St. Paul: West Pub. Co., c1985.
note: androgyny
SocWk BF 692.2 .S27 1985
Beyond the binary: reconstructing cultural identity in a multicultural
context. Edited by Timothy B. Powell.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c1999.
note: chapter 2: Strange blood: hemophobia and the unexplored boundaries
of queer nation, (Michael Davidson), pp. 39-60; chapter 6: "From this
moment forth, we are black lesbians": querying feminism and transgressing
whiteness in Consolidated's The Business of Punishment, (Sharon P.
Holland), pp. 139-162.
Suz HM 131 .B475 1999
Beyond the lavender lexicon: authenticity, imagination, and appropriation
in lesbian and gay languages.
Edited by William L. Leap.
[Amsterdam?]: Gordon and Breach, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.25 .B495 1995
Beyond tolerance: gays, lesbians, and bisexuals on campus.
Edited by Nancy J. Evans and Vernon A. Wall.
Alexandria, VA: American College Personnel Association, 1991.
note: also available on ERIC Microfiche
Suz LB 2343 .B49 1991
MicNews ED336682
Beyond zero tolerance: discrimination in military culture.
Edited by Mary Fainsod Katzenstein and Judith Reppy.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c1999.
Suz UB 417 .B48 1999
Bhaskaran, Suparna.
Made in India: decolonizations, queer sexualities, trans/national
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Ugl HQ 75.16 .I4 B48 2004
Bhattacharya, Nalinaksha.
Hem & Maxine.
London: Jonathan Cape, 1995.
Suz PR 9499.3 .B455 H46 1995
Bhattacharyya, Gargi.
Sexuality and society: an introduction.
London; NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: [chapter] 4, Fragments of identities, pp. 82-101.
Bot HQ 21 .B6185 2002
Bi any other name: bisexual people speak out. Edited by Loraine Hutchins
and Lani Kaahumanu.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1991.
Suz HQ 74 B5 1991
Bi lives: bisexual women tell their stories. Kata Orndorff, editor.
Tucson, AZ: See Sharp Press, 1999.
Suz, Ugl HQ 74.2 .U5 B5 1999
Bi-tekstualnost i kinematograf. [Redaktor, sostavitel sbornika i avtor
vstupitelnoi stati, A. Usmanova]
Minsk: Propilei, 2003.
Suz PN 1995.9 .B57 B58 2003
Bi-Textualität: Inszenierungen des Paares: ein Buch für Ina
Annagret Heitmann...[et al.], hg.
note: "She will be me when this you see": Gertrude Stein und Alice B.
Toklas, (Ulla Haselstein), pp. 77-91; Paar/Per/Version: Die (Er)Zeugung
von Obzönem aus dem Kunstschönen durch Verlaine/Rimbaud, (Horst
Weich), pp. 210-219; Eine Doppelhaushälfte für sich allein: Vera
Brittains progressives Ehe- und Schreibmodell (Barbara Schaff), pp. 254-268;
Negotiating the couple: Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson, (Virginia
Richter), pp. 269-282; Hölderlin: Varianten und Variablen seiner
Bitextualität, (Sigrid Nieberle), pp. 303-320; Pa(ar)thologie:
Kulturtext, Körperschrift und männliche Homosozialität in
David Finchers Film Fight Club, (Tobias Fabricius), pp. 395-410.
(Geschlechterdifferenz & Literatur, 12)
Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 2001.
Suz PN 171 .S45 B5 2001
Bias in psychotherapy. Edited by Joan Murray and Paul R. Abramson.
NY: Praeger, 1983.
note [chapter] 12, Heterosexual bias in psychotherapy (Stephen F. Morin
and Kenneth A. Charles), pp. 309-338.
NatSci WM 420 B579 1983
Biblical ethics and homosexuality; listening to scripture.
Robert L. Brawley, editor.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1996.
Suz BS 680 .H67 B52 1996
Bibliographical foundations of French historical studies. Lawrence J.
McCrank, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c1992.
note: D'Eon's books: the library of an eighteenth-century transsexual
(Gary Kates), pp. 137-149.
Suz Z2178 .B47 1991
A bibliography. A project of the Young Lesbian Leadership Lending Library,
Debra Dove director.
Yakima, WA: Empowerment Safety Respect Programs,
Outreach to Rural Youth-Washington, [1996]
SuzRef Z 7164 .H74 B5 1996
Bibliography: the church & lesbian/gay concerns.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Presbyterians for Lesbian/Gay Concerns, [1987]
Suz Z 7164 .H74 B525 1987
Bidart, Frank.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1997.
Suz PS 3552 .I33 D47 1997
Biermann, Heinrich.
Robert Musil, die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törless: Text und
Düsseldorf: Schwann-Bagel, c1986.
Suz PT 2625 .U8 V43 1986
Biermann, Pieke.
Violetta. Translated by Ines Rieder and Jill Hannum.
NY: Serpent's Tail, 1996.
Suz PT 2662 .I413 V56 1996
Biery, Roger E.
Understanding homosexuality: the pride and the prejudice.
Austin, TX: Edward-William Pub. Co., c1990.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.3 U5 B54 1990
The big chill: investigative reporting in the current media
Edited by Marilyn Greenwald and Joseph Bernt.
Ames: Iowa State University Press, 2000.
note: chapter 9, For mainstream audiences only: investigative reporting on
minorities, gays and lesbians, and women (Edith Dashiell), pp.
Suz PN 4888 .I56 B49 2000
Big Eden [videorecording] Chaiken Films presents; a Thomas Bezucha film;
produced by Jennifer Chaiken; written and directed by Thomas Bezucha.
New Almaden, CA: Wolfe Video, c2002.
note: 2 videodiscs, DVD; release of the 2000 motion picture
note: cast- Arye Gross (Henry Hart), Eric Schwieg (Pike Dexter), Tim DeKay
(Dean Stewart), Louise Fletcher (Grace Cornwell), George Coe (Sam Hart);
credits- music by Joseph Conlan; edited by Andrew London; director of
photography, Rob Sweeney.
note: a successful but lonely New York artist returns to Montana after
years away to care for his ailing grandfather and discovers new
possibilities for friendship and romance.
UglMed DVD WOL 3534
Bill T. Jones [videorecording]: Still/Here/with Bill Moyers; edited by
Geof Bartz; directed by Alice Markowitz, David Grubin; a production of
David Grubin Productions, Inc. & Public Affairs Television, Inc.
Princeton, N.J.: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c1997.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: danced by The Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company
note: produced by Alice Markowitz and David Grubin; cinematography, Joel
Shapiro and Don Lenzer; "Still" music & lyrics by Kenneth Frazelle; "Here"
music composed and arranged by Vernon Reid.
note: A look at dancer/choreographer Bill T. Jones's highly acclaimed
dance, "Still/Here"/ At workshops around the country, people facing
life-threatening illnesses are asked to remember the highs and lows of
their lives, and even imagine their own deaths. They then transform these
feelings into expressive movement, which Jones incorporates into the dance
"Still/Here". Jones demonstrates the movements of his life story--his
partner Arnie Zane's untimely death from AIDS, and Jones's own HIV
UglMed Videorecord BOT-1074
BotMed Videorecord FFH 6802
Bin-i: new theoretical and critical writings on Philippine studies.
Editors, Janet Tauro-Batuigas, Ernesto V. Carandang II.
España, Manila: UST Pub. House, 2004.
note: Early Philippine gay plays (Gerardo Z. Torres), pp. 85-111.
Suz PL 6058.8 .B56 2004
Binding, Paul.
Lorca: the gay imagination.
London: GMP, 1985.
Suz, Bot PQ 6613 A763 Z59 1985
Binnie, Jon.
The globalization of sexuality.
London; Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2004.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 .B54 2004
Biobehavioral control of AIDS. Edited by David G. Ostrow.
NY: Irvington, c1987.
note: "This book is the direct result of a workshop...which was held
in conjunction with the first International AIDS Conference, held in Atlanta,
Georgia, on Sunday, April 14, 1985."
HSLIC WD 308 B6145 1987
Bioethics: an anthology. Edited by Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer.
Malden, MA: Oxford: Blackwell Pub., 2006.
note: [chapter] 9, The Right to Lesbian Parenthood, (Gillian Hanscombe),
pp. 104-107.
Bot W 50 B6141 2006
Birden, Susan.
Rethinking sexual identity in education.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2005.
Suz LC 192.6 .B54 2005
Birdstone, Alabama.
Queer free: a novel.
NY: Calamus Books, 1981.
Suz PS 3552 .I6815 Q8 1981
Biren, Joan E.
Making a way: lesbians out front. Photographs by JEB (Joan E. Biren);
foreword by Minnie Bruce Pratt.
Washington, D.C.: Glad Hag Books; [San Francisco, CA: Distributed by
Spinsters/Aunt Lute, c1987]
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 B57 1987
Birenbaum, William M.
On opening an admission of being different: a college president looks at
homosexuality and college public relations.
[NY?]: National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and
Homosexuality, c1972.
(The otherwise monograph series, 1)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 1
Birley, Anthony Richard.
Hadrian: the restless emperor.
London; NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz, Ugl DG 295 .B57 1997
Birtha, Becky.
The forbidden poems.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1991.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3552 .I7574 F68 1991
Birtha, Becky.
Lovers' choice.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1987.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3552 .I7574 L6 1987
Bisexual and gay husbands: their stories, their words. Fritz Klein, Tom
Schwartz, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 74 .B533 2001
Bisexual and homosexual identities: critical clinical
issues. Edited by John P. De Cecco.
NY: Haworth Press, c1984.
(Research on homosexuality, v.9)
note: also published under the title: Gay personality and sexual
see also: Gay personality and sexual labeling.
SocWk HQ 76.25 B565 1984
Bisexual and homosexual identities: critical theoretical issues. John P.
De Cecco, Michael G. Shively, eds.
NY: Haworth Press, c1984.
(Research on homosexuality, v.8)
note: also published under the title: Origins of sexuality and
homosexuality: critical theoretical issues.
see also: Origins of sexuality and homosexuality: critical theoretical
SocWk HQ 76.25 .B57 1984
Bisexual horizons: politics, histories, lives. Edited by Sharon Rose, Cris
Stevens et al.
London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1996.
note: commissioned and edited by the Off Pink Collective.
Suz HQ 74 .B553 1996
Bisexual imaginary: representation, identity and desire.
Edited by Bi Academic Intervention (Phoebe Davidson ... [et al.]).
London; Washington: Cassell, 1997.
Suz, Ugl HQ 74 .B54 1997
Bisexual men in culture and society. Brett Beemyn, Erich Steinman,
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2002.
Suz HQ 74.2 .U5 B52 2002
Bisexual politics: theories, queries, and visions. Naomi Tucker,
NY: Haworth Press, c1995.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 74 .B556 1995
Bisexual Resource Center
(Cambridge, MA)
Bisexual resource guide. 2nd ed. Robyn Ochs, editor.
Cambridge, MA: Bisexual Resource Center, c1996.
Suz HQ 74 .B57 1996
Bisexual resource guide. 3rd ed. Robyn Ochs, editor.
Cambridge, MA: Bisexual resource center, c1999.
SuzRef, BotRef HQ 74 .B558 1999
Bisexual spouse: different dimensions in human sexuality.
Edited by Ivan Hill.
McLean, VA: Barlina Books, c1987.
Suz, Ugl HQ 74 B56 1987
Bisexual women in the twenty-first century. Dawn Atkins, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c2002.
Bot HQ 74 .B567 2002
Bisexualities and AIDS: international perspectives. Edited by Peter
Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1996.
Suz WC 503.7 B621 1996
Bisexualities: the ideology and practice of sexual contact with both men
and women.
Erwin J. Haeberle and Rolf Gindorf, editors; with contributions by Philip
Blumstein ... [et al.]
NY: Continuum, 1998.
note: Papers from the Third International Berlin Conference for Sexology,
Suz HQ 74 .B575 1998
Bisexualities: theory and research.
Edited by Fritz Klein and Timothy J. Wolf.
see: Two lives to lead: bisexuality in men and women.
Bisexuality: a critical reader. [Edited by] Merl Storr.
London; NY: Routledge, 1999.
Suz HQ 74 .B577 1999
Bisexuality: a reader and sourcebook. Edited by Thomas Geller.
Ojai, CA: Times Change Press, c1990.
Suz HQ 74 .B58 1990
Bisexuality & HIV/AIDS: a global perspective.
Edited by Rob Tielman, Manuel Carballo, Aart Hendriks.
Buffallo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1991.
Suz, Ugl WD 308 B621 1991
Bisexuality and transgenderism: interSEXions of the others.
Jonathan Alexander, Karen Yscavage, editors.
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Bot HQ 74 .A43 2003
Bisexuality in the United States: a social science reader. [Edited by]
Paula C. Rodriguez Rust.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 74.2 .U5 B55 2000
Bisexuality: the psychology and politics of an invisible minority.
Beth A. Firestein, editor.
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, c1996.
Suz HQ 74.2 .U5 B57 1996
Bishop, Elizabeth.
Edgar Allan Poe & the juke-box: uncollected poems, drafts, and fragments.
Edited and annotated by Alice Quinn.
NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2006.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 3503 .I785 E34 2006
Die bitteren Tränen der Petra Von Kant [videorecording] = The bitter
tears of Petra von Kant.
Weltvertrieb im Filmverlag der Autoren; Tango Film Produktion.
NY: New Yorker Video, c1991.
note: DVD; 1 videocassette (release of a 1972 motion picture), VHS; In
with English subtitles.
note: Writer/director, Rainer Werner Fassbinder; camera, Michael Ballhaus;
Margit Cartensen (sic), Hanna Schygulla, Irm Hermann, Katrin Schaake, Eva
Mattes, Gisela Fackeldey.
note: A tale of love and oppression, with women becoming the social focus
for the oppression that love can create. A love triangle involves three
women, who follow a kind of sadomasochistic course through a five-act
drama which never leaves the space of a single room.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-910
UglMed DVD WELL 024
Bjelic, Dusan I.
Galileo's pendulum: science, sexuality, and the body-instrument link.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 3, The Jesuits' homosocial ties and the experiments with
Galileo's pendulum, pp. 59-77.
Suz Q175 .B566 2003
Black, Claudia.
Double duty: dual dynamics within the chemically dependent home.
NY: Ballantine Books, 1990.
note: gay - - lesbian section excerpted and published as: Double duty,
dual identity.
see also: (for gay - - lesbian excerpt): Black, Claudia. Double duty, dual
SocWk HV 5132 .B53 1990
Black, Claudia.
Double duty, dual identity: raised in an alcoholic/dysfunctional
family and gay- - lesbian.
Denver, CO: MAC Pub., c1990.
note: excerpted from: Double duty: dual dynamics.
see also: Black, Claudia. Double duty: dual dynamics.
Suz HV 5132 .B543 1990
Black and right: the bold new voice of Black conservatives in America.
Edited by Stan Faryna, Bad Stetson, and Joseph G. Conti.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
note: [chapter] 19, Family values vs. homosexual rights: tradition
collides with an elite social tide (Joseph E. Broadus), pp. 111-114.
Suz, Ugl, Bot E185.615 .B538 1997
Black is-- black ain't [videorecording]: a personal journey through black
identity. Independent Television Service.
San Francisco: California Newsreel, c1995.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS, DVD; director/producer, Marlon Riggs;
Nicole Atkinson; co-director/editor, Christiane Badgley; co-editor, Bob
note: American culture has stereotyped black Americans for centuries.
Equally devastating, the late Marlon Riggs argued, have been the
definitions of "blackness" African Americans impose upon one another which
contain and reduce the black experience. In this film, Riggs meets a
cross-section of African Americans grappling with the paradox of numerous,
often contradictory definitions of blackness. He shows many who have felt
uncomfortable and even silenced within the race because their complexion,
class, sexuality, gender, or speech has rendered them "not black enough,"
or conversely, "too black." The film scrutinizes the identification of
"blackness: with masculinity as well as sexism, patriarchy and homophobia
in black America.
UglMed Videorecord CALN 064 [and] guide
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1162 [and] guide
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1202
TacMed DVD TAC-667 [California Newsreel, 2004]
Black like us: a century of lesbian, gay, and bisexual African American
Edited by Devon W. Carbado, Dwight A. McBride, and Donald Weise; foreword by
Evelyn C. White.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2002.
Suz, Bot PS 648 .H57 B58 2002
Black men on race, gender, and sexuality: a critical reader. Edited by
Devon W. Carbado; foreword by Kimberle Williams Crenshaw.
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
Suz E185.86 .B5264 1999
Black men/white men: a Gay anthology. Edited by Michael J. Smith.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1983.
Suz PS 509 H57 B55 1983
Black Nations/Queer Nations [videorecording]: Lesbian and gay sexualities
in the African diaspora.
Produced and directed by Shari Frilot.
NY: [Third World Newsreel], c1995.
note: VHS.
note: On March 9, 1995 an historic conference took place in New York
about the state of affairs among lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and
transgendered people of African descent. What resulted will shape debates
around race, gender, sexuality and sexual practice well into the next
note: Editor: Lewis Erskine.
UglMedia Videorecord NEW 002
Black popular culture; a project by Michele Wallace; edited by Gina
NY: The New Press, 1998.
note: Unleash the queen, (Marlon T. Riggs), pp. 99-105.
Bot, Tac E185.86 .B532 1998
Art E185.86 .B532 1992 (Bay Press, 1992)
Black queer studies: a critical anthology. E. Patrick Johnson and Mae G.
Henderson, editors.
Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2005.
Suz, Bot, Tac E184.7 .B535 2005
Black sheep [videorecording] A Hot Chili Production from Chili Films
NY: Women Make Movies [distributor], 2001.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally released as a motion picture in
note: cast- Leilani Johnston (young Louie), Freda Glynn (Nanna); written
and directed by Louise Glover; producer, Penny McDonald; editor, Madge
Szoeke; cinematographer, Erika Addis; original music, Felicity Fox.
note: an Australian woman with darker coloring than either parent explores
her part-aboriginal heritage and her own lesbian identity. Highlights
social tensions within Australian society.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 111
Blackbridge, Persimmon.
Prozac highway:
a novel.
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, c1997.
Suz PR 9199.3 .B466 P7 1997
Blackbridge, Persimmon.
Still sane. By Persimmon Blackbridge and Sheila Gilhooly:
photography by Kiku Hawkes.
Vancouver, B. C.: Press Gang, 1985.
Suz NB 249 .B53 A4 1985
Blackbridge, Persimmon.
Sunnybrook: a true story with lies--
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, c1996.
Suz PR 9199.3 .B466 S86 1996
Blackman, Marci.
Po man's child: a novel.
San Francisco: Manic D Press, c1999.
Ugl PS 3552 .L34257 P6 1999
The Blackwell companion to Christian ethics. Edited by Stanley Hauerwas
and Samuel Wells.
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2004.
note: chapter 30, Eating together: friendship and homosexuality (Joel
James Shuman), pp. 401-413.
Tac BJ 1251 .B54 2004
Blackwomon, Julie.
Lesbian short fiction.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1990.
(Voyages out, 2)
SpecColl Book Arts PS 648 L47 B54 1990
The Blade [microform]
Washington, D.C.: Blade Communications Inc., 1975-1980.
continues: The Gay blade.
continued by: The Washington blade.
see also: The Gay blade.
see also: The Washington blade.
MicNews Microfilm A9797 v.6, n.11-v.11, n.19 (Nov. 1975-Sept. 1980)
Blair, Ralph.
Doubtful Christians make queer saints.
[NY: s.n.], 1984.
Suz BR 115 .H6 B55 1984
Blair, Ralph.
Etiological and treatment literature on homosexuality.
[NY: Homosexual Community Counseling Center], c1972.
(The Otherwise monograph series, v.5)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 5
Blair, Ralph.
Homosexuality and psychometric assessment.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 15)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 15
Blair, Ralph.
Homosexuality and religion.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 13)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 13
Blair, Ralph.
Student personnel services and homosexuality: a national review of
provisions and opinions of deans of students, directors of counselors, and
homosexual college students.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 2)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 2
Blair, Ralph.
Vocational guidance and gay liberation.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 19)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 19
Blair, Stephen R. (Stephen Richard)
Stephen R. Blair papers, 1919-1996 (bulk 1940-1996)
Guide to the Stephen R. Blair Papers 1919-1996, online finding aid:
note: 1 cubic foot (2 boxes); arranged by type of record.
note: Stephen Richard Blair was born in 1917 in a sod house in Minnesota.
Blair attended the University of Minnesota and in 1936 entered the U.S.
Army and served as a field paramedic. He was discharged for suspicion of
homosexuality in the same year and later moved to San Francisco, where he
met his partner Frank McCormick. Blair became involved in the National
Union of Marine Cooks and Stewards while working as a ship's delegate on
passenger cruise lines. He had a lifelong interest in theater and played
in stock theater shows in California and Hawaii. After Blair and McCormick
moved to Seattle, Blair sang in the Seattle Men's Chorus, which formed in
1979. He also performed in the 1992 Alice B. Theatre production, Hidden
History: True Stories from Seattle's Gay and Lesbian Elders, which was
based on interviews included in the Alice B. Theatre Oral History Project.
Blair died in 1997.
note: The papers include subject files related to various aspects of
Stephen R. Blair's life, including his military service, his participation
in the Alice B. Theatre and the Seattle Men's Chorus, and his experiences
as a maritime worker and member of the National Union of Marine Cooks and
Stewards. Also included are playbills, clippings, correspondence, and the
transcript of his interview for the Alice B. Theatre Oral History
SpecColl Manuscripts/Arch Manuscript Collection 5172
Blais, Marie Claire.
L'ange de la solitude: roman.
Montreal: VLB Editeur, c1989.
Suz PQ 3919 .
B6 A54 1989
Blais, Marie Claire.
The Angel of solitude. Translated by Laura Hodes.
note: translation of L'ange de la solitude
Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1993.
Suz PQ 3919 .B6 A5413 1993
Blais, Marie Claire.
L'Insoumise, roman. Suivi de le Jour est noir. Preface de Yves Berger.
Paris: B. Grasset, 1971.
Suz PQ 3939 .B6 I5 1971
Blais, Marie Claire.
Le loup.
Quebec: A. Stanke, 1980.
Suz PQ 3919 .B6 L6 1980
Blais, Marie Claire.
The manuscripts of Pauline Archange; a novel. Translated from the French
by Derek Coltman.
note: translation of Manuscrits de Pauline Archange, and Vivre! Vivre!
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux [1970]
Suz, Ugl PQ 3919 .B6 M313
Blais, Marie Claire.
Les nuits de l'underground: roman.
[Montreal]: Stanke, c1978.
Suz PQ 3919 .B6 N8 1978
Blais, Marie Claire.
Une saison dans la vie d'Emmanuel: roman.
Montreal: Quinze, 1978.
Suz PQ 3919 .B6 S2
Blais, Marie Claire.
A season in the life of Emmanuel. Translated from the French by Derek
Coltman. Introd. by Edmund Wilson.
NY: Straus and Giroux [1966]
Suz, Ugl PQ 3919 .B6 S213
Blais, Marie Claire.
Visions d'Anna, ou. Le vertige: roman.
[Paris]: Gallimard, 1982.
Suz PQ 3919 .B6 V57 1982
Blais, Marie Claire.
The wolf. Translated by Sheila Fischman.
note: translation of Le loup
Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, [1974]
Suz PQ 3919 .B6 L613
Blaise, Mindy.
Playing it straight: uncovering gender discourses in the early childhood
NY: Routledge, 2005.
note: [chapter] 1, Feminist poststructuralism and queer theory: what do
they offer?, pp. 1-33; [chapter] 3, Uncovering the homosexual matrix, pp.
Suz LC 212.93 .U6 B53 2005
Blakeston, Oswell.
Journies end in young man's meeting.
Los Angeles: Little Caesar Press, c1979.
SpecColl PR 6052 .L33 J6 1979
Blamires, David Malcolm.
Homosexuality from the inside: an essay.
London: Social Responsibility Council of the Religious Society of Friends,
Suz HQ 76 .B55 1973
Blanchard, Mary Warner.
Oscar Wilde's America: counterculture in the gilded age.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1998.
Suz NX 503.7 .B59 1998
Blanco, Richard.
Directions to the beach of the dead.
Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2005.
Suz PS 3552 .L36533 D57 2005
The blank point [videorecording] a Beijing-San Francisco Film Group
[New York, NY]: Cinema Guild, 1991.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS format.
note: Director, Xiao Yen Wang; producer, Andy Martin; writers, Xiao Yen
Wang, Andy Martin; music, Jean-Pierre Tibi.
note: Modern medical procedures now permit changes of gender through
surgery. Sometimes equated with transvestism, transsexualism is often both
confusing and misunderstood. This film attempts to explain this phenomenon
whereby some individuals elect to undergo surgery in order to live in
their "preferred" gender instead of that into which they were born.
Included are interviews with several people who have undergone the
procedures, which include both physical alteration of the body and
psychological counseling. They are quite candid in the discussion of their
expectations and experiences.
UglMed Videorecord CG 016
Blankenhorn, David.
The future of marriage.
NY: Encounter Books, 2007
Ugl HQ 503 .B53 2007
Blasius, Mark.
Gay and lesbian politics: sexuality and the emergence of a new ethic.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 B56 1994
Blazek, Helmut.
Mannerbunde: eine Geschichte von Faszination und Macht.
Berlin: Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag, 2001.
Suz HQ 1090 .B53 2001
Blazek, Helmut.
Rosa Zeiten fur rosa Liebe: zur Geschichte der Homosexualität.
Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.25 .B58 1996
Blazey, Peter.
Screw loose.
Sydney: Picador, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.8 .B52 A3 1997
Bledsoe, Lucy Jane.
Working parts: a novel.
Seattle: Seal Press; [Emeryville, CA.] Distributed to the trade by
Publishers Group West, c1997.
Suz, SpecColl Book Arts PS 3552 .L418 W67 1997
Bleibtreu-Ehrenburg, Gisela.
Der Weibmann: kultischer Geschlechtwechsel im Schamanismus:
eine Studie zur Transvestition und Transsexualität bei
Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984.
Suz GN 475.8 B53 1984
Blending genders: social aspects of cross-dressing and
Edited by Richard Ekins and Dave King.
London; NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz HQ 77.9 .E39 1996
Blessed bi spirit: bisexual people of faith. Edited by Debra R.
NY: Continuum, 2000.
Suz BL 625.9 .B57 B54 2000
Blessing, Lee.
Lake Street extension.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1993.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Lake Street
Blessing, Lee.
Patient A.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, 1993.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Patient A
Blessing, Lee.
Patient A, and other plays: five plays.
Portsmouth, N. H.: Heinemann, c1995.
Drama PS 3552 .L43 P38 1995
Blessing, Lee.
Thief river.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c2002.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Thief river
Bleys, Rudi.
The geography of perversion: male-to-male sexual behaviour outside the
West and the ethnographic imagination, 1750-1918.
Washington Square, NY: New York University Press, 1995.
Suz HQ 76 .B56 1995
Bleys, Rudi.
Images of ambiente: homotextuality and Latin American art, 1810-today.
London; NY: Continuum, 2000.
Art N8217 .H67 B58 2000
Blitz aus heiterm Himmel. [By] Gunter de Bruyn...[et al.; hrsg. von Edith
Rostock: Hinstorff, 1975.
Suz PT 3740 .B62 1975
Bloch, Alice.
The law of return: a novel.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1983.
Ugl PS 3552 .L547 L3 1983b
Block, Francesca Lia.
Baby be-bop.
NY: HarperCollinsPublishers, c1995.
ChiLit PZ 7 .B61945 Bab 1995
Blood & tears: poems for Matthew Shepard. Edited by Scott Gibson.
NY: Painted Leaf Press, c1999.
Ugl PS 615 .B57 1999
Blood read: the vampire as metaphor in contemporary culture.
Edited by Joan Gordon and Veronica Hollinger; foreword by Brian
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, c1997.
note: [chapter] 12, The Gilda Stories: revealing the monsters at the
margins, (Miriam Jones), pp. 151-167; [chapter] 13, Coming out of the
coffin: gay males and queer goths in contemporary vampire fiction, (Trevor
Holmes), pp. 169-188.
Suz PS 374 .V35 B58 1997
Bloom, Amy.
A blind man can see how much I love you: stories.
NY: Random House, 2000.
Suz PS 3552 .L6378 B58 2000
Bloom, Amy.
Normal: transsexual CEOs, cross-dressing cops, and hermaphrodites with
NY: Random House, 2002.
Suz HQ 77.95 .U6 B58 2002
Blount, Jackie M.
Fit to teach: same-sex desire, gender, and schoolwork in the twentieth
Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005.
Suz, Tac LC 192.6 .B56 2005
Blüher, Hans.
Die Rolle der Erotik in der männlichen Gesellschaft:
eine Theorie der menschlichen Staatsbildung nach Wesen und Wert.
Stuttgart: E. Klett, c1962.
Suz 176 B625rl
Blüher, Hans.
Wandervogel, 1-3: Geschichte einer Jugendbewegung. 3v. in 1.
Frankfurt am Main: Dipa-Verlag, 1976.
(Quellen und Beiträge zur Geschichte der Jugendbewegung, Bd. 10)
note: Photoreprint of the 2d. ed. published by B. Wiese, Berlin-Tempelhof,
1912-1914, with 1948 Vorwort von H. Blüher, and 1976 Nachwort von H.
note: Includes 3 works: Heimat und Aufgang [and] Blüte und Niedergang
[and] Die deutsche Wandervogelbewegung als erotisches Phänomen. Ein
Beitrag zur Erkenntnis der sexuellen Inversion.
Suz HS 3325 .G3 B5 1976
Blüher, Hans.
Werke und Tage; Geschichte deines Denkers.
München: P. List, [1953]
Suz 921 B6251bL
Blum, Joanne.
Transcending gender: the male/female double in women's fiction.
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, c1988.
Suz PN 3426 .W65 B58 1988
Blum, Louise A.
You're not from around here, are you?: a lesbian in small-town
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2001.
(Living out)
Suz, Bot HQ 75.4 .B55 A3 2001
Blumenfeld, Warren J.
Looking at gay and lesbian life. By Warren J. Blumenfeld
& Diane Raymond.
NY: Philosophical Library, c1988.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B58 1988
Blumenfeld, Warren J.
Looking at gay and lesbian life. By Warren J. Blumenfeld
& Diane Raymond.
Updated and expanded edition.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1993.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 U5 B58 1993
Blumenfeld, Warren J.
The National Gay Student Center.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 8)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no.8
Blumstein, Philip.
American couples: money, work, sex. By Philip Blumstein, Pepper
NY: William Morrow, 1983.
note: Five lesbian couples, pp. 448-450; Five gay male couples, pp.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 536 .B58 1983
Ugl, Tac HQ 734 .B659 1985
Bly, Mary.
Queer virgins and virgin queans on the early modern stage.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Drama PR 678 .H58 B58 2000
Boag, Peter.
Same-sex affairs: constructing and controlling homosexuality in the
Pacific Northwest.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2003.
note: also available electronically through the catalog; UW users only
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.2 .N67 B63 2003
Boardman, John.
Eros in Greece.
Text by John Boardman and Eugenio La Rocca; photos. by Antonia Mulas.
London: John Murray, 1978, c1975.
Art Desk NX 551 .A1 B62 1978
Bockting, Walter O.
Transgender health and HIV prevention: needs assessment studies from
transgender communities across the United States. Walter Bockting; Eric
Avery, editors.
NY: Haworth Medical Press, c2005.
Tac WC 503.6 B665t 2005
Bode, Janet.
View from another closet: exploring bisexuality in women.
NY: Hawthorn Books, c1976.
Suz, Ugl HQ 74 B62 1976
Bodies and biases: sexualities in Hispanic cultures and literatures. David
William Foster and Roberto Reis, editors.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1996.
note: chapter 8, El Diario de Jose Toledo: a queer space in the world of
Mexican letters (Marina Perez de Mendiola), pp. 184-202; chapter 9,
Camilo's Closet: sexual camouflage in Denevi's Rosaura a las diez (Herbert
J. Brant), pp. 203-216; chapter 10, Monobodies, antibodies, and the body
politic: Sara Levi Calderon's Dos mujeres (Claudia Schaefer-Rodriguez),
pp. 217-237; chapter 11, Not so lonely: a butch-femme reading of Cristina
Peri-Rossi's Solitario de amor (Mary S. Gossy), pp. 238-245; chapter 12,
The Case for feminine pornography in Latin America (David William Foster),
pp. 246-273; chapter 14, Codifying homosexuality as grotesque: the
writings of Virgilio Pinera (Ana Garcia Chichester), pp. 296-315; chapter
15, Eroticism and homoeroticism in Martin Fierro (Gustavo Geirola,
translated by Melissa A. Lockhart), pp. 316-332; chapter 16, Intricacies
of Brazilian gayness: a cross-cultural and cross-temporal approach (Dario
Borim Jr.), pp. 333-358; chapter 17, The Ectasy of disease: mysticism,
metaphor, and AIDS in Las Virtudes del pajaro solitario (Brad Epps), pp.
Suz, Bot PQ 7081 .A1 b63 1996
Bodies of writing, bodies in performance. Edited by Thomas Foster, Carol
Siegel, and Ellen E. Berry.
NY: New York University Press, c1996.
(Genders, 23)
note: [chapter] 5, E. M. Forster's Queer Nation: Taking the Closet to the
Colony in A Passage to India (Elaine Freedgood), pp. 123-144;
[chapter] 9, A Terrible Beauty is Born: Henry James, Aestheticism, and
Homosexual Panic (Leland Monk), pp. 247-265.
Suzzallo Periodicals PN 56 .S5 G46 no. 23
Bot PN 56 .B62 B64 1996
Bodily citations: religion and Judith Butler. Edited by Ellen T. Armour
and Susan M. St. Ville.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 2, The Garden of Eden and the heterosexual contract (Ken
Stone), pp. 48-70; [chapter] 5, Unconfirming becomings: the significance
of Whitehead's novelty and Butler's subversion for the repetitions of
lesbian identity and the expansion of the future (Christina K. Hutchins),
pp. 120-156.
Ugl BL 410 .B63 2006
Body, N. O.
Memoirs of a man's maiden years. Translated by Deborah Simon; preface by
Sander L. Gilman; afterword by Hermann Simon.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, c2006.
note: translation from the German, Aus eines Mannes Mädchenjahren
Suz, Bot HQ 23 .B8213 2006
Body dressing. Edited by Joanne Entwistle and Elizabeth Wilson.
Oxford; NY: Berg, 2001.
note: Fashioning the queer self (Ruth Holliday), pp. 215-231.
Drama GT 524 .B63 2001
Body evidence: intimate violence against South Asian women in America.
[Edited by] Shamita Das Dasgupta.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 9, The violence that dares not speak its name:
invisibility in the lives of lesbian and bisexual South Asian American
women (Prahna Paramita Choudhury), pp. 126-118.
Suz HV 6626.2 .B63 2007
Body guards: the cultural politics of gender ambiguity.
Edited by Julia Epstein and Kristina Straub.
NY: Routledge, 1991.
note: [chapter] 2, "I will make Mary male": pieties of the body and gender
transformation of Christian women in late antiquity (Elizabeth Castelli),
pp. 29-49; [chapter] 3, The categorization of gender and sexual
irregularity in medieval Arabic vice lists (Everett K. Rowson), pp. 50-79;
[chapter] 5, London's Sapphists: from three sexes to four genders in the
making of modern culture (Randolph Trumbach), pp. 112-141;[chapter] 6, The
guilty pleasures of female theatrical cross-dressing and the autobiography
of Charlotte Clarke (Kristina Straub), pp. 142-166; [chapter] 7, D'Eon
returns to France: gender and power in 1777 (Gary Kates),
pp. 167-194; [chapter] 8, "Sans les femmes, qu'est-ce qui nous
resterait": gender and transgression in Bohemian Montmartre (Michael
Wilson), pp. 195-222; [chapter] 9, The chic of Araby: transvestism,
transsexualism and the erotics of cultural appropriation (Marjorie
Bareber), pp. 223-247; [chapter] 10, Transsexualism: reflections on the
persistence of gender and the mutability of sex (Judith Shapiro),
pp. 248-279; [chapter] 11, The Empire strikes back: a posttranssexual
manifesto (Sandy Stone), pp. 280-304; [chapter] 12, The ambiguities of
"lesbian" viewing pleasure: the (dis)articulations of Black Widow
(Valerie Traub), pp. 305-328; [chapter] 14, Misreading sodomy: a critique
of the classification of "Homosexuals" in federal equal protection law
(Janet E. Halley), pp. 351-377.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 71 B57 1991
Body matters: essays on the sociology of the body. Edited by Sue Scott and
David Morgan.
London; Washington, D.C.: Falmer Press, 1993.
note: Chapter 6. The Inverted gaze. (Ruth Waterhouse), pp. 105-121.
Suz, Bot HM 110 .B63 1993
Body matters: feminism, textuality, corporeality. Edited by Avril Horner
and Angela Keane.
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press; NY: Distributed exclusively
in the USA by St. Martin's Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 7, Material difference and the supplementary body in Alice
Walker's The Color Purple (Charmaine Eddy), pp. 97-108; [chapter] 17, The
Lesbian Christ: body politics in Helene Cixous's Le Livre de Promethea
(Val Gough), pp. 234-243.
Suz HQ 1190 .B625 2000
Body my house: May Swenson's work and life. Edited by Paul Crumbley and
Patricia M. Gantt.
Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2006.
note: The queer poetics of May Swenson (Suzanne Juhasz), pp. 181-194.
Suz PS 3537 .W4786 Z59 2006
The body of love. Edited by TeeCorinne.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1993.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 509 .L47 B6 1993
The body's perilous pleasures: dangerous desires and contemporary culture.
Editor, Michele Aaron.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, c1999.
note: chapter 3, The figure in question: the transvestite character as a
narrative strategy in The Crying Game (Helen Hanson), pp. 49-66; chapter 4,
'Til death do us part': cinema's queer couples who kill (Michele Aaron),
pp. 67-84.
Suz PN 1995.9 .B62 B63 1999
Boellstorff, Tom.
A coincidence of desires: anthropology, queer studies, Indonesia.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.
Suz GN 635 .I65 B654 2007
Boellstorff, Tom.
The gay archipelago: sexuality and nation in Indonesia.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, c2005.
Suz HQ 76.3 .I5 B64 2005
Boesser, Sara L.
Silent lives: how high a price?: for personal reflections and group
discussions about sexual orientation.
Lanham, MD: Hamilton Books, 2004.
Suz HM 1068 .B63 2004
Bogarde, Dirk.
London: Viking, 1992.
Suz PR 6052 .O3 J37 1992
Bogeyman [videorecording] Created and directed by Reza Abdoh.
Glendale, CA: Collage Digital Video, c1996.
note: DVD; performed at the Los Angeles Theatre Center, Los Angeles, CA,
Aug. 15 to Oct. 13, 1991.
note: cast- Michael Black, Carl Burkley, Sandie Crisp, Cliff Diller, Tom
Fitzpatrick, Juliana Francis, C. Gerod Harris, Peter Jacobs, Tom Pearl,
Ken Roht, Steffan Santoro, Anthony Torn; credits- produced by Diane
White; sets by Timian Alsaker; costumes by Marianna Elliott; lights
by Rand Ryan; sound by Raul Vincent Enriquez and Galen Wade; video by
Adam Soch; choreography by Ken Roht; production stage manager,
Elsbeth M. Collins.
note: play concerns homophobia and family violence
UglMed DVD CDV 018
Bogle, Darlene.
Long road to love.
Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen Books, c1985.
Suz BV 4935 .B63 A35 19985
Bohan, Janis S.
Conversations about psychology and sexual orientation.
Janis S. Bohan and Glenda M. Russell with Vivienne Cass ... [et al.]
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.25 .B65 1999
Bohan, Janis S.
Psychology and sexual orientation: coming to terms.
NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 B64 1996
Böhm, Karl Werner.
Zwischen Selbstzucht und Verlangen: Thomas Mann und das Stigma
Homosexualität: Untersuchungen zu Frühwerk und Jugend.
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, c1991.
(Studien zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte, 2)
Suz PT 2625 A44 Z5425 1991
Bohman, Lars.
Man och man emellan: en bok om homosexuella man.
Stockholm: Natur och kultur, c1995.
Suz HQ 76 .B58 1995
Boisvert, Donald L.
Out on holy ground: meditations on gay men's spirituality.
Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2000.
Suz BL 625.9 .G39 B65 2000
Boisvert, Donald L.
Sanctity and male desire: a gay reading of saints.
Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2004.
Suz BX 4655.3 .B67 2004
Boisvert, Jean-Francois.
Clinical features of rectal Chlamydia trachomatis infection by serovar
group among homosexually active men, 1982-1990.
Thesis-University of Washington, 1992.
Seattle, 1992.
HSLIC WA 7 Th40699
Aux Thesis 40699
Bold in her breeches: women pirates across the ages.
Edited by Jo Stanley, with contributions from Anne Chambers, Dian H.
Murray and Julie Wheelwright.
London; San Francisco: Pandora, 1995.
Suz, Ugl G 535 .S73 1995
Bolin, Anne.
In search of Eve: transsexual rites of passage.
South Hadley, MA: Bergin & Garvey, 1988.
Suz HQ 77.9 B65 1988
Bollen, Jonathan.
Queer kinaesthesia: on the dance floor at gay and lesbian dance parties
Sydney, 1994-1998.
Ph.D. thesis, University of Western Sydney, Nepean, 1999.
available online,
Bolonik, Kera.
The L word: welcome to our planet. Introduction by Ilene Chaiken.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2005.
Ugl PN 1992.77 .L2 B64 2005
Bolton, Isabel.
New York mosaic: three novels.
South Royalton, VT: Steerforth Press, c1997.
note: three novels= Do I wake of sleep; The Christmas tree; Many
Suz PS 3525 .I553 A6 1997
Bonelli, Guido.
Socrate sileno: dinamica erotica e figurazione scenice nel Convito di
Torino: Celid, c1991.
Suz B385 .B66 1991
Bonnet, Marie-Jo.
Les Relations amoureuses entre les femmes du XVIe au XXe siecle: essai
historique. Nouv. ed.
Paris: O. Jacob, 1995.
note: lst ed. (1973) as: Un choix sans equivoque: recherches historiques
sur les relations amoureuses entre les femmes XVIe-XXe siecle.
Suz HQ 75.5 .B66 1995
Bono, Chastity.
The end of innocence: a memoir. Chastity Bono with Michele Kort.
Los Angeles: Advocate Books, 2002.
Ugl HQ 75.4 .B65 A3 2002
Bono, Chastity.
Family outing. By Chastity Bono with Billie Fitzpatrick.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1998.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B65 1998
Boock, Paula.
Dare truth or promise.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.
ChiLit PZ7 .B64485 Dar 1999
The book catalogues of Michael deHartington, 1972-1974: a facsimile
edition with an introduction by Timothy d'Arch Smith.
[North Pomfret, Vt.]: Asphodel Editions, 1998.
note: booklet, entitled: English homosexual poetry of the
nineteenth & twentieth centuries, in pocket.
Suz PN 56 .H57 B66 1998
The book of gay & lesbian quotations. Compiled & edited by Patricia
Juliana Smith.
NY: Three Rivers Press, c1999.
SuzRef PN 6084 .G35 B66 1999
A Book of revelations: lesbian and gay Episcopalians tell their own
Edited by Louie Crew, with a foreword by George N. Hunt.
Washington, D. C.: Integrity, 1991.
note: previously presented at the 69th General Convention of the Episcopal
Church, July 1988, Detroit, Mich., under title: Our stories.
Suz BV 4596 .G38 B66 1991
The Book of Sodom. [compiled by Paul Hallam]
London; NY: Verso, 1993.
Suz PN 6071 .H724 B66 1993
Bookmark now: writing in unreaderly times. Edited by Kevin Smokler.
NY: Basic Books, c2005.
note: As we mean to go on (Kelley Eskridge and Nicola Griffith),
pp. 76-91; Putting gay fiction back together (K. M. Soehnlein), pp.
Suz PN 137 .B66 2005
Boone, Joseph Allen.
Libidinal currents: sexuality and the shaping of modernism.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
note: see Section 4: Theaters of the Mind II: Queer sites in modernism..., pp.
Suz PN 56 .S5 B66 1997
Bophit Fuangnakhon.
Rok len phuan.
[Thailand: 196-?] (Rongphim Akson Samphan)
(Nangsu rong chon sukkha phap lem phiset; andap 5)
Suz HQ 76.3 .T5 B67 1960z
Borchardt, Edith.
Mythische Strukturen im Werk Heinrich von Kleists.
NY: P. Lang, c1987.
(American university studies. Series I, Germanic languages and literature,
v. 40)
note: androgyny in literature
Suz PT 2379 .B72 1987
Border crossings: Irish women writers and national identities. Edited by
Kathryn Kirkpatrick.
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, c2000.
note: A trackless road: Irish nationalisms and lesbian writing (Ann Owen
Weekes), pp. 123-156.
Suz PR 8733 .B67 2000
Border patrols: policing the boundaries of heterosexuality.
[Politics of Sexuality Group]; edited by Deborah Lynn Steinberg, Debbie
Epstein and Richard Johnson.
London; Herndon, VA: Cassell, 1997.
Suz HQ 23 .B67 1997
Bordo, Susan.
The male body: a new look at men in public and in private.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999.
note: gay men's revenge, pp. 153-167.
Suz HQ 1090 .B67 1999
Bordowitz, Gregg.
The AIDS crisis is ridiculous and other writings: 1986-2003.
Edited by James Meyer, with a foreword by Douglas Crisp.
Cambridge, MA; MIT Press, c2004.
Suz, Tac WC 503.7 B729a 2004
Borgman, C. F. (Charles F.)
River road.
NY: New American Library, c1988.
Suz PS 3552 .O7527 R58 1988
Borhek, Mary V.
Coming out to parents: a two-way survival guide for lesbians and gay men
and their parents.
NY: Pilgrim Press, c1983.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 B68 1983
Borhek, Mary V.
My son Eric.
NY: Pilgrim Press, c1979.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B67 1979
Borich, Barrie Jean.
My lesbian husband: landscape of a marriage.
Saint Paul, MN: Greywolf Press, 1999.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 .B69 1999
Borich, Barrie Jean.
Restoring the color of roses.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1993.
Suz PS 3552 .O7529 R47 1993
Borland, Maureen.
Wilde's devoted friend: a life of Robert Ross, 1869-1918.
Oxford: Lennard Pub., 1990.
Suz PR 5236 .R835 Z57 1990
Born in flames [videorecording] A film by Lizzie Borden; produced,
directed by Lizzie Borden; story by Ed Bowes.
NY: First Run Features, [1983?]
note: VHS; originally released as a motion picture in 1983.
note: cast- Honey, Adele Bertei, Jeanne Satterfield, Flo Kennedy, Pat
Murphy, Kathryn Bigelow, Becky Johnston; credits- editor, Lizzie Borden;
camera, Ed Bowes, Al Santana; special effects, Hisao Taya.
note: A futuristic fable of feminist turmoil still brewing ten years after
a peaceful socialist revolution. With their fury growing and all peaceful
options exhausted, women overcome divisions of race, class, and sexual
orientation to form a guerilla movement to take over control of the
UglMed Videorecord FRF 021
Borneman, John.
Subversions of international order: studies in the political anthropology
of culture.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot GN 492 .B674 1998
Bornstein, Danica R.
The rise and fall of a Queer Nation: a qualitative analysis.
[Seattle]: The University of Washington, 1998.
note: Thesis (M. Soc. Wk.)--University of Washington, 1998.
SocWk HV 13 Th47048
Aux Thesis 47048
Bornstein, Kate.
Gender outlaw: on men, women, and the rest of us.
NY: Vintage Books, 1995.
Suz, Bot HQ 77.9 .B67 1995
Bornstein, Kate.
My gender workbook: how to become a real man, a real woman, the real you,
or something else entirely.
With illustrations by Diane DiMassa.
NY: London: Routledge, 1998.
Suz HQ 1075 .B69 1998
Bory, Jean Louis.
Comment nous appelez-nous deja?: Ces hommes que l'on dit homosexuels.
By Jean-Louis Bory [and] Guy Hocquenghem.
Paris: Calmann-Levy, c1977.
(L'Ordre des choses)
Suz HQ 76.25 .B67 1977
Bosch, Art.
Boys' town.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .O757 B69 1988
Bosch, Tanja Estella.
Radio, community, and identity in South Africa: a rhizomatic study of Bush
Radio in Cape Town. 2003.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Ohio University, 2003.
note: among many concerns, "looks at how Bush Radio creates and maintains
a gay community through its program In the pink."
available online,
Bösche, Susanne.
Jenny lives with Eric and Martin. With photos by Andreas Hansen.
Translated from the Danish by Louis Mackay.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1983.
note: translation of: Mette bor hos Morten og Erik.
ChildLit, BotChi HQ 76.2 D4 B6713 1983
Boston marriages: romantic but asexual relationships among contemporary
Edited by Esther D. Rothblum and Kathleen A. Brehony.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1993.
Suz HQ 75.6 U5 B62 1993
Boswell, John.
Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality: gay people in Western
Europe from the beginning of the Christian era to the fourteenth
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1980.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.3 E8 B67
Boswell, John.
Rediscovering gay history: archetypes of gay love in Christian
London: Gay Christian Movement, 1982.
(The Fifth Michael Harding Memorial Lecture)
Suz HQ 76 .B6 1982
Boswell, John.
Same-sex unions in premodern Europe.
NY: Villard Books, 1994.
note: also issued in England under title: Marriage of likeness: same-sex
unions in pre-modern Europe.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.3 E8 B68 1994
The Boswell thesis: essays on Christianity, social tolerance, and
homosexuality. [Edited by] Mathew Kuefler.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Suz HQ 76.3 .E85 B67 2006
Botelho, Abel.
O barao de lavos. 2.ed.
Porto: Livraria Lello & Irmao, 1945.
Suz 869.3 B657b2
Boucher, Sandy.
Heartwomen, an urban feminist's odyssey home.
San Francisco: Harper & Row, c1982.
note: includes visit/interview with Barbara Grier, pp. 212-230.
Ugl HQ 1438 .A14 B68 1982
Boughner, Terry.
Out of all time. With illustrations by Michael Willhoite.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1988.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.2 B68 1988
Bouldrey, Brian.
The boom economy, or, Scenes from clerical life.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2003.
Ugl PS 3552 .O8314 B66 2003
Boulos Hage, Renee.
La quete de l'androgyne dans le recit fantastique francais du XIXe
Sherbrooke: Dept. de lettres et communications, Faculte des lettres et
sciences humaine, Universite de Sherbrooke, 1991.
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--Universite de Sherbrooke, 1991
Suz PQ 637 .F3 H34 1991 v.1, v.2
MicNews Microfilm A8325
Boulter, Amanda.
Around the houses.
London: Serpent's Tail, 2002.
Suz PR 6052 .O835 A76 2002
Bound by diversity: essays, prose, photography, and poetry.
By members of the lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender communities;
James T. Sears, editor.
Columbia, S. C.: Sebastian Press, c1994.
Suz PS 508 .G39 B68 1994
Bourassa, Kevin.
Just married: gay marriage and the expansion of human rights. Kevin
Bourassa and Joe Varnell.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2002.
(Living out)
Suz, Law, Bot, Tac HQ 1034 .C2 B68 2002
Bourbon, Rae.
Gland opera.
see: Gland opera.
Bourbon, Rae.
Her first piece.
see: Her first piece.
Bourbon, Rae.
A trick ain't always a treat [sound recording] Ray Bourbon.
[S.l.]: Cool Cat Daddy Productions, c2002.
note: 1 sound disc, digital; tracks 3-6 originally released in the
early 1960s
note: humorous poetry, stand-up comedy and stories with piano
UglMed Cd CCDP 002
Bourbon, Rae.
UTC recordings.
see: UTC recordings
Bourbon, Rae.
Yes! this is Ray Bourbon [sound recording]. Ray Bourbon.
[S.l.]: Cool Cat Daddy Productions, c2002.
note: 1 sound disc, digital; tracks 3-6 originally released in the early
1960s; track 7 recorded at a private party in New Orleans, ca. 1965.
note: humorous poetry and stories with piano accompaniment
UglMed Cd CCDP 001
Bourdet, Edouard.
The captive. Translated from the French by Arthur Hornblow, Jr.;
introduction by J. Brooks Atkinson.
NY: Brentano's, 1926.
Drama 842 B666pE
Bourgeois, Chantal G.
The impact of AIDS on the life cycle of young gay men.
Thesis (M.S.W.)--McGill University, 1998
available online:
Bourjaily, Vance Nye.
The end of my life. Introd. by John W. Aldridge.
NY: Arbor House, 1984, c1975.
Suz PS 3503 .O77 .E52 1984
Bourjaily, Vance Nye.
Old soldier: a novel.
NY: D. I. Fine, c1990.
Ugl PS 3503 .O77 O4 1990
Bourne, Stephen.
Brief encounters: lesbians and gays in British cinema 1930-1971.
London; NY: Cassell, 1996.
Suz, Ugl PN 1995.9 .H55 B68 1996
Bowen, Elizabeth.
The little girls.
NY: Knopf, 1964 [c1963]
Suz, Ugl PR 6003 .O6757 L5
Bowers, Greg Jerome.
String quartet no. 2: by-products of mass media.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2006.
note: 1. tribal Radio: at night at the gay bar [name of one part of
the composition]
Music M1 Th56308
Aux Thesis 56308
Bowers, Jean.
Homosexual rights [microform]: bibliography-in-brief, 1993-1994.
[Washington, D. C.]: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress,
(Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service.
1994 supplement; reel 13, fr. 00743)
note: 6p.; CRS report for Congress, Sept. 23, 1994; "94-742
Microforms Newspapers Microfilm A6816 1994, reel 13, fr. 00743
Bowles, Jane Auer.
Out in the world: selected letters of Jane Bowles, 1935-1970.
Edited by Millicent Dillon.
Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1985.
Suz PS 3503 .O837 Z48 1985
Bowman, Karl.
Sexual being versus governments that promote homosexuality.
Rochester, WA: Sovereign Press, c1993.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B68 1993
Bowne, Alan.
NY: Broadway Play Pub. Inc., c1988.
Drama PS 3552 .O8764 B44 1988
Bowne, Alan.
Forty-deuce. a play.
NY: Sea Horse Press, 1983.
Suz, Drama PS 3552 .O8764 F6 1983
Bowne, Alan.
A snake in the vein.
NY: Theatre Communications Group, c1993.
Drama PS 3552 .O8764 S6 1993
Box-Car Bertha. Sister of the road: the autobiography of Box-Car
As told to Dr. Ben L. Reitman.
NY: Gold Label Books, 1937.
SpecColl PNW HV 4505 .R4
Boxer, Marilyn J.
Connecting spheres: European women in a globalizing world, 1500 to the
Marilyn J. Boxer, Jean H. Quataert, with Barbara Franzoi Bari ... [et
al.]; foreword by Joan W. Scott.
NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
note: chapter 13. Lesbian sexuality in interwar France (Carolyn J. Dean),
pp. 289-294.
Suz HQ 1150 .B63 2000
Boy George.
Take it like a man: the autobiography of Boy George. With Spencer
NY: HarperCollins, c1995.
Suz ML 420 .B757 A3 1995
Boy-wives and female husbands: studies in African homosexualities.
Edited by Stephen O. Murray and Will Roscoe.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .A6 B69 1998
Boyd, Blanche M.
Nerves; a novel.
Plainfield, VT: Daughters, inc. [1973]
Suz PS 3552 .O8775 1973
Boyd, Blanche M.
The revolution of little girls.
NY: Knopf, 1991.
Suz, Bot PS 3552 .O8775 R48 1991
Boyd, Blanche M.
Terminal velocity.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3552 .O8775 T47 1997
Boyd, Malcolm.
Gay priest: an inner journey.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1986.
Suz BX 5995 .B66 A3 1986
Boyd, Malcolm.
Look back in joy: celebration of gay lovers.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1981.
Suz HQ 75.8 .B68 A3 1981
Boyd, Malcolm.
Look back in joy. Text by Malcolm Boyd; photographs by Crawford
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1990.
note: originally published 1981; the 1990 edition has photographs.
Suz HQ 75.8 .B68 A3 1990
Boyd, Malcolm.
Take off the masks.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978.
Suz BX 5995 B66 A37
Ugl BX 5995 .B66 A37 1984 (New Society Publishers ed.; foreword by Harry
Boyd, Nan Alamilla.
Wide open town: a history of queer San Francisco to 1965.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2003.
also available online, restricted to University of Washington users
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.3 .U52 S2635 2003
Boyer, Debra.
Male prostitution: a cultural expression of male homosexuality.
(Ph. D. Thesis, Anthropology) -- University of Washington, 1986.
Seattle, 1986.
Suz GN 6 Th33402
Aux Thesis 33402
Boyhood, growing up male: a multicultural anthology. Edited by Franklin
Abbott. 2nd ed.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c1998.
note: earlier ed. published: Crossing Press, c1993.
note: a collection of boyhood memories, some gay
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 775 .B63 1998
Boykin, Keith.
Beyond the down low: sex, lies, and denial in black America. Foreword by
E. Lynn Harris.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 2005.
Ugl HQ 74.2 .U5 B69 2005
Boykin, Keith.
One more river to cross: Black and gay in America.
NY: Anchor Books, 1996.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 B685 1996
Boykin, Keith.
Respecting the soul: daily reflections for black lesbians and gays.
NY: Avon Books, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 B687 1999
Boyle, Andrew.
The climate of treason: five who spied for Russia.
London: Hutchinson, 1979.
note: American edition entitled The fourth man...
Suz, Ugl UB 271 .R9 B69
Boyle, Andrew.
The fourth man: the definitive account of Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, and
Donald Maclean and who recruited them to spy for Russia.
NY: Dial Press, c1979.
note: British edition entitled The climate of treason.
Suz, Ugl UB 271 .R9 B65
Boyle, Kay.
Gentlemen, I address you privately.
Santa Barbara: Capra Press, c1991.
Suz PS 3503 .O9357 G43 1991
Boyle, Patrick.
Scout's honor: sexual abuse in America's most trusted institution.
Rocklin, CA: Prima Pub., c1994.
Suz HV 6570.2 .B69 1994
Boys don't cry [videorecording] Fox Searchlight Pictures and the
Independent Film Channel Productions present a Killer Films/Hart-Sharp
Entertainment production; produced by Jeffrey Sharp...[et al.]; written by
Kimberly Peirce, Andy Bienen; directed by Kimberly Peirce.
Beverly Hills, CA: Distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Home
Entertainment, [1999]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; 1 videodisc, DVD
note: cast- Hilary Swank, Chloe Sevigny, Peter Sarsgaard, Brendan Sexton
III, Alison Folland, Alicia Goranson, Matt McGrath, Rob Campbell,
Jeannetta Arnette; credits- music, Nathan Larson; editors, Lee Percy,
Tracy Granger; cinematographer, Jim Denault
note: originally released as a motion picture in 1999; academy award, best
actress (Swank); Golden Globe, 2000: Best Actress; Los Angeles Film
Critics Association, 1999: best actress, best supporting actress
note: The story of Teena Brandon, a transgender youth who preferred life
in her male identity as Brandon Teena
see: for documentary film about Brandon Teena, see The Brandon Teena
UglMed Videorecord TCFHE 024
UglMed DVD TCFHE 002
BotMed DVD Bot-89
The Boys in the Band [videorecording] Leo Productions, Ltd.; Cinema Center
Films; director, William Friedkin; producer/writer, Mart Crowley.
Farmington Hills, MI: CBS/Fox Video, [1984]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally released as a motion picture in
1970 by Leo Productions, Ltd.; based on the play of the same title by
Mart Crowley.
note: cast- Kenneth Nelson, Frederick Combs, Cliff Gorman, Laurence
Lukinbill, Keith Prentice, Peter White, Reuben Greene, Robert La
Tourneaux, Leonard Frey; credits- director of photography, Arthur J.
Ornitz; editors, Gerald B. Greenberg, Carl Learner; executive producers,
Dominick Dune, Robert Jiras.
note: A heterosexual is accidentally invited to a homosexual gathering at
a birthday party, and tension builds as tempers fray.
UglMed Videorecord CBS 032
Boys like us: gay writers tell their coming out stories.
Edited by Patrick Merla.
NY: Avon Books, c1996.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.7 .B69 1996
Bozarth, Richard R.
Auden's games of knowledge: poetry and the meanings of homosexuality.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2001.
(Between men--between women)
Suz PR 6001 .U4 Z615 2001
Bozovic, Miran.
An utterly dark spot: gaze and body in early modern philosophy.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 1, The God of transvestites, pp. 3-14.
Suz B105 .B64 B69 2000
Bradford, E. E. (Edwin Emmanuel)
To boys unknown. Poems. Introduced and selected by Paul Webb.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1988.
Suz PR 6003 .R253 T6 1988
Bradford, Judith Baynard and Caitlin Ryan.
National lesbian health care survey: mental health implications.
Richmond, VA: Survey Research Laboratory, Virginia Commonwealth
University, 1987.
note: corporate authors, Virginia Commonwealth University; Survey Research
Laboratory; National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.); National Lesbian
and Gay Health Foundation (U.S.)
note: This report was prepared...under contract with the National
Lesbian and Gay Health Foundation, November 1987.
Engineering Library NTIS document on microfiche, PB88201496
GovPub WA 309 B799n 1987
Bradley, Gordon.
21 skin lies & the naked truth.
M.A. thesis, Concordia University, 1997.
available online,
Bradley, John R.
Henry James's permanent adolescence.
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire [England]; NY: Palgrave, 2000.
Suz PS 2127 .P8 B7 2000
Bradley, Marion Zimmer.
Astra's Tower. Checklist of Lesbiana and variant novels.
Rochester, TX: 1958.
(Special Leaflet #2)
note: Reprinted in A Gay Bibliography, 1975)
SuzRef HQ 76 .G32 1975
Bradley, Marion Zimmer.
Astra's Tower: The Checklist of Lesbian literature.
Rochester, TX: 1959.
(Special Leaflet #3)
note: continues Astra's Tower.
note: continued by Checklist Supplements 1960, 1961, 1962.
note: Reprinted in A Gay Bibliography, 1975.
SuzRef HQ 76 .G32 1975
Bradley, Marion Zimmer.
The catch trap.
NY: Ballantine Books, 1980, c1979.
Suz PS 3552 .R228 C3 1980
Bradley, Marion Zimmer.
Checklist 1960; Checklist Supplement 1961; Checklist Supplement 1962.
Marion Zimmer Bradley and Gene Damon [pseud. of Barbara Grier]
Rochester, TX: 1960-1962.
note: Reprinted in A Gay Bibliography, 1975.
SuzRef HQ 76 .G32 1975
Brady, Maureen.
Folly, a novel.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1982.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .R2435 F6 1982
Brady, Maureen.
Ginger's fire.
NY: Alice Street Editions/Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Suz PS 3552 .R2435 G57 2003
Brady, Sean.
Masculinity and male homosexuality in Britain, 1861-1913.
Basingstoke [England]; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 B63 2005
Braham, Jeanne.
Starry, starry night: Provincetown's response to the AIDS epidemic.
[By] Jeanne Braham & Pamela Peterson.
Cambridge, MA: Lumen Editions, c1998.
Suz WC 503.6 B695 1988
Brain, Robert.
Friends and lovers.
NY: Basic Books, c1976.
note: explores intimate socially independent and socially ritualized
Suz, Ugl GN 486.3 .B7 1976
Bram, Christopher.
Almost history: a novel.
NY: Plume, c1992.
Suz, Bot PS 3552 .R2817 A78 1992
Bram, Christopher.
Exiles in America.
NY: William Morrow, c2006.
Suz PS 3552 .R2817 E95 2006
Bram, Christopher.
Father of Frankenstein.
NY: Plume, 1996, c1995.
Suz PS 3552 .R2817 F38 1996
Bram, Christopher.
NY: Dutton, c1997.
Suz PS 3552 .R2817 G67 1997
Bram, Christopher.
Hold tight: a novel.
NY: Plume, [1989], c1988.
Suz PS 3552 .R2817 H6 1989
Bram, Christopher.
In memory of Angel Clare: a novel.
NY: D. I. Fine, c1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .R2817 I5 1989
Bram, Christopher.
Lives of the circus animals: a novel.
NY: HarperCollins, c2003.
Ugl PS 3552 .R2817 .L58 2003
Bram, Christopher.
The notorious Dr. August: his real life and crimes.
NY: Morrow, c2000.
Suz PS 3552 .R2817 N68 2000
Bram, Christopher.
Surprising myself: a novel.
NY: H. Holt, 1988, c1987.
Suz PS 3552 .R2817 S8 1988
Bramly, Serge.
Leonardo: discovering the life of Leonardo da Vinci; translated by Sian
NY: HarperCollinsPublishers, c1991.
Art, Bot N6923 .L33 B7313 1991
[Brand, Adolf]
Paragraph 175.
Berlin-Wilhelmshagen, 1914.
see: Documents of the homosexual rights movement in Germany,
1836-1927. (reprint, 1975)
The Brandon Teena story [videorecording] Bless Bless Productions;
produced, shot, directed, & edited by Susan Muska & Greta Olafsdottir.
NY: Marketed and distributed by New Video, 1999, c1998.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; 1 videodisc, DVD
note: camera and editing by Susan Muska and Greta Olafsdottir; original
music by Thomas Muer and Geoff Marx; executive producer, Jane Dekrone;
editors, Paul Hill and Kathryn DiGiacinto Morris.
note: documentary film about Brandon Teena, who arrived in rural Falls
City, Nebraska, in 1993 where he finds some new friends. Three weeks later
he is brutally raped and beaten by friends who discover that he is
actually a woman. A week later the same two men murder Teena along with
two other people.
see: for feature film based on Brandon Teena, see Boys don't cry.
UglMed Videorecord NVG 028
UglMed DVD NVG 001
TacMed DVD TAC-106
Brandt, Kate.
Happy endings: lesbian writers talk about their lives and work.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1993.
Suz PS 153 .L46 B73 1993
Branfield, John.
Thin ice.
London: Gollancz, 1983.
ChildLit PZ 7 B73738 Th 1983
Brankovic, Avram.
Bosnia revelation.
Swaffham, Norfolk, England: Gay Men's Press; Chicago, IL: Distributed in
North America by InBook/LPC Group, 1998.
Suz PR 9170 .Y83 B72 1998
Brans, Jo.
Mother, I have something to tell you. Research by Margaret T.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1987.
Suz, Ugl HQ 759 .B755 1987
Bransford, Stephen.
Gay politics vs. Colorado and America: the inside
story of Amendment 2.
Cascade, CO: Sardis Press, c1994.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 B73 1994
Branson, Greg.
It's all due to leprechauns.
London: Playwright's Press; NY: Distributed in the United States and
Canada by Methuen, 1986.
Suz PR 9619.3 .B6585 I8 1986
Brant, Beth.
Mohawk trail.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1985.
note: Beth Brant=Degonwadonti
Suz PR 9199.3 .B687 M6 1985
Brant, Beth.
Writing as witness: essay and talk.
Toronto: Women's Press, c1994.
Suz PR 9199.3 .B687 Z475 1994
Brantenberg, Gerd.
Egalia's daughters: a satire of the sexes.
Translated from the Norwegian by Louis Mackay in cooperation with Gerd
Seattle: Seal Press, 1985.
note: translation of: Egalias dotre: en roman.
Ugl, SpecColl Book Arts PT 8951.12 .R34 E313 1985
Brantenberg, Gerd.
Egalias dotre: en roman. 5. oppl.
Oslo: Pax, 1984, c1977.
Suz PT 8951.12 R34 E3 1984
Brantenberg, Gerd.
Opp alle jordens homofile.
Oslo: Aschehoug, 1984.
note: reprint of Gyldendal, 1973.
Suz PT 8951.12 .R34 O6 1984
Brass, Perry.
How to survive your own gay life: an adult guide to love, sex, and
Bronx, NY: Belhue Press, 1999.
Suz HQ 76 .B79 1999
Brass, Perry.
Out there: stories of private desires, horror, and the afterlife.
Bronx, NY: Belhue Press, c1994.
Suz PS 3552 .R336 O93 1994
Brass, Perry.
Ridgefield, CT: Belhue Press, c1991.
Suz PS 3552 .R336 S49 1991
Le Paris secret des annees 30. [Textes et Photographies]
[Paris]: Gallimard, 1976.
note: Sodome et Gomorrhe, pp. 157-175 [gay/lesbian bars and
Suz DC 715 .B82
The secret Paris of the 30's. Translated from the French by Richard
NY: Pantheon Books, c1976.
note: translation of Le Paris secret des annees 30.
note: Sodom and Gomorrah [unpaged, gay/lesbian bars and celebrations]
Suz DC 715 .B8213 1976
Brauckmann, Jutta.
Weiblichkeit, Männlichkeit und Antihomosexualität: zur Situation
der lesbischen Frau.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, c1981.
(Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien zur Homosexualität, Bd. 2)
Suz HQ 75.6 .G3 B72 1981
Braun, Eric.
Frightening the horses: gay icons of the cinema. Expanded and updated
Richmond: Reynolds & Hearn, 2007.
Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 B73 2007
Bravmann, Scott.
Queer fictions of the past; history, culture, and difference.
Cambridge, UK; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Suz, Bot PN 3352 .H65 B73 1997
Bray, Alan.
The friend.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.
Suz BJ 1533 .F8 B755 2003
Bray, Alan.
Homosexuality in renaissance England.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1982.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 G7 B73 1982
Brazen femme: queering femininity. Edited by Chloë Brushwood Rose
and Anna Camilleri.
Vancouver, B.C.: Arsenal Pulp Press, c2002.
Suz PR 9194.5 .L47 B73 2002
Bread & Roses Feminist Choir.
Bread & roses Feminist Choir [sound recording]; Arizona Women In Tune.
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
(Festival 2000, v.13)
note: 2nd chorus: Kimilee D. McCreary, artistic director; Sue Kinsman,
asst. director; Angela French, Teresa Tipps, accompanist.
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.13
Break de chains of legalized U.S. slavery.
[North Carolina]: North Carolina Women's Prison Book Project, c1976.
note: Triangle Area Lesbian Feminists. Prison Book Project.
Suz HV 9475 .N82 N823 1976
Breakfast on Pluto [videorecording] Pathé Pictures and Sony
Pictures Classics present in association with Bord Scannán Na
Héireann/The Irish Film Board and the Northern Ireland Film &
Television Commission, a Parallel Films and Number 9 Films presentation, a
Neil Jordan film; produced by Allan Moldney, Neil Jordan, Stephen Woolley;
written by Neil Jordan and Patrick McCabe; directed by Neil Jordan.
Culver City, CA: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006.
note: DVD; based on the book by Patrick McCabe; originally released as a
motion picture in 2005.
note: credits -director of photography, Declan Quinn; editor, Tony Lawson;
costume designer, Elmer Ni Mhaoldomhnaigh; production designer, Tom
Conroy; cast -Cillian Murphy, Stephen Rea, Brendan Gleeson, Liam
note: As foster kid Patrick "Kitten" Braden grows up, he leaves behind his
small-town life in Ireland for London, where he's reborn as a transvestite
cabaret singer in the 1960s and 70s.
Breaking bounds: Whitman and American cultural studies.
Edited by Betsy Erkkila and Jay Grossman.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Suz, Bot PS 3238 .B74 1996
Breaking the silence: human rights violations based on sexual
London: Amnesty International United Kingdom, 1997.
Suz, Bot HV 6250.4 .H66 B7 1997
Brecht, Stefan.
The original theatre of the City of New York: from the mid-60s to the
mid-70s. v.2: Queer theatre.
NY: Suhrkamp, 1978.
note: commentary on off-Broadway theater
Drama, Aux PN 227 .N5 B74 v.2
Bredbeck, Gregory W.
Sodomy and interpretation: Marlowe to Milton.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991.
Suz PR 428 H66 B7 1991
Breedlove, Lynn.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2002.
Ugl PS 3602 .R44 G63 2002
Breines, Wini.
Young, white, and miserable: growing up female in the fifties.
Boston: Beacon Books, 1992.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 G395 1992
Brekhus, Wayne.
Peacocks, chameleons, centaurs: gay suburbia and the grammar of social
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 76.2 .N4852 N493 2003
Brenner, Claudia.
Eight bullets: one woman's story of surviving anti-gay violence.
By Claudia Brenner and Hannah Ashley.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1995.
Suz, Tac HV 6250.4 .H66 B74 1995
Bresler, Robert J.
Freedom of association: rights and liberties under the law.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABD-CLIO, c2004.
note: The Boy Scouts Supreme Court brief, pp. 88-91; Hurley v.
Irish-American gay, lesbian, and bisexual group of Boston (1995), pp.
211-214 (text of the actual decision); Boy Scouts of America V. Dale
(2000), pp. 223-233 (text of the actual decision).
Ugl, Bot KF 4778 .B74 2004
Brett, Philip.
Music and sexuality in Britten: selected essays. Edited by George E.
Haggerty; with an introduction by Susan McClary and an afterword by Jenny
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2006.
Mus ML 410 .B853 B64 2006
Brettschneider, Maria.
The family flamboyant: race politics, queer families, Jewish lives.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2006.
Suz HQ 75.15 .B74 2006
Brevard, Aleshia.
The woman I was not born to be: a transsexual journey.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 77.8 .B74 A3 2001
Brewer, Carolyn.
Shamanism, Catholicism and gender relations in colonial Philippines
Aldershot, Hants, England; Burlington VT: Ashgate, c2004.
note: chapter 7, Transvestism and the 'third sex/gender' space, pp.
Suz HQ 1075.5 .P6 B74 2004
Brewer, Mary F.
Race, sex, and gender in contemporary women's theatre: the construction of
"woman". Foreword by Alan Sinfield.
Brighton, Great Britain; Portland, OR: Sussex Academic Press, 1999.
Drama PR 739 .F45 B74 1999
Brewster, Daniel W.
Stereotypical perceptions of the communication behaviors of gay males.
Thesis (M.A.)--West Virginia University, 2004.
available online,
Brewster, Holly.
Coming out in class: minding normalization in schools. 2005.
Thesis (M. Ed.)--University of Washington, 2005.
Suz LA7 Th54718
Aux Thesis 54718
The bridge.
[San Jose, CA]: GLF
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.2,no.2-v.3,no.1 (Sept. 1970-June
The bridge [videorecording]: a film. Monkey Wrench Creative in association
with The Seattle LGBT Community Center; directed by Drew Emery; produced
by Drew Emery; co-produced by the Seattle LGBT Community Center.
[Seattle, WA: Seattle LGBT Community Center], c2003.
note: DVD; lead camera, Craig Labenz; taped at the Seattle LGBT Community
note: The Bridge is a virtual dialogue between lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender elders and queer youth. The culmination of a two-year process
that involved significant community outreach, workshops and, ultimately,
45 one-on-one on-camera interviews, The Bridge was a labor of love made
with a single mini-DV camera and a laptop. Premiering in November 2002,
The Bridge was created to address a genererational divide within the LGBT
communities but ultimately became a film about growing up and growing
UglMed DVD SLGBT 001
Bridges, George.
Thomas Mann's Joseph und seine Bruder and the phallic theology of the Old
NY: P. Lang, 1995.
(Stanford German studies, v.25)
Suz PT 2625 .A44 J763 1995
Bridgforth, Sharon.
The bull-jean stories.
Austin, TX: RedBone Press, c1998.
Suz PS 3552 .R4553 B85 1998
Briggs, Julia.
Virginia Woolf: an inner life.
Orlando, FL: Harcourt, Inc., c2005.
Suz, Bot PR 6045 .O72 Z54359 2005
Brigham, John.
The constitution of interests: beyond the politics of rights.
NY: New York University, c1996.
note: Chapter 2, Rights to profligacy? Sex and AIDS, the early years,
pp. 29-50.
Suz, Law KF 384 .B75 1996
Bright, Susie.
Susie Bright's sexual state of the union.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1997.
Suz, Bot HQ 18 .U5 B754 1997
Bright, Susie.
Susie Sexpert's lesbian sex world.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, c1990.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 B63 1990
Brighton, Andrew.
Francis Bacon.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c2001.
Art ND 497 .B16 B75 2001
Brill, Stephanie A.
The queer parent's primer: a lesbian and gay families' guide to navigating
the straight world. Foreword by Kate Kendall.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, c2001.
Ugl HQ 75.28 .U6 B75 2001
Brincando el Charco [videorecording]: portrait of a Puerto Rican.
A film by Frances Negron-Mutaner.
NY: Hipspic Productions: Distributed by Women Make Movies, c1994.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS.
note: Produced, written and directed by Frances Negron-Mutaner. Examines
Puerto Rican lesbians living in the United States using a fictionalized
first-person narrative of a woman trying to make sense of her life, past,
and heritage.
UglMedia Videorecord WMM 043
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1573
Brinig, Myron.
This man is my brother.
NY: Farrar & Rinehart, c1932.
SpecColl 978.643 B77t
Brinkley, Marlan E.
The hero's journey in the formation of the homosexual identity in gay teen
fiction. 2004.
note: Master's paper ... of the School of Information and Library Science
of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partial
fulfillment...of Master of Science in Library Science."
available online,
Brinnin, John Malcolm.
Truman Capote: dear heart, old buddy.
NY: Delacorte Press/S. Lawrence, c1986.
Suz, Ugl PS 3505 .A59 Z59 1986
Brisch, Bastian.
Seitenwechsel: die Geschichte eines schwulen Familienvaters. Mit einem
Nachwort von Rainer Jarchow.
Hamburg: MannerschwarmSkript, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.13 .B75 2000
Brisson, Luc.
Sexual ambivalence: androgyny and hermaphroditism in Graeco-Roman
activity. Translated by Janet Lloyd.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2002.
note: translation from the French of Sexe incertain.
Suz, Bot BF 692.2 .B7613 2002
Bristow, Joseph.
Effeminate England: homoerotic writing after 1885.
Buckingham: Open University Press, 1995.
Suz PR 478 .H65 B75 1995b
British lesbian, gay, and bisexual psychologies: theory, research, and
practice. Elizabeth Peel, Victoria Clarke, Jack Drescher, editors.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Medical Press, c2007.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 B75 2007
British queer cinema. Edited by Robin Griffiths.
London; NY: Routledge, 2006.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 B75 2006
British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology.
Policy and Principles. General Aims.
London: Printed for the society by C. W. Beaumont, 1920.
see: A homosexual emancipation miscellany. (reprint)
British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology.
The Social Problems of Sexual Inversion.
London: C. W. Beaumont & Co., 1923.
note: abridged translation of: Was soll das Volk vom dritten Geschlecht
wissen? published under the auspices of the Wissenschaftlich-Humanitares
Komitee, Berlin, 1903.
see: A homosexual emancipation miscellany. (reprint)
British women writing fiction. Edited by Abby H. P. Werlock; foreword by
Regina Barreca.
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, c2000.
note [chapter] 7, "Women like us must learn to stick together": lesbians
in the novels of Fay Weldon (Patricia Juliana Smith), pp. 125-147;
[chapter] 13, Navigating the interior journey: the fiction of Jeanette
Winterson (Jan Rosemergy), pp. 248-269.
Suz PR 830 .W6 B75 2000
Brittain, Vera.
Radclyffe Hall: a case of obscenity?
London: Femina, 1968.
Suz PR 6015 .A33 Z59
Britten, Benjamin.
Death in Venice: an opera in two acts, op. 88; libretto by Myfanwy Piper;
translation by Claus Henneberg and Hans Keller.
London: Faber Music; New York: G. Schirmer, 1979.
note: based on the story by Thomas Mann.
note: opera score.
Music M 1500 .B827 D4
Britten, Benjamin.
Death in Venice [Sound recording]; [an opera in two acts. Libretto by]
London [1974]
note: Notes on the composer and the performers, "An
introduction to Death in Venice," by D. Mitchell, and libretto
based on T. Mann's Der Tod in Venedig (37p. ill) laid in container.
Music Listening Center Phonodisc 7 M 3
Britten, Benjamin.
Death in Venice [videorecording] The Glyndebourne Touring Opera
production; by Benjamin Britten; libretto by Myfanwy Piper after the
novella by Thomas Mann; a BBC TV production in association with RM Arts;
stage directors, Stephen Lawless, Martha Clarke; directed for video by
Robin Lough.
West Long Branch, N.J.: Kultur, [2000?]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; originally produced in 1990
note: cast- Robert Tear, Alan Opie, Michael Chance; Glyndebourne Chorus;
London Sinfonietta, conductor, Graeme Jenkins.
note: Describes the grandeur and shabbiness of Venice in the grip of
disease. Portrays the moral and physical degeneration of Aschenbach, the
writer whose obsessive and self-devouring pursuit of beauty in the form of
the boy Tadzio leads him to humiliation and death.
Music Listening Center Videodisc DVD 143
Britten, Benjamin.
Death in Venice: an opera in two acts, op. 88; libretto by Myfanwy Piper,
based on the short story by Thomas Mann; translation by Claus Henneberg
and Hans Keller; piano reduction by Colin Matthews.
London: Faber Music; NY: G. Schirmer, 1975.
note: vocal score with piano.
Music M 1503 .B8608 D4 1975
Britten, Benjamin.
Letters from a life: the selected letters and diaries of Benjamin Britten
Edited by Donald al.
London: Faber, 1991. 3 vols.
Music ML 410 .B853 A4 1991b v.1-3.
Broad, C. Lewis (Charlie Lewis)
The friendships and follies of Oscar Wilde.
NY: Crowell [1955, c1954]
Suz 921 W644br
Brodine, Karen.
Woman sitting at the machine, thinking: poems. Preface by Meridel LeSueur;
introduction by Merle Woo.
Seattle, WA: Red Letter Press, c1990.
SpecCollBookArts PS 3552 .R622 W66 1990
Brodkey, Harold.
Profane friendship.
San Francisco: Mercury House, c1994.
Suz PS 3552 .R6224 P76 1994
Brodkey, Harold.
This wild darkness: the story of my death.
NY: Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt, 1996.
Suz PS 3552 .R6224 Z474 1996
Brogan, Jim.
Jack and Jim: a personal journal of the 70's.
Bolinas, CA: Equanimity Press, 1982.
Suz PS 3552 .R628 Z466 1982
Brokeback Mountain [videorecording] Focus Features and River Road
Entertainment; directed by Ang Lee; screenplay by Larry McMurtry & Diana
Ossana; producers, Diana Ossana, James Schmaus.
Universal City, CA: Universal Studios Home Entertainment, c2006.
note: DVD; originally released in 2005 as a motion picture; based on the
short story by Annie Proulx.
note: cast- Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Linda Cardellini, Anna Faris,
Anne Hathaway, Michelle Williams, Randy Quaid; credits- director of
photography, Rodrigo Prieto; art director, Laura Ballinger; edited,
Geraldine Peroni, Dylan Tichenor; music, Gustavo Santaolalla; costume
designer, Marit Allen; production designer, Judy Becker.
note: It's 1963, a time in the United States when life was simple,
straightforward and the lines between the sexes and sex roles were crisply
drawn and severely delineated. Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist find
themselves thrown together when they are hired to tend sheep in the remote
area of Brokeback Mountain, Wyoming. Because of the job, the two are
forced to spend many hours together alone in the wild. Ennis and Jack are
inexorably drawn to each other through their proximity, loneliness and
through a shared lack of tenderness and emotion in their lives and are
emotionally, physically and psychically bonded to each other almost from
the start.
Ugl DVD UNIV 135
BotMed DVD BOT-787
Tac DVD TAC-751
Brongersma, Edward.
Loving boys: a multidisciplinary study of sexual relations between adult
and minor males.
Introduction by Vern L. Bullough.
Elmhurst, NY: Global Academic Publishers, c1986-
Suz HQ 27.3 .B76 1986 v.1
Suz HQ 27.3 .B76 1986 v.2
Bronski, Michael.
Culture clash: the making of gay sensibility.
Boston: South End Press, c1984.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 Y5 B69 1984
Bronski, Michael.
The pleasure principle: sex, backlash, and the struggle for gay
NY: St. Martins Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.8 .U5 B76 1998
Brooke, Jocelyn.
Ronald Firbank.
NY: Roy Publishers [1951]
Suz 823 F513zbr
Brooke, Rupert.
Friends and apostles: the correspondence of Rupert Brooke and James
Strachey, 1905-1914. Edited by Keith Hale.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1998.
Suz PR 6003 .R4 Z483 1998
Brookey, Robert Alan.
Reinventing the male homosexual: the rhetoric and power of the gay
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2002.
Suz HQ 76 .B758 2002
Brooks, Brenda.
Blue light in the dash.
Vancouver: Polestar Press, c1994.
SpecColl PR 9199.3 .B73 B48 1994
Brooks, Carellin.
Every inch a woman: phallic possession, femininity, and the text.
Vancouver: UBC Press, c2006.
Suz PN 56 .F4 B76 2006
Brooks, Mel.
The producers [sound recording]: the new Mel Brooks musical original
Broadway cast recording. [Book by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan; music and
lyrics by Mel Brooks]
NY: Sony Classical, p2001.
note: Performers: Nathan Lane, Matthew Broderick, Roger Bart, Gary Beach,
Cady Huffman, Brad Oscar; Patrick S. Brady, conductor; music and lyrics by
Mel Brooks; musical arrangements by Glen Kelly; vocal arrangements by
Patrick S. Brady; recorded March 11, 2001 at Edison Studios, NYC; program
notes and lyrics inserted in container.
note: includes song, Keep it gay.
note: for videorecordings, see Producers (Motion picture)
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 6270
Brooks, Mel.
Producers. Vocal score. Selections.
The producers: the new Mel Brooks musical. Music and lyrics by Mel Brooks;
book by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan; vocal selections edited by Glen
Milwaukee, WI: H. Leonard Corp., c2001.
note: for voice and piano, with chord symbols; includes song Keep it
note: for videorecording, see Producers(Motion picture)
Music M1508 .B766 P7 2001
Brooks, Romaine.
Romaine Brooks: portraits, tableaux, dessins.
[Mulhouse, Braun, 1952]
(Personnages d'une epoque)
Suz ND 237 .B872 1952
Brooks, Romaine et al..
"Shades of gray; texts by Meryle Secrest, Romaine Brooks, Gabriele
d'Annunzio; notes by Corinna Ferrari."
FMR: the magazine of Franco Maria Ricci, no.2, July, 1984, pp.
NY: Franco Maria Ricci International, c1984-
AuxFolio N4 .F215 no. 1-3
Brooks, Virginia R.
Minority stress and lesbian women.
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, c1981.
Suz HQ 75.5 B76
Brooten, Bernadette J.
Love between women: early Christian responses to female
Chicago: University of Chicago press, 1996.
Suz BS 2665.6 .L47 B76 1996
Brophy, Sarah.
Witnessing AIDS: writing, testimony and the work of mourning.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c2004.
note: a study of four AIDS narratives: Amy Hoffman, Hospital Time; Jamaica
Kincaid, My Brother; Derek Jarman, Modern Nature; and Eric Michaels,
Suz PN 56 .M4 B76 2004
Brosnan, Julia.
Lesbians talk: detonating the nuclear family.
London: Scarlett Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.5 .B77 1996
Brossard, Nicole.
The aerial letter. Translated by Marlene Wildeman.
Toronto: Womens Press, c1988.
note: translation of: Lettre aerienne.
Ugl PQ 3919.2 B75 L413 1988
Brossard, Nicole.
La lettre aerienne. 2e ed.
Montreal: Editions du Remue-menage, 1988, c1985.
(Itineraires feministes, 3e)
Suz PQ 3919.2 B75 L4 1988
Brossaard, Nicole.
Picture theory. Translated by Barbara Godard.
NY: Roof Books, c1990.
Suz, Bot PQ 3919.2 .B75 P513 1990
Brother outsider [videorecording]: the life of Bayard Rustin/ITVS presents
a production of Question Why Films; produced and directed by Nancy Kates,
Bennett Singer.
South Burlington, VT: California Newsreel, 2002.
note: 1 videocassette; DVD
note: voice of Bayard Rustin: Erick Todd Dellums; music composed by B.
Quincy Griffin; director of photography, Robert Shepard; editors, Veronica
Silver, Rhonda Collins.
note: One of the first "freedom riders," an adviser to Dr. Martin Luther
King and A. Philip Randolph, organizer of the March on Washington,
intelligent, gregarious and charismatic, Bayard Rustin was denied his
place in the limelight for one reason--he was also gay. This is a film
biography of his life.
UglMed Videorecord CALN 130
BotMed DVD BOT-677
TacMed DVD TAC-639
Brother songs: a male anthology of poetry. Edited by Jim Perlman.
Minneapolis: Holy Cow! Press, 1979.
note: [Part] IV: Poems for Friends and Lovers, pp. 91-111.
Suz PS 590 .B7 1979
Brother to brother: new writings by Black gay men.
Edited by Essex Hemphill; conceived by Joseph Fairchild Beam;
project managed by Dorothy Beam.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1991.
Suz, Ugl PS 509 H57 B76 1991
Broughton, James Richard.
The androgyne journal.
Oakland, CA: Scrimshaw Press, 1977.
Suz PS 3503 .R759 A78 1977
Broughton, James Richard.
Coming unbuttoned: a memoir.
San Francisco: City Lights, c1993.
Suz PS 3503 .R759 Z464 1993
Broughton, James Richard.
Graffiti for the johns of heaven. Drawings by Galen Garwood.
Mill Valley, CA: Syzygy Press, c1982.
Suz, Bot PS 3503 .R759 G7 1982
Broughton, James Richard.
Hymns to Hermes: reveal the beautifying! arouse the world! [drawings by
Joel Singer]
South San Francisco: Manroot, c1979.
note: "Hymns to Hermes was designed, handset, and printed at Neon Sun by
Joel Singer, Paul Mariah, with assistance from Clive Matson... This first
edition is limited to 225 numbered and 26 lettered copies; all signed by
the poet and the artist." Letterpress printed. Copy #43.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3505 .R759 H9
Broughton, James Richard.
Special deliveries: new and selected ones. Edited by Mark Thompson;
introduction by Jack Foley.
Seattle, WA: Broken Moon Press, c1990.
Suz, SpecColl PS 3503 .R759 S64 1990
Beginning with O. Foreword by Stanley Kunitz.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1977.
(Yale series of younger poets, v. 72)
Suz 811.08 Ya12 v.72
Ugl, Bot PS 3552 .R6819 B4
Broumas, Olga.
Black holes, black stockings. By Olga Broumas, Jane Miller.
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press; Scranton, PA: Distributed by
Harper & Row, c1985.
Suz PS 3552 .R6819 B58 1985
Broumas, Olga.
Pastoral jazz.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c1983.
Suz, Ugl, SpecCollPNW PS 3552 .R6819 P3 1983
Broumas, Olga.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c1989.
Suz PS 3552 .R6819 P47 1989
Broumas, Olga.
Rave: poems, 1975-1999.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c1999.
Suz PS 3552 .R6819 A6 1999
Broumas, Olga.
Sappho's gymnasium. By Olga Broumas & T. Begley.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c1994.
Suz PS 3552 .R6819 S26 1994
Brown, Arch.
News boy: a play in eight scenes.
NY: JH Press, [c1979]
(JH Press gay play script series)
Suz, Drama PS 3552 .R684 N4 1979
Brown, Beverly Suzanne.
The interrelationship of androgyny, self-esteem and achievement motivation
of female athletes [microform]
Eugene: Microform Publications, College of Human Development and
Performance, University of Oregon, 1983.
(Health, physical education, and recreation publications (Microfiche)
note: Thesis (M.S.)-- Louisina State University and Agricultural and
Mechanical College, 1981.
MicNews Microfiche M-3462
Brown, Dave.
Bristlecone Peak.
Denver, CO: Golden Feather Press, c1998.
Suz PS 3552 .R685436 B75 1998
Brown, E. Richard (Earl Richard)
"Let my people go": a mission strategy for outreach and ministry
within the gay community.
Seattle: E. R. Brown, c1993.
note: originally presented as the author's thesis (D. Min.- - Fuller
Theological Seminary, 1992)
Suz BV 4437.5 .B76 1993
Brown, Forman.
The generous Jefferson Bartleby Jones. Illustrated by Leslie Trawin.
Boston: Alyson Wonderland, c1991.
ChiLit PZ7 .B81357 Ge 1991
Brown, Howard.
Familiar faces, hidden lives: the story of homosexual men in America
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1976.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 U5 B7
Brown, Hudson.
The first official gay handbook. Illustrated by Debbie Mackall.
Arlington Heights, IL: Turnbull & Willoughby, c1983.
Suz PN 6231 .H57 B76 1983
Brown, Judith C.
Immodest acts: the life of a lesbian nun in Renaissance Italy.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Suz, Ugl BX 4705 C3134 B76 1986
Brown, Michael David.
Under heat.
NY: New American Library, c1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .R6947 U54 1989
Brown, Michael P.
Claiming space: Seattle's lesbian & gay historical geography.
Seattle, WA: Northwest Lesbian & Gay History Museum Project, 2004.
Map Cases G4284 .S4 E624 2004 .B7
Brown, Michael P.
Closet space: geographies of metaphor from the body to the globe.
NY: Routledge, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.25 .B77 2000
Brown, Michael P.
Replacing citizenship: AIDS activism and radical democracy.
NY: Guilford Press, c1997.
Suz, Ugl WC 503.7 B879r 1997
Brown, Mildred L.
True selves: understanding transsexualism... : for family, friends,
coworkers, and helping professionals.
By Mildred L. Brown [and] Chloe Ann Rounsley.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1996.
SocWk HQ 77.9 .B76 1996
Brown, Rebecca.
Annie Oakley's girl.
San Francisco: City Lights, c1993.
Bot PS 3552 .R6973 A83 1993
Brown, Rebecca.
The Gifts of the body.
NY: HarperCollins, c1994.
Ugl PS 3552 .R6973 G53 1994
Brown, Rebecca.
The haunted house.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1990.
SpecColl Book Arts, Bot PS 3552 .R6973 H38 1990
Brown, Rebecca.
The last time I saw you.
San Francisco: City Lights Books, c2006.
Bot PS 3552 .R6973 2006
Brown, Ricardo J.
The evening crowd at Kirmser's: a gay life in the 1940s. Edited by William
Reichard; foreword by Allan H. Spear.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 S253 2001
Brown, Rita Mae.
Alma mater.
NY: Ballantine Books, c2001.
Suz PS 3552 .R698 A7 2001
Brown, Rita Mae.
Toronto; NY: Bantam Books, 1988.
Ugl PS 3552 .R698 B56 1988
Brown, Rita Mae.
The hand that cradles the rock.
NY: New York University Press, 1971
see also: Brown, Rita Mae. Poems.
Suz PS 3552 .R698 H3
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3552 .R698 H3 1974 (Diana Press)
Brown, Rita Mae.
In der day.
[Plainfield, VT: Daughters, inc.], c1976.
Suz PS 3552 .R698 1976
Brown, Rita Mae.
A plain brown rapper. Illustrated by Sue Sellars.
Oakland, CA: Diana Press, c1976.
Suz HQ 75.6 U5 B66 1976
Brown, Rita Mae.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1987.
note: Reprint (1) of: The hand that cradles the rock (NYU Press,
see also: Brown, Rita Mae. The hand that cradles the rock.
Reprint (2)of: Songs to a handsome woman (Diana Press, 1973)
Suz PS 3552 .R698 A17 1987
Brown, Rita.
Rita will: memoir of a literary rabble-rouser.
NY: Bantam Books, 1997.
Suz PS 3552 .R698 Z468 1997
Brown, Rita Mae.
Ruby fruit jungle [sound recording]
NY: In Our Time Arts Media, [1986?]
UglMed Phonotape AMF 39
Brown, Rita Mae.
Rubyfruit jungle.
Plainfield, VT: Daughters, inc. [1973]
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .R698 R82
Ugl PS 3552 .R698 R82 1977 (Bantam ed.)
Brown, Rita Mae.
Six of one.
Toronto; NY: Bantam Books, 1988.
Suz PS 3552 .R698 S5 1988
Brown, Rita Mae.
Songs to a handsome woman.
Diana Press, 1973.
see: Brown, Rita Mae. Poems.
Brown, Rita Mae.
Southern discomfort.
NY: Harper & Row, c1982.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .R698 S64 1982
Brown, Rita Mae.
Sudden death.
Toronto; NY: Bantam Books, 1983.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .R698 S9 1983
Brown, Rita Mae.
Venus envy.
NY: Bantam Books, c1993.
Suz PS 3552 R698 V45 1993
Brown, Roger.
Against my better judgment: an intimate memoir of an eminent gay
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.8 .B76 A3 1996
Brown, Susan Jenkins.
Robber rocks; letters and memories of Hart Crane, 1923-1932.
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press [1969]
Suz, Ugl PS 3505 .R272 Z57
Browning, Frank.
The culture of desire: paradox and perversity in gay lives today.
NY: Crown, c1993.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 U5 B745 1993
Browning, Frank.
A queer geography: journeys toward a sexual self.
NY: Crown, c1996.
Suz, Tac HQ 76 .B76 1996
Brownrigg, Elizabeth.
Falling to earth: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1998.
Ugl PS 3552 .R7865 F35 1998
Brownrigg, Sylvia.
Pages for you.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001.
Suz PS 3552 .R7867 P34 2001
Brownworth, Victoria.
Too queer; essays from a radical life.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.5 .B766 1996
Brubach, Holly.
Girlfriend: men, women, and drag. Text by Holly Brubach; photographs by
Michael James O'Brien.
NY: Random House, c1999.
Suz HQ 77 .B7 1999
Bruce, Leo.
note: pseudonym for Rupert Croft-Cooke, see: Croft-Cooke, Rupert
Bruce, Tammy.
The death of right and wrong: exposing the left's assault on our culture
and values.
note: chapter 4, First the culture, then the children: the agenda of the
radical gay elite, pp. 87-120.
Roseville, CA: Forum, c2003.
Suz HN 90 .M6 B78 2003
Brudnoy, David.
Life is not a rehearsal: a memoir.
NY: Doubleday, c1997.
Suz PN 1991.4 .B78 A3 1997
Bruett, Lynette Kay.
Exercise, athletics and androgyny.
Seattle: University of Washington, 1976.
note: Thesis (M.S.)--University of Washington, 1976
Suz GV 361 .Th24679
Aux Thesis 24679
Bruhm, Steven.
Reflecting Narcissus: a queer aesthetic.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2001.
Suz PN 56 .H57 B78 2001
Bruns, Elke.
Aussenstehend, ungelenk, kopfuber weiblich: psychosexuelle Autorpositionen
bei Marlen Haushofer, Marieluise Fleisser und Ingeborg Bachmann.
Stuttgart: Metzler, c1998.
(Ergebnisse der Frauenforschung, Bd. 48)
Suz PT 405 .B75 1998
Bruzzi, Stella.
Undressing cinema: clothing and identity in the movies.
London; NY: Routledge, 1997.
note: Part III: Beyond gender.
Suz PN 1995.9 .C56 B78 1997
Bryan, Jed A.
Cry in the desert.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1987.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .R865 C79 1987
Bryan, Jed A.
Sacred cows.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1989.
Suz PS 3552 .R8755 S23 1989
Bryant, Anita.
The Anita Bryant story: the survival of our nation's families and the
threat of militant homosexuality.
Old Tappan, N.J.: Revell, c1977.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 B78 1977
Bryant, Clifton D.
Sexual deviancy and social proscription: the social context of carnal
NY: Human Sciences Press, c1982.
note: chapter 7, Homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality: social
deviancy in counterfeit context, pp. 194-226.
Suz HQ 71 .B73
Bryant, Dorothy.
A day in San Francisco: a novel.
Berkeley, CA; Ata Books, c1982.
Suz PS 3552 .R878 D3 1982
Bryant, Steve.
An indispensable guide for gay & lesbian couples: what every same-sex couple
should know.
By Steve Bryant & Demian.
Seattle: Sweet Corn Productions, c1993.
Suz HQ 76 .B835 1993
Bryant, Wayne M.
Bisexual characters in film: from Anais to Zee.
NY: Haworth Press, c1997.
Suz, Ugl PN 1995.9 .B57 B78 1997
Bryher: two novels: Development and Two selves.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2000.
Suz PR 6003 .R98 A6 2000
Bubbeh Lee & me [videorecording]: a video diary.
By Andy Abrahams Wilson; Open Eye Pictures; produced, directed by Andy
Abrahams Wilson.
Hohokus, N.J.: New Day Films, [1997?]
note: 1 videocassette. VHS. Release of a 1996 motion picture.
note: Camera, Andy Abrahams Wilson; editors, Andy Abrahams Wilson, Ron
Ward; original music, James David Jacobs.
note: Portrait of an extraordinary, ordinary Jewish grandmother and her
gay grandson's search for his place in the world.
UglMed Videorecord NDF 017
Buchan, John.
Adventures of Richard Hannay.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin company, 1939.
note: The thirty-nine steps; Greenmantle; Mr. Standfast.
note: Greenmantle is construed as gay interest.
Suz 823 B85a
Buchan, John.
[Harmondworth, Middlesex]: Penguin Books, [1956]
Ugl PR 6003 .U13 G7 1956
The Buchenwald report.
Translated, edited, and with an introduction by David A. Hackett;
foreword by Frederick A. Praeger.
Boulder: Westview Press, c1995.
note: Original report was produced by the Intelligence Team of the
Psychological Warfare Division of the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied
note: Translation of: Bericht uber das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald bei
note: see chapter 40: The Situation of the Homosexuals,
pp. 172-177 and index under: Homosexual prisoners
Suz, Bot D805 .G3 B7746 1995
Buchholtz, Elisabeth.
Eine Liebe wie jede andere auch?: männliche Homosexualität in
Prosatexten der Gegenwartsliteratur im Deutschunterricht: Grundlagen,
Unterrichtsmodelle, Materialien.
(Deutschdidaktik aktuell, Bd. 15)
Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2004.
Suz PN 546 .H57 B83 2004
Buchner, Hartmut.
Eros und Sein; Erorterungen zu Platons Symposion.
Bonn: H. Bouvier, 1965.
note: Thesis-Kyoto Daigaku.
Suz B385 .B8
Buck, Claire.
H. D. and Freud: bisexuality and a feminine discourse.
London; NY: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991.
Suz PS 3507 .O726 Z54 1991
Buckland, Fiona.
Impossible dance: club culture and queer world-making.
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, c2002.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 B83 2002
Buckley, J. F.
Desire, the self, the social critic: the rise of
queer performance within the demise of transcendentalism.
Selinsgrove, PA: Susquehanna University Press; London;
Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses, c1997.
Suz PS 217 .H65 B83 1997
Buckley, Michael J.
Morality and the homosexual; a Catholic approach to a moral
With a foreword by John C. Heenan.
Westminster, MD: Newman Press [1960]
Suz BX 1795 .H66 B82 1960
Buckton, Oliver S.
Secret selves: confession and same-sex desire in Victorian
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot PR 788 .A95 B83 1998
Buddhism, sexuality, and gender. Edited by Jose Ignacio Cabezon.
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, c1992.
note: Homosexuality as seen in Indian Buddhist texts (Leonard Zwilling),
pp. 203-214; Kukai and the tradition of male love in Japanese Buddhism
(Paul Gordon Schalow), pp. 215-230.
Ugl BQ 4570 .S48 B83 1992
Buffiere, Felix.
Eros adolescent: la pederastie dans la Grece antique.
Paris: Belles Lettres, 1980.
Suz HQ 76 B844
Buffum, Peter C.
Homosexuality in prisons.
[Washington, D. C.] National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal
Justice, 1972.
note: for sale by the Supt. of Docs, U. S. Govt. Print. Off.
Ugl, SocWk HV 8836 B8
Buhrke, Robin A.
A matter of justice: lesbians and gay men in law enforcement.
NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz HV 8138 .B85 1996
Building a diverse faculty. Joanne Gainen, Robert Boice, editors.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, c1993.
note: Enhancing academic communities for lesbian, gay, and bisexual
faculty (William G. Tierney, Robert A. Rhoads), pp. 43-50.
Suz LB 2835 .B84 1993
Building on women's strengths: a social work agenda for the twenty-first
century. K. Jean Peterson, Alice A. Lieberman, editors.
NY: Haworth Social Work Practice Press, c2001.
note: chapter 10, Lesbians and bisexual women: relevant policy and
practice issues (Sandra C. Anderson), pp. 219-252.
Tac HV 1445 .B85 2001
Bulkin, Andrei.
Letaiushchie na sobakakh.
Moskva: M.K. Company, 2000.
Suz PG 3479.4 .U53 L48 2000
Bulkin, Andrei.
Zapiski golubogo.
Moskva: 1998.
Suz PG 3479.4 U53 Z15 1998
Bulkin, Elly.
Yours in struggle: three feminist perspectives on anti-Semitism and
By Elly Bulkin, Minnie Bruce Pratt, and Barbara Smith.
NY: Long Haul Press, c1984.
Ugl DS 145 .B84 1984
SocWk E 185.615 .B79 1988 (Firebrand reprint)
Bulletin. Hands Off Washington.
Seattle, WA: Hands Off Washington,
note: Washington Citizens for Fairness
note: The first issue [unnumbered] of this Bulletin appeared as an
integral part of Seattle Gay News, v.21,n.24 (Jun 11, 1993), pp. 13-16;
v.1,n.2 distributed as in insert in v.21,n.29 (Jul 16, 1993); v.1,n.5
as an insert in v.22,n.12 (Mar 25, 1994). All were microfilmed with
Seattle Gay News, Microfilm A7169, available in MicNews.
SpecCollFolio HQ 76.8 .U5 B85
v.1,n.3 (Nov 1993); [June? 1994?]; Sum-Fall 1996; Spr 1997; Fall 1997
Bulliet, C. J. (Clarence Joseph)
Venus Castina: famous female impersonators, celestial and human. With
illustrations by Alexander King.
NY: Bonanza Books, c1956.
note: facsimile of the original Limited Edition published in 1928
Suz HQ 76 .B85 1956
Bullmann, Bert.
Vom Getto in die Gesellschaft: der amerikanische homosexuelle Roman der
Achtziger Jahre.
Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel, c1991.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 5)
Suz PS 374 .H63 B85 1991
Bullough, Vern L.
Cross dressing, sex and gender. By Vern L. Bullough and Bonnie
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, c1993.
Suz, Bot HQ 77 B785 1993
Bullough, Vern L.
Homosexuality: a history.
NY: New American Library, 1979.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 B85
Bullough, Vern L.
Sexual attitudes: myths & realities. By Vern L. Bullough and Bonnie
Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1995.
Ugl HQ 12 .B837 1995
Bullough, Vern L.
Sexual variance in society and history.
NY: Wiley, c1976.
Suz, Ugl HQ 12 .B84
Bullough, Vern L.
Sin, sickness & sanity: a history of sexual attitudes.
By Vern L. Bullough and Bonnie Bullough.
NY: Garland, 1977.
Suz, Ugl HQ 12 B843
Bumbalo, Victor.
Niagara Falls and other plays.
NY: Calamus Books, 1984.
note: plays: Niagara Falls. Kitchen duty. After eleven.
Suz, Drama PS 3552 .U462 N5 1984
Bumm, Peter H.
August Graf von Platen: eine Biographie.
Paderborn: F. Schöningh, 1990.
Suz PT 2448 .Z5 B86 1990
Bunch, Charlotte.
Class and feminism: a collection of essays from the Furies, edited by
Charlotte Bunch [and] Nancy Myron.
Baltimore: Diana Press [c1974]
Suz HQ 1426 .B84 1974
Bunch, Charlotte.
Passionate politics: feminist theory in action, essays 1968-1986.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1987.
Suz HQ 1154 .B86 1987
Bundnis und Begehren: ein Symposium uber die Liebe, hrsg. v. Andreas Krass
und Alexandra Tischel.
Berlin: E. Schmidt, c2002.
(Geschlechterdifferenz & Literatur, Bd. 14)
note: Mannerfreundsachft. Bundnis und Begehren in Michel de Montaignes
Essay De l'amitie (Andrea Krass), pp. 127-141; Petrarkismus als
Geschlechtercamouflage? Die Liebeslyrik der Barockdichterin Sibylle
Schwarz (Erika Greber), pp. 142-168; Petrarkistischer Bund, hedonistisches
Begehren. Juan Gil-Alberts schwuler Sonettkranz Misteriosa Presencia
(Horst Weich), pp. 169-189.
Suz BF 575 .L8 B86 2002
Bunzl, Matti.
Symptoms of modernity: Jews and queers in late-twentieth-century
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2004.
note: also available as an E-Book through the catalog, UW users only
Suz DS 135 .A92 V52216 2004
Buot, Francois.
Herve Guibert. Le jeune homme et la mort.
Paris: Grasset, c1999.
Suz PQ 2667 .U4612 Z58 1999
Buot, Francois.
Rene Crevel: biographie.
Paris: B. Grasset, c1991.
Suz PQ 2605 .R47 Z59 1991
Burch, Beverly.
On intimate terms: the psychology of difference in lesbian
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1993.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.5 B87 1993
Burch, Beverly.
Other women: lesbian/bisexual experience and psychoanalytic views of
NY: Columbia University Press, c1997.
NatSci, Ugl HQ 75.5 .B872 1997
Burda, Joan M.
Estate planning for same-sex couples.
Chicago: ABA General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Section, c2004.
Suz, Law KF 750 .B87 2004
SuzCirc KF 750 .B87 2004 disc
Burford, Barbara.
The threshing floor: short stories.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1987.
Suz, Ugl PR 6052 .U625 T47 1987
Burg, B. R. (Barry Richard)
An American seafarer in the age of sail: the erotic diaries of Philip C.
Van Buskirk, 1851-1870.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1994.
Suz V63 .V36 B87 1994
Burg, B. R. (Barry Richard)
Sodomy and the perception of evil: English sea rovers in the
seventeenth-century Caribbean.
NY: New York University Press, 1983.
note: Paperback ed. published in 1984 has the title: Sodomy and the pirate
tradition: English sea rovers in the seventeenth-century Caribbean.
Suz HQ 76.2 C27 B87 1983
Burg, B. R. (Barry Richard)
Sodomy and the pirate tradition: English sea rovers in the
seventeenth-century Caribbean.
NY: New York University Press, 1984, c1983.
note: original edition published as: Sodomy and the perception of
Bot HQ 76.2 .C27 B87 1984
Burger, Glenn.
Chaucer's queer nation.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2003.
(Medieval cultures, v. 34)
Suz PR 1933 .S35 B87 2003
Burger, John R. (John Robert)
One-handed histories: the eroto-politics of gay male video
NY: Haworth Press, c1995.
Suz HQ 76 .B86 1995
Burger-Prinz, Hans.
Zur Phanomenologie des Transvestitismus bei Mannern.
von H. Burger-Prinz, H. Albrecht, und H. Giese.
Stuttgart: Enke, 1953.
(Beitrage zur Sexualforschung, Bd. 3)
HSLIC Serials 392.608 B397 no. 1-8
HSLIC Serials 392.608 B397 no.3 1966
Burgess, Anthony.
Earthly powers.
London: Hutchinson, c1980.
Suz PR 6052 .U638 E2
Ugl PR 6052 .U638 E2 1980 (Simon & Schuster)
Ugl PR 6052 .U638 E2 1981 (Avon)
Burgett, Bruce.
Sentimental bodies: sex, gender, and citizenship in the early
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1998.
note: chapter 7, Afterword: Closeted Sentiments, pp. 155-159.
Suz, Bot PS 217 .P64 B87 1998
Burgin, Diana Lewis.
Sophia Parnok: the life and work of Russia's Sappho.
NY: New York University Press, c1994.
(Cutting edge: lesbian life and literature)
Suz PG 3476 P25915 Z59 1994
Burgin, Richard.
Ghost quartet.
Evanston, IL: Triquarterly Books, c1999.
Ugl PS 3552 .U717 G48 1999
Burgwinkle, William E.
Sodomy, masculinity, and law in medieval literature: France and England,
Cambridge, U.K.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Suz PN 682 .H65 B87 2004
Buring, Daneel.
Lesbian and gay Memphis: building communities behind the Magnolia Curtain.
NY: Garland Pub., 1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 T23 1997
Burke, Marc E.
Coming out of the Blue: British police officers talk about their lives in
"The Job" as lesbians, gays, and bisexuals.
London; NY: Cassell, 1993.
Suz HV 8195 .A2 B875 1993
Burke, Phyllis.
Family values: a lesbian mother's fight for her son.
NY: Vintage Books, a division of Random House, 1994.
note: appeared in 1993 as: Family values: two moms and their son.
Ugl HQ 75.53 .B87 1994
Burke, Phyllis.
Gender shock: exploding the myths of male and female.
NY: Anchor Books, 1996.
Suz, Tac HQ 1075 .B85 1996
Burkett, B. G. (Bernard Gary)
Stolen valor: how the Vietnam generation was robbed of its heroes and its
By B. G. Burkett and Glenna Whitley.
Dallas: Verity Press, c1998.
note: [chapter] 18. The Historian and the "Gay Beret," pp. 435-451.
Suz DS 558 .B85 1998
Burkett, Elinor.
The gravest show on earth: America in the age of AIDS.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1995.
Suz, Bot WC 503 B959g 1995
Burleson, William E.
Bi America: myths, truths, and struggles of an invisible community.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2005.
Ugl, Bot HQ 74.2 .U5 B87 2005
Burnett, Clark.
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Parent/Guardian Survey Project.
[Authors and principal investigators, Clark Burnett and Tracy Flynn;
contributing author, Andrew Roth]
[Seattle, Wash.]: Safe Schools Coalition of Washington, [1999]
Suz LC 212.822 .W2 B87 1999
Burns, John Horne.
The gallery.
NY; London: Harper & Brothers [1947]
Suz 813 B937g
Burns, John Horne.
Lucifer with a book, a novel.
NY: Harper [1949]
Suz 813 B937L
Burr, Chandler.
A separate creation: the search for the biological origins of sexual
NY: Hyperion, c1996.
NatSci QP 81.6 .B87 1996
Burrelli, David F.
Homosexuals and U.S. military policy [microform]: current issues. David F.
Burrelli, Charles Dale.
[Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress,
(Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service.
Supplement; 1997, reel 13, fr. 00406)
MicNews Microfilm A6816 1997, reel 13, fr. 00406
Burrelli, David F.
Homosexuals and U.S. military policy: current issues. David F.
Charles Dale.
[Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Research Service, the Library of
Congress, [2005]
available online,
Burroughs, Augusten.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2003.
Suz PS 3552 .U745 Z465 2003
Burroughs, Augusten.
Magical thinking: true stories.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2004.
Suz PS 3552 .U745 Z472 2004
Burroughs, Augusten.
Running with scissors: a memoir.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2002.
Suz PS 3552 .U745 Z477 2002
Burroughs, Augusten.
NY: St. Martin's Griffin, c2000.
Ugl PS 3552 .U745 S45 2000
Bot PS 3552 .U745 S45 2003 (Picador, 2003)
Burroughs, William S.
Cities of the red night.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1981.
Suz PS 3552 .U76 C5 1981
Burroughs, William S.
Cities of the red night [sound recording] 1 sound cassette. Producer and
host, Tom Vitale.
NY: In Our Time Arts Media, [1986?]
note: Interview with and selected reading by William S. Burroughs.
UglMed Phonotape AMF 42
Burroughs, William S.
Letters to Allen Ginsberg, 1953-1957.
NY: Full Court Press, c1982.
Suz PS 3552 .U75 Z49
Burroughs, William S.
Naked lunch.
NY: Grove Press, 1966, c1959.
note: originally published in Paris: Olympia Press, 1959.
Suz PS 3552 .U76 N3 1959
Suz PS 3552 .U76 N3 1966
Ugl PS 3552 .U76 N3 1992
Burroughs, William S.
Port of saints.
Berkeley: Blue Wind Press, 1980.
Suz PS 3552 .U76 P6 1980
Burroughs, William S.
NY: Penguin Books, 1987, c1985.
Ugl, Bot PS 3552 .U75 Q8 1987
Suz PS 3552 .U75 Q8 1985 (Viking)
Burroughs, William S.
The soft machine; Nova express; The wild boys: three novels.
With an epilogue by Allen Ginsberg.
NY: Grove Press: distributed by Random House, 1980.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .U75 A6 1980
Burroughs, William S.
The wild boys; a book of the dead.
NY: Grove Press [1971]
Ugl PS 3552 .U76 W5
Burroughs, William S.
With William Burroughs: a report from the bunker.
[compiled by] Victor Bockris. rev. ed.
NY: St. Martin's Griffin, 1996.
Suz PS 3552 .U75 Z478 1996
Burston, Paul.
Queen's country.
London: Little, Brown and Co., 1998.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 B865 1998
Burston, Paul.
NY: Warner Books, c2001 (2004 printing)
Ugl PR 6102 .U77 S53 2004
Burston, Paul.
What are you looking at?: queer sex, style and cinema.
London: Cassell, 1995.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .B87 1995
Burt, Richard.
Unspeakable ShaXXXspeares: queer theory and American kiddie culture.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Suz, Bot PR 2971 .U6 B87 1998
Burton, Humphrey.
Leonard Bernstein.
NY: Doubleday, c1994.
Music ML 410 .B566 B9 1994
Burton, Peter.
Amongst the aliens: some aspects of a gay life.
Foreword by Francis King; afterword by Richard Smith.
Brighton: Millivres, 1995.
Suz HQ 76 .B87 1995
Burton, Peter.
Parallel lives.
London: GMP; Boston: dist. in North America by Alyson Publications,
Suz HQ 75.8 .B87 A32 1985
Burton, Peter.
Talking to-- : Peter Burton in conversation with ... writers writing on
gay themes.
Exeter, England: Third House; East Haven, CT: Distributed in the U. S. by
InBook, 1991.
Suz PR 120 .G39 B87 1991
Burton, Peter.
Vale of tears: a problem shared--. By Peter Burton & Richard
Brighton, England: Millivres Books, 1992.
note: letters and responses from the Vale of tears column, a regular
feature of Gay Times.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 B87 1992
Burton, Richard Francis.
see: Arabian nights. v.10. The Terminal Essay, IV. Social Condition. D.
Buruma, Ian.
Behind the mask: on sexual demons, sacred mothers, transvestites,
gangsters, drifters and other Japanese cultural heroes.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1984.
note: previously published as: A Japanese mirror.
note: [chapter] 7, The Third Sex, pp. 113-135.
see also: Buruma, Ian. A Japanese mirror.
Ugl, EAsia DS 821 .B796 1984
Buruma, Ian.
A Japanese mirror: heroes and villains of Japanese culture.
London: J. Cape, 1984.
note: [chapter] 7, The Third Sex, pp. 113-135.
note: later published as: Behind the mask...
see also: Buruma, Ian. Behind the mask...
Ugl DS 821 .B86 1984
Busch, Charles.
The tale of the allergist's wife and other plays.
NY: Grove Press, 2001.
note: Vampire lesbians of Sodom; Psycho beach party; The lady in question;
Red scare at sunset; The tale of the allergist's wife.
Drama PS 3552 .U813 T3 2001
Busch, Charles.
Times Square angel: a hard-boiled Christmas fantasy; from an idea by
Charles Busch and Andy Halliday.
NY: S. French, c1986.
Drama ActEd Times Square angel
Busch, Charles.
Whores of lost Atlantis.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 2005.
Ugl PS 3552 .U813 W48 2005
Busch, Charles.
You should be so lucky: a new comedy.
NY: Samuel French, Inc., c1995.
Drama ActEd you shoul
Busch, Frank.
August Graf von Platen--Thomas Mann: Zeichen und Gefühle.
München: W. Fink, c1987.
(Literatur in der Gesellschaft, n.F., Bd. 12)
Suz PT 2625 A44 Z54375 1987
Bush, Josef.
see: D'Arcangelo, Angelo. (pseud.)
Bush, Russell.
Affectionate men: a photographic history of a century of male couples,
1850's to 1950's. Book design, Ron Lieberman.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1998.
Ugl HQ 1090 .B87 1998
Busi, Aldo.
Seminar on youth. Translated by Stuart Hood.
NY: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1989. c1988.
note: Translation from the Italian: Seminario sulla gioventu
note: originally published by Carcanet, 1988.
Ugl PQ 4862 .U824 S413 1989
Busi, Aldo.
Sodomies in elevenpoint. Translated by Stuart Hood.
London; Boston: Faber and Faber, 1993.
note: translation of: Sodomie in corpo 11.
Suz PQ 4862 .U824 S6613 1993
Busi, Aldo.
The standard life of a temporary pantyhose salesman.
Translated from the Italian by Raymond Rosenthal.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1988.
note: translation of: Vita standard di un venditore provvisorio di
Suz, Ugl PQ 4862 .U824 V5813 1988
Business of fancydancing [videorecording] A FallsApart production; written
and directed by Sherman Alexie; producers, Scott Rosenfelt, Larry
NY: [Distributed by] Wellspring Media, 2003.
note: 1 videodisc; DVD; originally released as a motion picture in
note: cast- Evan Adams, Michelle St. John, Gene Tagaban, Swil Kanim;
director of photography/editor, Holly Taylor
note: special features include: commentary track with Sherman Alexie and
Evan Adams, deleted scenes, behind-the-scenes documentary, production
stills gallery, theatrical trailer, and Web links.
note: former Spokane Reservation best friends, Seymour and Aristotle have
taken different paths. Both went off to college in Seattle. One is now a
successful and openly gay poet; the other returned home embittered.
Tensions and resentments flare as they meet again 16 years later at the
funeral of an old friend. Shot on location in Washington State, in and
around Seattle, Vashon Island, and on the Spokane Indian Reservation;
at Richard Hugo House, Daybreak Star Cultural Center, and at Pinnacle
Studios, Seattle.
UglMed DVD WELL 001
SocWkMed E99 .S68 B87 2003
Buss, Doris.
Globalizing family values: the Christian right in international politics.
Doris Buss and Didi Herman.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2003.
note: The gender agenda: women's rights, radical feminism, and
homosexuality, pp. 100-128.
Suz, Bot BR 115 .I7 B87 2003
Busse-Granand, Erwin von.
Das erotische Komodien-Gartlein.
Nachdruck der Ausgabe 1920 mit Zeichnungen von Rudolf Putz;
mit nachbemerkungen zu Autor und Werk von Manfred Herzer und James W.
Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel, c1993.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel, Bd. 4)
note: originally published: Berlin: Almanach Verlag, 1920.
Suz PT 2603 .U867 E76 1920
Bussy, Dorothy.
Olivia. [By] Olivia; with a new afterword by Susannah Clapp.
NY: Penguin Books-Virago Press, 1990.
Suz PR 6003 .U64 O4 1990
Suz 823 B968o (Sloane ed., c1949)
But no one [videorecording], see: Hide and seek [videorecording]
Butch/femme: inside lesbian gender. Editor: Sally R. Munt; photo editor:
Cherry Smyth.
London: Cassell, 1998.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 .B88 1998
Butler, Dan.
The only thing worse you could have told me--
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1997.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Only thing
Butler, Eleanor, Lady.
A year with the ladies of Llangollen. Compiled and edited by Elizabeth
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986, c1984.
note: also published in hardback under the title:
Life with the ladies of Llangollen.
Suz DA 745 .L75 B87 1986
Butler, Judith P.
Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of "sex."
NY: Routledge, 1993.
Suz, Nat, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 1190 .B88 1993
Butler, Judith P.
Excitable speech: a politics of the performative.
NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz P95.54 .B88 1997
Butler, Judith P.
Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity.
NY: Routledge, 1990.
Suz, Bot HQ 1154 .B88 1990
Butler, Judith P.
The psychic life of power: theories in subjection.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997.
Suz, Ugl BD 438.5 .B88 1997
Butler, Pamela.
Self-assertion for women: a guide to becoming androgynous.
San Francisco: Canfield Press, c1976.
SocWk HQ 1206 .B85
Butler, Pamela.
Self-assertion for women. New ed.
San Francisco: Harper and Row, c1981.
note: androgyny
SocWk HQ 1206 .B85 1981
Butler, Sandra.
Cancer in two voices. By Sandra Butler and Barbara Rosenblum.
San Francisco: Spinsters Book Co., c1991.
note: see also: Cancer in two voices [videorecording]
SocWk WP 120 B986c 1991
Butler, Sandra.
Cancer in two voices. By Sandra Butler and Barbara Rosenblum. 2nd ed.
Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, [1996?]
Suz WP 120 B986c 1996
Butler matters: Judith Butler's impact on feminist and queer studies.
Edited by Margaret Sönser Breen, Warren J. Blumenfeld.
Aldershot, Hampshire, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2005.
note: chapter 10, Gender Trouble in the literature classroom:
unintelligible genders in The Metamorphosis and The Well of Loneliness,
(Margaret Sönser Breen), pp. 147-160.
Suz HQ 1190 .B8835 2005
Butt, Gavin.
Between you and me: queer disclosures in the New York art world,
Durham: Duke University Press, 2005.
Ugl N72 .H64 B87 2005
Butterman, Steven Fred.
Perversions on parade: Brazilian literature of transgression and
postmodern anti-aesthetics in Glauco Mattoso.
San Diego: San Diego University Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 1.5, Queer theory, pp. 20-22; [chapter] 2.5,
Nineteenth-century French "Poètes maudits" tradition: Baudelaire's
rebelliousness; Mallarme's love of the hermetic text; Verlaine's veiled
homoeroticism; and Rimbaud's "Dissolution of the Self," pp. 36-44,
[chapter] 3.2, "Somos": inverting perversity, pp. 97-99.
Suz PQ 9698.23 .A8794 Z548 2005
Buttino, Frank.
A special agent: gay and inside the FBI. By Frank Buttino with Lou
NY: Morrow, c1993.
Suz HV 7911 .B87 A3 1993
Button, James W.
Private lives, public conflicts: battles over gay rights in
By James W. Button, Barbara A. Rienzo, Kenneth D. Wald; foreword by Barney
Washington, DC: CQ Press, c1997.
Suz, Ugl, Law, Bot, Tac HQ 76.8 .U5 B87 1997
Buurman, Gon.
Poseuses: vrouwenportretten. Foto's, Gon Buurman;
teksten, Pamela Pattynama; Engelse vertaling, Sheila Gogol = Portraits
of women. [Photographs, Gon Buurman; text, Pamela Pattynama];
English text translated from the Dutch by Sheila Gogol.
Amsterdam: Schorer/A. Dekker, 1987.
Art TR 681 .W6 B88 1987
Buxton, Amity.
The other side of the closet: the coming-out crisis for straight
Santa Monica, CA: IBS Press, c1991.
Suz HQ 74 .B89 1991
Buxton, Claire, see Warner, Kate. Adoption by ...
Buxton, R. G. A.
Complete world of Greek mythology. Richard Buxton.
NY: Thames & Hudson, 2004.
note: Same-sex eroticism, pp. 174-177.
Ugl BL 783 .B88 2004
Buzinski, Jim.
The outsports revolution. Jim Buzinski and Cyd Zeigler.
NY: Alyson, 2007.
Ugl GV 708.8 .B89 2007
By angels driven: the films of Derek Jarman. Edited by Chris Lippard.
Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood Press, 1996.
(Contributions to the study of popular culture, n. 58)
Suz PN 1998.3 .J3 B9 1996c
Byatt, A. S. (Antonia Susan)
Passions of the mind: selected writings.
NY: Turtle Bay Books, 1992.
note: [chapter] 18, Monique Wittig: The lesbian body, pp. 245-250.
Suz PR 6052 .Y2 P3 1992
Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, [i.e., Lord Byron], attrib.
Don Leon: A poem by Lord Byron, and Forming Part of the Private Journal of
His Lordship, Supposed to have Been Entirely Destroyed by Thos. Moore.
[with Notes] London, [1930]
see: A homosexual emancipation miscellany. (reprint)
C.R.A.Z.Y. [videorecording] TVA Films; Cirrus Communications and
CrazyFilms; un film de Jean-Marc Vallee; scénario et dialogues,
Jean-Marc Vallee en collaboration avec Francois Boulay; producteur, Pierre
Even; director, Jean-Marc Vallee.
Santa Monica, CA Genius Products [2007]
note: DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in 2005; based on an
original idea by Francois Boulay and Jean-Marc Vallee.
note: cast- Michel Côté, Marc-André Grondin, Danielle
Proulx, Pierre-Luc Brillant, Mariloup Wolfe, Maxime Tremblay, Émile
Vallée and Alex Gravel; credits- director of photography, Pierre
Mignot; editor, Paul Jutras; costumes, Ginnette Magny.
note: set in 1970's Montreal, Zac is the fourth of five sons, but he's
always been more "sensitive" than the other boys. Growing up in a strict
but loving Catholic household, Zac does everything he can to impress his
stern father. Through a combination of music, rebellion and humor, Zac
learns how to be true to his inner self and to teach his father to love
him for who he really is.
UglMed DVD GENI 015
Caballero, Luis.
Luis Caballero: paintings & drawings. Introduced by Edward
London: Editions Aubrey Walter; East Haven, CT: Distributed in North
America by INBOOK, c1992.
Art N6679 .C32 A4 1992
The Cabirion and gay books bulletin.
NY: Scholarship Committee of the New York Chapter of the Gay Academic
Union, c1984-
note: continues: Gay books bulletin, see Gay books bulletin.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .G33 no. 10, 12 (Winter/Spring 1984,
Spring/Summer 1985)
Cable visions: television beyond broadcasting. Edited by Sarah
Banet-Weiser, Cynthia Chris, and Anthony Freitas.
NY: New York University Press, c2007.
note: chapter 10, Gay programming, gay publics; public and private
tensions in lesbian and gay cable channels (Anthony Freitas), pp.
Suz HE 8700.72 .U6 C355 2007
Cade, Cathy.
A lesbian photo album: the lives of seven lesbian feminists. With a
historical introduction by Lois Rita Helmbold.
Oakland, CA: Waterwomen Books, c1987.
Suz HQ 75.3 .C33 1987
Cadmus, Paul.
The drawings of Paul Cadmus. Introduction by Guy Davenport.
NY: Rizzoli, 1989.
Art NC 139 .C28 A4 1989
Caesar, Adrian.
Taking it like a man: suffering, sexuality, and the war poets: Brooke,
Sassoon, Owen, Graves.
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press; NY: Distributed exclusively
in the USA and Canada by St. Martin's Press, c1993.
Suz PR 605 .W65 C34 1993
Cage, Ken.
Gayle: the language of kinks and queens: a history and dictionary of gay
language in South Africa. In collaboration with Moyra Evans.
Houghton, South Africa: Jacana, 2003.
Suz PE 3452 .S6 C34 2003
La cage aux folles [videorecording]. Les Productions Artistes associes. Da
Ma produzione. United Artists; un film de Edouard Molinaro.
Culver City, CA: MGM/UA Home Video, [1990]
note: 1 videocassette; VHS format; DVD; in French with English subtitles;
videocassette release of the 1979 motion picture; based on the play by
Jean Poiret.
note: cast- Ugo Tognazzi, Michel Serrault, Michel Galabru, Claire Maurier,
Remi Laurent, Carmen Scarpitta, Benny Luke, Luisa Maneri.
note: credits- Producer, Marcello Danon; director, Edouard Molinaro;
photography, Armando Nannuzzi; music, Ennio Morricone; screenplay and
adaptation by Francis Veber ... [et al.]
note: A farce involving a flamboyant homosexual couple's attempt to appear
to be conventional parents in front of the prospective in-laws of the son
of one of the men.
note: for the Broadway musical version and sound recording, see: Herman,
Jerry. La Cage aux folles.
UglMed Videorecord MGM 201580
UglMed DVD MGM 184 (2001, MGM Home Entertainment)
Caged [videorecording] [presented by] Warner Bros. Pictures presents;
produced by Jerry Wald; written by Virginia Kellogg and Bernard C.
Schoenfeld; directed by John Cromwell.
Burbank, CA: Distributed by Warner Home Video, [2007]
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 1950
note: cast- Eleanor Parker, Agnes Moorehead, Ellen Corby, Hope Emerson,
Betty Garde, Jan Sterling; credits- director of photography, Carl Guthrie;
editor, Owen Marks; music, Max Steiner.
note: 19 year-old Marie is sent to prison for being an accomplice in a
robbery. When a prison head takes sympathy on her and tries to help, a
cruel matron steps in and breaks her efforts.
UglMed DVD WHV 357
Cahill, Rebecca E.
The relationship between political environment and size of a library's
collection of GLBTQ fiction for young adults. 2004.
Master's Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of
North Carolina, 2004.
available online,
Cahill, Sean (Sean Robert)
The glass nearly half full: 47% of U.S. population lives in jurisdiction
with sexual orientation nondiscrimination law.
NY: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Policy Institute, [2005]
note: report analyzing the actions of state legislatures and town councils
in reflecting public support for laws protecting gay and transgender
people from discrimination
available online,
Cahill, Sean (Sean Robert)
Leaving our children
behind: welfare reform and the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender
community. Sean Cahill and Kenneth T. Jones.
NY: Policy Institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force,
note: also available online:
Suz HV 95 .C27 2001
Cahill, Sean.
age: public policy issues affecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
Sean Cahill, Ken South, and Jane Spade.
Washington DC: Policy Institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce,
note: also available online:
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 C35 2000
Cahill, Sean (Sean Robert)
Policy issues affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender families.
Sean Cahill and Sarah Tobias.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2007.
Ugl, Law, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 C33 2007
Cahill, Sean (Sean Robert)
Same-sex marriage in the United States: focus on the facts.
Lanham: Lexington Books, c2004.
Ugl, Bot HQ 1034 .U5 C34 2004
Cahn, Susan K.
Coming on strong: gender and sexuality in twentieth-century women's
NY: Free Press; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan Canada; NY: Maxwell Macmillan
International, c1994.
note: chapter 6, No Freaks, No Amazons, No Boyish Bobs: The All-American
Girls Baseball League, pp. 140-163; chapter 7, Beauty and the Butch:
The "Mannish" Athlete and the Lesbian Threat, pp. 164-184; chapter 8,
"Play It, Don't Say It": Lesbian Identity and Community in Women's
Sport, pp. 185-206.
Suz, Tac GV 709 .C34 1994
Cain, James M. (James Mallahan)
Three novels by James M. Cain: The Postman always rings twice; Serenade;
Mildred Pierce.
Cleveland, World Pub. Co,. [1946]
note: Serenade is construed as a gay interest.
Suz 813 C12t Photocopy
Cain, Patricia A.
Rainbow rights: the role of lawyers and courts in the lesbian and gay
civil rights movement.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2000.
Suz, Law, Bot KF 4754.5 .C35 2000
Cain, Paul D.
Leading the parade: conversations with America's most influential lesbians
and gay men.
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2002.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 C345 2002
Caine, Barbara.
Bombay to Bloomsbury: a biography of the Strachey family.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2005.
note: discusses homosexuality of brothers James and Lytton; and in chapter
10, Gender transformations and the question of sexuality (pp. 263-293),
discusses Victorian and Post-Victorian views of homosexuality and
Suz CT 787 .S87 C35 2005
Cairns, Lucille.
Lesbian desire in post-1968 French literature.
Lewiston, [N.Y.]: Edwin Mellen Press, c2002.
(Studies in French literature, v. 56)
Suz PQ 673 .C35 2002
Cairns, Lucille.
Privileged pariahdom: homosexuality in the novels of Dominque
Berne; NY: P. Lang, c1996.
Suz PQ 2666 .E696 Z62 1996
Cairns, Lucille.
Sapphism on screen: lesbian desire in French and Francophone cinema.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, c2006.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .H55 C35 2006
Calame, Claude.
The poetics of eros in ancient Greece; translated by Janet Lloyd.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1999.
note: translation from the Italian of: I Greci e l'eros: Simboli,
pratiche e luoghi.
note: addresses poetics of eros with considerable attention to same-sex
eros in chapters 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10, which cover love poetry, erotic
iconography, social institutions, Dionysian eros, and metaphysical
aspects, respectively.
Suz PA 3111 .C35 1999
Calamus lovers: Walt Whitman's working-class camerados.
Edited with introductions and commentary by Charley Shively.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1987.
Suz PS 3233 .C34 1987
Calamus: male homosexuality in twentieth-century literature: an
international anthology.
Edited by David Galloway and Christian Sabisch.
NY: Morrow, 1982.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 6071 H724 C3 1982
Calderón, Sara Levi.
The two mujeres. Translated from the Spanish by Gina Kaufer.
San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, c1991.
note: translation from the Spanish of Dos mujeres.
Ugl PQ 7289 .A29 D613 1991
Caldwell, Joseph.
In such dark places.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1978.
Suz, Ugl PS 3553 .A393 I5
Suz PS 3553 .A393 I5 1984 (Alyson ed.)
Caldwell, Mark.
New York night: the mystique and its history.
NY: Scribner, c2005.
note: chapter 11, Full moon over Stonewall: the gay epiphany, discomania,
and the surfacing of hidden night, pp. 312-337.
Ugl F128.3 .C35 2005
Caldwell, Michele E.
In and out of the closet: how parents of gay and lesbian individuals
disclose the family secret to outsiders.
M.A. thesis, University of Cincinnati, 2004
available online,
Calhoun, Cheshire.
Feminism, the family, and the politics of the closet: lesbian and gay
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 .U5 C35 2000
Califia-Rice, Patrick.
The Advocate adviser: America's most popular gay columnist tackles the
questions that the others ignore.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1991.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 C35 1991
Califia-Rice, Patrick.
Public sex: the culture of radical sex.
Pittsburgh, PA: Cleis Press, 1994.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 C354 1994
Califia-Rice, Pat.
Sapphistry: the book of lesbian sexuality. Lovingly illustrated by Tee
Corinne. 3d ed. rev.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1983.
SpecColl Book Arts, SocWk HQ 75.5 C34 1988
Califia-Rice, Patrick.
Sex changes: the politics of transgenderism.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 77.9 .C35 1997
Califia-Rice, Patrick.
Speaking sex to power: the politics of queer sex.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c2002.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .C32 2002
California. Commission on Personal Privacy.
Final report. State of California, Commission on Personal Privacy.
Law KFC 312 A833 1982
California law review. v.83, n.1. (Jan. 1995), pp. 1-377.
see: Valdes, Francisco. "Queers, Sissies, Dykes and Tomboys:..."
voice [online (9/13/1991-2/8/1998) and microfilm holdings]
[San Francisco, CA: Paul D. Hardman, c1983-
note: electronic resource restricted to University of Washington users
online: Sept 13, 1991 (v.72,n.29) - Feb 8, 1998 (v.73,n.6)
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues Voice, see Voice
note: abosrbed San Francisco Vector Nov 24/30 1983
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 36-37 v.5,n.7-v.6,n.28 (Mar 25, 1983-July
12/18, 1984)
Calimach, Andrew.
Lovers' legends: the gay Greek myths. Restored and retold by Andrew
New Rochelle, NY: Haiduk Press, c2002.
Ugl BL 795 .H6 C35 2002
Callaghan, Dympna.
Shakespeare without women: representing gender and race on the Renaissance
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
Drama PR 2991 .C337 2000
Called out with: stories of solidarity.
Sylvia Thorson-Smith ... [et al.], editors. lst ed.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1997.
Suz BX 8969.6 .C35 1997
Callen, Michael.
Surviving AIDS.
NY: HarperCollins, c1990.
Ugl WD 308 C157s 1990
Calliope Women's Chorus.
Calliope Women's Chorus [sound recording]; MUSE, Cincinnati's Women's
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival, v. 5)
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: 1st chorus: Jane Ramseyer Miller, music director. 2nd chorus: Dr.
Catherine Roma, artistic director; Rachel Kramer, accompanist; Lois
Shegog, associate director.
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.5
Callow, Simon.
Charles Laughton, a difficult actor.
NY: Grove Press, c1988.
Ugl PN 2598 .L27 C35 1988
Callow, Simon.
Love is where it falls: the story of a passionate friendship.
NY: Fromm International, 1999.
Ugl PN 2598 .C17 A3 1999
Drama PN 2598 .C17 A3 1999b (London edition)
Calloway, Stephen.
The exquisite life of Oscar Wilde. By Stephen Calloway & David Colvin.
London: Orion Media, 1997.
Suz PR 5823 .C35 1997b
Calva, Jose Rafael.
Utopia gay.
Mexico, D.F.: Editorial Oasis, 1983.
(Coleccion Lecturas del milenio, 9)
Suz PQ 7298.13 .A385 U8 1983
Calvet, Louis Jean.
Roland Barthes, 1915-1980.
[Paris]: Flammarion, c1990.
Suz P 85 .B33 C29 1990
Calvet, Louis Jean.
Roland Barthes: a biography. Translated by Sarah Wykes.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.
note: translation of: Roland Barthes, 1915-1980.
Suz, Bot, Tac P 85 .B33 C2913 1995
Camacho Rivero de Gingerich, Alina L.
La cosmovision poetica de Jose Lezama Lima en Paradiso y Oppiano
Miami, FL: Ediciones Universal, c1990.
Suz PQ 7389 .L49 Z6 1990
The Cambridge companion to feminist literary theory. Edited by Ellen
Cambridge, UK: NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
note: [chapter] 3, Queer politics, queer theory, and the future of
"identity": spiralling out of culture (Berthold Schoene), pp. 283-302.
Suz, Tac PN 98 .W64 C35 2006
The Cambridge Companion to Foucault. Edited by Gary Gutting. 2nd ed.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 13, Queering Foucault and the subject of feminism, (Jana
Sawicki), pp. 379-400.
Ugl, Tac B2430 .F724 C362005
Cambridge Companion to Henry James. Edited by Jonathan Freedman.
Cambridge [United Kingdom]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
note: [chapter] 6, Queer Henry in the cage (Hugh Stevens), pp.
Suz, Bot PS 2124 .C23 1998
Cambridge companion to Lacan. Edited by Jean-Michel Rabaté.
Cambridge, U.K.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
note: Lacan and queer theory (Tim Dean), pp. 238-252.
Suz WM 460 .C178 2003
Cambridge companion to modern British women playwrights. Edited by Elaine
Alston and Janelle Reinelt.
Cambridge, U.K.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 15, Lesbian performance in the transnational arena
(Sue-Ellen Case), pp. 253-267.
Drama, Bot PR 739 .F45 C36 2000
Cambridge companion to Oscar Wilde. Edited by Peter Raby.
Cambridge, U.K.: NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
note: see chapter 12: 'A complex multiform creature'-Wilde's sexual
identities; also see 'homosexuality' in the index.
Drama PR 5824 .C36 1997
The Cambridge companion to the Latin American novel. Edited by
Efraín Kristal.
Cambridge, UK; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 10, The lesbian and gay novel in Latin America (Daniel
Balderston and José Maristany), pp. 200-216.
Suz, Bot, Tac PQ 7082 .N7 C36 2005
The Cambridge companion to the philosophy of biology. Edited by David Hull
and Michael Ruse.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
note: [chapter] 15, Biological explanations of human sexuality; the
genetic basis of sexual orientation (Christopher Horvath), pp.
NatSci QH 331 .C285 2007
Cambridge French Renaissance Colloquium (8th: 2003: Cambridge,
Masculinities in sixteenth-century France: proceedings of the eighth
Cambridge French Renaissance Colloquium, 5-7 July 2003) Edited by Philip
Ford and Paul White.
Cambridge: Cambridge French Colloquia, 2006.
[chapter] 6, Betwixt and between: hermaphorditism and masculinity (John
O'Brien), pp. 127-145; [chapter] 9, Éros masqué figures
mythiques de l'homosexualité (Gisèle Mathieu-Castellani),
pp. 181-197.
Suz DC 33.3 C36 2003
The Cambridge handbook of personal relationships. Edited by Anita L.
Vangelisti and Daniel Perlman.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
note: chapter 16, The intimate same-sex relationships of sexual
minorities, (Lisa M. Diamond), pp. 293-312.
Suz HM 1106 .C36 2006
Cameron, Deborah.
Language and sexuality. Deborah Cameron and Don Kulick.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
note: chapter 3, What has gender to do with sex? Language, heterosexuality
and heteronormativity, pp. 44-73; chapter 4, Sexuality as identity: gay
and lesbian language, pp. 74-105
Suz P120 .S48 C36 2003
Cameron, Elspeth.
No previous experience: a memoir of love and change.
Toronto: Viking, 1997.
Ugl HQ 75.4 .C35 A3 1997
Cameron, Lindsley.
The prospect of detachment.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 3553 .A4338 P7 1988
Cameron, Loren.
Body alchemy: transsexual portraits.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 77.95 .U6 C36 1996
Cameron, Miriam.
Living with AIDS: experiencing ethical problems.
Newbury Park: Sage Publications, c1993.
Tac WD 308 C182L 1993
Cameron, Peter.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1997.
Suz PS 3553 .A4344 A83 1997
Cameron, Peter.
The city of your final destination.
NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2002.
Suz PS 3553 .A4344 C58 2002
Caminha, Adolfo.
Bom-Crioulo: the Black man and the cabin boy. Translated from Portuguese
by E. A. Lacey.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1982.
Suz PQ 9697 .C244 B613 1982
Caminha, Adolfo.
Bom-Crioulo: texto integral.
Sao Paulo: Editora Atica, 1983.
Suz PQ 9697 .C244 B6 1983
Cammermeyer, Margarethe.
Serving in silence. with Chris Fisher.
NY: Viking, 1994.
Suz, SpecColl PNW, Tac UB 418 .G38 C36 1994
Camp grounds: style and homosexuality. Ed. by David Bergman.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1993.
Suz PN 56 .H57 C36 1993
Camp: queer aesthetics and the performing subject: a reader. Edited by
Fabio Cleto.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1999.
Drama HQ 76.25 .C33 1999
Campbell, J. Louis, Ph. D.
Jack Nichols, gay pioneer: "have you heard my message?"
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2007.
Suz HQ 75.8 .N53 C36 2007
Campbell, James.
Talking at the gates: a life of James Baldwin.
NY: Viking, 1991.
Ugl PS 3552 .A45 Z63 1991
Suz PS 3552 .A45 Z63 1991b (London ed., Faber)
Campbell, Jan.
Arguing with the phallus: feminist, queer, and postcolonial theory: a
psychoanalytic contribution.
London; NY: Zed Books; NY: Distributed in the USA exclusively by St.
Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz, Ugl, Bot BF 175.4 .F45 C36 2000
Campbell, John Edward.
Getting it on online: cyberspace, gay male sexuality, and embodied
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Tac HQ 75.14 .C36 2004
Campbell, Lenora E.
The female athlete [microform]: a study to distinguish androgynous sex
role, locus of control, and perceived parenting.
Eugene: Microform Publications, College of Health, Physical Education and
Recreation, University of Oregon, 1978.
(Health, physical education, and recreation publications (Microfiche))
note: Thesis (Ed.D.)--University of Oregon, 1977.
MicNews Microfiche M-3462
Campbell, Patrick.
Siegfried Sassoon: a study of the war poetry.
Jefferson, N. C.: McFarland, c1999.
Suz PR 6037 .A86 Z64 1999
Campbell, Robert Allen.
Phallic worship; an outline of the worship of the generative organs ...
with suggestions as to the influenmce of the phallic idea on religious
creeds, ceremonies, customs and symbolism, past and present.
St. Louis, R. A. Campbell & company [1887]
Health Special Coll. 291.212 C153p
Campe, Joachim.
Die Liebe, der Zufall und das Paar: Essays zur homosexuellen
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2001.
Suz PN 774 .C36 2001
Campion, Mukti Jain.
Who's fit to be a parent?
London; NY: Routledge, 1995.
note: [chapter] 9, Gay parents, pp. 177-188.
Tac HQ 755.7 .C35 1995
Campo, Rafael.
The desire to heal: a doctor's education in empathy, identity, and
NY: W. W. Norton, 1998.
note: originally published as: The poetry of healing.
see also: Campo, Rafael. The poetry of healing.
Ugl WZ 100 C198 1998
Campo, Rafael.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1999.
Suz PS 3553 .A4883 D58 1999
Campo, Rafael.
The Enemy.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.
note: poems
Suz PS 3553 .A4883 E54 2007
Campo, Rafael.
The other man was me: a voyage to the New World.
Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1994.
Suz PS 3553 .A4883 O8 1994
Campo, Rafael.
The poetry of healing: a doctor's education in empathy, identity, and
NY: W. W. Norton, 1997.
note: later published as: The desire to heal...
see also: Campo, Rafael. The desire to heal...
Suz, Ugl WZ 100 C198 1997
Campo, Rafael.
What the body told.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1996.
Suz PS 3553 .A4883 W48 1996
Campos, David.
Diverse sexuality and schools: a reference handbook.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, c2003.
Suz LC 192.6 .C26 2003
Campos, David.
Sex, youth, and sex education: a reference handbook.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, c2002.
chapter 5, Sexual orientation: gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender
youth, pp. 141-179.
Bot HQ 75.5 .A3 C36 2002
Campos, David.
Understanding gay and lesbian youth: lessons for straight school teachers,
counselors, and administrators.
Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield Education, 2005.
Suz LC 192.6 .C265 2005
Campsmith, Michael L.
Differences among participants, non-participants, and dropouts in a cohort
study of men who have sex with men.
Thesis (M. P. H.) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1994.
HSLIC WA 7 Th42331
Aux Thesis 42331
Camus, Renaud.
Tricks: 25 encounters.
Preface by Roland Barthes; translated with a note by Richard Howard.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1981.
Suz PQ 2663 .A546 T713
Canada. Health and Welfare Canada.
Creative development research on living with AIDS.
Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada, 1991.
note: This study assessed the level of compassion and tolerance towards
people living with AIDS, HIV positive individuals, and gay people,
bisexual males, haemophiliacs, sex trade workers, street youth, and
injection drug users....
GovPub Microfiche M-2261, 92-02618
Canada. Immigration & Refugee Board. Research Directorate.
Mexico: treatment of sexual minorities.
Ottawa: the Directorate, 1999.
note: French ed. (Mexique: traitment des minorites sexuelles) on the same
note:...discussion of the social attitudes toward sexual minorities
(homosexual & bisexual men & women, male transvestites, and transsexuals)
in Mexico and a review of federal & state laws related to those
minorities...summary of reports of abuses & violence against sexual
minorities, including abuses by the public & by police; a review of sexual
minority organizations, publications, and activities...and discussion of
the situation of lesbians.
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 101-01575
Canaday, Margot.
The effect of sodomy laws on lifting the ban on homosexual personnel:
three case studies.
[Santa Barbara, CA]: Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the
Military, [2002]
available online,
Canby, Henry Seidel.
Walt Whitman, an American; a study in biography.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1943.
Suz, Ugl PS 3231 .C27
Cancer in two voices [videorecording] with Barbara Rosenblum and Sandra
Butler; Sandbar Productions.
NY: Women Make Movies, 1994.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS.
note: Based on an original videotape by Annie Hershey. Producer/editor,
Lucy Massie Phenix; executive producer, Sandra Butler.
note: This film provides a glimpse into the lives of two lesbian women,
Sandra and Barbara, focusing on their coping with Barbara's breast
cancer. Sandy and Barbara had almost three years together from the time
Barbara's cancer was diagnosed until her death in 1988. The film is based
on home videotapes made during that time.
note: see also: Butler, Sandra. Cancer in two voices.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 026
Cancian, Francesca M.
Love in America: gender and self-development.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
note: androgyny and sex role
Suz, Ugl HQ 1075.5 .U6 c36 1987
Canning, Richard.
Gay fiction speaks: conversations with gay novelists.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2000.
Suz PS 374 .H63 C36 2000
Canning, Richard.
Hear us out: [conversations with Gay novelists]
NY: Columbia University Press, c2003.
Suz, Bot PS 374 .H63 C364 2003
Can't help lovin' that man [sound recording]
NY: Columbia/Legacy, p1993.
note: Track 2, Masculine women, feminine men (Merritt Brunies & his Friars
Inn Orchestra; Lew King, vocal)
UglMed Cd COL 275
Cantarella, Eva.
Bisexuality in the ancient world. Translation of Secondo natura.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1992.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 R6 C3613 1992
Cantwell, Alan.
AIDS and the doctors of death: an inquiry into the origin of the AIDS
Foreword by Jon Rappoport.
Los Angeles: Aries Rising Press, c1988.
Ugl, HSLIC WD 308 C233a 1988
Cantwell, Alan.
AIDS, the mystery and the solution.
Los Angeles: Airies Rising Press, [1984], c1983.
Ugl WD 308 C234a 1984
Cantwell, Alan.
Queer blood: the secret AIDS genocide plot.
Los Angeles: Aries Rising Press, c1993.
Suz WD 308 C234q 1993
Cantwell, Mary Ann.
Homosexuality: the secret a child dare not tell.
San Rafael, CA: Rafael Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 C36 1996
Capitol Forum news.
Salem, OR: Capitol Forum,
SpecColFolio HQ 75 .C24 no. 60 (Oct 1981)
Capital "Q" news.
Tenino, WA: Bormax, -[2002]
note: also whole run issue numbering as of Sep 2000
SpecColFol HQ 75 .C246
v.2,n.11 (Dec 1997); v.5,n.5-6 (Jun-Jul 2000); v.5,n.8(iss 56)(Sep 2000);
v.5,n.10-v.6,n.8 (iss 58-68) (Sep 2000-Sep 2001); v.6,n.11-12 (iss
71-72)(Dec 2001-Jan 2002)
Capote, Truman.
Answered prayers: the unfinished novel.
NY: Random House, c1986.
Suz, Ugl PS 3505 .A59 A83 1987
Bot PS 3505 .A59 A83 1987b (Plume ed.)
Capote, Truman.
The dogs bark; public people and private places.
NY: Random House [1973]
Ugl PS 3505 .A59 D6 1973
Suz PS 3505 .A59 D6 1977
Capote, Truman.
Other voices, other rooms.
NY: Random House [1948]
Suz, Ugl PS 3505 .A59 O8
Tac PS 3505 .A59 O8 1948
Capote, Truman.
A Capote reader.
NY: Random House, 1987.
Suz, Ugl PS 3505 .A59 A6 1987
Capote, Truman.
Too brief a treat: the letters of Truman Capote. Edited by Gerald
NY: Random House, c2004.
Suz PS 3505 .A59 Z495 2004
Capote, Truman.
Truman Capote: conversations. Edited by M. Thomas Inge.
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, c1987.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3505 .A59 Z475 1987
Cappello, Mary.
Night bloom: a memoir.
Boston: Baeacon Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot CT 275 .C2794 A3 1998
Cappon, Daniel.
Toward an understanding of homosexuality.
Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall [1965]
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC WM 615 C249t 1965
Caprio, Frank Samuel.
Female homosexuality; a psychodynamic study of Lesbianism.
Foreword by Karl M. Bowman.
NY: Citadel Press [1954]
HSLIC 132.74 C1741f
Caprio, Frank Samuel.
Sexual behavior; psycho-legal aspects. By Frank S. Caprio and Donald R.
NY: Citadel Press [c1961]
HSLIC W 795 C253s 1961
Caprio, Frank Samuel.
Variations in sexual behavior. Foreword by George W. Henry.
NY: Grove Press, 1962, c1955.
Suz HQ 71 .C3 1962
Capsuto, Steven.
Alternate channels: the uncensored story of gay and lesbian images on
radio and television.
NY: Ballantine Books, c2000.
Suz, Bot PN 1992.8 .H64 C37 2000
Caramagno, Thomas C.
Irreconcilable differences?: intellectual stalemate in the gay rights
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.5 .C37 2002
Carassou, Michel.
Rene Crevel.
[Paris]: Fayard, c1989.
Suz PQ 2605 .R47 Z53 1989
Caravaggio [videorecording]. British Film Institute presents in association
with Nicholas Ward-Jackson a film by Derek Jarman.
NY: Cinevista Video, 1987.
note: VHS. Videocassette release of the 1986 motion picture. Director, Derek Jarman;
producer, Sarah Radclyffe; photography, Gabriel Beristain; music,
Simon Fisher Turner.
note: A film based on the life and art of Caravaggio, the greatest, Italian post-Renaissance
painter. Caravaggio was the 'enfant terrible' of Italian Art and his short life marked with
extremes of passion and moral and artistic radicalism, ended violently.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-947
TacMed Videorecord TAC-852
Card, Claudia.
Lesbian choices.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1995.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Ugl, Tac, Bot HQ 75.5 .C36 1995
Caring for the vulnerable: perspectives in nursing theory, practice, and
research. Editor, Mary de Chesnay.
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, c2005.
note: chapter 21, A Phenomenological inquiry of hope in illness: gays and
lesbians with HIV/AIDS (Kevin C. Krycka), pp. 201-219; chapter 35,
Transgender health: improving access to better care (Kerry L. Clark),
pp. 321-328.
Health, Bot, Tac WY 106 C277 2004
Carl, Douglas.
Counseling same-sex couples.
NY: Norton, 1990.
SocWk HQ 76 C37 1990
Carlin, Deborah.
Cather, canon, and the politics of reading.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1992.
(note: revised version of the author's thesis, Harvard University)
Suz PS 3505 .A87 Z5916 1992
Carlston, Erin G.
Thinking fascism: sapphic moderism and fascist modernity.
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998.
Suz PN 3401 .C37 1998
Carmelita Tropicana [videorecording]: your kunst is your waffen.
Independent Television Service; a film by Ela Troyano.
NY: First Run/Icarus Films, 1994.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS.
note: cast- Carmelita Tropicana, Annie Iobst, Sophia Ramos, Livia Daza
Paris; credits- screenplay, Carmelita Tropicana, Ela Troyano;
cinematography, Sarah Cawley; editor, Freddie Rodriguez; composer,
Fernando Rivas.
note: Carmelita Tropicana, a Latina performance artist who supports
herself as a building super on New York's Lower East Side, winds up in
jail with three other women after a protest at an abortion clinic.
Humorous monologues and campy production number ensue. "Featuring lesbian
cultural rebel Carmelita Tropicana."
UglMed Videorecord FRIP 019
Caro, Isaac.
Homofobia cultural en Santiago de Chile: un estudio cualitativo. [By]
Isaac Caro y Gabriel Guajardo.
Santiago: FLASCO--Chile, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .C52 S263 1997
Caron, David.
AIDS in French culture: social ills, literary cures.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2001.
Suz WC 503.7 C293a 2001
Carpenter, C. Tyler.
Stars without garters!: the memoirs of two gay GI'sin WWII.
By C. Tyler Carpenter & Edward H. Yeatts.
San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, c1996.
Suz D811.5 .C285 1996
Carpenter, Edward.
Anthology of friendship, Iolaus.
see: Iolaus, an anthology of friendship.
Carpenter, Edward.
Days with Walt Whitman, with some notes on his life and work.
NY: The Macmillan Company, 1906.
Suz 811 W59zc
Carpenter, Edward.
Homogenic love and its place in a free society.
London: Redundancy Press, [1980?]
note: Reprint of Manchester: Labour Press Society, 1894, i. e., 1895.
Suz HQ 76.25 .C37 1980
Carpenter, Edward.
The Intermediate sex; a study of some transitional types of men and women.
London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1952.
Suz HQ 21 .C3 1952
Carpenter, Edward.
Intermediate types among primitive folk: a study in social evolution.
NY: Arno Press, 1975, c1919. [reprint]
Suz HQ 76 .C298 1919a
Carpenter, Edward.
Intermediate types among primitive folk: a study in social evolution.
NY, London: M. Kennerley, 1921.
note: "Part I ... originally published in Professor Stanley Hall's
American journal of religious psychology for July, 1911; and in the Revue
d'ethnographie et de sociologie of the same date."
Suz HQ 21 .C32 1921
Carpenter, Edward.
Love's coming of age; a series of papers on the relations of the sexes.
NY, London: M. Kennerly, 1911.
HSLIC 176 C225L
Suz HQ 31 .C3 1948 (Allen & Unwin)
Carpenter, Edward.
Love's coming of age. A series of papers on the relations
of the sexes. [Microform]
London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.; Manchester: S. Clarke, 1909.
(History of women; reel 715, no. 5720)
Microforms/Newspapers A8266 reel 715, no. 5720
Carpenter, Edward.
My days and dreams, being autobiographical notes.
London: G. Allen & Unwin, ltd., 1921.
Suz 921 C225c
Carpenter, Edward.
Selected writings. With an introduction by Noel Grieg.
London: GMP, 1984. v.1.
note: v.1: Sex. This volume includes: My days and dreams (excerpts); Love's
coming of age; The Intermediate sex; Intermediate types among primitive
folk; [and] Self-analysis for Havelock Ellis.
Suz PR 4451 .A6 1984 v.1
Carpenter, Edward.
Towards democracy. Complete ed. in four parts, with a foreword by Gilbert
London: GMP, 1985.
note: reprint of 1931 ed.
Suz PR 4451 .T69 1985
Suz 821 C225t3 (1892 ed.)
Carpenter, Humphrey.
Benjamin Britten: a biography.
NY: C. Scribner's Sons, c1992.
Music ML 410 .B853 C37 1992
Carpenter, Humphrey.
W. H. Auden: a biography.
London; Boston: G. Allen & Unwin, 1981.
Suz PR 6001 .U4 Z63
Ugl PR 6001 .U4 Z636 1981
Carr, Jamie M.
Queer times: Christopher Isherwood's modernity.
NY: Routledge, 2006.
Suz PR 6017 .S5 Z629 2006
Carr, Virginia Spencer.
Paul Bowles: a life.
NY: Scribner, c2004.
Suz PS 3552 .O8874 Z625 2004
Carrasco, Rafael.
Inquisicion y represion sexual en Valencia: historia de los sodomitas,
Barcelona: Laertes, c1985.
Suz HQ 76.3 S7 C37 1985
Carrier, Joseph.
De los otros: intimacy and homosexuality among Mexican men.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1995.
(Between men-between women)
Suz HQ 76.2 .M62 G813 1995
Carrington, Christopher.
No place like home: relationships and family life among lesbians and gay
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U53 S253 1999
Carroll, Robert T.
Gay male couples coping with an intial HIV+ test result.
(Thesis (M. Nur.) -- University of Washington, 1996.
Seattle, 1996.
HSLIC WY 7 Th45252
Aux Thesis 45252
Carryin' on in the lesbian and gay South. Edited by John Howard.
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 S273 1997
Carson, Anne.
Autobiography of red: a novel in verse.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.
Suz PS 3553 .A7667 A94 1998
Carson, Michael.
Brothers in arms: a novel.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1988.
Suz PR 6053 .A718 B76 1988
Carson, Paul.
Socialism and the fight for lesbian and gay liberation.
[New York: Revolutionary socialist League, c1982]
Suz HX 550 .H65 C37 1982
Cart, Michael.
The heart has its reasons: young adult literature with gay/lesbian/queer
content, 1969-2004. Michael Cart, Christine A. Jenkins.
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, c2006.
Ugl PS 374 .H63 C37 2006
Cart, Michael.
My father's scar.
NY: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c1996.
ChiLit, TacChiLit PZ 7 .C2425 My 1996
Carter, David.
Stonewall: the riots that sparked the gay revolution.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2004.
Suz HQ 76 .C315 2004
Carter, Jimmy.
Our endangered values: America's moral crisis.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2005.
note [chapter] 7, Sins of divorce and homosexuality, pp. 65-70.
Suz, Bot HN 90 .M6 C37 2005
Carter, Miranda.
Anthony Blunt: his lives.
London: Macmillan, 2001.
Suz DA 585 .B58 C37 2001
Carter, William C.
Marcel Proust: a life.
New Haven, London: Yale University Press, c2000.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z545485 2000
Carter, William C.
Proust in love.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c2006.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z545486 2006
Carved flesh/cast selves: gendered symbols and social practices. Edited by
Vigdid Broch-Due, Ingrid Rudie, and Tony Bleie.
Oxford [England]; Providence, RI: BERG, 1993.
note: [chapter] 5, Encountering femininity: the ontogenesis of Bedamini
male selves (Arve Sorum), pp. 107-127; [chapter] 13, Aspects of andogyny
(Tony Bleie), pp. 257-277.
Suz GN 479.65 .G48 1993
Casaretto, Alexa-Desiree.
Heimatsuche. Todessehnsucht und Narzissmus in Leben und Werk Klaus
Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 2002.
(Europäische Hochsculschriften. Reihe 1, Deutsche Sprache und
Literature, Bd. 1845)
Suz PT 2625 .A435 Z55 2002
Cascade voice (Portland, OR)
Cascade voice.
Portland, OR: Neil Hutchins Creative Services, [1983-
note: not the same as newspaper of the same title published in Seattle
beginning in June, 1983
note: v.1,n.11 is probably also v.2,n.1; v.2,n.10 has masthead date May
20, 1983, but cover date Jun 3, 1983
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .C268
v.1,n.11 [i.e., v.2,n.1]-v.2,n.2 (Jan 14-Jan 28, 1983); v.2,n.5 (Mar 11,
1983); v.2,n.9-n.10 (May 6-May 20, 1983)
Cascade voice.
Seattle, WA: Neil Hutchins Creative Services, [1983-1984]
note: continued by Washington Cascade Voice, see Washington Cascade
note: not the same as newspaper of the same title published in
Portland in 1982 and the first half of 1983
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .C27 v.1,n.1-v.2,n.2 (Jun 3, 1983-Jun 15, 1984)
Case, Sue-Ellen.
The domain-matrix: performing lesbian at the end of print culture.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1996.
Suz, Drama HQ 75.6 .U5 C37 1996
Case, Sue-Ellen.
Feminism and theatre.
London: Macmillan; NY: Methuen, 1988.
note: chapter 4, Radical Feminism and Theatre, pp. 62-81.
Ugl, Drama PN 1590 .W64 C37 1988
Case studies in sex therapy. Edited by Raymond C. Rosen, Sandra R.
NY: Guilford Press, c1995.
note: [chapter] 9, Sexual desire disorder in a lesbian-feminist couple:
the intersection of therapy and politics (Margaret Nichols), pp.
SocWk WM 611 C337 1995
Case studies on sexual orietntation and gender expression in social work
practice. Edited by Lori Messinger and Deana F. Morrow.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2006.
SocWk HV 1449 .C36 2006
Casebook for integrating family therapy: an ecosystemic approach. Edited
by Susan H. McDaniel, Don-David Lusterman, Carol L. Philpot.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2001.
note: chapter 5, When roads diverge: a case study with a gay male couple,
(Thomas Russell), pp. 57-67.
Tac WM 430.5 F2 C33678 2001
Casement, Roger, Sir.
The Amazon journal of Roger Casement.
Edited and with an introduction by Angus Mitchell.
London: Anaconda Editions, 1997.
Suz F3451 .P94 C37 1997
Casement, Roger, Sir.
Roger Casement's diaries: 1910, the black and the white. Edited by Roger
London: Pimlico, 1997.
(Pimlico, 265)
Suz DA 965 .C3 A3 1997
Casement, Roger, Sir.
Trial of Sir Roger Casement.
Edited, with an introduction by H. Montgomery Hyde. [New ed.]
London: W. Hodge, 1960.
Suz 941.59 C26t 1960
Casey, John.
The half-life of happiness.
NY: Knopf; Distributed by Random House, 1998.
Suz PS 3553 .A798334 H35 1998
Cashorali, Peter.
Fairy tales: traditional tales retold for gay men. Foreword by Robert
H. Hopcke.
San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, c1995.
Suz PS 3553 .A79393 F35 1995
Casillo, Charles.
Outlaw: the lives and careers of John Rechy.
Los Angeles: Advocate Books, 2002.
Suz PS 3568 .E28 Z623 2002
Casper, Corey.
Sexual behaviors associated with human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) infection
among men who have sex with men.
Seattle, 2002
M.P.H. Thesis--University of Washington, 2002
Health WA7 Th52014
Aux Thesis 52014
Casper, Lynne M.
Continuity & change in the American family. Lynne M. Casper, Suzanne M.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2002.
note: chapter 2, Cohabitation. [part 2] A note on gay and lesbian
cohabiting households, pp. 46-49; chapter 8, Child well-being, [part
4] Children in gay and lesbian families, pp. 218-219.
Tac HQ 536 .C386 2002
Casper, Virginia.
Gay parents/straight schools: building communication and trust.
By Virginia Casper [and] Steven B. Schultz; foreword by Louise
Derman-Sparks; based on a collaborative study by Virginia Casper, Steven
B. Schultz, and Elaine Wickens.
NY: Teachers College Press, c1999.
Suz, Bot, Tac LC 5159.7 .U6 C37 1999
Caspers, Nona.
The blessed.
Seattle: Silverleaf Press, 1991.
Suz PS 3553 .A79523 B53 1991
Cassady, Marsh.
Love theme with variations.
San Diego, CA: Los Hombres Press, c1990.
Suz PS 3553 .A79526 L68 1990
Cassells, Cyrus.
Beautiful signor.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c1997.
Suz PS 3553 .A7955 B4 1997
Cassells, Cyrus.
Soul make a path through shouting: poems.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c1994.
Suz PS 3553 A7955 S65 1994
Cassidy, Donna.
Marsden Hartley: race, region, and nation.
Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, c2005.
note: [chapter] 7, The Working-Class Male Body: Masculinity,
Homosexuality, and Nation, pp. 213-250.
Art, Tacoma ND 237 .H3435 C37 2005
Cassidy, Jules.
We're here: conversations with lesbian women.
By Jules Cassidy and Angela Stewart-Park; photographs
by Angela Stewart-Park and J. P. Goodchild.
London; NY: Quartet Books, 1977.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G7 C37 1977
Cassingham, Barbee J.
And then I met this woman: previously married women's journeys into
lesbian relationships. Expanded 2nd ed.
[By] Barbee J. Cassingham, Sally M. O'Neil.
Freeland, WA: Soaring Eagle Pub., 1999.
Suz HQ 75.3 .C35 1999
Casswell, Donald G.
Lesbians, gay men, and Canadian law.
Toronto: E. Montgomery Publications, 1996.
Suz, Law KE 4399 .C37 1996
Cast out: queer lives in theater. Edited by Robin Bernstein.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2006.
Ugl PN 1590 .G39 C37 2006
Castelnuovo, Shirley
Feminism and the female body: liberating the Amazon within.
By Shirley Castelnuovo & Sharon R. Guthrie.
Boulder: L. Rienner Publishers, 1998.
(Gender and political theory)
note: concerns women body builders, athletes, and martial artists; and
Amazon concept
Suz, Ugl HQ 1190 .C385 1998
Caster, Wendy.
The lesbian sex book: a guide for women who love women. 2nd ed.
Revised by Rachel Kramer Bussel.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2003.
Bot HQ 75.51 .C37 2003
Castillo, Ana.
Loverboys: stories.
NY: Plume, 1997 printing.
Tac PS 3553 .A8135 L68 1997
Castle, Terry.
The apparitional lesbian: female homosexuality and modern culture.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1993.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 56 L45 C37 1994
Castle, Terry.
Boss ladies, watch out!: esays on women, sex, and writing.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: [chapter] 7, Was Jane Austen gay?, pp. 125-136; [chapter] 14, Pipe
down back there! [about Willa Cather], pp. 191-205; [chapter] 20, Yes,
you, sweetheart [about Colette], pp. 257-269.
Suz, Bot PR 111 .C38 2002
Castle, Terry.
Noel Coward & Radclyffe Hall: kindred spirits.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
Suz PR 6005 .O85 Z623 1996
The Castro [videorecording] A production of KQED, San Francisco; produced,
written and directed by Peter L. Stein.
San Francisco, CA: KQED Books & Tapes, [1997]
note: VHS; originally broadcast June 12, 1998 as an episode of the PBS
series, Neighborhoods, the hidden cities of San Francisco.
note: credits- associate producer, David Condon; edited by Dawn Logsdon,
with Laurie Schmidt; music, Miriam Culter; camera, Greg King; narrator,
Terri Orth-Pallavicini.
note: chronicles the history of the Castro district from a working class
neighborhood to the center of gay and lesbian life in San Francisco.
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1894
Catalyst. (A socialist journal of the social services). v.3, n.4 (1981);
also known as issue 12.
see: Lesbian and Gay Issues in the Social Services. (special issue)
The Catholic Church. Mary E. Williams, book editor.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, c2006.
(Opposing viewpoints)
note: Chapter 1, Viewpoint 1, Homosexuality in the Priesthood Contributes
to Child Sexual Abuse (Rod Dreher), pp. 74-82; Viewpoint 2, Homosexuality
in the Priesthood Does Not Contribute to Child Sexual Abuse (Thomas J.
Gumbleton), pp. 83-91; Chapter 3, Viewpoint 3, The Catholic Church Should
Oppose Homosexual Marriage (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith),
pp. 135-140; viewpoint 4, The Church Should Not Oppose Homosexual Marriage
(Matthew Fox), pp. 141-145.
Bot BX 880 .C275 2006
Catholic Church. Archdiocese of San Francisco (Calif.).
Task Force on Gay/Lesbian Issues.
Homosexuality and social justice: reissue of the Report of the Task Force
on Gay/Lesbian Issues, San Francisco.
New, updated, expanded ed.
San Francisco: The Consultation on Homosexuality,
Social Justice, and Roman Catholic Theology, c1986.
note: includes the 1982 Report, complete and unabridged
through Appendix B, with additional appendices, and an introductory essay
by Kevin Gordon.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 C38 1986
Catholic Church. Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei.
Letter to the bishops of the Catholic Church on the pastoral care of homosexual
[Washington, D. C.: Office of Publishing Services, United States Catholic
Conference], 1986.
note: by the: Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
note: published in 1987 by Ignatius Press as: And the truth shall make you free:
Documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: letter to bishops of
the Catholic Church on the pastoral care of homosexual persons.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 C3 1986
Catholic ethicists on HIV/AIDS prevention. Edited by James F. Keenan;
assisted by Jon D. Fuller, Lisa Sowle Cahill, Kevin Kelly.
NY: Continuum, 2000.
Suz WC 503.6 C2128 2000
Catholic figures, queer narratives. Edited by Lowell Gallagher, Frederick
S. Roden and Patricia Juliana Smith.
Basingstoke [England]; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Suz PR 830 .H67 C37 2007
Catholicism. Maria L. Howell, book editor.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press/Thomson Gale, c2007.
note: In support of same-sex marriage (Andrew Sullivan), pp. 164-168; In
defense of traditional marriage (United States Conference of Bishops),
pp. 169-171.
Tac BX 880 .C38 2007
Catt, Carrie Chapman.
Carrie Chapman Catt. [Microform]
[NY: Catt]
Woodbridge, CT: Research Publications, [1977]
(History of Women, reel 950, no. 9197)
MicNews Microfilm A8266 reel 950, no. 9197
Catullus, Gaius Valerius.
Poems of love and hate. Translated by Josephine Balmer.
Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe, 2004.
Suz PA 6275 .E5 B35 2004
Caughie, Pamela L.
Passing and pedagogy: the dynamics of responsibility.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1999.
note: Coming out: envoi, pp. 245-260.
Suz, Bot PN 61 .C38 1999
Caught in the crossfire [videorecording] Directed by Sandra R. Williams;
produced by Heather J. Lighston.
Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, [2--4]
note: DVD; subtitle, Children of gay and lesbian parents.
note: credits- cinematographer, Sara Rashad; editors, Michele Erausquin,
Matt Hill; music, Steve Pradd.
note: Seven ethnically diverse children (ages 8 to 16) from four families
express their feelings about living with gay and lesbian parents.
UglMed DVD FFH 131
Caught in the crossfire: helping Christians debate homosexuality. Edited
by Sally B. Geis & Donald E. Messer.
Nashville: Abingdon Press, c1994.
Suz BR 115 .H6 C38 1994
Cause lawyers and social movements. Edited by Austin Sarat, Stuart A.
Stanford, CA: Stanford Law and Politics, 2006.
note: Cause lawyers in the first wave of same sex marriage litigation,
(Scott Barclay and Shauna Fisher), pp. 84-100.
Suz, Law KF 299 .P8 C38 2006
Cavafy, Constantine.
A bilingual collection of poems. Translated from the Greek by Edmund
Keeley & Philip Sherrard.
London: Loizou, c1995.
Suz PA 5610 .K2 A24 1995
Cavafy, Constantine.
Collected poems. Translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard;
edited by George Savidis.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, [1975]
Suz, Ugl PA 5610 .K2 1975
Cavafy, Constantine.
The collected poems of C. P. Cavafy: a new translation. Translated by
Aliki Barnstone.
NY: W. W. Norton, c2006.
Ugl PA 5610 .K2 A2 2006
Cavafy, Constantine.
Homage to Cavafy.
Danbury, N.H.: Addison House, c1978.
SpecColl Book Arts PA 5610 .K2 A2 1978
Cavafy, Constantine.
What these Ithakas mean. : readings in Cavafy = He Ithakes ti semainoun. :
anagnoseis ston Kavaphe. Editors, Artemis Leontis, Lauren E. Talalay, and
Keith Taylor.
Athens: Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive, 2002.
Ugl PA 5610 .K2 A247 2002
Cavanagh, John R.
Counseling the homosexual. By John R. Cavanagh, in theological
collaboration with John F. Harvey.
Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, c1977.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 C38 1977
Cavanagh, John R.
Counseling the invert.
Milwaukee, Bruce Pub. Co. [1966]
Ugl, Health HQ 76 .C33
Cavanagh, Sheila L. (Sheila Lynn)
Sexing the teaching: school sex scandals and queer pedagogies.
Vancouver: UBC Press, c2007.
Suz LB 2844.1 .C54 C38 2007
Cavin, Susan.
Lesbian origins.
San Francisco: Ism Press, c1985.
note: originally presented as the author's thesis
(Ph. D. -- Rutgers University, 1978) under the title:
An hystorical and cross-cultural analysis of sex ratios, female sexuality,
and homosexual segregation versus hetero-sexual integration patterns in
relation to the liberation of women.
Suz HQ 75.5 .C38 1985
Cawadias, A. P. (Alexander Panagioti), b. 1884
Hermaphroditos, the human intersex.
London: Heinemann, 1946.
Health 612.608 C316h2
Cayleff, Susan E.
Babe: the life and legend of Babe Didrikson Zaharias.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1995.
Ugl GV 964 .Z3 C39 1995
Celebration '90: newsletter of Gay Games III & Cultural Festival.
Vancouver, B.C.: Metropolitan Vancouver Athletic & Arts Association,
SpecCollStxFolio GV 722.5 .G36 C45
Oct./Nov. 1987 ( v.1,n.2); Aug./Sep. 1988 (v.1,n.4?); Nov./Dec. 1988
(v.1,n.5); May 1989 (v.1,n.6); Nov 1989 (v.1, n.7); Apr 1990; June 1990
A Celebration of laughter. Edited by Werner M. Mendel.
[Los Angeles: Mara Books, 1970]
note: "Gay" jocularity of the homosexual (Lilla Veszy-Wagner),
pp. 81-85.
Suz PN 6147 .C4
Celibacy, culture, and society: the anthropology of sexual
Edited by Elisa J. Sobo and Sandra Bell.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2001.
note : [chapter] 6, Staying clean. Notes on Mazatec ritual celibacy and
sexual orientation (Michael Duke), pp. 125-156.
Suz HQ 800.15 .C45 2001
The Celluloid closet [videorecording]. Produced and directed by Rob
Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman; story by Rob Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman, Sharon
Wood; narration written by Armistead Maupin.
[Culver City, CA]: Columbia TriStar Home Video, c1996.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; 1 videocassette, VHS
note: based on the book: Celluloid closet by Vito Russo.
note: director of photography, Nancy Schreiber; art director, Scott
Chambliss; editors, Jeffrey Friedman, Arnold Glassman; narrator, Lily
Tomlin and commentary, Tom Hanks, Tony Curtis, Susan Sarandon, Whoopi
Goldberg, Harvey Fierstein, Shirley MacLaine, Gore Vidal; music, Carter
Burwell; consultants, Allan Berube ... [et al.];videocassette and videodisc release of a 1995 motion picture and 1996
TV broadcast.
note: footage from over 120 films shows the changing face of homosexuality
(both male and female) in the movies from cruel stereotypes to covert love
to the activist triumphs of the 1990s. Many noted actors, writers and
commentators provide funny and insightful anecdotes regarding the history
of the role of gay men and lesbians in the movies.
note: The 2001 DVD presented by Home Box Office with Channel 4, ZDF/Arte,
Brillstein-Grey Entertainment; in association with Hugh M. Heffner, James
C. Hormel, Steve Tish; a Telling Pictures Production.
UglMed Videorecord CTHV 088
UglMed, TacMed DVD CTHV 123
BotMed Videodisc BOT-88
Ceremonies of the heart: celebrating lesbian unions. Edited by Becky
Seattle: The Seal Press, c1990.
SpecColl Book Arts HQ 75.6 U5 C47 1990
Ceremonies of the heart: celebrating lesbian unions.
Edited by Becky Butler. 2nd ed.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1997.
Suz, SpecColl Book Arts HQ 75.6 .U5 C47 1997
Cernuda, Luis.
Antologia poetica. Introd. y seleccion de Rafael Santos Toroella. [1.
Barcelona] Plaza & Janes [1970]
Suz PQ 6605 .E7 A6 1970
Cernuda, Luis.
Obra completa.
Madrid: Ediciones Siruela, c1933-1994. 3v.
note: v.1. Poesia completa.
Suz PQ 6605 .E7 1993 v. 1, 2 , 3
Cernuda, Luis.
The poetry of Luis Cernuda. Edited by Anthony Edkins & Derek Harris.
NY: New York University Press, 1971.
Suz PQ 6605 .E7 A6 1971
Cernuda, Luis.
La realidad y el deseo. Edicion, introduccion y notas de Miguel J.
Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 1982.
Suz PQ 6605 .E7 R4 1982
Cernuda, Luis.
La realidad y el deseo, 1924-1962. 4. ed. aumentada.
Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1964, c1958.
Suz PQ 6605 .E7 R4 1964
Cernuda, Luis.
Selected poems of Luis Cernuda. Edited and translated by Reginald
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1977.
Suz, Ugl PQ 6605 .E7 A17 1977
Cernuda, Luis.
Written in water: the prose poems of Luis Cernuda. Translated by Stephen
San Francisco: City Lights Books, c2004.
Suz PQ 6605 .E7 A245 2004
Cernuda, Luis.
The young sailor and other poems. Translated into English by Rick
Lipinski; interior drawings: Alex Kouvel; cover drawing: Richard
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1986.
Suz PQ 6605 .E7 Y68 1986
A certain terror: heterosexism, militarism, violence & change.
Edited by Richard Cleaver & Patricia Myers.
Chicago: Great Lakes Regional Office, American Friends Service Committee,
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 C47 1993
Certain voices: short stories about gay men. Edited by Darryl
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1991.
Suz PS 648 .H57 C47 1991
Chabon, Michael.
Wonder boys.
NY: Picador USA, 1995.
note: has secondary gay, sexual minority characters
note: for the motion picture based on this novel, see Wonder boys.
Suz, Bot PS 3553 .H15 W66 1995
Chachorro [videorecording] Juan Alexander presenta; una producción
de Starline con la participación de Telemadrid; producida por Juan
Alexander; guión, Salvador García, Miguel Albaladejo;
dirigida por Miguel Albaladejo.
[United States]: TLA Releasing, [2004]
note: DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in 2004; in Spanish,
with optional English subtitles
note: cast- José Luis García-Pérez, David Castillo,
Arno Chevrier, Elvira Lindo, Mario Arias, Diana Cerezo; credits- assistant
director, Jaime Fernández; editor, Pablo Blanco; director of
production, Alicia Yubero; original music, Lucio Godoy; director of
photography, Alfonso Sanz Alduán.
note: This film tells the engaging story of Pedro, an attractive gay
dentist living an active single life in Madrid. He offers to take care of
his adorable 9-year-old nephew Bernardo for two weeks while the child's
mother travels abroad with her latest "hippie" boyfriend. When Mom
suddenly becomes detained in India, however, Pedro must become the boy's
caretaker. And to further complicate matters, the boy's grandmother begins
a custody battle for the child.
UglMed DVD TLA 010
Chadwick, Jerah.
Absence Wild: Aleutian poems.
Seattle: Jugum press, 1984.
Suz, SpecColl Pacific NW PS 3553 .H24 A27 1984
Chadwick, Jerah.
The dream horse: poems.
Seattle: The Seal Press, 1980.
Suz, SpecColl PNW PS 3553 .H24 D7
Chadwick, Whitney.
Amazons in the drawing room: the art of Romaine Brooks. With an essay by
Joe Lucchesi.
Chesterfield, MA: Chameleon Books Berkeley: University of California
Press, 2000.
note: Published in conjunction with a traveling exhibition opening at the
National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D. C., June 29 to Sept.
24, 2000 and Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive, Oct. 11, 2000 to
Jan. 21, 2001. "In association with the National Museum of Women in the
Art N6537 .B75 A4 2000
Chain link.
Seattle, WA: National Leather Association
SpecCollFol HQ 79 .C42 no.2 (Sum 1987)
Challans, Mary.
Mary Challans published under the pseudonym Mary Renault; see Renault,
Challenge, Jack.
St. Nick: a novel.
Santa Barbara, CA: Ross-Erikson Publishers, c1981.
Suz PS 3553 .H248 S7 19981
The Challenge and progress of homosexual law reform.
Prepared and published by the Council on Religion and the Homosexual,
Daughters of Bilitis Society for Individual
Rights, Tavern Guild of San Francisco.
San Francisco: Council on Religion and the Homosexual, 1968.
(Essays on homosexuality, no. 2)
Suz K 3242.3 .Z9 C45 1968
Law KF 9328 .H6 C48
A Challenge to love: gay and lesbian Catholics in the church. Edited by
Robert Nugent with an introduction by Walter F. Sullivan.
NY: Crossroad, c1983.
Suz BX 1795 H66 C46 1983
Challenging boundaries: gender and periodization. Edited by Joyce
W. Warren and Margaret Dickie.
Athens: University of Georgia Press, c2000.
note: "A Queer Lot" and the lesbians of 1914: Amy Lowell, H. D., and
Gertrude Stein (Susan McCabe), pp. 62-90.
Suz PS 147 .C48 2000
Challenging homophobia and heterosexism: lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender and queer issues in organizational settings. Robert J. Hill,
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2006.
(New directions for adult and continuing education, no. 112)
Suz LC 192.6 .C425 2006
Challenging lesbian and gay inequalities in education.
Edited by Debbie Epstein.
Buckingham, [England]; Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1994.
Suz, Bot, Tac LC 192.6 C43 1994
Chalmers, Sharon.
Emerging lesbian voices from Japan.
London; NY: RoutledgeCurzon, 2002.
Ugl HQ 75.6 .J3 C48 2002
Chalon, Jean.
Portrait of a seductress: the world of Natalie Barney.
Translated from the French by Carol Barko.
NY: Crown Publishers, c1979.
note: translation of: Portrait d'une seductrice.
Suz PQ 3939 B3 Z613 1979
Chamberlain, Chris.
The needs of older gay, lesbian, and transgender people: a report prepared
for the ALSO Foundation. Chris Chamberlain, Peter Robinson.
[Melbourne, Vic.]: RMIT University, Centre for Applied Social Research,
Suz HQ 76.27 .O44 C45 2002a
also available online,
Chamberlain, Richard.
Shattered love: a memoir.
NY: Regan Books/HarperCollins Publishers, c2003.
Ugl PN 2287 .C47 A3 2003
Chamberlin, J. Edward.
Ripe was the drowsy hour: the age of Oscar Wilde.
NY: Seabury Press, 1977.
Suz, Ugl PR 461 .C45
Chambers, Aidan.
Dance on my grave: a life and death in four parts...
NY: Harper & Row, [1983], c1982.
ChildLit PZ 7 C3557 Dan 1983
Chambers, Aidan.
Postcards from no man's land.
NY: Dutton Books, 2002.
ChiLit, TacLit PZ7 .C3557 Po 2002
Chambers, Jane.
Last summer at bluefish cove: a play in two acts.
NY: JH Press, [1982]
(JH Press gay play script series)
Drama PS 3553 .H258 L3 1982
Chambers, Jane.
My blue heaven: a comedy in two acts.
NY: JH Press, c1981.
(JH Press gay play script series)
Suz, Drama PS 3553 .H258 M8
Chambers, Ross.
Facing it: AIDS diaries and the death of the author.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998.
Suz WC 503.7 C445f 1998
Champagne, John.
The blue lady's hand.
Secaucus, N.J.: L. Stuart, c1988.
Ugl PS 3553 .H2647 B55 1988
Champagne, John.
The ethics of marginality: a new approach to gay studies.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1995.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HQ 76.25 .C43 1995
Chan, Jeffery Paul.
Eat everything before you die: a Chinaman in the counterculture.
Seattle: University of Washington Press, c2004.
Ugl PS 3603 .H3558 E23 2004
Chandler, Daniel Ross.
Gay Studies: A Communicative Perspective. An Interdisciplinary
Annotated Bibliography.
Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1994.
MicNews ERIC microfiche ED 372448
Chandler, Kurt.
Passages of pride: lesbian and gay youth come of age.
NY: Times Books, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.26 .C43 1995
Chandler, Raymond.
The big sleep.
NY: Vintage Books, 1988, c1939.
note: detective fiction, one character is a bad gay guy
Ugl PS 3505 .H3224 B5 1988
Bot PS 3505 .H3224 B5 1992
Chaney, Lisa.
Hide-and-seek with angels: a life of J. M. Barrie.
London: Hutchinson, 2005.
Suz PR 4076 .C54 2005
Chang, Si-gwang.
Choson sidae tongsong hon iyagi: Pang Hallim chon. Chang Si-gwang
kyoyok. Ch'op'an.
Kyonggi-do P'aji-si: Han'guk Haksul Chongbo, 2006.
note: about same-sex marriage in Korea
note: also available online, restricted to University of Washington
EAsia PL 965.7 .W65 C43 2006
Changing family values. Edited by Gill Jagger and Caroline Wright.
London; NY: Routledge, 1999.
Suz HQ 518 .C48 1999
Changing men.
Portland, OR: Men's Resource Center, 197-
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 C53 n.52-56 (1979)
MicNews Microfilm A9528 n.52-56 (1979)
Changing men and masculinities in Latin America. Edited by Matthew C.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
note: Sexuality and revolution: on the footnotes to El beso de la mujer
arana (Daniel Balderston); Changing sexualities: masculinity and male
homosexualities in Brazil (Richard Parker); Neither machos nor maricones:
masculinity and emerging male homosexual identities in Mexico (Hector
Carrillo), pp. 351-369.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1090.7 .L29 C43 2003
Changing genders in intercultural perspectives. Edited by Barbara Saunders
and Marie-Claire Foblets.
Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2002.
note: Dynamics of sex, gender and culture: Native American berdache of
'two-spirit people' in discourse and context (Chia Longman), pp.
Suz, Tac HQ 1075 .C476 2002
Changing sex and bending gender. Edited by Alison Shaw and Shirley
NY: Berghahn Books, 2005.
Ugl, Bot HQ 1075 .C523 2005
Changing sexes [videorecording]: female to male. Written & produced by
Mason Funk; produced by Film Garden Entertainment for Discovery.
Bethesda, MD: Discovery Channel Video, c2002.
note: VHS
note: credits- editor, Dara Whisenant; segment producer, Rishika Advani;
camera, Skip Clark ... [et al.]
note: Explores the world of female to male transsexuals and examines what
it means to be a woman who wants to be a man. Follows four people as they
live different stages of their transistion from female to male. Includes
interviews with renowned surgeons, scientists, psychotherapists and
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2167
Changing sexes [videorecording]: male to female. Written & produced by
Mathilde Bittner; produced by Film Garden Entertainment for Discovery.
Bethesda, MD: Discovery Channel Video, c2002.
note: VHS
note: credits- editor, Barry Rubinow; segment producer, Rishika Advani;
camera, Benoit Belleville ... [et al.]; narrator, Jim Cissell.
note: Explores the world of male to female transsexuals and examines what
it means to be a man who wants to be a woman. Follows three people as they
live different stages of their transition from male to female. Includes
interviews with renowned surgeons, scientists, psychotherapists and
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2166
Changing tunes: the use of pre-existing music in film. Edited by Phil
Powrie, Robynn Stilwell.
Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2006.
note: chapter 7, Queer pleasures: the bolero, camp and Almodóvar,
(Vanessa Knights), pp. 91-104.
Music, Bot ML 2075 .C46 2006
Chaos as usual: conversations about Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
Edited by Juliane Lorenz with Marion Schmid and Herbert Gehr; translated
by Christa Armstrong and Maria Pelikan.
NY: Applause, c1997.
note: translation of: Ganz normale Chaos.
Ugl, Drama PN 1998.3 .F37 G3613 1997
Chapman, Guy.
London: R. Hart-Davis, 1952.
Suz 921 B387c2
Chappuzeau, Bernhard.
Transgression und Trauma bei Pedro Almodóvar und Rainer Werner
Fassbinder: Gender-Memoria-Visum.
Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2005.
(Stauffenburg Medien, Bd. 4)
Suz PN 1998.3 .A46 C43 2005
Charke, Charlotte.
A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke. Edited with an
introduction and notes by Robert Rehder.
London; Brookfield, VT: Pickering & Chatto, 1999.
Drama PN 2598 .C28 A3 1999
Suz 921 C378ch (1929 ed., London: Constable)
Charke, Charlotte.
A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke (youngest
daughter of Colley Cibbler [sic], Esq.) Written by herself. The
second edition. Introd. by Leonard R. N. Ashley.
Gainesville, FL: Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, 1969.
note: facsimile reproduction of the 2d ed., 1755.
Suz PN 2598 .C28 A3 1755a
MicNews Microfilm A7173 reel 7692, no. 01 (London: printed for W. Reeve,
Charles, Casey.
The Sharon Kowalski case: lesbian and gay rights on trial.
Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, c2003.
Ugl, Law KF 228 .K63 C48 2003
Chase, Clifford.
The hurry-up song: a memoir of losing my brother.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1999.
(Living out)
Suz WC 503.7 C487h 1999
Chasin, Alexandra.
Selling out: the gay and lesbian movement goes to market.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz, Bot HF 5415.33 .U6 C48 2000
Chasing Amy [videorecording] A View Askew production; produced by Scott
Mosier; written and directed by Kevin Smith.
Irvington, NY: Voyager Company, c1987.
note: release of the 1997 motion picture
note: cast- Ben Affleck, Joey Lauren Adams, Jason Lee, Dwight Ewell, Jason
Mewes; credits- director of photography, David Klein; edited by Kevin
Smith, Scott Mosier; music by David Pirner.
note: The complications of love and friendship among three New Jersey
comic book artists; Holden, his partner Banky, and Alyssa (a lesbian), the
woman Holden falls in love with onlky to be thrwarted by her
Bot Videodisc BOT-97 (on two 12" videodiscs)
TacMed DVD TAC-1189 (Criterion, 2000)
Chasing the American dyke dream: homestretch. Edited by Susan Fox
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c1998.
Suz HQ 75.5 .C43 1998
Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine.
The body as mirror of the world. Translated by Sophie Leighton.
[London]: Free Association, 2005.
note: translation from the French of Corps comme miroir du monde.
note: "The imprint of homosexuality in Freud's theory of infantile
sexuality," (pp. 68-70) [author is a scholar and psychoanalyst, at issue
with aspects of queer theory and feminism]
Suz BF 162 .C4313 2005
Chatterton, Paul.
Urban nightscapes: youth cultures, pleasure spaces and corporate
London; NY: Routledge, 2003.
note: [chapter] 7, Sexing the mainstream: young women and gay cultures in
the night, pp. 148-174.
Suz HQ 799.5 .C463 2003
Chauncey, George.
Gay New York: gender, urban culture, and the makings of the gay male
world, 1890-1940.
NY: Basic Books, c1994.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.2 U52 N53 1994
Chauncey, George.
Why marriage?: the history shaping today's debate over gay equality.
Cambridge, MA: Basic Books, c2004.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.8 .U5 C43 2004
Chedgzoy, Kate.
Shakespeare's queer children: sexual politics and contemporary
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press; NY:
Distributed exclusively in the USA and Canada by
St. Martin's Press, 1995.
Suz PR 3024 .C48 1995
Cheever, John.
NY: Knopf, 1977.
Suz, Ugl PS 3505 .H6428 F3
Cheever, John.
The journals of John Cheever.
NY: Knopf, 1991.
Suz PS 3505 .H6428 Z467 1991
Cheever, Susan.
Home before dark.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1984.
Suz, Ugl PS 305 .H6428 Z59 1984
Cheney, Mary.
Now it's my turn: a daughter's chronicle of political life.
NY: Theshold Editions, c2006.
Ugl E 840.8 .C43 2006
Cheney, Russell.
Russell Cheney, 1881-1945, a record of his work, with notes by F. O.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1947.
note: reproductions of the artist's work from 1916 on, accompanied by a
selection of passages concerning his paintings from letters to Mr.
Matthiessen and other friends.
Suz ND 237 .C49 A4 1947
Cherkovski, Neeli.
Whitman's wild children.
San Francisco: Lapis Press, 1988.
note: The 1999 ed has a 25-page introduction and a different selection of
Ugl PS 129 .C44 1988
Bot PS 310 .B43 C44 1999 (Steerforth Press ed.)
Cherland, Meredith Rogers.
Advocacy research in literacy education: seeking higher ground. Meredith
Rogers Cherland, Helen Harper.
Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007.
note: [chapter] 2, Radical counterNarratives in literacy research I:
feminist and queer theory(ies), pp. 59-87.
Suz, Tac LC 149 .C456 2007
Chernaik, Laura.
Social and virtual space: science fiction, transnationalism, and the
American new right.
Madison [N.J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, c2005.
Suz HN 90 .M6 C43 2005
Chernin, Jeffrey N.
Affirmative psychotherapy and counseling for lesbians and gay men. Jeffrey
N. Chernin, Melissa R. Johnson.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2003.
Suz BF 637 .C6 C395 2003
Chernin, Kim.
My life as a boy.
Chapel Hill, N. C.: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1997.
Suz, Bot PS 3553 .H3558 Z468 1997
Chesler, Phyllis.
Women and madness.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday [1972]
note: chapter 7, Lesbians, pp. 181-204.
NatSci, Ugl, SocWk, Health WM 100 C524w 1972
Chesler, Phyllis.
Women and madness. 1st ed. rev. and updated.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
note: chapter 7, Lesbians, pp. 237-260.
Tac WA 305 C525w 2005
Chesley, Laurie C.
Abuse in lesbian relationships: information and resources.
[Ottawa]: Health Canada, c1998.
GovPubStxFor H72-21/153-1998
Chesley, Robert.
Hard plays/stiff parts: the homoerotic plays of Robert Chesley;
with illustrations by Art Jagonosi and an introduction
by Bert Herrman.
San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, c1990.
Suz, Drama PS 3553 .H39 H3 1990
Chesley, Robert.
Stray dog story: an adventure in ten scenes;
with illustrations by Kimble Mead; and an introduction
by Nicholas Deutsch.
NY: JH Press, 1984.
Suz, Drama PS 3553 .H39 S8 1984
Chesser, Eustace.
The human aspects of sexual deviation.
London: Jarrolds Publishers, 1971.
note: The NY edition (Morrow) entitled: Strange loves;
the human aspects of sexual deviation.
Suz HQ 71 .C55
Chesser, Eustace.
Live and let live: the moral of the Wolfenden report.
With a foreword by John Wolfenden.
[NY]: Philosophical Library, c1958.
Suz HQ 76.25 .C47 1958
Chesser, Eustace.
Odd man out: homosexuality in men and women.
With a foreword by Kenneth Walker.
London: Gollancz, 1959.
Suz HQ 76 .C36 1959
Chessman, Harriet Scott.
The public is invited to dance: representation, the body, and dialogue in
Gertrude Stein.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1989.
Suz PS 3537 .T323 Z578 1989
Chester, Alfred.
Head of a sad angel: stories, 1953-1966. Edited by Edward Field; foreword
by Gore Vidal.
Santa Rosa, CA: Black Sparrow Press, 1990.
Suz PS 3505 .H679 H38 1990
Chester, Alfred.
Looking for Genet: literary essays & reviews.
[Edited & with a foreword by Edward Field]
Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1992.
Suz, Bot PS 3505 .H679 L6 1992
Chester, Craig.
Why the long face?: the adventures of a truly independent actor.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2003.
Drama PN 2287 .C5355 A3 2003
Chew, Linda (Linda Po Ling)
Female homosexuality in Hong Kong: a psychosocial investigation.
Thesis (M. Soc. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1989.
available online,
CHF newsletter, see, Newsletter (Committee for Homosexual Freedom)
Chicana feminisms: a critical reader. Edited by Gabriele F. Arredondo ...
[et al.]
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2003.
note: chapter 5, Chronotype of desire: Emma Perez's Gulf Dreams (Ellie
Hernandez), pp. 155-177; Response to chapter 5, The lessons of Chicana
lesbian fictions and theories (Sergio de la Mora), pp. 178-183.
Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 1421 .C492 2003
Chicana leadership: the Frontiers reader. Edited by Yolanda Flores Niemann
... [et al.]
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, c2002.
note: Introduction Chicanas: dispelling stereotypes while challenging
racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia (Yolanda Flores Niemann), pp.
vii-xvii; Writing, politics, and las Lesberadas; platicando con Gloria
Anzaldua (Annlouise Keating), pp. 120-143.
Bot E184 .M5 C39 2002
Chicana lesbians: the girls our mothers warned us about. Edited by Carla
Berkeley: Third Woman Press, c1991.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.6 U5 C53 1991
Chicano/Latino homoerotic identities. [Edited by] David William
NY: Garland Pub., 1999.
Suz PS 153 .G38 C48 1999
Chicks in white satin [videorecording] University of Southern California;
director, Elaine Holliman; producer, Joason Schneider.
Santa Monica, CA: Holliman Productions, [1993?]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: credits- cinematographer, Karin Stellwagen; editors, Carolyn Rouse,
Simeon Hutner
note: focuses on the wedding of a lesbian couple in California. Includes
interviews with the couple, their family, and friends
UglMed Videorecord HP 001
Chideckel, Maurice.
Female sex perversion: the sexually aberrated woman as she is.
NY: Eugenics Pub. Co., [c1935]
HSLIC HQ 76 .C54 1935
Chiland, Colette.
Transsexualism: illusion and reality. Translated by Philip Slotkin.
note: translation from the French of Changer de sexe.
Middletown, CT: Weslyan University Press, 2003.
Ugl HQ 77.9 .C4813 2003
Child care and inequality: rethinking carework for children and youth.
Edited by Francesca M. Canian ... [et al.]
NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: [chapter] 11, Empowering forces; professional careworkers in the
support networks of gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth (Eric R. Wright and
Robert E. Connoley), pp. 159-173.
Bot HQ 778.63 .C52 2002
Child, family, and state. Edited by Stephen Macedo and Iris Marion
NY: New York University Press, c2003.
(Nomos, 44)
Suz, Bot HQ 792 .U5 C4195 2003
Law HQ 792 .U5 C4196 2003
Child psychology: a handbook of contemporary issues.
Edited by Lawrence Balter; Catherine Tamis-LeMonda.
Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press, 1999.
note: Chapter 20. New family forms: children raised in solo mother
families, lesbian mother families, and in families created by assisted
reproduction (Susan Golombok), pp. 429-446.
Suz BF 721 .C5155 1999
Child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. Louise I. Gerdes, book
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 11, Homosexuality in the priesthood fosters child sexual
abuse (Rod Dreher), pp. 58-63.
Ugl BX 1912.9 .C47 2003
Children's hour. [videorecording] United Artists; The Mirisch Company
presents; screenplay by John Michael Hayes; produced and directed by
William Wyler.
Santa Monica, CA: MGM Home Entertainment, [2002]
note: DVD, originally released as motion picture in 1961; from the
play by Lillian Hellman.
note: cast- Audrey Hepburn, Shirley MacLaine, James Garner, Miriam
Hopkins, Fay Bainter, Karen Balkin; credits- director of photography,
Franz F. Planer; film editor, Robert Swink; music, Alex North.
note: When a vindictive little girl is disciplined in an exclusive girl's
school, the child twists an overheard comment into slander. She accuses
her teachers of lesbianism and her gullible grandmother spreads the
gossip. Outraged, Karen and Martha fight back in court, but a child's lie
is hard to disprove.
UglMed DVD MGM 149
Chin, Justin.
Burden of ashes.
Los Angeles: Alyson; London: Turnaround, 2002.
Suz PS 3553 .H48973 B87 2002
Chin, Justin.
Mongrel: essays, diatribes, and pranks.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Ugl PS 3553 .H48973 Z47 1999
Chinese women organizing: cadres, feminists, Muslims, queers. Edited by
Ping-Chun Hsiung, Maria Jaschok and Cecilia Milwertz with Red Chan.
Oxford; NY: Berg, 2001.
(Cross-cultural perspectives on women, v.23)
note: [chapter] 2, Chinese queer (Tongzhi) women organizing in the 1990s
(He Xiaopei), pp. 41-59.
Suz HQ 1767 .C453 2001
Chisholm, Dianne.
Queer constellations: subcultural space in the wake of the city.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2005.
Suz PN 56 .H57 C55 2005
Chiwit chai khop: tuaton kap khwammai, korani suksa ke, ying rak ying,
khonchara, chon kep khaya, wairun, dek khang thanon.
Paritta Chaloemphao Koanantakun, bannathikan.
Krung Thep: Sun Manutsayawitthaya Sirinthon (Ongkan Mahachon), [2002?]
(Ekkasan wichakan; lamdap thi 24)
Suz HQ 76.3 .T5 C45 2002
Chloe plus Olivia: an anthology of lesbian literature
from the seventeenth century to the present.Compiled and edited
by Lillian Faderman.
NY: Viking, 1994.
Ugl PS 509 L47 C47 1994
Cho, Margaret.
I'm the one that I want.
NY: Ballantine Books, 2001.
Ugl PN 2287 .C537 A3 2001
Choose life [videorecording], see: That's me [videorecording]
Chou jiao deng chang [videorecording]=Enter the clowns. dao yan, bian ju,
yuan zuo, Cui Zi'en; zhi pian ren, Wu Weifang, Liu Shujing, Du Jiayi.
[S.l.]: Guizhou dong fang yin xiang chu ban she, [2004?]
note: VCD; in Mandarin with English and simplified Chinese subtitles;
originally released as a motion picture in 2002.
note: cast- Chen Bing, Na'renqimuge, Yu Bo; credits- She ying, Yuan
Deqiang; jian ji, Hu Haixin, Song Hui.
note: Drama about the son of a man who had a sex change and is dying and a
friend of his who becomes a woman.
UglMed DVD EAL 335
Chorus quarterly: CQ: news from the Seatlle Men's Chorus.
Seattle, WA: International Northwest Pub. Co., [1987-
note: 4 nos. per vol, exc. v.10 (7 nos); Winter issue(s) called Holiday
SpecCollOversz ML 28 .S4 S52
v.1, n.1-v.10, n.7 (Fall-Win, 1987-Sum 1998);
v.11,n.2-v.17,n.1+ (Win 1998-Fall 2004+)
Christian, Karen.
Show and tell: identity as performance in U.S. Latina/o fiction.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, c1997.
note: Chapter 2, Invisible Chicanos: gay and lesbian identities in the
fiction of Sheila Ortiz Taylor and John Rechy, pp. 25-54; Chapter 3,
Identity as drag: performing gender and Cubanidad in The Mambo Kings Play
Songs of Love and The Greatest Performance, pp. 55-87.
Suz PS 153 .H56 C47 1997
Christofer, Michael.
The shadow box.
NY: Drama Book Specialists, c1977.
Drama PS 3553 .R553 .R533 S5
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Shadow box (S. French ed.)
Suz PS 3553 .R533 S5 1978 (Avon Books)
Christopher Street.
[New York, That New magazine, inc.] v.1- July 1976-
note: Issue 133 called v.11, no. 11 but constitutes
v.12, no.1; issue 132 also called v. 11, no. 11, but constitutes
v.11, no. 12; vol. numbering ceased with issue 195, Jan. 4, 1993.
UglPer HQ 75 .C48 v. 1-14; no. 195-208 (July 1976-1994); no. 209-211
(Jan-Mar 1994); no. 213-216 (May-Aug 1994)
Ugl Microfilm B1807 no. 209-232 (1994-1995)
The Christopher Street Reader. Edited by Michael Denneny, Charles Ortleb,
Thomas Steele.
NY: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, c1983.
note: works originally published in Christopher Street magazine.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 C48 1983
Dream on.
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, c1991.
Suz PS 3553 .H774 D73 1991
Fire power.
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
Suz, SpecColl Book Arts PS 3553 .H774 F5 1995
Fugitive colors.
Cleveland: Cleveland State University Poetry Center, c1995.
Suz PS 3553 .H773 F84 1995
In her I am.
Vancouver, Canada: Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Ugl, SpecColl PNW PS 3553 L314 L58 1986
Not vanishing.
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1988.
SpecColl Pacific NW PS 3553 .H85 N6 1988
Chu, Tien-wen.
Notes of a desolate man. Translated by Howard Goldblatt and Sylvia Li-chun
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
note: translation of: Huang jen shou chi.
EAsia, Bot PL 2852 .T48 H9313 1999
Chua, Lawrence.
Gold by the inch.
NY: Grove Press, c1998.
Ugl PS 3553 .H777 G6 1998
Chuck & Buck [videorecording] Artisan Entertainment & Blow Up Pictures
present a Flan De Coco film; produced by Matthew Greenfield; written by
Mike White; directed by Miguel Arteta.
note: 1 videodisc; DVD.
note: cast, Mike White, Chris Weitz, Lupe Ontiveros, Beth Colt, Paul
Weitz; composers, Joey Waronker, Tony Maxwell, Smokey Hormel; editor, Jeff
Betancourt; director of photography, Chuy Chavez.
note: Chuck and Buck are childhood best friends whose lives have taken
different paths. While Chuck moved on with his life, Buck remained
emotionally immature and developed a twisted obsession for his friend,
with comic and embarrassing repercussions.
note: features include: commentary with director Miguel Arteta and
writer/actor Mike White; deleted scenes with director and writer
commentary; insider's view with director's assistant Ruben Fleischer and
key grip Doug Kiefer; The games we used to play; theatrical trailer; cast
and crew information; production notes; secene access.
Ugl Med DVD ARHE 03
Chun guang zha xie [videorecording] Chun guang ying hua, Rui you ying hua
she lien he chu pin; Ze dong dian ying you xian gong si zhi zuo; bian ju,
dao yan Wang Jiawei = Happy together. Block 2 Pictures Inc., in
association with Prenom H. Co,. Ltd., Seowoo Film Co., Ltd., a Jet Tone
production; producer, Wong Kar-Wai; written and directed by Wong
NY: Kino on Video, c1998.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD, Chinese (Cantonese) dialogue, English subtitles;
originally produced as a motion picture in 1997.
note: credits- director of photography, Christopher Doyle; editor, William
Zhang SukBing, Wong MIng-Lam; music, Danny Zhong.
note: Yiu Fai and Po Wing left Hong Kong for a great waterfall in South
America, but in the end are stuck on the streets of Buenos Aires. Yiu
Fai's life takes on a new spin, while Po Wing's life shatters
UglMed DVD KINO 041
TacMed DVD TAC-430
The Churches speak on--homosexuality: official statements from religious
bodies and ecumenical organizations. By J. Gordon Melton.
Detroit: Gale Research, c1991.
Suz BR 115 .H6 C47 1991
Churchill, Caryl.
Cloud nine. 4th ed., rev.
NY: Methuen, 1984.
Drama PR 6053 .H786 C6 1984
Drama PR 6053 .H786 C5 1988 (Routledge ed.)
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Cloud nine (S. French ed.)
Churchill, Wainwright.
Homosexual behavior among males; a cross-cultural and cross species
NY: Hawthorn Books [1967]
HSLIC HQ 76 .C39
Suz, SocWk HQ 76 C39 1971 (Prentice-Hall re-issue, 1971)
Chutney popcorn [videorecording] Seneca Falls Productions presents a Mata
Production; a film by Nisha Ganatra; produced by Sarah Vogel, Kelley
Forsyth; directed by Nisha Ganatra; written by Susan Carnival, Nisha
New Almaden, CA: Wolfe Video, c1999.
note: videodisc, DVD; videocassette, VHS; originally produced as a motion
note: cast: Mahdur Jaffrey, Sakina Jaffrey, Nick Chinlund, Jill Hennessey,
Cara Buono, Ajay Naidu, Alisa Mast, Pricilla Lopez; credits: Exec.
producer, Trina Wyatt, Roger E. Kass; music, Karsh Kale; editor, Jane
Pia Abromowitz; director of photography, Erin King.
note: special features: Insiders commentaries by Jill Hennessy, Nisha
Ganatra, Susan Carnival and Sakina Jaffrey; recipes by Madhur Jaffrey;
pictorial soundtrack; behind the scenes; outtakes; theatrical trailer.
note: Lisa and Reena are in love, but when Reena agrees to become a
surrogate mother for her childless sister, the cultural divide between
Reena's Indian family and their lesbian lifestyle hits home. A heartfelt
comedy about the cultural struggles between immigrant parents and their
Americanized children and the strength of family ties.
UglMed DVD WOL 3398
UglMed Videorecord WOL 3398
Cianciotto, Jason.
Youth in the crosshairs: the third wave of ex-gay
activism. Jason Cianciotto and Sean Cahill.
NY: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute, c2006.
available online,
Ciminelli, David.
Homocore: the loud and raucous rise of queer rock. David Ciminelli and Ken
Los Angeles, CA: Alyson Books, 2005.
Ugl ML 3534 .C54 2005
Cimino, Kenneth W.
Gay conservatives: group consciousness and assimiliation.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2007.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.85 .C56 2007
Circa 2000: gay fiction at the millennium. Edited by Terry Wolverton &
Robert Drake.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Suz PS 648 .H57 C57 2000
Circa 2000: lesbian fiction at the Millenium. Edited by Terry Wolverton
and Robert Drake.
Los Angeles: Alyson; London: Turnaround, 2000.
Suz PS 648 .L47 C52 2000
Circuits of desire. Yukiko Hanawa, guest editor.
Special issue of: Positions: East Asia cultures critique.
v.2, n.1 (Spring, 1994)
EAsia Serials DS 501 .P67 v.2
Ciresi, Rita.
Pink slip.
NY: Delacorte Press, c1999.
Suz PS 3553 .I7 P5 1999
Cite guide magazine (Seattle edition)
[Seattle, WA] Cite Guide Magazine, 1986-1987.
see also: its successor: Guide magazine.
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 G85 v.1 (Mar. 1986-Feb. 1987)
Cities of pleasure: sex and the urban socialscape. Edited by Alan
London: Routledge, 2006.
note: Section 2. Evolution and Development of Urban Gay Spaces, pp. 89-190
comprises 5 chapters by various authors, as follows: [chapter] 6,
Homosexuality and the city: an historical overview (Robert Aldrich), pp.
89-107; [chapter] 7, Urban space and homosexuality: the example of the Marais,
Paris' 'Gay Ghetto', (Michael Sibalis); pp. 109-128; [chapter] 8, Where love
dares (not) speak its name: the expression of homosexuality in Singapore
(Kean Fan Lim), pp. 129-158; [chapter] 9, Sexual dissidence, enterprise and
assimiliation: bedfellows in urban regeneration (Alan Collins), pp. 159-176;
[chapter] 10, Authenticating queer space: citizenship, urbanism and
governance (David Bell and Jon Binnie), pp. 177-190. [Chapter] 12, Queer
as folk: producing the reality of urban space (Beverly Skeggs, Leslie
Moran, Paul Tyrer and John Binnie, pp. 209-226.
AUP HT 119 .C593 2006
Citizen's news.
San Francisco, CA: Guy Strait, [1964-1967]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: merged with Cruise news & world report to form The maverick press,
see Cruise news & world report; see The maverick press.
note: continues LCE news, see LCE news
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 58 v.3,n.7-v.6 (1964-1967)
The city open press.
Portland, OR: Opus 2 Publications
SpecCollFol HQ 75 .C53
note: v.1,n.11 called THE COP! The City Open Press; v.2,n.3-5 called THE
v.1,n.8-11 (May/Jun 1986-Aug/Sep 1986), v.2,n.3-5 (Dec 1986/Jan
1987-Feb/Mar 1987)
City week: the weekly newspaper of Oregon's gay and lesbian citizens.
Portland, OR: City Week,
note: continued by Oregon gay news, see Oregon gay news; then by Portland
monitor; see Portland monitor
SpecCollFol HQ 75 C55 v.2, n.36 (Jun 19, 1987)
Cixous, Helene.
Benmussa directs: Portraits of Dora (Helene Cixous); translated from the
French by Anita Barrows; The singular life of Albert Nobbs (Simone
Benmussa); adapted for the stage from George Moore's short story 'Albert
Nobbs' and translated from the French by Barbara Wright.
note: translations of Portrait de Dora, and of Vie singuliere d'Albert
Drama PQ 2663 .I9 B44 1979
Cixous, Helene.
The Book of Promethea. Translated with an introduction by Betsy Wing.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991.
note: translation from the French of: Le Livre de Promethea.
Suz, Bot PQ 2663 .I9 L5813 1991
Cixous, Helene.
Le Livre de Promethea.
[Paris?]: Gallimard, c1983.
SuzStx PQ 2663 .I9 L5 1983
Claassen, Cheryl.
Whistling women: a study of the lives of older lesbians.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, c2005.
Ugl, Tac HQ 75.6 .U5 C577 2005
Clapp, Susannah.
With Chatwin: portrait of a writer.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, c1997.
Suz PR 6053 .H395 Z63 1997
Clardy, Andrea.
Words to the wise: a writer's guide to feminist and lesbian periodicals
& publishers.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1986.
Suz Z286 .F45 C55 1986
Clardy, Andrea.
Words to the wise: a writer's guide to feminist and lesbian periodicals
& publishers. 2nd ed.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand books, c1987.
UglRef Z286 .F45 C55 1987
Clardy, Andrea.
Words to the wise: a writer's guide to feminist and
lesbian periodicals & publishers.
4th rev. ed., updated and expanded.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1993.
(Firebrand sparks pamphlet, #1)
SuzRef Z 286 .F45 C55 1993
Clare, Eli.
Exile and pride: disability, queerness, and liberation.
Cambridge, MA: South End Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 1426 .C56 1999
Clark, Donald H.
As we are.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1988.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 C58 1988
Clark, Donald H.
Loving someone gay.
Millbrae, CA: Celestial Arts, c1977.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.2 .U5 C57
HSLIC HQ 76.2 .U5 C57 1978 (NY: New American Library, 1978 ed.)
Clark, Donald H.
The New loving someone gay. Rev. and updated.
Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts, 1987.
note: rev. ed. of: Loving someone gay.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 .U5 C57 1987
Clark, Eli.
Exile and pride: disability, queerness, and liberation.
Cambridge, MA: South End Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 1426 .C56 1999
Clark, J. Michael. (John Michael)
Beyond our ghettos: gay theology in ecological perspective.
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 1993.
Ugl BL 65 H64 C58 1993
Clark, J. Michael (John Michael)
A defiant celebration: theological ethics & gay sexuality.
Garland, TX: Tanglewuld Press, 1990.
Suz BL 65 .H64 C62 1990
Clark, J. Michael (John Michael)
Defying the darkness: gay theology in the shadows.
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 1997.
Suz BL 65 .H64 C623 1997
Clark, J. Michael (John Michael)
Diary of a Southern queen: an HIV+ vision quest.
Dallas: Monument Press, 1990.
Suz BL 73 .C42 A3 1990
Clark, J. Michael (John Michael)
Gay being, divine presence: essays in gay spirituality:
the Ganymede papers.
Garland, TX: Tangelwuld Press, 1987.
Suz BR 115 .H6 C58 1987
Clark, J. Michael (John Michael)
A lavender cosmic pilgrim: further ruminations on gay spirituality,
theology, & sexuality.
Las Colinas: The Liberal Press, 1990.
Suz BL 65 .H64 C625 1990b
Clark, J. Michael (John Michael)
Liberation & disillusionment: the development
of a gay male criticism & popular fiction a decade after Stonewall.
Las Colinas, TX: Liberal Press, 1987, c1986.
Suz, Tac PS 374 .H63 C55 1987
Clark, J. Michael (John Michael)
Masculine socialization & gay liberation: a conversation on the work
of James Nelson & other wise friends. With Bob McNeir; with an
introduction by Kenneth Cuthbertson.
Arlington, TX: Liberal Press; Las Colinas, TX: Monument Press,
Suz BL 65 .H64 C6263 1992
Clark, J. Michael (John Michael)
A place to start: toward an unapologetic gay liberation theology.
Dallas: Monument Press, 1989.
Suz BL 65 .H64 C63 1989
Clark, J. Michael (John Michael)
Southern gothic.
Irving, TX: Scholars Books, 1991.
Suz BL 73 .C42 A3 1991
Clark, J. Michael (John Michael)
Theologizing gay: fragments of liberation activity.
Oak Cliff, TX: Minuteman Press, 1991.
Suz BL 65 .H64 C64 1991
Clark, J. Michael (John Michael)
An unbroken circle: ecotheology, theodicy, & ethics.
With a prefatorial essay by Arthur Frederick Ide.
Las Colinas, TX: Monument Press, 1996.
Suz BL 65 .H64 C644 1996
Clark, Joanna M.
The law and transsexualism: a handbook for professionals.
Mission Viejo, CA: Legal Research Project, c1981 [1980]
Suz KF 4757.5 .T73 C54 1981
Clark, Thekla.
Wystan and Chester: a personal memoir of W. H. Auden and Chester Kallman.
Introduction by James Fenton.
London: Faber and Faber, 1995.
Suz PR 6001.U4 Z637 1995
Clark, Tom.
Rock Hudson: friend of mine. By Tom Clark with Dick Kleiner.
NY: Pharos Books, 1990, c1989.
Suz PN 2287 .H75 C58 1990
Clarke, Cheryl.
"After Mecca": women poets and the Black Arts Movement.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2005.
note: chapter 5, Transferences and confluences; Black Arts and black
lesbian-feminism in Audre Lorde's The Black Unicorn, pp. 121-169.
Suz, Tac PS 310 .N4 C48 2005
Clarke, Cheryl.
The days of good looks: the prose and poetry of Cheryl Clarke, 1980 to
NY: Carroll & Graf Pub., c2006.
Ugl PS 3553 .L314 D38 2006
Clarke, Cheryl.
Humid pitch: narrative poetry.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1989.
Suz PS 3553 .L314 H86 1989
Clarke, Cheryl.
Living as a lesbian: poetry.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1986.
Ugl PS 3553 L314 L58 1986
Clarke, Cheryl.
Narratives: poems in the tradition of Black women.
[Drawings by Gay Belknap (Gaia)]. 2nd ed.
NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, c1983.
Ugl PS 3553 .L314 N3 1983
Clarke, Eric O.
Virtuous vice: homoeroticism and the public sphere.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2000.
(Series Q)
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .C525 2000
Clarke, Gerald.
Capote: a biography.
NY: Simon and Schuster, c1988.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3505 .A59 Z6 1988
Clarke, Gerald.
Get happy: the life of Judy Garland.
NY: Random House, 2000.
note: includes discussion of her father's homosexuality
Ugl ML 420 .G253 C58 2000
Clarke, John Henrik, ed.
William Styron's Nat Turner; ten black writers respond.
Boston: Beacon Press [1968]
note: various authors interpret Styron's portrayal of Nat
Turner as a homosexual as a reinforcement of negative stereotypes of black
men as emasculated, feminized deviants, esp. chapter 2, The
Confessions of Nat Turner and the dilemma of William Styron (Alvin F.
Poussaint, M.D.), pp. 17-22.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Bot PS 3569 .T9 C633
Clarke, John R.
Looking at lovemaking: constructions of sexuality in Roman art, 100 B.C.-A.D.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1998.
note: see chapter 3: Representations of male-to-male lovemaking, pp. 59-90.
Art N 5763 .C58 1998
Clarke, Lige.
I have more fun with you than anybody. By Lige Clarke and Jack
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1972.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.8 U8 C55
Clarke, Lige.
Roommates can't always be lovers; an intimate guide
to male-male relationships. By Lige Clarke and Jack Nichols.
NY: St. Martin's Press [1974]
Suz HQ 76 .C56 1974
Class dismissed [videorecording]: how TV frames the working class, a
project by Pepi Leistyna; directed by Loretta Alper; produced & written by
Loretta Alper & Pepi Leistyna.
Northampton, MA: Media Education Foundation, [2005]
note: DVD
note: credits- camera, Julius Bolton ... [et al.]; editor, Jeremy Smith;
original music, Thom Monahan; narrator, Ed Asner.
note: "Featuring interviews with media analysts and cultural historians,
this documentary examines the patterns inherent in TV's distrubing
depictions of working class people as either clowns or social deviants,
stereotypical portrayals that reinforce the myth of meritocracy." Includes
extra interviews about social class, race and class, women and class,
queer visibility, class and the media, hip-hop and class and race and
mirror sitcoms.
UglMed DVD MEF 019
TacMed DVD TAC-551
Classical Hollywood comedy. Edited by Kristine Brunovska Karnick and Henry
NY: Routledge, 1995.
note: [chapter] 16, Queerness, Comedy and The Women (Alexander Doty), pp.
Ugl, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .C55 C56 1995
Clarkson, Tom.
The wounded.
London: Brilliance Books, 1983.
Suz PR 6053 .L34 W68 1983
Classics in lesbian studies. Esther D. Rothblum, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1997.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.5 .C53 1997
Clatterbaugh, Kenneth C.
Contemporary perspectives on masculinity: men, women, and politics in
modern society.
Boulder: Westview Press, 1990.
note: Chapter 7, A View from Outside: Gay and Black Men Respond, pp.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1090.3 .C54 1990
Clatterbaugh, Kenneth C.
Contemporary perspectives on masculinity: men, women, and politics in
modern society. 2nd ed.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997.
note: Chapter 7, Gay Men. The Challenge of Homophobia, pp. 137-156.
Suz HQ 1090.3 .C54 1997
Clausen, Jan.
Apples & oranges: my journey through sexual identity.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.
Suz HQ 75.4 .C55 A3 1999
Clausen, Jan.
Books & life.
Columbus: Ohio State University Press, c1989.
Ugl PS 3553 .L348 B6 1989
Clausen, Jan.
Brooklyn, NY: Hanging Loose Press, 1983.
Ugl PS 3553 .L348 D8 1983
Clausen, Jan.
Sinking stealing: a novel.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing press, c1985.
Ugl PS 3553 .L348 S5 1985
Clausen, Jan.
The Proserpine papers.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1988.
Ugl PS 3553. L348 P7 1988
Clear, Tom.
Some of my best friends are - - : a gay and lesbian
revue for people of all preferences.
Written by Joan Lipkin; music & lyrics by Tom Clear.
(Acting ed.)
note: Libretto.
St. Louis, MO: That Uppity Theatre co., c.1989.
Drama ML 50 .C62 S66 1989
Cleaver, Richard.
Know my name: a gay liberation theology.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1995.
Suz BR 115 .H6 C6 1995
Clegg, Douglas.
Mordred, bastard son.
NY: Alyson Books, 2006.
Bot PS 3553 .L3918 M67 2006
Cleminson, Richard.
'Los invisibles': a history of male homosexuality in
Spain, 1850-1939. Richard Cleminson and Francisco Vazquez Garcia.
Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2007.
Suz HQ 76.3 .S7 C54 2007
Clendinen, Dudley.
Out for good: the struggle to build a gay rights movement in America.[By]
Dudley Clendinen and Adam Nagourney.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1999.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.8 .U5 C58 1999
Cliff, Michele.
Claiming an identity they taught me to despise.
Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, c1980.
Suz PR 9265 .C55 C58 1980
Clifford, Denis.
A legal guide for lesbian and gay couples. Denis Clifford, Frederick
Hertz, and Emily Doskow. 14th ed.
Berkeley, CA: Nolo, 2007.
Law KF 538 .C87 2007
Cline, Sally.
Radclyffe Hall: a woman called John.
London; J. Murray, 1997.
Suz PR 6015 .A33 Z635 1997
Clinical handbook of couple therapy. Edited by Neil S. Jacobson, Alan S.
NY: Guilford Press, c1995.
note: [chapter] 14, Therapy with same-sex couples: an introduction (Laura
S. Brown), pp. 274-291.
NatSci, SocWk WM 55 C6413 1995
Clinical handbook of couple therapy. Edited by Alan S. Gurman, Neil S.
Jacobson. 3rd ed.
NY: Guilford Press, c2002.
note: Chapter 21, Gay and lesbian couples in therapy: homophobia,
relational ambiguity, and social support (Robert-Jay Green, Valory
Mitchell), pp. 546-568.
SocWk WM 430.5 .M3 C641 2002
Clinical practice with people of color: a guide to becoming culturally
competent. Edited by Madonna G. Constantine.
NY: Teachers College Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 9, Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people of color (Y. Barry
Chung), pp. 143-161.
Suz WM 420 C64169 2007
Clinton, Kate.
Don't get me started.
NY: Ballantine Books, 1998.
Suz PN 2287 .C5455 A3 1998
The Clinton presidency: images, issues, and communication strategies.
Edited by Robert E. Denton, Jr., and Rachel L. Holloway.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1996.
note: chapter 9, Clinton's characteristic issue management style: caution,
conciliation, and conflict avoidance in the case of gays in the military
(Denise M. Bostdorff), pp. 189-223.
Suz E885 .C553 1996
Clones and clones: facts and fantasies about human cloning.
Edited by Martha C. Nussbaum and Cass R. Sunstein.
NY: Norton, c1998.
note: Queer clones (William N. Eskridge, Jr., Edward Stein), pp.
Ugl QH 442.2 .C55 1998
Close calls: new lesbian fiction. Edited by Susan Fox Rogers.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996.
Suz PS 648 .L47 C56 1996
Close relationships: a sourcebook. Clyde Hendrick and Susan S. Hendrick,
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, c2000.
note: chapter 9, The close relationships of lesbians, gay men, and
bisexuals, pp. 111-123.
Suz HM 1106 .C55 2000
Closer to home: bisexuality and feminism.
Edited by Elizabeth Reba Weise.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1992.
Suz, SpecColl Book Arts, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.5 C56 1992
Clothier, Peter.
David Hockney.
NY: Abbeville Press, c1995.
(Modern masters series, v. 17)
N 6797 .H57 C58 1995
Clum, John M.
Acting gay: male homosexuality in modern drama. [lst ed.]
NY: Columbia University Press, 1992.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Drama, Ugl PS 338 .H66 C58 1992
Clum, John M.
Acting gay: male homosexuality in modern drama. Rev. ed.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1994.
(Between men--between women)
note: for a further revision, see: Clum, John M. Still acting gay.
Drama, Bot PS 335 .H66 C58 1994
Clum, John M.
"He's all man": learning masculinity, gayness, and love from American
NY: Palgrave, 2002.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .M46 C49 2002
Clum, John M.
Something for the boys: musical theater and gay culture.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1999.
Music ML 1700 .C58 1999
Clum, John M.
Still acting gay: male homosexuality in modern drama.
NY: St. Martin's Griffin, 2000.
note: rev. ed. of: Acting gay. Rev. ed. (c1994)
Drama PS 338 .H66 C58 2000
Clunis, D. Merilee.
Lesbian couples. By D. Merilee Clunis and G. Dorsey Green.
Seattle, WA: Seal Press, 1988.
Suz, Spec Coll Book Arts, Ugl, SocWk HQ 75.6 U5 C58 1988
Clunis, D. Merilee.
Lesbian couples [sound recording] D. Merilee Clunis & G. Dorsey
note: An audio presentation based on the book. 1 sound cassette:
Seattle: Seal Press, [1989].
Spec Coll Ref Phonotape SPE-3
Clunis, D. Merilee.
Lesbian couples: a guide to creating healthy relationships. D. Merilee
Clunis and G. Dorsey Green.
Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, c2005.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 C58 2005
Clunis, D. Merilee.
Lesbian couples: creating healthy relationships for
the 90s. By D. Merilee Clunis and G. Dorsey Green.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1993.
SpecColl Book Arts, Tac HQ 75.6 .U5 C58 1993
Clunis, D. Merilee.
The lesbian parenting book; a guide to creating families
and raising children.
By D. Merilee Clunis and G. Dorsey Green.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1995.
SocWk, Ugl, SpecColl Book Arts, Tac HQ 75.53 .C58 1995
Clunis, D. Merilee.
The lesbian parenting book: a guide to creating families and raising
children. 2nd ed.
NY: Seal Press; [Berkeley, CA.]: Distributed by Publishers Group west,
Ugl HQ 75.53 .C58 2003
Clyde, Laurel A. (Laurel Anne)
Out of the closet and into the classroom: homosexuality
in books for young people.
Port Melbourne, ALIA/Thorpe, 1992.
note: for 2nd ed., see Lobban, Marjorie. Out of the closet...
Tac Z 6514 C5 S424 1992
Coakley, Davis.
Oscar Wilde, the importance of being Irish.
Dublin: Town House, 1994.
Drama PR 5823 .C63 1994
Coates, Thomas J.
Changes in sexual behavior of homosexual and bisexual men since the
beginning of the AIDS epidemic.
By Thomas J. Coates, Ron D. Stall, Colleen C. Hoff.
Washington, DC: Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment, U.S.
Congress, [1988]
MicNewsDocuments Y 3.T 22/2:2 Ac 7/3/changes microfiche
Cobb, Michael L.
God hates fags: the rhetorics of religious violence.
NY: New York University Press, c2006.
Suz, Bot BR 115 .H6 C63 2006
Cochran, Bryan N.
Sexual minorities in substance abuse treatment: the impact of provider
biases and treatment outcomes.
Seattle, 2003.
note: Ph. D. Thesis--University of Washington, 2003.
Suz BF 21 Th52854
Aux Thesis 52854
Cochran, Pamela.
Evangelical feminism: a history.
NY: New York University Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 4, Is the homosexual my neighbor?: the crisis in biblical
feminism, 1984-1986, pp. 77-109.
Tac BS 521 521.4 .C63 2005
Cochrane, Michelle.
When AIDS began: San Francisco and the making of an epidemic.
NY: Routledge, 2004.
Suz WC 503.4 AC2 C661w 2003
Cock, Jacklyn.
Melting pots & rainbow nations: conversations about difference in the
United States and South Africa. Jacklyn Cock and Alison Bernstein.
Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, c2002.
note [chapter] 4, Differences in sexual orientation: "flying the rainbow
flag", ppl 110-146.
Suz E184 .A1 C63 2002
The Cockettes [videorecording] GranDelusion presents a film by David
Weissman & Bill Weber; directed by Bill Weber and David Weissman; produced
by David Weissman.
[United States]: Strand Releasing Home Video, [2002]
note: DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in 2002.
note: credits- director of photography, Marsha Kahm; edited by Bill Weber;
music, Richard "Scrumbly" Koldewyn.
note: Looks at the rise and fall (1969-1972) of a San Francisco theatrical
troupe called The Cockettes. Uses interviews and vintage footage to look
at this part of counterculture history.
UglMed DVD STRAN 009
Cocks, H. G.
Nameless offences: homosexual desire in the nineteenth century.
London; NY: I.B. Taurus, 2003.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 C63 2003
Cocteau, Jean.
Jean Cocteau: erotic drawings. Edited by Annie Guedras; [translation,
Peter Snowden]
Koln: Evergreen c1999.
note: translation of Ils, dessins erotiques de Jean Cocteau.
Art Desk NC 248 .C6 A4 1999
Cocteau, Jean.
Le passe defini: journal. Texte etabli et annote
par Pierre Chanel.
Paris: Gallimard, c1983-
Suz PQ 2605 .O15 P37 1983 v.1, v.2, v.3
Cocteau, Jean.
Past tense: diaries.
Introduction by Ned Rorem; annotations by Pierre
Chanel; translation by Richard Howard.
San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1987-
note Translation of: Le passe defini.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2605 .O15 Z473 1987 v.1 [and] v.2
Bot PQ 2605 .O15 Z473 1987 v.1
Cocteau, Jean.
Professional secrets; an autobiography of Jean Cocteau, drawn from his
lifetime writings by Robert Phelps. Translated from the French by Richard
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1970.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2605 .O15 Z5
Cocteau, Jean.
White book = Le Livre blanc. Translated by Margaret Crossland.
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1989.
note: translation from the French of: Le Livre blanc.
Suz, Bot PQ 2605 .O15 L513 1989
Coe, Christopher.
I look divine.NY: Ticknor & Fields, 1987.
Suz, Ugl PS 3553 .O34 I2 1987
Coe, Christopher.
Such times.
NY: Harcourt Brace & Co., c1993.
Suz PS 3553 .O34 S8 1993
Coe, Richard N.
The vision of Jean Genet.
London: Owen [1968]
Suz, Ugl, Drama PQ 2613 .E53 Z59
Coe, Roy M.
A sense of pride: the story of Gay Games II. Principal
photography by Scott McLennan.
San Francisco: Pride Publications, c1986.
Suz GV 722.5 .G36 C64 1986
Coffman, Christine E.
Insane passions: lesbianism and psychosis in literature and film.
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, c2006.
Suz, Tac PS 228 .L47 C64 2006
Coffman, Sandra.
The effect of introductory womens studies classes on sex-role
Seattle: University of Washington, 1978.
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington
note: androgyny
Suz LA 7 Th25892
Aux Thesis 25892
Cohan, Steven.
Incongruous entertainment: camp, cultural value, and the MGM musical.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2005.
Suz, Tac PN 1995.9 .M86 V59 2005
Cohan, Steven.
Masked men: masculinity and the movies in the fifties.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1997.
note: [chapter] 2, The "Paradox" of hegemonic masculinity, pp. 34-78;
[chapter] 6, Why boys are not men, pp. 201-263; [chapter] 7, The Bachelor
in the bedroom, pp. 264-303.
Suz, Ugl PN 1995.9 .M46 C65 1997
Cohen, Cathy J.
The boundaries of blackness: AIDS and the breakdown of Black politics.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1999.
Suz, Tac WC 503.7 C677b 1999
Cohen, Ed.
Talk on the Wilde side: towards a genealogy of a
discourse on male sexualities.
NY: Routledge, 1993.
Suz, Bot PR 5823 C64 1993
Cohen, Jean L.
Regulating intimacy: a new legal paradigm.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, c2002.
note: Chapter 2, Is there a duty to privacy? Law, sexual orientation, and
the dilemmas of difference, pp. 77-124.
Ugl KF 9325 .C64 2002
Cohen, Leonard.
Beautiful losers.
NY: Vintage Books, 1993.
Ugl PR 9199.3 .C57 B4 1993
Cohen, Monique.
Counseling addicted women: a practical guide.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2000.
note: [chapter] 11, Lesbians and bisexual women: outreach and treatment
issues, pp. 170-184.
Tac HV 4999 .W65 C64 2000
Cohen, Peter F. (Peter Franzblau)
Love and anger: essays on AIDS, activism, and politics.
NY: Haworth press, c1998.
Suz WC 503.7 C678L 1998
Cohen, Rachel.
A chance meeting: intertwined lives of American writers and artists.
NY: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2005.
note: chapter 26, Beauford Delaney and James Baldwin, pp.220-228.
Ugl, Bot PS 129 .C56 2005 (paperback ed.)
Ugl, Tac PS 129 .C56 2004
Cohen, Susan.
When someone you know is gay. By Susan & Daniel Cohen.
NY: M. Evans, c1989.
Suz HQ 76.26 .C64 1989
Cohen, William A.
Sex scandal: the private parts of Victorian fiction.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, c1996.
(Series Q)
Suz PR 878 .S317 C64 1996
Cohen-Kettenis, Peggy Tine.
Transgenderism and intersexuality in childhood and adolescence: making
choices. Peggy T. Cohen-Ketternis, Friedemann Pfafflin.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2003.
(Developmental clinical psychology and psychiatry series, 46)
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1075 .C654 2003
Cohler, Bertram J.
The course of gay and lesbian lives: social and psychoanalytic
perspectives. Bertram J. Cohler and Robert M. Galatzer-Levy.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Suz WM 611 C678c 2000
Cohler, Bertram J.
Writing desire: sixty years of gay autobiography.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2007.
Suz CT 25 .C64 2007
Cohn, Meryl.
"Do what I say": Ms. Behavior's guide to gay & lesbian etiquette.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1995.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 C65 1995
Cohn, Roy M.
The autobiography of Roy Cohn. By Sidney Zion.
Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, c1988.
Ugl KF 373 .C62 A3 1988
Colapinto, John.
As nature made him: the boy who was raised as a girl.
NY: HarperCollins, c2000.
Suz HQ 77.8 .C65 A3 2000
Colby, Donn J.
HIV knowledge and risk factors among men who have sex with men in Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2001.
note: Thesis (M.P.H.)--University of Washington, 2001.
HSLIC WA 7 Th50695
AuxStx Thesis 50695
Colby, Vineta.
Vernon Lee: a literary biography.
Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2003.
(Victorian literature and culture series)
Suz PR 5115 .P2 Z63 2003
Coldstream, John.
Dirk Bogarde: the authorised biography.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2004.
Ugl PR 6052 .O3 Z536 2004
Cole, Beverly.
Cleaning closets: a mother's story.
St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 C63 1995
Cole, Johnnetta B.
Gender talk: the struggle for women's equality in African American
By Johnnetta Betsch Cole, Beverly Guy-Sheftall.
NY: One World/Ballantine Books, 2003.
note: [chapter] 6, Black, lesbian, and gay: speaking the unspeakable, pp.
Suz, Tac E185.86 .C58154 2003
Cole, Merrill Grant.
The erotics of masculine demise: homosexual sacrifice in modernist
Seattle: University of Washington, 1999.
note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1999.
Suz PS 15 Th48591
Aux Thesis 48591
Cole, Shaun.
'Don we now our gay apparel': gay men's dress in the twentieth
Oxford; NY: Berg, 2000.
Suz HQ 76 .C65 2000
Colegrave, Sukie.
The spirit of the valley: the masculine and feminine in the human psyche.
Foreword by Robert Bly.
Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher; Boston: Distributed by Houghton Mifflin Co.,
Ugl BF 692.2 .C64 1979
Coleman, Gerald D.
Homosexuality: an appraisal.
Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, c1978.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 C64 1978
Coleman, Gerald D.
Homosexuality: Catholic teaching and pastoral practice.
NY: Paulist Press, c1995.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 C65 1995
Coleman, Penny.
Village elders.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U52 N73 2000
Coleman, Peter Everard.
Gay Christians: a moral dilemma.
London: SCM Press; Philadelphia: Trinity Press International, 1989.
Suz BR 115 H6 C66 1989
Coles, Matthew A.
Try this at home!: a do-it-yourself guide to winning lesbian and gay civil
rights policy: an ACLU guidebook.
NY: New Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 C65 1996
Autobiographie tiree des oeuvres de Colette par Robert Phelps.
[Paris] Fayard, [1966]
Suz PQ 2605 .O28 Z498
Earthly paradise; an autobiography, drawn from her lifetime writings by
Robert Phelps. Translated by Herma Briffault, Derek Coltman, and
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1966.
note: translation of: Autobiographie tiree des oeuvres de Colette
Suz, Ugl PQ 2605 .O28 Z5
The pure and the impure. Translated by Herma Briffault.
With an introd. by Janet Flanner.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux [1967]
note: Translation of: Le pur et l'impur.
Ugl PQ 2605 .O28 C46 1967
The pure and the impure, a case-book of love.
Translated from the French by Edith Daly; introduction
by Joseph Collins.
NY: Farrar & Rinehart, inc. [c1933]
note: Translation of: Le pur et l'impur.
Suz 843 C67ceE
Colker, Ruth.
American law in the age of hypercapitalism: the worker, the family, and
the state.
NY: New York University Press, c1998.
note: [chapter] 5, Sexual orientation discrimination, pp. 155-181.
Suz, Law KF 3455 .Z9 C65 1998
Colker, Ruth.
Hybrid: bisexuals, multiracials, and other misfits
under American law.
NY: New York University Press, c1996.
Suz, Law, Bot KF 4749 .C64 1996
Collaboration: the photographs of Paul Cadmus, Margaret
French, and Jared French.
Santa Fe, NM: Twelvetrees Press, 1992.
Art TR 681 .A7 C646 1992
Collage: the newletter of the Standing Committee on Lesbian and Gay
Issues. Social Responsibility Special Interest Section, American
Association of Law Libraries.
[Washington, D.C.]: Standing Committee on Lesbian and Gay Issues, Social
Responsibilities SIS, American Association of Law Libraries, 1997-
v.1, no. 1-v.3 (Oct. 1997-2000)
Law Z 673 .A56 C63
Collard, Cyril.
Savage nights.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1994.
note: translation of: Nuits fauves.
Suz PQ 2663 .O4622 N85 1994
Collecott, Diana.
H. D. and Sapphic modernism, 1910-1950.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Suz PS 3507 .O726 Z615 1999
A collection of articles on lesbians and lesbianism in Thailand. Edited by
Virada Somswasi and Alycia Nicholas.
Chaing Mai [Thailand]: Foundation for Women, Law, and Rural Development
(FORWARD) and the Women's Studies Center, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Chiang Mai University, 2004.
Suz HQ 75.6 T5 C65 2004
College English. v.36, n.3 (November 1974)
see: The Homosexual Imagination. (special issue)
College-wit sharpen'd: or, the head of a house, with, a sting in the
tail: being a new English amour, of the epicene gender, done into
burlesque metre, from the Italian. Address'd to the two famous
universities of S-d-m and G-m-rr-h.
London: printed for J. Wadham, 1739.
note: A satire in verse on the homosexual scandal of Robert
Thistlethwayte, warden of Wadham College, Oxford, and John Swinton.
MicNews Microfilm A7173 reel 1879, no.07
Collins, Andrew.
Fodor's gay guide to the USA.
NY: Fodor's Travel Publications: Distributed by Random House, c1996.
Suz E158 .C64 1996
Collins, Patricia Hill.
Black sexual politics: African Americans, gender, and the new racism.
NY: Routledge, 2004.
note: [chapter] 3, Prisons for our bodies, closets for our minds; racism,
heterosexism, and black sexuality, pp. 87-116; [chapter] 9, Why we can't
wait; black sexual politics and the challenge of HIV/AIDS, pp.
Suz, Tac E185.86 .C58167 2004
Collins, Warwick.
Gents: a novel.
London; NY: M. Boyars, 1997.
Ugl PR 6053 .O4267 G46 1997
Collis, Rose.
Colonel Barker's monstrous regiment: a tale of female husbandry.
London: Virago Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 77.8 .B37 A3 2001
Collis, Rose.
k. d. lang.
Bath: Absolute, 1999.
Suz ML 3930 .L175 C65 1999
Collis, Rose.
Portraits to the wall: historic lesbian lives unveiled.
London: NY: Cassell, 1994.
Suz HQ 75.3 .C64 1994
Collis, Rose.
A trouser-wearing character: the life and times of Nancy Spain.
London: Cassell, 1997.
Suz PN 5123 .S58 C35 1997
Colloquy on European Law. (23rd : 1993 : Amsterdam, Netherlands).
Transsexualism, medicine, and law: proceedings. XXIII Colloquy on European
Law, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 14-16 April 1993.
Strasbourg: Council of Europe Pub.; Croton-on-Hudson, NY: Manhattan Pub.
Co. [distributor], 1995.
note: also published in French edition: Transsexualisme, medecine et
Law KJC14 .C64 A2 1993
Color-line to borderlands: the matrix of American ethnic studies. Edited
by Johnnella E. Butler.
Seattle: University of Washington Press, c2001.
note: Heavy traffic at the intersections: ethnic, American, women's queer,
and cultural studies (T. V. Reed), pp. 273-292.
Suz, Bot E184 .A1 C54 2001
The color of fear 3 [videorecording]: four little beds. Stir Fry Seminars
presents; a film by Lee Mun Wah.
Berkeley, CA: Stir Fry Seminars & Consulting, [2005]
note: DVD; originally produced in 2005
note: cast- Roberto Alamanzan, David Christensen, Gordon Clay, David Lee,
Victor Lewis, Yukata Matsumoto, Loren Moye, Hugh Vasquez, Lee Mun Wah;
credits- director of cinematography, Rick Butler; edited by Richard C.
Bock; music by Christopher Wong & Spencer Brewer.
note: A film about the struggle of the gay, lesbian and transgender
community to be seen and understood in a predominantly heterosexist
society. From the original seminar, the cast of "The color of fear",
an ethnically diverse group of eight North American men, discuss the
feelings and prejudices they felt during the weekend about the sexual
orientations of other group members. They discuss what it is to be gay in
this society and the impact it has on senses of safety and identity.
Through personal stories and interactions, we have a glimpse into the
fears, the stereotypes, and moral issues that are dividing and confronting
us today. A ten-year retrospective has been added, with Roberto Alamanzan
and David Lee talking about the original discussion, and other issues.
SocWkMed HQ 76.45 .U5 C6
Colton, Helen.
Sex after the sexual revolution.
NY: Association Press [1972]
note: [chapter] 4, Homosexuality and bisexuality, pp. 67-75.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 C625
The Columbia anthology of gay literature: readings from Western antiquity
to the present day. Edited by Byrne R. S. Fone.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1998.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 6071 .H724 C65 1998
The Columbia companion to the twentieth-century American short story.
Blanche H. Gelfant, editor.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2000.
note: Lesbian and gay short stories, pp. 56-63.
note: Pt. 1 of the work is devoted to various themes. Pt. 2 of the work is
devoted to individual authors, gblt authors among others.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 374 .S5 C57 2000
Columbia FunMap Corp.
see also: Columbia FunMap Inc.; Columbia FunMaps Company; Columbia FunMaps
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Amsterdam.
CFM; this map was made in cooperation with Sad-Schorer Stichting.
Asperg, Germany; NY: Columbia FunMaps, c1998.
Map Cases G6004 .A5 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Atlanta.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., [1996]
Map Cases G3924 .A8 E635 1996 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Atlanta.
Publisher--Alan H. Beck; designers--Liz Brandt, Marli Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1999.
Map Cases G3924 .A8 E635 1999 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Austin & San
Publisher--Alan H. Beck; designers--Liz Brandt, Marli Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1998.
Map Cases G4034 .A9 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Central Florida:
Daytona, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Tampa.
Publisher--Alan H. Beck; designers--Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1998.
Map Cases G3934 .D4 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Chicago including
Saugatuck, Michigan.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1997.
Map Cases G4104 .C6 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Denver including
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY Columbia FunMap Corp. c2000.
Map Cases G4314 .D4 E635 2000 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Fort Lauderdale.
Publisher Alan H. Beck, designers Jonathan Schnapp, Liz Brandt.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1998.
Map Cases G 3934 .F6 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Fort Lauderdale.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Marli Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1999.
Map Cases G3934 .F6 E635 1999 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Houston.
Publisher, Alan H. Beck; designers, Liz Brandt, Richard Greenway.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1998.
Map Cases G4034 .H8 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Key West.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Jonny Mack, Liz Brandt.
NY: Columbia FunMap Inc., [1997], c1996.
Map Cases G 3934 .K6 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Key West.
Publisher, Alan H. Beck; general mgr., Michael E. Bensusan; designers,
Jonathan Schnapp, Liz Brandt.
NY: Columbia FunMap Inc., c1998.
Map Cases G 3934 .K6 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Key West.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; desingers Liz Brandt, Marli Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1999.
Map Cases G3934 .K6 E635 1999 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. London.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Richard Greenway.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1998.
Map Cases G5754 .L7 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. London: London
Publisher--Alan H. Beck; designers--Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1999.
Map Cases G5754 .L7 Q4 1999 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world.
Los Angeles, including Laguna Beach.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Jonny Mack, Liz Brandt.
NY: Columbia FunMap Inc., [1997] c1996.
Map Cases G 4364 .L8 .E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Manhattan.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Jonny Mack, Liz Brandt.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1997.
note: includes Chelsea and Greenwich Village.
Map Cases G 3804 .N4:2M3 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Manhattan.
CFM; publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c2000.
Map Cases G 3804 .N4:2M3 E635 2000 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world.
Miami/Miami Beach, including South Beach.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Jonny Mack, Liz Brandt.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., [1997], c1996.
Map Cases G 3934 .M5 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Miami/Miami
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp. c2000.
Map Cases G3934 .M5 E635 2000 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Minneapolis & St.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; general manager Michael E. Bensusan; designers
Jonathan Schnapp, Liz Brandt.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1997.
Maps General Map Cases G4144 .M5 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Montreal &
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1996.
Map Cases G 3453 .M8 E635 1996 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. New Jersey &
Philadelphia including Atlantic City.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designer Liz Brandt.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1997.
Maps General Map Cases G3811 .E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. New Jersey &
Philadelphia including Atlantic City.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c2000.
Map Cases G3811 .E635 2000 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. New Orleans.
Publisher, Alan H. Beck; designers, Jonny Mack, Liz Brandt.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1997.
Map Cases G4014 .N5 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Northeast
resorts--Fire Island, Long Island, New Hope & country inns.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1997.
Maps General Map Cases G 3802 .F518 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Northeast
resorts--Fire Island, Long Island, New Hope, Asbury Park & country inns.
Publisher--Alan H. Beck; sales manager--Mark Corbett; designer--Rob
Maplewood, N.J.: Columbia FunMap Corp., c2001.
Map Cases G3802 .F518 E635 2001 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Paris '99.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Marli Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp.
Map Cases G5834 .P3 E635 1999 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Philadelphia & New
Hope including Atlantic City.
Publisher--Alan H. Beck; designers--Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c2000.
Map Cases G 3824 .P5 E635 2000 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Phoenix.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers--Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1999.
Map Cases G4334 .P5 E635 1999 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Portland.
Publisher Alan H. Back; designers Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1999.
Map Cases G 4294 .P6 E635 1999 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Provincetown, Boston
& Providence, RI.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Marli Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1998.
Map Cases G 3764 .P78 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Provincetown, Boston
& Providence, RI.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1999.
Map Cases G3764 .P78 E635 1999 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. San Diego, including
Laguna Beach.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1999.
Map Cases G4364 .S4 E635 1999 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world.
San Francisco, San Jose & Russian River.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Jonathan Schnapp.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1997.
Map Cases G 4364 .S5 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. San Francisco
including Russian River.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1998.
Map Cases G 4364 .S5 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Seattle.
Designers Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1999.
Map Cases, SpecColl PNW G 4284 .S4 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Toronto including
Hamilton & London.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1999.
Map Cases G3464 .T7 E635 1999 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia Fun Maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Vancouver, B.C.
including Victoria.
Designers Liz Brandt, Richard Greenway.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1998.
Map Cases G3514 .V3 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Washington, D.C.,
Baltimore & Rehoboth Beach.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Liz Brandt, Jonathan Schnapp.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1997.
Maps General Map Cases G3851 .E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Western Ohio,
includes Cincinnati, Columbus & Dayton.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1998.
Map Cases G4084 .C4 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Western Ohio
includes Cincinnati, Columbus & Dayton. Publisher, Alan H. Beck;
designers, Liz Brandt, Marli E. Craig.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1999.
Map Cases G4084 .C4 E635 1999 .C6
Columbia FunMap Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world.
Wisconsin, featuring Milwaukee, Madison & Green Bay.
NY: Columbia FunMap Corp., c1996.
Map Cases G4121 .E635 1996 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Atlanta. Publisher,
Alan H. Beck; designers, Rob Strauch.
Maplewood, NJ: Columbia FunMap Inc., c2002.
Map Cases G3924 .A8 E365 2002 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay & lesbian world. Atlanta including
Maplewood, NJ: Columbia FunMap Inc., c2004.
Map Cases G3924 .A8 E635 2004 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Chicago, including
Saugatuck, Michigan.
Alan H. Beck -publisher.
NY: Columbia FunMap Inc., c1996.
Map Cases G4104 .C6 E635 1996 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Key West; publisher,
Alan H. Beck; design, Nilton Santos.
Maplewood, NJ: Columbia FunMap Inc., c2003.
Maps Cases G3934 .K6 E635 2003 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. New Jersey &
Philadelphia including Atlantic City. CFM; publisher Alan H. Beck;
designers Rob Strauch, Ernst Goldmann.
Maplewood, NJ: Columbia FunMap Inc., c2002.
Map Cases G3811 .E635 2002 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay & lesbian world. Northeast
resorts--Fire Island, Long Island, New Hope, Asbury Park & country inns.
Alan H. Beck, publisher, Columbia FunMaps; design--Nilton Santos;
production--Maximiliano Oliva.
Maplewood, N.J.: Columbia FunMap Inc., c2003.
Maps cases G3802 .F518 E635 2003 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world.
Provincetown, Boston - - Providence, RI.
NY: Columbia FunMap Inc., c1996.
Map Cases G3764 .P78 E653 1996 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Provincetown, Boston
-- Providence, RI.
Publisher, Alan H. Beck; designers, Jonathan Schnapp, Liz Brandt.
NY: Columbia FunMap Inc., c1997.
Map Cases G3764 .P78 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world.
San Diego, including Laguna Beach.
NY: Columbia FunMap Inc. [1997], c1996.
Map Cases G4364 .S4 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia Fun Maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. San Diego, including
Laguna Beach.
Designers [sic] Liz Brandt.
NY: Columbia FunMap Inc., c1998.
Map Cases G4364 .S4 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Toronto including
Hamilton & London.
Maplewood, NJ: Columbia FunMap Inc., c2001.
Map Cases G3464 .T7 E635 2001 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Vancouver, B.C.
including Victoria.
Publisher, Alan H. Beck; designers, Khalil Callier, Melody Kaplan.
Maplewood, N.J.: Columbia FunMap Inc., c2001.
Map Cases G3514 .V3 E635 2001 .C6
Columbia FunMap Inc.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Washington, D.C.,
Baltimore & Rehoboth Beach.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers Ernst Goldman, Rob Strauch.
Maplewood, NJ: Columbia FunMap Inc., c2002.
Map Cases G3851 .E635 2002 .C6
Columbia FunMaps Company.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Atlanta.
NY: Columbia FunMaps Co., c1997, c1998.
Map Cases G3924 .A8 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMaps Company.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. New Orleans.
NY: Columbia Fun Maps Co., c1996.
Map Cases G4014 .E635 1996 .C6
Columbia FunMaps Company.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Seattle.
NY: Columbia FunMaps Co., c1993.
Maps Cases G4284 .S4 E635 1993 .C6
Columbia FunMaps Company.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Seattle.
NY: Columbia FunMaps Co., c1995.
Map Cases G4284 .S4 E635 1995 .C6
Columbia FunMaps Company.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Seattle, WA &
Portland, OR.
NY: Columbia FunMaps Co., c1997.
Maps General Cases G4284 .S4 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMaps Company.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Toronto including
Hamilton & London.
NY: Columbia FunMaps, [1997]
Map Cases G3464 .T7 E635 1997 .C6
Columbia FunMaps Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Dallas.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers, Liz Brandt, Richard Greenway, Marli
NY: Columbia FunMaps, c1998.
Map Cases G4034 .D2 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia FunMaps Corp.
Columbia fun maps, mapping the gay and lesbian world. Toronto including
Hamilton & London.
Publisher Alan H. Beck; designers, Liz Brandt, Richard Greenway.
NY: Columbia FunMaps, c1998.
Map Cases G3464 .T7 E635 1998 .C6
Columbia reader on lesbians and gay men in media, society, and politics.
Edited and with an introduction by Larry Gross and James D. Woods.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Bot P96 .H632 U63 1999
Columns (Seattle, Wash.: 1969)
The columns.
Seattle, WA: Dorian Society of Seattle, [1969-1970]
note: continues Dorian Society of Seattle. Dorian Society News, see Dorian
Society of Seattle. Dorian Society News
note: continued by Columns northwest, see Columns northwest
note: no volume or issue numbering; issued monthly, Jan/Feb as joint
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .C62
Dec 1969-Jul 1970
Columns northwest. v.1, n. 7-
Seattle, WA: Dorian Society of Seattle, [1970-
note: continues The columns.
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .C62
v.1, n.7-v.3,n.9 (Aug 1970-Sep 1972)
Combating gender violence in and around schools. Edited by Fiona Leach and
Claudia Mitchell.
Stoke on Trent: Trentham, 2006.
Suz, Tac LB 3013.3 .C555 2006
Come out fighting: a century of essential writing on gay and lesbian
liberation. Edited by Chris Bull.
NY: Thunder's Mouth Press/Nation Books, 2001.
Suz H 76.8 .U5 C66 2001
Come out!: selections from the radical gay liberation newspaper.
NY: Times Change Press, c1970.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 C73 1970
Come together: the years of gay liberation, 1970-73.
Edited and introduced by Aubrey Walter.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1980.
note: Articles reprinted from: Come together, the
Gay Liberation Front newspaper.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G7 C65 1980
Comedy: a geographic and historical guide. Edited by Maurice Charney.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2005.
note: [chapter] 31, Queer Comedy, (Ken Feil), pp. 477-492.
Tac PN 6147 .C565 2005 v.2.
Coming into her own: educational success in girls and women.
Sara N. Davis, Mary Crawford, Jadwiga Sebrechts, editors.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1999.
note: [chapter] 16. Support networks for lesbian, gay, and bisexual
students. (Janis S. Bohan, Glenda M. Russell), pp. 279-294.
Suz, Tac LC 1503 .C65 1999
Coming on strong: gay politics and culture. Edited
by Simon Shepherd & Mick Wallis.
London; Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .G7 C66 1989
Coming out: an anthology of international gay and
lesbian writings. Edited by Stephen Likosky.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1992.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.25 C66 1992
Coming out as transgender.
Washington, D.C.: Human Rights Campaign, Coming Out Project: National
Center for Transgender Equality, 2007.
available online:
Coming out, coming home [videorecording]: Asian and Pacific Islander
family stories: a work-in-progress. Director, Hima B.
San Francisco: A/PI/PFLAG Family Project, c1996.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS; In English; accompanying sheets in English,
Chinese, and Tagalog; closed captioned; Introductory narration by Desiree
note: credits- Edited by Carol Leigh; produced by the Asian/Pacific
Islander Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, A/PI-PFLAG Family
Project; camera by Hima B., Kris Lee; music composed, produced and
engineered by Adilla B. Matus.
note: Features interviews with one Filipino and three Chinese families and
a dialogue among parents of the gay children.
UglMed Videorecord APIPF 001
Coming out: Irish Gay Experiences. Edited by Glen O' Brien.
Blackrock, Co. Dublin: Currach Press, 2003.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .I73 O37 2003
Coming out of feminism? Edited by Mandy Merck, Naomi Segal, and Elizabeth
Oxford; Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1998.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.15 .C66 1998
Coming out of the classroom closet: gay and lesbian
students, teachers, and curricula.
Karen M. Harbeck, ed.
NY: Haworth Press, c1992.
Suz, Ugl, Tac LC 192.6 .C66 1992
The Coming out stories. Editors: Susan J. Wolfe,
Julia Penelope Stanley; foreword, Adrienne Rich.
Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, c1980.
see also: The Original coming out stories. (Rev. ed. 1989)
Suz HQ 75.3 .C65 1980
Coming out under fire [videorecording] A DeepFocus production in
association with ITVS; an Arthur Dong film; produced and directed by
Arthur Dong; written by Allan Bérubé & Arthur Dong.
NY: Docurama; Distributed by New Video Group, [2004]
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 1994; based on
the book Coming out under fire: the history of gay men and women in
World War Two, by Allan Bérubé.
note: credits- director of photography, Stephen Lighthill; editor,
Veronica Selver; music, Mark Adler; narrator, Salome Jens.
note: "Based on the ground-breaking book by Allan Bérubé,
this internationally acclaimed film uncovers the World War II origins of
military regulations that labeled homosexuals as mentally ill and 'sex
perverts'. Nine gay and lesbian veterans recount how they joined the
patriotic war against fascism in the 1940s only to find themselves
fighting two battles: One for their country and another for their right to
serve." Special features include extended scenes from the 1993 Senate
Armed Forces Committee hearings on gays in the military and an essay by
award-winning author/journalist Chris Bull.
UglMed DVD NVG 100
BotMed DVD BOT-1144
Coming out young and faithful. Leanne McCall Tigert and Timothy J. Brown,
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, [2001]
Ugl BV 4596 .G38 C66 2001
Coming to power: writings and graphics on lesbian S/M; S/M, a form of
eroticism based on a consensual exchange of power.
2nd ed. rev. & expanded.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1982.
Suz, Ugl HQ 79 C65 1982
Coming to power: writings and graphics on lesbian S/M: S/M, a form of
eroticism based on a consensual exchange of power.
3rd U. S. ed., rev. and updated.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1987.
note: edited by members of SAMOIS, a lesbian/feminist
S/M organization.
Suz, Bot HQ 79 .C65 1987
Coming up!
San Francisco: Coming up!, [1979]-c1989.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: filmed with later title San Francisco Bay Times, see San
Francisco Bay Times
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 38-42
Oct. 1979-v.10, n.6 (Mar 1989)
Common lives, lesbian lives.
Iowa City, 1981-
note: issues 1-4 subtitled, a lesbian feminist quarterly; thereafter, a
lesbian quarterly
SuzPer HQ 75 C68 n.1-n.56 (Fall 1981-1995/96)
Common threads [videorecording]: stories from the quilt. A Telling
Pictures and The Couturie Company production.
NY: HBO Video, 1989.
note: VHS format; videocassette release of the 1989 motion picture.
note: credits: Robert Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman, directors and editors;
Bill Couturie, Robert Epstein, Jeffrey Freidman, producers; narrator,
Dustin Hoffman.
note: The story of the AIDS Memorial Quilt established by the San
Francisco NAMES Project Foundation in 1987 to commemorate the lives lost
to AIDS. From the thousands memorialized in the quilt, profiles five
individuals -- including a recovered IV drug user, a former Olympic
decathlon star and a boy with hemophilia -- whose stories reflect the
diversity and common tragedy of those who have died from AIDs. Celebrates
their unique personalities and achievements, interweaving these personal
histories with a chronology of the epidemic's development and the
negligence of the government.
TacMed Videorecord TAC-821
Communication in single parent and other family forms [videorecording]
with Kathleen Galvin; producer/director, Jon M. Tullos; Governors State
University in cooperation with the College of Arts and Sciences.
NY: Insight Media, c1998.
(Family communication, 123)
note: 1 videocassette; VHS; videocassette release of an episode of a
teleclass series
note: executive producer, David Ainsworth; video engineers, Ed Flowers,
Tom Sauch.
note: In a lecture to an audience, Kathleen Galvin discusses the
communication rules unique to single-parent families. Examines
characteristic communication structures of non-traditional families, such
as gay, lesbian, and adoptive families. Addresses issues specific to
male-headed single-parent families.
TacMed videorecord TAC-1723
Community based participatory research for health.
Edited by Meredith Minkler and Nina Wallerstein; foreword by Budd Hall.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, c2003.
note: chapter 16, Community based participatory research with a hidden
population; the Transgender Community Health Project (Kristen
Clements-Nolle, Ari Bachrach), pp. 332-343
Health, Bot, Tac W 84.3 C734 2003
Community news.
Salem, OR: Community News
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .C685
Jun 1986-Aug 1986; Oct 1986; Feb-Mar 1987; Jun 1987; Aug 1987; Oct-Nov
1987; Apr-Aug 1988; Oct 1988; Dec 1988;
Apr-Jun 1989; Sep 1989; Dec 1989-Jul 1990; Sep-Oct 1990; Jan/Feb 1991; Oct
Community northwest.
Seattle, WA: ANA Pub., [1991-
note: The first issue has no date, the third issue no volume number
SpecCollPNW HQ 75 .C69
v.1, n.1 - v.1, n.4 ([Jun 1991?] - Oct 1991)
Community organizing against homophobia and heterosexism: the world
through rainbow-colored glasses. Samantha Wehbi, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press: Haworth Social Work Practice Press, c2004.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.4 .C66 2004
Compañeras: Latina lesbians (an anthology) Compiled
and edited by Juanita Ramos.
NY: Latina Lesbian History Project, 1987.
note: A collection of oral histories, essays, poems,
short stories and art work by and about Latina lesbians.
Suz HQ 75.6 L29 C66 1987
Compañeras: latina lesbians (an anthology) = Lesbianas
latinoamericanas (expandido en espanñol). Compiled and edited by
Juanita Ramos. 3rd ed.
NY: Latina Lesbian History Project, 2004.
Ugl PS 509 .L47 C65 2004
A companion to postcolonial studies. Edited by Henry Schwarz and Sangeeta
Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2005.
note: chapter 21, Home, homo, hybrid: translating gender (Geeta Patel),
pp. 410-427; chapter 26, Global gay formations and local homosexualities
(Katie King), pp. 508-519.
Bot JV 51 .C75 2005 (paperback printing)
Suz, Tac JV 51 .C75 2000
Comparative Drama Conference (29th: 2005: California State University,
Text & presentation, 2005. Edited by Stratos E. Constantinidis.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, c2006.
note: [chapter] 13, Crossover cross-dressing: Vampire Lesbians and the
assimilation of ridiculous theatre (Kenneth Elliott), pp. 159-168.
Drama PN 2018 .C66 2005
Comrades in arms [videorecording] a Maya Vision production
for Channel Four television.
NY: Filmakers Library, Inc., c1990. 1 videocassette. VHS.
note: Director, Stuart Marshall; producer, Rebecca
Dobbs; editor, Heather Holden. Featuring: Dudley Cave, Zena Eaton,
Doris Higgins, Alec Purdie, Jocelyn Thomas, Bill Thorneycroft.
note: Intercut with popular songs, archival film clips and period
reenactments, gay men and lesbian women recall their secret lives while
serving in the British armed forces during World War II.
UglMed Videorecord FML 024
Comstock, Gary David.
Gay theology without apology.
Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 1993.
Suz BR 115 .H6 C673 1993
Comstock, Gary David.
Unrepentant, self-affirming, practicing: lesbian/bisexual/gay
people within organized religion.
NY: Continuum, 1996.
Suz BL 65 .H64 C65 1996
Comstock, Gary David.
Violence against lesbians and gay men.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1991.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Bot, Tac HV 6250.4 .H66 C66 1991
Comstock, Gary David.
A whosoever church: welcoming lesbians and gay men into African American
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c2001.
Suz, Ugl BV 4468.2 .A34 C65 2001
Conceptions of postwar German masculinity. Edited by Roy Jerome; with an
afterword by Michael Kimmel.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2001.
note: Homosexual images of masculinity in German-language literature after
1945 (Wolfgang Popp), pp. 243-262.
Suz BF 692.5 .C66 2001
A concise companion to contemporary British fiction. Edited by James F.
Malden, MA; Oxford: Blackwell Pub., 2006.
note: chapter 10, Queer fiction: the ambiguous emergence of a genre,
(Robert L. Caserio), pp. 209-228.
Ugl PR 881 .C658 2006
[Brooklyn, NY, Conditions] 1-17, 1977-1990
note: "A magazine of writing by women with an emphasis on writing by
Suz PS 508 .W7 C58 n.1-13, 15, 17 (1977-1986, 1988, 1990)
Condon, Bill.
Gods and monsters: the shooting script. Screenplay by Bill Condon; based
on the novel Father of Frankenstein by Christopher Bram; introduction by
Ian McKellen; foreword by Clive Barker; based on the Regent film.
NY: Newmarket Press, c2005.
Suz PN 1997 .G568335 2005
Condon, Bill.
Kinsey: public and private. Introduction by Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy; a
brief history of Alfred Kinsey by Linda Wolfe; final shooting script by
Bill Condon.
NY: Newmarket Press, c2004.
Suz HQ 18.32 .K56 K55 2004
Conduct unbecoming: the ... annual report on "Don't ask, don't tell,don't
Washington, D.C.: Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
SocWk UB 418 .G38 C66 v.9 [2003]
available online, 1st year+ 1994+
Conference on Social Aspects of AIDS (8th: 1995: London). Papers.
see: AIDS: activism and alliances.
Confessions of the other mother: nonbiological lesbian moms tell all.
Edited by Harlyn Aizley.
Boston: Beacon Press, c2006.
Ugl HQ 75.53 .C66 2006
Confronting AIDS through literature: the responsibilities
of representation.
Edited by Judith Laurence Pastore.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1993.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 169 A42 C66 1993.
Confronting cancer, constructing change; new perspectives
on women and cancer.
Midge Stocker, editor.
Chicago: Third Side Press, c1993.
(Women/cancer/fear/power series, v.2)
Ugl QZ 201 C748 1993
Confronting prejudice: lesbian and gay issues in
social work education. By Janette Logan ... [et al.]
Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, VT: Arena, c1996.
SocWk HQ 76.3 .G7 C663 1996
Confronting rape and sexual assault. Edited by Mary E. Odem and Jody
Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 1998.
(Worlds of women, no. 3)
note: [chapter] 8, The Effects of Sexual Assualt on Men: A Survey of
Twenty-two Victims (Gillian Mezey, Michael King), pp. 83-89.
Tac HV 6561 .C66 1998
Congdon, Constance.
Dog opera.
NY: Samuel French, Inc., 1998.
Drama ActEd Dog opera
Conigrave, Timothy.
Holding the man.
Ringwood, Vic., Australia: Penguin Books, c1995.
Suz HQ 75.8 .C66 A3 1995b
Conigrave, Timothy.
Thieving boy and Like stars in my hands. Edited by Tony Ayres.
Sydney: Currency Press in association with Playbox Theatre Centre, Monash
University, 1997.
Drama PR 9619.3 .C57 T55 1997
Conley, Matthew D.
Exposed pedagogy: investigating LGBTQ issues in collaboration with
preservice teachers. 2005.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Ohio State University, 2005.
available online,
Conlin, Susan M.
The ongoing "coming out" process of lesbian parents.
M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin --Stout, 2001.
available online,
Conn, Canary.
Canary: the story of a transsexual.
Los Angeles: Nash Pub., [1974]
Ugl WM 610 C752c 1974
Conn, Nicole.
Angel wings: a love story.
NY: Simon & Schuster, 1997.
Suz PS 3553 .O495 A82 1997
Connections and collisions: identities in contemporary Jewish-American
women's writing. Edited by Lois E. Rubin.
Newark: University of Delaware Press, c2005.
note: Split worlds and intersecting metaphors: representations of Jewish
and lesbian identity in the works of Irena Kelpfisz (Monica Bachmann), pp.
Suz PS 153 .J4 C675 2005
Connell, R. W.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1995.
note: Compulsory heterosexuality for men, pp. 103-106; [chapter] 6, A very
straight gay, pp. 143-163; Gay liberation, pp. 216-220.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1088 .C66 1995
Connell, R. W.
Masculinities. 2nd ed.
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, c2005.
Compulsory heterosexuality for Men, pp. 103-106; [chapter] 6, A very
straight gay, pp. 143-163; Gay liberation, pp. 216-220.
Suz, Bot HQ 1088 .C66 2005
Connell, R. W.
The men and the boys.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 6, 'I threw it like a girl': Some difficulties
with male bodies, pp. 86-101; [chapter] 7, Man to man: Homosexual desire
and practice among working-class men. (Written with M.D. Davis and G. W.
Dowsett), pp. 102-127.
Suz HQ 1090 .C645 2000b
Connelly, Mark.
Deadly closets: the fiction of Charles Jackson.
Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c2001.
Suz PS 3519 .A323 Z62 2001
Conner, Randy P.
Blossom of bone: reclaiming the connections between
homoeroticism and the sacred.
[San Francisco, CA: HarperSanFrancisco, c1993.
Suz BL 65 .H64 C66 1993
Conner, Randy P.
Cassell's encyclopedia of queer myth, symbol, and spirit: gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgender lore.
By Randy P. Conner, David Harfield Sparks, Mariya Sparks; foreword by
Gloria E. Anzaldua.
London; Herndon, VA: Cassell, 1997.
SuzRef, UglRef, BotRef HQ 75.15 .C66 1997
Conner, Randy P.
Queering creole spiritual traditions: lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender participation in African-inspired traditions in the Americas.
With David Hatfield Sparks.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Suz BL 65 .H64 C67 2004
Conrad, Peter.
Deviance and medicalization: from badness to sickness:
with a new afterword by the authors, Peter Conrad, Joseph W. Schneider;
foreword by Joseph R. Gusfield. Expanded ed.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, c1992.
note: [chapter] 7. Homosexuality: from sin to sickness to life-style, pp.
Suz HM 291 .C64 1992
Conscious (Writer)
Getting unstuck: girl to girl, you can be, infected indeed..
New Jersey: SWN Pub., c1999.
note: about female to female HIV transmission
Ugl WC 503.7 C755g 1999
Considering Alan Ball: essays on sexuality, death, and America in the
television and film writings. Edited by Thomas Fahy.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 2006.
note: Strangers in blood: the queer intimacies of Six Feet Under (Lorena
Russell), pp. 107-123.
Ugl PS 3552 .A4543 Z63 2006
Constructing gay theology: proceedings of the Gay Men's Issues in Religion
Consultation of the American Academy of Religion, Fall 1989.
Edited by Michael L. Stemmeler & and J. Michael Clark; [essays by J.
Michael Clark ... et al.]
Las Colinas, TX: Monument Press, 1991.
(Gay men's issues in religious studies series, v.2)
Suz BR 115 .H6 C68 1991
Constructing masculinity. Edited by Maurice Berger, Brian Wallis, Simon
Watson; picture essay by Carrie Mae Weems.
NY: Routledge, 1995.
note: Loving men (Leo Bersani), pp. 115-123; Gene wars (Simon Watney), pp.
Suz, Bot HQ 1090 .C66 1995
Constructing medieval sexuality.
Karma Lochrie, Peggy McCracken, and James A. Schultz, editors.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1997.
(Medieval cultures, v.11)
note: inspired by, and including some papers from, a conference held at
the Newberry Library in Chicago, March 4-5, 1994.
note: chapter 2, Homosexuality, Luxuria, and Textual Abuse, pp. 24-39
(Mark D. Jordan); chapter 3, Sciences/Silences: The Natures and Languages
of 'Sodomy' in Peter of Albano's Problemata Commentary, pp. 40-57 (Joan
Cadden); chapter 6, Refashioning Courtly Love: Lancelot as Ladies' Man or
Lady/Man, pp. 111-134 (E. Jane Burns), chapter 9, Mystical acts, queer
tendencies, pp. 180-200 (Karma Lochrie)
Suz PR 6073 .A374 S3 1998
The construction of attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. Lynn Pardie,
Tracy Luchetta, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
Suz, SocWk HQ 75.6 .U5 C654 1999
Constructions of deviance: social power, context, and interaction. [Edited
by] Patricia A, Adler, Peter Adler. 2nd ed.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub., c1997.
note: [chapter] 14. Homophobia in sport (Donald F. Sabo), pp. 153-155
(reprinted from Messner, Michael A. Sex, violence and power in sports);
[chapter] 25. Women athletes as falsely accused deviants. Managing the
lesbian stigma. (Elaine M. Blinde and Diane E. Taub), pp. 296-307
(reprinted from The Sociological Quarterly, v.33, n.4, pp. 521-533);
[chapter] 32. Tearoom trade: homosexual behavior in public restrooms (Laud
Humphreys), pp. 396-410 (reprinted from Humphreys, Laud. Tearoom trade:
impersonal sex in public places.
Suz HM 291 .C642 1997
Constructions of deviance: social power, context, and interaction.
[Edited by Patricia A. Adler, Peter Adler]
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co., c.1994.
note: [chapter] 11. Masculinity, homophobia, and misogyny. (Michael A.
Messner), pp. 142-147 (reprinted from Michael Messner. Power at play:
sports and the problem of masculinity. Boston: Beacon Press, c1992);
[chapter] 23. Confronting deadly disease: the dramas of identity
construction among gay men with AIDS. (Kent L. Sandstrom), pp.
323-337 (reprinted from Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. v. 19,
n.3 (October, 1990); [chapter] 30. Tearoom trade: homosexual behavior
in public restrooms. (Laud Humphreys), pp. 431-446 (reprinted from
Laud Humphreys. Tearoom trade: impersonal sex in public place. NY:
Aldine de Gruyter, 1970, 1975); [chapter] 36. Managing deviance:
hustling, homophobia, and the bodybuilding subculture. (Alan M.
Klein), pp. 529-544 (reprinted from Deviant Behavior, v.10, 1989).
Tac HM 291 .A337 1994
Consuming Russia: popular culture, sex, and society since Gorbachev.
Edited by Adele Marie Barker.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, c1999.
note: chapter 12, Publicly queer: representations of queer subjects and
subjectivities in the absence of identity (Laurie Essig), pp. 281-302;
chapter 13, Queer performance: "male" ballet (Tim Scholl), pp.
Tac DK 510.762 .C66 1999
Conte, Alba.
Sexual orientation and legal rights.
NY: J. Wiley, c1998. 2v.
Suz KF 4754.5 .C66 1998 v.1 [and] v.2
Contemporary Black men's fiction and drama. Edited by Keith Clark.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2001.
note: [chapter] 1, Rescuing the Black homosexual lambs: Randall Kenan and
the reconstruction of Southern gay masculinity (Sheila Smith McKoy), pp.
15-36; [chapter] 9, Are love and literature political? Black homopoetics
in the 1990s (Kenyatta Dorey Graves), pp. 179-199.
Suz, Bot PS 153 .N5 C645 2001
Contemporary gay American novelists: a bio-bibliographical
critical sourcebook.
Edited by Emmanuel S. Nelson.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993.
SuzRef PS 374 N63 C66 1993
Contemporary gay American poets and playwrights: an A-to-Z guide. Edited
by Emmanuel S. Nelson.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003.
Drama PS 325 .C656 2003
The Contemporary lesbian [sound recording]: beyond stereotypes.
Pacific Programs [197-?]
note: 1 soundtape reel.
note: Presents various myths about the contemporary
lesbian, and then explode them, through the use of prose, poetry, drama and
UglMed Phonotape Paci 0448
Contemporary lesbian writers of the United States:
a bio-bibliographical sourcebook.
Edited by Sandra Pollack and Denise D. Knight.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993.
SuzRef PS 153 .L46 C65 1993
Contemporary perspectives on psychotherapy and homosexualities. Edited by
Christopher Shelley.
London; NY: Free Association Books, 1998.
Suz WM 611 C761 1998
Contemporary perspectives on psychotherapy with lesbians and gay men.
Edited by Terry S. Stein and Carol J. Cohen.
NY: Plenum Medical Book Co., c1986.
HSLIC WM 615 C761 1986
Contemporary Spanish cultural studies. Edited by Barry Jordan and Rikki
London: Arnold, 2000.
note: [chapter] 19, Representation of alternative sexualities in
contemporary Spanish writing and film (Jacky Collins and Chris Perriam),
pp. 214-222; [chapter] 22, Laws of silence: homosexual identity and
visibility in contemporary Spanish culture (Alberto Mira), pp. 241-250;
[chapter] 26, Femme foetal: the triple terror of the young Basque woman in
Pasajes (Ryan Prout), pp. 283-294.
Suz DP 48 .C66 2000
Contested terrain: diversity, writing, and knowledge. Edited by Phyllis
Kahaney, Judith Liu.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2001.
note: chapter 8, Out of the closet: writing to learn (Steven Hartwell),
pp. 151-176.
Suz, Bot LC 1099.3 .C66 2001
Contesting feminist orthodoxies.
note: "each of these essays contests orthodoxies of sexuality, both of
normative heterosexuality and also of those forms of sexuality which
feminists have regarded as anti-normative and contestatory."
[A special issue of] Feminist Review. n. 54. Autumn 1996.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 1154 .F4465
The context
of HIV risk among drug users and their sexual partners.
Editors, Robert J. Battjes, Zill Sloboda, William C. Grace.
Rockville, MD (5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville 20857: U.S. Dept. of Health
and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health,
National Institute of Drug Abuse; [Washington, D.C.: Supt. of Docs.,
U.S.G.P.O., distributor], 1994.
(NIDA research monograph, 143)
note: III. Panel III-Men who have sex with men: Drug use and HIV risk
among gay and bisexual men: an overview (Robert J. Battjes), pp. 82-87;
Substance use and HIV-transmitting behaviors among gay and bisexual men
(David G. Ostrow), pp. 88-113; Drug use and HIV risk among male sex
workers: results of two samples in San Francisco (Dan Waldorf), pp.
GovPub Microforms HE 20.3965:143 3 microfiche
available online,
The Continuing presence of Walt Whitman: the life after the
Edited by Robert K. Martin.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1992.
Suz PS 3238 .C59 1991
Contra/diction: new queer male fiction. Edited by Brett Josef
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, c1998.
Suz PR 9194.5 .G38 C66 1998
Contreras, Daniel.
Unrequited love and gay latino culture: What have you done to my
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Suz E169.04 .C665 2005
Conversaciones: relatos de padres y madres de hijas lesbianas e hijos gay.
Recopilacion y redaccion de Mariana Romo-Carmona.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c2001.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .L29 C66 2001
A conversation with Brian McNaught on being gay [videorecording]
TRB Productions; producer, director, Ron Robin; writer, Brian
Boston: TRB Productions, c1993, c1986. 1 videocassette.
note: Videocassette release of a 1986 motion picture.
note: Photographer and film editor, Tom Trowland.
note: Author, counselor, and lecturer Brian McNaught
dispels myths about homosexuality. He talks about growing up gay in a
straight world and discusses such topics as Bible-based bigotry,
stereotypes, transvestism, transsexualism, and AIDS. Can be watched as one
80 minute program or two 40 minute programs.
see also: McNaught, Brian. On being gay: thoughts on family, faith, and
BotMed Videorecord BOT-699
Conversations with Audre Lorde. Edited by Joan Wylie Hall.
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 3562 .O75 Z64 2004
Converse, Florence.
Diana Victrix. [Microform] A novel.
Boston and NY: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1897.
note: praises women's lifestyle without men
MicNews Microfilm A3261
Cook, Blanche Wiesen.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
NY: Viking, c1992-
Suz, Ugl, Tac E 807.1 .R48 C66 1992 v.1
Cook, Ellen Piel.
Psychological androgyny.
NY: Pergamon Press, c1985.
(Pergamon general psychology series, 133)
SocWk BF 692.2 .C66 1985
Cook, Matt.
London and the culture of homosexuality, 1885-1914.
Cambridge, U.K.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G72 L653 2003
Cook, Peggy.
Peggy Cook papers, 1981.
note: 6 sound cassettes; transcript; tape recorded interview conducted by
Leona Pollack on 11 and 12 March 1981; summary; partial transcript.
note: Peggy Cook was raised by her grandmother, a French-Indian, and
grandfather, a Norwegian logger...when she was 15...Peggy moved to Port
Townsend...She was married at age 17 to a sailor her uncle brought home.
They stayed together for 32 years... He became a gambler and "womanizer"
and she became a lesbian at age 38. Her husband tried to break up her
affair with the woman, sent her to State mental hospital for a week...She
discusses her husband's death in 1973, her subsequent mental breakdown and
drug dependency, which she broke during several months living in the
woods. After her recovery she moved to Seattle...bought a house which she
shares with another woman...went to college and earned a sociology
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives Inquire at Special Collections
Cooney, Ellen.
The white palazzo: a novel.
Minneapolis, MN: Coffee House Press, 2002.
Suz PS 3553 .O5788 W48 2002
Cooper, Bernard.
The bill from my father: a memoir.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2006.
Ugl PS 3553 .O5798 Z4625 2006
Cooper, Bernard.
Guess again: short stories.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2000.
Suz PS 3553 .O5798 G84 2000
Cooper, Bernard.
Truth serum: memoirs.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996.
Suz PS 3553 .O5798 Z463 1996
Cooper, Bernard.
A year of rhymes.
NY: Viking, 1993.
Suz PS 3553 .O5798 Y4 1993
Cooper, Davina.
Sexing the city: lesbian and gay politics within the activist state.
London: Rivers Oram Press, 1994.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 C67 1994
Cooper, Dennis.
NY: Grove Press, 1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3553 .O582 C56 1989
Cooper, Dennis.
The dream police: selected poems, 1969-1993.
NY: Grove Press, c1995.
Suz PS 3553 .O582 D74 1995
Cooper, Dennis.
NY: Grove Weidenfeld, 1991.
Suz PS 3553 .O582 F7 1991
Cooper, Dennis.
NY: Grove Press, 1997.
Suz PS 3553 .O582 G85 1997
Cooper, Dennis.
Jerk. Art by Nayland Blake.; fiction by Dennis Cooper.
San Francisco: Artspace Books; St. Paul, MN: U.S.
[distributor] Serpent's Tail c/o Consortium, c1993.
Suz PS 3553 .O582 J47 1993
Cooper, Dennis.
My loose thread.
Edinburgh: Canongate, 2002.
Suz PS 3553 .O582 M92 2002
Cooper, Dennis.
NY: Grove Press, c2000.
Suz PS 3553 .O582 P47 2000
Cooper, Dennis.
NY: Sea Horse Press, 1984.
Suz, Ugl PS 3553 .O582 S2 1984
Cooper, Dennis.
The tenderness of wolves. Introduction by Edmund White.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1982.
Suz, Ugl PS 3553 O582 T4 1982.
Cooper, Dennis.
NY: Grove Press, c1994.
Suz PS 3553 .O582 T79 1994
Cooper, Emmanuel.
Fully exposed: the male nude in photography. 2nd ed.
London; NY: Routledge, c1995.
Art TR 674 .C66 1995
Cooper, Emmanuel.
The life & work of Henry Scott Tuke (1858-1929): a monograph.
London: Gay Mens Press, 1987.
Art ND 497 .T79 C66 1987
Cooper, Emmanuel.
Male bodies: a photographic history of the nude.
Munich: Prestel, 2004.
Art Desk TR 675 .C63 2004
Cooper, Emmanuel.
The sexual perspective: homosexuality and art in
the last 100 years in the West.
London, NY: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986.
Suz, Art N72 .H64 C66 1986
Cooper, Emmanuel.
The sexual perspective: homosexuality and art in
the last 100 years in the West. 2nd ed.
London, NY: Routledge, 1994
Suz, Art, Tac N 72 .H64 C66 1994
Cooper, Sarah.
Relating to queer theory: rereading sexual self-definition with Irigarary,
Kristeva, Wittig, and Cixous.
Bern; NY: Peter Lang, c2000.
Suz PQ 149 .C66 2000
The COP!, see The city open press.
L'homosexuel, ou, la difficulte de s'exprimer.
[Paris?]: Christian Bourgois, c1998.
Suz PSA 2663 .O6 H66 1998
Plays. Translated by Anni Lee Taylor.
London: Calder, 1976-
note: v.1: Eva Peron; The homosexual, or, The difficulty
of sexpressing oneself; The four twins; Loretta Strong.
Drama PQ 2663 .O6 A28 1976 v.1
Tour de la defense.
see: for translation into English (A tower near Paris), Gay plays: an
international anthology.
Visite inopportune.
see: for translation into English (Grand finale), Gay plays: an
international anthology.
Copland, Aaron.
As it fell upon a day.
Song for soprano ("As it fell upon a day") with accompaniment of flute and
clarinet, by Aaron Copland.
[San Francisco: New Music Society of California, 1929]
(New music; v.2, no.4)
note: Words from an ode by Richard Barnfield.
Music M1 .N55 v.2
Copley, A. R. H. (Antony R. H.)
Sexual moralities in France, 1790-1980: new ideas on the family, divorce,
and homosexuality.
London; NY: Routledge, 1989.
Suz HQ 18 .F8 C67 1989
Copley, A. R. H. (Antony R. H.)
A spiritual Bloomsbury: Hinduism and homosexuality in the lives and
writings of Edward Carpenter, E. M. Forster, and Christopher
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, c2006.
Suz PR 4451 .Z5 C67 2006
Copper, Baba.
Ageism in the lesbian community.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1987.
Suz, SocWk HQ 1061 C655 1987
Copper, Baba.
Over the hill; reflections on ageism between women.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1988.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1064 .U5 C6125
Corber, Robert J.
Homosexuality in cold war America: resistance and
the crisis of masculinity.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1997.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 C65 1997
Corber, Robert J.
In the time of national security: Hitchcock, homophobia,
and the political construction of gender in postwar America.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1993.
Suz PN 1998.3 H58 C67 1993
Corbett, Philip B.
NY: Twayne Publishers [1970]
(Twayne's world authors series. TWAS 97)
Suz, Ugl PA 6559 .C67
Cordan, Wolfgang. [psuedonym for Wolfgang Heinrich Horn]
Die Matte: autobiografische Aufzeichnungen; herausgegeben und mit einem
Nachwort versehen von Manfred Herzer; Anhang, Wolfgang Cordan, Tage mit
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2003.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel, Bd. 33)
Suz PT 2605 .O76 Z46 2003
Core, Philip.
Camp: the lie that tells the truth. Foreword by George Melly.
NY: Delilah Books, 1984.
Suz, Ugl NX 210 .C67 1984
Core, Philip.
Paintings 1975-1985. Introduced by George Melly.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1985.
Art ND 237 .C67 1985
Corigliano, John.
Symphony no. 1 for orchestra.
NY: G. Schirmer; Milwaukee: Distributed by H. Leonard, c1990.
note: 1 score
note: Written in memory of various friends who have
died of AIDS; program note by composer included.
Music M 1001 .C84 no. 1 1990
Corigliano, John.
Symphony no. 1 [sound recording]
Germany: Erato, p1991.
note: 1 sound disc: compact disc.
note: Program notes in English, French, German and
Italian by John Corigliano on insert.
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 1300
Corinne, Tee.
Courting pleasure: a collection.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1994.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3553 .O6474 C69 1994
Corinne, Tee.
Cunt coloring book: drawings.
San Francisco: Last Gasp, c1988.
note: for revised edition, see Corinne, Tee. Labiaflowers:...
SpecColl Book Arts WP 200 C798c 1988
Corinne, Tee.
Dreams of the woman who loved sex: a collection.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1987.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3553 .O6474 D74 1987
Corinne, Tee.
Essays on art, rural living, and creativity, 1986-1994.
[Oregon?]: T. Corinne, 1994?]
note: contains a collection of unpublished papers
delivered at conferences and full version of published, edited
SpecColl Book Arts N 7433.4 .C67 E77 1994
Corinne, Tee.
Labiaflowers: a coloring book: drawings. [1st rev. ed.]
Tallahassee: Naiad Press, 1981.
note: revised ed. of: Cunt coloring book. For original ed. see
Corinne, Tee. Cunt coloring book.
SpecColl Book Arts WP 200 C798L 1981
Corinne, Tee.
Lesbian photography on the U.S. West Coast, 1970-1997.
[Wolf Creek, OR.?]: T. A. Corinne, c1998.
SpecCollBkArts TR 681 .H65 C67 1998
Corinne, Tee.
Lovers: love and sex stories.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1989.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3553 .O6474 L68 1989
Corinne, Tee.
Mama, rattlesnakes and key lime pie: poems. 2nd, enl. ed.
Tee Corinne, 1995.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3553 .O6474 M36 1995
Corinne, Tee.
The sex lives of daffodils: growing up as an artist
who also writes.
Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, c1994.
SpecColl Book Arts N 7433.4 .C67 A44 1994
Corinne, Tee.
The Southern Oregon Women Writers' Group, Gourmet Eating Society and
Chorus picture book. Drawings by Tee Corinne.
[Sunny Valley, OR]: T.A. Corinne, 1982.
SpecColl Book Arts N7433.4 .C67 A48 1982
Corinne, Tee.
The sparkling lavender dust of lust.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1991.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3553 .O6474 S72 1991
Corinne, Tee.
What difference does poetry make?
Southern Oregon: Pearlchild, 1996.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3553 .O6474 W43 1996
Corinne, Tee.
Wild lesbian roses: essays on art, rural living, and creativity,
[Oregon]: Pearlchild, c1997.
note: "Unpublished papers, some delivered at conferences and full versions
of published, edited articles."
SpecCollBkArts NX 652 .G38 C67 1997
Corinne, Tee.
Yantras of womanlove. Images by Tee Corinne; text by Jacqueline Lapidus;
introduction by Margaret Sloan-Hunter.
[Tallahassee, FL]: Naiad Press, 1982.
SpecColl Book Arts N 8217 .E6 C67 1982
Coriolan, John.
The smile of Eros: a novel.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1984.
Suz PS 3553 .O6475 S6 1984
Corlett, William.
Now and then.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Ugl PR 6053 .O7 N68 1998
Corley, Andre Rip.
see: Corley, Rip.
Corley, Rip.
The final closet: the gay parents' guide for coming
out to their children.
Miami: Editech Press, c1990.
note: Rev. ed of: The last closet. see: Corley, Rip.
The last closet.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 C66 1990
Corley, Rip.
The last closet: a gay parent's guide for coming
out to your children.
Pompano Beach, FL: Exposition Press of Florida, 1987.
note: for rev. ed. see: Corley, Rip. The final closet.
Suz HQ 75.5 .C67 1987
Corn, Alfred.
Part of his story.
Minneapolis: Mid-List Press, c1997.
Suz PS 3553 .O655 P37 1997
Cornett, Carlton.
Reclaiming the authentic self: dynamic psychotherapy with gay men.
Northville, N.J.: J. Aronson, c1995.
NatSci WM 460. C816r 1995
Cornwell, Anita.
Black lesbian in white America.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1983.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.6 .U5 C67 1983
Cortese, Anthony Joseph Paul.
Opposing hate speech. Foreword by Richard Delgado.
Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2006.
note: [chapter] 5, Sexual orientation and hate speech, pp. 103-135.
Ugl, Bot, Tac P95.54 .C67 2006
Cortese, Daniel K.
Are we thinking straight?: negotiating political environments and
identities in a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender social movement
organization. 2004.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2004.
available online,
Cortese, Daniel K.
Are we thinking straight?: the politics of straightness in a lesbian and
gay social movement organization.
NY: Routledge, 2006.
Suz HQ 75.12 .C67 2006
Corvo, Baron.
pseudonym of Frederick Rolfe, see Rolfe, Frederick.
Cory, Daniel.
Santayana: the later years; a portrait with letters.
NY: G. Braziller [1963]
note: Daniel Cory recounts his lifelong 'intellectual romance' with
Suz, Ugl 921 Sa591co
Cory, Donald Webster.
note: pseudonym for: Edward Sagarin.
see also: Sagarin, Edward. (for later works)
Cory, Donald Webster.
The homosexual; a frank study of abnormal sex life among males.
Derby, CT: Monarch Books [1962]
Suz HQ 76 .M65 1962
Cory, Donald Webster.
The homosexual and his society; a view from within.
NY: Citadel Press, [1963]
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 .C59
Cory, Donald Webster, pseud.
The homosexual in America: a subjective approach.
Introd. by Albert Ellis.
NY: Greenberg [1951]
note: publ. 1953 in London as: The homosexual outlook;
a subjective approach.
Suz, HSLIC HQ 76 .C6
Cory, Donald Webster [et al.]
Homosexuality; a cross cultural approach.
NY: Julian Press [c1956]
note: a collection of essays by various authors.
HSLIC 392.6 C819ho
Cory, Donald Webster.
The lesbian in America.
NY: Citadel Press [1964]
Suz HQ 75.5 .C67 1964
Cory, Donald Webster.
21 variations on a theme.
NY: Greenberg [1953]
note: a collection of short stories by various authors, with
homosocial thematic material, as: Paul's Mistress (Guy de Maupassant), pp.
237-256; The Confusion of Sentiments (Stefan Zweig), pp. 347-417; The
Priest and the Acolyte (attrib. [wrongly] to Oscar Wilde), pp. 419-433
with an appendix, Testimony from the Trial of Oscar Wilde on "The Priest
and the Acolyte", pp. 434-436.
Suz 808.3 C819t
Cosmopolitan urbanism. Edited by Jon Binnie ... [et al.]
London; NY: Routledge, 2006.
note: [chapter] 7, Cosmopolitan camouflage: (post-) gay space in
Spitalfields, East London, (Gavin Brown), pp. 130-145; [chapter] 12,
Cosmopolitan knowledge and the production and consumption of sexualised
space: Manchester's Gay Village (Jon Binnie and Beverley Skeggs), pp.
Tac HT 119 .C68 2006
Cossman, Brenda.
Sexual citizens: the legal and cultural regulation of sex and
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007.
note: [chapter] 4, Queer as citizens, pp. 159-193.
Suz HM 683 .C67 2007
Costa, LeeRay M.
Male bodies, women's souls: personal narratives of Thailand's
transgendered youth. LeeRay M. Costa, Andrew J. Matzner.
NY: Haworth Press, c2007.
Ugl HQ 77.95 .T5 C67 2007
Cotter, Jim.
Freedom and framework: the shaping of gay relationships. 2nd ed.
London: Gay Christian Movement, 1978, c1976.
(GCM pamplets, 2)
Suz BR 115 .H6 C69 1978
Cottle, Kathryn L.
Sexual orientation and public schools: the impact
of silence, fear and bias on students and parents.
By Kathryn L. Cottle [and] Carol Turnbridge.
[Renton?WA]: City University, [1995]
note: an action research report presented to the
School of Education of City University in partialfulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Master of Education
Suz LC 212.22 .W2 C67 1995
Couch, James Russell.
Are these queer times?: gay male representation on the American stage in
the 1920's and 1990's. 2003.
Thesis (M. A.) -- University of Kentucky, 2003.
available online,
Coulter, Ann H.
If Democrats had any brains, they'd be Republicans.
NY: Crown Forum, c2007.
note: Gays: no gay left behind!, pp. 112-116.
Ugl JC 574.2 .U6 C674 2007
Council of Planning Affiliates. Task Force on Sexual Minorities.
Report of the Task Force on Sexual Minorities.
Seattle, The Council, 1977.
Suz, SpecColl PNW HQ 76.3 U5 C68 1977
Council on Religion and the Homosexual.
A compendium of opinions of churchmen and church organizations.
San Francisco: The Council, 1967.
note: added title: Churchmen speak out on homosexual law reform.
Suz HQ 76 .C68 1967
Council on Religion and the Homosexual (San Francisco, Calif.)
CRH: 1964/1968.
San Francisco: The Council, [1968]
(Essays on homosexuality, no. 3)
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 C6 1968
Counseling diverse populations. [Edited by] Donald R. Atkinson, Gail
Hackett. 3rd ed.
Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill, c2004.
Suz BF 637 .C6 C6372 2004
Counseling for social justice. Edited by Courtland C. Lee. 2nd ed.
Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association, c2007.
note: chapter 3, Gay and lesbian social justice: strategies for social
advocacy (Pamela S. Lassiter and Bob Barret), pp. 31-50.
SocWk HM 671 .C68 2007
Counseling gay men & lesbians: journey to the end of the rainbow.
Edited by Sari H. Dworkin, Fernando J. Gutierrez.
Alexandria, VA: American Association for Counseling and Development,
Suz HQ 76.25 .C676 1992
Countering the myths: lesbians write about the men in their lives.
Rosamund Elwin, editor.
Toronto: Women's Press, 1996.
Suz PR 9194.5 .L47 C68 1996
Countervisions: Asian Ameridcan film criticism. Edited by Darrell Y.
Hamamoto and Sandra Liu.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 13, Bad Asians: new film and video by queer Asian American
artists (Eve Oishi), pp. 221-241; [chapter] 16, The wedding banquet:
global Chinese cinema and the Asian American experience, pp. 275-297.
Ugl PN 1995.9 .A78 C68 2000
Country lesbians: the story of the WomanShare collective. By Sue ... [et
Grants Pass, OR: WomanShare Books, c1976.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 C68 1976
Country visions. Edited by Paul Cloke.
Harlow, England; NY: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2003.
note: [chapter] 10, Homosexuals in the heartland: male same-sex desire in
the rural United States (David Bell), pp. 178-194.
Suz GF 127 .C68 2003
Countryman, L. William.
Dirt, greed, and sex: sexual ethics in the New Testament and their
implications for today.
Philadelphia: Fortress Press, c1988.
note: Purity, homosexual acts, and sin. pp. 109-123.
Suz BS 2545 .S36 C68 1988
County, Jayne.
Man enough to be a woman. Jayne County with Rupert Smith.
London; NY: Serpent's Tail, c1995 (1996 printing)
Suz ML 420 .C69 A3 1995
Courouve, Claude.
Vocabulaire de l'homosexualite masculine.
Paris: Payot, 1985.
Suz HQ 76.25 .C68 1985
Cowan, Thomas Dale.
Gay men & women who enriched the world.
New Canaan, CT: Mulvey Books, 1988.
Suz HQ 75.2 .C69 1988
Ugl HQ 75.2 C69 1992 (Alyson ed.)
Coward, Noel.
Suite in three keys: A song at twilight, Shadows of the evening, Come
into the garden Maud.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1967 [c1966]
note: plot of Song at twilight involves blackmail of a homosexual
Suz, Drama PR 6005 .O85 S8 1967
Cox, Barth Louis.
Asking to see the soul: a video documentary exploring the "coming out"
experiences of men identifying with a gay subculture.
M.F.A. thesis, University of New Orleans, 2003
available online,
Cox, Cece.
One million strong: the 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi
Equal Rights.
Photographs by Cece Cox & Lisa Means; text by Lisa Pope.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1993.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 C69 1993
Cox, Ed.
Waking: [poems]
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1977.
Suz PS 3553 .O918 W3 1977
Cox, Elizabeth.
Thanksgiving: an AIDS journal
NY: Harper & Row, c1990.
Suz WD 308 C877t 1990
Coxon, Anthony Peter Macmillan.
Between the sheets: sexual diaries and gay men's
sex in the era of AIDS.
London; NY: Cassell, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 C69 1996
Coyne, Randall.
Capital punishment and the judicial process. Randall Coyne, Lyn Entzeroth.
2nd ed.
Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, c2001.
(Carolina Academic Press law casebook series)
note: chapter 4, Race, gender and sexual orientation, pp. 173-220.
Ugl, Law KF 9725 .C69 2001
Coyote, Ivan E. (Ivan Elizabeth)
One man's trash: stories.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2002.
Suz, Ugl PR 9199.3 .C66825 O54 2002
The CQ researcher. v.10, n.4. April 14, 2000.
see: Gay-Rights Update. By Kenneth Jost. (special issue)
CQ researcher on controversies in law and society.
Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, c2001.
note: [chapter] 3, Gay rights (Kenneth Jost), pp. 39-57.
Ugl KF 379 .C63 2001
Law KF 379 .C7 2001
Cracks in the image: stories by gay men. Edited by Richard Dipple.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1981.
Suz PR 1309 .H57 C69 1981
Craft, Christopher.
Another kind of love: male homosexual desire in English
discourse, 1850-1920.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1994.
(The new historicism: studies in cultural poetics, 30)
Suz PR 468 .H65 C73 1994
Crain, Caleb.
American sympathy: men, friendship, and literature in the new nation.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c2001.
Suz PS 173 .M36 C7 2001
Cramer, Silke.
Reisen und Identitat: Autogeographie im Werk Hubert Fichtes.
Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 1999.
Suz PT 2666 .I25 Z57 1999
Crane, Hart.
O my land, my friends: the selected letters of Hart Crane.
Foreword by Paul Bowles; edited by Langdon Hammer and Brom Weber;
introduction and commentary by Langdon Hammer.
NY: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1997.
Suz, Tac PS 3505 .R272 Z48 1997
Crane, Paul.
Gays and the law.
London: Pluto Press, 1982.
Law KD 7976 H6 C7 1982
Cranston, Toller.
When hell freezes over, should I bring my skates? Toller Cranston; with
Martha Lowder Kimball.
Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2001.
Suz GV 850 .C73 A3 2001
Crase, Douglas.
Both: a portrait in two parts.
NY; Pantheon Books, c2004.
note: bio of botanists, Rupert C. Barneby and Dwight Ripley.
NatSci, CUH QK 31 .B29 C73 2004
Crawford, David.
note: pseudonym for Guy Kettelhack. Guy Kettelhack sometimes publishes
under his actual name; for those titles, see: Kettelhack, Guy.
Crawford, David.
Easing the ache: gay men recovering from compulsive behaviors.
NY: Dutton, c1990.
note: reissued (1998) by Hazelden.
SocWk WM 615 C899e 1990
Crawford, Katherine.
European sexualities, 1400-1800.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
note: Sodomitical subcultures, pp. 200-206; Lineages of lesbianism, pp.
206-214; Reading with one hand, pp. 214-217.
Suz HQ 12 .C73 2007
Crawford, William.
Homosexuality in Canada: a bibliography. 2nd ed.
Toronto: Canadian Gay Archives, c1984.
(Canadian Gay Archives publication, no. 9)
Suz Z7164 S42 C72 1984
The crazy jig: an anthology of gay & lesbian
writing from Scotland. Edited by Joanne Winning.
[Gay and lesbian writing from Scotland, 2]
Edinburgh: Polygon, 1992.
Suz PR 1309 H57 C72 1992
Creating a place for ourselves: lesbian, gay, and
bisexual community histories. Edited by Brett Beemyn.
NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 C74 1997
Creating change: sexuality, public policy, and civil rights. Edited by
John D'Emilio, William B. Turner, Urvashi Vaid.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.8 .U5 C74 2000
Creech, James.
Closet writing/gay reading: the case of Melville's Pierre.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Suz PS 2384 P53 C74 1993.
Creith, Elaine.
Undressing lesbian sex.
London; NY: Cassell, 1996.
note: cover subtitle: Popular images, private acts and public
Suz HQ 75.5 .C74 1996
Crespo, Angel.
La vida plural de Fernando Pessoa.
Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1988.
Suz PQ 9261 .P417 Z654 1988
Cressy, David.
Travesties and transgressions in Tudor and Stuart England: tales of
discord and dissension.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 7, Cross-dressing in the birth room: gender trouble and
cultural boundaries, pp. 92-115.
Suz, Ugl DA 320 .C96 2000
Cretney, Stephen Michael.
Same sex relationships: from 'odious crime' to 'gay marriage'.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Suz KD 771 .C74 2006
Crevel, Rene.
Babylon: a novel. Illustrated by Max Ernst; translated and with an
introduction by Kay Boyle.
San Francisco: North Point Press, 1985.
note: translation from the French of Babylone.
Suz PQ 2605 .R47 B3213 1985
Crevel, Rene.
Babylone: roman.
Paris: J.-J. Pauvert, 1975.
Suz PQ 2605 .R47 B3 1975
Crevel, Rene.
Detours: roman. Preface de Michel Carassou; [suivi d'un dossier ... textes
reunis par Michel Carassou et Jean-Claude Zylberstein]
Paris: Societe Nouvelle des Ed. Pauvert, 1985.
Suz PQ 2605 .R47 D48 1985
Crevel, Rene.
Difficult death. Translated and with an introduction
by David Rattray.
San Francisco: North Point Press, 1986.
note: translation of: La Mort difficile.
Suz PQ 2605 .R47 M6713 1986
Crevel, Rene.
Etes-vous fous?
Paris: Gallimard: Editions de la Nouvelle Revue Francaise, 1929.
Suz PQ 2605 .R47 E7 1929
Crevel, Rene.
Mon corps et moi.
Paris: Editions du Sagittaire, S. Kra, 1926.
(Collection de la Revue europeenne, 20)
Suz PQ 2605 .R47 M6
Crevel, Rene.
La mort difficile.
Paris: S. Kra, c1926.
(Collection europeenne, 25)
Suz 843 C866m
Crevel, Rene.
Les pieds dans le plat.
Paris: Editions du Sagittaire, 1933.
Suz 848 C866p
Crevel, Rene.
Putting my foot in it. Translated by Thomas Buckley; with a foreword by
Ezra Pound and an introduction by Edouard Roditi.
Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 1992.
note: translation from the French of: Pieds dans le plat.
Suz PQ 2605 .R47 P513 1992
CRH newsletter.
San Francisco, CA: Council on Religion and the Homosexual, Inc.,
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 15 v.1,no.1-v.1,no.6 (Sept 1968)
Crichlow, Wesley E. A. (Wesley Eddison Aylesworth)
Buller men and batty bowys: hidden men in Toronto and Halifax black
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c2004.
Suz HQ 76.3 .C22 C75 2004
Crime novels: American noir of the 1950s.
NY: Library of America: Distributed to the trade in the U.S. by Penguin
Books USA, c1997.
note: includes Patricia Highsmith's novel, The talented Mr. Ripley.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 648 .D4 C697 1997
Crimes of hate, conspiracy of silence: torture and ill-treatment based on
sexual identity.
London: Amnesty International, 2001.
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 A54 2001
Criminal conversations: Victorian crimes, social panic, and moral outrage.
Edited by Judith Rowbotham and Kim Stevenson.
Columbus: Ohio State University Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 8, Striking at Sodom and Gomorrah: the medicalization of
male homosexuality and its relation to the law (Ivan Crozier), pp.
Suz HV 6950 .E5 C75 2005
Crimmins, C. E.
How the homosexuals saved civilization: the true and heroic story of how
gay men shaped the modern world.
NY; Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2005.
Ugl HQ 76 .C74 2005
Crimp, Douglas.
AIDS demo graphics. By Douglas Crimp with Adam Rolston.
Seattle, WA: Bay Press, 1990
NatSci, Bot WD 308 C929a 1990
Crimp, Douglas.
Melancholia and moralism: essays on AIDS and queer politics.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c2002.
Suz WC 503.7 C929m 2002
Crisp, Quentin.
Chog, a Gothic fable. Ill. by Gahan Wilson.
NY: Methuen, c1979.
Suz PR 6005 .R65 1979
Crisp, Quentin.
Doing it with style. By Quentin Crisp and Donald Carroll.
NY: Watts, 1981.
Suz BF 697 .C74 1981
Crisp, Quentin.
How to become a virgin.
[NY]: Fontana Paperbacks, c1981.
Suz HQ 75.9 .C74 A3519 1981
Crisp, Quentin.
How to have a life-style.
NY: Methuen, c1979.
Suz HN 16 .C75 1979
Crisp, Quentin.
Manners from heaven: a divine guide to good behavior.
With John Hofsess.
NY: Perennial Library, 1986, c1984.
Suz BJ 1873 .C75 1986
Crisp, Quentin.
The naked civil servant. With a preface by Michael Holroyd.
NY: New American Library, 1983, c1968.
Suz HQ 75.9 C74 A35 1983
Bot HQ 75.8 .C74 A35 1977 (Holt ed.)
Crisp, Quentin.
Resident alien: the New York diaries. Edited with
an introduction by Donald Carroll.
London: HarperCollins, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.9 .C74 A352 1996
Crisp, Quentin.
The wit and wisom of Quentin Crisp. Compiled and edited by Guy
NY: Harper & Row, c1984.
Suz PR 6005 .R65 A6 1984
Critchley, Simon.
Ethics, politics, subjectivity: essays on Derrida, Levinas and
contemporary French thought.
London; NY: Verso, 1999.
note: [chapter] 2, Writing the revolution: the politics of truth in
Genet's Prisoner of Love, pp. 30-50.
Suz JC 261 .C75 1999
Critchlow, Cathy Williams.
Effect of human immunodeficiency virus infection and immunosuppression on
the detection of human papillomavirus and the development of anal squamous
intrapithelial lesions.
Thesis (Ph. D.)-University of Washington, 1993.
Seattle, 1993.
HSLIC WA 7 .Th41243
Aux Thesis 41243
Critical essays: gay and lesbian writers of color.
Emmanuel S. Nelson, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c1993.
Suz PS 153 .G38 C75 1993
Critical essays on Carson McCullers. Edited by Beverly Lyon Clark and
Melvin J. Friedman.
NY: G. K. Hall; London: Prentice Hall International, c1996.
note: Homoerotics and human connections: reading Carson McCullers "as a
lesbian" (Lori J. Kenschaft), pp. 220-233.
Suz PS 3525 .A1772 Z594 1996
Critical essays on Isaac Bashevis Singer. Edited by Grace Farrell.
NY: G. K. Hall, c1996.
note: Upside down in the daytime: Singer and male homosexuality (Joseph
Sherman), pp. 191-208.
Suz PJ 5129 .S49 Z63 1996
Critical essays on James Baldwin. [Edited by] Fred L. Standley, Nancy V.
Boston: G. K. Hall, c1988.
note: "A homosexual dilemma," pp. 146-148 (Leslie Fiedler); reprinted from
New Leader 39 (1956), pp. 16-17.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .A45 Z64 1998
Critical essays on John Edgar Wideman. Edited by Bonnie TuSmith and Keith
E. Byerman.
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, c2006.
note: Queering Blackness; Race and Sexual Identity in A Glance Away and
Hurry Home, (Keith E. Byerman), pp. 93-105.
Suz PS 3573 .I26 Z64 2006
Critical essays on Reynolds Price. Edited by James A. Schiff.
NY: G. K. Hall; London; Prentice Hall International, c1998.
note: A Time to bolt: suicide, androgyny, and the dislocation of the self
in Reynolds Price's Kate Vaiden (Joseph Dewey), pp. 206-222.
Suz PS 3566 .R54 Z62 1998
Critical inQueeries. v.1, n.1-v.2, n.1 (Sept. 1995-June 1998)
Parkville, Australia: Published by Steven Angelides and Craig Bird,
SuzPer HQ 75 .C75 v.1-2, no.1 (1995-June 1998)
Critical issues in education: an anthology of readings. Edited by Eugene
F. Provenzo, Jr.
Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, c2006.
note: [chapter] 20, "A Queer Youth," (Paul H. Cotrell, Jr.), pp.
168-171. Originally published in 1996 in the Harvard Educational Review,
v.66, n.2, pp. 185-188.
Bot, Tac LA 212 .C75 2006
Critical issues in public art: content, context, and controversy.
Edited by Harriet F. Senie and Sally Webster.
NY: IconEditions, c1992.
note: [chapter] 13, George Segal's sculpture on a theme of gay liberation
and the sexual-political equivocation of public consciousness (Joseph
Disponzio), pp. 199-214.
Art N8835 .C75 1992
Critical thinking about Sex, love, and romance in the mass media: media
literacy applications. Edited by Mary-Lou Galician, Debra L. Merskin.
Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007.
note: chapter 13, Taming Brian: sex, love, and romance in Queer As Folk
(R. Anthony Slagle, Gust A. Yep), pp. 189-202.
Ugl, Tac HQ 801 .C7397 2007
Croall, Jonathan.
Gielgud: a theatrical life.
London: Methuen, 2000.
Drama PN 2598 .G45 C76 2000
Croft-Cooke, Rupert.
Bosie: Lord Alfred Douglas, his friends and enemies.
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, c1963.
see also: Croft-Cooke, Rupert. Bosie, the story of Lord Alfred
Douglas,...(for British edition)
Suz PR 6007 .O86 Z58 1963
Croft-Cooke, Rupert.
Bosie, the story of Lord Alfred Douglas, his friends and enemies.
London: W. H. Allen, 1963.
see also: Croft-Cooke, Rupert. Bosie: Lord Alfred Douglas,...(for
U.S. edition)
note: Rupert Croft-Cooke also published under the pseudonym, Leo
Suz PR 6007 .O86 Z58 1963b
Croft-Cooke, Rupert.
Feasting with panthers: a new consideration of some
late Victorian writers.
London: W. H. Allen, 1967.
Suz PR 105 .C7 1967
Croft-Cooke, Rupert.
The numbers came.
London: Putnam, 1962 [i.e. 1963]
Suz 828 C874n
Croft-Cooke, Rupert.
The unrecorded life of Oscar Wilde.
NY: D. McKay Co. [1972]
Suz, Ugl PR 5823 .C7 1972b
Croft-Cooke, Rupert.
The verdict of you all.
London: Secker & Warburg, 1955.
Suz HV 9650 .L72 W67 1955
Cromey, Robert Warren.
In God's image: Christian witness to the need for
gay/lesbian equality in the eyes of the church.
San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, c1991.
Suz BR 115 .H6 C76 1991
Crompton, Louis.
Byron and Greek love: homophobia in 19th-century England.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1985.
Suz PR 4392 .H56 C7 1985
Suz PR 4392 .H56 C7 1998 (Gay Men's Press, paperback ed)
Crompton, Louis.
Homosexuality & civilization.
Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2003.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 .C76 2003
Cromwell, Jason.
Transmen and FTMS: identities, bodies, genders, and sexualities.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 77.9 .C76 1999
Cromwell, Jason Andre.
Making the visible invisible: constructions of bodies, genders, and
sexualities by and about female-to-male transgendered people.
[Seattle]: University of Washington, 1996.
note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1996.
Suz GN 6 Th44605
Aux Thesis 44605
Crosby, Ernest Howard.
Edward Carpenter; poet and prophet. 2nd ed.
London: A.C. Fifield, Simple Life Press, 1905.
Suz PR 4451 .Z5 C7 1905
A cross-cultural look at death, dying, and religion. Edited by Joan K.
Parry and Angela Shen Ryan.
Chicago: Nelson-Hall Publishers, c1995.
note: chapter 2, The Roman Catholic/Christian church and AIDS (Ursula M.
Gerty), pp. 9-17; chapter 10, The lesbian perspective on death and dying
(Idella M. Evans and Julie Carter), pp. 131-144.
Tac BL 504 .C76 1995
Cross-purposes: lesbians, feminists, and the limits of alliance.
Edited by Dana Heller.
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, c1997.
Suz, Ugl Bot HQ 75.5 .C76 1997
Crossing sexual boundaries: transgender journeys, uncharted paths.
Edited by J. Ari Kane-DeMaios and Vern L. Bullough.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2006.
Bot HQ 77.7 .c76 2006
Crossing the stage: controversies on cross-dressing. Edited by Leslie
London; NY: Routledge, 1993.
Drama PN 2071 .I47 C76 1993
Crossroads, directions, and a new critical race theory. Edited by
Francisco Valdes, Jerome McCristal Culp, and Angela P. Harris.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2002.
note: chapter 8, Straight out of the closet: race, gender, and sexual
orientation (Devon W. Carbado), pp. 221-242.
Ugl, Bot KF 4755 .A75 C76 2002
Crotty, Jim.
Mad monks on the road: a 47,000 hour dashboard adventure--from Paradise,
California to Royal, Arkansas, and up the New Jersey Turnpike. Jim Crotty
and Michael Lane.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1993.
Suz E169.04 .C76 1993
Crowhurst, Michael.
Working through
tension: a response to the concerns of lesbian, gay, and bisexual
secondary school students. 2001.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Melbourne, 2001.
available online,
Crowley, Mart.
The band plays: The boys in the band [and its sequel] The men from the
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2003.
Drama PS 3553 .R6 B36 2003
Crowley, Mart.
The boys in the band.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux [1968]
Drama PS 3553 .R6 B6
Suz, Drama PS 3553 .R6 B6 1969 (Dell ed.)
Crowley, Mart.
The boys in the band; a play in two acts.
NY: S. French [c1968]
Drama Acting Editions Acted Boys in the
Crowley, Mart.
The men from the boys: a sequel to The boys in the band.
NY: Samuel French, Inc., c2004.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Men from
Crowley, Mart.
3 plays.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1996.
note: The boys in the band [and] A breeze from the
gulf [and] For reasons that remain unclear.
Drama PS 3553 .R6 A6 1996
Cruel and unusual [videorecording]: transgender women in prison. Produced
and directed by Janet Baus, Dan Hunt, Reid Williams; Reid Productions,
[NY]: Outcast Films, [2007]
note: DVD; originally produced in 2005
note: performer- main characters: Yolanda Valentin, Anna Connelly, Linda
Thompson, Ashley, Ophelia De'Lonta; credits- executive producer, Reid
Williams; director of photography, Slawomir Grunberg; editors, Janet W.
Baus, Dan Hunt, Mark Juergens; original music, Amy Linton.
note: A documentary about transgender women convicted and incarcerated in
men's prisons in the United States. Interviews with lawyers and prison
custodians reveal the level of violence these women have to face from the
inmates, as well as from the authorities which do not recognize their
condition as a medical disorder.
UglMed DVD OUTC 004
Cruikshank, Margaret.
The gay and lesbian liberation movement.
NY: Routledge, 1992.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 76.8 U5 C78 1992
Cruise news & world report.
San Francisco: Strait and Associates, [1965-1967]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: merged with Citizen's news to form The maverick press, see Citizen's
news; see, The maverick press.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 58 v.1,n.1 (Jul 1965)-v.3,n.3 (Feb 1967)
Cruising [videorecording] Written and directed by William Friedkin; a
Jerry Weintraub production; produced by Jerry Weintraub; presented by
NY: CBS Video, [1980]
note: VHS format; originally produced as a motion picture in 1980
note: cast- Al Pacino, Paul Sorvino, Karen Allen, Richard Cox, Don
Scardino, Joe Spinell, Jay Acovone; credits- director of photography,
James Contner; editor, Bud Smith; music by Jack Nitzsche; based on the
novel by Gerald Walker.
note: based on as series of grisly slayings that occurred in the
sadomasochistic-heavy leather gay scene of Manhattan's West Village in the
early 70's. Pacino plays an undercover cop assigned to penetrate this
strange world himself. Dressed in black leather, gestapo cap and chains,
he hopes to draw an attack from the psychotic killer by posing as a
victim. What he sees, what he feels and what he discovers will change his
life forever.
UglMed Videorecord CBS 035
Cruising and connecting online: the use of Internet chat sites by gay men
in Sydney and Melbourne. Dean Murphy ... [et al.]
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, the University of New South Wales, c2004.
(Monograph 2/2004)
Suz HQ 76.2 .A8 C78 2004
available online,
Cruising the performative: interventions into the
representation of ethnicity, nationality, and sexuality.
Edited by Sue-Ellen Case, Philip Brett, and Susan Leigh Foster.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1995.
Suz, Drama, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 C78 1995
Crump, James.
George Platt Lynes: photographs from the Kinsey Institute. Introduction by
Bruce Weber; preface by June Machover Reinisch; essays by James Crump.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1993.
ArtDesk TR 675 .C78 1993
Cruse, Howard.
Stuck rubber baby. [Introduction by Tony Kushner]
NY: Paradox Press, c1995.
Suz PN 6727 .C74 S86 1995
Cruz, Arnaldo.
Queer Latino testimonio, Keith Haring, and Juanito Xtravaganza: hard
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Suz HQ 75.8 .R58 C78 2007
Cruz, J. Michael.
Sociological analysis of aging: the gay male perspective.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.14 .C78 2003
The crying game [videorecording] Miramax Films; produced by Stephen
Woolley; written and directed by Neil Jordan.
Van Nuys, CA: LIVE Entertainment, 1998.
note: DVD and VHS; originally released as motion picture in 1992.
note: cast- Stephen Rea, Miranda Richardson, Jaye Davidson, Forest
Whitaker; credits- music, Anne Dudley; production designer, Jim Clay;
editor, Kant Pan; Photography, Ian Wilson; executive producer, Nik
note: Jude, a member of the Irish Republican Army, lures Jody, an English
soldier, into being kidnapped. In captivity, he and his guard, Fergus,
become acquainted. Jody tells him about the beautiful Dil, a hair stylist
in London. When Jody attempts to escape, Fergus kills him. In London,
Fergus finds Dil [a transvestite, a fact initially unknown to Fergus] and
they fall in love. A haunting, humorous and schocking romantic
UglMed DVD LIVE 002
TacMed DVD TAC-351 [Artisan Home Entertainment]
Ugl Videorecord AVID 51330 [VHS, Avid Home Entertainment]
Cuadros, Gil.
City of God.
San Francisco: City Lights, `c1994.
Suz PS 3553 .U22 C58 1994
Cuba, the elusive nation: interpretation of national identity. Edited by
Damian J. Fernandez and Madeline Camara Betancourt.
Gaineville: University Press of Florida, c2000.
note: [chapter] 8, Cuban CondemNation of queer bodies (Emilio Bejel), pp.
Suz F1760 .C835 2000
Cui, Shuqin.
Women through the lens: gender and nation in a century of Chinese
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, c2003.
note: chapter 7, Subjected body and gendered identity, female
impersonation in Chen Kaige's Farewell My Concubine, pp. 150-168;
chapter 10, Transgender masquerading in Huang Shuqin's Human, Woman,
Demon, pp. 219-238.
Suz PN 1993.5 .C4 C85 2003
Cultural competence for social workers: a guide for alcohol and other drug
abuse prevention professionals working with ethnic/racial communities.
Editors, Joanne Philleo, Frances Larry Brisbane; managing editor, Leonard
G. Epstein.
[Rockville, MD.]: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health
Service, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center
for Substance Abuse Prevention, [1995]
(CSAP cultural competence series, 4)(DHHS publication, no. (SMA)
note: [chapter] 6, Gay and lesbian persons (Karen A. Holmes, Robert H.
SocWk HV 5824 .E85 C85 1995
Cultural competence in substance abuse prevention.
Editors, Joanne Philleo, Frances Larry Brisbane; Leonard G. Epstein,
managing editor.
Washington, D.C.: NASW Press, [1997]
note: [chapter] 6. Gay and lesbian people, (Karen Holmes, Robert H.
Hodge), pp. 153-176.
SocWk, Tac HV 5824 .E85 C85 1997
The Cultural construction of sexuality. Edited by Pat Caplan.
London; NY: Tavistock Publications, 1987.
note: see chapter 1: "Questions of identity." (Jeffrey
Weeks); chapter 9: "Rank, gender, and homosexuality: Mombasa as a key
to understanding sexual options." (Gill Shepherd)
Suz, Ugl GN 484.3 .C85 1987
Cultural diversity and social work practice. Edited by Dianne F. Harrison,
John S. Wodarski, Bruce A. Thyer.
Springfield, Il: C. C. Thomas, c1992.
note: Chapter 6, Social work practice with gay men, lesbian women and
bisexual individuals, (Dianne F. Harrison, Sophia F. Dziegielewski), pp.
SocWk HV 3176 .C85 1992
Cultural diversity and social work practice. [Edited] by Dianne F.
Harrison, Bruce A. Thyer, John S. Wodarski. 2nd ed.
Springfield, IL: C. C. Thomas, c1996.
note: each chapter newly written and updated.
note: [chapter] 9. Social work practice with gay men, lesbian women, and
bisexual individuals (Sophia F. Dziegielewski, Dianne F. Harrison), pp.
SocWk, Tac HV 3176 .C85 1996
Cultural studies: from theory to action. Edited by Pepi Leistyna.
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2005.
note: Part V: Heterosexism and homophobia: critical interventions-
chapter 33, The globalization of sexual identities (Dennis Altman),
pp.411-427; chapter 34, Black lesbians: passing, stereotypes, and
transformation (Jewelle Gomez), pp. 428-437; chapter 35, Trashing the clinic
and burning down the beauty parlor: activism transmutes pitiable patients
into feisty gender radicals (Pat Califia), pp. 438- 454; chapter 36, At a
turning point: organized labor, sexual diversity, and the New South Africa
(Mazibuko K. Jara, Naomi Webster, and Gerald Hunt), pp. 455-468; chapter 37,
Gay teens fight back: a new generation of gay youth won't tolerate harassment
in their schools (Doug Ireland), pp. 469-473.
Bot HM 671 .C85 2005
Culturally responsive cognitive-behavioral therapy: assessment, practice,
and supervision. Edited by Pamela A. Hays and Gayle Y. Iwamasa.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, c2006.
note: [chapter] 10, Affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy with lesbian,
gay, and bisexual people (Kimberly F. Balsam, Christopher R. Martell, and
Steven A. Safren), pp. 223-243.
Bot, Tac WM 425.5 .C6 C968 2006
Culture and AIDS. Edited by Douglas A. Feldman.
NY: Praeger, 1990.
Suz, Bot WD 308 C968 1990
Culture and difference: critical perspectives on the bicultural experience
in the United States. Edited by Antonia Darder.
Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1995.
note: Working with gay/homosexual Latinos with HIV disease: spiritual
emergencies and culturally based psycho-therapeutic treatments (Lourdes
Arguelles and Anne Rivero), pp. 155-168.
Suz E184 .A1 C85 1995
Culture and homosexuality.
Special issue of: Transcultural psychiatric research review. v.23, n.3
note: a collection of abstracts and reviews of the cross-cultural
literature on homosexuality, with an overview "Homosexuality in
Tribal Societies," by Robert Endleman.
HSCLIC Serials W 1 TR224K
The culture and psychology reader. Edited by Nancy Rule Goldberger and
Jody Veroff.
NY: New York University Press, c1995.
note: New voices, news visions: atoward a lesbian/gay paradigm for
psychology (Laura S. Brown), pp. 559-574.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac GN 502 .C87 1995
Culture of gender and sexuality in the Caribbean. Edited by Linden
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, c2003.
note: [chapter] 6, "The infamous crime against nature"; constructions of
heterosexuality and lesbian subversions in Puerto Rico (Elizabeth
Crespo-Kebler), pp. 190-212; Sexual Orientation and Male Socialization in
the Caribbean: [chapter] 7, The role of the street in the socialization of
Caribbean males (Barry Chevannes), pp. 215-233; [chapter] 8, Masculinity
and power in Puerto Rico (Rafael L. Ramirez), pp. 234-250; [chapter] 9,
Queering Cuba; male homosexuality in the short fiction of Manuel Granados
(Conrad James), pp. 251-271.
Suz HQ 1075.5 .C27 C88 2003
Culture, society and sexuality: a reader. Edited by Richard Parker and
Peter Aggleton.
London: UCL Press, 1999.
(Social aspects of AIDS)
Suz HQ 21 .C83 1999
Culture, society and sexuality: a reader. Edited by Richard Parker and
Peter Aggleton. 2nd ed.
London; NY: Routledge, 2007.
Tac HQ 21 .C846 2007
Cummings, Katherine.
Katherine's diary: the story of a transsexual.
Port Melbourne: William Heinemann Australia, 1992.
Suz HQ 77.8 .C86 1992
Cunningham, Michael.
Flesh and blood.
NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1995.
Suz PS 3553 .U484 F57 1995
Cunningham, Michael.
A home at the end of the world.
NY: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1990.
Suz, Ugl PS 3553 .U484 H66 1990
Bot PS 3553 .U484 H66 2004 (2004 printing)
Cunningham, Michael.
The hours.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1998.
Suz, Bot PS 3553 .U484 H68 1998
Cunningham, Michael.
Land's end: a walk through Provincetown.
NY: Crown Publishers, c2002.
Ugl F74 .P96 C86 2002
Cupo d'amore: l'omosessualita nell'opera di Pasolini.
A cura di Stefano Casi.
Bologna: Centro di documentazione Il Cassero, [1987]
(Quaderni di critica omosessuale, n.2)
Suz PQ 4835 A48 Z645 1987
Curioser: on the queerness of children. Steven Bruhm and Natasha Hurley,
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2004.
Suz, Bot HQ 784 .S45 C87 2004
Curr, Matthew.
The consolation of otherness: the male love elegy in Milton, Gray and
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c2002.
Suz PR 509 .E4 C87 2002
Currah, Paisley.
Transgender equality: a handbook for activists and policymakers.
Currah and Shannon Minter; introduction by Jamison Green.
Washington, D.C.: Policy Institute of the National Gey and Lesbian Task
Force. [c2000]
note: also available online:
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 C87 2000
Curran, Greg.
Young queers getting together: moving beyond isolation and loneliness.
Ph. D. thesis, University of Melbourne, 2002.
available online,
Current concepts in transgender identity. Edited by Dallas Denny.
NY: Garland Pub., 1998.
(Garland gay and lesbian studies, v. 11)
Suz HQ 77.9 .C87 1998
Current issues in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health. Jay
Harcourt, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Ugl WA 309 C976 2006
Current perspectives on sex crimes. Edited by Ronald M. Holmes, Stephen T.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2002.
note: Unit 3, pp. 99-130: [chapter] 8, Developmental implications of
victimization of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth (Anthony D'Augelli), pp.
101-114; [chapter] 9, Inmate sexual assault: the plague that persists
(Robert W. Dumond), pp. 115-119; [chapter] 10, Sexual assaults and
coercion among incarcerated women prisoners: excerpts from prison letters
(Leanne Fiftal Alarid), pp. 120-130.
Suz, Bot HV 6556 .C87 2001
Current research on bisexuality. Ronald C. Fox, editor.
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, 2004.
Bot, Tac HQ 74 .C87 2004
Curriculum guides. Presented by GLSTN [Gay, Lesbian,
Straight Teacher's Network] Washington.
[Seattle, WA: GLSTN Washington, 1996?]
Suz LC 192.6 .C87 1996
The curriculum studies reader. David J. Flinders, Stephen J. Thornton,
NY: RoutledgeFalmer, 2004.
note: [chapter] 27, Silence on gays and lesbians in social studies
curriculum (Stephen J. Thornton), pp. 307-313.
Bot LB 1570 .C957 2004
Currier, Jameson.
Dancing on the moon: short stories about AIDS.
NY: Viking, 1993.
Suz PS 3553 .U668 D36 1993
Currier, Jameson.
Where the rainbow ends: a novel.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1998.
Suz, Ugl PS 3553 .U668 W47 1998
Curry, Gerard.
Tangled sheets: and other stories.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1986.
Suz PS 3553 .U674 T34 1986
Curry, Hayden.
A legal guide for lesbian and gay couples. Hayden Curry, Denis
Clifford, and Frederick Hertz. 13th ed.
Berkeley, CA: Nolo, 2005.
UglRef KF 539 .Z9 C87 2005 text and disc
Law KF 538 .C87 2005
Curry, Hayden.
A legal guide for lesbian and gay couples. Hayden Curry, Denis
Clifford, and Frederick Hertz. 12th ed.
Berkeley, CA: Nolo, 2004.
SuzRef, Law KF 538 .C87 2004
Curry, Hayden.
A legal guide for lesbian and gay couples. Hayden Curry, Denis Clifford,
and Frederick Hertz. 11th ed.
Berkeley, CA: Nolo, 2002.
note: 10th ed. under title, see: A legal guide for lesbian and gay
Ugl, Law KF 538 .C87 2002
Curry, Hayden.
A legal guide for lesbian and gay couples.
By Hayden Curry, Denis Clifford, and Robin Leonard. 9th national ed.
Berkeley: Nolo Press, 1996.
note: for 10th edition, see: A legal guide for lesbian and gay
Suz, Law KF 538 .C87 1996
Curry, Hayden.
A legal guide for lesbian and gay couples.
By Hayden Curry, Denis Clifford and Robin Leonard. 8th national ed.
Berkeley: Nolo, 1994.
Law KF 538 C87 1994
Curry, Hayden.
A legal guide for lesbian and gay couples.
By Hayden Curry, Denis Clifford and Robin Leonard. 7th national ed.
Berkeley: Nolo Press, 1993.
Suz, Law KF 538 .C87 1993
Curry, Hayden.
A legal guide for lesbian and gay couples.
By Hayden Curry & Denis Clifford; edited by Robin Leonard. 6th
national ed.
Berkeley: Nolo Press, c1991.
Law KF 538 .C87 1991
Curry, Hayden.
A legal guide for lesbian and gay couples.
By Hayden Curry & Denis Clifford; edited by Robin Leonard. 5th ed.
Berkeley: Nolo Press, 1989, c1988.
Ugl KF 538 .C87 1989
Curry, Hayden.
A legal guide for lesbian & gay couples.
[By] Hayden Curry and Denis Clifford; edited by Ralph Warner.4th ed.
[Berkeley]: Nolo, 1986.
Suz KF 538 .C85 1986
Curry, Hayden.
A legal guide for lesbian & gay couples.
[By] Hayden Curry and Denis Clifford; edited by Ralph Warner.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1980.
SocWk KF 538 .C85
Curtain call [videorecording] Braverman Productions, Inc.; produced and
directed by Chuck Braverman; produced by Steve Kalafer, Peter LeDonne; an
NJN/White Whale production.
[S.l]: New Day Films, c2006.
note: DVD; originally released in 2000.
note: performers -Interviewees; Bernard Flood, Dale Olson, Denise Scott,
Harold Prince, Pamela Duncan, Gaylord Mason, Dalton Dearborn, Tessie
Marino Richner, Rosetta LeNoire, Joseph Endes, Harold Whitfield, Brian
Stokes Mitchell, Clara Kapps; credits - editor, Rob King; photography,
Chuck Braverman, Gregory Andrake.
note: "The unforgettable story of eight remarkable residents of the
Actors Fund Retirement Home. No ordinary nursing home these residents are
still full of vitality as they recall tales of Broadway's golden age, and
what they have done with their lives." "Recommended for aging,
African-American studies, America Today, gay and lesbian, media, art and
culture, social & political history, theater."
UglMed DVD NDF 009
BotMed DVD BOT-393
Curtin, Kaier.
We can always call them Bulgarians: the emergence
of lesbians and gay men on the American stage.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1987.
Suz, Ugl, Drama PN 2277 .N5 C87 1987
Curtis, Craig.
Fabulous hell.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Ugl PS 3553 .U695 F33 2000
Curtis, James.
James Whale: a new world of gods and monsters.
Boston: Faber and Faber, 1998.
Suz PN 1998.s .W5 C87 1998
Curtis, Jill.
Making and breaking families: the way ahead for parents and their
London: Free Association Books, 1998.
note: [chapter] 5. Lesbian and gay parents, pp. 71-92.
Suz HQ 518 .C875 1998
Curtis, Walt.
Mala noche & other "illegal" adventures. [Introduction by Gus Van Sant]
Portland, OR: BridgeCity Books, c1997.
SpecColl Pacific NW PS 3553 .U724 Z473 1997
Curve: the lesbian magazine.
San Francisco, CA: Outspoken Enterprises, Inc., 1996-
note: continues Deneuve; see Deneuve
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .D46 v.6-v.8,n.2 (Feb 1996-May 1998)
Curzon, Daniel.
Curzon in love.
Stamford, CT: Knights Press, c1988.
Ugl PS 3553 .U73 C87 1988
Curzon, Daniel.
Human warmth & other stories.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press; Eugene, OR: distribution
by the Subterranean Co., c1981.
Suz PS 3553 .U73 H8 1981
Curzon, Daniel.
The misadventures of Tim McPick.
[Los Angeles]: John Parke Custis Press, c1975.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3553 .U73 M57 1975
Curzon, Daniel.
Not necessarily nice: stories.
[Princeton, N.J.]: Xlibris Corp., c1999.
Suz PS 3553 .U73 N68 1999
Curzon, Daniel.
Only the good parts: a novel.
Princeton, NJ: Xlibris, 1998.
Suz PS 3553 .U73 O55 1998
Curzon, Daniel.
The revolt of the perverts.
San Francisco: Leland Mellott Books, c1978.
Suz PS 3553 .U73 R48 1978
Curzon, Daniel.
Something you do in the dark.
NY: Putnam, [1971]
Suz PS 3553 U73 S6
Cuseo. Allan A.
Homosexual characters in YA novels: a literary analysis, 1969-1982.
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1992.
Suz PS 374 H63 C87 1992
Cutler, Stan.
Best performance by a patsy.
NY: Dutton, c1991.
Suz PS 3553 .U84 B47 1991
Cutter, Rebecca.
When opposites attract: right brain/left brain relationships
and how to make them work.
NY: Dutton, c1994.
Suz HQ 801 .C88 1994
Cvetkovich, Ann.
An archive of feelings: trauma, sexuality, and lesbian public
Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
(Series Q)
Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 75.5 .C89 2003
Cyberghetto or cybertopia?: race, class, and gender on the Internet.
Edited by Bosah Ebo.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998.
note: [chapter] 11, Democratizing Internet Access in the Lesbian, Gay and
Bisexual Communities, (Nadine S. Koch and Eric H. Schockman), pp.
Suz, Bot ZA 4150 .C93 1998
Cyrus, Virginia.
Experiencing race, class, and gender in the United States.
Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Pub. Co., c1993.
note: 2nd ed. as: Experiencing race, class, and gender in the United
States. 1997. [Ed. Virginia Cyrus]
see also: Experiencing race, class, and gender in the United States. 1997.
[Ed. Virginia Cyrus]
Suz, Ugl HN 59.2 C97 1993
Da Silva, Jose.
Fault lines: queer skinheads and gay male subjectivity in the film praxis
of Bruce LaBruce. 2004.
Thesis (M. A.)--Queensland University of Technology, 2004.
available online,
Daddy & papa [videorecording] Itvs presents a film by Johnny Symons;
produced in association with the Independent Television Service; director,
producer, writer, Johnny Symons; co-producer, Lindsay Sablosky.
Berkeley, CA: Persistent Visions [distributor], c2002.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS
note: Editor, Kim Roberts; cinematography, Gail Huddleson, Johnny Symons,
Andy Abrahams Wilson; original score, Janice Giteck.
note A documentary exploring the personal, cultural, and political impact
of gay men who are making a decision that is at once traditional and
revolutionary: to raise children themselves. Taking us inside four gay
male families, this documentary traces the critical issues that inevitably
intersect their private lives, the ambiguous place of interracial families
in America, the wonder and precariousness of surrogacy and adoption, the
complexities of marriage and divorce within the gay community, and the
legality of their own parenthood.
UglMed Videorecord PV 001
BotMed DVD BOT-479
Daddy and the muscle academy [videorecording] Written & directed by Ilppo
Pohjola; produced by Kari Paljakka & Alvaro Pardo Filmitakomo Öy; YLE
TV2 Documentary. Special ed.
[NY]: Zeitgeist Video, [2003]
note: DVD originally produced as a motion picture in 1993
note: performer- Tom of Finland; credits- cinematography, Kjell Lagerroos;
film editor, Jorma Höri; narrator, Shelton Jacobs; music, Elliott
note: Documentary about Tom of Finland, born Touko Laaksonen, one of the
major icons of the gay world whose erotic drawings of uniformed and
leather-clad beefcake have become a permanent fixture of 20th-century
iconography. Includes interviews with Tom, as well as commentary from his
'leather men.'
UglMed DVD ZF 042
Daedalus. v.118, n.2 [and] 3 (Spring, Summer 1989): [special issues]: Living
with AIDS.
see: Living with AIDS. Edited by Stephen R. Graubard.
Dagger: on butch women. Edited by Lily Burana, Roxxie, Linnea Due.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, c1994.
Suz HQ 75.5 .D34 1994
Dahm, Johanna.
Der Blick des Hermaphroditen: Carl Einstein und die Kunst des 20.
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, c2004.
(Epistemata: Wurzbürger wissenschaftliche Schriften. Reihe
Literaturwissenschaft, Bd. 480.
Suz N7483 .E3 D34 2004
Dakan [videorecording] [Presentee par] Les Films du 20eme et La Sept
Cinema; production, Pascal Lahmani; un film ecrit et realise par Mohamed
San Francisco, CA: California Newsreel [distributor], [1997?]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; in French and Malinke with English
note: cast- Aboubacar Toure, Mamady Mory Camara, Cecile Bois, Koumba
Diakite, Kade Seck; credits- cinematography, Gilberto Azevedo; music,
Elhadj Sory Kandia Kouyate; originally produced as a motion picture in
note: This first feature film on homosexuality from sub-Saharan Africa is
a contemporary African interpretation of the age-old Romeo and Juliet
conflict between love and social convention. When Sori and Manga tell
their parents they are in love, they respond that, "It's impossible; since
time began, it's never happened. Boys don't do that."
UglMed Videorecord CALN 100
Dale, Charles V.
Homosexuality and the federal constitution [microform]: a legal analysis
of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Romer v. Evans.
[Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress,
(Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service.
Supplement; 1997; reel 4, fr. 00443)
MicNews Microfilm A6816 1997, reel 4, fr. 00443
Dallas, Joe.
Desires in conflict.
Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, c1991.
note: sees homosexuality as rebellion; recommends Christian cure
Suz BR 115 .H6 D35 1991
Dallas, Joe.
A strong delusion.
Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, c1996.
note: "ex-gay" man proposes Christian cure
Suz BR 115 .H6 D36 1996
D'Allesandro, Sam.
The wild creatures: collected stories of Sam D'Allesandro. Edited by Kevin
San Francisco: Suspect Thoughts Press, 2005.
Suz PS 3554 .A4357 A6 2005
D'Allesandro, Sam.
The zombie pit.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1989.
Suz PS 3554 .A4357 Z45 1989
Dalton, Mary M.
The Hollywood curriculum: teachers in the movies. Rev. ed.
NY: P. Lang, c2004.
note: chapter 6, Here but not queer: the mainstreaming of gay teachers in
the movies, pp. 104-122.
Tac PN 1995.9 .T4 D36 2004
Daly, Mary.
Gyn/ecology, the metaethics of radical feminism.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1978.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1154 .D312
Daly, Mary.
Pure lust: elemental feminist philosophy.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1984.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1154 .D314 1984
Damm, Jens.
Homosexualität und Gesellschaft in Taiwan 1945 bis 1995.
Münster: Lit, c2003.
(Berliner China-Studien, 42)
Suz HQ 76.3 .T28 D355 2003
The Damned [videorecording] = Gotterdammerung. Directed by Luchino
Visconti; produced by Ever Haggiag and Alfred Levy; original story and
screenplay by Nicola Balalucco, Enrico Medioli, Luchino Visconti.
Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, 1985.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS format. Dubbed into English. Videocassette
release of the motion picture originally released by Warner Brothers in
note: Photography, Armando Nanuzzi, Pasqaule de Santis; music, Maurice
Jarre; editor, Ruggiero Mastroianni.
note: (cast) Dirk Bogarde, Ingrid Thulin, Helmut Griem, Helmut Berger,
Charlotte Rampling.
note: Visconti's study of a family's disintegration in greed, lust and
madness of pre-war Germany.
BotMed videorecord BOT-488
Damned if you don't [videorecording] Su Friedrich.
NY, NY: Women Make Movies, [2002?]
note: VHS; videocassette release of the 1987 film; "Black narcissus"
excerpts from 1947 film by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger.
note: cast - Peggy Healey (the nun), Ela Toyano (the other woman), Mahea
McDonald (voice reminiscing), Martina Siebert ("Black narcissus"
narrator), Cathy Quinlan (narrator of Sister Mea Crivelli's testimony);
credits - direction, cinematography, sound, editing, Su Friedrich;
co-author of "Black narcissus" script, Cathy Quinlan.
note: VHS; videocassette release of the 1987 film; "Black narcissus"
excerpts from 1947 film by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger
Testimony of Sister Crivelli adapted from Immodest acts: the life of a
lesbian nun in renaissance Italy, by Judith Brown.
note: A young lesbian pursues and seduces a lonely nun. As the two women's
lives come closer to joining, voiceovers from the biography of a 16th
century lesbian nun and the reminiscences of a woman's closeted romances
at a Catholic school flesh out the theme.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 122
Damon, Gene, pseudonym.
see: Grier, Barbara.
Dancing desires: choreographing sexualities on and off the stage. Edited
by Jane C. Desmond.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2001.
Suz GV 1588.6 .D395 2001
Dang, Alain Anh-Tuan.
Asian Pacific American lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people: a
community portrait. Alain Dang and Mandy Hu.
NY: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute, c2005.
available online,
Dangerous families: queer writing on surviving. Mattilda, a.k.a. Matt
Bernstein Sycamore, editor.
NY: Harrington Park PRess, c2004.
SocWk HV 6626.5 .D365 2004
A dangerous knowing: sexuality, pedagogy and popular culture. Edited by
Debbie Epstein and James T. Sears.
London; NY: Cassell, 1999.
Suz HQ 21 .D253 1999
Dangerous liaisons: blacks, gays, and the struggle for equality. Edited by
Eric Brandt.
NY: New Press: Distributed by W. W. Norton & Co., c1999.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.4 .U6 D35 1999
Dangerous living [videorecording]: coming out in the developing world. An
After Stonewall production; produced in association with The Center for
Independent Documentary; writer, John Scagliotti; produced by Janet Baus
and Dan Hunt; directed by John Scagliotti.
[NY]: First Run Features, [2005]
note: DVD, originally released as a motion picture in 2003.
note: credits- music, Don DiNicola; editors, Richard Davis ... [et al.];
videographers, Adnan Ali ... [et al.]; narrator, Janeane Garofalo.
note: explores the lives of gay and lesbian people in non-Western
cultures, where most occurrences of oppression receive no media coverage
at all; special features include shocking footage of the Cairo 52 trial;
interviews with representative Barney Frank, new DNC chairman Howard Dean
and director John Scagliotti; ambassador James Hormel introduces leading
human rights organizations; human rights watch film notes;
UglMed DVD FRF 025
Dangerous territories: struggles for difference and equality in education.
Edited by Leslie G. Roman and Linda Faye.
NY: Routledge, 1997.
note: chapter 5, Transvestic sites: postcolonialism, pedagogy, and
politics (Richard Cavell), pp. 99-112; chapter 11, Re-forming (hetero)
sexuality education (Linda Eyre), pp. 191-204.
Suz, Ugl, Bot LC 196 .D35 1997
Daniel, Herbert.
Sexuality, politics, and AIDS in Brazil: in another world?
By Herbert Daniel and Richard Parker.
London: Washington, DC: Falmer Press, 1993.
Suz WD 308 D184s 1993
Danielou, Alain.
The way to the labyrinth: memories of East and West.
Translated by Marie-Claire Cournand.
NY: New Directions, c1987.
note: translation from the French of: Chemin du labyrinthe.
Suz, Music ML 423 .D16 A3 1987
Dannecker, Martin.
Der homosexuelle Mann im Zeichen von Aids.
Hamburg: Klein Verlag, 1991.
Suz WC 503 D188h 1991
Dannecker, Martin.
Theories of homosexuality. [Translation by David Fernbach]
London: Gay Men's Press, 1981.
note: Translation from the German of: Der Homosexuelle
und die Homosexualität.
Suz HQ 76 .D3613 1981
Dannecker, Martin.
Vorwiegend homosexuell: Aufsätze, Kommentare, Reden.
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript Verlag, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .D36 1997
Dannemeyer, William.
Shadow in the land: homosexuality in America.
San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c1989.
Ugl HQ 76.8 U5 D36 1989
Dannett, Sylvia G. L.
She rode with the generals: the true and incredible story of Sarah Emma
Seelye, alias Franklin Thompson.
Edinburgh; NY: T. Nelson, c1960.
Suz E608 .E235 D36 1960
Danshokumonoshu. Kinsei Bungaku Shoshi Kenkyukai hen; [kaisetsusha Ogawa
Tokyo: Benseisha, Showa 53 [1978]
(Kinsei bungaku shiryo ruiju. Kanazoshi hen, 37)
note: "Honsho wa Akagi Bunko shozo "Saiseiki" issatsu, "Iromonogatari"
issatsu oyobi Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan shozo "Shudo monogatari" nikan
nisatsu no eiin"
EAsia PL 777.35 .K57 v.37
Dansky, Steven.
Now dare everything: tales of HIV-related psychotherapy.
NY: Haworth Press, c1994.
Ugl, SocWk WD 308 D191n 1994
Dantzig, Rudi van.
For a lost soldier. Translated from the Dutch by Arnold J. Pomerans.
England: Gay Men's Press; Chicago: Distributed in North America by
InBook/LPC Group, 1996.
note: translation of: Voor een verloren soldaat.
Suz PT 5881.14 .A56 1996
Daoust, Jean-Paul.
Blue ashes: selected poems, 1982-1998. Translated by Daniel Sloate.
Toronto: Guernica, 1999.
Suz PQ 3919.2 .D25 B58 1999
D'Arcangelo, Angelo. Pseudonym for Josef Bush.
D'Arcangelo, Angelo.
Angelo D'Arcangelo's love book: inside the sexual
revolution: from women's lib to gay power.
NY: Lancer Books, c1971.
Suz HQ 76.25 .D37 1971
D'Arcangelo, Angelo.
The homosexual handbook.
[NY]: Ophelia Press [c1969]
Suz HQ 76 .D35 1969
D'Arch Smith, Timothy.
Love in earnest: some notes on the lives and writings
of English 'Uranian' poets from 1889 to 1930.
London: Routledge & K. Paul, 1970.
Suz PR 508 H6 S6
Dares to speak: historical and contemporary perspectives on boy-love.
Edited by Joseph Geraci.
Swaffham, Norfolk, England: Gay Men's Press; Chicago: dist. in North
America by InBook/LPC Group, 1997.
note: principally a collection of articles first published in Paidika the
journal of paedophilia between 1987 and 1994.
Suz HQ 76.25 .D373 1997
Daring to dissent: lesbian culture from margin to
mainstream. Ed. by Liz Gibbs.
London: Cassell, 1994.
SocWk HQ 75.5 .D37 1994
Daring to find our names: the search for lesbigay library history.
Edited by James V. Carmichael, Jr.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.
(Beta Phi Mu monograph series, no.5)
Suz, Bot Z 682.4 .G39 D37 1998
The dark side of organizational behavior. Ricky W. Griffin and Anne M.
O'Leary-Kelly, editors; foreword by Robert D. Pritchard.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, c2004.
note: chapter 7, Out of the closet and out of a job?: the nature, import,
and causes of sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace
(Elizabeth Ann Deitch, Rebecca M. Butz, Arthur P. Brief), pp. 187-234.
Bus, Bot HD 6955 .G72 2004
The darker side of black [videorecording] A Black Audio Film Collective
production in association with Normal Films for BBC Television and the
Arts Council of Great Britain.
NY: Filmakers Library, 1994.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: writer/director, Isaac Julien; producer, Linda Gopaul; editor, Joy
Chamberlain; cast- Michael Manley (Prime Minister, Jamaica), Shabba Ranks
(musician), Cornel West (Princeton U.), Tricia Rose (NYU), Florizelle
O'Connor, Inge Blackman (film director), Buju Banton (musician), Monie
Love (musician)
note: Gangsta chic, violence and nihilism, the hard edge of rap and reggae
increasingly dominates the image of black popular culture. This film
investigates the issues raised by the genre, such as ritualized machismo,
misogyny, attitudes towards homosexuality and religion, and gun
glorification. Filmed in dance halls, hip hop clubs, and using interviews
and music video clips, film takes us to London, Jamaica and the U.S. to
examine the "darker" side of contemporary black music.
UglMed Videorecord FML 065
Darling, Julia.
Crocodile soup.
[New York]: Ecco Press, [2000]
Ugl PR 6054 .A6963 C76 2000
Darren, Alison.
Lesbian film guide.
London; NY: Cassell, 2000.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .L48 D37 2000
Darsey, James Francis.
The prophetic tradition and radical rhetoric in America.
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
note: [chapter] 9. Secular argument and the language of commodity: gay
liberation and merely civil rights, pp. 175-198.
Suz, Bot PN 4055 .U53 D37 1997
Das Gupta, Monisha.
Unruly immigrants: rights, activism, and transitional South Asian politics
in the United States.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2006.
note: chapter 5, Subverting seductions: queer organizations, pp.
Suz, Tac E184 .S69 D37 2006
"Das sind Volksfeinde!": Publikation zur Ausstellung "Das sind
Volksfeinde!" Kolner 'Sonderaktion' gegen Homosexuelle im Sommer 1938.
Centrum Schwule Geschichte, hrsg.
[Koln]: Das Centrum, [1998]
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 S56 1998
Daughters of Bilitis. San Francisco Chapter.
[San Francisco: Daughters of Bilitis, San Francisco Chapter,
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 43 July 1959-June 1978 incomplete
Davenport, Guy.
Apples and pears: and other stories.
San Francisco: North Point Press, 1984.
Suz PS 3554 .A86 A74 1984
Davenport, Guy.
The Cardiff team: ten stories.
NY: New Directions, c1996.
Suz PS 3554 .A86 C37 1996
Davenport, Guy.
The drummer of the Eleventh North Devonshire Fusiliers.
San Francisco: North Point Press, 1990.
Suz PS 3554 .A86 D78 1990
Davenport, Guy.
The Jules Verne steam balloon: nine stories.
San Francisco: North Point Press, 1987.
Suz PS 3554 .A86 J84 1987
Davenport, Guy.
Thasos and Ohio: poems and translations 1950-1980.
San Francisco: North Point Press, 1986.
note: translations from Greek and German.
Suz PS 3554 .A86 T45 1986
Davenport-Hines, R. P. T. (Richard Peter Treadwell)
London: Heinemann, 1995.
Suz PR 6001 .U4 Z639 1995b
Davenport-Hines, R. P. T. (Richard Peter Treadwell)
Proust at the Majestic: the last days of the author whose book changed
NY: Bloomsbury: Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers,
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z5488 2006
David, Hugh.
On queer street: a social history of British homosexuality.,
London: HarperCollins, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 D38 1997
David, Jonathan. (Jonathan Mark)
Drag diaries. By Catherine Chermayeff, Jonathan David
and Nan Richardson.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, c1995.
Suz HQ 77 .D38 1995
David Wojnarowicz: a definitive history of five or six years on the lower
east side. Interviews by Sylvère Lotinger; edited by Giancarlo
Amborsino; co-edited by Hedi El Kholti, Chris Kraus and Justin Cavin.
NY: Semiotext(e); Cambridge, MA: Distributed by MIT Press, 2006.
Ugl, Tac N65537 .W63 D38 2006
David Wojnarowicz: brush fires in the social landscape.
NY: Aperture, c1994.
Art N 6537 .W64 D38 1994
Davidovich, Boris L.
Serbian diaries. Translated from the Serbo-Croat
by Dragan Vujanic.
London, England: The Gay Men's Press, 1996.
Suz CT 1458 .D38 A3 1996
Davidson, Alex.
The returns of love: letters of a Christian homosexual;
foreword by Ian Lodge-Patch.
London: Inter-Varsity P., 1979.
Suz HQ 76 .D375 1970
Davidson, James N.
One Mykonos: being ancient, being islands, being giants, being gay.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000, c1999.
Suz DF 901 .M9 D38 2000
Davidson, Michael.
Guys like us: citing masculinity in Cold War politics.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2004.
Suz, Bot PS 310 .C6 D387 2004
Davidson, Michael.
Some boys.
Swaffham: GMP, 1998.
Suz HQ 75.8 .D38 A3 1998
Davidson, Michael.
The world, the flesh, and myself.
Swaffham, Norfolk, England: Gay Men's Press; Chicago, IL: Distributed in
North America by LPC/InBook, 1997.
Suz PN 5123 .D37 A3 1997
Davidson, Schmich, Louise K.
Becoming party politicians: eastern German state legislators in the decade
following democratization.
Notre Dame, IN: University of Ntore Dame Press, c2006.
note: chapter 5, Eastern German state legislators, political tolerance,
and Germany's same-sex partnership law, pp. 127-163.
Suz JN 3971 .A988 D38 2006
Davies, Bob.
Coming out of homo-sexuality: new freedom for men
& women. By Bob Davies & Lori Rentzel.
Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, c1993.
Suz BR 115 .H6 D38 1993
Davies, Jude.
Gender, ethnicity and sexuality in contemporary American film.
Jude Davies and Carol R. Smith.
Edinburgh: Keele University Press, 1997.
note: part 3: Putting the Homo into America: reconstructing gay identities
in the national frame [6 essays], pp. 103-145.
Suz, Ugl PN 1995.9 .M56 D38 1997
Davies, Russell T.
Queer as folk: the scripts.
London: Channel 4 Books, 1999.
Suz PR 6054 .A891513 Q44 1999
Davies, Stevie.
Impassioned clay.
London: Women's, 1999.
Suz PR 6054 .A8915 I56 1999
Davila, Juan.
Hysterical tears: Juan Davila. Edited by Paul Taylor.
London: GMP, 1985.
SpecColl Book Arts ND 369 .D38 A4 1985
Davis, Ben.
Strange angel: the gospel according to Benny Joe.
San Antonio: Corona Pub., 1991.
Suz BR 1725 .D36 A3 1991
Davis, Bill C.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c2001.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Avow
Davis, Christopher.
The boys in the bars.
Stamford, CT: Knights Press; Secaucus, N.J.: dist.
by Carol Pub. Group, c1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3554 A9329 B6 1989
Davis, Christopher.
Joseph and the old man.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1986.
Suz, Ugl PS 3554 .A9329 J67 1986
Davis, Christopher.
Philadelphia: a novel. Based on the screenplay written by Ron
NY: Bantam Books, [1994]
Suz PS 3554 .A9329 P45 1994
Davis, Christopher.
Valley of the shadow.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 3554 .A9329 V35 1988
Davis, Lennard J.
Bending over backwards: disability, dismodernism, and other difficult
positions. With a foreword by Michael Berube.
NY: New York University Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 4, Criminal statements; homosexuality and textuality in
the account of Jan Svilt - eighteenth-century shipwrecked sailor, pp.
Bus, Bot HV 1553 .D38 2002
Davis, Nancy.
Heterosexual. By Nancy Davis and Jeff Graubart.
NY: Vantage Press, c1976.
Suz BF 692 .D35 1976
Davis, Whitney.
Drawing the dream of the wolves: homosexuality, interpretation,
and Freud's "Wolf Man."
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1995.
Suz, Bot WM 40 D265d 1995
Davis, Whitney.
Gay and lesbian studies in art history. Whitney Davis, ed.
NY: Harrington Park Press, 1994.
Art N 72 .H64 G39 1994b
Davy, Ross.
Kenzo: a Tokyo story.
Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; NY: Penguin Books, 1985.
Suz, Ugl PR 9619.3 .D37 K46 1985
Dawesar, Abha.
Babyji: a novel.
NY: Anchor books, c2005.
Ugl PS 3554 .A9423 B33 2005
Dawkins, Richard.
The God delusion.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2006.
note: Faith and homosexuality, pp. 289-291.
Ugl, Bot BL 2775.3 .D39 2006
Dawson, Jeff.
Gay & lesbian online.
Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.25 .D39 1996
Dawson, Jeff.
Gay & lesbian online. Rev. & expanded.
Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .D37 1997
Dawson, Jeff.
Gay & lesbian online. lst Alyson ed., 3rd ed.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
SuzRef HQ 76.25 .D37 1998
Day, David.
Things they never told you in Sunday school: a primer
for the Christian homosexual.
Austin, TX: Liberty Press, 1987.
Suz BR 115 .H6 D39 1987
Day, Frances Ann.
Lesbian and gay voices: an annotated bibliography and guide to literature
for children and young adults. Foreword by Nancy Garden.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000.
SuzRef HQ 76.26 .D39 2000
BotCurRef Z1037 .D24 2000
Days in the lives of social workers: 41 professionals tell "real-life"
stories from social work practice. Linda May Grobman, editor.
Harrisburg, PA: White Hat Communications, c1996.
note: chapter 24, An Office to call my own: private practice in the
Lesbian Community (Amy Blake), pp. 143-146.
SocWk HV 40.8 .U6 D39 1996
Days in the lives of social workers: 50 professionals tell "real-life"
stories from social work practice.
Linda May Grobman, editor. 2nd ed.
Harrisburg, PA: White Hat Communications, c1999.
note: chapter 7, Private practice with urban gay men: with a subspecialty
in HIV/AIDS (Michael Shernoff), pp. 43-50; chapter 15,Working with gay and
lesbian youth (Andrew J. Peters), pp. 97-104; chapter 30, An Office to
call my own: private practice in the lesbian community (Amy Blake), pp.
Tac HV 40.8 .U6 D39 1999
Die DDR, die Schwulen, der Aufbruch: Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme.
Hrsg. Jean Jacques Soukup; mit Beitragen von Olaf al.
Gleichen-Reinhausen, Verein fur Soziale und Padagogische Arbeit,
(Schriftenreihe des Waldschlosschens, Bd. 1)
note: "Dokumentiert wird die Veranstaltung 'Schwule
in der DDR', die vom 17. bis 19. November 1989 im Freien Tagungshaus
Waldschlosschen ... stattgefunden hat."
Suz HQ 76.3 G4 D37 1990
De, Sobha.
Strange obsession. [novel]
New Delhi, India; NY: Penguin Books, 1992.
Suz PR 9499.3 .D4 S77 1992
De Caro, F. A.
A boy named Phyllis: a suburban memoir.
NY: Viking, 1996.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 75.8 .D43 A3 1996
De-centring sexualities: politics and representations beyond the
Edited by Richard Phillips, Diane Watt and David Shuttleton.
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.25 .D44 2000
De Jong, Dola.
The tree and the vine. Afterword by Lillian Faderman;
translated by Ilona Kinzer.
NY: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1996.
Suz PS 3507 .E395 T74 1996
De Jongh, Nicholas.
Not in front of the audience: homosexuality on stage.
London, NY: Routledge, 1992.
Suz, Drama, Ugl, Bot PN 1861 D43 1992
De Jongh, Nicholas.
Politics, prudery & perversions: the censoring of the English stage,
London: Methuen, 2000.
note: [chapter] 3, Homosexual relations, pp. 82-135.
Ugl, Drama PN 2044 .G6 D4 2000
De la Huerta, Christian.
Coming out spiritually: the next step. With a foreword by Matthew Fox.
NY: J. P. Tarcher/Putnam, c1999.
Suz BL 65 .H64 D45 1999
De-la-Noy, Michael.
Denton Welch: the making of a writer.
Harmondsworth, Middlesex; NY: Viking, 1984.
Suz, SpecColl Authors PR 6045 .E517 Z665 1984
De Lauretis, Teresa.
Figures of resistance: essays in feminist theory. Edited and with an
introduction by Patricia White.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2007.
Suz HQ 1190 .D4 2007
De Lauretis, Teresa.
The practice of love: lesbian sexuality and perverse desire.
Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, c1994.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 75.5 .D45 1994
De Martino, Manfred F.
The new female sexuality; the sexual practices and experiences of social
nudists, potential nudists, and lesbians. Foreword by Albert Ellis.
NY: Julian Press, 1969.
HSLIC HQ 29 .D43
De Milly, Walter.
In my father's arms: a true story of incest.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c1999.
(Living out)
Suz HV 6570.8 .T35 D45 1999
De Paola, Tomie.
Oliver Button is a sissy. Story and pictures by Tomie De Paola.
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1979.
ChiLit PZ 7 .D439 O1 1979
De River, Joseph Paul.
Crime and the sexual psychopath.
With a foreword by Byron J. Walters, and an introduction by Herman
Springfield, IL: C. C. Thomas [1958]
note: chapters 9-12 & 14-15, Transvestism, Homosexuality (Inversion and
Perversion), Lesbianism, Tribady, Bisexuality, Pederasty and Sodomy,
respectively; pp. 77-110, 112-120.
De Rome, Peter.
The erotic world of Peter de Rome.
London: GMP, 1984.
SpecColl PN 1998 .A3 D33783 1984
De Veaux, Alexis.
Warrior poet: a biography of Audre Lorde.
NY: W. W. Norton, c2004.
Suz, Tac PS 3562 .O75 Z66 2004
Dead dreams of monochrome men [videorecording] Produced by Millenium
Productions in association with DV8 Physical Theatre for LWT; created by
Lloyd Newson and DV8 Physical Theatre; produced by Vijay Amarnani, David
Hinton; director, David Hinton.
London: Dance Videos [dist.], c1990.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS [PAL] Format; originally presented on a
1990 episode of The South Bank Show; film shot in black and white.
note: music: Sally Herbert; editor, John Costelloe; edited & presented by
Melvyn Bragg; performers: Lloyd Newson, Nigel Charnock, Russell Maliphant,
Douglas Wright.
note: "Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men explores the grisly world of the
notorious serial killer Dennis Nilsen. Founded upon the conviction that
societal homophobia is bound to result in tragic consequences, it gets to
grips with the disturbing forces that drove Nilsen to kill for
UglMed Videorecord DV 001
Deaderick, Sam.
Gay resistance: the hidden history.
By Sam Daederick & Tamara Turner; introduction by Roger Simpson. Rev.
Seattle: Red Letter Press, 1997.
note: originally published between 1978 and 1980 as an eight-part series
in the Freedom socialist newspaper.
Suz HQ 76.25 .D4 1997
Dean, Carolyn J. (Carolyn Janice)
The frail social body: pornography, homosexuality, and other fantasies in
interwar France.
Berkeley: University of Chicago Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 472 .F8 D43 2000
Dean, Tim.
Beyond sexuality.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Suz BF 175.5 .S48 D49 2000
DeAngelis, Michael.
Gay fandom and crossover stardom: James Dean, Mel Gibson, and Keanu
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, c2001.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 D43 2001
Dear Jesse [videorecording]. A New Yorker Films release; Bang! inc. in
association with the N.C. Film Foundation presents; a film by Tim
NY: New Yorker Video, c1999.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS.
note: writer/director, Tim Kirkman; producer, Mary Beth Mann; editor, Joe
Klotz; photography, Norwood Cheek, Ashley McKinney; music, John Crooke.
Originally released as a motion picture in 1998.
note: Gay North Carolina filmmaker Tim Kirkman's open letter to his
closed-minded senator, Jesse Helms.
UglMed Videorecord NYV 72299
Dear Sappho: a legacy of lesbian love letters.
[Edited by] Kay Turner; original graphics by Sheri
Tornatore and Kay Turner.
[London]: Thames and Hudson, 1996.
note: American edition entitled Between us: a legacy of lesbian love
Suz PS 509 .L47 D42 1996
Dear world: queer art & lit. [Camille Roy, editor,
Nayland Blake, co-editor]
[California?]: N. Blake and C. Roy, c1991.
Suz PN 6071 .H724 D4 1991
Death by denial: studies of suicide in gay and lesbian
teenagers. Gary Remafedi, editor.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1994.
SocWk, Bot HV 6546 .D42 1994
A Death in the family [videorecording] Brighton Video;
producer, James H. Wallace; directors, Stewart Main, Peter Wells.
NY: Wombat Film & Video, 1987. 1 videocassette.
note: Shows a handful of loyal, caring, homosexual
friends taking care of a New Zealand AIDS patient.Abandoned by his family,
the friends bathe, feed, and keep him company.
UglMed Videorecord WBT 009
Death in Venice [videorecording] Warner Communications
Company with Alfa Cinematografica; produced & directed by
Luchino Visconti; screenplay by Luchino Visconti, Nicola Badalucco;
one videocassette (VHS).
Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, c1984.
note: from the novel by Thomas Mann [Der Tod in Venedig];
originally issued as a motion-picture in 1971.
note: cast, Dirk Bogarde and Silvana Mangano.
note: Filmed in Venice, this drama centers around a world-famous composer
and conductor who, on a solitary rest holiday spies an innocent young boy
and becomes obsessed over him. This secret passion carries him to his
UglMed Videorecord WHV 001
BotMed Videorecord BOT-190
Deats, Sara Munson.
Sex, gender, and desire in the plays of Christopher Marlowe.
Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press; London; Cranbury, NY:
Associated University Presses, 1997.
Drama PR 2677 .F44 D43 1997
Debussy, Claude.
Chansons de Bilitis; Fetes galantes, series I; Fetes
galantes, series II. Histoires naturelles (Maurice Ravel).[sound recording]
Los Angeles, CA: Nonesuch, p1984.
note: For medium voice and piano. Sung in French.
Words of the Debussy songs by Pierre Louys (Chansons)
and Paul Verlaine; texts of the Ravel songs by Jules Renard.
Music Listening Center Phonodisc 20 E 27
Debussy, Claude.
Chansons de Bilitis [musique de scene devant accompagner
la recitation de douze poemes de Pierre Louys.
Realisation de la partie de celesta par Arthur Hoeree]
Paris: Jobert [1971]
note: For speaker, 2 flutes, 2 harps, and celesta.
Music M 1625 .D42 C5
Debussy, Claude.
Trois chansons de Bilitis.
[Paris, J. Jobert, 19--]
note: words from the Chansons de Bilitis, by P. Louys.
Music M 784.3 D35c
Decline to sign: a guide to defeating anti-gay initiatives
through counter-petitioning.
Seattle: Bigot Busters/Decline to Sign, Greater Seattle,
Suz KFW 411.5 .H64 D42 1995
Deconstructing heterosexism in the counseling professions: a narrative
approach. James M. Croteau ... [et al.], editors.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2005.
SocWk, Tac BF 637 .C6 D39 2005
DeCrescenzo, Teresa.
Serving transgender youth: the role of child welfare systems: proceedings
of a colloquium, September 2000. Teresa De Crescenzo and Gerald P.
Washington, D. C.: Child Welfare League of America, c2002.
SocWk HV 1426 .D42 2002
Defending same-sex marriage. 3 vols.
Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2007.
note: v.1, "Separate but equal" no more: a guide to the legal status of
same-sex marriage, civil unions, and other partnerships (ed., Mark
Strasser); v.2, Our family values: same-sex marriage and religion (ed.,
Traci C. West); v.3, The freedom-to-marry movement: education, advocacy,
culture, and the media (ed. Martin Dupuis and William A. Thompson)
Suz, Tac HQ 1034 .U5 D44 2007
Defense of marriage: does it need defending? James Perkins, editor.
NY: Novinka Books, 2004.
Bot, Tac KF 510 .Z9 D44 2004
Defiant desire. Ed. by Mark Gevisser and Edwin Cameron.
NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 .S6 D43 1995
Defining dress: dress as object, meaning, and identity. Edited by Amy de
la Haye and Elizabeth Wilson.
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 11. Invisible men: gay men's dress in Britain, 1950-1970
(Shaun Cole), pp. 143-154.
Suz GT 525 .D43 2000
Deford, Frank.
Big Bill Tilden; the triumphs and the tragedy.
NY: Simon and Schuster, c1976.
Suz GV 994 .T5 D43 1976
Degeneres, Ellen.
Love, Ellen: a mother/daughter journey.
NY: Rob Weisbach Books, c1999.
Suz HQ 75.4 .D44 D44 1999
Dehler, Johanna.
Fragments of desire: Sapphic fictions in works by H.D., Judy Grahn, and
Monique Wittig.
Frankfurt; NY: P. Lang, c1999.
(European University Studies. Series XIV, Anglo-Saxon language and
literature, v. 356)
Suz PS 153 .L46 D44 1999
Deitcher, David.
Dear friends: American photographs of men together, 1840-1918.
NY: Harry N. Abrams, 2001.
Ugl TR 681 .H65 D45 2001
DeJean, Joan E.
Fictions of Sappho, 1546-1937.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.
Suz PQ 143 A3 D45 1989
DeJoseph, Jeanne Flyntz.
Selected correlates of androgyny [microform]
Eugene: Microform Publications, College of Health, Physical Education and
Recreation, University of Oregon, 1980.
(Health, physical education, and recreation publications (Microfiche)
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Utah, 1977.
MicNews Microfiche M-3462
Dekker, Rudolf.
The tradition of female transvestism in early modern Europe.
By Rudolf M. Dekker and Lotte C. van de Pol]...foreword
by Peter Burke.
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989.
note: translated from the Dutch.
Suz HQ 77 .D45 1989b
Del Tredici, David.
Songs for baritone and piano.
[NY?]: Boosey & Hawkes; Milwaukee, WI: Distributed by H. Leonard,
note: Gay life: a cycle of six songs for baritone and piano. [and settings
of other poems by glbt poets]
Music M1620 .D33 S66 2003
Delacourt, Marie.
Hermaphrodite: mythes et rites de la bisexualite
dans l'antiquite classique.
Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1958.
Suz 291.212 D377h
Delaney, Beauford.
Beauford Delaney: from New York to Paris. By Patricia Sue Canterbury.
Minneapolis, MN: Minneapolis Institute of Arts; [Seattle, WA]: Distributed
by University of Washington Press, c2004.
note: Gay and black in Greenwich Village: Beauford Delaney's Idylls of
Integration, pp. 12-30.
Art ND 237 .D335 A4 2004
Delaney, Martin.
Strategies for survival: a gay men's health manual for the age of
AIDS. By Martin Delaney and Peter Goldblum, with Joe Brewer;
illustrated by Howard Cruse.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1987.
Suz WD 308 D337s 1987
Delaney, Shelagh.
A taste of honey; a play.
NY: Grove Press [c1959]
Drama PR 6007 .E327 T3 1959
Delany, Paul.
Neo-pagans: Rupert Brooke and the ordeal of youth.
NY: Free Press, c1987.
Suz PR 6003 .R4 Z63 1987
Delany, Samuel R.
Atlantis: three tales.
[Middletown, CT]: Wesleyan University; Hanover: Published
by University Press of New England, 1995.
Suz PS 3554 .E437 A85 1995
Delany, Samuel R.
Babel-17. with a new introduction by Robert scholes.
Boston: Gregg Press, 1976, c1966.
Ugl PR 6054 .E4 B3 1976
Delany, Samuel R.
The bridge of lost desire.
NY: Arbor House, c1987.
Suz PS 35544 .E437 B75 1987
Delany, Samuel R.
Dark reflections.
NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers; [Berkeley, CA]: Distributed by Publishers
Group West, 2007.
UGl PS 3554 .E437 D37 2007
Delany, Samuel R.
NY; Bantam Books, 1975, c1974.
Ugl PS 3554 .E437 D42 1975
Delany, Samuel R.
Boulder: Black Ice Books, 1994.
Suz PS 3554 .E437 H65 1994
Delany, Samuel R.
Longer views: extended essays. With an introduction by Ken James.
Hanover, NH: Published by University Press of New
England [for] Wesleyan University Press, c1996.
Suz, Tac PS 3554 .E437 L66 1996
Delany, Samuel R.
The mad man.
NY: A Richard Kasak Book, published by Masquerade Books, 1994.
Suz PS 3554 .E437 M32 1994
Delany, Samuel R.
The motion of light in water: sex and science fiction writing in the East
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2004.
note: originally published NY: R. Kasak, 1993.
Ugl PS 3554 .E437 Z475 2004
Delany, Samuel R.
The motion of light in water: sex and science fiction
writing in the East Village, 1957-1965.
NY: Arbor House/W. Morrow, c1988.
Suz PS 3554 .E437 Z475 1988
Delany, Samuel R.
Shorter views: queer thoughts & the politics of the paraliterary.
Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University Press, published by University Press of
New England, c1999.
Suz, Tac PS 3554 .E437 Z4756 1999
Delany, Samuel R.
Silent interviews: on language, race, sex, science fiction, and some
comics: a collection of written interviews.
[Middletown, CT]: Wesleyan University Press; Hanover,
NH: University Press of New England, c1994.
Ugl, Tac PS 3554 .E437 Z476 1994
Delany, Samuel R.
Stars in my pocket like grains of sand.
NY: Bantam Books, 1984.
Ugl PS 3554 .E437 S7 1984
Delany, Samuel R.
Tales of Neveryon.
NY: Bantam Books, c1979.
Ugl PR 6054 .E4 T2
Delany, Samuel R.
Times square red, Times Square blue.
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
(Sexual cultures)
Suz, Tac HQ 146 .N7 D45 1999
Bot HQ 146 .N7 D45 2001
Delaney, Samuel R.
see: Radical utopias.
Delarue-Mardrus, Lucie.
The angel and the perverts. Translated by Anna Livia.
NY: New York University Press, c1995.
(The cutting edge: lesbian life and literature)
note: translation from the French of: Ange et les pervers.
Suz PQ 2607 .E24 A713 1995
Delavenay, Emile.
D. H. Lawrence and Edward Carpenter; a study in Edwardian transition.
NY: Taplinger Pub. Co. [1971]
Suz, Ugl PR 6023 .A93 Z62355
Delcourt, Marie.
Hermaphrodite: mythes et rites de la bisexualite dans l'antiquite
Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1958.
Suz 291.212 D377h
Deleuze and literature. Edited by Ian Buchanan and John Marks.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2000.
note: chapter 8, Transvestism, drag and becomings: a Deleuzian analysis of
the fictions of Timothy Findley (Marlene Goldman), pp. 194-228.
Suz B2430 .D454 D4485 2000
Delibes, Miguel.
The stuff of heroes. Translated from the Spanish by Frances M.
NY: Pantheon Books, 1990.
note: translation of: 377A, madera de heroe.
Suz PQ 6607 .E45 A61313 1990
Dellamora, Richard.
Apocalyptic overtures: sexual politics and the sense
of an ending.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c1994.
Suz, Bot PR 120 G39 D45 1994
Dellamora, Richard.
Masculine desire: the sexual politics of Victorian aestheticism.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, c1990.
Suz, Bot PR 468 H65 D45 1990
DeLois, Kathryn A.
How women came to identify as lesbian: a grounded theory study.
Ph. D. Thesis -- University of Washington, 1993.
Seattle, 1993.
SocWk HV 13 Th41594
Aux Thesis 41594
DeLora, Jack R.
Intimate life styles: marriage and its alternatives. 2nd ed. Edited by
Jack R. DeLora and Joann S. DeLora.
Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear Pub. Co., [1975]
note: reprints A Gay Manifesto (Carl Wittman), pp. 202-212; [and] "I am a
lesbian and I am beautiful" (Mary Shelley), pp. 212-215, from
Liberation, February, 1970 and Berkeley Tribe, July 10/17, 1970,
note: for lst ed., see DeLora, Joann S. Intimate life styles...
Suz HQ 18 .U5 D38 1975
DeLora, Joann S.
Intimate life styles: marriage and its alternatives. Edited by Joann S.
DeLora and Jack R. DeLora.
Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear Pub. co. [1972]
note: reprints A Gay Manifesto (Carl Wittman), pp. 255-265; [and] "I am a
lesbian and I am beautiful" (Mary Shelley), pp. 265-268, from
Liberation, February, 1970 and Berkeley Tribe, July 10/17, 1970,
note: for 2nd ed, see DeLora, Jack R. Intimate life styles...
Ugl HQ 18 .U5 D38
DeLynn, Jane.
In thrall.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, [2003]
Ugl PS 3554 .E4465 I5 2003
Delph, Edward William.
The silent community: public homosexual encounters.
Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, c1978.
(Sociological observations, v.3)
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.2 U5 D45
Demeron, Pierre.
Lettre ouverte aux heterosexuels.
Paris: Michel [1969]
Suz HQ 76 .D43 1969
D'Emilio, John.
Intimate matters: a history of sexuality in America.
By John D'Emilio and Estelle Freedman.
NY: Harper & Row, c1988.
Ugl, HSLIC HQ 18 .U5 D45 1988
Tac HQ 18 .U5 D45 1989 (Perennial Library ed.)
D'Emilio, John.
Intimate matters: a history of sexuality in America. 2nd ed.
By John D'Emilio and Estelle B. Freedman.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 D45 1997
D'Emilio, John.
Lost prophet: the life and times of Bayard Rustin.
NY: Free Press, c2003.
Suz, Bot, Tac E185.97 .R93 D46 2003
D'Emilio, John.
Making trouble: essays on gay history, politics, and the university.
NY: Routledge, 1992.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 76.8 U5 D447 1992
D'Emilio, John.
Sexual politics, sexual communities: the making of
a homosexual minority in the United States, 1940-1970.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983.
note: Based on the author's thesis (Ph. D.) -- Columbia University,
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 76.8 U5 D45 1983
D'Emilio, John.
Sexual politics, sexual communities: the making of a homosexual minority
in the United States, 1940-1970. 2nd ed.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 D45 1998
D'Emilio, John.
The world turned: essays on gay history, politics, and culture.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 D454 2002
Deming, Barbara.
A humming under my feet: a book of travail.
London: Women's Press, 1985.
Suz PS 3554 E475 Z464 1985
Deming, Barbara.
I change, I change: poems.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria publishers, 1996.
Suz PS 3554 .E475 I2 1996
Deming, Barbara.
Prisons that could not hold. Introduction by Grace
Paley; photo essay edited by Joan E. Biren.
San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, c1985.
note: includes: Prison notes. Originally published in 1966.
Suz, Ugl JC 599 .U5 D45 1985
Deming, Barbara.
Remembering who we are. Barbara Deming, in dialogue
with Gwenda Blair ... [et al.]
[U. S.]: Pagoda Publications; Tallahassee, FL: Distributed
by Naiad Press, 1981.
Suz HQ 1426 .D425 1981
Deming, Barbara.
We are all part of one another: a Barbara Deming reader.
Edited by Jane Meyerding; with a foreword by Barbara Smith.
Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, c1984.
Suz, Ugl PS 3554 .E475 W38 1984
Democracy: a project. By Group Material; edited by Brian Wallis.
Seattle: Bay Press, 1990.
note: Representation, liberation, and the queer press (Polly
Thistlethwaite) pp. 206-208; Sex panics (Lisa Duggan), pp. 109-212;
AIDS and democracy: a case study (Michael Callen et al.), pp. 241-258;
Paradox and paralysis: an overview of the American response to AIDS (Tom
Stoddard), pp. 259-270; Where we are now: homo video (William Olander),
pp. 271-276; The window on Broadway by ACT UP (William Olander), pp.
277-279; AIDS and democracy: a case study (Town Meeting, chairperson-
Maria Maggenti), pp. 280-298; A test of who we are as a people (Vito
Russo), pp. 299-302.
Suz, Art N72 .S6 D46 1990
DeMott, Benjamin.
Supergrow; essays and reports on imagination in America.
NY: Dutton, 1969.
note: "But he's a homosexual...", pp. 17-34.
Suz, Ugl E169.12 .D4
Demystifying homosexuality: a teaching guide about
lesbians and gay men.
The Human Rights Foundation Inc.; Jose Gomez, managing
editor; [with a foreword by Wardell B. Pomeroy]
NY: Irvington Publishers, c1984.
Suz HQ 76.25 .D45 1984
Denenberg, Risa.
Report on lesbian health.
Washington, D. C.: NGLTF Policy Institute, Publications
Dept., [1994]
Suz WA 300 D392r 1994
San Francisco, CA: FRS Enterprises, 1991-1995.
note: continued by Curve; see Curve
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .D46 v.5,n.4-6
Denisoff, Dennis.
Dog years.
Vancouver: Pulp Press, c1991.
Suz PR 9199.3 .D437 D6 1991
Denman, Rose Mary.
Let my people in: a lesbian minister tells of her
struggles to live openly and maintain her ministry.
NY: Morrow, 1990.
Suz BX 8495 D445 A3 1990
Denneny, Michael.
Decent passions: real stories about love.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1984.
Suz HA 76.25 .D46 1984
Denneny, Michael.
Lovers: the story of two men. Interviews with Philip
Gefter & Neil Alan Marks.
NY: Avon, 1979.
note: expanded from the Christopher Street magazine
article, "Anatomy of a love affair."
Suz HQ 76 .D46 1979
Dennett, Nolan.
Place of shelter.
Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1994.
(New American fiction series, 30)
SpecColl PNW PS 3554 .E53373 P57 1994
Dennis, Jeffery P.
Queering teen culture: all-American boys and same-sex desire in film and
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .Y6 D45 2006
Dennis, Peter.
Daring hearts: lesbian and gay lives of 50s and 60s Brighton.
Brighton Ourstey Project.
Brighton: QueenSpark, 1992.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G72 B78 1992
Denny, Dallas.
Gender dysphoria: a guide to research.
NY: Garland, 1994.
(Garland gay and lesbian studies, v. 10)
SocWkRef Z6665.7 .G44 D46 1994
Denver Women's Chorus.
Denver Women's Chorus [sound recording]; Vox Femina Los Angeles.
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival 2000, v.9)
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: 1st chorus: Marla M. Wasson, artistic director; Robin Wilson,
assistant artistic director; Rachael Hazen, assistant director. 2nd
chorus: Dr. Iris S. Levine, artistic director; Lisa Edwards, pianist.
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.9
Depicting desire: gender, sexuality, and the family in nineteenth century
Europe: literary and artistic perspectives. Rachel Langford (ed.)
Oxford; NY: Peter Lang, c2005.
(European connections, v. 21)
note: (Homo)sexuality and Impressionism in Henry James's The Ambassadors,
pp. 121-132 (Elaine Pigeon); Cartoon and literary images of homosexuality
in nineteenth-century Portugal, pp. 133-147 (Robert Howes).
Suz PN 56 .S5 D47 2005
D'Erasmo, Stacey.
A seahorse year.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004.
Ugl PS 3554 .E666 S43 2004
D'Erasmo, Stacey.
Tea: a novel.
Chapel Hill, N. C.: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2000.
Suz, Ugl PS 3554 .E666 T4 2000
Derek Jarman: a portrait. Introduction by Roger Wollen;
with contributions by James Cary Parkes ... [et al.]
NY: Thames and Hudson, 1996.
Suz, Art PN 1998.3 .J3 D47 1996
Derks, Paul.
Die Schande der heiligen Päderastie: Homosexualität
und Öffentlichkeit in der deutschen Literatur 1750-1850.
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1990.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 3)
Suz PT 313 D46 1990
Derrick, Diane.
From flitch to ash: a musing on trees and carving.
NY: Alice Street Editions, c2001.
note: inspirations and works of a lesbian wood sculptor
Ugl NB 237 .D487 A23 2001
Derrick, Scott S.
Monumental anxieties: homoerotic desire and feminine influence in 19th
century U.S. literature.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c1997.
Suz, Bot PS 374 .H63 D47 1997
Desde aceras opuestas: literatura-cultura gay y lesbiana en
Latinoamérica. Dieter Ingenschay (ed.)
Madrid: Iberoamericana; Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert, 2006.
(Teoría y crítica de la cultura y literatura, v.31)
Suz PQ 7081 .A1 D485 2006
Desert hearts [videorecording] The Samuel Goldwyn Company; a Donna Deitch
film; screenplay by Natalie Cooper; produced and directed by Donna
Santa Monica, CA: MGM Home Entertainment Inc., [2001]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; based on the novel Desert of the heart by Jane
Rule; originally released as a motion picture in 1985.
note: cast, Helen Shaver, Patricia Charbonneau, Audra Lindley, Andra
Akers, Gwen Welles, Dean Butler, Katie Labourdette, James Staley, Alex
McArthur, Tyler Tyhurst, Denise Crosby, Antony Ponzini; director of
photography, Robert Elswit; editor, Robert Estrin.
note: Vivian is a repressed English professor who goes to Reno for a
quickie divorce in 1959. She spends the weeks waiting for final divorce
papers at a dumpy dude ranch. There she meets Clay, a beautiful young
casino worker. The two develop a friendship that stirs desires in Vivian
she cannot deny. Slowly their attraction deepens into bold sensuality as
they develop a bond that renews their hearts--and breaks all the
note: special features include Audio commentary with director Donna
Deitch; original theatrical trailer.
UglMed DVD MGM 071
Desiderio di Pasolini: omosessualita, arte e impegno
intellettuale. Stefano Casi (a cura di)
Torino: Sonda, 1990.
Suz PQ 4835 .A48 Z66 1990
Desire and discipline: sex and sexuality in the premodern West.
Edited by Jacqueline Murray and Konrad Eisenbichler.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996.
note: Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Toronto, Nov.
22-23, 1991.
Suz HQ 18 .E85 D47 1996
Dessaix, Robert.
Night letters; a journey through Switzerland and Italy.
Edited and annotated by Igor Miazmov.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997, c1996.
Ugl PR 9619.3 .D455 N54 1997
Destabilizing theory: contemporary feminist debates. Edited by Michele
Barrett and Anne Phillips.
Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, c1992.
note: [chapter] 6, Sexual practice and changing lesbian identities (Biddy
Martin), pp. 93-119.
Suz HQ 1190 .D47 1992
Destructive trends in mental health: the well-intentioned path to
Edited by Rogers H. Wright and Nicholas A. Cummings.
NY: Brunner-Routledge, 2005.
note: [chapter] 4, Homophobia: conceptual, definitional, and value issues
(William T. O'Donohue and Christine E. Caselles), pp. 65-83.
Suz, Tac WM 105 D477 2005
Detering, Heinrich.
Das offene Geheimnis: zur literarischen Produktivität eines Tabus von
Winckelmann bis zu Thomas Mann.
Göttingen: Wallstein, c1994.
Suz PN 56 .H57 D48 1994
Dethloff, Cyrus.
Jungenpaare, Mädchenpaare: der humanwissenschaftliche
Diskurs um die "Homosexualität" und sein Einfluss auf
ihre Darstellung im erzählenden Kinder- und Jugendbuch.
Paderborn: Igel, 1995.
(Literatur- und Medienwissenscahft, Bd. 42)
Suz PN 1009 .G3 D48 1995
Deutsch, Helene.
A psychoanalytic study of the myth of Dionysus and Apollo: two variants of
the son-mother relationship.
NY: International Universities Press [1969]
note: Part I is an expanded version of the lecture entitled Bisexuality
immortality in the Dionysus myth,...presented at the New York Academy of
Medicine on April 11, 1967.
HSLIC BL 820 .B2 D48
Deutsche Freunde: zwolf Doppelporträts. Herausgegeben von Thomas
Berlin: Rowohlt, 1997, c1995.
Suz DD 85 .D463 1997
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sexualforschung. Wissenschaftliche Tagung
1982: Hamburg, Germany).
Sexualtheorie und Sexualpolitik: Ergebnisse einer Tagung, hrsg. von Martin
Dannecker und Volkmar Sigusch; mit Beiträgen von Günter
Amendt...[et al.]
Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1984.
(Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Bd. 59)
note: Sexualität, Identität, Transsexualität, (Reimut
Reiche), pp. 51-64; Aufruf zur Entkriminalisierung der
Homosexualität, pp. 121-122, first published in the Frankfurter
Rundschau, 19. Mai. 1981, p. 9; Stellungsnahme zu der Forschungen des
Endokrinologen Prof. Dr. Günter Dörner zum Thema
Homosexualität, pp. 123-126.
Health Serials 392.608 B397 no. 59
The development of romantic relationships in adolescence.
Edited by Wyndol Furman, B. Bradford Brown, Candice Feiring.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 8. Sex, dating, passionate friendships, and romance:
intimate peer relations among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents,
(Lisa M. Diamond, Ritch C. Savin-Williams, and Eric M. Dube), pp. 175-210.
Suz BF 724.3 .L68 D48 1999
Developmental and behavioral pediatrics: a handbook for primary care.
Edited by Steven Parker, Barry Zuckerman, Marilyn Augustyn. 2nd ed.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, c2005.
note: rev. ed. of Behavioral and developmental pediatrics. c1995.
note: [chapter] 44, Gay, lesbian & bisexual youth (C. Wayne Sells, Gary
Remafedi), pp. 199-203.
Health WS 39 D489 2005
Deviant bodies: critical perspectives on difference in science and popular
culture. Edited by Jennifer Terry and Jacqueline Urla.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1995.
note: [chapter] 5, Anxious slippages between "us" and "them": a brief
history of the scientific search for homosexual bodies (Jennifer Terry),
pp. 129-169.
Suz GN 298 .D49 1995
Devor, Holly.
A comparison of gender schema constructs and conformity
among female-to-male transsexuals, lesbian and heterosexual women.
Thesis (Ph. D.)- University of Washington, 1990.
Seattle, 1990.
Suz HM 15 Th37667
Aux Thesis 37667
Devor, Holly.
FTM: female-to-male transsexuals in society.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 77.9 .D49 1997
Devor, Holly.
Gender blending: confronting the limits of duality.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1989.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1075 .D48 1989
DeVries, Rachel Guido.
Tender warriors: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1986.
Ugl PS 3554 .E9284 T46 1986
Dew, Robb Forman.
The family heart: a memoir of when our son came out.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, c1994.
Tac HQ 76.2 .U5 D49 1994
Dewhurst, John, Sir.
The intersexual disorders [by] Christopher J. Dewhurst and Ronald R.
London: Baillière, Tindall & Cassell, 1969.
Health WJ 712 D519i 1969
D'Haene, Elise.
Licking our wounds.
Sag Harbor, NY: Permanent Press, 1997.
Suz PS 3554 .H25 L53 1997
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-III-R. 3rd ed.,
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 1987.
note: Gender identity disorders, pp.71-78.
note: 2nd ed. under author, American Psychiatric Association. See,
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic...
Ugl, SocWkRef, HSLIC, Bot WM 15 D536 1987
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV. 4th ed.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, c1994.
note: Gender Identity Disorders, pp. 532-538; Sexual Disorder not
Otherwise Specified, 302.9.3. Persistent and marked distress about sexual
orientation, p. 538.
note: 2nd ed. under author, American Psychiatric Association. See,
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic...
SuzRef, UglRef, SocWkRef, HSLIC, BotRef, TacRef WM 15 D536 1994
Diamond, Elin.
Unmaking mimesis: essays on feminism and theater.
London; NY: Routledge, 1997.
note: see Peggy Shaw, You're just like my father. pp. 155-161.
Ugl, Drama PN 1590 .W64 D53 1997
Diamond, Liz.
The lesbian primer. Illustrations by Carol Arber. 2nd ed.
Salem, MA: Women's Educational Media, 1979 (1980 printing)
Suz HQ 75.5 .D5 1979
Diamond, Sara.
Not by politics alone: the enduring influence of the Christian Right.
NY: Guilford Press, c1998.
note: chapter 8, The Antigay agenda, pp. 156-172.
Suz BR 1642 .U5 D52 1998
Diaz, Rafael M.
Latino gay men and HIV: culture, sexuality, and risk behavior.
NY: Routledge, 1998.
Suz, SocWk WC 503.6 D542L 1998
Diaz, Rafael M.
Social discrimination
and health: the case of latino gay men and HIV risk. Rafael M. Diaz
and George Ayala.
NY: Policy Institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force,
note: also available electronically,
Suz WC 503.7 D542s 2001
Dickens, Homer.
What a drag: men as women and women as men in the movies.
NY: Quill, 1984, c1982.
Suz PN 1995.9 .I43 D52 1984
Dickerson, James.
The basics of adoption: a guide for building families in the U.S. and
Canada. James L. Dickerson and Mardi Allen.
note: [chapter] 8, Gay and lesbian adoptions, pp. 161-178.
SocWk HV 875.55 .D53 2006
Dickie, Margaret.
Stein, Bishop, & Rich: lyrics of love.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, c1997.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 151 .D53 1997
Dickinson, Peter.
Here is queer: nationalisms, sexualities, and the literatures of
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.
Suz PR 9185.5 .H6 D53 1999
Dickson, Lovat.
Radclyffe Hall at the well of loneliness: a sapphic
NY: Scribner, c1975.
Suz PR 6015 .A33 Z64 1975b
Diebold, David.
Tribal rites: San Francisco's dance music phenomenon,
1978-1988. Rev. 2nd ed.
Northridge, CA: Time Warp, c1988.
Suz ML 3411 .D53 1988
Dietrich, Hans. (Hans Dietrich Hellbach)
Die Freundesliebe in der deutschen Literatur.
Berlin: R. Winkel, c1996.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 9)
note: Reprint of the Leipzig edition, 1931
note: originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral) - Leipzig,
Suz PT 134 .H73 D54 1996
Difference in view: women and modeernism. Edited by Gabriele Griffin.
Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1994.
note: see chapter 2, The Other Other or More of the Same? Women's
Representation of Homosexual Men (Gregory Woods), pp. 27-36.
Suz, Tac PS 228 .M63 D54 1994
Differences. v.3, n.2 (Summer, 1991)
see: Queer theory: lesbian and gay sexualities. (special issue)
Differences. v.6, n.2/3 (Summer/Fall, 1994)
see: More gender trouble: feminism meets queer theory. (special issue)
see: Feminism meets queer theory (as published monographically)
Different daughters: a book by mothers of lesbians.
Edited by Louise Rafkin.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, c1987.
Ugl, SocWk, Bot HQ 75.6 U5 D54 1987
Different daughters. Edited by Louise Rafkin. 2nd
ed., rev. and expanded.
Pittsburgh, PA: Cleis Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 D54 1996
Different mothers: sons and daughters of lesbians
talk about their lives. Edited by Louise Rafkin.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, c1990.
Ugl HQ 777.8 D54 1990
Different rainbows. Edited by Peter Drucker.
London: Gay Men's Press; Chicago: distributed in North America by
InBook/LPC Group, 2000.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 .D44 D54 2000
DiGangi, Mario.
The homoerotics of early modern drama.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
(Cambridge studies in Renaissance literature and culture, 21)
Suz PR 658 .H58 D54 1997
Seattle: Dignity/Seattle
note: Some alternative issues have title Calendar/dateline: Mar 2000, May
2000, Oct 2000, Dec 2000, May 2001, Nov 2001; Mar 1999+ without numbering;
frequency varies
SpecColl HQ 75 .D53a
Jun 1987-Sep 1987 (v.17,n.4-5); Mar 1999, May/Jun 1999, Oct 1999, Dec
1999; Feb-Mar 2000, May-Dec 2000; Jan/Feb 2001; Apr-May 2001,
Aug-Dec 2001; Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct., Dec 2002; Mar, May, Sep, Oct, Dec
2003; Feb, Apr., Jun-Jul, Oct-Dec 2004; Mar, Jun, Sept-Dec 2005; Jan-Oct
Dijk, Lutz van.
Damned strong love: the true story of Willi G. and
Stephan K.: a novel.
Translated from the German by Elizabeth D. Crawford.
NY: Holt, 1995.
note: Translation of Verdammt starke Liebe.
ChildLit, BotChi PT 2664 .I48 V4713 1995
Dijk, Lutz van.
Einsam war ich nie: Schwule unter dem Hakenkreuz 1933-1945. Unter
Mitarbeit von Günter Grau; mit einem Nachwort von Wolfgang Popp.
Berlin: Querverlag, 2003.
Suz HQ 76.2 .E9 D55 2003
Dijk, Lutz van.
Homosexuelle: zwischen Todesstrafe und Emanzipation.
München: Elefanten Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.5 .D55 2001
DiLallo, Kevin.
The unofficial gay manual: living the lifestyle,
or at least appearing to.
By Kevin DiLallo and Jack Krumholtz; with contributions
and illustrations by Robert Hickey and contributions and photographs by
David Mackay.
NY: Main Street Books, c1994.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 D55 1994
Dillard, Gavin.
In the flesh: undressing for success.
NY: Barricade Books, 1998.
Suz PS 3554 .I3994 I5 1998
Dillard, Gavin.
Notes from a marriage: love poems.
NY: Sea Horse Press, 1983, c1980.
Suz PS 3554 .I442 N6 1983
Dillard, Gavin.
Rosie emissions.
Seattle: Rosie Emissions Press, 1975.
Suz PS 3554 .I3994 R67 1975
Dillard, Gavin.
Twenty-nine poems.
Toronto: Catalyst, 1975, c1974.
Suz PS 3554 .I3994 T8 1975
Dillard, Gavin.
Waiting for the virgin: new poems.
NY: SeaHorse Press, 1985.
Suz PS 3554 .I3994 W34 1985
Dillard, Gavin.
Yellow snow and other poems.
Beverly Hills, CA: Bhakti, 1993.
Suz PS 3554 .I3994 Y45 1993
Dillon, Millicent.
A little original sin: the life and work of Jane Bowles.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1981.
Suz, Ugl PS 3503 .O837 Z63 1981
Dilly, Patrick.
Queer man on campus: a history of non-heterosexual college men,
NY: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 D55 2002
DiMaria-Kuiper, Johannes W. (Johannes Willem)
Hot under the collar: self-portrait of a gay pastor.
Columbia, MO: Mercury Press, 1983.
Suz BX 9893 .Z8 D554 1983
DiMassa, Diane.
The complete hothead paisan: homicidal lesbian terrorist.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c1999.
Ugl PN 6727 .D56 C66 1999
Dimensions of desire; other Asian and Pacific American
sexualities: gay, lesbian and bisexual identites and orientations.
Russell C. Leong, editor. Special issue of: Amerasia journal.
v.20, n.1 (1994)
EAsia Serials E 184.O6 A44 v.20
Ding, Naifei.
Obscene things: the sexual politics in Jin Ping Mei.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.
note: chapter 8, Very close to Yinfu and Enu; or, how prefaces matter for
Jin Ping Mei (1695) and Enu Shu (Taipei, 1995)
Suz PL 2698 .H73 c5337 2002
Dinshaw, Carolyn.
Getting medieval: sexualities and communities, pre- and postmodern.
Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1999.
(Series Q)
Suz HQ 14 .D56 1999
Dirty laundry [videorecording] A videotape by Richard Fung; produced,
written and directed by Richard Fung; executive producer, Sara Diamond;
Fungus Productions.
[s.l; s.n.], c1996.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: "A co-production of the History/Memory residency, Television and
Video Program Media Arts, the Banff Centre for the Arts."
note: credits- director of photography, Kwoi; editors, Dennis Day, Miume
note: Roger Kwong is on a trip across the Canadian Rockies. He is
travelling on railway tracks originally laid in the nineteenth century by
immigrant Chinese workers, including his great-grandfather. Roger's
readings into the documents of this history contain surprising
accusations. These, combined with the discovery of an inexplicable
photograph, and fateful encounters with a spirited, tree-planting dyke and
a Chinese attendant, raise unsettling questions about Roger's
great-grandfather and Roger's own connection to the past. between dramatic
sequences four historian (Anthony B. Chan, Sky Lee, Dora Nipp and Nayan
Shah) talk about the period Kwong is investigating.
UglMed Videorecord TCHAN 012
Disability studies: enabling the humanities. Edited by Sahron L. Snyder,
Brenda Jo Brueggemann, and Rosemarie Garland-Thomson.
NY: Modern Language Association of America, 2002.
note: Compulsory able-bodiedness and queer/disbled existence (Robert
McRuer), pp. 88-99.
Suz HV 1568.2 .D594 2002 text
Suz HV 1568.2 .D594 2002 disc
The disability studies reader. Edited by Lennard J. Davis. 2nd ed.
NY: Routledge, c2006.
note: [chapter] 24, Compulsory able-bodiedness and queer/disabled
existence (Robert McRuer), pp. 301-308.
SocWk HV 1568 .D5696 2006
Discipline and the other body: correction, corporeality, colonialism.
Edited by Steven Pierce & Anupama Rao.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2006.
note: "Sinful propensities": piracy, sodomy, and empire in the rhetoric of
naval reform, 1770-1870, (Isaac Land), pp. 90-114.
Suz JV 412 .D46 2006
Discontents: new queer writers. Edited by Dennis Cooper.
NY: Amethyst Press, c1992.
Suz PS 509 .H57 1992
Discourse. v. 15, n. 1 (Fall, 1992).
see: Essays in gay and lesbian studies. (special issue)
Discourses of sexuality: from Aristotle to AIDS. Edited by Domna C.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1992.
note: Freud, sexuality, perversion (Teresa de Lauretis), pp. 216-234;
Historicizing the sexual body: sexual preferences and erotic identities in
the pseudo-Lucianic Erotes (David M. Halperin), pp. 236-261; Part Four.
AIDS and the crisis of modernity: Sexual inversions (Judith Butler), pp.
344-361; Portraits of people with AIDS (Douglas Crimp), pp. 362-388;
Values in an age of uncertainty (Jeffrey Weeks), pp. 389-411.
Suz HQ 12 .D472 1992
Discrepant histories: translocal essays on Filipino cultures. Edited by
Vicente L. Rafael.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995.
note: chapter 7, Talking about AIDS: language and the Filipino "gay"
experience in America, (Martin F. Manalansan IV), pp. 193-220.
Suz, Ugl, Tac DS 664 .D57 1995
Discrimination. Mary E. Williams, book editor.
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c2003.
(Opposing viewpoints series)
note: chapter 1-viewpoint 6, Homosexuals face significant discrimination
(Harriet Schwarz), pp. 51-56; chapter 1-viewpoint 7, Homosexuals do not face
significant discrimination (Concerned Women for America), pp. 57-64; chapter
4-viewpoint 7, Congress should ban antigay job discrimination, pp.
197-202; chapter 4-viewpoint 8, Laws banning antigay job discrimination
are unnecessary (Andrew Sullivan), pp. 203-207.
Ugl, Bot JC 599 .U5 D57 2003
Diseases in the homosexual male. Michael W. Adler (ed.)
London; NY: Springer Verlag, c1988.
HSLIC WC 140 D611 1988
Dislocating masculinity: comparative ethnographies. Edited by Andrea
Cornwall and Nancy Lindisfarne.
London; NY: Routledge, 1994.
note: [chapter] 5, "We're here, we're queer, and we're not going
shopping": changing gay male identities in contemporary Britain (David
Forrest), pp. 97-110; [chapter] 6, Gendered identities and gender
ambiguity among travestis in Salvador, Brazil (Andrea Cornwall), pp.
Suz HQ 1090 .D57 1994
Disorder in the court: trials and sexual conflict at the turn of the
century. Edited by George Robb and Nancy Erber.
NY: New York University Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 2, A public offence against decency: the trial of the
Count de Germiny and the "Moral Order" of the Third Republic, (William
Peniston), pp. 12-32; [chapter] 5, Did "My Lord Gomorrah" smile?:
homosexuality, class, and prositution in the Cleveland Street Affair,
(Morris B. Kaplan), pp. 78-99; [chapter] 7, Books on trial: prosecutions
for representing Sapphism in fin-de-siecle France, (Nicole Albert), pp.
119-139; [chapter] 10, Queer follies: effeminacy and aestheticism in
fin-de-siecle France, the case of Baron d'Adelsward Fersen and Count de
Warren, (Nancy Erber), pp. 186-208.
Suz HQ 23 .D57 1999
Disorienting sexuality: psychoanalytic reappraisals
of sexual identities.
Edited by Thomas Domenici, Ronnie C. Lesser; foreword
by Adrienne Harris.
NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz BF 175.5 .S48 D57 1995
Displacing homophobia: gay male perspectives in literature
and culture.
Edited by Ronald R. Butters, John M. Clum, and Michael Moon.
Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, c1989.
note: appeared originally in a slightly different form as a special issue
of South Atlantic Quarterly.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 169 H65 D56 1989
SuzPer 051 SO v. 88 (special issue, v.88, n.1: Winter, 1989)
The Dissident word. Chris Miller, editor.
NY: Basic Books, c1996.
(Oxford Amnesty lectures; 1995)
note: Gay autofiction: the sacred and the real, (Edmund White), pp.
Tac PN 51 .D52 1996
Dissidenten der Geschlechterordnung: schwule und lesbische Literatur auf
der iberischen Halbinsel.
Hrsg. v. Werner Altmann, Cecilia Dreymuller, und Arno Gimber.
Berlin: ed. tranvia, Verlag Frey, 2001.
Suz PQ 6073 .H65 D57 2001
Boise, ID: The Community Center, 1992-
note: continues Paper, an alternate lifestyles journal; then Out!, see
note: v.18,n.5 (Jun 2002) incorrectly numbered as v.19,n.5.
v.16,n.8 (Sep 2000); v.16, [n.10]-11 (Nov-Dec 2000/2001); v.17,n.1
(Feb 2001); v.17,n.11 (Dec 2001/Jan 2002); v.18,n.4-5,7-11 (May-Jun,
Aug-Nov, Dec 2002/Jan 2003); v.19,n.1-8 (Feb-Sep 2003)
Diversity and its discontents: cultural conflict and common ground in
contemporary American society.
Edited by Neil J. Smelser and Jeffrey C. Alexander.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1999.
note: chapter 8, Contesting the moral boundaries of Eros. A Perspective on
the cultural politics of sexuality in the late-twentieth-century United
States (Steven Seidman), pp. 167-189.
Suz E184 .A1 D57 1999
Diversity, oppression, and social functioning: person-in-environment
assessment and intervention. George A. Appleby, Edgar Colon, Julia
Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2001.
note: [chapter] 9, Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people confront
heterocentrism, heterosexism and homophobia (George A. Appleby), pp.
SocWk HV 3176 .D59 2001
Division of powers and jurisdictional issues relating to marriage.
Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 2000.
note: French ed.: Le Partage des pouvoirs...:Microfiche 101-02286/2
note: examine the constitutional division of powers and
jurisdictional issues relating to marriage...considers the application of
constitutional principles to marriage for same-sex couples...
also available online,
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 101-02285.
Dixon, Melvin.
Love's instruments. With an introduction by Elizabeth Alexander.
Chicago: Tia Chuca Press, c1995.
Suz PS 3554 .I89 L69 1995
Dixon, Melvin.
Vanishing rooms.
NY: Dutton, 1991.
Suz PS 3554 .I89 V36 1991
Dixon, Wheeler W.
Straight: constructions of heterosexuality in the cinema.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2003.
Suz, Tac PN 1995.9 .M27 D59 2003
Dlugos, Tim.
Powerless: selected poems, 1973-1990. Edited by David Trinidad;
introduction by Dennis Cooper.
NY: High Risk Books, 1996.
Suz PS 3554 .L48 P68 1995
Do the math [videorecording] Nickel Tour Productions presents; by Mary
Guzmán; producer, Shannon Newton; director, Mary Guzmán.
San Francisco, CA: Frameline, [2006]
note: DVD; based on a poem by Meliza Bañales.
note: cast- Emily Olvera, Meliza Bañales, Fontana Butterfield;
credits- music composed by Alfred O. Guzmán; trumpeteer, Gary
Cordell; director of photography, Morgan Schmidt; editor, Shannon
note: Poetry and images illustrate the hopes and dreams of a young lesbian
Latina from her early years of wishing her immigrant father did not have
an accent, to her pride (and his) when she achieved her goal of a college
UglMed DVD FRAM 010
Doan, Laura L.
Fashioning Sapphism: the origins of a modern English lesbian culture.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2001.
(Between men-between women)
Suz HQ 75.6 .G7 D63 2001
Dobbert, Duane L.
Halting the sexual predators among us: preventing attack, rape, and lust
Westport, CT: Prager, 2004.
note: chapter 6, Transvestic fetishism, gender identity disorder, pp.
Bot HV 6592 .D63 2004
Docter, Richard F.
Transvestites and transsexuals: toward a theory of
cross-gender behavior.
NY: Plenum Press, c1988.
Ugl HQ 77 D63 1988
Dodd, Alice.
In flagrante gothicto. Alice Dodd and Jillian Armenante.
Seattle, WA (1122 E. Pike St., Seattle 98122): Rain City Projects,
Drama PS 3604 .O29 I5 2003
Doenges, Judy.
What she left me: stories and a novella.
Hanover, N.H.: Middlebury College Press, published by University Press of
New England, c1999.
Suz PS 3554 .O346 W43 1999
Does your mama know?: an anthology of black lesbian coming out stories.
Edited by Lisa C. Moore.
Decatur, GA: RedBone Press, c1997.
Suz PS 648 .L47 D64 1997
Doka, Kenneth J.
AIDS, fear, and society: challenging the dreaded disease.
Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis, c1997.
Suz WC 503.7 D659a 1997
Dokumentation der Vortragsreihe "Homosexualität
und Wissenschaft"
[By] Günter Amendt ... [et al.]; Schwulenrefereat im Allgemeinen
Studentenausschuss der Freien Universität Berlin
(Hg.) 2 vols.
Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel, 1985.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 D64 1985 v.1 [and] v.2
Dolan, Jill.
Geographies of learning: theory and practice, activism and
Middleton, CT: Wesleyan University Press, c2001.
Ugl, Drama PN 2270 .G39 D65 2001
Dolan, Jill.
Presence and desire: essays on gender, sexuality, performance.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1993.
(Critical perspectives on women and gender)
Suz, Drama PN 2270 .F45 D65 1993
Dolan, Kathleen A.
Lesbian women and sexual health: the social construction of risk and
NY: Haworth Press, c2005.
Ugl WA 309 D659L 2005
Dollimore, Jonathan.
Death, desire, and loss in Western culture.
NY: Routledge, 1998.
note: [section] VIII: [chapter] 19, Wrecked by desire: Thomas Mann, pp.
275-293; [chapter] 20, Promiscuity and death, pp. 294-311; [chapter] 21,
The wonder of the pleasure, pp. 312-327.
Suz BD 444 .D42 1998
Dollimore, Jonathan.
Sex, literature, and censorship.
Cambridge: Polity Press; Malden, MA; Blackwell, 2001.
Suz PR 408 .H65 D65 2001
Dollimore, Jonathan.
Sexual dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault.
Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 71 .D49 1991
Domain, Jurgen.
Jenseits der Scham. Jurgen Domain & Hella von Sinnen.
Koln: vgs, c1998.
Suz DD 290.26 .D66 1998
Domestic partner abuse. L. Kevin Hamberger, Claire
Renzetti, editors.
NY: Springer Pub. Co., c1996.
Tac HQ 809.3 .U5 D63 1996
Domestic partnership organizing manual.
Washington, D. C.: National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force Policy Institute, c1992.
Suz KF 4754.5 .C66 1992
Domestic violence: opposing viewpoints. Tamara L. Roleff, book editor.
San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, c2000.
note: Chapter 1, Viewpoint 5, Domestic violence is a serious problem for
gays (Steve Friess), pp. 41-46; Viewpoint 6, Domestic violence among gays
is not society's problem (Mike Royko), pp. 47-51.
Bot HV 6626 .D668 2000
Domestic violence: opposing viewpoints. David M. Haugen, book editor.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, c2005.
note: Viewpoint 5, Domestic violence is a serious problem for homosexuals
(Linda M. Peterman and Charlotte G. Dixon), pp. 47-54.
Bot HV 6626 .D668 2005.
Don Slater, 1923-1997: a gay rights pioneer remembered by his friends
[assembled, edited, and composed by Joseph Hansen]
Universal City, CA: Homosexual Information Center, Inc., 1997.
Suz HQ 75.8 .S63 D65 1997
Dõna Herlinda y su hijo [videorecording] = Dõna Herlinda and
her son. Clasa Films Mundiales; argumento y guion, Jaime Humberto
Hermosillo; basado en un cuento de Jorge Lopez Paez; productor, Manuel Barbachano
Ponce; una pelicula de Jaime Humberto Hermosillo.
[Calif.]: Vanguard Cinema, [2001]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; in Spanish with English subtitles; originally
produced as a motion picture in 1985; based on the novel by Jorge
Lopez Paea.
note: cast- Arturo Meza, Marco Antonio Trevino, Guadalupe del Toro,
Leticia Lupercio; editor, Luis Kelly; photography, Miguel Erhenberg.
note: set in Guadalajara, the story of a mother who organzies her gay
son's life by arranging a marriage for him, then having the new wife,
their new baby, and his gay lover all move into her home.
UglMed DVD VANF 012
Donaghe, Ronald L.
Common sons.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1989.
Suz PS 3554 .O4634 C66 1989
Donaghy, Tom.
Boys and girls.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c2003.
Drama PS 3554 .O4643 B69 2003
Donahue, David M.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights: a human rights
Minneapolis, MN: Human Rights Resource Center, University of Minnesota,
(Human rights education series. Topic book, 3)
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 D65 2000
Dong, Arthur.
Licensed to kill: study guide.
Producer, Arthur Dong; contributors, Gregory M. Herek, Peter M. Nardi,
AnnJanette Rosga.
Los Angeles: DeepFocus Productions, c1999.
note: for videorecording, see: Licensed to kill.
UglMed Videorecord DFP 003 Suppl Booklet
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1272 guide
Dong gong xi gong [videorecording]=East palace, West palace. Quelqu'un
d'Autre Productions; une production Zhang Yuan; produced and directed by
Zhang Yuan; written by Wang Xiaobo and Zhang Yuan.
[Santa Monica, CA]: Strand Releasing, 1999.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; in Mandarin with English subtitles.
note: cast- Hu Jun, Si Han, Liu Yuxiao, Lu Rong, Ma Wen, Wang Quan, Yang
Jian, Ye Jing, Zhao Xiaoyu; credits- director of photography, Zhang Jian;
editor, Vincent Levy; music, Xiang Min; originally produced as motion
picture in 1997.
note: This film focuses on a young gay Chinese writer, A-Lan who, being
attracted to a young policeman, manages to have himself interrogated for a
whole night. His life-story which he tells during the interrogation
reflects the general repression of the Chinese society. The policeman's
attitude shifts from the initial revulsion to fascination and finally, to
UglMed Videorecord STRAN 001
Doniger, Wendy.
Women, androgynes, and other mythical beasts.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1980.
Suz, Ugl BL 2001.2 .O36
Donnell, Sidney.
Feminizing the enemy: Imperial Spain, transvestite drama, and the crisis
of masculinity.
Lewisburg [PA]: Bucknell University Press; London; Cranbury, NJ:
Associated University Presses, c2003.
Drama PN 2782 .D66 2003
Donnelly, Nisa.
The bar stories: a novel after all.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1989.
Suz PS 3554 .O532 B37 1989
Donoghue, Emma.
London; NY: Penguin, 1996.
Suz PR 6054 .O547 H66 1996
Donoghue, Emma.
Kissing the witch: old tales in new skins.
NY: HarperCollins, c1997.
ChiLit PZ8 .D733 Ki 1997
Donoghue, Emma.
Orlando: Harcourt, c2007.
Suz PR 6054 .O547 L36 2007
Donoghue, Emma.
Life mask.
Orlando: Harcourt, c2004.
Suz PR 6054 .O547 L54 2004
Donoghue, Emma.
Passions between women: British lesbian culture, 1668-1801.
NY: Harper Collins, 1993.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G7 D65 1995
Donoghue, Emma.
Stir-fry: a novel.
NY: HarperCollinsPublishers, c1994.
Ugl PR 6054 .O547 S75 1994
Donoghue, Emma.
Touchy subjects: stories.
Orlando: Harcourt, inc., c2006.
Suz PR 6054 .O547 T68 2006
Donoghue, Emma.
We are Michael Field.
Bath, Somerset, England: Absolute Press; NY: Distributed in the United
States of America and Canada by Stewart, Tabori and Chang, 1998.
Suz PR 4699 .F5 Z59 1998
Donoso, Claudia.
La manzana de Adan. Fotografias, Paz Errazuriz; texto, Claudia Donoso =
Adam's apple.
Santiago de Chile: Zona Editorial, 1990.
Suz HQ 176 .A5 D66 1990
Donoso, Jose.
Hell has no limits. Translated from the Spanish by Suzanne Jill
Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1995.
note: translation of: Lugar sin limites.
note: see also: Triple cross....
Suz PQ 8097 .D617 L813 1995
Donoso, Jose.
El lugar sin limites.
Mexico: J. Moritz [1966]
Suz PQ 8097 .D617 L8
Donovan, John.
I'll get there, it better be worth the trip; a novel.
NY: Harper & Row [1969]
ChiLit PZ 7 .D7228 Il 1969
Don't ask, don't tell: debating the gay ban in the military.
Edited by Aaron Belkin and Geoffrey Bateman.
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2003.
Ugl, Bot UV 418 .G38 D65 2003
Don't ask, don't tell discharge data.
[Santa Barbara, CA]: Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the
Military, [2004]
note: details about service members...discharged for homosexuality under
the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy between 1998-2003; datasets by base
and by job category; and explanation of the data
available online,
Don't ask, don't tell: hidden in the crowd: the need for documenting links
between sexuality and suicidal behaviours among young people: report of
the Same-sex Attracted Youth Suicide Data Collection Project. Sue
Dyson ... [et al.].
Melbourne, Australia: Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health, and
Society, La Trobe University, 2003.
(Monograph series (La Trobe University. Australian Research Centre in Sex,
Health, and Society), no. 45)
available online
Don't kiss me: the art of Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore. Edited by Louise
NY: Aperture Foundation, 2006.
Art N6853 .C252 A4 2006
Don't leave me this way: art in the age of AIDS.Compiled by Ted Gott.
Canberra, ACT: National Gallery of Australia; Melbourne;
NY: Distributed by Thames & Hudson, c1994.
note: Published in conjunction with an exhibition held at the National
Gallery of Australia, 12 Nov. 1994 - March 1995.
Art, Tac NX 180 .A36 D66 1994
Dorais, Michel.
Dead boys can't dance: sexual orientation, masculinity, and suicide.
Michel Dorais with Simon Louis Lajeunesse; translated by Pierre
Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, c2004.
note: translation of Mort et fif: la face cachee du suicide chez les
Suz HV 6545.4 .D6713 2004
Dorais, Michel.
Rent boys: the world of male sex workers. Translated by Peter
Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, c2005.
note: translation of Travailleurs du sexe.
Ugl HQ 117 .D6713 2005
Dorcey, Mary.
A noise from the woodshed: short stories.
London: Onlywomen, 1989.
Suz PR 6054 .O62 N6 1989
Dorian columns.
Seattle: Dorian Society of Seattle, - [1969]
note: continues Dorian Society of Seattle. Dorian Society news, see
Dorian Society of Seattle. Dorian Society news.
note: continued by Columns, see Columns
SpecColl HQ 75 .C62
Jun-Jul 1968, Nov-Dec 1968, Mar 1969, May-Jul 1969, Sep-Nov 1969
Dorian Gray im Spiegel der Boulevardpresse [videorecording] Ein Film von
Ulrike Ottinger; Buch, Regie, Bild, Ulrike Ottinger.
NY; Distributed by Women Make Movies, [200-?]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; soundtrack in German, subtitles in
English; based on The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
note: cast- Tabea Blumenschein, Irm Hermann, Magdalena Montezuma, Delphine
Seyrig, Toyo Tanaka, Barbara Valentin, Veruschka von Lehndorff; credits-
editor, Eva Seklensag; music, Peer Raben.
note: Dr. Mabuse, the president of a multinational press conglomerate, has
an unscrupulous plan to increase circulation. She wants to use her company
to create a human being that she can shape and control according to the
corporation's requirements. Enter Dorian Gray, a wealthy and handsome
young man whom Mabuse leads on a nightmare journey through the Berlin
underworld. "We shall dream," she explains.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 145
Dorian Group.
Dorian Group records, 1977-1985.
note: The Dorian Group is a Seattle gay rights organization, mainly
composed of professional gay men and some lesbians. It was founded in 1974 and
incorporated in 1975 as a non-profit organization. The group focuses on public
education and legal reform.
note: meeting notes, correspondence, committee records, newsletters, and
other materials relating primarily to trustee Robert Wood's service on the
Dorian Group's Board of Trustees and Membership Committee; finding aid
available in the repository.
note: online guide and finding aid
SpecColl Manuscripts/Arch Accession no. 5074-1
The Dorian Group: [newsletter]
Seattle: Dorian Group, 1976-1979
note: continued by The Dorian Group Newsletter, then TDG; see The
Dorian Group Newsletter; see TDG.
SpecCollPNW HQ 75 .D67
v.2,n.8 (Sep 1977); v.3,n.1-v.4,n.6 (Jan 1978-Jun 1979)
The Dorian Group newsletter.
Seattle: Dorian Group,
note: continues The Dorian Group: [newsletter], see The Dorian Group:
[newsletter]; continued by TDG, see TDG.
SpecCollPNW HQ 75 .D67 v.4,n.7-v.5,n.8 (Jul 1979-Aug 1980)
Dorian Society of Seattle.
Dorian Society news.
Seattle, WA: Dorian Society of Seattle
note: continued by Dorian columns, see Dorian columns
SpecColl HQ 75 .C62 Mar 1968
Dos Passos, John.
The big money.
NY: Harcourt, Brace and Company [c1936]
note: 3rd novel in the trilogy, U.S.A., one character is a black male
Suz 813 D74b
Tac PS 3507 .O743 B5 1988 (c1937, Queens House ed.)
Suz, Ugl PS 3507 .O743 U5 1946 v.3 (Houghton Mifflin ed.)
Dose, Ralf.
Magnus Hirschfeld: Deutscher, Jude, Weltbürger.
Teetz: Hentrich & Hentrich; Berlin: Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin, Centrum
Judaicum, 2005.
(Jüdische Miniaturen, Bd. 15)
Suz HQ 18.32 .H57 D67 2005
Dosei patona: doseikon DP-ho o shiru tame ni. Akasugi Yasunobu, Tsuchiya
Yuki, Tsutsui Makiko hencho.
Tokyo: Shakai Hihyosha, 2004.
note: concerning legal status of same-sex couples in Japan
EAsia KNX 568 .D67 2004
Dotson, Edisol W.
Behold the man: the hype and selling of male beauty in media and
NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 1090 .D675 1999
Doty, Alexander.
Flaming classics: queering the film canon.
NY: Routledge, 2000.
Suz PN 1995.9 .H55 D68 2000
Doty, Alexander.
Making things perfectly queer: interpreting mass culture.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1993.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 1992.8 H64 D68 1993
Doty, Mark.
Atlantis: poems.
NY: HarperPerennial, c1995.
Suz PS 3554 .O798 A8 1995
Doty, Mark.
Firebird: a memoir.
NY: HarperCollins, c1999.
Suz PS 3554 .O798 Z467 1999
Doty, Mark.
Heaven's coast: a memoir.
NY: HarperCollins Publishers, c1996.
Suz WC 503.7 D725h 1996
Doty, Mark.
My Alexandra: poems.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1993.
Suz PS 3554 .O798 M9 1993
Doty, Mark.
School of the arts: poems.
NY: HarperCollins, c2005.
PS 3554 .O798 S34 2005
Doty, Mark.
Source: poems.
NY: Harpercollins, c2001.
Suz PS 3554 .O798 S68 2001
Doty, Mark.
Sweet machine: poems.
NY: HarperFlamingo, c1998.
Suz PS 3554 .O798 S9 1998
Doty, Mark.
Turtle, swan; & Bethlehem in broad daylight: two volumes of poetry.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2000.
Suz PS 3554 .O798 A6 2000
Double-edged helix: social implications of genetics in a diverse society.
Edited by Joseph S. Alper ... [et al.]
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.
note: chapter 9, The origins of homosexuality; no genetic link to social
change (William Byne, Udo Schuklenk, Mitchell Lasco, and Jack Drescher),
pp. 197-214; chapter 10, Diversity and complexity in
gay/lesbian/bisexual/transsexual responses to the "gay-gene" debates (C.
Phoebe Lostroh and Amanda Udis-Kessler), pp. 215-226.
Suz, Bot QH 438.7 .D68 2002
Douglas, Alexander.
Friends; a true story of male love.
NY: Coward, McCann, and Geoghegan [1973]
Suz PS 3554 .O823 F7
Douglas, Carol Anne.
Love and politics: radical feminist and lesbian theories.
San Francisco: Ism Press, c1990.
Suz HQ 1206 .D67 1990
Douglas, Jack D.
Observations of deviance. Edited by Jack D. Douglas.
NY: Random House [1970]
note: Part three, Homosexual styles and ways of deviance: [chapter] 6, The
dynamics of prison homosexuality: the character of the love affair (David
A. Ward and Gene G. Kassebaum), pp. 89-106; [chapter] 7, On becoming a
lesbian (William Simon and John H. Gagnon), pp. 107-111; [chapter] 8, On
being in the "Community" (William Simon and John H. Gagnon),
pp. 112-114; [chapter] 9, The homosexual community (Evelyn Hooker),
pp. 115-128.
see also: [chapter] 6 is reprinted from Ward, David A. Women's prison...;
[chapters] 7, 8, and 9 are reprinted from Gagnon, John H. Sexual
deviance, pp. 251-255, pp. 261-263, and pp. 167-184, respectively.
SocWk HM 291 .D67
Douglas, Lauren Wright.
Ninth life.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1990.
Suz PS 3554 O8263 N5 1990
Douglas-Home, Jessica.
Violet: the life and loves of Violet Gordon Woodhouse.
London: Harvill Press, 1996.
Music ML 399 .D68 1996
The dove coos II: collection 2: gay experiences by the men of
Translated by David Jonathan; introduction by Somboon Inpradith.
Bangkok: Floating Lotus Books; San Francsico: Orchid House [distributor],
note: Nokkaeo khan.
Suz HQ 76.2 .T5 N6513 1994
Dover, Kenneth James.
Greek homosexuality.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.
Ugl, Health HQ 76.3 .G8 D68 1978
Dover, Kenneth James.
Greek homosexuality. Updated with a new postscript.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989, c1978.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .G8 D68 1989
Dowell, Coleman.
Mrs. October was here.
[NY: New Directions Pub. Corp., 1974]
Suz, Tac PS 3554 .O932 M7
Dowell, Coleman.
A star-bright lie. Foreword by Edmund White; introduction by Linda K. and
John R. Kuehl.
Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, c1993.
Suz PS 3554 .O392 Z47 1993
Dowell, Coleman.
Too much flesh and Jabez.
Elmwood, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, c1987.
Suz PS 3554 .O932 T6 1987
Dowell, Coleman.
White on black on white.
Woodstock, Vt.: Countryman Press, 1983.
Suz PS 3554 .O392 W5 1983
Dowling, Linda C.
Hellenism and homosexuality in Victorian Oxford.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994.
Suz PR 468 H65 D68 1994
Downing, Christine.
Myths and mysteries of same-sex love.
NY: Continuum, c1989.
note: includes Sigmund Freud's 1935 letter to an anonymous woman in
response to her concern about her son's presumed homosexuality. p.43. The
letter was written in English.
see also for the letter noted above: Freud, Sigmund. Letters of Sigmund
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.25 D68 1989
Downing, Michael.
Breakfast with Scot: a novel.
Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 2001, c1999.
Ugl PS 3554 .O9346 B74 2001
Downs, Alan.
The velvet rage: overcoming the pain of growing up gay in a straight man's
Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Lifelong, c2005.
Ugl HQ 76 .D69 2005
Downton, Joseph.
Detour's Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and Key West: the alternative guide.
Foreword by Gloria Estefan; walking tours by Paul George and George
Sacramento: Detour Publications, c1993.
Suz F319 .M6 D68 1993
Dowsett, G. W. (Gary W.)
Practicing desire: homosexual sex in the era of AIDS.
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996.
Suz WC 503.7 .D752p 1996
Doyle, Jennifer.
Sex objects: art and the dialectics of desire.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2006.
Art NX 650 .E7 D69 2006
Dozier, Lorraine.
Beards, binding, and breasts: sex performance in a gendered world.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2000
note: Thesis (M.A.)--University of Washington, 2000.
Suz HM 15 Th49871
AuxStx Thesis 49871
Drabble, Margaret.
Angus Wilson: a biography.
London: Secker & Warburg, 1995.
Suz PR 6045 .I577 Z64 1995
The drag king anthology. Donna Jean Troka, Kathleen LeBesco, Jean Bobby
Noble, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, 2002.
Drama PN 2071 .I47 D73 2002
The drag queen anthology: the absolutely fabulous but flawless customary
world of female impersonators.
Steven P. Schacht with Lisa Underwood, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Bot, Tac HQ 77 .D68 2004
Drake, David.
The night Larry Kramer kissed me. Foreword by Michelangelo Signorile.
NY: Anchor Books, 1994.
Drama PS 3554 R1962 N5 1994
Drake, Robert.
The gay canon: great books every gay man should read.
NY: Anchor Books, c1998.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 .D73 1998
Drakeford, John W.
A Christian view of homosexuality.
Nashville: Broadman Press, c1977.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 D7 1977
Drawing the line [videorecording]: a portrait of Keith Haring. Biografilm
W. Long Branch, N.J.: Kultur [distributor], c1989.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS.
note: credits- Producer/director, Elisabeth Aubert; narrator, Gina
Belafonte; editors, Alan Cohn, Judith Starr Wolff; music, Michele Amar and
Laurent De Wilde; performers- Keith Haring, Leo Castelli, Tony Shafrazi,
Dennis Hopper, Barbar Haskell, and others.
note: Keith Haring was an artist who graduated from graffiti to being
hailed as the successor to Warhol and Lichtenstein. He attempted to break
the boundaries between the old and the new, while incorporating social
issues into his work. Haring died of AIDS in February, 1990, at the age of
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1425
Drazen, Patrick.
Anime explosion!: the what? why? & wow! of Japanese animation.
Berkeley, CA: Stone Bridge Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 7, "A very pure thing": gay and pseudo-gay themes in
anime, pp. 78-103.
Ugl NC 1766 .J3 D73 2003
The dread of difference: gender and the horror film. Edited by Barry Keith
Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996.
note: [chapter] 18, Daughters of darkness: the lesbian vampire on film
(Bonnie Zimmerman), pp. 379-387.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .H6 D74 1996
Dream girls [videorecording] A Twentieth Century Vixen Production for BBC;
directed by Kim Longinotto and Jano Williams.
NY: Distributed by Women Make Movies, 1994.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; in Japanese with English subtitles
note: performers- Takarazuka Music School; Takarazuka Revue Company;
photography, Kim Longinotto; sound, Claire Hunt; film editor, John
Mister; narrator, Shuko Noguchi.
note: A documentary film illustrating the ways that the all-female
Takarazuka Music School and its annual musical revue reflect Japanese
puritanism and sexual politics.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 056
Dreger, Alice Domurat.
Hermaphrodites and the medical invention of sex.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998.
Suz, Ugl WJ 712 D771h 1998
Bot WJ 11.1 D771h 2000
Dreher, Sarah.
Gray magic: a Stoner McTavish mystery.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c1987.
Suz PS 3554 .R36 G7 1987
Dreher, Sarah.
Shaman's moon: a Stoner Mctavish mystery.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, 1998.
Suz PS 3554 .R36 S48 1998
Drescher, Jack.
Psychoanalytic therapy and the gay man.
Hillsdale, N.J.: Analytic Press, 1998.
Suz WM 611 D773p 1998
Dreslov, Aksel.
H. C. Andersen og "denne Albert Hansen." Med en oversaettelse
fra tysk af Carl Albert Hansen Fahlbergs afhandling om Andersons
Kobenhavn: Samleren, 1977.
Suz PT 8119 .D69
Dresner, Lisa M.
The female investigator in literature, film, and popular culture.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c2007.
note: [chapter] 2, Lesbian detectives have car trouble, pp. 40-62.
Suz PR 830 .D4 D74 2007
Dreuilhe, A. E.
Mortal embrace: living with AIDS. Translated by Linda Coverdale.
NY: Hill and Wang, 1988.
note: translation from the french of: Corps a corps.
Suz, Ugl WD 308 D774m 1988
Dreuilhe, A. E.
La societe invertie, ou, les gais de San Francisco.
Paris: Flammarion, c1979.
Suz HQ 76.25 D7
Drew, Dennis.
Boys for sale: a sociological study of boy prostitution.
By Dennis Drew & Johnathan Drake; with a foreword by Andrew Bradbury.
NY: Brown Book Company, c1969.
Suz HQ 111 .D74 1969
Driberg, Tom.
Guy Burgess, a portrait with background.
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson [1956]
Suz 921 B9121dr
Driberg, Tom.
Ruling passions.
London: Cape, 1977.
Suz CT 788 .D785 A37 1977b
Driggs, John H.
Intimacy between men: how to find and keep gay love relationships.
By John R. Driggs & Stephen E. Finn.
NY: Dutton, c1990.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.2 .U5 D75 1990
Drinnan, Neal.
Glove puppet.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Ugl PR 9619.3 .D78 G58 1998
Driver, Susan.
Queer girls and popular culture: reading, resisting, and creating
NY: Peter Lang, c2007.
(Mediated youth, v.1)
Suz HQ 76.27 .Y68 D75 2007
Droesbeck, Trevor S. (Trevor Stewart)
Not the Lady's Auxiliary: exploring the politics of gender relations in
the Halifax queer youth movement. 1997.
Thesis (M. A.) -- Dalhousie University, 1997.
available online,
Drôle de Felix [videorecording] Les Films Pélleas
présentent en coproduction avec Arte France Cinéma et Pyramide
Production; produit par Philippe Martin; un film écrit et
réalisé par Olivier Ducastel et Jacques Martineau.
[United States]: Fox Lorber Films; NY: Distributed by WinStar TV & Video,
note: 1 videodisc; DVD; in French with optional English subtitles;
originally released as a motion picture in 2000
note: cast- Sami Bouajila, Patachou, Ariane Ascaride, Pierre-Loup Rajot,
Charly Sergue, Maurice Benichou; includes filmographies, director
commentary, theatrical trailer.
note: This French comedy-drama features Felix, an unemployed, gay
Frenchman of Arab descent, who has a series of adventures during a trek
through the French countryside. The film examines the familiar theme of a
man's search for his identity. Felix is forced to confront the anger he
feels toward his father for abandoning him, and the fear and shame he
feels, living as an outsider ina predominantly straight, Caucasian
UglMed DVD WINS 049
Drost, Julia.
La Garconne: Wandlungen einer literarischen Figur.
Göttingen: Wallstein, 2003.
Suz PQ 2347 .M33 G34 2003
Drucker, Jane.
Families of value: gay and lesbian parents and their children speak
NY: Insight Books, c1998.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 D78 1998
Druett, Joan.
She captains: heroines and hellions of the sea.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2000.
Suz, Ugl D27 .D78 2000
Drug addiction research and the health of women. Editors, Cora Lee
Wetherington, Adele B. Roman.
Rockville, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, National
Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1998.
(NIH publication, no. 98-4290)
note: Drug use and increased risk of HIV among lesbians and other women
who have sex with women (Marjorie J. Plumb, M.N.A.; Elizabeth J. Rankow,
P.A.-C.; M.H.S.; and Rebecca M. Young, M. Phil.), pp. 517-528;
also available online, http://www.nida.nih.
gov/WHGD/DARHW-Download2.html, click on desired chapter
Government Publications Stx U.S. HE 20.3952:W 84/2
HSLIC WA 309 D793 1998
Drug addiction research and the health of women: executive summary.
Editors, Cora Lee Wetherington, Adele B. Roman.
Rockville, MD: U.S.Dept of Health and Human Services, National Institutes
of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1998.
(NIH publication, no. 98-4289)
note: Drug abuse and HIV among lesbians (Marjorie J. Plumb), pp.
Government Publications Stx U.S. HE 20.3952:W 84/2/EXEC.SUM
Health WA 309 D794 1998
also available online:
Drummond, John.
Speaking of Diaghilev.
London; Boston: Faber and Faber, 1997.
Suz GV 1785 .D5 D785 1997
Drury, Allen.
Advise and consent. Drawings by Arthur Shilstone.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1959.
note: for drama based on the novel, see: Mandel,
Loring. Advise and consent...; for film treatment, see Advise &
Suz, Ugl PS 3554 .R8 A28
Dry kisses only [videorecording] A videotape by Kaucyila Brooke and Jane
Cottis; made by Kaucyila Brooke and Jane Cottis.
NY: Women Make Movies [distributor], 1990.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: scripts-Kaucyila Brooke, Jane Cottis; camera, Kaucyila Brooke, Jane
Cottis, Robert Kinney, John Walden; editors, Kaucyila Brooke, Jane
note: Examines subplots or subtexts in supposed heterosexual classic
Hollywood films as well as in contemporary depictions of lesbian sexuality
on film through manipulated film clips, the commentary of Theory Woman and
interviews with the Lesbian on the Street.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 089
D'Souza, Dinesh.
The enemy at home: the cultural left and its responsibility for 9/11.
NY: Doubleday, c2007.
note: [chapter] 6, A world without patriarchy: divorce, homosexuality, and
other liberal family values, pp. 147-173.
Suz E902 .D76 2007
D'Souza, Dinesh.
Letters to a young conservative.
NY: Basic Books, c2002.
note: [chapter] 23, Against gay marriage, pp. 171-176.
Suz JC 573.2 .U6 D76 2002
Du Mas, Frank M.
Gay is not good.
Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers, c1979.
note: against acceptance of gays
Suz HQ 76.25 .D85 1979
DuBay, William H.
Gay identity: the self under ban.
Jefferson, N. C.: McFarland & co., 1987.
Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.3 U5 D82 1987
Duberman, Martin B.
About time: exploring the gay past.
NY: Gay Presses of New York, c1986.
note: includes documents from 1820's-1965; essays from 1972-1982 and a
Suz,Ugl HQ 76.25 .D82 1986
Duberman, Martin B.
About time: exploring the gay past. Rev. and expanded ed.
NY: Meridian, c1991.
Suz HQ 76.25 .D83 1991
Duberman, Martin B.
Cures: a gay man's odyssey.
NY: Dutton, c1991.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.8 D82 A3 1991
Duberman, Martin B.
Left out: the politics of exclusion: essays, 1964-1999.
NY: Basic Books, c1999.
Suz, Ugl JA 75.7 .D82 1999
Duberman, Martin B.
Left out: the politics of exclusion: essays, 1964-2002.
Cambridge, MA: South End Press, c2002.
Ugl, Bot HN 57 .D83 2002
Duberman, Martin B.
Male armor: selected plays, 1968-1974.
NY: Dutton, 1975.
Suz PS 3554 .U25 M3 1975
Duberman, Martin B.
Midlife queer: autobiography of a decade, 1971-1981.
NY: Scribner, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.8 .D82 A32 1986
Duberman, Martin B.
NY: Dutton, c1993
Suz, Tac HQ 76.8 .U5 D85 1993
Duberman, Martin B.
The worlds of Lincoln Kirstein.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007.
Ugl PS 3521 .I74 Z65 2007
Dubin, Steven C.
Arresting images: impolitic art and uncivil actions.
London; NY: Routledge, 1992.
note: [chapter] 7. Gay images and the social construction of
acceptability, pp. 159-196; [chapter] 8, AIDS: bearing witness, pp.
Art, Bot NX 735 .D79 1992
Dubois, Page.
Sappho is burning.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.
Suz PA 4409 .D8 1995
Dubsky, Mario.
Tom Pilgrim's progress among the consequences of
Christianity: and other drawings.
Introduction by Edward Lucie-Smith.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1981.
Art Desk NC 242 .D82 A4 1981
Dubus, Andre.
The lieutenant.
NY: Dell Books, 1968.
Suz PS 3554 .U265 L43 1968
Dubus, Andre.
Meditations from a movable chair: essays.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.
Suz PS 3554 .U265 Z47 1998
Ducat, Stephen.
The wimp factor: gender gaps, holy wars and the politics of anxious
Boston: Beacon Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 2, The Miss Nancy Man in nineteenth-century America:
historical roots of anxious male politics, pp. 60-83; Where fear lies for
the straight guy; the political psychology of male homophobia, pp.
Bot HQ 1090 .D83 2004
DuCharme, Elaine G.
Protection from employment discrimination against homosexuals: an
Seattle, 1982.
note: Submitted to Professor Linda S. Hume for Law B586, Issues in
Discrimination Seminar, 1982.
Law Reference Area microfiche KF 253 .W3s
Dudgeon, Jeffrey, applicant.
Affaire Dudgeon = Dudgeon case.
Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe, 1984.
(Publications de la Cour Europeenne des Droits de l'Homme. Serie B,
Memoires plaidoiries et documents, v.40)
note: for related titles, see also: European Commisson of Human Rights;
and European Court of Human Rights.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 D82 1984
Law KJC 5138 A52 v.40
Due, Linnea A.
Joining the tribe: growing up gay & lesbian in the '90s.
NY: Anchor Books, 1995.
SocWk, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 D84 1995
Dugan, Kimberley B.
The struggle over gay, lesbian, and bisexual rights: facing off in
NY: Routledge, 2005.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 D86 2005
Duggan, Lisa.
Sapphic slashers: sex, violence, and American modernity.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2000.
Suz, Ugl HV 6534 .M4 D84 2000
Duggan, Lisa.
Sex wars: sexual dissent and political culture. By
Lisa Duggan and Nan D. Hunter.
NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz, Tac HQ 23 .D78 1995
Suz HQ 23 .D78 2006 (new introduction)
Duggan, Lisa.
The twilight of equality?: neoliberalism, cultural politics, and the
attack on democracy.
Boston: Beacon Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 3, Equality, Ind., pp. 43-66.
Suz JC 574.2 .U6 D84 2003
The Dukeminier awards: best sexual orientation law review articles
of... The Williams Project, UCLA School of Law.
Los Angeles, CA: UCLA School of Law, c2002-
note: compilation of the best articles on sexual orientation
note: the tables of contents and abstracts available
Law shelved by title v.1- 2002-
Dunbar, Robert E.
Springfield, N. J.: Enslow, c1995.
(Issues in focus)
ChiLit HQ 76.26 .D85 1995
Duncan, Alasdair.
Sushi central.
St. Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland Press; Portland, OR: Distributed
in the USA and Canada by International Specialized Book Services,
Ugl PR 9619.4 .D86 S87 2003
Duncan, Ben.
The same language. Edited with an afterword by John Howard.
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, c2005.
Suz HQ 75.8 .D86 A3 2005
Duncan, Derek.
Reading and writing Italian homosexuality: a case of possible
Aldershot, Hampshire, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2006.
Suz PQ 4088 .D86 2006
Duncan, Robert.
Bending the bow.
[New York] New Directions, 1968.
Suz PS 3507 .U629 B4
Duncan, Robert.
Roots and branches, poems.
NY: Scribner [1964]
Suz, Ugl PS 3507 .U629 R6
Duncker, Patricia.
Hallucinating Foucault.
NY: Vintage Books, 1998.
Suz PR 6054 .U477 H35 1998
Duncker, Patricia.
James Miranda Barry.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1999.
Suz PR 6054 .U477 J36 1999
Duncker, Patricia.
Sisters and strangers: an introduction to contemporary
feminist fiction.
Oxford/UK, Cambridge/MA: Blackwell, 1992.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PR 888 F45 D86 1992
Dunford, Warren.
Soon to be a major motion picture: a novel.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Ugl PR 9199.3 .D867 S66 2000
Dunivin, Karen O.
culture: a paradigm shift?
Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.: Air War College, Air University, [1997]
available online
Dunne, Gillian A.
Lesbian lifestyles: women's work and the politics
of sexuality.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.5 .D86 1996
Dunning, Jennifer.
Alvin Ailey: a life in dancee.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, c1996.
Suz, Ugl GV 1785 .A38 D85 1996
Dunton, Chris.
Human rights and homosexuality in Southern Africa. 2nd, expanded ed.
By Chris Dunton and Mai Palmberg.
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstituet, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .A356 D86 1996b
Duplechan, Larry.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1986.
Suz PS 3554 .U55 B56 1986
Duplechan, Larry.
Eight days a week: a novel.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1985.
Suz PS 3554 .U55 E5 1985
Duplechan, Larry.
Tangled up in blue.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3554 .U55 T36 1989
Dupont, Florence.
L'erotisme masculin dans la Rome antique. Florence Dupont, Thierry
Paris: Belin, 2001
Suz HQ 13 .D976 2001
DuPree, Michael G.
A candidate gene study and a full genome screen for male
note: Ph. D. thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 2002.
available online,
Dupuis, Herve.
Fugues pour un cheval et un piano.
see: for English translation (Return of young Hippolytus), Gay plays and
international anthology.
Dupuis, Martin.
Same-sex marriage, legal mobilization, & the politics of rights.
NY: Peter Lang, c2002.
(Teaching texts in law and politics, v. 17)
Suz, Law HQ 1034 .U5 D86 2002
Duran, Gloria.
The archetypes of Carlos Fuentes: from witch to androgyne.
Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1980.
note: a rev. and enl. English version of the author's La Magia y las
brujas en la obra de Carlos Fuentes, published in 1976.
Suz, Ugl PQ 7297 .F793 Z63 1980
Durch Wissenschaft zur Gerechtigkeit?: Textsammlung zur kritischen
Rezeption des Schaffens von Magnus Hirschfeld. Andreas Seeck (Hg.)
Münster, London: LIT, [2003]
(Geschlecht, Sexualität, Gesellschaft, Bd. 4)
Suz HQ 18.32 .H57 D87 2003
Dureau, George.
New Orleans: 50 photographs. Introduced by Edward Lucie-Smith.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1985.
note: French translation by Elizabeth Ganne. German translation by
Christiane Bergob.
ArtDesk TR 681 .M4 D87 1985
Durham, Carolyn A.
Literary globalism: Anglo-American fiction set in France.
Lewisburg [PA]: Bucknell University Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 8, The re-zoning of gay Paris: Edmund White's The Married
Man, pp. 164-192.
Suz PR 129 .F8 D87 2005
Dürhammer, Ilija.
Geheime Botschaften: homoerotische Subkulturen im Schubert-Kreis, bei Hugo
von Hofmannsthal und Thomas Bernhard.
Wien: Böhlau, c2006.
Suz PT 134 .H73 D87 2006
Dustan, Guillaume.
Dans ma chambre: roman.
Paris: P.O.L., c1996.
Suz PQ 2664 .U8113 D36 1996
Dustan, Guillaume.
Genie divin.
Paris: Balland, c2001.
Suz PQ 2664 .U8113 G45 2001
Dustan, Guillaume.
Je sors ce soir: roman.
Paris: P.O.L., c1997.
Suz PQ 2664 .U8113 J4 1997
Dustan, Guillaume.
LXiR, ou, Dedramatison la vi cotidien.
Paris: Balland, c2002.
Suz PQ 2664 .U8113 L93 2002
Dustan, Guillaume.
Nicolas Pages: roman.
Paris: Balland, 1999.
Suz PQ 2664 .U8113 N53 1999
Dustan, Guillaume.
Plus fort que moi: roman.
Paris: P.O.L., c1998.
Suz PQ 2664 .U8113 P57 1998
Duvert, Tony.
Recidive: [roman]
Paris: Editions de Minuit, c1976.
Suz PQ 2664 .U86 R4 1976
Duvert, Tony.
Strange landscape. Translated from the French by Sam Flores.
NY: Grove Press: distributed by Random House, 1975.
note: translation of Paysage de fantaisie.
Suz PQ 2664 .U86 P313
Duvert, Tony.
When Jonathan died. Translated by D. R. Roberts.
London: GMP, 1991.
note: translated from the French of Quand mourut Jonathan.
PQ 2664 .U86 Q813 1991
Dworkin, Andrea.
Our blood: prophecies and discourses on sexual politics.
NY: Harper & Row, c1976.
note: [chapter] 7, Lesbian pride, pp. 73-75. (delivered at a rally for
Lesbian Pride Week, Central Park, New York City, June 28, 1975)
Suz HQ 1154 .D85 1976
Dyer, Charles.
NY: Grove Press [c1966]
Drama PR 6054 .Y4 s8 1966
Dyer, Charles.
Baltimore: Penguin Books [c1966]
(Penguin modern playwrights, 1)
note: reading ed. of a play first presented by the Royal Shakespeare
Company at the Aldwych Theatre, London, in the Autumn of 1966
Drama PR 6054 .Y4 S8
Dyer, Charles.
London; NY: French, c1966.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Staircase
Dyer, Richard.
The culture of queers.
London; NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz HQ 76 .D9 2002
Dyer, Richard.
Heavenly bodies: film stars and society.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1986.
note: chapter 3, Judy Garland and gay men, pp. 141-194.
Suz PN 1995.9 .S6 D94 1986
Dyer, Richard.
The matter of images: essays on representations.
London, NY: Routledge, 1993.
Suz PN 1995.9 H55 D93 1993
Dyer, Richard.
Now you see it: studies on lesbian and gay film.
London, NY: Routledge, 1990.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 D94 1990
Dyer, Richard.
Now you see it: studies on lesbian and gay film. [New ed.] Richard Dyer
with Julianne Pidduck.
London: Routledge, 2003.
Ugl, Tac PN 1995.9 .H55 D94 2003
Dyer, Richard.
Only entertainment.
London; NY: Routledge, 1992.
note: [chapter] 10, Don't look now: the instabilities of the male-pin, pp.
103-119; [chapter] 11, Coming to terms: gay pornography, pp. 122-134;
[chapter] 12, It's being so camp as keeps us going, pp. 135-147; [chapter]
14, Getting over the rainbow: identity and pleasure in gay cultural
politics, pp. 159-172.
Ugl, Drama PN 1590 .S6 D94 1992
Dyke life: from growing up to growing old, a celebration
of the lesbian experience. Edited by Karla Jay.
NY: Basic Books, c1995.
Suz, SocWk HQ 75.5 .D95 1995
Dyke strippers: lesbian cartoonists A to Z. Edited by Roz Warren.
Pittsburgh, PA: Cleis Press, c1995.
Ugl PN 6726 .D95 1995
Dykes & Gorgons.
Berkeley, CA: Dykes and Gorgons, c1973-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.1,no.1 (May/June 1973)
Dykescapes. Edited by Tina Portillo.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1991.
Suz PS 648 .L447 D8 1991
Dykeversions: lesbian short fiction. Edited by The Lesbian Writing and
Publishing Collective.
Toronto: Women's Press, c1986.
Suz PR 9197.33 .W65 D94 1986
Dykewomon, Elana.
Beyond the pale: a novel.
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, c1997.
Suz, Ugl PS 3554 .Y55 B49 1997
Dykewords: an anthology of lesbian writings. Edited
by the Lesbian Writing and Publishing Collective.
Toronto: Women's Press, 1990.
Suz PR 9194.5 .L47 D95 1990
Dynes, Wayne R.
Homolexis: a historical and cultural lexicon of homosexuality.
NY: Scholarship Committee, Gay Academic Union, c1985.
(Gai saber monograph, no. 4)
SuzRef HQ 76.25 .D955 1985
Dynes, Wayne R.
Homosexuality: a research guide.
NY: Garland Pub., 1987.
(Garland reference library of social science, v. 313)
SuzRef Z7164 S42 D96 1987
Dyson, Michael Eric.
Know what I mean?: reflections on hip-hop.
NY: Basic Civitas; [London:Perseus Running, distributor], 2007.
note: Track 4. "Cover your eyes as I describe a scene so violent";
violence, machismo, sexism, and homophobia, pp. 91-122.
Ugl ML 3531 .D97 2007
E. Bay gay men's news letter.
[Oakland, CA]: Oakland Gay Men's Political Action Group.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 no. 4-5 (May 20, 1973-June 17, 1973)
The eagle newsmagazine.
Portland, OR: Eagle Eye Pub. Co.
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .E18 n.3 (Mar 1985); n.5-8 (May-Aug 1985)
Eagleton, Terry.
Wittgenstein: the Terry Eagleton script, the Derek Jarman film.
London: British Film Institute, 1993.
Suz PN 1997 .W583 E24 1993
Eakin, Benjamin.
Fairy tales mother never told you. Written and illustrated
by Benjamin Eakin.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1985.
Suz PS 3555 .A397 F3 1985
An Early frost [videorecording] National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
Burbank, CA: RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, 1987.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; videocassette release of the 1985 television
movie by NBC; based on a story by Sherman Yellen.
note: cast- Aidan Quinn, Gena Rowlands, Ben Gazarra, Sylvia Sidney
note: a drama about the tragic effects of the fatal disease AIDS on an
average American family
UglMed Videorecord RCA 60760
East Main Street: Asian American popular culture. Edited by Shilpa
Davé, LeilLani Nishime, and Tasha G. Oren; foreword by Robert G.
NY: New York University Press, c2005.
note: chapter 6, "Within each crack/a story"; the political economy of
queering Filipino American pasts (Victor Bascara), pp. 117-136.
Ugl, Tac E184 .A75 E17 2005
Easton, Laird McLeod.
The red count: the life and times of Harry Kessler.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2002.
Suz DD 231 .K4 E27 2002
Eastland, Lynette J.
Communication, organization, and change within a feminist collective.
Lewiston, N. Y.: E. Mellen Press, 1991.
Suz HD 6072.6 U52 S254 1991
Eating culture. Ron Scapp and Brian Seitz, editors.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c1998.
note: chapter 2, "Get fat, don't die!": eating and AIDS in gay men's
culture (Steven F. Kruger), pp. 36-59.
Tac GT 2850 .S27 1998
Eating out [videorecording] A Ariztical entertainment presents a film by
Q. Allan Brocka.
[Tucson, AR]: Ariztical Entertainment, [2005]
note: DVD
note: performers- Scott Lunsford, Jim Verraros, Emily Stiles, Ryan
Carnes, Rebekah Kochan; credits- producers, Michael J. Shoel, Danielle
Probst; writer, director, Q. Allan Brocka; director of photography, Keith
J. Duggan; editor, Phillip J. Bartell; original score, Dominik Hauser.
note: Caleb learns from his gay roommate Kyle that "gay men can get any
girl they want." So Caleb pretends to be gay to woo Glen. The plan
backfires when Gwen ropes him into "eating out" with her roommate Marc,
who is, naturally, the object of Kyle's affection.
UglMed DVD ARIZ 001
Eaton, Lucille E. (Lucille Elizabeth)
Constructing rainbow classrooms: non-heterosexual students journey toward
safer schools.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--North Carolina State University, 2005
available online,
Eaubonne, Francoise d'
Eros minoritaire.
Paris: A. Balland, c1970.
Suz HQ 76 .E26 1970
Eaubonne, Francoise d'
Verlaine et Rimbaud; ou, La fausse evasion.
Paris: A. Michel [1960]
Suz PQ 2464 .E2 1960
Eaubonne, Francoise d'
La vie passionnee de Verlaine.
[Paris] Seghers-L'Inter [1960]
Suz 841 V589zea
Ebenstein, Hanns.
Volleyball with the Cuna Indians and other gay travel adventures.
NY: Viking, 1993.
Suz G465 .E24 1993
Ebershoff, David.
The Danish girl: a novel.
NY: Viking, 2000.
Ugl PS 3555 .B4824 D36 2000
Ebershoff, David.
The rose city: stories.
NY: Viking, 2001.
Ugl PS 3555 .B4824 R67 2001
Ebert, Alan.
The homosexuals.
NY: Macmillan, c1977.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.2 U5 E23
Eberwein, Robert T.
Armed forces: masculinity and sexuality in the American war film.
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, c2007.
note: chapter 5, Drag, pp. 87-101; chapter 6, "Don't ask, don't tell", pp.
Suz PN 1998.9 .W3 E24 2007
Ecarnot, Catherine.
L'ecriture de Monique Wittig: a la couleur de Sappho.
Paris: L'Harmatten, c2002.
Suz PQ 2683 .I8 Z7 2002
Ecce queer.
Seattle, WA: Ecce Queer,
note: evidently, although a new volume began with v.2, the issue number
continued from v.1; thus, v.1 ended with n.4, and v.2 began as v.2, n.5
SpecCollPNW HQ 75 .E23
v.1, n.2 (Win 1991-92)-v.2, n.5 (Fall 1992)
Eccles, John M.
John M. Eccles papers, 1946-1977.
note: 4.33 cu. ft. (7 boxes)
note: Gay man and Vice President of the Los Angeles Mattachine Society,
Inc. Eccles was from Washington State, and collected materials related to
homosexuality. He attempted to establish a chapter of the Mattachine
Society in Washington, and served as Vice President of the Los Angeles
Mattachine Society, Inc in the 1960's. He resigned in 1963 following a
note: Ephemera including pamphlets, newsletters and magazines, books,
correspondence, writings, notes, speeches and research materials about
homosexuality, 3-3/4 ips reel-to-reel audiotaped lectures, photographs and
other graphic materials; 1946-1977 (bulk 1958-1968). Included are letters
from his father, George Eccles, and materials associated with Hollywood
Assistance League, National League for Social Understanding, Janus Society
of America, ONE Institute of Homophile Studies, Society for Individual
Rights, and Southern California Council on Religion and the Homophile.
note: online guide and finding aid
Manuscripts/Archives Accession No. 4517-1
Echoes and inscriptions: comparative approaches to early modern Spanish
literatures. Edited by Barbara A. Simerka and Christopher B. Weimer.
Lewisburg [PA]: Bucknell University Press; London; Cranbury, NJ:
Associated University Presses, c2000.
note: Transgendering the mystical voice: Angela de Foligno, San Juan,
Santa Teresa, Luisa de Carvajal (Anne J. Cruz), pp. 127-141.
Suz P 6066 .E34 2000
Echols, Alice.
Scars of sweet paradise: the life and times of Janis Joplin.
NY: Metropolitan Books: Henry Holt, 1999.
Suz ML 420 .J77 E25 1999
Echols, Alice.
Shaky ground: the '60s and its aftershocks.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 8, Queer like us?, pp. 129-144; [chapter] 9, "Thousands of
men and a few hundred women": Janis Joplin, sexual ambiguity, and Bohemia,
pp. 145-150.
Suz, Bot E839.4 .E28 2002
Eckart, Gabriele.
Der Seidelstein: eine Novelle.
Suz PT 2665 .C52 S45 1989
Eckert, Penelope.
Entering the heterosexual marketplace: identities of subordination as a
developmental imperative.
[Palo Alto, CA: P. Eckert, 1994]
note: printout. Oct. 6, 2004.
Suz GN 47;9.7 .E35 1994
Eckstein-Diener, Berta.
Mothers and Amazons; the first feminine history of culture. Edited and
translated by Joseph Campbell.
NY: Julian Press, 1965.
note: [chapter] X, Amazons, pp. 95-111.
Suz 396.9 Ec59mE
Ugl HQ 1121 .E313 1965
Ecstatic antibodies: resisting the AIDS mythology. Edited by Tessa Boffin
and Sunil Gupta.
London: Rivers Oram Press; Winchester, MA: Unwin, Hyman, 1990.
Suz NX 180 .A36 E38 1990
Ed Wood [videorecording] A Burton/Di Novi Production; producers, Denise Di
Novi, Tim Burton; director, Tim Burton.
[United States]: Touchstone Home Video; Burbank, CA: distributed by Buena
Vista Home Video, 1995.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally released as a motion picture in
note: cast- Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Sarah Jessica Parker, Patricia
Arquette, Jeffrey Jones, Bill Murray; music, Howard Shore; editor, Chris
Lebenzon; production designer, Tom Duffield, director of photography,
Stefan Czapsky; co-producer, Michael Flynn; executive producer, Michael
Lehmann; writers, Scott Alexander, Larry Karaszewski.
note: Ed Wood is a high-spirited movieman who refuses to let unfinished
scenes, terrible reviews or hostile studio executives derail his
big-screen dreams. With an oddball collection of showbiz misfits, Ed takes
the art of bad moviemaking to an all-time low! Transvestism is part of the
thematic material.
UglMed Videorecord BVHE 007
Eddy, Mark.
Prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation [microform]:
arguments for and against proposed legislation.
[Washington, D. C.]: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress,
Microfilm: Arlington, VA: University Publications of America, 1990.
(Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service.
Supplement; 1989-90, reel 2, fr. 00001)
MicNews Microfilm A6816 1989-90, reel 2, fr. 00001
Eddy, Mark.
Sexual orientation discrimination in employment [microform]: legislation
and issues in the 103rd Congress.
[Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress,
(Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service.
Supplement; 1994, reel 12, fr. 00139)
MicNews Microfilm A6816 1994, reel 12, fr. 00139
Eddy, Mark.
Sexual orientation discrimination in employment [microform]: legislation
and issues in the 104th Congress.
[Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress,
(Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service.
Supplement; 1996, reel 1, fr. 00192)
MicNews Microfilm A6816 1996, reel 1, fr. 00192
Eddy, Mark.
Sexual orientation discrimination in employment [microform]: legislation
and issues in the 104th Congress.
[Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress,
(Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service.
Supplement; 1997, reel 1, fr. 00114)
MicNews Microfilm A6816 1997, reel 1, fr. 00114
Edel, Leon.
Henry James, a life.
NY: Harper & Row, c1985.
note: explores James' psychosexuality, especially with regard to his
Suz, Ugl PS 2123 .E353 1985
Edelman, Lee.
Homographesis: essays in gay literary and cultural theory.
NY: Routledge, 1994.
Suz PS 1153 G38 E34 1994
Edelman, Lee.
No future: queer theory and the death drive.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.
Suz HQ 76.25 .E34 2004
Edelman, Scott.
The gift.
NY: Space and Time, c1990.
Suz PS 3555 .D435 G54 1990
Edge, Simon.
With friends like these- - : Marxism and gay politics.
London; NY: Cassell, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G7 E34 1995
Edge of seventeen [videorecording] Blue Streak and Luna Pictures; written
by Todd Stephens; produced by David Moreton and Todd Stephens; directed by
David Moreton.
[Santa Monica, CA]: Strand Home Video, c2000.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD
note: cast- Chris Stafford, Tina Holmes, Andersen Babrych, Stephanie McVay
and Lea DeLaria; credits- director of photography, Gina DeGirolamo;
Tal Ben-David; music, Tom Bailey.
note: A gay teen finds out who he is and what he wants, who his friends
are, and who loves him, in this autobiographical tale set in middle
America in the summer of 1984. Eric gets a summer job at an amusement park
where he meets Rod. A puppy-love infatuation begins as Eric realizes that
if he's falling in love with a male, he must be gay.
UglMed DVD STRAN 005
Edmonds, J. M. (John Maxwell), ed. and tr.
Elegy and iambus, being the remains of all the Greek
elegiac and iambic poets from Callinus to Crates, excepting the
choliambic writers, with the Anacreontea, in two volumes, newly
edited and translated by J. M. Edmonds...
London: W. Heinemann, ltd.; NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1931. 2v.
(The Loeb classical library)
note: Greek and English on opposite pages.
note: Theognis. Elegiac Poems. Book 2. In: v.1, pp. 381-401.
see also: Theognis. Poemes elegiaques.
Suz PA 3611 A14 v.1 [and] v.2
Edmonson, Roger.
Boy in the sand: Casey Donovan, all-American sex star.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz PN 2287 .D524 E34 1998
Edmonson, Roger.
Clone: the life and legacy of Al Parker, gay superstar.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Suz PN 2287 .P24 A3 2000
Edsall, Nicholas C.
Toward Stonewall: homosexuality and society in the modern western
Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2003.
Suz HQ 76.3 .E37 2003
Education, equality and human rights; issues of gender, 'race', sexuality,
special needs and social class.
Edited by Mike Cole.
NY: RoutledgeFalmer, 2000.
note: [chapter] 5, One of them or one of us? sexuality, identity and
equality (Viv Ellis and Simon Forrest), pp. 78-98; [chapter] 6, Difficult
loves: learning about sexuality and homophobia in schools (Simon Forrest),
pp. 99-117.
Suz, Bot LC 213.3 .G7 E335 2000
The education of Shelby Knox [videorecording] Produced in association with
the Independent Television Service (ITVS) and P.O.V./American Documentary,
Inc.; produced by Cine Qua Non/Incite Pictures; presents; a documentary by
Marion Lipschutz & Rose Rosenblatt; produced and directed by Marion
Lipschutz, Rose Rosenblatt.
NY: Cine Qua Non: InCite Pictures, [2005]
note: DVD + 1 discussion guide
note: credits- edited by Rose Rosenblatt, Jeremy Stulberg; photography by
Gary Keith Griffin.
note: Documentary which presents the political activism of high school
student Shelby Knox. The film begins in 2001 when Shelby Knox, a 15-year
old high school sophomore, joins the Lubbock Youth Commission, a group of
high school students empowered by the mayor to give Lubbock's youth a
voice in city government. Knowing that Lubbock, Tex. had one of the
highest rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease in the
nation, the Youth Commission questioned Lubbock's abstinence-only policy.
Shelby, a politically conservative Southern Baptist who had pledged
abstinence until marriage, became the group's most vocal proponent of
comprehensive sex education. The documentary explores other issues beyond
the debate over abstinence-only versus comprehensive sex eduction.
It portrays Shelby's family's struggle with teen independence; Shelby's
struggle with her Christian faith; Shelby's widening activism into other
issues, such as the creation of a Gay/Straight Alliance at her high
school; issues of tolerance; and the power of political activism.
UglMed DVD INCI 002
UglMed DVD INCI 002 guide
TacMed DVD TAC-1387 (New Video Group, 2006)
Education, research, and practice in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgendered psychology: a resource manual. Editors, Beverly Greene,
Gladys L. Croom.
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, c2000.
(Psychological perspectives on lesbian and gay issues, v.5)
note: "Sponsored by the Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian and
Gay Issues, Division 44 of the American Psychological Association."
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.25 .E38 2000
Edward II [videorecording]
British Screen & BBC Films present a Working
Title production; [dist.] Fine Line Pictures.
New Line Home Video; Burbank, CA: sold exclusively
by Columbia Tristar Home Video, 1992.
note: Based on the play by Christopher Marlowe; Director,
Derek Jarman.
see also: Marlowe, Christopher. Edward the Second.
see also: Jarman, Derek. Queer Edward II.
UglMed Videorecord NLHV 013
BotMed Videorecord BOT-795
Edwards, Brian T.
Morocco bound: disorienting America's Maghreb, from Casablanca to the
Marrakech Express.
Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2005.
note: [section] 2, Queer Tangier: [chapter] 3, Tangier(s): the multiple
cold war contexts of the International Zone, pp. 122-157; [chapter] 4,
Disorienting the national subject; Burrough's Tangier, Hitchcock's
Marrakech, pp. 158-197; [chapter] 5, [Three serious writers], two serious
authors: Jane Bowles, Mohammed Mrabet, and the [Erotics of Collaboration]
Politics of Translation, pp. 198-143.
Suz DT 313.8 .E38 2005
Edwards, George R.
Gay/lesbian liberation: a biblical perspective.
NY: Pilgrim Press, c1984.
Suz BR 115 H6 E33 1984
Edwards, John N.
Sex and society. Edited by John N. Edwards.
Chicago: Markham Pub. Co. [1972]
note: [chapter] 5, Homosexuality in various communities (Donald J. West),
pp. 69-78; [chapter] 6, The homosexual community (Maurice Leznoff and
William A. Westley), pp. 79-86; [chapter] 7, The lesbians; a preliminary
overview (William Simon and John H. Gagnon), pp. 89-107.
Suz HQ 21 .E28
Edwards, Justin D.
Exotic journeys: exploring the erotics of U.S. travel literature,
Hanover: University of New Hampshire, published by University Press of New
England, c2001.
note: chapter 1, Melville's Peep Show; or, Sexual and Textual Cruises in
Typee, pp. 20-32; chapter 2, Primitivism and homosexuality: the search for
the "natural" in Charles Warren Stoddard's Travel Sketches, pp. 33-47; chapter
3, "Closer than blood-relationship": male homosocial attachment in Jack
London's Tales of the South Pacific, pp. 48-62; chapter 8, Carl Van
Vechten's sexual tourism in jazz age Harlem, pp. 142-155.
Suz PS 366 .T73 E39 2001
Edwards, Tim.
Cultures of masculinity.
London; NY: Routledge, 2006.
note: Identity and desire: gay male sexuality and masculinity, pp.
Bot HQ 1090 .E329 2006
Edwards, Tim.
Erotics & politics: gay male sexuality, masculinity, and
London, NY: Routledge, c1994.
Suz HQ 76 E3 1994
Eekhoud, Georges.
L'autre vue; roman.
Paris: Soci?t? du Mercure de France, 1904.
Suz PQ 2609 .E5 A87 1904
Eekhoud, Georges.
Escal-Vigor: roman.
Toulouse: Ombres, 1999.
Suz PQ 2509 .E5 E73 1999
Eekhoud, Georges.
A strange love: a novel of abnormal passion.
NY: Panurge Press, c1930.
note: translation from the French of Escal vigor.
Suz PQ 2237 .E2 E713 1930
Eels, Emily.
Proust's cup of tea: homoeroticism and Victorian culture.
Aldershot; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2002.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z5776 2002
The Effeminist.
Berkeley, CA: Committee of Concern for Homosexuals, Inc., [1971]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues Agape and action, see Agape and action
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 no. 1-2 (May 1971-Fall 1971)
Efrati, Carol.
The road of danger, guilt, and shame: the lonely way of A. E. Housman.
Madison [N.J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London; Cranbury,
NJ: Associated University Presses, c2002.
Suz PR 4089 .H15 E47 2002
Egan, Bereford Patrick.
The sink of solitude: being a series of satirical drawings occasioned by
some recent events. Performed by Beresford Egan; to which is added a
preface by P. R. Stephensen and a verse lampoon composed by several hands
and now set forth for the first time, the whole very proper to be
read both on family and public occasions.
London: Hermes Press, 1928.
note: Concerning the "fuss over Miss Radclyffe Hall's novel, The well
of loneliness" and James Douglas's article in the Sunday
Suz 741.5 Eg13s
Egger, Steven A.
The killers among us: an examination of serial murder and its
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, c1998.
note: chapter 6, John Wayne Gacy: Case Study, pp. 95-114; chapter 15, Jeffrey
Dahmer and beyond, pp. 250-265.
Suz HV 6515 .E34 1998
Eglinton, J. Z.
Greek love.
NY: O. Layton Press, [1964]
Ugl, HSLIC HQ 76 E35
Egremont, Max.
Siegfried Sassoon: a life.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005.
Suz, Bot PR 6037 .A86 Z66 2005
Ehrenstein, David.
Open secret: gay Hollywood, 1928-1998.
NY: William Morrow and Co., c1998.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 E47 1998
Ehrlich, Robert.
Eight preposterous propositions: from the genetics of homosexuality to the
benefits of global warming.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 2, Is homosexuality primarily innate?, pp. 8-40.
NatSci Q171 .E3735 2003
Eichberg, Rob.
Coming out: an act of love.
NY: Dutton, 1990.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.2 .E53 1990
Ugl HQ 75.2 E53 1991 (reprint)
Eidsmoe, John.
Gays & guns: the case against homosexuals in the military.
With contributions by Charles H. Davis, IV.
Lafayette, LA: Huntington House Publishers, c1993.
Suz UG 418 .G38 E36 1993
Eig, Larry.
Homosexuality and immigration law after the Immigration Act of 1990
[Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress,
(Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service.
Supplement; 1991, reel 9, fr. 0220)
note: Microfilm. Arlington, VA: University Publications of America,
note: CRS report for Congress
MicNews Microfilm A6816 1991, reel 9, fr. 0220
Der Eigene: ein Blatt fur mannliche Kultur: ein Querschnitt durch die
erste Homosexuellenzeitschrift der Welt. Herausgegeben und mit einem
Nachwort von Joachim S. Hohmann.
Frankfurt (Main); Berlin: Foerster, 1981.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 E35 1981
Eighner, Lars.
Gay cosmos.
NY: Hard Candy Books, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.25 .E5 1995
Eighner, Lars.
Lavender blue: how to write and sell gay men's erotica. With an
introduction by John Preston.
Austin, TX: Caliente Press, c1987.
Suz PN 3377.5 .G38 E38 1987
Eighner, Lars.
Pawn to queen four: a novel.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1995.
Suz PS 3555 .I54 P39 1995
Eighner, Lars.
Travels with Lizbeth.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993.
Suz, SocWk HV 4505 .E44 1993
The eight technologies of otherness. Author-editor Sue Golding.
London; NY: Routledge, 1997.
note: "Queer research; or, how to practise invention to the brink of
intelligibility" (William Haver), pp. 277-292; "The delicate webs of
subversion, community, friendship and love" (Jeffrey Weeks in conversation
with Sue Golding), pp. 320-333.
Suz HM 73 .E55 1997
Eighteenth century life. v.9, n.s. 3 (May, 1985)
see: Unauthorized sexual behavior during the enlightenment (special issue)
Der Einstein des Sex [videorecording] Ein Film von Rosa von Praunheim;
script, Chris Kraus, Valentin Passoni; produced and directed by Rosa von
[Philadelphia, PA]: TLA Releasing, [2002]
note: DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in Germany in 1999.
note: cast- Friedel von Wangenheim, Ben Becker, Wolfgang Völz, Otto
Sander, Meret Becker; credits- camera, Elfi Mikesch; editing, Michael E.
Shephard; music, Karl-Ernst-Sasse.
note: Historical drama about the legendary sex pioneer Dr. Magnus
Hirschfeld. A gay German Jew living in 19th-century Berlin, he founded the
first gay political group and established the Institute of Sexual Sciences
in Berlin in 1920; additional features include "Magnus & Rosa," a
documentary about the real Magnus Hirschfeld and the film
producer/director Rosa von Praunheim.
UglMed DVD TLA 006
Eisenbach, David.
Gay power: an American revolution.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 2006.
Ugl HQ 76.8 .U5 E47 2006
Eisler, Benita.
Byron--child of passion, fool of fame.
NY: Alred A. Knopf, 1999.
Suz PR 4381 .E37 1999
Eissler, W. U.
Arbeiterparteien und Homosexuellenfrage: zur Sexualpolitik von SPD und
KPD in der Weimarer Republik.
Berlin: R. Winkel, 1980.
(Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien zur Homosexualität, 1)
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 E38 1980
Eken, Anne von den.
Mannweiber - Weibmänner und der [Paragraph] 175. Eine Schrift
für denkende Frauen.
Leipzig: Verlag von Max Spohr, [n. d.]
see: Lesbianism and feminism in Germany, 1895-1910.
Ekins, Richard.
Male femaling: a grounded theory approach to cross-dressing and
sex-changing. Foreword by Anselm Strauss.
London; NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz HQ 77 .E45 1997
Ekins, Richard.
The transgender phenomenon. Richard Ekins and Dave King.
London; Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2006.
Suz HQ 77.9 .E55 2006
El-Rouayheb, Khaled.
Before homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic world, 1500-1800: Khaled
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
Suz HQ 76.3 .A65 E575 2005
Elderly men: special problems and professional challenges. Jordan I.
Kosberg, Lenard W. Kaye, editors.
NY: Springer Pub., c1997.
note: [chapter] 8. Gay men in later life, (George S. Getzel, D. S. W.),
pp. 131-143.
SocWk, Tac HQ 1064 .U5 E425 1997
Eldorado: homosexuelle Frauen und Manner in Berlin, 1850-1950: Geschichte,
Alltag und Kultur. 2. Aufl.
Berlin: Edition Hentrich, 1992.
note: Catalog of an exhibition at Berlin Museum, May 26-July 8, 1984.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 E426 1992
Elfenbein, Andrew.
Romantic genius: the prehistory of a homosexual role.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
(Between men--between women)
Suz PR 448 .H65 E44 1999
Eliade, Mircea.
Mephistopheles et l'Androgyne.
[Paris] Gallimard [1962]
Suz BL 87 .E4
Eliade, Mircea.
The two and the one. Translated by J. M. Cohen.
NY: Harper, 1965.
note: translation of Mephistopheles et l'Androgyne.
Suz BL 87 .E413 1965
Eliason, Michele J.
Who cares?: institutional barriers to health care for lesbian, gay, and
bisexual persons.
NY: NLN Press, c1996.
HSLIC, Bot WX 160 E42w 1996
Ellens, J. Harold.
Sex in the Bible: a new consideration. J. Harold Ellens; foreword by
Donald Capps; preface by Wayne G. Rollins.
Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2006.
note: chapter 11, Homosexuality: what does the Bible say in the Old
Testament?, pp. 103-119; chapter 12, Homosexuality: what does the Bible
say in the New Testament?, pp. 121-136.
Ugl, Tac BS 680 .S5 E45 2006
Ellenzweig, Allen.
The homoerotic photograph: male images from Durieu/Delacroix to
NY: Columbia University Press, c1992.
(Between men--between women)
Ugl, ArtDesk TR 681 .M4 E44 1992
Elliman, Michael.
The pink plaque guide to London. by Michael Elliman and Frederick Roll;
preface by Jackie Forster.
London: GMP, 1986.
Suz DA 689 .H6 E44 1986
Ellingham, Lewis.
Poet be like God: Jack Spicer and the San Francisco renaissance.
By Lewis Ellingham and Kevin Killian.
Hanover, N. H.: Published by University Press of New England [for]
Wesleyan University Press, c1998.
Suz PS 3569 .P47 Z65 1998
Ellis, Albert.
Homosexuality: its causes and cure. With an introduction and a terminal
essay: Homosexuality and the mystique of the gigantic penis, by Donald
Webster Cory.
NY: L. Stuart [1965]
Suz, HSLIC WM 615 E47h 1965
Ellis, Charles W.
The Lazarus syndrome: gay men, HIV/AIDS, & life after death.
Seattle, 2004.
note: Thesis (M. Soc. Wk.)--University of Washington, 2004.
SocWk HV 13 Th53626
Aux Thesis 535626
Ellis, Havelock.
Studies in the psychology of sex. [v.2]: Sexual inversion. [2nd ed.]
Philadelphia: F. A. Davis, 1902, c.1901.
note: includes 11 new cases (not in 1st ed.)
note: 7 chapters: 1) introduction, 2) study of sexual inversion, 3) sexual
inversion in men (includes 38 cases), 4) sexual inversion in women (includes 4
cases), 5) the nature of sexual inversion, 6) the theory of sexual inversion,
and 7) conclusions; [and] 5 appendices: A) homosexuality among tramps,
B) Ulrich's views, C) letter from Professor X, D) the school-friendships
of girls, and E) Countess Sarolta V; [and] 2 indexes: [1] authors
(those referred to), and [2] subjects.
HSLIC Special Coll. HQ 21 .E58 v.2
Ellis, James Richard.
Sexuality and citizenship: metamorphosis in Elizabethan erotic verse.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c2003.
note: chapter 4, 'You's one Italianate': sodomy and literary history, pp.
109-144; chapter 5, 'The Thracian fields and company of men': The Erotics
of political fraternity, pp. 145-184.
Suz PR 539 .E64 E44 2003
Ellis, Robert Richmond.
The Hispanic homograph: gay self-representation in contemporary Spanish
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1997.
Suz PQ 6073 .H65 E55 1997
Ellis, Robert Richmond.
They dream not of angels but of men: homoeroticism, gender, and race in
Latin American autobiography.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, c2002.
Suz PQ 7082 .P76 E45 2002
Ellison, Marvin Mahan.
Erotic justice: a liberating ethic of sexuality.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 32 .E566 1996
Ellison, Marvin Mahan.
Same-sex marriage?: a Christian ethical analysis.
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, c2004.
Suz BV 835 .E46 2004
Ellmann, Richard.
Oscar Wilde.
NY: Knopf; Distributed by Random House, 1988, c1987.
Suz, Ugl, Drama PR 5823 .E38 1988
Bot PR 5823 .E38 1988b (Vintage ed.)
Elsaesser, Thomas.
Fassbinder's germany: history, identity, subject.
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, c1996.
Suz PN 1998.3 .F37 E45 1996
Elwin, Rosamund.
Asha's mums. By Rosamund Elwin & Michele Paulse; illustrated by Dawn
Toronto: Women's Press, c1990.
ChildLit PZ7 .E553 As 1990
Elwood, Nick.
All the Queen's men.
[Swaffham, England?]: Gay Men's Press; Chicago, IL: Distributed in North
America by InBook/LPC Group, 1999.
Suz UB 419 .G7 E496 1999
Ely, Stanley E.
In Jewish Texas: a family memoir.
Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, [1998]
Suz CT 275 .E425 A3 1998
Elyot, Kevin.
Coming clean.
London; Boston: Faber and Faber, 1984.
Suz, Drama PR 6055 .L85 C6 1984
Elyot, Kevin.
The day I stood still.
London: Nick Hern Books, 1998.
Drama PR 6055 .L85 D39 1998
Elyot, Kevin.
Mouth to mouth.
London: Nick Hern, 2001.
Drama PR 6055 .L85 M68 2001
Elyot, Kevin.
My night with Reg.
London: Nick Hern Books, 1994.
Drama PR 6055 .L85 M9 1994
Eman, Greger.
Nya himlar over en ny jord: om Klara Johanson, Lydia Wahlstrom och den
feministiska vanskapskarleken.
[Stockholm]: Kommitten for Stockholmsforskning, c1993.
(Stockholmsmonografier, 78:1)
Suz HQ 75.3 .E46 1993
Emanzipation hinter der Weltstadt: Adolf Brand und die Gemeinschaft der
Eigenen: Katalog zur Ausstellung vom 7. Oktober bis 17. November 2000 in
Berlin-Friedrichshagen. Herausgegeben von Marita Keilson-Lauritz und Rolf
F. Lang.
Berlin-Friedrichshagen: Muggel-Verlag F. Lang, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 E6 2000
Embodying bioethics: recent feminist advances. Edited by Anne Donchin and
Laura M. Purdy.
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c1999.
note: [chapter] 6. Should lesbians count as infertile couples? Antilesbian
discrimination in assisted reproduction (Julien S. Murphy), pp.
Suz, Bot QH 332 .E43 1999
The emergence of family into the 21st century. [Edited by Patricia L.
Munhall, Virginia M. Fitzsimmons.
Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers; [NY]: NLN Press, c2001.
note: [chapter] 13, Becoming a man in a gay family: dialogue and
reflections (Edward M. Freeman), pp. 131-138.
Suz HQ 535 .E44 2001
Emerging gay identities in South Asia: implications for HIV/AIDS & sexual
health: a conference for gay-identified men and men who have sex with men,
27th December-31st December 1994, Bombay, India.
Bombay, India: Humsafar Trust; London, UK: Naz Project, c1995.
Suz HQ 76 .E54 1995
The emerging landscape: tradition and innovation. Editor, Daniel
Lincoln, NE: Published by the University of Nebraska Press, c2003.
note: The lesbian and the mishpachah, (Helen Meyers), pp. 46-51.
(Studies in American Jewish literature, v.22)
Suzzallo Periodicals PS 153 .J4 S78 v.22
Emerging thought and research on student, teacher, and administrator
stress and coping. Edited by Gordon S. Gates.
Charlotte, N.C.: IAP, c2007.
note: chapter 9, Identity fusion or fission? A look at how gay school
administrators fit their personal identities with their professional lives
(Autumn Tooms and Jason McGlothlin), pp. 163-186.
Suz LB 3430 .E44 2007
Emerson, Doug.
"A simple matter of justice": a photographic narrative.
San Francisco: Crickett Publications, c1993.
note: "The April 25, 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 E54 1993
Emery, Drew.
Hidden history: true stories from Seattle's gay and lesbian elders.
By Drew Emery; with Stephen Blair....[et al]
Seattle: Rain City Projects, c1992.
(Rain city projects, RCP020)
note: Alice B. Theatre presents Hidden history...
Drama PS 3555 M393 H52 1992
Emery, Drew.
Language of love: the personal odyssey of a deaf gay man. By Drew Emery
with Lewis Merkin.
Seattle: Rain City Projects, c1993.
(Rain City projects, RCP038)
note: This is the script of the play as it appeared in the last week of
rehearsal for Alice B. Theatre's production. It may differ from the final
production text.
Drama PS 3555 .M2 L35 1993
Emery, Kim.
The lesbian index: pragmatism and lesbian subjectivity in the
twentieth-century United States.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2002.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 E47 2002
Emmers-Sommer, Tara M.
Safer sex in personal relationships: the role of sexual scripts in HIV
infection and prevention. Tara M. Emmers-Sommer, Mike Allen.
Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005.
Ugl HQ 21 .E64 2005
Emotions & relations: Nan Goldin, David Armstrong, Mark Morrisroe, Jack
Pierson, Philip-Lorca diCorcia.
Edited by Hamburger Kunsthalle; texts by F. C. Grundlach ... [et al.]
Koln: Taschen, c1998.
Art TR 646 .G42 H3317 1998
Empathy. v.2, no.2
see: Visibility & invisibility. (special issue)
Empereur, James L.
Spiritual direction and the gay person.
NY: Continuum, 1998.
Suz, SocWk BV 5053 .E474 1998
En travesti: women, gender subversion, opera. Edited by Corinne E.
Blackmer and Patricia Juliana Smith.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1995.
(Between men-between women)
Ugl, Music ML 2100 .E6 1995
Enacting history in Henry James: narrative, power, and ethics. Edited by
Gert Buelens.
Cambridge, U.K.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
note: chapter 5, 'What Maisie knew': Henry James's Bildungsroman of the
artist as queer moralist (Alfred Habegger), pp. 93-108; chapter 7,
Homoeroticism, identity, and agency in James's late tales (Hugh Stevens),
pp. 126-147.
Suz PS 2127 .H5 B84 1997
Encrypted messages in Alban Berg's music. Edited by Siglind Bruhn.
NY: Garland Pub., 1998.
note: Femme fatale and lesbian representation in Alban Berg's Lulu, (Karen
Pegley), pp. 249-277.
Music ML 410 .B47 E53 1998
Encyclopedia of American holidays and national days. Edited by Len
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.
note: Gay Pride Day, (Timothy Stewart-Winter), pp. 287-299.
SuzRef, TacRef GT 4803 .A2 E63 2006 v.1, v.2
Encyclopedia of American Social Movements. Edited by Immanuel Ness;
foreword by Stephen Eric Bronner and Frances Fox Piven. 4 vols.
Armonk, NY: Sharpe Reference, c2004.
note: v.4, [chapter] 14, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Movement,
pp. 1323-1382.
SuzRef, UglRef, BotRef, TacRef HN 57 .E594 2004
Encyclopedia of homosexuality. Edited by Wayne Dynes.
NY: Garland, 1990. 2v.
(Garland reference library of social science, v. 492)
SuzRef, UglRef, BotRef, TacRef HQ 76.25 E53 1989 [v.1 & v.2]
Encyclopedia of lesbian and gay histories and cultures. 2 vols.
For v.1, see Lesbian histories and cultures: an encyclopedia; for v.2, see
Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history in
America. Marc Stein, editor in chief. 3 vols.
NY: Charles Scribner's Sons: Thomson Gale, 2004.
available online, online version restricted
to University of Washington users
SuzRef, UglRef, BotRef HQ 76.3 .U5 E53 2004 v.1, v.2, v.3
Encyclopedia of propaganda. Editor, Robert Cole; foreword by Philip M.
NY: M.E. Sharpe, c1998.
note: Homosexuals, v.1, pp. 330-332.
SuzRef, UglRef, BotRef, TacRef HM 263 .E53 1998 v.1
Encyclopedia of prostitution and sex work. Edited by Melissa Hope
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.
note: Male prostitution, pp. 275-281; Male prostitution, Victorian
literature, pp. 282-283; Male stripping, pp. 283-284; Sins of
the cites, pp. 442-443; Transgender sex workers, pp. 499-506; Wilde, Oscar,
pp. 541-2; Wolfenden Report, pp.543-545.
SuzRef HQ 115 .E53 2006 v.1, v.2
Endean, Steve.
Bringing lesbian and gay rights into the mainstream: twenty years of
progress. Edited by Vicki L. Eaklor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Ugl HQ 76.8 .U5 E53 2006
Endleman, Robert.
Psyche and society: explorations in psychoanalytic sociology.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1981.
Suz BF 341 E53
Engaged Buddhism in the west. Edited by Christopher S. Queen.
Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2000.
note: Gay Buddhist fellowship (Robert Corless), pp. 269-279.
Suz BQ 724 .E64 2000
Engel, Stephen M.
The unfinished revolution: social movement theory and the gay and lesbian
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.5 .E5 2001
English inside and out: the places of literary criticism. Edited with an
introduction by Susan Gubar and Johathan Kamholtz.
NY: Routledge, 1993.
note: [chapter] 6, Sodometries (Jonathan Goldberg), pp. 68-86; [chapter]
10, Socratic raptures, Socratic ruptures: notes toward queer
performativity (Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick), pp. 122-136.
Suz PR 21 .E53 1993
English server. Gender and sexuality
[computer file]
Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie-Mellon University, 1990-
note: texts which address gender studies and queer studies, with a
particular focus on discusssions of sex, gender, sexual identity and
sexuality in cultural practices.
English studies in Canada. v.20, n.2 (June, 1994)
see: Lesbian and Gay Studies issue I.(special issue)
English studies in Canada. v.21, n.2 (June, 1995)
see: Lesbian and Gay Studies issue II. (special issue)
Enns, Carolyn Zerbe.
Feminist theories and feminist psychotherapies: origins, themes, and
NY: Haworth Press, c2004.
note: chapter 7, Feminist Postmodernism, Lesbian/Queer Feminisms, and
Third-wave Feminisms, pp. 269-299.
Suz WM 420 E59f 2004
Enough man [videorecording] Bay Area Video Coalition; produced & directed
by Luke Woodward.
San Francisco, CA: Frameline, [2005]
note: DVD
note: camera, lights & sound, Aaron Kovalchik ... [et al.].
note" "Documentary meets explicit sexuality in Luke Woodward's
groundbreaking debut video about body image, relationships, sex and
sexuality from the perspective of nine female-to-male (FTM) transmen and
their partners"
UglMed DVD FRAM 004
Enroth, Ronald M.
The gay church. By Ronald M. Enroth [and] Gerald E. Jamison.
Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans [1974]
Suz BV 4470 .E57 1974
Ensign, Tod.
America's military today: the challenge of militarism.
NY: New Press: distributed by W. W. Norton, 2004.
note: [chapter] 5, Minorities and gays in the military; who will fight the
next war? (Martin Binkin), pp. 175-229.
Suz UA23 .E62 2004
Entiendes?: queer readings, Hispanic writings. Ed. by Emile L. Bergman and
Paul Julian Smith.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1995.
(Series Q)
Suz, SocWk PQ 7081 .A1 E59 1995
Entre mundos/among worlds: new perspectives on Gloria E. Anzaldua. Edited
by AnaLouise Keating.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Suz, Tac PS 3551 .N95 Z66 2005
Entstellte Engel: Homosexuelle schreiben. Joachim S. Hohmann, hrsg.
Frankfurt/Main: Fischer, 1983.
Suz PT 1327 E58 1983
Eon de Beaumont, Charles Genevieve Louis Auguste Andre Timothee d'
The maiden of Tonnerre: the vicissitudes of the chevalier and the
chevaliere d'Eon. Translated and edited by Roland A. Champagne, Nina
Ekstein, Gary Kates.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
note: Chevalier d'Eon de Beaumont was a diplomat and spy, who was
compelled by Louis XVI to dress as a woman. This volume contains his
autobiography as well as stories of women who concealed their sex to enter
religious orders.
Suz DC 135 .E6 A3 2001
Eppendorfer, Hans.
Der Magnolienkaiser: Nachdenken uber Yukio Mishima.
Berlin: Verlag Vis-a-Vis, c1984.
Suz PL 833 .I7 Z575 1984
Epps, Bradley S.
Significant violence: oppression and resistance in the narratives of Juan
Goytisolo, 1970-1990.
Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 Z58 1996
Epstein, Daniel.
What lips my lips have kissed: the loves and love poems of Edna St.
Vincent Millay.
NY: Henry Holt, 2001.
Suz, Ugl PS 3525 .I495 Z636 2001
Epstein, Debbie.
Schooling sexualities. By Debbie Epstein and Richard Johnson.
Buckingham [England]; Bristol, PA: Open University Press, 1998.
Suz LC 192.2 .E67 1998
Epstein, Steven.
Impure science: AIDS, activism, and the politics of knowledge.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1996.
Suz, Ugl, Bot WC 503 E641 1996
Equal rites: lesbian and gay worship, ceremonies, and celebrations.
Editors, Kittredge Cherry and Zalmon Sherwood.
Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, c1995.
Suz, SocWk BV 199 .G39 E68 1995
Equality for Gays & Lesbians Everywhere (Organization)
of powers and jurisdictional issues relating to marriage.
Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 2000.
note: .... examines the constitutional division of powers and
jurisdictional issues relating to marriage, with a particular focus on
which aspects of marriage may be addressed by each level of government....
considers the application of constitutional principles to marriage for
same-sex couples ...
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 101-02285
available online,
Equality for lesbians and gay men: a relevant issue in the civil and
social dialogue. ILGA-Europe.
Brussels: ILGA-Europe, c1998.
available online,
note: also available online in French, German, Russian, Spanish
Equality for lesbians and gay men: a relevant issue in the EU accession
process. A report by ILGA-Europe.
Brussels: ILGA-Europe, 2001.
available online,
Erauso, Catalina de.
Historica de la monja-alferez (Dona Catalina de Erauso
Perez de Galaragga) escrita por ella misma con notas de Ferrer.
Zarauz, Editorial Itxaropena [19-]
(Colleccion Zabalkundea, 7)
Suz 921 Er18e
Erauso, Catalina de.
Lieutenant nun: memoir of a Basque transvestite in
the New World.
Translated from the Spanish by Michele Stepto and
Gabriel Stepto; foreword by Marjorie Garber.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1996.
note: translation of: Historia de la Monja Alferez.
Suz CT 1358 .E7 A3 1996
Erauso, Catalina de.
The nun ensign. Translated from the Spanish, with an introduction and
notes by James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, also La monja alferez, a play in the
original Spanish, by Juan Perez de Montalban. Illustrated by Daniel
London: T. F. Unwin, 1908.
Suz 921 Er18eE
Erdrich, Louise.
The last report on the miracles at Little No Horse.
NY: HarperCollins, c2001., 2002.
Suz, Bot PS 3555 .R42 L37 2001
Tac PS 3555 .R42 L37 2002 (Perennial, 2002)
Erhardt, Virginia.
Head over heels: wives who stay with cross-dressers and transexuals.
NY: Haworth Press, c2007.
Bot, Tac HQ 759 .E723 2007
Eribon, Didier.
Insult and the making of the gay self.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, c2004.
(Series Q)
note: translation from the French of Reflexions sur la question gay
Ugl HQ 76.25 .E736 2004
Eribon, Didier.
Michel Foucault. Translated by Betsy Wing.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, c1991.
note: translation from the French of: Michel Foucault.
Suz, Tac B 2430 .F724 E7513 1991
Eribon, Didier.
Michel Foucault: 1926-1984.
[Paris]: Flammarion, c1989.
Suz B 2430 .F724 E75 1989
Eribon, Didier.
Reflexions sur la question gay.
[Paris]: Fayard, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.25 .E75 1999
Ericksen, Julia A.
Kiss and tell: surveying sex in the twentieth century. [By] Julia A.
Ericksen with Sally A. Steffen.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999.
note: chapter 8, Gay men and AIDS, pp. 158-175.
HQ 18 .U5 E75 1999
Erinnern und Wiederentdecken: Tabusierung und Enttabuisierung der
männlichen und weiblichen Homosexualität in Wissenschaft und
Dirck Linck, Wolfgang Popp, Annette Runte, hrsg.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 1999.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 12)
Suz PN 56 .H57 E785 1999
Erkenntniswunsch und Diskretion: Erotik in biographischer
und autobiographischer Literatur.
see: Siegener Kolloquium Homosexualität und Literatur
(3rd: 1990: Universität-Gesamthochschule Siegen)
Erland, Erica L.
Identity talk in partners of female-to-male transpeople.
M.A. thesis, University of Washington, 2003
Suz P90 Th52497
AuxStx Thesis 52497
Erofeev, V. V. (Viktor V.)
Russian beauty: a novel. Translated by Andrew Reynolds.
London: H. Hamilton, 1992.
note: translation from the Russian of Russkaia krasavitsa.
Suz PG 3479.7 .R58 R8713 1992
Erofeev, V. V. (Viktor V.)
Russkaia krasavitsa: roman.
Stavropol, Russia, (Caucasus): "Kavkazkii Krai", 1992.
Suz PG 3479.7 .R58 R87 1992
Erofeev, V. V. (Viktor V.)
Russkaja krasavitsa.
Moskva: Sovmestnoe Predpriiatie Vsia Moskva, 1990.
Suz PG 3476 .E744 R87 1990
Erotic poems from The Greek anthology. Translated
by John Gill; drawings by Carlos.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1986.
note: see also: Greek anthology.
SpecColl Book Arts PA 3624 .H64 G7 1986
Erotic politics: desire on the Renaissance stage. Edited by Susan
NY: Routledge, 1992.
note: chapter 5, Transvestism and the 'body beneath'- speculating on the
boy actor (Peter Stallybrass), pp. 64-83; chapter 6, Desire's excess and
the English Renaissance theatre - Edward II, Troilus and Cressida, Othello
(Catherine Belsey), pp. 84-102; chapter 8, Making a difference. Male/male
'desire' in tragedy, comedy, and tragi-comedy (Bruce R. Smith), pp.
127-143; chapter 9, The (in)significance of 'lesbian' desire in early
modern England (Valerie Traub), pp. 150-169; chapter 10, Sex and
social conflict. The erotics of The Roaring Girl (Jean E. Howard), pp.
Suz PR 658 .S42 E76 1992
Erotic preference, gender identity, and aggression
in men: new research studies. Ed. Ron Langevin.
Hillsdale, N. J.: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1985.
Nat WM 610 E71 1985
Erotica: an anthology of women's writing. Edited by Margaret Reynolds.
London: Pandora, 1990.
note: published in the U.S. as: Erotica: women's writing from Sappho to
Margaret Atwood.
Suz PN 6071 .E7 E67 1990
Erotica: women's writing from Sappho to Margaret Atwood.
Edited by Margaret Reynolds; with a foreword by Jeanette Winterson.
NY: Fawcett Columbine, 1991.
note: original British edition (1990) as: Erotica: an anthology of women's
Suz PN 6071 .E7 E685 1991
Erotique [videorecording] Group 1 films presents; a Brandon Chase
production; [films by Lizzie Borden; Monika Treut; Ana Magalhaes; Clara
NY: Fox Lorber Video, [1997]
note: VHS
note "Four leading and award-winning international filmmakers create a
female point-of-view:" Let's talk about sex (Lizzie Borden, Susie
Bright), Tabook parlor (Monika Treut), Final call (Ana Maria
Magalhaes), Wonton soup (Clara Law)
UglMed Videorecord FOXL 078
Erstes Europäisches Symposium Gewalt gegen Lesben=First European
Symposium Violence against Lesbians.
Lesben Informations- und Beratungsstelle e.V. (hg.); [deutsche Redaktion,
Käthe H. Fleckenstein]
Berlin: Querverlag, 2001.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G3 E77 2001
Erzen, Tanya.
Straight to Jesus: sexual and Christian conversions in the ex-gay
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2006.
Suz BV 4437.5 .E79 2006
Escalonilla López, Rosa Ana.
La dramaturgia del disfraz en Calderón.
Pamplona: EUNSA, c2004.
Suz PQ 6316 .A2 E74 2004
Escape to life [videorecording]: the Erika and Klaus Mann story. Jezebel
films in co-production with Zero Film in association with the Arts Council
of England and YLE TV2, FilmForderung Hamburg, ZDF/ARTE; producer, Greta
Schiller; a film by Andrea Weiss and Wieland Speck; producer, Greta
Schiller; co-producer, Thomas Kufus; writer/directors, Andrea Weiss,
Wieland Speck.
[NY:NY]: Cinema Guild, c2000.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: cast, Cora Frost, Christoph Eichhorn; voices, Vanessa Redgrave,
Corin Redgrave; editors, Andrea Weiss, Prisca Swan; music, John Eacott;
director of photography, Nuala Campbell (interviews); Uli Fischer
(Hamburg), Ann T. Rossetti (NY)
note: documentary with dramatised episodes about the lives of Erika
[lesbian] and Klaus Mann [gay man], children of German writer Thomas Mann
UglMed Videorecord CG 078
Escoffier, Jeffrey.
American homo: community and
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1998.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 E83 1998
Escritos sobre Juan Goytisolo: actas del II Seminario internacional sobre
la obra de Juan Goytisolo, Las Virtudes del pajaro solitario, Almeria, 7,
8, y 9 di septembre, 1989.
Almeria: Instituto de Estudios Almerienses, 1990.
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 v53 E8 1990
Eskridge, William N.
The case for same-sex marriage: from sexual liberty to civilized
NY: Free Press, c1996.
Suz, Ugl, Law, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 E85 1996
Eskridge, William N.
Equality practice: civil unions and the future of gay rights.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 E85 2002
Law HQ 76.3 .U5 E86 2002
Eskridge, William N.
Gay marriage: for better or for worse?: what we've learned from the
evidence. William N. Eskridge, Jr., Darren R. Spedale.
Oxford [England]; NY: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Suz, Bot, Law K699 .E85 2006
Eskridge, William N.
Gaylaw: challenging the apartheid of the closet.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999.
Suz, Law, Bot KF 4754.5 .E84 1999
Eso no me pasa a mi.
see: AIDS in the barrio [videorecording]
Esquibel, Catriona Rueda.
With her machete in her hand: reading Chicana lesbians.
Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, c2006.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 153 .L46 E85 2006
Essac, Jean d'.
Billy: idylles d'amour grec en Angleterre. Lettre de Pierre Albert-Birot
(1937); presentation, Patrick Cardon.
Lille, France: Cahiers GKC, c1994.
(Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp, no. 26)
(Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp. Curiosa 4)
Suz PQ 2609 .S72 B54 1994
Essays in gay and lesbian studies. Ed. by Cheryl
Kader and Thomas Piontek.
Special issue of: Discourse. v. 15, n.1. (Fall, 1992)
note: cover title: "Is this child gay?"
Suzzallo Periodicals P 87 D57 v. 15
Essays on gay literature. Edited by Stuart Kellogg.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1985.
note: previously published as: Literary visions of
homosexuality. 1983.
see also: Literary visions of homosexuality.
Ugl PN 56 .H57 1985
Essays on Kushner's Angels. Edited by Per Brask.
Winnipeg: Blizzard Pub., 1995.
note: two articles translated from Danish and German into English.
Suz PS 3561 .U778 A8534 1995
The essential gay mystics. Edited and with an introduction by Andrew
[San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco, c1997.
Suz BL 625 .E76 1997
Essig, Laurie.
Queer in Russia: a story of sex, self, and the other.
Durham [N. C.]: Duke University Press, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.3 .R8 E85 1999
Esta puente, mi espalda: voces de mujeres tercermundistas en los Estados
Editado por Cherrie Moraga y Ana Castillo; traducio por Ana Castillo y Norma
San Francisco: ISM Press, c1988.
note: translation of This bridge called my back; for English, see This
bridge called my back.
note: Las herramientas del amo nunca desarmaran las casa del amo (Audre
Lorde), pp. 88-93; El lesbianismo: un acto de resistencia (Cheryl Clarke),
pp. 98-107.
Ugl PS 525 .S7 T47 1988
Esten, John.
Thomas Eakins: the absolute male.
NY: Universe, 2002.
Art N6537 .E3 A4 2002
Esterberg, Kristin G.
Lesbian and bisexual identities: constructing communities.
Philadelpia: Temple University Press, 1997.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 .E85 1997
Estes, Steve.
Ask & tell: gay and lesbian veterans speak out.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, c2007.
Suz UB 418 .G38 E77 2007
Estevez, Abilio.
Thine is the kingdom: a novel. Translated from the Spanish by David
NY: Arcade Pub.; (Boston): Distributed by Little, Brown and Co.,
note: translation of Tuyo es el reino.
Suz, Ugl PQ 7390 .E844 T8913 1999
Estevez, Abilio.
Tuyo es el reino.
Barcelona: Tusquets Editores, 1997.
Suz PQ 7390 .E844 T89 1997
The eternal flame: a world anthology of homosexual verse (2000 B.C.-2000
English verse translations by Anthony Reid.
Elmhurst, NY: Dyanthus Press, 1992-
(World anthology of homosexual verse, v.1)
note: v.1: Greece, Italy, Islam, France.
Suz PN 6110 .H65 E74 1992 v.1
Ethan Mao [videorecording] A Margin Films production in association with
Trailing Johnson Productions; a Quentin Lee film; produced by Stanley
Yung, Quentin Lee; written and directed by Quentin Lee.
[Philadelphia, PA]: TLA Releasing, [2005]
note: DVD originally released as a motion picture in 2004.
note: credits - director photography, James C. Yuan; editor, Christine
Kim; production designer, Rodney Hom; music, Steven Pranoto.
note: cast -Jun Hee Lee, Raymond Ma, Julia Nickson, Kevin Kleinberg, David
Tran, Jerry Hernandez.
note: Kicked out of his house for being gay, Ethan Mao survives on the
street as a hustler. He meets Remigio, a drug dealer and hustler, who
befriends Ethan and takes him in. After being tipped off by his younger
brother that his family is going on a day trip on Thanksgiving Day, Ethan
asks Remigio for a ride to his family house to get some of his belongings.
Ethan and Remigio break into Ethan's family house, but are caught in the
act and have no choice other than to hold his parents hostage. In the
following increasingly desperate hours, Ethan, his family and Remigio are
forced to confront their unresolved conflicts between each other. As the
tension between Ethan and his family escalates, their inner demons and
family secrets unravel in this suspenseful drama.
UglMed DVD TLA 008
Etheridge, Melissa.
The truth is-- : my life in love and music. With Laura Morton.
NY: Villard Books, c2001.
Suz ML 420 A3 2001
Etheridge, Melissa.
Yes I am [sound recording]
NY: Island, p1993.
note: 1 compact disc; booklet with lyrics; Melissa Etheridge, vocals, with
various accompanying musicians; recorded at A&M Studios, Los Angeles,
note: many lyrics treat lesbian love themes
UglMed Cd ISL 019
Ethics and intersex. Edited by Sharon E. Sytsma.
Dordrecht; [London]: Springer, c2006.
(International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, v. 29)
Bot WJ 712 E84 2006
Ethics in practice: an anthology. Edited by Hugh LaFollette. 2nd ed.
Malden, MA: Oxford: Blackwell, 2002.
note: [chapter] 22, Why homosexuality is abnormal (Michael Levin), pp.
233-240; [chapter] 23, Homosexuality and the moral relevance of experience
(John Corvino), pp. 241-250.
Ugl BJ 1031 .E854 2002
Ethnic and cultural diversity among lesbians and gay men. Editor, Beverly
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1997.
(Psychological perspectives on lesbian and gay issues, v.3)
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.25 .E82 1997
Ethnicity and group rights. Edited by Ian Shapiro and Will Kymlicka.
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
(Nomos, 39)
note: chapter 18, Straight gay politics: the limits of an ethnic model of
inclusion, pp. 572-616 (Cathy J. Cohen)
Suz, Law, Tac GN 495.6 .E879 1997
Ethnicity and the dementias. Edited by Gwen Yeo and Dolores
Gallagher-Thompson. 2nd ed.
NY: Routledge, c2006.
note: chapter 21, Working with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender
families (David W. Coon and Mary H. Burleson), pp. 343-358.
Bot WM 220 E84 2006
Ethnographic studies of homosexuality. Ed. with intro.
by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
NY: Garland Pub., 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v.2)
Suz HQ 76.25 .E84 1992
Etiquette: reflections on contemporary comportment. Edited by Ron Scapp,
Brian Seitz.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2007.
note: chapter 3, Gay etiquette: a brief consideration (Jeff Weinstein),
pp. 33-47.
Ugl BJ 1853 .E85 2007
Ettner, Randi.
Confessions of a gender defender: a psychologist's reflections on life
among the transgendered.
Evanston, IL: Chicago Spectrum Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 77.9 .E77 1996
Ettner, Randi.
Gender loving care: a guide to counseling gender-variant clients.
NY: W.W. Norton & Co., c1999.
SocWk WM 611 E85g 1999
Ettore, E. M.
Lesbians, women, and society.
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 E88 1980
Eugenides, Jeffrey.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.
Ugl PS 3555 .U4 M53 2002
European Commission of Human Rights.
Case of X: (application no. 7215/75).
Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1980.
Law KJC 5135 A6 X14 1980
European Commission of Human Rights.
D. van Oosterwijck against Belgium: application no. 7654/76: report of the
Commission (adopted on 1 March 1979)
Strasbourg: Council of Europe, [1979?]
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Affaire Van Oosterwijck: 1.
see also: Oosterwijck, D. van. Affaire van Oosterwijck: 1. decision...
see also: Oosterwijck, D. van. Affaire Van Oosterwijck = Van Oosterwijck
see also: Van Oosterwijck, Danielle.
Affaire Van Oosterwijck = Van
Oosterwijck case.
GovPubStxInt CE.H A51 7654/76
European Commission of Human Rights.
Jeffrey Dudgeon against the United Kingdom: application
no. 7525/76: report of the Commission (adopted on 13 March 1980)
Strasbourg: Council of Europe, [1980?]
Government Publications International CE.H A51 7525/76
GovPubStxInt CE.H A51 7525/76
Law KJC 5135 A6 D83 1980
European Commission of Human Rights.
Peter Vernon Wells against United Kingdom: application no. 7215/75: report
of the Commission (adopted on 12 October 1978)
Strasbourg: Council of Europe, [1978?]
Law KJC 5135 A6 W43 1978
European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies (16th: 2000: University
of Edinburgh)
South Asian masculinities: context of change, sites of continuity.
Editors, Radhika Chopra, Caroline Osella & Filippo Osella.
New Delhi: Women Unlimited an associate of Kali for Women, 2004.
note: Gays, paternity and polyandry: making sense of new family forms in
contemporary Sri Lanka (Bob Simpson), pp. 160-174.
Suz HQ 1090.7 .I4 S68 2000
European Court of Human Rights.
A. Affaire Société Stenuit c. France: arrêt du 27
février 1992 = Case of Société Stenuit v. France:
judgment of 27 February 1991. B. Affaire Birou c. France: arrêt du
27 février 1992 = Case of Birou c. France: judgment of 27 February
1992. C. Affaire B. c. France: décision du 28 juin 1991
(dessaisissement); arrêt du 25 mars 1992 = Case of B. v. France:
decision of 28 June 1991 (relinquishment of jurisdiction); judgment of 25
March 1992.
Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe; Köln: C.
Heymanns, 1992.
(European Court of Human Rights. Publications de la Cour européene
des droits de l'homme. Série A, Arrêts et décisions;
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Case of B. v. France.
Law KJC 5138 .A5 v.232
European Court of Human Rights.
Affaire Cossey: arrêt du 27 septembre 1990 = Cossey
case: judgment of 27 September 1990.
Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe; Köln: C.
Heymanns, 1990.
(European Court of Human Rights. Publications de la Cour européenne
des droits de l'homme. Série A, Arrêts et décisions,
v. 184)
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Cossey case.
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Cossey case.
Suz KD 746 .E97 1990
Law KJC 5138 .A5 v.184
European Court of Human Rights.
Affaire Dudgeon: arret du 24 fevrier (article 50) = Dudgeon case: judgment
of 24 February 1983 (Article 50) Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de
l'Europe, 1983.
(European Court of Human Rights. Publications de la Cour Europeenne des
Droits de l'Homme. Serie A, Arrets et decisions; v.59)
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 E97 1983
Law KJC 5138 A5 v.59
European Court of Human Rights.
Affaire Dudgeon: 1. Decision du 30 janvier 1981.
2 Arret du 2 octobre 1981. 3. Decision du 22 octobre 1981 = Dudgeon
case: 1. Decision of 30 January 1981. 2. Judgment of 22 October
1981. 3. Decision of 22 October 1981.
Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe;
Koln: C. Heymanns, 1982.
(European Court of Human Rights. Publications de la Cour Europeenne des
Droits de l'Homme. Serie A, Arrets et decisions, v.45)
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 E97 1982
Law KJC 5138 A5 v.45
European Court of Human Rights.
Affaire Modinos c. Chypre: arret du 22 avril 1933
= Case of Modinos v. Cyprus: judgment of 22 April 1993. Strasbourg:
Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe; Koln: C. Heymanns, 1993.
(European Court of Human Rights. Publications de
la Cour Europeennes des Droits de l'Homme. Serie A, Arrets et
decisions, v. 259)
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Case of Modinos...
Law KJC 5138 A5 v.259
European Court of Human Rights.
Affaire Norris: 1. Decision du 30 novembre 1987 (dessaisissement):
2. Arret du 26 octobre 1988 = Norris Case: 1. Decision of 30 November
1987 (relinquishment of jurisdiction), 2. Judgment of 26 October
Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe;
Koln: C. Heymanns, 1989.
(European Court of Human Rights. Publications de
la Cour Europeenne des Droit de l'Homme. serie A, Arrets et decisions,
v. 142)
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Norris case.
Suz KDK 185 .E97 1989
Law KJC 5138 A5 v. 142
European Court of Human Rights.
Affaire Rees: 1. Décision du 24 Janvier 1986 (dessaisissement)
2. Arrêt du 17 Octobre = Rees Case: 1. Decision of 24 January
1986 (relinquishment of judgment) 2. Judgment of 17 October 1986.
Köln: Heymanns Verlag; Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour,
Conseil de l'Europe, 1987.
(European Court of Human Rights. Publications de la Cour européenne
droits de l'homme. Serie A, Arrêts et décisions, v. 106)
see also: Rees, Mark. Affaire Rees = Rees case.
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Rees case...
Suz KD 4103 .E94 1987
Law KJC 5138 A5 v.106
European Court of Human Rights.
Affaire Van Oosterwijck: 1. decision du 27 Fevrier 1980. 2. arret du 6
Novembre 1980 = Van Oosterwijck case: 1. decision of 27 February 1980. 2.
judgment of 6 November 1980.
Koln: Heymann, 1981.
(Publications de la Cour europeene des droits de l'homme. Serie A, Arrets
et decisions; v. 40)
(European Court of Human Rights. Publications de la Cour europeenne des
droits de l'homme. Serie A, Arrets et decisions; vol. 40)
note: "The Van Oosterwijck case was referred to the Court by the
Government of the Kingdom of Belgium ("the Government") and by the
European Commission of Human Rights ("the Commission") Issued by the
Registry of the Court, Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
see also: European Commission of Human Rights. D. van Oosterwijck ...
see also: Oosterwijck, D. van. Affaire van Oosterwijck: 1. decision...
see also: Oosterwijck, D. van. Affaire Van Oosterwijck = Van Oosterwijck
see also: Van Oosterwijck, Danielle. Affaire Van Oosterwijck = Van
Oosterwijck case.
Suz K 627 .E97 1981
Law KJC 5138 A5 v.40
European Court of Human Rights.
Affaire Young, James et Webster: arret du 18 octobre 1982 (article 50).
Affaire X contre Royaume-Uni: arret du 18 octobre 1982 (article 50) = Case
of Young, James and Webster: judgment of 18 october 1982 (article 50).
Case of X v. the United Kingdom: judgment of 18 october 1982 (article
Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe; Koln: C. Heymann,
(European Court of Human Rights. Publications de la Cour europeenne des
droits de l'homme. Serie A, Arrets et decisions, v. 55)
Suz HD 6488.2 .G7 E97 1983
Law KJC 5138 A5 v.55
European Court of Human Rights.
Case of B. v. France (57/1990/248/319): judgment.
Strasbourg: The Court, [1992]
see also: European Court of Human Rights. A. Affaire Soc....
GovPubIntStx CE.C J89 B. V. France
European Court of Human Rights.
Case of Modinos v. Cyprus (7/1992/352/426): judgment.
Strasbourg: The Court, [1993]
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Affaire Modinos...
GovPubIntStx CE.C J89 Modinos
European Court of Human Rights.
Cossey case: Judgment.
Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1990.
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Affaire Cossey.
GovPubIntStx CE.C J89 Cossey
European Court of Human Rights.
Norris Case (6/1987/129/180): judgment.
Strasbourg: Council of Europe, [1988]
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Affaire Norris.
GovPubStxInt CE.C J89 Norris
European Court of Human Rights.
Rees case. (2/1985/88/135). Judgment.
Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1986.
see also: Rees, Mark. Affaire Rees = Rees case.
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Affaire Rees:...
GovPubStxInt CE.C J89 Rees
European gay review.
London: S. Santagati, 1986-
Suz HQ 76.3 .E85 E97 v.2-v.8/9
European handbook on equality data: why and how to build to a national
knowledge base on equality and discrimination on the grounds of racial and
ethnic origin, religion and belief, disability, age and sexual
orientation. European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment,
Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit G.4.
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,
GovPubIntl EEC Eq254
Evaluating health promotion: practice
and methods. Edited by Margaret Thorogood and Yolande Coombes.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 7, Use of process evaluation during project
implementation: experience from the CHAPS project for gay men (William
Stewart), pp. 84-98.
HSLIC WA 590 E915 2000
Evans, Arthur.
Witchcraft and the Gay counterculture: a radical view of Western
civilization and some of the people it has tried to destroy.
Boston: Fag Rag Books, 1978.
Suz BR 115 .H6 E92 1978
Evans, David T. (David Trevor)
Sexual citizenship: the material construction of sexualities.
London; NY: Routledge, 1993.
note: chapter 4, Homosexual Citizenship: Economic Rights..., pp. 89-113;
chapter 5,...And Political Obligations, pp. 114-146; chapter 6, Dual
Citizenship? Bisexuality, pp. 147-173; chapter 7, Trans-Citizenship:
Transvestism and Transsexualism, pp. 174-208.
Suz HQ 32 .E95 1993
Evans, Kate.
Negotiating the self: identity, sexuality, and emotion in learning to
NY: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002.
Suz, Bot, Tac LB 2844.1 .G39 E93 2002
Evans, Kathleen M.
Negotiating the self: identity, sexuality, and
emotion in teacher
Seattle: University of Washington, 2000.
note: Ph. D. Thesis, University of Washington, 2000.
Suz LA7 Th 49287
AuxStx Thesis 49287
Evans, Richard J.
The Third Reich in power, 1933-1939.
NY: Penguin Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 6, Towards the racial utopia. In the spirit of science.
VI. [Homosexuals], pp. 529-535.
Suz DD 256.5 .E924 2005
Everett, Percival L.
Wounded: a novel.
St. Paul, MN: Graywolf Press, c2005.
Ugl PS 3555 .V34 W68 2005
Everett, Rupert.
Hello darling, are you working? Illustrations by Frances Crichton
NY: W. Morrow, 1992.
Suz PR 6055 .V347 H44 1992
The Everett gayzette.
Everett, WA: Snohomish County Gay Men's Task Force
note: formerly known as "The SnoHomo News"
SpecColl HQ 75 .E94
v.4-8 (Jan-May 2004); v.11-15 (Sep 2004-Jan 2005); v.19-24 (Jun 2005-Nov
2005), v.26 + (Nov 2007+)
Everhard, Jim.
Cute and other poems.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1982.
Suz PS 3555 .V36 C8 1982
Everton, Ian.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1982.
Suz PR 6055 .V48 A45 1982
Every woman I've ever loved: lesbian writers on their mothers.
Edited by Catherine Reid and Holly Iglesias.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c1997.
Suz PS 509 .L47 E86 1997
Everyday activism: a handbook for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people and
their allies.
Edited by Michael R. Stevenson & Jeanine C. Cogan.
NY: Routledge, 2003.
SocWk, Bot HQ 76.5 .E95 2003
Everyday inequalities: critical inquiries.
Edited by Jodi O'Brien and Judith Howard; foreword by Mary Romero.
Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1998.
note: chapter 5, Frederick the Great or Frederick's of Hollywood? the
Accomplishment of Gender among Women in the Military, pp. 157-187 (Melissa
S. Herbert); chapter 10, The Image that dare not speak its name:
homoerotics in new deal photography (Shelley Kowalski), pp. 283-308.
Suz HM 146 .E94 1998
Everyday mutinies: funding lesbian activism. Nanette K. Gartrell, Esther
D. Rothblum, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 E84 2001
Everything is permitted: the making of Naked Lunch.
Edited by Ira Silverberg.
NY: Grove Weidenfeld, 1992.
Suz PN 1997 .N32453 E93 1992
Everything must come to light [videorecording] Co-produced by The Gay and
Lesbian Archives of S.A., Out in Africa SA Gay and Lesbian Film
Brooklyn, NY: First Run/Icarus Films, 2002.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: narration, Mpumi Njinge; featuring Jama Thobei, Lindi Mahlangu,
Tshidi Machika; directors, Mpumi Njinge, Paulo Alberton; producer, Ruth
Morgan; director of photography and editor, Paulo Alberton.
note: This documentary focuses on the lives of three dynamic lesbian women
who are sangomas (Traditional healers) living in Soweto, South Africa.
They are articulate, sympathetic women who are willing to share their
stories. After leaving their husbands, two of the women were able to
explore their sexuality in relation to other women as a result of their
dominant male ancestors instructing them to take wives. The
relationship with their ancestors and the roles that they play in their
healing powers as well as their sexuality, are focal points in this
UglMed Videorecord FRIP 117
Everything relative [videorecording] Big Sister Productions, Ltd.;
co-producers, Clare Martorana, Mark Hibbard; writer/director/producer,
Sharon Pollack.
New Almaden, CA: Wolfe Video [distributor], [1997?]
note: videocassette; VHS; altered from the original
note: cast: Monica Bell, Malindi Fickle, Ellen McLaughlin, Gabriella
Messina, Olivia Negron, Stacey Nelkin, Carol Schneider, Andrea Weber;
special appearance by Harvey Fierstein; director of photography, Zakaela
Rachel Othmer; editor, Meredith Paige.
note: A romantic comedy about a weekend reunion of a group of women who
went to college together in the 1970's.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1699
Evolutionary perspectives on human reproductive behavior. Edited by Dori
LeCroy and Peter Moller.
NY: New York Academy of Sciences, 2000.
note: The other "closest living relative" How Bonobos (Pan Paniscus)
challenge traditional assumptions about females, dominance, intra- and
intersexual interactions, and hominid evolution (Amy R. Parish and Frans
B. M De Waal), pp. 97-113.
NatSci BF 701 .E962 2000
Evosevich, J. M.
The gay and lesbian psychotherapy treatment planner. J. M. Evosevich and
Michael Avriette.
NY: Wiley, c2000.
NatSci WM 611 E93g 2000
Ewering, Cacilia.
Frauenliebe und -literatur: (un) gelebte (Vor) Bilder
bei Ingeborg Bachmann, Johanna Moosdorf und Christa Reinig.
Essen: Die Blaue Eule, c1992.
(Literatur Mannlichkeit, Weiblichkeit, Bd. 4)
Suz PT 151 W7 E83 1992
Ex-gay research: analyzing the Spitzer study and its relation to science,
religion, politics, and culture. Jack Drescher, Kenneth J. Zucker,
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Ugl, Bot, Tac WM 460.5 .S3 E96 2006
Exander, Max.
Safe stud: the safesex chronicles of Max Exander.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1985.
Ugl PS 3555 .X36 S2 1985
Expanding discourse: feminism and art history. Edited by Norma Broude and
Mary D. Garrard.
NY: IconEditions, c1992.
note: [chapter] 11, "Disagreeably hidden," construction and constriction
of the lesbian body in Rosa Bonheur's Horse Fair, pp. 186-205.
Art, Tac N72 .F45 E96 1992
Bot, Tac N72 .F45 E96 1992b
Experiencing race, class, and gender in the United States.
[Edited by] Virginia Cyrus. 2nd ed.
Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing, c1997.
note: [lst ed.] Cyrus, Virginia. Experiencing race,
class, and gender in the United States. c1993.
see also: [for lst ed.] Cyrus, Virginia. Experiencing
race, class, and gender in the United states. c1993.
Suz, Bot HN 59.2 .E96 1997
Extended sensibilities: homosexual presence in contemporary
art: October 16-December 30, 1982, The New Museum. Guest curator,
Daniel J. Cameron.
NY: The New Museum, 1982.
Art N 6512 .E98 1982
Extramuros [videorecording] = Beyond the walls. Una produccion Blau Films,
Miguel Picazo, con la colaboracion de T.V.E.; productor, Antonio Martin;
director, Miguel Picazo.
Frameline; [New Almaden, CA]: Wolfe Video, 1994.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; in Spanish with English subtitles; based on
the novel by Jesus Fernandez Santos; videocassette release of the 1985
motion picture.
note: credits- Screenplay, Miguel Picazo; music, Jose Nieto;
cinematography; Teo Escamilla; performers- Carmen Maura, Mercedes
Sampietro, Aurora Bautista, Assumpta Serna, Antonio Ferrandis
note: In order to save their financially troubled convent, Sister Angela
and Sister Ana decide to stage a miracle. The stigmata are fake, but their
love for each other is passionate. The Inquisition investigates and the
two lovers pay dearly for their ambition.
note: for the novel, see Fernandez Santos, Jesus. Extramuros.
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1562
Extremities: trauma, testimony, and community. Edited by Nancy K. Miller
and Jason Tougaw.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 8, Testimony and the subjects of AIDS memoirs (Jason
Tougaw), pp. 166-185; [chapter] 12, The Aryan boy (Wayne Koestenbaum), pp.
230-237; [chapter] 13, A Palinode on photography and the transsexual real
(Jay Prosser), pp. 238-259.
Suz HV 6250.25 .E9 2002
Eyes of desire: a deaf gay & lesbian reader.
Raymond Luczak, editor.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1993.
Suz, SocWk PS 509 .H57 E9 1993
Eyes right!: challenging the right wing backlash.
Edited by Chip Berlet.
Boston: South End Press, c1995.
Suz JC 573.2 .U6 E93 1995
F. Scott Fitzgerald: The great Gatsby. Edited by Nicolas Tredell.
NY: Columbia University Press, [1999]
note: chapter 4, History, herstory and other stories: from political
Gatsby to gay Gatsby in the 1970s, pp. 104-135.
Ugl PS 3511 .I9 G837 1999
Faas, Ekbert.
Young Robert Duncan: portrait of the poet as homosexual in society.
Santa Barbara, CA: Black Sparrow Press, 1983.
Suz PS 3507 U629 Z66 1983
Faber, Doris.
The life of Lorena Hickok: E. R.'s friend.
NY: W. Morrow, 1980.
Suz PN 4874 .H5 F3
Faber book of gay short fiction. Edited by Edmund White.
London, Boston: Faber and Faber, 1991.
Suz, Bot PR 1309 H57 F33 1991
Fabulous! [videorecording]: the story of queer cinema. IFC presents; in
association with Netflix; an Orchard Films production; produced and
directed by Lisa Ades, Lesli Klainberg; an IFC Original Production.
New Almaden, CA: Wolfe Video, [2006]
note: DVD, originally released as a 2006 documentary.
note: credits -editor, Rachel Reichman; cinematographers, Ruben O'Malley,
John Pirozzi; music, Ari Gold, Billy Porter, Music Box; performer -Todd
Haynes, Ang Lee, Jennifer Livingston, Heather Matarazzo, John Cameron
Mitchell, Jenni Olson, Rose Troche, Gus Van Sant, John Waters, B. Ruby
Rich, Christine Vachon, Stephen Gutwillig, Randy Barbato, Jane Lynch, Dan
Bucatinsky, Don Roos, John Cooper.
note: An overview of the recent history of gay and lesbian cinema, from
Kenneth Anger's pioneering Fireworks (1947) to Ang Lee's Brokeback
mountain (2005). Where documentaries about earlier times looked at the closeted
world, "Fabulous!" celebrates films featuring gay characters and those
made by out directors on homosexual themes.
TacMed DVD TAC-1082
The faces of Buddhism in America. Edited by Charles S. Prebish and Kenneth
K. Tanaka.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1998.
note [chapter] 15, Coming out in the Sangha: queer community in American
Buddhism (Roger Corless), pp. 253-265.
Suz, Ugl, Bot BQ 736 .F33 1998
Facing the mirror: lesbian writing from India. Edited by Ashwini
New Delhi; London: Penguin Books, 1999.
Suz PN 6102.92 .W65 F33 1999
The fact of blackness: Frantz Fanon and visual representation. Edited by
Alan Read.
London: Institute of Contemporary Arts, Institute of International Arts;
Seattle [Wash.]: Bay Press, c1996.
note: Decolonisation and disappointment: reading Fanon's Sexual Politics
(Kobena Mercer), pp. 114-125.
Art CT 2628 .F35 F33 1996
Facts & figures: 2000 Male Out Survey. Paul Van de Ven ... [et al.].
Sydney, NSW: NCHSR, 2001.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia),
Suz HQ 76.2 .A8 F33 2001
Factor, Jenny.
Unraveling at the name.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c2002.
Suz PS 3606 .A26 U57 2002
Faderman, Lillian.
Gay L.A.: a history of sexual outlaws power politics, and lipstick
lesbians. Lillian Faderman, Stuart Timmons.
NY: Basic Books, c2006.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .L7 F33 2006
Faderman, Lillian.
Naked in the promised land.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2003.
Ugl CT 3990 .F33 A3 2003
Faderman, Lillian.
Odd girls and twilight lovers: a history of lesbian
life in twentieth-century America.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1991.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 75.6 .U5 F33 1991
Faderman, Lillian.
Scotch verdict: Miss Pirie and Miss Woods v. Dame
Cumming Gordon.
NY: W. Morrow, 1983.
Suz KDC 188 .WW6 F32 1983
Faderman, Lillian.
Surpassing the love of men; romantic friendship and
love between women from the Renaissance to the present.
NY: Morrow, 1981.
Suz HQ 75.5 F33 1981b
Faderman, Lillian.
To believe in women: what lesbians have done for America--a history.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.6 .U5 F35 1999
Fag Rag [microform]
Boston, MA: Fag Rag, [1971]-c1987.
note: indexed in Alternative Press Index
note: joint issue 30-39 (1982), the 12th year anniversary issue, also
included S.T.H. [Straight to Hell] Supplement and B.G.R. [Boston Gay
Review] Supplement.
MicNews Microform A9520 issue [1]-44 (1971-1987)
Fahy, Una.
How to make the world a better place for gays and lesbians.
NY: Warner Books, c1995.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 F328 1995
Faiman-Silva, Sandra L.
The courage to connect: sexuality, citizenship, and community in
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2004.
Suz HN 80 .P75 F35 2004
Fair employment practice cases.
Washington: Bureau of National Affairs, 1969+
note: "Opinions of Federal and State courts under Federal and State laws
and orders relating to employment discrimination based on race, color,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability,
with case table."
Law KF 3464 .A5 B87 v.1-
BusRef KF 3315 .L465 v.2-85 includes indexes
Fairchild, Betty.
Now that you know: what every parent should know about
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981, c1979.
Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.3 U5 F33 1981
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 F33 1979
Fairey, Wendy W.
Full house: stories.
Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 2003.
Suz PS 3606 .A375 F85 2003
A Faith of one's own: explorations by Catholic lesbians.
Edited by Barbara Zanotti.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1986.
Suz BX 2373 L46 F35 1986
Faithful conversation: Christian perspectives on homosexuality. Edited by
James M. Childs, Jr.
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, c2003.
Ugl BR 115 .H6 F35 2003
Falco, Kristine L.
Psychotherapy with lesbian clients: theory into practice.
NY: Brunner/Mazel, c1991.
Suz, NatSci WM 420 F181p 1991
Falk, Candace.
Love, anarchy, and Emma Goldman.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston., c1984.
Suz HX 843.66 F34 1984
Falling for Grace: an anthology of Australian Lesbian fiction. Editors,
Roberta Snow, Jill Taylor.
Sydney, Australia: BlackWattle Press, 1993.
Suz PR 9614.5 .L47 F3 1993
Families by law: an adoption reader. Edited by Naomi R. Cahn and Joan
Heifetz Hollinger.
NY: New York University Press, c2004.
note: VI.C. Single, Gay, and Lesbian Adoptive Parents and Their
Children, pp. 233-256. (section has 4 chapters)
Suz KF 545 .F36 2004
Families in the U.S.: kinship and domestic politics. Edited by Karen V.
Hansen and Anita Ilta Garey.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998.
note: chapter 10, Capitalism and gay identity (John D'Emilio), pp.
131-141; chapter 23, Jewish lesbian parenting (Linda J. Holtzman), pp.
329-334; chapter 35, Why gay people should seek the right to marry (Thomas
B. Stoddard, pp. 475-479; chapter 42, Masculinity, caregiving, and men's
friendships in antebellum New England (Karen V. Hansen), pp. 575-585;
chapter 62, The Right family values (Judith Stacey), pp. 859-880.
SocWk, Bot HQ 536 .F3337 1998
Family fundamentals [videorecording] DeepFocus Productions; an Arthur Dong
film; producer, director, writer, Arthur Dong.
[Los Angeles, CA]: DeepFocus, [2003]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD, videodisc release of the 2002 film
note: editor and cinematographer, Arthur Dong; music, Mark Adler.
note: Arthur Dong interviews families where religiously conservative
parents oppose homosexuality despite having homosexual children.
UglMed DVD DFP 001
UglMed DVD DFP 001 guide
Family interventions in domestic violence: a handbook of gender-inclusive
theory and treatment. John Hamel, Tonia L. Nicholls, editors.
NY: Springer Pub., c2007.
note: chapter 18, Dangerous dances: treatment of domestic violence in
same-sex couples (Valerie E. Coleman), pp. 397-415.
SocWk HV 6626.2 .F345 2007
Family, unvalued: discrimination, denial, and the fate of binational
same-sex couples under U.S. law.
NY: Human Rights Watch: Immigration Equality, c2006.
Suz, Tac KF 538 .F36 2006
The famous 41: sexuality and social control in Mexico, c1901.
Edited by Robert McKee Irwin, Edward J. McCaughan and Michelle Nasser
NY: Basingstoke, Eng: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Suz HQ 76.2 .M6 F34 2003
Fanel, Jiri.
Gay historie.
Praha: Dauphin, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .E85 F254 2000
Fang, Gang.
Tong xing lian zai Zhongguo.
Xianggang: tian di tu shu you xian gong si, 1995.
EAsia HQ 76.3 .C5 F36 1995
Fani-Kayode, Rotimi.
Black male/white male.
London: GMP; Boston, MA: Distributed in North America
by Alyson Publications, 1988.
Art Desk TR 681 .M4 F36 1988
Fantasy. Edited by Nicola Griffith and Stephen Pagel.
[Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Pub., 1997]
(Bending the landscape)
Ugl PS 648 .F3 F37 1997
Fantasy girls: gender in the new universe of science fiction and fantasy
television. Edited by Elyce Rae Helford.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c2000.
note: [chapter] 6, Feminism, queer studies, and the sexual politics of
Xena: Warrior Princess (Elyce Rae Helford), pp. 135-162.
Ugl PN 1992.8 W6 F36 2000
Far from heaven [videorecording] Focus Features and Vulcan Productions
present a Killer Films/John Wells/Section Eight production, a film by Todd
Haynes; produced by Jody Patton, Christine Vachon; written and directed by
Todd Haynes.
[Universal City, CA]: Universal Studios, c2003.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; dialogue in English or French with optional French
or Spanish subtitles; open-captioned in English; originally released as a
motion picture in 2002.
note: cast- Julianne Moore, Dennis Quaid, Dennis Haysbert, Patricia
Clarkson, Viola Davis, James Rebhorn; credits- director of photography,
Edward Lachman; editor, James Lyons; music, Elmer Bernstein; costume
designer, Sandy Powell; production designer, Mark Friedberg.
note: Cathy is the perfect 50s housewife, living the perfect 50s life:
healthy kids, successful husband, social prominence. Then one night she
surprises her husband Frank having sex with another man, and her tidy
world starts spinning out of control. In her confusion and grief, she
finds consolation in the friendship of their African-American gardener,
Raymond--a socially taboo relationship that leads to the futher disintegration
of life as she knew it.
UglMed DVD UNIV 071
Farewell my concubine [videorecording] Miramax Films
in association with Maverick Picture Company and Tomson (HK) Films
Co., Ltd.
Miramax Home Entertainment; Burbank, CA: Buena Vista
Home Video (distributor), c1993.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS format. Videocassette
release of the 1993 motion picture, based on the novel by Lilian Lee.
Producer, Hsu Feng; director, Chen Kaige; screenplay, Lilian Lee and Liu
Wei. Leslie Cheung, Zhang Fenggyi, Gong Li.
Story that spans more than 50 years in the lives of two men at the Peking
Opera, friends since childhood, and the woman who comes between them.
Also an absorbing drama of the period in Chinese history form the warlord
era through the Cultural Revolution.
see also: Li, Pi-hua. Farewell to my concubine.
Ugl Media Videorecord CHIFI 032
Farmer, Brett.
Spectacular passions: cinema, fantasy, gay male spectatorships.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2000.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 F37 2000
Farnan, Dorothy J. (Dorothy Jeanne)
Auden in love.
NY: Simon and Schuster, c1984.
Suz PR 6001 .U4 Z685 1984
Bot PR 6001 .U4 Z685 1985 (reprint)
Farr, Dennis.
Francis Bacon: a retrospective. Guest curator, Dennis Farr; co-curator,
Massimo Martino; with essays by Dennis Farr, Michael Peppiatt, Sally
NY: Harry N. Abrams in association with the Trust for Museum Exhibitions,
Art, Bot, Tac ND 497 .B16 A4 1999
Farson, Daniel.
The gilded gutter life of Francis Bacon.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1993.
Art, Bot ND 497 .B16 F37 1993
Farson, Daniel.
With Gilbert & George in Moscow.
London: Bloomsbury, 1991.
Art N 6797 .G47 A4 1991
Farwell, Marilyn R.
Heterosexual plots and lesbian narratives.
NY: New York University Press, c1996.
(The cutting edge)
Suz PS 153 .L46 F37 1996
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner.
Querelle Filmbuch.
Photographien von Roger Fritz; hrsg. von Dieter Schidor
und Michael McLernon.
München: Schirmer/Mosel, c1982.
see also: Genet, Jean. Querelle.
see also: Querelle [videorecording]
Suz PN 1997 .Q9 F3 1982
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner.
Querelle: the film book.
Photographs by Roger Fritz; edited by Dieter Schidor and Michael McLernon;
translated by Arthur S. Wensinger and Richard H. Wood.
München: Schirmer/Mosel; NY: Distributed by Grove Press, 1983.
note: translation of: Fassbinder, Rainer Werner. Querelle Filmbuch.
see also: Genet, Jean. Querelle.
see also: Querelle [videorecording]
Suz PN 1997 .Q9 F313 1983
Fast, Julius.
Bisexual living, including an interview with Wardell B. Pomeroy, co-author
with Alfred C. Kinsey of Sexual Behavior of the Human Male.
NY: M. Evans, [1975]
Suz HQ 74 F37 1975
Faulkner, Sandra.
Love match: Nelson vs. Navratilova. By Sandra Faulkner with Judy
NY: Carol Pub. Group, c1993.
Suz HQ 75.3 .F38 1993
Fausto-Sterling, Anne.
Sexing the body: gender politics and the construction of sexuality.
NY: Basic Books, c2000.
note: Of gender and genitals: the use and abuse of the modern intersexual,
pp. 45-77; Should there be two sexes?, pp. 78-114.
Suz HQ 1075 .F387 2000
Faustrecht der Freiheit [videorecording] = Fox and his friends.
Weltvertrieb im Filmverlag der Autoren; Tango Film Produktion, in
co-produktion mit City-Film GmbH, Berlin; ein Film von Rainer Werner
NY; New Yorker Video, c1989.
note: 1 videocassette (release of 1975 motion picture); VHS; In German
with English subtitles.
note: cast- Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Peter Chatel, Karl-Heinz Bohn,
Adrian Hoven, Christiane Maybach, Harry Bar, Kurt Raab; editor, Thea
Chatel; music, Peer Raben; cinematography, Michael Ballhaus.
note: Fassbinder directs and stars as a gay lower-class carnival performer
known as Fox the Talking Head, who strikes it rich by winning a lottery.
Then he has an ill-fated romance with an elegant upperclass lover.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-911
Fear of a queer planet: queer politics and social
Michael Warner, editor (for the Social text Collective)
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1993.
(Cultural politics, v. 6)
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U F43 1993
Federico Garcia Lorca [videorecording]: family portrait of a poet. Una
produccion de Sunset United Media, Cayetana Mulero; productor ejecutivo y
realizacion, Enrique Nicanor; guion y entrevistas, John J. Healey.
Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, [2003]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; in English and Spanish, with English subtitles;
credits in Spanish, French, and English.
note: performer: Lorca texts and poems read by Anthony Luke; English voice
over, Larue Hall; interview subjects: Isabel Garcia Lorca, Manuel
Fernandez Montesinos, Laura Garcia-Lorca de los Rios, Concha Fernandez
Montesinos, Gloria Garcia-Lorca de los Rios, Vicenta Fernandez Montesinos,
Isabel Garcia-Lorca de los Rios, others; credits- adapted for television
by Stephanie Von Lukowicz, Lynne Polak, E. Nicanor; director de
fotografia, Pable Vallejo; motaje y postproduccion, J. Carlos Garcia,
note: This documentary traces Lorca's life from Fuentevagueros in
Andalusia to his death at age 38 in 1936. Archival footage and personal
interviews with family members, poets, writers, and artists including
Edward Albee and Philip Levine provide an accurate portrait of both Lorca
the man and the literary giant. Accompanied by images of the places he
held most dear.
UglMed DVD FFH 039
Feil, Ken.
Dying for a laugh: disaster movies and the camp imagination.
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, c2005.
Suz PN 1995.9 .D55 F45 2005
Feiler, Lily.
Marina Tsvetaeva: the double beat of Heaven and Hell.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1994.
Suz PG 3476 .T75 Z667 1994
Feinberg, David B.
NY: Viking, 1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3556 .E425 E34 1989
Feinberg, David B.
Queer and loathing: rants and raves of a raging AIDS clone. [Preface by
Tony Kushner]
NY: Penguin Books, 1995.
Suz WD 308 F299q 1994 (Viking ed.)
Tac WD 308 F299q 1995
Feinberg, David B.
Spontaneous combustion.
NY: Viking, 1991.
Suz PS 3556 .E425 S67 1991
Feinberg, Leslie.
Drag king dreams.
NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2006.
Ugl PS 3556 .E427 D73 2006
Feinberg, Leslie.
Stone butch blues: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1993.
Suz PS 3556 .E427 S7 1993
Feinberg, Leslie.
Trans liberation: beyond pink or blue.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 77.95 .U6 F45 1998
Feinberg, Leslie.
Transgender warriors: making history from Joan of Arc to RuPaul.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1996.
Suz, Ugl HQ 77.9 .F45 1996
Feinbloom, Deborah Heller.
Transvestites & transsexuals: mixed views.
NY: Delacorte Press/S. Lawrence, c1976.
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC HQ 77 F44
Feinstein, Elaine.
A captive lion: the life of Marina Tsvetayeva.
London: Hutchinson, 1987.
Suz PG 3476 .T75 Z63 1987
Feldblum, Chai.
Gay rights in 2000 [videorecording]: law, morality & politics.
[Seattle: University of Washington School of Law, 2000]
(Law School lecture series; May 25, 2000)
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; recorded at the University of Washington
School of Law, May 25, 2000.
Law KF 4754.5 .F44 2000
Feldman, Alan.
Frank O'Hara.
Boston: Twayne Publishers, c1979.
(Twayne's United States authors series; TUSAS 347)
Suz, Ugl PS 3529 .H28 Z68
Feldman, M. Philip. (Maurice Philip)
Homosexual behaviour: therapy and assessment.
By M. P. Feldman and M. J. McCullough.
Oxford; NY: Pergamon Press, [1971]
(International series of monographs on experimental
psychology, v.14)
HSLIC W 1 IN835K v.14
Feldman, Yael S.
No room of their own: gender and nation in Israeli women's fiction.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
note chapter 4, Who's afraid of androgyny? Virginia Woolf's "gender" avant
la lettre, pp. 91-109; chapter 5, Israeli androgyny under siege: Shulamith
Hareven, pp. 111-139.
Suz PJ 5029 .F35 1999
Felix, David.
Keynes: a critical life.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.
(Contributions in economics and economic history, no. 208)
Suz HB 103 .K47 F444 1999
Feliz, Antonio A.
The issue is pluralism: an urgent call to greater pluralism in civil
marriage law.
Los Angeles: Editorial Los Feliz, c2000.
Suz KF 510 .F44 2000
Feliz, Antonio A.
Out of the bishop's closet: a call to heal ourselves, each other, and our
world. 2nd ed.
San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, 1992.
Suz BX 8695 .F45 A3 1992
Fellini satyricon [videorecording]. Pea Produzioni Europee Associate,
Culver City, CA: MGM/UA Home Video, c1990.
note: 1 videocassette. Italian with English subtitles. Videocassette of a
1969 motion picture. Based on the Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter.
note: Producer, Alberto Grimaldi; director, Federico Fellini; story and
screenplay, Federico Fellini and Bernardino Zapponi; music, Nino Rota.
Cast: Martin Potter, Hiram Keller, Max Born, Salvo Randone, magali Noel,
Alain Cuny, Lucia Bose, Tanya Lopert, Gordon Mitchell, Capucine.
note: for the novel, see: Petronius Arbiter. Satyricon.
UglMed Videorecord MGM 301385
BotMed Videorecord BOT-486
Fellows, Will.
Farm boys: lives of gay men from the rural Midwest.
Collected and edited by Will Fellows.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U52 M534 1996
Bot HQ 76.2 .U52 F44 1998 (reprint)
Fellows, Will.
A passion to preserve: gay men as keepers of culture.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2004.
Suz HQ 75.7 .F45 2004
Felman, Jyl Lynn.
Hot chicken wings.
San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, c1992.
Ugl PS 3556 E47255 H6 1992
Felski, Rita.
Doing time: feminist theory and postmodern culture.
NY: New York University Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 6, Fin de siecle, fin de sexe; transsexuality and the
death of history, pp. 137-153.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1190 .F416 2000
Felten, Uta.
Traum und Korper bei Federico Garcia Lorca: intermediale
Tubingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, c1998.
(Siegener Forschungen zur romanischen Literatur- und Medienwissenschaft,
Bd. 4)
Suz PQ 6613 .A763 Z6323 1998
Female desires: same-sex relations and transgender practices across
Edited by Evelyn Blackwood and Saskia E. Wierings.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 .F43 1999
Female marine and related works: narratives of cross-dressing and urban
vice in America's early republic. Edited with an introduction by Daniel A.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1997.
Suz PS 549 .B6 F46 1997
Female Misbehavior [videorecording] A Hyena Films Production Germany/US;
directed by Monika Treut.
NY: First Run Features, [1993]
note: VHS
note: credits- Camera, Elfi Mikesch, Steve Brown; editors, Steve Brown,
Renate Merck.
note: four short films featuring controversial women and provocative
sexual issues. Dr. Paglia - is a confrontation with the infamous author of
"Sexual Personae" Camille Paglia. Annie - is an inside look at Annie
Sprinkle, porn star, performance artist and sexual diva. Bondage -centers
on an S & M practitioner and her use of pain as Pleasure. Max- is the
story of a transsexual's journey from female to male.
UglMed Videorecord FRF 020
Female trouble [videorecording] Dreamland Studios; produced, directed,
written, filmed and edited by John Waters.
New Star Video, [2000]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; videocassette release of the 1974 motion
note: cast- Divine, David Lochary, Mary Vivian Pearce, Mink Stole, Edith
note: The story of Dawn Davenport-- a headline seeking criminal who grows
from suburban brat and turns into one of the most gruesome murderers of
all time. Along the way this 325 pound transvestite checks out other jobs
and ways of life. She becomes a mugger, prostitute and unwed mother before
turning to murder. "Female trouble" is a campy, bizarre, sadistic romp
through society's outer fringe.
UglMed Videorecord NSV 87128
Feminism and masculinities. Edited by Peter F. Murphy.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Suz HQ 1090 .F46 2004
"Femininity", "masculinity", and "androgyny": a modern philosophical
discussion. Edited by Mary Vetterling-Braggin.
Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, c1982.
Ugl, SocWk HQ 1206 .F44 1982b
Feminism and antiracism: international struggles for justice. Edited by
France Winddance Twine and Kathleen M. Blee.
NY: New York University Press, c2001.
note: chapter 7, Between the covers; feminist, antiracist, and queer
performance art in Australia (andrea breen), pp. 150-169.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 1190 .F4189 2001
Feminism and film. Edited by E. Ann Kaplan.
Oxford [England]; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 9, Lesbian looks: Dorothy Arzner and female authorship
(Judith Mayne), pp. 159-180; [chapter] 20, Sexual indifference and lesbian
representation (Teresa de Lauretis), pp. 384-406.
note: Both chapters are reprints, the former from How do I look? Queer
Film and Video (Bay Press, 1991) and the latter from Theatre journal, v.40, n.2
(May 1988), pp. 155-177)
Suz PN 1995.9 .W6 F448 2000
Feminism and theology. Edited by Janet Martin Sockice and Diana
NY: Oxford University Press, 2003.
note: [chapter] 30, Contours of a queer theology (Grace M. Jantzen), pp.
Tac BT 83.55 .F44 2003
Feminism, media, and the law. Edited by Martha A. Fineman and Martha T.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1997.
note: Lesbians, prostitutes, and murder: media constructs violence
constructs power (Ann Russo), pp. 249-266.
Suz, Bot KF 478 .A5 F456 1997
Feminism meets queer theory. Edited by Elizabeth Weed, Naomi
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1997.
(Books from Differences, 2)
note: originally appeared as special issue of Differences
(v.6, n.2/3, 1994): More gender trouble: feminism meets queer theory.
see also: More gender trouble: feminism meets queer
Suz, Bot HQ 1190 .F442 1997
Feminism, multiculturalism, and the media: global diversities. Edited by
Angharad N. Valdivia.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1995.
note: [chapter] 6, Lesbian chic. Our fifteen minutes of celebrity?
(Marguerite Moritz), pp. 127-144; [chapter] 12, Watching Tongues Untie(d)
while reading Zami: Mapping boundaries in black gay and lesbian narratives
(Frances Negron-Muntaner), pp. 245-276.
Suz, Ugl, Tac P94.5 .W65 F45 1995
Feminism, nation and myth: La Malinche. Edited by Rolando Romero and
Amanda Nolocea Harris.
Houston, TX: Arte Público Press, c2005.
note: Malinche makeover: one gay Latino's perspective (Franco
Mondini-Ruiz), pp. 154-157.
Suz F1230 .M373 F46 2005
Feminisms in the cinema. Edited by Laura Pietropaolo and Ada
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1995.
note: Papers presented at a conference held Nov. 1990 at York University
and other papers.
note: [chapter] 5, On the subject of fantasy (Teresa de Lauretis), pp.
63-85; [chapter] 6, Governing lesbian desire; Nocturne's Oedipal fantasy
(Patricia White), pp. 86-105; [chapter] 7, Female misbehavior (Monika
Treut), pp. 106-121; [chapter] 11, A parallax view of lesbian authorship
(Judith Mayne), pp. 195-205.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .W6 F455 1995
A feminist companion to Shakespeare. Edited by Dympna Callaghan.
Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2000.
note: [chapter 13], Women and boys playing Shakespeare (Juliet
Dusinberre), pp. 251-262; [chapter] 16, the lesbian void:
woman-woman eroticism in Shakespeare's plays (Theodora A. Jankowski), pp.
Suz, Bot PR 2991 .F45 2000
Feminist consequences: theory for the new century. Edited by Elisabeth
Bronfen and Misha Kavka.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2001.
note: chapter 9, Redressing grievances: cross-dressing pleasure with the
law (Elisabeth Bronfen), pp. 213-253; chapter 11, Fierce pussies and
lesbian avengers: dyke activism meets celebrity culture (Ann Cvetkovich),
pp. 283-318.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1190 .F444 2001
Feminist criticism: theory and practice. Edited by Susan Sellers.
Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991.
note: Fingers in the fruit basket: a feminist reading of Jeanette
Winterson's Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit, (Rebecca O'Rourke), pp. 57-69;
Antonia White's Frost in May: a lesbian feminist reading, (Paulina
Palmer), pp. 89-108.
Suz PR 119 .F46 1991
The feminist history reader. Edited by Sue Morgan.
London; NY; Routledge, 2006.
note: Part III: Searching for the subject: lesbian history, pp.
203-270: Reading 13, Who hid lesbian history? (Lillian Faderman), pp.
205-211; Reading 14, Does it matter if they really did it? (Sheila Jeffreys),
pp. 212-218; Reading 15, Lesbian history: all theory and no facts or all facts
and no theory? (Martha Vicinus), pp. 219-231; Reading 16, Queer: theorizing
politics and history (Donna Penn), pp. 232-243; Reading 17, 'Lesbian-like' and
the social history of lesbianisms (Judith M. Bennett), pp. 244-259; Reading 18,
Toward a global history of same-sex sexuality (Leila J. Rupp), pp. 260-270.
Tac HQ 1121 .F437 2006
Feminist-lesbian dialogue. [Sound recording]
Center for Cassette Studies [1974?]
note: 1 cassette; speeches and discussion on common problems and issues
from a meeting of feminists and lesbians held Dec. 16,
1972, at Columbia University.
UglMed Phonotape CCS 36616
The feminist memoir project: voices from women's liberation.
[Edited by Rachel Blau DuPlessis and Ann Snitow]
NY: Three Rivers Press, c1998.
note: A Fem's Feminist History (Joan Nestle), pp. 338-349; The Buried Yes
(Minnie Bruce Pratt), pp. 409-412; An Activist Love Story (Paula Allen and
Eve Enslor), pp. 413-425; "Notes from the Aftermath" (Ann Janette Rosga
and Meg Satterwaite), pp. 469-476.
Suz, Ugl, SpecColl NW HQ 1426 .F473 1998
A feminist reader in early cinema. Edited by Jennifer M. Bean and Diane
Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.
note: The queer career of Jim Crow: racial and sexual transformation in a
Florida enchantment (Siobhan B. Somerville, pp. 251-269; Feminity in
flight: androgyny and gynandry in early silent Italian cinema (Angela
Dalle Vacche), pp. 444-475.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .W6 F467 2002
Feminist review. n. 54. Autumn 1996.
see: Contesting feminist orthodoxies. (special issue)
Feminist theory reader: local and global perspectives. [Edited by] Carole
R. McCann and Seung-kyung Kim.
NY: Routledge, 2003.
note: [chapter] 9, Lesbians in revolt (Charlotte Bunch), pp. 83-87;
[chapter] 25, One is not born a woman (Monique Wittig), pp.
249-254; [chapter] 26, I am your sister: black women organizing across
sexualities (Audre Lorde), pp. 255-259; [chapter] 27, Funny boys and
girls: notes on a queer South Asian planet (Gayatri Gopinath), pp.
260-266; [chapter] 28, Going home: enacting justice4 in queer Asian
America (Karin Aguilar-San Juan), pp. 267-276; [chapter] 32, Separating
lesbian theory from feminist theory (Cheshire Calhoun), pp. 334-352.
Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 1190 .F46346 2003
Feminist views of Christianity: a study guide and reader. Compiled with
notes by Jennie B. Bull; "Women and the Bible" section by Marge Ragona;
illustrations by Jean Gralley.
Englewood, N.J.: Mother Eagle Press [Northeast District Women Universal
Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches], c1977.
Suz BT 83.55 .F458 1977
Feminist waves, feminist generations: life stories from the academy.
Hokulani K. Aikau, Karla A. Erickson, Jennifer L. Pierce, editors.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 2, Poisoned ivy: lesbian and gay academics from the 1960s
through the 1990s (Toni McNaron), pp. 67-86; [chapter] 6, Getting my story
straight: masculinity through a feminist lens (Peter Hennen), pp. 168-187;
[chapter] 7, Sissies at the picnic: the subjugated knowledges of a black
rural queer (Roderick A. Gerguson), pp. 188-196; [chapter] 13, Negotiating
feminist futures: transgender challenges and contradictions of a PhD in
feminist studies (Sam Bullington and Amanda Lock Swarr), pp. 290-317.
Suz, Bot LC 197 .F48 2007
Femme/butch: new considerations of the way we want to go. Michelle Gibson,
Deborah T. Meem, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, 2002.
Ugl, Bot HQ 75.5 .F459 2002
Femme: feminists, lesbians, and bad girls. Edited by Laura Harris and
Elizabeth Crocker.
NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.5 .F46 1997
The femme mystique. Edited by Leslie Newman.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1995.
Ugl PS 509 .L47 F46 1995
Feng, Peter X.
Identities in motion: Asian American film and video.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, c2002.
note: chapter 7, We're queer! we're where? Locating transgressive films,
pp. 170-190.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .A77 F46 2002
Fenwick, R. D.
The Advocate guide to gay health. With an introduction by Richard C.
NY: Dutton, c1978.
Suz WA 300 .F343a 1978
Fenwick, R. D.
The Advocate guide to gay health. Foreword by Richard
C. Pillard. New ed., updated by Nathan Fain.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1982.
Ugl WA 300 F343a 1982
Féré, Ch. [Charles]
L'instinct sexual; evolution et dissolution.
Paris: Alcan, 1899.
note: in English known as Scientific and esoteric studies in sexual
degeneration in mankind and in animals
Health SpecColl 176 F376i
Ferguson, Roderick A.
Aberrations in black: toward a queer of color critique.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2004.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 374 .N4 F47 2004
Ferm, Deane William.
Alternative life-styles confront the church.
NY: Seabury Press, 1983.
Suz HN 39 .U6 F47 1983
Fernandez, Dominique.
L'amour: roman.
Paris: Bernard Grasset, c1986.
Suz PQ 2666 .E696 A66 1986
Fernandez, Dominique.
A hidden love: art and homosexuality. [translated from the French by David
Munich; NY: Prestel, c2002.
Ugl N8217 .H67 F4613 2002
Fernandez, Dominique.
Porporino; ou, Les mysteres de Naples.
Paris: B. Grasset [1974]
Suz PQ 2666 .E696 P6
Fernández Santos, Jesús.
Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1994.
note: for the film based on the novel, see Extramuros [videorecording] =
Beyond the walls
Suz PQ 6611 .E657 E95 1994
Fernandez Santos, Jesus.
Extramuros. Translated from the Spanish by Helen R. Lane.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1984.
note: for the film based on the novel, see Extramuros [videorecording] =
Beyond the walls
Suz PQ 6611 .E657 E9513 1984
Fernbach, David.
The spiral path: a gay contribution to human survival.
London: Gay Men's Press; Boston: Alyson Publications, 1981.
Suz HX 36 .F47 1981
Ferrell, Anderson.
Have you heard: a novel.
NY: Bloomsbury: Distributed to the trade by Holtzvrinck Publishers,
Ugl PS 3556 .E7257 H38 2004
Ferri, Janice.
There is hope: learning to live with HIV. Written and edited by Janice
Mount Prospect, IL: HIVCO, 1993.
Suz WC 503.7 F388t 1993
Ferris, Jean.
Eight seconds.
San Diego, CA: Harcourt, Inc., c2000.
BotChi, TacChi PZ 7 .F4174 Ei 2000
Ferro, Jeffrey.
Sexual misconduct and the clergy.
NY: Facts on File, 2005.
note: Homosexuality and pedophilia, pp. 12-14; Homosexuality as a risk factor
for pedophilia, pp. 51-53.
Ugl BV 4392.5 .F47 2005
Ferro, Robert.
The blue star.
NY: Dutton, c1985.
Suz, Ugl, Tac PS 3556 .E76 B58 1985
Ferro, Robert.
The family of Max Desir.
NY: Dutton, c1983.
Suz, Ugl PS 3556 .E76 F3 1983
Ugl PS 3556 .E76 F3 1984
Ferro, Robert.
Second son: a novel.
NY: Crown, c1988.
Suz,Ugl, Tac PS 3556 .E76 S4 1988
Festival 2000 [sound recording]: touching hearts, changing lives, July
22-29, 2000 San Jose, California.
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
note: compact discs + program guide; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in
either Civic Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose,
note: vols listed separately
UglMed Cd GALAC 001
Festle, Mary Jo.
Playing nice: politics and apologies in women's sports.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac GV 709 .F37 1996
Fetterley, Judith.
Writing out of place: regionalism, women, and American literary culture.
Judith Fetterley and Marjorie Pryse.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2003.
note: chapter 10, Regionalism as "queer" theory, pp. 315-338.
Suz, Tac PS 147 .F48 2003
Fetting, Rainer.
Rainer Fetting: Berlin/New York: Gemalde und Skulpturen: Staatliche Museen
zu Berlin/DDR, Nationalgalerie, 17.3-15.4.1990, Stadtmuseum Weimar
(Bertuchhaus), Kabinett am Goetheplatz, 14.7.-23.8.1990.
Berlin: Zentrum für Kunstausstellugnen der DDR 1990.
Art ND 588 .F39 A4 1990
Fichte, Hubert.
Detlevs Imitationen Grünspan; Roman.
[Reinbek bei Hamburg] Rowohlt [1971]
Suz PT 2666 .I25 D4
Fichte, Hubert.
Detlev's imitations. Translated by Martin Chalmers.
London; NY: Serpent's Tail, 1992.
note: translation of Detlevs Imitationen Grünspan.
Suz PT 2666 .I25 D413 1992
Fichte, Hubert.
The gay critic. Translated by Kevin Gavin; introduction by James W.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1996.
note: Translation from the German of: Homosexualität und Literatur.
Band. 1.
Suz PN 56 .H57 F5413 1996
Fichte, Hubert.
Die Geschichte der Empfindlichkeit. Bd. 2: Der kleine Hauptbahnhof oder
Lob des Strichs.
Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1988
Suz PT 2666 .I25 G4 1987 v.2
Fichte, Hubert.
Die Geschichte der Empfindlichkeit. Paralipomena. Suppl.1 & Suppl.2:
Homosexualität und Literatur. Bd. 1 & Bd. 2. Polemiken.
Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1987-1988.
Suz PT 2666 .I25 G4 1987 suppl.1 v.1, suppl.1, v.2
Fichte, Hubert.
Hubert Fichte, Jean Genet. Hrsg. von Bernhard Albers in Zusammenarbeit mit
Leonore Mau; Fotos von Leonore Mau.
Aachen: Rimbaud, c1992.
note: parallel French/German text of an interview held 12/18/75.
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 Z645 1992
Fichte, Hubert.
Der Ledermann spricht mit Hubert Fichte. Hans Eppendorfer; Nachwort von
Herbert Jäger.
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1977.
note: 3 authentic interviews, 1970, 1973, and 1976
Suz CT 1098 .E58 F5
Fichte, Hubert.
The orphanage. Translated by Martin Chalmers.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1990.
note: translation from the German of: Das Waisenhaus.
Suz PT 2666 .I25 W313 1990
Fichte, Hubert.
Die Palette.
Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1981.
Suz PT 2666 .I25 P34 1981
Fichte, Hubert.
Versuch über die Pubertät: Roman.
Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1974.
PT 2666 .I25 V4
Fichte, Hubert.
Das Waisenhaus: Roman.
Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1984, c1965.
Suz PT 2666 .I25 W34 1984
Fichte, Hubert.
Die zweite Schuld: Glossen.
Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, c2006.
(Die Geschichte der Empfindlichkeit, Bd. 3)
Suz PT 2666 .I16 Z94 2006
Ficino, Marsilio.
Comentario al Banquete de Platon. Traduccion, estudio preliminar y notas
de Adolfo Ruiz Diaz.
Mendoza, Republica Argantina: Universidad Nacional
de Cuyo, 1968.
Suz B385 .F5516
Ficino, Marsilio.
Commentaire sur le Banquet de Platon.
Texte du manuscrit autographe presente et traduit par Raymond Marcel.
note: "Publie sous les auspices de l'Association
internationale des historiens de la Renaissance."
note: French and Latin on opposite pages.
Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1956.
Suz 888.4 Sy6zfi
Ficino, Marsilio.
Marsilio Ficino's commentary on Plato's Symposium.
The text and a translation, with an introduction by Sears Reynolds
Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, 1944.
(The University of Missouri studies; v.19, no. 1.)
note: Latin and English.
Suz 378.065 M69s v.19 no. 1
Suz 378.065 M69s v.19
Fictions of masculinity: crossing cultures, crossing sexualities. Edited
by Peter F. Murphy.
NY: New York University Press, c1994.
note: [chapter] 5, Man among men: David Mamet's homosocial order (David
Radavich), pp. 123-136; [chapter] 9, The ambiguous outlaw: John Rechy and
complicitous homotextuality (Rafael Perez-Torre), pp. 204-225; [chapter]
10, The lack of gender in Frank O'Hara's love poems to Vincent Warren (Jim
Elledge), pp. 226-237.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 56 .M316 F53 1994
Fiedler, Leslie A.
The collected essays of Leslie Fiedler.
NY: Stein and Day [1971]
note: "Come Back to the Raft Ag'in, Huck Honey!," pp. 142-151; "Images of
Walt Whitman," pp. 152-173.
note: the former appeared originally in: Partisan Review. v.15, pt. 1
(June 1948), pp. 664-671; and the latter in Encounter. v.4, n.1 (Jan.
1955, pp. 41-48)
Suz PS 3556 .I34 A16 1971 v.1 [and] v.2
Fiedler, Leslie A.
"Come Back to the Raft Ag'in, Huck Honey!"
Partisan Review, v.15, n.6 (June 1948), pp. 664-671.
note: reprinted in The collected essays of Leslie Fiedler.
note: reprinted in A New Fiedler Reader.
note: reprinted in A Fiedler Reader.
note: reprinted in An end to innocence; essays on culture and
see also: Fiedler, Leslie A. The collected essays of Leslie Fiedler.
see also: Fiedler, Leslie A. A New Fiedler Reader.
see also: Fiedler, Leslie A. A Fiedler Reader.
see also: Fiedler, Leslie A. An end to innocence; essays on culture and
Suzzallo Periodicals 335.05 PA v.15 pt. 1
Fiedler, Leslie A.
An end to innocence; essays on culture and politics.
Boston: Beacon Press [1955]
note: chapter 9, Come back to the raft ag'in Huck Honey!, pp. 142-151;
chapter 10, Images of Walt Whitman, pp. 152-173.
Suz, Ugl E169.1 .F5
Tac E169.1 .F5 1972 (2nd ed., Stein and Day, 1972)
Fiedler, Leslie A.
A Fiedler reader.
NY: Stein and Day, c1977.
note: Come back to the raft ag'in Huck Honey!, pp. 3-12.
Suz PS 3556 .I34 A6 1977
Fiedler, Leslie A.
A New Fiedler Reader.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1999.
note: Come back to the raft ag'in, Huck Honey!, pp. 3-12.
Suz PS 3556 .I34 A6 1999
Fiedler, Leslie A.
"Walt Whitman."
Encounter. v.4, n.1 (Jan. 1955), pp. 41-48.
note: reprinted in The collected essays of Leslie Fiedler.
note: reprinted in An end to innocence; essays on culture and
politics. (essay entitled: Images of Walt Whitman)
see also: Fiedler, Leslie A. The collected essays of Leslie Fiedler.
see also: Fiedler, Leslie A. An end to innocence; essays on culture and
Suzzallo Periodicals 051 ENC v.4
Field, Andrew.
Djuna, the formidable Miss Barnes.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985.
note: Rev. ed. of: Djuna, the life and times of Djuna Barnes.
Ugl PS 3505 .A614 Z66 1985
Field, Andrew.
Djuna, the life and times of Djuna Barnes. [lst ed.]
NY: Putnam, c1983.
note: Rev. ed. published as: Djuna, the formidable Miss Barnes.
Suz PS 3505 .A614 Z66 1983
Field, Edward.
A frieze for a temple of love.
Santa Rosa, CA: Black Sparrow Press, 1998.
Suz PS 3556 .I37 F75 1998
Field, Edward.
The man who would marry Susan Sontag: and other intimate literary
portraits of the Bohemian Era.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2005.
(Living out)
Suz PS 3556 .I37 Z47 2005
Field, Nicola.
Over the rainbow: money, class and homophobia.
London; New Haven, CT: Pluto Press, 1995.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.5 .F53 1995
Fierstein, Harvey.
Harvey Fierstein's safe sex.
NY: Atheneum, 1987.
Suz, Drama PS 3556 .I4213 H37 1987
Fierstein, Harvey.
Harvey Fierstein's Torch song trilogy: The international
stud: Fugue in a nursery: Widows and children first!
NY: French, 1978, 1979.
see also: for the videorecording, Torch song trilogy [videorecording]
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Torch song
Fierstein, Harvey.
Torch song trilogy: three plays. With an introduction
by James Leverett and a note from the author.
NY: Gay Presses of New York, 1979.
see also: for the videorecording, Torch song trilogy [videorecording]
Drama PS 3556 .I4208 1979
Ugl PS 3556 .I4208 1983 (Reprint; Villard ed.)
Fierstein, Harvey.
The sissy duckling. Illustated by Henry Cole.
NY: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2002.
ChiLit PZ7 .F479195 Si 2002
Fifty years after the declaration: the United Nations' record on human
rights. Edited by Teresa Wagner, Leslie Carbone.
Lanham, MD: University Press of America; Washington, D.C.: Family Research
Council, c2001.
note: chapter 14, Homosexuality is not a "Universal Human Right" (Tom
McFeely), pp. 117-124.
Suz, Law K3240 .F54 2001
Fighting back: lesbian and gay draft, military, and
veterans issues. Katherine Bourdonnay...[et al.]
Joseph Schuman, Kathleen Gilberd, eds.
Chicago: National Lawyers Guild's Military Law Task Force, c1985.
Law KF 4754.5 .F53 1985
A fighting spirit. Ice Films presents; a film by Leo Phiri; director, Leo
Phiri; producer, Nakai Matema.
[South Burlington, VT]: California Newsreel, [2001?]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; In English and Shona with English
note: credits- camera, Michael Schlömer; editor, Jari Heikkinen;
music, Keith Farquharson.
note: Zimbabwean middle-weight boxing champion, Gilbert Josamu, discovered
he was HIV positive at the height of his career. Many in Zimbabwean
society view HIV/AIDS as a disease of white homosexuals. Although feeling
conflicted about endangering his opponents, Josamu forged his medical
certificate and continued to fight. A few months before he died, he
confessed to having lived with HIV for 14 years. This confession was
followed by public outrage. Josamu formed an AIDS support group to help
him and others deal with public perceptions of people living with HIV. He
also embarked on a public campaign to encourage people to disclose their
positive status.
UglMed Videorecord CALN 155
Fighting words: personal essays by black gay men. Edited by Charles
Michael Smith.
NY: Avon Books, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 F54 1999b
Filax, Gloria.
Queer youth in the province of the "severely normal".
Vancouver, UBC Press, c2006.
Suz, SpecColl HQ 76.3 .C22 A34 2006
Filipino Americans: transformation and identity. Maria P. P. Root,
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1997.
note: [chapter] 16, Tomboy, dyke, lezzie, and bi: Filipina lesbian and
bisexual women speak out, (Christine T. Lipat, Trinity A. Ordona, Cianna
Pamintuan Stewart, and Mary Ann Ubaldo), pp. 230-246; [chapter] 17, At
the frontiers of narrative. The mapping of Filipino gay men's lives in
the United States, (Martin F. Manalanan IV), pp. 247-256.
Suz, Ugl, SpecCollPNW, Bot, Tac E 184 .F4 F385 1997
Filipovic, Uros.
Staklenac: zapisi iz podzemnog prolaza: dnevnik drugacijeg zavodnika.
Beograd: Teagraf/Link, 2002.
Suz HQ 75.8 .F55 A3 2002
The film cultures reader. Edited by Graeme Turner.
London; NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: chapter 24, The hypothetical lesbian heroine in narrative feature
film (Chris Straayer), pp. 331-343.
Bot, Tac PN 1994 .F4384 2002
Film genre reader II. Edited by Barry Keith Grant.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995.
note: [chapter] 25, Redressing the "natural": the temporary transvestite
film (Chris Straayer), pp. 402-427.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 1995 .F45792 1995
Film studies: critical approaches. Edited by John Hill and Pamela Church
Gibson; consultant editors, Richard Dyer, E. Ann Kaplan, Paul
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 14, Gay and lesbian criticism (Anneke Smelik), pp.
133-145; [chapter] 15, Queer theory (Alexander Doty), pp. 146-150.
Bot PN 1995 .F55 2000
Filson Club history quarterly. v. 17, n.2 (April, 1943)
see: Kincaid, Robert Lee. Joshua Fry Speed- 1814-1822,
Abraham Lincoln's most intimate friend. (special issue)
Final report of the NIMH Task Force on homosexuality, chaired by Evelyn
note: appeared as v.8 of One Institute Quarterly: homophile studies.
see: One Institute Quarterly: homophile studies.
Financial analysis of "don't ask, don't tell": how much does the gay ban
cost?: Blue Ribbon Commission report.
[Santa Barbara, CA: Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the
Military, 2006]
available online,
Finding courage: writings by women. Edited by Irene Zahava.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1989.
note: a collection of stories, some with lesbian themes
Ugl PS 647 .W6 F48 1989
Finding the lesbians: personal accounts from around the world. Edited by
Julia Penelope & Sarah Valentine; with a foreword by Alix Dobkin.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1990.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 F56 c1990.
Finding the real me: true tales of sex and gender diversity. Tracie
O'Keefe and Katrina Fox, editors.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, c2003.
SocWk, Bot HQ 77.7 .F556 2003
Fine, Reuben.
The forgotten man: understanding the male psyche.
NY: Haworth Press, c1987.
note: chapter 3, The sexually inadequate man: impotence, premature
ejaculation and homosexuality, pp. 41-57. [sees homosexuality as a
result of sexual inadequacy]
SocWk BF 692.5 .F56 1987
Finn, William.
Falsettos. Music and Lyrics by William Finn; book by William Finn.
NY: Samuel French, inc., c1995.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Falsettos
Finn, William.
Falsettos. With an afterword by Frank Rich.
NY: Plume, c1993.
note: originally published in a slightly different
version as The Marvin songs by the Fireside Theatre.
note: Librettos. Selections.
Suz, Drama ML 49 .F55 R5 1993
Finnegan, Dana G.
Counseling lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender substance abusers: dual
Dana G. Finnegan, Emily B. McNally.
NY: Haworth Press, c2002.
Suz HV 5139 .F56 2002
Finnegan, Dana G.
Dual identities: counseling chemically dependent gay men and lesbians.
By Dana G. Finnegan and Emily B. McNally; [with a foreword by LeClair
Center City, MN: Hazelden, 1987.
Suz HV 5139 .F56 1987
Fiol-Matta, Licia.
A queer mother for the nation: the state and Gabriela Mistral.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2002.
note: chapter 2, Schooling and sexuality, pp. 37-64; Part II, Queering the
state (chapters 5-7), pp. 125-212.
Suz PQ 8097 .G6 Z556 2002
Firbank, Ronald.
Concerning the eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli.
London: G. Richards, 1926.
SpecCollStx PR 6011 .I7 C65
Firbank, Ronald.
The flower beneath the foot. Being a record of the early life of St. Laura
de Nazianzi and the times in which she lived. With a decoration by C. R.
W. Nevinson and portraits by Augustus John and Wydham Lewis.
London: Grant Richards Ltd., 1923.
SpecCollStx PR 6011 .I7 F57
Firbank, Ronald.
Inclinations. With two drawings by Albert Rutherston (Rothenstein)
London: G. Richards, 1916.
SpecCollStx 823 F513i
Firbank, Ronald.
The princess Zoubaroff: a comedy. With frontispiece and decoration by
Michel Sevier.
London: Grant Richards Limited, 1920.
SpecCollStx 822 F513p
Firbank, Ronald.
Valmouth. With illustrations by Philippe Jullian.
NY: New Directions, [1956]
Ugl, SpecCollStx PR 6011 .I7 V35
Fire [videorecording] Trial by Fire Films; written and directed by Deepa
Mehta; produced by Bobby Bedi [and] Deepa Mehta.
NY: Zeitgeist Films; New Yorker Video [distributor], [1998]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; 1 videodisc, DVD (with chapter
stops); originally released as a motion picture in
note: DVD includes theatrical trailers, profiles, director's notes,
note: performers- Shabana Azmi, Nandita Das, Kulbushan Kharbanda, Jaaved
Jaaferi, Ranjit Chowdhry, Kushal Rekhi; credits- cinematography, Giles
Nuttgens; editor, Barry Farrell; music, A. F. Rahman.
note: Banned in India, this film was the first to confront lesbianism in
that country. It tells the story of Radha Kapur, a woman married to an
amateur swami who seeks enlightenment through celibacy. Radha's life
changes when her sister-in-law seeks to free herself from the confines of
her own loveless marriage.
UglMed Videorecord NYV 65398
UglMed DVD NYV 004
A fire is burning, it is in me: the life and writings of Michiyo Fukaya.
Edited by Gwendolyn L. Shervington.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c1996.
Suz PS 3556 .U329 Z67 1996
Fireworks: the best of Fireweed. Edited by Makeda Silvera.
Toronto, ON: Women's Press, c1986.
Suz PR 9194.5 .W6 F57 19986
First love/last love: new fictions from Christopher Street.
Edited by Michael Denneny, Charles Ortleb, and Thomas Steele.
NY: Putnam, c1985.
Suz, Ugl PS 648 .H57 F57 1985
The fire this time: young activists and the new feminism.
Edited by Vivien Labaton and Dawn Lundy Martin; foreword by Rebecca Walker;
coda by Wilma Mankiller.
NY: Anchor Books, 2004.
note: When trangendered people sue and win: faminist reflections on
strategy, activism, and the legal process (Anna Kirkland), pp.
Suz, Bot HQ 1111 .F47 2004
Fischer, Erica.
Aimée & Jaguar: eine Liebesgeschichte, Berlin 1943.
Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, c2005.
Suz DD 857 .W87 F57 2005
Fischer, Erica.
Aimée & Jaguar: a love story, Berlin 1943. Translated from the
German by Edna McCown;
translation of Aimée & Jaguar: eine Liebesgeschichte, Berlin 1943.
NY: HarperCollins, c1995.
Suz DD 857 .W87 F5713 1995
Fischer, Hal.
Gay semiotics O [i. e. male symbol]
San Francisco: NFS Press, c1977.
note: a photographic study of visual coding among homosexual men.
note: consists of an essay originally published in
Eros and photography, and photos originally exhibited at the Lawson de
Celle Gallery, San Francisco in August 1977.
Suz HQ 76 .F53 1977
Fish, Linda Stone.
Nurturing queer youth: family therapy transformed. Linda Stone Fish and
Rebecca G. Harvey.
NY: Norton, c2005.
SocWk HV 1426 .F57 2005
Fisher, Clive.
Cyril Connolly: a nostalgic life.
London: Macmillan, 1995.
Suz PR 6005 .O393 Z64 1995
Fisher, Clive.
Hart Crane.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c2002.
Suz PS 3505 .R272 Z66 2002
Fisher, Clive.
Noel Coward.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1992.
Suz PR 6005 .O85 Z624 1992
Fisher, Gary.
Gary in your pocket: stories and notebooks of Gary Fisher.
Edited with an afterword by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick;
introduction by Don Belton.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1996.
(Series Q)
Suz PS 3556 .I8135 A6 1996
Fisher, Jacob A.
Mental health concerns among gay and lesbian college students.
note: "A research paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the M.S. degrees with a major in Guidance and
Counseling... University of Wisconsin-Stout, May, 1998."
available online,
Fisher, James.
The theater of Tony Kushner: living past hope.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: chapter 3, Troubling the waters: Angels in America. A Gay Fantasia
on National Themes, pp. 54-92.
Drama PS 3561 .U778 Z64 2002
Fisher, James Terence.
Dr. America: the lives of Thomas A. Dooley, 1927-1961.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1997.
Suz WZ 100 D691F 1997
Fisher, Peter.
The gay mystique: the myth and reality of male homosexuality.
NY: Stein & Day [1972]
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76 .F55
HSLIC HQ 76 F55 1978 (re-issue 1978)
Fisher, Trevor.
Oscar and Bosie: a fatal passion.
Stroud: Sutton, 2002.
Suz PR 5823 .F57 2002
Fishman, Joseph Fulling.
Sex in prison; revealing sex conditions in American prisons.
[NY]: National Library Press [c1934]
Suz 365 F53s
Fitch, J. Harrison.
Out's gay & lesbian guide to the Web. J. Harrison
Fitch and the editors of Out magazine.
Emeryville, CA: Lycos Press, c1997.
SuzRef HQ 76.25 .F58 1997 text
SuzRef HQ 76.25 .F58 1997 disc
Fitch, Noel Riley.
Sylvia Beach and the lost generation: a history of literary Paris in the
twenties and thirties.
NY: Norton, c1983.
Suz, Ugl Z305 .B33 F57 1983
Fitz-Simon, Christopher.
The boys: a double biography.
London: N. Hern, 1994.
Drama PN 2601 .F58 1994
FitzGerald, Frances.
Cities on a hill: a journey through contemporary American cultures.
NY: Simon and Schuster, c1986.
Suz, Ugl, SpecColl PNW HN 59 F57 1986
Fitzgerald, Penelope.
Charlotte Mew and her friends: with a selection of
her poems.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, c1988.
Suz PR 6025 E8 Z65 1988
Fitzroy, A. T.
Despised and rejected.
London: GMP, 1988, c1918.
note: A. T. Fitzroy, pseudonym for Rose Laure Allatini.
Suz PR 6011 .I97 D47 1988
Five Lesbian Brothers (Theater troupe)
The Five Lesbian Brothers: four plays. The Five Lesbian Brothers, Maureen
Angelos ... [et al.]
NY: Theatre Communications Group, 2000.
Drama PS 627 .L48 F58 2000
Fjelkestam, Kristina.
Ungkarlsflickor, kamrathustrur och manhaftiga lesbianer: modernitetens
litterara gestalter i mellankrigstidens Sverige.
Stockholm: Brutus Ostling Bokforlag Symposion, 2002.
note: Bachelor girls, companionate wives, and mannish lesbians: literary
representations of modernity in interwar Sweden.
Suz PT 9368 .F54 2002
Flaceliere, Robert.
Love in ancient Greece. Translated from the French by James Cleugh.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press [1973, c1962]
note: Translation of: Amour en Grece.
note: Chapter 3: Homosexuality.
Suz HQ 13 .F553 1973
Flag wars [videorecording] ITVS presents; a film by Linda Goode Bryant &
Laura Poitras; produced by Linda Goode Bryant, Laura Poitras; directed by
Linda Goode Bryant; codirected by Laura Poitras; produced in asscociation
with the Independent Television Service (ITVS), P.O.V. American
Documentary, Inc., by Zula/Pearl Films, Inc.
Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Media, [2003]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; videodisc release of a broadcast June 17, 2003 on
PBS's Point of View television program.
note: credits- cinematography, Laura Poitras; editors, Linda Goode Bryant,
Erez Laufer; music, Graham Haynes.
note: "Flag Wars" is a poignant acccount of the politics and pain of
gentrification. Working-class black resdients in Columbus, Ohio fight to
hold on to their homes. Realtors and gay home-buyers see fixer-uppers. The
clashes expose prejudice and self-interest on both sides, as well as the
common dream to have a home to call your own.
UglMed DVD BERKM 001
BotMed DVD-560
Flagg, Fannie.
Fried green tomatoes at the Whistle-Stop Cafe.
NY: Random House, c1987.
note: for the film based on the novel, see Fried green tomatoes.
Ugl PS 3556 .L26 F7 1987
Bot PS 3556 .L26 F7 2000 (Ballantine Books)
Flame: a life on the game.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1984.
Suz HQ 186 .L58 1984
Flanner, Janet.
Darlinghissima: letters to a friend.
Edited and with commentary by Natalia Danesi Murray.
NY: Random House, c1985.
Suz PS 3511 .L285 Z49 1985
Flaunting it!: a decade of gay journalism from the
Body Politic: an anthology.
Edited by Ed Jackson and Stan Persky.
Vancouver: New Star Books; Toronto: Pink Triangle Press, 1982.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.8 .C3 F55 1982
Fleming, Keith.
The boy with the thorn in his side: memoir.
NY: William Morrow, c2000.
Suz PS 3573 .H463 Z68 2000
Fleming, Keith.
Original youth: the real story of Edmund White's boyhood. With an
introduction by David Leavitt.
[San Francisco, CA]: Green Candy Press, c2003.
Suz PS 3573 .H463 Z683 2003
Flesh and the word: an anthology of erotic writing.
Edited, and with an introduction by John Preston.
NY: Plume, c1992.
Suz PS 509 .H57 F57 1992
Flesh and the word 2: an anthology of erotic writing.
Edited and with an introduction by John Preston.
NY: Plume, c1993.
Suz PS 509 .H57 F57 1993
Fletcher, George P.
With justice for some: protecting victim's rights in criminal trials.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1996. (paperback edition)
note: chapter 1, Gays, pp. 9-36.
note: for hardback, see Fletcher, George P. With justice for some:
victim's rights....
Suz KF 9763 .F58 1996
Fletcher, George P.
With justice for some: victims' rights in criminal trials.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1995. (hardback edition)
note: chapter 1, Gays, pp. 9-36.
note: for paperback, see Fletcher, George P. With justice for some:
protecting victim's rights....
Law KF 9763 .F58 1995
Fletcher, Lynne Yamaguchi.
The first gay pope and other records.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1992.
Suz HQ 76 .F563 1992
Fletcher, Lynne Yamaguchi.
Lavender lists: new lists about lesbian and gay culture,
history, and personalities.
By Lynne Yamaguchi Fletcher and Adrien Saks.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1990.
Suz HQ 76.25 .F64 1990
Fletcher, Lynne Yamaguchi.
Tomboys!: tales of dyke derring-do: Edited by Lynne
Yamaguchi & Karen Barber.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, c1995.
Suz PS 648 .L47 F59 1995
Flirtations (Musical group)
The Flirtations [sound recording]
[S.l.]: Significant Other Records, p1990.
note: all-male a capella group: Jon Arteton, Micahel Callen, Aurelio Font,
TJ Myers, Cliff Townsend
note: recorded in New York City at Classic Sound and Manhattan Recording
Company in November, 1989 and February 1990
note: songs and music about gays
UglMed Cd FLIRT 002
Flirtations (Musical group)
Out on the road [sound recording]
[S.l.]: Flirt Records, p1992.
note: recorded live at the Vancouver East Cultural Centre, December 3-7,
note: songs and music about gays
UglMed Cd FLIRT 001
Flood, Gregory.
I'm looking for Mr. Right, but I'll settle for Mr. Right Away: AIDS, true
love, the perils of safe sex, and other spiritual concerns of the gay
male. 1st ed.
Atlanta: Brob House, c1986.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 F58 1986
Flood, Gregory.
I'm looking for Mr. Right, but I'll settle for Mr. Right Away: AIDS, true
love, the perils of safe sex, and other
spiritual concerns of the gay male. 2nd ed.
Atlanta: Brob House, c1987.
Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 F58 1987
Flood, Gregory.
I'm looking for Mr. Right, but I'll settle for Mr. Right Away: AIDS, true
love, the perils of safe sex, and other spiritual concerns of the gay
male. Gay 90's ed., rev. and exp.
Atlanta: Brob House, c1994.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 F58 1994
Floored by love [videorecording] Holiday Pictures & Reel Fang Pictures; in
association with CHUM Television present; written by Karen X. Tulchinsky &
Desiree Lim; producers, Shan Tam, Desiree Lim; director, Desiree Lim.
New Almaden, CA: Wolfe Video, c2006.
note: DVD; originally made for the CHUM Television series; Stories About
Love in 2005.
note: credits -director of photography, Carl Bessai; music, Simon Kendall
& Allan Rodger; editor, Ileana Pietrobruno; cast - Shirley Ng, Natalie
Sky, Michael Robinson, Trenton Millar.
note: While Cara grapples with Janet's marriage proposal and a surprise
visit from her conservative Chinese parents, newly out mixed-race teen
Jesse deals with his terrifically supportive mom and stepdad and the
sudden return of his fly-by-night gay birth dad. This family comedy offers
a portrayal of two very different Vancouver households: a Chinese-Japanese
lesbian couple and an African American/Jewish blended family.
UglMed DVD WOL 002
Florenski, Joe.
Center square: the Paul Lynde story. Joe Florenski and Steve Wilson.
Los Angeles: Advocate Books, 2005.
Ugl PN 2287 .L96 F56 2005
Flores, Yolanda.
The drama of gender: feminist theater by women of the Americas.
NY: P. Lang, c2000.
note: chapter 2: (De)naturalizing desire: homoeroticism and performance,
pp. 41-55.
Drama PQ 7082 .D7 F65 2000
Florida. Legislature. Investigation Committee.
Homosexuality and citizenship in Florida, a report of the Florida
legislative Investigation Committee.
Tallahasee: The Committee, 1964.
see also: Government versus homosexuals. (reprint)
Suz HQ 76 .F57 1964
Flowers and revolution: a collection of writings on Jean Genet.
Edited by Barbara Read with Ian Birchall.
London: Middlesex University Press, 1997.
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 Z766 1997
Fluid exchanges: artists and critics in the AIDS crisis. Edited by James
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c1992.
Art, Bot NX 650 .A33 F58 1992
Fodor's gay guide to the Pacific Northwest.
NY: Fodor's Travel Publications, c1997- 1st ed.
SpecColl PNW F852.3 .F62 (lst ed., 1997)
Foertsch, Jacqueline.
Conflict and counterpoint in lesbian, gay, and feminist studies.
NY: Palgrave, 2007.
Suz HQ 75.15 .F64 2007
Foertsch, Jacqueline.
Enemies within: the Cold War and the AIDS crisis in literature, film, and
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2001.
Suz PS 228 .C58 F64 2001
Foldy, Michael S.
The trials of Oscar Wilde: deviance, morality, and late-Victorian
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1997.
Suz PR 5823 .F65 1997
Foley, Conor.
Sexuality and the state: human rights violations against lesbians, gays,
bisexuals, and transgendered people.
London: National Council for Civil Liberties, c1994.
(Human rights convention, rept. 6)
Suz HQ 76.8 .G7 F65 1994
Folsom, Ed.
Re-scripting Walt Whitman: an introduction to his life and work.
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2005.
note: chapter 4, Intimate script and the new American Bible: "Calamus" and
the making of the 1860 Leaves of Grass, pp. 60-75.
Ugl, Bot PS 3231 .F65 2005
Fone, Byrne R. S.
Homophobia: a history.
NY: Metropolitan Books, 2000.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .F7 2000
Fone, Byrne R. S.
Masculine landscapes: Walt Whitman and the homoerotic text.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, c1992.
Suz, Ugl PS 3242 H56 F66 1992
Fone, Byrne R. S.
A road to Stonewall: male homosexuality and homophobia
in English and American literature, 1750-1969.
NY: Twayne; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan, Canada, c1995.
Suz PR 408 .H65 F66 1995
Foo, Lora Jo.
Asian American women: issues, concerns, and responsive human and civil
rights advocacy.
NY: iUniverse, Inc.,][c2003]
note: [chapter] 10, Asian American lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered
persons--moving from isolation to visibility, pp. 123-130; [list of
interviewees], p. 135.
Suz E184 .A75 F66 2003
Foote, Horton.
The young man from Atlanta.
NY: Dutton, c1995.
Bot PS 3511 .O344 Y6 1995b
Foote, Horton.
The young man from Atlanta.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, Inc., c1995.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Young man from
Foote, William E.
Evaluating sexual harassment: psychological, social, and legal
considerations in forensic examinations. William E. Foote, Jane
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, c2005.
note: [chapter] 2, Harassers, harassment contexts, same-sex harassment,
workplace romance, and harassment theories, pp. 27-45; Appendix B,
Allegations of male on male sexual harassment and retaliation, pp.
Suz HD 6060.3 F6893 2005
For lesbians only: a separatist anthology. [Edited
by Sarah Lucia Hoagland and Julia Penelope]
London: Onlywomen, 1988.
Suz HQ 75.5 F67 1988
Forbes, Edith.
Alma rose.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1993.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3556 O662 A46 1993
Forbidden acts: pioneering gay & lesbian plays of the twentieth
Edited and with an introduction by Ben Hodges.
NY: Applause Theatre & Cinema Books: Distribution North America, Hal
Leonard Corp., c2003.
Suz, Bot PN 6120 .G43 F67 2003
Forbidden love [videorecording] : the unashamed stories of lesbian lives.
A National Film Board of Canada Studio D production.
NY: Women Make Movies, 1992.
note: 1 videocassette. VHS.
note: Directors/writers, Aerlyn Weissman, Lynn Fernie. [Drama] Stephanie
Morgenstern, Lynne Adams, Masie-Jo Therio, George Thomas.
Recounts the experiences of Canadian lesbian women in the 1950's and
1960's who sought romance in gay beer parlours and bars. Their stories are
interwoven with a dramatized fictional love story and set against the tabloids
and pulp novels of the time that illustrate the stereotypes and
intolerance they faced.
UglMed Videorecord TAC-627
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2048
TacMed Videorecord WMM 018
Forbidden passages: writings banned in Canada. Introductions
by Pat Califia and Janine Fuller.
Pittsburgh, PA: Cleis Press, c1995.
Suz PS 509 .H57 F67 1995
Forbidden subjects: self-portraits by lesbian artists.
Edited by Caffyn Kelley.
North Vancouver, BC, Canada: Gallerie Publications, c1992.
(Gallerie: women artists' monographs, 10)
Suz, SpecColl Book Arts NX 164 .W65 F67 1992
Ford, Charles Henri.
Water from a bucket: a diary, 1948-1957. With an introduction by Lynne
[NY]: Turtlepoint; London: Turnaround, 2001.
Suz PS 3511 .O392 Z478 2001
Ford, Charles Henri.
The young and evil. By Charles Henri Ford & Parker Tyler; introduction by
Steven Watson.
NY: Masquerade Books, 1996, c1988.
Suz PS 3511 O392 Y68 1996
Ford, Clellan Stearns.
Patterns of sexual behavior. [lst ed.]
By Clellan Stearns Ford, and Frank A. Beach. With a foreword by Robert
Latou Dickinson.
[NY]: Harper [1951]
note: see Chapter VII. "Homosexual Behavior,"
pp. 125-143.
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC HQ 21 .F693
Ford, Mark.
Raymond Roussel and the republic of dreams.
London: Faber, 2000.
Suz PQ 2635 .O96168 Z628 2000
Ford, Michael.
Disclosures: conversations gay and spiritual.
London: Darton, Longman, and Todd, 2004.
Suz BR 115 .H6 .F67 2004
Ford, Michael.
Father Mychal Judge: an authentic American hero.
NY: Paulist Press, c2002.
note: an acknowledged gay Franciscan priest who died administering last
rites to a victim of the Sept 11 World Trade Center attacks
Suz BX 4705 .J767 F67 2002
Ford, Michael Thomas.
Alec Baldwin doesn't love me & other trials of my queer life.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz PN 6231 .H57 F67 1998
Ford, Michael Thomas.
Outspoken: role models from the lesbian and gay community.
NY: Morrow Junior Books, c1998.
ChiLit HQ 76.2 .U5 F65 1998
Ford, Michael Thomas.
The voices of AIDS: twelve unforgettable people talk about how AIDS has
changed their lives.
NY: Morrow Junior Books, c1995.
note: for young readers
ChiLit, BotChi WC 503.7 F711v 1995
Forell, Caroline A.
A law
of her own: the reasonable woman as a measure of man.
Caroline A. Forell and Donna M. Matthews; foreword by Barbara Y.
NY: New York University Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 5, Gender, race, sexual orientation, and the reasonable
woman, pp. 70-96.
note: e-book version available to University of Washington affiliates
Suz, Law, Bot KF 9325 .F67 2000
Forisha-Kovach, Barbara.
Sex roles and personal awareness.
Morristown, N.J.: General Learning Press, c1978.
note: androgyny
Ugl HQ 1075 .F67 1978
Forms of desire: sexual orientation and the social constructionist
controversy. Edward Stein, editor.
NY: Garland Pub., 1990.
(Garland gay and lesbian studies, v.1)
Suz HQ 76.3 U5 F67 1990
Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 F67 1992 (Routledge ed.)
Forney, Ellen.
I love Led Zeppelin: panty-dropping comics.
Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics Books, c2006.
note: comics include gay, lesbian, and related themes
Ugl PN 6272 .F66 I18 2006
Foro de Diversidad Sexual y Derechos Humanos (Orientacion sexual y
expresion generica) (lst: 1998)
Memoria del primer Foro de Diversidad Sexual y Derechos Humanos
(Orientacion sexual y expresion generica). David Sanchez Camacho.
Mexico: Nueva Generacion Editores, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.8 .M6 F67 1999
Forrest, Katherine V.
Apparition alley.
NY: Berkley Prime Crime, 1997.
Suz PS 3556 .O737 A83 1997
Forrest, Katherine V.
The Beverly Malibu.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1991.
Suz PS 3556 .O737 B4 1991
Forrest, Katherine V.
Liberty Square.
NY: Berkley Prime Crime, 1996.
Suz PS 3556 .O737 L53 1996
Forrest, Katherine V.
Murder by tradition.
[Tallahassee, FL]: Naiad Press, 1991.
Suz PS 3556 .O737 M84 1991
Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan)
The life to come, and other stories.
London, Edward Arnold, 1972.
(The Abinger edition of E. M. Forster, v.8)
Suz, Ugl PR 6011 .O58 1972
Suz PR 6011 .O58 L5
Bot PR 6011 .O58 L5 1976 (Avon ed., the Life to come and other short
Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan)
Maurice; a novel.
NY: Norton [1971]
Suz, Ugl PR 6011 .O58 M3
Bot PR 6011 .O58 M3 1973
Forter, Greg.
Murdering masculinities: fantasies of gender and violence in the American
crime novel.
NY: New York University Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 5, The Waste of white masculinity; excrement in Chester
Hime's Blind Man with a Pistol, pp. 171-213.
Suz PS 374 .D4 F67 2000
Fortunato, John E.
Embracing the exile: healing journeys of gay Christians.
NY: Seabury Press, 1982.
Suz, NatSci WM 615 F475e 1982
The Forty-nine percent majority: the male sex role. Edited by Deborah S.
David and Robert Brannon.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1976.
note: Homophobia among men. (Gregory K. Lehne), pp. 66-88.
Ugl HQ 1067 .F67
A forum for changing men.
Portland, OR: Men's Resource Center, 1975-1980.
note: not a GLBT community publication per se; seeks to combat sexism,
defined as "the unequal oppressive treatment of women or men because of
their sex or sexual orientation."
note: no issues published Jul through Sep 1979
SpecCollFolio HQ 1090.3 .F67 v.2,n.1 (Feb 1987); Nov/Dec 1978-Dec 1979
(nos. 51-56)
Forum Homosexualität und Literatur. 1987/n.1-
[Siegen, Forschungsschwerpunkt Homosexualität und
Literatur im Fachbereich Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften an
der Universität-GH Siegen]
SuzPer PN 56 H57 F68 no.1- 1987-
Foss, Karen A.
Feminist rhetorical theories. Karen A. Foss, Sonja K. Foss, Cindy
L. Griffin.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Pub., c1999.
note: chapter 5, Gloria Anzaldua, pp. 101-128; chapter 8. Paula Gunn
Allen, pp. 191-226; chapter 10, Sally Miller Gearhart, pp. 257-292.
Suz, Ugl P301 .F67 1999
Foster, Barbara M.
Three in love: menages a trois from ancient to modern times.
By Barbara Foster, Michael Foster and Letha Hadady.
San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, c1997.
Suz HQ 23 .F73 1997
Foster, Buddy.
Foster child: a biography of Jodie Foster. By Buddy Foster and Leon
NY: Dutton, c1997.
Suz PN 2287 .F624 F67 1997
Foster, David William.
El ambiente nuestro: Chicano/Latino homoerotic writing.
Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe, c2006.
Suz PS 153 .M4 F64 2006
Foster, David William.
Cultural diversity in Latin American literature.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, c1994.
Suz PQ 7081 .F628 1994
Foster, David William.
Gay and lesbian themes in Latin American writing.
Austin: University of Texas Press, c1991.
Suz, Bot, Tac PQ 7081 F634 1991
Foster, David William.
Latin American writers on gay and lesbian themes: a bio-critical
Edited by David William Foster; Emmanuel S. Nelson, advisory
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.
Suz PQ 7081.3 .F62 1994
Foster, David William.
Queer issues in contemporary Latin American cinema.
Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, c2003.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 F67 2003
Foster, David William.
Sexual textualities: essays on queer/ing Latin American writing.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 1997.
Suz PQ 7081 .F6355 1997
Foster, Jeannette H.
Sex variant women in literature. 2d ed. [i.e., reprint of 1st ed] With a
new afterword by Barbara Grier.
Baltimore: Diana Press, [1975] c1956.
note: originally published by Vantage Press, NY, 1956.
Ugl PN 56 .S53 F6 1956a (1975 reprint of lst ed, c1956]
Ugl PN 56 .S53 F6 (c1956 ed.)
Suz, SpecColl Book Arts PN 56 .L45 F6 1985 (Naiad, c1956, with cover
design by Tee Corinne)
Foster, Jeannette H. (Jeannette Howard)
Two women revisited: the poetry of Jeannette Foster and Valerie
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1991.
Suz PS 3511 .O6893 T93 1991
Foster, Marion.
A not so gay world: homosexuality in Canada. By Marion Foster and Kent
Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, c1972.
Health HQ 76 F75
Foster, Thomas.
The souls of cyberfolk: posthumanism as vernacular theory.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 4, Trapped by the body; telepresence technologies and
transgendered performance, pp. 115-135.
(Electronic mediations, v.13)
Suz PS 374 .C9 F67 2005
Foster, Thomas A.
Sex and the eighteenth-century man: Massachusetts and the history of
sexuality in America.
Boston: Beacon Press, c2006.
note: chapter 5, "Half-men", bachelors, effeminacy, and sociability, pp.
101-127; chapter 7, "The paths of monstrous joy", pp. 155-174.
Suz, Bot HQ 28 .F68 2006
Fothergill, Brian.
Beckford of Fonthill.
London: Faber and Faber, 1979.
Suz PR 4092 .F6
Foucault, Michel.
Foucault live: (interviews, 1961-1984).
Translated by Lysa Hochroth and John Johnston; edited by Sylvere
NY: Semiotext(e), c1996.
Suz B2430 .F722 E5 1996
Foucault, Michel.
Foucault live: (interviews, 1966-84). Translated
by John Johnston; edited by Sylvere Lotringer.
NY: Semiotext(e), c1989.
Suz B 2430 .F722 E5 1989
Foucault, Michel.
Histoire de la sexualite.
Paris: Gallimard, c1976-
note: v.1: La volonte de savoir. v.2: L'usage des plaisirs. v.3: Le souci
de soi.
Suz HQ 12 .F68 v.1
Foucault, Michel.
The history of sexuality. Translated from the French by Robert Hurley.
NY: Pantheon, c1978-
note: Translation of Histoire de la sexualite. v.1: An introduction, v.2:
The use of pleasure, v.3: Care of the self (La volonte de savoir, L'usage
des plaisirs, and Le souci de soi, respectively)
Suz HQ 12 .F6813 1978 v.1, v.2
Ugl HQ 12 .F6813 1978 v.1, v.2, v.3
Suz HQ 12 .F6813 1980 v.1, v.3 (Vintage ed.)
Ugl HQ 12 .F6813 1980 v.3 (Vintage ed.)
Bot, Tac HQ 12 .F6813 1980 v.1, v.2, v.3 (Vintage ed.)
Foucault, Michel.
Politics, philosophy, culture: interviews and other writings,
Translated by Alan Sheridan and others; edited with an introduction by
Lawrence D. Kritzman.
NY: Routledge, 1988.
note: [chapter] 17, Sexual choice, sexual act: Foucault and homosexuality,
pp. 286-303; edited transcript of an interview conducted and translated by
James O'Higgins...[originally] appeared as pp. 10-24 of a special issue of
Salmagundi 58/59, Fall 1982-Winter 1983.
Suz, Ugl B2430 .F722 E5 1988
Foucault, Michel.
Song ui yoksa. [Misel Puko]
Soul: Nanam, 1990.
note: translation of Histoire de la sexualite into Korean: v.1: Am ui
uiji (Yi Kyu-hyon yok), v.2: Kwaerak ui hwaryong (Mun Kyong-ja, Sin
Un-yong yok), v.3: Chagi e ui paeryo (Yi Hye-suk, Yi Yong-suk yok).
(Nanam sinso, 136-138)
EAsia HQ 12 .F68165 1990 v.1, v.2, v.3
Found tribe. Edited by Lawrence Schimel.
Santa Fe, NM: Sherman Asher Pub., c2002.
Ugl HQ 76.2 .U5 F68 2002
Foundations of social work practice with lesbian and gay persons.
Gerald P. Mallon, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1998.
SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .F68 1998
The fountain.
[Portland, OR.]: Second Foundation of Oregon, [1971-
SpecCollPNW HQ 75 .F77
v.1,n.1-4 (Mar 1971-Jun 1971); v.1,n.6-7 (Aug-Oct 1971)*; v.1,n.9-10
(Nov-Dec 1971)*; v.2,n.2-v.3,n.11 (Feb 1972-Nov 1973)
*Aug 1971 as v.1,n.6 and Oct 1971 as v.1,n.7 and Nov 1971 as v.1,n.9
Jul 1971 and Sep 1971 issues lacking, perhaps never published?
Fountain, Gary.
Remembering Elizabeth Bishop: an oral biography.
By Gary Fountain and Peterr Brazeau.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1994.
Suz, Tac PS 3503 .I785 Z683 1994
Fountain, Tim.
Quentin Crisp.
Bath: Absolute, c2002.
Ugl PR 6005 .R65 Z64 2002
4 from the circle; short stories and poems reprinted
from der Kreis (The Circle) Zurich.
Original drawings by J. Colton.
San Francisco: Pan-Graphic, [1959]
SpecColl PN 6071 .H724 F68 1959
Four weddings and a funeral [videorecording] PolyGram filmed Entertainment
and Channel Four Films present a Working Title Film; producer, Duncan
Kenworthy; director, Mike Newell.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; 1 videodisc, DVD; originally released in 1993
as a motion picture
note: cast- Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell, Kristin Scott Thomas, Simon
Callow, James Fleet; credits- executive producers, Tim Bevan and Eric
note: romantic comedy about a young man who meets the girl of his dreams
at a friend's wedding; however, she slips through his fingers when the
timing seems wrong, and they meet at three more weddings and a funeral
before they finally connect; secondary gay characters
UglMed Videorecord PLYG 005
UglMed DVD MGM 032
Fourest, Caroline.
Les anti-PaCS, ou, La derniere croisade homophobe. Caroline Fourest,
Flammetta Venner.
Paris: Prochoix, 1999.
Suz HQ 1033 .F68 1999
Fowlie, Wallace.
Rimbaud and Jim Morrison: the rebel as poet.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1993, c1994.
Suz PS 3563 .O8746 Z66 1994
Fox, John.
The boys on the rock.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1984.
Suz PS 3556 .O934 B6 1984
Fox, Paula.
The eagle kite: a novel.
NY: Orchard Books, c1995.
BotChi PZ 7 .F838 Eag 1995
Fox and his friends. [videorecording]
see: Faustrecht der Freiheit
Fragments. Claude Courouve [compilateur]
[Paris: Courouve, c1980-1981]
note: v.3 compiled by Claude Courouve and R. Kozerawski.
Suz HQ 76.25 .F73 1980 v.1, 3
Frame, Ronald.
The lantern bearers: a novel.
Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 2001.
Suz PR 6056 .R262 L36 2001
Frame, Ronald.
The lantern bearers: a novel.
Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 2001.
note: originally publ. [London]: G. Duckworth, 1999.
Suz PR 6056 .R262 L36 2001
Frames of protest: social movements and the framing perspective. Edited by
Hank Johnston and John A. Noakes.
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., c2005.
note: chapter 3, Collective action frames in the Gay Liberation Movement,
Bot, Tac HM 881 .F73 2005
Framing disease: studies in cultural history. Edited by Charles E.
Rosenberg and Janet Golden.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c1992.
note: [chapter] 6, American physicians' "discovery" of homosexuals,
1880-1900: a new diagnosis in a changing society (Bert Hansen), pp.
Ugl, HSLIC QZ 11.1 F813 1992
Framing the sexual subject: the politics of gender, sexuality, and
Edited by Richard Parker, Regina Maria Barbosa, and Peter Aggleton.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2000.
note: chapter 3, Male homosexuality and seropositivity: the construction
of social identities in Brazil (Veriano Terto Jr.), pp. 60-78; chapter 9,
Cultural regulation, self-regulation, and sexuality: a pscyho-cultural
model of HIV risk in Latino gay men (Rafael M. Diaz), pp. 191-215.
Suz HQ 23 .F76 2000
France, David.
Bag of toys: sex, scandal, and the death mask murder.
NY: Warner Books, c1992.
Suz HV 6534 .N52 F73 1992
France, David.
Our fathers: the secret life of the Catholic Church in an age of
NY: Broadway Books, 2004.
Suz BX 1912.9 .F73 2004
Franceschina, John Charles.
Homosexualities in the English theatre: from Lyly to Wilde.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997.
Drama PR 635 .H65 F73 1997
Frank, Barney.
Speaking frankly: what's wrong with the Democrats and how to fix it.
NY: Times Books/Random House, c1992.
Suz JK 2316 .F72 1992
Frank, Miriam.
Pride at work: organizing for lesbian and gay rights in unions.
By Miriam Frank and Desma Holcomb; illustrations by David Mashni.
NY: Lesbian and Gay Labor Network, c1990.
Suz, Tac HD 6490 .S62 U654 1990
Frank, Waldo David.
The dark mother; a novel.
NY: Boni and Liveright [c1920]
Suz 813 F85d
Frankfurt, Basel, New York: Richard Plant. [Herausgegeben
von] Andreas Sternweiler.
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1996.
(Schwules Museum Lebensgeschichten, 3)
Suz HQ 75.8 .P53 F73 1996
Frantz Fanon: critical perspectives. Edited by Anthony C.
NY: Routledge, 1999.
note: [chapter] 5: Saint Fanon and "homosexual territory." (Terry Goldie),
pp. 75-86.
Suz H59 .F28 F73 1999
Frantzen, Allen J.
Before the closet: same-sex love from Beowulf to Angels in America.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
Suz PR 179 .H66 F73 1998
Franz Schubert: "Todesmusik."
München: Edition Text + Kritik, 1997.
(Musik-Konzepte, Heft 97/98)
note: "Unaussprechlich, unbegriffen" Indizien und Argumente aus Leben und
Werk für die wahrscheinliche Homosexualität des Franz Peter
Schubert (Christoph Schwandt), pp. 112-194.
Suz ML 410 .S3 F77 1997
Franzen, Trisha.
Spinsters and lesbians: independent womanhood in
the United States.
NY: New York University Press, c1996.
(The cutting edge)
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.6 .U5 F73 1996
Fraser, Antonia.
The warrior queens.
NY: Knopf, 1989.
Ugl D 109 .F72 1989
Fraser, Brad.
Martin yesterday.
Edmonton: NeWest Press, c1998.
Drama PR 9199.3 .F7175 M37 1998
Fraser, Clara.
Revolution, she wrote. Introduction by Joanna Russ.
Seattle: Red Letter Press, 1998.
Suz, Ugl, SpecCollPNW HQ 1190 .F725 1998
Fraser, Mariam.
Identity without selfhood: Simone de Beauvoir and bisexuality.
Cambridge, U.K.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
(Cambridge cultural social studies)
Suz HQ 74 .F73 1999
Fraser, Suzanne.
Changing community, changing practice?: young gay men, HIV, and gay
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, the University of New South Wales, c2004.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia),
Suz HQ 76.2 .A82 S924 2004
also available online,
Berlin: Frauenliebe, 1926-1930.
note: "Wochenschrift für Freundschaft, Liebe u. sexuelle
Aufklärung" [weekly for friendship, love, and sexual
note: German lesbian journal
note: absorbed by Garçonne, see Garçonne
MicNews Microfilm A10348 v.1-5 (1926-1930)
Frauenliebe, Männerliebe: eine lesbisch-schwule Literaturgeschichte
in Porträts.
Herausgegeben von Alexandra Busch und Dirck Linck; redaktionelle
Mitarbeit, Heide Kuhlmann.
Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, c1997.
SuzRef PN 56 .H57 F721 1997
Freccero, Carla.
Popular culture: an introduction.
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
note: [chapter] 3.B, Queer subcultures, pp. 40-46.
Suz, Bot E169.12 .F717 1999
Freccero, Carla.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2006.
(Series Q)
Ugl HQ 76.25 .F72 2006
Frederics, Diana.
Diana; a strange autobiography.
NY: Citadel Press, 1945 [c1939]
SpecColl HQ 76 .F753 1945
Frederics, Diana.
Diana: a strange autobiography. Introduction by Julie Abraham.
NY: New York University Press, c1995.
(The Cutting edge)
note: originally published: NY: Dial Press, 1939
Suz PS 3511 .R4145 D53 1995
Fredriksson, Marianne.
According to Mary Magdalene. [English translation by Joan Tate]
Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Pub. Co., c1999.
note: translation of Enlight Maria Magdalena.
Suz PT 9876.16 .R475 E5413 1999
Free, Melissa M.
The grotesque as an objection to silence and oppression: a queer reading
of Carson McCuller's fiction.
note: M.A. thesis, North Carolina State University, 2002.
available online,
Free particle.
San Francisco: [s.n.]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 no. 2-3 (Oct. 5, 1969-Oct. 17, 1969)
Freedman, Estelle B.
Feminism, sexuality, and politics: essays.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, c2006.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1419 .F74 2006
Freedman, Marcia.
Exile in the promised land: a memoir.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1990.
note: Chapter 10: Lesbian in the Promised Land.
Suz DS 126.6 .F74 A3 1990
Freedman, Mark.
Homosexuality and psychological functioning.
Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole [1971]
SocWk HQ 76 F76
Freedom Day Committee: [newsletter]
Seattle, WA: Freedom Day Committee
SpecColFolio HQ 75 .F82 Jan 1995, Apr 1995
Freedom in this village: twenty-five years of black gay men's writing,
1979 to the present. [Edited by] E. Lynn Harris.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 2005.
Ugl, Bot Tac PS 509 .H57 F74 2005
Freedom to marry [videorecording] [directed, filmed and edited by Laurie
York and Carmen Goodyear] Updated version.
[Fort Bragg, CA]: Turtle Time Farm Productions, [2005]
note: DVD; 2005 updated version of film originally released in 2004.
note: speaker, Margaret Cho; cast - Molly McKay and Dr. Davina Kotulski,
Don Williams and David Jones, Sherry Thomas and Lynn Witt, Astrid Ortega
and Gordonelle Weisgerber, Jeffery Winkler and Linton Johnson, Wendy Daw
and Belinda Jayne Ryan, Margie Wells and Gretchen Bender and Hannah and
Mandi, Karla Kyrias and Diana Berry, Margaret Cho.
note: presents an upbeat humorous and moving documentary which highlights
the turn of events on February 12, 2004, when Mayor Gavin Newsom began
allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry at San Francisco City Hall.
Interviews with seven long-term same-sex couples recount the joy of their
relationship and/or marriage and the pain of living in a society that has
failed to recognized them as devoted, loving human beings. Contains a
March 2005 update.
TacMed DVD TAC-1027
Freeman, Elizabeth.
The wedding complex: forms of belonging in modern American culture.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.
(Series Q)
Suz, Bot PS 374 .W39 F74 2002
Freeman, Marilyn.
Meeting Magdalene.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1997.
SpecColl Pacific NW PS 3556 .R3923 M44 1997
Freeman, Paul.
Ian Roberts: finding out.
NY: Random House; Milsons Point, NSW; Random House Australia, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.8 .R62 F7 1997
Freeman, Sandra.
Putting your daughters on the stage: lesbian theatre from the 1970s to
the 1990s.
London; Herndon, VA: Cassell, 1997.
Ugl, Drama PN 2270 .L47 F74 1997
Freeman, Thomas.
The case of Hans Henny Jahnn: criticism and the literary outsider.
Rochester: Camden House, 2001.
Suz PT 2619 .A6 Z648 2001
The Freezer counter: stories by gay men. Edited by
David Rees and Peter Robins.
Exeter, England: Third House Pubs., 1989.
Suz PR 1309 .H57 F74 1989
Fremont, Helen.
long silence: a memoir.
NY: Delacorte Press, c1999.
Suz E184.37 .F74 A4 1999
French, Jim.
Man; photography.
[New York, c1972]
SpecColl Stacks Oversz TR 675 .F73 1972
French, Robert.
Camping by a billabong: gay and lesbian stories from Australian
Sydney, Australia: BlackWattle Press, 1993.
Suz HQ 76.3 .A8 F74 1993
French connections: voices from the women's movement in France.
Edited and translated [from the French] by Claire Duchen.
London: Hutchinson, 1987.
(Explorations in feminism (Exploration in Feminism
Collective (Great Britain)), no. 11.
Suz HQ 1617 F74 1987b
French feminism reader. Edited by Kelly Oliver.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2000.
note: [chapter] 5, A lesbian is not a woman (Monique Wittig), pp.
Suz HQ 1617 .F747 2000
French film: texts and contexts. Edited by Susan Hayward and Ginette
Vincendeau. 2nd ed.
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: [chapter] 9, No place for homosexuality; Marcel Carne's L'Air de
Paris (1954)(Richard Dyer), pp. 127-141.
Suz, Bot PN 1993.5 .F7 F74 2000
French twist [Gazon maudit] [videorecording] Amlf presente; Claude Berri
presente; un coproduction Renn Productions, TFI Films Production, Les Films
Flam; avec la participation de Canal+; un film de Josiane Balasko; scenerio et
dialogue, Josiane Balasko; adaptation, Josiane Balasko, Telesche Boorman;
realise, Josiane Balasko.
Burbank, CA: Miramax Home Entertainment, [1996?]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally produced as a motion picture in
1994; reformatted for television; in French with yellow subtitles
note: cast, Victoria Abril, Josiane
Balasko, Alain Chabat, Ticky Holgado; photographer, Gerard de Battista;
editor, Claudine Merlin; music, Manuel Malou.
note: suburban housewife Loli is furious when she discovers her husband
has been cheating on her for years. When the van of a tough-talking,
tender-hearted lesbian named Marijo breaks down in front of Loli's house,
things take an unusual turn.
UglMed Videorecord BVHE 034
Fresa y chocolate [videorecording] = Strawberry & chocolate. El Instituto
Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematographicos en coproduccion con
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematographia ... [et al.]; guion, Senel Paz;
direccion de produccion, Miguel Mendoza; direccion, Tomas Gutierrez Alea,
Juan Carlos Tabio.
Burbank, CA: Buena Vista Home Video, [1995]
note: 1 videocassette; in Spanish with yellow English subtitles;
originally released as a motion picture in 1994, based on the story by
Senel Paz: El lobo, el bosque y el hombre nuevo.
note: cast- Jorge Perugorria, Vladimir Cruz, Mirtha Ibarra; credits-
sound, Germinal Hernandez; music, Jose Maria Vitier; editing, Miriam
Talavera, Osvaldo Dontien; director of photography, Mario Garcia Joya.
note: A naive young Cuban college student meets both a writer and a woman
who teach him about the passion of life and the passion of love.
UglMed Videorecord MIRA 4698
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1547
Fresh men: new voices in gay fiction. Selected by Edmund White; edited by
Donald Weise.
NY: Carroll & Graf: Distributed by Publishers Group West, 2004.
Ugl, Tac PS 648 .H57 f7 2004
Fresh men 2: new voices in gay fiction. Introduced by Andrew Holleran;
selected and edited by Donald Weise.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 2005.
Ugl PS 648 .H57 F737 2005
Freud, Sigmund.
Aus der Geschichte einer infantilen Neurose. [Wolf Man]
see: Freud, Sigmund. Gesammelte Werke.
Freud, Sigmund.
Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie.
Leipzig: F. Deuticke, 1922.
note: see also: Freud, Sigmund. Gesammelte Werke...
note: first published in 1905.
note: for English translation see: Freud, Sigmund. The standard
edition.... [and] Freud, Sigmund. Three essays on the theory of
HSLIC 131 F89dr
Freud, Sigmund.
From the History of an Infantile Neurosis. [Wolf Man]
see: Freud, Sigmund. The standard edition...
see: Pankejeff, Sergius. the Wolf-Man...
Freud, Sigmund.
Gesammelte Werke: chronologisch geordnet.
[Hrsg. von Anna Freud et al.]
London: Imago Pub. Co., 1940-1987. 19v. in 18.
Freud, Sigmund.
Leonardo da Vinci; a psychosexual study of an infantile reminiscence.
Translated by A. A. Brill.
NY: Moffat, Yard & Company, 1916.
note: Translation of: Eine Kindheitserinnerung des
Leonardo Da Vinci.
see also: Freud, Sigmund. The standard edition...
Suz 131 F89kE
Suz, Ugl, Art ND 623 .L5 F8 1947 (Random House ed.)
Ugl ND 623 .L5 F813 (Tyson translation, Norton ed.)
Art ND 623 .L5 F813 1984 (London ed.)
Freud, Sigmund.
Letters of Sigmund Freud, selected and edited by
Ernst L. Freud; translated by Tania and James Stern.
NY: Dover, 1992.
note: reprint of Basic Books edition, 1960; translation
of Briefe, 1973-1939.
note: Letter (April 9, 1935) to an anonymous woman
in response to her concern about her son's presumed homosexuality,
p. 423-424.
The letter was written in English and was first published
American Journal of Psychiatry. v. 107, p. 786. 1951.
see also: the letter noted above also appears in:
Downing, Christine. Myths and mysteries of same-sex love, p. 43.
Suz BF 109 .F74 A4 1992
SuzPer, SocWkPer, HSLIC Serials 132.105 AM v. 107
(American Journal of Psychiatry)
Freud, Sigmund.
Psychogenesis of a case of homosexuality in a woman.
In: Freud, Sigmund. The standard edition...v.18, pp. 143-170.
see: Freud, Sigmund. The standard edition....
Freud, Sigmund.
Some neurotic mechanisms in jealousy, paranoia and homosexuality.
In: Freud, Sigmund. The standard edition...v.18, pp. 230-232.
see: Freud, Sigmund. the standard edition...
Freud, Sigmund.
The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud.
Translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey,
in collaboration with Anna Freud, assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan
London: Hogarth Press, 1953-1974. 24 vols.
Freud, Sigmund.
Three essays on the theory of sexuality. Authorized translation by James
London: Imago Pub. Co. [1949]
note: Translation of: Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie.
see also: Freud, Sigmund. The standard edition....v.7, pp. 125-246.
HSLIC HQ 21 .F8 1949
Ugl HQ 21 .F8 1962a (Hogarth ed.)
Suz HQ 21 .F8 1975 (Basic Books ed.)
Freud, Sigmund.
The Wolf-Man.
note: popular title for: Aus der Geschichte einer infantilen Neurose.
(German original)
From the History of an Infantile Neurosis. (English translation)
see: Freud, Sigmund. Gesammelte Werke...Aus der Geschichte einer
infantilen Neurose.
see: Freud, Sigmund. The standard edition...From the History of an
Infantile Neurosis.
see: Pankejeff, Serigus. The Wolf-Man.
Freund, Kurt.
Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1969.
Suz HQ 76 .F77 1969
Freund, Kurt.
Die Homosexualität beim Mann.
Leipzig: Hirzel, 1963.
note: Translation into German from the Czech: Homosexulita u muze.
HSLIC 132.754 F895h
Freundschaft unter Vorbehalt: Chancen und Grenzen lesbisch-schwuler
Bündnisse. Hrsg. von Stefan Etgeton und Sabine Hark.
Berlin: Querverlag, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 F74 1997
Freymann-Weyr, Garret.
My heartbeat.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2002.
ChiLit, TacChi PZ7 .W5395 My 2002
Freyre, Gilberto.
Dona Sinha e o filho padre; seminovela.
Rio de Janeiro, Livraria J. Olympio, 1964.
Suz PQ 9697 .F84 d6
Freyre, Gilberto.
Mother and son; a Brazilian tale. Translated from the Portuguese by
Barbara Shelby.
NY: Knopf, 1967.
note: translation of Dona Sinha e o filho padre.
Suz, Ugl PQ 9697 .F84 D613
Fricke, Aaron.
Reflections of a rock lobster: a story about growing up gay.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1981.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 F74 1995
Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 F74 1981
Fricke, Aaron.
Sudden strangers: the story of a gay son and his father.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 F75 1991
Fried green tomatoes [videorecording] Universal Pictures and Act III
Communications present in association with Electric Shadow Productions an
Avnet/Kerner production; screenplay, Fannie Flagg and Carol Sobieski;
producers, Jon Avnet and Jordan Kerner; director, Jon Avnet.
Universal City, CA: Universal Home Video, [1998]
note: 1 videodisc; DVD; In English, Spanish, French; subtitles in Spanish
and French; closed captioned.
note: cast- Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy, Mary Stuart Masterson, Mary-Louise
Parker, Cicely Tyson; music- Thomas Newman; costume designer, Elizabeth
McBride; co-designer, Barbara Ling; director of photography, Geoffrey
Simpson; executive producers, Norman Lear and Andrew Meyer.
note: based upon the novel Fried green tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
by Fannie Flagg; originally produced as a motion picture in 1991
note: features include- theatrical trailer; feature commentary by
director Jon Avnet; Moments of discovery, and original documentary on the
making of the movie; Jon Avnet's scene specific notes; production
photographs; poster campaign.
note: A chance encounter in a nursing home leads to an unexpected
friendship between a dowdy housewife and a spry octagenarian who tells her
the story of a fiercely independent woman (who developed an intense
love relationship with another woman) half a century ago, inspiring the
housewife to change her life, often with hilarious results.
UglMed DVD UNIV 056
Friedel, Richard.
The movie lover.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1983, 1981.
Suz PS 3556 .R489 M6 1983
Friedlander, Benedict.
Renaissance des Eros Uranios.
NY: Arno Press, 1975.
note: Reprint of the 1904 ed. published by Verlag
"Renaissance," Schmargendorf-Berlin.
Suz HQ 76 .F773 1975
Friedman, Andrea.
Prurient interests: gender, democracy, and obscenity in New York City,
NY: Columbia University Press, 2000.
note: chapter 3, "In the clutches of lesbians": legitimating regulation on
Broadway, pp. 95-122.
Suz HQ 472 .U6 F75 2000
Friedman, Ina R.
The other victims: first-person stories of non-Jews persecuted by the
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1990.
note: Personal narratives of Christians, Gypsies, deaf people,
homosexuals, and blacks...
ChildLit D811 .A2 .F74 1990
Friedman, Mack.
Setting the lawn on fire: a novel.
Madison, WI: Terrace Books, University of Wisconsin Press, c2005.
Ugl PS 3606 .R566 S48 2005
Friedman, Myra.
Buried alive; the biography of Janis Joplin.
NY: W. Morrow, 1973.
Ugl ML 420 .J77 F7
Friedman, Richard C.
Male homosexuality: a contemporary psychoanalytic perspective.
With a foreword by Roger A. McKinnon.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, c1988.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 F774 1988
Friedman, Richard C.
Sexual orientation and psychoanalysis: sexual science and clinical
practice. Richard C. Friedman, Jennifer I. Downey.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2002.
Suz WM 611 F911s 2002
Friedman, Sanford.
San Francisco: North Point Press, 1984.
Suz PS 3556 .R564 T67 1984
Friedrichsmeyer, Sara.
The androgyne in early German romanticism: Friedrich Schlegel, Novalis and
the metaphysics of love.
Bern; NY: P. Lang, c1983.
(Stanford German studies, v.18)
Suz PT 2291 .Z5 F74 1983
Friends and lovers: gay men write about families they create.
Ed. by John Preston with Michael Lowenthal.
NY: Dutton, c1995.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.2 .U5 F75 1995
Friends. Season 2 [videorecording] Bright/Kaufman/Crane Productions;
Warner Bros. Television; executive producers, Kevin S. Bright, Marta
Kauffman, David Crane; created by David Crane & Marta Kauffman.
Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, [2002]
note: 4 videodiscs, DVD; originally produced for television broadcast on
NBC in 1995-1996.
note: cast- Jennifer Aniston et al.; credits- writers, Jeffrey Astrof et
al.; directors, Michael Lembeck et al.
note: disc 3...the one [episode] with the lesbian wedding
UglMed DVD WHV 146 pt. 1,2,3,4
Friends in high places [videorecording]: the art of survival in modern day
Burma. Produced and directed by Lindsey Merrison.
Berlin: Lindsey Merrison Film; Watertown, MA: Documentary Educational
Resources [distributor], c2001.
note: DVD; in English and Burmese with English subtitles
note: performer- Daw Khin Myint Byi, Daw Ah Mar Sien, U Ah Swan, U Thein
Lwin, Daw Ohn Tin, U Soe Naing, U Wynn Hlaing; credits- Co-producer,
Werner Schweizer; camera, Lars Barthel; edited by Stewart Young.
note: Reveals the central role of nats and spirit mediums in alleviating
the day to day burdens of modern Burmese life. Shows the special niche in
Burmese society for the gay men who serve as the primary conduits for the
spirits. Considered neither male nor female, they are regarded with a
curious mix of disdain and reverence.
UglMed DVD DER 029
Fries, Kenny.
Body, remember: a memoir.
NY: Dutton, c1997.
Suz, Bot PS 3556 .R568 Z464 1997
Fries, Kenny.
The healing notebooks.
Berkeley, CA: Open Books, [c1990]
Suz PS 3556 .R568 H43 1990
Friskopp, Annette.
Straight jobs, gay lives: gay and lesbian professionals,
the Harvard Business School, and the American workplace.
By Annette Friskopp and Sharon Silverstein.
NY; Scribner, c1995.
Ugl, Tac HD 6285.5 .U6 F75 1995
Fritscher, Jack.
Mapplethorpe: assault with a deadly camera: a pop
culture memoir, an outlaw reminiscence.
Mamaroneck, NY: Hastings House, c1994.
Art, Tac TR 140 .M347 F75 1994
Fritscher, Jack.
Some dance to remember.
Stamford, CT: Knights Press, c1990.
Ugl PS 3556 .R5694 S66 1990
Fritz, Alvin.
Gays and
lesbians [computer file]: reference and bibliographical resources
[Seattle, WA: University of Washington Libraries], 1997-
From a burning house: the AIDS Project Los Angeles writers workshop
collection. Edited by Irene Borger; [with an introduction by Tony
NY: Washington Square Press, c1996.
Suz PS 509 .A43 F76 1996
From a secret place [videorecording]: America's families cope with the
coming out process of gay and lesbian youth.
Produced & directed by Karin Heller & Bill Domonkos; GP/Guilford.
NY: Guilford Press, c1993.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS
note: narrator, Lynette Brown; participants: Wendy Rosen ... [et al.],
video crew, Vince Guarino, Stuart Uhler
note: young lesbians, gays, and their families describe their own "coming
out" experiences, clearly and poignantly
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1684
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1684 guide
From invisibility to inclusion: opening the doors for lesbians and gay men
at the University of Michigan. Prepared by the Study Committee on the
Status of Lesbians and Gay Men; Robert Bader ... [et al.]
[Ann Arbor, MI]: The University of Michigan, 1991.
(Affirmative Action Office climate series, v.1)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 F76 1991
From media to metaphor: art about AIDS. Robert Atkins and Thomas W.
Sokolowski, guest curators.
NY: Independent Curators, Inc., c1991.
note: "A traveling exhibition organized and circulated by Independent
Curators Incorporated, New York."
Art NX 180 .A36 F76 1991
From memory to transformation: Jewish women's voices. Edited by Sarah
Silberstein Swartz & Margie Wolfe.
Toronto: Second Story Press, 1998.
note: The chequered staircase: Jewish lesbians at mid-life. (Helena
Lipstadt), pp. 136-145; Another four questions: nurturing a Jewish lesbian
family. (Susan G. Cole), pp. 208-220.
Suz HQ 1172 .F75 1998
From nowhere to everywhere: lesbian geographies. Gill Valentine,
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2000.
Ugl HQ 75.5 .F76 2000
From our own lips: the book of GLBT quotes. Collected by Paul Harris.
New York: Upstart Press, [2003?]
SuzRef PN 6084 .G35 F76 2003
From Sappho to De Sade: moments in the
history of sexuality.
[Edited by] Jan Bremmer.
London; New York: Routledge, 1989.
note: translation of: Van Sappho tot De Sade.
note: chapter 1- Greek pederasty and modern homosexuality (Jan Bremmer);
chapter 2- Lesbian Sappho and Sappho of Lesbos (Andre Lardinois); chapter
9- Mannish women of the Balkan mountains (Rene Grimaux)
Suz HQ 18 .E8 V36 1989
From wedded wife to lesbian life: stories of transformation.
Edited by Deborah Abbott and Ellen Farmer.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1995.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 F76 1995
Frommer's gay & lesbian Europe.
NY: MacMillan USA, 1999-
Suz HQ 76.25 .F753 1999 [1st ed]
Front homosexuel d'action revolutionnaire.
Rapport contre la normalite.
[Paris] Editions Champ libre [1971]
(Symptome 3)
Suz HQ 76.8 .F8 F76 1971
Frontiers of sex research. Edited by Vern L. Bullough.
Buffalo: Prometheus Books, c1979.
note: chapter 4: Transsexual surgery; chapter 5: A Social psychologist
looks at scientific research on homosexuality; chapter 16: We were there
at the beginning
Suz, SocWk HQ 60 .F75
Frost, Helen.
Keesha's house.
NY: Frances Foster Books/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, c2003.
TacChi PZ7 .F9205 Ke 2003
Frost, Richard.
Brain and body.
London: Allison & Busby, 2000.
Suz PR 6056 .R56 B73 2000
Fruit: a new anthology of contemporary Australian gay writing. Editor,
Gary Dunne.
Sydney, Australia: BlackWattle Press, 1994.
Suz PR 9617.35 .G37 F78 1994
Fry, Jane.
Being different: the autobiography of Jane Fry.
Collected, compiled, and edited, with an introduction
and conclusion by Robert Bogdan.
NY: Wiley [1974]
Nat, HSLIC WM 610 F946b 1974
Fry, Stephen.
The liar.
NY: Soho, [1993], c1991.
Suz PR 6056 .R88 L5 1993
Fry, Stephen.
Moab is my washpot: an autobiography.
NY: Random House, [1999?]
Suz PR 6056 .R88 Z47 1999
Frye, Ellen.
The other Sappho: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1989.
Ugl PS 3556 .R9 O84 1989
Frye, Marilyn.
Willful virgin: essays in feminism, 1976-1992.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1992.
Ugl HQ 1190 F79 1992
Fryer, Jonathan.
Andre & Oscar: Gide, Wilde and the gay art of living.
London: Constable, 1997.
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 Z6284 1997
Fryer, Jonathan.
Isherwood: a biography of Christopher Isherwood.
London: New English Library, 1977.
Suz PR 6017 .S5 Z67
Fryer, Jonathan.
Robbie Ross: Oscar Wilde's devoted friend.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 2000.
Suz PR 5236 .R835 Z63 2000b
Fuchs, Barbara.
Passing for Spain: Cervantes and the fictions of identity.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2003.
note: [chapter] 2, Border crossings: transvestism and passing in Don
Quijote, pp. 21-45; [chapter] 3, Empire unmanned: gender trouble and
Genoese gold in "Las dos doncellas", pp. 46-62.
Suz PQ 6358 .I43 F83 2003
Fuchs, Hanns.
Richard Wagner und die Homosexualität. 2. Aufl.
Berlin: Janssen Verlag, 1992.
Suz ML 410 .W1 F95 1992
Fuentes, Luis Miguel.
Diary of a dirty boy: collected writings of Luis Miguel Fuentes. [With a
foreword by Kevin Esser]
NY: Wallace Hamilton Press, c1998.
Suz HV 873 .F84 1998
Fuhrmann, Helmut.
Der androgyne Mensch: Bild und Gestalt der Frau und
des Mannes im Werk Goethes.
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, c1995.
Suz PT 2184 .W7 F8 1995
Fulk, Mark K.
Understanding May Sarton.
Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, c2001.
Suz, Tac PS 3537 .A832 Z67 2001
Fuller, Henry Blake.
Bertram Cope's year. Afterword by Andrew Solomon.
NY: Turtle Point Press, c1998.
note: reprint of a novel originally self-published by the author in
Suz PS 1727 .B47 1998
Fuller, Janine.
Restricted entry; censorship on trial. By Janine Fuller & Stuart
Blackley; edited by Nancy Pollak.
Vancouver: Press Gang, 1995.
Suz KE 4418 .F85 1995
Fuller, Janine.
Restricted entry: censorship on trial. By Janine Fuller, Stuart Blackley.
Nancy Pollak, editor. 2nd ed.
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Suz Z 658 .C2 F84 1996
Fuller, John.
W.H. Auden: a commentary.
London: Faber and Faber, 1998.
Suz PR 6001 .U4 Z694 1998b
Fuller, Linda K.
Media-mediated relationships: straight and gay, mainstream
and alternative perspectives.
NY: Haworth Press, c1996.
Suz, Tac P91 .F82 1996
Fuller, Mary Lou.
Sisters by heart, partners in aging: a memoir of two women. Line drawings
by Jim Dugan; edited by Kay Amsden.
Durham, N.H.: Kalm Pub. Co., c2001.
SocWk HQ 76.35 .U6 F84 2001
Fundamentals of feminist gerontology. J. Dianne Garner, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, 1999.
note: Negating identity: a feminist analysis of the social invisibility of
older lesbians (Elise M. Fullmer, Dena Shenk, Lynette J. Eastland),
pp. 131-148.
SocWk HQ 1060 .F83 1999
Funders of lesbian, gay and bisexual programs: a
directory for grantseekers. [3rd ed.]
NY: Working Group on Funding Lesbian and Gay Issues, [1997]
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 F85 1997
Funders of lesbian, gay and bisexual programs: a directory for
grantseekers. 4th ed.
NY: Working Group on Funding Lesbian and Gay Issues, 1999.
SuzRefGFIS HQ 76.8 .U5 F85 1999
Funders of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender programs: a directory
for grantseekers.
[NY]: Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues, 2004.
SuzRefGFIS HQ 76.8 .U5 F85 2004
also available on line,
Funny Gay Males (Comedy team)
Growing up to be gay: from left out to coming out. Funny Gay Males (Jaffe
Cohen, Danny McWilliams, and Bob Smith); illustrations by Michiko
NY: Hyperion, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 F86 1995
A funny time to be gay. [Compiled by] Ed Karvoski, Jr.
NY: Fireside, 1997.
Drama PN 6231 .H57 F86 1997
Fuori: essays by Italian/American lesbians and gays.
Tommi Avicolli Mecca ... [et al.]; introduction by Mary Jo Bona; edited by
Anthony Julian Tamburri.
West Lafayette, IN: Bordighera, c1996.
(VIA folios, 6)
Suz PS 508 .G39 F86 1996
Furbank, Philip Nicholas.
E. M. Forster: a life.
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978.
Ugl PR 6011 .O58 Z655 1978
Suz PR 6011 .O58 Z655 v.1 (v.1 of 2 v. Secker & Warburg ed.,
Furtado, Ken.
Gay and lesbian
American plays: an annotated bibliography.
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1993.
note: online version available to University of Washington IP addresses
Drama Z 1229 G25 F87 1993
Further off the straight and narrow [videorecording]: new gay visibility
on television 1998-2006. Producer, director and editor, Katherine
note: DVD
note: performer - interviewees: Howard Buford, Joshua Gamson, Larry Gross,
Lisa Henderson, Katherine Sender, Suzanna Danuta Walters; credits -
narrator, Renai Ellison; camera, Melvin Epps, Third Eye Productions.
note: Surveys network dramas, sitcoms, reality shows, and premium cable
programming to show how the portrayal of GLBT characters is often marked
by ambivalence and tension. The film cautions that although GLBT
characters and plotlines have become more prevalent and complex in recent
years, the images and stories portrayed continue to be shaped by narrow
commercial imperatives. The film argues that the evolution of GLBT
representations should be seen as a recognition of GLBT consumers and gay
taste by advertisers rather than as a sign that the struggle for gay
equality has been won.
UglMed DVD MEF 020
Fushimi, Noriaki.
Doseiai nyumon.
Tokyo: Potto Shuppan, 2003.
EAsia HQ 76.3 .J3 F87 2003
Fushimi, Noriaki.
Gei sutairu. Fushimi Noriaki [essei]; Taguchi Hiroki [shashin] Shohan.
Tokyo: Kawade Shobo Shinsha, 1998.
EAsia HQ 75.8 .F875 G43 1998
Fushimi, Noriaki.
Gei to iu "keiken"
Tokyo: Potto Shuppan, 2002
EAsia HQ 76.3 .J3 F87 2002
Fushimi, Noriaki.
"Okama" wa sabetsu ka: "Shukan Kinyobi" no "sabetsu kyogen" jiken. Fushimi
Noriaki ... [et al.] Shohan.
Tokyo: Potto Shuppan, 2002.
(Han sabetsuron no saikochiku e, 1)
EAsia HQ 76.45 .J3 F87 2002
Fushimi, Noriaki.
Puraibeto gei raifu: posuto renairon.
Tokyo: Gakuyo Shobo, 1998.
EAsia HQ 76.3 .J3 F87 1998
Fushimi, Noriaki.
"Sei" no misuteri: ekkyo suru kokoro to karada.
Tokyo: Kodansha, 1997.
(Kodansha gendai shinsho, 1349)
EAsia HQ 12 .F87 1997
Fushimi, Noriaki.
Supa rabu: gei dakara mieru ren ai teku.
Tokyo: Shodensha, 1998.
EAsia HQ 76 .F87 1998
Fuss, Diana.
Essentially speaking: feminism, nature & difference.
NY: Routledge, 1989.
note: chapter 3: Monique Wittig's Anti-essentialist Materialism, pp. 39-53
and chapter 6: Lesbian and Gay Theory: The Question of Identity Politics,
pp. 97-112.
Suz HQ 1154 .F88 1989
Fuss, Diana.
Identification papers.
NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz BF 175.5 .I43 F87 1995
The future is queer: a science fiction anthology. Edited by Richard
Labonte and Lawrence Schimel.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2006.
Ugl PN 6120.95 .H724 F88 2006
The future of gay rights in America. Edited by H. N. Hirsch.
NY: Routledge, 2005.
Suz KF 4754.5 .F88 2005
G.A.A. lifeline.
San Francisco, CA: Gay Activists Alliance.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 June 1971
G.L. images.
Seattle, WA: Electric Press,
note: "A magazine for gay and lesbian people"
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .G18 v.1,n.2-v.2,n.6 (Aug 1989-Jun 1990)
G.S.U. newsletter. U.C. Berkeley.
[Berkeley: GSU, i.e., Gay Students' Union]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 Jan. 20, 1971
Gaddis, Eugene R.
Magician of the modern: Chick Austin and the transformation of the arts in
NY: Alfred Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 2000.
Suz, Ugl, Tac N576 .H3 G33 2000
Gage, Carolyn.
The Anastasia trials in the court of women: an interactive comedy in two
NY: Samuel French, Inc., c2003.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Anastasia trials
Gage, Carolyn.
Take stage!: how to direct and produce a lesbian play.
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1997.
Drama PN 2270 .L47 G34 1997
Gage, Simon.
Queer. Simon Gage, Lisa Richards, Howard Wilmot; foreword by Boy
NY: Thunder's Mouth Press, c2002.
Ugl HQ 76 .G356 2002
Gagnon, J. Maris.
Death to reach a star: a novel.
Seattle: Twin Omega Press, c1993.
Suz PS 3557 .A3513 D4 1993
Gagnon, John H.
Sexual conduct; the social sources of human sexuality. John H. Gagnon and
William Simon.
Chicago: Aldine Pub. Co. [1973]
Ugl, HSLIC HQ 21 G45
Gagnon, John H.
Sexual conduct: the social sources of human sexuality. John H. Gagnon &
William Simon. 2nd ed.
New Brunswick: AldineTransaction, c2005.
Suz, Bot HQ 21 .G234 2005
Gagnon, John H.
Sexual deviance. Edited by John H. Gagnon & William A. Simon with the
assistance of Donald E. Carns.
NY: Harper & Row [1967]
note: Part III: Male Homosexuality. The homosexual community (Evelyn
Hooker), pp. 167-184. The homosexual community (Maurice Leznoff and
William A. Westley, pp. 184-196. The social integration of peers and
queers (Albert J. Reiss, Jr.), pp. 197-228. The development of the
homosexual bar as an institution (Nancy Achilles), pp. 228-244; Part IV:
Female Homosexuality. The Lesbians: a preliminary overview (William Simon
and John H. Gagnon), pp.
see also: On becoming a lesbian (William Simon and John H. Gagnon), pp.
251-255; On being in the "community" (William Simon and John H. Gagnon),
pp. 261-263; and The homosexual community (Evelyn Hooker), pp. 167-184;
reprinted in Douglas, Jack D. Observations of deviance, pp. 107-111,
112-114, and 115-128, respectively.
Ugl, HSLIC HQ 71 .G3
Gagnon, John H.
The sexual scene. Edited by John H. Gagnon [and] William Simon.
[Chicago]: Aldine Pub. Co. [1970]
note: Sexual assaults in the Philadelphia prison system (Alan J. Davis),
pp. 107-124; Lesbian liaisons (David A. Ward and Gene G. Kassebaum),
pp. 125-136.
Suz, Ugl HQ 18 .U5 G34
Gagnon, Robert A. J.
The Bible and homosexual practice: texts and hermeneutics.
Nashville: Abingdon Press, c2001.
Ugl BS 680 .H67 G34 2001
Gaines, James R.
Evening in the palace of reason: Bach meets Frederick the Great in the Age
of Enlightenment.
NY: Fourth Estate, c2005.
Music ML 410 .B1 G28 2005
Gaines, Steven S.
Obsession; the lives and times of Calvin Klein. By Steven Gaines and
Sharon Churcher.
NY: Carol Publishing Group, c1994
Suz TT 505 .K58 G35 1994
Gaines, Steven S.
Simply Halston: the untold story.
NY: Putnam, c1991.
Suz TT 505 .F76 G35 1991
Gair, Cindi.
Gay peer counseling at Michigan. Cindi Gair, Jim Toy, and Ralph Blair.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 9)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 9
Gaitet, Pascale.
Queens and revolutionaries: new readings of Jean Genet.
Newark: University of Delaware Press; London: Associated University
Presses, 2003.
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 Z66 2003
Galana, Laurel.
The new lesbians: interviews with women across the U. S. and Canada.
By Laurel Galana & Gina Covina.
Berkeley: Moon Books; Westminster, MD: distributed by Random House,
Suz HQ 75.5 .G72 1977
Galas, Judith C.
Gay rights.
San Diego: Lucent Books, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 G35 1996
Gale, Patrick.
Aerodynamics of pork.
London: Abacus, 1986.
Suz PR 6057 .A382 A68 1986
Gale, Patrick.
Armistead Maupin.
Bath: Absolute, 1999.
Suz PS 3563 .A878 Z57 1999
Gale, Patrick.
Facing the tank.
NY: Dutton, 1990, c1988.
Suz PR 6057 .A382 F32 1990
Gale, Patrick.
The facts of life.
London: Flamingo, 1996.
Suz PR 6057 .A382 F34 1996
Gale, Patrick.
Rough music.
NY: Ballantine Books, 2001.
Suz PR 6057 .A382 R68 2001
Gale, Patrick.
Tree surgery for beginners.
London: Flamingo, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 1998.
Suz PR 6057 .A382 T74 1998
Galford, Ellen.
The dyke and the dybbuk: a novel.
Seattle: Seal Press; Distributed by Publishers Group West, 1994.
Suz, SpecColl Book Arts PR 6057 .A383 D95 1994
Galford, Ellen.
The fires of Bride: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1988.
Ugl PR 6057 .A383 F55 1988
Galford, Ellen.
Moll Cutpurse, her true history: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1985.
Ugl PR 6057 .A383 M6 1985
Galgóczi, Erzsébet.
Another love.
San Francisco, CA: Midnight Editions, 2007.
note: translation from the Hungarian (Tövényen belül)
Suz PH 3241 .G27 T6813 2007
Galindo, Rudy.
Icebreaker: the autobiography of Rudy Galindo. With Eric Marcus.
NY: Pocket Books, c1997.
Suz GV 850 .G35 A3 1997
Galipeau, Stephanie Rosa.
Victorian rebellion in drag: Cushman and Menken act out celebrity.
M.A. thesis, Florida State University, 2003.
available online,
Gallagher, Dick.
Howard Crabtree's When pigs fly: vocal selections. Conceived by Howard
Crabtree and Mark Waldrop; sketches and lyrics by Mark Waldrop; music by
Dick Gallagher.
Milwaukee, WI: H. Leonard Corp., [1998]
Music M1508 .G35 H68 1998
Gallagher, John.
Perfect enemies: the religious right, the gay movement, and the politics
of the 1990s. By John Gallagher and Chris Hall.
NY: Crown Publishers, c1996.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.8 .U5 G34 1996
Galliher, John F.
Laud Humphreys: prophet of homosexuality an sociology. John F. Galliher,
Wayne Brekhus, and David P. Keys.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, c2004.
Suz HM 479 .H86 G35 2004
Gallison, Melissa.
Confronting the medical model: a hermeneutic view of the quest for health
care by gay men with HIV and AIDS.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Washington
Seattle, 1992.
HSLIC WY 7 Th 40163
Aux Thesis 40163
Gallo, Marcia M.
Different daughters: a history of the Daughters of Bilitis and the rise of
the lesbian rights movement.
NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2006.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.6 .U5 G35 2006
Galloway, Priscilla.
Jennifer has two daddies. Illustrated by Ana Auml.
Toronto: Women's Press, 1985.
ChildLit PZ 7 .G1372 Je 1985
Gallucci, Margaret A.
Benvenuto Cellini: sexuality, masculinity, and artistic identity in
Renaissance Italy.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Art NB 623 .C3 G35 2003
Galvin, Mary E.
Queer poetics: five modernist women writers.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.
(Contributions in women's studies, no. 161)
Suz PS 153 .L46 G35 1999
Gambone, Philip.
Beijing: a novel.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2003.
Suz PS 3557 .A455 B45 2003
Gambone, Philip.
The language we use up here: and other stories.
NY: Dutton, c1991.
Ugl PS 3557 A455 L36 1991
Gamson, Joshua.
The fabulous Sylvester: the legend, the music, the seventies in San
NY: H. Holt, 2005.
Ugl ML 420 .S9815 G36 2005
Gamson, Joshua.
Freaks talk back: tabloid talk shows and sexual nonconformity.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1998.
Suz, Tac PN 1992.8 .T3 G35 1998
Gandhi, Leela.
Affective communities: anticolonial thought, Fin-De-Siècle
radicalism, and the politics of friendship.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2006.
note: [chapter] 3, Sex: the story of late Victorian homosexual
exceptionalism, pp. 34-66.
Suz HN 400 .R3 G36 2006
Gantz, Joe.
Whose child cries: children of gay parents talk about their lives.
Rolling Hills Estates, CA: Jalmar Press, c1983.
Suz, Ugl HQ 777.8 G36 1983
Ganz, Earl.
The Taos truth game.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2006.
Ugl PS 3557 .A52 T36 2006
Gapen, Jane.
Something not yet ended-- . Illustrations by the author.
St. Augustine, FL: Pagoda Publications; Tal[l]ahassee,
FL: Distributors, Naiad Press, c1981.
Suz PS 3557 .A54 S64 1981
Garber, Eric.
Uranian worlds: a guide to alternative sexuality
in science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
By Eric Garber and Lyn Paleo. 2nd ed.
Boston: G. K. Hall, 1990.
SuzRef Z6514 .C5 S43 1990
Garber, Eric.
Uranian worlds: a reader's guide to alternative sexuality
in science fiction and fantasy.
Boston: G. K. Hall, c1983.
Suz, Ugl Z6514 C5 S43 1983
Garber, Linda.
Identity poetics: race, class, and the lesbian-feminist roots of queer
NY: Columbia University Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 75.5 .G373 2001
Garber, Linda.
Lesbian sources: a bibliography of periodical articles, 1970-1990.
NY: Garland, 1993.
(Garland gay & lesbian studies, v.9)
SuzRef Z5866 L44 G37 1993
Garber, Marjorie B.
Bisexuality and the eroticism of everyday life.
NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: originally published as: Vice Versa: bisexuality and the eroticism
of everyday life.
see also: Garber, Marjorie B. Vice versa: bisexuality and the eroticism of
everyday life.
Suz HQ 74 .G37 2000
Garber, Marjorie B.
Vested interests: cross-dressing & cultural anxiety.
NY: Routledge, 1992.
Suz, Ugl HQ 77 G37 1992
Bot HQ 77 .G37 1997 (paperback, c1992)
Garber, Marjorie B.
Vice versa: bisexuality and the eroticism of everyday life.
NY: Simon & Schuster, 1995.
note: republished in 2000 as: Bisexuality and the eroticism of everyday
see also: Garber, Marjorie B. Bisexuality and the eroticism of everyday
Ugl, Tac HQ 74 .G37 1995
Garcia, Bernardo.
The development of a Latino gay identity.
NY: Garland Publishing, 1998.
note: revision of the author's thesis (Ph.D.)--Fielding Institute,
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.2 .U5 G35 1998
Garcia, J. Neil C.
Philippine gay culture: the last thirty years: binabae to bakla, silahis
to MSM.
Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.2 .P6 G37 1998
Garcia, J. Neil C.
Slip/pages: essays in Philippine gay criticism, 1991-96.
Malate, Manila, Philippines: De La Salle University Press, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.2 .P6 G38 1998
Garcia Duttmann, Alexander.
Between cultures: tensions in the struggle for recognition. Translated by
Kenneth B. Woodgate.
London; NY: Verso, 2000.
note: translation from German of Zwischen den Kulturen
Ugl HQ 76.5 .G3613 2000
Garcia Lorca, Federico.
Oda y burla de Sesostris y Sardanapalo. Edicion de
Miguel Garcia-Posada.
Ferrol, Sociedad de Cultura Valle-Inclan, 1985.
Suz PQ 6613 A763 O33 1985
Garcia Lorca, Federico.
The public; and Play without a title: two posthumous plays. Translated by
Carlos Bauer.
NY: New Directions, 1983.
note: Translation for the Spanish of: El publico, and, Comedia sin
Suz PQ 6613 .A763 A213 1983
Garcia Lorca, Federico.
El publico. Edicion de Maria Clementa Millan.
Madrid: Catedra, 1987.
(Letras hispanicas, 272)
Suz PQ 6613 .A763 P84 1987
Garcia Lorca, Federico.
Sonetos del amor oscuro; Poemas de amor y erotismo; Ineditos de madurez;
ilustraciones de Josep Ma. Subirachs; epilogo de Jorge Guillen; edicion de
Javier Ruiz-Portella.
Barcelona: Ediciones Altera, 1995.
Suz PQ 6613 .A763 A6 1995
Garçonne = Junggesellin.
Berlin: Bergmann, [1930-1932]
note: absorbed Frauenliebe, see Frauenliebe
note: German lesbian journal
MicNews Microfilm A10347 1930-1932
Gard, Michael.
Men who dance: aesthetics, athletics & the art of masculinity.
NY: Peter Lang, c2006.
note: chapter 3, Producing the male dancer, pp. 39-77; Bringing sex into
it, pp. 144-149.
Suz GV 1588.5 .G37 2006
Garde, Noel I.
The homosexual in literature: a chronological bibliography, circa 700
NY: Village Press, 1959.
Reprinted in: A Gay Bibliography, 1975.
SuzRef HQ 76 G32 1975
Garde, Noel I.
Jonathan to Gide; the homosexual in history.
NY: Vantage Press [1964]
Ugl HQ 76 .G29
Garden, Nancy.
Annie on my mind.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, c1982.
ChiLit PZ 7 G165 an 1982
TacChiLit PZ 7 .G165 An 1992
Garden, Nancy.
Good moon rising.
NY: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1996.
ChiLit, BotChi PZ 7 .G165 Go 1996
Garden, Nancy.
Holly's secret.
NY: Farrar Straus Giroux, c2000.
ChiLit, BotLit, TacLit PZ7 .G165 Ho 2000
Garden, Nancy.
Lark in the morning.
NY: Farrar, Straus Giroux, 1991.
ChiLit PZ7 .G165 Lar 1991
Garden, Nancy.
Molly's family. Pictures by Sharon Wooding.
NY: Farrar Straus Giroux, c2004.
ChiLit, TacChi PZ 7 .G165 Mo 2004
Gardiner, James.
A class apart: the private pictures of Montague Glover.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1992.
SpecColl HQ 75.8 .G58 G37 1992
Gardner, James Alan.
Commitment hour.
NY: Avon Eos, c1998.
Suz PS 3557 .A7118 C65 1998
Gardner, Timothy Joseph.
Queering polyamory: configurations, public policy, and lived
Thesis (M.S.): Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2005.
available online,
Garelick, Rhonda K.
Rising star: dandyism, gender, and performance in the fin de siecle.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1998.
note: Chapter 5, Camp Salome: Oscar Wilde's circles of desire, pp.
Suz PQ 295 .D37 G37 1998
Garfield, Simon.
The end of innocence: Britain in the time of AIDS.
London; Boston: Faber and Faber, 1995.
Suz WC 503 G231e 1995
Garlinger, Patrick Paul.
Confessions of the letter closet: epistolary ficiton and queer desire in
modern Spain.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2005.
Suz PQ 6147 .E65 G37 2005
Garner, Abigail.
Families like mine: children of gay parents tell it like it is.
NY: Perennial Currents, 2005.
Ugl HQ 777.8 G37 2005
Garner, Roberta.
Social movement theory and research: an annotated bibliographical guide.
Roberta Garner and John Tenuto.
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press; Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 1997.
note: chapter 11, Gender and sexual orientation as focal points of
movements, pp. 208-231.
SuzRef, SocWkRef, Tac Z7164 .S66 G38 1997
Garrison, Becky.
Red and blue God, black and blue church: eyewitness accounts of how
American churches are hijacking Jesus, bagging the Beatitudes, and
worshiping the almighty dollar. Foreword by Robert Darden.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, c2006.
note: [chapter] 6, Too queer for words, pp. 67-69.
Bot BR 526 .G37 2006
Garrity, Jane.
Step-daughters of England: British women modernists and the national
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press; NY: Distributed exclusively
in the USA by Palgrave, c2003.
Suz PR 478 .M6 G37 2003
Garza Carvajal, Federico.
Butterflies will burn: prosecuting sodomites in early modern Spain and
Austin: University of Texas Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 1090.7 .S7 G37 2003
Gaspar de Alba, Alicia.
Desert blood: the Juárez murders.
Houston, TX: Arte Publico Press, c2005.
Ugl PS 3557 .A8449 D47 2005
Gasperini, Gerard F.
Homosexual discrimination in the military: recent
decisions and trends.
Seattle, 1983.
(University of Washington. School of Law. Student papers)
note: submitted to Professor Linda Hume for Law B-586,
Issues in Discrimination Seminar, 1983.
Law KF 253 .W3s
Gates, Gary J.
The gay and lesbian atlas. Gary J. Gates & Jason Ost.
Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press, c2004.
SuzRef, BotRef, TacRef HQ 76.3 .U5 G355 2004
Gates, Gary J.
Gay men and lesbians in the U.S. military: estimates from Census
[Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, 2004]
available online:
Gateways to improving lesbian health and health care: opening doors.
NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
note: also published as: Journal of lesbian studies. v.2, no. 1, 1998.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .J69 v.2
Tac WA 300 G259 1998
Gathorne-Hardy, Janathan.
Sex the measure of all things: a life of Alfred C. Kinsey.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000.
note: originally published in London, 1998; with a new preface.
Suz HQ 18.32 .K56 G38 2000
Gatiss, Mark.
James Whale, a biography, or, The would-be gentleman.
London; NY: Cassell, 1995.
Suz PN 1998.3 .W5 G38 1995
Gatland, Jan Olav.
Mellom linjene: homofile i norsk litteratur.
Oslo: Aschehoug, c1990.
Suz PT 8437 H6 G378 1990
Gatter, Philip.
Identity and sexuality: AIDS in Britain in the 1990s.
London; NY: Cassell, 1999.
Suz HQ 1075.5 .G7 G2621 1999
Gauntlett, David.
Media, gender, and identity: an introduction.
London; NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: chapter 7, Queer theory and fluid identities, pp. 134-151.
Ugl, Bot, Tac P96 .S45 G28 2002
Gautier, Théophile.
Mademoiselle de Maupin.
Texte presenté et commenté par Jacques Robichez;
illustrations de Guillaume Gillet.
Paris: Impr. nationale, 1979.
Suz PQ 2258 .M3 1979
Gautier, Théophile.
Mademoiselle de Maupin. Translated and edited by Helen Constantine; with
an introduction by Patricia Duncker.
London: Penguin, 2005.
Ugl PQ 2258 .M3 E5 2005
Gautier, Théophile.
Mademoiselle de Maupin. Translated from the French with an introduction by
Burton Rascoe.
NY: A. A. Knopf, 1920.
Suz 843 G23mE
Gautier, Théophile.
Mademoiselle de Maupin...with the author's preface
and an essay and introduction by the editor.
NY: Published for subscribers only by G. D. Sproul, 1900. 2 v.
note: Works... translated by F. C. de Sumichast. v.1-2.
Aux 848 G23As v.1 [and] 2
Gautier, Théophile.
Mademoiselle de Maupin: a romance of love and passion.
Illustrated by Toudouze.
Paris: Societé des Beaux-Arts, 1905.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2258 .M3 E5 1905
Gautier, Théophile.
Mademoiselle de Maupin: a romance of love and passion.
Illustrated with seventeen etchings by Champollion
from designs by Toudouze.
London: Vizetelly, 1887.
Suz 843 G23mE 1887
Gavrila, Rebecca Lynn.
"If you haven't made somebody angry, you haven't done something right":
Larry Kramer's outsider persona.
note: "...A critical analysis of Faggots, several actrivist texts from the
Reagan administration, and The normal heart provide the case studies from
which I analyse Kramer's persona/s/..."
Thesis (M.A.)--Bowling Green State University, 2005.
available online,
Gawthrop, Daniel.
Affirmation: the AIDS odyssey of Dr. Peter.
Vancouver: New Star Books, 1994.
Suz WC 503.7 G284a 1994
Gay, A. Nolder.
Some of my best friends: essays in gay history and biography.
Boston: Union Park Press, 1990.
Suz HQ 76.25 .G375 1990
Gay, A. Nolder. (pseudonym of: William A. Koelsch)
The view from the closet: essays on gay life and
liberation, 1973-1977.
Boston: Union Park Press, 1978.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 G36 1978
Gay academic. Edited by Louie Crew; written by Ellen Barrett...[et
Palm Springs, CA: ETC Publications, c1978.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.5 G38
Gay Academic Union Journal: gai saber.
NY: Gay Academic Union, c1977-c1978.
SuzPer HQ 75 .G33 v.1, no.1 (Spring 1977) - v.1, no. 3-4 (Summer 1978)
Gay Activists Alliance.
The gay rights movement, [1970-1983] [microform]: Gay Activists Alliance:
from the International Gay Information Center, The New York Public
note: filmed from originals held at the International Gay Information
Center, New York Public Library; accompanied by a reel guide, compiled by
John D. Stimson.
Woodbridge, CT: Research Publications, 1998. 21 microfilm reels.
MicNews Microfilm A9675
MicNews Microfilm A9675 guide
Gay affirmative ethics: essays. By J. Michael Clark...[et al.]; with
a response by Mark R. Kowalewski; edited by Michael Stemmeler & J.
Michael Clark.
Las Colinas, TX: Monument Press, c1993.
(Gay men's issues in religious studies; v. 4)
Suz HQ 76.25 .G376 1993
Gay Alaska.
Anchorage: Gay Alaska Task Force, 1978-
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .G32 Jan 1981
The gay almanac.
Compiled by the National Museum & Archive of Lesbian and Gay History,
a program of the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, New York.
NY: Berkley Books, 1996.
SuzRef HQ 76.3 .U5 G367 1996
Gay American composers [sound recording]
NY: CRI, [1996]
note: 1 sound disc: digital; 4 3/4 in.
note: Program notes, prinicipally by the composers, biographical notes,
texts of the vocal works, and selected bibliography (23 p.: ports.)
inserted in container.
note: includes works by Robert Helps, Lee Hoiby, Lou Harrison, Chester
Biscardi, Ned Rorem, David Del Tredici, Robert Maggio, Conrad Cummings,
William Hibbard, Jerry Hunt, Chris DeBlasio
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 3943
Gay American Composers. volume two. [sound recording]
NY: CRI, [1997]
note: 1 sound disc: digital; 4 3/4 in.
note: Program notes by Joseph R. Dalton (15p.) inserted in container.
note: includes works by Henry Cowell, Harry Partch, Samuel Barber, Marc
Blitzstein, Aaron Copland, Virgil Thomson, Ben Weber, John Cage, Alwin
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 3937
Gay American composers. v.1. [electronic resource]
NY: DRAM, [2007]
note: composers- Robert Helps, Lee Hoiby, Lou Harrison, Chester Biscardi,
Ned Rorem, Robert Maggio, Conrad Cummings, William Hibbard, Jerry Hunt,
Chris DeBlasio.
note: part of the Database of Recorded American Music (UW users only)
available electronically:
Gay American composers. v.2. [electronic resource]
NY: DRAM, [2007]
note: composers- Henry Cowell, Harry Partch, Samuel Barber, Marc
Blitzstein, Aaron Copland, Virgil Thomson, Ben Weber, John Cage,
Alwin Nikolais.
note: part of the Database of Recorded American Music (UW users only)
available electronically:
The gay & lesbian address book. Editors of Out Magazine.
NY: Berkeley Pub. Group, 1995.
SuzRef HQ 76.25 .G3765 1995
Gay and lesbian aging: research and future directions. Gilbert Herdt,
Brian de Vries, editors.
NY: Springer Pub. Co., c2004.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 75.115 .G39 2004
Gay and lesbian Asia: culture, identity, community. Gerard Sullivan, Peter
A. Jackson, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 76.3 .A78 G37 2001
Gay & lesbian biography. Editor, Michael J. Tyrkus; consulting editor,
Michael Bronski; with a preface by Jewelle Gomez.
Detroit: St. James Press, c1997.
SuzRef HQ 75.2 .G39 1997
Gay & Lesbian Business Association of Greater Vancouver.
GLBA directory. (annual)
Vancouver: Chaos Publishing, 1995-
note: continues: GVBA directory
SuzRef HF 298 .G39 (latest year in SuzRef; previous years in SpecColl PNW
Gay and lesbian cultures in France. Lucille Cairns (ed.)
Oxford; NY: Peter Lang, c2002.
Suz HQ 75.16 .F8 G39 2002
Gay and lesbian issues: abstracts of the psychological and behavioral
literature, 1985-1996. Editors, Clinton W. Anderson, Armada R. Adley.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, c1997.
SuzRef Z 7164 .H74 G39 1997
Gay and lesbian issues collection, 1989-1994.
note: ca. 5.21 cubic ft.; clippings, newsletters, other publications,
legislative bills, testimony, audio and video programs, and similar
materials collected by a freelance author on religious conservative
organizations and on gay and lesbian organizations, with emphasis on
anti-gay initiatives in Oregon and Washington, including Oregon's Measure
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives Inquire at Special Collections
Gay and lesbian law journal. v.10, 2001
Annandale, N.S.W.: Federation Press, 2001.
continues: Australasian gay & lesbian law journal, see Australasian gay &
lesbian law journal
available online (restricted to University of Washington users):
Gay and lesbian library service. Edited by Cal Gough and Ellen
Jefferson, N. C.: McFarland, c1990.
Suz Z711.92 G37 G37 1990
The gay & lesbian literary companion. Sharon Malinowski et al.,
Detroit: Visible Ink Press, c1995.
Suz PN 56 .H57 G362 1995
The Gay and lesbian literary heritage: a readers companion to the writers
and their works from antiquity to the present. Ed. Claude J.
NY: H. Holt, 1995.
SuzRef PN 56 .H57 G365 1995
The gay and lesbian literary heritage: a reader's companion to the writers
and their works, from antiquity to the present. Claude J. Summers,
editor. Rev. ed.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
UglRef, BotRef PN 56 .H57 G365 2002
Gay & lesbian literature. Editor, Sharon Malinowski. 2 vols.
Detroit: St. James Press, c1994-c1998.
note: v.1 includes Introduction to gay male literature (Wayne Dynes) and
Introduction to lesbian literature (Barbara Grier); v.2 includes
Introduction to gay male literature (Jim Marks) and Introduction to
lesbian literature (Loralee MacPike)
SuzRef PN 56 .H57 G36 1994 v.1, v.2
TacRef PN 56 .H57 G36 1994 v.1
Gay and lesbian literature since World War II: history and memory.
Sonya L. Jones, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1998.
Suz PS 153 .G38 G39 1998
The gay & lesbian marriage & family reader: analyses of problems and
prospects for the 21st century.
Edited, with a foreword, by Jennifer M. Lehmann.
NY: Gordian Knot Books; Lincoln, Neb.: Distributed by University of
Nebraska Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 G368 2001
Gay and lesbian mental health: a sourcebook for practitioners.
Christopher J. Alexander, editor.
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, c1996.
Suz, SocWk, Tac WM 420 G285 1996
Gay and lesbian parents. Ed. by Frederick W. Bozett.
NY: Praeger, 1987.
Suz, Ugl, Law, Tac HQ 76.3 U5 G37 1987
Gay and lesbian plays today. Selected and introduced by Terry
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1992.
Drama PS 627 H67 G38 1992
Gay and lesbian poetry: an anthology from Sappho to Michelangelo.
Edited by James J. Wilhelm
NY: Garland, c1995.
Suz, Bot PN 6110 .H65 G39 1995
Gay & lesbian poetry in our time: an anthology.
Edited by Carl Morse & Joan Larkin.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1988.
Suz, Ugl, Tac PS 595 H65 G39 1988
Gay and lesbian professionals in the closet: who's in, who's out, and
Teresa DeCrescenzo, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c1997.
Suz HV 40.47 .G39 1997
The Gay & lesbian review worldwide. v.7, no.1- (Winter 2000-)
Boston: Gay & Lesbian Review, Inc., c1999-
note: continues Harvard gay & lesbian review; see Harvard gay & lesbian
review for v. 1-6 (Winter 1994-Fall 1999)
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .H37 v.7- (Win 2000-
also available online, to UW users only
Gay and lesbian rights in the United States: a documentary history.
Edited by Walter L. Williams and Yolanda Retter.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003.
Ugl, Law, Bot, Tac HQ 76.8 .U5 G37 2003
Gay and lesbian rights organizing: community-based strategies. Yolanda C.
Padilla, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Ugl HQ 76.5 .G385 2004
Gay and lesbian student resource guide. 7th ed.
Boston: Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, 1999.
note: issued in conjunction with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education
Network (GLSEN), Boston.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 M43 1999
Gay and lesbian studies. Henry L. Minton, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c1992.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 .G377 1992
Gay and lesbian studies in art history. Whitney Davis, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1994.
Art N72 .H64 G39 1994b
The gay & lesbian theatrical legacy: a biographical dictionary of major
figures in American stage history in the pre-Stonewall era. Edited by
Billy J. Harbin, Kim Marra, and Robert A. Schanke.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005.
Drama PN 2286.5 .G38 2005
Gay and lesbian writing in the Hispanic world = Literatura gay i lesbiana
en el mundo hispano. Edited by Alfredo Martinez Exposito.
Auckland: VOX/AHS, 1999.
Suz PQ 6073 .H65 G39 1999
Gay and lesbian youth. Gilbert Herdt, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1989.
Ugl, Bot HQ 76.25 G38 1989
Gay & sober: directions for counseling and therapy.
Edited by Thomas O. Ziebold and John E. Mongeon.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1985.
note: previously published as: Alcoholism & homosexuality.
see also: Alcoholism & homosexuality.
Suz HV 5139 .A43 1985
Gay bashing [videorecording] CBS News; producers Steve Glauber, Catherine
Lasiewicz, Al Briganti; directed by Eric Shapiro. Reporter: Dan Rather. 1
videocassette. VHS.
NY: CBS News; South Burlington, VT: dist. by Ambrose Video Publishing,
note: Reports on gay bashing in Boston, mostly in the Fens. The group
Act-Up (AIDS activists) distributes condoms and whistles and patrols the park
at night. Also describes "outing", the process of publicizing
famous gays and dragging them out of the closet. Includes a segment on gay
UglMed Videorecord AVP 105
Gay bathhouses and public health policy. William J. Woods, Diane Binson,
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 76.25 G2857 2003
Gay bay newsletter: joint newsletter of the San Francisco Committee for
Homosexual Freedom and Berkeley Gay Liberation Front.
[San Francisco: San Francisco Committee for Homosexual Freedom]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.1,no.2-v.1,n.o3 (Jan. 11, 1970-Jan. 18,
A Gay bibliography: eight bibliographies on lesbian and male
NY: Arno Press, 1975.
note: collection of 8 bibliographies published between 1958-1967:
Astra's Tower (Marion Zimmer Bradley), 1958; Astra's Tower (Marion Zimmer
Bradley), 1959; Checklist 1960 (Marion Zimmer Bradley and Gene
Damon,[pseud. of Barbara Grier]),1960; Checklist supplement (Marion Zimmer
Bradley and Gene Damon, [pseud. of Barbara Grier], 1961; Checklist
Supplement (Marion Zimmer Bradley and Gene Damon [pseud. of Barbara
Grier], 1962; The Lesbian in Literature, a Bibliography (Gene Damon,
[pseud. of Barbara Grier] and Lee Stuart, 1967; The Homosexual in
Literature, a Chronological Bibliography circa 700 BC - 1958 (Noel J. Garde
(pseud.)), 1959; Homosexuality, Selected Abstracts and Bibliography (William
Parker), 1966.
SuzRef HQ 76 .G32 1975
The Gay blade [microform]
Washington, D.C.: Gay blade, 1969-1975.
continued by: The Blade; then, The Washington blade.
see also: The Blade.
see also: The Washington blade.
MicNews Microfilm A9797 v.1-6, n. 10 (Oct. 1969-Oct. 1975)
Gay books bulletin.
NY: Scholarship Committee of the New York Chapter of the Gay Academic
Union, c1982.
note: continues GBB; continued by Cabirion and gay books bulletin, see
Cabirion and gay books bulletin.
see also: GBB.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .G33 no.7-9 (Spring 1982-Spring/Summer 1983)
Gay Canada guide.
Columbia Fun Maps.
note: began with ed. 1 (May 2002/Apr 2003)
Suz HQ 75.26 .C2 G39 no.4 (Spr/Sum 2005)
Gay Canadian.
Burnaby, B.C.: Gay Canadian, [1972-
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .G35 v.1,n.1 (Sept 7, 1972)
Gay City bulletin.
Seattle, WA: GHCP, [2004]-
note: continues Gay City monthly, Volunteer newsletter, Volunteer voice,
then Volunteer newsletter [reverted to that title], and Beat; continued
by Insider Quarterly; see those titles in this bibliography for
SpecColl HQ 75 .B43 Apr-Dec 2004
Gay City monthly.
Seattle, WA: G.C.H.P.
note: continued by Volunteer newsletter, then Volunteer voice, then
Volunteer newsletter [reverted to that title], then Beat; see those titles
and holdings under those titles in this bibliography.
SpecColl HQ 75 .B43 Feb. 1997
Gay community news. [microfilm and online] June 17,
1973-July 4/17, 1992; June, 1994 -
[Boston, G. C. N., inc.]
note: quarterly, 1994 -
note: weekly, (except last week of Apr., Aug. and Dec.), 1973-1992.
note: suspended with July 4/17, 1992 and resumed with June, 1994.
online: v.7,no.26-v.24, no.3/4 (Jan 26, 1980-1999)
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .G37 v.22, no.4- Spring 1997-
Newspaper Microforms/Newspapers v.22-no.1-3 ( Summer 1996-Winter
Microform A9620 Microforms/Newspapers June 17, 1973 - Feb. 25/Mar 3, 1990
(v. 1-v.17, n.31) note: lacks v.16, n.48
Gay community periodic survey. Adelaide. NCHSR.
Sydney, NWS: National Centre in HIV Social Research, c2002-
Suz HQ 76.2 .A8 G393 1998-1999, 2001-2003
also available online,,
Gay community periodic survey. Canberra. NCHSR.
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research.
Suz HQ 76.2 .A8 G394 2003
also available online,
Gay community periodic survey. Melbourne. NCHSR.
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research.
Suz HQ 76.2 .A8 G395 2002, 2004
also available online,,
Gay community periodic survey. Perth. NCHSR.
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research.
note: continues Perth gay community periodic survey, see Perth gay
community periodic survey.
Suz HQ 76.2 .A8 G396 2002
also available online,
Gay community periodic survey. Queensland. NCHSR.
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research.
Suz HQ 76.2 .A8 G397 1999, 2001-2004
2002 also available online,
Gay community periodic survey: Sydney 1996-2002. Peter Hull ... [et
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, the University of New South Wales, c2003.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV social Research (Australia),
Suz HQ 76.2 .A82 S927 2003
also available online: http:
Gay couples [videorecording]: nature of a relationship. Producer, Vic
[Milton Keynes, England?]: BBC/Open University; Princeton, N.J.: Films for
the Humanities & Sciences, c1997.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; camera, Derek Firmin, Alan Marlow.
note: Dr. Pepper Schwartz documents the lives of one gay and one lesbian
couple. She uses case-study approach that explores their views on handling
conflict, work and communication, the influence of their families and
friends, and how gender and society influence personal relationships.
UglMed Videorecord FFH 7181
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1280
Gay crusader.
San Francisco, CA: Gay Activists Alliance of San Francisco,
note: title varies: Crusader, Jul 1974-Jun 1975; Gay crusader news,
Jul/Aug 1975; Gay crusader of san Francisco, Feb/Mar 1976.
note: continues Gay pride crusader, see Gay pride crusader; continued by
San Francisco crusader, see San Francisco crusader.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 45 Aug/Sep 1973-Jun 1977
Gay Cuba [videorecording] A project of the Felix Varela Center of Cuba;
directed by Sonja de Vries; co-producers, marlene Moleon, Sonja de
San Francisco: Frameline, 1995.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: editor, Catherine Ryan; camera, Rafael 'Felo' Ruiz, Ariel Fernandez;
narrator, Jennifer Maytoreno Taylo9r; music, Pable Milanes [et al.O.
note: A look at homosexuality in Cuba, featuring interviews with lesbians
and gay men.
UglMed Videorecord FRAM 004
Gay culture in America: essays from the field. Edited by Gilbert
Boston: Beacon Press, c1992.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Bot HQ 76.2 U5 G37 1992
Gay dealer.
Philadelphia: Gay dealer.
MicNews Microfilm A4188 reel 64 2 undated issues [Nov-Dec 1970?] (online
note: Demographic statistics on same-sex couples and households in the
U.S., Canada, U.K., and some other countries based on census and other
survey data. Most of the U.S. data are from the 2000 Census. Canadian and
British data are from the 2001 Census.
Gay ethics: controversies in outing, civil rights,and sexual science. Timothy
F. Murphy, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c1994.
Suz HQ 76.25 .G415 1994
Gay fathers: some of their stories, experience, and advice.
Toronto: Gay Fathers of Toronto, 1981.
Suz HQ 76.13 .G39 1981
Gay focus magazine.
San Francisco, CA: Orthodox Episcopal Church of God, [1981-1982]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: editor, Reverend Raymond Broshears
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 44
v.1,n.1-13 (Aug. 6, 1981-Jan. 15, 1982
Gay Games.
Gay athletic games I.
[San Francisco: Arts & Athletics?, 1982]
note: includes the Proclamations of Gay Games Week 1982 in San Francisco
by mayor Dianne Feinstein, and in Boston by mayor Kevin H. White.
Suz GV 722.5 .G36 G39 1982
Gay guide Canada. National ed. (annual)
Toronto: Gay Guide Canada, Inc.
SuzRef HQ 76.3 .C2 G39 1998 [2nd ed.]
Gay histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. George E. Haggerty, editor;
John Benyon, Douglas Eisner, assistant editors.
NY: Garland, 2000.
note: For companion title, see Lesbian histories and cultures: an
SuzRef, BotRef HQ 75.13 .G37 2000
A gay history of Britain: love and sex between men since the Middle Ages.
Edited by Matt Cook; with H. G. Cocks, Robert Mills, and Randolph
Oxford; Westport, CT: Greenwood World Publ., 2007.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 G39 2007
Gay, lesbian and queer studies in Australia. Edited by Raymond Donovan and
Leong K. Chan; essays by Michael Hurley ... [et al.]; with a listing of
Australian gay, lesbian and queer subjects, and a selected
Sydney: Australian Centre for Lesbian and Gay Research, University of
Sydney, 1999.
Suz HQ 75.16 .A8 G39 1999
Gay, lesbian, and transgender issues in education: programs, policies, and
practices. James T. Sears, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2005.
Suz, Tac LC 192.6 .G38 2005
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, + transgender myths from the Arapaho to the Zuni:
an anthology. Edited by Jim Elledge.
NY: Peter Lang, c2002.
(American Indian Studies, v. 13)
Suz E98 .R3 G38 2002
Gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender public policy issues: a citizen's
and administrator's guide to the new cultural struggle. Wallace Swan,
NY: Harrington Park Press, 1997.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.8 .U5 G358 1997
Gay/lesbian periodicals index [microform]
Charlotte, N. C.: Integrity Indexing, c1992-
note: Compiled by Alan M. Greenberg.
UglRef Microfiche MB-747 1990
Gay liberation and socialism: documents from the discussions on gay
liberation inside the Socialist Workers Party (1970-1973). Selected,
introduced, and with commentary by David Thorstad. 2nd ed.
[NY]: D. Thorstad; [NY: order from L/GRMG], 1981.
note: continued by: No apologies...
see: No apologies...
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 G38 1981
The Gay Liberation Movement.
[A special issue of] PO. Psychiatric Opinion. v.8, n.1 (Feb. 1971)
HSLIC Serials W 1 PS261L v.7-8.
Gay liberation today: an exchange of views. Cheryl Adams ... [et al.]
NY: Pathfinder PRess, [1977]
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 G384 1977
Gay life and culture: a world history. Edited by Robert Aldrich.
NY: Universe, 2006.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76 .G329 2006
Gay life in Dutch society. Edited by A. X. van Naerssen.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1987.
note: originally published as: Interdisciplinary
research on homosexuality in the Netherlands.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.3 .N4 I58 1987a
Gay life: leisure, love and living for the contemporary gay male.
Edited by Eric E. Rofes.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1986.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 G38 1986
Gay literature.
Fresno, CA: D. Curzon.
Suzzallo Periodicals PS 508 .G39 G38 no. 1-6 (Winter 1975-Spring 1976)
SpecColl PS 508 .G39 G38 no. 1-6 (Winter 1975-Spring 1976)
Gay love poetry. Edited by Neil Powell.
NY: Carrol & Graf Publishers, 1997.
Suz PN 6110 .L6 G39 1997
Gay marriage. Tamara L. Roleff, book editor.
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c1998.
(At issue)
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 G387 1998
Gay marriage [videorecording] ABC News Productions.
Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c2004.
note: DVD; originally broadcast as an episode of the ABC News television
series, Nightline on 02/24/04
note: performer, Michel Martin; host, Ted Koppel; panelists, Gavin Newsom,
Gary Bauer, Barney Frank.
note: Ted Koppel moderates a debate about gay marriage and its legal
note: title on disc, Gay marriage and the constitution
UglMed DVD FFH 092
Gay marriage [videorecording] Producer/director, Bill Wisneski; Education
Television, Palomar College.
NY: Distributed by Insight Media, c2004.
note: VHS
note: performer- instructor: Angelo Corpora; panel: Salvatore Cordileone,
Victor Ramirez, Jenny Flynn.
note: Presenting the legal and religious definitions of marriage, this
program features a panel discussion on the legality of same-sex marriage
in the U.S. It differentiates between marriage, union, and partnerships
and offers opinions on whether the benefits of civil union laws are
sufficient for addressing the needs of the gay community. It also
considers equal protection rights and the potential impact of same-sex
marriage on organized religion.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2509
Gay masculinities. Edited by Peter Nardi.
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, c2000.
(Research on men and masculinites series, 12)
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 U5 G288 2000
Gay men and aging. Lester B. Brown ... [et al.]
NY: Garland Pub., 1997.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 G385 1997
Gay men and the sexual history of the political left.
Gert Hekma, Harry Oosterhuis, James Steakley, eds.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1995.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.25 .G418 1995
Gay men at midlife: age before beauty. Alan L. Ellis, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 76.14 .G39 2001
Gay men at the millennium: sex, spirit, community.
Edited by Michael Lowenthal.
NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, c1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 G387 1997
Gay men living with chronic illnesses and disabilities: from crisis to
crossroads. Benjamin Lipton, editor.
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park PRess, 2004.
Ugl HV 1449 .G39 2004
Gay men of Alcoholics Anonymous: first-hand accounts.
Edited by Robert J. Kus.
North Liberty, IA: WinterStar Press, 1990.
Suz HV 5139 .G39 1990
Gay men: the sociology of male homosexuality.
Edited by Martin P. Levine.
NY: Harper & Row, c1979.
Suz HQ 76.2 U5 G39 1979
Gay Men's Chorus of Houston.
To friends & to life [sound recording] The Gay Men's Chorus of Houston
celebrates its fifteenth anniversary.
[Houston: Gay Men's Chorus of Houston, 1995]
note: 1 sound disc, digital
note: John-Michael Albert, director.
note: Recorded on June 4, 1994 at First Unitarian Universalist Church,
Houston, Texas and March 4, 1995 at Lillie Duncan Recital Hall, Rice
University, Houston, Texas.
UglMed Cd GMCH 001
Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles, Performer.
Diversity [sound recording]
Los Angeles, CA: The Chorus, c1991.
note: digitally recorded Aug. 24 and 25, 1991 at Bridges Hall of Music;
Jon Bailey artistic director; Dave Barton, principal accompanist.
Pomona College, Claremont, CA.
UglMed Cd GMCLA 001
Gay Men's Issues in Religious Studies.
Guest editors, J. Michael Clark and Daniel T. Spencer.
[A special issue of]: The Journal of Men's Studies,
v.4, n.3; Feb., 1996.
SocWk Periodicals HQ 1088 .J68 v.4
Gay midlife and maturity. John Alan Lee, guest editor.
NY: Haworth press, c1991.
Ugl HQ 76.25 G42 1991b
Suz HQ 76.25 .G42 1991
A gay news chronology, January 1969-May 1975: index
and abstracts of articles from the New York Times.
NY: Arno Press, 1975.
SuzRef HQ 76 G33
Gay nineties: an anthology of contemporary gay fiction.
Edited by Phil Wilkie & Greg Baysans.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1991.
Suz, Ugl PS 648 H57 G39 1991
The Gay '90s [nineties]: disciplinary and interdisciplinary formations in
queer studies.
Edited by Thomas Foster, Carol Siegel, and Ellen E. Berry.
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
note: also appeared as a special issue of: Genders, n. 26 (1997)
Suz HQ 75.15 .G29 1997
Suzzallo Periodicals PN 56 .S5 G46 n.26
The gay 90's [sound recording]: original cast recording [written by Ron
Abel ... [et al.]; conceived & directed by David Galligan]
Studio City, CA: Varèse Sarabande, p1997.
note: 1 sound disc: digital; recorded at Westlake Audio, Los Angeles
note: musical revue; performers- Jamie Anderson, Kathy Garrick, Peggy
Hewett, Bill Hutton, Deborah Nishimura, Kirby Tepper, singers;
instrumental ensemble; Gerald Sternbach, musical director, piano;
program notes and synopsis by David Galligan ([8]p.:ports.) inserted in
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 6418
Gay ol' times.
Roseburg, OR: Gay and Lesbian Alliance.
SpecColl HQ 75 .G37
n.68-70 (Aug-Oct 1988), n.72-74 (Dec/Jan 1988/1989-Mar 1989), n.78
(Jul/Aug 1989), v.10,n.7-9 (Sep-Nov 1989), v.11,n.1 (Mar 1990), v.11,n.3-6
(Jun/Jul-Dec 1990/Jan 1991), v.12,n.2 (Apr/May 1991)
A gay parents' legal guide to child custody. Anti-Sexism Committee of the
San Francisco-Bay Area National Lawyer's Guild. New and rev. ed.
San Francisco, CA: Anti-Sexism Committee of the San Francisco-Bay Area
National Lawyers Guild, 1980.
Suz HQ 814 .G3 1980
The gay past: a collection of historical essays.
Edited by Salvatore J. Licata, Robert P. Petersen.
NY: Harrington Park Press, 1985.
note: Reprint. Originally published as: Historical perspectives on
homosexuality (1981)
see also: Historical perspectives on homosexuality.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 H652 1985
Gay people, sex, and the media. Michelle A. Wolf, Alfred P. Kielwasser,
NY: Haworth Press, c1991.
Suz, Ugl P 96 .S45 G3 1991b
Gay people's newsletter.
[Berkeley: s.n.]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 Oct. 29, [1970-Nov.5, 1970]
Gay personality and sexual labeling. Edited by John De Cecco.
NY: Harrington Park Press, 1984, c1985.
note: also published as: Bisexual and homosexual identities: critical
clinical issues.
see also: Bisexual and homosexual identities: critical clinical
Suz HQ 76.25 .B565 1985
Gay perspectives: essays in Australian gay culture.
Edited by Robert Aldrich and Garry Wotherspoon.
Sydney: Dept. of Economic History, University of Sydney, 1992.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .A8 G39 1992
Gay perspectives II: more essays in Australian gay culture.
Edited by Robert Aldrich.
Sydney, NSW, Australia: Dept. of Economic History with the Australian
Centre for Gay and Lesbian Research, University of Sydney, c1994.
(Occasional publications (University of Sydney. Dept. of Economic
History); no.5)
Suz HQ 76.3 .A8 G394 1994
The Gay picture book.
Photographed by George Alfaro ... [et al.; edited
by Michael Emory; introd. by Dennis Sanders]
[Chicago: Contemporary Books; Pickering, Ont.: Beaverbooks, c1978]
SpecColl Book Arts HQ 76.3 .U5 G38 1978
Gay plays. Edited and introduced by Michael Wilcox.
London: Methuen, 1984- 5v.
Drama PN 6120 G3 G39 1984 [v.1,2,3,4,5]
Suz PN 6120 G3 G39 1984 [v.2, 3]
Gay plays: an international anthology. [Francoise Kourlisky, Catherine
Temerson, general editors]
[U.S.] Ubu Repertory Theater Publications, 1989.
note: 1st-4th and 6th of the plays are translated from the French;
The function (Jean-Marie Besset), translation of Fonction; A tower near
Paris (Copi), a translation of Tour de la defense); Grand finale (Copi),
translation of Visite inopportune; Return of the young Hippolytus, (Herve
Dupuis), translation of Fugues pour un cheval et un piano.; Ancient boys
(Jean-Claude van Itallie); The lives and deaths of Miss Shakespeare
(Liliane Wouters), translation of Vies et morts de Mademoiselle
Drama PN 6120 H76 G39 1989
Gay plays: the first collection. Edited with an introduction
by William M. Hoffman.
NY: Avon, c1979.
Suz, Drama PN 6112 G42
Gay pride. Christopher Streer West, San Francisco.
San Francisco: Christopher Street West, S.F. Parade Committee,
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continued by Gay pride crusader, see Gay pride crusader.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 45 1972-Spring 1973
Gay pride crusader.
San Francisco: Gay Alliance of San Francisco, [1973]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues Gay pride, see Gay pride; continued by Gay crusader, see
Gay crusader.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 45 June/July 1973
Gay priests. Edited by James G. Wolf.
NY: Harper & Row, c1989.
Suz, Ugl BX 1912.9 G358 1989
The gay radical rag: fanatical fag rag.
[San Francisco?: s.n., 1970]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.1,no.1 (Apr. 10, 1970)
Gay relationships. John P. De Cecco, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1988.
Suz HQ 76 .G35 1988
Gay religion. Edited by Scott Thumma and Edward R. Gray.
Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, c2005.
Suz, Bot, Tac BL 625.9 .G39 G39 2005
Gay Republicans [videorecording] Trio TV presents in association with
World of Wonder; a film by Wash Westmoreland and Anne Clements; produced
by Anne Clements; written & directed by Wash Westmoreland.
NY: The Disinformation Company Ltd., [2005]
note: DVD, videodisc release of the 2004 documentary film
note: credits- Editor, Clay Zimmerman; music, Micko Westmorland; director
of photography, James Conant, Tracy Wares; narrator, Pamela Tyson.
note: Follows a handful of gay Republicans who, during the 2004 election,
often had to decide if being gay is more important than being
UglMed DVD DISI 004
Gay rights. Kate Burns, book editor.
Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press/Thomson Gale, c2006.
Ugl HQ 76.5 .G39 2006
Gay rights. Tamara L. Roleff, book editor.
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c1997.
(Current controversies)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 G394 1997
Gay rights, marriage, and the Supreme Court [videorecording] ABC News
Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, [2004]
note: DVD; originally broadcast on Nightline, July 2, 2003; hosted by Ted
note: "This ABC News program uses the landmark Lawrence v. Texas case and
the legalization of gay marriage in Canada to shed light on the future of
gay marriage in the U.S. Changing attitudes toward homosexuality in
general are addressed as well."
UglMed DVD FFH 091
Gay rights, military wrongs: political perspectives on lesbians and gays
in the military.
Edited by Craig A. Rimmerman.
NY: Garland Pub., 1996.
Suz, Ugl UB 418 .G38 G35 1996
The gay rights movement. Editor, Vincent J. Samar; introduction by Andrew
Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.8 .U5 G385 2001
Gay rights skills seminar manual.
see: Sexual orientation and the law. National Lawyers Guild...
Gay-Rights Update. By Kenneth Jost.
[A special issue of] CQ Researcher. v.10, n.14 (April 14, 2000)
SuzRef, UglRef H 35 .E35
Gay roots: twenty years of Gay sunshine: an anthology of gay history, sex,
politics, and culture.
Edited by Winston Leyland.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1991-1993. 2v.
note: v.1 issued without volume numbering, entitled:
Gay roots: twenty years of Gay Sunshine, an anthology of gay history, sex,
politics, and culture.
note: Essays, fiction, and poetry originally published by Gay sunshine
journal and Gay Sunshine Press.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 G394 1991 v.1 [and] v.2
Gay sex [videorecording] Lillyville Screen Entertainment; CTVC; written,
produced and directed by Tony Cash; series producer, Ray Bruce.
Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c2003.
note: DVD; originally broadcast in 2003 as part of a documentary
series; also known as: Homosexuality; a religious perspective.
credits- presented by Fiona Foster; readings, Tyrone Huggins; cameramen,
Jim Ashcroft, Steve Haskett; editor, Graham Taylor; music composed by
Richard Attree.
note: one of a 4-part series. In the second program the subject of gay
sex is explored. All the major religions hae been hostile to same-sex,
especially male, couplings, but the extent of hositility has varied
greatly. In different times and different places, punishments have ranged
from prescribed fasts, through fines and the lash to jail and death.
Studies the scriptures and doctrines of Christianity, Judaism and Islam
to understand why, and the contrasts their stances with those of Hinduism,
Sikhism and the Rome of Hadrian. A compassionate and compelling discussion
of gay sex, marriage and child adoption by gay couples.
(Sex and religion)
UglMed DVD FFH 134
Gay signatures: gay and lesbian theory, fiction and film in France,
Edited by Owen Heathcote, Alex Hughes and James S. Williams.
Oxford, UK; NY: Berg, 1998.
Suz, Bot PQ 307 .H6 G39 1998
Gay Students' Union: [newsletter]
[Berkeley, CA: Gay Students' Union, 1970]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95
Gay studies from the French cultures: voices from France, Belgium, Brazil,
Canada, and the Netherlands.
Rommel Mendes-Leite, Pierre-Olivier de Busscher, eds.
NY: Haworth Press, c1993
(Research on homosexuality)
Suz HQ 76.25 .G45 1993
Gay sunshine.
Berkeley, CA: Gay Sunshine, [1970]-
note: no. 47 appeared as a book, see, Anthology of fiction/poetry/prose.
Edited by Winston Leyland.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 85 n. 1-7 (Aug/Sep 1970-Jun/Jul 1971)
Gay sunshine interviews. Edited by Winston Leyland.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1978-
Suz, SpecCollBookArts NX 163 .G39 1978 v.1 [and] v.2
Gay sunshine journal, no.47.
note: This final issue of Gay sunshine journal appeared as a book.
see: Anthology of fiction/poetry/prose. Edited by Winston Leyland.
Gay Sweatshop: four plays and a company. Edited by Philip Osment.
London: Methuen Drama, 1989.
note: The Dear Love of Comrades (Noël Greig), Compromised Immunity
(Andy Kirby), This Island's Mine (Philip Osment), Twice Over (Jackie
Drama PR 1259 .H65 G39 1989
Gay Switchboard: [newsletter]
Berkeley, CA: Committee of Concern for Homosexuals, [1970]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A110331 reel 95 no. 1 (July 21, 1970)
Gay tales and verses from the Arabian nights. Compiled, edited, and with
an introduction by Henry M. Christman.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1989.
note: excerpted from The book of the thousand nights and one night,
rendered into English from the literal and complete French translation of
J.C. Mardrus, translated by Powys Mathers.
Suz PJ 7716 .A1 M3 1989
Gay teen: educational practice and theory for lesbian, gay, and bisexual
adolescents. Ed. by Gerald Unks.
NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz, SocWk, Bot, Tac LC 192.6 G39 1995
Gay tide. [Gay Alliance Toward Equality]
Vancouver: [The Alliance, 1973-1980]
note: with Nov. 1976 issue, went to whole numbering
note: v.1,n.6 (Aug 1974) on separate reel
MicNews Microfilm A8016 v.1,n.1-v.3,n.3 (Aug 1973-Aug
1976); iss. 14-24 (Nov. 1976-Feb/Mar 1980) Pos/Neg
Gay travels: a literary companion. Edited by Lucy Jane Bledsoe.
San Francisco: Whereabouts Press: Distributed to the trade by Consortium
Book Sales & Distribution, c1998.
Suz PS 647 .G39 G39 1998
Gay travels in the Muslim world. Michael T. Luongo, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2007.
Bot HQ 75.26 .I74 G39 2007
Gay voice.
Sacramento: Gay Voice, [1971]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 no. 1 (1971)
Gay voices from East Germany. Interviews by Jurgen Lemke.
English-language version edited with an introduction by John Borneman;
translations and introductions by Steven Stoltenberg...[et al.]
Bloomington; Indiana University Press, c1991.
note: Translation of: Ganz normal anders.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.2 G35 G3613 1991
Gay warriors: a documentary history from the ancient world to the present.
Edited by B. R. Burg.
NY: New York University Press, c2002.
Suz, Bot UH 630 .G39 2002
Gay widowers: life after the death of a partner. Michael Shernoff,
NY: Haworth Press, c1997.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.2 .U5 G398 1997
Gay youth [videorecording] Producer, director, editor Pam Walton.
NY: Filmakers Library, c1992. 1 videocassette. VHS.
note: Explores the emotional strain placed on gay youth by intense
feelings of isolation. Isolation frequently leads them to drug and alcohol
abuse, violence, homelessness and even suicide.
Designed to break the silence surrounding adolescent
homosexuality and shows that information, acceptance, and support can make
differences in the lives of these young people.
UglMed Videorecord FML 029
TacMed Videorecord TAC-892
Gaya nusantara.
[Pasuran, Jawa Timur: Kelompok Kerja Lesbian dan Gay Nusantara, 1987-
note: bimonthly.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 76.3 .I5 G38 no.5/6-23, 26-30, 32-39, 41-43,
45-51, 90-94, 96-127+ (1988-2005+) (online
note: Demographic statistics on same-sex couples and households in the
U.S., Canada, U.K., and some other countries based on census and other
survey data. Most of the U.S. data are from the 2000 Census. Canadian and
British data are from the 2001 Census.
Gayellow pages.
[NY, Renaissance House, 1973]-
SpecColl HQ 75 .G39 no. 2 (Jul 1973)
Gayle, Terence C.
Key factors in gay and bisexual mens' decisions to adopt safer sex.
Thesis (M. Public Health) -- University of Washington, 1988.
Seattle, 1988.
HSLIC WA 7 Th36099
Aux Thesis 36099
Gaylor, Annie Laurie.
Woe to the women--the Bible tells me so: the Bible, female sexuality & the
law. Illustrations by Alma Cuebas. Rev. Ed.
Madison, WI: Freedom From Religion Foundation, 2004.
note: [chapter] 14, Homosexuality, pp. 93-96.
Suz BS 680 .W7 G39 2004
Gays and film. Edited by Richard Dyer.
London: BFI Pub., 1980.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 H55 G3 1980
Gays and lesbians in Asia and the Pacific: social and human
services. Gerald Sullivan, Laurence Wai-Teng Leong, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, c1995.
SocWk HQ 76.3 .A78 G39 1995
Gays and lesbians in the democratic process: public policy, public
opinion, and political representation.
Edited by Ellen D. B. Riggle and Barry L. Tadlock.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1999.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.8 .U5 G39 1999
Gays and lesbians in the military; issues, concerns, and contrasts.
Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra Carson Stanley, editors.
NY: Aldine de Bruyter, c1994.
(Social problems and social issues)
Suz, Tac UB 418 .G38 G36 1994
The gays' and lesbians' rights in an enlarged European Union. Edited by
Anne Weyembergh and Sinziana Carstocea.
Brussels: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, c2006.
Suz HQ 76.8 .E85 G39 2006
Gays and the future of Anglicanism: responses to the Windsor report.
Edited by Andrew Linzey & Richard Kirker.
Winchester, UK; NY: O Books, c2005.
Suz BR 115 .H6 G39 2005
Gays-in or out?: the U. S. military & homosexuals: a source book.
Washington: Brassey's (US), c1993.
note: 2 reprints. lst originally published as: Military necessity &
homosexuality, by Ronald D. Ray, 1993; 2nd originally published as: United
States. General Accounting Office. Defense force management: DOD's policy on
see also: (for original of the 2nd reprint) United States. General
Accounting Office. Defense force management: DOD's policy on homosexuality...
Suz, Bot UB 418 .G38 G37 1993
Gays in uniform: the Pentagon's secret reports.
Edited by Kate Dyer; with an introduction by Gerry Studds.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1990.
note: includes 2 reports and several memoranda of the Defense Personnel
Security Research and Education Center
Suz, Ugl UB 418 G38 G38 1990
Gays, lesbians, and consumer behavior: theory, practice, and research
issues in marketing.
Daniel L. Wardlow, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1996.
Suz HF 5415.33 .U6 G38 1996
Gays, lesbians, and their therapists: studies in psychotherapy.
Edited by Charles Silverstein.
NY: Norton, 1991.
Suz, NatSci WM 615 G288 1991
Gayspeak: gay male & lesbian communication.
Edited by James W. Chesebro.
NY: Pilgrim Press, c1981.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 G39 1981
San Francisco, CA: ADZ Publications.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues ADZ gayzette, see ADZ gayzette
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 1 v.2 (1972)
Gazon maudit [videorecording]
see: French twist
GBB. v.1, n.1-no.6 (Spring 1979-Fall 1981)
NY: Scholarship Committee of the New York Chapter of the Gay Academic
Union, c1979-c1981.
note: continued by Gay Books Bulletin.
see also: Gay Books Bulletin.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .G33 no. 1-6 (Spring 1979-Fall 1981)
GCC newsletter (Seattle, Wash.)
GCC newsletter. Gay Community Center.
Seattle, WA: Community Multi-Service Center,
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .G43 v.2, n.11 (Nov 1980); v.3, n.2 (Feb 1981)
Gearhart, Sally Miller.
Loving women/loving men; gay liberation and the church.
Edited/authored by Sally Gearhart and William R. Johnson.
San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1974.
Suz BR 115 H6 G4
Geheimsache--Leben: Schule und Lesben im Wien des 20. Jahrhunderts: Wien,
Neustifthalle 26.10.2005-08.01.2006: eine Ausstellung von Ecce Homo:
Ausstellungskatalog von Andreas Brunner ... et al.
Wien: Löcker, c2005.
Suz HQ 76.2 .A92 V544 2005
Geis, Gilbert.
Not the law's business: an examination of homosexuality, abortion,
prostitution, narcotics, and gambling in the United States.
NY: Schocken Books, 1979.
(Public Health Service publication; no. 72-9132)
note: reprint, with new introd., of the 1972 ed. published by National
Institute of Mental Health, Rockville, Md., which was issued in
series: Crime and delinquency issues, and as Publication no. 72-9132 of
the Public Health Service.
Suz HV 6707 .U5 G44 1979
Geis, Gilbert.
One eyed justice: an examination of homosexuality, abortion, prostitution,
narcotics, and gambling in the U. S.
NY: Drake Publishers [1974]
note: originally published in 1972 under the title Not the law's
Suz HV 6493 .G45
Law KF 9300 .G44
Geiser, Christoph.
Wüstenfahrt: Roman.
Zürich: Nagel & Kimche, c1984.
Suz PT 2667 .E46 W87 1984
Geist, Valerius.
Mountain sheep; a study in behavior and evolution.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press [1971]
Nat, For QL 737 .U53 G44
Geist, Valerius.
Mountain sheep and man in the northern wilds.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1975.
Nat, Ugl, For QL 737 .U53 G45
Gellert, Roger.
see: Holmstrom, John.
Gelman-Waxner, Libby.
If you ask me.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1994.
note: Libby Gelman-Waxner, pseudonym for Paul Rudnick.
see also: Rudnick, Paul.
note: Collection of movie reviews appearing over a five year period in
Premiere magazine; Boy Meets Boy, pp. 42-44
Ugl PN 1995 .G38 1994
Gemünden, Gerd.
Framed visions: popular culture, Americanization, and the contemporary
German and Austrian imagination.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998.
note: chapter 8, The queer utopia of Monika Treut, pp.177-194.
Ugl NX 550 .A1 G385 1998
Gender activism and studies in Africa. Signe Arnfred ... [et al.]
Dakar, Senegal: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in
Africa, c2004.
note: [chapter] 8, Traversing gender and colonial madness: same-sex
relationships, customary law and change in Tanzania, 1890-1990, (Babere
Kerata Chacha), pp. 129-151.
Bot HQ 1181 .A35 G46 2004
The gender and consumer culture reader. Edited by Jennifer Scanlon.
NY: New York University Press, c2000.
note: chapter 3, Lots of friends at the YMCA; rooming houses, cafeterias,
and other gay social centers (George Chauncey), pp. 48-69; chapter 8,
Lesbian chic; experimentation and repression in the 1920s (Lillian
Faderman), pp. 153-165; chapter 22, Commodity lesbianism (Danae Clark),
pp. 372-387.
Bus, Bot HC 110 .C6 G457 2000
Gender and difference in the Middle Ages. Sharon Farmer and Carol Braun
Pasternack, editors.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2003.
(Medieval cultures, no. 32)
note: [chapter] 2, Gender irregularity as entertainment: institutionalized
transvestism at the Caliphal court in medieval Baghdad (Everett K.
Rowson), pp. 45-72; [chapter] 5, Male friendship and the suspicion of
sodomy in twelfth-century France (Mathew S. Kuefler), pp. 145-181;
[chapter] 8, Re-orienting desire: writing on gender trouble in
fourteenth-century Egypt (Michael Uebel), pp. 230-257; [chapter] 10,
Female homoerotic discourse and religion in medieval Germanic culture
(Ulrike Wiethaus), pp. 288-321.
Suz HQ 1143 .G44 2003
Gender and disordered behavior: sex differences in psychopathology.
Edited by Edith S. Gomberg and Violet Franks.
NY: Brunner/Mazel, c1979.
note: chapter 9, Homosexuality in Females and Males, pp. 257-286.
SocWk WM 100.3 G325 1979
Gender and fascism in modern France. Edited by Melanie
Hawthorne and Richard J. Golsan.
Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College, published by University
Press of New England, c1997.
(Contemporary French culture and society)
Suz PQ 307 .F3 G46 1997
Gender and French cinema. Edited by Alex Hughes and James S. Williams.
Oxford; NY: Berg, 2001.
note: [chapter] 12, AIDS-Video: representing the body in Guibert's La
Pudeur ou l'impudeur (Alex Hughes), pp. 209-226; [chapter] 15,
Identification and female friendship in contemporary French film (Emma
Wilson), pp. 255-267.
Suz, Bot PN 1993.5 .F7 G46 2001
Gender and landscape: renegotiating morality and space. Edited by Lorraine
Dowler, Josephine Carubia and Bonj Szczygiel.
London; NY: Routledge, 2005.
note: [chapter] 8, Mapping the Amazon's salon; symbolic landscapes and
topographies of identity in Natalie Clifford Barney's literary salon, pp.
Suz GF 95 .G45 2005
Gender and material culture in archaeological perspective. Edited by Moira
Donald and Linda Hurcombe.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 1, Material culture of the homosexual male: a case for
archaeological exploration (Keith Matthews), pp. 3-19.
Suz CC 72.4 .C43 2000
Gender and Russian literature: new perspectives. Translated and edited by
Rosalind Marsh.
Cambridge [England]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
note: chapter 14, The crafting of a self: Lidiia Ginzburg's early journal.
(Jane Gary Harris), pp. 263-282.
Suz, Bot PG 2997 .R86 1996
Gender and sexuality in African literature and film. Edited and introduced
by Ada Uzoamaka Azodo and Maureen Ngozi Eke.
Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, c2007.
note: Part four: Social constructions of homosexual, lesbian, bisexual,
and transvestite identities. Chapter 11, "She doesn't know the truth
about me: [T]he Shaping Presence": of the closet in Amma Darko's Beyond
the Horizon (M. Catherine Jonet), pp. 199-211; chapter 12, Dangerous
encounters with the West: gender, sexuality, and power in Ama Ata Aidoo's
Our Sister Killjoy (Miriam C. Gyimah), pp. 213-228.
Suz PN 849 .A35 G46 2007
Gender and sexuality in modern Ireland.
Edited by Anthony Bradley and Maryann Gianella Valiulis.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1997.
note: published in cooperation with the American Conference for Irish
Suz, Ugl HQ 18 .I73 G45 1997
Gender blending. Edited by Bonnie Bullough, Vern L. Bullough &
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1997.
Suz HQ 77 .G46 1997
Gender camouflage: women and the U.S. military.
Edited by Francine D'Amico and Laurie Weinstein.
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
note: considers many groups of women, lesbians among others
note: Part I, chapter 5: Lesbian exclusion. (Laurie Weinstein and Francine
D'Amico with Lynn Meola (pseudonym), pp. 103-109; Autobiography. I wish I
could use my own name. (Winni S. Webber, pseudonym), pp. 110-112.
Suz, Ugl UB 418 .W65 G46 1999
Gender, desire, and sexuality in T.S. Eliot. Edited by Cassandra Laity and
Nancy K. Gish.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Suz PS 3509 .L43 Z67687 2004
Gender dysphoria: development, research, management. Edited by Betty W.
NY: Plenum Press, c1985.
HSLIC WJ 712 G325 1985
Gender, ethnicity, and religion: views from the other side. Edited by
Rosemary Radford Ruether.
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 5, Trying to be God in the world; the story of the
evangelical women's causus and the crisis over homosexuality (S. Sue
Horner), pp. 99-124.
Ugl, Tac BT 738 .G375 2002
Gender identities in American Catholicism. Paula Kane, James Kenneally,
Karen Kennelly, editors.
Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, c2001.
(American Catholic identities: a documentary history)
note: Part 10: Alternate Gender Identities, pp. 235-253: [document] 108,
Sister Agatha, Reconciling Sexual Orientation with Religious Vows, 1985,
pp. 236-238; [document] 109, A Pastoral Approach to Homosexuality from the
American Bishops, 1998, pp. 239-241; [document] 110, Jeannine Gramick,
S.S.N.D., A Sister Cofounds a New Ministry, 1985, pp. 241-245; [document]
111, Dignity USA, Statement of Position and Purpose, 2000; [document]
112, Archbishop John Quinn, A Pastoral Letter on Homosexuality, 1980;
[document] 113, San Francisco Gays and Lesbians React to the Church's
Teaching on Homosexuality, 1982, pp. 248-250; [document] 114, The Joseph
Foundation, a Catholic Men's Movement, 2000, pp. 250-253.
Suz BX 1405 .G46 2001
Gender, identity, and representation in Spain's Golden Age. Edited by
Anita K. Stoll and Dawn L. Smith.
Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2000.
note: Cross-dressing in Tirso's El amor medico and El Aquiles, (Anita K.
Stoll), pp. 86-108; Performativity and sexual identity in Calderon's Las
manos blancas no ofenden, (Matthew D. Stroud), pp. 109-123.
Suz PQ 6106 .G46 2000
Gender in early childhood. Edited by Nicola Yelland.
London; NY: Routledge, 1998.
note: chapter 5, Toward a most thorough understanding of the world: sexual
orientation and early childhood education (Virginia Casper, Harriet K.
Cuffano, Steven Schultz, Jonathan G. Silin, and Elaine Wickens), pp.
Suz HQ 772 .G36 1998
Gender in intimate relationships: a microstructural approach. [Edited by]
Barbara J. Risman, Pepper Schwartz.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub., c1989.
note: [chapter] 2, A History of romantic friendship and lesbian love
(Lilian Faderman), pp. 26-31; [chapter] 6, Covert intimacy: closeness in
men's friendships (Scott Swain), pp. 71-86.
Suz, Ugl HM 132 .G43 1989
Gender in modernism: new geographies, complex intersections. Edited and
with an introduction by Bonnie Kime Scott.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 9, Lesbian political history (introduced and selected by
Gay Wachman), pp. 307-335: Vernon Lee, from Satan the Waster, pp. 318-320;
Rose Laure Allatini, from Despised and Rejected, pp. 321-324; Radclyffe
Hall, from "Notes on The Well of Loneliness", pp. 325-328; Sylvia Townsend
Warner, After My Marriage Night, pp. 328-330; Valentine Ackland, Country
Dealings, pp. 330-333; Sylvia Townsend Warner, My Shirt Is In Mexico, pp.
333-335. [chapter] 10, Queer conjunctions in modernism (introduced and
selected by Colleen Lamos), pp. 336-371: Djuna Barnes, "Introduction,"
from Ladies Almanack, pp. 343-345; Bruce Nugent, from "Smoke, Lilies and
Jade", pp. 345-353; Charles Henri Ford and Parker Tyler, chapter 23, "I
Don't Want To Be A Doll," from The Young and Evil, pp. 354-361; Robert
Mcalmon, from "The Indefinite Huntress", pp. 361-369; Countee Cullen,
Fruit of the Flower, pp. 369-370; Hart Crane, Episode of Hands, pp.
370-371. Radclyffe Hall and Una Lady Troubridge, from "On a Series of
Sittings with Mrs. Osborne Leronard:, pp. 658-673.
Suz PR 478 .M6 G455 2007
Gender issues in Jewish law: essays and responsa. Edited by Walter Jacob
and Moshe Zemer.
NY: Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2001.
note: chapter 7, Progressive Halakhah and Homosexual Marriage (Moshe
Zemer), pp. 151-168; chapter 8, Reform Judaism and Same-Sex Marriage: a
Halakhic Inquiry, pp. 169-183.
Suz BM 729 .W6 G463 2001
Gender issues, sex offenses, and criminal justice:
current trends. Sol Chaneles, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c1984.
Law HV 8836 G46 1984
Gender nonconformity, race, and sexuality: charting the connections. Toni
Lester, editor.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, [2002]
note: [chapter] 1, "This immoral practice": the prehistory of homophobia
in Black nationalist thought (Martin Summers), pp. 21-43; [chapter] 4, Race,
sexuality, and the question of multiple, marginalized identities in U.S.
and European discrimination law (Toni Lester), pp. 84-101; [chapter] 5,
Definitional dilemmas, male or female? black or white, the law's failure
to recognize intersexuals and mutliracials (Julie A. Greenberg), pp.
102-124; [chapter] 6, Classical in difference, Isadora Duncan and Bill T.
Jones (Carol Martin), pp. 127-140; [chapter] 8, "The culture of
lesbianism" Intersections of gender, ethnicity, and sexulaity the life of a
Chicana lesbian (Katie Gilmartin), pp. 160-179; [chapter] 9, How we learn
who we are (Mary C. Gentile), pp. 180-201.
Suz HQ 1075 .G4645 2002
Gender politics and post-communism: reflections from eastern Europe and
the former Soviet Union.
Edited by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller.
NY: Routledge, c1993.
note: [chapter] 15, Lesbians and their emancipation in the former German
Democratic Republic: past and future (Christina Schenk), pp. 160-167.
Suz, Tac HQ 1590.7 .G46 1993
Gender politics in the western Balkans: women and society in Yugoslavia
and the Yugoslav successor states.
Edited by Sabrina P. Ramet; afterword by Branka Magas.
University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, c1999.
note: chapter 8, Women in Croatia: Feminists, Nationalists, and
Homosexuals (Tatjana Pavlovic), pp. 131-152.
Suz 1715.5 .G46 1999
Gender relations in global perspective: essential readings. Edited by
Nancy Cook.
Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, 2007.
note: chapter 7, Masculinity as homophobia: fear, shame, and silence in
the construction of gender identity (Michael S. Kimmel), pp. 73-82.
Ugl HQ 1075 .G445 2007
Gender, religion, and diversity: cross-cultural perspectives. Edited by
Ursula King and Tina Beattie.
London; NY: Continuum, 2004.
note: [chapter] 15, Why difference matters: lesbian and gay perspectives
on religion and gender (Sean Gill), pp. 201-211.
Bot BL 458 .G465 2004
Gender reversals and gender cultures: anthropological and historical
Edited by Sabrina Petra Ramet.
London; NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz, Tac GN 484.35 .G46 1996
Gender, sexuality, and early music. Edited by Todd M. Borgerding.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: [Chapter] 9. Sic ego te dilegebam: music, homoeroticism, and the
sacred in early modern Europe (Todd M. Borgerding), pp. 249-263.
Music ML 3838 .G373 2002
The gender/sexuality reader: culture, history, political economy.
Edited by Roger N. Lancaster and Micaela di Leonardo.
NY: Routledge, 1997.
note: [chapter] 2, Scientific racism and the invention of the homosexual
body (Siobhan Somerville), pp. 37-52; [chapter] 11, Capitalism and gay
identity (John D'Emilio), pp. 169-178; [chapter] 12, Transformations
of homosexuality-based classifications (David F. Greenberg), pp.
179-193); [chapter] 25, Sisters and queers; the decentering of lesbian
feminism, pp. 378-391; [chapter] 37, Guto's performance; notes on the
transvestism of everyday life (Roger N. Lancaster), pp. 559-574.
Suz GN 479.65 .G475 1997
Gender Studies & Musik: Geschlechterrollen und ihre Bedeutung fur die
hrsg. von Stefan Fragner, Jan Hemming und Beate
Regensburg: ConBrio, c1998.
note: Gender and beyond: talking about the critical reception of Ethel
Smyth (Elizabeth Kertesz), pp. 65-74; Das Spiel mit den Geschlechterrollen
Kastraten und Premadonnen im Musiktheater des 18. Jahrhunderts (Birthe
Schwarz), pp. 75-84; Geschlecht als musikkulterelle Performance? Androgyne
images von PopmusikerInnen und das Spiel mit der "sexuellen
Differenz" (Monika Blass), pp. 189-203.
Suz ML 63 .G46 1998
Gender transgressions: crossing the normative barrier in Old French
literature. Edited by Karen J. Taylor.
NY: Garland Pub., 1998.
Suz PQ 155 .S48 G46 1998
Gendered agents: women & institutional knowledge. Edited by Silvestra
Mariniello and Paul A. Bove.
Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1998.
note: Queer nationality (Laura Berlant and Elizabeth Freeman), pp.
Suz HQ 1190 .G475 1998
Gendered dynamics in Latin love poetry. Edited by Ronnie Antona and Ellen
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 4, Impossible lesbians in Ovid's Metamorphoses, (Kirk
Ormand), pp. 79-110.
Suz PA 6029 .L6 G46 2005
Gendered intersections: an introduction to women's and gender studies. C.
Lesley Biggs and Pamela J. Downe, editors.
Halifax, N.S.: Fernwood, c2005.
note: [chapter] 36, Becoming a lesbian mother (Fiona Nelson), pp.
Ugl HQ 1075 G46714 2005
Gendered outcasts and sexual outlaws: sexual oppression and gender
hierarchies in queer men's lives. Christopher Kendall, Wayne Martino,
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Suz HQ 76 .G36 2006
Gendered pasts: historical essays in femininity and masculinity
in Canada.
Edited by Kathryn McPherson, Cecilia Morgan and Nancy M. Forestell.
Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 9, Sex fiends or swish kids?: gay men in Hush Free Press,
1946-1956 (Eric Setliff), pp. 158-178.
Suz HQ 1075.5 .C3 G465 1999
Gendered realities: essays in Caribbean feminist thought. Edited by
Patricia Mohammed.
Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press; Mona, Jamaica:
Centre for Gender and Development Studies, 2002.
note: [chapter] 16, Androgeny and miscegenation in The Crying Game: the
case for a performative model of gender and race, (Richard L. Clarke), pp.
Suz HQ 1501 .G463 2002
The gendered society reader. Edited by Michael S. Kimmel with Amy
NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
note: The Exotic-becomes-erotic theory of sexual orientation (Daryl J.
Bem), pp. 91-103; The Families of lesbians and gay men: a new frontier in
family research (Katherine R. Allen and David H. Demo), pp. 187-208;
Covert intimacy: closeness in men's friendships (Scott Swain), pp.
330-348; The Life and death of gay clones (Martin P. Levine), pp.
Bot HQ 1075 .G4672 2000
The gendered society reader. Edited by Michael S. Kimmel, with Amy
Aronson. 2nd ed.
NY: Oxford University Press, 2004.
note: Exotic becomes erotic: a developmental theory of sexual orientation,
(Daryl J. Bem), pp. 82-94; The five sexes: why male and female are not
enough (Anne Fausto-Sterling), pp. 344-350; Covert intimacy: closeness in
men's friendships (Scott Swain), pp. 364-382; Dating and romantic
relationships among gay, lesbian and bisexual youths (Ritch C.
Savin-Williams), pp. 382-395.
Ugl HQ 1075 .G4672 2004
Gendering modern Japanese history. Barbara Molony and Kathleen Uno,
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center: distributed by Harvard
University Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 4, "S" is for Sister: schoolgirl intimacy and "same sex
love" in early twentieth-century Japan, (Gregory M. Pflugfelder), pp.
Suz, EAsia HQ 1075.5 .J3 G44 2005
Gendering disability. Edited by Bonnie G. Smith, Beth Hutchison.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2004.
note: Why the intersexed shouldn't be fixed: insights from queer theory
and disability studies (Sumi Colligan), pp. 45-60; "But, Mother - I'm
crippled!": Tennessee Williams, Queering Disability, and Dis/Membered
Bodies in Performance (Ann M. Fox), pp. 233-250.
Suz HV 1569.3 .W65 G46 2004
Gendernauts [videorecording] Hyena Films; written, directed and produced
by Monika Treut.
[United States]: First Run Features, [1999]
note: DVD
note: Features: Sandy Stone, Susan Stryker, Texas Tomboy, Annie Sprinkle,
Max Valerio, Jordy Jones, Stafford, Tornado, Hida Vilario; credits-
camera, Elfi Mikesch; editor, Eric Schefter; music, Georg Kajanus.
note An illuminating and compassionate look at the world of transgender
identity, as seen through portraits of some of San Francisco's leading
gender mixers. Whether by birth or by choice, sometimes with the
assistance of hormones or surgical prostheses, we meet those who blur the
lines of male and female.
UglMed DVD FRF 023
GenderQueer: voices from beyond the sexual binary. Edited by Joan Nestle,
Clare Howell, and Riki Wilchins.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, c2002.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 .G46 2002
Genders. n.25 (1997)
see: Sex positives?: the cultural politics of dissident sexualities.
(special issue)
Genders. n.26 (1997)
see: The Gay '90s: disciplinary and interdisciplinary formations in queer
studies (special issue)
Genders and sexualities in educational ethnography. Edited by Geoffrey
Walford, Caroline Hudson.
Amsterdam; NY: JAI, 2000.
note: Flirting from the threshold: escaping the gendered division of
labour through sexual ambiquity - a case study of lesbian officers in the
sea cadet corps (Jayne Raisborough), pp. 125-139.
Suz HQ 1075 .G594 2000
Genders & sexualities in modern Thailand. Edited by Peter A. Jackson &
Nerida M. Cook.
Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books, 1999.
note: [chapter] 12, Tolerant but unaccepting: the myth of a Thai "gay
paradise" (Peter A. Jackson), pp. 226-242.
Suz HQ 1075.5 .T5 G46 1999
Genders, transgenders and sexualities in Japan. Edited by Mark McLelland
and Romit Dasgupta.
London; NY: Routledge, 2005.
Suz HQ 1075.5 .J3 G46 2005
Generation Q: gays, lesbians, and bisexuals born around 1969's Stonewall
riots tell their stories of growing up in the age of information. Edited
by Robin Bernstein and Seth Clark Silberman.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1996.
Suz,Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 G45 1996
Genet, Jean.
The complete poems of Jean Genet.
Introductions David Fisher, Paul Mariah; with translations by David Fisher
... [et al.]
South San Francisco, CA: ManRoot, c1981.
(ManRoot, 12)
note: English and French on facing pages
note: other numbers of Manroot cataloged as a journal, see Manroot
Suz PQ 2613 .E52 A24 1981
Genet, Jean.
Funeral Rites. Translated by Bernard Frechtman.
NY: Grove Press [1969]
note: translation of: Pompes funebres.
Ugl PQ 2613 .E53 P613
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 P613 1970
Genet, Jean.
Journal du voleur.
[Paris] Gallimard [1949]
Suz 843 G286j
Genet, Jean.
Miracle of the rose. Translated from the French by Bernard Frechtman.
NY: Grove Press [c1966]
note: translation of: Miracle de la rose.
Ugl, Bot PQ 2613 .E53 M513 1966
Suz PQ 2613 .E513 1988
Genet, Jean.
Our Lady of the Flowers. Translated [from the French]
by Bernard Frechtman. Introd. by Jean-Paul Sartre.
NY: Grove Press [1963]
note: Translation of: Notre-Dame des Fleurs.
Ugl, Drama PQ 2613 .E53 N613 1963
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 N613 1987
Genet, Jean.
Prisoner of love. Translated from the French by Barbara
Bray; and with an introduction by Edmund White.
Hanover [N. H.]: Wesleyan University Press, 1992.
note: translation of: Captif amoureux.
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 Z46313 1992
Genet, Jean.
Querelle. Translated from the original French by Anselm Hollo.
NY: Grove Press: distributed by Random House, 1974.
note: translation of: Querelle de Brest.
see also: Querelle [videorecording]: a film about Jean Genet's Querelle de
see also: Fassbinder, Rainer Werner. Querelle Filmbuch; and in
translation: Querelle: the film book.
see also: Schidor, Dieter. Rainer Werner Fassbinder dreht Querelle.
Ugl PQ 2613 .E53 Q813
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 Q413 1987
Genet, Jean.
The selected writings of Jean Genet. Ed. with an intro. by Edmund
Hopewell, N.J.: Ecco Press, c1993.
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 A28 1993
Genet, Jean.
The thief's journal. Foreword by Jean-Paul Sartre.
Translated from the French by Bernard Frechtman.
NY: Grove Press [1964]
note: translation of: Journal du voleur.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2613 .E53 J613
Genet, Jean.
Treasures of the night: the collected poems of Jean Genet.
Translated by Steven Finch; drawings by Bill Sullivan.
note: English and French on facing pages.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1981.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2613 .E53 A24
Genet: in the language of the enemy. Scott Durham, special editor.
[A special issue of:] Yale French Studies. n. 91 (1997)
Suzzallo Periodicals 840.5 YA
Gently down the stream [videorecording], see: Hide and seek [videorecording}
Gentry, Curt.
J. Edgar Hoover: the man and the secrets.
NY: Norton, c1991.
Suz,Tac HV 7911 .H6 G46 1991
Gents, bad boys & barbarians: new gay male poetry.
Rudy Kikel, editor.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1995.
Suz PS 595 .H65 G46 1995
Geographies of sexualities: theory, practices, and politics. Kath Browne,
Jason Lim, and Gavin Brown [eds.]
Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007.
Suz HQ 76.25 .G458 2007
George, Kenneth D., Dr.
Mr. Right is out there: the gay man's guide to finding and maintaining
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.25 .G49 2000
George, Robert P.
In defense of natural law.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
[chapter] 11, Public reason and political conflict: abortion and
homosexuality, pp. 196-227; [chapter] 15, Nature, morality and
homosexuality, pp. 276-286.
Suz K460 .G46 2001
George, Sue.
Women and bisexuality.
London: Scarlet Press, 1993.
Suz HQ 74 .G46 1993
Georges Eekhoud: un illustre uraniste. Choix des textes et presentation
Mirande Lucien et Patrick Cardon; traductions Charles Adam.
Lille: Gay-Kitsch-Camp, 1996.
(Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp, no. 34)
(Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp. Question de genre, 3)
Suz PQ 2609 .E5 Z644 1996
Georgiadou, Areti.
Das Leben zerfetzt sich mir in tausend Stucke: Annemarie
Frankfurt; NY: Campus, c1996.
Suz PT 2605 .L25 Z66 1996
Geraci, Joseph.
The deaf-mute boy.
Madison, WI: Terrace Books, c2006.
Ugl PS 3607 .E725 D43 2006
Geraghty, Christine.
My beautiful laundrette.
London; NY: I.B. Tauris, 2005.
Ugl PN 1997 .M8873 G47 2005
Gerassi, John.
The Boys of Boise; furor, vice and folly in an American city.
NY: Macmillan [1966]
Ugl, Law HQ 76 G38
SpecColl Pacific NW 979.656 G312b
Suz HQ 76 .G38 1968 (Collier Books)
Suz HQ 76.2 .U52 B654 2001 (U. of Washington Press)
Gerber, Henry
see: pseudonym, Parisex.
Gerds, Heike.
Living beyond the gender trap: concepts of gender and sexual expression
envisioned by Marge Piercy, Cherríe Moraga and Leslie Feinberg.
Aachen: Shaker, 2004.
Ugl PS 3566 .I4 Z55 2004
Gere, David.
How to make dances in an epidemic: tracking choreography in the age of
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, c2004.
Suz GV 1588.6 .G47 2004
Gerodetti, Natalia.
Modernising sexualities: towards a socio-historical understanding of
sexualities in the Swiss nation.
Bern; NY; Peter Lang, c2005.
note: Homosexuality, pp. 30-31; Queer theory, pp. 35-37; Differentiating
the history of homosexuality, pp. 49-58; chapter 3, 'City Filth'
('Grosstadtschweinereien'): constructing and regulating same-sex desire,
pp. 59-100; Feminised sexuality and masculinised sexuality, pp. 124-127;
Appendix 2, Summary of 'Homosexualität und Strafgesetzgeber'
(Hafter, 1929), pp. 239-240.
Suz HQ 18 .S9 G47 2005
Gershick, Zsa Zsa.
Gay old girls.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
note: interviews with older lesbians
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.55 .G47 1998
Gerstmann, Evan.
The constitutional underclass: gays, lesbians, and the failure of
class-based equal protection.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz, Law KF 4754.5 .G47 1999
Gerstmann, Evan.
Same-sex marriage and the Constitution.
Cambridge [England]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Suz, Law, Bot, Tac KF 539 .G47 2004
Die Geschichte der Homosexualitäten und die schwule Identität an
der Jahrtausendwende: eine Vortragsreihe aus Anlass des 175. Geburtstages von
Karl Heinrich Ulrichs. Herausgegeben von Wolfram Setz.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 2000.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel, Bd. 25)
Suz HQ 75.8 .U47 G47 2000
Das Geschlecht der Moderne: Genealogie und Archäologie der
Geschlechterdifferenz. Hannelore Bublitz, hrsg.
Frankfurt; NY: Campus, c1998.
note: Im Dienste des Geschlechts - Zur Identitätskonstruktion
Transsexueller, pp. 119-142 (Annette Runte); Die historische Konstruktion
des Homosexuellen und die Codierung der Geschlechterdifferenz, pp. 143-160
(Klaus Muller)
note: contributions were, with one exception, presented at a conference
held on July 4-5, 1996 at the Universität-Hochschule Paderborn.
Suz HQ 1075 .G473 1998
Geschlecht in Fesseln [videorecording] Directed by William Dieterle;
written by Herbert Juttke and Georg C. Klaren; producer, Leo Meyer.
[NY]: Kino International Corp., [2004]
note: DVD; silent with German intertitles and musical accompaniment and
optional English subtitles; originally produced in Germany in 1928.
note: cast- William Dieterle, Gunnar Tolnaes, Mary Johnson, Paul Henckels,
Hans Heinrich von Twardowski, Hugo Werner-Kahle, Carl Goetz; credits-
photographer, Robert Lach; original music, Pasquale Perris; produced for
video by David Shepard.
(Gay-themed films of the German silent era)
note: When Sommer accidentally kills a nightclub patron harassing his wife
Helene, he's sentenced to three years in prison. Denied the comforts
promised in their marriage, the young newlyweds risk their future and find
release where they can--Sommer in the arms of a handsome fellow prisoner
and Helene with the boss whose kindness becomes her only solace.
UglMed DVD KINO 088
Geschlecht, Literatur, Geschichte. Hrsg. von Gudrun Loster-Schneider unter
Mitarbeit von Sabine Schmidt.
St. Ingbert: Röhrig, 1999-
note: Von Amphibien und Zwittern; Mannweibern und Mauleseln. National
kulturelle und sexuelle Hybridität in Heinrich von Kleists "Die
Verlobung in St. Domingo" (Gudrun Loster-Schneider), v.2, pp. 53-77.
Suz PN 710 .G45 1999 v.1, v.2
Geschlechtertausch: drei Geschichten über die Umwandlung der
Verhältnisse. Von Sarah Kirsch, Irmtraud Morgner, Christa Wolf;
mit einem Nachwort von Wolfgang Emmerich.
Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1980 (1987 printing)
note: stories originally appeared in "Blitz aus heiterm Himmel"
in 1975.
Suz PT 3740 .G48 1980
Gessen, Masha.
The rights of lesbians and gay men in the Russian Federation: an
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission report=Prava
gomoseksualov i lesbianok v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: otchet Mezhudunarodnoi
Komissii po pravam cheloveka dlia gomoseksualov i lesbianok
Foreword by Larisa I Bogoraz.
San Francisco: IGLHRC, c1994.
Suz HQ 76.8 .R8 G47 1994
Getting bi: voices of bisexuals around the world. Robyn Ochs, editor;
Sarah E. Rowley, co-editor.
Boston, MA: Bisexual Resource Center, c2005.
Ugl HQ 74 .G48 2005
Getting ready for Benjamin: preparing teachers for sexual diversity in the
classroom. Edited by Rita M. Kissen.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c2002.
Ugl LC 192.6 .G48 2002
Gettings, John.
Couples: a photographic documentary of gay and lesbian relationships.
With an afterword by Quentin Crisp.
Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.25 .G48 1996
Geuter, Ulfried.
Homosexualität in der deutschen Jugendbewegung: Jungenfreundschaft
und Sexualität im Diskurs von Jegendbewegung, Psychoanalyse und
Jugendpsychologie am Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1994.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 G48 1994
Gever, Martha.
Entertaining lesbians: celebrity, sexuality, and self-invention.
NY: Routledge, 2003.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 G48 2003
The ghost of Carmen Miranda: and other spooky gay and lesbian tales.
Edited by Julie K. Trevelyan and Scott Brassart.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, c1998.
Ugl PS 648 .G48 G46 1998
Seattle, WA: NWGI Pub
note: continued by Qink northwest
SpecColl HQ 75 .G515
v.2,n.1 (Jan 8, 1997), v.2,n.9 (Jun 25, 1997), v.2,n.20 (Dec 3, 1997),
v.3,n.2 (Jan 28,1998), v.3,n.4 (Feb 25, 1998)
Giallombardo, Rose.
Society of women; a study of a women's prison.
NY: Wiley [1966]
note: chapter 8, The Social Roles, pp. 105-132; chapter 9, The Homosexual
Alliance as a Marriage Unit, pp. 133-157.
Ugl, SocWk, HSLIC HV 8742 .U52 G5
Giannoli, Paul Xavier.
Roger Peyrefitte; ou, Les cles du scandale.
[Paris] Fayard [1970]
note: conversations between P.-X. Ginnoli and R. Peyrefitte.
Suz PQ 2631 .E915 Z7
Giard, Robert.
Particular voices: portraits of gay and lesbian writers.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c1997.
Suz PS 153 .G38 G515 1997
Giardina, Anthony.
Recent history: a novel.
NY: Random House, c2001.
Suz PS 3557 .I135 R43 2001
Gibson, E. Lawrence. (Edward Lawrence)
Get off my ship: Ensign Berg vs. the U. S. Navy.
Illustrated by Vernon E. Berg III
NY: Avon, c1978.
Suz HQ 75.8 .B47 G5 1978
Gibson, Gifford Guy.
By her own admission: a lesbian mother's fight to keep her son.
With the collaboration of Mary Jo Risher.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1977.
Suz HQ 75.5 .R57 G5 1977
Gibson, Ian.
Federico Garcia Lorca.
Barcelona: Grijalbo, 1985-
note: v.1: De Fuente Vaqueros a Nueva York, 1898-1929.
Suz PQ 6613 .A763 Z6477 1985 v.1
Gibson, Ian.
Federico Garcia Lorca: a life.
London: Faber and Faber, 1989.
note: translation of: Federico Garcia Lorca.
Suz PQ 6613 .A763 Z647713 1989
Ugl PQ 6613 .A763 Z64775 1989 (Pantheon ed.)
Gibson, Joy Leslie.
Squeaking Cleopatras: the Elizabethan boy player.
Stroud: Sutton, 2000.
Drama PN 2590 .B6 G53 200
Gibson, Paul.
"Gay Male and Lesbian Youth suicide." In: United States. Dept.
of Health and Human Services. Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide.
Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide. v.3: Prevention and
Interventions in Youth Suicide.
pp. 110-137.
HSLIC HV 6546 .U58 1989 v.3
Inquire at GovPubs Supt. of Docs. no.: HE 20.8002:Y 8/v.3
Gide, Andre.
Paris: Gallimard, 1947.
Suz HQ 76 .G5 1948
Gide, Andre.
Corydon. With a comment on the second dialogue in Corydon by Frank Beach.
[1st ed. in English]
NY: Farrar, Straus, 1950.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 .G512
Gide, Andre.
Corydon. Translated, and with a preface by Richard Howard.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, c1983.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76 .G512 1983
Gide, Andre.
The counterfeiters; with Journal of the counterfeiters. The novel
translated from the French by Dorothy Bussy; the Journal translated from
the French by Justin O'Brien.
NY: Knopf, 1951.
note: translation of: Les faux-monnayeurs and Journal des faux-monnayeurs,
Suz 843 G36fEb
Ugl PQ 2613 .I2 F313 1951
Gide, Andre.
Les faux-monnayeurs, roman.
Paris: Gallimard, Editions de la Nouvelle revue francais [c1925]
Suz 843 G36f
Ugl PQ 2613 .I2 F3 1925
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 F3 1986 (Methuen, ed. J. C. Davies)
Gide, Andre.
The immoralist. Translated from the French by Dorothy Bussy.
NY: A. A. Knopf, 1948.
see: for dramatized version in English, see: Goetz, Ruth. Andre Gide's The
immoralist, a play by Ruth and Augustus Goetz.
Suz 843 G36imE 1948
Gide, Andre.
The immoralist. a new translation by Richard Howard.
NY: Knopf, 1970.
note: translation of: L'immoraliste.
Ugl PQ 2613 .I2 I4813 1970
Bot PQ 2613 .I2 I4813 1970b
Gide, Andre.
[Paris]: Mercure de France [1963]
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 I48 1963
Suz 843 G36im
SpecColl Book Arts PQ 2613 .I2 I48 1946
Ugl PQ 2613 .I2 I48
Gide, Andre.
Journal. Edition etablie, presentee, et annotee par Eric Marty. [Nouv.
Paris: Gallimard, 1996-
(Bibliotheque de la Pleiade, 54- )
note: v.1: 1889-1924; v.2: 1924-1949)
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 Z465 1996 v.1, v.2
Gide, Andre.
Journal, 1939-1942.
[Paris] Gallimard, c1946.
Suz 921 G361g 1939/42
Gide, Andre.
Journal, 1942-1949
[Paris] Gallimard, c1946.
Suz 921 G361g 1942/49
Gide, Andre.
Journal des faux-monnayers.
[Paris]: Gallimard [1927]
Suz 843 G364zg
Gide, Andre.
The journals of Andre Gide, 1889-1949.
Edited, translated, abridged, and with an introduction by Justin
Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1987.
note: translation of Journal, 1889-1949.
Suz PQ 2613.12 Z4213 1987 v.1, v.2
Gide, Andre.
Si le grain ne meurt.
[Paris] Gallimard [c1955]
Ugl PQ 2613 .I2 Z5 1955a
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 Z5 1955
Gidlow, Elsa.
Elsa, I come with my songs: the autobiography of Elsa Gidlow.
San Francisco: Booklegger Press, c1986.
Suz PS 3513 .I29 Z68 1986
Gidlow, Elsa.
Sapphic songs: seventeen to seventy.
Baltimore: Diana Press c1976.
Suz PS 3513 .I29 S2
Gielgud, John, Sir.
Sir John Gielgud: a life in letters. Edited and introduced by Richard
NY: Arcade Pub., 2004.
Suz PN 2598 .G45 A4 2004
Giese, Hans.
Der homosexuelle Mann in der Welt. 2., uberarb. Aufl.
Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1964.
HSLIC Special Coll 132.754 G364h2
Gifford, Barry.
Landscape with traveler: the pillow book of Francis Reeves.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1982, c1980.
Suz PS 3557 .I283 L3 1982
Gifford, James.
Daynesford's library: American homosexual writing, 1900-1913.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1995.
Suz PS 153 .G38 G54 1995
Gigeroff, Alex K.
Sexual deviations in the criminal law: homosexual, exhibibtionistic, and
pedophilic offences in Canada.
[Toronto] published for the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry by University
of Toronto Press [c1968]
(Clarke Institute of Psychiatry. Monograph series, 2)
Health Serials W1 CL118 no.2
Law KE 8928 .G54
Gil-Gomez, Ellen M.
Performing la mestiza: textual representations of lesbians of color and
the negotiation of identities.
NY: Garland Pub., 2000.
Suz PS 153 .L46 G55 2000
Gilbert & George: intimate conversations with François Jonquet.
English ed.
London; NY: Phaidon Press, c2004.
Art N6797 .G47 A35 2004
The words of Gilbert & George: with portraits of the artists from 1968 to
[Edited by Robert Violette with Hans-Ulrich Obrist.]
Violette Editions; NY: Distributed in the United States and Canada by
Distributed Art Publishers, 1997.
note: "This book gathers together for the first time the ... writings,
statements and manifesto art works of Gilbert & George, alongside a
selection of their ... interviews and portraits of the artists from the
last thirty years.
Art N6797 .G47 A35 1997
Gilbert & George.
Gilbert & George: 4 octobre 1997-4 janvier 1998, Musee d'art moderne de la
ville de Paris.
Paris: Paris-Musees; [Arles]: Diffusion, Actes sud, 1997.
Art N6797 .G47 A4 1997
Gilbert & George. A cura di Danilo Eccher.
Milano: Charta, 1996.
note: Exhibition catalogue, Bologna, Galleria d'arte moderna, 1996.
Art N 6797 .G47 A4 1996
Gilbert & George. The complete pictures 1971-1985.
London: Thames and Hudson, 1986.
Art N 6797 .G47 A4 1986b
Gilbert, Elizabeth Austin.
Anxiety, self-esteem and stigmatization of identity: a descriptive study
of lesbians seeking treatment for alcoholism and problem drinking.
Thesis (M. Nur.) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1983.
HSLIC WY 7 Th30646
Aux Thesis 30646
Gilbert, Ruth.
Early modern hermaphrodites: sex and other stories.
NY: Palgrave, c2002.
Suz WJ 11 FE5 G44465e 2002
Gilbert, Sky.
The dressing gown.
Toronto: Playwrights Canada, (1989), c1984.
Drama PR 9199.3 .G54 D74 1989
Gilbert, Sky.
Toronto: Insomniac Press, c1998.
Ugl PR 9199.3 .G5248 G8 1998
Gilbert, Sky.
Plush: selected poems. By Gilbert Sky et al.;
edited by Lynn Crosbie & Michael Holmes.
Toronto: Coach House, c1995.
Suz PR 9191.85 .H65 P58 1995
Gilbert, Sky.
Rope enough.
Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2006.
Drama PR 9199.3 .G5248 R67 2006
Gilbert, Sky.
This unknown flesh: a selection of plays.
Toronto: Coach House Press, c1995.
Suz, Drama PR 9199.3 .G54 A6 1995
Giles, Jane.
The cinema of Jean Genet: Un chant d'amour.
London: BFI Pub., 1991.
Suz PN 1997 .C42873 G56 1991
Giles, Jane.
Criminal desires: Jean Genet and cinema. Introduction by Edmund White.
London: Creation, 2002.
Suz PN 1997 .C42873 G56 2002
Giles, Jane.
The crying game.
London: British Film Institute.
Suz, Ugl PN 1997 .C886 G5 1997
Gilgun, John.
Music I never dreamed of.
NY: Amethyst Press, 1990.
Suz PS 3557 .I354 M8 1990
Gill, Emily R.
Becoming free: autonomy and diversity in the liberal polity.
Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, c2001.
note: [chapter] 6, Sexuality, neutrality, and autonomy in the liberal
party, pp. 175-217.
Suz JC 574 .G56 2001
Gill, John.
Queer noises: male and female homosexuality in twentieth-century
London: Cassell; Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press, 1995.
Ugl, Music, Tac ML 63 .G49 1995
Gilleman, Luc M. (Luc Maurice)
John Osborne: vituperative artist: a reading of his life and work.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
Drama PR 6029 .S39 Z637 2002
Gillespie, Michael Patrick.
Oscar Wilde and the poetics of ambiguity.
Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, c1996.
Drama PR 5827 .A63 G55 1996
Gilley, Brian Joseph.
Becoming two-spirit: gay identity and social acceptance in Indian
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, c2006.
Suz, Tac E98 .S48 G55 2006
Gilliatt, Penelope.
Sunday bloody Sunday.
NY: Viking Press [1972, c1971]
note: screenplay of the motion picture Sunday bloody Sunday, released
by United Artists, 1971; for videorecording, see: Sunday bloody Sunday
Suz PN 1997 .G46 1972
Gillon, Margaret.
Lesbians in print: a bibliography of 1,500 books with synopses.
Irvine, CA: Bluestocking Books, c1995.
SuzRef Z 7164 .H74 G55 1995
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins.
The living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: an autobiography;
foreword by Zona Gale.
NY; London: D. Appleton-century company, incorporated, 1935.
Suz PS 1744 .G57 Z5
Bot PS 1744 .G57 Z5 1991 (University of Wisconsin ed., into. by Ann J.
Bot PS 1744 .G57 Z5 1975 (Harper & Row ed.)
Gilman, Sander L.
Disease and representation: images of illness from madness to AIDS.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988.
Suz, SocWk, HSLIC, Tac WM 49 G487d 1988
Gilman, Sander L.
Multiculturalism and the Jews.
NY: Routledge, c2006.
note: [chapter] 7, Whose body is it anyway? hermaphrodites, gays, and Jews
in N. O. Body's Germany, pp. 111-124.
Suz DS 143 .G425 2006
Gilreath, Shannon.
Sexual identity law in context: cases and materials.
St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West, c2007.
Suz KF 4754.5 .A7 G55 2007
Gilreath, Shannon.
Sexual politics: the gay person in America today.
Akron, Ohio: University of Akron Press, 2006.
Suz, Law HQ 76.3 .U5 G55 2006
Gilson, Anne Bathurst.
Eros breaking free: interpreting sexual theo-ethics.
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, c1995.
Suz BT 708 .G55 1995
Ginder, Richard.
Binding with briars: sex and sin in the Catholic Church.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, [1975]
Suz HQ 59 .G56 1975
Ginger and spice gay.
Portland, OR: Ginger and Spice Publications,
note: erotic newspaper
SpecColFolio HQ 75 .G52 v.1,n.2-v.2,n.1 [1972]
Gingrich, Candace.
The accidental activist: a personal and political memoir.
By Candace Gingrich with Chris Bull.
NY: Scribner, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.4 .G56 A3 1996
Ginsberg, Allen.
As ever: the collected correspondence of Allen Ginsberg & Neal
Foreword by Carolyn Cassady; edited with an introd. by Barry Gifford;
afterword by Allen Ginsberg.
Berkeley, CA: Creative Arts Book Co., c1977.
Suz, Bot PS 3513 .I74 Z542
Ginsberg, Allen.
Careless love.
Madison, WI: Red Ozier Press, 1978.
note: These poems appeared previously in Gay Sunshine.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3513 .I74 C3
Ginsberg, Allen.
Composed on the tongue. Edited by Donald Allen.
Bolinas, CA: Grey Fox Press, c1980.
Suz, Ugl PS 3513 .I74 Z5 1980
Ginsberg, Allen.
Journals: early fifties, early sixties. Edited by Gordon Ball.
NY: Grove Press: distributed by Random House, 1977.
Suz PS 3513 .I74 Z516
Ginsberg, Allen.
Straight hearts' delight: love poems and selected letters, 1947-1980.
By Allen Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky. Edited by Winston Leyland.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1980.
Suz PS 595 .H65 G56 1980
Ginzburg, Natalia.
Caro Michele. Romanzo.
[Milano]: A. Mondadori, [c1973]
Suz PQ 4817 .I5 C3
Ginzburg, Natalia.
No way. Translated by Sheila Cudahy.
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [1974].
note: translation of: Caro Michele.
Ugl PQ 4817 .I5 C313
Ginzburg, Natalia.
Torino: Einaudi, 1968, c1957.
Suz PQ 4817 .I5 V3 1968
Ginzburg, Natalia.
Valentino; and Saggitarius: two novellas.
Translated from the Italian by Avril Bardoni.
NY: Seaver Books/Henry Holt and Co., 1988
note: translation of Valentino and Sagittario.
Suz PQ 4817 .I5 V313 1988
Giorno, John.
You got to burn to shine.
NY: High Risk Books/Serpent's Tail, 1994.
Suz PS 3557 .I53 Y68 1994
Girard, Jacques.
Le mouvement homosexuel en France, 1945-1980.
Paris: Syros, [1981]
Suz HQ 76.8 F8 G57
Girlfriend number one: lesbian life in the 90s. Edited by Robin
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, c1994.
Suz PS 509 .L47 G57 1994
Girljock: the book. Edited by Roxxie.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Suz GV 708.6 .G574 1998
Girls next door: lesbian feminist stories. Jan Bradshaw & Mary
Hemmings, editors.
London: Women's Press, 1985.
Suz PR 1309 H57 G57 1985
Girman, Chris.
Mucho macho: seduction, desire, and the homoerotic lives of Latin men.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Ugl HQ 76.2 .L29 G57 2004
Girshick, Lori B.
Woman-to-woman sexual violence: does she call it rape?
Boston: Northeastern University Press, c2002.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.5 .G56 2002
Gissrau, Barbara.
Die Sehnsucht der Frau nach der Frau: Psychoanalyse und weibliche
Erw. und aktualisierte Ausg.
München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.5 .G57 1997
Giteck, Lenny.
Cruise to win.
San Francisco: Pantera Press, c1982.
Suz HQ 801 .G47 1982
Gittings, Barbara.
Gays in library land: the Gay and Lesbian Task Force of the American
Library Association: the first sixteen years.
Philadelphia, PA: B. Gittings, c1990.
Suz Z711.92 .G37 G58 1990
Glamour girls: femme/femme erotica. Rachel Kramer Bussel, editor.
NY: Alice Street Editions/Herrington Park Press, c2006.
Bot PS 648 .L47 G58 2006
Glamuzina, Julie.
Parker & Hulme: a lesbian view.
By Julie Glamuzina and Alison J. Laurie; introduction by B. Ruby Rich.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1995.
Suz HV 6535 .N46 G53 1995
Glances backward: an anthology of American homosexual writing, 1830-1920.
Edited by James J. Gilford.
Peterborough, Ont.: Orchard Park, NY: Broadview Press, c2007.
Ugl PS 509 .H57 G53 2007
Gland opera. Best of the 78's volume 2. Ray Bourbon.
[S.l.]: Cool Cat Daddy Productions, c2002.
note: 1 sound disc; stand-up comedy, humorous poetry and songs with piano
accompaniment; originally released in 1940s.
UglMed Cd CCDP 004 v.2
Glaser, Chris.
Come home!: reclaiming spirituality and community as gay men and
San Francisco: Harper & Row, c1990.
Suz BV 4596 .G38 G57 1990
Glaser, Chris.
Coming out as sacrament.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1998.
Suz BR 115 .H6 G57 1998
Glaser, Chris.
Coming out to God: prayers for lesbians and gay men, their families and
Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, c1991.
Suz BV 4596 .G38 G58 1991
Glaser, Chris.
Uncommon calling: a gay man's struggle to serve the Church.
San Francisco: Harper & Row, c1988.
Suz BX 9225 .G54 A3 1988
Glaser, Chris.
The Word is out: the Bible reclaimed for lesbians and gay men.
[San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco, c1994.
Suz BS 390 .G57 1994
Glass, Julia.
Three Junes.
NY: Pantheon Books, c2002.
Ugl PS 3607 .L37 T48 2002
Bot PS 3607 .L37 T48 2003 (Anchor Books ed.)
Glass, Loren Daniel.
Authors Inc.: literary celebrity in the modern United States,
NY: New York University Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 4, Gertrude Stein's money, pp. 115-137; [chapter] 5, Being
Ernest [i.e., Hemingway], pp. 139-173.
Suz PS 221 .G55 2004
Glasser, Leah Blatt.
In a closet hidden: the life and work of Mary E. Wilkins Freeman.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1996.
Suz PS 1713 .G58 1996
Glave, Thomas.
Whose song? and other stories.
San Francisco: City Lights, c2000.
Ugl PS 3557 .L354 W48 2000
Glave, Thomas.
Words to our now: imagination and dissent.
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press; Bristol: University
Presses Marketing [distributor], c2005.
Ugl PS 3557 .L354 W67 2005
GLBT yellow pages.
Seattle, WA: Seattle GLBT Yellow Pages, Inc.
SpecCollPNW HD 2359.5 .U6 G53 2002-2003 (1st-2nd annual ed.)
newsletter: a publication of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered
Round Table of the American Library Association.
Chicago, IL: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered Round Table of the
American Library Association, [2001]-
Full text available online, v.14, n.1- (Spring 2002-
continues: GLBTF newsletter
Gleckner, Robert F.
Gray agonistes: Thomas Gray and masculine friendship.
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
Suz PR 3503 .G48 1997
Gleeson-White, Sarah.
Strange bodies: gender and identity in the novels of Carson McCullers.
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 2, Queer grotesques: The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter and
Reflections in a Golden Eye, pp. 38-67.
Suz PS 3525 .A1772 Z635 2003
Glen or Glenda? [videorecording] Screen Classics Productions; George Weiss
presents; produced under personal supervision of George Weiss; original
story, written and directed by Edward D. Wood, Jr.
Chatsworth, CA: Image Entertainment, [2000]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; originally released as a motion picture in
note: cast- Bela Lugosi, Edward D. Wood, Jr., Dolores Fuller, Lyle Talbot,
Timothy Farrell, Tommy Haynes; director of photography, William C.
Thompson; editor, Bud Schelling.
note: Glen or Glenda is about a transvestite who can't figure out how to
tell his girl that he likes to wear her clothes.
UglMed DVD IEF 066
Glendinning, Victoria.
Vita: the life of V. Sackville-West.
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.
Suz PR 6037 .A35 Z68 1983b
Ugl PR 6037 .A35 Z68 1983 (Knopf ed.)
Glicken, Morley D.
Learning from resilient people: lessons we can apply to counseling and
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2006.
note: chapter 10, Resilience in gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender
(GLBT) individuals, pp. 157-169.
Suz, Bot BF 698.35 .R47 G55 2006
Glickman, Gary.
Years from now: a novel.
NY: Knopf; Distributed by Random House, 1987.
Suz, Ugl PS 3557 .L52 Y4 1987
A glimpse of hell [videorecording] Adelson Entertainment/Tracy Alexander
Productions; Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation; produced by Mitch
Engel; directed by Mikael Salomon; written by David Freed.
[S.l.]: FX, [2001]
note: videocassette, VHS; "FX original movies"
note: performers: James Caan, Robert Sean Leonard, John Benjamin Hickey,
Daniel Roebuck, Jamie Harrold, Dashiell Eaves; credits: music, David
Williams; editor, Don Brochu; director of photography, Jon Joffin; based
on the book by Charles C. Thompson.
note: Re-tells the incidents leading up to the explosion aboard the Iowa,
and the Navy's subsequent investigation. The Navy initially claimed that
the explosion was the result of sabotage by one of the ship's sailors, who
was supposedly distraught at the end of an affair with a fellow sailor.
The Main Battery Officer aboard the Iowa at the time of the explosion was
not convinced of sabotage, and along with other Navy personnel, worked to
reveal that the gunnery system was at fault.
Ugl Videorecord FX 001
The global emergence of gay and lesbian politics: national
imprints of a worldwide movement.
Edited by Barry D. Adam, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Andre Krouwel.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.5 .G56 1999
Global feminisms since 1945. Edited by Bonnie G. Smith.
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: [chapter] 8, It's not unusual: gay and lesbian history in Britain
(Alkarim Jivani), pp. 164-179.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1154 .G56 2000
Global sex workers: rights, resistance, and redefinition.
Edited by Kamala Kempadoo and Jo Doezema.
NY: Routledge, 1998.
note: [chapter] 19, Transgenders and sex work in Malaysia (Khartimi
Slamah), pp. 210-214; [chapter] 21, The Pegacao Program information,
prevention, and empowerment of young male sex workers in Rio de Janeiro
(Paulo Henrique Longo), pp. 231-239.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 111 .G56 1998
Glover, David.
Genders. David Glover and Cora Kaplan.
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: [chapter] 3, Queering the pitch, pp. 86-120.
Suz HQ 1075 .G59 2000
GLQ: a journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. v.1- 1993-
Yverdon, Switzerland: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 1993-
note: current issues (v.5+ available online)
(available to University of Washington users only)
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .G56 v.1-7 1993-2001
GLQ: a journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. v.4, n.2 (1998)
see: The Transgender Issue, ed. by Susan Stryker. (special issue)
Glück, Robert.
Elements of a coffee service.
San Francisco: Four Seasons Foundation; Eugene, OR:
Distributed by the Subterranean Co., c1982.
Suz, Ugl PS 3557 .L82 E4 1982b
Glück, Robert.
Jack the modernist.
NY: Gay Presses of New York, c1985.
Suz, Ugl PS 3557 .L82 J3 1985
Glück, Robert.
Margery Kempe.
NY: High Risk Books/Serpent's Tail, 1994.
Suz PS 3557 .L82 M37 1994
Glynn, Warrick.
Non-hegemonic masculinities and sexualities in the secondary school:
construction and regulation within a culture of heteronormativity.
M.Ed. thesis, University of Melbourne, 1999.
available online,
Gnerre, Francesco.
L'eroe negato: omosessualita e letteratura nel Novecento italiano.
Milano: Baldini & Castoldi, 2000.
(I saggi, 175)
Suz PQ 4174 .G59 2000
Go fish [videorecording] a Can I Watch Pictures production in association
with KVPI; produced by Rose Troche, Guinevere Turner; written by Guinevere
Turner, Rose Troche; directed by Rose Troche.
Santa Monica, CA: MGM/UA Home Entertainment, c2000.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD
note: executive producers, Tom Kalin, Christine Vachon; cinematography,
Ann T. Rossetti; original score by Brendan Dolan, Jennifer Sharpe; cast,
V.S. Brodie, Guinevere Turner, T. Wendy McMillan, Migdalia Melendez
note: includes theatrical trailer; originally released as a motion
picture in 1994 by the Samuel Goldwyn Co.
note: Kia, a professor, speculates with her students about who might be a
lesbian in American society. She is involved with Evy and they would like
Kia's roommate, Max, to meet a woman. Kia sets her up with Ely, an
ex-student of hers who is in the process of terminating a long-distance
relationship. They finally go out on a date and everyone insists on
getting all the details.
UglMed DVD MGM 080
BotMed DVD BOT-430
Go the way your blood beats: an anthology of lesbian and gay literary
fiction by African-American writers. Preface by Jacqueline Woodson;
foreword by E. Lynn Harris; edited and with an introduction by Shawn
Stewart Ruff.
NY: H. Holt, 1996.
Suz PS 648 .H57 G6 1996
Gochos, Jean S.
When husbands come out of the closet.
NY: Haworth Press, c1989.
(Haworth series on women, v. #1)
Ugl, SocWk HQ 74 G63 1989
Suz HQ 74 .G63 1989b
God forbid: religion and sex in American public life. Edited by Kathleen
M. Sands.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 6, Religious liberty, same-sex marriage and the case of
reconstructionist Judaism (Rebecca T. Alpert), pp. 124-132; [chapter] 9,
The Bible, heterosexism, and the American public discussion of sexual
orentation (L. William Countryman), pp. 167-181.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 R45 2000
Godard, Didier.
L'autre Faust: l'homosexualite masculine pendant la Renaissance.
Montblanc: H & O, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.2 .E9 G63 2001
Godard, Didier.
Le gout de monsieur: l'homosexualite masculine au XVIIe siecle.
Montblanc: H & O, 2002.
Suz HQ 76.2 .E9 G63 2002
Goddard, Lynette.
Staging black feminisms: identity, politics, performance.
Basingstoke; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Drama PN 2595.13 .B34 G63 2007
Godfrey, Donal.
Gays and grays: the story of the inclusion of the gay community at Most
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church Parish in San Francisco.
Lanham: Lexington Books, c2007.
Suz BX 4603 .S495 G63 2007
Godiwala, Dimple.
Queer mythologies: the original stageplays of Pan Gems.
Bristol, UK; Portland, OR: Intellect, 2006.
Drama PR 6057 .E515 Z67 2006
Gods and monsters [videorecording] Lions Gate Films, Showtime and
Flashpoint present in association with BBC Films a Regent Entertainment
production in association with Gregg Fienberg; produced by Paul Colichman,
Gregg Fienberg, Mark R. Harris; written for the screen and directed by
Bill Condon.
Universal City, CA: Universal, 1999.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; 1 videodisc, DVD; originally released in
1998 as a motion picture
note: credits- music, Carter Burwell; director of photography, Stephen M.
Katz; editor, Virginia Katz; cast- Ian McKellan, Brendan Fraser, Lynn
Redgrave, Lolita Davidovitch, David Dukes, Rosalind Ayres, Jack Betts
note: It's 1957, and Hollywood horror director James Whale's heyday as the
director of "Frankenstein," "Bride of Frankenstein" and "The Invisible
Man" is long behind him. Retired and a semi-recluse, he lives his days
accompanied only by images from his past. When his dour housekeeper Hannah
hires handsome young gardener Clayton Boone, the flamboyant, homosexual
director and the simple yardman develop an unlikely friendship.
UglMed Videorecord UNIV 014
UglMed DVD UNIV 026
BotMed DVD BOT-132
God's voice from the void: old and new studies in Bratslav Hasidism.
Edited by Shaul Magid.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 5, Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav: the Zaddik as androgyne
(Nathaniel Deutsch), pp. 193-215.
Suz BM 198.52 .G63 2002
Goetz, Ruth.
Andre Gide's The immoralist, a play by Ruth and Augustus Goetz.
[New York]: Dramatists Play Service [1962]
note: a dramatized version in English of Gide's novel: The immoralist.
see: Gide, Andre. The Immoralist (for the English translation of the
ActEd Immoralist
Goff, Martyn.
The youngest director.
London: Brilliance Books, 1983.
Suz PR 6057 .G557y 1983
Goldberg, Jonathan.
Sodometries: Renaissance texts, modern sexualities.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, c1992.
Suz PR 428 H66 G6 1992
Goldberg, Michelle.
Kingdom coming: the rise of Christian nationalism.
NY: W.W. Norton & Co., c2006.
note: chapter 2, Protocols of the Elders of San Francisco: the Political
Uses of Homophobia, pp. 50-79.
Ugl BT 82.25 .G65 2006
Goldberg, Steven.
Fads and fallacies in the social sciences.
Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2003.
note: [chapter] 10, Homosexuality, questions of logic and social policy,
pp. 118-132.
Suz H 61.15 .G65 2003
Goldberg-Hiller, Jonathan.
The limits to union: same-sex marriage and the politics of civil
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2002.
Suz, Law, Bot, Tac HQ 1034 .U5 G65 2002
Golden, Thelma.
Black male: representations of masculinity in contemporary American
With contributions by Elizabeth Alexander ... [et al.]
[NY]: Whitney Museum of American Art, c1994.
note: Walk-on parts and speaking subjects: screen representations of black
gay men (Phillip Brian Harper), pp. 141-148.
Art, Ugl, Bot NX 652 .A37 G65 1994
Goldhaber, Michael D. (Michael Dov)
A people's history of the European Court of Human Rights.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2007.
note: chapter 3, Gay in a time of troubles, pp. 33-41.
Ugl KJC 5138 .G64 2007
Goldie, Terry.
Pink snow: homotextual possibilities in Canadian fiction.
Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 2003.
Suz PR 9192.5 .G64 2003
Goldin, Nan.
The Other Side. Edited with David Armstrong and Walter Keller.
NY: Scalo in association with D.A.A.D. Artists-in-Residence Programme,
Berlin, 1993.
Art TR 681 .T7 G65 1993
Golding, Paul.
The abomination.
London: Picador, 2000.
Ugl PR 6057 .O42 A64 2000b
Golding, Paul.
Senseless: a novel.
London: Picador, 2004.
Ugl PR 6057 .O42 S46 2004
Goldsmith, Netta Murray.
The worst of crimes: homosexuality and the law in eighteenth-century
Aldershot, England; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, c1998.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 G65 1998
Goldstein, Laurence.
Clear and queer thinking: Wittgenstein's development and his relevance to
modern thought.
NY: Rowman & Littlefield, c1999.
note: [chapter] 5, Wittgenstein the man, pp. 161-199.
Suz B3376 .W564 G65 1999
Goldstein, Richard.
The attack queers: liberal society and the gay right.
London; NY: Verso, 2002.
Ugl HQ 76.8 .U5 G65 2002
Goldstein, Richard.
Homocons: the rise of the gay right.
London; NY: Verso, 2003.
note: first published as "The attack queers" by Verso 2002
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 G65 2003
Goldstone, Stephen E.
The ins and outs of gay sex: a medical handbook for men.
NY: Dell Pub., 1999.
Ugl WA 300 G624i 1999
Gollner, Günther.
Homosexualität; Ideologiekritik und Entmythologisierung einer
Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1974.
(Schriftenreihe zur Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstatsachenforschung, Bd.
Suz K 5196 .S6 G65 1974
Golombok, Susan.
Parenting: what really counts?
London; Philadelphia: Routledge, 2000.
Suz HQ 755.8 .G655 2000
Gomes, Peter J.
The good book: reading the Bible with mind and heart.
NY: W. Morrow, c1996.
note: see section on "The Bible and homosexuality: the last prejudice"
Suz BS 511.2 .G66 1996
Gomez, Jewelle.
Don't explain: short stories.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1998.
Suz, Ugl PS 3557 .O457 D66 1998
Gomez, Jewelle.
The Gilda stories: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1991.
Ugl PS 3557 .O457 G5 1991
Gomez, Jewelle.
Forty-three Septembers: essays.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1993.
Suz PS 3557 .O457 Z465 1993
Gomez, Jewelle.
Oral tradition: selected poems old & new.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1995.
Suz PS 3557 .O457 A6 1995
Gomez-Arcos, Agustin.
The carnivorous lamb. Translated from the French by William
Boston: D. R. Godine, 1984.
note: Translation of: Agneau carnivore.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2667 .O53 A713 1984
Gonçalves, Zan Meyer.
Sexuality and the politics of ethos in the writing classroom.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, c2005.
Suz PE 1404 .G643 2005
Gonsiorek, John C.
Male sexual abuse: a trilogy of intervention strategies.
By John C. Gonsiorek, Walter H. Bera, Donald LaTourneau.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1994.
SocWk HQ 72 .U53 G66 1994
González Cruz, Iván.
Lezama Lima, 1910-1976.
Madrid: Ediciones del Orto, 1999.
Suz PQ 7389 .L49 Z66 1999
Gonzalez, Rigoberto.
Butterfly boy: memories of a Chicano mariposa.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2006.
Suz PS 3557 .O4695 Z46 2006
Gooch, Brad.
City poet: the life and times of Frank O'Hara.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1993.
Suz PS 3529 .H28 Z687 1993
Bot PS 3529 .H28 Z687 1994 (Harper ed)
Gooch, Brad.
Jailbait and other stories.
NY: Sea Horse Press, 1984.
Suz, Ugl PS 3557 .O478 J3 1984
The good, the bad and the gorgeous: popular culture's romance with
Ed. by Diane Hamer and Belinda Budge.
London: Pandora, 1994.
Ugl HQ 75.5 .G66 1994
Goodbye to Berlin?: 100 Jahre Schwulenbewegung: eine Ausstellung des
Schwulen Museums und der Akademie der Kunste, 17. Mai bis 17. August
1997. [Autoren, Manfred al.; Herausgeber, Schwules
Museum und Akademie der Kusnte, Berlin]
Berlin: R. Winkel, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.5 .G66 1997
Goode, Erich.
Deviance in everyday life: personal accounts of unconventional lives.
Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, c2002.
note: chapter 7, Leslie and Helen, loving lesbian moms, pp. 127-151;
chapter 9, Jeff, the male madam, pp. 169-184; chapter 10, Lenny, the
laissez-faire leatherman, pp. 185-200.
Suz HM 811 .G655 2002
Goode, Erich.
Sexual deviance and sexual deviants. Edited by Erich Goode and Richard R.
NY: Morrow, 1974.
note: Chapter 4: Male homosexuality; Chapter 5: Lesbianism.
Suz, Ugl HQ 71 .G65
Goodich, Michael.
The unmentionable vice: homosexuality in the later medieval period.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, c1979.
Suz HQ 76.2 E9 G66
Gooding, Caroline.
Trouble with the law?: a legal handbook for lesbian & gay men.
London: GMP, 1992.
Suz KD 4103 .G66 1992
Goodman, Bernice.
Confronting homophobia: notes on creating a lesbian community; a matter of
NY: National Gay Health Coalition, Educational Foundation, 1978.
Suz HQ 76 .G64 1978
Goodman, Bernice.
The lesbian: a celebration of difference.
Brooklyn: Out & Out Books, 1977.
Suz HQ 75.5 .G664 1977
Goodman, Bernice.
"Where will you be?": the professional oppression of gay people: a
lesbian/feminist perspective.
W. Hempstead, N.Y.: J & P Distribution, Womenmade Products, [1980]
note: "... compiled and offered as one segment of Lesbian Culture and
Social Work, a major presentation at the first National Association of
Social Workers National Women's Conference in September 1980 in
Washington, D. C."
Suz HV 1449 .G66 1980
Goodman, Paul.
The break-up of our camp: stories, 1932-1935.
Santa Barbara, CA: Black Sparrow Press, 1978.
note: His The collected stories, v.1.
Suz, Bot PS 3513 .O527 B7
Goodman, Paul.
A ceremonial, stories, 1936-1940. Edited by Taylor Stoehr.
Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1978.
note: His The collected stories, v.2.
Suz, Bot PS 3513 .O527 C48 1978
Goodman, Paul.
The facts of life: stories, 1940-1949. Edited by Taylor Stoehr.
Santa Barbara, CA: Black Sparrow Press, 1979.
note: His The collected stories, v.3.
Suz, Bot PS 3513 .O527 F3 1979
Goodman, Paul.
The galley to Mytilene: stories, 1949-1960. Edited by Taylor
Santa Barbara, CA: Black Sparrow Press, 1980.
note: His The collected stories, v.4.
Suz, Bot PS 3513 .O527 G35
Goodman, Paul.
Making do.
NY: New American Library [1964]
Suz PS 3513 .O527 M34 1964
Goodman, Paul.
Parent's day. Illustrations by Percival Goodman; afterword by Taylor
Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1985.
note: Reprint of 5 X 8 Press, 1985.
Suz PS 3513 .O527 P3 1985
Goodman, Paul.
"The Politics of Being Queer." In: Nature heals = Natura sanat
non medicus: the psychological essays of Paul Goodman, edited by Taylor
NY: Free Life Editions, 1977, pp. 216-225.
Suz BF 149 .G66 1977.
Goodwin, Joseph P.
More man than you'll ever be: gay folklore and acculturation in middle
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1989.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 .U5 G66 1989
Gopinath, Gayatri.
Impossible desires: queer diasporas and South Asian public cultures.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2005.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .G67 2005
Gorbato, Viviano.
Fruta prohibida: un recorrido revelador por lugares, costumbres, estilos,
historias, testimonios y anecdotas de una sexualidad diferente: la cara
oculta de la Argentina gay.
Buenos Aires: Atlantida, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.3 .A7 G67 1999
Gordon, Barbara.
Letters from Nicaragua. Foreword by Barbara Smith.
San Francisco: Spinster/ Aunt Lute, c1986.
Suz F 1528 G67 1986
Gordon, Eric A.
Mark the music: the life and work of Marc Blitzstein.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1989.
Ugl, Music ML 410 .B6515 G7 1989
Gordon, Jaimy.
Bogeywoman: a novel.
Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1999.
Suz PS 3557 .O668 B64 1999
Gordon, John R.
Skin deep.
Swaffham, Norfolk, England: Gay Men's Press; Chicago: Distributed in North
America by InBook/LPC Group, 1997.
Suz PR 6057 .O69 S44 1997
Gordon, Mel.
Voluptuous panic: the erotic world of Weimar Berlin.
Venice, CA: Feral House, 2001.
Ugl HQ 200 .B4 G67 2001
Gordon, Rebecca.
Letters from Nicaragua. Foreword by Barbara Smith.
San Francisco: Spinster/Aunt Lute, c1986.
Suz F1528 .G67 1986
Gorgura, Heather.
Queering the gaze: altporn's discursive (re)construction of gender and
Seattle, WA: University of Washington, 2005.
note: Thesis (M.A.) University of Washington, 2005.
Suz, Aux P90 Th54811
Gorman, Michael Robert.
The empress is a man: stories from the life of Jose Sarria.
NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.8 .S27 G67 1998
Goslar, Michele.
Yourcenar biographie: "qu'il eut ete fade d'etre heureux"
[Bruxelles]: Editions Racine: Academie royale de langue et de litterature
francaise, c1998.
Suz PQ 2649 .O8 Z682 1998
Gospel imperative in the midst of AIDS. Edited by Robert H. Iles.
Wilton, CT: Morehouse Pub., c1989.
Suz WD 308 G676 1988
Goss, David.
Organizing AIDS: Workplace and Organizational Responses to the HIV - AIDS
Epidemic. By David Goss and Derek Adam-Smith.
London; Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1995.
Suz,Tac WD 308 G677o 1995
Goss, Robert.
Jesus acted up: a gay & lesbian manifesto.
San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, c1993.
Suz BR 115 H6 G66 1993
Goss, Robert.
Queering Christ.
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2002.
Suz BR 115 .H6 G67 2002
Gosselin, Chris.
Sexual variations: fetishism, sadomasochism, and transvestism. By Chris
Gosselin & Glenn Wilson.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1980.
Ugl HQ 79 .G67 1980b
Gostin, Larry O. (Larry Ogalthorpe)
Human rights and public health in the AIDS pandemic.
By Lawrence O. Gostin and Zita Lazzarini.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1997.
HSLIC K 3575 .A43 B67 1997
Got, Ambroise.
"Le vice organise en Allemagne."
In: Mercure de France, v. CLXI (1. Jan-1. Fev.), Paris, 1923, pp.
Also In: Documents of the homosexual rights movement in Germany,
1837-1927. (reprint, 1975)
Suzzallo Periodicals 054 ME v.161
Suz HQ 76.8 G4 D6 1975 (reprint)
Gottfried, Ted.
James Baldwin: voice from Harlem.
NY: F. Watts, c1997.
Bot PS 3552 .A45 Z66 1997
Gottlieb, Andrew R.
Out of the twilight: fathers of gay men speak.
NY: Haworth Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 76 .G67 2000
Gottlieb, Andrew R.
Sons talk about their gay fathers: life curves.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 76.13 .G67 2003
Gottlieb, David.
The gay tapes: a candid discussion about male homosexuality.
NY: Stein and Day, 1977.
Suz, Ugl W 615 G686g 1977
Gough, Jamie.
Gay liberation in the eighties. By Jamie Gough and Mike Mcnair.
London: Pluto Press, 1985.
SocWk HQ 76.5 G67 1985
Gould, Janice.
Beneath my heart: poetry.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1990.
Suz PS 3557 .O862 B46 1990
Gould, Jean.
Amy: the world of Amy Lowell and the Imagist movement.
NY: Dodd, Mead, [1975]
Suz PS 3523 .O88 Z66
Gouttes d'eau sur pierres brûlantes [videorecording] = Water drops
on burning rocks. Fidélité Productions et les films Alain
Sarde présentent en coproduction avec Euro Space Inc.; un film de
François Ozon; producers, Olivier Delbosc, Marc Missonier; written
& directed by François Ozon.
[New York]: Zeitgeist Video [2002]
note: DVD French dialogue with English subtitles; originally produced as a
motion picture in 1999; based on "Tropfen und Heisse Steine" by Rainer
Werner Fassbinder.
note: cast- Bernard Girardeau, Malik Zidi, Ludivine Sagnier, Anna
Thompson; credits -director of photography, Jeanne Lapoirie; editor,
Laurence Bawedin.
note: A young man, who is sexually confused, falls in love with an older
man. When his ex-fiance comes to see him he needs to decide who he loves
more. Unable to cope, he decides to take drastic measures.
UglMed DVD ZF 046
Gove, Ben.
Cruising cultures: promiscuity, desire and American gay literature.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.25 .G684 2000
Government versus homosexuals.
NY: Arno Press, 1975.
note: Reprints of three documents: 2 U. S., 1 Florida:
Goytisolo, Juan.
A cock-eyed comedy. Translated by Peter Bush.
London: Serpent's Tail, 2002.
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 C3713 2002
Goytisolo, Juan.
Coto vedado. 6a ed.
Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1985.
note: his memoirs, 1931-1956
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 Z47 1985
Goytisolo, Juan.
Count Julian. Translated [from the Spanish] by Helen Lane.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1989.
note: Translation of: Reivindicacion del conde don Julian.
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 R413 1989
Suz, Ugl PQ 6613 .O79 R413 (Viking ed.)
Goytisolo, Juan.
En los reinos de taifa.
Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1986.
note: his memoirs 1957-1982
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 Z473 1986
Goytisolo, Juan.
Forbidden territory: the memoirs of Juan Goysitolo, 1931-1956.
Translated by Peter Bush.
London: Quartet, 1989.
note: translation of: Coto vedado.
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 Z46313 1989
Goytisolo, Juan.
The garden of secrets. As written down by Juan Goytisolo. Translated
by Peter Bush.
London: Serpent's Tail, 2000.
note: translation of: Semanas del jardin.
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 S4613 1999
Goytisolo, Juan.
Juan sin tierra.
Barcelona: Editorial Seix Barral, c1975.
(Biblioteca breve; 378; Novela)
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 J78
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 J78 1994 (Mondadori ed.)
Goytisolo, Juan.
Juan the landless. Translated from the Spanish by Helen Lane.
NY: Viking Press, 1977.
note: translation of: Juan sin tierra.
Suz, Ugl PQ 6613 .O79 J7813
Goytisolo, Juan.
Marks of identity. Translated from the Spanish by Gregory Rabassa.
NY: Grove Press [1969]
note: Translation of: Senas de identidad.
Suz, Ugl PQ 6613 .O79 S413
Goytisolo, Juan.
Realms of strife: the memoirs of Juan Goytisolo 1957-1982. Translated by
Pater Bush.
San Francisco: North Point Press, 1990.
note: translation of En los reinos de taifa.
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 Z46413 1990
Goytisolo, Juan.
Reivindicacion del Conde don Julian.
[Mexico: J. Mortiz, 1970]
(Novelistas contemporaneos)
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 R4
Goytisolo, Juan.
Las semanas del jardin: un circulo de lectores.
Madrid: Santillana, c1997.
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 S36 1997
Goytisolo, Juan.
Senas de identidad.
Mexico: J. Mortiz, [1975]
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 S4
Goytisolo, Juan.
Las virtudes del pajaro solitario.
Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1988.
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 V5 1988
Goytisolo, Juan.
The virtues of the solitary bird. Translated by Helen Lane.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1991.
note: translation of Las virtudes del pajaro solitario.
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 V51`3 1991
Gozemba, Patricia A.
Courting equality: a documentary history of America's first legal same-sex
marriages. Text by Patricia A. Gozemba and Karen Kahn; photographs by
Marilyn Humphries.
Boston: Beacon Press, c2007.
Ugl, Law HQ 1034 .U5 G69 2007
Grace, Della.
see: Volcano, Del Lagrace.
Graff, E. J.
What is marriage for?
Boston: Beacon Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 734 .G716 1999
Bot HQ 734 .G716 2004 (2004 printing)
Gragg, Susan Rachel.
Sexual strategies in the age of AIDS: understanding why some gay men have
not adopted safer sex guidelines.
Thesis (M. A.) -- University of Washington, 1994.
Seattle, 1994.
Suz HM 15 Th42402
Aux thesis 42402
Graham, Larry Kent.
Discovering images of God: narratives of care among lesbians and gays.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1997.
Suz BV 4437.5 .G73 1997
Graham, Wendy.
Henry James's thrwarted love.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1999.
Suz PS 2127 .S48 G72 1999
Grahn, Judy.
Another mother tongue: gay words, gay worlds.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1984.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.8 .U5 G73 1984.
Grahn, Judy.
Another mother tongue: gay words, gay worlds. Updated and expanded
Boston: Beacon Press, [1990] c1984.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .U5 G73 1990
Grahn, Judy.
Descent to the roses of the family.
Iowa City, IA: Common Lives/Lesbian Lives, c1986.
Suz PS 3557 .R226 D4 1986
Grahn, Judy.
Edward the dyke: and other poems. Drawings, Wendy Cadden... [et
Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1971.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3557 .R226 E3 1971
Grahn, Judy.
The highest apple: Sappho and the lesbian poetic tradition.
San Francisco: Spinsters, Ink, c1985.
Suz, Bot PN 1083 L45 G72 1985
Grahn, Judy.
Queen of swords.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1987.
note: based on the 5000-year-old sumerian story of... Ianna, Queen of Heaven
and Earth.
note: second book in her 4-volume Chronicle of queens
Suz, Bot PS 3557 .R226 Q39 1987
Grahn, Judy.
Queen of wands.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1982.
Suz, Bot PS 3557 .R226 Q4 1982
Grahn, Judy.
Really reading Gertrude Stein: a selected anthology with essays by Judy
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3537 .T323 Z618 1989
Grahn, Judy.
She who: a graphic book of poems with 54 images of women.
Designed by Wendy Cadden and Karen Sjoholm.
Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1977.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3557 .R226 S5 1977
Grahn, Judy.
The work of a common woman: the collected poetry of Judy Grahn,
With an introduction by Adrienne Rich.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1978.
note: Edward the dyke and other poems; The common woman; She who; A woman
is talking to death; Confrontations with the devil in the form of love.
Bot PS 3557 .R226 W6 1978b
Suz PS 3557 .R226 W6 1980 (St. Martin's ed)
Ugl PS 3557 .R226 W6 c1978 (Diana Press ed)
El gran calavera [videorecording] = The great madcap. IFEX Films; un
producción de Fernando Soler y Oscar Dancigers; directed by Luis
Buñuel screenplay, Raquel and Luis Alcoriza.
NY: Water Bearer Films, c1992.
UglMed Videorecord WBF 004
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1750
Granger, Farley.
Include me out: my life from Goldwyn to Broadway. Farley Granger with
Robert Calhoun.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2007.
Ugl PN 2287 .G669 A3 2007
Grant, Duncan.
Private: the erotic art of Duncan Grant, 1885-1978.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1989.
Art Desk NC 242 .G69 A4 1989
Grau, Gunter.
AIDS: Krankheit oder Katastrophe?
Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben, c1990.
Suz WC 503 G774a 1990.
Gray, Mary L.
In your face: stories from the lives of queer youth.
NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 G73 1999
Gray, Simon.
NY: Viking press [1972, c1971]
note: for the movie version, see Simon Gray's Butley [videorecording]
Suz, Drama PR 6057 .R33 B8 1971
Drama PR 6057 .R33 B8
Gray, Simon.
Butley: a play.
London: Samuel French, Inc., 1971.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Butley
Gray, Simon.
Butley [sound recording]
Caedmon [1973]
note: "An original sound track recording" featuring Alan Bates as Ben
Butley and Jessica Tandy as Edna Shaft; directed by Harold Pinter.
UglMedStor Phonodisc Caed 362
Gray, Simon.
The definitive Simon Gray.
London: Faber and Faber, 1992-
note: v.1 includes the play, Butley
Drama PR 6057 .R33 A6 1992 v.1,2,3,4
Gray, Simon.
Plays, one.
London: Methuen, 1986.
note: the collection includes the play, Butley
Drama PR 6057 .R33 A6 1986 v.1
Gray, Stephen.
Born of man.
London: GMP, 1989.
Suz PR 9369.3 .G7 B6 1989
Grayson, Dolores A.
Equity responsibilities for educators: eliminating homophobia and
heterosexism. Presented by Dolores A. Grayson, Pamela R. Miller.
Des Moines, IA: GrayMill Publications, c1991.
BotCur LC 192.6 .G72 1991
Great Britain. Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution.
Report. (Cmnd. 247)
London, H. M. Stationary Office [1957
Suz HQ 76 .G7
Great Britain. Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution.
The Wolfenden Report. Authorized American ed. Introd.
by Karl Menninger.
NY: Stein and Day [1963]
note: Published in 1957 under title: Report
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC HQ 76 .G7 1963
Great Britain. Ministry of Defence. Homosexuality Policy Assessment
Report of the Homosexuality Policy Assessment Team.
[London]: Ministry of Defence, [1996]
Suz UB 419 .G73 G72 1996
Great events from history. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender events,
1848-2006. Editorial Board, Lillian Faderman ... [et al.] 2 vols.
Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, c2007.
UglRef, BotRef HQ 73 .G74 2007
Greater Seattle Business Association.
GSBA guide/directory.
Seattle: Greater Seattle Business Association, c1981-
note: annual (1st ed., 1981-82)
note: "Businesses proudly serving Seattle's lesbian and gay
note: has appeared under various titles: The Guide (1st & 2nd eds); Guide
& Directory [3rd]; Seattle Gay Guide [4th], (5th); Guide to Seattle's
Lesbian/Gay Community [6th & 7th]; GSBA Guide Directory (8th, 10th); GSBA
Directory [9th]; ...
SpecColl PNW HF 296 .S6 G73
(lst ed.-25th ed., 1981/82-2005/2006+
(current year in SpecCollRef)
SuzRef HF 296 .S6 G73 latest edition only
Greater Seattle Business Association.
GSBA news: the newsletter of the Greater Seattle Business Association.
Seattle: GSBA,[?-Jan 1988]
note: continued by GSBA perspective
note: some numbering irregularities, both Nov and Dec of 1986 are numbered
as v.5,n.10; both Jun and Jul 1987 are numbered as v.6,n.6
SpecColl PNW HF 296 .S6 G73a
[Aug 1982]; v.2,n.5 (May 1983); v.3,n.4 [Apr 1984]; v.4,n.5-v.6, n.2
(Jun 1985-Feb 1987); v.6,n.4-v.7,n.1 (Apr 1987-Jan 1988)
Greater Seattle Business Association.
GSBA perspective.
Seattle: The Association, [Jan 1988 -
note: continues GSBA news
note: Feb 1990 lacks numbering, it would be v.9,n.2; numbering lacking
later in run
SpecColl PNW HF 296 .S6 G73a
v.7,n.2-v.8,n.5 (Feb 1988-May 1989); v.8,n.7-v.10,n.8 (Jul 1989-Aug 1991);
v.11,n.6-8 (Jun 1993-Aug 1993); Oct 1994-Feb 1995; Apr-May 1995; Jul-Aug
1998; Oct 1998; Dec 1998-Dec 1999; Feb-Mar 2000; Jun 2000-May 2001; Aug
2001; Nov 2001-Dec 2003
The greatest taboo: homosexuality in Black communities. Edited by Delroy
Constantine-Simms; with a foreword by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2001, c2000.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 G74 2001
Greek anthology. With an English translation by W. R. Paton.
London: W. Heinemann; NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1916-1918. 5 vols.
(Loeb classical library)
note: Greek and English on opposite pages
note: Book 12. Strato's Musa Puerilis. in v.4, pp. 283-413 , devoted to
male-male love poetry.
see also: Erotic poems from the Greek anthology.
Suz, Ugl PA 3611 .A2 1916 v.4
Greeley, Andrew M.
Priests: a calling in crisis.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2004.
Ugl BX 1912.9 .G34 2004
Green, Allison.
Half-moon scar.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Ugl PS 3557 .R3587 H35 2000
Green, Edward John.
"Staying bush": a study of gay men living in rural areas.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of New South Wales, 2006.
available online:
Green, James Naylor.
Beyond carnival: male homosexuality in twentieth-century Brazil.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.2 .B6 G74 1999
Green, Jamison.
Becoming a visible man.
Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 2004.
Suz, Bot HQ 77.8 .G35 G74 2004
Green, Jesse.
The velveteen father: an unexpected journey to parenthood.
NY: Villard, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.13 .G74 1999
Green, Jonathon.
All dressed up: the sixties and the counter culture.
London: Pimlico, 1999.
note; chapter 27, Gay liberation: queer nation, pp. 378-397.
Suz DA 589.4 .G73 1999
Green, Julien.
Chaque homme dans sa nuit: roman.
Paris: Plon [1960]
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 C46
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 C46 1986 (Editions du Seuil, 1986)
Green, Julien.
Each man in his darkness. Translated from the French by Anne Green; with
an introduction by Paul Binding.
London: Quartet, 1990.
note: translation of: Chaque homme dans sa nuit.
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 C4613 1990
Green, Julien.
The Green paradise: 1900-1916.
Translated by Anne and Julien Green; with a preface by Julien Green.
NY: Marion Boyars, 1993.
(Autobiography, v.1)
note: Translation of: Jeunees annees. v.1. Partir avant le jour.
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 Z5213 1993
Green, Julien.
Jeunes annees: autobiographie.
Paris: Ed. du Seuil, 1992, c1984.
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 Z529 1992
Green, Julien.
[Paris] Plon [1974]
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 Z528
Green, Julien.
Love in America: 1919-1922. Translated by Euan Cameron.
NY: Marion Boyars, 1994.
(Autobiography, v. 3)
note: Translation of Jeunes annees. v.3: Terre lointaine.
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 Z47813 1994
Green, Julien.
Le malfaiteur, roman.
Paris: Plon, 1974.
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 M3 1974
Suz 843 G82ma (1956, c1955 ed)
Green, Julien.
Mille chemins ouverts.
Paris: B. Grasset [1964]
(Cahiers verts. Nouv. ser., 70)
note: Sequel to partir avant le jour.
Suz 848 G823m
Green, Julien.
Moira, roman.
Paris: Plon [1950]
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 M57
Green, Julien.
Moira. Translated from the French by Denise Folliot with an introduction
by Stephen Pickles.
London: Quartet, 1988, c1951.
note: Translation of Moira.
Ugl PQ 2613 .R3 M5713 1988
Suz 843 G82moE
Green, Julien.
Partir avant le jour.
Paris: B. Grasset [1963]
(Cahiers verts, nouv. ser., 64)
Suz 921 G823ga
Green, Julien.
Restless youth: 1922-1929.
Translated and with an introduction by Euan Cameron.
NY: Marion Boyers, 1996.
(Autobiography, v.4)
note: translation of: Jeunes annees. v.4. Jeunesse.
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 Z465513 1996
Green, Julien.
Terre lointaine.
Paris: B. Grasset [1966]
(Les Cahiers verts. nouv. ser., 72)
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 T4
Green, Julien.
To leave before dawn. Translated by Anne Green.
NY: Harcourt, Brace & World [1967]
note: translation of: Partir avant le jour.
Ugl PQ 22613 .R3 P313
Green, Julien.
The war at sixteen: 1916-1919. Translated by Euan Cameron.
NY: Marion Boyars, 1993.
(Autobiography, v.2)
note: Translation of Jeunes annees. v.2. Mille chemins ouverts.
Suz PQ 2613 .R3 Z477 1993
Green, Melissa S.
Identity reports: sexual orientation bias in Alaska.
By Melissa S. Green and Jay K. Brause.
Anchorage, AK: Identity Incorporated, 1989.
Suz, SpecColl PNW HQ 76.3 A4 G73 1989
Green, Richard.
Sexual identity conflict in children and adults.
NY: Basic Books [1974]
Nat, Ugl, HSLIC WM 610 G797s 1974
Green, Richard.
The "sissy boy syndrome" and the development of
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, c1987.
Suz, NatSci, Ugl WM 615 G797s 1987
Green, Richard.
Transsexualism and sex reassignment. Richard Green and John Money,
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press [1969]
NatSci, HSLIC WJ 712 G797t 1969
Green, Sarah F.
Urban amazons: lesbian feminism and beyond in the gender, sexuality, and
identity battles of London.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G72 L664 1997
Greenan, David E.
Couple therapy with gay men. David E. Greenan, Gil Tunnell; foreword by
Salvador Minuchin.
NY: The Guilford Press, c2003.
SocWk WM 430.5 .M3 G798c 2003
Greenberg, David F.
The construction of homosexuality.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 .G74 1988
Greenberg, Keith Elliot.
Zack's story: growing up with same-sex parents. Photographs by Carol
Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co., c1996.
ChiLit HQ 777.8 .G74 1996
Greenberg, Mitchell.
Baroque bodies: psychoanalysis and the culture of French absolutism.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001.
[chapter] 3, Absolutism and androgyny: the abbe de Choisy and the erotics
of trompe d'oeil, pp. 111-159.
Suz PQ 245 .G738 2001.
Greenberg, Richard.
Take me out.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c2004.
Drama PS 3557 .R3789 T36 2004
Greenberg, Richard.
Take me out: a play.
NY: Faber and Faber, 2003.
Drama PS 3557 .R3789 T36 2003
Greenberg, Steven.
Wrestling with God and men: homosexuality in the Jewish tradition.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, c2004.
Suz BM 729 .H65 G74 2004
Greene, Bette.
The drowning of Stephan Jones.
NY: Bantam Books, c1991.
ChildLit PZ 7 G8283 Dr 1991
Greene, Harlan.
What the dead remember.
NY: Dutton, c1991.
Suz, Ugl PS 3557 R3799 W48 1991
Greene, Harlan.
Why we never danced the Charleston.
NY: St. Martin's/Marek, 1984.
Suz, Ugl PS 3557 .R3799 W5 1984
Greene, Naomi.
Pier Paolo Pasolini: cinema as heresy.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1990.
Suz PN 1998.3 .P367 G74 1990
Greenly, Mike.
Chronicle: the human side of AIDS.
NY: Irvington, c1986.
Suz, Ugl WD 308 G814c 1986
Greenspan, Judy.
To lesbians everywhere: poems.
NY: Violet Press, c1976.
Suz PS 3557 .R3965 T6 1976
Greer, D. M. W.
Burning blue.
London: Oberon Books, [1998]
Drama PR 3557 .R3993 B87 1998
Greer, Andrew Sean.
How it was for me.
NY: Picador USA, 2000.
Suz PS 3557 .R3987 H69 2000
Greer, Margaret Rich.
Maria de Zayas tells baroque tales of love and the cruelty of men.
University Park: Pennsylvaniz State University Press, c2000.
[chapter] 6, Phallic woman; or, the laugh of the Medusa, pp. 161-198;
[chapter] 7, The sexual masquerade: cross-dressing and gender definition,
pp. 199-238.
Suz PQ 6498 .Z5 G74 2000
Gregorich, Luis.
Literatura y homosexualidad y otros ensayos.
Buenos Aires: Editorial Legasa, [1985]
Suz PN 778 .G74 1985
Gregory, Katherine.
The everyday lives of sex workers in the Netherlands.
NY: Routledge, 2005.
Suz HQ 211 .G74 2005
Gregory, Raymond P.
Unwelcome and unlawful: sexual harassment in the American workplace.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2004.
note: chapter 16, Same-sex sexual harassment, pp. 188-200.
Suz, Law KF 3467 .G74 2004
Gregory, Sarah Crary.
Fight the right action kit. Compiled by Sarah Gregory and Scot Nakagawa.
1993 ed.
Portland, OR: NGLTF Fight the Right, c1993.
note: second edition, August, 1993
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 G733 1993
Gregory, Scott J.
They conquered AIDS!: true life adventures from self-reliance, thru
inspiration, into transformation.
By Scott J. Gregory, Bianca Leonardo.
Palm Springs, CA: Tree of Life Publications, c1989.
Suz WC 503.7 G823t 1989
Greif, Martin.
The gay book of days: an evocatively illustrated who's who of who is, was,
may have been, probably was, and almost certainly seems to have been gay
during the past 5,000 years.
Secaucus, N. J.: L. Stuart, c1982.
Suz HQ 75.2 .G73 1982
Greig, Noel.
Poppies: a play in one act.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1983.
Suz, Drama PR 6057 .R4597 P66 1983
Greig, Noël.
Two Gay Sweatshop plays.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1981.
note: 2 plays: As time goes by (by Noël Greig and Drew Griffiths; The
love of comrades)
Suz PR 6057 .R4 T9 1981
Grenfell, Laura.
Disrupting law's categories: transgenderism, feminism, and identity.
Thesis (LL. M.) -- University of Toronto, 2001.
available online,
Grenier, David Robert.
Homo sweet homo, a play of spaces.
Thesis (M.F.A.)--University of Western Ontario, 1998
available online:
Grenz, Stanley.
Welcoming but not affirming: an evangelical response to homosexuality.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1998.
Suz BR 115 .H6 G74 1998
Greven, David.
Men beyond desire: manhood, sex, and violation in American literature.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
note: chapter 1, Troubling our heads about Ichabod: "The Legend of Sleepy
Hollow," classic American literature, and the sexual politics of
homosocial brotherhood, pp. 39-60; chapter 8, The Angel must hang:
Billy Bud, Sailor, compulsory homosociality, and the handsome sailor,
pp. 193-218; Chapter 9, Coda; Billy's first, pp. 219-226.
Suz PS 217 .M37 G74 2005
Grey, Antony.
Quest for justice: towards homosexual emancipation.
London: Sinclair-Stevenson, c1992.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.8 .G74 1992
Grey, Antony.
Speaking out: writings on sex, law, politics, and society, 1954-1995.
London; Herndon, VA: Cassell, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G7 G76 1997
Greyhuff review.
Minneapolis: Directory Services, 1965-
SpecColl TR 681 .M4 G74 (lst ed., 1965)
Grier, Barbara.
The lesbian in literature. Barbara Grier, Lee Stuart.
San Francisco: Daughters of Bilitis, 1967.
note: Reprinted in A Gay Bibliography, 1975.
SuzRef HQ 75 G32 1975
Grier, Barbara.
The lesbian in literature. 3rd ed.
Tallahassee, FL.: Naiad Press, 1981.
Suz Z5866 L4 D3 1981
Grier, Barbara.
Lesbiana: book reviews from the Ladder, 1966-1972.
By Barbara Grier, also known as Gene Damon; introd. by Ann Leeson.
[Reno]: Naiad Press, 1976.
Suz PN 56 .L45 G74 1976
Griffin, C. F.
Haakon: a novel.
NY: Cromwell, c1978.
Suz PS 3557 .R4887 1978
Griffin, Carolyn Welch.
Beyond acceptance: parents of lesbians and gays talk about their
experiences. By Carolyn Welch Griffin, Marion J. Wirth, Arthur
G. Wirth.
Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, c1986.
Suz, Ugl 76.3 U5 G75 1986
Griffin, Carolyn Welch.
Beyond acceptance: parents of lesbians and gays talk about their
experiences. By Carolyn Welch Griffin, Marian J. Wirth, and Arthur
G. Wirth; foreword by Adele Starr; introduction by Brian McNaught. Rev.
and updated
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 G75 1996
Griffin, Gabriele.
Heavenly love? lesbian images in twentieth-century women's writing.
Manchester: Manchester University Press; NY: dist. by St. Martin's Press,
Suz PN 810 W66 G75 1994
Griffin, Gabriele.
Representations of HIV and AIDS: visibility blue/s.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2000.
Suz P96 .A39 G75 2000
Griffin, Gabriele.
Who's who in lesbian and gay writing.
London; NY: Routledge, 2002.
SuzRef HQ 75.13 .G75 2002
Griffin, Howard.
Conversations with Auden. Edited by Donald Allen.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press; Eugene, OR: Distributed by the Subterranean
Co., c1981.
Suz, Bot PR 6001 .U4 Z72 1981
Griffin, Pat.
Strong women, deep closets: lesbians and homophobia in sport.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, c1998.
Suz, Tac GV 708.8 .G75 1998
Griffin, Sean.
Tinker Belles and evil queens: the Walt Disney Company from the inside
NY: New York University Press, c2000.
Suz PN 1999 .W27 G75 2000
Griffith, Nicola.
The blue place.
NY: Avon Books, c1998.
Suz PR 6057 .R49 B58 1998
Griffith, Nicola.
Stay: a novel.
NY: Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, 2002.
Ugl PS 3557 .R48935 S73 2002
Griffiths, Sean David.
Three-way or group sex among a cohort of HIV-positive men who have sex
with men: what are the HIV/STD prevention implications?
Seattle, 2003.
note: Thesis (M.P.H.)--University of Washington, 2003.
Health WA7 Th52297
Suz Thesis 52297
Griggs, Claudine.
S/he: changing sex and changing clothes.
Oxford, UK; NY: Berg, 1998.
(Dress, body, clothes)
Suz HQ 77.9 .G75 1998
Grilikhes, Alexandra.
Yin fire.
NY: Alice Street Editions, c2001.
Ugl PS 3557 .R4899 Y56 2001
Grimm, David.
Kit Marlowe.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c2001.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Kit Marlowe 2
Grimshaw, Tammy.
Sexuality, gender, and power in Iris Murdoch's fiction.
Madison [N.J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, c2005.
Suz PR 6063 .U7 Z667 2005
Grimsley, Jim.
Boulevard: a novel.
Chapel Hill, N.C.: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2002.
Suz PS 3557 .R4949 B68 2002
Grimsley, Jim.
Comfort & joy: a novel.
Chapel Hill, N. C.: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1999.
Suz PS 3557 .R4949 C6 1999
Grimsley, Jim.
Dream boy.
Chapel Hill, N.C.: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1995.
Suz PS 3557 .R4949 D74 1995
Grimsley, Jim.
Mr. Universe and other plays.
Chapel Hill, N.C.: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1998.
note: Mr. Universe; The lizard of Tarsus; The borderland; math and
Drama PS 3557 .R4949 M7 1998
Grindstaff, Davin Allen.
Rhetorical secrets: mapping gay identity and queer resistance in
contemporary America.
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, c2006.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 G75 2006
Grinker, Roy Richard.
In the arms of Africa: the life of Colin M. Turnbull.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz GN 21 .T85 G75 2000
Grodin, Joseph R.
In pursuit of justice: reflections of a state supreme court
justice. With a foreword by William J. Brennan, Jr.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1989.
Law KF 373 .G75 A3 1989
Gronnvoll, Marita.
Selling the conspiracy: a rhetorical analysis of anti-gay Christian Right
arguments in the voters' guides for measures 9 in the 1992 and 2000 Oregon
statewide elections.
Seattle, 2003
note: M.A. Thesis--University of Washington, 2003.
Suz P90 Th53137
Aux Thesis 53137
Groocock, Veronica.
Changing our lives: lesbian passions, politics, priorities.
London: Cassell, c1995.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 .G76 1995
Grooters, Stacy Elizabeth.
Decolonizing the pedagogy of empire: queering the education of desire in
colonial school story.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2007.
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2007.
Suz PS 15 Th57158
Aux 57158
Gross, Alfred A.
Strangers in our midst; problems of the homosexual in American
Foreword by C. Kilmer Myers.
Washington: Public Affairs Press [1962]
Suz HQ 76 .G83 1962
Gross, Larry P.
Contested closets: the politics and ethics of outing.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, c1993.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.8 .U5 G76 1993
Gross, Larry P.
Up from invisibility: lesbians, gay men, and the media in America.
NY: Columbia University Press, 2001.
(Between men--between women)
Suz P94.5 .G38 G76 2001
Grosskurth, Phyllis.
Byron: the flawed angel.
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1997.
Suz PR 4381 .G67 1997
Grosskurth, Phyllis.
Havelock Ellis: a biography.
NY: Knopf: distributed by Random House, 1980.
note: includes discussion of the lesbianism of Edith, his wife; the
development of his work, "Sexual Inversion"; and the influences of
homosexuals, Edward Carpenter and Arthur Symonds, on his work.
Suz, Ugl HQ 18.32 .E44 G76 1980
Grosskurth, Phyllis.
John Addington Symonds, a biography.
[London] Longmans [1964]
Suz, Ugl 921 Sy67grl
Grossman, Larry.
Gay century songbook [sound recording] Music by Larry Grossman; libretto
and lyrics by Michael Korie.
NY: DRG, p2000.
note: 1 sound disc: digital [compact disc]
note: performer, New York City Gay Men's Chorus; with instrumental acc.;
Barry Oliver, conductor; recorded at St. Peter's Lutheran Church,
Citicorp Center; lyrics inserted in container
UglMed Cd DRG 005
Grosz, E. A. (Elizabeth A.)
Space, time, and perversion: essays on the politics of bodies.
NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1190 .G758 1995
Grotjahn, Martin.
Voice of the symbol.
NY: Dell Publishing Co., 1973, c1971.
Art BF 458 .G76 1973
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. Committee on the College
Sex and the college student; a developmental perspective on sexual issues
on the campus; some guidelines for administrative policy and understanding
of sexual issues, formulated by the Committee on the College Student,
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry.
NY: Atheneum, 1966.
note: Homosexual behavior, pp. 67-78.
Suz 392.6 G918s
Group identities on French and British television. Edited by Michael
Scriven and Emily Roberts.
NY: Berghahn Books, 2003.
note: chapter 10, Going out to the straight community; televisual and
heteronormative logics in representations of homosexuality (Murray Pratt),
pp. 126-144.
Suz PN 1992.3 .F7 G76 2003
Grover, Janice Zita.
North enough: AIDS and other clear-cuts.
Saint Paul, MI: Graywolf Press, c1997.
Suz WC 503.7 G883n 1997
Growing up before Stonewall: life stories of some gay men.
[Edited by] Peter Nardi, David Sanders, and Judd Marmor.
London; NY: Routledge, 1994.
Suz HQ 75.7 .G76 1994
Growing up gay [videorecording] KBDI-TV production; Front Range
Educational Media Corporation.
Los Angeles: Motivational Media, 1995.
note: 1 videocassette: Director/producer, Barbara Jabaily; executive
producer, set design, Kim Johnson; music, Scott Arends; Brian McNaught,
note: Brian McNaught presents a compelling look at the challenges of
growing up gay in a hetersexual world.
UglMed videorecord MOTM 002
Growing up gay: a literary anthology. Edited by Bennett L. Singer.
NY: New Press: Distributed by W. W. Norton, c1993.
Suz PS 509 .H57 G76 1993
Gruen, John.
Keith Haring: the authorized biography.
NY: Prentice Hall Press, c1991.
Suz N6537 .H348 G7 1991
Grumbach, Doris.
The book of knowledge: a novel.
NY: Norton, c1995.
Suz PS 3557 .R83 B66 1995
Grumbach, Doris.
Coming into the end zone: a memoir.
NY: Norton, c1991.
Suz, Bot PS 3557 .R83 Z462 1991
Grumbach, Doris.
The ladies.
NY: E. P. Dutton, c1984.
Suz, Ugl PS 3557 .R83 L3 1984
Grumbach, Doris.
The magician's girl.
NY: Macmillan, c1987.
Suz PS 3557 .R83 M3 1987
Grumley, Michael.
Hard corps: studies in leather and sadomasochism.
Text by Michael Grumley; photos. by Ed Gallucci.
NY: Dutton, c1977.
Suz HQ 79 .G78 1977
Grumley, Michael.
Life drawing: a novel. Foreword by Edmund White; afterword by George
NY: Grove Weidenfeld, 1991.
Suz PS 3557 .R834 L54 1991
Grundmann, Roy.
Andy Warhol's Blow job.
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2003.
Suz PN 1997 .B6735 G78 2003
Grupp, Peter.
Harry Graf Kessler 1868-1937: eine Biographie.
München: Beck, 1995.
Suz DD 231 .K4 G78 1995
Gruskin, Elisabeth Paige.
Treating lesbians and bisexual women: challenges and strategies for health
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, c1999.
Suz, Tac WA 309 G892t 1999
Gubar, Susan.
Critical condition: feminism at the turn of the century.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 3, Lesbian studies 101 (as taught by Creative Writers),
pp. 45-68.
Suz PN 98 .W64 G83 2000
Gubar, Susan.
Rooms of our own.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2006.
note: chapter 5, Institutionalization and its queer discontents, pp.
Suz HQ 1190 .G82 2006
Guerin, Daniel.
Essai sur la revolution sexuelle apres Reich et Kinsey.
Paris: Editions Pierre Belfond, c1969.
Suz HQ 21 .G84 1969
Guerin, Daniel.
Homosexualite et revolution.
Saint-Denis: Vent du ch'min, c1983.
(Les Cahiers du Vent du ch'min, 4)
Suz HQ 76.25 .G84 1983
Guerra, Erasmo.
Between dances: a novel.
NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.
Ugl PS 3557 .U338 B4 2000
Guess, Carol.
Corvallis, OR: Calyx Books, 1998.
Suz PS 3557 .U3438 S95 1998
Guest, Barbara.
Herself defined: the poet H.D. and her world.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1984.
Suz, Ugl PS 3507 .O726 Z68 1984
Guibert, Herve.
The compassion protocol. Translated by James Kirkup.
NY: G. Braziller, 1994.
note: translation of: Protocole compassionnel.
Suz PQ 2667 .U4612 P7613 1994
Guibert, Herve.
Cytomegalovirus: journal d'hospitalisation.
Paris: Editions du Seuil, c1992.
Suz WC 500 G944c 1992
Guibert, Herve.
The gangsters. Translated by Iain White.
London; NY: Serpent's Tail, 1991.
Suz PQ 2667 .U4612 G3613 1991
Guibert, Herve.
Incognito. Translated by Patricia Roseberry.
Harrogate, UK: Broadwater House, 1999.
Suz PQ 2667 .U4612 I5313 1999
Guibert, Herve.
To the friend who did not save my life. Translated by Linda
NY: Athenaum; Toronto: Collier Macmillan Canada; NY: Maxwell Macmillan
International, c1991.
note: translation of: A l'ami qui ne m'a pas sauve la vie.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2667 .U4612 A6413 1991
Guide magazine. (Seattle edition)
[Seattle, WA] : Guide Magazine, 1987-
see also its predecessor: Cite guide magazine.
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .G85 v.2-6, n.3 (Mar. 1987-May 1991)
A Guide to psychotherapy with gay and lesbian clients.
Edited by John C. Gonsiorek.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1985.
note: Reprint. Originally published: Homosexuality & psychotherapy...
see also: Homosexuality & psychotherapy: a practitioner's handbook of
affirmative models.
SocWk WM 615 H767 1985
Guiles, Fred Lawrence.
Tyrone Power: the last idol.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979.
Suz PN 2287 .P62 G8 1979
The Guilt of the Templars. By G. Legman [and others]
NY: Basic Books, 1966.
Ugl CR 4743 .L37
Guinan, Doug.
California screaming.
NY: Simon & Schuster, 1998.
Suz PS 3557 .U368 C3 1998
Guldin, Rainer.
Lieber ist mir ein Bursch-- : zur Sozialgeschichte der Homosexualität
im Spiegel der Literatur.
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, 1995.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 8)
Suz PN 56 .H57 G85 1995
Guldin, Rainer.
Verbrüderung: J. A. Symonds, E. Carpenter, E. M. Forster:
literarische Porträts.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, c1991.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel, Bd. 2)
Suz PR 468 .H65 G85 1991
Gunderson, Erik.
Staging masculinity: the rhetoric of performance in the Roman world.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2000.
Suz PA 6083 .G86 2000
Gunderson, Steve.
House and home. By Steve Gunderson and Rob Morris with Bruce Bawer.
NY: Dutton, c1996.
Suz E 840.8 .G83 A3 1996
Gunn, Drewey.
The gay male sleuth in print and film: a history and annotated
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2005.
Ugl PS 374 .D4 G85 2005
Gunn, Peter.
Vernon Lee: Violet Paget, 1856-1935.
London; NY: Oxford University Press, 1964.
Suz 921 P1471gu
Gunn, Rufus.
A friendship of convenience.
Swaffham, Norfolk, England: Gay Men's Press, 1997.
Suz PR 6057 .U517 F73 1997
Gunn, Rufus.
Something for Sergio.
London: GMP, 1985.
Suz PR 6057 .U497 S55 1985
Gunn, Thom.
Boss cupid.
London: Faber, 2000.
Suz PR 6013 .U65 B67 2000b
Gunn, Thom.
Jack Straw's castle and other poems.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1976.
Suz, Ugl PR 6013 .U65 J34 1976
SpecColl Book Arts PR 6013 .U65 J34 1975 (letterpress ed.)
Gunn, Thom.
The man with night sweats.
London: Faber and Faber, 1992.
Suz, Bot PR 6013 .U65 M27 1992
Gunn, Thom.
The occasions of poetry: essays in criticism and autobiography.
Edited and with an introduction by Clive Wilmer.
London; Boston: Faber and Faber, 1982.
note: Homosexuality in Robert Duncan's poetry, pp. 118-134.
Suz PR 6013 .U65 O27 1982
Gunn, Thom.
The passages of joy.
London: Faber and Faber, c1982.
Suz PR 6013 .U65 P3 1982b
Gunn, Thom.
Selected poems.
London: Faber and Faber [1962]
Suz PR 6013 .U65 A6 1962
Gunn, Thom.
Selected poems, 1950-1975.
NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, c1979.
Suz, Bot PR 6013 .U65 A6 1979
Ugl PR 6013 .U65 A6 1979b (London: Faber and Faber)
Gunn, Thom.
Thom Gunn in conversation with James Campbell.
London: BTL, 2000.
Suz PR 6013 .U65 Z468 2000
Gunton, Chris.
Esprit. Photographs by Chris Gunton.
London: Aubrey Walter, 1991.
SpecColl Book Arts TR 675 .G87 1991
Gurganus, Allan.
Plays well with others.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997.
Suz, Ugl PS 3557 .U814 P57 1997
Gurganus, Allan.
The practical heart: four novellas.
NY: A.A. Knopf, 2001.
Suz PS 3557 .U814 P73 2001
Gurney, A. R.
Big Bill.
NY: Broadway Play Publishing, 2004.
note: drama based on the tennis athlete, Bill Tilden
Drama PS 3557 .U82 B54 2004
Gury, Christian.
Les académiciennes.
Paris: Kimé, c1996.
Suz PQ 149 .G87 1996
Gury, Christian.
Académiciens et saltimbanques: de Molière à
Paris: Editions Kimé, c1997.
Suz PN 2637 /G87 1997
Gury, Christian.
Bibi-la-purée, compagnon de Verlaine.
Paris: Kimé, 2004.
Suz PQ 2464 .G87 2004
Gury, Christian.
Le cardinal Grente: des maisons closes à l'Académie
Paris: Kimé, c1995.
Suz BX 4705 .G622 G84 1995
Gury, Christian.
Charlus (1860-1942), ou, Aux sources de la scatologie et de
l'obscénité de Proust.
Paris: Kimé, c2002.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z61548 2002
Gury, Christian.
L'extravagant Maurice Rostand: un ami de Proust et de Cocteau.
Paris: Editions Kimé, c1994.
Suz PQ 2635 .O82 Z7 1994
Gury, Christian.
L'honneur flétri d'un évêque homosexuel en 1937.
Paris: Kimé, 2000.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 G879 2000
Gury, Christian.
L'honneur musical d'un capitaine homosexuel en 1880: De Courteline
à Proust.
Paris: Kimé, 1999
Suz ML 417 .V69 G87 1999
Gury, Christian.
L'honneur perdu d'un politicien homosexuel en 1876: des clés pour
Flaubert, Maupassant et Proust.
Paris: Editions Kimé, c1999.
Suz DC 342.8 .G4 G87 1999
Gury, Christian.
L'honneur piétiné d'un domestique homosexuel en 1909: sur
Gide et Corydon.
Paris: Kimé, 1999.
(Collection "Le sens de l'histoire")
Suz HQ 76.25 .G523 1999
Gury, Christian.
L'honneur professionel d'un bourreau homosexuel en 1847; suivi de,
L'honneur suicidé d'un général homosexuel en 1903; et
de, L'honneur assassiné d'un homosexuel ordinaire en 1909.
Paris: Editions Kimé, c1999.
(Collection "le Sens de l'histoire")
Suz HQ 75.7 .G87 1999
Gury, Christian.
L'honneur ratatiné d'une athlète lesbienne en 1930.
Paris: Kimé, c1999.
Suz GV 697 .M67 G87 1999
Gury, Christian.
L'honneur retrouvé d'un officier homosexuel en 1915. Suivi de,
Guerre et homophilie.
Paris: Kimé, c2000.
Suz U55 .H85 G87 2000
Gury, Christian.
Paris: Editions Kimé, c1998.
Suz DC 342.8 .L8 G87 1998
Gury, Christian.
Le mariage raté de Marcel Proust et ses conséquences
Paris: Kimé, c2001.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 A8144 2001
Gury, Christian.
Proust, clés inédites et retrouvées.
Paris: Kimé, 2003.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z615 2003
Guscio, Lelia.
We trust ourselves and money, period: relationships, death, and
homosexuality in David Leavitt's fiction.
Berne; NY: P. Lang, c1995.
(European university studies. Series XIV, Anglo-Saxon language and
literature, v. 295)
Suz PS 3562 .E2618 Z68 1995
Gustafson, Susan E.
Men desiring men: the poetry of same-sex identity and desire in German
Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c2002.
Suz PT 313 .G87 2002
Gustafsson, Barbro.
Stenaker och angsmark: erotiska motiv och homosexuella skildringar i Tove
Janssons senare litteratur.
Uppsala: [Uppsala universitet], 1992.
(Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Uppsala studies in social ethics,
note: originally presented as author's thesis (doctoral)-Uppala
universitet, 1992.
Suz PT 9875 .J37 Z67 1992
Gustav-Wrathall, John Donald.
Take the young stranger by the hand: same-sex relations and the YMCA.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
Suz, Bot BV 1090 .G88 1998
Gustave Caillebotte and the fashioning of identity in impressionist Paris.
Edited by Norma Broude.
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 4, Outing impressionism: homosexuality and homosocial
bonding in the work of Caillebotte and Bazille (Norma Broude), pp.
Art, Bot ND 553 .C243 G874 2002
Guttmann, Allen.
The erotic in sports.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
note: considers homo- and heteroeroticism in sports
Suz GV 706.4 .G88 1996
Guy, Laurie.
Worlds in collision: the gay debate in New Zealand, 1960-1986.
Wellington, [N.Z.]: Victoria University Press, 2002.
Suz HQ 76.3 .N45 G89 2002
Guy, Rosa.
Ruby: a novel.
London: V. Gollancz, 1981, c1976.
Suz PS 3557 .U93 R8 1981
ChiLit PZ 7 .G987 Ru 1976 (American edition)
Guy-Bray, Stephen.
Homoerotic space: the poetics of loss in Renaissance literature.
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c2002.
Suz PR 428 .H66 G89 2002
Guy-Bray, Stephen.
Loving in verse: poetic influcence as erotic.
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c2006.
Suz PN 1083 .H6 G89 2006
Guys=Burschen: Jugend auf dem Weg zum Mann.
Gesehen und fotografiert von Jurgen Baldiga, Gerhard Wolfgang Erb, Walter
Pfeiffer, Olivier Ralet, Jean-Manuel Vuillaume.
Berlin: Borderline, c1987.
SpecColl TR 675 .G89 1987
Guzmán, Manolo.
Gay hegemony/latino homosexualities.
NY; London: Routledge, 2006.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 G89 2006
H. D. (Hilda Doolittle)
Notes on thought and vision & The wise Sappho.
San Francisco: City Lights Books, c1982.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3507 .O726 N6 1982
H. D. (Hilda Doolittle)
Paint it today. Edited and with an introduction by Cassandra Laity.
NY: New York University Press, c1992.
(Cutting edge)
Suz PS 3507 .O726 P28 1992
Haan, Linda de.
King & King. Linda de Haan & Stern Nijland.
Berkeley: Tricycle Press, 2002.
note: translation of König & König.
ChiLit PZ 7 .H11132 Ki 2002
Habib, Samar.
Female homosexuality in the Middle East: histories and
NY: Routledge, c2007.
Suz HQ 75.5 .M628 H33 2007
Hack, Richard.
Puppetmaster: the secret life of J. Edgar Hoover.
Beverly Hills, CA: New Millenium Press, c2004.
Suz HV 7911 .H6 H33 2004
Hacker, Andrew.
Mismatch: the growing gulf between women and men.
NY: Scribner, 2003.
note: [chapter] 9, Homosexuality: an emerging alternative, pp.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1075.5 .U6 H33 2003
Hacker, Marilyn.
NY: Knopf: distributed by Random House, 1985.
Ugl PS 3558 .A28 A9 1985
Hacker, Marilyn.
Going back to the river: poems.
NY: Random House, c1990.
Ugl PS 3558 .A28 G6 1990
Hacker, Marilyn.
Love, death, and the changing of the seasons.
NY: Norton, 1995, c1986.
Suz PS 3558 .A28 L6 1986
Hacker, Marilyn.
Presentation piece.
NY: Viking Press [1974]
Ugl PS 3558 .A28 P7
Hacker, Marilyn.
Selected poems, 1965-1990.
NY: Norton & Co., c1994.
Suz, Ugl PS 3558 .A28 A6 1994
Hacker, Marilyn.
Taking notice: [poetry]
NY: Knopf: distributed by Random House, 1980.
SpecColl PS 3558 .A28 T3 1980
Hacker, Marilyn.
Winter numbers: poems.
NY: W. W. Norton, 1994
Suz, Ugl PS 3558 .A28 W56 1994
Hackett, Robin.
Sapphic primitivism: productions of race, class, and sexuality in key
works of modern fiction.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2004.
Suz PR 888 .L46 H33 2004
Hadas, Rachel.
Unending dialogue: voices from an AIDS poetry workshop. By Rachel Hadas
with Charles Barber...[et al.]; foreword by Tim Sweeney.
Boston: Faber and Faber, c1991.
Suz PS 595 A36 H33 1991
Hadleigh, Boze.
Conversations with my elders.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1986.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.7 .H33 1986
Hadleigh, Boze.
Hollywood gays: conversations with Cary Grant, Liberace, Tony Perkins,
Paul Lynde, Cesar Romero, Brad Davis, Randolph Scott, James Coco, William
Haines, David Lewis.
NY: Barricade Books, c1996.
Suz PN 1995.9 .H55 H33 1996
Hadleigh, Boze.
Hollywood lesbians: conversations with Sandy Dennis, Barbara Stanwyck,
Marjorie Main, Nancy Kulp, Patsy Kelly, Agnes Moorehead, Edith Head,
Dorothy Arzner, Capucine, Judith Anderson.
NY: Barricade Books, c1994.
Suz PN 1995.9 .L48 H23 1994
Hadleigh, Boze.
The lavender screen: the gay and lesbian films: their stars, makers,
characters, and critics.
Secaucus, N.J.: Carol Pub. Group, c1993.
Suz PN 1995.9 H55 H34 1993
Hadleigh, Boze.
The lavender screen: the gay and lesbian films: their stars, makers,
characters, and critics. Rev. & updated.
NY: Citadel Press Books, c2001.
Ugl PN 1995.9 .H55 H34 2001
Hadleigh, Boze.
Sing out!: gays and lesbians in the music world.
NY: Barricade Books, c1997.
note: originally published: The vinyl closet. 1991.
note: see also: Hadleigh, Boze. The vinyl closet.
Suz ML 385 .H14 1997
Hadleigh, Boze.
The vinyl closet: gays in the music industry.
Foreword by Leonard Bernstein.
San Diego: Los Hombres Press, c1991.
note: published in 1997 as: Sing out!
see also: Hadleigh, Boze. Sing out!
Suz, Bot ML 385 .H14 1991
Haggerty, George E.
Men in love: masculinity and sexuality in the eighteenth century.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
(Between men--between women)
Suz PR 448 .H65 H34 1999
Haggerty, George E.
Queer Gothic.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2006.
Suz PR 830 .T3 H254 2006
Haggerty, George E.
Unnatural affections: women and fiction in the later 18th century.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998.
note: see chapter 5: Romantic Friendship in Millenium Hall. pp.
Suz PR 858 .W6 H34 1998
Haggerty, Patrick A.
The oppression of the American male homosexual; a view by a homosexual
social worker.
Thesis (M. SocWk) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1972
SocWk HV 13 Th20756
Aux Thesis 20756
Hahn, Pierre, comp.
Francais, encore un effort, l'homosexualite et sa repression. Choix de
textes recueillis et presentes par Pierre Hahn.
Paris: J. Martineau, 1970.
Suz HQ 76 .H27 1970
Haight Ashbury free press.
San Francisco: Guy Strait.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serials collection)
note: continued by Haight Ashbury Love Street
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 96 v.1,no.2 (1967)
The Haight Ashbury maverick.
San Francisco: Strait and Associates, c1967-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues San Francisco maverick, see San Francisco maverick.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 96 v.1,no. 4-6 (1967)
Haines, Colin.
"Frightened by a word": Shirley Jackson and Lesbian Gothic.
Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 2007.
(Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia, 133)
Suz PS 3519 .A392 Z65 2007
Hajdu, David.
Lush life; a biography of Billy Strayhorn.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1996.
Suz, Music ML 410 .S9325 H35 1996
Halberstam, Judith.
Female masculinity.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 1998.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 75.5 .H33 1998
Halberstam, Judith.
In a queer time and place: transgender bodies, subcultural lives.
NY: New York University Press, c2005.
(Sexual cultures)
Suz, Bot HQ 75.5 .H335 2005
Halberstam, Judith.
Skin shows: gothic horror and the technology of monsters.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1995.
note: [chapter] 3, Gothic surface, gothic depth: the subject of secrecy in
Stevenson and Wilde, pp. 53-85; [chapter] 5, Reading counterclockwise:
paranoid gothic or gothic paranoia?, pp. 107-137.
Suz PR 830 .T3 H27 1995
Haldeman, Douglas Charles.
The clinical assessment of sexual dysfunction in gay males.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1984.
Suz LA 7 Th31729
Aux Thesis 31729
Hale, Keith.
In the land of Alexander: gay travels, with history and politics, in
Hungary, Yugoslavia, Turkey, and Greece.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1990.
Suz DR 16 .H25 1990
Haley-Banez, Lynn.
Lesbians in committed relationships: extraordinary couples, ordinary
lives. Lynn Haley-Banez, Joanne Garrett.
NY: Alice Street Editions/Harrington Park Press, c2002.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 H35 2002
Halifax, Noel.
Out proud & fighting: gay liberation and the struggle for socialism.
London: Socialist Workers Party, 1988.
Suz HQ 76.5 .H34 1988
Hall, Donald E. (Donald Eugene)
Queer theories.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.15 .H35 2003
Hall, Edmund.
We can't even march straight: homosexuality in the British armed
London: Vintage, 1995.
Suz UB 419 .G73 H25 1995
Hall, Jean Graham.
"Oscar Wilde: the tragedy of being Earnest". Jean Graham Hall and Gordon
D. Smith.
Chichester: Barry Rose Law Publishers, c2001.
(Then and now series, n. 3)
Suz PR 5823 .H355 2001
Hall, Marny.
The lavender couch: a consumer's guide to psychotherapy for lesbians and
gay men.
Boston: Alyson, 1985.
Suz, Ugl WM 420 H1781 1985
Hall, Radclyffe.
The unlit lamp.
NY: J. Cape and H. Smith, 1929.
Suz PR 6015 .A33 U5 1929
Hall, Radclyffe.
The well of loneliness, with a commentary by Havelock Ellis.
NY: Anchor Books, 1990.
Suz PR 6015 A33 W4 1990
Suz PR 6015 A33 W4 1928 (Blue Ribbon Books, 1928 ed.)
Suz PR 6015 .A33 W4 1951 (Permabooks, 1951, c1928)
Suz PR 6015 .A33 W4 1956 (Pocket Books, [1956]
Hall, Radclyffe.
Your John: the love letters of Radclyffe Hall.
Edited and with an introduction by Joanne Glasgow.
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
(Cutting edge)
Suz, Bot PR 6015 .A33 Z494 1997
Hall, Richard Walter.
The butterscotch prince. 2nd ed.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1983.
Suz PS 3558 .A3735 B87 1983
Hall, Richard Walter.
Couplings: a book of stories.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press; Eugene, OR: distributed
by the Subterranean Co., c1981.
Suz PS 3558 .A3735 C68 1981
Hall, Richard Walter.
Fidelities: a book of stories.
NY: Viking, 1992.
Suz PS 3558 .A3735 F5 1992
Hall, Richard Walter.
Letter from a great-uncle & other stories.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press; Eugene, OR: dist.
by Subterranean, c1985.
Suz, Ugl PS 3558 A3735 L48 1985
Hall, Richard Walter.
Three plays for a gay theater & three essays.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press, c1983.
Suz, Drama PS 3558 A3735 T5 1983
Halle, Randall.
Queer social philosophy: critical readings from Kant to Adorno.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2004.
Suz H61.15 .H35 2004
Hallett, Nicky.
Lesbian lives: identity and auto/biography in the twentieth century.
London; Sterling, VA: Pluto Press, 1999.
Suz HQ 75.3 .H35 1999
Halley, Janet E.
Don't: a reader's guide to the military's anti-gay policy.
Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1999.
Suz, Ugl, Law UB 418 .G38 H35 1999
Halley, Janet E.
Split decisions: how and why to take a break from feminism.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c2006.
Suz, Bot HQ 1190 .H345 2006
Hallock, John W. M.
The American Byron: homosexuality and the fall of Fitz-Greene Halleck.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2000.
Suz PS 1783 .H35 2000
Halloran, Joe.
Understanding homosexual persons: straight answers from gays.
Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press, 1979.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H3 1979
Halperin, David M.
How to do the history of homosexuality.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Suz HQ 76 .H28 2002
Halperin, David M.
One hundred years of homosexuality: and other essays on Greek love.
NY: Routledge, 1990.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HQ 76.2 G8 H35 1990
Halperin, David M.
Saint Foucault: towards a gay hagiography.
NY: Oxford University Press, c1995.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.5 .H35 1995
Haltzel, Laura.
The effect of state-legalized same-sex marriage on social security
benefits and pensions [microform]. Laura Haltzel and Patrick Powell.
[Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Information Service, Library of
Congress, [2004]
MicNews Microfilm A6816 2004, reel 12, fr. 0469
Hamam [videorecording]: il bagno turco = The Turkish bath; a seconda
madre; Marco Risi e Maurizioj Fedesco presentano; story, director, Ferzan
Ozpetek; screenplay, Ferzan Ozpetek, Stefano Tummolini; producers, Marco
Risi, Maurizio Tedesco.
[S.l.]: Strand Releasing, 2000.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; Italian and Turkish with English subtitles;
originally produced as a motion picture in 1995.
note: cast- Alessandro Gassman, Francesca d'Aloja, Halil Ergun, Serif
Sezer, Mehmet Gunsur, Basak Koklukaya, Alberto Molinari; credits- director
of photography, Pasquale Mari; editor, Mauro Bonanni; music, Aldo de
Scalzi; translation, Ron Fargel
note: "Francesco, a successful designer from Rome, arrives in Istanbul to
dispose of an inheritance left him by an aunt he never knew. Once there he
discovers that the property is a hamam, a traditional Turkish steam bath,
Mehmet, the beautiful son of the haman's custodian, ushers Francesco into
the sultry world of the baths. Enlightened and unbound, Francesco decides
to remain in Istanbul and restore the hamam.
UglMed DVD STRAN 002
Hamble, Ray.
What's wrong with my willy?
London: GMP Publishers, c1991.
Suz HQ 76 .H345 1991
Hamer, Dean H.
The science of desire: the search for the gay gene and the biology of
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1994.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.25 .H34 1994
Hamer, Emily.
Britannia's glory: a history of twentieth-century lesbians.
London: Cassell, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G7 H35 1996
Hamilton, Godfrey.
Road movie.
London: N. Hern Books in association with Chapman
Duncan Productions, 1996.
Drama PS 3558 .A442 R6 1996
Hamilton, Jane.
The short history of a prince: a novel.
NY: Random House, c1998.
Suz, Bot PS 3558 .A4428 S56 1998
Hamilton, Wallace.
Christopher and gay; a partisan's view of the Greenwich
Village scene.
NY: Saturday Review Press [1973]
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.3 U5 H35 1973
Hamilton, Wallace.
David at Olivet.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1979.
ChildLit PZ 4 .H2212 Dav 1979
Hamington, Maurice.
Embodied care: Jane Addams, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and feminist
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 5, What difference does embodied care make? a study of
same-sex marriage, pp. 122-143.
Suz BJ 1475 .H37 2004
Hammer-Berlin, Wilhelm.
Die Tribadie Berlins. Zehn Fälle weibweiblicher Geschlechtsliebe
aktenmässig dargestellt nebst zehn Abhandlungen über die
gleichgeschlechtliche Frauenliebe. 3. Auflage.
Berlin und Leipzig: Verlag von Hermann Seemann Nachfolger, [1906]
(Grossstadt-Dokumente, Bd. 20)
see: Lesbianism and feminism in Germany, 1895-1910. (reprint)
Hammett, Dashiell.
The Maltese falcon.
NY: Knopf, 1993, c1930.
note: openly homosexual character, Joel Cairo (character not openly
homosexual in the movie version based on the book)
Bot PS 3515 .A4347 M3 1993
Ugl PS 3515 .A4347 M3 1992 (Vintage ed.)
Hammill, Graham L.
Sexuality and form: Caravaggio, Marlowe, and Bacon.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2000.
Art NX 180 .H6 H36 2000
Hammond, Harmony.
Lesbian art in America: a contemporary history.
NY: Rizzoli, c2000.
Ugl, Art, Tac NX 652 .G38 H36 2000
Hammond, Paul.
Figuring sex between men from Shakespeare to Rochester.
Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Suz PR 428 .H66 H36 2002
Hammond, Paul.
Love between men in English literature.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996.
Suz PR 120 .G39 H35 1996
Hampton, Christopher.
Total eclipse: a play in three acts.
NY; London: French, 1969.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Total eclipse
Hampton, Christopher.
Total eclipse.
London: Faber, 1981.
Drama PR 6058 .A555 T6 1981
Hampton, Christoper
The philanthropist; with, Total eclipse; and, Treats.
London: Faber, 1991.
Drama PR 6058 .A555 A6 1991
Han, Chong-Suk.
Geisha of a different kind: negotiating gay Asian male identities.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2007.
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2007.
SocWk HV 13 Th56889
Aux Thesis 56889
Hanckel, Frances.
A way of love, a way of life: a young person's introduction to what it
means to be gay.
By Frances Hanckel and John Cunningham; photos. by Alix Olson; drawings by
Larry Stein.
NY: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, c1979.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H35 1979
Handbook of clinical research and practice with adolescents.
Editors, Patrick H. Tolan and Bertram J. Cohler.
NY: J. Wiley, c1993.
note: chapter 11, Gay and lesbian youth (Andrew M. Boxer, Bertram J.
Cohler, Gilbert Herdt, and Floyd Irvin), pp. 249-280.
SocWk WS 462 H2363 1993
Handbook of clinical sexuality for mental health professionals.
Stephen B. Levine, editor; Candace B. Risen, Stanley E. Althof, associate
NY: Brunner-Routledge, 2003.
note: chapter 16, Male and female homosexuality in heterosexual life
(Richard C. Friedman, Jennifer I. Downey), pp. 277-290; chapter 17,
Understanding transgendered phenomena (Friedemann Pfäfflin), pp.
Health WM 611 H2359 2003
Handbook of contemporary families: considering the past, contemplating
the future. Edited by Marilyn Coleman, Lawrence H. Ganong.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2004.
note: chapter 6, Gay men and lesbians; the family context (Lawrence A.
Kurdek), pp. 96-115.
Bot, Tac HQ 536 .H3185 2004
Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy with lesbian, gay, and bisexual
Edited by Ruperto M. Perez, Kurt A. DeBord, Kathleen J. Bieschke.
Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association, c2000.
Suz BF 637 .C6 H3125 2000
Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender clients. 2nd ed.
Edited by Kathleen J. Bieschke, Ruperto M. Perez, and Kurt A. DeBord.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, c2007.
Suz, SocWk, Bot, Tac BF 637 .C6 H3125 2007
Handbook of counseling women. [Edited by] Mary Kopala and Merle A. Keitel.
note: [chapter] 5, Counseling issues for lesbian and bisexual women (Amy
L. Reynolds), pp. 53-73.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2003
Tac WM 55 H23515 2003
Handbook of domestic violence intervention strategies: policies, programs,
and legal remedies. Edited by Albert R. Roberts.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 20, Domestic violence among lesbian couples (Janice L.
Ricks, Carol (Jan) Vaughan, Sophia F. Dziegielewski), pp. 451-4563.
Bot, Tac HV 6626.2 .H36 2002
Handbook of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender administration and
policy. Edited by Wallace Swan.
NY: Marcel Dekker; London: Taylor & Francis, 2004.
(Public administration and public policy, 106)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 H36 2004
The handbook of language and gender. Edited by Janet Holmes and Miriam
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2003.
(Blackwell handbook in linguistics, 13)
note: [chapter] 12, Crossing genders, mixing languages: the linguistic
construction of transgenderism in Tonga (Niko Besnier), pp. 179-301;
[chapter] 15, Exceptional speakers: contested and problematized gender
identities (Kira Hall), pp. 353-380.
Ugl, BotRef P120 .S48 H36 2003
Bot, Tac P120 .S48 H36 2005 (2005 printing)
Handbook of lesbian and gay studies. [Edited by] Diane Richardson and
Steven Seidman.
London; Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2002.
Suz, UglRef, BotRef HQ 75.15 .H36 2002
The handbook of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender public health: a
practitioner's guide to service. Michael D. Shankle, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Health, Bot, Tac WA 300 H2366 2005
Handbook of LGBT issues in community mental health. Ronald E. Hellman,
Jack Drescher, editors.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Medical Press, c2004.
Tac WA 305 H2363 2004
Handbook of professional ethics for psychologists: issues, questions, and
controversies. Editors, William T. O'Donohue, Kyle E. Ferguson.
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, c2003.
note: chapter 19, Sexual orientation and professional ethics (David W.
Purcell, Stephanie Swann, and Sarah E. Herbert), pp. 319-342.
Suz, Tac BF 76.4 .H36 2003
Handbook of qualitative research. Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln,
editors. 2nd ed.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2000.
note: [chapter] 12, Sexualities, queer theory, and qualitative research
(Joshua Gamson), pp. 347-365.
note: 3rd edition under title, The SAGE handbook of qualitative
SuzRef, Suz, SocWkRef, BotRef, Bot, TacRef, Tac H62 .H2455 2000
Handbook of sexuality in close relationships. Edited by John H. Harvey,
Amy Wenzel, Susan Sprecher.
Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004.
note: [chapter] 14, Sexuality in the relationships of lesbians and gay
men. (Letitia Anne Peplau, Adam Fingerhut, Kristin P. Beals), pp.
Suz HQ 21 .H3233 2004
Handbook of sexuality-related measures. Edited by Clive M. Davis ... [et
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1998.
note: a reference compendium of scales, questionnaires, inventories,
tests, and other measurement tools related to attitudes, experiences,
identifications, and knowledge related to sexual matters; an updated
version of Sexuality-related measures (1988)
note: HIV/AIDS, pp. 310-366; Homophobia, pp. 367-372; Homosexualities, pp.
373-410; Sociosexual orientation, pp. 565-567; Transsexualism, pp.
569-580; Transvestism, pp. 581-584.
Health HQ 60 .H36 1998
Handbook of studies on men & masculinities.
Edited by Michael S. Kimmel, Jeff Hearn, R. W. Connell.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2005.
note: [chapter] 4, Queering the pitch? Gay Masculinities (Tim Edwards),
pp. 51-68; [chapter] 22, Transgendering, Men, and Masculinities (Richard
Ekins, Dave King), pp. 379-394.
Suz, Bot HQ 1090 .H33 2005
Handbook of the new sexuality studies. Edited by Steven Seidman, Nancy
Fischer, Chet Meeks.
London; NY: Routledge, 2006.
Bot HQ 21 .H3234 2006
Handbook of women, stress, and trauma. Edited by Kathleen A.
NY: Brunner-Routledge, 2005.
note: [chapter] 12, Heterosexism and violence in the lives of lesbian
women; implications for mental health (Batya Hyman), pp. 245-265.
Ugl WM 172 H2396 2005
Handbook of women's health: an evidence-based approach. Edited by Jo Ann
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
note: [chapter] 12, Special issues with lesbian patients (Laura Tavernier,
Pamela Connor), pp. 197-205.
Health, BotRef WA 39 H2366 2001
Handel, Linda.
Now that you're out of the closet, what about the rest of the house?
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 1998.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .H354 1998
Handler, Daniel.
The basic eight.
NY: Thomas Dunne Books, 1999.
note: gay subplot
Ugl PS 3558 .A4636 B37 1999
Hands off!: comics by over 35 artists collected to fight discrimination
and homophobia!
Seattle: Ward Sutton Productions, c1994.
SpecCollPNW PN 6726 .H35 1994
Hands Off Washington (Organization). Kitsap County Coalition.
Hands Off Washington, Kitsap Country Coalition records, 1992-1996 (bulk
SpecColl Manuscripts/Arch Manuscript collection 5335
note: Guide to the Hands Off
Washington, Kitsap County Coalition Records 1992-1996, online finding aid,
note: 1 box, arranged in 2 series: 1. Hands Off Washington, Kitsap County
Coalition records, 1993-1996; 2. Statewide Hands Off Washington records,
note: Hands Off Washington Kitsap County Coalition, was a regional
division of Washington State Hands Off washington, a program of Washington
Citizens for fairness. Hands Off washington was established in 1994 to
defeat legislation that would deny civil rights to individuals based on
the "actual or perceived sexual orientation."
note: The Hands Off Washington Kitsap County Coalition series includes
general organization information; intra-organizational and general
correspondence; minutes of coalition meetings; news clippings and other
articles; mailing and membership lists as well as lists of local
legislators and media contacts; and ephemera, including fund-raising
mailings. The statewide Hands Off Washington series includes
correspondence, clippings, ephemera, planning budgets, and informational
materials from other regional Hands Off Washington chapters and
organizations with similar goals.
The Hanging garden [videorecording] A Triptych Media, Galafilm/Emotion
Pictures production; producers, Louise Garfield, Arnie Gelbart, Thom
Fitzgerald; writer/director, Thom Fitzgerald.
Santa Monica, CA: MGM Home Entertainment, [2003]
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 1996.
note: cast- Chris Leavins, Troy Veinotte, Kerry Fox, Sarah Polley, Seana
McKenna, Peter MacNeill; credits- editor, Susan Shanks; composer, John
Ruby; director of photography, Daniel Jobin.
note: The provocative and darkly comic story of a young man's return,
after a ten year absence, to his childhood home in rural Nova Scotia.
Arriving on the day of his sister's wedding, he struggles to reclaim his
place on the family tree and finally bury the gay ghosts of his past.
UglMed DVD MGM 155
Hanigan, James P.
Homosexuality: the test case for Christian sexual ethics.
NY: Paulist Press, c1988.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 U5 H36 1988
Hankin, Kelly.
The girls in the back room: looking at the lesbian bar.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2002.
Suz PN 1995.9 .L48 H26 2002
Hanna, Judith Lynne.
Dance, sex, and gender: signs of identity, dominance, defiance, and
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1988.
note: Chapter 6: Patterns of dominance: men, women, and homosexuality;
[and] "Gay Men," pp. 226-240.
Suz, Ugl, Bot GV 1595 .H33 1988
Hanscombe, Gillian E.
Rocking the cradle: lesbian mothers, a challenge in family living.
By Gillian E. Hanscombe and Jackie Forster.
London: Peter Owen, 1981.
(Contemporary issues series, 13)
SocWk HQ 75.5 H35
Suz HQ 75.53 .H36 1982 (U. S. ed.)
Hanscombe, Gillian E.
Title fight: the battle for Gay news.
By Gillian E. Hanscombe and Andrew Lumsden.
London: Brilliance Books, 1983.
Suz PN 5129 .L7 G39 1983
Hansel, Robert R.
The homosexual problem ... theirs or ours.
NY: Section for Experimental & Specialized Services,
Executive Council of The Episcopal Church, [1970]
Suz BX 5979.5 .H65 H36 1970
Hansen, Joseph.
The boy who was buried this morning.
NY: Viking, 1990.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 B69 1990
Hansen, Joseph.
A country of old men: the last Dave Brandstetter mystery.
NY: Viking, 1991.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 C68 1991
Hansen, Joseph.
Death claims.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1980, c1973.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 D4 1980
Hansen, Joseph.
Early graves: a Dave Brandstetter mystery.
NY: Mysterious Press, c1987.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 E2 1987
Hansen, Joseph.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1980, c1970.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 F3 1980
Hansen, Joseph.
A few doors west of hope: the life and times of dauntless Don Slater.
Universal City, CA: HIC/Homosexual Information Center, 1998.
Suz HQ 75.8 .S63 H36 1998
Hansen, Joseph.
Gravedigger: a Dave Brandstetter mystery.
NY: Holt, 1985, c1982.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 G7 1985
Hansen, Joseph.
Job's year.
NY: New American Library, [1985], c1983.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 J6 1985
Hansen, Joseph.
Little dog laughed.
NY: H. Holt, c1986.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 L58 1986
Hansen, Joseph.
Living upstairs.
NY: Dutton, c1993.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 L59 1993
Hansen, Joseph.
The man everbody was afraid of.
NY: H. Holt, 1981.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 M34 1981
Hansen, Joseph.
NY: Henry Holt, 1985, c1984.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 N5 1985
Hansen, Joseph.
Obedience: a Dave Brandstetter mystery.
NY: Mysterious Books, c1988.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 O24 1988
Hansen, Joseph.
Pretty boy dead: a novel.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1984.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 P7 1984
Hansen, Joseph.
Skinflick: a Dave Brandstetter mystery.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1980, c1979.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 S53 1980
Hansen, Joseph.
A smile in his lifetime.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. c1981.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 S6 1981
Hansen, Joseph.
Steps going down.
Woodstock, VT: Foul Play Press, c1985.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 S7 1985
Hansen, Joseph.
Troublemaker: a Dave Brandstetter mystery.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1981, c1975.
Suz PS 3558 .A513 T7 1981
Hanson, Ellis.
Decadence and Catholicism.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997.
Suz PN 56 .D45 H36 1997
Hanson, William.
Coming out right: a guide for the gay male. By William
Hanson and Wes Muchmore.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1982.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 H34 1982
Happy endings [videorecording] Lions Gate Films presents a Holly
Wiersma/Lions Gate Films production, a Lions Gate Films presentation;
produced by Holly Wiersma, Michael Paseornek; written and directed by Don
Santa Monica, CA: Artisan Entertainment; Lions Gate Home Entertainment
[distributor], [2005]
note: DVD
note: cast- Tom Arnold, Jesse Bradford, Bobby Cannavale, Sarah Clarke,
Steve Coogan, Laura Dern, Lisa Kudrow, Jason Ritter, David Sutcliffe,
Maggie Gyllenhaal; credits- director of photography, Clark Mathis; editor,
David Codron; music supervisor, Nicole Tocantins; costume designer, Peggy
Anita Schnitzer; production designer, Richard Sherman.
note Meet an intriguing cast of characters: a step-brother and step-sister
who have a brief romantic liaison, a film-maker wannabe who performs
blackmail at gunpoint in order to help get himself into film school, a
masseur with a few secrets, a gay couple and their lesbian friends whose
child one of the men may have fathered unknowingly, and a closeted gay
drummer in a rock band who sleeps with a girl who then dumps him for his
father. Mamie is a hardened character with solid dramatic moments. Frank
is a man quietly recovering his life after his wife's death. Javier is a
Mexican immigrant, while Nicky is a ruthless reprobate with artful
aspirations. Otis is a clueless closeted rock band drummer. Jude is a bad
girl who sometimes has a heart, but likes to keep it real.
UglMed DVD LION 032
Happy, Texas [videorecording] Miramax Films presents; in association with
MARKed Entertainment; an Illsley/Stone production; a film by Mark Illsley;
co-producer, Glenn S. Gainor; produced by Mark Illsley, Rick Montgomery,
Ed Stone; written by Ed Stone, Mark Illsley, Phil Reeves; directed by Mark
Burbank, CA: Miramax Home Entertainment: Distributed by Buena Vista Home
Entertainment, [2000?]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally released as a motion picture in
1999; English or French soundtracks with optional Spanish subtitles.
note: cast- Jeremy Northam, Steve Zahn, Ally Walker, Illeana Douglas,
William H. Macy; credits- music, Peter Harris; editor, Norman Buckley;
director of photography, Bruce Douglas Johnson.
note: When escaped convicts Harry Sawyer and Wayne Wayne Jr. are pulled
over in the town of Happy, Texas while driving a stolen Winnebago they
think they're being arrested. Rather, they're immediately mistaken to be
a gay couple come to arrange a beauty pageant. The pair of cons decide to
carry out the masquerade.
UglMed Videorecord BVHE 018
UglMed DVD BVHE 016
Happy together [videorecording] A Wong Kar-wai film.
NY: Kino on Video, c1999.
note: 1 videodisc; DVD; In Chinese with English subtitles. Videodisc
release of the 1997 motion picture; Cannes Film Festival, 1997: best
note: performers- Tony Leung, Leslie Cheung; credits-
Director/producer/screenplay, Wang Chia-wei; cinematographer, Tu K'o-feng;
editors, Chang Shu-ping, Huang Ming-lin; music, Chung Ting-i.
note: A stunning display of filmmaking style and a touching love story
evenly mixed into on film.
UglMed DVD KINO 004
Haralson, Eric L.
Henry James and queer modernity.
Cambridge, UK; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Suz PS 2127 .H63 H37 2003
Harbaugh, Charles J. (Charles James), 1946-1995
Charles J. Harbaugh papers, 1966-1995.
note: 22.63 cubic ft. (21 boxes, 9 tubes)
scope note:
The Harbaugh papers are comprised of ephemera, correspondence,
memorabilia, photographs, posters, newsletters, writings, clippings,
reports, organizational materials, and motion picture film collected and
created by Harbaugh through his interest and activism in gay rights and
gay health. Included are records of gay-oriented organizations, including
the Dorian Group, the Seattle Gay Alliance, and the National Leather
Association; AIDS-related organizations, including Chicken Soup Brigade,
Mobilization Against AIDS, Northwest AIDS Foundation, and Seattle AIDS
Network; and counseling groups, including Seattle Counseling Service for
Sexual Minorities, Seattle Treatment Exchange Program, Shanti/Seattle, and
Stonewall (Seattle). Although the collection primarily relates to gay life
in Seattle, there is also significant material relating to gay life in
Chicago, the Midwest, and the United States in general. Materials
concerning religion and homosexuality are also well represented.
note: Finding aid (biography and inventory of the collection) available in
the repository and on the World Wide Web: click on title above.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Arch Accession 4590-001 inquire at Special
Harbeck, Karen Marie.
Gay and lesbian educators: personal freedoms, public constraints.
Malden, MA: Amethyst, c1997.
Suz, Tac LC 192.6 .H37 1997
Harbouri, Petrie.
NY: Bloomsbury: distributed to the trade by St. Martin's Press, c1998.
Ugl PR 9199.3 .H329 G73 1998
Hardin, Kimeron N.
The gay and lesbian self-esteem book: a guide to loving ourselves.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 H369 1999
Hardin, Kimeron N.
Queer blues: the lesbian & gay guide to overcoming depression. Kimeron N.
Hardin, Marny Hall.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, c2001.
Ugl HQ 76.5 .U6 H37 2001
Harding, Jennifer.
Sex acts: practices of femininity and masculinity.
London; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998.
note: chapter 6, 'Gender-bending' and masculinity, pp. 75-91; chapter 8,
Queer families, pp. 109-127, chapter 9, Sexual parody - lesbians in
popular culture, pp. 128-138.
Suz HQ 21 .H326 1998
Hardman, Paul D.
Homoaffectualism: male bonding from Gilgamesh to the present.
San Francisco: NF Division, GLB Publishers, c1993.
Suz HQ 1090 .H368 1993
Hardy, James Earl.
B-boy blues: a seriously sexy, fiercely funny, Black-on-Black love
Boston: Alyson, 1994.
Suz PS 3558 .A62375 B15 1994
Hardy, James Earl.
The day Eazy-E died.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2001.
Suz PS 3558 .A62375 D39 2001b
Hardy, James Earl.
If only for one nite.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1997.
Suz PS 3558 .A62375 I38 1997
Hardy, James Earl.
2nd time around.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1996.
Suz PS 3558 .A62375 A613 1996
Hardy, Richard P.
Loving men: gay partners, sprituality, and AIDS.
NY: Continuum, 1998.
Suz, Ugl BV 4910.3 .H37 1998
Hardy, Robin.
The crisis of desire: AIDS and the fate of gay brotherhood. Robin Hardy
with David Groff.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.
Suz WC 503.6 H268c 1999
Hare, David.
The Judas kiss.
NY: Grove Press, [1998]
Drama PR 6058 .A678 J83 1998
Hare, David.
The Judas kiss: a play.
NY: Samuel French, Inc. 1999.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Judas kiss
Hargreaves, Jennifer.
Heroines of sport: the politics of difference and identity.
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: [chapter] 5, Sporting lesbians: heroic symbols of sexual liberation,
pp. 129-173.
Suz, Ugl GV 709 .H35 2000
Haring, Keith.
Keith Haring: future primeval.
Normal, IL: University Galleries, Illinois State University, [1990?]
Art N6537 .H357 A4 1990
Haring, Keith.
Keith Haring: Heaven and Hell. Edited Gotz Adriani; with essays by Ralph
Melcher ... [et al.]; and texts by Keith Haring; [English translations by
Translate-a-book, Oxford, England.
Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz; NY: Distributions in the US, D.A.P.,
Distributed Art Publishers, c2001.
Art ND 237 .H3115 A4 2001
Haring, Keith.
Keith Haring journals. With an introduction by Robert
Farris Thompson; preface by David Hockney.
NY: Viking, 1996.
Art N 6537 .H348 A2 1996
Härle, Gerhard.
Die Gestalt des Schönen: Untersuchung zur
Homosexualitätsthematik in Thomas Manns Roman "Der
Königsberg/Ts.: Hain, c1986.
(Hochschulschriften Literaturwissenschaft, 74)
Suz PT 2625 A44 Z413 1986
Härle, Gerhard.
Männerweiblichkeit: zur Homosexualität bei Klaus und Thomas
Frankfurt: Athenäum, 1988.
Suz PT 2625 A435 Z693 1988
Harman, Claire.
Myself and the other fellow: a life of Robert Louis Stevenson.
NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005.
Suz PR 5493 .H34 2005
Harman, Claire.
Sylvia Townsend Warner: a biography.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1989.
Suz PR 6045 .A812 Z72 1989
Harne, Lynne.
Valued families: the lesbian mothers' legal handbook.
By Lynne Harne and Rights of Women. New ed., fully rev. and updated.
[London: Women's Press], 1997.
Suz HQ 75.53 .H37 1997
Harper, Phillip Brian.
Are we not men?: masculine anxiety and the problem of African-American
NY: Oxford University Press, 1996.
note: [chapter] 1, Eloquence and epitaph; Aids, homophobia, and
problematics of black masculinity, pp. 3-38.
Suz, Ugl, Bot E185.86 .H33 1996
Harper, Phillip Brian.
Private affairs: critical ventures in the culture of social relations.
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
(Sexual cultures)
Suz JC 596 .H37 1999
Harper-Dorton, Karen V.
Cross-cultural practice: social work with diverse populations. Karen V.
Harper & Jim Lantz.
Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books, c1996.
note: [chapter] 10, Working with gay and lesbian clients, pp. 119-128.
SocWk,Tac HV 3176 .H37 1996
Harrington, Gilda.
Sudden summer.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1991.
Suz PS 3558 .A6276 S82 1991
Harris, Andrea.
Other sexes: rewriting difference from Woolf to Winterson.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2000.
Suz PR 888 .F45 H37 2000
Harris, Bertha.
Lover. With a new introduction by the author.
NY: New York University Press, c1993.
(Cutting edge)
Suz PS 3558 .A6426 L6 1993
Bot PS 3558 .A6426 L6 1976 (Daughters ed.)
Harris, Daniel.
Diary of a drag queen.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 2005.
Ugl HQ 77 .H35 2005
Harris, Daniel.
A memoir of no one in particular: in which our author indulges in naive
indiscretions, a self-aggrandizing solipsism, and an off-putting
infatuation with his own bodily functions.
NY: Basic Books, c2002.
Suz HQ 75.8 .H37 A3 2002
Harris, Daniel.
The rise and fall of gay culture.
NY: Hyperion, c1997.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 .U5 H347 1997
Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 H347 1999 (Ballantine)
Harris, E. Lynn.
Abide with me: a novel.
NY: Doubleday, c1999.
note: sequel to: Just as I am.
Suz PS 3558 .A64438 A32 1999
SpecCollPNW PS 3558 .A64438 A32 2000 (Anchor ed.)
Harris, E. Lynn.
And this too shall pass: a novel.
NY: Doubleday, 1996.
Suz PS 3558 .A64438 A53 1996
Harris, E. Lynn.
Any way the wind blows: a novel.
NY: Doubleday, c2001.
Ugl PS 3558 .A64438 A57 2001
Harris, E. Lynn.
I say a little prayer: a novel.
NY: Doubleday, c2006.
Ugl PS 3558 .A64438 I17 2006
Harris, E. Lynn.
If this world were mine: a novel.
NY: Anchor Books, 1998, c1997.
Suz PS 3558 .A64438 I38 1998
Harris, E. Lynn.
Invisible life: a novel.
NY: Anchor Books, 1994.
Suz PS 3558 .A64438 I58 1994
Harris, E. Lynn.
Just as I am: a novel.
NY: Anchor Books, 1995.
note: sequel to Invisible life.
Suz PS 3558 .A64438 J87 1995
Harris, E. Lynn.
A love of my own: a novel.
NY: Doubleday, c2002.
Suz PS 3558 .A64438 L68 2002
Harris, E. Lynn.
Not a day goes by: a novel.
NY: Doubleday, c2000.
Suz PS 3558 .A64438 N68 2000
Harris, E. Lynn.
What becomes of the brokenhearted: a memoir.
NY: Doubleday, 2003.
Ugl PS 3558 .A64438 Z468 2003
Harris, Ellen T.
Handel as Orpheus: voice and desire in the chamber cantatas.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001.
Music ML 410 .H13 H283 2001
Harris, Frank.
Oscar Wilde.
NY: The author, 1916. 2v.
Ugl 921 W644h 1916 v.1 [and] v.2
Harris, Frank.
Oscar Wilde, his life & confessions. Including the hitherto
unpublished full and final confession, by Lord Alfred Douglas and My
memories of Oscar Wilde, by Bernard Shaw.
Garden City, NY: Garden City Pub. Co. [c1930]
Suz, Drama PR 5823 .H3 1930
Harris, Frank.
Oscar Wilde, including My memories of Oscar Wilde,
by George Bernard Shaw. And an introductory note by Lyle Blair.
[East Lansing] Michigan State University Press, 1959.
Suz, Ugl 921 W644h 1959
Harris, Frederick John.
Friend and foe: Marcel Proust and André Gide.
Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c2002.
note: chapter 8, Homosexuality, pp. 199-225.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z61834 2002
Harris, Geraldine (Geraldine Mary)
Beyond representation: television drama and the politics and aesthetics of
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press: distributed exclusively in
the USA by Palgrave, 2006.
note: [chapter] 5, Only human nature after all? Romantic attractions and
queer dilemmas (Queer as Folk), pp. 138-168; Conclusion: beyond (simple)
representation? Metrosexuality and the murder of Stephen Lawrence, pp.
Suz PN 1992.65 .H37 2006
Harris, Joseph.
Hidden agendas: cross-dressing in 17th-century France.
Tübingen: Narr, 2005.
Suz HQ 77.2 .F8 H377 2005
Harris, Mervyn.
The Dilly boys: male prostitution in Piccadilly.
London: Croom Helm, 1973.
Ugl HQ 76.3 G7 H37
Suz HQ 76.3 G7 H37 1973 (American ed.)
Harris, Oliver (Oliver C. G.)
William Burroughs and the secret of fascination.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 3, Queer: welcome to your destiny, pp. 78-132; [chapter]
4, Queer letters and Yage letters, pp. 133-178.
Suz PS 3552 .U75 Z69 2003
Harris, Paul.
The queer press guide 2000.
NY: Painted Leaf Press, c1999.
SuzRef HQ 76.9 .H37 1999
Harris, Simon.
Lesbian and gay issues in the English classroom: the importance of being
Milton Keynes; Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1990.
Suz, Bot LB 1631 .H2688 1990
Harris, Trudier.
South of tradition: essays on African American literature.
Athens: University of Georgia Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 2, Slanting the truth; homosexuality, manhood, and race in
James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room, pp. 18-30; [chapter] 10,
Transformations of the land in Randall Kenan's :The Foundations of the
Earth", pp. 160-174.
Suz, Tac PS 153 .N5 H295 2002
The Harris guide: the directory of the world's GLBT press, now including
both print and broadcasting media.
NY: Upstart Press, c2000+
note: continues The queer press guide.
SuzRef HQ 76.9 .H378 2001
UglRef HQ 76.9 .H378 2003
Harrison, Don.
The Spartan. Illustrated by the author.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1982 (1992 printing)
Suz PS 3558 .A666 S64 1982
Harrison, Josephine Anne.
Towards the recognition of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and
intersex ageing in Australian gerontology.
Ph. D. thesis, University of South Australia, 2004.
available online,
Harron, Mary.
I shot Andy Warhol. Mary Harron and Daniel Minahan.
NY: Grove Press, c1996.
note: shooting script for the film, I shot Andy Warhol; includes Scum
manifesto (Valerie Solanas)
note: for the videorecording, see I Shot Andy Warhol.
Suz PN 1997 .I19 1996
Harry, Joseph.
Gay children grown up: gender culture and gender deviance.
NY: Praeger, 1982.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76 H353 1982
Harry, Joseph.
Gay couples.
NY: Praeger, 1984.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 H35 1984
Harry, Joseph.
"Sexual Identity Issues." In: United States. Dept. of Health and
Human Services. Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide. v.2: Risk Factors
for Youth Suicide. pp. 131-142.
Rockville, MD: U. S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Public Health
Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration,
HSLIC HV 6546 .U58 1989 v.2.
SocWk HV 6546 .R57 1991 [Reprint of v.2]
Inquire at GovPubs SuDocs# HE 20.8002:Y 8/v.2
Harry, Joseph.
The social organization of gay males.
NY: Praeger, 1978.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 H37
Harry's fare and other stories: a collection of eight short stories with
four photographs and four drawings.
San Francisco: Pan-Graphic Press, 1960.
(Dorian vignette series, 1)
SpecColl PS 509 .H57 H3 1960
Hart, Ellen.
Hallowed murder.
Seattle, WA: Seal Press, 1989.
SpecCollBookArts PS 3558 .A6775 H35 1989
Hart, Ellen.
A killing cure.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1993.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3558 A6775 K55 1993
Hart, Ellen.
Merchant of Venus.
NY: St. Martin's Minotaur, 2001.
Ugl PS 3558 .A6775 M4 2001
Hart, Ellen.
Robber's wine.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1996.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3558 .A6775 R63 1996
Hart, Ellen.
A small sacrifice: a Jane Lawless mystery.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1994.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3558 .A6775 S6 1994
Hart, Ellen.
Stage fright.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1992.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3558 A6775 S7 1992
Hart, Ellen.
Vital lies.
Seattle, WA: Seal Press, c1991.
SpecCollBookArts PS 3558 .A6775 V58 1991
Hart, Jack.
Gay sex: a manual for men who love men.
Illustrations by Kent. Rev. and updated, 2nd ed.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.1 .H37 1998
Hart, John.
Stories of gay and lesbian immigration: together forever?
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2002.
Suz, Law HQ 76.8 .A8 H37 2002
Hart, John.
The theory and practice of homosexuality. By John Hart and Diane
London; Boston; Hanley: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981.
Suz HQ 76 H347
Hart, Kerry.
Not so much the fall.
Chicago: Third Side Press, 1996.
SpecColl Pacific NW PS 3558 .A68344 N68 1996
Hart, Kylo-Patrick R.
The AIDS movie: representing a pandemic in film and television.
NY: Haworth Press, c2000.
Suz PN 1995.9 .A435 H37 2000
Hart, Lynda.
Between the body and the flesh: performing sadomasochism.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1998.
Suz HQ 79 .H36 1998
Hart, Lynda.
Fatal women: lesbian sexuality and the mark of aggression.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1994.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 L48 H27 1994
Hart, Nett.
Spirited lesbians: lesbian desire as social action.
Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, c1989.
Suz HQ 75.5 .H38 1989
Hartinger, Brent.
Geography club.
NY: HarperTempest, c2003.
ChiLit, BotChi PZ 7 .H2635 Ge 2003
Hartland, Claude.
Claude Hartland: the story of a life: for the consideration of the medical
With a foreword by C. A. Tripp.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press; Eugene, OR: Distributed by the Subterranean
Co., c1985.
(Grey Fox documents, 1)
note: originally published in 1901.
Suz HQ 75.8 .H37 A3 1985
Hartley, Marsden.
Somehow a past: the autobiography of Marsden Hartley.
Edited with an introduction by Susan Elizabeth Ryan.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c1997.
Art, Bot ND 237 .H3435 A2 1997
Hartman, Cherry.
The well-heeled murders.
Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.
SpecColl Pacific NW PS 3558 .A7117 W45 1996
Hartman, Keith.
Congregations in conflict: the battle over homosexuality.
New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, c1996.
Suz, Bot BR 115 .H6 H38 1996
Homosexualität und Frauenemanzipation. Ein Beitrag zur Lösung
der Frage.
Leipzig: Verlag von Max Spohr, 1910.
see: Lesbianism and feminism in Germany, 1895-1910. (reprint)
Hartwig, Ina.
Sexuelle Poetik: Proust, Musil, Genet, Jelinek.
Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch, 1998.
(Forum Wissenschaft, Literatur & Kunst)
Suz PN 56 .S5 H37 1998
Harvard educational review. v.66, n.2 (Summer, 1996)
see: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and education (special
The Harvard gay & lesbian review.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Gay & Lesbian Caucus, [1994-1999]
note: continued by Gay & lesbian review worldwide, v.7- (Winter
2000-); see Gay & lesbian review worldwide for v.7-
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .H37 v.1-6 (1994-1999)
Harvard University. Committee on Human Rights Studies.
Human rights at Harvard: interdisciplinary faculty perspectives on the
human rights movement.
Cambridge, MA: Human Rights Program, Harvard Law School, c1995.
note: "A symposium held at Harvard University on March 11, 1995."
note: Topic IV, Discrimination: comparisons among gender, race and sexual
orientation (Randall Kennedy, Martha Minnow, Peter J. Gomes), pp.
note: The second symposium on human rights held at Harvard University on
April 5, 1997, did not address sexual orientation.
Law JC 571 .H86 1995
Harvey, Andrew.
Burning houses.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986.
Suz PR 6058 .A6986 B8 1986
Harvey, Andrew.
The web.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987.
Suz PR 6058 .A6986 W4 1987
Harvey, Ian.
To fall like Lucifer.
London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1971.
Suz HQ 76 H355
Harvey, John F.
The homosexual person: new thinking in pastoral care.
San Francisco: Ignatius Press, c1987.
Suz BX 2347.8 .H65 H37 1987
Harvey, John H.
Odyssey of the heart; close relationships in the 21st century. John H.
Harvey, Ann L. Weber. 2nd ed.
Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates, 2002.
note: [chapter] 8, Same-sex close relationships, pp. 133-144.
Ugl BF575 .I5 H37 2002
Harvey, Jonathan.
Beautiful thing.
NY: Dramatists Play service, Inc., c1999.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Beautiful thing
Harvey, Jonathan.
Plays. Introduced by the author.
London: Methuen Drama, 1999-
note: v.1, Beautiful thing, Babies, Boom bang-a-bang, Rupert STreet
Lonely Hearts Club; v.2, Guiding star; Hushabye mountain; Out in the
Drama PR 6058 .A69896 A6 v.1, v.2
Bot PR 6058 .A69896 A6 1999 v.2
The Harvey Milk Institute guide to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
and queer internet research. Allan Ellis ... [et al.], editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2002.
SuzRef HQ 76.25 .H375 2002
Harwood, Gean.
The oldest gay couple in America: a seventy-year journey through same-sex
Secaucus, NJ: Carol Publishing, c1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 H37 1997
Hasan, Ali.
Homosexual = Shudhudh al-fard wa-shudhudh al-mujtama: simfuniyah hazinah,
jamilah, thairah, ilmiyah, ijtimaiyah, siyasiyah hawla shudhudh al-fard
wa-shudhudh al-mujtama wa-fursat al-islah.
[Cairo] : Dar al-fikr al-Arabi, [1982?]
Suz HQ 76 .H358 1982
Hasegawa, Koen.
Shin onnagata ko.
Tokyo: Yomiuri Shinbunsha, Showa 45 [1970]
note: female impersonators
EAsia PN 2927 .H3
Haskell, Barbara.
Charles Demuth.
NY: Whitney Museum of American Art: H. N. Abrams, 1987.
note: exhibition catalog
Art ND 237 .D36 A4 1987
Hassenmüller, Heidi.
Warum gerade mein Kind?: Interviews mit Eltern homosexueller Kinder:
Hintergründe und Analysen.
[By] Heidi Hassenmüller, Hans Georg Wiedemann.
Düsseldorf: Patmos Verlag, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G3 H388 1998
Hassett, Chris.
Friendship chronicles: letters between a gay and a straight man.
By Chris Hassett and Tom Owen-Towle; illustrations by Jim Bess and Dan
San Diego: Bald Eagle Mountain Press, c1994.
Ugl HQ 1090.3 H37 1994
Hastings, Donald W.
Impotence and frigidity.
Boston: Little, Brown [1963]
Health 616.69 H279i
Hastings, Michael.
The handsomest young man in England: Rupert Brooke.
London: Joseph, 1967.
Ugl PR 6003 .R4 Z68
Hate crimes: confronting violence against lesbians and gay men.
Edited by Gregory M. Herek and Kevin T. Berrill.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, c1992.
Ugl, SocWk, Tac HV 6250.4 H66 H38 1992
Hate groups: opposing viewpoints. Mary E. Williams, editor.
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004.
note: Chapter 1, Viewpoint 3, Antigay hate crimes are a serious problem
(Human Rights Campaign), pp. 26-32; Viewpoint 4, The Media exaggerate the
problem of antigay hate crimes (Andrew Sullivan), pp. 33-41; chapter 2,
Viewpoint 3, Homophobia fosters hatred (Mubarak Dahir), pp. 60-65.
Ugl, Bot HV 6773.52 .H37 2004
Hatheway, Jay.
The Gilded Age construction of modern American homophobia.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.45 .U5 H37 2003
Hating in the first person plural: psychoanalytic essays on racism,
homophobia, misogyny, and terror. Edited by Donald Moss.
NY: Other Press, c2003.
Suz BF 575 .H3 H37 2003
Hatred in the hallways: violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender students in U.S. schools. Human Rights
NY: Human Rights Watch, c2001.
Suz, Bot, Tac LC 212.82 .H37 2001
Hatterer, Lawrence J.
Changing homosexuality in the male; treatment for men troubled by
NY: McGraw-Hill [1970]
Health WM 615 H366c 1970
Suz WM 615 H366c 1971 (Dell ed., 1971)
Hatton, Norman.
Norman Hatton: schwarz und weiss = black and white = noir et blanc: Manner
Fotos = photographs of men = photographie de l'homme: Katalog zur 64.
Ausstellung = Catalogue of the 64th exhibition, Galerie Janssen-men's art
gallery; Herausgeber = Editor, Volker Janssen; Vorwort = preface, Steven
Hiller; Deutsche Ubersetzung = German translation, Siegmunt Koch;
Franzosische Ubersetzung = French translation, Etienne Poirier.
Berlin: Janssen-Verlag, c1991.
Art Desk TR 675 .H25 1991
Hauschild, Myra.
Get used to it!: gay & lesbian parents and their children. Myra Hauschild
& Pat Rosier.
Christchurch, N.Z.: Canterbury University Press; Hadleigh: BRAD, 1999.
Suz HQ 777.8 .H38 1999
Hauser, Richard.
The homosexual society.
London: Bodley Head [1962]
Suz HQ 76 .H37 1962
Hausman, Bernice I.
Changing sex: transsexualism, technology, and the idea of gender.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1995.
Suz, Bot HQ 77.9 .H38 1995
Hautzig, Deborah.
Hey, dollface.
NY: Greenwillow Books, c1978.
ChildLit PZ 7 .H2888 He 1978
Haver, William Wendell.
The body of this death: historicity and sociality in the time of AIDS.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, c1996.
Suz WC 503.7 H387b 1996
Hawkeswood, William G.
One of the children: gay black men in Harlem. Edited by Alex W.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1996.
(Men and masculinity, 2)
Suz HQ 76.2 .U52 N55 1996
Hawkins, Maude M.
A. E. Housman: man behind a mask.
Chicago: H. Regnery, 1958.
Suz 921 H817ha
Ugl PR 4809 .H15 H33 1958
Hawley, Laura.
Gay and bisexual men seeking help in changing to safer sex: rate of high
risk sexual practices and attitudes toward homosexuality.
Thesis (M. Soc. Wk) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1990.
SocWk HV 13 Th37688
Aux Thesis 37688
Hawthorne, Mark D.
Making it ours: queering the canon.
New Orleans: University Press of the South, 1998.
Ugl PR 120 .G39 H39 1998
Hay, Harry.
(same as Henry Hay; see also under pseudonym, Eann MacDonald)
Hay, Harry.
Radically gay: gay liberation in the words of its founder.
Edited by Will Roscoe.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1996.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.8 .H39 A3 1996
Hayakawa, Monta.
Ukiyoe shunga to danshoku.
Tokyo: Kawade Shobo Shinsha, 1998.
EAsia NE 1321.85 .S58 H3 1998
Hayes, Bill.
Five quarts: a personal and natural history of blood.
NY: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2006.
note: "A personal ... exploration of the history of human blood traces
attitudes...This is also a personal voyage in which Hayes recounts...
coming out as a gay man in the early days of the AIDS epidemic."
Health, Bot WH 11.1 H417f 2006
Hayes, Eileen M.
Black women performers of women-identified music: "they cut off my voice,
I grew two voices"
Seattle: University of Washington, 1999.
note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1999
MusicTheses M1 Th48272
Aux Thesis 48272
Hayes, Jarrod.
Queer nations: marginal sexualities in the Maghreb.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2000.
Suz PQ 3988.5 .N6 H39 2000
Hayman, Ronald.
Fassbinder, film maker.
NY: Simon & Schuster, 1984.
Suz PN 1998 .A3 F2744 1984
Hayman, Ronald.
Proust: a biography.
London: Heinemann, 1990
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z61846 1990b
Haynes, Todd.
Far from heaven; Safe; Superstar, the Karen Carpenter story: three
NY: Grove Press, 2003.
Drama PS 3558 .A8627 A6 2003
Hays, Matthew.
The view from here: conversations with gay and lesbian filmmakers.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, c2007.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 H39 2007
Hazel, Dann.
Witness: gay and lesbian clergy report from the front.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c2000.
Suz BR 115 .H6 H39 2000
Hazeldine, Peter.
Raptures of the deep.
London: Brilliance Books, 1983.
Suz PR 6058 .A994 R3 1983
Head/waters. [Editor, Linny Sovall]
Hillsboro, OR: Blue Heron Pub., 1994.
note: The lesbian ocean (Marusya Bociurkiw), pp. 69-74; reprinted from The
woman who loved airports.
SpecCollPNW PS 648 .S5 H37 1994
Headline Hollywood: a century of film scandal. Edited by Adrienne L.
McLean and David A. Cook.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2001.
note: What business does a critic have asking if Blake Edwards is gay?
Rumor, scandal, biography, and textual analysis (Peter Lehman and William
Luhr), pp. 253-272.
Suz, Bot PN 1993.5 .U65 H39 2001
Healey, Dan.
Homosexual desire in revolutionary Russia: the regulation of sexual and
gender dissent.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.3 .S653 H42 2001
Health and human rights: a reader. Edited by Jonathan M. Mann ... [et
NY: Routledge, 1999.
note: chapter 18, Health, human rights, and lesbian existence (Alice M.
Miller, AnnJanette Rosga, and Meg Satterthwaite), pp. 265-280.
Suz, TacRef WA 530.1 H4338 1999
Health care for lesbians and gay men: confronting homophobia and
K. Jean Peterson, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, 1996.
SocWk, Tac WA 300 H4315 1996
The Health in Men and Positive Health cohorts: a comparison of trends in
the health and sexual behaviour of HIV-negative and HIV-positive gay men,
2002-2005. Andreas Fogerty ... [et al.].
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, the University of New South Wales, c2006.
available online,
Health in Men: baseline data. Limin Mao ... [et al.]
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, the University of New South Wales, c2002.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia)),
also available on line,
SuzFolio HQ 76.2 .A82 S93 2002
Health of lesbian, bisexual, and queer women in Sydney: the 2004 Sydney
Women and Sexual Health survey. Juliet Richters ... [et al.]
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, the University of New South Wales, c2005.
also available online,
Suz HQ 75.6 .A82 S935 2005
The health of sexual minorities: public health perspectives on lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender populations. I. Meyer, M.E. Northridge,
NY; London: Springer, 2007.
Ugl, Bot WA 300 H43222 2007
Healthy people 2010: companion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LGBT) health. Coordinated and co-written by the Gay and Lesbian Medical
note: April 2001; companion document to: Healthy people 2010, issued by
the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 2001.
San Francisco, CA (459 Fulton St., Suite 107, San Francisco 94102): Gay
and Lesbian Medical Association, [2001]
Suz WA 300 H43422 2001
Healy, Emma.
Lesbian sex wars.
London: Virago, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G7 H43 1996
Healy, Murray.
Gay skins: class, masculinity and queer appropriation.
London: Cassell, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 H42 1996
Heap, Jane.
Dear tiny heart: the letters of Jane Heap and Florence Reynolds. Edited by
Holly A. Baggett.
NY: New York University Press, 2000.
(The cutting edge)
Suz PN 149.9 .H43 A4 2000
Hear the silence: stories by women of myth, magic & renewal. Edited by
Irene Zahava.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1986.
note: Some of the stories, such as, Why the sea is salty (Kitty Tsui), pp.
56-72 and Fruit drink (Bode Noonan), pp. 89-96, have lesbian themes; some
of the stories have been previously published.
Suz, Ugl PS 647 .W6 H4 1986
Heath, Gordon.
Deep are the roots: memoirs of a Black expatriate.
Introduction by Doris Abramson; afterword by Ekwueme Mike Thelwell.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1992.
Drama PN 2287 .H39 A3 1992
Heath, Lance.
Operationally defining sexual orientation: towards the development of a
fundamental measure of adolescent sexual responsiveness variations.
Thesis (Ph .D.) -- Rhodes University, 2004.
available online,
Heath, Rachel Ann.
The Praeger handbook of transsexuality: changing gender to match
Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2006.
Ugl HQ 77.9 .H43 2006
Heche, Anne.
Call me crazy.
NY: Scribner, c2001.
Suz PN 2287 .N395 A3 2001
Hecker, W. Christian (Waldemar Christian)
Surgical correction of intersexual genitalia and female genital
malformation. With a section on pediatric endocrinology by Dieter Knorr;
translation by Terry C. Telger.
note: translation of: Operative Korrekturen des intersexuellen und des
fehlgebildeten weiblichen Genitales.
Health WJ 712 H449o 1985
Hedwig and the angry inch [videorecording] New Line Cinema presents a
Killer Films production; director and writer for the screen, John Cameron
Mitchell; producers, Christine Vachon, Katie Roumel, Pamela Koffler.
[United States]: New Line Home Entertainment, c2001.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; videodisc release of the 2000 motion picture;
based on the musical by John Cameron Mitchell and Stephen Trask.
note: cast- John Cameron Mitchell, Andrea Martin, Michael Pitt, Miriam
Shor, Maurice Dean Wint; credits- director of photography, Frank G.
DeMarco; edited by Andrew Marcus; music and lyrics by Stephen Trask.
note: includes filmmaker commentary; deleted scenes with filmmaker
commentary; original feature-length documentary, 'Whether you like it or
not: the story of Hedwig': song by song access to the film; cast and crew
filmographies; theatrical trailer; DVD-ROM access to original theatrical
website (requires web browser)
note: The story of Hedwig, an ambitious glam-rocker who comes to America
determined to find fame, fortune, and his "other half." (transsexual
UglMed DVD NLHV 018
BotMed DVD BOT-316
Heede, Dag.
Det umenneskelige: analyser af seksualitet, kon og identitet hos Karen
Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag, 2001.
(Odense University studies in Scandinavian languages and literatures,
note: "Det umenneskelige' er en invitation til at nylaese Karen Blixens
forfatterskab ud fra aktuelle teoretiske stromminger som dekonstuktion,
postfeminisme og queer teori."
Suz PT 8175 .B545 Z6884 2001
Heger, Heinz.
The men with the pink triangle; translated [from the German] by David
Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, c1980.
note: translation of: Manner mit dem rosa Winkel.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.7 H4313 1980
Ugl HQ 75.7 .H4313 1986 (GMP ed.)
Heianna, Yuki.
Search kimi ga ita. Heianna Yuki, Megumi.
Tokyo: Tokuma Shoten, 2000 (2001 printing)
EAsia HQ 77.8 .H45 A3 2000
Heicker, Dino.
Gespenster und Geschlechter: Homoerotik in der europäischen
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, c2004.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel. Sonderreihe Wissenschaft, Bd. 2)
Suz PN 3377 .H67 H45 2004
Heilbrun, Carolyn G.
Toward a recognition of androgyny. [1st ed.]
NY: Knopf, 1973.
Suz, Ugl PN 56 .S52 H4
Bot PN 56 .S52 H4 1974
Heilbut, Anthony.
Thomas Mann: eros and literature.
NY: A. A. Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1996.
Suz PT 2625 .A44 Z54415 1996
Heim, Scott.
In awe.
NY: HarperCollins Publishers, c1997.
Suz PS 3558 .E4527 I5 1997
Heim, Scott.
Mysterious skin.
NY: Harper Perennial, 2005.
Ugl PS 3558 .E4527 M87 2005
Heims, Neil.
Allen Ginsberg. [Introduction by Leslea Newman]
Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, c2005.
(Gay and lesbian writers)
Ugl, Bot PS 3513 .I74 Z618 2005
Heinecken, Dawn.
The warrior women of television: a feminist cultural analysis of the new
female body in popular media.
NY: Peter Lang, c2003.
Ugl, Tac PN 1992.8 .W65 H45 2003
Heinze, Eric.
Sexual orientation; a human right: an essay on international human rights
Dordrecht; Boston: M. Nijhoff Publishers, c1995.
Suz K3242.3 .H45 1995
Heinze, Michael.
Love, sexuality, identity: the gay experience in contemporary canadian
Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, c2007.
(Reflections, Bd. 17)
Suz PR 9191.7 .H65 H43 2007
Helbing, Terry.
Gay Theatre Alliance directory of gay plays.
Compiled and edited and with an introd. by Terry Helbing.
NY: JH Press, 1980.
Suz, DramaRef PS 338 H66 H4 1980
Helfgott, Esther [Altshul]
Irena Klepfisz: a life in print: the early years, 1975-1992.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1994.
Suz D7 .Th42418
Aux Thesis 42418
Heli, Arne.
Åpen om det forbudte.
Oslo: Pax Forlag A/S, 2006.
Suz HQ 75.8 .H43 A3 2006
Heller, Sharon.
Freud A to Z.
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, c2005.
note: Homosexuality, pp. 140-144.
Bot WM 460.5 .F9 H477f 2005
Heller, Wendy Beth.
Emblems of eloquence: opera and women's voices in seventeenth-century
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2003.
note: chapter 5, The nymph Calisto and the myth of female pleasure,
pp. 178-219; chapter 6, Semiramide and musical transvestism, pp.
Music ML 2100 .H45 2003
Hellman, Lillian.
The children's hour.
NY: Knopf, 1934.
Drama PS 3515 .E343 C5 1934
Drama Acting editions ActEd Childrens hour (Dramatists Play Service ed.
Hello, I love you!: Voices from within the sexual revolution.
By Jeanne pasle-green and Jim Haynes.
NY: Times Change Press, c1977.
Suz HQ 21 .H4185 1977
Helminiak, Daniel A.
What the Bible really says about homosexuality.
Foreword by John S. Spong.
San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, c1994.
Suz BS 680 .H67 H45 1994
Helms, Alan.
Young man from the provinces: a gay life before Stonewall.
Boston: Faber and Faber, 1995.
Suz HQ 75.8 .H44 A3 1995
Helping gay and lesbian youth: new policies, new programs, new practice.
Teresa DeCrescenzo, ed.
NY: Haworth Press, c1994.
SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .H45 1994
Hemingway and women: female critics and the female voice. Edited by
Lawrence R. Broer and Gloria Holland.
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 11, Queer families in Hemingway's fiction (Debra A.
Moddelmog), pp. 173-189.
Suz PS 3515 .E37 Z6178 2002
Hemmings, Clare.
Bisexual spaces: a geography of sexuality and gender.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz, Tac HQ 74 .H45 2002
Hemphill, Essex.
Ceremonies: prose and poetry.
NY: Plume, c1992.
Suz, Ugl PS 3558 E47925 C47 1992
Hempstead, Brooke M.
Tradition versus equality: an ideological analysis of the presidential
campaign rhetoric of George W. Bush and John Kerry regarding gay
Thesis (M.A.)--Washington State University, 2005.
available online,
Hemric, Benjamin, ed.
Male homosexual students speak for themselves.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 4)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 4
Hendershot, Heather.
Shaking the world for Jesus: media and conservative evangelical
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.
note: chapter 4, Holiness codes and holy homosexuals: interpreting gay and
lesbian Christian subculture, pp. 114-142.
Suz BV 652.97 .U6 H46 2004
Hendershott, Anne B.
The politics of deviance.
San Francisco: Encounter books, 2002.
note: [chapter] 6, Stigma and sexual orientation, pp. 93-108.
Suz HM 811 .H46 2002
Henderson, Alison Wilhelm.
Sexual satisfaction among lesbian and heterosexual women: an ecological
Seattle: University of Washington, 2006.
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2006.
Suz BF 21 Th56364
Aux Thesis 56364
Henderson, William Haywood.
NY: Dutton, c1993.
Suz PS 3558 .E4944 N38 1993
Henderson, William Haywood.
The rest of the earth.
NY: Dutton, c1997.
Suz, Bot PS 3558 .E4944 R47 1997
Henley, Patricia.
In the river sweet.
NY: Pantheon Books, c2002.
Suz PS 3558 .E49633 I5 2002
Hennessy, Christopher.
Outside the lines: talking with contemporary gay poets.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2005.
Ugl, Tac PS 310 .H66 H46 2005
Hennessy, Rosemary.
Profit and pleasure: sexual identities in late capitalism.
NY: Routledge, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.5 .H46 2000
Hennig, Jean Luc.
Bi: de la bisexualite masculine.
[Paris]: Gallimard, c1996.
Suz HQ 74 .H46 1996
Hennig, Jean Luc.
Les garcons de passe: enquete sur la prostitution masculine.
Paris: Hallier, c1978.
Suz HQ 76.3 .F8 H45 1978
Henry, Astrid.
Not my mother's sister: generational conflict and third-wave feminism.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2004.
Suz, Bot HQ 1421 .H43 2004
Henry, George W.
Sex variants; a study of homosexual patterns, with sections contributed by
specialists in particular fields.
Sponsored by the Committee for the Study of Sex Variants, inc.
NY: P. B. Hoeber [1948]
Suz HQ 76 .H48 1948
Henry, Kristin.
Dancing across borders: women who become lesbians in mid-life.
M.A. Victoria University (Australia), 2004
available online,
Henry James and homo-erotic desire. Edited by John R. Bradley;
introduction by Sheldon M. Novick.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Suz PS 2127 .H63 H46 1999
Hentig, Hans von.
Die Kriminalität des homophilen Mannes.
Stuttgart: Enke, 1960.
(Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Bd. 20)
HSLIC Serials 392.608 B397 no. 17-24
Hentig, Hans von.
Die Kriminalität des homophilen Mannes. 2., völlig veränd.
Stuttgart: Enke, 1966.
(Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Bd. 20)
HSLIC Serials 392.608 B397 no. 20 1966
Hentzelt, Frieder.
Hässliche Entlein: die vorschwule Phase: eine psychologische
Untersuchung, gestützt auf Gespräche mit sechs schwulen
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript Verlag, 1994.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H43 1994
Hepburn, Allan.
Intrigue: espionage and culture.
note: chapter 8, Leaks: fighting the queer Cold War in The Untouchable,
pp. 187-228.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c2005.
Suz, Ugl, Tac PR 888 .S65 H47 2005
Hequembourg, Amy.
Lesbian motherhood: stories of becoming.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2007.
Suz HQ 75.53 .H47 2007
Her first piece. Best of the 78's Volume 1 [sound recording] Ray
[S.l.]: Cool Cat Daddy Productions, c2002.
note: 1 sound disc, CD
note: Stand-up comedy, humorous poetry and songs with piano accompaniment;
originally released in 1930s and 40s.
UglMed Cd CCDP 004 v.1
Herbert, John.
Fortune and men's eyes.
NY: Grove Press [c1967]
Suz, Ugl, Drama PR 6058 .E65 F6
Herdt, Gilbert H.
Children of Horizons: how gay and lesbian teens are leading a new way out
of the closet.
By Gilbert H. Herdt and Andrew Boxer.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1993.
Suz, SocWk, Bot HQ 76.2 U5 H47 1993
Herdt, Gilbert H.
Children of horizons: how gay and lesbian teens are leading a new way out
of the closet, with a new epilogue. By Gilbert H. Herdt and Andrew
Boston: Beacon Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 H47 1996
Herdt, Gilbert H.
Guardians of the flutes: idioms of masculinity.
NY: McGraw-Hill, c1981.
Suz, Ugl, Bot GN 671 N5 H44
Herdt, Gilbert H.
The Sambia: ritual and gender in New Guinea.
NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1987.
Ugl, Bot DU 740.42 H45 1987
Herdt, Gilbert H.
Sambia sexual culture: essays from the field.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz DU 740.42 .H46 1999
Herdt, Gilbert H.
Same sex, different cultures: gays and lesbians across cultures.
Boulder, CO: WestviewPress, 1997.
Suz, Bot, Tac GN 484.35 .H47 1997
Herdt, Gilbert H.
Secrecy & cultural reality: utopian ideologies of the New Guinea men's
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2003.
Suz, Bot DU 740.42 .H464 2003
Herdt, Gilbert H.
Something to tell you: the road families travel when a child is gay.
Gilbert Herdt and Bruce Koff.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2000.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .H44 2000
Here begynneth a propre treatyse of a marchauntes wyfe...
see uniform title, This mater treateth of a merchauntes wyfe...
Here to dare: 10 gay Black poets.
Arthur T. Wilson ... [et al.]; edited by Assotto Saint.
NY: Galiens Press, 1992.
Suz PS 595 .H65 H4 1992
Herek, Gregory M.
Sexual orientation and military service: prospects for organizational and
individual change in the United States. Gregory Herek and Aaron
[Santa Barbara, CA: Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the
Military, 2005]
note: a slightly modified version of this study appears in Military life:
the psychology of serving in peace and combat, Thomas W. Britt (ed.) [et
al.] Greenwood Press, 2006.
available online,
Hergemöller, Bernd-Ulrich.
Chorknaben und Bäckerknechte: homosexuelle Kleriker im
mittelalterlichen Basel.
Hamburg: Männerschwarmskript, 2004.
Suz BR 1038 .B3 H47 2004
Hergemöller, Bernd-Ulrich.
Einführung in die Historiographie der Homosexualitäten.
Tübingen: Edition Diskord, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H474 1999
Hergemöller, Bernd-Ulrich.
Hans Blüher (1888-1955): annotierte und kommentierte Biobibliographie
(1905-2004) nebst Erstveröffentlichung der Jugendgedichte "Böse
Lieder. Bearbeitet und eingeleitet von Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöler.
Hamburg: HHL-Verlag, 2004.
(Hergemölers historiographische Hilfsmittel, 1)
Suz B3209 .B8 H47 2004
Hergemöller, Bernd-Ulrich.
Mann für Mann: biographisches Lexikon zur Geschichte von
Freundesliebe und mannmännlicher Sexualität im deutschen
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 1998.
SuzRef HQ 75.7 .H47 1998
Hergemöller, Bernd-Ulrich.
Sodom und Gomorrha: zur Alltagswirklichkeit und Verfolgung Homosexueller
im Mittelalter.
Hamburg: Buchladen Männerschwarm, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.3 .E8 H475 1998
Hergemöller, Bernd-Ulrich.
Sodom and Gomorrah: on the everyday reality and persecution of homosexuals
in the Middle Ages. Translated by John Phillips. 2nd ed.
London; NY: Free Assocition Books, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.45 .E85 H413 2001
Herman, Didi.
The antigay agenda: orthodox vision and the Christian right.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
Suz BR 115 .H6 H47 1997
Herman, Didi.
Rights of passage: struggles for lesbian and gay legal equality.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c1994.
Suz HQ 76.8 .C2 H47 1994
Herman, Ellen.
Psychiatry, psychology, and homosexuality.
NY: Chelsea House Publishers, c1995.
(Issues in lesbian and gay life)
ChiLit HQ 76.25 .H46 1995
Herman, Jerry.
La Cage aux folles [sound recording]
NY: RCA Red Seal, 1983.
note: Original cast recording; the Broadway musical. Based on the play
"La Cage aux Folles" by Jean Poiret; book by
Harvey Fierstein; starring George Hearn and Gene Barry; conductor, Donald
Music Listening center Phonodisc 13 L 25
Herman, Jerry.
La cage aux folles: the Broadway musical. Music and lyrics by Jerry
Herman; book by Harvey Fierstein; based on the play, "La cage aux
folles" by Jean Poiret.
NY: S. French, c1987.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Cage aux
Herman, Jerry.
La cage aux folles: the Broadway musical comedy.
Music and lyrics by Jerry Herman; [book by Harvey Fierstein, based
on the play La cage aux folles by Jean Poiret]; arranged by Patrick
Holland; [vocal selections]
note: Vocal score, selections.
Jerryco Music Co.: Winona, MN; distributed by H. Leonard Pub. Corp.,
note: for the videorecording based on the original French play, see:
La cage aux folles [videorecording]
Drama M 1508 .H47 C3 1983
Hermaphrodites speak [videorecording] Intersex Society of North America
Petaluma, CA: Intersex Society of North America, [1996]
note: VHS.
note: This film covers the first meeting of intersexed people. Seven
participants, two assigned as men and four as women, discuss their
experiences of mutilation under the rubric of standard medical treatment
for hermaphroditic children.
UglMed Videorecord ISNA 003
Curriculum Materials WJ 712 J551 1996 Curriculum co, suppl.
Hernandez, Jaime.
Ghost of hoppers.
Seattle: Fantagraphics, 2005.
Ugl, Bot PN 6727 .H48 G46 2005
Hernandez, Jaime.
Locas: the Maggie and Hopey stories.
Seattle: Fantagraphics, 2004.
Ugl, Bot PN 6728 .L62 H47 2004
Heron, Ann.
How would you feel if your dad was gay? By Ann Heron & Meredith Maran.
Illustrated by Kris Kovick.
Boston: Alyson Wonderland, c1991.
BotChi HQ 777.8 H47 1991
ChiLit HQ 777.8 .H47 1994
Herrera, Sergio Lino.
"We gotta get out of this place": a qualitative study on the effects of
leisure travel on the lives of gay men living in a small community.
note: Thesis (M.S.)--Texas A&M University, 2003.
available online,
Herring, Phillip F.
Djuna: the life and work of Djuna Barnes.
NY: Viking, 1995.
Suz, SpecColl Authors PS 3503 .A614 Z68 1995
Herrman, Bert.
Being, being happy, being gay: pathways to a rewarding life for lesbians
and gay men.
San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, c1990.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 H47 1990
Herrmann, Anne.
Queering the moderns: poses/portraits/performances.
NY: Palgrave, 2000.
Suz PR 478 .H65 H47 2000
Herrn, Rainer.
Anders bewegt: 100 Jahre Schwulenbewegung in Deutschland.
Hamburg: MannerschwarmSkript, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G4 H4 1999
Herrn, Rainer.
100 years of the gay rights movement in Germany.
NY: Goethe-Institut New York, c1997.
note:...100th anniversary...exhibition "The legacy of Magnus
Hirschfeld...and an accompanying catalog...
Suz HQ 76.8 .G4 H47 1997
Herron, Bob.
Moritz!: a comic novel.
NY: Calamus Books, 1982.
Suz PS 3558 .E759 M6 1982
Herrup, Cynthia B.
A house in gross disorder: sex, law, and the 2nd Earl of Castlehaven.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Suz KD 372 .C37 H47 1999
Hers: brilliant new fiction by lesbian writers. Edited by Terry Wolverton
with Robert Drake.
Boston: Faber and Faber, 1995.
Ugl PS 648 .L47 H47 1995
Hers 2: brilliant new fiction by lesbian writers. Edited by Terry
Wolverton with Robert Drake.
Boston: Faber and Faber, 1997.
Ugl PS 648 .L47 H48 1997
Hers 3: brilliant new fiction by lesbian writers. Edited by Terry
and Robert Drake.
NY: Faber & Faber, 1999.
Suz, Ugl PS 648 .L47 H482 1999
Hertzog, Mark.
The lavender vote: lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals in American electoral
NY: New York University Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 H49 1996
Herzer, Manfred.
Magnus Hirschfeld: Leben und Werk eines judischen, schwulen und
sozialistischen Sexologen.
Frankfurt (Main); NY: Campus, c1992.
Suz HQ 18.32 .H57 H47 1992
Herzer, Manfred.
Magnus Hirschfeld: Leben und Werk eines judischen, schwulen und
sozialistischen Sexologen. 2., uberarbeitete Aufl.
Hamburg: MannerschwarmSkript Verlag, c2001.
(Schriften der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft, Bd. 10)
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel, Bd. 28)
Suz HQ 18.32 .H57 M34 2001
Heslin, P. J.
The transvestite Achilles: gender and genre in Statius' Achilleid.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Suz PA 6698 .H47 2005
Hess, Erika E. (Erika Elizabeth)
Literary hybrids: cross-dressing, shapeshifting, and indeterminacy in
medieval and modern French narrative.
NY: Routledge, 2004.
Suz PQ 221 .H47 2004
Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy.
The cult of thinness. 2nd ed.
NY: Oxford University Press, 2007.
note: [chapter] 8, New recruits for the cult of thinness: preteen girls,
adolescents, straight men, gays, lesbians, and ethnic women, pp.
Bot, Tac BF 697.5 .B63 H47 2007
By Diane Chapman ... [et al.]; edited by Gillian E. Hanscombe and Martin
London: GMP; Eugene, OR: Distributed in North America
by Subterranean Co., 1987.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H47 1987
Hetze, Stefanie.
Happy-End fur wen?: Kino und lesbische Frauen.
Frankfurt/M: Tende, 1986.
Suz PN 1995.9 L48 H4 1986
Hewett, Greg.
Red suburb: poems.
Minneapolis, MN: Coffee House Press, 2002.
Suz PS 3558 .E826 R39 2002
Hewitt, Andrew.
Political inversions: homosexuality, fascism, & the modernist
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996.
Suz PN 56 .H57 H49 1996
Hewitt, Andrew.
Social choreography: ideology as performance in dance and everyday
Durham: Duke University Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 4, The Scandalous male icon: Nijinsky and the queering of
symbolist aesthetics, pp. 156-1776.
Suz, Bot GV 1782.5 .H49 2005
Hey paesan! writing by lesbians and gay men of Italian descent.
Edited by Tommi Avicolli Mecca, Giovanna (Janet) Capone and Denise Nico
Oakland, CA: Three Guineas Press, c1999.
Suz PS 648 .H57 H49 1999
Heyward, Carter.
Touching our strength: the erotic as power and the love of God.
San Francisco: Harper & Row, c1989.
Suz BT 708 .H49 1989
Hibbard, Susan G.
The right response: a survey of voters' attitudes about gay-related
Washington, D. C.: National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute,
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 H52 1994
Hibberd, Dominic.
Harold Munro: poet of the New Age.
NY: Palgrave, 2001.
Suz PR 6025 ,O35 Z69 2001
Hibberd, Dominic.
Wilfred Owen: a new biography.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2002.
Suz PR 6029 .W4 Z67 2002
Hickson, Alisdare.
The poisoned bowl: sex and the public school.
London: G. Duckworth, 1996.
Suz LA 637.7 .H483 1996
Hidalgo, Pilar.
Paradigms found: feminist, gay, and new historicist readings of
Amsterdam: Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 2001.
(Costerus, v. 134)
Suz PE1 .C66 n.s. v.14
Hidden from history: reclaiming the gay and lesbian past.
Edited by Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vicinus, and George Chauncey,
NY: NAL Books, c1989.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.25 .H527 1989
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .H527 1990
Hidden heritage, history and the gay imagination: an anthology.
Edited by Byrne R. S. Fone.
NY: Avocation Publishers, 1980.
Suz HQ 76.25 H53 1980
Hidden holocaust?: gay and lesbian persecution in Germany, 1933-45.
Edited by Günter Grau; with a contribution by Claudia Schoppmann;
translated by Patrick Camiller.
Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, [1995]
note: Translation of: Homosexualität in der NS-Zeit: Dokumente einer
Diskriminierung und Verfolgung.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .G4 H6613 1995
Hide and seek [videorecording] Written by Su Friedrich and Cathy Nan
Quinlan; produced by Eva Kolodner and Katie Roumel; directed and edited by
Su Friedrich; produced in association with the Independent Television
Service; Downstream Productions, Inc.
[NY]: Outcast Films, [2005]
note: DVD, originally produced as a motion picture in 1996
note: An exploration into lesbian adolescence in the 1960s as told through
a dramatization, archival footage and interviews of adult lesbians; bonus
features: Gently down the stream, a silent film (1981) which moves between
written by a lesbian and image; But no one, a dream-like walk through the
waking world of the filmmaker( 1982); Su Friedrich filmography.
(The films of Su Friedrich, v.4)
UglMed DVD OUTC 002
Higgins, Michael James.
Streets, bedrooms & patios: the ordinariness of diversity in urban
Oaxaca: ethnographic portraits of street kids, urban poor, transvestites,
discapacitados, and other popular cultures. Michael James Higgins and
Tanya L. Coen; with the editorial assistance of Marsha Moore-Jazayeri.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000.
Suz HN 120 .O18 H53 2000
Higgins, Patrick.
Heterosexual dictatorship: male homosexuality in postwar Britain.
London: Fourth Estate, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G7 H535 1996
High risk: an anthology of forbidden writings.
Edited by Amy Scholder and Ira Silverberg.
NY: Dutton, 1991.
Suz PS 509 .E7 H5 1991
High risk lives: lesbian and gay politics after the Clause.
Edited by Tara Kaufmann and Paul Lincoln.
Bridport, Dorset: Prism Press; Garden City Park,
NY: dist. by Avery Pub. Group, 1991.
Suz HQ 76.3 G7 H53 1991
Higham, Charles.
Charles Laughton: an intimate biography. Introduction by Elas
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1976.
Suz, Ugl PN 2598 .L27 H5
Highsmith, Patricia.
The price of salt.
Rev. ed. with an afterword by the author, Claire Morgan [pseud. for
Patricia Highsmith.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1984.
note: this novel later published as : Carol.
Suz PS 3558 .I366 P7 1984
Bot PS 3558 .I366 P7 2004 (Norton, 2004, c1990)
Highsmith, Patricia.
Small g: a summer idyll.
NY: Norton, 2004.
note: originally published: Great Britain, Bloomsbury, 1995.
Suz PS 3558 .I366 S63 2004
Highsmith, Patricia.
The talented Mr. Ripley.
note: included in the collection, Crime novels: American noir of the
1950s; see Crime novels: American noir of the 1950s.
note: for a dramatic adaptation, see: Nagy, Phyllis. The talented Mr.
note: for the screenplay, see Minghella, Anthony. The talented Mr. Ripley.
note: for the film, see The talented Mr. Ripley.
Highwater, Jamake.
The mythology of transgression: homosexuality as metaphor.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H54 1997
Hill, Jim.
The Bible tells me so: uses and abuses of Holy Scripture.
By Jim Hill and Rand Cheadle.
NY: Anchor Books/Doubleday, c1996.
Suz BS 538.7 .H55 1996
Hiller, Kurt.
Leben gegen die Zeit.
Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt 1969-1973.
note: [2]. Eros.
Suz DD 247 .H44 A3 1969 v.2
Hillier, Lynne.
Writing themselves in again: 6 years on: the 2nd national report on the
sexuality, health & well-being of same sex attracted young people in
Australia. Lynne Hillier, Alina Turner, Anne Mitchell.
Melbourne: Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society, Faculty of
Health Sciences, La Trobe University, 2005.
(Monograph series (La Trobe University. Australian Research Centre in Sex,
Health, and Society), n. 50)
available online:
Hilton, Bruce.
Can homophobia be cured? wrestling with questions that challenge the
Nashville, TN: Abington Press, c1992.
Suz, Ugl BR 115 H6 H54 1992
Himes, Chester.
Yesterday will make you cry.
NY: Norton, c1998.
note: complete and unexpurgated text of Himes' first autobiographical
novel which was originally published in a different form in 1953 as: Cast
the first stone.
Suz PS 3515 .I713 Y47 1998
Hing, Bill Ong.
Defining America through immigration policy. Foreword by Anthony D.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2004.
note: chapter 5, The 1952 Act: excluding communists, homosexuals, and
other undesirables, pp. 73-92.
Suz, Bot, Tac JV 6483 .H56 2004
Hinkle, Warren.
Gayslayer!: the story of how Dan White killed Harvey Milk and George
Mascone & got away with murder.
Virginia City, NV: Silver Dollar Books, 1985.
Suz HV 6248 .W476 H56 1985
Hinsch, Bret.
Passions of the cut sleeve: the male homosexual tradition in China.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1990.
Suz, Ugl, EAsia HQ 76.2 C5 H56 1990
Hinzpeter, Werner.
Schone schwule Welt: der Schlussverkauf einer Bewegung.
Berlin: Querverlag, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G4 H579 1997
Hip hop [videorecording]: a culture of influence. Produced by Youth
Organizers Television (YO-TV), a program of the Educational Video
note: VHS; commissioned by The Brooklyn Museum of Art
note: The meaning and impact of hip-hop music are discussed by hip-hop
musicians, journalists, writers, and scholars. Includes photographs and
video clips of hip-hop artists, jazz artists, and on-the-street interviews
by the young filmmakers in the YO-TV program.
note: contents- What is hip-hop?--Evolution of hip-hop--How does race
affect hip hop?--Criminalization of hip hop--Homophobia--Commercialization--
How do youth influence hip hop?--How does hip hop influence youth?--Media
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2496
Hippler, Mike.
Matlovich, the good soldier.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1989.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.8 M3 H56 1989
Hippler, Mike.
So little time: essays on gay life.
Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts, c1990.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 H56 1990
Hirano, Hiroaki.
Anchi heterosekushizumu.
Tokyo: Pandora: Hatsubai Gendai Shokan, 1994.
EAsia HQ 76.25 .H57 1994
Hirsch, Edwin Walter.
Impotence and frigidity.
NY: Citadel Press [1966]
HSLIC WJ 709 H669i 1966
Hirsch, Foster.
Who's afraid of Edward Albee?
Berkeley, CA: Creative Arts Book Co., 1978
(Modern authors monograph series, no. 4)
Suz PS 3551 .L25 Z72 1978
Hirschfeld, Magnus.
Berlins dritte Geschlecht. 6. Auflage.
Berlin, Leipzig: Verlag von Hemann Seemann Nachfolger G. m. b. H.,
(Grossstadt-Dokumente, Bd. 3)
note: preface dated Dec. 1, 1904.
see: Documents of the homosexual rights movement in Germany, 1836-1927.
(reprint, 1975)
Hirschfeld, Magnus and H[ermann] Beck.
Gesetze der Liebe: Aus der Mappe eines Sexualforschers.
Nach dem gleichnamigen Kultur- und Spielfilm der Humboldt-Film-Gesellschaft,
Berlin. Bearbeitet mit dem Institut fur Sexualwissenschaft.
Berlin-Hessenwinkel: Verlag der Neuen Gesellschaft, 1927.
see: Documents of the homosexual rights movement in Germany, 1836-1927.
(reprint, 1975)
Hirschfeld, Magnus [and] Richard Linsert.
"Die Homosexualität." In: Sittengeschichte des Lasters, ed.
Schidrowitz., pp. 255-318. Vienna, 1927.
note: in three parts: Die Homosexualität im Altertum; Die
im Mittelalter, and Die Homosexualität in unsere Zeit.
see: Documents of the homosexual rights movement in Germany, 1836-1927.
(reprint, 1975)
Hirschfeld, Magnus.
Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes. Mit einer
Einleitung von E. J. Haeberle.
Berlin; NY: W. de Gruyter, 1984.
(Klassiker der Sexualwissenschaft, 1)
note: Reprint. Originally published: Berlin, L. Marcus, 1914. With new
Suz HQ 76 .H6 1984
Hirschfeld, Magnus.
The homosexuality of men and women. Translated by Michael A.
Lombardi-Nash; introduction by Vern L. Bullough.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, c2000.
note: translation of Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H5813 2000
Hirschfeld, Magnus.
"Magnus Hirschfeld (Autobiographical Sketch),"
in: Encyclopaedia Sexualis. Dingwall-Rock, 1936. pp. 317-321.
see also: A homosexual emancipation miscellanty. (reprint)
Hirschfeld, Magnus.
Sappho und Sokrates. Wie erklärt sich die Liebe der Männer und
Frauen zu Personen des eigenen Geschlechts? Zweite Auflage.
Leipzig: Verlag von Max Spohr, 1902.
see: Documents of the homosexual rights movement in Germany, 1836-1927.
(reprint, 1975)
Hirschfeld, Magnus.
Transvestites: the erotic drive to cross-dress.
Translated by Michael A. Lombardi-Nash.
Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1991.
note: translation from the German of: Transvestiten.
Suz HQ 77 .H57 1991
Hirschfeld, Magnus.
"Ursachen und Wesen des Uranismus."
see: Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen. Leipzig. v.5, 1903.
see: Documents of the homosexual rights movement in Germany, 1836-1927.
(reprint, 1975)
Hirschfeld, Magnus.
Von einst bis jetzt: Geschichte einer homosexuellen Bewegung,
hrsg. und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Manfred Herzer und James
Berlin, Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1986.
(Schriftenreihe der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft, n. 1)
note: "Dieser autobiographische Text Magnus Hirschfelds erschien
1922/23 in der Berliner Homosexuellen-Zeitschrift 'Die Freundschaft'
in 53 Folgen.
Suz HQ 75.8 .H57 A38 1986
Hirst, Alex.
Almost one.
London: GMP, 1985.
Suz PR 6058 .I57 A46
His: brilliant new fiction by gay writers.
Edited by Robert Drake with Terry Wolverton.
Boston: Faber and Faber, 1995.
Ugl PS 648 .H57 H57 1995
His 2: brilliant new fiction by gay writers.
Edited by Robert Drake with Terry Wolverton.
Boston: Faber and Faber, c1997.
Ugl PS 648 .H57 H56 1997
His 3: brilliant new fiction by gay writers. Edited by Robert Drake and
Terry Wolverton.
NY: Faber and Faber, 1999.
Suz PS 648 .H57 H562 1999
His hands, his tools, his sex, his dress: lesbian writers on their
fathers. Catherine Reid, Holly K. Iglesias, editors.
NY: Alice Street Editions, c2001.
Suz PS 648 .F36 H57 2001
Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian detective fiction: essays on the género
negro tradition. Edited by Renée W. Craig-Odders, Jacky Collins and
Glen S. Close.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, c2006.
note: "Coming out" in Spanish crime fiction, (Nancy Vosburg), pp.
Suz PQ 6140 .D47 H547 2006
El hispanismo en los Estados Unidos: discursos criticos/practicas textuales.
Jose M. del Pino, Francisco La Rubia Prado (editores)
Madrid: Visor, 1999.
(Visor, Literatura y debate critico, 26)
note: Estudios cinematograficos. "La herida el aire: travestismo y
ansiedad cultural en el cine de Pedro Almodovar" (Alejandro Yarza), pp.
191-209; Estudios gay y lesbianos. "La revelacion del cuerpo masculino:
una mirada gay" (James Mandrell), pp. 211-230; Estudios culturales.
"Travestismo y novela terrorista: masoquismo femenino y deseo en la literatura
vasca postnacional" (Joseba Gabilondo), pp. 231-254.
Suz PQ 6072 .H58 1999
Hispanisms and homosexualities. Sylvia Molloy and Robert McKee Irwin,
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 1998.
(Series Q)
Suz PQ 7081 .A1 H5735 1998
Historia de un deseo: el erotismo homosexual en veintiocho relatos
argentinos contemporaneos. [seleccion y prologo] Leopoldo Brizuela.
Buenos Aires: Planeta, 2000.
Suz PQ 7736.5 .H65 H588 2000
Historical, literary, and erotic aspects of lesbianism.
Edited by Monika Kehoe.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1986.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 H57 1986b
Historical perspectives on homosexuality.
Compiled and edited by Salvatore J. Licata and Robert P. Petersen.
NY: Haworth Press; Stein and Day, c1981.
see also: The gay past: a collection of historical essays. (Reprint,
Suz, Tac HQ 76 H57 1981
Histories of Canadian children and youth. [Edited by] Nancy Janovicek &
Joy Parr.
Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 2003.
note: Understanding homophobia, pp. 305-309; About coming out, pp.
310-312; Lesbianism: breaking the silence, pp. 313-314. (These are
reprints of pamphlets held in the Canadian Lesbian & Gay Archives, by Gays
of Ottawa, 1975, and Gays for Equality-Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1983 and 1984,
Suz HQ 792 .C3 H58 2003
History lessons [videorecording] A film by Barbara Hammer.
NY: First Run Icarus Films, 2000.
note: VHS
note: From an extraordinary body of archival footage -- some dating back
to the 19th century -- of sports films, military films, vintage stag reels
and lesbian angst dramas this film explores lesbian images from 1896 until
1969. Focusing on pervading images prior to Stonewall, the film exposes
popular representations of lesbian culture.
UglMed Videorecord FRIP 234
History of homosexuality in Europe and America.
Edited with introductions by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
NY: Garland, 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v. 5)
Suz HQ 76.3 .E8 H57 1992
A history of our time: readings on postwar America. Edited by William H.
Chafe, Harvard Sitkoff.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
note: The emergence of gay liberation (Estelle Freedman and John
D'Emilio), pp. 244-155.
Ugl E 742 .H57 1999
Hit and runway [videorecording] A Mirador Production; a Christopher
Livingston Film; Culture Q Connection; produced by Chris D'Annibile,
Andrew & Charas & Christopher Livingston; directed by Christopher
Tucson, AZ: Culture Q Connection; [S.l.] Lot 47 Films, c2002.
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 1999.
note: credits- cinematography, David Tumblety; editors, Christopher
Livingston, Rhoda L. Mitrani; music, Frank Piazza; cast -Michael Parducci,
Peter Jacobson, Judy Prescott, Kerr Smith, and J.K. Simmons as Ray
note: Alex is a straight, talent-free, working-class Italian Catholic with
a great idea for a movie and the right Hollywood connections. Elliot is a
cantankerous, gay, Jewish New Yorker who has all the talent and no one to
pay him for it. When the two team up to write a script together for a top
grossing Hollywood action hero, their goal becomes less about beating the
deadline and more about wanting to beat each other into a bloody pulp as
they try to find some common ground on issues of sex, violence, high
fashion and artistic integrity.
UglMed DVD CQC 001
Hitchcock, Tim.
English sexualities, 1700-1800.
Basingstoke: Macmillan; NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
note: Chapter 5: Subcultures and sodomites; the development of
homosexuality. Chapter 6: Tribades, cross-dressers and Romantic
Suz HQ 615 .H57 1997
Hitchcock's America. Edited by Jonathan Freedman and Richard
NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 5. Hitchcock's Washington: spectatorship, ideology, and
the "homosexual menace" in Strangers on a train (Robert J. Corber),
pp. 99-121.
Suz, Bot PN 1998.3 .H58 H575 1999
HIV/AIDS and sexuality. Michael W. Ross, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c1995.
note: also appeared as a special issue of: Journal of psychology &
human sexuality. v.7, n.1/2 (1995)
Tac WC 503.7 H676 1995
Suz WC 503.7 H676 1995b
HIV/AIDS at year 2000: a sourcebook for social workers. Edited by Vincent
J. Lynch.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon, c2000.
SocWk, Tac WC 503.7 H6762 2000
HIV AIDS: work group on health care access issues for gay and bisexual men
of color, August 5-6, 1993.
[Rockville, MD?] : U. S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Public
Health Service, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of
Health Resources Development, [1995?]
(DHHS publication; no. HRSA 95-4)
GovPubs HE 20.9002:W 89/2
HIV and social work: a practitioner's guide. David M. Aronstein, Bruce J.
Thomson, editors.
NY: Harrington Park/Haworth Press, c1998.
SocWk, Tac WC 503.7 J676 1998
HIV disease: lesbians, gays, and the social services.
Gary A. Lloyd and Mary Ann Kuszelewicz, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, c1995.
SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .H58 1995
HIV mental health for the 21st century. Edited by Mark G. Winiarski.
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
note: [chapter] 11. Mental health issues of HIV-negative gay men, (Ariel
Shidlo), pp. 173-189.
SocWk WC 503.7 H6768 1997
The HIV-negative gay man: developing strategies for survival and
emotional well-being.
Steven Ball, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1998.
Suz WC 503.7 H678 1998
HIV+ sex: the psychological and interpersonal dynamics of HIV-seropositive
gay and bisexual men's relationships.
Edited by Perry N. Halkitis, Cynthia A. Gómez, and Richard J. Wolitski.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, c2005.
Ugl WC 503.7 H6767 2005
HIV prevention among Asian and Pacific Islander American men who have sex
with men: theories, research, applications, and policies. Frank Y. Wong,
Chwee Lye Chng, Kyung-Hee Choi, guest editors.
[NY: Guilford Publications] 1998.
note: a special supplement to AIDS Education and Prevention, v.10, n.3,
Suz WC 503.6 H6764 1998
Hoad, Neville Wallace.
African intimacies: race, homosexuality, and globalization.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2007.
Suz HQ 76.3 .A356 H63 2007
Hoagland, Sarah Lucia.
Lesbian ethics: toward new value.
Palo Alto, CA: Institute of Lesbian Studies, c1988.
Suz HQ 75.6 U5 H63 1988
Hoare, Philip.
Noel Coward: a biography.
London: Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995.
Drama PR 6005 .O85 Z635 1995
Hoare, Philip.
Wilde's last stand: decadence, conspiracy & the First World War.
London: Duckworth, 1997.
note: American ed. published as: Oscar Wilde's last stand: decadence,
conspiracy, and the most outrageous trial of the century.
Suz KD 373 .B54 H62 1997
Drama KD 373 .B54 H63 1998 (American ed.)
Hoare, Philip.
Serious pleasures: the life of Stephen Tennant.
London: H. Hamilton, 1990.
Suz CT 9991 .T46 H6 1990
Hoberman, John M. (John Milton)
Testosterone dreams: rejuvenation, aphrodisia, doping.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2005.
note: Reorienting male desire: curing homosexuals with sex hormones, pp.
Bot, Tac WJ 875 H682t 2005
Hobhouse, Janet.
Dancing in the dark.
NY: Random House, c1983.
Suz PS 3558 .O3369 D3 1983
Hobhouse, Janet.
Everybody who was anybody: a biography of Gertrude Stein.
NY: Putnam, 1975.
Suz, Ugl PS 3537 .T323 Z647
Hobson, Christopher Z.
Blake and homosexuality.
NY: Palgrave, 2000.
Suz PR 4157 .H63 H64 2000
Hobson, Laura Keane Zametkin.
Consenting adult.
NY: Warner Books, 1976, c1975.
Suz, Ugl PS 3515 .O1515 C6 1976
Hochhuth, Rolf.
Alan Turing: Erzahlung.
Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, c1987.
Suz PT 2668 .O3 A64 1987
Hochmann, Anndee.
Everyday acts & small subversions: women reinventing family,
community, and home.
Portland, OR: Eighth Mountain Press, 1994.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 1421 H63 1994
Hockney, David.
David Hockney. Edited by Nikos Stangos; introductory
essay by Henry Geldzahler.
London: Thames & Hudson, c1976.
Art N 6797 .H57 A2 1976
Hockney, David.
That's the way I see it. Edited by Nikos Stangos.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books; Vancouver, B. C.:
dist. in Canada by Raincoast Books, 1993.
Ugl, Art N 6797 .H57 A4 1993
Hocquenghem, Guy.
Le gay voyage: guide et regard homosexuels sur les grandes metropoles.
Paris: A. Michel, c1980.
Suz HQ 76 .H6542 1980
Hocquenghem, Guy.
Homosexual desire. Translated [from the French] by Daniella Dangoor.
London: Allison and Busby, 1978.
note: Translation of: Desir homosexuel.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H6313 1978
Hocquenghem, Guy.
Homosexual desire. Translated by Daniella Dangoor; preface to the 1978
edition by Jeffrey Weeks; new introduction by Michael Moon.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1993.
(Series Q)
note: Translation from the French of: Desir homosexuel.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H6313 1993
Hocquenghem, Guy.
Love in relief (L'amour en relief); Translated by Michael Whisler; preface
by George Stambolian.
NY: SeaHorse Press, 1986, c1985.
note: translation of: L'amour en relief.
Suz PQ 2668 .O215 A64 1986
Hodge, Stephen.
Having an impact: ANET evaluation report. Stephen Hodge, Sean Slavin,
Jonathan Bollen.
Sydney: National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences, The University of New South Wales, 2002.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia)),
Suz WC 503.6 H688h 2002
Hodges, Andrew.
Alan Turing: the enigma.
NY: Simon and Schuster, 1983.
note: for drama based on the biography, see: Whitemore, Hugh. Breaking the
Ugl QA 29 .T8 H63 1983
NatSci QA 29 .T8 H63 1983b (London edition)
Hodges, Andrew.
With downcast gays: aspects of homosexual self-oppression.
By Andrew Hodges and David Hutter.
Toronto: Pink Triangle Press, 1977.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H633 1977
Hodgman, Helen.
Passing remarks.
NY: Ballantine Pub., 1998.
Suz PR 6058 .O32 P37 1998
Hodgman, Helen.
Waiting for Matindi.
NY: Ballantine Books, 1999.
Suz PR 6058 .O32 W35 1999
Hoessli, Heinrich.
Eros. Die Mannerliebe der Griechen ... oder Forschungen uber platonische
Liebe. [Microform] 2. Aufl.
Munster i. d. Schwiez [1888?]
(History of women; reel 455, no. 3376)
note: Microfilm. New Haven, CT: Research Publications,
1977. 1 reel. 35mm.
see also: Hossli, Heinrich. Eros... for printed copy.
Microforms/Newspapers Microfilm A8266 reel 455, no. 3376
Hoeveler, Diane Long.
Romantic androgyny: the women within.
University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, c1990.
Suz PR 585 .A49 H6 1990
Hoffman, Amy.
Hospital time. With a foreword by Urvashi Vaid.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 1997.
Suz WC 503.7 H699h 1997
Hoffman, Jennifer D.
Teachers' perceptions on including gay and lesbian issues in the
M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2001.
available online,
Hoffman, Martin.
The gay world; male homosexuality and the social creation of evil.
NY: Basic Books [1968]
Suz, HSLIC HQ 76 .H655
Hoffman, Stephen.
Splendora: a musical. Book by Peter Webb; music by Stephen Hoffman; lyrics
by Mark Campbell; based on the novel by Edward Swift.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1998.
Drama ML 50 .H6895 S65 1998
Hoffman, William M.
As is : a play.
NY: Random House, c1985.
Ugl, Drama PS 3558 .O34644 A9 1985
Suz PS 3558 .O34644 A9 1985b
Hoffman, William M.
As is: a play. Rev. Jan. 1990.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1990.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd As is
Hoffschildt, Rainer.
Die Verfolgung der Homosexuellen in der NS-Zeit: Zahlen und Schicksale aus
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 H64 1999
Hofman, Brian.
"What is next?": gay male students' significant experiences after
coming-out while in college. 2004.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Toleda, 2004.
available online,
Hogan, Desmond.
A farewell to Prague.
London; Boston: Faber and Faber, 1996.
Suz PR 6058 .O346 F37 1996
Hogan, Katie.
Women take care: gender, race and the culture of AIDS.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, c2001.
note: chapter 4, The lesbian mammy, pp. 80-101.
Suz, Ugl WD 308 H714w 2001
Hogan, Steve.
Completely queer: the Gay and Lesbian encyclopedia. By Steve Hogan and Lee
NY: Henry Holt, 1998.
SuzRef, UglRef, Bot HQ 75 .H63 1998
Hogue, Cynthia.
Scheming women: poetry, privilege, and the politics of subjectivity.
Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995.
(SUNY series in feminist criticism and theory)
Suz, Bot PS 310 .F45 H64 1995
Holcomb, Gary Edward.
Claude McKay, code name Sasha: queer Black Marxism and the Harlem
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, c2007.
Suz PS 3525 .A24785 Z73 2007
Holden, Jonathan.
Guns and boyhood in America: a memoir of growing up in the 50s.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1997.
Suz PS 3558 .O34775 Z47 1997
Holden, Philip.
Orienting masculinity, orienting nation: W. Somerset Maugham's exotic
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996.
(Contributions to the study of world literature, no. 68)
Suz PR 6025 .A86 Z613 1996
Holder, Geoffrey.
NY: Viking, 1986.
Art Oversize TR 681 .M4 H64 1986
Holderman, Jerry.
Gay questions: quizzical queries into how you think, feel, love & live.
2nd ed., rev. and expanded.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz HQ 76 .H658 1998
Holland, Isabelle.
The man without a face.
Philadelphia: Lippincott [1972]
ChiLit PZ 7 .H7083 Man 1972
Holland, Merlin.
Irish peacock & scarlet marquess: the real trial of Oscar Wilde. Foreword
by Sir John Mortimer.
London: Fourth Estate, 2003.
Suz PR 5823 .H55 2003
Holland, Merlin.
The Wilde album.
London: Fourth Estate, 1997.
Suz, Bot PR 5823 .H56 1997
Holland, Sharon Patricia.
Raising the dead: readings of death and (Black) subjectivity.
Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 4, (Pro)Creating imaginative spaces and other queer acts:
Randall Kenan's A Visitation of Spirits and its revival of James Baldwin's
absent black gay man in Giovanni's Room, pp. 103-123; 5, "From this moment
forth, we are black lesbians": querying feminism and killing the self in
consolidated's Business of Punishment, pp. 124-148.
Suz PS 374 .D34 H65 2000
Holland, Vyvyan Beresford.
Oscar Wilde.
NY: Thames and Hudson, 1988, c1960.
Suz PR 5823 .H58 1988
Holland, Walter.
A journal of the plague years: poems 1979-1992.
NY: Magic City Press, 1992
Suz PS 3558 .O34917 J68 1992
Holleran, Andrew, pseudonym for Eric Garber.
(Not the same as the Eric Garber who writes about gay science fiction and
other gay topics, but is not a novelist)
Holleran, Andrew.
The beauty of men: a novel.
NY: Morrow, c1996.
Suz PS 3558 .O3496 B63 1996
Holleran, Andrew.
Dancer from the dance: a novel.
NY: Morrow, 1978.
Suz, Ugl PS 3558 .O3496 D3
Holleran, Andrew.
NY: Hyperion, c2006.
Suz PS 3558 .O3496 G75 2006
Holleran, Andrew.
Ground zero.
NY: Morrow, c1988.
Suz, Ugl WD 308 H737g 1988
Holleran, Andrew.
In September, the light changes: the stories of Andrew Holleran.
NY: Hyperion, c1999.
Suz PS 3553 .O3496 I5 1999
Holleran, Andrew.
Nights in Aruba.
NY: W. Morrow, 1983.
Suz, Ugl PS 3558 .O3496 N5 1983
Hollibaugh, Amber L.
My dangerous desires: a queer girl dreaming her way home. Foreword by
Dorothy Allison.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000.
(Series Q)
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 .U5 H65 2000
Hollinger, Karen.
In the company of women: contemporary female friendship films.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998.
note: [chapter] 5. The erotic female friendship film: lesbianism in the
mainstream: Personal Best, Desert Hearts, Fried Green Tomatoes, Go
Fish, pp. 139-178.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .W6 H66 1998
Hollinghurst, Alan.
The folding star.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1994.
Suz PR 6058 O4467 F6 1994
Hollinghurst, Alan.
The line of beauty: a novel.
NY: Bloomsbury; [S.l.]: Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck, 2004.
Ugl, Bot PR 6058 .O4467 L56 2004
Hollinghurst, Alan.
The spell.
NY: Viking, 1999.
Suz PR 6058 .O4467 S64 1999
Hollinghurst, Alan.
The swimming pool library.
NY: Random House, 1988.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PR 6058 .O4467 S9 1988
Hollywood drag. Edited by J. C. Suares.
Charlottesville, VA: Thomasson-Grant, c1994.
Suz PN 1995.9 .I43 H65 1994
Hollywood musicals, the film reader. Edited by Steven Cohan.
London; NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: [chapter] 8, Judy Garland and camp (Richard Dyer), pp. 107-113;
[chapter] 9, "Working like a homosexual"; camp visual codes and the labor
of gay subjects in the MGM Freed Unit (Matthew Tinkem), pp. 115-128.
Tac ML 2075 .H65 2002
Holmberg, Carl Bryan.
Sexualities and popular culture.
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, c1998.
(Foundations of popular culture, 6)
note: chapter 4, Sex, gender, and sexual orientation, pp. 59-88; chapter
5, Over the edge: taboos and sexualized transgressive interpretive
communities, pp. 89-108.
Suz, Tac HQ 23 .H723 1998
Holmes, Margarita Go Singco.
A different love: being gay in the Philippines.
Pasig, Metro Manila: Anvil Pub., c1993.
Suz HQ 76.3 .P6 S56 1993
Holmes, Margarita Go Singco.
A different love: being a gay man in the Philippines.
Pasig City, Philippines: Published and exclusively distributed by Anvil
Pub., c2005.
Suz HQ 76.2 .P6 H64 2005
Holmlund, Chris.
Impossible bodies: femininity and masculinity at the movies.
London; NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: [chapter] 2, When is a lesbian not a lesbian? The lesbian continuum
and the mainstream femme film, pp. 31-50; [chapter] 4, Cruisin' for a
bruisin': Hollywood's deadly (lesbian) dolls, pp. 71-89.
Suz PN 1995.9 .B62 H65 2002
Holmstrom, John.
Quaint honour: a play in two acts. By Roger Gellert.
London: Secker & Warburg, 1958.
SpecColl PR 6013 .E44 Q3 1958
Holobaugh, Jim.
Torn allegiances: the story of a gay cadet.
By Jim Holobaugh with Keith Hale.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1993.
Suz UB 418 .G38 H65 1993
The Holocaust and history: the known, the unknown, the disputed, and the
Edited by Michael Berenbaum and Abraham J. Peck.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1998.
note: [chapter] 24, Final solution of the homosexual question? The
antihomosexual policies of the Nazis and the social consequences for
homosexual men, pp. 338-344; [chapter] 25, The pink triangle. Homosexuals
as "enemies of the state," pp. 345-357.
Suz D804.18 .H66 1998
Holoch, Naomi.
Offseason: a novel.
Boston: Faber and Faber, 1997.
Ugl PS 3558 .O376 O37 1997
Holroyd, Michael.
Lytton Strachey.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1994.
note: "The new biography" on spine.
Suz PR 6037 .T73 Z595 1994
Holroyd, Michael.
Lytton Strachey; a biography. Revised ed.
London: Heinemann, 1973.
note: previously published as the biographical material in Lytton
Strachey: a critical biography.
Suz PR 6037 .T73 Z692 1973
Holroyd, Michael.
Lytton Strachey: a critical biography.
London: Heineman, 1967-68. 2v.
note: v.1: The unknown years (1880-1910). v.2: The years of achievement
Suz, Ugl PR 6037 .T73 Z69 v.1 [and] v.2
Holsinger, Bruce W.
Music, body, and desire in medieval culture: Hildegard of Bingen to
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2001.
note: chapter 4, Polyphones and sodomites: music and sexual dissidence
from Leoninus to Chaucer's Pardoner, pp. 137-187.
Music ML3845 .H64 2001
Holtby, Michael E.
Homosexuality: theoretical considerations and related mental health
Thesis (M. Soc. Wk) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1972.
SocWk HV 13 Th20495
Aux Thesis 20495
Holtzman, Linda.
Media messages: what film, televsion, and popular music teach us about
race, class, gender, and sexual orientation.
Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, c2000.
Ugl, Bot, Tac P94.5 .M552 U646 2000
Homage to Frank O'Hara. Ed. by Bill Berkson & Joe LeSueur. Rev.
Berkeley: Creative Arts Book Co., 1980.
Suz PS 3529 .H28 Z69 1980
Home/bodies: geographies of self, place, and space. Wendy Schissel,
Calgary: University of Calgary Press, c2006.
note:chapter 3, 'Transgendered' perspectives as a challenge to sex,
gender, and sexuality (Coralee Drechsler), pp. 47-66.
Suz HQ 1155 .H66 2006
Home girls: a Black feminist anthology. Edited by Barbara Smith.
NY: Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, c1983.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PS 509 .F44 H65 1983
Homefront. Bailey-Boushay House.
Seattle, WA: Bailey-Boushay House Office of Development.
note: numbering stopped with v.10, n.3 (Jul 2002)
SpecCollFolio HV 3001 .W22 S4
v.4,n.2 (Apr 1996)-Oct 2004
Homelands: women's journeys across race, place, and time. Edited by
Patricia Justine Tumang and Jenesha de Rivera; foreword by Edwidge
Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, c2006.
note: Queer heart in a red-state body (C. L. Carlton), pp. 237-246; Coming
out, coming home (Jenesha de Revera), pp. 274-285.
Ugl HQ 1161 .H65 2006
The homeless. Louise I. Gerdes, book editor.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, c2007.
(Opposing viewpoints series)
note: Viewpoint 6, Homelessness is a serious problem for abandoned gay
youths (Frank Mok), pp. 53-58.
Bot HV 4505 .H654 2007
Homes, A. M.
NY: Macmillan, c1989.
ChildLit PZ 7 H7453 Jac 1989
Suz PS 3558 .O448 J32 1990 (Vintage)
Hometowns: gay men write about where they belong.
Edited with an introduction by John Preston.
NY: Dutton, c1991.
Suz, SocWk, Bot HQ 76.2 U5 H66 1991
Homo economics: capitalism, community, and lesbian and gay life.
Edited by Amy Gluckman and Betsy Reed.
NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 H63 1997
Homo i folkhemmet: homo- och bisexuella i Sverige 1950-2000. Martin
Andreasson (red.)
Goteborg: Anamma, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .S8 A53 2000
Homoeroticism in classical Arabic literature.
Edited by J. W. Wright and Everett K. Rowson.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1997.
Suz PJ 7519 .E76 H66 1997
Homoerotische lyrik: 6. Kolloquium der Forschungsstelle fur europaische
Lyrik des Mittelalters.
Hrsg. v. Theo Stemmler.
Tubingen: Narr Verlag, dist. for Forschungsstelle fur europaische Lyrik
des Mittelalters an der Universitat Mannheim, 1992.
Suz PA 3433 .H8 1992
Homofobia po polsku. Pod redakcja Zbyszka Sypniewskiego, Blazeja
Warszawa: Wydawn. Sic!, 2004.
Suz HQ 76.45 .P7 H66 2004
Amsterdam: Stichtung Homologie
Suz HQ 75 .H647 v.17-v.19 (1995-1997)
Homophile studies. 1958- 1964 (quarterly)
see: One Institute quarterly: homophile studies.
Homophobia. Ed. by John P. De Cecco. c1984.
note: 1985 ed. published as : Bashers, baiters & bigots: homophobia in
American society.
see: Bashers, baiters & bigots: homophobia in American society.
Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian tradition: essays.
By J. Michael Clark... [et al.]; edited by Michael J. Stemmeler &
J. Michael Clark.
Dallas: Monument Press; Distributed by Publishers Associates, 1990.
(Gay men's issues in religious studies series, v.1)
note: Essays originally presented at the Gay Men's Issues in Religion
Consultation during the 1988 annual convention of the American Academy of
Religion, held in Chicago.
Suz, Tac BR 115 .H6 H62 1990
Homophobia, discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Los Angeles: Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation/LA, c1991.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 H64 1991
Homophobia, heterosexism, and AIDS: creating a more effective response to
AIDS. By the Canadian AIDS Society = Societe Candienne du sida.
Ottawa: The Society, c1991.
Suz WC 503.7 H768 1991
Homophobia: how we all pay the price. Ed. by Warren J. Blumenfeld.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1992.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.3 .U5 H642 1992
Homophobia in the workplace [videorecording]
KBDI-TV production; Front Range Educational Media Corporation.
Producer, Barbara Jabaily; executive producer, Kim Johnson; director,
Barbara Jabaily; presenter: Brian McNaught.
Los Angeles: [dist. by] Motivational Media, c1993.
1 videocassette. VHS.
note: Brian McNaught talks about the issues on gays, lesbians, and
homosexuals in the workplace as well as in society.
UglMed Videorecord MOTM 001
Homophobic violence. Editors, Gail Mason & Stephen Tomsen.
Leichhardt, NSW: Hawkins Press, 1997.
note Revisions of papers presented at the National Conference on Violence
against Gays and Lesbians held in Sydney, Australia in 1995.
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 H66 1997
Homosexual acts: five short plays from the gay season
at the Almost Free Theater. Edited by Ed Berman.
London: Inter-Act Inprint, 1975.
(Ambiance/almost free playscripts; 1)
Suz, Drama PR 1272 H65
El Homosexual ante la sociedad enferma.
X. Lizarraga ... [et al.]; edicion a cargo de Jose Ramon Enriquez.
Barcelona: Tusquets, 1978.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H67 1978
Homosexual behavior: a modern reappraisal. Edited by Judd Marmor.
NY: Basic Books, c1980.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.25 H673
Homosexual behaviour in animals: an evolutionary perspective. Edited by
Volker Sommer, Paul L. Vasey.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
NatSci QL 761 .H66 2006
Homosexual counseling journal.
[New York] Homosexual Community Counseling Center. 3v.
(Jan. 1974-Apr. 1976)
SuzPer HQ 75 .H65 v. 1-3, no.2 (1974-Apr. 1976) Incomplete
MicNews Microfilm A7993 v.1-3, no.2 (1974-Apr. 1976)
A homosexual emancipation miscellany, c. 1835-1952.
NY: Arno Press, 1975.
note: reprints of two articles and four monographs, as follows:
The Homosexual Imagination. Edited by Louie Crew and Rictor Norton.
[A special issue of] College English. v. 36, n.3 (November 1974)
Suzzallo Periodicals 375.805 CE v. 36
Homosexual issues in the workplace. Edited by Louis Diamant.
Washington, D. C.: Taylor & Francis, c1993.
Suz HQ 76.3 U5 H644 1993
Homosexual people in society: a contribution to the dialogue within the
faith community.
By the Catholic Council for Church and Society (The Netherlands); foreword
by Gregory Baum; translated by Bernard A. Nachbahr.
Mr. Ranier, MD: New Ways Ministry, c1980.
Suz BR 115 .H6 H626 1980
Homosexual themes in literary studies.
Ed. with intros by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
NY: Garland, 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v. 8)
Suz PN 56 .H57 H65 1992
Homosexualität aus katholischer Sicht. Andreas Laun, (Hg.) 2.
Eichstatt: Franz-Sales-Verlag, 2001.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 H66 2001
Homosexualität: Handbuch der Theorie- und Forschungsgeschichte.
Rüdiger Lautmann (Hg.)
Frankfurt; NY: Campus Verlag, c1993.
Suz HQ 76 .H667 1993
Homosexualität in der DDR: Materialien und Meinungen. Herausgegeben
von Wolfram Setz.
Hamburg: Männerschwarm, 2006.
(Bibliothek rosa Winkel, Bd. 42)
Suz HQ 76.3 .G35 H65 2006
Homosexualität in der NS-Zeit.
For English translation, see: Hidden holocaust.
Homosexualität und Staatsräson: Männlichkeit, Homophobie
und Politik in Deutschland 1900-1945. Susanne zur Nieden (Hg.)
Frankfurt; NY: Campus, c2005.
(Reihe "Geschichte und Geschlechter", Bd. 46)
Suz HQ 76.2 .G3 H66 2005
Homosexualität und Wissenschaft.
see: Dokumentation der Vortragsreihe "Homosexualität und
Homosexualitäten, literarisch: literaturwissenschaftliche
Beiträge zum
Internationalen Kongress "Homosexuality, which Homosexuality?,"
Amsterdam, 1987.
Maria Kalveram, Wolfgang Popp, hrsg.
Essen, Die Blaue Eule, c1991.
(Literatur, Männlichkeit, Weiblichkeit, bd. 3)
Suz PN 56 H57 H66 1991
Homosexualités et droit: de la tolerance sociale a la
reconnaissance juridique.
Sous la direction de Daniel Borrillo.
Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1998.
(Les voies du droit)
Suz K3242.3 .Z9 H66 1998
Homosexualités--expression/repression. Sous la direction de
Louis-Georges Tin et avec la collaboration de Genevieve Pastre.
Paris: Stock, c2000.
note: papers from a conference held at the Ecole normale superieure Dec.
3-5, 1998.
Suz HQ 75.115 .H65 2000
Homosexualités: variations régionales. Sous la direction de
Danielle Julien, Joseph J. Lévy.
Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, c2007.
Suz HQ 76.3 .C22 Q346 2007
Homosexualities and French literature: cultural contexts, critical
Edited with an introduction by George Stambolian and Elaine Marks; pref.
by Richard Howard.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1979.
Suz PQ 145.1 H66 H6
Ugl PQ 145.1 .H66 H6 1990
The Homosexualities and the therapeutic process.
Edited by Charles W. Socarides and Vamik D. Volkan.
Madison, CT: International Universities Press, c1991.
note: companion to: The Homosexualities: reality, fantasy, and the
NatSci WM 615 H7663 1991
The Homosexualities: reality, fantasy, and the arts.
Edited by Charles W. Socarides and Vamik D. Volan.
Madison, CT: International Universities Press, c1990.
NatSci WM 615 H7664 1990
Homosexuality. Helen Cothran, book editor.
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c2003.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .H6739 2003
Homosexuality. David M. Haugen and Matthew J. Box, book editors.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, c2006.
(Social issues firsthand)
Ugl, Bot HQ 76.25 .H6738 2006
Homosexuality, a European Community issue: essays on lesbian and gay
rights in European law and policy.
Edited by Kees Waaldijk and Andrew Clapham; coordinated by European Human
Rights Foundation..
Doordrecht; Boston: M. Nijhoff Publishers, c1993.
(International studies in human rights, v.26)
Suz KJE 5144 .G39 H66 1993
Homosexuality: a psychoanalytic study. Irving Bieber ...[et al.]
Northvale, N. J. : Aronson, c1988.
note: re-edition of 1962.
see also: Society of Medical Psychoanalysts. Homosexuality; a
psychoanalytic study. (1962)
NatSci WM 615 H7665 1988
Homosexuality; an annotated bibliography.
Edited by Martin S. Weinberg and Alan P. Bell.
NY: Harper & Row [1972]
Suz, SuzRef, Ugl, HSLIC ZWM 615 H768 1972
Homosexuality and American public life. Edited by Christopher
Wolfe; introduction by William Kristol.
Dallas: Spence Publishing Company, 1999.
note: regards homosexuality as a moral and psychological disorder
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 H645 1999
Homosexuality and Christian community. Choon-Leong Seow, editor.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996.
Suz BR 115 .H6 H63 1996
Homosexuality and Christian faith: questions of conscience for the
churches. Edited by Walter Wink.
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, c1999.
Suz, Ugl BR 115 .H6 H634 1999
Homosexuality and ethics. [Edited] by Edward Batchelor, Jr.
NY: Pilgrim Press, c1980.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.25 H674
Homosexuality and family relations. Frederick W. Bozett, Marvin B.
Sussman, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, c1990.
Suz, Ugl, Tac 76.3 U5 H646 1990
Homosexuality and government, politics and prisons.
Ed. with intros by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
NY: Garland, 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v. 10)
Suz HQ 76.25 .H6746 1992
Homosexuality and homosexuals in the arts.
Ed. with intro. by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
NY: Garland, 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v.4)
Suz NX 650 .H6 H66 1992
Homosexuality and male bonding in pre-Nazi Germany: the youth movement,
the gay movement, and male bonding before Hitler's rise: original
transcripts from Der Eigene, the first gay journal in the world.
Edited and introduced by Harry Oosterhuis; translations by Hubert
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1991.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 .G4 H66 1991b
Homosexuality and medicine, health, and science.
Edited with introductions by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
NY: Garland, 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v. 9)
SocWk HQ 76.25 .H6747 1992
Homosexuality & psychoanalysis. Edited by Tim Dean and Christopher
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Suz WM 611 H768 2001
Homosexuality and psychology, psychiatry, and counseling.
Edited with introductions by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
NY: Garland, 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v.11)
SocWkRef WM 615 S933 1992
Homosexuality & psychotherapy: a practitioner's handbook of
affirmative models.
John C. Gonsiorek, ed.
NY: Haworth Press, c1982.
(Research on homosexuality, v.4)
note: Reprinted , 1985, as: A Guide to psychotherapy with gay and lesbian
see also: A Guide to psychotherapy with gay and lesbian clients.
SocWk WM615 H767 1982
Homosexuality and religion. Richard Hasbany, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1989.
Suz, Ugl BR 115 H6 H64 1989b
Homosexuality and religion: an encyclopedia. Edited by Jeffrey S.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2007.
SuzRef, UglRef BL 65 .H64 H63 2007
Homosexuality and religion and philosophy.
Ed. with intro. by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
NY: Garland, 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v. 12)
Suz BL 65 .H64 H64 1992
Homosexuality and social sex roles. Michael W. Ross, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c1983.
(Research on homosexuality, v.7)
note: also published under the title: Homosexuality, masculinity, and
Suz HQ 76.25 H675 1983
Homosexuality and social work.
Ed. By Robert Schoenbergand Richard S. Goldberg with David A. Shore.
[A special issue of] Journal of Social Work & Human Sexuality.
v.2, nos. 2/3. (Winter 1983/Spring 1984)
note: Rev.ed. : With compassion toward some: homosexuality and social work
in America.
see also: With compassion toward some: homosexuality and social work in
SocWk Periodicals HV 1 .J595 v. 2
Homosexuality and the Catholic Church. Edited by Jeannine Gramick.
Chicago: Thomas More Press, c1983.
note: Papers from the First National Symposium on Homosexuality and the
Catholic Church, held in Washington, D. C., Nov. 20-22, 1981 and sponsored
by New Ways Ministry.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 H65 1983
Homosexuality and the Constitution. Edited with introductions by Arthur S.
NY: Garland Pub., 1997. 4v.
note: v.1: Homosexual conduct and state regulation. v.2: Homosexuals and
the military. v.3: Homosexuality, politics, and speech. v.4: Homosexuality and
the family.
Suz, Law KF 4754.5 .H645 1997 v.1,2,3,4
Homosexuality and the family. Frederick W. Bozett, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1989.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.25 H6755 1989b
Homosexuality and the law. Guest editor, Donald C. Knutson.
NY: Haworth Press, c1980.
(Research on homosexuality, v.1)
Suz KF 4754.5 .H65 1980
Law KF 4754.5 H65
Homosexuality and the magisterium: documents from the Vatican and U.S.
bishops, 1975-1985. Edited by John Gallagher.
Mt. Rainier, MD (4012 29th St., Mt. Rainier 20712: New Ways Ministry,
Suz BX 1795 .H66 H66 1986
Homosexuality and the mental health professions: the impact of bias.
Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press, 2000.
(Report. Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, no. 144)
HSLIC Serials W1 RE209BR no. 144
Homosexuality and world religions. Edited by Arlene Swidler.
Philadelphia: Trinity Press International, 1993.
Suz, Ugl BL 65 H64 H65 1993
Homosexuality: debating the issues. Edited by Robert M. Baird &
M. Katherine Baird.
Amherst, N. Y.: Prometheus Books, 1995.
(Contemporary issues)
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 H673 1995
Homosexuality; discrimination, criminology, and the law.
Edited, with introductions, by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
NY: Garland Pub., 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v.6)
Suz K 5195 .Z9 H66 1992
Homosexuality in early modern France: a documentary collection.
Edited by Jeffrey Merrick, Bryant T. Ragan, Jr.
NY: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .F8 H645 2001
Homosexuality in French history and culture. Jeffrey Merrick, Michael
Sibalis, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 76.3 .F8 H647 2001
Homosexuality in Greece and Rome: a sourcebook of basic documents. Edited
by Thomas K. Hubbard.
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G8 H66 2003
Homosexuality in international perspective.
Edited by Joseph Harry and Man Singh Das.
New Delhi: Vikas; NY: Advent Books (dist. for the U. S. and Canada),
Ugl HQ 76 H668
Homosexuality in modern France.
Jeffrey Merrick & Bryant T. Ragan, Jr., editors.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .F8 H65 1996
Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England: literary
representations in historical context.
Claude J. Summers, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c1992.
Suz PR 428 .H66 H65 1992
Homosexuality in the ancient world.
Ed. with intros by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
NY: Garland, 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v. 1)
Suz HQ 76.3 .M628 H66 1992
Homosexuality in the church: both sides of the debate.
Jeffrey S. Siker, editor.
Louisville, KY: Westminster/J. Knox Press, c1994.
Suz BR 115 .H6 H67 1994
Homosexuality in the priesthood and the religious life.
Edited by Jeannine Gramick.
NY: Crossroad, 1989.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 H67 1989
Homosexuality, intolerance, and Christianity: a critical examination of
John Boswell's work.
NY: Scholarship Committee, Gay Academic Union, [1981]
(Gai saber monograph, no. 1)
note: "...arises out of a forum "Sex and the Medieval
Church" sponsored by the New York Chapter of the Gay Academic Union
on September 14, 1980"
Suz HQ 76.3 .E8 H65 1981
Homosexuality, masculinity, and femininity.
note: originally published under the title: Homosexuality and social sex
see: Homosexuality and social sex roles.
Homosexuality: opposing viewpoints. Mary E. Williams, book editor.
San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, c1999.
Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 H675 1999
Homosexuality: opposing viewpoints. Auriana Ojeda, book editor.
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c2004.
note: UW catalog uses short title, Homosexuality
Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 H6443 2004
Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 H675 2004
Homosexuality, power & politics.
Edited by the Gay Left Collective.
London; NY: Allison and Busby, 1980.
Suz HQ 76.25 H675
Homosexuality: research implications for public policy.
Edited by John C. Gonsiorek and James D. Weinreich.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, c1991.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HQ 76.3 U5 H677 1991
Homosexuality: Sacrilege, Vision, Politics.
Edited by Robert Boyers and George Steiner.
[A special issue of] Salmagundi. no. 58-59, Fall 1982-Winter 1983.
Suzzallo Periodicals PN 2 .S24 v.58-61
Homosexuality: social, psychological and biological issues.
Edited by William Paul...[et al.]
Beverly Hills: Published in cooperation with the Society for the
Psychological Study of Social Issues, by Sage Publications, c1982.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.25 H6735 1982
Homosexuality, which homosexuality?
see: International Conference on Gay and Lesbian Studies (1987: Amsterdam,
Homosexuality Which Homosexuality (Conference) (1987: Free University
Homosexuality, which homosexuality: international scientific conference on
gay and lesbian studies: December 15-18, 1987, Free University
Amsterdam: Free University/Schorer Foundation, 1987. 12 vols.
note: Collected preprints to be read for the conference:
[v.1] Current issues. [v.2] Current issues supplement.
[v.3,4] History (v.1,2). [v.5] History supplements.
[v.6,7] Social sciences (v.1,2). [v.8] Social sciences supplements.
[v.9] Literature and arts (v.1). [v.10] Literature & art (v.2).
[v.11] Theology. [v.12] Theology supplement.
see also: International Conference on Gay and Lesbian Studies (1987:
Amsterdam, Netherlands).
Homosexuality, which homosexuality? (a selection of papers published after
the conference)
Suz HQ 76.25 .H679 1987 v.1-12
Washington, D.C. (100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW 20024-2150): U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum, [1998?]
note: very slight variant of: Homosexuals: victims of the Nazis.
see also: Homosexuals: victims of the Nazi.
Government Publications Y 3.H 74:2 H 75/988
Washington, DC (100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW, Washington 20024-2126):
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, [2002?]
Government Publications Stx US Y 3.H 74:2 H 75/2002
The homosexuals [videorecording] CBS News; produced by Harry Morgan.
Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, [2004]
note: DVD; originally aired on CBS Television Network on March 7,
note: credits- correspondent, Mike Wallace; narration written by Mike
Wallace, William Peters, Harry Morgan; film editors, Joanne McGarrity,
Lee Reichenthal; cameraman, Charles Mack.
note: Mike Wallace hosts a social documentary on homosexuality in the
United States. The program investigates some of the medical, legal, and
social aspects of homosexuality in the 1960s. Includes interviews with
several homosexual men who describe their experiences as well as
interviews with people in Boise, Idaho where a newspaper editorial sparked
a one-year investigation, ruining many lives in the process. Also
included in an interchange between author Gore Vidal and Columbia
University professor Albert Goldman on the effects of homosexuality on
society in general.
UglMed DVD FFH 133
Homosexuals today. Edited by Isadore Rubin.
NY: Health Publications, 1965.
Suz HQ 76 .H67 1965
Homosexuals: victims of the Nazi, 1933-19 [i.e. 1945]
Washington, D. C.: U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, [1995]
note: later published with slight variations as: Homosexuals.
see also: Homosexuals.
Government Publications Y 3.H 74.2 H 75
Homosexuelle in Konzentrationslagern: Vorträge: Wissenschaftliche
Tagung, 12./13. September 1997, KZ-Gedenkstätte Mittelbau-Dora,
Nordhausen. Bearbeitung: Olaf Mussmann.
Berlin: Westkreuz, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 H665 2000
Homosexuelle Männer in Kirche und Gesellschaft.
Udo Rauchfleisch, hrsg., unter Mitarbeit von Harald Schützeichel; mit
Beiträgen von Manfred Bruns...[et al.]
Düsseldorf: Patmos Verlag, 1993.
(Freiburger Akademieschriften, Bd. 6)
Suz HQ 76.25 .H678 1993
Der Homosexuellen NS-Opfer gedenken. Mit einem Vorwort von Claudia
Neusüss, einer Einleitung der Initiative HomoMonument und
Beiträgen von George L. Mosse ... [et al.]
Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 1999.
Suz D804.5 .G38 H67 1999
Honan, Park.
Christopher Marlowe: poet & spy.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Suz PR 2673 .H57 2005
Hong, Sok-ch'on.
Na nun ajik to kumjidoen sarang e kasum sollenda. [chiuni Hong
Soul-si: J-Pub, 2000 (2001 printing)
EAsia HQ 75.8 .H68 A3 2000
Honored by the moon [videorecording] Presented by the Minnesota American
Indian AIDS Task Force.
NY: Distributed by Women Make Movies, c1989.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: produced by Skyman-Smith; producer/script development, Mona M.
Smith; videographer/editor, Nan Toskey; music, Ricardo Rojas
note: Native American lesbians and gay men talk about their lives. They
speak of their unique historical and spiritual role, and of the sacredness
associated with being lesbian or gay and having the power to bridge the
worlds of male and female.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 107
Hoogland, Renee C.
Elizabeth Bowen: a reputation in writing.
NY: New York University Press, c1994.
(The cutting edge: lesbian life and literature)
Suz PR 6003 O6757 Z672 1994
Hoogland, Renee C.
Lesbian configurations.
Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 1997.
Suz PN 56 .L45 H66 1997b
Hooker, Evelyn.
"The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual."
Journal of Projective Techniques. v.21, pp. 18-31. 1957.
Aux 137.805 RO v.21
Hooker, Evelyn, chairperson.
Final report of the NIMH Task Force on homosexuality.
note: published as v.8 of One Institute Quarterly: homophile studies.
see: One Institute Quarterly: homophile studies.
Hooker, J. T.
The language and text of the Lesbian poets.
Innsbruck: Institut fur Sprachwissenschaft der Universitat Innsbruck,
(Innsbrucker Beitrage zur Spachwissenschaft, Bd. 26)
note: Expanded version of a paper ... delivered ... at a seminar in the
Institute of Classical Studies, London.
Suz PA 3111 .H6
Hooks, Bell.
Talking back: thinking feminist, thinking black.
Boston: South end Press, c1989.
note: "Homophobia in black communities," pp. 120-126.
Ugl, Bot, Tac E 185.86 .H74 1989
Hopcke, Robert H.
A couple of friends: the remarkable friendship between straight women and
gay men. Robert H. Hopcke and Laura Rafaty.
Berkeley, CA: Wildcat Canyon Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 H67 1999
Hopcke, Robert H.
Jung, Jungians, and homosexuality.
Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1989.
Suz, NatSci WM 615 H791j 1989
Hopcke, Robert H.
Men's dreams, men's healing.
Boston: Shambala, 1990.
Suz WM 460.5 D8 H791m 1990
Hope along the wind [videorecording]: the life of Harry Hay.
KQED, San Francsico; Independent Television Service (ITVS); Eric Slade
Productions; producers, Jack Walsh and Eric Slade; director, Eric Slade;
writers, Sharon Wood, Stuart Timmons, Mark Page.
[San Francisco, CA]: Frameline, [2001]
note: 1 videocassette; VHS.
note: credits, editor, Dawn Logsdon; music composed by Tim Jones;
cinematographers, Marsha Kahm, Philippe Roques, Sophie Constantinou;
narrator, Taylor Mali.
note: documentary on the life of Harry Hay, a labor organizer, Marxist
teacher, and founding member of the Mattachine Society, one of the first
gay rights organziation in the country.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 087
Höpfner, Niels.
Goethe und sein Blitz page Philipp Seidel: zur Homosexualität des
Dichterfürsten. Mit Original-Offsetlithographien von Klaus
Düsseldorf: Eremiten-Presse, 2004.
(Broschur, 207)
Suz PT 2100 .S5 H66
Hopkins, Jeffrey.
Sex, orgasm, and the mind of clear light: the sixty-four acts of gay male
Berkeley, CD: North Atlantic Books, c1998.
Suz HQ 76.1 .H67 1998
Hopkins, Yvette C.
Out of the closet: addressing policy options: a monograph.
Fort Leavenworth, KS: School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army
Command and General Staff College, [2000]
available online,
Horn, Donald I.
Dishin' with Divine: an evening of conversation with 'the' divine.
Seattle, WA: Rain City Projects, c1995.
(Rain City Projects, RCP065)
note: "First produced by triangle productions! (Donald I. Horn, producer)
in Portland Oregon...January through February 1995
Drama PS 3558 .O68 D58 1995
Horn, Pierre L.
Marguerite Yourcenar.
Boston: Twayne Publishers, c1985.
(Twayne's world authors series. French literature; TWAS 758)
Suz PQ 2649 .O8 Z69 1985
Horn, Wolfgang Horn.
see pseudonym, Cordan, Wolfgang.
Horner, Tom.
Eros in Greece: a sexual inquiry.
NY: Aegean Books, c1978.
Suz HQ 18 .G8 H67 1978
Horner, Tom.
Homosexuality and the Judeo-Christian tradition: an annotated
[Philadelphia] Metuchen, N. J.: American Theological
Library Association; Scarecrow Press, 1981.
(ATLA bibliography series; no. 5)
SuzRef Z 7164 .S42 H67 1981
Horner, Tom.
Jonathan loved David; homosexuality in biblical times.
Philadelphia: Westminister Press, c1978.
Suz, Ugl BS 680 H67 H67
Horowitz, Gene.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1986.
Suz PS 3558 .O693 P7 1986
Horrifying sex: essays on sexual difference in Gothic literature. Edited
by Ruth Bienstock Anolik.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c2007.
note: "The first three sections of this collection of essays refer to
popular as well as marginalized Gothic texts to portray the three
prototypes of sexual deviance. The fourth section covers literary works
that celebrate sexual difference and question the idea that the sexually
deviant is socially Other.
Suz PR 468 .S48 H67 2007
Horrigan, Patrick E.
Widescreen dreams: growing up gay at the movies.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c1999.
note: based on author's dissertation (Columbia University)
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.8 .H67 A3 1999
Horror film: creating and marketing fear. Edited by Steffen Hantke.
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, c2004.
note: Queering consumption and production in What Ever Happened to Baby
Jane? (Leona Russell), pp. 213-226.
Suz, Tac PN 1995.9 .H6 H674 2004
Horswell, Michael J. (Michael Jenkins)
Decolonizing the sodomite: queer tropes of sexuality in colonial Andean
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.
Suz HQ 76.3 .A65 H67 2005
Horton-Stallings, LaMonda.
Mutha' is half a word: intersections of folklore, vernacular, myth, and
queerness in black female culture.
Columbus: Ohio State University Press, c2007.
Suz PS 153 .N5 H68 2007
Hosmer, Harriet.
Harriet Hosmer letters and memories. Ed. by Cornelia Carr.
NY: Moffat, Yard and Company, 1912.
Suz 730.92 H794h
MicNews A8266 reel 823, no. 6634 (History of Women microfilm)
Hosoe, Eiko.
Ba-ra-kei, ordeal by roses. Photographs of Yukio Mishima by Eikoh Hosoe;
preface by Yukio Mishima; the photographer's note by Eikoh Hosoe;
afterword by Mark Holborn.
[NY]: Aperture, [c1985]
Art Oversize TR 654 .H77 1985
Hossli, Heinrich.
Eros: die Mannerliebe der Griechen, ihre Beziehungen zur Geschichte,
Erziehung, Literatur und Gesetzgebung aller Zeiten.
Berlin: R. Winkel, c1996.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel, Bd. 13-15)
note: originally published in 2 vols., 1836 and 1838.
see also: (for microfilm) Hoessli, Heinrich. Eros...
Suz HQ 76.2 .G8 H67 1996 v.1, v.2, suppl
Hostile climate: a state-by-state report on anti-gay activity.
Washington, D.C.: People for the American Way, 1994-
note: annual
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 H678 1994-1995, 1997-2000; 2002 (8th ed.)
Hot licks: lesbian musicians of note. Edited by Lee Fleming.
Charlottetown, P. E. I.: Gynergy Books, 1996.
Suz, Tac ML 394 .H69 1996
Hotchkiss, Valerie R.
Clothes make the man: female cross dressing in medieval Europe.
NY: Garland, 1996.
Suz HQ 77 .H67 1996
Houlbrook, Matt.
Queer London: perils and pleasures in the sexual metropolis,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 .G72 L655 2005
House, Chloe.
Out and about: predictors of lesbians' outness in the workplace.
Ph.D. thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 2004
available online,
House, Richard.
NY: London: Serpent's Tail, 1997.
Ugl PR 6058 .O77 B78 1997
House, Richard.
London: Serpent's Tail, 2001.
Suz PS 3558 .O8658 U55 2001
House of dreams and other stories, poems, photographs and drawings.
San Francisco: Pan-Graphic Press, c1964.
(Dorian vignettes, 3)
SpecColl PS 509 .H57 H6 1964
The house that race built: Black Americans, U.S. terrain. Edited and with
an introduction by Wahneema Lubiano.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1997.
note: "Ain't nothin' like the real thing"; black masculinity, gay
sexuality, and the jargon of authenticity (Kendall Thomas), pp.
Suz, Tac E185,615 .H68 1997
Housman, A. E. (Alfred Edward)
The poems of A. E. Housman. Edited by Archie Burnett.
Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Suz PR 4809 .H15 A17 1997
Hovey, Jaime.
A thousand words: portraiture, style, and queer modernism.
Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2006.
Suz PR 478 .H65 H68 2006
How do I look?: queer film and video. Edited by Bad Object-Choices.
Seattle: Bay Press, 1991.
note: revised versions of papers and discussions from a conference held at
Anthology Film Archives in New York City, Oct. 21-22, 1989.
Suz, Ugl PN 1995.9 H55 H69 1991
How to affect change in your school. Presented by GLSTN [Gay, Lesbian,
Straight Teacher's Network] Washington.
[Seattle, WA: GLSTN Washington, 1996?]
Suz LC 192.6 .H68 1996
Howard, Billy.
Epitaphs for the living: words and images in the time of AIDS.
Photographs by Billy Howard; with an introduction by Lonnie D.
Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1989.
Suz TR 681 .A38 H68 1989
Howard, Holly Lynn.
Prejudice against women and homosexuals.
Thesis -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1980.
Suz BF 21 Th27954
Aux Thesis 27954
Howard, John.
Men like that: a southern queer history.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U52 M74 1999
Howard, John R.
The cutting edge: social movements and social change in America.
Philadelphia: Lippincott [1974]
note: [chapter] 5, The Transformation of stigma: an analysis of the Gay
Liberation Movement, pp. 121-137.
Suz HN 65 H597
Howard-Howard, Margo.
I was a white slave in Harlem.
By Margo Howard-Howard, with Abbe Michaels.
NY: Four Walls Eight Windows, c1988.
Suz HQ 77.8 .H68 A3 1988
Howe, Alyssa.
Nicaraguan gay and lesbian rights and the sex of post-Sandinismo.
[Albuquerque, N.M.]: University of New Mexico, Latin American Institute,
Suz HQ 76.8 .N5 H68 1999
Howes, Keith.
Broadcasting it: an encyclopedia of homosexuality in film, radio and TV in
the UK, 1923-1993.
London, NY: Cassell, 1993.
SuzRef, UglRef PN 1995.9 .H55 H7 1993
Howes, Keith.
Outspoken: Keith Howes' Gay News interviews 1976-83.
London: Cassell, c1995.
Suz HQ 76 .H684 1995
Howey, Noelle.
Dress codes: of three girlhoods-- my mother's, my father's, and mine.
NY: Picador USA, c2002.
Ugl HQ 777.8 .H68 2002
Hoyt, Edwin Palmer.
Horatio's boys; the life and works of Horatio Alger, Jr.
Radnor, PA: Chilton Book Co. [1974]
Ugl PS 1029 .A3 Z68
Huang, Martin W.
Negotiating masculinities in late imperial China.
Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, c2006.
note: chapter 7, Effeminacy, femininity, and male-male passions, pp.
Suz BD 175.5 .M37 H83 2006
Huas, Jeanine.
L'homosexualite au temps de Proust.
Dinard: Editions Danclau, c1992.
Suz HQ 76.25 .H83 1992
Hubbs, Nadine.
The queer composition of America's sound: gay modernists, American music,
and national identity.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2004.
Music, Tac ML 200.5 .H83 2004
Huber, Jeffrey T.
HIV/AIDS community information services: experiences in serving both
at-risk and HIV-infected populations.
NY: Haworth Press, c1996.
SocWk, Tac WC 503 H877h 1996
Hucklenbroich, Frankie.
A crystal diary: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1997.
Suz, Ugl PS 3558 .U283 C79 1997
Hucks, Tonya Camille.
Racial and sexual orientation identity and social support as predictors of
sexual risk-taking behavior among African-American men who have sex with
men. 2004.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Cincinnati, 2004.
available online,
Hudson, David L.
The Rehnquist court: understanding its impact and legacy. Foreword by John
R. Vile.
Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2007.
note: chapter 10, Abortion, gay rights, and affirmative action,
Law KF 8742 .H78 2007
Hudson, Rock.
Rock Hudson: his story. Rock Hudson and Sara Davidson.
NY: Morrow, c1986.
Suz PN 2287 .H75 A3 1986
Hudspith, Maria.
Caring for lesbian health: a resource for health care providers, policy
makers and planners.
Victoria, British Columbia: Ministry of Health & Ministry Responsible for
Seniors, 1999.
note: discusses the importance of lesbian health, the historical legacy of
homophobia in health care, the impact of this legacy on lesbians'
experiences with the health care system, and lesbian health issues related
to breast cancer, mental health, substance use, sexuallly transmitted
diseases, HIV/AIDS, pregnancy & parenting, violence in relationships,
youth and ageing...with tips for making health care more accessible to
GovPub Microfiche M-3154, 100-01443
Hug, Chrystel.
The politics of sexual morality in Ireland. Consultant editor, Jo
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press; NY: St. Martin's
Press, 1999.
note: chapter 7, Homosexuality: from a crime against nature...,
pp.201-211; chapter 8, Homosexuality:...To a right to (homo)sexual
privacy, pp. 212-240.
Suz HQ 32 .H79 1999
Hughes, Alex.
Heterographies: sexual difference in French autobiography.
Oxford; NY: Berg, c1999.
note: [chapter] 2, Photography, desire, and fetishism: reading (and) the
autobio/photographical writings of Herve Guibert and Marguerite Duras, pp.
Suz PQ 307 .A65 H83 1999
Hughes, Edward J. (Edward Joseph)
Writing marginality in modern French literature: from Loti to Genet.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
note: chapter 2, Exemplary inclusions, indecent exclusions in Proust's
Recherche, pp. 41-70; chapter 5, Peripheries, public and private: Genet
and dispossession, pp. 135-165.
Suz PQ 295 .M37 H84 2001
Hughes, Glyn.
The antique collector.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1990.
Suz PR 6058 .U35 A84 1990
Hughes, Holly.
Clit notes: a Sapphic sampler.
NY: Grove Press; [Emeryville, CA]: Distributed by Publishers Group West,
Suz PS 3558 .U368 C58 1996
Hughes, Nym.
Steppping out of line, a workbook on lesbianism and feminism.
By Nym Hughes, Yvonne Johnson and Yvette Perreault.
Vancouver, Canada: Press Gang, 1984.
Suz HQ 75.5 H83 1984
Hujar, Peter.
Peter Hujar.
Essays by Stephen Koch and Thomas Sokolowski; interviews with Fran
Lebowitz and Vince Aletti.
NY: Grey Art Gallery and Study Center, New York University, 1990.
Art TR 680 .H767 1990
Hujar, Peter.
Peter Hujar: a retrospective. Edited by Urs Stahel and Hripsime Visser;
with essays by Max Kozloff and Hripsime Visser.
Zurich; NY: Scalo in collaboration with the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and
the Fotomuseum Winterthur.
Art TR 647 .H84 1994
Hujar, Peter.
Peter Hujar: animals and nudes. [Introductory essay by] Klaus Kertess.
Santa Fe, N.M.: Twin Palms Publishers, 2002.
Art TR 654 .H816 2002
Hull, Isabel V.
The entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1888-1918.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
note: Chapter 3-Philipp Eulenberg and the Liebenberg Circle;
Chapter 5- Philipp Eulenberg: decline and fall.
Suz DD 229 .H84 1982
Hull, Kathleen.
Same-sex marriage: the cultural politics of love and law.
Cambridge, UK; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Suz HQ 1033 .H85 2006
Hull, Richard.
The murder of my aunt.
New York: International Polygonics, 2001.
Suz PR 6015 .U43 M87 2001
Hülsen, Hans von.
Den alten Göttern zu: ein Platen-Roman. Mit einem Nachwort von Werner
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2002.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel, Bd. 30)
note: facsimile reprint, originally published 1918.
Suz PT 2617 U42 A75 2002
A human rights: an agenda for the 21st century. Edited by Angela Hegarty
and Siobhan Leonard.
London: Cavendish Pub., c1999.
note: chapter 11, Transgender rights: the European Court of Human Rights
and new identity politics for a new age (Stephen Whittle), pp.
Suz K3240 .H848 1999
Human rights and gender politics: Asia-Pacific perspectives. Edited by
Anne-Marie Hilsdon ... [et al.]
London; NY: Routledge, c2000.
note: [chapter] 10, The emergence of 'modern' gay identities and the
question of human rights (Dennis Altman), pp. 211-288.
Suz JC 599.A78 H825 2000
Human Rights Watch (Organization)
In a time of torture: the assault on justice in Egypt's crackdown on
homosexual conduct.
NY: Human Rights Watch, c2004.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.8 .E3 H85 2004
Human Rights Watch (Organization)
More than a name: state-sponsored homophobia and its consequences in
Southern Africa.
NY: Human Rights Watch; San Francisco, CA: International Gay and Lesbian
Human Rights Commission, c2003.
note: written by Scott Long, A. Widney Brown, and Gail Cooper
also available online,
Suz, Tac HQ 76.45 .A356 H75 2003
Human Rights Watch (Organization)
United States, uniform discrimination: the "don't ask, don't tell" policy
of the U.S. military.
NY: Human Rights Watch, [2003]
Ugl, Tac UB 418 .G38 H8 2003
Human services for gay people: clinical and community practice.
Michael Shernoff, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1996.
SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .H86 1996
SocWk HV 1449 .H86 1996b (Haworth ed.)
Human sexuality: the societal and interpersonal context. Edited by
Kathleen Mckinney, Susan Sprecher.
Norwood, N. J.: Ablex Pub. Corp., c1989.
note: chapter 13. Homosexuality: a social phenomenon (Barbara Sherman
Heyl), pp. 321-349.
Suz HQ 21 .H745 1989
Humphrey, Mary Ann.
My country, my right to serve: experiences of gay men and women in the
military: World War II to the present.
NY: Harper-Collins, c1990.
Suz, Ugl, Bot UB 418 G38 H86 1990
Humphreys, Laud.
Klappen-Sexualität: homosexuelle Kontakte in der Öffentlichkeit.
Vorwort von Jürgen Friedrichs. [deutsche Übersetzung von Barbara
Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1974.
(Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Bd. 54)
note: Translation of: Tearoom trade.
Health Serials 392.608 B397 no. 54
Humphreys, Laud.
Out of the closets; the sociology of homosexual liberation.
Englewood Cliffs,:N. J.: Prentice-Hall, [1972]
Suz, Ugl, Health HQ 76.8 .U5 H84
Humphreys, Laud.
Tearoom trade; impersonal sex in public places.
Chicago: Aldine Pub. co. [1970]
Suz, Health HQ 76 .H78
Humphreys, Laud.
Tearoom trade: impersonal sex in public places.
Enlarged ed. with a retrospect on ethical issues.
Chicago: Aldine Pub. co., 1975.
Ugl, Health HQ 76 .H78 1975
Humphries, Barry.
My life as me: a memoir.
London: Michael Joseph, 2002.
note: Barry Humphries is the creator of the character Dame Edna
Ugl PR 9619.3 .H785 M94 2002
Hundert Jahre Schwul: eine Revue. Hrsg. von Elmar Kraushaar.
Berlin: Rowohlt, c1997.
Suz 76.3 .G4 H874 1997
100 Jahre Schwulenbewegung: Dokumentation einer Vortragsreihe in der
Akademie der Künste. Ausgewählt und hrsg. v. Manfred Herzer;
[mit Vorträgen von J. E. Bauer ... [et al.]
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.8 .E85 H86 1998
The hunger [videorecording] Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents a Richard
Shepherd Company production; screenplay by Ivan Davis and Michael Thomas;
produced by Richard A. Shepherd; directed by Tony Scott.
[United States]: Turner Entertainment Co.; Burbank, CA: Distributed by
Warner Home Video, [2004]
note: DVD, originally released as a motion picture in 1983; based on the
novel by Whitley Strieber.
note: cast -David Bowie, Catherine Deneuve, Susan Sarandon, Cliff De
Young, Dan Hedaya, Beth Ehlers; credits - director of photography, Stephen
Goldblatt; editor, Pamela Power; music, Michael Rubini, Denny Jaeger.
note: Miriam the vampire, subsists on the blood of her lovers (including
women), who do not age, until she has had enough of them. John is currently
in that position, and is expected to die in the next 24 hours. He seeks help
from a doctor who does not believe his story.
UglMed DVD WHV 192
Hunt, Marsha.
NY: Dutton, 1993.
Suz PS 3558 .U4678 F7 1993
Hunt, Morton M.
Gay: what teenagers should know about homosexuality and the AIDS
crisis. Rev. ed.
NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1987.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 H85 1987
Hunt, Morton M.
Gay: what you should know about homosexuality.
NY: Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, 1977.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 H85 1977
ChildLit 301.41 H913g
Hunt, Ronald J.
Historical dictionary of the gay liberation movement: gay men and the
quest for social justice.
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1999.
(Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies and social movements,
no. 22)
SuzRef HQ 76.5 .H86 1999
Hunter, John Francis.
The gay insider; a hunter's guide to New York and a thesaurus of phallic
[New York, Traveller's Companion, 1971]
Suz HQ 76 .h785 1971
Hunter, John Francis.
The gay insider, USA.
[NY] Stonehill Pub.; distributed by Dell Distributing [c1972]
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 H85 1972
Hunter, M. S.
The Buccaneer: volume I of the San Vito Chronicles; including "The
Chronicle of Tommy the Cutlass: as rendered into modern english; together
with a prologue, an epilogue, and numerous interruptions for commentary,
explanations, historical background, and other harassments of the
Boston, [MA]: Alyson Publications, Inc., 1989.
Suz PS 3558 .U4698 B84 1989
Hunter, Nan D. [et al.]
The rights of lesbians and gay men: the basic ACLU guide to a gay person's
rights. 3rd ed.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, c1992.
see also: The rights of gay people...[2nd ed.]
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Law KF 4754.5 Z9 R54 1992
Hunter, Nan D.
The rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender people: the
authoritative ACLU guide to a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender
person's rights. Nan D. Hunter, Courtney G. Joslin, Sharon M. McGowan.
4th ed.
Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2004.
Suz, LawRef KF 4754.5 .Z9 R54 2004
Hunter, R. L. (Richard L.)
Plato's Symposium.
NY: Oxford University Press, 2004.
(Oxford approaches to classical literature)
Suz B385 .H85 2004
Hunter, Ski.
Affirmative practice: understanding and working with lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender persons. Ski Hunter, Jane Hickerson.
Washington, D.C.: National Association of Social Workers, 2003.
SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .H865 2002
Hunter, Ski.
Coming out and disclosures: LGBT persons across the life span.
NY: Haworth Press, c2007.
SocWk HQ 73.3 .U6 H86 2007
Hunter, Ski.
Midlife and older LGBT adults: knowledge and affirmative practice for the
social services.
NY: Haworth Press, c2005.
SocWk, Bot, Tac HQ 75.15 .H86 2005
Hunter, Tab.
Tab Hunter confidential: the making of a movie star. Tab Hunter, with
Eddie Muller.
Chapel Hill, N.C.: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2005.
Ugl PN 2287 .H82 A3 2005
Hurewitz, Daniel.
Bohemian Los Angeles and the making of modern politics.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 1, "A most lascivious picture of impatient
desire", pp.40-75; [chapter] 3, 1930s containment, identity by state
dictate, pp. 114-149; [chapter] 6, Getting some identity, Mattachine and the
politics of sexual identity construction, pp. 230-266; Conclusion, the
struggle of identity politics, pp. 268-282.
Suz F869 .L86 E24 2007
Hurewitz, Daniel.
Stepping out: nine tours through New York City's gay and lesbian past.
NY: Henry Holt and Company, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.26 .U6 H87 1997
Hurley, Leslie Crawford.
Gender and realism in plays and performances by women.
NY: Peter Lang, c2003.
note: chapter 4, The lesbian in realism, pp. 65-82.
Drama PS 338 .W6 H87 2003
Hurley, Mary C.
Bill C-38: the Civil Marriage Act--Rev.
Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Information & Research
Service, 2005.
note: "...a description and analysis of Bill C-38, which defines civil
marriage as the lawful union of 2 persons to the exclusion of all others,
thus extending civil marriage to conjugal couples of the same sex..."
note: French ed. (Projet de loi C-38: Loi sur le mariage civil) on the same
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 105-07536
Hurley, Mary C.
Sexual orientation and legal rights--Rev. Orientation sexuelle et
garanties juridiques--Rev.
Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Research Branch, 2000.
note: reviews some of the issues and developments affecting the legal
rights of lesbians and gays at the federal level; English and French
editions on the same fiche.
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 101-06531
Hurley, Mary C.
Sexual orientation and legal rights -- Rev. Orientation sexuelle et
garanties juridiques--Rev.
Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Parliament Research Branch, 2003.
note: reviews some of the issues and developments affecting the legal
rights of lesbians and gays at the federal level; English and French
editions on the same fiche.
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 104-03198
Hurley, Mary C.
Sexual orientation and legal rights -- Rev. Orientation sexuelle et
garanties juridiques--Rev.
Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Information & Research
Service, 2005.
note: reviews some of the issues and developments affecting the legal
rights of lesbians and gays at the federal level; English and French
editions on the same fiche.
GobPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 105-07451
Hurley, Michael.
A guide to gay and lesbian writing in Australia.
St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin, 1996.
Suz Z4022.5 .G39 H87 1996
Hurley, Michael.
Then and now: gay men and HIV.
Melbourne: Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health, and Society, La
Trobe University, [2003]
(Monograph series (La Trobe University. Australian Research Centre in Sex,
Health, and Society: Online); no. 46.
available online:
Hussain, Pat.
Olympics out of Cobb spiked! By Pat Hussain and Jon-Ivan Weaver.
Atlanta: P. Hussain and J.-I. Weaver, 1996.
Suz GV 722 1996 .H87 1996
Husshu [videorecording] = Hush!. Strand Releasing in cooperation with
Siglo Ltd. presents a film by Ryosuke Hashiguchi; produced by Tomiyasu
Ishikawa and Hiroo Tsukada; screenplay and directed by Ryosuke
Santa Monica, CA: Strand Releasing, [2003]
note: DVD; Japanese dialogue, English subtitles; originally produced as a
motion picture in 2001.
note: cast- Seiichi Tanabe, Kazuya Takahashi, Reiko Kataoka; credits-
director of photography, Shogo Ueno; editor, Ryosuke Hashiguchi; music,
Bobby McFerrin.
note: Traces the lives of two handsome boyfriends who become entangled
with a young woman who proposes the idea of conceiving a child with them
and creating a family. The story becomes more complicated as conservative
family memnbers try to break up the gay couple's relationship. Ultimately,
the guys and the woman carrying the child come to the realization that
they will have to decide for themsleves the true meaning of family.
UglMed DVD STRAN 008
Huston, Bo.
The dream life.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Suz PS 3558 .U7797 D7 1992
Huston, Michelle R.
The effect of relationship status on patterns of unprotected anal sex
among men who sleep with men.
Seattle, 1996.
(note: M. A. Thesis, University of Washington, 1996.
Suz HM 15 Th44409
Aux Thesis 44409
Hutchison, Patrick.
The Harvey Milk show [sound recording] Music by Patrick Hutchison; book &
lyrics by Dan Pruitt.
Atlanta, GA: Actor's Express, p1996.
note: 1 sound disc: digital; recorded August 3-4, 1996 at DARP
Studios, Atlanta GA
note: cast- Chris Coleman, Brian Barnett, Andrea Studley, vocalists; with
assisting vocalists and instrumentalists; musical supervision by Patrick
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 6112
Hutter, David.
Nudes and flowers: 40 watercolors. Introduced by Edward Lucie-Smith;
[French translation by Elizabeth Ganne, German translation by Christiane
London: Gay Men's Press, 1984.
Art ND 1942 .H96 A4 1984
Hwang, David Henry.
M. Butterfly. With an afterword by the playwright.
NY: Penguin, 1989, c1988
Suz, Drama PS 3558 W83 .M2 1989b
Ugl, Bot PS 3558 .W83 M2 1989 (New American Library)
Drama Acting Editions ActEd M Butterfly (Dramatists Play Service)
Hyatt, Martin.
A scarecrow's bible.
San Francisco: Suspect Thoughts Press, 2006.
Ugl PS 36008 .Y36 S28 2006
Hyde, H. Montgomery (Harford Montgomery)
The Cleveland street scandal.
NY: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, c1976.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 H9 1976
Hyde, H. Montgomery (Harford Montgomery)
Lord Alfred Douglas: a biography.
London: Methuen, 1984.
Suz PR 6007 .O86 Z72 1984
Hyde, H. Montgomery.
The love that dared not speak its name; a candid history of homosexuality
in Britain. 1st American edition.
Boston,: Little, Brown [1970]
note: First published in Britain under the title: The other love.
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC, Law HQ 76 .H9 1970b
Hyde, H. Montgomery.
Oscar Wilde.
see: Wilde, Oscar. Oscar Wilde.
Hyde, H. Montgomery.
Oscar Wilde: a biography.
NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1975.
Suz PR 5823 .H88
Hyde, H. Montgomery.
The other love: an historical and contemporary survey of homosexuality in
note: American edition published under the title:
The love that dared not speak its name...
London: Heinemann, 1970.
Ugl HQ 76 .H9
Hyde, Sue.
Come out and win: organizing yourself, your community, and your world.
Boston: Beacon Press, c2007.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 H93 2007
Hypatia. v.7, n.4 (Fall, 1992)
see: Lesbian philosophy. (special issue)
I am Aztlán: the personal essay in Chicano studies. Edited by Chon
A. Noriega and Wendy Belcher.
Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press, c2004.
note: Activist Latina lesbian publishing: esto no tiene nombre and
conmoción (Tatiana de la Tierra), pp. 141-176.
Suz E 184 .M5 I15 2004
I am what I am [videorecording] Produced by the Czoloska Film Studio, Film
Unit "Feniks"; script and driection, Ryszard Moch.
Sarasota, FL: Polart Distribution, c1995.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; in Polish with English voiceovers; originally
released in Poland in 1990
note: credits- film editors, Anna Skowronska-Zbrowska, Janusz Jagielski;
photography, Grzegorz Borowski.
note: This is the first movie on the issue of homosexuality in Poland. Gay
men and lesbians describe their feelings about being gay, and are shown in
social settings such as gay bars, parks, and trains stations.
UglMed Videorecord POL 021
I can't marry you [videorecording] an FYI Productions presentation;
producer/director, Catherine Gray; narration written by Robert
[United States: Wolfe Video [Distributor]. 2004.
note: DVD, originally produced in 2003.
note: credits -editor, Dwayne Shorey; camera, Dwayne Shorey, Dwight Moon,
Roger Bordeau; narrator, Betty DeGeneres; performers -Evan Wolfson,
John J. McNeill.
note: This educational film explores the real life stories of 20 long term
gay and lesbian couples, and reveals the obstacles they encounter due to
not being able to marry in the U.S. Hosted by Betty DeGeneres (mother of
comedian, Ellen DeGeneres) it features interviews with the twenty couples,
their parents and children, Evan Wolfson, the prominent civil rights
attorney of Freedom to Marry, John J. McNeill, former Jesuit Priest and
author of The Church and the Homosexual, Adam Aronson of Lambda Legal, and
the leaders of the New York Christian Coalition.
BotMed DVD BOT-816
I exist [videorecording]: voices from the Middle Eastern lesbian & gay
community. A film by EyeBite Productions; produced by Peter Barbosa;
directed by Peter Barbosa & Garrett Lenoir.
[United States]: Unlearning Arab Film Distribution,
note: DVD; videodisc release of a 2002 production
note: credits- original music, Victor Spiegel
note: This documentary explores individual journeys of lesbian and gay
people of Middle Eastern cultures living in the United states, including
the cultural and religious challenges that many endure.
UglMed DVD AFD 005
I shall not be removed [videorecording]: the life of Marlon Riggs.
San Francisco: California Newsreel, 1996.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS.
note: Director/producer/co-editor, Karen Everett; cast: Barbara Christian,
Deborah Hoffman, Brian Freeman, Vivian Kleiman; narrator: Rhodessa
note: A film biography of Marlon Riggs, the gifted, gay, black filmmaker
who produced documentary films addressing issues of identity among
Afro-Americans and gays. Clips from his films show how he evolved a unique
experimental documentary style, mixing poetry, criticism, the personal
and the political. It also documents his long battle against AIDS until
his death in 1994 and includes interviews with family, friends, and
UglMed Videorecord CALN 084
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2262
I shot Andy Warhol [videorecording] Playhouse International Pictures
presents in association with the Samuel Goldwyn Company and BBC Arena;
produced by Tom Kalin and Christine Vachon; written by Mary Harron and
Daniel Minahan; directed by Mary Harron.
Los Angeles: MGM Home Entertainment, [2000]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; videodisc; 1 videodisc, DVD; release of the
1995 motion picture; best first feature, Seattle International Film Festival,
note: cast- Lili Taylor, Jared Harris, Stephen Dorff; credits- director of
photography, Ellen Kuras; editor, Keith Reamer; music, John Cale.
note: A lesbian writer (Valerie Solanas) who seeks publicity for her
agenda becomes involved with the group surrounding Andy Wahol's scene, and then
becomes obsessed with the artist. Her act of violence did get publicity and
herself fleeting fame.
note: for the shooting script of the film, see: Harron, Mary. I shot
Andy Warhol.
UglMed Videorecord MGM 1001255
UglMed DVD MGM 055
BotMed Videodisc BOT-192
Iacopelli, Sal.
Love, Sal: letters from a boy in the city. Illustrated by Phil Foglio.
Emeryville, CA: Grass Stain Press, c2000.
Suz PS 3559 .A278 L68 2000
Ian, Marcia.
Remembering the phallic mother: psychoanalysis, modernism, and the
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993.
Suz PN 56 .P92 I36 1993
Ian Young, a bibliography, 1962-1980. [Canadian Gay Archives]
Toronto: Pink Triangle Press, 1981.
(Canadian Gay Archives publication, no. 3)
Suz Z 8995.3 .I18 1981
Ibanez-Carrasco, J. Francisco (Jose Francisco)
Flesh wounds and purple flowers: the cha-cha years.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, c2001.
Ugl PR 9199.4 .I23 F58 2001
Ibanez-Carrasco, J. Francisco (Jose Francisco)
Killing me softly: morir amando.
San Francisco, CA: Suspect Thoughts Press, c2004.
Ugl PR 9199.4 .I23 K55 2004
Ibn Hazm, Ali ibn Ahmad.
A book containing the Risala known as The dove's neck-ring, about love and
Translated from the unique manuscript in the University of Leiden, edited
by D. K. Petrof in 1914, by A. R. Nykl.
Paris: P. Geuthner, 1931.
note: Translation of: Tawq al-hamama fil-ulfa wal ullaf)
Suz 892.78 Ib5tE
Ibn Hazm, Ali ibn Ahmad.
Le collier du pigeon; ou, De l'amour et des amants; Tawq al-hamama
fil-ulfa wal ullaf; texte arabe et traduction francaise...par
Leon Bercher.
Alger: Carbonel, 1949.
(Bibliotheque arabe-francaise, v.8)
Suz HQ 19 .I414
Ibn Hazm, Ali ibn Ahmad.
Tawq al-hamamah fi al-ulfah wa-al-ullaf; haqqaqahu wa-qaddama la-hu
wa-allaqa alayhi Muhammed Ibrahim Salim.
al-Qahirah: Maktabat Ibn Sina, 1993
Suz HQ 19 .I2 1993
Suz HQ 19 .I2 1975 (al-Qahirah, 1975)
Suz HQ 19 .I2 1975b (Misr, 1975)
Suz HQ 19 .I2 1975c (Bayrut, 1975)
Ibson, John.
Picturing men: a century of male relationships in everyday American
Washington, [D.C.]: Smithsonian Institution Press, c2002.
Ugl, Bot TR 681 .M4 I26 2002
Icelandic lives: the queer experience. Voon Chin Pha, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2002.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .I2 I24 2002
Ida, Hiroyuki.
Sekkusu sei sekaikan: atarashii kankeisei o saguru.
Kyoto-shi: Horitsu Bunkasha, 1997.
EAsia HQ 1075.5 .J3 I33 1997
Ida, Makiko.
Tokyo: Bungei Shunju, 1994.
EAsia HQ 74.2 .J3 I33 1994
Ide, Arthur Frederick.
Gomorrah & the rise of homophobia.
Las Colinas: Liberal Press, 1985.
Suz BS 680 .H67 I343 1985
The idea of music in Victorian fiction. Edited by Sophie Fuller and Nicky
Aldershot, Hants, England: Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2004.
note: The 'perniciously homosexual art': music and homoerotic desire in
The Picture of Dorian Gray and other fin-de-siecle fiction (Joe Law), pp.
Suz PR 878 .M87 I34 2004
Identifying with freedom: Indonesia after Suharto. Edited by Tony
NY: Berghahn Books, c2007.
(Critical interventions: a forum for social analysis, v.9)
note: Gay and lesbian Indonesians and the idea of nation (Tom
Boellstorff), pp. 19-27.
Suz DS 644.5 .I35 2007
Identity and diversity: gender and the experience of education: a
Edited by Maud Blair and Janet Holland with Sue Sheldon.
clevedon [England]; Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters, in association
with the Open University, c1995.
note: [chapter] 17, The historical roots of the modern lesbian identity
(Martha Vicinus), pp. 225-243.
Suz, Tac LC 212.9 .I34 1995
Identity papers: literacy and power in higher education. Edited by Bronwyn
T. Williams.
Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 5, When 'Ms. Mentor' misses the mark: literacy and lesbian
identity in the academy (Tara Pauliny), pp. 57-74.
Suz, Bot LC 151 .I34 2006
Identity politics reconsidered. Edited by Linda Martín Alcoff ...
[et al.]
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
note: [chapter] 5, What's at stake in "gay" identities (Michael
Hames-García), pp. 78-95.
Suz, Bot BD 236 .I45 2006
If these walls could talk 2 [videorecording]. HBO Film presents a Team
Todd production; produced by Mary Kane.
[S.l.]: HBO Home Video, c2000.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD, English Dolby surround, Spanish mono; subtitles in
English, Spanish and French; closed captioned.
note: credits: executive producers, Ellen DeGeneres, Suzanne Todd; music,
Basil Poledouris; director of photography (1961) Paul Elliott, (1972)
Robbie Greenberg, (2000) Peter Deming; editor (1972) Margie Goodspeed,
(2000) Priscilla Nedd-Friendly
note: 1961 written and directed by Jane Anderson; cast: Vanessa Redgrave,
Paul Giamatti, Elizabeth Perkins, Marian Seldes
1972 teleplay by Sylvia Sichel; story by Sylvi Sichel & Alex Sichel:
directed by Martha Coolidge; cast: Michelle Williams, Chloe Sevigny
2000 written and directed by Anne Heche; cast: Ellen Degeneres, Sharon
note: Dramatizes the lesbian experience in America in three different
decades. "1961" features Redgrave as an older lesbian who is left out of
the decision-making process in the wake of her partner's sudden death.
"1972" looks at the lesbian role in the feminist movement of the 1970's
through the eyes of a college-age couple. "2000" features DeGeneres and
Stone as a lesbian couple trying to conceive a child
UglMed DVD HBO 91707
BotMed DVD BOT-315
If you seduce a straight person, can you make them gay: issues in
biological essentialism versus social constructionism in gay and lesbian
John P. DeCecco, John P. Elia, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, c1993.
note: Chiefly the rev. papers originally presented at the HWH
[Homosexuality, Which Homosexuality] conference, held at the Free
University in Amsterdam, 1987.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.25 .I38 1993
IGA Pink book. [1st ed.]
Amsterdam: COC-magazijn, 1985.
note: continued by ILGA pink book
Suz HQ 76.5 .I43
Ihara, Saikaku.
Comrade loves of the samurai; and Songs of the geishas.
English versions E. Powys Mathers.
With an introduction to the new ed. by Terence Barrow.
Rutland, VT: Tuttle [1972]
note: first published privately in London in 1928 for subscribers to a set
entitled: "Eastern Love."
note: translated from the French translation, "Contes d'amour des
samourais," of Ken Sato.
see also: Ihara, Saikaku. The great mirror of male love. (translation of:
Nanshoku okagami).
Suz, Ugl PL 794 A6 1972
Ihara, Saikaku.
The great mirror of male love.
Translated, with an introduction, by Paul Gordon Schalow.
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990.
note: Translation of: Nanshoku okagami.
Suz, EAsia PL 794 .N37 E5 1990
Ihara, Saikaku.
Nanshoku okagami; yakuchu Teruoka Yasutaka.
Tokyo: Shogakukan, Showa 51 [1976]
(Gendaigoyaku Saikaku zenshu, 3)
EAsia PL 794 .A1 1976 v.3
EAsia PL 794 .A1 1974 v.6 (Meiji Shoin, 1979 ed., yakuchu Aso Isoji;
(Taiyaku Saikaku zenshu, 6))
Ihimaera, Witi Tame.
The uncle's story: [a novel]
Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, c2000.
Suz PR 9639.3 .I5 U53 2000
Ikeda, Kumiko.
Sensei no rezugian sengen; tsunagaru tame no kamuauto.
Kyoto: Kamogawa Shuppan, 1999.
EAsia HQ 75.4.I46 1999
Ikonen des Begehrens: Bildsprachen der männlichen und weiblichen
Homosexualität in Literatur und Kunst.
Gerhard Härle, Wolfgang Popp, Annette Runde, hrsg.
Stuttgart: M & P, c1997.
note: Papers presented at the 7th Siegener Kolloquium Homosexualität
und Literatur, Oct. 12-15, 1995.
Suz NX 650 .H6 I46 1997
ILGA pink book. International Lesbian and Gay Association. [2nd ed.]
Utrecht: Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht,
note: continues IGA Pink book; continued by Pink book.
Suz HQ 76.5 .I43
Illicit sex: identity politics in early modern culture.
Edited by Thomas DiPiero & Pat Gil.
Athens: University of Georgia Press, c1997.
note: The politics of "passing"; the scandalous memoir and the novel
(Catherine Craft-Fairchild), pp. 45-67; Beckford's Paederasty (George
E. Haggerty), pp. 123-142; Shifting ground; Sade, same-sex desire, and
the one-, two-, and three-sex models (William F. Edmiston), pp.
143-160; The rage of Caliban. Eighteenth-century molly houses and the
twentieth-century search for sexual identity (Craig Patterson), pp.
Suz HM 104 .I45 1997
'I'm telling you stories': Jeanette Winterson and the
politics of reading.
Edited by Helena Grice and Tim Woods.
Amsterdam; Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1998.
(Postmodern studies, 25)
Suz PR 6073 .I558 Z75 1998
I'm the one that I want [videorecording] Cho Taussig Productions presents
Margaret Cho; written by Margaret Cho; executive producers, Margaret Cho,
Karen Taussig; produced by Lorene Machado; directed by Lionel Coleman.
[Widescreen ed.]
NY: Fox Lorber CentreStage: distributed by WinStar TV & Video, [2001]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; 1 videodisc, DVD
note: videocassette & videodisc release of the 2000 motion picture;
note: performer, Margaret Cho; music by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts;
photographed by Lionel Coleman; edited by Robyn T. Migel.
note: I'm the one that I want is Margaret Cho's raunchy and hysterically
funny stand-up concert. Filmed live at The Warfield in her hometown of San
Francisco, this film is Cho at her very best--funny, shocking and
irreverent. [extensive gay/lesbian material]
UglMed Videorecord WINS 023
UglMed DVD WINS 044
Im Westen nichts Neues: wir malen weiter: Luciano Castelli, Rainer
Fetting, Helmut Middendorf ... : [Ausstellung], Kunstmuseum Luzern,
11.10-15.11.1981, Centre d'art contemporain, Geneve, Janvier/Fevrier 1982,
Stadt Aachen, Neue Galerie, Sammlung Ludwig, April/Mai 1982:
[Katalog/Redaktion, Martin Kunz]
Luzern: Kunstmuseum, c1981
Imagine nation: the American counterculture of the 1960s and '70s.
Edited by Peter Braunstein and Michael William Doyle.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: [chapter] 8, Gay gatherings. Reimaging the counterculture (Robert
McRuer), pp. 215-242.
Suz, Bot Tac E839.4 .I46 2002
Imagined Londons. Edited by Pamela K. Gilbert.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2002.
note: chapter 3, "Men in petticoats": border crossings in the queer case
of Mr. Boulton and Mr. Park (Morris B. Kaplan), pp. 45-68.
Suz DA 688 .I43 2002
Imagined masculinities: male identity and culture in the modern Middle
Edited by Mai Ghoussoub and Emma Sinclair-Webb.
London: Saqi, 2000.
note [chapter] 7, Male homosexuality in modern Arabic literature, pp.
Suz HQ 1090.7 .M628 I53 2000
Imagining adoption: essays on literature and culture. Edited by Marianne
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2001.
note: "I am your mother; she was a carrying case": adoption, class, and
sexual orientation in Jeanette Winterson's Oranges are not the only fruit
(Margot Gayle Backus), pp. 133-149
Tac PS 228 .A35 I46 2001
Imagining our Americas: toward a transnational frame. Edited by Sandhya
Shukla and Heidi Tinsman.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.
note: Queer harvests: homosexuality, the U.S. New Left, and the Venceremos
Brigades to Cuba (Ian Lekus), pp. 249-281.
Suz E20 .I43 2007
Immortal, invisible: lesbians and the moving image.
Edited by Tamsin Wilton.
London; NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz PN 1995.9 .L48 I45 1995
Immunologic abnormalities among D. C. homosexuals with contacts from
high-risk AIDS areas.
[Bethesda, Md?]: National Cancer Institute/Office of Cancer
Communications, 1985.
see also: originally as, Anderson, Linda (Linda Frances). Immunologic
abnormalities among D. C. homosexuals with contacts from high-risk AIDS
GovPubStxUS HE 20.3182/3:H 75/985
Imperial desire: dissident sexualities and colonial literature. Philip
Holden and Richard J. Ruppel, editors.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2003.
Suz PR 408 .H65 I47 2003
Imperial projections: ancient Rome in modern popular culture. Edited by
Sandra R. Joshel, Margaret Malamud, and Donald T. McGuire, Jr.
Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2001.
note: [chapter] 9, Shared sexualities. Roman soldiers, Derek Jarman's
Sebastiane, and British homosexuality (Maria Wyke), pp. 229-248.
Suz PN 1995.9 .R68 I47 I47 2001
Imprisoned intellectuals: America's political prisoners write on life,
liberation, and rebellion. Edited by Joy James.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c2003.
note: chapter 19, Linda Evans, Susan Rosenberg, and Laura Whitehorn, Dykes
and fags want to know. Interview with lesbian political prisoners-- Linda
Evans, Susan Rosenberg, and Laura Whitehorn by the members of QUISP, early
1991, pp. 261-278. [QUISP=Queer women and men in solidarity with political
prisoners, 1991-1996]
Suz HV 9468 .I49 2003
Improper Bostonians: lesbian and gay history from the Puritans to
Compiled by the History Project; foreword by Barney Frank.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U52 M45 1998
In a different light: an anthology of lesbian writers.
Ed. by Carolyn Weathers and Jenny Wren.
Los Angeles: Clothespin Fever Press, 1989.
Ugl PS 509 .L47 I5 1989
In a different light: visual culture, sexual identity, queer practice.
Ed. Nayland Blake et al.
San Francisco: City Lights Books, c1995.
Suz, Art NX 652 .G38 I5 1995
In a queer country: gay and lesbian studies in the Canadian context.
Edited by Terry Goldie.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 75.16 .C2 I53 2001
In a queer place: sexuality and belonging in British and European
Edited by Kate Chedgzoy, Emma Francis, Murray Pratt.
Aldershot: Ashgate, c2002.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 I5 2002
In & out [videorecording] Paramount Pictures presents in association with
Spelling Films; written by Paul Rudnick; produced by Scott Rudin; directed
by Frank Oz.
Hollywood, CA: Paramount, [1998]
note: DVD, originally produced as motion picture in 1997.
note: cast- Kevin Kline, Joan Cusack, Matt Dillon, Debbie Reynolds,
Wilford Brimley, Bob Newhart & Tom Selleck.
note: credits- director of photography, Rob Hahn; film editors, Dan
Hanley, John Jympson; music, Marc Shaiman; costume designer, Ann Toth;
production designer, Ken Adam.
note: When a former student tells the world that a high school teacher is
gay, the man tries hard to assert his manliness.
UglMed DVD PARA 135
In and out of time: lesbian feminist fiction.
Edited by Patricia Duncker.
London: Onlywomen Press, 1990.
Suz PR 1309 L4 I5 1990
In another part of the forest: an anthology of gay
short fiction. lst ed.
Compiled by Alberto Manguel and Craig Stephenson.
NY: Crown Trade Paperbacks, c1994.
note: Canadian edition published under title: Meanwhile in another part of
the forest: gay stories from Alice Munro to Yukio Mishima.
Suz, Bot PN 6120.95 H724 I4 1994
In changing times: gay men and lesbians encounter HIV/AIDS.
Edited by Martin P. Levine, Peter M. Nardi, John H. Gagnon.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1997.
Suz WC 503.7 .I352 1997
In diaspora: theories, histories, texts. Edited by Makarand Paranjape.
New Delhi: Indialog Publications, 2001.
note: Dangling men, nowhere women: the identity crisis of South Asian
queers, (R. Raj Rao), pp. 141-147.
Suz DS 339.4 .I5 2001
In dieser Gesellschaft überleben: zur Alltagssituation lesbischer
Frauen: Lesbenberatung in West-Berlin, [hrsg. v.] Annette Droge.
Berlin: Lesbenstich Presse Verlag: Vertrieb, Regenbogenbuchvertrieb,
Suz HQ 75.6 .G3 I53 1982
In other words [videorecording] National Film Board of Canada presents;
written and directed by Jan Padgett; producer, George Johnson.
Montreal: NFB, [2001]
note: DVD
note: credits- editor, Ileana Pietrobruno; director of photography, Moira
Simpson; music, Shari Ulrich.
note: Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered teenagers discuss their
responses to homophobic language. Additionally, slang, music media images
and dictionary definitions are woven together to demonstrate how language
shapes attitude.
UglMed DVD NFBC 003
In praise of boys: Moorish poems from al-Andalus.
Translated by Erskine Lane.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1975.
note: translations of selections from Poemas arabigoandaluces, ed. by E.
Garcia Gomez.
Suz PJ 7542 .H6 I5 1975
In the company of men: male dominance and sexual harassment. Edited by
James E. Gruber and Phoebe Morgan.
Boston: Northeastern University Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 10, A missing link: institutional homophobia and sexual
harassment in the U.S. military (Melissa Sheridan Embser-Herbert), pp.
Suz, Tac HD 6060.5 .I5 2005
In the life: a Black gay anthology. Edited by Joseph Beam.
Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, c1986.
Suz, Tac PS 509 H57 I5 1986
"In the open": Jewish women writers and British culture. Edited by Claire
M. Tylee.
Newark: University of Delaware Press, c2006.
note: Ellen Galford's "Ghost Writing": dykes, dybbuks, and doppelgangers
(Paulina Palmer), pp. 65-78.
Suz PR 120 .J48 I52 2006
In the system and in the life: a guide for teens and staff to the gay
experience in foster care. Edited by Al Desetta.
NY: Youth Communication, c2003.
Suz, Law HV 1426 .I5 2003
In the works: newsletter. Multifaith Works; Multifaith AIDS Projects
(MAPS); Shanti.
Seattle: Multifaith Works, [1999]-
note: Dec. 2002 numbered 97, but actually 98
note: continues: Newsletter (Multifaith AIDS Projects (Seattle, Wash.))
and Newsletter (Multifaith Works (Organization)); see Newsletter (Multifaith
AIDS Projects (Seattle, Wash.)) and Newsletter (Multifaith Works
SpecColl HV 99 .S62 M84a
77-80 (Jun-Dec 1999), 83-89 (Jun 2000-Jun 2001), 91-101 (Oct 2001-Aut
In time of plague: the history and social consequences of lethal epidemic
Edited by Arien Mack.
NY: New York University Press, c1991.
HSLIC WA 11.1 I35 1991
Incest and the literary imagination. Edited by Elizabeth Barnes.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, c2002.
note: [chapter] 13, Sexual trauma/queer memory: incest, lesbianism, and
therapeutic culture (Ann Cvetkovich), pp. 329-357.
Suz PS 169 .I5 I53 2002
The incredibly true adventure of two girls in love [videorecording] Fine
Line Features presents a Smash Pictures production of a film by Maria
Maggenti; produced by Dolly Hall; written and directed by Maria
[United States]: New Line Home Entertainment, [2004]
note: DVD, originally released as a motion picture in 1995.
note: cast- Laurel Holloman, Nicole Parker, Dale Dickey, Stephanie Berry,
Maggie Moore, Kate Stafford, Sabrina Artel.
note: credits- cinematography, Tami Reiker; ediotr, Susan Graef; score,
Terry Dame.
note: This coming of age comedy tells the story of two very different
teenagers whose friendship develops into an unlikely romance.
UglMed DVD NLHV 040
Independence park: the lives of gay men in Israel. [Edited by] Amir Sumakai
Fink and Jacob Press.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.2 .I73 I54 1999
India, Max.
Someone special: photographs.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1988.
SpecColl TR 681 .M4 I53 1988
Indiana, Gary.
Gone tomorrow.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1993.
Suz PS 3559 .N335 G66 1993
Indiana, Gary.
Let it bleed: essays, 1985-1995.
NY: High Risk Books/Serpent's Tail, 1996.
Suz PS 3559 .N335 L48 1996
Indiana, Gary.
Rent boy.
NY: High Risk Books/Serpent's Tail, 1994.
Suz PS 3559 .N335 R46 1994
Indiana, Gary.
Scar tissue and other stories.
NY: Calamus Books/GPNY, 1987.
Suz PS 3559 .N335 S3 1987
Indiana, Gary.
Three month fever: the Andrew Cunanan story.
NY: Cliff Street Books, c1999.
Suz HV 6248 .C77 I53 1999
Indianapolis Men's Chorus, Performer.
No one is alone [sound recording] The Indianapolis Men's Chorus; Michael
Hayden, music director.
Indianapolis, IN: Crossroads Performing Arts, Inc., c1996.
note: 1 sound disc: digital; recorded live at Gala Festival IV (track
1), Denver CO, June 29, 1992, and The Lodge, Indianapolis, IN, March 15,
April 19, November 11, 1995; January 13, February 3, 1996.
note: performers- The Indianapolis Men's Chorus; chamber ensemble IndyVisible;
Michael Hayden, music direcotr; Steven Glover,
accompanist; credits- Doug Dilling, executive producer; Richard J. Roberts,
associate producer.
UglMed Cd CPA 001
Indianapolis Women's Chorus.
Indianapolis Women's Chorus [sound recording]; San Diego Women's
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival 2000, v.8)
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: 1st chorus: Pamela Blevins-Hinkle, music director; Holling J.
Smith-Berne, accompanist. 2nd chorus: Christopher Allen, artistic
director; Deborah Morton, accompanist.
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.8
Indivisible: new short fiction by gay and lesbian West Coast writers.
Edited by Terry Wolverton, with Robert Drake.
NY: Plume, c1991.
Suz, Ugl PS 648 H57 I54 1991
The Indomitable spirit.
NY: Photographers + Friends United Against AIDS: Distributed by H. N.
Abrams, 1990.
note: published in conjunction with an exhibition held at the
International Center of Photography Midtown, NY, feb. 9-Apr. 7, 1990; the
Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, May 13-June 17, 1990, and at other
Suz TR 645 .N72 I585 1990
Infamous desire: male homosexuality in colonial Latin America. Edited by
Peter Sigal.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 76.2 .L29 I54 2003
Infidelity: a practitioner's guide to working with couples in crisis.
Edited by Paul R. Peluso.
NY: Routledge, c2007.
note: chapter 12, Lesbian couples: the infidelities of women, sexual and
otherwise (Beverly Burch), pp. 229-246.
Suz, SocWk HQ 806 .I54 2007
Ingebretsen, Edward J.
At stake: monsters and the rhetoric of fear in public culture.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2001.
note: examines the public fascination with Jeffrey Dahmer, Andrew Cunanan
and others
Suz P96 .M62 I54 2001
Inglis, Brian.
Roger Casement.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1973.
Suz, Ugl DA 965 .C3 I53 1973
Ingmar Bergman's Persona. Edited by Lloyd Michaels.
Cambridge, England; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 6, Feminist theory and the performance of lesbian desire
in Persona (Gwendolyn Audrey Foster), pp. 130-146.
Suz PN 1997 .P464 I54 2000
Inlaws & outlaws [videorecording] A Drew Emery film; produced by Larry
Schlessing & Lisa Halpern; produced and directed by Drew Emery; executive
producer Robert D. Lemon.
[Seattle, WA]: True Stories Project, [2007]
note: DVD
note: credits- cinematography, Ryan Purcell, Mark Simon; music, Eric Lane
Barnes; editors, Celia Beasley, Michael Cutts, Drew Emery, Joe
note: Inlaws & Outlaws is a portrait of love in a time of constant change
and social upheaval. Whether loving inside or outside of marriage,
struggling to get in or suing to get out, this film weaves a narrative
that tests our preconceptions, and explore the hallowed institution with
and or, humor and poignancy--with more than a few surprises along the way.
Features Felicia Loud.
UglMed DVD TRUE 001
BotMed BOT-1241
Innaurato, Albert.
Best plays of Albert Innaurato; with an introduction by the author.
NY: Gay Presses of New York, c1987.
note: includes the plays: Coming of age in Soho-Gemini-The transfiguration
of Benno Blimpie.
Suz, Drama PS 3559 .N46 A6 1987
Inness, Sherrie A.
lesbian menace: ideology, identity, and the representation of lesbian
Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, c1997.
Suz, Bot PS 228 .L47 I56 1997
Inness, Sherrie A.
Tough girls: women warriors and wonder women in popular culture.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, c1999.
(Feminist cultural studies, the media, and political culture)
Suz, Ugl, Tac P94.5 .W65 I56 1999
Innovations in psychotherapy with homosexuals. Edited by Emery S. Hetrick
and Terry S. Stein.
Washington, D. C.: American Psychiatric Press, c1984.
note: half title: Psychotherapy with homosexuals.
Suz WM 615 I58 1984
Inside out [videorecording]: a portrait of lesbian and gay lawyers.
Presented by National Educational Foundation for Individual Rights;
co-executive producers Abby Ginzberg, Ron Albers; video produced and
directed by Abby Ginzberg; written materials prepared by Robert B.
San Francisco: Video Arts, Inc., 1994.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS + discussion guide
note: combines vignettes portraying the obstacles facing lesbian and gay
attorneys with first person interviews with lesbian and gay attorneys,
judges and law professors and their heterosexual counterparts.
Law KF 299 G3 I58 1994
Law KF 299 G3 I58 1994 guide
Inside-OUT: a
report on the experiences of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals
in America and the public's views on issues and policies related to sexual
Menlo Park, CA: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, [2001]
note: [v.1]. [Report] -- [v.2]. Chartpack -- [v.3.]. Toplines.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 I56 2001 v.1,2,3
available online:
Inside/out: Lesbian theories, gay theories. Edited by Diana Fuss.
NY: Routledge, 1991.
Suz HQ 76.25 I58 1991
Inside the academy and out: lesbian/gay/queer studies and social
Edited by Janice L. Ristock and Catherine G. Taylor.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c1998.
Suz HQ 75.15 .I56 1998
Inside the American couple: new thinking/new challenges.
Edited by Marilyn Yalom and Laura L. Carstensen; Estelle Freedman and
Barbara Gelpi, consulting editors.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2002.
note: chapter 4, "Boston marriage" among lesbian: are we a couple if we're
not having sex? (Esther D. Rothblum), pp. 74-86; chapter 5, "You'll never
walk alone": lesbian and gay weddings and the authenticity of the same-sex
couple (Ellen Lewin), pp. 87-107.
Tac HQ 801 .I67 2002
Insider quarterly: building a healthy gay community. Gay City Health
Seattle, WA: Gay City, [2005]-
note: continues Gay City Bulletin, Gay City monthly, Volunteer
newsletter, Volunteer voice, then Volunteer newsletter [reverted to that
title], and Beat; see those titles in this bibliography for holdings.
SpecColl HQ 75 .B43 no.1-2 (Winter 2005-Spring 2005)
Integrated identity for gay men and lesbians: psychotherapeutic
approaches for emotional well-being. Edited by Eli Coleman.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1988.
note: also published as: Psychotherapy with homosexual men and women:
integrated identity approaches for clinical practice.
Suz WM 615 P9746 1988
Interdisciplinary research on homosexuality in the Netherlands.
see: Gay life in Dutch society.
Interdisciplinary Symposium on Gender Dysphoria Syndrome (2d: 1973:
Stanford University)
Proceedings...edited by Donald R. Laub and Patrick Gandy.
Stanford, CA: Division of Reconstructive and Rehabilitation Surgery,
Stanford University Medical Center [1974?]
note: Proceedings of the second Interdisciplinary Symposium on Gender
Dysphoria Syndrome.
Suz WM 610 I61p 1974
International Comparative Literature Association. Congress (15th: 1997:
Leiden, Netherlands)
Gendered memories. Edited by John Neubauer and Helga Geyer-Ryan.
Amsterdam; Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 2000.
(Proceedings of the XVth Congress of the International Comparative
Literature Association "Literature as Cultural Memory", v.4)
note: remapping gender boudaries: effeminization and expectation of social
stability in Epicoene and The Male Queen (I. Chun Wang), pp. 129-138.
Suz PN 171 .S45 I58 1997
International Conference on Culture and Communication (4th: 1981: Temple
Studies in mass communication & technology: selected proceedings form the
Fourth International Conference on Culture and Communication, Temple
University, 1981. Edited by Sari Thomas.
Norwood, N. J.: ABLEX Pub. Corp., c1984.
(Studies in communication, v.1)
note: [chapter] 19, The Role of the mass media and other socialization
agents in the identity formation of gay males (Sean O'Neil), pp.
Suz P91 .I57 1981
International Conference on Gay and Lesbian Studies (1987: Amsterdam,
Homosexuality, which homosexuality? International Conference on Gay and
Lesbian Studies; Dennis Altman... [et al.]
Amsterdam: An Dekker/Schorer; London; GMP Publishers, 1989.
note: "The Homosexuality, Which Homosexuality? Conference was a joint
venture of the Research Group Gay and Lesbian Studies of the
Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Science, Society, and Religion,
Free University of Amsterdam, and the Schorer Foundation. Conference held
Dec. 15, 1987 in Amsterdam.
see also: Homosexuality Which Homosexuality (Conference) (1987: Free
University Amsterdam). Homosexuality, which homosexuality: international
scientific conference on gay and lesbian studies: December 15-18, 1987,
Free University Amsterdam. (a set of collected preprints to be read for
the conference.
Suz HQ 76.25 .I67 1987
International examiner Asian American Journal (Seattle)
see: "Queer & Asian" (featured articles)
gay & lesbian review. Walter L. Williams, editor.
Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California, [1997]+
note: provides abstracts and reviews of books that relate to lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender studies. Includes reviews searchable by title or
author, editorial and policy information, and links to related sites.
note: formerly issued by ONE Institute & Archives and ONE Institute
International journal of sexuality and gender studies.
NY: Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press, 2000-2002
note: continues Journal of gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity, v.1-4
see: Journal of gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .J66 v.5,n.1-3; v.6-7 Jan-Jul 2000;
also available online
The international
journal of transgenderism. v.1-6. (1997-2002)
note: full text electronic journal
note: after v.6 (2002) published by Haworth
Düsseldorf, Germany: Symposion Pub., c1997-2002
The international politics of sport in the 20th century. Edited by James
Riordan and Arnd Kruger.
London: E & FN Spon; NY: Routledge, 1999.
note: [chapter] 10, The homosexual and homoerotic in sport (Arnd Kruger),
pp. 191-216.
Suz GV 706.35 .I57 1999
International thesaurus of gay and lesbian index terms. Joseph Gregg and
Robert B. Marks Ridinger, editors.
[Chicago?]: Thesaurus Committee, Gay and Lesbian Task Force, American
Library Association, 1988.
Suz Z695.1 .H67 I57 1988a
Interrupting heteronormativity. [Mary Queen, Kathleen Farrell, and Nisha
Gupta, editors].
Syracuse, NY: Graduate School of Syracuse University, c2005.
Suz LC 192.6 .I56 2005
Perth, Western Australia: Murdoch University School of Asian Studies,
note: a full text electronic journal with articles on gender, women, sex
role, sex discrimination, and homosexuality in the Asian context
Intersections between feminist and queer theory. Edited by Diane
Richardson, Janice McLaughlin and Mark E. Casey.
Basingstoke [England]; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Ugl, Bot HQ 76.25 .I585 2006
Intersections: gender, nation, and community in Arab women's novels.
Edited by Lisa Suhair Majaj, Paula W. Sunderman, and Therese Saliba.
Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2002.
note: [chapter] 7, Strategic androgyny: passing as masculine in Barakat's
The stone of laughter (Mona Fayad), pp. 1162-179.
Suz PJ 7525.2 .I55 2002
The Intersex child. Volume editor, Nathalie Josso.
Basel; NY: Karger, 1981.
Health Serials W1 PE163H v.8 (Pediatric and adolescent endocrinology)
Intersex hearing: the San Francisco Human Rights Commission. San Francisco
Human Rights Commission.
San Francisco, CA: SFGTV, 2004.
note: DVD-R
note: commission hearing held on May 27, 2004; production crew, Jack Chin
... [et al.]
note: "The Commission will take testimony on whether infants with intersex
anatomies should be surgically assigned gender by doctors who are unable
to determine if the child's sex is male or female, and who do not know
what the child's gender identity is or will be. Commissioners also will
consider whether some infant surgeries are truly medical emergencies or
are performed solely for cosmetic reasons. Futher, the Commission will
investigate to what degree parents are given sufficient information to
make informed consent and given referrals to appropriate support
UglMed DVD SFGTV 001
Intersexuality [videorecording]: redefining sex. A CityTV production;
produced and directed by Brad Brough.
Ann Arbor, MI: Intersex Society of North America, [2000]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; videocassette release of a segment of the
Canadian program SexTV broadcast in 2000.
note: Each year 65,000 newborns display intersexuality, a condition in
which physical aspects of both sexes are present. This program examines
the medical ethics of surgically altering the genitals to "normalize"
children who "don't look right"--a practice which is performed on 5 infants a
day in the U.S. Considering intersexuality as an emergency, doctors select a
gender, usually female. But early genital plastic surgery damages
sensitivity, produces severely scarred genitals, and gives a message to
the child that he or she is unwanted "as is." Cheryl Chase, founder of the
Intersex Society of North America, advocates a non-interventionist
approach: no surgery except in true medical emergencies. This film
illustrates the case of a mother who consented to sex reassignment
surgeries for her baby Kyle (leter Kelli). Now six years old and severely
scarred, Kelli tends to identify as a male, and her mother feels severe
remorse for what happened.
UglMed Videorecord ISNA 001
Interventions with families of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender
people: from the inside out. Jerry J. Bigner, Andrew R. Gottlieb,
Binghamton: Harrington Park Press, 2006.
Tac HQ 73 .I58 2006
An intimacy of equals: lesbian feminist ethics. Lilian Mohin, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.5 .I57 1996
Ugl HQ 75.5 .I57 1996b
Intimate betrayal: domestic violence in lesbian relationships. Ellyn
Kaschak, editor.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, c2001.
Ugl HQ 75.5 .I575 2001
Intimate details & vital statistics: AIDS, sexuality, and the social order
in New Zealand.
Edited by Peter Davis.
Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1996.
SocWk WC 503.7 I61 1996
An Intimate wilderness: lesbian writers on sexuality.
Edited by Judith Barrington.
Portland, OR: Eighth Mountain Press, 1991.
Suz, Tac PS 509 .L47 I58 1991
Intricate passions. Edited by Tee Corinne.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1989.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 509 .L47 I59 1989
Introducing Charlotte Charke: actress, author, enigma.
Edited by Philip E. Baruth; afterword by Felicity A. Nussbaum.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1998.
Drama PN 2598 .C28 I58 1998
An introduction to film studies. Edited by Jill Nelmes.
London; NY: Routledge, 1996.
note: chapter 9, Lesbian and gay cinema (Chris Jones), pp. 267-290.
note: chapter 9 includes, among other considerations, 4 case studies:
Victim, Desert Hearts, Looking for Langston, and The Living End.
Suz PN 1994 .I537 1996
An Introduction to film studies. Edited by Jill Nelmes. 2nd ed.
London; NY: Routledge, 1999.
note: chapter 10, Lesbian and gay cinema (Chris Jones), pp. 307-344.
note: chapter 10 includes, among other considerations, 5 case studies:
Victim, Desert Hearts, The Living End, Looking for Langston,
and Go Fish.
Bot PN 1994 .I537 1999
An introduction to GLBT family studies. Jarry J. Bigner, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c2006.
Ugl, Bot HQ 76.25 .I59 2006
Introduction to multicultural counseling for helping professionals. Wanda
M. L. Lee ... [et al.] 2nd ed.
NY: Routledge, c2007.
note: chapter 15, Counseling lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LGBT) people, pp. 231-252.
Bot BF 636.7 .C76 I58 2007
An introduction to the pastoral care of homosexual people.
Catholic Social Welfare Commission, Catholic Bishops of England and Wales;
with a preface by Bishop Augustine Harris. [American ed.]
Mt Rainier, MD: New Ways Ministry, [c1981]
Suz BX 2347.8 .H65 I57 1981
Invented identities?: lesbians and gays talk about
migration. Edited by Bob Cant.
London; Herndon, VA: Cassell, 1997.
Suz HQ 76 .I58 1997
Inventing lesbian cultures in America: Edited by Ellen Lewin.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 I56 1996
Inventing ourselves: lesbian life stories.
Hall Carpenter Archives, Lesbian Oral History Group.
London, NY: Routledge, 1989.
Ugl, SocWk HQ 75.3 I58 1989
Inventing Times Square: commerce and culture at the crossroads of the
world. Edited by William R. Taylor.
note: Based on a series of six conferences held during 1988-89, sponsored
by the New York Institute for the Humanities at New York University.
note: [chapter]15, The policed: gay men's strategies of everyday
resistance (George Chauncey, Jr.), pp. 315-328.
Drama, Tac F 128.65 .T5 I58 1991
InVersions: writing by dykes, queers & lesbians.
Edited by Betsy Warland.
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1991.
Suz PR 9197.7 I58 1991
Invertito: Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualitäten.
Herausgegeben vom Fachverband Homosexualität und Geschichte e.V.
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 1999+
Suz HQ 76.3 .G3 I6 v.1-2 (1999-2000)
Invisible children in the society and its schools. Edited by Sue
Books. 3rd ed.
Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007.
note: [chapter] 12, Queer in/visibility: the case of Ellen, Michael, and
Oscar (Gloria Filax), pp. 213-234.
Tac HV 741 .I7 2007
The Invisible ghetto: lesbian & gay writing from South Africa.
Edited by Matthew Krouse, assisted by Kim Berman.
London: Gay Men's Press; East Haven, CT: Inbook [distributor], 1995.
Suz PL 8014 .S62 I78 1995
Ioläus, an anthology of friendship. Edited by Edward Carpenter.
NY: Pagan Press, 1982.
note: 192p., reprint of: NY: M. Kennerley, 1917.
Suz PN 6071 .F7 I55 1982
Iran. Laura K. Egendorf, book editor.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, c2006.
(Opposing viewpoints series)
note: viewpoint 6, Iran brutalizes homosexuals (Doug Ireland), pp.
Bot DS 318.9 .I725 2006
Ireland, Timothy.
Who lies inside.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1984.
Suz PR 6069 .R462 W4 1984
Irish, Andrew C.
Adaptation to AIDS: changes in social network and social support as
reported by gay men.
Thesis (M. Nur.) -- University of Washignton.
Seattle, 1987.
HSLIC WY 7 Th34874
Aux Thesis 34874
Irvine, Janice M.
Disorders of desire: sex and gender in modern American sexology.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990.
note: chapter 7, Boys will be girls: contemporary research on gender, pp.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 60 .I79 1990
Irvine, Janice M.
Talk about sex: the battles over sex education in the United States.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2002.
note: chapter 8, The Politics of Aversion, pp. 165-186.
Suz, Bot HQ 57.5 .A3 I78 2002
Irwin, Jude.
'The pink ceiling is too low': workplace experiences of lesbians, gay men
and transgender people.
[Sydney, N.S.W.]: Australian Centre for Lesbian and Gay Research: NSW Gay
and Lesbian Rights Lobby, [1999?]
Suz HD 285.5 .A8 I79 1999
Irwin, Robert McKee.
Mexican masculinities.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2003.
(Cultural studies of the Americas, v.11)
Suz PQ 7155 .I79 2003
Is academic feminism dead?: theory in practice. Edited by The Social
Justice Group at The Center for Advanced Feminist Studies, University of
note: chapter 4, Sex, gender, and same-sex marriage (Peggy Pascoe), pp.
86-129; chapter 10, Being queer, being black; living out in Afro-American
studies (Rhonda M. Williams), pp. 266-282.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1190 .I76 2000
Is gay good: Ethics, theology, and homosexuality.
Edited by W. Dwight Oberholtzer.
Philadelphia: Westminster Press [1971]
Suz HQ 76 .I68 1971
Is it a boy or a girl? [videorecording] Produced by Ward & Associates for
the Discovery Channel; written and produced by Phyllis Ward.
Petaluma, CA: Intersex Society of North America, 2000.
note: VHS; narrator, Bill O'Connor; photography, Peter Thomas, David Forde
and Kevin Brown; editor, Judith E. Herbert; original music, Charlie
note: Questions of sexual identity are complicated when a child is born
intersexed, that is, with mixed sexual characteristics. Interviews with
adults whose sex was assigned by surgery, and a doctor who does such
surgery, reveal the range of sex differentiation disorders, and the role
of hormones as well as chromosomes in establishing sex. Cover the debate
over medical assignment of sexual identity, and if those born intersexed
should be able to choose, at adolescence, whether or not to have
UglMed Videorecord ISNA 002
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2163
Is this child gay?
note: cover title for: Essays in gay and lesbian studies.
see: Essays in gay and lesbian studies.
Isaacs, Gordon.
Male homosexuality in South Africa: identity formation, culture, and
crisis. By Gordon Isaacs and Brian McKendrick.
Cape Town [South Africa], NY: Oxford University Press, 1992.
note: based in part upon a Ph. D. thesis entitled: 'The growth of
homosexual identity: an empirical study...(University of Capetown)
Suz, Tac HQ 76.2 S6 I8 1992
Isay, Richard A.
Becoming gay: the journey to self acceptance.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 I83 1996
Isay, Richard A.
Being homosexual: gay men and their development.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Girous, 1989.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76 .I82 1989
Ugl HQ 76 .I82 1990 (Avon ed., 1990)
Isensee, Rik.
Are you ready?: the gay man's guide to thriving at midlife.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 I836 1999
Isensee, Rik.
Growing up gay in a dysfunctional family: a guide for gay men reclaiming
their lives.
NY: Prentice Hall/Parkside, 1991.
note: reissued by Alyson (1997) as: Reclaiming your life: the gay men's
guide to love, self-acceptance, and trust.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 I838 1991
Isensee, Rik.
Love between men: enhancing intimacy and keeping your relationship
NY: Prentice Hall Press, c1990.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 I84 1990
Isherwood, Charles.
Wonder bread and ecstasy: the life and death of Joey Stefano.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1996.
Suz PN 2287 .S6763 I84 1996
Isherwood, Christopher.
All the conspirators.
Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1976.
Suz PR 6017 .S5 A65 1976
Isherwood, Christopher.
The Berlin stories: The last of Mr. Norris, Goodbye to Berlin. With a
preface by the author.
NY: New Directions, 1954.
see also: Isherwood, Christopher. The last of Mr. Norris.
note: The last of Mr. Norris appeared in London as Mr. Norris changes
Suz, Bot PR 6017 .S5 B4 1954
Ugl, Tac PR 6017 .S5 B4 1963 (1963 ed. of 1954, New Directions
Ugl PR 6017 .S5 B4 (c1945 ed.)
Isherwood, Christopher.
Christopher and his kind, 1929-1939.
NY: Farrar, Straus Giroux, 1976.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PR 6017 .S5 Z498
Isherwood, Christopher.
Diaries. Edited and introduced by Katherine Bucknell.
NY: HarperCollins Publishers, c1997-
Suz, Tac PT 6017 .S5 Z464 1997 v.1
Isherwood, Christopher.
Down there on a visit.
NY: Simon and Schuster, 1962 [c1961]
Suz, Ugl PR 6017 .S5 D6
Isherwood, Christopher.
Goodbye to Berlin.
see: Isherwood Christopher. The Berlin stories.
Isherwood, Christopher.
Kathleen and Christopher: Christopher Isherwood's letters to his mother.
Edited by Lisa Colletta.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2005.
Suz PR 6017 .S5 Z486 2005
Isherwood, Christopher.
Kathleen and Frank. [The autobiography of a family]
NY: Simon and Schuster [1972, c1971]
Ugl PR 6017 .S5 Z5 1972
Suz PR 6017 .S5 Z5 (London ed.)
Isherwood, Christopher.
The last of Mr. Norris.
[New York] Berkley Publishing corp. [1964, c1945]
see also: Isherwood, Christopher. The Berlin stories.
note: The last of Mr. Norris appeared in London as Mr. Norris changes
Bot PR 6017 .S5 M5 1964
Isherwood, Christopher.
Lost years: a memoir, 1945-1951. Edited and introduced by Katherine
NY: HarperCollins, c2000.
Suz PR 6017 .S5 Z468 2000
Isherwood, Christopher.
Meeting by the river.
NY: Simon and Schuster [1967]
Suz, Ugl PR 6017 .S5 M4
Ugl PR 6017 .S5 M39 1967 (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux imprint)
Bot PR 6017 .S5 M39 1978 (Avon)
Isherwood, Christopher.
The memorial: portrait of a family.
Norwalk, CT: New Directions, [1946]
Suz, Ugl PR 6017 .S5 M46
Ugl PR 6017 .S5 M4 1988
Isherwood, Christopher.
October. Drawings by Don Bachardy.
[London]: Methuen, 1983.
Suz PR 6017 .S5 Z47 1983
Isherwood, Christopher.
Prater violet.
NY: Random House, [1945]
Suz 823 Is3p
Ugl PR 6017 .S5 P7 1945
Bot PR 6017 .S5 P7 1984
Isherwood, Christopher.
A single man.
London: Methuen [1964]
Suz 823 Is3s 1964
Ugl, SpecColl PR 6017 .S5 S5 (NY ed.)
Bot PR 6017 .S5 S5 1978 (Avon ed.)
Isherwood, Christopher.
Where joy resides: a Christopher Isherwood reader. Edited by Don Bachardy
and James P. White; with an introduction by Gore Vidal.
NY: Michael di Capua Books, c1989.
Suz PR 6017 .S5 A6 1989
Isherwood, Christopher.
The world in the evening.
NY: Noonday Press, [1987?], c1954.
Suz, Ugl PR 6017 .S5 W6
Ugl PR 6017 .S5 W6 1987
Isherwood, Lisa.
The power of erotic celibacy: queering heteropatriarchy.
London; NY: T&T Clark, 2006.
Suz BT 83.55 .I84 2006
Isherwood century: essays on the life and work of Christopher
Edited and with an introduction by James J. Berg and Chris
Freeman; foreword by Armistead Maupin.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2000.
Suz, Tac PR 6017 .S5 Z74 2000
Ishii, Tatsuro.
Danso ron Ishii Tatsuro.
Tokyo: Seikyusha, 1994.
EAsia HQ 77 .I84 1994
Ishii, Tatsuro.
Iso no sekushuariti.
Tokyo: Shinjuku Shobo, 2003.
EAsia HQ 77 .I84 2003
Ishii, Tatsuro.
Iso no sekushariti: hito wa sei o koerareru ka.
Tokyo: Shinjuku Shobo, 1991.
EAsia HQ 77 I84 1991
Ishii, Tatsuro.
Porisekushuaru rabu: hitotsu dewa nai ai no katachi.
Tokyo: Seikyusha, 1997.
EAsia HQ 75.15 .I85 1997
Ishikawa, Taiga.
Boku no kareshi wa dokoni iru.
Tokyo: Kodansha, 2002.
EAsia HQ 75.8 .I84 B65 2002
Isin, Engin F. (Engin Fahri)
Citizenship and identity. By Engin F. Isin and Patricia K. Wood.
London; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1999.
note: chapter 4, Sexual citizenship: identities of gender and sexuality,
pp. 71-90: Gay and lesbian rights, pp. 81-85; Space, identity and gays,
pp. 85-88.
Suz JF 801 .I83 1999
Island, David.
Men who beat the men who love them: battered gay men and domestic
By David Island and Patrick Letellier.
NY: Haworth Press, c1991.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Tac HQ 76.2 U5 I85 1991
Islands and identity in sociolinguistics: Hong Kong, Singapore, and
Taiwan. Edited by Tope Omoniyi.
Berlin; NY: Mouton de Gruyter, 2000.
note: "Potato seeking rice": language, culture, and identity in gay
personal ads in Hong Kong (Rodney H. Jones), pp. 33-61. International
Journal of the Sociology of Language, no. 143.
Suzzallo Periodicals P40 .I58 no. 141-143
Islas, Arturo.
Migrant souls: a novel.
NY: Morrow, c1990.
Suz, Ugl PS 3559 .S44 M54 1990
Islas, Arturo.
The rain god: a desert tale.
NY: Avon Books, 1991, c1984.
Suz, Ugl PS 3559 .S44 R3 1984 (Alexandrian Press)
Ugl, Bot PS 3559 .S44 R3 1991
Israel, Constance Denney.
Hate crimes against gays/lesbians in the mainstream press: an examination
of six Texas dailies.
Las Colinas, TX: Monument Press, 1992.
(Censorship in a free society, v.2)
note: originally presented as the author's thesis (M.A.--University of
Texas, 1991).
Suz PN 4888 .H65 I87 1992
Israel, Gianna.
Transgender care: recommended guidelines, practical information, and
personal accounts.
Written by and essays compiled by Gianna E. Israel and Donald E. Tarver
II; foreword by Joy Diane Shaffer.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997.
Suz, SocWk, Bot, Tac HQ 77.9 .I77 1997
Isser, Edward R.
Stages of annihilation: theatrical representations of the Holocaust.
Madison, NJ; Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London; Cranbury, NJ:
Associated University Presses, c1997.
note: [chapter] 9: Opening the forbidden closet, pp. 150-160; [chapter]
10: The Holocaust, homosexuality, and AIDS, pp. 161-175.
Drama PN 1879 .H65 I86 1997
Issues in intimate violence. Raquel Kennedy Bergen, editor.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1998.
note: [chapter] 7, Violence and abuse in lesbian relationships:
theoretical and empirical issues (Claire M. Renzetti), pp. 117-127;
[chapter] 8, Understanding domestic violence among gay and bisexual men
(Gregory S. Merrill), pp. 129-141
Suz, Tac HN 90 .V5 I77 1998
Issues in race, ethnicity, and gender: selections from the CQ
Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 14, Gay rights, pp. 245-263.
Suz E184 .A1 I845 2002
Issues in race, ethnicity, and gender: selections from the CQ
researcher. 2nd ed.
Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 15, Gay marriage (Kenneth Jost), pp. 327-352.
Ugl E184 .A1 I845 2005
It could happen to you: an account of the gay civil rights campaign in
Eugene, Oregon.
[By] Gay Rights Writer's Group.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1983.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 I7 1983
It takes a team! [videorecording]: making sports safe for lesbian and gay
athletes. Project to Eliminate Homophobia in Sport; producer, Lisa D.
Thompson; director, Dan Nocera.
[East Meadow, NY]: Women's Sports Foundation, [2004]
note: DVD
note: Videographer and editor, Dan Nocera; Writers, Pat Griffin, Mike
Muska, Jeff Perrotti, Laurie Priest, Marjorie Snyder; narrators, Zina
Garrison, Don McPherson.
note: An education kit for athletes, coaches, and athletic directors;
accompanying discussion and resource guide, stickers, and poster available
for free download from
UglMed DVD WSF 001
It wasn't love [videorecording] A videotape by Sadie Benning.
Chicago: Video Data Bank, 1992.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: Using her Fisher-Price Pixelvision toy camera, Benning illustrates
an encounter with a "bad girl" through the gender posturing and genre
interplay of Hollywood stereotypes.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1496
Itiel, Joseph.
A consumer's guide to male hustlers.
NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
Suz HQ 76.1 .I86 1998
Itiel, Joseph.
Philippine diary: a gay guide to the Philippines.
San Francisco: International Wavelength, Inc., c1989.
Suz HQ 76.2 .P6 I85 1989
Ito, Satoru.
Doseiai ga wakaru hon. Sukotan kikaku henshu; Ito Satoru cho.
Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2000.
EAsia HQ 76.2 .J3 I88 2000
Ito, Satoru.
Doseiai no kiso chishiki.
Tokyo: Ayumi Shuppan, 1996.
EAsia HQ 76 .I86 1996
Ito, Satoru.
Doseiaisha to shite ikiru: Sukotan kikaku funsenki.
Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 1998.
EAsia HQ 76 .I86 1998
Ito, Satoru.
Otoko futari kurashi: boku no gei puraido sengen.
Tokyo: Taro Jirosha, 1993
EAsia HQ 76.3 .J3 I86 1993
Ito, Satoru.
Tayo na "sei" ga wakaru hon: sei doitsusei shogai gei rezubian. Ito
Saturo, Torai Masae hencho.
Tokyo: Kobunken, 1987.
EAsia HQ 74.2 .J3 I86 2002
It's a gay world [videorecording] Bizarre Productions presents;
production, direction ... screenplays by Pat Rocco.
[Chicago, IL]: OutSpoken! Productions, [1996]
note: VHS, originally released in 1970.
note: credits: photography, editing, narration, music scoring by Pat
Rocco; sound, lighting, and additional photography by James Pretridge ...
et al; performers: Jim Bailey, Ron Dilly, Mark McKane, Brian Reynolds, Jim
Cassidy, Gary Miller, Robert Weaver.
note: Pat Rocco was the first openly gay filmmaker to create gay-themed
films for a gay audience. "It's a gay world" is several of his short films
(including Homosexuals on the march, A night at Joani's, The room, Screen
test, Kiss) inter-cut together. These include a nightclub evening at
'Joani presents' (with performances by illusionist Jim Bailey), several
beefcake shorts, and Rev. Troy Perry of MCC leading a protest march.
UglMed Videorecord OUTSP 001
It's elementary [videorecording]: talking about gay issues in
A Debra Chasnoff/Helen Cohen film; directed by Debra Chasnoff; produced by
Helen S. Cohen and Debra Chasnoff. 1 videocassette. VHS.
San Francisco: Women's Educational Media, c1996.
note: An exploration of what happens when experienced teachers talk to
their students about lesbians and gay men. Students are asked to consider
issues related to homosexuality at six elementary and middle schools.
Footage of classroom activities and discussions are presented with
students exploring questions and issues presented to them by teachers
and guest lecturers who come into their classes. School-wide
presentations, activity-days, and how these events affect faculty, parents
and teachers are also discussed in this documentary for parents and
UglMed Videorecord WEMI 001
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1065
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1065 guide
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1852
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1852 guide
Ivanov, V. I. (Viacheslav Ivanovich)
Cor ardens (microform)
Moskva: Skorpion, 1911.
MicNews Microfilm A1677
Ivanov, V. I. (Viacheslav Ivanovich)
Moskva: "Kniga," 1991.
note: reprint of Izd-vo "Ory," 1907.
Suz PG 3467 .I8 E76 1991
Ivask, Iurii.
Konstantin Leontev: zhizn i tvorchestvo.
Bern: H. Lang, 1974.
note: In Cyrillic characters.
Suz PG 3467 .L4 Z7
Iversen, Cap.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1992.
Suz PS 3559 .V37 A88 1992
Iversen, Cap.
Silver saddles.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1993.
Suz PS 3559 .V37 S55 1993
Ives, David.
The red address.
NY: Theatre Communications Group, c1991.
note: transvestites drama
Drama PS 3559 .V44 R4 1991
Ives, David.
The red address.
[NY]: Dramatists Play Service, Inc., c1998.
note: transvestites drama
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Red address
Ivry, Benjamin.
Arthur Rimbaud.
Bath, Somerset, England: Absolute Press, 1998.
Suz PQ 2387 .R5 Z6928 1998
Ivry, Benjamin.
Francis Poulenc.
London: Phaidon, 1996.
Music ML 410 .P787 I97 1996
Ivry, Benjamin.
Maurice Ravel: a life.
NY: Welcome Rain Publishers, 2000.
Music ML 410 .R23 I97 2000
Iwata, Junichi.
Honcho nanshoku ko, Iwata Junichi cho.
[Toba, Iwata Sadao, Showa 48 i. e. 1973]
EAsia HQ 76.3 .J3 I93
Iwata, Junichi.
Nanshoku bunken shoshi.
Tokyo: Koten Bunko, Showa 31 [1956]
(Kinsei bungei shiryo, 4)
EAsiaRef Z 33o8 .L5 I8
Izenberg, Gerald N.
Modernism and masculinity: Mann, Wedekind, Kandinsky through World War
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
note: chapter two, Thomas Mann and the feminine passion for transcendence,
pp. 96-159.
Suz PT 2625 .A44 Z65558 2000
Izzo, David Garrett.
Christopher Isherwood: his era, his gang, and the legacy of the truly
strong man.
Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, c2001.
Suz PR 6017 .S5 Z745 2001
J. M. Coetzee and the idea of the public intellectual. Edited by Jane
Athens: Ohio University Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 11, Textual transvestism: the female voices of J. M.
Coetzee (Lucy Graham), pp. 217-235.
Suz PR 9369.3 .C58 Z54 2006
Jack, Malcolm.
William Beckford: an English fidalgo.
NY: AMS Press, c1996.
Suz PR 4092 .J3 1996
Jackson, Charles.
The fall of valor: a novel.
NY: Rinehart & Co., Inc., [c1946]
Ugl PS 3519 .A323 F3
Suz PS 3519 .A323 F3 1986 (Arbor House)
Jackson, Donna.
Honorable discharge: memoirs of an Army dyke: the Donna Jackson story.
San Francisco: Christie & Stefin, c1993.
Suz UB 18 .G38 J335 1993
Jackson, Earl.
Strategies of deviance: studies in gay male representation.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1995.
(Theories of representation and difference)
Suz HQ 76 .J3 1995
Jackson, Graham.
The living room mysteries: patterns of male intimacy, book 2.
Toronto: Inner City Books, c1993.
Suz HQ 76 .J32 1993
Jackson, Graham.
The secret lore of gardening: patterns of male intimacy.
Toronto: Inner City Books, c1991.
(Studies in Jungian psychology by Jungian analysts, 52)
Suz HQ 76 .J33 1991
Jackson, Janna M.
Unmasking identities: an exploration of the lives of gay and lesbian
Lanham: Lexington Books, c2007.
Suz LB 2844.1 .G39 J33 2007
Jackson, Paul.
One of the boys: homosexuality in the military during World War II.
Montreal; Ithaca: McGill-Queen's University Press, c2004.
Suz UB 419 .C2 J33 2004
Jackson, Peter A.
Dear Uncle Go: male homosexuality in Thailand = Sawatdi khrap A Ko
Paknam. With a foreword by Gilbert H. Herdt.
Bangkok, Thailand; San Francisco: Bua Luang Books, 1995.
note: expanded, updated and fully revised verion of Male homosexuality in
Suz HQ 76.2 .T5 J33 1995
Jackson, Peter A.
The intrinsic quality of skin.
Bangkok; San Francisco: Floating Lotus Books, 1994.
Suz PR 9619.3 .J235 I58 1994
Jackson, Peter. [A.]
Male homosexuality in Thailand; an interpretation of contemporary
sources. With a foreword by Gilbert H. Herdt.
Elmhurst, NY: Global Academic Publishers, 1989.
Suz HQ 76.2 T5 J25 1989
Jackson, Peter A.
Multicultural queer: Australian narratives. Peter A. Jackson, Gerard
Sullivan, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.3 .A8 M85 1999
Jackson, Stevi.
Heterosexuality in question.
London: SAGE, 1999.
Suz HQ 23 .J33 1999
Jackson-Paris, Rod.
Straight from the heart: a love story. By Rod and Bob Jackson-Paris.
NY: Warner Books, c1994.
Suz HQ 75.8 .J33 A3 1994
Jacobs, Alan.
What became of Wystan: change and continuity in Auden's poetry.
Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1998.
Suz PR 6001 .U4 Z752 1998
Jacobson, Jacob.
Queer desire in Henry James: the politics of erotics in The Bostonians and
The Princess Casamassima.
Frankfurt; NY: Peter Lang, 2000.
(Berliner Beitrage zur Anglisitk, Bd. 7)
Suz PS 2117 .B63 J34 2000
Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen: Dandy and Poet; Annäherungen.
Herausgegeben von Wolfram Setz.
Hamburg: Männerschwarnskript, 2005.
(Bibliothek rosa Winkel, Bd. 38)
Suz PQ 2611 .E768 Z72 2005
Jaffe-Gill, Ellen.
No big deal.
[NY]: Puffin Books, 1997.
BotChi PZ7 .M47841365 No 1997
Jaffrey, Zia.
The invisibles: a tale of the eunuchs of India.
NY: Pantheon Books, 1996.
Suz HQ 449 .J35 1996
Jager, Susanna.
Doppelaxt oder Regenbogen?: zur Genealogie lesbisch-feministischer
Tubingen: Edition Diskord, c1998.
Suz HQ 75.5 .J33 1998
Jagose, Annamarie.
Inconsequence: lesbian representation and the logic of sexual
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2002.
Suz PR 830 .L46 J34 2002
Jagose, Annamarie.
Lesbian utopics.
NY: Routledge, 1994.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 .J34 1994
Jagose, Annamarie.
Queer theory: an introduction.
NY: New York University Press, 1996.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .J34 1996
Jahn, Wolf.
The art of Gilbert & George, or, An aesthetic of existence.
Translation by David Britt.
NY: Thames and Hudson, 1989.
Art, Bot N 6797 .G47 J3 1989
Jahnn, Hans Henny.
Fluss ohne Ufer: Roman in drei Teilen. Hrsg. von Uwe Schweikert.
Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1986. 3 vols.
note: v.1, Holzschiff; v.2, Die Niederschrift des Gustav Anias Horn; v.3,
Suz PT 2619 .A6 F55 1986
Suz 833 J195f (Weismann ed., 1949-1950.
Jahnn, Hans Henny.
Jeden ereilt es: Fragment aus dem nachlass. Herausgeber Rolf
Frankfurt: Heinrich heine, 1968.
Suz PT 2619 .A6 J4
Jahnn, Hans Henny.
Perrudja; Perrudja, zweites Buch: Fragmente aus dem nachlass; Texte aus
dem Umkreis des Perrudja. Herausgegeben von Gerd Rupprecht.
Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, c1985.
Suz PT 2619 .A6 P42 1985
Jahnn, Hans Henny.
Perrudja: Roman.
Frankfurt: Europaische Verlagsanstalt, c1958.
Suz 833 J195p 1958
Jahnn, Hans Henny.
Perrudja II. Fragment aus dem Nachlass. Herausgeber Rolf Burmeister.
[Frankfurt]: Heinrich Heine Verlag (1968)
Suz PT 2619 .A6 P5 1968
Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der
Homosexualität. Jahrg. 1-23; 1899-1923.
Leipzig: Max Spohr, 1899-
note: Jahrg. 10-13 issued as v. 1-4 (Oct. 1909-Oct. 1912) of the
Vierteljahrsberichte des Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitees;
Jahrg. 15-18
(1915-1918) issued as Vierteljahrsberichte des
Komitees während des Kriegszeit. Jahrg. 13, H.2-Jahrg. 14, H.3
(Jan. 1913-July 1914) as: Jahrbuch fur sexuelle Zwischenstufen mit besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Homosexualität.
Aux 616.9505 JA v.1-18 (1899-1918)
MicNews Microfiche M-3522 v.19-23 (1919-1923)
J'ai pas sommeil [videorecording]=I can't sleep. A New Yorker Films
release; Bruno Pesery et Fabienne Vonier presentent; une co-production
franco-suisse; Arena Films ... [et al.]; produced by Bruno Pesery;
directed by Clair Denis; written by Jean-Pol Fargeau, Clair Denis.
NY: New Yorker Video, [1966]
note: videocassette; VHS; French with English subtitles; originally
released as a motion picture in 1994.
note: cast, Katerina Golubeva, Richard Courcet, Vincent Dupont, Laurent
Grevill, Alex Descas, Irina Grejbina, Tolsty, Line Renaud, Beatrice Dalle;
credits: director of photography, Agnes Godard; edited by Nelly Quettier;
music, Jean-Louis Murat, John Pattision.
note: Based on a true story of Thierry Paulin, who with his male lover
murdered over 20 elderly women in Paris in the 1980s.
Ugl Videorecord NYV 6296
Jakobsen, Janet R.
Love the sin: sexual regulation and the limits of religious tolerance.
Janet R. Jakobsen and Ann Pellegrini.
NY: New York University Press, c2003.
Suz, Bot, Tac BR 115 .H6 J34 2003
James, Alice.
The death and letters of Alice James: selected correspondence.
Edited, with a biographical essay, by Ruth Bernard Yeazell.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1981.
Suz, Ugl CT 275 .J25 A4 1981
James Baldwin now. Edited by Dwight A. McBride.
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
Suz, Tac PS 3552 .A45 Z74 1999
James, Henry.
Beloved boy: letters to Hendrik C. Andersen, 1899-1915. Edited by Rosella
Mamoli Zorzi; introduction to the English-language edition by Millicent
Bell; afterword by Elena di Majo.
Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2004.
note: translation from the Italian, Amato ragazzo.
Suz PS 2123 .A415 2004
James, Henry.
Dearly beloved friends: Henry James's letters to younger men.
Susan E. Gunter, Steven H. Jobe, editors.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2001.
Suz PS 2123 .A4 2001
James, Jamie.
Andrew & Joey: a tale of Bali.
Jakarta, Indonesia: Godown, c2002.
Suz PS 3610 .A44 A83 2002b
James Joyce Quarterly. v.31, n.3 (Spring, 1994)
see: Joyce and Homosexuality. (special issue)
James Joyce's a portrait of the artist as a young man: a casebook. Edited
by Mark A. Wollaeger.
Oxford; NY; Oxford University Press, 2003.
note: Thrilled by his touch; the aestheticizing of homosexual panic in A
Portait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joseph Valente), pp. 245-280.
Suz PR 6019 .O9 P6453 2003
James White review: a gay men's literary quarterly.
Minneapolis: James White review, c1983-2004.
note: v.1-15, n.3 also called issues [1]-56.
Suzzallo Periodicals Oversize PS 536.2 .J36 v.1-15 (1989-1998)
Suzzallo Periodicals PS 536.2 .J36 v.16-21 (1999-Summer/Fall 2004)
Jane sexes it up: true confessions of feminist desire. Edited by Merri
Lisa Johnson.
NY: Four Walls Eight Windows, c2002.
Suz HQ 29 .J36 2002
Janeites: Austen's disciples and devotees. Edited by Deirdre Lynch.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 5, Decadent Austen entails: Forster, James, Firbank, and
the "Queer Taste" of Sanditon (comp. 1817, publ. 1915) (Clara Tuite),
pp. 115-139.
Suz PR 4037 .J39 2000
Jankowski, Theodora A.
Pure resistance: queer virginity in early modern English drama.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, c2000.
Drama PR 658 .V52 J36 2000
Janoff, Douglas.
Pink blood: homophobic violence in Canada.
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c2005.
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 J36 2005
Janoff, Douglas.
blood: queer-bashing in Canada.
Simon Fraser University, 2000
online M.A. thesis
Janson, Erika.
Transgender men and their gender identity: experiences and access to
health services.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2002.
note: Thesis (M.P.H.)--University of Washington, 2002.
HSLIC WA 7 Th51807
Aux Thesis 51807
Japanese language, gender, and ideology: cultural models and real people.
Edited by Shigeko Okamoto, Janet S. Shibamoto Smith.
NY: Oxford University Press, 2004.
note: [chapter] 11, Lesbian bar talk in Shinjuku, Tokyo (Hideko Abe), pp.
Suz PL 524.75 .J36 2004
Jardine, Lisa.
Hostage to fortune: the troubled life of Francis Bacon.
By Lisa Jardine and Alan Stewart.
London: Victor Gollancz, 1998.
Suz B 1197 .J37 1998
Jarman, Derek.
At your own risk: a saint's testament. Edited by Michael Christie.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1993.
Suz PN 1998.3 .J3 A3 1993b
Jarman, Derek.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1995.
Suz, Ugl NX 650 .C676 J37 1995
Jarman, Derek.
Dancing ledge. Ed. by Shaun Allen.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1993.
Suz PN 1998.3 .J3 A3 1993
Bot PN 1998 .A3 J453 1984 (Quartet Books ed.)
Jarman, Derek.
Derek Jarman's Caravaggio: the complete film script and commentaries.
Photographs by Gerald Incandela.
London: Thames and Hudson, 1986.
note: for the film, see Caravaggio [videorecording]
Suz PN 1997 .C2825 1986
Jarman, Derek.
Derek Jarman's garden. With photographs by Howard Sooley.
[London]: Thames and Hudson, [1996]
Arch SB455 .J36 1996
Jarman, Derek.
Kicking the pricks.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1997.
note: previously published in London (1987) as: The Last of England.
Suz PN 1998.3 .J3 A3 1997
Jarman, Derek.
Modern nature.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1994.
note: The third in Jarman's trilogy, the first two of which are The
dancing ledge, and At your own risk.
Suz PN 1998.3 J3 A3 1994
Jarman, Derek.
[Manchester]: Manchester City Art Galleries in association with Richard
Salmon Ltd., c1992.
note: "Published in conjunction with the exhibition Queer: paintings by
Derek Jarman, 16 May-28 June 1992."
Suz ND 497 .J39 A4 1992
Jarman, Derek.
Queer Edward II.
London: BFI, 1991.
see also: Edward II [videorecording]
see also: Marlowe, Christopher. Edward the Second.
Suz, Bot PN 1997 .Q375 1991
Jarman, Derek.
Smiling in slow motion. Edited by Keith Collins.
London: Century, 2000.
Suz PN 1998.3 .J3 A3 2000
Jarman, Derek.
Up in the air: collected film scripts. With an introduction
by Michael O'Pray.
London: Vintage, 1996.
Suz PN 1997 .A1 J37 1996
Jarman, Derek.
War requiem.
London; Boston: Faber and Faber, 1989.
Suz PN 1997 .W338 1989
Jarman, Derek.
see: Eagleton, Terry. Wittgenstein: the Terry Eagleton script, the Derek
Jarman film.
The jaundiced eye [videorecording] a Fifth Estate production in
association with Pyedog Productions; written and directed by Nonny de la
Pena; produced by Dan Gifford.
Los Angeles: SomFord Entertainment, [1999]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS.
note: credits- editor, Greg Byers; music, Michael Brook
note: A chronicle of the decade-long trials and emotional traumas incurred
by a gay Michigan man, Stephen Matthews, and his straight father, Melvin
Matthews. Wrongfully accused by Stephen's ex-girlfriend and her husband of
molesting Stephen's son -- despite a lack of physical evidence -- both
Stephen and Melvin Matthews were sentenced to 35 years in jail. An example
of justice miscarried in a society of legal labyrinths, where science is
easily confused about fact, and sexual orientation can provoke a
prosecutorial vendetta based upon long-held biases.
UglMed Videorecord SOM 001
Jay, Karla.
The Amazon and the page: Natalie Clifford Barney and Renee Vivien.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1988.
Suz PQ 3939 B3 Z72 1988
Jay, Karla.
The gay report: lesbians and gay men speak out about sexual experiences
and lifestyles.
By Karla Jay and Allen Young; with the technical assistance of Don
NY: Summit Books, c1979.
Suz, SocWk, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 J38
Jay, Karla.
Tales of the Lavender Menace: a memoir of liberation.
NY: Basic Books, c1999.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.4 .J38 A3 1999
Jeal, Tim.
London: Century, 1989.
note: published later (1990) in NY under the title:
The boy-man: the life of Lord Baden-Powell.
Suz HS 3316 .G7 J42 1989
Jean Cocteau: the mirror and the mask: a photo-biography.
Edited & compiled by Julie Saul: with an essay by Francis Steegmuller.
Boston: D. R. Godine, 1992.
note: "Compiled from an exhibition celebrating the centenary of Cocteau's
Suz PQ 2605 .O15 Z6862 1992
Jefferies, Stephen C.
A cross national comparison of sex typing and selected personal
characteristics of American collegiate football players and English soccer
players [microform]
Eugene: Microform Publications, College of Health, Physical Education and
Recreation, University of Oregon, 1979.
(Health, physical education, and recreation publications (Microfiche))
note: Thesis (M.S.)--University of Oregon, 1978.
note: androgyny
MicNews Microfiche M-3462
Jeffers, Alex.
Safe as houses: a novel.
Boston: Faber and Faber, 1995.
Suz PS 3560 .E33 S24 1995
Jeffrey [videorecording] Workin' Man Films presents; in association with
The Booking Office; producers, Mark Balsam, Mitchell Maxwell ... [et al.];
writer, Paul Rudnick; director, Christopher Ashley.
Santa Monica, CA: MGM Home Entertainment, [2003]
note: DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in 1995; based on the
1993 Obie-award-winning play Jeffrey by Paul Rudnick.
note: cast- Steven Weber, Patrick Stewart, Miichael T. Weiss, Bryan Batt,
Sigourney Weaver, Olympia Dukakis, Kathy Najimy, Robert Klein, Christine
Baranski, Nathan Lane; credits- cinematography, Jeffery J. Tufano; editor,
Cara Silverman; music, Stephen Endelman; production designer, Michael
note: Disenchanted with the not-so-romantic side of safe sex, sweet,
single and obsessive Jeffrey vows to become completely celibate. No sooner
has he sworn off sex than he meets hunky, sensitive Steve. But just as
passion starts to ignite, Steve reveals some earth-shattering information,
leaving Jeffrey to choose between losing the man of this dreams of taking
a risk on what might be true love.
UglMed DVD MGM 154
Jeffrey-Poulter, Stephen.
Peers, queers, and commons: the struggle for gay law reform from 1950 to
the present.
London, NY: Routledge, 1991.
Suz, Law, Bot KD 4103 J44 1991
Jeffreys, Sheila.
The lesbian heresy: a feminist perspective on the lesbian sexual
North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Spinifex, 1993.
Suz HQ 75.5 .J44 1993
Jeffreys, Sheila.
The spinster and her enemies: feminism and sexuality, 1880-1930.
London: Boston: Pandora Press, 1985.
note: Chapter 6, Women's Friendships and Lesbianism, pp. 102-127.
Suz HQ 1599 .E5 J44 1985
Jeffreys, Sheila.
Unpacking queer politics: a lesbian feminist perspective.
Cambridge, UK; Polity; Malden, MA: blackwell, 2003.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.5 .J444 2003
Jeffs, William Patrick.
Feminism, manhood, and homosexuality: intersections in psychoanalysis and
American poetry.
NY: Peter Lang, c2003.
(Sexuality and literature, v.3)
Suz PS 310 .H66 J44 2003
Jehu, D.
An Intervention program for women who were sexually victimized in
childhood or adolescence: final report.
Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada, Social Service Programs Branch, Family
Violence Prevention Division, National Clearinghouse on Family Violence,
note: French ed. (Programme d'intervention pour...) on the same fiche
note: ..reports on the following topics.....therapy with a victim in a
lesbian relationship...
GovPub Microfiche M-2261, 89-03904
Jehu, D.
Psychosocial adjustment of women who were sexually victimized in childhood
or adolescence: abstract.
Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada, Social Service Programs Branch, Family
Violence Prevention Division, National Clearinghouse on Family Violence,
note: French ed. (L'Adaptation psycho-sociale...) on the same fiche
note: ....examines emotional adjustment including guilt, low self-esteem,
and depression; interpersonal adjustments ....and homosexual relationships...
GovPub Microfiche M-2261, 89-03917
Jelinek, Elfriede.
Krankheit, oder, Moderne Frauen; herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort von
Regine Friedrich.
Köln: Prometh, c1987.
Suz PT 2670 .E46 K7 1987
Jellonek, Burkhard.
Homosexuelle unter dem Hakenkreuz: die Verfolgung von Homosexuellen im
Dritten Reich.
Paderborn: Schöningh, c1990.
note: Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral) --
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, 1989.
Suz HQ 76.2 G4 J45 1990
Jenda to tabunka: mainoriti o ikiru monoachi. Kuwayama Norihiko
Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 1997.
EAsia HM 251 .J4 1997
Jenkins, Jeanne Kohl.
Growing up equal: activities and resources for parents and teachers of
young children.
Jeanne Kohl Jenkins, Pam Macdonald; handlettered and illustrated by Pam
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-hall, c1979.
note: androgyny
Suz HQ 783 .J44
Jenkins, Philip.
The new anti-catholicism: the last acceptable prejudice.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2003.
note: [chapter] 5, The Church Kills Gays, pp. 93-112; [chapter] 7,
"The Perp Walk of Sacramental Perverts"; the Pedophile Priest Crisis,
pp. 133-156.
Ugl BX 1770 .J46 2003
Jenkins, Philip.
Pedophiles and priests: anatomy of a contemporary crisis.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Ugl BX 1912.9 .J46 1996
Jenness, Aylette.
Families: a celebration of diversity, commitment, and love.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990.
note: Photographs and text depict the lives of seventeen families from
around the country, some with step relationships, divorce, gay parents,
foster siblings, and other diverse components. The material was originally
a traveling exhibition, begun at the Children's Museum in Boston.
BotChi HQ 536 .J46 1990
Jenness, Valerie.
Hate crimes: new social movements and the politics of violence.
NY: Aldine de Gruyter, c1997.
Suz HV 6250.3 .U5 J45 1997
Jennings, Kevin.
Always my child: a parent's guide to understanding your gay, lesbian,
bisexual, transgendered, or questioning son or daughter. Kevin Jennings
with Pat Shapiro.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2003.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .J37 2003
Jennings, Kevin.
Mama's boy, preacher's son: a memoir.
Boston: Beacon Press, c2006.
Suz HQ 75.8 .J46 A3 2006
Jenseits der Geschlechtergrenzen: Sexualitäten, Identitäten und
Körper in Perspektiven von Queer Studies. Ulf Heidel, Stefan Micheler,
Elisabeth Tuider (Hg.) für die AG LesbiSchwuleStudien/Queer Studies
an der Universität Hamburg.
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2001.
Suz HQ 75.15 .J458 2001
Jensen, Karol L.
Lesbian epiphanies: women coming out in later life.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1999.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 .U52 M555 1999
Jervis, John.
Transgressing the modern: explorations in the western experience of
Oxford; Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1999.
note: [chapter] 7, Forbidden desires: taboo, transgression and sexuality,
pp. 157-180.
Suz CB 245 .J48 1999
Jeske, Timothy D.
Collective action and the AIDS epidemic: Seattle's gay and lesbian
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1993.
Suz JA 37 Th41649
Aux Thesis 41649
Jesus, Pedro de.
Cuentos frigidos: maneras de obrar en 1830.
[Spain]: Olalla Ediciones, 1998.
Suz PQ 7390 .J48 C8 1998
Jesus, Pedro de.
Frigid tales. Translated from the Spanish by Dick Cluster.
San Francisco: City Lights Books, c2002.
Ugl PQ 7390 .J48 C813 2002
Jewish explorations of sexuality. Edited by Jonathan Magonet.
Providence: Berghahn Books, 1995.
Suz BM 720 .S4 J48 1995
Jeyaretnam, Philip.
Abraham's promise.
Singapore: Times Books International, c1995.
Suz PR 9570 .S53 J483 1995
Bot PR 9570 .S53 J483 1995 (Honolulu ed.)
Jiles, Jan.
Lesbian mothers: creating our families.
Seattle: University of Washington, 1999.
note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1999.
Suz LA 7 Th48302
Aux Thesis 48302
Jin nian xia tian [videorecording] = Fish and elephant. Li Yu zuo pin;
bian ju/dao yan, Li Yu; jian zhi, Lao Ge, Cheng Yong, Li Yu.
[Shandong]: Shandong wen hua yin xiang chu ban she chu ban fa xing,
note: VCD; originally released as a motion picture, in Mandarin with
Chinese subtitles.
note: cast- Pan Yi, Shi Tou, Zhang Jilian, Zhang Qianqian; credits- She
ying, Fei Xiaping; jian ji, Jiang Jianwei, An Na.
note: Xiao Qun works at the Beijing Zoo as an elephant keeper, while her
lover, Xiao Ling runs a clothes stall in an indoor market. Their
relationship comes under fire, however, with the arrival of Qun's
divorced mother who, unaware that her daughter is gay, tries to set her up
with a man. Further complicating matters is the appearance of Qun's
ex-girlfriend, Junjun, now wanted by the police for killing her abusive
UglMed DVD EAL 237
Jissen suru sekushuariti: doseiai iseiai no seijigaku. Henshu Kazama
Takashi, Kisu Vinsento, Kawaguchi Kazuya.
Tokyo: Ugoku Gei to Resubian no Kai, 1998.
(Aidentiti kenkyusosho, 1)
EAsia HQ 75.16 .J3 J57 1998
Jiu yue [videorecording] = Old Testament. Producer Zhen Li, Liu Shujing;
screenplay, director Cui Zien; in association with Glory Film TV; produced
by Cuizi Film Studio.
[S.l.]: Water Bearer Film; [2005]
note: DVD, in Mandarin with English subtitles, originally produced as a
motion picture in 2002
note: cast- Yu Bo, Yu Xiaoyu, Yang Qing, Ma Ran, Zhao Zhengyang, Zhang
Jian; credits- cameraman, Yuan Deqiang; editor, Hu Haixin, Song Hui;
music, Cui Zien, Zhang Jian.
note: Divided into three sections, Psalm 1981, Proverb 1991, and Song of
Solomon 2001, this film describes the lives of gay men in China from
to present.
UglMed DVD WBF 006
Jivani, Alkarim.
It's not unusual: a history of lesbian and gay Britain in teh twentieth
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 75.2 .J58 1997
Jo, Bev.
Dykes-loving-dykes: dyke separtist politics for lesbians only.
By Bev Jo, Linda Strega, Ruston.
Oakland, CA: Battleaxe, 1990.
Suz HQ 75.5 .J6 1990
Jobling, David Paul.
Short performance works.
Westgate, N.S.W.: all men are equal productions, 1998.
note: The grip; Reggie Spiccs Tonight!; Cum see cum sour; Filling in; Out
on a night, by Roxxie Bent and David Paul Jobling
Suz PR 9619.3 .J60 S56 1998
Jodie [videorecording] Euphoria Films for Channel 4; produced and directed
by Pratibha Parmar.
NY: Women Make Movies [distributo], c1996.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS
note: credits- Camera, Kim Longinotto ... [et al.]; editor, James Gold;
associate producer, Jenni Olson
note: discusses how actress Jodie Foster and her on-screen roles have been
viewed as a lesbian role model
UglMed Videorecord WMM 096
Joe Orton: a casebook. Edited by Francesca Coppa.
NY: Routledge, 2003.
Drama PR 6065 .R7 Z75 2003
Johannesson, Lechard.
Pontus Wikner, Dagbockerna berattar.
[Bodafors]: Doxa, 1982.
Suz PT 9850 .W48 Z6 1982
Johansson, Warren.
Outing: shattering the conspiracy of silence.
By Warren Johansson and William A. Percy.
NY: Haworth Press, c1994.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.8 .U5 J64 1994
John, Jeffrey.
"Permanent, faithful, stable": Christian same-sex partnerships.
London: Darton, Longman + Todd: Affirming Catholicism, c1993.
Suz BX 5149 .M5 J63 1993
John, Jeffrey.
"Permanent, faithful, stable": Christian same-sex partnerships. Rev.
London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 2000.
Suz BX 5149 .M5 J63 2000
John Addington Symonds: culture and the demon desire. Edited by John
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press; NY: St. Martin's
Press, 2000.
Suz PR 5523 .J65 2000
John Waters' Desperate living [videorecording] Charm City Productions;
directed, written, and filmed by John Waters.
[S.l.]: New Line Home Video: Turner Home Entertainment, c1995.
note: videocassette, VHS; produced as a motion picture in 1977
note: cast, Liz Renay, Mink Stole, Susan Lowe, Edith Massey, Mary Vivian
Pearce, Jean Hill
credits, Director of photography, Thomas Loizeaux; film editor, Charles
Roggero; music, Chris Lobingier and Allen Yarus.
note: A comedy dealing with mental anguish, lesbianism, and political
corruption. A woman incites her maid to kill her husband, after which they
escape to a sleazy part of Baltimore.
UglMed Videorecord THE 4158
John Waters' Multiple maniacs [videorecording] American Home
Entertainment; Dreamland Studios; directed, written, filmed and edited by
John Waters.
Raven Video, c1994.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; videocassette of the 1970 motion picture.
note: cast- Divine, David Lochary, Mary Vivian Pearce, Mink Stole, Edith
Massey, Susan Lowe.
note: A film inspired by Charlie Manson and the murder of Sharon Tate.
Divine and her boyfriend Mr. David run a traveling freak show called 'the
Cavalcade of Perversion.' They lure young housewives, businessmen and
suburban swingers to gawk at their favorite horrors (junkies,
pornographers, homosexuals), only to be robbed and sometimes murdered by
the psychotic Lady Divine and her gang of drug fiends.
UglMed Videorecord RAVI 001
Johnson, Ben Patrick.
Third & heaven.
Los Angeles, CA: Alyson Books, 2005.
Ugl PS 3610 .O323 T48 2005
Johnson, Bett Reece.
The woman who knew too much: a Cordelia Morgan mystery.
San Francisco, CA: Cleis Press, c1998.
Suz PS 3560 .O37172 W66 1998
Johnson, Bret K.
Coming out every day.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .J65 1997
Johnson, David K.
The lavender scare: the Cold War persecution of gays and lesbians in the
federal government.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Suz, Bot JK 723 .H6 J64 2004
Johnson, Dirk.
Meth: the home-cooked menace.
Center City, MN: Hazelden, 2005.
note: chapter 5, The poisoning of the gay community, pp. 71-83.
Ugl HV 5822 .M38 J64 2005
Johnson, E. Patrick.
Appropriating blackness: performance and the politics of authenticity.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2003.
note: [chapter] 1, The pot is brewing; Marlon Riggs Black is ... Black
ain't, pp. 17-47; [chapter] 2, Manifest faggotry; queering masculinity in
African American culture, pp.48-75.
Suz, Tac E 185.625 J64 2003
Johnson, Edwin Clark.
note: also known as: Toby Johnson.
Johnson, Edwin Clark.
Gay perspective: things our homosexuality tells us about the nature of God
and the universe.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2003.
Ugl BL 65 .H64 J63 2003
Johnson, Edwin Clark.
Gay spirituality: the role of gay identity in the transformation of human
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Suz BL 65 .H64 J64 2000
Johnson, Edwin Clark.
Plague: a novel about healing.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1987.
Suz PS 3560 .O3762 P58 1987
Johnson, Edwin Clark.
Secret matter.
South Norwalk, CT: Lavender Press, 1990.
Suz, Ugl PS 3560 .O3748 S3 1990
Johnson, Eric W.
Love and sex in plain language. 3rd rev. ed. Ill. by Russ Hoover; foreword
by Emily H. Mudd.
Philadelphia: Lippincott, c1977.
note: describes development of sexual characteristics in boys and girls,
explains the physiology of intercourse, pregnancy, and birth, and
discusses homosexuality, masturbation, contraception, and VD.
Suz HQ 35 .J56 1977
Johnson, Eric W.
Love and sex in plain language. New rev. ed. Ill. by Russ Hoover. Foreword
by Emily H. Mudd.
Philadelphia, Lippincott [1973]
note: describes development of sexual characteristics in boys and girls,
explains the physiology of intercourse, pregnancy, and birth, and
discusses homosexuality, masturbation, contraception, and VD.
Ugl HQ 56 .J57 1973
Johnson, Eric W.
Sex: telling it straight.
NY: Bantam Books [1971, c1970]
note: discusses such biological and social aspects of sex as the male and
female reproductive systems, intercourse, pregnancy, birth control,
venereal disease, and homosexuality.
Ugl HQ 35 .J57
Johnson, Fenton.
Geography of the heart: a memoir.
NY: Scribner, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.8 .R67 J65 1996
Johnson, Fenton.
Keeping faith: a skeptic's journey.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003.
Ugl BL 73 .J644 A3 2003
Johnson, Fenton.
Scissors, paper, rock.
NY: Pocket Books, c1993.
Suz PS 3560 .O3766 S35 1993
Johnson, Graham.
Britten, voice & piano: lectures on the vocal music of Benjamin Britten.
[Edited by George Odam]
Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate; London: Guildhall School of
Music & Drama, 2003.
(Research studies (Guildhall School of Music and Drama (London, England)),
note: based on a series of eight lectures given in Nov. 2001 at the
Guildhall School of Music & Drama; accompanying compact discs contain
excerpts from Britten's vocal music.
Music ML 410 .B853 J65 2003
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 6815 discs
Johnson, Greg.
Pagan babies.
NY: Plume, c1993.
Ugl PS 3560 .O37775 P34 1993
Johnson, Kevin R.
The "huddled masses" myth: immigration and civil rights.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2004.
note: [chapter] 7, Exclusion and deportation of lesbians and gay men, pp.
Suz, Tac KF 4819 .J64 2004
Johnson, Marguerite.
London: Bristol Classical Press/Gerald Duckworth & Co., 2007.
Ugl PA 4409 .J54 2007
Johnson, Marguerite.
Sexuality in Greek and Roman society and literature: a sourcebook.
Marguerite Johnson and Terry Ryan.
London; NY: Routledge, 2005.
note: chapter 5, Same-sex relationships, pp. 110-135.
Suz PA 3014 .S47 J64 2005
Johnson, Mark, writer on social anthropology.
Beauty and power: transgendering and cultural transformation in the
southern Philippines.
Oxford; NY: Berg, 1997.
Suz HQ 77 .J647 1997
Johnson, Matt.
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender subject access: history and
current practice.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2007.
note: prepared for GLIS 791, Spring 2007
note: also available online:
Suz Z695.1 .S43 J63 2007
Johnson, Olive Skene.
Sexual spectrum: exploring human diversity.
Vancouver: Raincoast Books, 2004.
Ugl, Bot BF 692.2 J64 2004
Tac BF 692.2 .J63 2007
Johnson, Pamela S.
Profiles encourage: conversations with twenty women.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1988.
note: personal narratives concerning work and achievement by women, some
of whom are lesbian
Suz HQ 1412 .J63 1988
Johnson, Paul R.
Gays and the new right: a debate on homosexuality between Dr. Paul R.
Johnson and Thomas F. Eaves, Sr.
Los Angeles: Marco & Johnson, c1981.
Suz BR 115 .H6 J62 1981
Johnson, Phylis.
Queer airwaves: the story of gay and lesbian broadcasting. Phylis Johnson
and Michael C. Keith.
Armonk, N.Y.: M.E, Sharpe, c2001.
Suz PN 1990.9 .H64 J64 2001
Johnson, Sandra L.
The relationship of the typological features of male transsexualism to
psycho/social adjustment and disturbance.
(Thesis Ph. D.) -- University of Wshington.
Seattle, 1987.
Suz LA 7 Th34518
Aux Thesis 34518
Johnson, Susan E.
For love and for life: intimate portraits of lesbian couples.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1995.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 J635 1995
Johnson, Susan E.
Staying power: long term lesbian couples.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1990.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 J64 1990
Johnson, Suzanne M.
The gay baby boom: the psychology of gay parenthood. Suzanne M. Johnson
and Elizabeth O'Connor.
NY: New York University Press, c2002.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.27 .J64 2002
Johnson, Suzanne M.
For lesbian parents: your guide to helping your family grow up happy,
healthy, and proud. Suzanne M. Johnson, Elizabeth O'Connor.
NY: Guilford Press, c2001.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.53 .J64 2001
Johnson, Toby.
see: Johnson, Edwin Clark.
Johnson, V. M. (Viola Mary)
To love, to obey, to serve: diary of an old guard slave. For[e]word by
Victoria Gayton.
Fairfield, CT: Mystic Rose Books, 1999.
note: diary of an African American lesbian
Suz HQ 79 .J64 1999
Johnson-Calvo, Sarita.
A beach party with Alexis: a coloring book.
Boston: Alyson Wonderland, 1993.
ChiLit PZ 7 .J6397 Be 1993
Johnston, David.
Federico Garcia Lorca.
Bath, Somerset, England: Absolute Press; NY: Distributed in the USA and
Canada by Stewart, Tabori and Chang, 1998.
Suz PQ 6613 .A763 Z733 1998
Johnston, Dawn Elizabeth B.
Sites of resistance, sites of strength: the construction and experience of
queer space in Calgary.
M.A. thesis, University of Calgary, 1999.
available online,
Johnston, Georgia.
The formation of 20th-century queer autobiography: reading Vita
Sackville-West, Virginia Woolf, Hilda Doolittle, and Gertrude Stein.
NY; Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Suz PR 808 .A9 J65 2007
Johnston, Gordon.
Which way out of the men's room?: Options for the male homosexual.
South Brunswick, [N. J.], A. S. Barnes, c1979.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 J63
Johnston, Jill.
Admission accomplished: the lesbian nation years, 1970-75.
London: Serpents Tail, 1998.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 .U5 J66 1998
Johnston, Jill.
Autobiography in search of a father.
see: Johnston, Jill. Mother bound. (for v.1)
see: Johnston, Jill. Paper daughter. (for v.2)
Johnston, Jill.
Gullibles travels.
NY: Links, [distributed by Quick Fox, 1974.]
Suz, Ugl PS 3560 .O3894 G8
Johnston, Jill.
Jasper Johns: privileged information.
NY: Thames and Hudson, c1996.
Ugl, Art N 6537 .J6 J657 1996
Johnston, Jill.
Lesbian nation; the feminist solution.
NY: Simon and Schuster [1973]
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 J6
Johnston. Jill.
Mother bound.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1983.
(Autobiography in search of a father, v.1)
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3560 .O3894 Z46 1983 v.1
Johnston, Jill.
Paper daughter.
NY: Knopf, 1985.
(Autobiography in search of a father, v.2)
Suz, Ugl PS 3560 .O3894 Z46 1983 v.2
Johnston, Lynda.
Queering tourism: paradoxical performances at gay pride parades.
London; NY: Routledge, 2005.
(Routledge studies in human geography)
Suz HQ 76.96 .J64 2005
Johnston, Maury.
Gays under grace: a gay Christian's response to the Moral Majority.
Nashville, TN: Winston-Derek, c1983.
Suz BR 115 .H6 J63 1983
Johnston, William I.
HIV-negative: how the uninfected are affected by AIDS.
Foreword by Eric E. Rofes.
NY: Plenum Press, c1995.
Ugl, Tac WD 308 J73h 1995
Joinings and disjoinings: the significance of marital status in
Edited by JoAnna Stephens Mink and Janet Doubler Ward.
Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press,
note: Marriage of partnership: Elizabeth Gaskell and the Victorian
andorgynous ideal (Laurie Buchanan), pp. 97-108.
Suz PR 149 .M35 J65 1991
Jones, Aaron.
The Scott Madsen poster book.
Photography by Aaron Jones and Lis Demarco.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1984.
SpecCollStx Oversz TR 675 .J65 1984
Jones, Bill T.
Body against body: the dance and other collaborations of Bill T. Jones
& Arnie Zane.
Edited by Elizabeth Zimmer and Susan Quasha.
Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press; NY: dist. by the Talman Co.,
Suz GV 1785 .A1 J66 1989
Jones, Bill T.
Last night on earth. By Bill T. Jones and Peggy Gillespie.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1995.
Tac GV 1785 .J55 A3 1995
Jones, Carolyn (Carolyn Elizabeth)
Living proof: courage in the face of AIDS. Photographs by Carolyn Jones;
concept by George Desipio, Jr.; foreword by Ian McKellan; introduction by
Michael Liberatore.
NY: Abbeville Press, c1994.
Suz WC 503.7 J76L 1994
Jones, Cleve.
Stitching a revolution: the making of an activist.
San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, c2000.
Suz HQ 75.8 .J66 A3 2000
Jones, Clinton R.
Homosexuality and counseling.
Philadelphia: Fortress Press [1974]
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 J63 1974
Jones, Clinton R.
Understanding gay relatives and friends.
NY: Seabury Press, 1978.
Suz HQ 76.25 .J66 1978
Jones, Clinton R.
What about homosexuality?
Nashville: T. Nelson [1972]
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 J64 1972
Jones, David Houston.
The body abject: self and text in Jean Genet and Samuel Becket.
Oxford; NY: P. Lang, c2000.
Suz P 2613 .E53 Z743 2000
Jones, James H. (James Howard)
Alfred C. Kinsey: a public/private life.
NY: W. W. Norton, c1997.
Suz HQ 18.32 .K56 J65 1997
Jones, James W.
"We of the third sex": literary representations
of homosexuality in Wilhelmine Germany.
NY: P. Lang, c1990.
(German life and civilization, v. 7)
note: A revised and somewhat enlarged version of the first half of the
author's thesis (Ph. D.-- University of Wisconsin) presented under the
title: The third sex in German literature from the turn of the century to
Suz PT 405 J64 1990
Jones, John Sam.
Fishboys of Vernazza.
Aberteifi, [Wales]: Parthian, c2003.
Suz PR 6060 .O5197 F57 2003
Jones, John Sam.
Welsh boys too.
Cardiff [Wales]: Parthian Books, 2000.
Suz PR 6060 .O5197 W45 2000
Jones, Mike (Michael Forest)
I had to say something: the art of Ted Haggard's fall. Mike Jones with Sam
NY: Seven Stories Press, c2007.
Suz BV 4392.5 .J66 2007
Jones, Norman W.
Gay and lesbian historical fiction: sexual mystery and post-secular
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Suz PS 153 .G38 J66 2007
Jones, Richard A..
Federal government excluisionary [sic] policy: the homosexual
[Seattle]: University of Washington School of Law, 1974.
(University of Washington. School of Law. Student Papers)
note: paper submitted for Research and Writing, Law 605 A, 1974, Professor
Geoffrey L. Crooks.
Law Reference Area microfiche KF 253 .W3s
Jones, Stacy Holman.
Kaleidoscope notes: writing women's music and organizational culture.
Walnut Creek, [CA]: AltaMira Press, c1998.
Music ML 82 .J66 1998
Jones, Stanton L.
Homosexuality: the use of scientific research in the church's moral
debate. Stanton L. Jones & Mark A. Yarhouse.
Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, c2000.
Suz BR 115 .H6 J66 2000
Jones, Trudy Lee.
Concerns of lesbian couples regarding parenting decision-making within the
lesbian relationship.
Thesis (M. Nur.) - University of Washington, 1987.
Seattle, WA: 1987.
HSLIC WY 7 Th34893
Suzz Archival Theses Thesis 34893
Jong, Erica.
Sappho's leap: a novel.
NY: W. W. Norton, c2003.
Suz PS 3560 .O56 S27 2003
Joop, Wolfgang.
Im Wolfspelz.
Frankfurt am Main: Eichborn, c2003.
Suz PT 2710 .O67 I6 2003
Jordan, Mark D.
Blessing same-sex unions: the perils of queer romance and the confusions
of Christian marriage.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2005.
Suz, Tac BT 707.6 .J67 2005
Jordan, Mark D.
The invention of sodomy in Christian theology.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
Suz BT 708.6 .J67 1997
Jordan, Mark D.
The silence of Sodom: homosexuality in modern Catholicism.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2000.
Suz, Bot BX 1795 .H66 J67 2000
Jorgensen, Christine.
Christine Jorgensen: a personal autobiography. Introduction by Susan
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c2000.
Nat HQ 77.8 .J67 J67 2000
Jorgensen, Christine.
Christine Jorgensen; personal autobiography.With an introduction by Harry
NY: P. S. Eriksson [1967]
Nat WM 610 J82c 1967
Josef Winkler. Herausgegeben von Gunther A. Hofler und Gerhard Melzer.
Graz: Literaturverlag Droschl, 1998.
(Dossier, 13)
Suz PT 2585 .I467 Z685 1998
Joseph, Miranda.
Against the romance of community.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2002.
note: chapter 4, The perfect moment: Gays, Christians, and the National
Endowment for the Arts, pp. 119-145.
Suz HM 756 .J64 2002
Joseph, Sheri.
Bear me safely over.
NY: Atlantic Monthly Press, c2002.
Ugl PS 3610 .O67 B43 2002
Joseph, Sherry.
Social work practice and men who have sex with men.
New Delhi; Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2005.
SocWk HQ 76.2 .I4 J67 2005
Joseph Keene Chadwick: interventions and continuitites in Irish and gay
Edited by John Rieder, Joseph H. O'Mealey, Valerie Wayne.
Honolulu, HI: College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature,
University of Hawaii, c2002.
Suz PR 8704 .J674 2002
Jouhandeau, Marcel.
Du Pur amour.
[Paris.] Gallimard, 1969.
Suz PQ 2619 .O76 D8 1969
Journal of chemical dependency treatment. v.5, n.1 (1992)
see: Lesbians and gay men: chemical dependency treatment
issues. (special issue)
Journal of gay & lesbian psychotherapy.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 1988-
note: available full-text online (v.3+) to University of Washington
Social Work Periodicals v.1- 1989-
of gay & lesbian social services.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 1994- v.1., n.1-
note: Quarterly; also available full-text online to University of
Washington users
Social Work Periodicals HV 1449 .J68 v.1- 1994-
Tacoma Periodicals HV 1449 .J68 v.10- 1999-
TacMic TAC-425 v.1-9 (1994-1999)
Journal of gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity.
NY: Human Sciences Press, inc., c1996-1999 v.1-4.
note: continued by: International journal of sexuality and gender
studies. v.5- 2000-
see: International journal of sexuality and gender.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .J66 v.1-4
v.2-4 (1997-1999) also available online, UW restricted
Journal of GLBT family studies.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, c2005-
available online, v.2+ 2006+ UW restricted
Bot HQ 76.25 J68 v.1+ 2005+
Journal of homosexuality.
[NY: Haworth Press].
note: 1993+ (v. 23+) available full-text online to University of
Washington users
Social Work Periodicals HQ 76 .J67 v.1- 1974/76-
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 76 .J67 v.1-2, 6-9, 11, 13, 15-16 (Fall 1974-Sum
1977, 1981-1983, 1985, 1986/87, 1988)
TacMic Microfilm TAC-415 v.12-37
Tac Periodicals HQ 76 .J67 v.36+ 1998+
Journal of interpersonal violence. v.5, n.3 (1990)
see: Violence against lesbians and gay men; issues for research, practice,
and policy. (special issue)
of lesbian studies.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 1997-
Suzzallo Periodicals v.1- 1997-
2000+ available full text online to University of Washington users
Journal of men's studies. v.4, n.3 (Feb, 1996)
see: Gay men's issues in religious studies. (special issue)
Journal of psychology & human sexuality. v.5, n.1/2 (1992)
see: Sexual transmission HIV infection: risk reduction, trauma, and
adaptation. (special issue)
Journal of psychology & human sexuality. v.7, n.1/2 (1995)
see: HIV/AIDS and sexuality. (special issue)
Journal of psychology & human sexuality. v.10, n.3/4 (1998)
see: New international directions in HIV prevention for gay and bisexual
men. (special issue)
Journal of Social Issues. v.34, n.3 (Summer 1978)
see: Psychology and the Gay Community. (special issue)
Journal of social work & human sexuality. v.2, n. 2/3
(Winter 1983/Spring 1984)
see: Homosexuality and social work. (special issue)
Journalism across cultures. [Edited by] Fritz Cropp, Cynthia M. Frisby,
Dean Mills.
Ames: Iowa State Press, c2003.
note: chapter 5, The Changing coverage of gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgendered communities (Leroy Aarons), pp. 79-112.
Suz PN 4888 .M56 J68 2003
Journiac, Michel.
Michel Journiac.
Paris: Musée de Strasbourg: Ecole nationale supérieure des
beaux-arts, 2004.
Art N6853 .J67 A4 2004
Seattle: Journey-Men Collective. (1978?-
note: "a journal of the Washington State Men's Movement"; anti-sexist,
gay-friendly (not a glbt journal as such)
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .J68 v. 1, n.2 (n.d.); v.1, n.4 (Nov-Dec, 1978); n. 5-7
(n. d.)
Jowitt, Deborah.
Jerome Robbins: his life, his theater, his dance.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2004.
Suz GV 1785 .R52 J69 2004
Joyce and homosexuality. Guest edited by Joseph Valente.
[Special issue of:] James Joyce Quarterly. v.31, n.3 (Spring, 1994)
Suzzallo Periodicals 823 J85zjb v.31, no. 2-4
Juan sin tierra. Han Participado Juan Goytisolo ... [et al.]
[Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos, c1977]
(Espiral/revista,2)(Coleccion Espiral, 28)
Suz PQ 6613 .O79 J7834 1977
Jubilate!--the Women's Choir of Corvallis.
Jubilate!--the Women's Choir of Corvallis [soundrecording]; Women's Chorus
of Dallas.
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival, v.2)
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: 1st chorus: Betty Busch, conductor; Lucy Watts, accompanist. 2nd
chorus: Timothy Seelig, artistic director; Anne Albritton, principal
accompanist/arranger; Bethany Porter, assistant accompanist; on some
selections joined by the Turtle Creek Chorale.
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.2
Juchitán queer paradise [videorecording]. A documentary by Patricio
Henriquez; a production of Macumba International.
NY: Filmmakers Library, [2003]
note: DVD
note: credits- camera, Andreï Khabad; editor, Michel Grou; music,
Robert M. Lepage.
note: "This is a fascinating portrait of Juchitan, a small Mexican city
near the Guatemalan border. Here homosexuality is fully accepted; gays are
simply a third gender. If a boy shows a predisposition to homosexuality
his family will rejoice and be thankful for receiving what is considered a
blessing. In Juchitan a man who wants to be a woman only has to dress like
a woman to be considered and treated as a woman by the entire community.
The film profiles three gay people: a teacher, a hairdresser and a shop
UglMed DVD FML 004
Judell, Brandon.
The gay quote book.
NY: Dutton, c1997.
SuzRef PN 6084 .G35 J83 1997
Judge's benchguide on sexual orientation and the law. Prepared at Seattle
University School of Law for the Washington State Gender and Justice
Commission; [primary authors, Cynthia B. Jones ... et al.]
[Olympia?: Washington State Gender and Justice Commission?, 2004]
note: "From gay marriage to domestic violence to hate crimes: what you
need to know about the cases coming to your court." "Tuesday, September
21, 2004, 47th Washington Judicial Conference."
Suz KFW 91 .S49 J838 2004
The Judith Butler reader. Edited by Sara Smith, with Judith Butler.
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., c2003.
note: [chapter] 5, The lesbian phallus and the morphological imaginary
(1993), pp. 138-179; [chapter] 6, The force of fantasy: feminism,
Mapplethorpe, and discursive excess (1990), pp. 183-203.
Suz, Bot HQ 1190 .B883 2003
Juggling gender [videorecording]: politics, sex and identity.
By Tami Gold with Jennifer Miller; Tamerik productions.
[NY?]: Dist. by Women Make Movies, c1992.
note: 1 videocassette; features Jennifer Miller, juggler and director of
Circus Amok. Miller speaks of her life and struggle as a lesbian woman who
happens to have a moustache and beard. Includes scenes of circus
performances, a gay rights parade, Miller interacting with friends,
family, and strangers.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 034
TacMed Videorecord TAC-871
Juhasz, Alexandria.
AIDS TV: identity, community, and alternative video.
Videography by Catherine Saalfield.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1995.
Suz, Tac P 96 .A39 J84 1995
Juhasz, Suzanne.
A desire for women: relational psychoanalysis, writing, and relationships
between women.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2003.
Suz PS 151 .J77 2003
Jullian, Philippe.
Oscar Wilde.
Paris: Librairie academique Perrin [1967]
Suz PR 5823 .J8
Jullian, Philippe.
Oscar Wilde. Translated by Violet Wyndham.
NY: Viking Press [1969]
Suz PR 5823 .J813 1969b
Jullian, Philippe.
The other woman: a life of Violet Trefusis, including previously
unpublished correspondence with Vita Sackville-West. By Philippe Jullian
and John Phillips.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976.
Suz, Bot PR 6039 .R39 Z7
Jullion, Jeanne.
Long way home: the odyssey of a lesbian mother and her children.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c1985.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 75.53 J85 1985
Jump cut: Hollywood, politics, and counter-cinema.
Edited by Peter Steven.
NY: Praeger, 1985.
Ugl PN 1995.9 E96 J8 1985
Jung, Patricia Beattie.
Heterosexism: an ethical challenge.
By Patricia Beattie Jung and Ralph F. Smith.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c1993.
Ugl HQ 76.3 U5 J86 1993
Jungblut, Peter.
Famose Kerle: Eulenburg - eine wilhelminische Affäre.
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2003.
Suz DD 219 .E8 J86 2003
Die Jungfrauenmaschine [videorecording] Absolut Medien; Hyena Films
presents; ein Film von Monika Treut; Buch und Regie, Monika Treut.
NY: First Run Features, [2003?]
note: DVD; German soundtrack with English subtitles; originally released
as a motion picture in 1988.
note: cast- Ina Blum, Marcelo Uriona, Gad Klein, Peter Kern, Dominique
Gaspar, Susie Sexpert, Shelly Mars; credits- cinematographer, Elfi
Mikesch; editor, Renate Merck; music, Mona Mur, Laibach, Pearl
note: Initially intending to write a story, a young journalist researches
and tries to find romantic love in Hamburg. When her attempts seem
fruitless, she tries her luck in San Francisco, where the search becomes
more personal. There she is introduced to San Francisco's lesbian
scene, discovers her own sexuality, and remains convinced, despite a minor
setback, that romantic love can be found.
UglMed DVD FRF 022
Jussim, Daniel.
AIDS & HIV: risky business.
Springfield, N.J.: Enslow Publishers, c1997.
note: for young readers
ChiLit WC 503.3 J96a 1997
Jussim, Estelle.
Slave to beauty: the eccentric life and controversial career of F. Holland
Day, photographer, publisher, aesthete.
Boston: D. R. Godine, 1981.
Ugl, Art TR 140 .D37 J87
Just call me Kade [videorecording] Produced, photographed, scripted and
edited by Sam Solten; a Frameline release.
San Francisco, CA: Frameline Distribution, [2001]
note: VHS
note: music by Sam Zolten and Steve Perlsweig; performed by Steve
note: "Kade Farlow Collins is a sixteen year old FTM (female to male
transgendered person). Kade's parents maintain a supporting and nurturing
relationship to Kade regarding the challenges facing their teenage child.
However, it hasn't always been easy."
UglMed Videorecord FRAM 010
Just literacy: promoting justice through language and learning. Edited by
John Harmon.
[Albany, NY]: New York State English Council, c2002.
note: Facing teacher fears about lesbian and gay texts in the classroom
(Rob Linne), pp. 19-38.
Suz LC 196.5 .J87 1998
Just out.
Portland, OR: Just Out,
SpecCollFol HQ 75 .J96
v.3,n.6-12 (Apr-Oct 1986); v.4,n.2-8 (Dec 1986-Jun 1987); v.4,n.10-v.6,n.4
(Aug 1987-Feb 1989); v.6,n.6-v.8,n.7 (Apr 1989-May 1991); v.9,n.8 (Jun
1992); v.9,n.10 (Aug 1992); v.10,n.1 (Nov 15, 1992); v.10,n.5 (Jan 15,
1993); v.10,n.7-8 (Feb 15-Mar, 1993); v.10,n.18 (Aug 1, 1993); v.11,n.4-6
(Dec 17, 1993-Jan 21, 1994); v.11,n.11-12 (Apr 1-15, 1994); v.11,n.22
(Sep 16, 1994); v.12,n.2 (Nov 18, 1994); v.13,n.10 (Mar 15, 1996);
v.13,n.14 (May 17, 1996); v.14,n.16-17 (Jun 20-Jul 3, 1997); v.15,n.21
(Sep 4, 1998); v.15,n.23-24 (Oct 2-16 (1998); v.16,n.7-8 (Feb 5-19, 1999);
v.17,n.3 (Dec 3, 1999); v.17,n.23-24 (Oct 6-20, 2000); v.18,n.1-2 (Nov
3-17, 2000); v.18,n.5-7 (Jan 5-Feb 2, 2001); v.18,n.23 (Oct 5, 2001);
v.19,n.6 (Jun 18, 2002); v.19,n.9 (Mar 1, 2002); v.19,n.11-14 (Apr 5-May
17, 2002); v.19,n.17-23 (Jul 5-Oct 4, 2002); v.20,n.1-9 (Nov 2002-Mar 7,
2003); v.20,n.11-13 (Apr 4-May2, 2003); v.20,n.15-v.21,n.2 (Jun 6-Nov 21,
Just out ( Seattle ed.)
Seattle, WA: Just Out, c1995-c1996.
SpecColl Folio v.1,n.1-12 (Dec 4, 1995-May 20, 1996)
Kabir, Shameem.
Daughters of desire: lesbian representations in film.
London; Washington [DC]: Cassell, 1998.
Suz, Ugl PN 1995.9 .L48 K23 1998
A kabuki reader: history and performance. Samuel L. Leiter, editor.
Armonk, NY: M.E.Sharpe, c2002.
note: [chapter] 12, From gay to gei: the onnagata and the creation of
kabuki's female characters (Samuel L. Leiter), pp. 211-229.
Drama, Bot PN 2924.5 .K3 K2358 2002
Kader, Samuel.
Openly gay, openly Christian: how the Bible really is gay friendly.
San Francisco: Leyland Publications, 1999.
Suz BS 680 .H67 K33 1999
Kadi, Joanna.
Thinking class: sketches from a cultural worker.
Boston: South End Press, c1996.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.4 .K3 A3 1996
The notebooks that Emma gave me.
KADY; Tallahassee, FL: distributed by Naiad Press, 1981.
Suz HQ 75.4 .K32 A36 1981
Panhandling papers.
Northampton, MA: K. Vandeurs, c1989.
Suz HQ 75.4 .K32 A3 1989
Kaeser, Gigi.
Love makes a family: portraits of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
parents and their families.
Photographs by Gigi Kaeser; edited by Peggy Gillespie; foreword by Minnie
Bruce Pratt; introduction by Kath Weston; afterword by April Martin.
Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, c1999.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.13 .K34 1999
Kafka-Gibbons, Paul.
Dupont circle: a novel.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.
Suz PS 3561 .A362 D8 2001
Kahn, Arthur David.
AIDS, the winter war.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993.
SocWk WD 308 K12a 1993
Kahn, Arthur David.
The many faces of gay: activists who are changing the nation.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.8 .U52 N54 1997
Kahn, Madeleine.
Narrative transvestism: rhetoric and gender in the eighteenth-century
English novel.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991.
Suz PR 858 .W6 K34 1991
Kahn, Madeleine.
"Why are we reading Ovid's handbook on rape?": teaching and learning at a
women's college.
Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, c2005.
note: chapter 5, "No one told me you had to be a lesbian to take this
class." Linda Lovelace's Ordeal, pp. 131-163.
Suz LC 197 .K35 2005
Kailey, Matt.
Just add hormones: an insider's guide to the transsexual experience.
Boston: Beacon Press, c2005.
Ugl HQ 77.8 .K34 A3 2005
Kaiser, Charles.
The gay metropolis, 1940-1996.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U52 N486 1997
Kakoullis, Revekka Charalambos.
Loneliness and coping: an exploratory study examining gender and
M.S. thesis, University of Calgary, 2001.
available online,
Kala, Arvind.
The invisible minority: the unknown world of the Indian
New Delhi: Dynamic Books, [1992]
Suz HQ 75.6 .I5 K35 1992
S.F., CA: Mecca Publications, [1972]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 47-51
v.1-v.7, n.10 (1972-Apr 1978)
Kalighata atikatha [videorecording]=Kalighat fetish. a film by Ashish
Avinkunthak; written, produced & directed by Ashish Avikunthak.
Ashish Avinkunthak, [1999]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS, NTSC.
note: performer, Kaushik Gangopadhya; cinematography, Sirsha Ray; editor,
Neeraj Voralia; Sanskrit recitation, Sripada Sen.
note This brief film seeks to convey the texture of transsexual
consciousness in the worship of Kali, the goddess of destruction; a
portrayal of ceremonial cross-dressing accompanied by music and Sanskrit
UglMed Videorecord SOA 011
Kallen, Evelyn.
Social inequality and social injustice: a human rights perspective.
Basingstoke, Hampshire; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
note: chapter 6, Equality/Equity-seeking protest movements 2: gay and
lesbian rights, pp. 120-140.
Ugl, Bot HM 821 .K35 2004
Kallmann, Franz Josef.
Heredity in health and mental disorder; principles of psychiatric genetics
in the light of comparative twin studies. With a foreword by Nolan D.C.
NY: Norton [1953]
note: Part II. Heredity in relation to mental disorder. II. Psychoneurotic
and delinquent forms of behavior, deficient resistance to stress and
infection, pathological sex variants, pp. 109-121.
SocWk, Health 136.3 K126h
Kamen, Paula.
Her way: young women remake the sexual revolution.
NY: New York University, c2000.
note: [chapter] 7, Lesbians and bisexuals out and proud: "The Groping
Generation," pp. 152-170.
Suz, Ugl HQ 29 .K35 2000
Kaminski, Elizabeth Ann.
Listening to drag: music, performance, and the construction of
oppositional culture.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Ohio State University, 2003.
available online,
Kaminsky, Neil.
When it's time to leave your lover: a guide for gay men.
NY; London: Harrington Park, c1999.
Ugl HQ 76 .K32 1999b
Kamira. 3: onna no ko kakeru onna no ko no tame no erochikku bukku.
Tokyo: Potto Shuppan, 2004.
EAsia HQ 76.95 .J3 C36 2004
Kammertons, Hanns-Bruno.
Der letzte Krupp: Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach: das Ende einer
Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, c1998.
Suz CT 1098 .B65 K35 1998
Kanazoshishu: nanshokumono. By Asakura Haruhiko ko.
Tokyo: Koten Bunko, Showa 33 [1958]
(Koten bunko, 137)
note: Photoreprint ed.
EAsiaSpecColl PL 753 .K65 v.137
Kando, Thomas.
Sex change; the achievement of gender identity among feminized
Springfield, IL: Thomas [1973]
HSLIC WM 610 K16s 1973
Kane, Daniel.
Power and magic.
London: GMP, 1987.
Suz PR 6061 .A59 P68 1987
Kanemoto, Lisa.
We are. Introduction by Morrie Camhi.
San Francisco: Outreach Press, c1984.
Suz TR 681 .H65 K46 1984
Kang, Ng King.
The rainbow connection: the Internet and the Singapore gay community.
Preface by Duncan Holaday.
[Singapore]: KangCuBine Publishing Pte Ltd., c1999.
Suz HQ 76.2 .S55 .K36 1999
Kanter, Lynn.
The mayor of Heaven.
Chicago: Third Side Press, 1997.
Suz PS 3561 .A49 M38 1997
Kantor, Martin.
Homophobia: description, development, and dynamics of gay bashing.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.25 .K35 1998
Kantor, Martin.
My guy: a gay man's guide to a lasting relationship.
Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, c2002.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 K33 2002
Kantrowitz, Arnie.
Under the rainbow: growing up gay.
NY: St. Martin's Griffin, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.8 .K36 A37 1996
Suz HQ 75.8 .K36 A37 1977 (Morrow ed.)
Kantrowitz, Arnie.
Walt Whitman. [Introduction by Leslea Newman]
Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, c2005.
(Gay and lesbian writers)
Ugl, Bot PS 3232 .K25 2005
Kanuha, Valli.
Stigma, identity, and passing: how lesbians and gay men of color construct
and manage stigmatized identity in social interaction.
note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington.
SocWk HV 13 Th46554
Aux Thesis 46554
Kaplan, Alexandra G.
Psychology and sex roles: an androgynous perspective.
By Alexandra G. Kaplan and Mary Anne Sedney.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1980.
Suz HQ 1075 .K36 1980
Kaplan, Alice Yaeger.
The collaborator: the trial & execution of Robert Brasillach.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
note: prosecutor exploits Brasillach's homosexuality to prejudice the jury
in the collaboration case against Brassilach
Suz D802 .F8 B6985 2000
Kaplan, Danny.
Brothers and others in arms: the making of love and war in Israeli combat
NY: Southern Tier Editions/Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Suz UQ 853 .I8 K37 2003
Kaplan, Fred.
Gore Vidal: a biography.
NY: Doubleday, 1999.
Suz PS 3543 .I26 Z73 1999
Kaplan, Justin.
Walt Whitman, a life.
NY: Simon and Schuster, c1980.
Suz, Ugl PS 3231 .K3
Kaplan, Morris B.
Sexual justice: democratic citizenship and the politics of desire.
NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 K36 1997
Kaplan, Morris B.
Sodom on the Thames: sex, love, and scandal in Wilde times.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2005.
Suz PR 8477 .K37 2005
Kapur, Manju.
A married woman.
London: Faber and Faber, 2003.
Ugl PR 9499.3 .K283 M37 2003
Karasu, Bilge.
The garden of departed cats. Translated from the Turkish by Aron Aji.
NY: New Directions Pub. Corporation, c2003.
note: translation of Gocmus kediler bahcesi.
Suz PL 248 .K33 G6313 2003
Kardon, Janet.
Robert Mapplethorpe: the perfect moment. With essays by David Joselit and
Kay Larson; and dedication by Patti Smith. 2nd ed.
Philadelphia: Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania,
note: Catalog of an exhibition held at the Institute of Contemporary Art,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 9, 1988-Jan. 29, 1989,
and at seven other cities during the period 1988-1990.
Art TR 647 .M362 1988
Karlen, Arno.
Sexuality and homosexuality; a new view.
NY: W. W. Norton [1971]
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC HQ 12 K37
Karlen, Arno.
Threesomes: studies in sex, power, and intimacy.
NY: Beech Tree Books, c1988.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 K37 1988
Karlinsky, Simon.
Marina Tsvetaeva: the woman, the world, and her poetry.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
(Cambridge studies in Russian literature)
Suz, Ugl PG 3476 .T75 Z743 1985
Karlinsky, Simon.
The sexual labyrinth of Nikolai Gogol.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.
note: Originally published by Harvard University Press, 1976.
Ugl, Tac PG 3335 .K34 1992
Suz PG 3335 .K34 (Harvard ed.)
Karmen Geï [videorecording] Euripide ... [et al.] présentent;
une coproduction Arte France Cinéma, Canal+Horizons;
scénario, Joseph Gaï Ramaka; producteur, Richard Sadler;
réalization, Joseph Gaï Ramaka.
NY: Kino on video, c2005.
note: DVD; in French and Wolof with English subtitles; originally produced
as a motion picture in 2001; adapted from the novel Carmen by Prosper
note: cast- Djeïnaba Diop Gaï, Magaye Niang, Stephanie Biddle,
Thierno Ndiaye Dos, Dieynaba Niang, El Hadji Ndiaye, Aïssatou Diop;
credits- music, Julien Jouga, David Murray, Doudou N'Diaye Rose;
cinematography, Bertrand Chatry; edition, Hélène
note: Karmen escapes prison through her lesbian relationship with the
warden. She then wrecks the marriage and career of a police corporal by
making him her lover and co-conspirator in a smuggling ring. She abandons
the corporal who, in a fit of jealous rage, stabs her. Contains much
singing and dancing.
UglMed DVD KINO 082
Karr, Rodney Gregg.
Homosexual labeling; an experimental study.
Seattle, 1975.
note: Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Washington.
Suz BF 21 Th23673
Aux Thesis 23673
Karras, Ruth Mazo.
Sexuality in medieval Europe: doing unto others.
NY; London: Routledge, 2005.
note: Women's same-sex activity, pp. 109-112; Sodomy and otherness, pp.
132-134; Sodomy and sin, pp. 134-139; Patterns of same-sex practice, pp.
139-144; Love between men, pp. 144-149.
Suz HQ 14 .K37 2005
Karsch, Ferdinand.
Das gleichgeschlechtliche Leben der Naturvölker.
(Forschungen uber gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe: Erste, ethnologische Reihe,
Bd. 1)
München: E. Reinhardt, 1911.
HSLIC 392.6 K148gn
Karsch, Ferdinand.
Das gleichgeschlechtliche Leben der Ostasiaten: Chinesen,
Japaner, Koreer.
München: Seitz & Schauer, 1906.
(Forschungen uber gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe)
Aux 392.6 K148g
Karsch, F[erdinand].
Der Putzmacher von Glarus, Heinrich Hössli, ein Vorkämpfer
der Männerliebe. Mit fünf Textbildern und einer Kupferradierung.
Leipzig: Verlag von Max Spohr, 1903.
see: Documents of the homosexual rights movement in Germany, 1836-1927.
(reprint, 1975)
Karsch-Haack, Ferdinand.
Die Rolle der Homoerotik im Arabertum: gesammelte Aufs?tze 1921-1928.
Herausgegeben von Sabine Schmidtke.
Hamburg: Männerschwarmskript, 2005.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel. Sonderreihe Wissenschaft, Bd. 3)
Suz HQ 76.3 .A65 K378 2005
Karuseru, Maki.
Watashi o nugasete.
Tokyo: Bunkasha, 2002.
EAsia HQ 75.2 .K37 2002
Kassler, Jeanne.
Gay men's health: a guide to the AID syndrome and
other sexually transmitted diseases.
NY: Harper & Row, c1983.
Suz, Ugl WC 140 K19g 1983
Kates, Gary.
Monsieur d'Eon is a woman; a tale of political intrigue
and sexual masquerade.
NY: Basic Books, 1995.
Suz DC 135 .E6 K37 1995
Kates, Steven M. (Steven Maxwell)
Twenty million new customers!: understanding gay men's consumer
NY: Harrington Park/Haworth Press, c1998.
Suz HF 5415.33 .U6 K38 1998
Katrovas, Richard.
Dithyrambs: choral lyrics.
Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1998.
Suz PS 3561 .A74 D58 1998
Katz, Jonathan.
Coming out!: a documentary play about gay life &
liberation in the USA.
NY: Arno Press, 1975.
Suz, Bot PS 3561 A756 C6
Katz, Jonathan.
Gay American history: lesbians and gay men in the U. S.A.:
A documentary.
NY: Crowell, c1976.
note: [lst ed.]
SuzRef, Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.3 .U5 K37 1976
Katz, Jonathan.
Gay American history: lesbians and gay men in the U.S.A.: a documentary
history. Rev. ed.
NY: Meridian, c1992.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 K37 1992
Katz, Jonathan.
Gay/lesbian almanac: a new documentary in which is contained, in
chronological order, evidence of the true and fantastical history of those
persons now called lesbians and gay men.
note: 1st ed.
NY: Harper & Row, c1983
SuzRef, Suz, Ugl HQ 76.8 .U5 K37 1983
Katz, Jonathan.
The invention of heterosexuality.
Foreword by Gore Vidal; afterword by Lisa Duggan.
NY: Dutton, c1995.
Suz HQ 23 .K315 1995
Katz, Jonathan.
Love stories: sex between men before homosexuality.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 K375 2001
Katz, Judith.
The escape artist: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1997.
Suz, Bot PS 3561 .A757 E83 1997
Katz, Judith.
Running fiercely toward a high thin sound.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1992.
Suz PS 3561 .A757 R86 1992
Käufl, Christian.
Graue Jungs: Kirche und Homosexualität in der Wahrnehmung
homosexueller Männer. Mit einem Vorwort von Udo Rauchfleisch.
Mainz: M.-Grünewald-Vlg., 2000.
Suz BR 115 .H6 K38 2000
Kaufman, David.
Ridiculous!: the theatrical life and times of Charles Ludlam.
NY: Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, c2002.
Drama PS 3562 .U258 Z723 2002
Kaufman, Gershen.
Coming out of shame: transforming gay and lesbian lives.
By Gershen Kaufman and Lev Raphael.
NY: Doubleday, c1996.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.25 .K38 1996
Kaufman, Moises.
Gross indecency: the three trials of Oscar Wilde.
NY: Vintage Books, 1998.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Gross indecency
Kaufman, Moises.
The Laramie project. By Moises Kaufman and the members of Tectonic Theatre
NY: Vintage Books, 2001
note: for the videorecording, see The Laramie project.
Suz, Bot PR 6061 .A83 L37 2001
Kaufman, Moises.
The Laramie project. By Moises Kaufman and the members of Tectonic Theatre
Project; [head writer, Leigh Fondakowski; associate writers, Stephen
Belber, Greg Pierotti, Stephen Wangh; dramaturgs, Amanda Gronich ... et
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c2001.
note: for the videorecording, see The Laramie project.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Laramie project
Kavanaugh, Julie.
Secret muses: the life of Frederick Ashton.
London: Faber & Faber, 1996.
Ugl GV 1785 .A8 K38 1996b
Kawabata, Yasnuri.
Beauty and sadness. Translated from the Japanese by Howard Hibbett.
NY: Knopf; distributed by Random House, [1975]
note: Translation of: Utsukushisa to kanashimi to.
Ugl, EAsia PL 832 .A9 U813 1975
EAsia PL 832 .A9 U813 1976 (Berkeley Pub. ed.)
Bot PL 832 .A9 U813 1996 (Vintage ed.)
Kawaguchi, Kazuya.
Kuia sutadizu = queer studies.
Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2003.
EAsia HQ 75.16 .J3 K39 2003
Kay, Barry.
As a woman.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1976.
Suz HQ 77 .K38 1976
Kay, Jackie.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1998.
PR 6061 .A932 T78 2000 (1st American edition, Vintage, 2000)
Ugl PR 6061 .A392 T78 1998
Kayal, Philip M.
Bearing witness: Gay Men's Health Crisis and the politics of AIDS.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, c1993.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 U5 K39 1993
Kaye/Kantrowicz, Melanie.
The issue is power: essays on women, Jews, violence, and resistance.
San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, c1992.
Ugl HQ 1172 K39 1992
Kayy, W. H. (William Howard)
The gay geniuses; psychiatric and literary studies of famous
Glendale, CA [1965]
Suz HQ 76 .K8 1965
Kearns, Michael.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, c1996.
Drama PN 2061 .K38 1996
Keating, AnaLouise.
Women reading women writing: self-invention in Paula Gunn Allen, Gloria
Anzaldua, and Audre Lorde.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996.
Suz, Bot PS 151 .K43 1996
Keegan, Abigail.
Byron's othered self and voice: contextualizing the homographic
NY: Peter Lang, c2003.
(Studies in nineteenth-century British literature, v. 21)
Ugl PR 4392 .H56 K44 2003
Keeling, Bret L.
Of another world: the intersubjective gift.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2000.
note: Thesis-Ph.D.--University of Washington, 2000
Suz PS 15 Th49362
AuxStx Thesis 49362
Keen, Lisa.
Out law: what LGBT youth should know about their legal rights.
Boston, MA: Beacon Press, c2007.
Ugl KF 4754.5 .Z9 K44 2007
Keen, Lisa.
Strangers to the law: gay people on trial. [By] Lisa Keen and Suzanne B.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998.
Suz, Law, Tac KF 228 .E94 K44 1998
Keenan, Joe.
Blue heaven.
NY: Penguin Books, 1988.
Suz PS 3561 .E365 B56 1988
Keenan, Joe.
My lucky star: a novel.
NY: Little, Brown and Co., 2006.
Ugl PS 3561 .E365 M9 2006
Keenan, Joe.
Putting on the Ritz.
NY: Viking, 1991.
Suz, Bot PS 3561 .E365 .P87 1991
Keeping the promise: essays on leadership, democracy, and education.
Edited by Dennis Carlson and C. P. Gause.
NY: Peter Lang, c2007.
note: [chapter] 6, Sissies, faggots, lezzies, and dykes: gender, sexual
orientation, and a new politics of education? (Catherine A. Lugg), pp.
Suz, Bot LB 2805 .K376 2007
Keevak, Michael.
Sexual Shakespeare: forgery, authorship, portraiture.
Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c2001.
Suz PR 2894 .K38 2001
Kehily, M. J.
Sexuality: gender and schooling: shifting agendas in social learning.
London: Routledge, 2002.
note: "Turning queer" [from chapter 2], pp. 43-45; chapter 3, Producing
heterosexualities: the school as a site of discursive practices, pp.
52-72; chapter 6, Understanding masculinities: young men, heterosexuality
and embodiment, pp. 128-163; "Teachers sexual diversity" [from chapter 7],
pp. 185-193.
Suz HQ 56 .K43 2002
Kehoe, Monika. [compiler]
Lesbians over 60 speak for themselves.
NY: Haworth Press, c1989.
(Research on homosexuality, v. 18)
Tac HQ 76.6 .U5 K44 1989b
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 .U5 K44 1988 (Harrington Park Press ed.)
Keiler, Jelka.
Geschlechterproblematik und Androgynie in Thomas Manns Joseph-Romanen.
Frankfurt: P. Lang, 1999.
(Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 1, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur,
Bd. 1723)
Suz PT 2625 .A44 J7844 1999
Keilson-Lauritz, Marita.
Die Geschichte der eigenen Geschichte: Literatur und Literaturkritik in
den Anfängen der Schwulenbewegung am Beispiel des Jahrbuchs fur
sexuelle Zwischenstufen und der Zeitschrift Der Eigene.
Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel, 1997.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 11)
Suz PT 134 .H73 K45 1997
Keilson-Lauritz, Marita.
Von der Liebe die Freundschaft heisst: zur Homoerotik im Werk Stefan
Berlin: Winkel, c1987.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 2)
Suz PT 2613 E47 Z6936 1987
Keiser, Elizabeth B.
Courtly desire and medieval homophobia: the legitimation of sexual
pleasure in cleanness and its contexts.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1997.
Suz PR 1964 .K45 1997
Kekki, Lasse.
From gay to queer: gay male identity in selected fiction by David Leavitt
and in Tony Kushner's play "Angels in America I-II".
Bern; NY: P. Lang, c2003.
Ugl PS 3562 .E2618 Z75 2003
Keller, James R.
Anne Rice and sexual politics: the early novels. With a conclusion by
James R. Keller and Gwendolyn Morgan.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, c2000.
note: chapter 1, Interrogating the vampire: heterotextuality and queer
reading, pp. 11-39; chapter 4, Violation and sex education: Beauty's
erotic odyssey, pp. 91-102.
Suz PS 3568 .I265 Z74 2000
Keller, James R.
Queer (un)friendly film and television.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, c2002.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 K45 2002
Keller, James Robert.
The role of political and sexual identity in the works of Klaus Mann.
NY: P. Lang, c2001.
(Studies on themes and motifs in literature, v. 56)
Suz PT 2625 .A435 Z74 2001
Kellner, Bruce.
Carl Van Vechten and the irreverent decades.
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press [1968]
Suz PS 3543 .A653 Z77
Kelly, Dennis.
Size queen and other poems.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1981.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3561 .E3932 S55 1981
Kelly, Jennifer Mary.
Lesbians' experiences of menopause. 2003.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Deakin University, 2003.
available online,
Kelly, Kevin T.
New directions in sexual ethics: moral theology and the challenge of
London; Washington: G. Champion, c1998.
note: [chapter] 4, Sexual ethics - denying the good news to gay men and
lesbian women?, pp. 64-95
Suz HQ 63 .K45 1998
Kempe, Gerrit Theodoor.
Die Homophilen und die Gesellschaft.
see: Studien zur männlichen Homosexualität.
Kempf, Edward J. (Edward John)
Selected papers. Edited by Dorothy Clarke Kempf & John C. Burnham.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press [1974]
note: [chapter] 14, Ontogeny of bisexual differentiation in man, pp.
236-302. Originally published in the Journal of Clincal
Psychopathology, v.7, Oct. 1945 and January 1946.
HSLIC WM7 K323s 1974
Kenan, Randall.
James Baldwin. Randall Kenan and Amy Sickels. [Introduction by Leslea
Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, c2005.
(Gay and lesbian writers)
Ugl, Bot PS 3552 .A45 Z75 2005
Kenan, Randall.
Let the dead bury the dead and other stories.
San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1992.
Suz PS 3561 .E4228 L48 1992
Kenan, Randall.
A visitation of spirits: a novel.
NY: Grove Press, 1989.
Suz PS 3561 .E4228 V5 1989
Kendall, Christopher N. (Christopher Nigel)
Gay male pornography: an issue of sex discrimination.
Vancouver: UBC Press, c2004.
Suz HQ 472 .C2 K46 2004
Kennedy, Elizabeth Lapovsky.
Boots of leather, slippers of gold: the history of a lesbian
By Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy and Madeline D. Davis.
NY: Routledge, 1993.
Suz HQ 75.6 U5 K47 1993
Kennedy, Hubert.
Anarchist of love: the secret life of John Henry Mackay.
Rev. and expanded ed.
NY: Mackay Society, 1996.
Suz PT 2625 .A22 Z6 1996
Kennedy, Hubert C.
The ideal gay man: the story of Der Kreis.
NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.95 .S9 K46 1999
Kennedy, Hubert C.
Ulrichs: the life and works of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs,
pioneer of the modern gay movement.
lst U.S. ed.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1988.
Suz HQ 75.8 .U47 K46 1988
Kennedy, James.
About face: a gay officer's account of how he stopped prosecuting gays in
the army and started fighting for their rights.
NY: Carol Pub. Group, c1995.
Suz, Ugl U 53 .K46 A3 1995
Kennedy, Joe.
Summer of '77: last hurrah of the Gay Activists Alliance.
Westport, CT: PPC Books, 1994.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 K46 1994
Kennedy, Pagan.
The first man-made man: the story of two sex changes, one love affair, and
a twentieth-century medical revolution.
NY: Bloomsbury: Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers,
Suz HQ 77.8 .D55 K46 2007
Kenney, Moira.
Mapping gay L.A.: the intersection of place and politics.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 K466 2001
Kent, Drew.
Days in the sun.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1986.
Suz PS 3561 .E5167 D39 1986
Kent, Kathryn R.
Making girls into women: American women's writing and the rise of lesbian
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2003.
(Series Q)
Ugl, Bot PS 228 .L47 K46 2003
Kepner, Jim.
Becoming a people: a 4,000 year gay and lesbian chronology.
Hollywood, CA: National Gay Archives, 1983.
note: 79 p., prepublication edition, for sale at Gay Pride celebrations
SuzRef HQ 76.25 .K46 1983
Kepner, Jim.
Becoming a people-- : a 4,000 year chronology of gay and lesbian
Rev. & expanded.
Los Angeles: J. Kepner, 1995.
note: 146 p., fourth pre-publication print., rev. & expanded, August
SuzRef HQ 76.25 .K46 1995b
Kepner, Jim.
Filial vignettes.
Hollywood, CA: International Gay & Lesbian Archives, c1990.
Suz PS 3561 .E56 F54 1990
Kepner, Jim.
Gay spirit: the chord [i.e. cord] of many strands.
Hollywood, CA: International Gay & Lesbian Archives, 1988.
Suz BR 115 .H6 K46 1988
Kepner, Jim.
Goals, progress & shortcomings of America's gay movement. 1994
revision and expansion.
Los Angeles: J. Kepner, 1994.
note: "A July 1994 revision and expansion of a talk first given to Gay
employees at the Walt Disney Studio in Burbank, CA, then to the American
Historical Association-West, Gay Caucus, at Loyola University in
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 K466 1994
Kepner, Jim.
In a changing voice: verses including juvenilia.
Los Angeles: J. Kepner, c1996.
Suz PS 3561 .E56 I5 1996
Kepner, Jim.
Rough news, daring views: 1950s' pioneer gay press journalism.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.95 .U5 K46 1998
Kepner, Jim.
A selection of gay liberation essays 1953/1973.
Torrance, CA: James Kepner, 1973.
Suz HQ 76.5 .K46 1973
Kepner, Jim.
Selections from Loves of a long-time activist: a suite for lovers, tricks,
fascinations & near misses.
Los Angeles: J. Kepner, [1996]
Suz PS 3561 .E56 L68 1996
Kerr, M. E.
Deliver us from Evie.
NY: HarperCollins, c1994.
ChildLit PZ 7 .K46825 De 1994
Kerr, M. E.
"Hello," I lied: a novel.
NY: HarperCollins Publishers, c1997.
ChiLit PZ 7 .K46825 He 1997
Kerr, M. E.
Night kites.
NY: Harper & Row, c1986.
ChiLit PZ7 .K46825 Ni 1986
Kershner, R. B.
The twentieth-century novel: an introduction.
Boston: Bedford; Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997.
note: Gay and lesbian studies, pp. 99-103. (in [chapter] 5: Gender
Ugl PN 3503 .K44 1997
Kertbeny, C. von.
Schriften zur Homosexualitätsforschung. Karl Maria Kerbeny;
herausgegeben von Manfred Herzer.
Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel, 2000.
(Bibliothek rosa Winkel, Bd. 22)
note: 19th century documents including legal documents on
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 K47 2000
Kertess, Klaus.
South Brooklyn Casket Company.
NY: Serpent's Tail, c1997.
Suz PS 3561 .E663 S6 1997
Kessler, Suzanne J.
Gender: an ethnomethodological approach.
By Suzanne J. Kessler and Wendy McKenna.
NY: Wiley, c1978.
Suz HQ 1075 K47
Ugl HQ 1075 K47 1985 (reprint, University of Chicago Press)
Kessler, Suzanne J.
Lessons from the intersexed.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c1998.
Suz, Tac WJ 712 K42 1998
Kestnbaum, Ellyn.
Culture on ice: figure skating & cultural meaning.
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, c2003.
note: chapter 9, Out of the closet, pp. 202-213.
Suz GV 852.3 .S63 K47 2003
Ketchum, Liza.
Twelve days in August. Liza Ketchum Morrow.
NY: Holiday House, c1993.
TacChiLit PZ 7 .M96713 Tw 1993
Kettelhack, Guy.
note: Guy Kettelhack has also published under his pseudonym, David
Crawford; for those titles, see: Crawford, David.
Kettelhack, Guy.
Dancing around the volcano: freeing our erotic lives:
decoding the enigma of gay men and sex.
NY: Crown Publishers, c1996.
Suz HQ 76 .K48 1996
Kettelhack, Guy.
Vastly more than that: stories of lesbians & gay men in recovery.
Center City, MN: Hazelden, 1999.
Suz HV 5139 .K48 1999
Kettle, Michael.
Salome's last veil: the libel case of the century.
London: Hart-Davis, 1977.
Law KD 373 .B54 K47
Ketzer, John.
My first year out.
Dearborn: Jayell Enterprises, c1984.
Suz PS 3561 .E8 M9 1984
Kevane, Bridget A.
Latina self-portraits: interviews with contemporary women writers. By
Bridget Kevane & Juanita Heredia.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 7, City of desire. An interview with Cherrie Moraga, pp.
Suz PS 153 .H56 K48 2000
Key to everything: classic lesbian love poems.
Edited by Gerry Gomez Pearlberg.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1995.
Suz PN 6110 .L6 K49 1995
Keyframes: popular cinema and cultural studies. Edited by Matthew Tinkcom
and Amy Villarejo.
London' NY: Routledge, 2001.
note: [chapter] 6, Judy on the net: Judy Garland fandon and "the gay
thing" revisited (Steven Cohan), pp. 119-136; [chapter] 11, The voice of
pornography: tracking the subject through the
sonic spaces of gay male moving image pornography (Rich Cante and Angelo
Restivo), pp. 207-227; [chapter] 14, Devouring creation: cannibalism,
sodomy, and the scene of analysis in Suddenly, last summer (Kevin Ohi),
pp. 259-279; [chapter] 15, Queer Bollywood, or "I'm the player, you're the
naive one" patterns of sexual subversion in recent Indian popular cinema
(Thomas Waugh), pp. 280-297.
Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .S6 K49 2001
Keys to caring: assisting your gay and lesbian clients.
Robert J. Kus, editor.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1990.
Suz HQ 76 K44 1990
Khan, Badruddin.
Sex, longing & not belonging. With an afterwod by Stephen O. Murray.
Oakland, CA: Floating Lotus USA, c1997.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .P18 K47 1997
Khan, M. Masud R.
When spring comes: awakenings in clinical psychoanalysis.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1988.
HSLIC WM 460.6 K45w 1988
Khan, Surina.
Calculated compassion: how the ex-gay movement serves the right's attack
on democracy.
Somerville, MA: Political Research Associates; Washington, DC: The Policy
Institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; Washington, DC:
Equal Partners in Faith, c1998.
Suz HQ 76.5 .K53 1998
Kharitonov, Evgenii.
Under house arrest. Translated by Arch Tait.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1998.
note: translation of: Pod domashnim arestom.
Suz PG 3482.6 .H2688 P613 1998
Khayatt, Madiha Didi.
Lesbian teachers: an invisible presence.
Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992.
Suz LB 2837 K43 1992
Khosla, Dhillon.
Both sides now: one man's journey through womanhood.
NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, c2006.
Bot HQ 77.8 .K46 A3 2006
Khush [videorecording]. Hauer Rawlence productions for Channel Four.
NY: Women Make Movies, c1991.
vnote: 1 videocassette; VHS format. Videocassette release of a 1990
television production.
note: Producer & director, Pratibha Parmar; editor, Anna Liebschner;
executive producer, Debra Hauer. Participants: Punam Khosla, Shivananda
Khan, Maya Chowdhry, Mita Radhakrishnan, Kartikeya, Kalpana, Poulomi
Desal, D. Daplip, Rani Dutt, Mohammed Aslam, Sonia Jabbar, Giti
Thadani. Rita Wolf, Anna Ashby, Juanito Wadhwani.
note: On being gay and Asian, with interviews in
Great Britain and India, and interspersed performance pieces.
Ugl Med Videorecord WMM 029
Kittredge, Mary.
Teens with AIDS speak out. Introduction by Dale C. Garell.
NY: J. Messner, c1991.
Suz WC 503.7 K62t 1991
Kiefer, R. (Reinhard)
Thomas Mann: letzte Liebe.
Aachen: Rimbaud, 2001.
note: the author imagines the 75-year old Thomas Mann's romantic thoughts
about a young man
Suz PT 2625 .A44 Z73 2001
Kiell, Norman.
Varieties of sexual experience: psychosexuality in literature.
NY: International Universities Press, c1976.
note: see chapters 5, 6, 7: Male Homosexuality, Female Homosexuality,
Transvestism and Transsexuality, respectively.
Suz PN 56 .S5 K5
Kiev, Alexander.
Los ángeles también escriben cartas. 2. ed.
Zapopan, Mexico: A. Kiev, c1998.
Suz PQ 7298.21 I48 A644 1998
Kika [videorecording]. Una coproduccion El Deseo, S.A. and Ciby 2000;
October Films Inc.
Vidmark Entertainment, 1994.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS. In Spanish with English subtitles.
note: Executive producer, Augustin Almodovar; director/writer, Pedro
Almodovar. Cast: Veronica Forque, Peter Coyote, Victoria Abril, Alex
Casanovas, Rossy de Palma, Santiago Lajusticia, Anabel Alonso, Bibi
Andersen, Jesus Bonilla, Karra Elejalde, Manuel Bandera.
note: A dizzy dame hairdresser, Kika, gets involved with a host of unusual
characters; a homicidal expatriate Yank writer, Nicholas, and his
bewildered stepson, Ramon, an uncommunicative underwear photographer; a
vampish, oddball femme tv reporter, Andrea, who's constantly on the
lookout for "reality" scoops and who wears a rubber suit with a revolving
video camera mounted on her head; a lesbian maid, Juana, and her
mentally-deficient convicted rapist brother, Pablo, who escaped while on
parole from prison to attend a religious festival in his home town.
UglMed Videorecord VME 005
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1751
Kikel, Rudy.
Lasting relations: poems.
NY: Sea Horse Press, 1984, c1982.
Suz PS 3561 .L365 L3 1984
Kilcup, Karen L.
Robert Frost and feminine literary tradition.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 3511 .R94 Z7618 1998
Killian, Kevin.
Arctic summer.
NY: Hard Candy Books, 1997.
Suz PS 3561 .I375 1997
Killian, Kevin.
Argento series.
Buffalo: Meow Press, 1997.
Suz PS 3561 .I375 A88 1997
Killian, Kevin.
Bedrooms have windows.
NY: Amethyst Press, c1989.
Suz PS 3561 .I375 B44 1989
Killian, Kevin.
Little men.
West Stockbridge, MA: Hard Press, 1996.
Suz PS 3561 .I375 L58 1996
Killian, Kevin.
Shy: a novel.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3561 .I375 S47 1989
The killing of Sister George [videorecording] Palomar Pictures
International, Associates and Aldrich Company; screenplay by Lukas Heller;
produced and directed by Robert Aldrich.
Santa Monica, CA: MGM Home Entertainment, Inc., [2005]
note: DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in 1969; based on the
play by Frank Marcus. For the play, see Marcus, Frank. The killing of
Sister George.
note: cast- Beryl Reid, Susannah York, Coral Browne, Patricia Medina;
credits- directory of photography, Joseph Biroc; editor, Michael Lucian;
music, Gerald Fried.
note: George lives with her lover, Childie and plays a cheerful nurse in a
BBC soap opera. When she finds out that her character is about to be
killed off, George realizes that the only other job she can get is the
voice of a cow in a children's television program. Her life continues to
fall apart when Childie has an affair with a predatory television
UglMed DBD MGM 160
Killingsworth, Monte.
NY: Henry Holt, c2001.
note: fourteen-year-old Autumn slowly becomes aware of changes in the
tenuous relationship between her father and mother (mother is leaving her
father for an ongoing relationship with a woman) that threaten her
cherished life on a small island off the coast of Washington State.
ChiLit PZ7 .K5575 Eq 2001
Kilroy, Thomas.
The secret fall of Constance Wilde.
Oldcastle, Co. Meath, Ireland: Gallery Books, 1997.
Drama PR 6061 .I38 S43 1997
Kim, Daniel Y.
Writing manhood in black and yellow: Ralph Ellison, Frank Chin, and the
literary politics of identity.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2005.
Suz PS 3553 .H4897 Z74 2005
Kim, Yeon-Soo.
The family album: histories, subjectivities, and immigration in
contemporary Spanish culture.
Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 1, Interrupted family album: Juan Goytisolo's Coto vedado
and Eduardo Mendicutti's Una mala noche, la tiene cualquiera, pp.
41-68; [chapter] 5, A Lesbian family album: family album as a portable
home and "homelessness" in Marta Balletbo-Coll's Costa Brava (Family
Album), pp. 132-147.
Suz PQ 6140 .F33 K56 2005
Kimbrough, Robert.
Shakespeare and the art of humankindness: the essay toward androgyny.
New Jersey: Humanities Press International, c1990.
Suz PR 3069 .S45 K5 1990
Kimmel, Michael S.
The gender of desire: essays on male sexuality.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 2, Masculinity as homophobia; fear, shame, and silence in
the construction of gender identity, pp. 25-42; [chapter] 9, Bisexuality,
a sociological perspective (with John Gagnon and Cathy Stein Greenblat),
pp. 149-173.
Suz HQ 28 .K536 2005
Kincaid, Jamaica.
My brother.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997.
Suz PR 9275 .A583 K5639 1997
Kincaid, Robert Lee.
Joshua Fry Speed - 1814-1882, Abraham Lincoln's most intimate friend.
Part I: Joshua Fry Speed. Part II: Lincoln's letters to Speed.
The Filson Club history quarterly. v.17, n.2 (April, 1943)
Suzzallo Periodicals 976.9 FI v.17
Kindred spirits: an anthology of gay and lesbian science fiction
Jeffrey M. Elliot, editor.
[Boston]: Alyson Publications, c1984.
Suz PS 648 .S3 K56 1984
King, Bruce M.
Human sexuality today. [By] Bruce M. King, Cameron J. Camp, Ann M.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, c1991.
note: chapter 11, Homosexuality, pp. 271-292.
note: a textbook on human sexuality
Ugl HQ 35.2 .K56 1991
King, Bruce M.
Human sexuality today. 3rd ed.
Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Prentice Hall, c1999.
note: chapter 9, Sexual orientation, pp. 224-245.
Ugl HQ 35.2 .K56 1999
King, Edward.
Safety in numbers: safer sex and gay men. Foreword by Cindy Patton.
London, NY: Cassell, 1993.
Ugl HQ 76.1 .K56 1993
King, Francis Henry.
The custom house.
London: Longmans, 1961.
Suz PR 6061 .I45 C87 1961
King, Francis Henry.
A domestic animal.
London: GMP, 1984.
Suz PR 601 .I45 D6 1984
King, Francis Henry.
E. M. Forster.
London: Thames and Hudson, 1988, c1978.
(Thames and Hudson literary lives)
Suz PR 6011 .O58 Z72 1988
King, Francis Henry.
The nick of time.
London: Arcadia, 2003.
Suz PR 6061 .I45 N53 2003
King, Francis Henry.
London: Hamish Hamilton, 1989.
Suz PR 6061 .I45 P8 1989
King, Francis Henry.
Yesterday came suddenly: an autobiography.
London: Constable, 1993.
Suz PR 6061 .I45 Z477 1993
King, J. L.
Coming up from the down low: the journey to acceptance, healing, and
honest love. J. L. King with Courtney Carreras.
NY: Three Rivers Press, c2005.
Ugl HQ 74.2 .U5 K54 2005
King, J. L.
On the down low: a journey into the lives of "straight" Black men who
sleep with men. J. L. King with Karen Hunter.
NY: Broadway Books, 2004.
Ugl HQ 74.2 .U5 K56 2004
King, Katie.
Theory in its feminist travels: conversations in U. S. women's
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1994.
Suz, Tac HQ 1190 .K48 1994
King, Richard Jackson.
Desiring Rome: male subjectivity and reading Ovid's Fasti.
Columbus: Ohio University Press, c2006.
note: chapter 2, Ovid, Germanicus, and homosocial desire, pp. 41-65;
chapter 6, Patrimony and transvestism in "February" (Fasti, Book Two), pp.
Suz PR 6519 .F9 K56 2006
King, Thomas Alan.
The gendering of men, 1600-1750.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2004-
note: v.1. The English phallus.
Suz PR 428 .M37 K56 2004 v.1
King County Bar Association (Wash.). Task Force on Lesbian and Gay Issues
in the Legal Profession.
In pursuit of equality: the final report of the King County Bar
Association Task Force on Lesbian and Gay Issues in the Legal Profession,
September 6, 1995. 2 vols.
Seattle: King County Bar Association, c1995.
Suz, Law KF 299 .G3 K5 1995
Law KF 299 .G3 K5 1995 append.
Kinsman, Gary William.
The regulation of desire: homo and hetero sexualities. 2nd ed., rev.
Montreal; Cheektowaga, NY: Black Rose Books, c1996.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .C3 K55 1996
Kinsman, Gary William.
The regulation of desire: sexuality in Canada.
Montreal: Black Rose Books, c1987.
Ugl HQ 76.3 C3 K55 1987
Kirk, Jerry R.
The homosexual crisis in the mainline church: a Presbyterian minister
speaks out.
Nashville, TN: T. Nelson Inc., c1978.
Suz BR 115 .H6 K57 1978
Kirk, Kris.
Men in frocks. By Kris Kirk & Ed Heath.
London: GMP, 1984.
Suz HQ 77.9 .K57 1984
Kirk, Marshall.
After the ball: how America will conquer its fear and hatred of gays in
the '90s. By Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen.
NY: Doubleday, 1989.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.8 U5 K57 1989
Ugl HQ 76.8 .U5 K57 1989b (Reprint. Plume)
Kirk, Sheila, M. D.
Medical, legal & workplace issues for the transsexual: a guide for
successful transformation: male to female, female to male. Sheila Kirk,
Martine Rothblatt.
Watertown, MA: Together Lifeworks, c1995.
Suz HQ 77.95 .U6 K57 1995
Kirkup, James.
I, of all people: an autobiography of youth.
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1988.
note: for continuation, see: Kirkup, James. A poet could not but...
Suz PR 6021 .I64 Z466 1988b
Kirkup, James.
A poet could not but be gay: some legends of my lost youth.
London: Chester Springs, PA: Peter Owen; Chester Springs, PA: Distributed
by Dufour Editions, 1991.
note: "follows in exact chronological sequence my previous volume: I, of
all people, an autobiography of youth"
Suz PR 6021 .I64 Z467 1991
Kirkup, James.
So long desired: poems. By James Kirkup & John McRae; edited by Martin
London: GMP, 1986.
Suz PR 6021 .I64 S6 1986
Kirp, David L.
Almost home: America's love-hate relationship with community.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c2000.
note: chapter 4, Houses divided: a gay man, his teenage neighbor, and a
murder, pp. 107-129; chapter 8, Uncommon decency: Pacific Bell responds to
AIDS, pp. 193-225; chapter 11, A boy's life: deadly sexual secrets in a
Southern town, pp. 267-286; chapter 13, The many masks of Richard
Rodriguez, pp. 307-330.
Suz, Bot HN 90 .C6 K57 2000
Kirsanov, Vladimir.
69.: russkie gei, lesbiianki, biseksualy i transseksualy.
Tver: GanimeD, 2005.
note: biographies; added title, Shestdesiat deviat russkei gei,
lesbiianki, biseksualy i transseksualy
Suz HQ 75.2 .K557 2005
Kirsch, Arthur C.
Auden and Christianity.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c2005.
Suz BR 1725 .A86 K57 2005
Kirsch, Max H.
Queer theory and social change.
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.25 .K57 2000
Kirstein, Lincoln.
Paul Cadmus.
NY: Imago Imprint, c1984.
Art ND 237 .C16 A4 1984
Ugl N 6537 .C27 A4 1992 (Chamelion Books ed)
Kirtsoglou, Elisabeth.
For the love of women: gender, identity and same-sex relations in a Greek
provincial town.
London; NY: Routledge, 2004.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G8 K57 2004
Kiss of the spider woman [videorecording]. H. B. Films, Ltd.; producer,
David Weisman.
NY: PolyGram Video, c1995.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS.
note: director, Hector Babenco; screenwriter, Leonard Schrader; editor,
Mauro Alice; music, John Neschling, Nando Carneiro; director of
photography, Rodolfo Sanchez. Cast: William Hurt, Raul Julia, Sonia
Braga. Originally released as a motion picture in 1985. Based on the
novel: El beso de la mujer arana (Manuel Puig).
note: Flamboyant Molina and political prisoner Valentin share a prison
cell in an unnamed Latin American dictatorship. To pass the time, Molina
entertains Valentin with narratives from old movies.
see also (for the novel): Puig, Manuel. El beso de la mujer arana; and
Puig, Manuel. Kiss of the spider woman.
UglMed Videorecord PLYG 011
Kissen, Rita M.
The last closet: the real lives of lesbian and gay teachers.
Portsmouth, N. H.: Heinemann, c1996.
Suz, Tac LB 2844.1 .G39 K57 1996
Kitzinger, Celia.
Changing our minds: lesbian feminism and psychology.
NY: New York University Press, c1993.
(Cutting edge--lesbian life and literature)
Suz HQ 75.5 .K57 1993
Kitzinger, Celia.
The social construction of lesbianism.
London: Sage, 1987.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.5 K57 1987
Klaich, Dolores.
Woman + [plus] woman; attitudes toward lesbianism.
NY: Simon and Schuster [1974]
Ugl HQ 76 .K53 1975
Health HQ 76 .K53 1979 (Morrow ed., c1974)
Suz HQ 75.5 .K59 1989 (Naiad reprint)
Klein, Alan M.
Little big men: bodybuilding subculture and gender construction.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c1993.
Suz GV 546.5 .K54 1993
Klein, Charna.
Counseling our own: the lesbian/gay subculture meets the mental health
Seattle: Consultant Services Northwest, 1986.
SocWk WM 420 K64c 1986
Klein, Christian.
Schreiben im Schatten: homoerotische Literatur im Nationalsozialismus. Mit
einem Vorwort von Gert Mattenklott.
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2000.
Suz PT 405 .K54 2000
Klein, Fred.
The bisexual option. 2nd ed. Foreword by Regina U. Reinhardt.
NY: Haworth Press, c1993.
Suz HQ 74 K55 1993
Klein, Fred.
The bisexual option: a concept of one-hundred percent intimacy.
NY: Arbor House, c1978.
Suz HQ 74 .K55 1978
Klein, Gary M.
Helping students find sensitive material: a guide to the literature on
homosexuality for librarians and faculty. 1993.
MicNews ERIC Microfiche ED 359990
Klein, L. S. (Lev Samuilovich)
Drugaia liubov: priroda cheloveka i gomoseksualnost.
Sankt-Peterburg: Folio-Press, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.25 .K6 2000
Klein, L. S. (Lev Samuilovich)
Drugaia storona svetila: neobychnaia liubov vydaiushchikhsia liudei.
Rossiiskoe sozvezdie.
Sankt-Peterburg: Folio-Press, 2000.
Suz HQ 75.6 .R8 K54 2002
Klein, Michael.
The end of being known: a memoir.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2003.
(Living out)
Suz HQ 75.8 .K584 A3 2003
Klein, Michael.
Track conditions: a memoir.
NY: Persea Books, c1997.
Suz PS 3561 .L349 Z47 1997
Klein, Norma.
Learning how to fall.
NY: Bantam Books, 1989.
ChildLit PZ 7 .K678345 Le 1989
Klein, Norma.
Now that I know.
Toronto, NY: Bantam Books, 1988.
ChildLit PZ 7 K678345 No 1988
Kleinberg, Seymour.
Alienated affections: being gay in America.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1980.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 K54 1980
Klepfisz, Irena.
Dreams of an insomniac: Jewish feminist essays, speeches, and
Portland, OR: Eighth Mountain Press, 1990.
Ugl HQ 1172 K54 1990
Klimmer, Rudolf.
Die Homosexualität als biologisch-soziologische Zeitfrage. 3., erw.
u. verb. Aufl.
Hamburg: Kriminalistik, Verlag für Kriminalistische Fachliteratur
Health WM 615 K65h 1965
Klitzman, Robert.
Mortal secrets: truth and lies in the age of AIDS. Robert Klitzman and
Ronald Bayer.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, c2003.
note: concerns testing, disclosure, moral judgments
Ugl WC 503.6 K65m 2003
Kliuev, Nikolai Alekseevich.
Sochineniia. Pod obshchei red. G. P. Stuve i B. A. Filippova.
A. Neimanis, 1969. 2v.
Suz PG 3476 .K544 1969 v.1 [and] v.2
Kloppenberg, Lisa. A.
Playing it safe: how the Supreme Court sidesteps hard cases and stunts
the development of the law.
NY: New York University Press, c2001.
note: [chapter] 5, Coming out of the constitutional closet, pp.
Suz, Law KF 8748 .K58 2001
Klosowska, Anna.
Queer love in the Middle Ages.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Suz PN 682 .H65 R63 2005
Klossowski, Pierre.
La vocation suspendue.
[Paris]: Gallimard, 1990, c1950.
Suz PQ 2621 .L6 V6 1990
Klumpke, Anna.
Rosa Bonheur: the artist's (auto)biography. Translated by Gretchen van
Anna Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1997.
note: translation of: Rosa Bonheur.
Ugl, Art, Bot ND 553 .B6 K613 1997
Knabe, Susan Margaret.
Moral pan(dem)ic: deviance and disease in Canadian medical discourses on
AIDS, 1981-1990. 1999.
Thesis (M. A.)--Trent University, 1999.
available online,
Knight, Diana.
Barthes and Utopia: space, travel, writing.
Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Suz PN 75 .B29 K55 1997
Knight, Richard Payne.
Sexual symbolism; a history of phallic worship. By Richard Payne Knight
[and] Thomas Wright. Introduction by Ashley Montagu.
[NY]: Julian Press [1957]. 2v. in 1.
note: v.1: A discourse on the worship of Priapus and its connection with
the mystic theology of the ancients. v.2: The worship of the generative
powers during the Middle Ages of Western Europe.
Suz BL 460 .K6 v.1-2.
Knight, Stephen Thomas.
Crime fiction, 1800-2000: detection, death, diversity.
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
note: [chapter] 8, Diversifying the gender: Gender. IV. The Lesbian
detective, pp. 174-178; V. Male gay detection, pp. 178-181.
Ugl PR 830 .D4 K59 2004
Knowledges: historical and critical studies in disciplinarity.
Edited by Ellen Messer-Davidow, David R. Shumway, David J. Sylvan.
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1993.
note: Are we (not) what we are becoming? Gay "identity," "Gay
studies," and the disciplining of knowledge (Ed Cohen), pp. 397-421.
Suz BD 175 .K635 1993
Knowles, Elizabeth.
Understanding diversity through novels and picture books. Liz Knowles,
ED.D. and Martha Smith.
Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2007.
note: chapter 14, Sexual orientation, pp. 103-108.
BotCur Z1037 .K597 2007
Knox, Melissa.
Oscar Wilde: a long and lovely suicide.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1994.
Suz PR 5823 .K65 1994
Kobayashi, Tamai.
Exile and the heart: lesbian fiction.
Toronto: Women's Press, c1998.
Suz PR 9199.3 .K59 E95 1998
Kobler, Franz.
Plato: The symposium. A dramatized version by Franz Kobler and Ernst
Muller. Intro. by Franz Kobler; afterword by Ernst Muller.
NY: F. Ungar Pub. Co. [1967, c1966]
note: original music by Hugo Kauder for The symposium (for piano)
Suz PT 2621 .O22 S97
Koch-Harnack, Gundel.
Knabenliebe und Tiergeschenke: ihre Bedeutung im paderastischen
Erziehungssystem Athens.
Mit einem Vorwort von Walter H. Gross. lst ed.
Berlin: Mann, 1983.
Suz HQ 76.3 G8 K62 1983
Koch-Hillebrecht, Manfred.
Homo Hitler: Psychogramm des deutschen Diktators. 2. Aufl.
München: Siedler, c1999.
Suz DD 247 .H5 K63 1999
Kochanowski, Jacek.
Fantazmat zróznicowany: socjologiczne studium przemian tozsamosci
Kraków: "Universitas", 2004.
(Horyzonty nowoczesnosci, 37)
Suz HQ 76.25 ,K654 2004
Koelsch, William A.
see pseudonym: Gay, A. Nolder.
Koertge, Noretta.
Valley of the amazons.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1984.
Suz PS 3561 .O345 V3 1984
Koertge, Ronald.
Arizona kid.
Boston: Joy Street Books, c1988.
ChildLit, TacChiLit PZ 7 K8187 Ar 1988
Koestenbaum, Wayne.
Andy Warhol.
NY: Viking, 2001.
Art N6537 .W28 K64 2001
Koestenbaum, Wayne.
Double talk: the erotics of male literary collaboration.
NY: Routledge, 1989.
Suz, Bot PR 120 M45 K64 1989
Koestenbaum, Wayne.
The milk of inquiry: poems.
NY: Persea Books, c1999.
Suz PS 3561 .O349 M55 1999
Koestenbaum, Wayne.
Ode to Anna Moffo and other poems.
NY: Persea Books, c1990.
Suz PS 3561 .O349 O34 1990
Koestenbaum, Wayne.
The queen's throat: opera, homosexuality, and the mystery of
NY: Poseidon Press, c1993.
Suz, Music ML 429 K74 A3 1993
Waria dan penyakit menular seksual: kasus dua kota di Jawa.
Yogyakarta: Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
(Seri laporan (Universitas Gadjah Mada. Pusat Penelitian dan Studi
Kependudukan) ; no. 62)
note: in Indonesian, with summary in English
note: case of transsexual and sexually transmitted diseases in Java,
Suz HQ 77.9 .K64 1996
Kokula, Ilse.
Formen lesbischer Subkultur.
Berlin: R. Winkel, 1983.
(Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien zur Homosexualität, 3)
note: originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral) -
Universität Bremen, 1982 under title: Selbsthilfe und
Suz HQ HQ 75.6 .G3 K64 1983
Kokula, Ilse.
Jahre des Glücks, Jahre des Leids: Gespräche mit älteren
lesbischen Frauen: Dokumente.
Kiel: Frühlings Erwachen, 1990.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G3 K653 1990
Kokula, Ilse.
Die Welt gehört uns doch!: Zusammenschluss lesbischer Frauen in der
Schwiez der 30er Jahre.
By Ilse Kokula [and] Ulrike Böhmer; herausgegeben vom Verein
Feministische Wissenschaft Schweiz und Sappho Verein zur Förderung
von Frauenforschungsprojekten.
Zürich: eFeF-Verlag, 1991.
Suz HQ 75.6 .S9 K65 1991
Köllner, Erhard.
Homosexualität als anthropologische Herausforderung: Konzeption einer
homosexuellen Anthropologie.
Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 2001.
Suz HQ 75.15 .K655 2001
Kominars, Sheppard B.
Accepting ourselves: the twelve-step journey of recovery from addiction
for gay men and lesbians.
San Francisco: Harper & Row, c1989.
Suz HV 5139 .K66 1989
Kon, Igor Semenovich.
Lunnyi svet na zare: liki i maski odnopoloi liubvi.
Moskva: Olimp; Izd-vo "AST", 1998.
Suz HQ 76.25 .K66 1998
Kondoleon, Harry.
Diary of a lost boy: a novel.
NY: Knopf, 1994, 1993.
Suz PS 3561 .O456 D5 1994
Kondoleon, Harry.
Linda Her, and, The fairy garden: two short plays.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1985.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Linda Her
Kondoleon, Harry.
Self torture and strenuous exercise: selected plays.
NY: Theatre Communications Group, 1991.
Drama PS 3561 .O456 S44 1991
Konecky, Edith.
A place at the table.
NY: Random House, 1989.
Ugl PS 3561 .O457 P5 1989
Konigsdorf, Helga.
Gleich neben Afrika: Erzahlung.
Berlin: Rowohlt, 1992.
Suz PT 2671 .O237 G53 1992
Konigsdorf, Helga.
Meine ungehorigen Traume: Geschichten.
Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag, 1990, c1978.
Suz PT 2671 .O237 M44 1990
Kooden, Harold.
Golden men: the power of gay midlife. Harold Kooden with Charles
NY: Avon Books, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.14 .K66 2000
Koonts, Dean Webster.
Perceptions of unsafe landscapes in urban queer spaces.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2000.
note: Thesis (M. Landscape Architecture)--University of Washington,
Arch SB 472 Th49109
Aux Thesis 49109
Kopay, David.
The David Kopay story: an extraordinary self-revelation.
By David Kopay and Perry Deane Young.
NY: Arbor House, c1977.
Suz, SpecColl PNW GV 939 K6 A34 1977
Kopelson, Kevin.
Beethoven's kiss: pianism, perversion, and the mastery of desire.
Stanford: Stanford University Press, c1996.
Music ML 700 .K56 1996
Kopelson, Kevin.
Love's litany: the writing of modern homoerotics.
Stanford: Stanford University Press, c1994
Suz PR468 .H65 K66 1994
Kopelson, Kevin.
The queer afterlife of Vaslav Nijinsky.
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997.
Suz, Bot GV 1785 .N6 K66 1997
Kopkind, Andrew.
The thirty years' wars: dispatches and diversions of a radical journalist,
1965-1994. Edited by JoAnn Wypijewski.
London; NY: Verso, 1995.
note: Reprints of articles which first appeared in 1965-1994 in various
Suz E 839.4 .K66 1995
Koponen, Wilfrid R.
Embracing a gay identity: gay novels as guides.
Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, c1993.
Suz, Ugl PS 374 .H63 K67 1993
Koppelman, Andrew.
The gay rights question in contemporary American law.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Suz, Law, Tac KF 4754.5 .K67 2002
Koppelman, Andrew.
Same sex, different states: when same-sex marriages cross state lines.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c2006.
Law KF 539 .K67 2006
Koranyi, Erwin K.
Transsexuality in the male: the spectrum of gender dysphoria.
With a foreword by Ralph Slovenko.
Springfield, IL: Thomas, c1980.
(American lecture series, no. 1030)
HSLIC WM 610.3 K84t 1980
Kornblit, Ana Lia.
Gays y lesbianas: formacion de la identidad y derechos humanos. [By] Ana
Lia Kornblit, Mario Pecheny, Jorge Vujosevich.
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial La Colema, c1998.
Suz HQ 76.25 .K67 1998
Kosciol wobec homoseksualizmu: opracowania, swiadectwa, dokumenty. Wyboru
dokonal Tadeusz Huk.
Warszawa: Wydawn. Siostr Loretanek, 1996.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 K67 1996
Kosciw, Joseph Gregory.
The 2003 national school climate survey: the school-related experiences of
our nation's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth.
NY: GLSEN, c2004.
available online,
Koskovich, Gerard.
Nazi persecution of homosexuals [computer file]: an annotated bibliography
of nonfiction sources in English.
San Francisco: G. Koskovich, c1998-
Kotak, Ash.
London: Oberon, 2000.
Drama PR 6061 .O84 H55 2000
Kotani, Mari.
Okoge no susume: karutoteki danseiron.
Tokyo: Seidosha, 1999.
EAsia HQ 75.5 .K68 1999
Kotula, Dean.
The phallus palace: female to male transsexuals. Consulting editor,
William E. Parker.
Los Angeles, CA: Alyson Publications, c2002.
Ugl HQ 77.9 .K68 2002
Kotulski, Davina.
Why you should give a damn about gay marriage.
Los Angeles: Advocate Books, 2004.
Ugl, Bot HQ 1034 .U5 K6 2004
Kozlovskii, V. E. (Vladimir Evdokimovich)
Argo russkoi gomoseksualnoi subkultury: materialy k izucheniiu.
Benson, VT: Chalidze Publications, 1986.
note: On verso of title page: The argot of the Russian gay subculture:
research materials.
note: Spine title: Gomoseksualnoe argo.
Suz PG 2752 .K694 1986
Krafft-Ebing, R. von (Richard)
Aberrations of sexual life Krafft-Ebing, after the Psychopathia sexualis
of R. v.; a medico-legal study for doctors and lawyers brought up to date
and issued by Alexander Hartwich. Tr. from the German by Arthur Viuvian
NY: Staples Press [1951]
note: Part IV, Contrary (Inverted) Sexual Feelings: chapter XIV,
Homosexuality, pp. 283-331.
Healthstor 616.85 K85phE 1951
Krafft-Ebing, R. von (Richard)
Psychopathia sexualis: mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der kontraren
Sexualempfindung; eine medizinische-gerichtliche Studie fur Artzte und
Juristen. 13., verm. Aufl.
Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1907.
note: Die kontrare Sexualempfindung, pp. 219-340, incl. cases 130-178; and
Das krankhafte Sexualleben vor dem Kriminalforum, pp. 420-447,
incl. cases 246-247.
NatSci 616.85 K85p13
Krafft-Ebing, R. von (Richard)
Psychopathia sexualis; a medico-forensic study...only authorized English
adaptation of the last German edition revised by Kraft-Ebing [!];
with introduction and supplement by Victor Robinson...
NY: Pioneer Publications, inc, 1939.
note: Revised translation [by F. J. Rebman] from the twelfth German
note: Antipathic sexual instinct, pp. 282-461, incl. cases 125-170; and
Pathological Sexual Life Before the Criminal Forum, pp. 571-611,
incl. cases 236-237.
NatSci, HSLIC 616.85 K85p12E 1939
HSLIC HQ 71 .K9 1937
Krafft-Ebing, R. von (Richard)
Psychopathia sexualis; a medico-forensic study.
With an introduction by Ernest van den Haag.
Translated from the Latin by Harry E. Wedeck.
NY: Putnam [1965]
note: Based on the 12 ed., the last ed. prepared by the author; translated
from German. Latin phrases used also translated into English.
note: Antipathic Sexuality, pp. 245-383, incl. cases 125-170;
and Pathological Sexuality in its Legal Aspects, pp. 469-500,
incl. cases 236-237.
HSLIC 616.85 K85pEw
Kraft, Robert George.
Sherwood Anderson, bisexual bard; some chapters in a literary
Seattle, WA: University of Washington, 1969.
note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington
Suz PS 15 .Th17687
Aux Thesis 17687
Krahulik, Karen Christel.
Provincetown: from Pilgrim landing to gay resort.
NY: New York University Press, c2005.
Ugl F74 .P96 K73 2005
Krakow, Kari.
The Harvey Milk story. Illustrated by David Gardner.
Ridley Park, PA: Two Lives Pub., c2001.
ChiLit F869 .S353 M546 2001
Kramer, Gary M.
Independent queer cinema: reviews and interviews.
NY: Southern Tier Editions, Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 K73 2006
Kramer, Larry.
The destiny of me: a play in three acts.
NY: Plume, c1993.
Suz, Drama PS 3561 .R252 D47 1993
Kramer, Larry.
NY: New American Library, 1987, c1978.
Suz, Ugl PS 3561 .R252 F3 1987
Suz PS 3561 .R252 F3 1979 (Warner Books)
Kramer, Larry.
Just say no: a play about a farce.
NY: St. Martin's Press, [1989]
Suz, Ugl, Drama PS 3561 .R252 J8 1989
Kramer, Larry.
The normal heart. Foreword by Joseph Papp.
NY: Samuel French, Inc., c1985.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Normal Heart
Kramer, Larry.
The normal heart. With an introduction by Andrew
Holleran and a foreword by Jospeh Papp.
NY: New American Library, c1985.
Suz, Drama PS 3561 .R252 N6 1985
Kramer, Larry.
The normal heart and the destiny of me: two plays. With foreword by Tony
NY: Grove Press, c2000.
Bot PS 3561 .R252 N6 2000
Kramer, Larry.
Reports from the holocaust: the making of an AIDS activist.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1989.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk WD 308 K89r 1989
Kranz, Rachel.
Gay rights. Rachel Kranz, Tim Cusick.
NY: Facts on File, c2000.
SuzRef HQ 76.8 .U5 K73 2000
Kranz, Rachel.
Gay rights. Rachel Kranz, Tim Cusick. Rev. ed.
NY: Facts on File, c2005.
SuzRef HQ 76.8 .U5 K73 2005
Kranz, Rachel.
Leaps of faith.
NY: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2000.
Ugl PS 3561 .R268 L42 2000
Krauel, Ricardo.
Voces desde el silencio: heterologias generico-sexuales en la narrtiva
espanola moderna, 1875-1975.
Madrid: Ediciones Libertarias, 2001.
(Universidad, 26)
Suz PQ 6140 .H6 K73 2001
Kraus, Krandall.
The President's son: a novel.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986.
Suz PS 3561 .R2879 P74 1986
Kraushaar, Elmar.
Der homosexuelle Mann: Anmerkungen und Beobachtungen aus zwei
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2004.
(Bibliothek rosa Winkel, Bd. 35)
Suz HQ 76 .K73 2004
Der Kreis (Zurich)
see: 4 from the circle; short stories and poems reprinted from der Kreis
(The Circle) Zurich.
see: Der Mann in der Zeichnung.
Krey, Friedhelm.
Hans Henny Jahnn und die mann-mannliche Liebe.
Frankfurt am Main; NY: P. Lang, c1987.
(Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe I, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur,
Bd. 990)
Suz PT 2619 .A6 Z734 1987
Krich, Aron M. [editor]
The homosexuals: as seen by themselves and thirty authorities. 3rd
paperbound edition.
NY: Citadel Press, 1964, c1954.
HSLIC 132.754 K891h3
Krieger, Nancy.
The politics of AIDS. By Nancy Krieger and Rose Appleman.
Oakland, CA: Frontline Pamphlets, c1986.
Suz WC 503.7 K92p 1986
Krieger, Susan.
The family silver: essays on relationships among women.
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, c1996.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1421 .K75 1996
Krieger, Susan.
The mirror dance: identity in a women's community.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1983.
SocWk HQ 75.6 U5 K73 1983
Krieger, Susan.
Things no longer there: a memoir of losing sight and finding vision.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press/Terrace Books, c2005.
Ugl HQ 75.4 .K75 A3 2005
Krimmer, Elisabeth.
In the company of men: cross-dressed women around 1800.
Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, c2004.
Suz PT 289 .K75 2004
Kripal, Jeffrey John.
Roads of excess, palaces of wisdom: eroticism & reflexivity in the study
of mysticism.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Suz, Bot BL 625 .K75 2001
Krishnaswamy, Revathi.
Effeminism: the economy of colonial desire.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998.
Suz DS 479 .K75 1998
Krockow, Christian, Graf von.
Kaiser Wilhelm II. und seine Zeit: Biographie einer Epoche.
Berlin: Siedler, c1999.
Suz DD229 .K75 1999
Krockow, Christian, Graf von.
Die preussischen Bruder: Prinz Heinrich und Friedrich der Grosse: ein
Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, c1996.
Suz DD 402 .H4 K76 1996
Kroeger, Brooke.
Passing: when people can't be who they are.
NY: Public Affairs, c2003.
note: chapter 4, Leviticus 18:22, pp. 93-139; chapter 5, Conduct
unbecoming, pp. 141-166.
Suz HM 1068 .K76 2003
Kron, Lisa.
2.5 minute ride; and, 101 humiliating stories.
NY: Theatre Communications Group, 2001.
Drama PS 3561 .R584 A615 2001
Krone, Melissa Robin.
HSV-2 shedding in HIV-negative men who have sex with men: frequency,
patterns, and risk factors.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2000.
note: Thesis (M.S.)--University of Washington, 2000.
HSLIC WA 7 Th49113
Aux Thesis 49113
Kronemeyer, Robert.
Overcoming homosexuality.
NY: Macmillan, c1980.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 K76
Kruger, Steven F.
AIDS narratives: gender and sexuality, fiction and science.
NY: Garland Pub., 1996.
Suz PS 169 .A42 K78 1996
Ku er li lun yu zheng zhi = Queer politics and queer theory.
Zhongli: Guo li zhong yang da xue xing/bie yan jiu shi, 1998.
(Xing/bie yan jiu = Working papers in gender/sexuality studies; di 3-4
EAsia HQ 1075.5 .T28 K82 1998
Kuda, Marie J.
Women loving women; a select and annotated bibliography of women loving
women in literature. [Edited by Marie J. Kuda]
Chicago: Lavender Press, 1974.
SuzRef Z5866 .L4 K8
Kuefler, Mathew.
The manly eunuch: masculinity, gender ambiguity, and Christian ideology in
late antiquity.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Suz, Ugl BT 702 .K84 2001
Kuhn, Donald.
The church and the homosexual: a report on a consultation.
Prepared by Donald Kuhn.
San Francisco: Glide Urban Center, 1965.
Suz BR 115 .H6 K84 1965
Kuia Japan = Queer Japan.
Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 1999-
note: continued by Kuia Japan ritanzu.
EAsia Serials v.1-5 (Nov. 1999-2001)
Kuia Japan ritanzu = Queer Japan returns.
Tokyo-to: Potto Shuppan, 2005-
note: continues Kuia Japan
EAsia Serials HQ 76.3 .J3 K86 vol. 0- (May, 2005-
Kuklin, Susan.
Fighting back: what some people are doing about AIDS.
NY: Putnam, 1989.
Ugl WD 308 K96f 1989
Kulick, Don.
Travesti: sex, gender, and culture among Brazilian transgendered
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1998.
(Worlds of desire)
Suz, Bot HQ 77.2 .B7 K85 1998
Kulkarni, Claudette.
Lesbians and lesbianisms: a post-Jungian perspective.
London; NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.5 .K85 1997
Kumashiro, Kevin K.
Troubling education: queer activism and antioppressive pedagogy.
NY: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002.
Suz, Bot LC 192.6 .K86 2002
Kureishi, Hanif.
The buddha of suburbia.
NY: Viking, c1990.
Ugl PR 6061 .U68 B8 1990
Bot PR 6061 .U68 B8 1991
Kureishi, Hanif.
My beautiful laundrette and The rainbow sign.
Boston: Faber and Faber, 1986.
note: the film script and the text of his autobiographical
see also: My beautiful laundrette [videorecording]
Suz,Ugl, Drama PN 1997 .M887 1986
Kuriyama, Constance Brown.
Christopher Marlowe: a Renaissance life.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2002.
Suz PR 2673 .K87 2002
Kuroyanagi, Toshiyasu.
Samayoeru jenda: seibetsu fukaishokogun no esunografi.
Tokyo: Gendaishokan, 1987.
EAsia HQ 76 .K87 1987
Kushner, Tony.
Angels in America: a gay fantasia on national themes.
NY: Theatre Communications Group, 1993-
note: pt. 1: Millennium approaches; pt. 2: Perestroika
Drama, Bot PS 3561 U778 A85 1993 pt. 1 [and] pt. 2
Suz PS 3561 .U778 a85 1993 pt. 2
Drama PS 3561 U778 A85 1995 [1 v. ed.]
Kushner, Tony.
Angels in America: a gay fantasia on national themes.
NY: Theatre Communications Group, 2003.
note: pt. 1. Millennium approaches. pt. 2. Perestroika.
Drama PS 3561 .U778 A85 2003
Kushner, Tony.
Thinking about the longstanding problems of virtue and happiness: essays,
a play, two poems, and a prayer.
NY: Theatre Communications Group, 1995.
Suz, Drama PS 3561 .U778 T48 1995
Kushner, Tony.
Tony Kushner in conversation. Edited by Robert Vorlicky.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot PS 3561 .U778 Z476 1998
Kutchins, Herb.
Making us crazy: DSM: the psychiatric bible and the creation of mental
disorders. [By] Herb Kutchins and Stuart A. Kirk.
NY: Free Press, c1997.
note: [chapter] 3. The Fall and Rise of Homosexuality, pp. 55-99.
Suz, Tac WM 141 K97m 1997
Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich.
Alexandrian songs.
see: Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich. Wings; prose and poetry.
Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich.
Krylia: povest v trekh chastiakh. Izd. 4.
[Berlin]: Petropolis, 1923.
Suz PG 3467 .K93 K78 1923
Suz PG 3467 .K93 K78 1923a (1979 reprint, Ardis)
Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich.
Selected prose & poetry. Edited and translated by Michael Green.
Ann Arbor: Ardis, c1980.
note: includes the novel, Wings, a translation of Kryl'ia.
Suz, Ugl PG 3467 .K93 A25
Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich.
Seti: pervaia kniga stikhov.
NY: Russica, 1979.
note: Reprint of 1923.
note: added title: Nets (First book of poems)
Suz PG 3467 .K93 S38 1979
Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich.
Sobranie stikhov = Gesammelte Gedichte.
Herausgegeben, eingeleitet und kommentiert von John E. Malmstad und
Vladimir Markov.
München: W. Fink, 1977-1978. 3v.
note: Text in Russian with introduction in English. Table of Contents also
in German. A reprint of several editions of the author's works, including
some previously unpublished materials.
Suz PS 3467 .K93 A6 1977 v.1 [and] v.2 [and] v.3
Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich.
Wings. Translated from the Russian (Kryl'ia) by Hugh Aplin.
London: Hesperus, 2007.
Suz PG 3467 .K93 K7813 2007
Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich.
Wings; prose and poetry.
Translated and edited by Neil Granoien and Michael Green. With a preface
by Vladimir Markov.
Ann Arbor: Ardis [c1972]
note: Wings is a translation from the Russian novel, Kryl'ia.
note: collection also includes: Aunt Sonya's sofa; A hunter's repast; and
Alexandrian songs.
see also: Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich. Selected prose and poetry.
Suz PG 3467 .K93 A24 1972
Kuzniar, Alice A.
The queer German cinema.
Stanford: Stanford University Press, c2000.
Suz PN 1995.9 .H55 K89 2000
Kyle, Garland Richard.
Chorus boy at morning's end.
Los Angeles: Modern Words, 1984.
Suz PS 3561 .Y36 C49 1984
The L word. Season One [videorecording] Showtime Networks; created by
Ilene Chaiken with Kathy Greenberg, Michele Abbott; produced by Rose
[United States]: Showtime Entertainment, [2004]
note: DVD, 5 videodiscs
note: cast- Jennifer Beals, Erin Daniels, Leisha Hailey, Laurel Holloman,
Mia Kirshner, Karina Lombard, Eric Mabius, Katherine Moennig.
note: credits- Edited by Jeff Freeman, Lisa Jane Robison; production
designers, Sheila Haley, Douglas Higgins; directors of photography, Attila
Szalay, Robert Aschmann.
note: Television series about the lives and loves of a group of lesbian
friends living in Los Angeles.
UglMed DVD SN 010 pt.1-4/5
The L word. Season two [videorecording] Showtime Networks;
created by Ilene Chaiken with Kathy Greenberg, Michele Abbott; produced by
Rose Lam.
[United States]: Showtime Entertainment, [2005]
note: DVD, 4 videodiscs; episodes from season two originally aired on
the Showtime network in 2004.
note: cast- Jennifer Beals, Erin Daniels, Leisha Hailey, Laurel Holloman,
Mia Kirshner, Eric Lively, Katherine Moennig, Sarah Shahi, Rachel Shelley,
Pan Grier.
note: credits- written by Ilene Chaiken, Susan Miller, Angela Robinson,
Josh Senter, Rose Troche, Guinevere Turner, Mark Zakarin; directed by Rose
Troche, Lynne Stopkewich, Clement Virgo, Daniel Minahan, Tony Goldwyn,
Kari Skogland, Mary Harron.
note Television series about the lives and loves of a group of lesbian
friends living in Los Angeles.
UglMed DVD SN 009 pt. 1-4
The L word. Season three [videorecording] Showtime presents; producer,
Elizabeth Ziff ... [et al.]
[United States]: Showtime Entertainment: Distributed by Paramount,
note: DVD. Originally broadcast by Showtime Jan. 8-Mar. 26, 2006.
note: cast - Mia Kirshner, Jennifer Beals, Laurel Holloman.
note: Revisit the complex circle of friends in Los Angeles' lesbian
community as they struggle to make sense of a world filled with love,
children, tattoos, families, weddings, funerals, and sometimes even
UglMed DVD PARA 150 pt.1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4
Laberinto de pasiones [videorecording]=Labyrinth of passion. An Alphaville
production; produced and directed by Pedro Almodovar.
NY: Cinevista Video, 1990, c1983.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; videocassette release of the 1983 motion
picture; Spanish with English subtitles
note: cast- Celia Roth, Imanol Arias, Antonio Banderas, Marta Fernandez
Muro; photography, Angel L. Fernandez; sound, Martin Muller; screenplay,
Pedro Almodovar.
note: Almodovar's early '80s Madrid, a depraved, soap-operatic world of
street queens, exiled princes, transvestite punks, artificial-insemination
doctors, sensitive numphos, mourning psychos and angry terrorists.
UglMed Videorecord CVV 005
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1753
A labor of love: critical reflections on the writings of Marie-Catherine
Desjardins (Mme de Villedieu) Edited by Roxanne Decker Lalande.
Madison, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London: Associated
University Presses, c2000.
note: Villedieu's transvestite text: the literary economy of gender and
genre in Les Memoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie der Moliere (Margaret
P. Wise), pp. 131-146.
Suz PQ 1794 .D5 L33 2000
Laboratory Centre for Disease Control (Canada). Bureau of HIV/AIDS, STD &
Sexual risk behaviours of Canadians.
Ottawa: Health Canada, Population & Public Health Branch, Bureau of
HIV/AIDS, STD & TB, Centre for Infectious Desease Prevention & Control,
note: This report updates information on the sexual behaviours of the
general Canadian population with regard to.......and groups with
higher-risk behaviour such as homosexual & bisexual men...
note: French edition, Comportements sexuels a risque des Canadiens on the
same fiche
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 101-01041
Laboring for rights: unions and sexual diversity across nations. Edited by
Gerald Hunt.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1999.
Suz HD 6285 .L33 1999
Labouvie-Vief, Gisela.
Psych and Eros: mind and gender in the life course.
Cambridge [England]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Suz, Bot, Tac BF 433 .S48 L33 1994
Tokyo: Office Out Labrys Henshubu.
note: continued by Labrys dash
EAsiaAux HQ 76.3 .J3 L62 no. 6-no. 7 (Sept. 1994-Feb. 1995)
Labrys dash.
Tokyo: Labrys Dash, 1996-
note: continues Labrys
EAsiaAux HQ 76.3 .J3 L33 v.1-3 (Jul 1996-Nov 1996); v.6 (May 1997); v.8
(Aug 1997); v.10-11 (1998)
Lacan in America. Edited by Jean-Michel Rabate.
NY: Other Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 15, The Subject of homosexuality: Butler's Elision
(Frances L. Restuccia), pp. 349-360; [chapter] 16, The Philanthropy of
perversion (Judith Feher Gurewich), pp. 361-377; [chapter] 17, On female
homosexuality: a Lacanian perspective (Marcianne Blevis), pp. 379-397.
Bot BF 173 .L13 2000
Lackey, Mercedes.
The last herald-mage.
NY: Guild America, c1990.
note: Magic's pawn. Magic's promise. Magic's price.
Suz PS 3562 .A246 L277 1990
The Ladder.
NY: Arno Press, 1975. 16v.
(Arno series on homosexuality)
note: Reprint with an introduction added, of a monthly periodical
published in San Francisco by Daughters of Bilitis.
note: for microfilm version ov v.1-6, see next entry
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .L32 v.1-16 (Oct. 1956-Sept. 1972) [and]
The Ladder.
San Francisco, CA: Daughters of Bilitis, 1956-[1972]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 52-56
Ladenson, Elisabeth.
Proust's lesbianism.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 A82765 1999
Ladlad: an anthology of Philippine gay writing.
Edited by J. Neil C. Garcia and Danton Remoto.
Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines: Anvil, 1994.
Suz PR 9550.5 .L33 1994
Ladlad 2: an anthology of Philippine gay writing.
Edited by J. Neil C. Garcia and Danton Remoto.
Pasig City, Philippines: Anvil, c1996.
Suz PR 9550.5 .L33 1996
Lads: love poetry of the trenches. [Compiled by] Martin Taylor.
London: Constable, 1989.
Suz PR 1195 .W65 L33 1989
Lady boys, tom boys, rent boys: male and female homosexualities in
contemporary Thailand.
Peter A. Jackson, Gerard Sullivan, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, Inc., c1999.
Suz HQ 76.3 .T5 L33 1999
Lady Chablis.
Hiding my candy: the autobiography of the grand empress of Savannah. With
Theodor Bouloukos II; introduction by John Berendt; original photography
by Robin Bowman.
NY: Pocket Series, c1996.
Suz PN 2287 .L14 A3 1996
Laermer, Richard.
Get on with it: the gay and lesbian guide to getting online.
NY: Broadway Books, c1997.
SuzRef HQ 76.2 .U5 L34 1997
Lago, Mary.
E. M. Forster: a literary life.
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1995.
Suz PR 6011 .O58 Z74 1955
LaGuardia, Robert.
Monty: a biography of Montgomery Clift.
NY: Arbor House, c1977.
Suz PN 2287 .C545 L3 1977
LaHaye, Tim F.
The unhappy gays: what everyone should know about homosexuality.
Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, c1978.
note: also published under the title: What everyone should know about
Suz HQ 76.25 .L33 1978
LaHaye, Tim F.
What everyone should know about homosexuality.
Wheaton, IL: Living Books, c1978.
note: originally published under the title: The unhappy gays.
Suz HQ 76.25 .L34 1978
Lahey, Kathleen A.
Are we 'persons' yet?: law and sexuality in Canada.
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1999.
Suz KE 4399 .L33 1999
Lahey, Kathleen Ann.
The impact of relationship recognition on lesbian women in Canada: still
separate and only somewhat "equivalent".
[Ottawa]: Status of Women Canada, 2001.
GovPubStxFor SW21-82/2001
Lahey, Kathleen Ann.
Same-sex marriage: the personal and the political. Kathleen A. Lahey and
Kevin Alderson.
Toronto: Insomniac Press, c2004.
Suz HQ 1033 .L34 2004
Lahr, John.
Diary of a somebody: based on the Orton diaries.
NY: Limelight Editions, 1989.
note: for the Orton diaries, see: Orton, Joe. The Orton diaries...
Drama PS 3562 .A32 D3 1989
Lahr, John.
Prick up your ears: the biography of Joe Orton.
NY: Vintage Books, 1987, c1978.
Ugl, Drama PR 6065 .R7 Z77 1987
Lait, Jack.
U. S. A. confidential. By Jack Lait and Lee Mortimer.
NY: Crown Publishers, c1952.
note: chapter 5, Men Confidential [gay bashing chapter]
Suz 917.3 L146u
SpecColl Pacific NW 978 L146u
Lambda book report.
Washington, D. C.: Lambda Rising, Inc. c1990-
note: continues: Lambda Rising book report.
see also: Lambda Rising book report.
note: available online to University of Washington computers
Suzzallo Periodicals PN 56 .H57 L36 v.2, no.3- (Feb./Mar. 1990-
note: available online 1994+
Lambda gray: a practical, emotional, and spiritual guide for gays and
lesbians who are growing older. Jeanne Adleman ... [et al]
North Hollywood, CA: Newcastle Pub., c1993.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.3 .U5 L36 1993
Lambda Rising book report.
Washington, D. C.: Lambda Rising, Inc., c1987-Jan. 1990.
note: continued by: Lambda book report.
see also: Lambda book report.
Suzzallo Periodicals PN 56 .H 57 L36 v.1-v.2, no.2 (1987-Jan. 1990)
Lambda update. Lambda Legal Denfese and Education Fund, Inc.
NY: The Fund.
Law KF 4754.5 A15 L36 v.13, no. 1- (Winter 1996-
Lambert, Gavin.
Mainly about Lindsay Anderson: a memoir.
London: Faber, 2000.
Suz PN 1998 .A525 L36 2000b
Lambert, Royston.
Beloved and god: the story of Hadrian and Antinous.
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1984.
Suz DG 295 .L34 1984
Lambert House (Organization)
Seattle, WA: Lambert House
note: title history: Lambert House News; Columns; Lambert House News; In
the house; Newsletter; for holdings see each title under author, Lambert
House (Organization)
SpecColl HQ 76.3 .U52 S435a
Apr 1998, Aug 1998, Dec 1998 (v.7,n.4), Mar 1999 (v.8,n.1), Jun 1999
(v.8,n.2), Aut 1999, Win 1999, Mar 2000, Fall 2000
Lambert House (Organization)
In the house.
Seattle, WA: Lambert House, c2001-
note: title history: Lambert House News; Columns; Lambert House News; In
the house; Newsletter; for holdings see each title under author, Lambert
House (Organization)
SpecColl HQ 76.3 .U52 S435a
Fall 2001, Dec 2001, Mar 2002, Jun 2002, Win/Spr 2003
Lambert House (Organization)
Lambert House news.
Seattle, WA: Lambert House
note: Apr 1998-Fall 2000 Columns.
note: title history: Lambert House News; Columns; Lambert House News; In
the house; Newsletter; for holdings see each title under author, Lambert
House (Organization)
SpecColl HQ 76.3 .U52 S435a
Spr 1996; Jul 1997; Spr 2001, Sum 2001
Lambert House (Organization).
Seattle, WA: Lambert House
note: title history: Lambert House News; Columns; Lambert House News; In
the house; Newsletter; for holdings see each title under author, Lambert
House (Organization)
SpecColl HQ 76.3 .U52 S435a Nov 2004
Lampinen, Thomas Mark.
A cohort study of sexual practices, condom use, and detection of human
immunodeficiency virus type one in the anorectal mucosa of seropositive
men who have sex with men.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2001.
note: thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2001
HSLIC WA 7 Th51000
AuxStx Thesis 51000W
Lan se da men [videorecording] = Blue gate crossing. Arc Light Films
presents; a Hsu Hsiao-Ming Film Corporation production; co-produced by
Pyramide Productions; executive producers, Peggy Chiao, Hsu Hsiao-Ming,
Wang Toon; written and directed by, Yee Chih-Yen.
[Santa Monica, CA]: Strand Releasing Home Video, [2004]
note: DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in 2002.
note: credits- She ying: Qian Xiang; mei shu: Xiua Shaoyu; jian jie: Liao
Qingsong; yin yue: Hou Zhijian; cast- Chen Bolin, Gui Lunmei, Liang
note:"Like a long romantic slow dance in high school, this gentle comedy
follows three high school kids discovering their sexuality. This romantic
triangle unfolds as a young lesbian asks the high school swim team jock to
help her approach the girl she loves, unfortuantely, the jock falls head
over heels in love with the lesbian, thus setting up a stage for this
comedy of errors. Like an Asian John Hughes comedy, it infuses the right
amount of teen angst and whimsical comedy for a satisfying treat."
UglMed DVD STRAN 020
Lancaster, Roger
The trouble with nature: sex in science and popular culture.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2003.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 23 .L29 2003
Landau, Elaine.
Different drummer: homosexuality in America.
NY: J. Messner, c1986.
ChildLit HQ 76.26 L36 1986
Landis, Bill.
Anger: the unauthorized biography of Kenneth Anger.
NY: HarperCollins Publichers, c1995.
Suz PN 1998.3 .A54 L36 1995
Landmark decisions of the United States Supreme Court. Maureen Harrison &
Steve Gilbert, editors.
San Diego, CA: Excellent Books, c1991-
note: Homosexuality: Bowers vs. Hardwick (1986), pp. 133-144.
SuzRef KF 4549 .L37 1991 v.2
Lane, Christopher.
The burdens of intimacy: psychoanalysis & Victorian masculinity.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz PR 468 .M38 L36 1999
Lane, Christopher.
The ruling passion: British colonial allegory and the paradox of
homosexual desire.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1995.
Suz, Bot PR 468 .H65 L36 1995
Lane, Erskine.
Game-texts: a Guatemalan journal.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1978.
Suz PS 3562 .A4843 G3 1978
Lane, Michael.
Pink highways: tales of queer madness on the open road.
NY: Carol Pub. Group, c1995.
Suz G465 .L35 1995
Lang, Robert.
Masculine interests: homoerotics in Hollywood film.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2002.
Suz PN 1995.9 .H55 L37 2002
Lang, Sabine.
Men as women, women as men: changing gender in native American
Translated from the German by John L. Vantine.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 1998.
note: translation of Manner als Frauen, Frauen als Manner.
Suz, Bot, Tac E 98 .S48 L3613 1998
Lang, Tony.
The gay cliche: or how to be a homosexual guy and still maintain some
slight degree of individuality. Illustrations by Brett Woods.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1985.
Suz HQ 76 .L36 1985
Langfield, Valerie.
Roger Quilter: his life and music.
Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell Press, 2002.
Music ML 410 .Q5 L36 2002
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 5684
Langone, John.
Spreading poison: a book about racism and prejudice.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1993.
note: [chapter] 8, Homophobia: a deadly social disease, pp. 147-155.
TacChi E 184 .A1 L258 1993
Language and gender: interdisciplinary perspectives. Edited by Sara
London; NY: Longman, 1995.
note: Section 2, Lesbian poetics. [chapter] 3, Constructing a lesbian
poetic for survival (Liz Yorke), pp. 47-75; [chapter] 4, Sappho and the
other woman (Margaret Williamson), pp. 76-94; [chapter] 5, 'Her wench of
bliss': gender and the language of Djuna Barnes' Ladies almanack (Deborah
Tyler-Bennett), pp. 95-103.
Suz, Ugl P120 .S48 L34 1995
Language and sexuality: contesting meaning in theory and practice. Edited
by Kathryn Campbell-Kibler ... [et al.]
Stanford, CA: Center for the Study of Language and Information, c2002.
note: chiefly papers presented at the inaugural International Gender and
Language Association conference
Suz P120 .S48 L346 2002
Language and sexuality reader. Edited by Deborah Cameron and Don
London; NY: Routledge, 2006.
Ugl P120 .S48 L348 2006
Language socialization in bilingual and multilingual societies. Edited by
Robert Bayley and Sandra R. Schecter.
Clevedon; Buffalo: Multilingual matters, c2003.
note: chapter 13, Terms of desire: are there lesbians in Egypt? (Didi
Khayatt), pp. 218-231.
Suz P40.5 .S57 L36 2003
Lanning, Lee.
An Almanac of lesbian lore and vision. By Lee Lanning and Vernette
Hart. v.2 & 3.
Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, 1981-
note: v.2, Dreaming. v.3, Awakening.
Suz HQ 75.5 .L35 1981
Lanphear, Roger G.
Gay spirituality: experiences in self-realization for gay men, lesbians,
and enlightened heterosexuals.
San Diego, CA: Unified Publications, c1990.
Suz BL 65 .H64 L36 1990
Lapsley, Hilary.
Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict: the kinship of women.
Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, c1999.
Suz, Ugl, Tac GN 21 .M36 L36 1999
Laqueur, Thomas Walter.
Solitary sex: a cultural history of masturbation.
NY: Zone Books, c2003.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 447 .L36 2003
The Laramie project [videorecording] HBO Films presents A Good Machine
Production; directed by Moises Kaufman; written by Moises Kaufman and the
members of the Tectonic Theater Project; produced by Declan Baldwin.
[United States]: HBO Home Video, c2002.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; English or Spanish dialogue with optional French,
Spanish, or English subtitles; based on the play by Moises Kaufman;
originally produced as a television film in 2002.
note: cast- Christina Ricci, Steve Buscemi, Laura Linney, Summer Phoenix,
Clea Duvall, Peter Fonda, Janeane Garofalo, Amy Madigan, Camryn Manheim;
credits- cinematography, Terry Stacey; editor, Brian A. Kates; music,
Peter Golub.
note: includes two featurettes about the making of the film
note: In October 1998, 21 year-old Matthew Shepard was found savagely
beaten, tied to a fence and left to die in Laramie, Wyoming. This film is
a dramatization of a town forced to confront itself in the reflective
glare of the national spotlight, responding with love, anger, sympathy,
support, and defiance.
BotMed DVD BOT-254
Lardo, Vincent.
The mask of Narcissus.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1987.
Suz PS 3562 .A7213 M3 1987
Lardo, Vincent.
The prince and the pretender.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1984.
Suz PS 3562 .A7213 P75 1984
Lariviere, Michel.
Homosexuels et bisexuels celebres: le dictionnaire.Preface, Pierre
Berge; dessins, Jean Cocteau.
Paris: Deletraz, 1997.
SuzRef HQ 75.2 .L37 1997
Larkin, Joan.
Cold river: poems.
NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1997.
Suz PS 3562 .A724 C6 1997
Larocque, Sylvain.
Gay marriage: the story of a Canadian social revolution. Translated by
Robert Chodos, Louisa Blair, and Benjamin Waterhouse.
note: translation of Marriage gai
Toronto: J. Lorimer, 2006.
Ugl, Bot HQ 1034 .C2 L3713 2006
Larson, Jonathan.
Rent [sound recording]: original Broadway recording [book, music and
lyrics] by Jonathan Larson; [original Broadway cast recording] produced by
Arif Mardin; co-produced by Steve Skinner.
Universal City, CA: Dreamworks: Manufactured and distributed in the US by
Uni Distribution Corp., 1996.
note: 2 sound discs, compact discs; summary and lyrics in booklet
note: cast- Adam Pascal, Anthony Rapp, Jesse L. Martin, Taye Diggs, Fredi
Walker, Wilson Jermaine Heredia, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Idina Menzel, Stevie
wonder, with support cast and band (conductor, piano, synthesizers, egg,
Tim Weil; bass, Steve Mack; guitars, Kenny Brescia; drums & percussion,
Jeff Potter; hammond B-3, synthesizers, guitars, Daniel A. Weiss):
director, Michael Greif; Billy Aronson, additional lyrics; Steve Skinner,
musical arrangements; Tim Weil, additional arrangements; recorded at
Sorcerer Sound, NY and Right Track Recording, NY.
UglMed Cd DW 012
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 6318
Larson, Jonathan.
Rent. Libretto.
NY: Rob Weisbach Books, c1996.
note: Rent- book, music, and lyrics by Jonathan Larson;
as directed by Michael Greif; interviews and text by Evelyn McDonnell with
Katherine Silberger; special photography by Stewart Ferebee and Larry
Fink; designed by Spot Design; edited by Kate Giel; produced by Melcher
Media, Inc.
Drama ML 50 .L334 R46 1997
Larson, Jonathan.
Rent: vocal selections. [Words and music by Jonathan Larson; cover photos,
Amy Guip; interior photos, Joan Marcus.
EMI Music Publishing; Milwaukee, WI: exclusively distributed by Hal
Leonard, c1995.
note: 1 vocal score; songs from the musical comedy; arranged for voice and
piano with chord symbols and guitar chord diagrams. Includes biographical
information on the composer.
Music M 1508 .L37 R4 1995
Larson, Rodger.
What I know now.
NY: Henry Holt and Company, c1997.
ChiLit, TacChiLit PZ 7 .L32395 Wh 1997
LaRue, Chi Chi.
Making it big: sex stars, porn films, and me. By Chi Chi LaRue with John
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1997.
Suz PN 1998.3 .L39 A3 1997
Lassell, Michael.
Poems for lost and un-lost boys. Illustrations by H. E. Knickerbocker.
Bakersfield, CA: Amelia, c1985.
Suz PS 3562 .A7527 P64 1985
Last call at Maud's [videorecording] The Maud Project.
Director, Paris Poirier; producer, Karen Kiss; photography, Cheryl
Rosenthal; music, Tim Horrigan; assoc. producer, Armanda
note: A look at the world's longest running lesbian bar, Maud's in San
Francisco. Film interweaves rare archive film of the gay bar scene in the
1940's, the vice raids of the 1950's, the gay counter culture of the
1960's and "coming out" in the 1970's up until the bar closed
its doors in 1989.
[NY] Water Bearer Films, 1993. 1 videocassette. VHS.
UglMed Videorecord WBF 001
Laszlo, Carl.
Die Homosexualität des Mannes im Szondi-Test; ein Beitrag zur
Erforschung der Homosexualität und zur Kritik der Szondi-Methode.
Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1956.
(Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Heft 8)
Health Serials 392.608 B397 no. 1-8
Laszuk, Anna.
Dziewczyny, wyjdzcie z szafy! Wyd. 1.
Plock: Fundacja Lorga, 2006.
Suz HQ 75.6 .P7 L37 2006
Latimer, Tirza True.
Women together/women apart: portraits of lesbian Paris.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2005.
Ugl NX 164 .L47 L38 2005
Latin lovers: and the men who love them: true stories. Edited by Erasmo
NY: Painted Leaf Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 L37 1999
Latina lesbian writers and artists. Maria Dolores Costa, editor.
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Ugl, Bot PS 153 .L46 L36 2003
Latter days [videorecording] Funny Boy Films presents; produced by
Kirkland Tibbels and Jennifer Schaefer; written and directed by C. Jay
[Philadelphia, PA]: TLA Releasing, [2004]
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 2003
note: performer- Steve Sandvoss, Wes Ramsey, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Rebekah
Jordon, Jim Ortlieb, Khary Payton, Amber Benson, Erik Palladino, Mary Kay
Place, Jacqueline Bisset; credits- music, Eric Allaman; editor, John
Keitel; director of photography, Carl F. Bartels.
note: A party animal develops a relationship with a young Mormon
Missionary [a drama about gay mormons]
UglMed DVD TLA 004
Latzky, Eric.
Three views from vertical cliffs.
NY: Amethyst Press, c1991.
Suz PS 3562 .A7792 T3 1991
Laughing matters [videorecording] All Out Films presents; produced and
directed by Andrea Meyerson.
New Almaden, CA: Wolfe, [2004], c2003.
note: DVD
note: performer- Kate Clinton, Marga Gomez, Suzanne Westenhoefer, Karen
Williams; credits- co-directed and edited by Nancy Rosenblum.
note: "Laughing Matters" profiles four lesbian stand-up comics who were
"out" onstage before it was chic. Alternating between interviews and live
performances, these women share their stories of how they came to be
comedians and how they use the realities of being lesbian in their
UglMed DVD WOL 001
Lauman, Dina Nicole.
Methylation of promoter regions of tumor suppressor genes in anal swab
samples from men who have sex with men.
Seattle, WA: 2003
note: M.S. Thesis, University of Washington, 2003.
Health WA 7 Th53193
Aux Thesis 53193
Laurent, Emile.
Les bisexues; gynecomastes et hermaphrodites.
Paris: Carre, 1894.
HSLIC 612.608 L373b
Laurents, Arthur.
Original story by: a memoir of Broadway and Hollywood.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 2000.
Suz PS 3523 .A827 Z469 2000
Lauritsen, John.
The AIDS war: propaganda, profiteering and genocide from the
medical-industrial complex.
NY: Asklepios, c1993.
Suz WD 308 L386a 1993
Lauritsen, John.
Death rush: poppers & AIDS. By John Lauritsen [and] Hank Wilson.
NY: Pagan Press, 1986.
Suz QV 156 L386 1986
Lauritsen, John.
The early homosexual rights movement (1864-1935). By John Lauritsen and
David Thorstad.
NY: Times Change Press [1974]
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.5 L38
Lauritsen, John.
The early homosexual rights movement, 1864-1935. John Lauritsen and David
Thorstad. Rev. ed.
Ojai, CA: Times Change Press, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.5 .L38 1995
Lauritsen, John.
A freethinker's primer of male love.
Provincetown: Pagan Press, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.25 .L37 1998
Lauritsen, John.
Poems & translations: English translations and poems in the original
German by Stefan George, Bertolt Brecht, Friedrich Holderlin.
NY: Lauritsen, c1975.
Suz PS 3562 .A843 P6 1975
Lauritsen, John.
Poison by prescription: the AZT story. Foreword by Peter Duesberg.
NatSci QV 185 L386p 1990
Lauritsen, John.
Religious roots of the taboo on homosexuality: a materialist view.
NY: J. Lauritsen, 1974.
Suz HQ 76.25 .L38 1974
Lautmann, Rüdiger.
Der Homosexuelle und sein Publikum: ein Spagat zwischen Wissenschaft und
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 L38 1997
Lautmann, Rüdiger.
Seminar Gesellschaft und Homosexualität. Mit Beiträgen von Hanno
Beth ... [et al.]
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1977.
Suz HQ 76 .L38 1977
The Lavender & Red book: a gay liberation/socialist anthology.
Los Angeles: Lavender and Red Union, c1976.
Suz HQ 76.5 .L395 1976
Lavender & Red Union.
The political perspective of the Lavender & Red Union.
Los Angeles: Lavender & Red Union, 1975.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 L38 1975
Lavender culture. Edited by Karla Jay and Allen Young.
NY: Jove Publications, 1979, c1978.
Tac HQ 76.25 .L38 1979
Lavender culture. Edited and with new introductions by Karla Jay and Allen
Young; foreword by Cindy Patton.
NY: New York University Press, c1994.
Suz HQ 76.25 .L38 1994
The Lavender herring: lesbian essays from the Ladder. Edited by Barbara
Grier and Coletta Reid.
Baltimore: Diana Press, c1976.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 L28 1976
Lavender Law (1999: Seattle, Wash.)
Lavender law, getting connected: NLGLA Seattle Seattle 1999
[S.l.: NLGLA [National Lesbian and Gay Law Association], 1999]
note: Conference held October 22-24, 1999, Seattle, Washington
Law KF 4754.5 .A17 L39 1999 v.1,2,3
The lavender letter: ... newsletter of the Gay Alliance of San
San Francisco, CA: Gay Alliance
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 no. 2 (Oct. 16, 1971)
Lavender mansions: 40 contemporary lesbian and gay
short stories. Edited by Irene Zahava.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994.
Suz PS 648 .H57 L38 1994
The Lavender network.
Eugene, OR: Lavender Network, Inc.
note: cover subtitle, "a lesbian and gay newsmagazine" and later,
"Oregon's lesbian and gay newsmagazine"
note: Although the Sep 1994 issue was n.103, the Oct 1994 issue was
numbered as n.117;
the Oct 1994 issue called itself the final issue.
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .L39
n.5 (Jun 1986); n.8 (Sep 1986); n.10 (Nov 1986); n.14-66 (Apr 1987-May
1991); n.68-n.103 (Oct 1991-Sep 1994); n.117 (Oct 1994)
A lavender paper: an analysis of lesbian oppression. By the New York
Women's School.
Brooklyn, NY: New York Women's School, [1975]
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 L29 1975
Lavender reader.
Santa Cruz, CA: Freedom Demoratic Caucus, c1986-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 57 Fall 1986-Winter 1990
Lavner, Lynn.
Butch fatale [sound recording]
Brooklyn, NY: Bent Records, p1992.
note: compact disc; recorded live on October 4, 1992 at Cathedral of
Hope MCC, Dallas
note: contents: A lesbian too long; My upbringing; Seven nights; Butch and
femme; Gay 90's; Gay parents; For the children; Enjoy yourself; The bird;
Alone together; The festivals; Come home; Taking chances; In another
UglMed Cd BENT 001
Law and psychology. Edited by Belinda Brooks-Gordon and Michael
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2006.
(Current legal issues, v.9)
note: [chapter] 18, Psychology, law, and murders of gay men: responding to
homosexual advances (Peter Bartlett), pp. 302-317.
Law K346 .L377 2006
Law & sexuality: a
review of lesbian and gay legal issues. v.1- 1991-
New Orleans, LA: Publ. and ed. by the students of Tulane University School
of Law, c1991-
note: indexed in its entirety by: Index to legal periodicals.
Law Periodicals, floor 7 v.1+ 1991+
also available online, restricted to UW users,
Law and sexuality: the global arena. Carl Stychin, Didi Herman,
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001.
note: originally published in Britain as Sexuality in the legal arena
Suz K5194 .L39 2001
Law as a gendering practice. Edited by Dorothy E. Chunn and Dany
Don Mills, Ont.; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
note: chapter 3, Justice and law: passion, power, prejudice, and So-called
Pedophilia (Shannon Bell and Joseph Couture), pp. 40-59; Mothers, other
mothers, and others: the legal challenges and contradictions of lesbian
parents (Shelley A. M. Gavigan), pp. 100-118.
Suz KE 4399 .L38 2000
Lawrence, D. H.
The fox; The captain's doll; The ladybird. Edited by Dieter Mehl.
Cambridge [England]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
note: The fox concerns a female couple challenged by a male suitor.
Suz PR 6023 .A93 A6 1992
Lawrence, Greg.
Dance with demons: the life of Jerome Robbins.
NY: G. F. Putnam's sons, c2001.
Suz GV 1785 .R52 L39 2001
LBGT counseling [videorecording]: skill-building vignettes.
Stuart Chen-Hayes and Lynn Haley-Banez; produced and edited by Bruce
North Amherst, MA: Microtraining Associates, c2001.
(Lesbian, bisexual, gay & transgendered counseling, tape 2)
note: videocassette, VHS; + guide + transcript
note: facilitators, Stuart Chen-Hayes, Lynn Haley-Baenz; role players,
Adam L. Benson, Jerry Hsieh, Kate Howell, Krispin Mathew, Lisa Nagle,
Nelson Medina, Theresa Wyre, Michael W. Ryan.
note: writer of leader guide, Stuart F. Chen-Hayes; writers of transcript,
Lynn Haley-Banez, Stuart Chen-Hayes; camera, Bruce Oldershaw, Edward
note: shows how to work affirmatively with issues of sexual orientation
and gender identity with youth and families and features live
demonstrations of challenges and strengths in sexual orientation
counseling. Oriented to the strengths of lesbian, bisexual, gay and
transgendered clients, enabling them to face the challenges of living in a
world that targets them for violence and oppression. The six
demonstrations focus on real world issues these students will face in the
near future: an unexpected "outing," physical threats, affirming LBGT
identities, suicide attempt, gender transformation, lesbian family issues,
school harassment. LBGT developmental model is based on the work of D.
Anthony D'Augelli.
note: contents: Introduction; First Scenario- Parents having difficulty
dealing with their new knowledge of their lesbian daughter. Second
Scenario- Assisting a male student who's being emotionally and physically
harassed in school and contemplating suicide. Third Scenario- Consulting
with a heterosexual teacher about how to affirm a lesbian adolescent who
has come out regarding a relationship. Fourth Scenario- Counseling a
transgendered youth dealing with emotional abuse and a suicide attempt.
Fifth Scenario- Counseling middle school interracial lesbian Moms about
their son's declining grades and emotional abuse at shool. Sixth Scenario-
An orthodox Jewish father seeks assistance for an 8-year old elementary
school student with unorthodox gender identity who's being emotionally
abused at school.
SocWkMed HV 1426 L472 2001 guide, text 2, cassette 2
LCC quarterly.
Seattle, WA: Lesbians of Color Caucus, [1979?-
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .L42 v.1, no. 1 (Spring 1979?)
The LCE news.
San Francisco, CA: League for Civil Education, [1961-1963]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continued by Citizen's news, see Citizen's news
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 58
v.1,n.1-v.4,n.4 (Oct 1961-Mar 1967)
Le Guin, Ursula K.
The birthday of the world and other stories.
NY: HarperCollins, c2002.
note: The stories Unchosen love and Mountain Ways include complex
marriages of four persons.
Ugl PS 3562 .E42 B44 2002
Le Guin, Ursula K.
The dispossessed; an ambiguous utopia.
Ugl PS 3562 .E42 D58 1974
Suz PS 3562 .E42 D58 1991
Le Guin, Ursula K.
The left hand of darkness.
NY: Harper & Row, [1980] c1969.
Ugl PS 3562 .E42 L4 1980
Le Touze, Guillaume.
Comme ton pere.
[Paris]: Editions de l'Olivier, c1994.
Suz PQ 2672 .E1147 C659 1994
Leach, Joseph.
Bright particular star; the life & times of Charlotte Cushman.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970.
Suz, Ugl PN 2287 .C8 L4
Leach, Mark M.
Cultural diversity and suicide: ethnic, religious, gender, and sexual
orientation perspectives.
NY; Haworth Press, c2006.
note: European Americans, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender issues, pp.
76-91; African Americans, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender issues, pp.
116-125; Asian Americans, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender issues, pp.
138-145; Hispanic American, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender issues, pp.
182-188; Native American, gay/lesbian/bisexual ("Two-spirit") issues, pp.
SocWk HV 6548 .U5 L422 2006
The Leading edge: an anthology of lesbian sexual fiction.
Edited by Lady Winston; introduction by Pat Califia.
Denver, CO: Lace Publications, c1987.
Suz PS 648 .L47 L38 1987
League of Women Voters of Seattle.
A simple matter of justice: civil rights for lesbians and gays in the
90's. Human Rights Committee: Jane Lauritsen, Eleanor Laxdall, Peggy
Tlapak, chair; Reading Committee: Ann Bowden, chair, Inga Douglas.
Seattle: League of Women Voters of Seattle, [1994]
Suz KFW 411.5 .H64 L43 1994
Leal, Dave.
Debating homosexuality.
Cambridge [UK]: Grove Books, 1996.
Suz BR 115 .H6 L4 1996
Leap, William.
Word's out: gay men's English.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1996.
Suz PE 3727 .G39 L43 1996
A Leap in the dark: AIDS, art, and contemporary cultures.
Edited by Allan Klusacek and Ken Morrison.
Montreal: Vehicule Press: Artexte Information Centre; Buffalo, NY:
University of Toronto Press [distributor]; New Haven, CT: Inland Book Co.
[distributor]; St. Paul, MN: Bookslinger Inc. [distributor], 1992.
note: outgrowth of SIDART, a series of cultural events and exhibitions on
the occasion of the fifth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, June
Suz NX 180 .A36 L4 1992
Lear, Linda J.
Rachel Carson: witness for nature.
NY: Henry Holt, 1997.
NatSci, Tac QH 31 .C33 L43 1997
Learning culture through sports: exploring the role of sports in society.
Edited by Sandra Spickard Prettyman, Brian Lampman.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2006.
note: [chapter] 8, Pitching for equality: gay athletes and homophobia
(Eric Anderson), pp. 89-100.
Bot GV 706.5 .L43 2006
Leather pride!: serving the Washington State leather community and the
Pacific Northwest.
Seattle, WA: Leather Pride Project,
SpecColl PNW HQ 79 .L438
v.4,n.2 (Mar/Apr 1997); v.4,n.6 (Nov/Dec 1997); v.5,n.3-v.5,n.5
(Jun/Jul-Nov/Dec 1998); v.6,n.2-3 (Spr-Fall 1999); v.7,n.1 (Spr 2000)
times: news from the Leather Archives & Museum.
Chicago, IL: Leather Archives & Museum, [2004]-
continues: Leather Archives & Museum newsletter, see Newsletter
(Leather Archives & Museum)
online: Winter 2004 + click on newsletter issue desired
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 79 L43 Winter 2004+
Leatherfolk: radical sex, people, politics, and practice.
Edited by Mark Thompson.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1991.
Suz, Ugl HQ 79 L385 1991
Leavitt, David.
Arkansas: three novellas.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3562 .E2618 A89 1997
Leavitt, David.
Equal affections: a novel.
NY: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, c1989
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3562 .E2618 E64 1989
Leavitt, David.
Family dancing: stories.
NY: Knopf; distributed by Random House, 1984.
Ugl PS 3562 .E2618 F3 1984
Suz PS 3562 .E2618 F3 1985b
Leavitt, David.
Florence, a delicate case.
NY: Bloomsbury, 2002.
Ugl DG 734.23 .L43 2002
Leavitt, David.
The lost language of cranes.
NY: Knopf; distributed by Random House, 1986.
Suz, Ugl, Tac PS 3562 .E2618 L6 1986
Leavitt, David.
The man who knew too much: Alan Turing and the invention of the
NY: W. W. Norton, c2006.
Ugl QA 29 .T8 L43 2006
Leavitt, David.
The marble quilt: stories.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.
Suz PS 3562 .E2618 M36 2001
Leavitt, David.
Martin Bauman, or, A sure thing.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000.
Suz PS 3562 .E2618 M37 2000
Leavitt, David.
The page turner: a novel.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
Suz PS 3562 .E2618 P34 1998
Leavitt, David.
A place I've never been: stories.
NY: Viking, c1990.
Suz, Ugl PS 3562 .E2618 P57 1990
Leavitt, David.
While England sleeps.
NY: Viking, 1993.
SpecColl PS 3562 E2618 W47 1993
Leavitt, David.
While England sleeps. [New ed.]
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., c1995.
Suz PS 3562 .E2618 W47 1995
Leben mit Behinderung, Leben mit HIV und AIDS: eine Annaherung. Peter
Wiessner (Hrsg.)
Berlin: Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e V., [1999]
(AIDS-Forum D.A.H., Bd. 35)
note: Behinderte schwule Lebenswelten, pp. 131-156 (6 personal narratives
by disabled gay men)
Suz HV 1559 .G3 L4 1999
Lebrun, Marcel.
Student depression: a silent crisis in our schools and communities.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2007.
note: chapter 8, Sexual orientation and depression, pp. 54-64.
Bot WM 171 L454s 2007
LeCroy, Craig W.
Case studies in child, adolescent, and family treatment. Craig Winston
LeCroy, Janice M. Daley.
Belmont, CA: Thomson/Brooks/Cole, c2005.
note: Case Study 3-5, Gay youth and safe spaces (Nora Gustavsson and Ann
MacEachron), pp. 151-156.
SocWk WS 350.2 .L469c 2005
Leckie, Will.
Courage to love: a gay priest stands up for his beliefs.
By Will Leckie and Barry Stopfel.
NY: Doubleday, 1997.
Suz BX 5995 .S82 L23 1997
Leddick, David.
Intimate companions: a triography of George Platt Lynes, Paul Cadmus,
Lincoln Kirstein, and their circle.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Art, Ugl NX 504 .L44 2000
Leddick, David.
Naked men: pioneering male nudes, 1935-1955.
NY: Universe Pub., 1997.
Art Desk TR 675 .L34 1997
Ledesma, Jorge.
La luz gay: homosexualidad, decadencia de la cultura y regulacion
Buenos Aires: Beas Ediciiones, 1993.
Suz HQ 76.25 .L426 1993
Leduc, Violette.
[Paris?]: Gallimard, [1999]
Suz PQ 2623 .E3657 A65 1999
Leduc, Violette.
Leduc, Violette.
Leduc, Violette.
Leduc, Violette.
Lee, Cynthia.
Lee, Hermione.
Lee, Ronald D.
Leed, Rick.
Leeming, David.
Leeming, David Adams.
Leeming, David Adams.
Lefcourt, Peter.
Lefrere, Jean-Jacques.
Left legalism/left critique. Edited by Wendy Brown and Janet Halley.
guide for lesbian and gay couples. By Hayden Curry...[et al.]
10th ed.
Legal inversions: lesbians, gay men, and the politics of law.
Ed. by Didi Herman, Carl Stychin.
Legal queeries: lesbian, gay, and transgender legal studies.
Legal recognition of same-sex partnerships: a study of national, European
and international law. Edited by Robert Wintemute and Mads Andenaes.
Legg, W. Dorr.
Legislative guide to gay rights.
Legler, Gretchen.
Lehmann, John.
Lehmann, John.
Lehmann, John.
Lehmann, John.
Lehmkuhl, Reichen.
Lehmstedt, Mark.
Lehnert, Gertrud.
Lehnert, Gertrud.
Lehr, Valerie.
Lehring, Gary L.
Leick, Gwendolyn.
Leider, Emily Wortis.
Leigh, Stephen.
Leinen, Stephen H.
Leiner, Marvin.
Leiser, Burton M.
Leiser, Burton M.
Leiser, Burton M.
Lemus, Felicia Luna.
Lenskyj, Helen.
Lenzi, Gabriele.
Leonard, Arthur S.
Leonard, Maurice.
Leonard, Michael.
Leonardi, Susan J.
Leontev, Konstantin.
Leontev, Konstantin.
Leontev, Konstantin.
Lepape, Pierre.
Lerman, Leo.
LeRoy, J. T.
LeRoy, J. T.
Leroy Forgeot, Flora.
Lesben und Schwule, was nun? Fruhjahr 1989 bis Fruhjahr
1990: Chronik, Dokumente, Analysen, Interviews. Gunter Grau, Herausgeber.
Lesbian academic couples. Michelle Gibson, Deborah T. Meem, editors.
Lesbian almanac. Compiled by the National Museum
& Archive of Lesbian and Gay History: a program of The Lesbian
and Gay Community Services Center, New York.
Lesbian American composers [sound recording].
Lesbian American composers [electronic]
Lesbian and bisexual fiction writers.
Lesbian and bisexual women's mental health. Robin M. Mathy, Shelly K.
Kerr, editors.
The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement: campaigning for justice, truth and
Lesbian and gay fostering and adoption: extraordinary yet ordinary.
Lesbian and gay issues: a resource manual for social workers.
Lesbian and Gay Issues in the Social Services.
Lesbian and gay marriage: private committments, public
ceremonies. Edited by Suzanne Sherman.
Lesbian and Gay Media Advocates.
Lesbian & gay news.
Lesbian and gay psychology: new perspectives. Edited by Adrian Coyle and
Celia Kitzinger.
Lesbian and gay psychology: theory, research, and clinical applications.
Lesbian and gay studies: a critical introduction.
Lesbian and gay studies: an introductory, interdisciplinary approach.
Edited by Theo Sandfort ... [et al.]
Lesbian and gay studies and the teaching of English: positions,
pedagogies, and cultural politics. Edited by William J. Spurlin.
Lesbian and gay studies issue I.
Lesbian and gay studies issue II.
Lesbian and gay studies reader. Ed. by Henry Abelove,
Michele Aina Barale, and David M. Halperin.
Lesbian and gay visions of Ireland: towards the twenty-first
Lesbian and gay writing: an anthology of critical
writings. Edited by Mark Lilly.
Lesbian art and artists. [Edited by] Cynthia Carr [et al.]
The Lesbian Avengers eat fire, too [videorecording], see: The Ties that
bind [videorecording]
Lesbian communities: festivals, RVs, and the Internet. Esther Rothblum,
Penny Sablove, editors.
Lesbian contradiction.
Lesbian culture: an anthology: the lives, work, ideas,
art and visions of lesbians past and present.
Lesbian ethics.
Lesbian erotics. Ed. Karla Jay.
Lesbian families' challenges and means of resiliency: implications for
feminist family therapy. Anne M. Prouty Lyness, editor.
Lesbian-feminism in turn-of-the-century Germany.
Lesbian fiction: an anthology. Edited by Elly Bulkin. lst ed.
Lesbian friendships: for ourselves and each other.
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities and youth: psychological
perspectives. Edited by Anthony R. D'Augelli, Charlotte J. Patterson.
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities in families: psychological
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities over the lifespan:
psychological perspectives.
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths and adults: knowledge for human services
practice. Ski Hunter ... [et al.]
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging: research and clinical
perspectives. Douglas Kimmel, Tara Rose, and Steven David, editors.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health issues: selections from the
American journal of public health; introduction by Anthony J.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in social work: a
comprehensive bibliography with annotations. Compiled by James I. Martin,
Ski Hunter.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People and Education.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Health Science Librarians
Lesbian/Gay Freedom Day Committe.
Lesbian-gay law notes.
Lesbian/Gay/Queer drama. Ed. by Hersh Zeifman.
Lesbian/gay/queer studies. Introduction by Henry Abelove et al.
gay, transgender and bisexual (LGBT) domestic violence in ...: a report of the
National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs.
The lesbian health book: caring for ourselves.
Lesbian health: current assessment and directions for the future.
health fact sheet.
Lesbian health matters. By Mary O'Donnell ... [et
Lesbian Health Roundtable (1994: Washington, D. C.)
Lesbian health: what are the issues? Edited by Phyllis Noerager Stern.
Lesbian histories and cultures: an encyclopedia. Bonnie Zimmerman,
Lesbian history sourcebook: love and sex between women in Britain from
1780 to 1970. [Compiled by ] Alison Oram and Annmarie Turnbull.
The lesbian in front of the classroom: writings by lesbian teachers.
The Lesbian Issue. Edited by Barbara Charlesworth al.
The Lesbian issue: essays from Signs. Edited by Estelle B.
Lesbian Issue/Etre Lesbienne.
Lesbian land. Edited by Joyce Cheney.
Lesbian looks: postcards from the edge.
Lesbian love and relationships. Suzanna M. Rose, editor.
Lesbian love stories. Edited by Irene Zahava.
Lesbian love stories. Volume 2. Edited by Irene Zahava.
Lesbian motherhood in Europe.
Lesbian mothers and their children: an annotated bibliography of legal and
psychological materials.
Lesbian mothers' legal handbook.
Lesbian Mothers on Trial ... 1984.
Lesbian muse, 1990: the women behind the words. [Editor, Sarah Koehl;
photographer, Tee Corinne]
Lesbian nuns: breaking silence. Edited by Rosemary Curb and Nancy
Lesbian parenting: living with pride & prejudice. Katherine Arnup,
Lesbian passages: true stories told by women over 40.
The Lesbian path: 37 lesbian writers share their personal experiences,
viewpoints, traumas and joys. Edited by Margaret Cruikshank.
The Lesbian path. Edited by Margaret Cruikshank. Rev. and enl. ed.
Lesbian philosophies and cultures. Edited by Jeffner Allen.
Lesbian Philosophy. Edited by Claudia Card.
Lesbian plays. Selected and introduced by Jill Davis.
Lesbian plays: coming of age in Canada. Selected and edited by Rosalind
Lesbian poetry, an anthology. Edited by Elly Bulkin & Joan Larkin. lst
The lesbian polyamory reader: open relationships, non-monogamy, and casual
sex. Marcia Munson, Judith P. Stelboum, editors.
The lesbian postmodern. Edited by Laura Doan.
Lesbian psychologies: explorations and challenges.
Lesbian pulp fiction: the sexually intrepid world of lesbian paperback
novels, 1950-1965.
Lesbian quotations. Compiled by Rosemary Silva.
Lesbian rabbis: the first generation. Edited by Rebecca T. Alpert, Sue
Levi Elwell, Shirley Idelson.
The Lesbian reader.
Lesbian Resource Center (Seattle, Wash.)
Lesbian Resource Center community news.
Lesbian Resource Center news.
The Lesbian review of books.
Lesbian rites: symbolic acts and the power of community. Ramona Faith
Oswald, editor.
The Lesbian S/M safety manual: basic health and safety
for woman-to-woman S/M. Edited by Pat Califia.
Lesbian separatism, an amazon analysis. Alice... [et al.]
Lesbian sex scandals: sexual practices, identities, and politics. Dawn
Atkins, editor.
Lesbian social services: research ideas. Carol T. Tully, editor.
Lesbian studies: present and future. By Margaret Cruikshank.
Lesbian subjects: a feminist studies reader. Edited by Martha Vicinus.
Lesbian texts and contexts: radical revisions.
Lesbian therapists and their therapy: from both sides of the couch.
Lesbian travels: a literary companion. Edited by Lucy Jane Bledsoe.
Lesbian voices.
Lesbian/womyn's yellow pages.
Lesbian words: a Santa Cruz anthology. Deborah Abbott ... [et al.]; edited
by Irene Reti & Sue McCabe.
Lesbian words: state of the art. Edited by Randy Turoff.
Lesbianas de Buenos Aires. Una película producida por Santiago
García; cooproducida por BDCINE, Wap Media; dirección,
Santiago García.
Lesbianism. Ed. with intro. by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
Lesbianism: affirming nontraditional roles.
Lesbianism and feminism in Germany, 1895-1910.
Lesbianism and homosexuality in early modern Spain: literature and theater
in context. Maria Jose Delgado, Alain Saint-Saens, editors.
Lesbianism and the women's movement.
Lesbians and child custody: a casebook. Edited by Dolores J. Maggiore.
Lesbians and gay men: chemical dependency treatment issues.
Lesbians and gays in couples and families: a handbook for therapists.
Lesbians and lesbian families: reflections on theory and practice. Edited
by Joan Laird.
Lesbians and psychoanalysis: revolutions in theory and practice.
Lesbians at midlife: the creative transition, an anthology.
Lesbians, feminism, and psychoanalysis: the second wave. Judith M.
Glassgold, Suzanne Iasenza, editors.
Lesbians, gay men, and the law. Ed. by William B. Rubenstein. [1st
The Lesbians home journal: stories from the Ladder.
Lesbians in academia: degrees of freedom.
Lesbians in Canada. Edited by Sharon Dale Stone.
Lesbians in East Asia: diversity, identities, and resistance. Diana Khor,
Saori Kamano, editors.
Lesbians in Germany: 1890's-1920's.
Lesbians, levis, and lipstick: the meaning of beauty in our lives. Jeanine
C. Cogan, Joanie M. Erickson, editors.
Lesbians of color: social and human services. Hilda Hidalgo, editor.
Lesbians raising sons: an anthology. Edited by Jess Wells.
Lesbians speak out.
Lesbians speak out. 2d ed.
Lesbians talk making black waves.
Lesbijki w zyciu spoleczno-politycznym. Pod redakcja Marzeny Chincz.
Wyd. 1.
Lesbiot: Israeli lesbians talk about sexuality, feminism, Judaism and
their lives. Edited by Tracy Moore.
Lesk, Andrew.
Leslie, Mark.
Leslie, Robert.
Less than gay: a citizen's report on the status of homosexuality in
Lessons learned: a collection of stories and articles about bisexual, gay,
lesbian and transgender issues.
LeSueur, Joe.
Let's get real [videorecording] A Debra Chasnoff, Helen S. Cohen, Kate
Stilley film.
Letters to our children: lesbian and gay adults speak to the new
Leupp, Gary P.
Lev, Arlene Istar.
LeVay, Simon.
LeVay, Simon.
LeVay, Simon.
LeVay, Simon.
Levenson, Jacob.
Levenson, Lew.
Leventhal, Stan.
Leventhal, Stan.
Leventhal, Stan.
Leventhal, Stan.
Lever, Maurice.
Leverich, Lyle.
Levin, James.
Levin, James.
Levin, James.
Levin, Janna.
Levin, Jennifer.
Levin, Sue.
Levine, Daniel.
Levine, Laura.
Levine, Martin P.
Levine, Suzanne Jill.
Levinson, Nan.
Levithan, David.
LeVitte-Harten, Doreet.
Levy, Emanuel.
Lewd & notorious: female transgression in the eighteenth century. Edited
by Katharine Kittredge.
Lewes, Kenneth.
Lewin, Ellen.
Lewin, Ellen.
Lewins, Frank. (Frank William)
Lewis, Jeremy.
Lewis, Lynette A.
Lewis, Sasha Gregory.
Lewis, Stephen.
La Ley del deseo [videorecording] = Law of desire. Una produccion El
Deseo, S. A.; guion y direccion, Pedro Almodovar.
Lezama Lima, Jose.
Lezama Lima, Jose.
Lezama Lima, Jose.
Lezama Lima, Jose.
Lgbt, encyclopedia of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history in
America. Marc Stein, editor in chief. 3 vols
LGBT studies and queer theory: new conflicts, collaborations, and
contested terrain. Karen E. Lovaas, John P. Elia, Gust A. Yep,
Li, An.
Li, An.
Li, Bihua.
Li, David Leiwei.
Liberating minds: the stories and professional lives of gay, lesbian, and
bisexual librarians and their advocates.
Liberation debate: rights at issue.
Liberation theology and sexuality. Edited by Marcella Althaus-Reid.
The library as place: history, community, and culture. Edited by John E.
Buschman and Gloria J. Leckie; foreword by Wayne A. Wiegand and John Carlo
Licensed to kill [videorecording] Producer, director, writer, editor, Arthur
Dong. 1 videocassette. VHS.
Liddell, Robert.
Liddell, Robert.
Lieb, Sandra R.
Liebe Leben: Homosexualität und die Vielfalt der Lebensformen in
Zeiten der Individualisierung. [Dieses Buch ist innerhalb mehrerer Jahre im
Arbeitskreis "Bi/Homosexualität und Anthroposophie" entstanden;
Mitgewirkt haben, Christoph Kranich ... et al.]
Liebe und Leidenschaft: historische Aspekte von Erotik und
Lieblingminne und Freundesliebe in der Weltlitterratur: eine Sammlung mit
einer ethisch-politischen Einleitung von Elisarion von Kupffer; Nachdruck
der Ausgabe von 1900 mit einem Vorwort von Marita Keilson-Lauritz.
Liebman, Marvin.
Lienert, Tania.
Life and death of John Atherton lord bishop of Waterford and Lysmore
within the kingdome of Ireland borne neare Bridgwater in Sommersetshire
[microform]: who for incest, buggery and many other enormous crimes after
having lived a vicious life dyed a shamefull death: and was on the fifth
of December last past hanged on the gallows greene at Dublin: and his man
Iohn Childe being his proctor with whom he had committed the buggery was
hangd in march following at Bandon Bridges: condemned thereunto at the
assises holden at Corke.
Life and times of Harvey Milk
Life class: the academic male nude, 1820-1920. Edited by Stephen Boyd;
introduced by Edward Lucie-Smith.
Life sentences: writers, artists, and AIDS. Edited and with an
introduction by Thomas Avena.
Lights. (Seattle, Wash.)
Like coming home: coming-out letters. Edited by Meg Umans.
Lilja, Saara.
Lilly, Mark.
Lim, Song Hwee.
Limonov, Eduard.
Linck, Dirck.
Lind, Earl, pseud.
Lindemann, Barbara.
Lindemann, Marilee.
Lindner, Robert Mitchell.
Lindop, Audrey Erskine.
A line of cutting women. Edited by Beverly McFarland ... [et al.]
Lingiardi, Vittorio.
Die Linke und das Laster: schwule Emanzipation und linke Vorurteile.
Linneman, Thomas John.
Linneman, Thomas John.
Linton, E. Lynn (Elizabeth Lynn)
Linzie, Anna.
Lipkin, Arthur.
Lipkin, Arthur.
Lishaugen, Roar.
Lisicky, Paul.
List, Herbert.
Lister, Anne.
Lister, Anne.
Lister, Anne.
A litany for survival [videorecording]: the life and work of Audre Lorde.
A film by Ada Gay Griffin & Michelle Parkerson.
Literary paternity, literary friendship: essays in honor of Stanley
Corngold. Edited by Gerhard Richter.
Literary visions of homosexuality. Stuart Kellogg, editor.
Literature and homosexuality. Edited by Michael J. Meyer.
The literature of lesbianism: a historical anthology from Ariosto to
Stonewall. Edited by Terry Castle.
Little Britain. Season one [videorecording] BBC; producer, Myfanwy Moore;
written by Matt Lucas, David Williams; director, Steve Bendelack.
Little Britain. Season two [videorecording] British Broadcasting
Corporation; producer, Geoff Posner; director, Matt Lipsey; written and
performed by David Williams, Matt Lucas.
Little Sister's vs. Big Brother [videorecording] Homeboys Productions
presents a film by Aerlyn [sic] Weissman; written & directed by Aerlyn
Weissman; produced by Cari Green, Aerlyn Weissman.
Litvak, Joseph.
Liu, Timothy.
Liu, Timothy.
Liu, Timothy.
Liu, Timothy.
Liuzzi, Peter J.
Live to tell [videorecording]: the first gay and lesbian prom in america.
Dakota Filmworks.
Lively, Scott Eric.
Lives of lesbian elders: looking back, looking forward. D. Merilee Clunis
... [et al.]
The lives of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals: children to adults.
Livia, Anna.
Living Chicana theory. Edited by Carla Trujillo.
Living "difference": lesbian perspectives on work and family life.
The living end [videorecording] A Strand Releasing/Desperate Pictures
production presents an irresponsible movie by Gregg Araki; produced by
Marcus Hu, Jon Gerrans; written, directed by Gregg Araki.
Living the spirit: a gay American Indian anthology.
Living with AIDS. Edited by Stephen R. Graubard.
Living with grief: who we are, how we grieve. Edited by Kenneth J. Doka
and Joyce D. Davidson.
Living with pride [videorecording]: Ruth Ellis @ 100. Our Film Works
presents; written, directed and produced by Yvonne Welbon.
Livingston, Ira.
Lloyd, Robin.
Lobban, Marjorie.
Lobel, Edgar.
Local actions: cultural activism, power, and public life in America.
Edited by Melissa Checker and Maggie Fishman.
Lochrie, Karma.
Lockwood, Daniel.
Loeffler, Donald L.
Loffreda, Beth.
Logan, John.
Lombardi, Marilyn May.
London, Louis Samuel.
London, Louis Samuel.
London, Louis Samuel.
Lone star hate [videorecording] Berwick Universal Pictures production for
Channel Four: director/producer, Paul Yule.
Long, Ronald E.
Long, Thomas L.
Long before Stonewall: histories of same-sex sexuality in early America.
Edited by Thomas A. Foster; with an afterword by John D'Emilio.
Long road to freedom: the Advocate history of the gay and lesbian
movement. Edited by Mark Thompson; foreword by Randy Shilts.
Long time gone: sixties America then and now. Edited by Alexander
Long time passing: lives of older lesbians. Ed. Marcy Adelman.
Longing to tell: Black women talk about sexuality and intimacy. [Compiled
by] Tricia Rose.
Longtime companion [videorecording] Samuel Goldwyn Company; American
Playhouse Theatrical Films; producer, Stan Wlodkowski; written by Craig
Lucas; directed by Norman Rene.
Longtime companions: autobiographies of gay male fidelity.
Looking at law school: a student guide from the Society of American Law
Looking at law school: a student guide from the Society of American Law
Teachers. Edited by Stephen Gillers; with a preface by William J. Brennan,
Jr. Rev. and expanded 4th ed.
Looking for common ground [videorecording]: one school's struggle for gay
and lesbian rights. Directed and produced by Julie Akeret.
Looking for Langston [videorecording] SanKoFa Film and Video; producer,
Nadine Marsh-Edwards; written and directed by Isaac Julien.
Looking for Mr. Goodbar [videorecording] Paramount Pictures Corp.
Looking for Mr. Preston. Edited by Laura Antoniou.
Looking queer: body image and identity in lesbian, bisexual, gay, and
transgender communities. Dawn Atkins, editor.
Loovis, David.
Loovis, David.
Lopes, Sal.
Lopez, Erika.
Lopez, Erika.
Loraine, John Alexander. [editor]
Lorand, Sandor.
Lorber, Judith.
Lord, Catherine.
Lord, James.
Lorde, Audre.
Lorde, Audre.
Lorde, Audre.
Lorde, Audre.
Lorde, Audre.
Lorde, Audre.
Lorde, Audre.
Lordon, Randye.
Lordon, Randye.
Lordon, Randye.
Los Angeles advocate.
Los Angeles County Bar Association. Committee on Sexual Orientation
Loss within loss: artists in the age of AIDS. Edited by Edmund White; in
cooperation with The Estate Project for Artists with AIDS.
The lost language of cranes [videorecording] A BBC production in
association with Thirteen WNET; producer, Ruth Caleb; screenplay by Sean
Mathias; director, Nigel Finch.
Lothstein, Leslie Martin.
Loti, Pierre.
Loti, Pierre. [pseud.]
A Lotus of another color: an unfolding of the South Asian gay and lesbian
experience. Edited by Rakesh Ratti.
Loudes, C. M. H. (Christine M. H.)
Loudes, C. M. H. (Christine M. H.)
Loudes, C. M. H. (Christine M. H.)
Loue, Sana.
Loue, Sana.
Louganis, Greg.
Loughery, John.
Loulan, JoAnn Gardner.
Loulan, JoAnn Gardner.
Loulan, JoAnn Gardner.
Louys, Pierre.
Louys, Pierre.
Louys, Pierre.
Love, Heather.
Love and death on Long Island [videorecording] Lions Gate Films; written
and directed richard Kwietniowski; a Skyline/Inagex production.
Love, friendship and faith in Europe, 1300-1800. Edited by Laura Gowing,
Michael Hunter and Miri Rubin.
Love letters between a certain late nobleman and the famous Mr. Wilson.
Michael S. Kimmel, editor.
Love makes a family: [videorecording] Gay parents in the 90's.
The love of friends: an anthology of gay and lesbian letters to friends
and lovers. Edited by Constance Jones; with research by Val Clark.
Love, hate, and fear in Canada's Cold War. Edited and introduced by
Richard Cavell.
Love, sex, intimacy, and friendship between men, 1550-1800. Edited by
Katherine O'Donnell and Michael O'Rourke.
Love shook my heart. Edited by Irene Zahava.
Love shook my heart 2: lesbian love stories. Edited by Jess Wells.
Love speaks its name: gay and lesbian love poems. Selected and edited by
J.D. McClatchy.
Love today: a new exploration. Edited by Herbert A. Otto.
Love your enemy?: the debate between heterosexual feminism and political
Lovelace, Richard F.
A lover's cock and other gay poems.
Lovers: stories by women. Edited by Amber Coverdale Sumrail.
Lovesick: modernist plays of same-sex love, 1894-1925. [Compiled by]
Laurence Senelick.
Loving, Jerome.
Loving boldly: issues facing lesbians. Edited by Esther D. Rothblum and
Ellen Cole.
Loving in fear: lesbian and gay survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
Lowenthal, Michael.
Lowenthal, Michael.
Lower cast religious music from India [sound recording]: monks,
transvestites, midwives, and folksingers. Recorded by Rosina
Lowman, John.
Lozada, Ángel.
LPartG: Gesetz zur Beendigung der Diskriminierung gleichgeschlechtlicher
Gemeinschaften: Lebenspartnerschaften: Handkommentar.
LRC community news.
The LRC news.
Lucas, Ian.
Lucas, Ian.
Lucas, Timothy J. (Timothy Joseph)
Lucey, Michael.
Lucey, Michael.
Lucian, of Samosata.
Lucie-Smith, Edward.
Lucie-Smith, Edward.
Lucie-Smith, Edward.
Lucie-Smith, Edward.
Lucie-Smith, Edward.
Luck, Joyce.
Luckhurst, Nicola.
Luckow, Marion.
Ludd, Deran.
Ludd, Steven Olin.
Ludlam, Charles.
Ludlam, Charles.
Ludwig [videorecording] La Ohonte Films in collaborazione con la
RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana presentano; Uga Santalucia presenta; un film
di Luchino Visconti; director, Luchino Visconti; writers, Enrico Mediolo,
Suso Cecchi d'Amico, Luchino Visconti; producer, Lucio Trentini.
Ludwig, Paul W. (Paul Walter)
Luft, Klaus Peter.
El lugar sin limites [videorecording]=place without limits [presented by]
Conacite Dos; libro cinematográfico y dirección, Arturo
Luibheid, Eithne.
Lukacs, Attila Richard.
Lukacs, Attila Richard.
Lukenbill, Grant.
Lukenbill, Grant.
Lumsden, Ian.
Luna, G. Cajetan.
Lupton, Deborah.
Lurie, Alison.
Lusosex: gender and sexuality in the Portuguese-speaking world. Susan
Canty Quinlan and Fernando Arenas, editors.
Lust: the body politic.
Luxurious sexualities: effeminacy, consumption, and the body politic in
eighteenth-century representation. Ed. Mary Peace and Vincent Quinn.
Lynch, Lee.
Lynch, Marion H. E.
Lynch, Michael
Lynes, George Platt.
Lynes, George Platt.
Lynes, George Platt.
Lynn, Elizabeth, A.
Lyons, Arthur.
M. Butterfly [videorecording] Geffen Pictures; screenplay by David Henry
Hwang; produced by Gabriella Marinelli; directed by David Cronenberg.
The M word: writers on same-sex marriage. Edited by Kathy Pories.
Ma-ka: diasporic juks: contemporary writing by queers of African
Ma vie en rose [videorecording] = My life in pink. La Sept Cinema [et
al.]; directed by Alain Berliner; produced by Carol Scotta.
Maar, Michael.
Maas, Jörg.
Maasen, Thijs.
MacCarthy, Fiona.
MacColl, Rene.
Macdonald, Barbara.
Macdonald, Barbara.
Macdonald, Barbara.
MacDonald, Eann., pseud. of Henry, i.e., Harry Hay.
MacDonogh, Giles.
Macey, David.
Macgillivray, Ian K.
Macgillivray, Ian K.
Macho dancer [videorecording] Viva Films presents a Special People
Productions; direction, Lino Brocka; story & screenplay Ricardo Lee, Amado
Machos, mistresses, madonnas: contesting the power of Latin American gender
Machtan, Lothar.
MacInnes, Colin.
Mack, Laura.
Mackay, John Henry.
Mackay, John Henry.
Mackay, John Henry.
Mackenzie, Compton, Sir.
Mackenzie, Compton, Sir.
MacKenzie, Gordene Olga.
Mackey, Richard A.
MacKinnon, Catherine A.
MacKinnon, Catherine A.
MacKinnon, Kenneth.
MacLaverty, Bernard.
MacLennan, Michael Lewis.
MacLeod, Catriona.
Madame X [videorecording]: eine absolute Herrscherin. Eine Produktion von
Autorenfilm; im Auftrag des ZDF; ein Film von Ulrike Ottinger mit Tabea
Blumenschein; Buch-Regie-Kamera, Ulrike Ottinger.
Maddison, Lauren.
Maddison, Stephen.
Maddox, Brenda.
Maddux, David.
Madrone, Hawk.
Madsen, Axel.
Mae West is dead: recent lesbian and gay fiction. Edited by Adam
Maedchen in uniform [videorecording] = : Madchen in Uniform.
Magee, Bryan.
Magee, Bryan.
Magee, Kelly.
Magee, Maggie.
Maggiore, Dolores J.
Maggiore, Dolores J.
Magnus Hirschfeld: Leben und Werk: Ausstellungskatalog aus Anlass seines
50. Todestages.
Magonegil-Wontoch, Robin.
Magrs, Paul.
Mahaffey, Cynthia Jo.
Maher, Michael J. S. (Michael Joseph S.)
Mahlsdorf, Charlotte von.
Mains, Geoffrey.
Mains, Geoffrey.
Mainstream(s) and margins: cultural politics in the 90s. Edited by Michael
Morgan and Susan Leggett.
Maintaining relationships through communication: relational, contextual,
and cultural variations. Edited by Daniel J. Canary and Marianne
Mai's America [videorecording] A film by Marlo Poras; produced in
association with the Independent Television Service (ITVS); produced by
Marlo Poras Production, Inc.; producer, writer, director, Marlo Poras.
Maisel, Edward.
Maisel, Edward.
Maitland, Sara.
Majka-Rostek, Dorata.
Makeover television: realities remodelled. Edited by Dana Heller.
Mäki, Ian Vyt.
Making a spectacle: feminist essays on contemporary women's theatre.
The making and unmaking of differences: anthropological, sociological and
philosophical perspectives. Richard Tottenburg, Buirkhard Schnepel, Shingo
Shimada (eds.)
The making and unmaking of whiteness. Edited by Birgit Brander Rasmussen
... [et al.]
Making face, making soul = Haciendo caras: creative and critical
perspectives by women of color. Edited by Gloria Anzaldua.
Making love [videorecording] Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation;
director, Arthur Miller; producers, Allen Adler, Daniel Melnick;
screenplay, Barry Sandler; story, A. Scott Berg.
The Making of masculinities: the new men's studies. Edited by Harry
Making of the modern homosexual. Edited by Kenneth Plummer.
Making out: plays by gay men. Edited by Robert Wallace.
Making race matter: bodies, space, and identity. Edited by Claire
Alexander and Caroline Knowles.
Making sense: information for parents, families, and friends of gay,
lesbian, bisexual, and transgender young people. [Produced by Family
Planning Victoria's SSAFE in Schools Project]
Makohon, Adrian.
La mala educación [videorecording] El Deseo presents with the
collaboration of TVE and Canal+; un film de Almodóvar; produced by
Augustín Almodóvar; written and directed by Pedro
Malagreca, Miguel.
Malcolm, Janet.
Male and female homosexuality: psychological approaches.
Male homosexuality in Central and South America. Edited by Stephen O.
Male intergenerational intimacy: historical, socio-psychological, and
legal perspectives.
Male lust: pleasure, power, and transformation. Kerwin Kay, Jill Nagle,
Baruch Gould, editors.
The Male nude: a modern view: an exhibition.
Organized by Francois de Louville; edited and with an introduction by
Edward Lucie-Smith.
Male performance.
Male rape: a casebook of sexual aggressions. Edited by Anthony M. Scacco,
Jr.; with an introduction by Edward H. Peeples, Jr. and a foreword by
Stuart J. Miller.
Male trouble. Constance Penley and Sharon Willis, editors.
Male victims of sexual assault. Edited by Gillian C. Mezey and Michael B.
Male victims of sexual assault. Edited by Gillian C. Mezey and Michael B.
King. 2nd ed.
Malin, Brenton J.
Malinowitz, Harriet.
Malinowsky, H. Robert. (Harold Robert)
Mallender, Paul.
Mallon, Gerald P.
Mallon, Gerald P.
Mallon, Gerald P.
Mallon, Gerald P.
Malloy, Brian.
Malloy, Brian.
Malmstad, John E.
Malone, John Williams.
Malone, John Williams.
Malveaux, Julianne.
Mama Bears news & notes.
The mammoth book of gay short stories. Edited by Peter Burton.
The mammoth book of lesbian short stories. Edited by Emma Donoghue.
The man I might become: gay men writed about their fathers. Edited by
Bruce Shenitz; foreward by Andrew Holleran.
The "man question" in international relations. Edited by Marysia Zalewski,
Jane Parpart.
The man who was a woman and other queer tales from Hindu lore. [compiled
by] Devdutt Pattanaik.
Manalansan, Martin F.
Manasse, Geoff.
Mancilla, Michael.
Mancini, Henry.
Mancini, Henry.
Mandel, Loring.
Maney, Mabel.
Maney, Mabel.
Mani's story [videorecording] Greenstone Pictures; written and produced by
John Keir.
Manji [videorecording] Daiei Kabushiki Kaisha; screenplay by Kaneto
Shindo; directed by Yasuzo Masumura.
Manley, Joey.
Mann, Emily.
Mann, Jeff.
Mann, Jeff.
Mann, Klaus.
Mann, Klaus.
Mann, Klaus.
Mann, Klaus.
Mann, Sue Loving.
Mann, Thomas.
Mann, Thomas.
Mann, Thomas.
Mann, Thomas.
Mann, Thomas.
Mann, Thomas.
Mann, Thomas.
Mann, Thomas.
Mann, William J.
Mann, William J.
Mann, William J.
Der Mann in der Zeichnung: 100 Zeichnungen = L'homme, par le dessin:
dessins = L'uomo saggetto d'arte nel disegno: disegni = The male body in
drawings: drawings.
Männer mag Mann eben: das schwule Lesebuch Österreich.
Männlichkeit im Blick: visuelle Inszenierungen in der Kunst seit der
Frühen Neuzeit. Herausgegeben von Mechthild Fend und Marianne
Männerliebe im alten Deutschland: sozialgeschichtliche Abhandlungen.
Manning, Rosemary.
Eine männliche Braut: Aufzeichnungen eines Homosexuellen (anonym). 3.
Manrique, Jaime.
Manrique, Jaime.
Manrique, Jaime.
Manso, Peter.
The Many faces of homosexuality: anthropological approaches to homosexual
Mao, Limin.
Mapping desire: geographies of sexualities:
Mapping male sexuality: nineteenth-century England. Edited by Jay Losey
and William D. Brewer.
Mapplethorpe, Robert.
Mapplethorpe, Robert.
Mapplethorpe, Robert.
Mapplethorpe, Robert.
Mapplethorpe, Robert.
Maran, Meredith.
Marañón, Gregorio.
March, Sue.
March on! [videorecording]
Marchand, Leslie Alexis.
Marchant Lazcano, Jorge.
Marchessault, Jovette.
Marcon, Giorgio.
Marcus, Eric.
Marcus, Eric.
Marcus, Eric.
Marcus, Eric.
Marcus, Eric.
Marcus, Eric.
Marcus, Eric.
Marcus, Frank.
Marcus, Sharon.
Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome.
Marengo Vaglio, Carla.
Marginality and community in medieval Europe [computer file]. A project
designed by the History 84 students at Kenyon College.
The margins of the city: gay men's urban lives. Ed. Stephen Whittle.
Mariah, Paul.
Mariani, Paul L.
Mariposas en el andamio [videorecording] = Butterflies on the
Markin, Aleksandr.
Markowe, Laura A.
Markowitz, Judith A.
Marks, Laura U.
Markus, Julia.
Markus, Julia.
Marlowe, Christopher.
Marlowe, Christopher.
Marlowe, history, and sexuality: new critical essays on Christopher
Marlowe, Kenneth.
Marmor, Judd.
Marotta, Toby.
Marotta, Toby.
Marr, David.
Marriage and same-sex unions: a debate. Edited by Lynn D. Wardle ... [et
Marriage for same-sex couples.
Marriage, sex, and family in Judaism. Edited by Michael J. Broyde and
Michael Ausubel.
Mars-Jones, Adam.
Mars-Jones, Adam.
Mars-Jones, Adam.
Marsden Hartley. General editor, Elizabeth Mankin Kornhauser; with Ulrich
Birkmaier ... [et al.]
Marshall, Andrew.
Marshall, Bill.
Marshall, Joretta L.
Marshall, Richard.
Martel, Frederic.
Martel, Frederic.
Martell, Christopher R.
Marti, Madeleine.
Martin, April.
Martin, Biddy.
Martin, Claude.
Martin, Del.
Martin, Del.
Martin, Douglas A.
Martin, Edwin B. (Edwin Berry)
Martin, Fran.
Martin, Hillias J.
Martin, John Bartlow.
Martin, Kenneth.
Martin, Mart.
Martin, Mart.
Martin, Rene.
Martin, Robert K.
Martin, Robert K.
Martin, Robert K.
Martin, Susan Ehrlich.
Martin, Sylvia.
Martín (Hache) [videorecording] Tornasol Films, S.A.; Adolfo
Aristarain; A.V.H. San Luis S. R. L., Fito Páez; con la
participación de TVE Televisión Española; y la
colabroacíon de Canal+ Espagna presentan; guión, Adolfo
Aristarain y Kathy Saaverda; producida por Gerardo Herroro, Javier
López Blanco, Adolfo Aristarin; dirigida por Adolf Aristarin.
Martinac, Paula.
Martinac, Paula.
Martinac, Paula.
Martinac, Paula.
Martinac, Paula.
Martinac, Paula.
Martinac, Paula.
Martindale, Kathleen.
Martínez, Elena M.
Martinez, Ruben.
Martinez Nadal, Rafael.
Martini, Gabriele.
Martino, Mario.
Martland, Arthur.
Maru, Vivek.
Marxism, queer theory, gender. Edited by Masud Zavarzadeh, Teresa L.
Ebert, Donald Morton.
Masculinities and Hong Kong cinema. Edited by Laikwan Pang & Day Wong.
Masculinities matter!: men, gender and development. Edited by Frances
Cleaver; foreword by Michael Kimmel.
Masculinity: bodies, movies, culture. Edited by Peter Lehman.
Masculino femenino a final de milenio. [Dulce Maria Lopez Vega, editora;
Carlos Monsivais ... et al.]
Maslan, Mark.
Maso, Carole.
Maso, Carole.
Maso, Carole.
Mason, Gail.
Mason, Mary Ann.
Mason-John, Valerie.
Masquerade and identities: essays on gender, sexuality, and marginality.
Edited by Efrat Tseelon.
Masquerade: queer poetry in America to the end of World War II. Selected
and edited by Jim Elledge.
Mass, Lawrence.
Mass, Lawrence.
Mass mediations: new approaches to popular culture in the Middle East and
beyond. Edited by Walter Armbrust.
Massachusetts. Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth.
Massachusetts. Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth.
Massachusetts. Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth.
Massad, Joseph Andoni.
Masson, Agnes.
Masten, Jeffrey.
Masters, Robert E. L.
Masters, Robert E. L.
Masters, William H.
Mastoon, Adam.
The material queer: a LesBiGay cultural studies reader.
Materialist feminism: a reader in class, difference, and women's lives.
Edited by Rosemary Hennessy and Chrys Ingraham.
Mathews, Nieves.
Mathias, Sean.
Matousek, Mark.
Matsuo, Hisako.
Mattachine newsletter. San Francisco Area Council.
Mattachine Review.
Mattachine review.
Mattachine Society of New York.
A matter of faith: religion in the 2004 presidential election. David E.
Campbell, editor.
Matthiessen, F. O. (Francis Otto)
Matthiessen, Peter.
Mature Friends (Organization)
Matzner, Andrew.
Mau, Leonore.
Maugham, Robin.
Maugham, Robin.
Maugham, Robin.
Maugham, Robin.
Maugham, Robin.
Maugham, Robin.
Maupin, Armistead.
Maupin, Armistead.
Maupin, Armistead.
Maupin, Armistead.
Maupin, Armistead.
Maupin, Armistead.
Maupin, Armistead.
Maupin, Armistead.
Maupin, Armistead.
Maupin, Armistead.
Maurice [videorecording] A Merchant Ivory Film in association with Cinecom
Pictures and Film Four International; producer, Ismail Merchat; writer,
Kit Hesketh-Harvey, James Ivory; director, James Ivory.
Mauro, Tony.
Mauro, Tony.
The maverick press.
Mavor, Elizabeth.
Max, H.
Maxwell, William.
May, B. Roxanne.
May, Eugene Pinkney.
May it please the court: the First Amendment; transcripts of the oral
arguments made before the Supreme Court in sixteen key First Amendment
cases. Edited by Peter Irons.
May it please the court: the most significant oral arguments made before
the Supreme Court since 1955.
May Sarton, woman and poet. Edited by Constance Hunting.
Mayer, Hans.
Mayer, Hans.
Mayer, Hans.
Mayer, Martin P.
Mayer, Oliver.
Mayes, Bernard Duncan.
Mayhew, Tim.
Mayhew collected much of the material himself in the course of actively
participating in the various organizations represented, but he also
collected material from groups he was not directly involved in. Some
material was given to him by people who wanted to add to his informal
archive or sent to him in his capacity as Seattle editor of the Northwest
Gay Review. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to determine the
original source of the material or the extent of Mayhew's own involvement
with a given organization.
Mayhew focused his collecting on political and civil rights organizations.
There is some material on Seattle's gay social organizations, businesses,
and cultural activities (in the Directories and Ephemera series), but in
general these areas are not covered very extensively. Most of the material
pre-dates AIDS awareness; thus, AIDS organizations are not represented
particularly well. There is some material on lesbian organizations, but
the collection is heavily weighted toward male groups.
The collection is arranged primarily by organization. The Subject Series
contains fliers, mailings, and newsletters from many local and national
gay organizations, arranged alphabetically by organization or topic. Both
national and local organizations are represented. Subgroups represent
local organizations that are covered in greater depth, with minutes,
agendas, correspondence, and other materials. There is also a smaller
amount of material organized into general categories such as Directories
of gay organizations and businesses, Ephemera related to various topics,
Broadcast Editorials from local radio and television stations, Clippings,
and Newsletters. Box 18 contains oversized materials from various series
and subgroups.
The largest subgroup in the collection documents the Dorian Society, with
major correspondence from Herb Lee, Mike Allen, and Ken Gilbert. Founded
in 1969, the society was renamed the Seattle Gay Alliance in 1971,
remaining under this name until it was dissolved in 1975. The group sought
to educate gays and straights about homosexuality, to promote acceptance
of gays in the larger society, and to serve as a social organization for
gays. Its activities included public speaking, publishing a newsletter,
organizing social events, and lobbying the state legislature. In 1969 the
society opened Dorian House, home to one of the nation's first gay
counseling services, and in 1971 it helped found Seattle's first Gay
Community Center. Both Dorian House, later renamed the Seattle Counseling
Service for Sexual Minorities, and the Gay Community Center went on to
become independent organizations and are represented by subgroups in the
The Dorian Group started as an informal meeting of gay businessmen who
gathered for lunch in Seattle's Pioneer Square. Politicians, national gay
figures, and local officials were invited to these meetings. The group
incorporated in 1975 and revived the name of the earlier organization, the
Dorian Society. The Dorian Group continued to work for gay rights through
the early 1980s. Its emphasis on reform rather than revolution represented
a new kind of gay activism that emerged across the country in the
Several political and civil rights organizations are represented in the
collection. The Seattle Municipal Elections Committee for Gays (SEAMEC)
was founded in 1977 to evaluate candidates for public office and endorse
those candidates who supported gay rights. Mayhew served on the Candidate
Evaluation Committee, ca. 1977-1981. Citizens to Retain Fair Employment,
the Seattle Committee Against Thirteen, and Women Against Thirteen were
among the groups organized to fight Initiative 13 (which unsuccessfully
attempted to delete the words "sexual orientation" from Seattle
anti-discrimination ordinances for housing and employment). The Washington
Sexual Minorities Committee of the American Civil Liberties Union worked
to identify violations of gay persons' civil rights for the ACLU to
pursue. The collection includes material on issues such as marriage law,
sex and sodomy laws, gay prisoners rights, police harassment, and
immigration law.
The collection also includes material from several gay religious
organizations. The Metropolitan Community Church, founded in Los Angeles
in the 1960s, formed a congregation in Seattle in 1972. Evangelicals
Concerned, a group for gay Evangelical Christians, formed in 1976 and
became the Grace Gospel Chapel in 1977.
Accession 4440-2 consists of handbills, fliers, and other ephemera related
to gay activities and gay organizations, particularly in Seattle. The
materials, which are unprocessed, span the years 1978 to 1998, with the
bulk of the materials dating from 1995 to 1998.
Mayne, Judith.
Mayne, Judith.
Mayne, Xavier.
Mayo, Cris.
Mazursky, Paul.
McAlmon, Robert.
McBride, Dwight A.
McBrien, William.
McCabe, Pat.
McCabe, Susan.
McCaffrey, Enda.
McCaffrey, Joseph Anthony.
McCandless, Anthony.
McCann, Graham.
McCann, Graham.
McCann, Richard.
McCarney, Scott.
McCarthy, Cornelius.
McCarthy, Mary.
McCary, James Leslie.
McCauley, Stephen.
McCauley, Stephen.
McCauley, Stephen.
McCauley, Stephen.
McCloskey, Deirdre N.
McConachie, Bruce A.
McConnell, Vicki P.
McCormack, Derek.
McCormack, Jerusha Hull.
McCormack, Jerusha Hull.
McCormack, W. J.
McCormick, John.
McCormick, Naomi B.
McCormick, Richard W.
McCourt, James.
McCourt, James.
McCrea, Barry.
McCubbin, Bob.
McCullers, Carson.
McCullers, Carson.
McCullers, Carson.
McCullers, Carson.
McCullers, Carson.
McCullers, Carson.
McDaniel, Judith.
McDermid, Val.
McDermott, Keith.
McDiarmid, Marney Elizabeth.
McDonald, Boyd.
McDonald, Helen B.
McDougall, Bruce.
McElfresh, Adeline.
McElligott, Anthony.
McElmurray, Karen Salyer.
McEwan, Ian.
McFarlane, Cameron.
McFeeley, William S.
McGarry, K. J.
McGarry, Molly.
McGavin, Patrick Z.
McGavin, Patrick Z.
McGehee, Peter.
McGehee, Peter.
McGhee, Derek.
McGilligan, Patrick.
McGinley, Dugan.
McGonigle, T. Hope.
McGowan, Jeffrey.
McGreevey, Dina Matos.
McGreevey, James E.
McGregor, Fiona.
McGuinness, Frank.
McKay, Claude.
McKay, Claude.
McKee, Ryan W.
McKenna, Neil.
McKenzie, Jon.
McKnight, Jim.
McLaren, Angus.
McLaren, Angus.
McLellan, Diana.
McLelland, Mark J.
McLelland, Mark J.
McLeod, Donald W. (Donald Wilfried)
McMullen, Richie.
McMullen, Richie.
McNair, Brian.
McNally, Terrence.
McNally, Terrence.
McNally, Terrence.
McNally, Terrence.
McNally, Terrence.
McNally, Terrence.
McNally, Terrence.
McNamara, Robert P.
McNaron, Toni A. H.
McNaron, Toni A. H.
McNaught, Brian.
McNaught, Brian.
McNaught, Brian.
McNaught, Brian.
McNeill, John.
McNeill, John J.
McNeill, John J.
McNeill, John J.
McNeill, John J.
McRuer, Robert.
McRuer, Robert.
McVay, Daniel.
McVay, Gordon.
McVay, Gordon.
McWhirter, David P.
McWhorter, Ladelle.
Meaker, Marijane.
The meaning of difference: American constructions of race, sex and gender,
social class, and sexual orientation. Karen E. Rosenblum, Toni-Michelle C.
The meaning of difference: American constructions of race, sex and gender,
social class, and sexual orientation: a text/reader. 2nd ed.
The meaning of difference: American constructions of race, sex, and
gender, social class, and sexual orientation: a text/reader. [Editors]
Karen E. Rosenbaum, Toni-Michelle C. Travis. 3rd ed.
The meaning of difference: American constructions of race, sex and gender,
social class, and sexual orientation: a text/reader. Karen E. Rosenblum,
Toni-Michelle C. Travis [editors]. 4th ed.
The meaning of marriage: family, state, market, and morals. Edited by
Robert P. George and Jean Bethke Elshtain.
Meanor, Patrick.
Meanwhile, in another part of the forest: gay stories from Alice Munro to
Yukio Mishima.
Mecary, Caroline.
Mecca, Tommi Avicolli.
Media bias: finding it, fixing it. Edited by Wm. David Sloan and Jenn
Burleson Mackay.
Media guide to lesbian/gay issues.
Media-mediated AIDS. Edited by Linda K. Fuller.
Media Q: media/queered: visibility and its discontents. Edited by Kevin G.
Mediated women: representations in popular culture. Edited by Marian
Medical management of vulnerable and underserved patients: principles,
practice, and populations. [Edited by] Talmadge E. King, Jr., Margaret B.
Medieval Latin poems of male love and friendship. Translated by Thomas
A meditation on Langston Hughes (1902-1967) and the Harlem Renaissance
[videorecording]: with the poetry of Essex Hemphill and Bruce Nugent
(1906-1987) SanKoFa Film and Video; producer, Nadine Marsh-Edwards;
written and directed by Isaac Julien.
Medley, Christopher L.
Meeker, Martin.
Meeker, Richard.
Meer, Ameena.
Meese, Elizabeth A.
Meeting gay friends. Essays by members of Friends Homosexual
Mehuron, Kate.
Meier, Franziska.
Meier, Moritz Hermann Eduard.
Meier, Pirmin.
"Mein grosser Traum ist Mexico": [Text-Foto Portrait von Menschen mit HIV
und AIDS]
Meinecke, Thomas.
Meinhof, Ulrike Marie.
Melia, Margaret E.
Mello, Michael.
Mellors, Bob.
Melody, Michael Edward.
Melson, James.
A member of the family: gay men write about their families.
Men & intimacy: personal accounts exploring the dilemmas of modern male
Men and masculinities in contemporary Japan: dislocating the salaryman
doxa. Edited by James E. Roberson and Nobue Suzuki.
Men and masculinities in modern Africa. Edited by Lisa A. Lindsay and
Stephan F. Miescher.
Men and power. Edited by Joseph A. Kuypers.
Men and sex: new psychological perspectives.
Men as caregivers: theory, research, and service implications.
Men doing feminism. Edited by Tom Digby.
Men of color: a context for service to homosexually active men.
John F. Longres, editor.
Men of our time: an anthology of male poetry in contemporary America.
Edited by Fred Moramarco and Al Zolynas.
Men on men: best new gay fiction.
Men on men 2: best new gay fiction.
Men on men 3: best new gay fiction.
Men on men 4: best new gay fiction.
Men on men 5: best new gay fiction.
Men on men 6: best new gay fiction. Edited with an introduction by David
Men on men 7: best new gay fiction. Edited and with an introduction by
David Bergman.
Men, sex, HIV and other STDs: men who have sex with men and women:
research report.
Men who sell sex: international perspectives on male prostitution and
HIV/AIDS. Edited by Peter Aggleton.
Mendelberg, Tali.
Mendelsohn, Daniel Adam.
Mendelson, Edward.
Mendelson, Moris.
Mendicutti, Eduardo.
Mendola, Mary.
Menichiello, Michael.
Mennel, Barbara Caroline.
Menon, Madhavi.
Men's bodies, men's gods: male identities in a (post-) Christian
Men's friendships. Edited by Peter M. Nardi.
Men's lives. [Compiled by] Michael S. Kimmel, Michael A. Messner. 2nd
Men's lives. [Compiled by] Michael S. Kimmel, Michael A. Messner. 5th
A Mensch among men: explorations in Jewish masculinity.
Mental health and aging.
The mental health desk reference. Edited by Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel, R.
Elliott Ingersoll.
Mental health issues for sexual minority women: redefining women's mental
Mental health issues in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
Menzione, Ezio.
Mercer, Kobena.
Merck, Mandy.
Merck, Mandy.
Merin, Yuval.
Merle, Robert.
Merlis, Mark.
Merlis, Mark.
Merlis, Mark.
Merrick, Gordon.
Merrick, Gordon.
Merrick, Gordon.
Merrill, James Ingram.
Merrill, James Ingram.
Merrill, Lisa.
Merrin, Jeredith.
Merritt, Marilyn Louise.
Mesec, Rose.
Messer Rondo & other stories by gay men. [Ed.?] Stephen Airey.
Messner, Michael A.
Messner, Michael A.
Messner, Michael A.
Messner, Michael A.
Metcalf, Carol Ann.
Methuen-Campbell, James.
Meulengracht Sorenson, Preben.
Meulengracht Sorenson, Preben.
Meve, Jorn.
Mexico: treatment of sexual minorities.
Meyer, Carolyn.
Meyer, Detlev.
Meyer, Leisa D.
Meyer, Richard.
Meyer, Robert G.
Meyerding, Jane.
Meyerowitz, Joanne J. (Joanne Jay)
Meyers, David W.
Meyers, David W.
Meyers, Jeffrey.
Meyers, Jeffrey.
Meyers, Terry L.
Mezey, Susan Gluck.
Miceli, Melinda.
Michael [videorecording] UFA presents; produced by Erich Pommer; directed
by Carl Th. Dreyer; written by Thea Von Harbou and Carl Theodor Dreyer;
written by Thea Von Harbou and Carl Theodor Dreyer.
Michaels, Eric.
Michaels, Grant.
Michaels, Grant.
Michaels, Grant.
Michaels, Grant.
Michaels, Grant.
Michaels, Scott.
Michals, Duane.
Michals, Duane.
Michaud, James.
Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Micheler, Stefan.
Mickens, Ed.
Mickey, Paul A.
Middle sexes [videorecording]: redefining he and she. HBO Original
Programming; written and directed by Antony Thomas; produced by Antony
Thomas, Carleen Ling-an Hsu; a Home Box Office/Granada Television
production; a presentation of Home Box Office.
Middlebrook, Diane Wood.
Midlife lesbian relationships: friends, lovers, children, and parents.
Marcy R. Adelman, editor.
A Midsummer Night's Dream: critical essays. Edited by Dorothea Kehler.
Mieli, Mario.
Mielke, Tomas N.
Mikels, Elaine.
Mildenberger, Florian Georg.
Mildenberger, Florian Georg.
Mildenberger, Florian Georg.
Mildon, Marsha.
Miles, Barry.
Miles, Barry.
Milford, Nancy.
environment with respect to the homosexual conduct policy.
Military life: the psychology of serving in peace and combat. Edited by
Thomas W. Britt, Carl Andrew Castro and Amy B. Adler.
Millbank, Jenni.
Miller, Alan V. [compiler]
Miller, Alan V. [compiler]
Miller, Carl.
Miller, D. A.
Miller, D. A.
Miller, Deborah A.
Miller, Diane Helene.
Miller, Gerald V.
Miller, Greg.
Miller, Isabel.
Miller, Isabel.
Miller, Isabel.
Miller, Isabel.
Miller, Jane.
Miller, Jane.
Miller, Janet L.
Miller, Jim.
Miller, Leta E.
Miller, Martha.
Miller, Meredith.
Miller, Merle.
Miller, Merle.
Miller, Neil.
Miller, Neil.
Miller, Neil.
Miller, Neil.
Miller, Neil.
Miller, Stuart.
Miller, Stuart.
Miller, Terry.
Miller, Tim.
Miller, Tim.
Miller, Tim. (Timothy George)
Miller, Toby.
Millett, A. P. U. (Antony Percival Upton)
Millett, Kate.
Millett, Kate.
Millett, Kate.
Millett, Kate.
Millier, Brett Candish.
Milligan, Don.
Millot, Catherine.
Millot, Catherine.
Milstead, Frances.
Min, Anchee.
Mina, V. K.
Mind if I call you sir? [videorecording]: a discussion between Latina
butches and female-to-male transgendered Latinos. Conceived, written &
produced by Karla E. Rosales; director, Mary Guzmán; Stickygirl
Miner, Valerie.
Minghella, Anthony.
Minkowitz, Donna.
Minton, Henry L.
Mira Nouselles, Alberto.
Mirabet i Mullol, Antoni.
Mishima, Yukio.
Mishima, Yukio.
Mishima, Yukio.
Mit Wurde und Feuer: uber Frauenschaften: Karin Rick [and] Diana Voigt
(Hrsg.); Ubersetzungen aus dem Englischen und Franzosischen von Karin
Rick, aus dem Italienischen von Sabine Hohenwarter.
Mitchell, David (David Stephen)
Mitchell, Larry.
Mitchell, Robert Lloyd.
Mitchell, Roger S.
Mitchison, Naomi.
Mitteilungen der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft.
Mitzel, John.
Miyazaki, Rumiko.
Mixner, David B.
Mixner, David B.
Moats, David.
Moberly, Elizabeth R.
Moberly, Elizabeth R.
Mobile cultures: new media in queer Asia. Edited by Chris Berry, Fran
Martin, and Audrey Yue.
Mobilizing the community: local politics in the era of the global
city. Edited by Robert Fisher, Joseph Kling.
Mocke, Natasha Anne.
Modern American queer history. Allida M. Black, editor.
Modern art and society: an anthology of social and multicultural readings.
Edited by Maurice Berger.
Modern drama. v.39, n. 1 (Spring 1996)
Modern Fiction Studies.
Modern homosexualities: fragments of lesbian and gay experience.
Modern primitives: an investigation of contemporary adornment &
The modern woman revisited: Paris between the wars. Edited by Whitney
Chadwick and Tirza True Latimer.
Modernist sexualities. Edited by Hugh Stevens and Caroline Howlett.
Mogutin, Iaroslav.
Mohd. Nur Najmi Abdullah.
Mohler, Marie.
Mohler, Marie.
Mohr, Richard D.
Mohr, Richard D.
Mohr, Richard D.
Mohr, Richard D.
Molano Vargas, Fernando.
Moll, Albert.
Moll, Albert.
Mollenkott, Virginia R.
Molsberry, Ken.
Mom: candid memoirs by lesbians about the first woman in their life.
Edited by Nisa Donnelly.
Mom's apple pie [videorecording]: the heart of the lesbian mothers'
custody movement. By Jody Laine, Shan Ottey, Shad Reinstein; a Three Big
Dykes production.
Moments of modernity: reconstructing Britain, 1945-1964. [Edited by] Becky
Conekin, Frank Mort, Chris Waters.
Monahan, Michael.
Mondimore, Francis Mark.
Mondo Rocco. [videorecording]
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Monette, Paul.
Money, J. W.
Money, John.
Money, John.
Money, John.
Money, John.
Money, John.
Monick, Eugene.
Monnahan, Thomas William.
Monneyron, Frederic.
Monnier, Adrienne.
Monograph. v.1. 2nd ed.
Monro, Surya.
Montgomery, Michael S. (Michael
Moo, Joash.
Moon, Dawne.
Moon, Michael.
Moon, Michael.
Moonchild: the films of Kenneth Anger. Edited by Jack Hunter.
Moor, Jonathan.
Moore, Clive.
Moore, Doris Lanley-Levy.
Moore, Doris Langley-Levy.
Moore, F. Michael.
Moore, Gareth.
Moore, Gareth.
Moore, Honor.
Moore, James.
Moore, James.
Moore, Lisa.
Moore, Michael.
Moore, Oscar.
Moore, Oscar.
Moore, Patrick.
Moore, Robert McCartney.
Moore, Stephen D.
Moore, Susan.
Moore, Terry.
Moore, Terry.
Moosdorf, Johanna.
Mootoo, Shani.
Mootoo, Shani.
Mootoo, Shani.
Mora, Sergio de la.
Morag, Raya.
Moraga, Cherrie.
Moraga, Cherrie.
Moraga, Cherrie.
Moraga, Cherrie.
Moraga, Cherrie.
Moraga, Cherrie.
Moral controversies in American politics: cases in social regulatory
Moral controversies in American politics. Raymond Tatalovich and Byron W.
Daynes, editors; with a foreword by Theodore J. Lowi. 3rd ed.
Morales, Armando.
Morales, Armando.
Morales-Alvarez, Raul.
Morality and public policy. Edited by Steven M. Cahn and Tziporah
Moran, Leslie.
Moran, Leslie J.
Moran, Martin.
Moran, Martin.
Morash, Merry.
Mordden, Ethan.
Mordden, Ethan.
Mordden, Ethan.
Mordden, Ethan.
Mordden, Ethan.
Mordden, Ethan.
Mordden, Ethan.
More Gender Trouble: Feminism Meets Queer Theory.
Morgan, Bill.
Morgan, Claire, pseudonym for Patricia Hightower.
Morgan, Daniel J.
Morgan, Ted.
Morgan, Ted.
Morgenthaler, Fritz.
Morimura, Yasumasa.
Morin, Jack.
Morin, Jack.
Morin, Jack.
Morley, Sheridan.
Morning due.
Morris, Bonnie J.
Morris, Bonnie J.
Morris, Jan.
Morris, Jan.
Morris, Miranda.
Morris, Sidney.
Morrison, James.
Morrison, Paul (Paul A.)
Morrisroe, Patricia.
Morse, Benjamin.
Morton, A. Elfin.
Morton, Laurie.
Mosaic no. 1: life stories: from isolation to community: oral history from
the Northwest Lesbian and Gay History Museum Project. Edited by Ruth
A Mosaic of victims: non-Jews persecuted and murdered by the Nazis. Edited
by Michael Berenbaum.
Mosca, Frank.
Moscovici, Claudia.
Moser, Charles, Ph. D., M.D.
Moses, A. Elfin.
Moss, Robert Tewdwr.
Mosse, George L. (George Lachmann)
Mosse, George L. (George Lachmann)
Mossuz-Lavau, Janine.
The most unknowable thing [videorecording] Woman at the Reel Productions;
a film by Mary Pateirno; produced, directed and edited by Mary
Mostade, S. Jeffrey.
Motley, Willard.
Mott, Luiz R. B. (Luiz Roberto de Barros)
Mott, Luiz R. B. (Luiz Roberto de Barros)
Mott, Luiz R. B. (Luis Roberto de Barros)
Mouth of the dragon.
Movement for a New Society. Gay Theory Working Group.
Mowl, Tim.
Mowl, Tim.
Mozetič, Brane.
Mrabet, Mohammed.
Muchmore, Wes.
Mueller, Monika.
Muhanji, Cherry.
Muhanji, Cherry.
Muhlstein, Anka.
Mühsam, Erich.
Mühsam, Erich.
Mulford, Wendy.
Muller, Ann.
Müller, Joachim.
Müller, Jürgen.
Müller, Karl Otfried.
Müller, Karl Otfried.
Müller, Klaus.
Mullins, Greg A.
Multicultural aspects of sociolinguistics in deaf communities. Carl Lucas,
Multicultural detective fiction: murder from the "other" side. Edited by
Adrienne Johnson Gosselin.
Multicultural issues in counseling: new approaches to diversity. Edited by
Courtland C. Lee.
Multicultural perspectives in working with families. Elaine P. Congress,
Multicultural perspectives in working with families. Elaine P. Congress,
Manny J. Gonzalez, editors. 2nd ed.
Multicultural research: a reflective engagement with race, class, gender
and, sexual orientation. Edited by Carl A. Grant.
Multiple genders [videorecording]: mind and body in conflict. BBC in
association with CTVC; film presented by Stephen Whittle.
Multiply and replenish: Mormon essays on sex and family. Edited by Brent
Multiracial America: a resource guide on the history and literature of
interracial issues. [Compiled by] Karen Downing, Darlene Nichols, Kelly
Muñoz, José Esteban.
Munro, Ian (Ian Leslie)
Munt, Sally.
Murakami, Ryu.
Murder and murder [videorecording] Written, produced, directed and edited
by Yvonne Rainer.
Murdoch, Iris.
Murdoch, Iris.
Murdoch, Joyce.
Murdoch, Royal.
Murphy, Heather Elise.
Murphy, John.
Murphy, Julie Ann.
Murphy, Lawrence R.
Murphy, Norman Craig.
Murphy, Peter Francis.
Murphy, Timothy.
Murphy, Timothy F.
Murray, Alison J.
Murray, David A. B.
Murray, Douglas.
Murray, Nicholas.
Murray, Raymond.
Murray, Raymond.
Murray, Stephen O.
Murray, Stephen O.
Murray, Stephen O.
Murray, Stephen O.
Murray, Stephen O.
Murray, Stephen O.
Murray, Theresa.
Murray, Timothy.
Murray, William.
Musée Jacquemart-André.
Museums, society, inequality. Edited by Richard Sandell.
Music, writing, and cultural unity in the Caribbean. Edited by Timothy J.
Musil, Robert.
Musil, Robert.
Muska, Susan.
"Das Mutterhaus": Erinnerungen an die "Deutsche Eiche", ein weltbekanntes
urbayrisches Gasthaus in München. Zusammengetragen von Harry
Muxe's [videorecording]: auténticas, intrépidas buscadoras
del peligro = Authentic, intrepid seekers of danger. Conaculta; Instituto
Mexicano de Cinematografía; Fondo para la Proddución
Cinematográfica de Calidad; Ra'bacanda Films presentan un
documental de Alejandro Islas Caro; dirección, guión, y
producción, Alejandra Islas Caro.
My beautiful laundrette [videorecording].
Working Title, Channel Four.
My dear boy: gay love letters through the centuries. Edited by Rictor
My deep dark pain is love: a collection of Latin American gay
fiction. Edited by Winston Leyland; translated by E. A. Lacey
from the Spanish and Portuguese.
My father is coming [videorecording] Filmwelt; Hyena Film presents a film
by Monika Treut; written by Monika Treut and Bruce Benderson; additional
dialog, Sarah Schulman; produced and directed by Monika Treut.
My lover is a woman: contemporary lesbian love poems.
Edited by Leslea Newman.
My own private Idaho [videorecording]
Myers, David G.
Myers, Eric.
Myers, JoAnne.
Myers, Paul.
Myrick, Roger.
Myron, Nancy.
Mysterious skin [videorecording] Fortissimo Films presents; an Antidote
Films/Desperate Pictures production; a film by Gregg Araki; producers,
Mary Jane Skalski, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte, Gregg Araki; written for the screen
+ directed by Gregg Araki.
Nader, George.
Nag, Moni.
Nagrodskaia, E. (Evdokia)
Nagrodskaia, E. (Evdokia)
Nagy, Phyllis.
Nahas, Rebecca.
Najmabadi, Afsaneh.
Nakamura, Jakuemon.
Namaste, Viviane K.
Namaste, Viviane K.
Naming the violence: speaking out about lesbian battering.
Naming the waves: contemporary lesbian poetry. Edited by Christian
Namjoshi, Suniti.
Nanda, Serena.
Nanda, Serena.
Nanda, Serena.
Naphy, William G.
Naphy, William G.
Nardi, Peter M.
Narrain, Arvind.
Narrative therapy: making meaning, making lives. Catrina Brown, Tod
Augusta-Scott, editors.
Nash, Karen Ruth.
Nasim, Iftikhar.
Nasim, Iftikhar.
Nastola, Edgar.
Nataf, Zachary I.
Nathan, John.
Nation. v. 257, n.1. July 5, 1993.
Nation Transnational (2003: Florida International University, Miami)
National Defense Research Institute (U. S.)
The National Film Board of Canada [videorecording]: a history.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U. S.)
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U. S.)
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U. S.). Policy Institute.
National inqueerier.
National Institute of Mental Health (U. S.). Task Force on
National Institute of Mental Health (U. S.) Task Force on
The national journal of sexual
orientation law [computer file]. v.1. n.1- 1995-
National LOEX Library Instruction Conference (20th: 1992: Eastern
Michigan University)
National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. [videorecording]
National Workshop on HIV, Alcohol & Other Drug Use (2d: 1994: Edmonton,
Nationalsozialistischer Terror gegen homosexuelle: verdrängt und
Nattiez, Jean Jacques.
Natural law and contemporary public policy. Edited by David F. Forte.
Nature and causes of homosexuality: a philosophic and scientific inquiry.
Compiled and edited by Noretta Koertge.
Natzler, Caroline.
Naumann, Uwe.
Nava, Michael.
Nava, Michael.
Nava, Michael.
Nava, Michael.
Navarre, Yves.
Navarre, Yves.
Navarre, Yves.
Navratilova, Martina.
Navratilova, Martina.
Nazi persecution of
homosexuals, 1933-1945 [electronic resource]
Ne yanlis ne de yalniziz!: Bir alan arastirmasi: Esçinsel ve
biseksüellerin sorunlari. LambdaIstanbul Escinsel Sivil Toplum
Nealon, Christopher S. (Christopher Shaun)
Neal, Mark Anthony.
Near, Holly.
Negotiating domesticity: spatial productions of gender in modern
architecture. Edited by Hilde Heynen and Gülsüm Baydar.
Negotiating lesbian & gay subjects.
Neihart, Ben.
Neil Simon: a casebook. Edited by Gary Konas.
Neilson, Jacqueline A.
Neissl, Julia.
Nelson, Charles.
Nelson, Charles.
Nelson, Craig (Craig E.)
Nelson, Fiona.
Nelson, Ida.
Nelson, James B.
Nelson, Judy.
Nelson, Neomosha.
Nelson, Theresa.
Nestle, Joan.
Nestle, Joan.
Nestle, Joan.
Nestle, Joan.
Neue Funde und Studien zu Karl Heinrich Ulrichs. Herausgegeben von Wolfram
Neumann, Harald.
Neusner, Jacob.
Neveldine, Robert Burns.
New frontiers of space, bodies and gender. Edited by Rosa Ainley.
New feminist criticism: art, identity, action. Edited by Joanna Frueh,
Cassandra L. Langer, & Arlene Raven.
The new gay liberation book; writings and photographs about
gay (men's) liberation. Edited by Len Richmond with Gary Noguera; foreword
by Bruce Voeller.
New international directions in HIV prevention for gay and bisexual
New lesbian criticism: literary and cultural readings.
The new lesbian studies: into the twenty-first century.
New lesbian writing: an anthology. Edited by Margaret Cruickshank.
New men, new minds: breaking male tradition: how today's men are changing
the traditional roles of masculinity. Edited by Franklin Abbott.
The New our bodies, ourselves: a book by and for women. Boston Women's
Health Book Collective. Updated and expanded for the 1990s.
The new our right to love: a lesbian resource book.
New perspectives on environmental justice: gender, sexuality, and
New psychotherapy for men. [Edited by William S. Pollack, Ronald F.
The new queer aesthetic on television: essays on recent programming.
Edited by James R. Keller and Leslie Stratyner.
New queer cinema: a critical reader. Edited by Michele Aaron.
New sexual agendas. Edited by Lynne Segal.
The New sexual revolution.
New social movements and sexuality: conference papers from the sixth
meeting of the Socialism and Sexuality Network, Sofia University October
2004. Melinda Chateauvert, editor.
New York City Gay Men's Chorus, Performer.
New York Folklore. v.19, n.1-2 (1993)
New York glory: religions in the city. Edited by Tony Carnes and Anna
New York native [microform]
Newell, Stephanie.
Newman, Felice.
Newman, Felice.
Newman, Leslea.
Newman, Leslea.
Newman, Leslea.
Newman, Leslea.
Newman, Leslea.
Newman, Leslea.
Newman, Leslea.
Newman, Leslea.
Newman, Leslea.
Newman, Leslea.
News. (Gay Community Center, Seattle, WA).
News and sexuality: media portraits of diversity. Edited by Laura
Castaneda and Shannon B. Campbell.
Newsletter (Association of American Law Schools. Section on Gay and
Lesbian Legal Issues)
Newsletter (Committee for Homosexual Freedom, San Francisco)
Newsletter. Daughters of Bilitis, San Francisco Chapter.
Leather Archives & Museum.
Newsletter. Multifaith AIDS Projects (MAPS)
Newsletter. Multifaith Works; Multifaith AIDS Projects (MAPS)
Newsletter of the AALS Section on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Newton, David E.
Newton, Esther.
Newton, Esther.
Newton, Esther.
Newton, Huey P.
Newton, Huey P.
Newton, Judith Lowder.
The next best thing [videorecording] Lakeshore Entertainment and Paramount
Pictures present; a Lakeshore Entertianment production; a film by John
Schlesinger; produced by Tom Rosenberg, Leslie Dixon, Linne Radmin;
written by Thomas Ropelewski; directed by John Schlesinger.
The next Jerusalem: sharing the divided city. Michael Sorkin, editor;
contributors, Ghiora Aharoni... [et al.]
The next step: lesbians in long-term recovery. Edited by Jean Swallow.
Ng, Siuming (Wu Xiaoming)=(Samshasha)
Ng, Yi-Sheng.
NiCarthy, Ginny.
NiCarthy, Ginny.
Nice Jewish girls: a lesbian anthology. Evelyn Torton Beck, editor.
Nice Jewish girls: a lesbian anthology.
Nice Jewish girls: a lesbian anthology.
Nicholl, Charles.
Nichols, Jack.
Nichols, Jack.
Nickowitz, Peter.
Nicolosi, Joseph.
Nicolosi, Joseph.
Nicolson, Nigel.
Nicolson, Nigel.
Nicolson, Nigel.
Nicosia, Gerald.
Niemann, Linda.
Niemann, Linda.
Niles, Blair.
Nimmons, David.
Nin, Anais.
Nin, Anais.
Nin, Anais.
Nin, Anais.
Nin, Anais.
Nineteenth-century writings on homosexuality: a sourcebook. Edited by
Chris White.
Nissinen, Martti.
Nivert, Susan Harris.
Nixon, Nicholas.
NLIS newsletter.
No apologies: the unauthorized publication of internal discussion
documents of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) concerning lesbian/gay male
liberation. Part 2, 1975-79. Steve Forgione and Kurt T. Hill, editors;
with an introduction by David Thorstad.
No dumb questions [videorecording] Epiphany Productions; produced,
directed & edited by Melissa Regan.
No se lo digas a nadie [videorecording] = Don't tell anyone. Lolafilms, S.
A. [and] Inca Films, S. A. con la colaboracion de Via Digital; dirigida
por Francisco J. Lombaradi; producida por Andres Vicente Gomez; adaptacion
y guion, Giovanna Pollarolo, Enrique Moncloa.
No secret anymore [videorecording]: the times of Del Martin &
Phyllis Lyon. Woman Vision and Moonforce Media present; a JEB (Joan C.
Biren) film; produced by Dee Mosbacher; producer/director/writer, Joan C.
No turning back: lesbian and gay liberation for the '80s.
Noack, Andrea.
Noack, Kerry Wayne.
Nobile, Philip.
Noble, Jean Bobby.
Noble, Jean Bobby.
Noble, Vicki.
Nobody passes: rejecting the rules of gender and conformity. Edited by
Mattilda, a.k.a. Matt Bernstein Sycamore.
Noddings, James Edward.
Noll, D. Justus.
Nonweiler, Barry.
Noonan, Bode.
Noordam, D. J.
Norbury, Rosamond.
Nordquist, Joan.
Norgren, Jill.
Norma Jean and Phyllis Ann: a scrapbook. Organized by Tee A. Corinne.
Normal family processes. Edited by Froma Walsh; foreword by Lyman
C. Wynne. 2nd ed.
Norman, Marsha.
Norris, Stephanie.
Norse, Harold.
Norse, Harold.
Norse, Harold.
Norse, Harold.
Norse, Harold.
North bi northwest.
North view.
Northwest fountain.
Northwest gay & lesbian reader.
Northwest gay review.
Northwest Lesbian and Gay History Museum Project.
Northwest Lesbian and Gay History
Museum Project.
Northwest oasis: a forum for gay culture.
Norton, David Wesley.
Norton, Rictor.
Norton, Rictor.
The Norton book of American autobiography. Edited and introduced by Jay
Parini and with a preface by Gore Vidal.
Not a passing phase: reclaiming lesbians in history 1840-1985.
Not all parents are straight [videorecording] Full Frame Productions;
producer/director, Kevin White.
Not at home: the suppression of domesticity in modern art and
Not for the academy: lesbian poets. Ed., Lilian Mohin.
Not love alone: a modern gay anthology.
Not only the master's tools: African-American studies in theory and
practice. Edited with an introduction by Lewis R. Gordon and Jane Anna
Not simply a wedding banquet--[videorecording]
Notes from the second year: women's liberation; major writings of the
radical feminists.
Notes on a scandal [videorecording] Fox Searchlight Pictures and DNA
Films presents in association with the UK Film Council and BBC Films;
screenplay by Patrick Marber; produced by Scott Rudin and Robert Fox;
directed by Richard Eyre.
Novel gazing: queer readings in fiction. Edited by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick.
Novela novela [videorecording] Produced, shot & directed by Liz
Now the volcano: an anthology of Latin American gay literature.
Noyes, Alfred.
NS-Opfer unter Vorbehalt: homosexuelle Männer in Berlin nach 1945.
Andreas Pretzel (Hg.)
Nugent, Bruce.
Nugent, Gabriel M.
Nugent, Robert.
Nugent, Robert.
Nunberg, Herman.
Nungesser, Lon G.
Nungesser, Lon G.
Nunokawa, Jeff.
Nunokawa, Jeff.
Nunokawa, Jeff.
Nunokawa, Jeff.
Nussbaum, Bruce.
Nussbaum, Martha Craven.
Nussbaum, Martha Craven. Nussbaum, Tom.
Nuutinen, Olli.
NW fountain.
Nycum, Benjie. Nye, Robert A.
Nystrom, Nancy M.
O solo homo: the new queer performance. Edited by Holly Hughes & David
Obejas, Achy.
Obejas, Achy.
Obejas, Achy.
Obermayer, Hans Peter.
Oberstone, Andrea Kincses.
O'Boyle, Robert.
O'Brien, Richard.
O'Brien, Richard. O'Brien, Richard.
O'Brien, Richard.
O'Brien, Sharon.
O'Brien, Sharon.
O'Brien, Sharon.
O'Carroll, Tom.
Ocasio, Rafael.
Ocasio, Rafael.
Ochiai, Keiko.
O'Connell, Sean P.
O'Connor, Noreen.
O'Connor, Sean.
Odets, Walt.
Odmiany odmienca: mniejszosciowe orientacje seksualne w perspektywie
gender = A queer mixture: gender perspectives on minority sexual
identities. Red. Tomasz Basiuk, Dominika Ferens, Tomasz Sikora.
O'Donnell, Rosie.
Odysseus '94: the international gay travel planner. 10th ed. J. Bain,
Oetomo, Dede.
Of men and gods [videorecording]=Des hommes et des dieux. DigitAl LM
presents; a film by Anne Lescot, Laurence Magloire.
Off the rag: lesbians writing on menopause. Edited by Lee Lynch and Akia
Off the straight & narrow [videorecording]: lesbians, gays, bisexuals &
Offord, Baden.
Ogg, Elizabeth.
Ogg, Elizabeth.
Ogle, Robbin S.
Oh boy!: masculinites and popular music. Edited by Freya Jarman-Ivens.
O'Hara, Frank.
O'Hara, Frank.
O'Hara, Scott.
O'Hara, Scott.
Ohms, Constance.
Ohio, Denise.
Oishi, Toshihiro.
Okoge [videorecording] Seisaku, gensaku, kyakuhon, kantoku, Nakajima
Takehiro; Into Gurupu Eiga Seisaku Iinkai; written and directed by
Takehiro Nakajima; produced by Takehiro Nakajima, Yoshinori Takazawa,
Masashi Moromizato.
Okoniewska, Magdalena.
Oktenberg, Adrian.
Okun, Barbara F.
Olds, Linda E.
Oliveira, Carmen L.
Oliver, Bernard J.
Oliver, Jim.
Oliver, Jim.
Oliver, John W. (John Walter)
Oliver, Maria-Antònia.
Oliver, Maria-Antònia.
Oliver, Michael.
Ollendorff, Robert H. V.
Olshan, Joseph.
Olson, Donald S.
Olson, Jenni.
O'Malley, Donovan.
Omklädningsrum: könsöverskridanden och rollbyten från
Tintomara till Tant Blomma. Eva Heggestad & Anna Williams (red.)
On intimate ground: a Gestalt approach to working with couples. Gordon
Wheeler, Stephanie Backman, editors.
On my honor: lesbians reflect on their scouting experience.
On Monique Wittig: theoretical, political, and literary essays. Edited by
Namascar Shaktini.
On the art of sexual health history-taking [videorecording] Written and
produced by Diane DerBoghosian.
On the line: new gay fiction. Edited by Ian Young.
On the road to same-sex marriage: a supportive guide to psychological,
political, and legal issues.
One, Inc.
One in ten: a profile of Alaska's lesbian and gay community: preliminary
report of the findings.
One Institute quarterly: homophile studies.
One of them [videorecording] National Film Board of Canada presents;
director, Elise Swerhone; writer, Nancy Trites Botkin; producer, Jennifer
One + one [videorecording] Walking Iris Films; produced and directed by S.
Leo Chiang.
One teacher in ten: gay and lesbian educators tell their stories.
One teacher in 10: LGBT educators share their stories. Edited by Kevin
Jennings. 2nd ed.
One teenager in ten: writings by gay and lesbian youth.
One wedding and a ... revolution [videorecording] A Women's Educational
Media production in association with the National Center for Lesbian
Rights; a film by Debra Chasnoff and Kate Stilley; producer/director,
Debra Chasnoff.
O'Neil, Thomas.
O'Neill, Craig.
O'Neill, Jamie.
Ong, Han.
Onge, Jack.
Onosaka, Junko R.
Oosterwijck, D. van.
Oosterwijck, D. van.
Open and positive; an account of how John Warburton came out at school and
the consequences.
Open lives, safe schools. Edited by Donovan R. Walling.
Opening the field: Irish women: texts and contexts. Co-edited by Patricia
Boyle Haberstroh and Christine St. Peter.
Opera kecoa [videorecording] Naskah/sutradara, N. Riantiarno; produksi,
Teater Koma.
Oppenheimer, Agnes.
Oppenheimer, Jerry.
Oppenheimer, Mark.
The opposite of sex [videorecording] Sony Picture Classics; Rysher
Entertainment presents; a David Kirkpatrick/Michael Besman production; a
Don Roos film; written and directed by Don Roos.
Opposite sex: gay men on lesbians, lesbians on gay men. Edited by Sara
Miles and Eric Rofes.
Oppression, privilege, and resistance: theoretical perspectives on racism,
sexism,, and heterosexism. [Edited by]: Lisa Heldke, Peg O'Connor.
O'Pray, Michael.
Oraison, Marc.
Oranges and lemons: stories by gay men.
Oranges are not the only fruit [videorecording] BBC; writer, Jeanette
Winterson; producer, Phillippa Giles; director, Beeban Kidron.
Ordover, Nancy.
Oregon gay news.
Oregon liberator.
Orgasms of light: the Gay sunshine anthology: poetry, short fiction,
graphics. Edited by Winston Leyland.
Orgel, Stephen.
The Original Coming Out stories.
Origins of sexuality and homosexuality: critical theoretical issues.
Orlans, Harold.
Ormrod, Richard.
Oropesa, Salvador A.
O'Rourke, Rebecca.
Ortega y Gasset, Jose.
Orth, Maureen.
Ortleb, Charles.
Ortleb, Charles.
Orton, Joe.
Orton, Joe.
Orton, Joe.
Osborn, Torie.
Osborne, Charles.
Osborne, John.
Osborne, John.
Osborne, John.
Oscar Wilde collection [videorecording] British Broadcasting
Oscar Wilde [videorecording]: spendthrift of genius. RTE.
Oscar Wilde: the man, his writings, and his world. Edited by Robert N.
Osterman, Mary Jo Kinheart.
Ostertag, Bob.
Ostrovsky, Erika.
O'Sullivan, Sue.
O'Sullivan, Sue.
Otsuka, Takashi.
The other Americans: sexual variance in the National past.
Other countries: black gay voices.
The Other persuasion: an anthology of short fiction about gay men and
Other sisterhoods: literary theory and U.S. women of color. Edited by
Sandra Kumamoto Stanley.
The Otherwise monograph series.
Otis, Harry.
Otis, Harry.
Otsuka, Takashi.
Ott, Volker.
Otto, Herbert Arthur.
Our faces [videorecording] Produced by Laurie Simons, M. Avidon Brook.
Our families, our values: snapshots of queer kinship.
Our house [videorecording]: a very real documentary about kids of gay and
lesbian parents. Produced and directed by Meema Spadola; produced in
association with the Independent Television Service; produced by Sugar
Pictures. Our lives: lesbian personal writings. Edited by Francis Rooney.
Our paper: your paper.
Our place on campus: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender services and
programs in higher education.
Our right to love: a lesbian resource book.
Our selves, our souls, and bodies: sexuality and the household of God.
Charles Hefling, editor.
Our stories/your story: a resource.
Out! [videorecording] Producer, Phil Davis; director, Rich Reilly.
Student version.
Out! [videorecording] Producer, Phil Davis; director, Rich Reilly. Staff
Out and about.
Out & about campus: personal accounts by lesbian, gay, bisexual &
transgendered college students.
Out & about magazine.
Out at work: building a gay-labor alliance. Kitty Krupat, Patrick
McCreery, editors.
Out at work [videorecording]: a documentary.
Out for office: campaigning in the gay nineties. Edited by Kathleen De
Out for ourselves: the lives of Irish lesbians & gay men. [devised,
compiled, and edited by Clodagh Boyd ... et al., who comprise a sub-group
of the Dublin Lesbian and Gay Men's Collectives]
Out from under: sober dykes & our friends. Edited by
Jean Swallow.
Out front: contemporary gay and lesbian plays.
Out! 500 berühmte Schwule, Lesben und Bisexuelle. Karen-Susan
Fessel und Axel Schock. 2. Aufl.
Out in all directions: a treasury of gay and lesbian
America. Edited by Lynn Witt, Sherry Thomas, and Eric Marcus.
Out in America: a portrait of gay and lesbian life.
Out in art. Works by Christopher Brown ... [et al.]; introduced by Nick
Out in culture: gay, lesbian, and queer essays on popular culture.
Out in force: sexual orientation and the military.
Out in psychology: lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer perspectives.
Edited by Victoria Clarke and Elizabeth Peel.
Out in suburbia [videorecording] By Pam Walton.
Out in the Castro: desire, promise, activism. Edited by Winston Leyland.
Out in the field; reflections of lesbian and gay anthropologists.
Out in the heartland [videorecording] A Frameline release; a film by
Gretchen Hildebran; [produced, directed and edited by Gretchen
Out in the South. Edited by Carlos L. Dews and Carolyn Leste Law.
Out in the workplace: the pleasures and perils of coming out on the
Out in theory: the emergence of lesbian and gay anthropology.
Out loud!: a collection of new songs by women.
Out, loud, & laughing: a collection of gay & lesbian humor. Edited by
Charles Flowers.
Out of the blue: Russia's hidden gay literature: an anthology.
Out of the class closet: lesbians speak. Edited by Julia Penelope.
Out of the closet, into our hearts: celebrating our gay/Lesbian family
Out of the closets: voices of gay liberation.
Out of the fringe: contemporary Latina/Latino theatre and performance.
Caridad Svich and Maria Teresa Marrero, editors.
Out of the ordinary: essays on growing up with gay, lesbian, and
transgender parents. Noelle Howey and Ellen Samuels, editors.
Out of the past [videorecording].
Out on fraternity row: personal accounts of being gay in a college
Out on the shelves: lesbian books into libraries.
Out rage: dykes and bis resist homophobia.
Out!: 600 Lesben,
Schwule & Bisexuelle. Karen-Susan Fessel, Axel Schock.
Out takes: essays on queer theory and film. Edited by Ellis Hanson.
Out the other side: contemporary lesbian writing.
The out traveler.
Out with it: gay and straight teens write about homosexuality. Outing Goethe & his age. edited by Alice
A. Kuzniar.
Outland, Orland.
Outlook. v.1-5 (1988-1992)
Outlooks: lesbian and gay sexualities and visual cultures.
Outrage: 1993 Australian gay and lesbian short story anthology. Edited by
Steven Carter.
Outreach to rural youth- Washington. A bibliography.
Outstanding lives: profiles of lesbians and gay men.
Outwrite: lesbianism and popular culture. Edited by Gabriele Griffin.
Over exposed: essays on contemporary photography. Edited by Carol
Over the rainbow: lesbian and gay politics in America since Stonewall.
Overcoming heterosexism and homophobia: strategies that work.
Overture in G minor and other stories, photographs and drawings.
Ovesey, Lionel.
Owen, Frank (Frank X.)
Owens, Robert E.
På siden av rettsoppgjøret. Per Ole Johansen (red.); Tore
Pryser ... [et al.].
På sporet av den tapte lyst: kjaerlighet mellom kvinner som
litteraert motiv. Gerd Brantenberg...[et al.]
Pacific Women's Resource Newsletter.
Packard, Chris.
Padgett, Abigail.
Padilla, Mark.
Padiyar, Satish.
Page, Denys Lionel, Sir.
Page, Norman.
Pages passed from hand to hand: the hidden tradition of homosexual
literature in English from 1748 to 1914.
Paglia, Camille.
Paglia, Camille.
Paglia, Camille.
Painter, George Duncan.
Painter, George Duncan.
Painting moments: art, AIDS, and Nick Palazzo. Edited by Mary Melfi.
Palacios, Oscar.
Palahniuk, Chuck.
Palatable poison: critical perspectives on The well of loneliness. Edited
by Laura Doan & Jay Prosser.
Palermo, Tony.
Palgrave advances in Byron studies. Edited by Jane Stabler.
Paller, Michael.
Pallone, Dave.
Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria.
Palmer, Bryan D.
Palmer, Paulina.
Palmer, Paulina.
Palmer, Susan J.
Panati, Charles.
Pancrazio, James J.
Pangyau [videorecording]: a short. By Amir Muhammad.
Pankejeff, Sergius.
Panzarino, Connie.
Paper dolls [videorecording] Claudius Films; Heymann brothers Films;
producers, Stanley Buchthal, Tomer Heymann; a film by Romer Heymann.
Paradis, Kenneth.
Paradise bent [videorecording]: boys will be girls in Samoa. Re-Angle
Pictures; produced & directed by Heather Croall; co-director, Eva
Wunderman; co-producer, Alison Elder.
Paragraph 175 [videorecording] A Telling Pictures production; a New Yorker
Films release; a Rob Epstein/Jeffrey Friedman film; produced and directed
by Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman; producers, Michael Ehrenzweig, Janet
Parallel sons [videorecording] Black Brook Films, a John G. Young film; in
association with Greycat Releasing and Eureka Pictures.
Parameters, v.33, n.2 (Summer 2003), pp. 108-119, see:
Belkin, Aaron. Don't ask, don't tell: is the gay ban based on military
Parchments of gender: deciphering the bodies of antiquity.
Paredo: Tokyo rezubian & gei paredo 2000 no kiroku. Kanshu henshu Sunagawa
Parent-child relations throughout life.
Edited by Karl Pillemer, Kathleen McCartney.
Parenting and child development in "nontraditional" families. Edited by
Michael E. Lamb.
Parents banner.
Parents, children, and
communication: frontiers of theory and research. Edited by Thomas J.
Socha, Glen H. Stamp.
Paris, Bob.
Paris, Bob.
Paris is burning [videorecording] Prestige; Off White Productions;
produced and directed by Jennie Livingston.
Paris scene.
Paris was a woman [videorecording] Jezebel Productions & Cicada Films in
association with Salzgeber Medien; produced by Frances Berrigan, Greta
Schiller, Andrea Weiss; written by Andrea Weiss; directed by Greta
Parisex, pseud for Henry Gerber.
Parish, James Robert.
Parisian fields. Edited by Michael Sheringham.
Parivaraj, P.
Park, Jacquelyn Holt.
Parker, Alice C.
Parker, Pat.
Parker, Pat.
Parker, Peter.
Parker, Peter.
Parker, Richard G. (Richard Guy)
Parker, Todd C.
Parker, William.
Parker, William.
Parker, William.
Parker, William.
Parker, William.
Parkhurst, Julie.
Parnok, Sofiia Iakovlevna.
Parr, Larry.
Parsell, T. J.
Parsons, Deborah L.
Parsonson, Ian M.
Part of the U.S.A.! [videorecording]: October 11, 1987. A production of
Girard Video Inc.; producers, Denis Godin, Taylor Rickard; director and
editor, Estel Dillon.
Parting glances [videorecording] Cinecom International Films; Rondo
Productions; produced by Yoram Mandel, Arthur Silverman; written and
directed by Bill Sherwood. 1 videocassette. VHS.
Partings at dawn: an anthology of Japanese gay literature.
Pascoe, C. J.
Pasolini, Pier Paolo.
Pasolini, Pier Paolo.
Pasolini, Pier Paolo.
Pasolini, Pier Paolo.
Pasolini, Pier Paolo.
Pasolini, Pier Paolo.
Pasquella, Don.
Passing and the fictions of identity. Edited by
Elaine K. Ginsberg.
Passing: identity and interpretation in sexuality, race, and religion.
Edited by Maria Carla Sanchez and Linda Schlossberg.
Passing lines: sexuality and immigration. [Edited by] Brad Epps, Keja
Valens & Bill Johnson González.
Passing performances: queer readings of leading players in American
theater history.
Passion and power: sexuality in history.
The passionate camera: photography and bodies of desire. Edited by Deborah
Passionate politics: emotions and social movements.
Passty, Jeanette.
Pastoral care and counseling in sexual diversity. H. Newton Maloney,
Pastoriza Iyodo, Benito.
Pastoriza Iyodo, Benito.
Pastre, Genevieve.
Pastre, Genevieve.
Patchett, Ann.
Patchett, Ann.
Patrick, John.
Patrick, Robert.
Patrick, Robert.
Patrick, Robert.
Patrioli, Tony.
Patterson, Davis G.
Patterson, Davis G..
Patterson, Jane.
Patton, Cindy.
Patton, Cindy.
Patton, Cindy.
Patzer, Harald.
Paul Monette
[videorecording]: the brink of summer's end. Brink of Summer's End
productions, Inc.; written & directed by Monte Bramer; produced by Lesli
Paulk, John.
Paulson, Don.
Materials in the Seattle Black and White Men Together
(BWMT) subgroup include notes and minutes from Don Paulson's term as
secretary, newsletters and promotional materials for BWMT, and
regional/national convention materials. The Personal Papers subgroup
includes biographical information, correspondence, posters, drawings,
notes, clippings, and ephemera. Skippy LaRue's clipping collection about
female impersonators is also included. Correspondents include Bruce
Pitcairn Strachan, Joel Salsman, Rev. Keith D. Davis, John Franklin
Koenig, Dennis Meurer, Tim S. Nolan, Terry Nordyke, Diane Scott, Daryl
Stipek, and Elizabeth Wight.
Paulson, Don.
Payne, Leanne.
Payne, Leanne.
Paz, Senel.
Paz, Senel.
Peake, Tony.
Pearce, Joseph.
Pearson, Carol Lynn.
Pearson, Wendy G.
Pease, Bob.
Peck, Dale.
Peck, Dale.
Peck, Dale.
Peck, Mary Gray.
Peck, Scott.
Peckham, Morse.
Peculiar people: Mormons and same-sex orientation.
Pedagogies of difference: rethinking education for social change. Edited
by Peter Pericles Trifonas.
Peddicord, Richard.
Pediatric pathology. Editors, J. Thomas Stocker, Louis P. Dehner.
Pediatric surgery. [Edited by] Keith W. Ashcraft, George Whitfield
Holcomb, J. Patrick Murphy.
Peebles, Amy Eilene.
Peirce-Warwick Adoption Symposium (4th:1994)
Pena, Terri de la.
Pencak, William.
Penelope, Julia.
Penelope, Julia.
Peniston, William A.
Penguin book of gay short stories.
The Penguin book of homosexual verse. Edited by Stephen Coote.
The Penguin book of homosexual verse. Edited by Stephen Coote. Rev.
Penguin book of international gay writing.
Penguin book of lesbian short stories. Edited by Margaret Reynolds.
Penn, Robert E.
Penner, Terry.
Penney, James.
Penninger, Birgit Sunhilt.
Pennington, Sylvia.
Pennington, Sylvia.
Penrose, Antony.
People like us: sexual minorities in Singapore. Edited by Joseph Lo and
Huang Guoqin.
People of a compassionate God: creating welcoming congregations. Edited by
Janet Forsythe Fishburn.
Pepin, Yvonne.
Pepper, Rachel.
Peppiatt, Michael.
Pequigney, Joseph.
Pera, Brian.
Peraino, Judith Ann.
Percy, William A.
Pereira, Peter.
Perelli, Robert J.
Perennial decay: on the aesthetics and politics of decadence.
Perez, Emma.
Perez, Tony.
Perfect pitch: lesbian feminist fiction. Edited by J. E. Hardy.
Perfectly abnormal: seven gay plays. Edited by Sky Gilbert.
The Performance of power: theatrical discourse and politics.
Performance studies. Edited by Erin Striff.
Performativity and belonging. Edited by Vikki Bell.
Performing feminisms: feminist critical theory and theatre. Edited by
Sue-Ellen Case.
Performing processes. Editor, Roberta Mock.
Performing queer. Edited by Mikki van Zyl and Melissa Steyn.
Performing the body/performing the text. Edited by Amelia Jones and Andrew
Perkins, Roberta.
Perkovich, Mike.
Perloff, Marjorie.
Pernal, Mary.
Perriam, Christopher.
Perrin, Ellen.
Perrin, Elula.
Perrin, Elula.
Perrotti, Jeff.
Perry, Michael J.
Perry, Michael J.
Perry, Michael J.
Perry, Michael J.
Perry, Troy D.
Perry, Troy D.
Perry, Troy D.
The Persistent desire: a butch-femme reader. Edited by Joan Nestle.
Persky, Stan.
Persky, Stan.
Persky, Stan. Persky, Stan.
Person, Ethel Spector.
Person, Leland S.
Personal best [videorecording] A Geffen Company release.
Personal dispatches: writers confront AIDS. Edited by John Preston.
Personal stories of "How I got into sex": leading researchers, sex
therapists, educators, prostitutes, sex toy designers, sex surrogates,
transsexuals, criminologists, clergy and more--[Edited by Bonnie Bullough
... [et al.]
Perspectives on Las Américas: a reader in culture, history, and
representation. Edited and introduced by Matthew C. Gutmann ... [et
Perspectives on lesbian & gay liberation & socialism. Itala Rutter,
Perth gay community periodic survey. NCHSR.
Perversion and the social relation. Molly Anne Rothenburg, Dennis Foster,
and Slavoj Zizek, editors.
Perversion: psychoanalytic perspectives/perspectives on psychoanalysis.
Edited by Dany Nobus and Lisa Downing.
Peter Damian, Saint.
Peterkin, Allan D.
Peters, Arthur King.
Peters, Fritz.
Peters, Jan-Henrik.
Peters, Julie Anne.
Peters, Kier.
Peters, Margot.
Peters, Robert.
Peters, Sally.
Peters, Ted.
Peters, Ted.
Peters, Wendy.
Petersen, Alan R., Ph. D.
Peterson, Jane T.
Petronius Arbiter.
Petronius Arbiter.
Petronius Arbiter.
Petronius Arbiter.
Petronius Arbiter.
Petronius Arbiter.
Petrow, Steven.
Petrow, Steven.
Pettinato, Maria.
Pettiway, Leon E.
Peyrefitte, Roger.
Peyrefitte, Roger.
Peyrefitte, Roger.
Peyrefitte, Roger.
Peyser, Joan.
Pflugfelder, Gregory M.
Phariss, Tracy.
Phariss, Tracy.
Pharr, Suzanne.
Pharr, Suzanne.
Pharr, Suzanne.
Phelan, Shane.
Phelan, Shane.
Phelan, Shane.
Phellas, Constantinos N.
P/herversions: critical studies of Ana Rossetti. Edited by Jill
Philadelphia [videorecording] TriStar Pictures presents a Clinica Estetico
Production; written by Ron Nyswaner; produced by Edward Saxon and Jonathan
Demme; directed by Jonathan Demme.
Phillips, Carl.
Phillips, John.
Phillips, Nikki Dawn.
Phillips, Rick.
Phillips, Thomas Hal.
Philosophy and homosexuality. Ed. Noretta Koerige.
Philosophy & sex. Edited by Robert Baker & Frederick Elliston.
Philosophy & sex. Edited by Robert Baker and Frederick Elliston. New rev.
Philosophy and sex. Edited by Robert B. Baker, Kathleen J. Wininger, and
Frederick A. Elliston. 3rd ed.
Philosophy in multiple voices. [Edited by] George Yancy.
Philosophy of language: the big questions. Edited by Andrea Nye.
Philosophy, psychology, and psychiatry. Edited by A. Phillips
Philpott, Kent.
Phipps, William E.
The phobic and the erotic: the politics of sexualities in contemporary
India. Edited by Brinda Bose and Subhabrata Bhattacharyya.
Photographs of the Women's Ensemble, ca. 1982-1999[graphic]
Phy-Olsen, Allene.
Physique. Photography by Bob Mizer. Edited by Winston Leyland.
Piazza, Michael S.
Piazza, Michael S.
Piazza, Paul.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picano, Felice.
Picciano, Joseph F.
Piece of my heart: a lesbian of colour anthology. The Pied Piper: lesbian feminist fiction. Pierangeli, Fabio.
Pierceson, Jason.
Piercy, Marge. Pierre et Gilles:
the complete works, 1976-1996=l'oeuvre complet, 1976-1996=Samtliche Werke,
1976-1996. Bernard Marcade, Dan Cameron.
Pierre, Gilles. [Organized by Don Cameron] Pierson, John.
Pies, Cheri.
Pigeon, Elaine.
Piglia, Ricardo.
Pillion, Owen L.
Pillow talk: lesbian stories between the covers. Edited by Leslea
Pimental-Habib, Richard L.
Pinar, William.
Pinar, William.
Pinch, Franklin.
Pincus, Fred L.
Pinello, Daniel R.
Pinello, Daniel R.
Pinello, Daniel R.
Pingel, Rolf.
The ... pink book. [3rd ed.]
Pink, purple, green: women's, religious, environmental and gay/lesbian
movements in Central Europe today. Edited by Helena Flam.
Pink therapy: a guide for counsellors and therapists working with lesbian,
gay, and bisexual clients. Edited by Dominic Davies and Charles Neal.
Pink triangles [videorecording] : a study of prejudice against
lesbians and gay men.
Pink triangles: radical perspectives on gay liberation.
Pintauro, Joseph.
Pintauro, Joseph.
Piontek, Thomas.
Pittenger, W. Norman (William Norman)
Pittenger, W. Norman (William Norman)
Pittenger, W. Norman (William Norman)
Piven, Jerry S.
Le placard [videorecording] = The closet. Miramax Zoe; a co-production of
Gaumont, Efve Films TF1 Films production with the participation of Canal+;
producer, Alain Poire; writer & director, Francis Veber.
Places, please!: the first anthology of lesbian plays.
Placing autobiography in geography. Edited by Pamela Moss.
Plague of the gorgeous & other tales. Gordon Armstrong ... [et al.]
Planet Out.
Planks of reason: essays on the horror film. Edited by Barry Keith
Planks of reason: essays on the horror film. Edited by Barry Keith Grant
and Christopher Sharrett. Rev. ed.
Plant, Richard. Plante, David.
Plante, David.
Plante, David.
Plante, David.
Plaskow, Judith.
Plata quemada [videorecording] Oscar Kramer S.A.; Cuatro Cabezas Films
S.A. in coproduccion con Tornasol Films ... [et al.] presentan una
pelicula de Marcelo Pineyro; produced by Oscar Kramer; screenplay, Marcelo
Figueras and Marcelo Pineyro; directed by Marcelo
Play therapy with children in crisis: individual group, and family
Playing unfair [videorecording]: the media image of the female athlete.
Media Education Foundation; co-producer, Kenyon King; executive
producer, Loretta Alper.
Playing with fire: queer politics, queer theories. Edited by Shane
Pleasure and danger: exploring female sexuality. Edited by Carole S.
Vance; [with a new introduction by the editor]
Pleasure principles: politics, sexuality and ethics. Edited by Victoria
Harwood ... [et al.]
Pleasure zones: bodies, cities, spaces. David Bell ... [et
Plimpton, George.
Plotz, Kirsten.
Plum-Ucci, Carol.
Plummer, David.
Plummer, Douglas, pseud.
Plummer, Kenneth.
Plummer, Kenneth.
Plummer, Kenneth.
Plural desires: writing bisexual women's realities.
PO. Psychiatric opinion. v.8, n.1 (Feb., 1971)
Poems between women: four centuries of love, romantic friendship, and
desire. Edited by Emma Donoghue.
The poetics of transubstantiation: from theology to metaphor. Edited by
Douglas Burnham, Enrico Giaccherini.
Poetry of sex: lesbians write the erotic. Edited by Tee Corinne.
Poets for life: seventy-six poets respond to AIDS.
Pointer, Frank Erik.
Poirier, Guy.
Poison [videorecording] A film by Todd Haynes; Zeitgeist Films; Bronze Eye
Productions in association with Arnold A. Semlor; produced by Christine
Vachon; written and directed by Todd Haynes.
Poliakova, S. V.
Policing public sex: queer politics and the future of AIDS activism.
Edited by Dangerous Bedfellows.
Political and religious ideas in the works of Arnold Schoenberg. Edited by
Charlotte M. Cross and Russel A. Berman.
Politics and poetics of camp. Edited by Moe Meyer.
Politics & power two.
The politics of gay marriage and abortion rights [videorecording] ABC News
Politics of gay rights. Edited by Craig A. Rimmerman, Kenneth D. Wald and
Clyde Wilcox.
The politics of same-sex marriage. Edited by Craig A. Rimmerman and Clyde
Politics of sexuality: identity, gender, citizenship. Edited by
Terrell Carver and Veronique Mottier.
Politics of the heart: a lesbian parenting anthology.
The politics of women's bodies: sexuality, appearance, and behavior.
Edited by Rose Weitz. Pollack, Howard.
Pollack, Rachel.
Pollack, William S.
Pollak, Michael.
Pollak, Vivian R.
Pollard, Patrick.
Polysexuality. [special editor, Francois Peraldi]
Pombo, Alvaro.
Pomeroy, Wardell Baxter.
Pomeroy, Wardell Baxter.
Pomeroy, Wardell Baxter.
Pomosexuals: challenging assumptions about gender and sexuality.
Pompeia, Raul.
Ponse, Barbara.
The poodleer: the mouth organ of Lavender Valley High School.
Poole, Wakefield.
Pop out: Queer Warhol. Edited by Jennifer Doyle, Jonathan Flatley &
José Esteban Muñoz.
Popp, Wolfgang.
Popular China: unofficial culture in a globalizing society.
Popular culture: opposing viewpoints. John Donald Woodward, book
Porn 101: eroticism, pornography, and the First Amendment. Edited by James
Elias ... [et al.]
Porn studies. edited by Linda Williams.
Pornography: film and culture. Edited and with an introduction by Peter
Porter, Dorothy.
Porter, Jack Nusan.
Porter, Joseph Ashby.
The Portland monitor.
Portrait of a marriage [videorecording] Screenplay by Penelope Mortimer;
directed by Stephen Whittaker; produced by Colin Tucker; a BBC production
in association with WGBH Boston and TV New Zealand Ltd.
Portrait of an Onnagata [videorecording] Films for the Humanities and
Sciences; Hulsbergen TV Production.
Positionen schwuler Kunst. Herausgegeben von Martin von Ostrowski und
Rinaldo. Positions:
East Asia cultures critique. v.2, n.1 (Spring, 1994)
Positive prevention: reducing HIV transmission among people living
with HIV/AIDS. Edited by Seth C. Kalichman.
Positively gay. Editors, Betty Berzon, Robert Leighton.
Positively gay: new approaches to gay and lesbian life.
Positively gay: new approaches to gay and lesbian life. Edited by
Betty Berzon; foreword by Barney Frank. 3rd ed.
Posso, Karl.
Post-Franco, postmodern: the films of Pedro Almodovar.
Postcolonial and queer theories: intersections and essays. Edited by John
C. Hawley.
Postcolonial, queer: theoretical intersections. Edited by John C. Hawley.
Postcolonial urbanism: Southeast Asian cities and global processes. Edited
by Ryan Bishop, John Phillips, Wei-Wei Yeo.
Postcolonial whiteness: a critical reader on rape and empire. Edited by
Alfred J. Lopez.
Postcolonialism, globalization and law.
Posthuman bodies. Edited by Judith Halberstam and Ira Livingston.
Posting the male: masculinities in post-war and contemporary British
literature. Edited by Daniel Lea and Berthold Schoene.
Potholm, Christian P.
Poteet, William Mark.
Potter, Clare. Potter, La Forest.
Potts, Alex.
Poupart, Clay Andrew.
Powell, L. Laurence.
Powell, Patricia.
Powell, Patricia.
Powell-Cope, Gail M.
Power, Lisa.
Powers, Bob.
Powers, Bob.
Powers of desire: the politics of sexuality.
Pownall, David.
Poznansky, Alexander.
Poznansky, Alexander.
Practising angels: a contemporary anthology of San Francisco Bay Area
poetry. Edited by Michael Mayo.
Prater, Donald A.
Pratt, Louis.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Pratt, Minnie Bruce.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce.
Praunheim, Rosa von.
Predmore, Richard Lionel.
Prejudice and pride: discrimination against gay people in modern
Britain. Edited by Bruce Galloway.
Prejudice and Pride: Lesbian and Gay Traditions in America.
Premodern sexualities.
Prendergast, Maria Teresa Micaela.
Presbyterians and human sexuality, 1991: the 203rd General Assembly (1991)
response to the report of the Special Committee on Human Sexuality,
including a "Minority Report."
Presenting gender: changing sex in early-modern
culture. Edited by Chris Mounsey.
Prestage, G. (Garrett)
Preston, John.
Preston, John.
Preston, John.
Preston, John.
Preston, John.
Preston, John.
Preston, John.
Preston, John.
Preston, John.
Preston, John.
Preston, John.
Pretzel, Andreas.
Pretzel, Andreas.
Preventing heterosexism and homophobia.
Preves, Sharon E.
Price, David.
Price, Deb.
Price, Jammie.
Price, Monroe Edwin.
Price, Reynolds.
Price, Reynolds.
Price, Reynolds.
Price, Theodore.
Prick up your ears [videorecording] A Civilhand Zenith production; Zenith
Productions, Limited.
Pride Foundation (Seattle, Wash.)
Prieur, Annick.
Prime Stevenson, Edward Irenaeus.
Primoratz, Igor.
Prince-Hughes, Dawn.
Principles and practice of sex therapy. Edited by Sandra R. Leiblum and
Lawrence A. Pervin; foreword by Harold I. Lief.
Principles and practice of sex therapy: update for the 1990s. Edited by
Sandra R. Leiblum, Raymond C. Rosen.
Principles and practices of sex therapy. Edited by Sandra R. Leiblum.
4th ed.
Prins, Yopie.
Prior, Jason Hugh.
Prison sex: practice and policy. Edited by Christopher Hensley.
Private dicks [videorecording]: men exposed. Elevator Pictures; produced &
directed by Thom Powers, Meema Spadola; a presentation of Home Box
Privilege: a reader. Michael S. Kimmel and Abby L. Ferber, editors.
Probyn, Elspeth.
Les Procès de sodomie aux XVIe, XVIIe, et XVIIIe siècles:
publiés d'après les documents judiciaires conservés
à la Bibliothèque nationale. Ludovico Hernandez; ouvrage
orné d'un frontispice, d'après Canova.
Producers (Motion picture)
Professions: conversations on the future of literary and cultural studies.
Edited by Donald E. Hall.
Professions of desire: lesbian and gay studies in literature.
Prolegomena zu Magnus Hirschfelds Jahrbuch für sexuelle
Zwischenstufen (1899 bis 1923): Register, Editionsgeschichte,
Inhaltsbeschreibungen, hrsg. von Jens Dobler.
A Promise to remember: the NAMES Project book of letters. Edited by Joe
Promoting successful and productive aging. Editors, Lynne A. Bond, Stephen
J. Cutler, Armin Grams.
Promoting sexual responsibility and preventing sexual problems.
Pronger, Brian.
Pronk, Pim.
Propper, Alice M.
Prose, Francine.
Prose fiction and early modern sexuality in England, 1580-1640.
Prosser, Jay.
Proud woman.
Proulx, Annie.
Proulx, Annie.
Proust, Marcel.
Proust, Marcel.
Proust, Marcel.
Proust, Marcel.
Proust, Marcel.
Proust, Marcel.
Proust, Marcel.
Proust, Marcel.
Proust, Marcel.
Proust au tournant des siècles. 2. Textes réunis par Bernard
Brun et Juliette Hassine.
Proust, Cole Porter, Michelangelo, Marc Almond and me; writings by gay men
on their lives and lifestyles from the archives of the National Lesbian
and Gay Survey.
A provider's introduction to substance abuse treatment for lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender individuals.
Pruden, D. E.
Pruys, Karl Hugo.
Pryce-Jones, David.
Psychoanalysis: the major concepts.
Psychodynamics of change of sex through surgery.
Psychological aspects of women's health care: the interface between
psychiatry and obstetrics and gynecology. 2nd ed.
Psychological perspectives on human sexuality.
Psychological perspectives on lesbian and gay male experiences.
Psychological perspectives on lesbian, gay, and bisexual experiences.
Linda D. Garnets and Douglas C. Kimmel, editors. 2nd ed.
The psychology and management of workplace diversity. Edited by Margaret
S. Stockdale, Faye J. Crosby.
Psychology and the Gay Community. Dorothy I. Riddle and Stephen F. Morin,
Psychology of gender identity. Janice W. Lee, editor.
The Psychology of men: new psychoanalytic perspectives.
The psychology of prejudice and discrimination. Edited by Jean Lau Chin;
foreword by Joseph E. Trimble. 3 vols.
The Psychology of sexual diversity. Edited by Kevin Howells. The Psychology of
sexual orientation, behavior, and identity; a handbook. Edited by Louis
Diamant and Richard D. McAnulty.
Psychopathology and psychotherapy in homosexuality. Ed. Michael W.
Psychosocial perspectives on AIDS: etiology, prevention, and
Psychotherapy with African American women: innovations in psychodynamic
perspectives and practice. Edited by Leslie C. Jackson, Beverly
Psychotherapy with gay men and lesbians: contemporary dynamic approaches.
Jack Drescher, Ann D'Ercole, Erica Schoenberg, editors.
Psychotherapy with homosexual men and women.
Psychotherapy with homosexuals.
Public Education Committee on Children and Youth (Seattle, Wash.)
A public faith: evangelicals and civic engagement. Edited by
Michael Cromartie; essays by Nigel M. de S. Cameron ... [et al.]
Public library collection development in the information age. Annabel K.
Stephens, editor.
Public opinion in state politics. Edited by Jeffrey E. Cohen.
Public scandals: sexual orientation and criminal law in Romania.
Public sex/gay space. Edited by William L. Leap.
Puerilities: erotic epigrams of The Greek anthology. Translated by Daryl
Puff, Helmut.
Pugh, Tison.
Puhlfurst, Sabine.
Puig, Manuel.
Puig, Manuel.
Puig, Manuel.
Puig, Manuel.
Puig, Manuel.
Puig, Manuel.
Pullen, Christopher.
Pulp fictions of medieval England: essays in popular romance. Edited by
Nicola McDonald.
Pulp friction: uncovering the golden age of gay male pulps. Edited by
Michael Bronski.
Purdy, James.
Purdy, James.
Purdy, James.
Purdy, James.
Purdy, James.
Purdy, James.
Purdy, James.
Purdy, James.
Purdy, James.
The Puritan origins of American sex: religion, sexuality, and national
identity in American literature.
The Pursuit of sodomy: male homosexuality in Renaissance and enlightenment
Pushing the limits: disabled dykes produce culture.
Putting out 1991: a publishing resource guide for lesbian & gay
Putting out: the essential publishing resource for lesbian and gay
writers. 3rd ed.
Putting out: the essential publishing resource for lesbian and gay
writers. 4th ed.
Pym, Barbara.
Pyron, Darden Asbury.
Q & A: queer in Asian America. Edited by David L. Eng and Alice Y.
Q magazine.
QCDC (Organization)
Qink northwest.
The QPB companion to Shakespeare.
Quality popular television: cult TV, the industry and fans. Edited by Mark
Jancovich and James Lyons.
Quan, Andy.
Quare fellas: new Irish gay writing. Edited by Brian Finnegan.
Quare Joyce. Edited by Joseph Valente.
Quarterly Review of Film and Video: QRFV. v.15, n.1 (Nov., 1993)
Queen, Carol.
Queen City news: a quarterly publication of Queen City Community
Development Corporation.
The queen is in the closet [soundrecording]
"Queer & Asian."
Queer as folk [videorecording] A Red production for Channel Four;
producer, Nicola Shindler; writer, co-producer, Russell T. Davies;
directors, Charles McDougall, Sarah Harding.
Queer as folk 2 [videorecording] A Red production for Channel Four;
creator, co-producer, Russell T. Davies; director, Menhaj Huda.
Queer as folk (Television program: United States). Season 1.
Queer as folk (Television program: United States)
Queer as folk (Television program: United States). Season 3.
Queer as folk (Television program: United States). Season 4.
Queer as folk (Television program: United States). Season 5.
Queer beats: how the Beats turned America on to sex. Edited by Regina
Queer Bible commentary. Edited by Deryn Guest ... [et al.].
Queer bodies: photography and video on sexual identity.
Queer cinema: the film reader. Edited by Harry Benshoff and Sean
Queer commentary and the Hebrew Bible. Ken Stone, editor.
Queer crips: disabled gay men and their stories. Bob Guter, John R.
Killacky, editors.
Queer cultures. Deborah Carlin, editor; Jennifer DiGrazia, associate
Queer dharma: voices of gay Buddhists. Edited by Winston Leyland.
Queer Dharma: voices of gay Buddhists. v. 2. Edited by Winston
Queer diasporas. Edited by Cindy Patton and Benigno Sanchez-Eppler.
Queer dog: homo/pup/poetry. Edited by Gerry Gomez Pearlberg.
The queer encyclopedia of film & television. Claude J. Summers,
The queer encyclopedia of music, dance & musical theater. Claude J.
Summers, editor.
The queer encyclopedia of the visual arts. Claude J. Summers, editor.
Queer episodes in music and modern identity. Edited by Sophie Fuller and
Lloyd Whitesell.
Queer families, common agendas: gay people, lesbians, and family values.
T. Richard Sullivan, editor.
Queer families, queer politics: challenging culture and the state. Edited
by Mary Bernstein and Renate Reimann.
Queer fictions of race. Siobhan Somerville, guest editor.
Queer Forster. Edited by Robert K. Martin and George Piggford.
Queer frontiers: millennial geographies, genders, and generations.
Queer globalizations: citizenship and the afterlife of colonialism. Edited
by Arnaldo Cruz-Malave and Martin F. Manalansan IV.
Queer Iberia: sexualities, cultures, and crossings from the Middle Ages to
the Renaissance.
Queer ideas: the David R. Kessler lectures in lesbian and gay studies from
the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, CUNY.
"Queer innovation." A special issue of: Socialist Review. v.22,
n.1 (Jan/Mar 1992)
Queer Italia: same-sex desire in Italian literature and film. [Edited by]
Gary P. Cestaro.
Queer Japan: personal stories of Japanese lesbians, gays, transsexuals,
and bisexuals.
Queer Jews. Edited by David Shneer & Caryn Aviv.
Queer looks: perspectives on lesbian and gay film and video.
Queer masculinities, 1550-1800: siting same-sex desire in the early modern
world. Edited by Katherine O'Donnell and Michael O'Rourke; with a preface
by George Rousseau.
Queer migrations: sexuality, U.S. citizenship, and border crossings.
Eithne Luigheid and Lionel Cantu, Jr., editors.
A Queer Nation. Edited by Andrew Kopkind.
Queer notions: a fabulous collection of gay and lesbian wit and wisdom.
Compiled by David Blanton.
Queer online: media technology & sexuality. Kate O'Riordan & David J.
Phillips, editors.
Queer PAPI porn: gay Asian erotica. Edited by Joel Tan.
Queer people: negotiations and expressions of homosexuality, 1700-1800.
Edited by Chris Mounsey and Caroline Gonda.
Queer popular culture: literature, media, film, and television. Edited by
Thomas Peele.
The queer press guide.
Queer quotes: on coming out and culture, love and lust, politics and
pride, and much more. Edited by Teresa Theophano.
Queer reader. Ed. by Patrick Higgins.
Queer representations: reading lives, reading cultures: a Center for
Lesbian and Gay Studies book.
A queer romance: lesbians, gay men, and popular culture.
Queer screen: a Screen reader. Edited by Jackie Stacey and Sarah
Queer sexualities in French and Francophone literature and film. Edited by
James Day.
Queer sites: gay urban histories since 1600. Edited by David Higgs.
The queer sixties. Edited by Patricia Juliana Smith.
Queer spirits: a gay men's myth book. By Will Roscoe.
Queer studies: a lesbian, gay, bisexual, & transgender anthology.
Queer studies: an interdisciplinary reader. Edited by Robert J. Corber and
Stephen Valocchi.
"Queer subjects." [A Special section of:] Socialist Review.
v.25, n.1 (March, 1995)
Queer. "The Queer Issue: New Visions of America's Lesbian and Gay
Queer theory. Edited by Iain Morland and Annabelle Willox.
Queer theory and communication: from disciplining queers to queering the
discipline(s). Gust A. Yep, Karen Lovaas, John P. Elia, editors.
Queer theory and the Jewish question. Daniel Boyarin, Daniel Itzkovitz,
and Ann Pellegrini, editors.
Queer theory: desire, authorship and visibility.
Queer theory in education. Edited by William F. Pinar.
Queer theory: lesbian and gay sexualities. Ed. by Teresa de Lauretis.
Queer theory/sociology. Edited by Steven Seidman.
A queer thesaurus: an international thesaurus of gay and lesbian index
terms. A project of Homodok and Anna Blaman Huis; compiled by Ko van
Staalduinen ... [et al.]; translation by Henny Brandhorst; [edited by
Henny Brandhorst]
Queer 13: lesbian and gay writers recall seventh grade. Edited by Clifford
Queer transexions of race, nation, and gender. Phillip Brian Harper et
al., guest editors.
Queer TV database
[electronic resource]
Queer view mirror. Edited by James C. Johnstone, Karen X. Tulchinsky.
Queer view mirror 2: lesbian & gay short hort fiction.
Queer voices from Japan: first person narratives from Japan's sexual
minorities. Edited by Mark McLelland, Katsuhiko Suganuma, and James
Welker; with a foreword by Donald Richie.
Queer words, queer images: communication and the construction of homosexuality.
Ed. by R. Jeffrey Ringer.
A queer world: the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies reader.
Que(e)rdenken: Weibliche/männliche Homosexualität und
The queerest art: essays on lesbian and gay theater. Edited by Alisa
Solomon and Framji Minwalla.
Queeries: an anthology of gay male prose. edited by Dennis Denisoff.
Queering Demokratie: (sexuelle Politiken) Quaestio (hg.); Nico J. Beger
... [et al.] 2. Aufl.
Queering elementary education: advancing the dialogue about sexualities
and schooling.
Queering India: same-sex love and eroticism in Indian culture and society.
Edited by Ruth Vanita.
Queering public address: sexualities in American historical discourse.
Edited by Charles E. Morris III.
Queering straight teachers: discourse and identity in education. Edited by
Nelson M. Rodriguez & William F. Pinar.
Queering the canon: defying sights in German literature and culture.
Queering the Middle Ages. Glenn Burger, Steven F. Kruger, editors.
Queering the pitch: the new gay and lesbian musciology.
Queering the pitch: the new gay and lesbian musicology. Edited by Philip
Brett, Elizabeth Wood, Gary C. Thomas. 2nd ed.
Queering the popular pitch. Edited by Sheila Whiteley and Jennifer
Queering the Renaissance. Edited by Jonathan Goldberg.
Queerly classed. Edited by Susan Raffo.
Queerly phrased: language, gender, and sexuality.
Queers in space: communities, public places, sites of resistance.
Que(e)rying religion: a critical anthology.
Quentin Crisp's book of quotations: 1,000 observations on life and love,
by, for, and about gay men and women. With introductions, by Quentin
Crisp; edited by Amy Appleby.
Querelle [videorecording]: a film about Jean Genet's Querelle de Brest. By
Rainer Werner Fassbinder; screenplay by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Burkhard
Driest; a German-French coproduction of Planet-Films and Albatros
Filmproduktion with Gaumont; produced by Dieter Schidor.
Querschnitt, Gender Studies: ein interdisziplinärer Blick nicht nur
auf Homosexualität. [Hrsg.] Paul M. Hahlbohm, Till Hurlin.
The question of equality; lesbian and gay politics in America since
Stonewall. Edited by David Deitcher; with a foreword by Armistead
Questions of community: artists, audiences, coalitions. [Edited by Daina
Augaitis ... et al.]
Qui a peur des homosexuel-les?: discussions autour des prises de position
des églises protestantes de Suisse. Textes édités par
Isabelle Graesslé, Pierre Bühler et Christoph D. Müller;
[textes de] Pierre Bühler ... [et al.]
The quiet hand of God: faith-based activism and the public role of
mainline Protestantism.
Quinceañera [videorecording] Cinetic Media; Kitchen Sink
Entertainment LLC; produced by Anne Clements; writers, Richard Glatzer,
Wash Westmoreland; directed by Richard Glatzer, Wash Westmoreland.
Quinn, D. Michael.
Quinn, Jay.
Quinn, Sheila.
Quinn, Sheila.
Quintana, Alvina E.
Quiroga, Jose.
Rabe, David.
Rabe, David.
Rabe, David.
Rabenold, Diana.
Race, Kane.
Rabinowitz, Fredric Eldon.
Race, class, and gender: an anthology.
Race, class, and gender: an anthology. 2nd ed.
Race, class, and gender: an anthology. 3rd ed. [Compiled by] Margaret L.
Patricia Hill Collins.
Race, class, and gender: an anthology. 4th ed. Margaret L. Andersen,
Patricia Hill Collins.
Race, class, and gender: an anthology. 5th ed. [Compiled by] Margaret L.
Andersen, Patricia Hill Collins.
Race, ethnicity, gender and human rights in the Americas: a new paradigm
for activism. Edited by Celina Romany.
Race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, violent crime: the realities and the
myths. Nathaniel J. Pallone editor.
Rader, Dotson.
Radical America. v.24, n.4 (Sep-Dec 1990, pub. Apr 1993)[and] v.25, n.1
(Jan-Mar 1991, pub. Sep 1993)
Radical harmonies [videorecording] A Woman Vision film; producer,
director, Dee Mosbacher; co-producer, Boden Sandstrom.
Radical History Review. Issue 62 (Spring, 1995) (special issue)
Radical homosexual rag.
Radical records: thirty years of lesbian and gay history, 1957-1987.
Radical street performance: an international anthology. Edited and with
introductions by Jan Cohen-Cruz.
Radical teacher. #45 (Winter, 1994)
Radical utopias.
Radical Women Annual Conference (1976)
The Radical Women manifesto: socialist feminist theory, program and
organizational structure.
Rado, Lisa.
Raeburn, Nicole C. (Nicole Christine)
Rafkin, Louise.
Raftery, Roger.
Rag times.
Raico, Ralph.
Raimondo, Justin.
The rainbow borealis.
Rainbow query [computer
file]: search the queer Internet.
Rainbow Women's Chorus.
Rainbow's end [videorecording] A production of Galeria Alaska Productions
for ZDF in cooperation with ARTE; a film by Jochen Hick and Christian
Jentzsch; directed by Jochen Hick and Christian Jentzsch; producer, Jochen
Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Edited by Laurence Kardish, in collaboration
with Juliane Lorenz.
Raitt, Suzanne.
Raj Rao, R. (Ramachandrapurapu)
Raj Rao, R. (Ramachandrapurapu)
Rakoff, David.
Ramakers, Micha.
Rambuss, Richard.
Ramer, Andrew.
Ramirez, Efren Convento.
Ramsey, Gerald.
Ramsey, Patricia G.
Ramsey, Patricia G.
Rand, Erica.
Randall, R. C. (Robert C.)
Rank, Doris.
Ransom, Jane Reavill.
Rap and hip hop. Jared Green, book editor.
Rape for who I am. [videorecording]: a film. By Lovinsa Kavuma;
producer/director, Lovinsa Kavuma.
Raphael, Lev.
Raphael, Lev.
Raphael, Lev.
Raphael, Lev.
Raphael, Lev.
Rapisardi, Flavio.
Rapoport, Chaim.
Rappold, Claudia.
Rashid, Ian Iqbal.
Raskin, Jamin B.
Raskin, Jamin B.
Rasmussen, Mary Louise.
Ratcliff, Jennifer J.
Räther, Philipp C.
Rattigan, Terence.
Rattigan, Terence.
Rattigan, Terence.
Rauch, Jonathan.
Rauchfleisch, Udo.
Rauchfleisch, Udo.
Rauchfleisch, Udo.
Raven, Simon.
Ravenhill, Mark.
Ravensbrucker Ballade, oder, Faschismusbewaltigung in der DDR,
Ray, Ronald D.
Rayfield, Donald.
Raymond, Janice G.
Raymond, Janice G.
Raynor, Darrell G.
Rayside, Morton David.
Re-reading Sappho: reception and transmission. Edited by Ellen Greene.
Re-viewing fascism: Italian cinema, 1922-1943. Edited by Jacqueline Reich
and Piero Garofalo.
Re-viewing James Baldwin: things not seen. Edited by D. Quentin Miller;
foreword by David Adams Leeming.
Re-visioning family therapy: race, culture, and gender in clinical
practice. Edited by Monica McGoldrick.
The Reach and other stories: lesbian feminist fiction.
Reaching out [videorecording]: library services for lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, and questioning teens. Lynne Barnes, [Reaching Out
Read, Kenneth E.
Read, Kirk.
Reade, Brian.
Reader's guide to lesbian and gay studies. Editor, Timothy Murphy.
Reading and writing the ambiente: queer sexualities in Latino, Latin
American, and Spanish culture.
Reading Bataille now. Edited by Shannon Winnubst.
Reading between the labels [videorecording]
Reading rock and roll: authenticity, appropriation, aesthetics. Edited by
Kevin J. H. Dettmar and William Richey; with a foreword by Anthony
Reading the L word: outing contemporary television. Edited by Kim Akass
and Janet McCabe; introduction by Sarah Warn.
Reading the Sopranos: hit TV from HBO. Edited by David Lavery.
Reading Wilde, querying spaces: an exhibition commemorating the 100th
anniversary of the trials of Oscar Wilde.
Readings for diversity and social justice. Edited by Maurianne Adams ...
[et al.]
Readings on the rhetoric of social protest. [Edited by] Charles E. Morris
III, Stephen H. Browne.
Ready to learn: how schools can help kids be healthier and safer. Edited
by Edward Miller.
The real Ellen story [videorecording] Picture This! Home Video; directed
by Fenton Bailey & Randy Barbato; produced by Lesli Klainberg; a World of
Wonder Production for Channel Four.
Realism and the American dramatic tradition. Edited by William W.
Reality's dark light: the sensational Wilkie Collins. Edited by Maria K.
Bachman and Don Richard Cox.
Realuyo, Bino A.
Reason to hope: a psychosocial perspective on violence & youth.
Rebel yell: stories by contemporary southern gay authors. Jay Quinn,
Rebel yell 2: more stories of contemporary southern gay men. Jay Quinn,
Rebellato, Dan.
Rechte der Lesben und Schwulen in der Schweiz; eingetragene Partnerschaft,
faktische Lebensgemeinschaft, Rechtsfragen zur Homosexualität.
Andreas R. Ziegler ... [et al.] (Hrsg.).
Die Rechtsstellung gleichgeschlechtlicher Lebensgemeinschaften. Herausgegeben
von Jurgen Basedow ... [et al.]
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Rechy, John.
Recipients of the
Stonewall Book Awards.
Reclaiming female agency: feminist art history after postmodernism. Edited
by Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard.
Reclaiming San Francisco: history, politics, culture.
Reclaiming Sodom. Edited by Jonathan Goldberg.
Reclaiming the heartland: lesbian and gay voices from the Midwest.
Reclaiming the sacred: the Bible in gay and lesbian culture. Raymond-Jean
Frontain, editor.
Reclaiming the sacred: the Bible in gay and lesbian culture. Raymond-Jean
Frontain, editor. 2nd ed.
Recognition of rights and obligations in same sex relationships. Alberta
Law Reform Institute.
La reconnaissance des couples homosexuels: enjeux juridiques, sociaux et
Recovering the Black female body: self-representations by African American
women. Edited by Michael Bennett, Vanessa D. Dickerson.
Rector, Frank.
Red without blue [videorecording] A film by Brooke Sebold, Benita Sills
and Todd Sills.
Reddy, Gayatri.
Redeeming men: religion and masculinities.
Redmann, J. M. (Jean M.)
Reed, Brian.
Reed, Jeremy.
Reed, Jeremy.
Reed, Lannon D.
Reed, Paul.
Reed, Paul.
Reed, Rita.
Reel knockouts: violent women in the movies. Edited by Martha McCaughey
and Neal King.
Reel Shakespeare: alternative cinema and theory. Edited by Lisa S. Starks
and Courtney Lehmann.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, David.
Rees, John Tudor.
Rees, Mark.
Rees, Mark Nicholas Alban.
Reese, Luellen K.
Reeve, Alan.
Referrals & resources. City of Seattle, Office for Women's Rights.
Refiguring Spain: cinema, media, representation. Marsha Kinder,
Refiguring the archive. Edited by Carolyn Hamilton ... [et al.]
REFORMA (Association). National Conference (2nd: 2000: Tucson, Ariz.)
Regarding Sedgwick: essays on queer culture and critical theory. Edited by
Stephen M. Barber and David L. Clark.
Regulating sex: the politics of intimacy and identity. Edited by Elizabeth
Bernstein and Laurie Schaffner.
Rehberg, Peter.
Reichert, Jim.
Reid, B. L. (Benjamin Lawrence)
Reid, Forrest.
Reid, Forrest.
Reid, John. [pseudonym]
Reid-Pharr, Robert.
Reid-Pharr, Robert.
Reidinger, Paul.
Reilly, Andrew Hinchcliffe.
Reilly, Philip.
Reinhart, Robert C.
Reinhart, Robert C.
Reinhart, Robert C.
Reinig, Christa.
Reinig, Christa.
Reinig, Christa.
Reinig, Christa.
Reinig, Christa.
Reinig, Christa.
Reinsberg, Carola.
Reinventing identities: the gendered self in discourse. Edited by Mary
Bucholtz, A. C. Liang, and Laurel A. Sutton.
Reis, Beth.
Reitz Mullenix, Elizabeth.
Relax-- it's just sex! [videorecording] An A-PIX Entertainment release;
Forefront Films and Sneak Previews Entertainment; a film by P. J.
Castellaneta; written and directed by P. J. Castellaneta; producers,
Steven J. Wolfe, Megan O'Neill, Harold Warren.
Religion, homosexuality, and literature. Essays by Gary David Comstock ...
[et al.]; with an introduction by Jose Ignacio Cabezon; edited by Michael
L. Stemmeler & Jose Ignacio Cabezon.
Religious interests in community conflict: beyond the culture wars. Paul
A. Djupe and Laura R. Olson, editors.
Remarkable reads: 34 writers and their adventures in reading. Edited by J.
Peder Zane.
Remoto, Danton.
Remoto, Danton.
Ren gui qing [videorecording]=Woman - demon - - human. Shanghai Film
Studio; screenplay by Huang Shujin; director, Huang Shujin.
Renaud, Michelle T.
Renault, Mary.
Renault, Mary.
Renault, Mary.
Renault, Mary.
Renault, Mary.
Renault, Mary.
Renault, Mary.
Renault, Mary.
Renault, Mary.
Rench, Janice E.
Renfrow, Daniel G.
Renfrow, Daniel G.
Rent. Libretto.
Renzetti, Claire M.
Replacements (Musical group)
Repnik, Ulrike.
Representations: social constructions of gender. Edited by Rhoda K.
Representing bisexualities: subjects and cultures of fluid desire.
Representing women: law, literature, and feminism. Susan Sage Heinzelman
and Zipporah Batshaw Wiseman, editors.
Representing youth: methodological issues in critical youth studies.
Edited by Amy L. Best.
Reproduction, sexuality, and the family. Edited with introductions by
Karen J. Maschke.
Research methods with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender populations.
William Meezan, James Martin, editors.
Research programme: information presented on the occassion of the site
visit of the World Health Organisation, December 19th, 1988, University of
Researching sensitive topics. Claire M. Renzetti, Raymond M. Lee,
Resist! essays against a homophobic culture.
Resisting racism: an action guide. Edited by Gerald L. Mallon. Rev.
The resource.
Resources for feminist research: RFR = Documentation sur la recherche
feministe: DRF. v.12, n.1 (Mar 1983)
Ressler, Paula.
Restoried selves: autobiographies of queer Asian-Pacific-American
activists. Kevin K. Kumashiro, editor.
Restricted access: lesbians on disability. Edited by Victoria A.
Brownworth and Susan Raffo.
Restuccia, Frances L.
Results of survey of law school deans regarding gay and lesbian student
organizations, courses that focus on gay and lesbian legal issues, and
non-discrimination policies: to members of the AALS and law school deans,
December 30, 1987. From Section on Gay and Lesbian Legal Issues; Jean
Love, chair.
Rethinking Disney: private control, public dimensions. Edited by Mike Budd
and Max H. Kirsch.
Rethinking masculinity: philosophical explorations in light of
Rethinking masculinity: philosophical explorations in light of feminism.
2nd ed.
Rethinking race, troubling empiricism: proceedings of a conference held
February 28, 1998 at the University of California, San Diego. Co-edited by
Roderick A. Ferguson and Douglas Hartmann.
Rethinking sexual harassment. Edited by Clare Brant and Yun Lee Too.
Rethinking sexuality: Foucault and classical antiquity.
Retif, Francoise.
The Return of Sarah's daughters [videorecording] by Marcia Jarmel; Marcia
Jarmel and Patch Works; producer, director, writer, Marcia Jarmel.
Reumann, Miriam G.
Reuter, Donald F.
Revealing male bodies. Edited by Nancy Tuana ... [et al.]
Revelations: a collection of gay male coming out stories.
Revisioning Duras: film, race, sex. Edited by James S. Williams, with the
assistance of Janet Sayers.
Revitalizing the institution of marriage for the twenty-first century: an
agenda for strengthening marriage. Edited by Alan J. Hawkins, Lynn D.
Wardle, and David Orgon Coolidge; foreword by Linda J. Waite.
Revolutionary Union.
Revolutionary voices: a multicultural queer youth anthology. Edited by Amy
Revoyr, Nina.
Revoyr, Nina.
Rexhausen, Felix.
Rey, Jean-Michel.
Reyes, David J.
Reynolds, David S.
Reynolds, Margaret.
Reynolds, Robert (Robert Hugh)
Reza Abdoh. Edited by Daniel Mufson.
Rhetoric and law in early modern Europe. Edited by Victoria Kahn and Lorna
Rhoads, Robert A.
Ricardo, Jack.
Ricciardi, Gabriella.
Ricco, John Paul.
Riccucci, Norma.
Rice, Anne.
Rice, Charles E.
Rice, Christopher.
Rice, Christopher.
Rice: explorations into gay Asian culture + politics. Edited with an
introduction by Song Cho.
Rich, Adrienne Cecile.
Rich, Adrienne Cecile.
Rich, Adrienne [Cecile]
Rich, Adrienne Cecile.
Rich, Adrienne Cecile.
Rich, Adrienne Cecile.
Rich, Adrienne Cecile.
Rich, Adrienne Cecile.
Rich, Adrienne Cecile.
Rich, B. Ruby.
Richards, David A. J.
Richards, David A. J.
Richards, David A. J.
Richards, Dell.
Richards, Dell.
Richards, Gary.
Richards, Jennifer.
Richards, Renee.
Richards, Renee.
Richardson, Ann.
Richardson, Brenda.
Richardson, Diane.
Richardson, Frank M.
Richardson, Jan I.
Richardson, Joanna.
Richardson, Justin.
Riches hidden in secret places: ancient Near Eastern studies in memory of
Thorkild Jacobsen. Edited by Tzvi Abusch.
Richman, Jonathan, vocalist.
Richmond, Len.
Richter, Simon.
Richters, Juliet.
Rickard, Maurice.
Rickel, Boyer.
Ricketts, Wendell.
Ridgway, Keith.
Riding desire: an anthology of erotic writing. Edited by Tee Corinne.
Ridinger, Robert B. Marks.
Ridinger, Robert B. Marks. [compiler]
Ridinger, Robert B. Marks. [compiler]
Rieder, Ines.
Riggs, Damien W.
Riggs, David.
The right to marry [videorecording] Produced by Demian; [with assistance
from Steve Bryant]
Right to marry [videorecording]: what rights should be afforded to
same-sex couples.
Righter, Walter C.
The Rights of gay men & women.
The Rights of gay people. Thomas Stoddard...[et al.] [2nd ed.]
The Rights of gay people: the basic ACLU guide to a gay person's rights.
E. Carrington Boggan...[et al.]
Rimmele, Harald.
Rimmerman, Craig A.
Riordon, Michael.
Riordon, Michael.
Riordon, Michael.
Ripples of hope: great American civil rights speeches. Edited by Josh
Gottheimer; foreword by Bill Clinton; afterword by Mary Frances Berry.
Risk. (Moskva, Russia)
Risk factors for youth suicide. Edited by Lucy Davidson, Markku
Risse, Dorothee.
Rist, Darrell Yates.
Ristock, Janice L. (Janice Lynn)
Ritchie, Joy S.
Rites of passage in ancient Greece: literature, religion, society. Edited
by Mark W. Padilla.
Ritley, M. R.
Ritter, Henry.
Ritter, Kathleen.
Ritts, Herb.
Ritualized homosexuality in Melanesia. Edited by Gilbert H. Herdt.
Rituals of manhood: male initiation in Papua New Guinea.
Rivers, Ian.
Rivers, J. E.
The Road before us: 100 gay Black poets. Edited by Assoto Saint.
The road movie book. Edited by Steven Cohan and Ina Rae Hark.
The Road to love. [videorecording], see Tarik el hob.
Robb, Graham.
Robb, Graham.
Robb, Peter.
Robbins, Burch.
Robbins, David B.
Robertiello, Richard C.
Roberts, J. R.
Roberts, John Stuart.
Roberts, Julian.
Roberts, Michele.
Roberts, Patti R.
Roberts, Richard J.
Roberts, Robin.
Robertson, J. R.
Robertson, J.R.
Robertson, Jennifer Ellen.
Robertson, William B.
Robilliard, David.
Robin, Gilbert.
Robins, Peter.
Robins, Peter.
Robinson, Christopher.
Robinson, David M.
Robinson, David M. (David Moore)
Robinson, Jack.
Robinson, Joyce.
Robinson, Paul A.
Robinson, Paul A.
Robinson, Paul A.
Robinson, Simon.
Robson, Ruthann.
Robson, Ruthann.
Robson, Ruthann.
Robson, Ruthann.
Robson, Ruthann.
Robson, Ruthann.
Robson, Ruthann.
Robson, Ruthann.
Rocheblave-Spenié, Anne Marie.
Rocke, Michael.
The Rocky Horror picture show [videorecording] Twentieth Century-Fox;
director, Jim Sharman; producer, Michael White.
Roden, Frederick S.
Rodgers, Bruce.
Rodgers, Sam.
Rodgers, William D.
Rodi, Robert.
Rodi, Robert.
Rodriguez, Aleida.
Rodríguez, Antonio Orlando.
Rodriguez, Juana Maria.
Rodríguez, Oscar Eduardo.
Rodriguez, Suzanne.
Roemer, Rick.
Rofel, Lisa.
Rofes, Eric E.
Rofes, Eric E.
Rofes, Eric E.
Rofes, Eric E.
Rofes, Eric E.
Rogers, Gary.
Rogers, Lesley.
Rogers, Paul T.
Rohy, Valerie.
Roiphe, Katie.
The Role of religious organizations in social movements. Edited by Barbara
M. Yarnold.
Rolfe, Frederick.
Rollins, Joe Neil.
Roman, David.
Roman, Denise.
Roman sexualities. Edited by Judith P. Hallett and Marilyn B. Skinner.
'Romancing the margins'?: lesbian writing in the 1990s. Gabriele Griffin,
Romanovsky & Phillips, Performer.
The romantic friendship reader: love stories betweeen men in Victorian
America. Axel Nissen.
Romo-Carmona, Mariana.
Romo-Carmona, Mariana.
Ronan, Richard.
Röndahl, Gerd.
Ronner, Amy D.
Roof, Judith.
Roof, Judith.
A room in Chelsea Square.
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Kermit.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rorem, Ned.
Rosa Liebe unterm roten Stern: zur Lage der Lesben und Schwulen in
Rosa von Praunheim. Mit Beiträgen von Wolfgang Jacobsen...[et
Rosario, Vernon A.
Rosario, Vernon A.
Rosco, Jerry.
Roscoe, Will.
Roscoe, Will.
Rose, Kieran.
Rose, Phyllis.
Rose, Scott Harms.
Les roseaux sauvages [videorecording] = Wild reeds. Alain Sarde et Georges
Benayoun presentent; und coproduction, IMA Films/Les Films Alain Sarde;
avec la participation de Canal+ en association avec IMA Productions, La
Sept/Arte, SFP Production; un film de Andre Techine; produced by Georges
Benayoun, Alain Sarde; directed by Andre Techine; written by Andre
Techine, Gilles Taurand, Olivier Massart.
Rosen, David H.
Rosen, Stanley.
Rosen, Wilhelm von.
Rosenblatt, Natasha.
Roseneil, Sasha.
Rosenfeld, Dana.
Rosenfeld, Michael J.
Rosenfels, Paul.
Rosengarten, Marsha.
Rosenkranz, Bernhard.
Rosenqvist, Barbro Gustafsson.
Roskam, Philip.
Ross, Becki.
Ross, Marlon.
Ross, Michael W.
Ross, Michael W.
Rosser, B. R. Simon.
Rossetti, Ana.
Rossman, Parker.
Rossner, Judith.
Rostenberg, Leona.
Roszak, Theodore.
Rotello, Gabriel.
Rothschild, Cynthia.
Rotimi Fani-Kayode & Alex Hirst. Edited by Mark Sealy and Jean Loup Pivin;
texts: Rotimi Fani-Kayode .. [et al.]; translation: Gail de
Roughgarden, Joan.
Rouse, Wade.
Rousseau, G. S. (George Sebastian)
Rousseau, G. S. (George Sebastian)
The Routledge anthology of cross-gendered verse.
Routledge anthology of lesbian and gay writings: the seventeenth and
eighteenth century.
Routledge international encyclopedia of queer culture. Edited by David A.
Routledge international encyclopedia of women: global women's issues and
knowledge. Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender, general editors.
The Routledge reader in gender and performance. Edited by Lizbeth Goodman
with Jane de Gay.
Rowan, Robert L.
Rowberry, John W.
Rowbotham, Sheila.
Rowe, John Carlos.
Rowland, Jon Thomas.
Rowse, A. L. (Alfred Leslie)
Rowse, A. L. (Alfred Noyes)
Roy, Camille.
Roy, Matthew M.
Rubenstein, William B.
Rubenstein, William B.
Rubenstein, William B.
Rubenstein, William B.
Rubin, Henry.
Rubington, Earl.
Rubington, Earl.
Rubinstein, Ronald A.
Ruby, Jay.
Rubyfruit readher: a lesbian communique.
Rudacille, Deborah.
Rudd, Peggy J.
Rude, Donald.
Rüdiger, Horst [hrsg.]
Rudnick, Paul.
Rudnick, Paul.
Rudnick, Paul.
Rudy, Kathy.
Rueda, Enrique.
Rueda, Enrique.
Ruitenbeek, Hendrik Marinus.
Ruitenbeek, Hendrik Marinus [compiler]
Ruitenbeek, Hendrik Marinus.
Rule, Jane.
Rule, Jane.
Rule, Jane.
Rule, Jane.
Rule, Jane.
Rule, Jane.
Rule, Jane.
Rule, Jane.
Rule, Jane.
Rumaker, Michael.
Rumaker, Michael.
Rumaker, Michael.
Rumaker, Michael.
Rupe, Carmen Tione.
Rupp, Leila J.
Rupp, Leila J.
Rural gays and lesbians: building on the strengths of communities.
Ruse, Michael.
Rusk, Lauren.
Ruskin, Cindy.
Russ, Joanna.
Russ, Joanna.
Russ, Joanna.
Russ, Joanna.
Russell, Glenda Marie.
Russell, Jamie.
Russell, John C.
Russell, Paul Elliott.
Russell, Paul Elliott.
Russell, Paul Elliott.
Russell, Paul Elliot.
Russo, Vito.
Russo, Vito.
Rust, Paula Claire.
Ruthie & Connie [videorecording]: every room in the house. A film by
Deborah Dickson; director, producer, Deborah Dickson; producer, Donald
Rutledge, Bayard.
Rutledge, Leigh W.
Rutledge, Leigh W.
Rutledge, Leigh W.
Rutledge, Leigh W.
Rutledge, Scott Edward.
Ryan, Caitlin.
Ryan, Christopher.
Ryan, Sara.
Ryan, Tracy.
Ryce-Menuhin, Joel.
Rydstrom, Jens.
Rykov, Mary.
Ryman, Geoff.
Ryman, Geoff.
S and M, studies in sadomasochism. Edited by Thomas Weinberg and G. W.
Levi Kamel.
S G N. see: Seattle gay news.
Saadeh, Alexandre.
Saaler, Mary.
Saba, Umberto.
Saba, Umberto.
Sachs, Maurice.
Sachs, Maurice.
Sackville-West, V. (Victoria)
Sacramento Women's Chorus.
Sade, marquis de.
Sade, marquis de.
Sadownick, Douglas.
Saeki, Junko.
Safe on Campus DVD [videorecording]: a training and development resource
for lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender Safe Space Ally programs. A Wang
Poynt production; produced by Kerry John Poynter; directed by Christina
Wang; screenplay by Christina Wang and Kerry John Poynter; Center for LGBT
Life, Duke University.
Safe Schools Anti-Violence Documentation Project.
Safe Schools Anti-Violence Documentation Project.
The Safe schools resource guide. From the Safe Schools Coalition of
Saffron, Lisa.
Saffron, Lisa.
Sagarin, Edward.
Sagarin, Edward.
Sagarin, Edward.
SAGE Conference 2000.
The Sage handbook of performance studies. Edited by D. Soyini Madison and
Judith Hamera.
The SAGE handbook of qualitative research. Edited by Norman K. Denzin,
Yvonna S. Lincoln. 3rd ed.
SAGE writings from the lesbian and gay men's writing workshop at Senior
Action in a Gay Environment. Edited by Barbara Baracks & Kent Jarratt;
[photos. by John Copoulos]
Saghir, Marcel T.
Sagitta, pseudonym for John Henry Mackay.
Sahuquillo, Angel.
Sahuquillo, Angel.
Saint, Assoto.
Saint, Assoto.
Saint, Assoto.
Sakakibara, Shihomi.
Sakura, Tomomi.
Sakura, Tomomi.
Salmagundi. no. 58-59 (Fall 1982-Winter 1983)
Samar, Vincent Joseph.
Same sex; an appraisal of homosexuality. Ralph W. Weltge, editor.
Same-sex attraction: a parents' guide. Edited by John F. Harvey & Gerard
V. Bradley.
Same-sex cultures and sexualities: an anthropological reader. Edited by
Jennifer Robertson.
Same sex: debating the ethics, science, and culture of homosexuality.
Same-sex desire and love in Greco-Roman antiquity and in the classical
tradition of the West. Beert C. Verstraete, Vernon Provencal, editors.
Same-sex desire in the English Renaissance: a sourcebook of texts,
1470-1650. Edited by Kenneth Borris.
Same sex/different text? Gay and lesbian writing in French.
Same-sex domestic violence: strategies for change. Beth Leventhal, Sandra
E. Lundy, editors.
Same sex love and desire among women in the Middle Ages. Edited by
Francesca Canade Sautman and Pamela Sheingorn.
Same-sex love and the path to wholeness.
Same-sex love in India: readings from literature and history. Edited by
Ruth Vanita and Saleem Kidwai.
Same-sex marriage, pro and con: a reader.
Same-sex marriage, pro and con: a reader. Edited and with a preface and an
introduction by Andrew Sullivan; with research assistance by Joseph
Landau. Rev. and updated.
Same-sex marriage: the legal and psychological evolution in America.
Donald J. Cantor ... [et al.]
Same-sex marriage: the moral and legal debate.
Same-sex marriage: the moral and legal debate. 2nd ed.
Samuels, Andrew.
Samuels, Robert.
Samuels, Robert.
San Francisco/Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection [microform] A
joint project of San Francisco/Bay Area Gay and Lesbian Historical Society
and the University of California.
San Francisco Bay Times.
San Francisco crusader.
The San Francisco free press.
San Francisco gay free press.
San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus.
San Francisco Mattachine newsletter.
The San Francisco maverick.
San Francisco Public Library.
San Francisco sentinel.
San Francisco sentinel.
San Jose gay liberation.
[Sanbyaku-ju] nin no sei ishiki: iseiaisha dewa nai onnatachi no
anketo chosa. Sei ishiki chosa gurupu hen.
Sanchez, Alex.
Sanchez, Alex.
Sanchez, Alex.
Sanchez, Alex.
Sánchez, Carlos.
Sanchez, Sonia.
Sánchez Mosquera, José A.
Sanders, Dennis.
Sanderson, Terry.
Sandfort, Theo.
The Sandman papers: an exploration of the Sandman mythology. Edited by Joe
Sanders; preface by Neil Gaiman.
Sandstrom, Boden C.
Sanello, Frank.
Sang, Tze-lan Deborah.
Sanlo, Ronni L.
Santana, Andrés Isaac.
Santé et vieillissement, see Mental health and aging.
Santiago, Silviano.
Santos-Febres, Mayra.
Sapphic modernities: sexuality, women, and national culture. Edited by
Laura Doan and Jane Garrity.
The Sappho companion. Edited and introduced by Margaret Reynolds.
Sappho in the Holy Land: lesbian existence and dilemmas in contemporary
Sappho: through English poetry. Edited and introduced by Peter Jay and
Caroline Lewis.
Sarduy, Severo.
Sargent, Alice G.
Sargent, Alice G.
Sargent, John Singer.
Sarotte, Georges Michel.
Sarton, May.
Sarton, May.
Sarton, May.
Sarton, May.
Sarton, May.
Sarton, May.
Sarton, May.
Sarton, May.
Sarton, May.
Sartorius, Michael.
Sasano, Michiru.
Saslow, James M.
Saslow, James M.
Sassoon, Siegfried.
Satinover, Jeffrey.
Satree-lek 2 [videorecording] Strand Releasing and Tai Entertainment
present a Hub Ho Hin production; a film by Yongyoot Thongkongtoon; Written
and directed by Yongyoot Thongkongtoon; produced by Yongyoot
Thongkongtoon, Prasert Wiwattanonpong, Jira Maligool.
Satree-lex [videorecording] = The iron ladies. Tai Entertainment presents
a film by Yongyoot Thongkongtoon; screenplay by Visuttichai
Boonyakarnjana, Jira Maligool, Yongyoot Thongkongtoon; produced by
Visute Poolvoralaks; directed by Yongyoot Thongkongtoon.
Satrilek, also known as: Satree-lex
Sau, Victoria.
Saunders, Michael William.
Sausser, Gail.
Sausser, Gail.
Savage, Dan.
Savage, Dan.
Saved! [videorecording] United Artists presents a Single Cell Pictures and
Infinity Media production, a film by Brian Dannelly; produced by Michael
Stipe & Sandy Stern, Michael Ohoven, William Vince; written by Brian
Dannelly & Michael Urban; directed by Brian Dannelly.
Savigneau, Josyane.
Saville, Julia F.
Savin-Williams, Ritch C.
Savin-Williams, Ritch C.
Savin-Williams, Ritch C.
Savin-Williams, Ritch C.
Saving face [videorecording] Sony Pictures Classics; Destination Films
presents an Overbrook Films production in association with Forensic Films,
Greenestreet Films, an Alice Wu film; produced by James Lassiter, Will
Smith, Teddy Zee; written and directed by Alice Wu.
Savitsch, Eugene de.
Savran, David.
Savran, David.
Savran, David.
Sawyer, Roger.
Sawyer-Laucanno, Christoper.
Sawyer-Laucanno, Christopher.
Scandinavian homosexualities: essays on gay and lesbian studies. Jan
Lofstrom, editor.
Scanlon, Thomas Francis.
Scannell, Kate.
Scanzoni, Letha.
Scanzoni, Letha.
Scarce, Michael.
Scarce, Michael.
Schaefer, Claudia.
Schamess, Lisa.
Schanke, Robert A.
Schanke, Robert A.
Scharnhorst, Gary.
Schechter, Martin.
Schechter, Stephen.
Schehr, Lawrence R.
Schehr, Lawrence R.
Schehr, Lawrence R.
Schehr, Lawrence R.
Schemmann, Frank.
Schenk, Leo.
Schenkar, Joan.
Schiavi, Raul C.
Schibanoff, Susan.
Schick, Irvin C. (Irvin Cemil)
Schidor, Dieter.
Schiff, Adam L.
Schifter, Jacobo.
Schifter, Jacobo.
Schifter, Jacobo.
Schifter, Jacobo.
Schifter, Jacobo.
Schifter, Jacobo.
Schimel, Lawrence.
Schlatter, Christoph.
Schledt, Joachim.
Schlegel, Willhart S. (Willhart Siegmar)
Schlegel, Willhart S. (Willhart Siegmar)
Schleifer, Rebecca.
Schluter, Daniel P.
Schmidgall, Gary.
Schmidgall, Gary.
Schmid, David (David Frank)
Schmidt, Arno.
Schmidt, Gary.
Schmidt, Gary.
Schmidt, Heidi Jon.
Schmidt, Joel.
Schmidt, Michael.
Schmidt, Thomas E.
Schmitt, Arno.
Schneebaum, Tobias.
Schneebaum, Tobias.
Schneebaum, Tobias.
Schneider, Bart.
Schneider, Bart.
Schneider, David.
Schoene-Harwood, Berthold.
Schofield, Michael George.
Schofield, Michael George.
Schofield, Michael George.
Scholinski, Daphne.
Schonnesson, Lena Nilsson.
School experiences of gay and lesbian youth: the invisible minority. Mary
B. Harris, guest editor.
School violence. Edited by Denise M. Bonilla.
Schoppmann, Claudia.
Schoppmann, Claudia.
Schoppmann, Claudia.
Schoppmann, Claudia.
Schrader, Sabine.
Schramm-Evans, Zoe.
Schreiber, Ron.
Schreiber, Ron.
Schreiber, Ron.
Schroeder, Margot.
Schubert, Silvia.
Schulenberg, Joy A.
Schulman, Sarah.
Schulman, Sarah.
Schulman, Sarah.
Schulman, Sarah.
Schulman, Sarah.
Schulman, Sarah.
Schult, Peter.
Schultz, Mark Talbott.
Schulz, Christian.
Schulze, Franz.
Schulze, Janine.
Schulze-Wilde, Harry.
Schur, Edwin M.
Schur, Edwin M.
Schurhoff, Hans-Erich.
Schuster, Marilyn R.
Schuster, S. L. (Sandra Lee)
Schuster, Sandra Lee.
Schutzer, Amy.
Schuyler, James.
Schuyler, James.
Schwartz, Adria E.
Schwartz, Bernard.
Schwartz, Charles.
Schwartz, Marilyn.
Schwartzberg, Steven S.
Schwarz, A. B. Christa.
Schwarz, Judith.
Schwarzenbach, Annemarie.
Schwoebel, Richard L.
Schwule, Lesben, Polizei: vom Zwangsverhältnis zur Zweck-Ehe?
Schwule Spiritualität, Sexualität und Sinnlichkeit. Stefan
Mielchen, Klaus Stehling (Hrsg.) Mit Beiträgen von Peter Bürger
... [et al.]
Schwulsein 2000: Perspektiven im vereinigten Deutschland. Günter Grau
(Hrsg.); mit Beiträgen von Olaf Brühl ... [et al.]
Science and Homosexualities. Edited by Vernon A. Rosario.
Science fiction. Edited by Nicola Griffith and Stephen Pagel.
The Scientific American book of the brain. The editors of Scientific
American; introduction by Antonio R. Damasio.
Scientific Workshop on Lesbian Health (2000: Washington, D.C.)
Scoppettone, Sandra.
Scoppettone, Sandra.
Scoppettone, Sandra.
Scoppettone, Sandra.
Scott, Claudia.
Scott, D. Travers.
Scott, George Ryley.
Scott, Lynn Orilla.
Scott-Stokes, Henry.
Scout's honor [videorecording] a film by Tom Shepard in association with
Independent Television Service; produced and directed by Tom Shepard.
Scoville, Diane.
Screaming queens [videorecording]: the riot at Compton's Cafeteria.
Independent Television Service presents; KQED; directors, Victor
Silverman, Susan Stryker; producers, Jack Walsh, Susan Stryker, Victor
Silverman; writers, Susan Stryker, Victor Silverman.
Scroggs, Robin.
Sea of stories: the shaping of narrative in gay and lesbian cultures: a
festschrift for John P. De Cecco. Sonya L. Jones, editor.
Seabrook, Jeremy.
Seabrook, Jeremy.
Seabrook, Jeremy.
Seabrook, Mike.
Seabrook, Mike.
Seabrook, Mike.
Seager, Joni.
Seager, Joni.
Seale, Elizabeth Kelley.
Searle, Elizabeth.
Sears, Alan.
Sears, James T. (James Thomas)
Sears, James T. (James Thomas)
Sears, James T. (James Thomas)
Sears, James T. (James Thomas)
Sears, R. Bradley.
Sears, R. Bradley.
Seattle AIDS Memorial Vigil.
Seattle (Wash.) Mayor's Lesbian/Gay Task Force.
Seattle Commission for Lesbians and Gays.
Seattle Commission for Lesbians and Gays.
Seattle Commission for Lesbians and Gays.
Seattle Gay Couples (Organization)
Seattle Gay Couples (Organization)
Seattle gay news. v.3- Dec./Jan. 1976-
Seattle gay standard.
Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival.
Seattle LGBT Community Center.
Seattle Men in Leather: SML [newsletter]
Seattle Men's Chorus.
Seattle Men's Chorus, Performer.
Seattle source.
Seattle Treatment Exchange perspective: official quarterly publication of
Seattle Treatment Exchange.
Seattle (Wash.) Commission on children and youth.
Seattle (Wash.). Office for Women's Rights.
Seattle Women's Ensemble.
Seattle Women's Ensemble.
Sebastian quill.
Sebastiane [videorecording] Distac presents Derek Jarman's film; directed
by Paul Humfress and Derek Jarman; produced by Howard Malin and James
Sebillet, Thomas.
Secher, Claus.
The second coming: a leatherdyke reader. Edited by Pat Califia and Robin
Second ILGA pink book. International Lesbian and Gay Association.
Second National Workshop on HIV, Alcohol and Other Drug Use:
The Second womanSleuth anthology: contemporary mystery stories by women.
Edited by Irene Zahava.
Secrest, Meryle.
Secrest, Meryle.
Secrest, Meryle.
Secret sexualities: a sourcebook of 17th and 18th century writing.
Secret sisters: stories of being lesbian and bisexual in a college
Sedaris, David.
Sedaris, David.
Sedaris, David.
Sedaris, David.
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky.
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky.
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky.
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky.
See how they run [videorecording] Chickflick Productions; directed by
Emily Morse; produced by Emily Morse, Kelly Duane; co-directed by Kelly
Duane; co-produced by Tony Saxe.
See what goes on behind my masks. Writing by young people at Lambert
House, a resource center for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and
questioning youth, and their allies; series editor, Richard Gold.
Seeing gender (2002: London, England)
Seeing the rainbow: teachers talk about bisexual, gay, lesbian,
transgender, and two spirited realities. 2nd ed.
Seel, Pierre.
Seelbach, Siegfried.
Seeley, Robert.
Segal, Nancy L.
Segal, Naomi.
Segrest, Mab.
Segrest, Mab.
Segrest, Mab.
Sehen, Lesen, Begehren: Homosexualität in französischer
Literatur und Kultur. Dirk Naguschewski, Sabine Schrader (Hrsg.)
Sei doitsusei shogai to horitsu: ronsetsu, shiryo, Q&A. Ishihara Akira,
Oshima Toshiyuki hencho. Shohan.
Seidman, Steven.
Seidman, Steven.
Seidman, Steven.
Seksyuollit'i kangui. Han'guk Song P'ongnyok Sangdamso yokkum.
Sekushariti. Inoue Teruko, Ueno Chizuko, Ehara Yumiko hen; Amano Masako
henshu kyoryoku.
Selberg, Barbara J.
Selected issues in complex family law cases. Program chair, Thomas G.
Hammerlinck; faculty, Rita L. Bender [et al.]; sponsored by the Continuing
Legal Education Committee of the Washington State Bar Association.
Selek, Pinar.
Self, Will.
Self, Will.
Sell, Teresa Adada.
Selvadurai, Shyam.
Selvadurai, Shyam.
Selvadurai, Shyam.
Sember, Brette McWhorter.
Senak, Mark S.
Senak, Mark S.
Senak, Mark S.
Sender, Katherine.
Senelick, Laurence.
Sennett, Richard.
The sentinel.
Sentinel U.S.A.
Serano, Julia.
Sergent, Bernard.
Sergent, Bernard.
Sergent, Bernard.
Sergios, Paul A.
Serving diverse constituencies: applying the ecological perspective.
Roberta R. Greene and Marie Watkins, editors.
Serving gay & lesbian youths: the role of child welfare agencies:
recommendations from a colloquium, January 25-26, 1991.
Serving in silence [videorecording]: the Margarete Cammermeyer story.
Produced by Richard Heus; directed by Jeff Bleckner; written by Alison
Cross; Barwood Films Ltd., Inc., Storyline Productions, Inc.
and Trillium Productions, Inc. in association with Tristar Television.
Sessums, Kevin.
Seth, Vikram.
Seton, Marie.
Setz, Wolfram.
Setzer, Katharine Adrienne.
Sewell, Shaun Erwin.
Sex. Mary E. Williams, book editor.
Sex and difference in ancient Greece and Rome. Edited by Mark Golden and
Peter Toohey.
Sex and ethics: essays on sexuality, virtue, and the good life. Edited by
Raja Halwani.
Sex & money: feminism and political economy in the media. Eileen R.
Meehan, Ellen Riordan, editors.
Sex and politics in South Africa. Edited by Neville Hoad, Karen Martin,
and Graeme Reid.
Sex and sexuality in China. Edited by Elaine Jeffreys.
Sex and sexuality in early America. Edited by Merril D. Smith.
Sex & single girls: straight and queer women on sexuality. Edited by Lee
Sex and spirit: exploring gay men's spirituality. Edited by Robert
Sex and the city (Television program). Season 5.
Sex and the Sandinistas [videorecording]
Sex, cells, and same-sex desire: the biology of sexual preference.
Sex education. Tamara L. Roleff, book editor.
Sex for sale: prostitution, pornography, and the sex industry. Edited by
Ronald Weitzer.
Sex, gay men, and AIDS. Peter M. Davies ... [et al.]
Sex in advertising: perspectives on the erotic appeal. Edited by Tom
Reichert, Jacqueline Lambiase.
Sex in America: a definitive survey. By Robert T. Michael...[et al.]
Sex in public: Australian sexual cultures.
Sex in the Middle Ages: a book of essays. [Edited by] Joyce E.
Sex in the '60s; a candid look at the age of mini-morals, by the staff of
Time. Edited by Joe David Brown.
Sex, love, race: crossing boundaries in North American
Sex, nation, and dissent in Irish writing. Edited by Eibhear Walshe.
The sex of class: women transforming American labor. Edited by Dorothy Sue
Sex positives?: the cultural politics of dissident sexualities.
Sex, preference, and family: essays on law and nature.
Sex rights: the Oxford Amnesty lectures 2002. Edited by Nicholas
Sex [videorecording]: unknown. Produced by Andrew Cohen, Stephen Sweigart;
a BBC/WGBH Boston co-production.
Sex work: writings by women in the sex industry.
Sex work: writings by women in the sex industry. 2nd ed.
Sexual and gender diagnoses of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(DSM): a reevaluation. Dan Karasic, Jack Drescher, editors.
Sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS in Europe: comparisons of national
Sexual borderlands: constructing an American sexual past. Edited by
Kathleen Kennedy and Sharon Ullman.
Sexual cultures and migration in the era of AIDS: anthropological and
demographic perspectives.
Sexual cultures: communities, values, and intimacy.
Sexual cultures in Europe. Edited by Franz X. Eder, Lesley A. Hall & Gert
Hekma. 2v.
Sexual desire disorders.
Sexual diversity and Catholicism: toward the development of moral
Sexual faces. Edited by Charlotte Schwartz, Martin A. Schulman.
Sexual identities, queer politics. Edited by Mark Blasius.
Sexual identity: effeminacy among university students. Noraini Mohd. Noor
... [et al.]
Sexual identity on the job: issues and services.
Sexual inequalities and social justice. Edited by Niels Teunis and Gilbert
Herdt; with a foreward by Richard Parker.
Sexual interactions and HIV risk: new conceptual perspectives in European
Sexual knowledge, sexual science: the history of attitudes to
Sexual minorities and society: the changing attitudes toward homosexuality
in the 20th century Europe: papers presented to the international
conference in Tallinn, May 28-30, 1990.
Sexual minorities: discrimination, challenges, and development in America.
Michael K. Sullivan, editor.
Sexual orientation and gender expression in social work practice: working
with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.
Sexual orientation and gender identity: creating an inclusive work
environment: a model policy for law firms and other organizations. The
Law Society of Upper Canada.
Sexual orientation & human rights in American religious discourse.
Sexual orientation and legal rights.
Sexual orientation and mental health: examining identity and development
in lesbian, gay, and bisexual people.
Sexual orientation and the law. The editors of the Harvard
Sexual orientation and the law. National Lawyers Guild, Anti-Sexism
Committee of San Francisco Bay Area Chapter; Roberta Achtenberg,
Sexual orientation and the law: a selective bibliography on homosexuality
and the law, 1969-1988.
Sexual orientation discrimination: a research bibliography selectively
annotating legal literature through 2005.
Sexual orientation discrimination: an international perspective. Edited by
M.B. Lee Badgett and Jefferson Frank.
Sexual orientation: reading between the labels.
Sexual orientation: toward biological understanding.
Sexual outcasts 1750-1850. Edited and with a new introduction by Ian
McCormick. 4 vols.
Sexual politics in America. Editor Oliver Trager.
Sexual practice/textual theory: lesbian cultural criticism.
Sexual rhetoric: media perspectives on sexuality, gender, and identity.
Edited by Meta G. Carstarphen and Susan C. Zavoina.
Sexual risk behaviours of Canadians.
Sexual sameness: textual differences in lesbian and gay writing.
Sexual self: the construction of sexual scripts. Michael Kimmel,
Sexual sites, seminal attitudes: sexualities, masculinities, and culture
in South Asia. Editor, Sanjay Srivastava.
The Sexual subject: a Screen reader in sexuality.
Sexual transmission of HIV infection: risk reduction, trauma, and
Sexual values: opposing viewpoints. Charles P. Cozic, book editor.
Sexual victimisation: two recent researches into sex problems and their
social effects. Ed. by D. J. West.
Sexualität und Erotik in der Antike. Herausgegeben von Andreas
Karsten Siems.
Sexualities & communication in everyday life: a reader. Editors, Karen E.
Lovaas, Mercilee M. Jenkins.
Sexualities: identities, behaviors, and society. Edited by Michael S.
Kimmel, Rebecca F. Plante.
Sexualities in history: a reader. Edited by Kim M. Phillips and Barry
Sexualities lost and found: lesbians, psychoanalysis, and culture. Edited
by Edith Gould, Sandra Kiersky.
Sexuality and eroticism among males in Moslem
Sexuality and gender in early modern Europe: institutions, texts,
images. Edited by James Grantham Turner.
Sexuality and gender in postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia.
Aleksandar Stulhofer, Theo Sandfort, editors.
Sexuality and the body in Russian culture.
Sexuality down under: social and historical perspectives. Edited by
Allison Kirkman and Pat Moloney.
Sexuality in America: understanding our sexual values and behavior.
Sexuality in ancient art: Near East, Egypt, Greece, and Italy. Edited by
Natalie Boymel Kampen with Bettina Bergmann ... [et. al.]
Sexuality in the Arab world. Edited by Samir Khalaf and John Gagnon.
Sexuality in Victorian Britain. Edited by Andrew H. Miller and James Eli
Sexuality: psychoanalytic perspectives. Edited by Celia Harding.
Sexuality-related measures: a compendium. Edited by Clive M. Davis,
William L. Yarber, Sandra L. Davis.
Sexuality, the female gaze, and the arts: women, the arts, and society.
Edited by Ronald Dotterer and Susan Bowers.
The Sexually oppressed.
Sexually transmitted diseases. William Dudley, book editor.
Sexually transmitted diseases. Margaret Haerens, book editor.
Sexually transmitted diseases in homosexual men: diagnosis, treatment, and
Der Sexualreformer Magnus Hirschfeld: ein Leben im Spannungsfeld von
Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft.
Sexy bodies: the strange carnalities of feminism.
Seyda, Barbara.
SGN. see: Seattle gay news.
Shabnam mousi [videorecording] = Shabnam mausi. Run Kuma J. Muchala
presents; Bollywood Films & Entertainments; story, S. Sachindra;
screenplay, Yogesh Bhardwaj, Aadesh K. Arjun, S. Sachindra; dialogues,
Aadesh K. Arjun; produced by Sudesh R. Bhosle, Manoj K. Jaiswal; directed
by Yogesh Bhardwaj.
Shade: an anthology of fiction by gay men of African descent.
Shadows of love: American gay fiction.
Shadows of the night: queer tales of the uncanny and unusual. Greg Herren,
Shah, Dayna
Shah, Dayna K.
Shah, Dayna K.
Shahane, Vasant Anant.
Shairp, Mordaunt.
Shakespeare, Nicholas.
Shakespeare, William.
Shakespeare and gender. Edited with an introduction by Stephen Orgel and
Sean Keilen.
Shakespeare and gender: a history. Edited by Deborah Barker and Ivo
Shakespeare without class: misappropriations of cultural capital. Edited
by Donald Hedrick and Bryan Reynolds.
Shakuntala Devi.
Shalit, Peter.
Shallenberger, David.
Shand-Tucci, Douglass.
Shand-Tucci, Douglass.
Shanley, Mary Lyndon.
Shannon, George.
Shannon, Laurie.
Shapiro, Michael.
A shared experience: men, women, and the history of gender.
Sharing the delirium: second generation AIDS plays and performances.
Sharma, Pande Bechan.
Sharma, Satish Kumar.
Sharma, Umesh D.
Sharp, Christine.
Sharp, Elaine B.
Sharp, Helen M.
Sharrar, Jack F.
Sharratt, Mary.
Shattuck, Roger.
Shaviro, Steven.
Shaw, William H.
Shaw, William H.
Shawver, Lois.
She hate me [videorecording] a Spike Lee Joint; a Sony Pictures Classics
release in association with Pathé; a 40 Acres and Mule Filmworks
production in association with Rule 8 productions; produced by Spike Lee,
Preston Holmes and Fernando Sulichin; screenplay by Michael Genet & Spike
Lee; directed by Spike Lee.
Sheehy, Helen.
Shelby, R. Dennis.
Shelby, R. Dennis.
Shelley, Martha.
Shelley, Martha.
Shellhart, Gary.
Shenton, Joan.
Shepard, Curtis Frederic.
Shepherd, F. A.
Shepherd, F. A.
Shepherd, Reginald.
Shepherd, Simon.
Sher, Antony.
Sher, Antony.
Sheridan, Alan.
Sherman, Jane.
Sherman, Martin.
Sherman, Martin.
Sherman, Sarah Way.
Shernoff, Michael.
Sherrill, Jan-Mitchell.
Sherwood, Zalmon O.
Shibayama, Hajime.
Shilts, Randy.
Shilts, Randy.
Shilts, Randy.
Shinjuku boys [videorecording] Twentieth Century Vixen for the BBC; a film
by Kim Longinotto and Jano Williams.
Shinnick, Maurice.
Shively, Charley.
Shlain, Leonard.
Shoes: a history from sandals to sneakers. Edited by Giorgio Riello and
Peter McNeil.
Shogaisha mainoriti no sei to seikyoiku/"Ningen to Sei" Kyoiku Kenkyu
Kyogikai henshu.
Shokeid, Moshe.
Shooting the family: transnational media and intercultural values. Edited
by Patricia Pisters and Wim Staat.
Shores, Del.
Shorter, Edward.
Shortbus [videorecording] Fortissimo Films presents in association with Q
Television; a Process production; produced by Howard Gertler, Tim Perell,
John Cameron Mitchell; written and directed by John Cameron Mitchell.
Show me love [videorecording] Memfis Film presenterar; producerad av
Memfis Film; i samproduktion med Zentropa Productions, Film I Vast, SVT
Drama Goteborg; producent, Lars Jonsson; manuskript och regi, Lukas
Showalter, Elaine.
Showalter, Elaine.
Showalter, Elaine.
Schuhen, Gregor.
Shugar, Dana R.
Shukri, Muhammad.
Shurin, Aaron.
Shurin, Aaron.
Shurin, Aaron.
Shveitser, Viktoriia.
Shveitser, Viktoriia.
Shyer, Marlene Fanta.
Si xin xue shu yan tao hui (2nd: 1997: Zhongli, Taiwan)
Sickels, Amy.
Side by side: on having a gay or lesbian sibling. Andrew R. Gottlieb,
Sieg, Katrin.
Sieg, Katrin.
Siegel, Carol.
Siegel, Elaine V.
Siegel, Stanley.
Siegel, Stanley.
Siegener Hans Henny Jahnn Kolloquium (1985)
Siegener Kolloquium Homosexualität und Literatur
Siemsen, Hans.
Siemsen, Hans.
Siever, Michael David.
Sifuentes-Jauregui, Ben.
Significant others [videorecording]. Outspoken Productions; produced &
compiled by SJ Stofflet.
Significant others: creativity & intimate partnership.
Signorile, Michelangelo.
Signorile, Michelangelo.
Signorile, Michelangelo.
Signorile, Michelangelo.
Signs. v.9, n.4 (Summer, 1984)
Signs. v. 18, n.4 (Summer, 1993)
Sigusch, Volkmar.
Silent no more: voices of courage in American schools. Edited by ReLeah
Cossett Lent & Gloria Pipkin.
Silent Pioneers [videorecording] A Pioneer Films Production; conceived by
Patricia Giniger Snyder and Audrey Seidman; director, Lucy Winer;
producer, Patricia Giniger Snyder.
Silko, Leslie.
Silkwood [videorecording] ABC Motion Pictures; written by Nora Ephron &
Alice Arlen; produced by Mike Nichols and Michael Hausman; directed by
Mike Nichols.
Sillge, Ursula.
Silver, Diane.
Silver, Fred.
Silver, Nicky.
Silver, Nicky.
Silver, Nicky.
Silver, Nicky.
Silvera, Makeda.
Silverlake life [videorecording]: the view from here.
Silverman, Jonathan.
Silverman, Stanley.
Silversides, Ann.
Silverstein, Charles.
Silverstein, Charles.
Silverstein, Charles.
Silverstein, Charles.
Silverstein, Charles.
Simmons, Dawn Langley.
Simmons, Roy.
Simmons, Steven.
Simolke, Duane.
Simon, Linda.
Simon, Rita.
Simon & I [videorecording] See Thru Media presents; a Bev Palesa Ditsie,
Nicky Newman film; directors, Bev Ditsie, Nicky Newman; producer, Nicky
Newman; writer, Bev Ditsie.
Simon Gray's Butley [videorecording] American Express Films, Inc. and The
Ely Landau Organization, Inc. present The American Film Theatre; producer,
Ely Landau; screenplay by Simon Gray; director, Harold Pinter.
Simoneau, Alan G.
A simple matter of justice: theorizing lesbian and gay politics.
A simple matter of justice [videorecording] Produced by JEB (Joan E.
Biren) and Moonforce Media for The Committee for the March on Washington,
Inc.; director Bob Diamond. 1 videocassette, VHS.
Simpson, Colin.
Simpson, Mark.
Simpson, Mark.
Simpson, Ruth.
Sin against the innocents: sexual abuse by priests and the role of the
Catholic Church. Edited by Thomas G. Plante.
Sinclair, Andrew.
Sinclair, Andrew.
Sinfield, Alan.
Sinfield, Alan.
Sinfield, Alan.
Sinfield, Alan.
Sinfield, Alan.
Singer, Bennett L.
Singer, June.
Singer, June.
Singer, Linda.
Singlewomen in the European past, 1250-1800. Edited by Judith M. Bennett
and Amy M. Froide.
Singular, Stephen.
Sinister wisdom.
Sinnott, Megan.
Sins of the cities of the plain. Anonymous.
Siroonian, Jason.
Sisler, Rebecca.
Sisley, Emily L.
Sissies and tomboys: gender nonconformity and homosexual childhood. Edited
by Matthew Rottnek.
Sister & brother: lesbians & gay men write about their lives
together. Ed. with an introduction by Joan Nestle & John
Sister/stranger: lesbians loving across the lines. Edited by Jan
Sisters, sexperts, queers: beyond the lesbian nation.
Sistrum (Musical group)
Sites of desire, economies of pleasure: sexualities in Asia and the
Six feet under. First season [videorecording] Actual Size Film; Actual
Size Production; Home Box Office; The Greenblatt Janollari Studio;
executive producer, Alan Ball; created by Alan Ball.
Six feet under. Second season [videorecording] HBO; Actual Size Films;
The Greenblatt Janollari Studio; producers, Jill Soloway, Christian
Taylor; executive producer, Alan Ball; created by Alan Ball.
Skeen, Dick.
Skin deep [videorecording] Daruma Pictures Inc. presents; a film by Midi
Skinner, Jody.
Skinner, Marilyn B.
Skool's Out Forum (2002, N.S.W.)
Skrentny, John David.
Skutch, Robert.
Slant six: new theater from Minnesota's Playwrights' Center. Edited by
Morgan Jenness, John Richardson & Mac Wellman.
Slater, Niall W.
Slater, Candace.
Slater, Suzanne.
Slavin, Sean.
The sleep of reason: erotic experience and sexual ethics in ancient Greece
and Rome.
Slide, Anthony.
Slide, Anthony.
Slide, Anthony.
Sloop, John M.
Smalls, James.
Smith, Alison.
Smith, Alison M.
Smith, Alison M.
Smith, Alison M.
Smith, Andrew.
Smith, Anna Marie.
Smith, Barbara.
Smith, Barbara.
Smith, Bob.
Smith, Bruce R.
Smith, Catherine.
Smith, David Emerson.
Smith, Evan.
Smith, Freda.
Smith, Gary.
Smith, Gary.
Smith, Hazel.
Smith, Herbert F.
Smith, Jack.
Smith, James Monroe.
Smith, Lillian Eugenia.
Smith, Melissa Scandlyn.
Smith, Michael J.
Smith, Miriam Catherine.
Smith, Patricia Juliana.
Smith, Paul (Paul Richard)
Smith, Paul Julian.
Smith, Paul Julian
Smith, Paul Julian.
Smith, Paul R.
Smith, Ralph R.
Smith, Raymond A.
Smith, Richard.
Smith, Richard L. (Richard Leslie)
Smith, Susan E.
Smith, Tom.
Smith, William G.
Smith, Winthrop.
Smiths (Musical group) Performer.
Smyth, Cherry.
Smyth, Cherry.
Sneed, Pamela.
Snell, Cudore L.
Snezek, Louann A. (Louann Alicia)
Snow, Judith E.
Snyder, David Raub.
Snyder, Jane McIntosh.
Snyder, Jane McIntosh.
Snyder, Kirk.
Snyder, R. Claire.
Soapbox with Tom Cottle [videorecording]: gay and lesbian teens.
Soards, Marion L.
Socarides, Charles W.
Socarides, Charles W.
Socarides, Charles W.
Socarides, Charles W.
The social and the real: political art of the 1930s in the western
hemisphere. Edited by Alejandro Anreus, Diana L. Linden, and Jonathan
Social construction of difference and inequality: race, class, gender, and
Social context of AIDS. Joan Huber, Beth E. Schneider, editors.
Social diversity and social justice: selected readings. Edited by
Maurianne Adams ... [et al.]
Social education in the twentieth century: curriculum and context for
citizenship. Christine Woyshner, Joseph Watras, and Margaret Smith Crocco,
Social impact of AIDS in the U.S. Edited by Richard A. Berk.
Social movements and American political institutions.
Social movements and organization theory. Edited by Gerald F. Davis ...
[et al.]
Social outsiders in Nazi Germany. Edited by Robert Gellately and Nathan
Social perspectives in lesbian and gay studies: a reader.
Social policy and the body: transitions in corporeal discourse.
Social postmodernism; beyond identity politics.
Social psychology of identity and the self concept. Edited by Glynis M.
Social services for gay and lesbian couples. Lawrence A. Kurdek,
Social services for senior gay men and lesbians. Jean K. Quam, editor.
Social services with transgendered youth. Gerald P. Mallon, editor.
Social Text. v.15, n.3/4 (issues 52-53) Fall/Winter 1997
Social work and disadvantage: addressing the roots of stigma through
association. Edited by Peter Burke and Jonathan Parker.
Social work and service learning: partnerships for social justice. Edited
by Meryl Nadel, Virginia Majewski, and Marilyn Sullivan-Cosetti.
Socialist review. v.22, n. 1 (Jan/Mar 1992)
Socialist review. v. 25, n.1 (March, 1995)
Society of Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists.
Society of Medical Psychoanalyists.
Sociolegal control of homosexuality: a multi-nation comparison.
Sociology of homosexuality.
The Sociology of sex: an introductory reader. Edited by James M. Henslin
and Edward Sagarin. Rev. ed.
The sociology of the family: a reader. Edited by Graham Allan.
Sodomites and urnings: homosexual representations in classic German
journals. Edited and translated by Michael A. Lombardi-Nash.
Soehnlein, K. M.
Soentaro, Isye.
Sojourner: black gay voices in the age of AIDS.
Soldier talk: the Vietnam War in oral narrative. Edited by Paul Budra and
Michael Zeitlin.
Solitary pleasures: the historical, literary, and artistic discourses of
Sollorz, Michael.
Sollorz, Michael.
Solneman, K. H. Z.
Solomon, Alisa.
Solomon-Godeau, Abigail.
Solway, Diane.
Somerville, Siobhan B.
Something inside: conversations with gay fiction writers.
Sommer, Kai.
Sommer, Volker.
Sommers, Robbi.
Son, Diana.
Son, Diana.
The Son of the male muse: new gay poetry. Edited by Ian Young.
Song, Geng.
Song kwa sarang ui yoksa. Pillip Ariesu oe; Kim Kwang-hyon omgim.
Songcatcher [videorecording] Rigas Entertainment in association with the
Independent Film Channel Productions presents an Ergo Arts production, a
film by Maggie Greenwald; producers, Ellen Rigas Venetis, Richard Miller;
writer & director, Maggie Greenwald.
Songstit, Peerachati.
Sonoma County Gay Alliance news.
Sonoma County Lesbian & Gay Alliance news.
Sontag, Susan.
Sontag, Susan.
Sorenson, Robert C.
Sorrells, James.
Sosne, Diane.
Soto, Francisco.
Sotvorenia Adama [videorecording]=Creation of Adam. Kinostudiia "Borchaly"
pri uchastii Kinostudii "Neva"; rezhisser-postanovshchik, Iurii
Souhami, Diana.
Souhami, Diana.
Souhami, Diana.
Souhami, Diana.
Souhami, Diana.
Souhami, Diana.
Soulie de Morant, G. (George)
Sound Circle (Musical group)
Sound out.
A sourcebook of feminist theatre and performance: on and beyond the stage.
Edited by Carol Martin.
South Asian women in the diaspora. Edited by Nirmal Puwar and Parvati
South Atlantic Quarterly.
v.88, n.1 (Winter, 1989)
The South End news.
South Park and philosophy: bigger, longer, and more penetrating. Cobbled
together by Richard Hanley.
South to a new place: region, literature, culture. Edited by Suzanne W.
Jones and Sharon Monteith; foreword by Richard Gray.
Southeast Alaska Gay & Lesbian Alliance's perspective.
Southern comfort [videorecording] A film by Kate Davis; produced, filmed
and edited by Kate Davis; Q-Ball Productions, Inc.
Southern women playwrights: new essays in literary history and criticism.
Edited by Robert L. McDonald and Linda Rohrer Paige.
The space of culture: critical readings in Hispanic studies. Edited by
Stewart King & Jeff Browitt.
Spaces of hate: geographies of discrimination and intolerance in the
U.S.A. Edited by Colin Flint.
Spaces of their own: women's public sphere in transnational China. Mayfair
Meihui Yang, editor.
Spackman, W. M. (William Mode)
Spada, James.
Spagna, Ana Maria.
Spanbauer, Tom.
Spanbauer, Tom.
Spanbauer, Tom.
Spanish cinema: the auteurist tradition. Edited by Peter William
Spanish writers on gay and lesbian themes: a bio-critical sourcebook.
Edited by David William Foster.
Sparke, Penny.
Sparrow 13 LaughingWand.
Speak up! [videorecording]: improving the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender youth.
Speaking for our lives: historic speeches and rhetoric for gay and lesbian
rights (1892-2000). Robert B. Ridinger, editor.
Speaking for ourselves: short stories by Jewish lesbians. Edited by Irene
Speaking in queer tongues: globalization and gay language.
Speaking of race, speaking of sex: hate speech, civil rights, and civil
Spear, Richard E.
Spears, Richard A.
Specht, Kerstin.
Spence, Alex.
Spence, Alex.
Spencer, Camika.
Spencer, Colin.
Spencer, Colin.
Spencer, Daniel T. (Daniel Teberg)
Spender, Stephen.
Spender, Stephen.
Spender, Stephen.
Spender, Stephen.
Spicer, Jack.
Spicer, Jack.
Spilka, Mark.
The spirit captured: the official photojournal of Celebration '90-Gay
Games III & Cultural Festival. Edited by Richard Forzley and E.
Douglas Hughes; photographs by Kent Kallberg Studios Ltd. ...[et
Spirituality and the secular quest. Edited by Peter H. Van Ness.
Split britches: lesbian practice/feminist performance.
Spong, John Shelby.
Spong, John Shelby.
Spong, John Shelby.
Sport and gender in Canada. Edited by Philip White and Kevin Young.
Sport and gender identities: masculinities, femininities and sexualities.
Edited by Cara Carmichael Aitchison.
Sport, men, and the gender order: critical feminist perspectives.
Sport, sexualities and queer/theory. Edited by Jayne Caudwell.
Sportsdykes: stories from on and off the field. Susan Fox, ed.
Spoto, Donald.
Sprache--Erotik--Sexualität. Herausgegeben von Rudolf Hoberg.
The spread of AIDS. Daniel A. Leone, book editor.
Spreitzer, Brigitte.
Sprigg, Peter.
Spring, Justin.
Springboard: a publication of the Northwest AIDS Foundation.
Sproles, Karyn Z.
Sprung, Jerry.
Spurgeon, Sara L.
Spurlin, William J.
Staberg, Jakob.
St. Elmo's fire [videorecording] Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.
St. James Press gay & lesbian almanac. Editor, Neil Schlager with foreword
by R. Ellen Greenblatt.
Stacey, Judith.
Stadler, Matthew.
Stadler, Matthew.
Stadler, Matthew.
Stadler, Matthew.
Staff notes: a newsletter for the staff of Seattle Gay Clinic
Stafford, Peter G.
Staging desire: queer readings of American theater history. Edited by Kim
Marra and Robert A. Schanke.
Staging gay lives: an anthology of contemporary gay theater.
Stainton, Leslie.
Stambolian, George.
Standards and schooling in the United States: an encyclopedia. Edited by
Joe L. Kincheloe and Danny Weil. 3v.
Stanton, Glenn T.
Stanton, Larry.
Stapleton, Janie W. (Janie Weaver)
Stardom: industry of desire. Edited by Christine Gledhill.
Stark, Elizabeth.
Starr, Victoria.
Start seeing diversity [videorecording]: the basic guide to an anti-bias
The state of affairs: explorations in infidelity and commitment. Edited by
Jean Duncombe ... [et al.]
The stately homo: a celebration of the life of Quentin Crisp. Edited by
Paul Bailey.
States of rage: emotional eruption, violence, and social change.
Staying the course: supporting the church's position on homosexuality.
Edited by Maxie D. Dunham and H. Newton Malony.
Steakley, James.
Steakley, James D.
Stearn, Jess.
Stearn, Jess.
Stedefeldt, Elke.
Steegmuller, Francis.
Steen, R. Grant.
Stefan, Verena.
Stefan, Verena.
Steffan, Joseph.
Steffan, Joseph.
Steidele, Angela.
Steidele, Angela.
Stein, Arlene.
Stein, Arlene.
Stein, Arlene.
Stein, Edward.
Stein, Gertrude.
Stein, Gertrude.
Stein, Gertrude.
Stein, Gertrude.
Stein, Gertrude.
Stein, Gertrude.
Stein, Gertrude.
Stein, Marc.
Stein, Nan D.
Steinberg, S.
Steinberg, Sylvie.
Steinert, Hannes.
Steinhaussen, Jan.
Steinhäuser, Martin.
Steinke, Darcey.
Steinle, Karl-Heinz.
Steinle, Karl-Heinz.
Steinle, Karl-Heinz.
Stekel, Wilhelm.
Stekel, Wilhelm.
Stekel, Wilhelm.
Stekel, Wilhelm.
Stekel, Wilhelm.
Stekel, Wilhelm.
Stembridge, Gerard.
STEP perspective.
Stepping stones and roadblocks=Obstacles et passerelles=Sprungbretter und
Stern, James.
Stern, Martin Jerold.
Stern, Martin Jerold.
Sternweiler, Andreas.
Sternweiler, Andreas.
Sternweiler, Andreas.
Sternweiler, Andreas.
Stevens, David.
Stevens, David.
Stevens, Hugh.
Stevenson, David, Ph.D.
Stevenson, Edward Irenaeus Prime.
Stevenson, Richard.
Stevenson, Richard.
Stevenson, Richard.
Stevenson, Richard.
Stevenson, Richard.
Stevenson, Warren.
Steward, Samuel M.
Steward, Samuel M.
Steward, Samuel M.
Steward, Samuel M.
Steward, Samuel M.
Steward, Samuel M.
Stewart, Alan.
Stewart, Andrew F.
Stewart, Chuck.
Stewart, Chuck.
Stewart, Chuck.
Stewart, Crissy E.
Stewart, Gail.
Stewart, Jean.
Stewart, Roberta E.
Stewart, Stephen.
Stewart, Stephen.
Stewart, Stephen.
Stewart, William.
Stiers, Gretchen A.
Stigma and sexual orientation: understanding prejudice against lesbians,
gay men, and bisexuals.
Stimm, Thomas.
Stimpson, Catharine R.
Stockel, Matthias.
Stockton, Christine Heron.
Stockton, Kathryn Bond.
Stockton, Kathryn Bond.
Stoddard, Charles Warren.
Stoddard, Charles Warren.
Stoddard, Charles Warren.
Stokes, John.
Stolen glances: lesbians take photographs.
Stoller, Nancy E.
Stoller, Robert J.
Stoller, Robert J.
Stoller, Robert J.
Stoller, Robert J.
Stonely, Peter.
The Stonewall archives [videorecording] An After Stonewall Production;
produced by After Stonewall Productions, in association with the Kopkind
Colony; produced by John Scagliotti.
Stonewall news Northwest.
Stonewall news Spokane.
Stoppard, Tom.
Storandt, William.
Storey, David.
Storr, Anthony.
Stott, John R. W.
Stout, Rex.
Stowe, John R.
Straayer, Chris.
Strachey, Lytton.
Strage, Mark.
Strah, David.
Straight America, Gay America.
Straight from the heart [videorecording] Woman Vision Production.
Straight studies modified: lesbian interventions in the academy.
Straight with a twist: queer theory and the subject of
Straight writ queer: non-normative expressions of heterosexuality in
literature. Edited by Richard Fantina; foreword by Calvin Thomas.
Strange and charmed [videorecording] Written & directed by Shari Frilot;
producer, Effie Brown; Quantum Kiss Productions.
Strasser, Mark Philip.
Strasser, Mark Philip.
Strasser, Mark Philip.
Strategic sex: why they won't keep it in the bedroom. D. Trevers
Scott, editor.
Straton ek Sardeon, fl. 125.
Streitmatter, Rodger.
Streitmatter, Rodger.
Strength in numbers: a lesbian, gay, and bisexual resource.
Strengthening the learning environment: a school employee's guide to gay
and lesbian issues.
Strike while the iron is hot: three plays on sexual politics. Edited and
introduced by Michelene Wandor.
Strock, Carren.
Strom, Deanna Sue.
Strong, Jonathan.
Stroud, Drew McCord.
Stroud, Matthew D.
Struggles for social rights in Latin America. Edited by Susan Eva Eckstein
and Timothy P. Wickham-Crowley.
Stryker, Susan.
Stryker, Susan.
Stuart, Elizabeth.
Stuart, Elizabeth.
Stuart, Elizabeth.
Stuart, Kim Elizabeth.
Stuart, Otis.
Stubrin, Jaime P.
Student services for the changing graduate student population. Anne
S. Pruitt-Logan, Paul D. Isaac, editors.
Studer, Wayne Malcolm.
Studien zur männlichen Homosexualität.
Studies in Jewish musical traditions: insights from the Harvard collection
of Judaica sound recordings. Edited by Kay Kaufman Shelemay.
Studies in law, politics, and society. v.19.
Studzinski, Kristina.
Stukas, David.
Stümke, Hans-Georg.
Stümke, Hans-Georg.
Sturgeon, Mary C.
Sturges, Robert Stuart.
Sturgis, Matthew.
Stychin, Carl F. (Carl Franklin)
Stychin, Carl F. (Carl Franklin)
Stychin, Carl F. (Carl Franklin)
Styron, William.
Suarez, Juan Antonio.
The Subject of art history: historical objects in contemporary
The subject of care: feminist perspectives on dependency. [Edited by] Eva
Feder Kittay and Ellen K. Feder.
Subverting masculinity: hegemonic and alternative versions of masculinity
in contemporary culture.
Die Suche nach dem rechten Mann: Mannerfreundschaft im literarischen Werk
Hans Henny Jahnns. Hrsg von Wolfgang Popp; mit Beiträgen von Maria al.
Suddenly, last summer [videorecording]. Columbia Pictures; Horizon
Pictures; produced by Sam Spiegel; directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz.
Suen, Pa-kin.
Suicide. Edited by Robert Emmet Long.
Un sujet inclassable?: approches sociologiques, litteraires et juridiques
des homosexualites. Sous la direction de Rommel Mendes-Leite; preface
de Marie-Elisabeth Handman.
Sullivan, Andrew.
Sullivan, Andrew.
Sullivan, J. P. (John Patrick)
Sullivan, L.
Sullivan, Louis.
Sullivan, Maureen.
Sullivan, Nikki.
The sum of our parts: mixed-heritage Asian Americans.
The sum of us [videorecording] Southern Star in association with
Australian Film Finance Corporation presents: a Hal McElroy Southern Star
productions; produced by Hal McElroy; screenplay writer, David Stevens;
directors, Kevin Dowling & Geoff Burton.
Summer, Jane.
Summerhawk, Barbara.
Summers, Anthony.
Summers, Claude J.
Summers, Claude J.
Summers, Martin Anthony.
Summerscale, Kate.
Sunday bloody Sunday [videorecording] Vectia Films; screenplay by Penelope
Gilliatt; produced by Joseph Janni; directed by John Schlesinger.
Sunstein, Cass R.
Sunstein, Cass R.
Supplementum lyricis Graecis: poetarum lyricorum Graecorum fragmenta quae
recens innotuerunt. Ed. Denys Page.
The Supreme Court in American politics: new institutionalist
interpretations. Editors, Howard Gillman, Cornell Clayton.
Suraci, Patrick.
Suresha, Ron Jackson.
Surface tension: love, sex, and politics between lesbians and straight
women. Edited by Meg Daly.
Survey of the Seattle area gay and lesbian community: identity and
Survival guide: a comprehensive guide to "don't ask, don't tell, don't
pursue, don't harass" and related military policies. 4th ed.
Surviving and thriving with AIDS. Michael Callen, editor; Richard Dworkin,
associate editor.
Suspended license: censorship and the visual arts. Edited by Elizabeth C.
Sussman, Elisabeth.
Sustaining safe sex: gay communities respond to AIDS. Susan Kippax ... [et
Sutherland, Alistair, ed.
Sutherland, John.
Sutherland, Luke.
Suthrell, Charlotte A.
Sutton, Roger.
Svilt, Jan.
Swados, Elizabeth.
Swallow, Jean.
Swallow, Jean.
The swan. Spokane's Gay News Publication.
Sweasey, Peter.
Sweet, Robert Burdette.
Sweet dreams: sexuality, gender and popular fiction.
Sweetman, David.
Swenson, May.
Swicegood, Thomas L. P.
Swietlinski, Jutta.
Swift, Edward.
Swift, Edward.
Swing low, sweet chariot [videorecording]: African American spirituals and
the crisis of AIDS. Heebie Jeebie Music presents; performances created by
Kerrigan Black; conceived & produced for Heebie Jeebie Music by Larry
Swinging single: representing sexuality in the 1960s. Hilary Radner and
Moya Luckett, editors.
Switzer, David K.
Switzer, David K.
Swoon [videorecording] Tom Kalin and Christine Vachon present; written,
directed and co-produced by Tom Kalin; produced by Christine Vachon.
The Sydney gay community period surveys, 1996-1999: changes over time.
Garrett Prestage ... [et al.]
Sykes, Gresham M.
Sykes, Heather Jane.
Syllabi in gay, lesbian, and queer studies. Collected and arranged by The
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies.
Sylvester, David.
Sylvester, David.
The symmetry of gay rights, religious freedom & racial equality
Symonds, John Addington.
Symonds, John Addington.
Symonds, John Addington.
Symonds, John Addington.
Symonds, John Addington.
Symonds, John Addington.
Symonds, John Addington.
Symonds, John Addington.
Symonds, John Addington.
Symonds, John Addington.
Symons, A. J. A. (Alphonse James Albert)
Symons, Scott.
Sympatiens hemlighetsfulla makt: Stockhoms homosexuella 1860-1960. Fredrik
Silverstolpe ... [et al.]; redaktor, Goran Soderstrom.
A Symposium: new Jewish and Christian approaches to homosexuality: Patti
Jung, Jeffrey Siker, Elliot Dorff, Frederick Borsch, Rebecca Alpert, Donal
Godrey [i.e., Godfrey]
Symposium on sex assignment and reassignment: intersex and gender identity
Syphilis & MSM (men who have sex with men).
Syphilis, STIs, and men who have sex with men in Sydney: understanding and
managing risk. Martin Holt ... [et al.]
Szasz, Thomas Stephen.
Szymanowski, Karol.
Tabi-tabi sa pagsasantabi: kritikal na tala ng mga lesbiana at bakla sa
sining, kultua, at wika. Eugene Y. Evasco, Roselle V. Pineda, Rommel B.
Rodriquez, mga patnugot.
Taboo: sex, identity, and erotic subjectivity in anthropological
fieldwork. Edited by Don Kulick and Margaret Wilson.
Taboos in German literature. Edited by David Jackson.
Tackling gay issues in school: a resources module. Edited by Leif
Mitchell. 2nd ed.
Tacoma advisor.
Tacoma Lesbian Concern.
Tacoma sounds.
Taddeo, Julie Anne.
Tadie, Jean-Yves.
Tadie, Jean-Yves.
Tafel, Richard.
Takács, Judit.
Takács, Judit.
Takahara, Eiri.
Takahashi, Lois.
Takahashi, Mutsuo.
Takahashi, Mutsuo.
Take out: queer writing from Asian Pacific America. Edited by Quang Bao
and Hanya Yanagihara; with Timothy Liu.
Taketani, Etsuko.
Taking liberties: AIDS and cultural politics.
Taking liberties: gay men's essays on politics, culture, and sex.
Taking post-exposure prophylaxis: managing risk, reclaiming control.
Henrike Korner ... [et al.].
Taking sides. Clashing views in abnormal psychology. Selected, edited, and
with introductions by Richard P. Halgin. 4th ed.
Taking sides. Clashing views in gender. Selected, edited, and with
introductions by Jacquelyn W. White. 3rd ed.
Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial issues in abnormal
psychology. 2nd ed.
Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial issues in abnormal
psychology. 3rd ed.
Taking sides: clashing views on controversial issues in gender
Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial moral issues.
Taking stock. Chicken Soup Brigade.
Talamini, John T.
Talbert, R. G.
Talburt, Susan.
The talented Mr. Ripley [videorecording] Paramount Pictures and Miramax
Films presnet a Mirage Enterprises/Timnick films production; produced by
William Horberg, Tom Sternberg; screenplay by Anthony MInghella; directed
by Anthony Minghella.
Armistead Maupin's Tales of the city [videorecording] A Propaganda/Working
Title Production for Channel 4, in association with American
Playhouse/KQED; teleplay by Richard Kramer; produced by Alan Poul;
directed by Alistair Reid; executive producer [for American Playhouse],
Lindsay Law; KCET Los Angeles, South Carolina ETV, WGBH Boston, WNET New
Talking adolescence: perspectives on communication in the teenage years.
Edited by Angie Williams & Crispin Thurlow.
Talking black: lesbians of African and Asian descent speak out.
Talking sexuality: parent-adolescent communication. S. Shirley Feldman,
Doreen A. Rosenthal, editors.
Talwar, Rajesh.
Tamagne, Florence.
Tanis, Justin Edward.
Tanizaki, Junichiro.
Tanizaki, Junichiro.
Tapon, Philippe.
Tarik el hob [videorecording] = The road to love. A film by Remi Lange;
directed by Remi Lange; written by Remi Lange and Antoine Parlebas.
Task Force on gay and lesbian concerns: final report 1993. Washington
State Department of Social and Health Services, Planning, Research and
Tasker, Fiona L.
Taste This (Performance group)
Tasting life twice: literary lesbian fiction by new American writers.
Edited by E. J. Levy; [stories by Carole Maso ... et al.]
Tataryn, Joy.
Tatchell, Peter.
Tatchell, Peter.
Tatchell, Peter.
Taub, Yermiyahu Ahron.
Taubman, Jane.
Taxi zum Klo [videorecording]=Taxi to the toilet. Promovision
International Films, Ltd.;
Taylor, Frank C.
Taylor, Clark Louis.
Taylor, Jacqueline.
Taylor, Jean (Jean M.)
Taylor, Jean (Jean M.)
Taylor, Joelle.
Taylor, Robert.
Taylor, Sheila Ortiz.
Taylor, Sheila Ortiz.
Taylor, Yvette.
Tchaikovsky and his world. Edited by Leslie Kearney.
Tchelitchew, Pavel.
TDG: The Dorian Group newsletter.
Tea, Michelle.
Tea, Michelle.
Tea, Michelle.
Tea, Michelle.
Teaching for diversity and social justice: a sourcebook.
Teaching for diversity and social justice. 2nd ed. Edited by Maurianne
Adams, Lee Anne Bell, and Pat Griffin.
Teaching gender and multicultural awareness: resources for the psychology
classroom. Edited by Phyllis Bronstein and Kathryn Quina.
Teaching gender, teaching women's health: case studies in medical and
health science education. Lenore Manderson, editor.
Teaching performance studies. Edited by Nathan Stucky and Cynthia Wimmer;
with a foreword by Richard Schechner.
Teaching the new library to today's users: reaching international,
minority, senior citizens, gay/lesbian, first generation, at-risk,
graduate and returning students, and distance learners. Compiled by Trudi
E. Jacobson, Helene C. Williams.
Teaching to promote intellectual and personal maturity: incorporating
students' worldviews and identities into the learning process. Marcia B.
Baxter Magold, editor.
Teal, Donn.
Team Dresch (Musical Group)
Teen sex. Christine Watkins, book editor.
Teen suicide. Tamara L. Roleff, book editor.
Teenage sexuality: opposing viewpoints. Ken R. Wells, book editor.
Teh, Yik Koon.
Tejirian, Edward J.
Television. Jamuna Carroll, book editor.
Television histories: shaping collective memory in the media age. Edited
by Gary R. Edgerton and Peter C. Rollins.
Tellier, Andre.
Telling it: women and language across cultures, the transformation of a
conference. Edited by the Telling It Book Collective: Sky Lee... [et al.]
Telling moments: autobiographical lesbian short stories. Edited by Lynda
Telling tales [videorecording]: Out in Africa workshop films.
Telling tales out of school: gays, lesbians, and bisexuals revisit their
school days. Edited by Kevin Jennings.
Teltscher, Peter.
Tender fictions [videorecording] A film by Barbara Hammer.
Tennessee Williams: a casebook. Edited by Robert F. Gross.
Tennessee Williams: a tribute. Edited by Jac Tharpe.
Tennyson, Hallam.
Ter Horst, Eleanor E.
Terman, Sharon.
Terra firma: [exhibition] January 15 to March 2 1997. Introduction, Terry
Territories of desire in queer culture: refiguring contemporary
boundaries. Edited by David Alderson and Linda Anderson.
Terry, Jennifer, Ph. D.
Tessier, Linda J. (Linda Jo)
Tessina, Tina B.
Testimonies: a collection of lesbian coming out stories.
Tewksbury, Mark.
Textbook of homosexuality and mental health.
Texts of identity. Edited by John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen.
Textual practice. v.11, issue 3 (Winter, 1997)
Thadani, Giti.
Thamm, Andrea.
Thank God I'm a lesbian [videorecording] Colbert & Cardona.
Thanon sai pratthana. [Bannathikan, Chanthalak Raksayu]. Phim khrang
That great sanity: critical essays on May Sarton.
That obscure subject of desire: Freud's female homosexual
revisited. Edited by Ronnie C. Lesser and Erica Schoenberg.
That second bottle: essays on John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester. Edited by
Nicholas Fisher.
That's a family! [videorecording] Directed by Debra Chasnoff; produced by
Debra Chasnoff, Ariella J. Ben-Dov, Fawn Yacker.
That's me. by Sasha Wales-Smith; producer, Jackie Cahi; a Pangolin Films
production. Choose life. Created, produced, and directed by Dorothy
Brislin Ntone; a Promarte production.
That's revolting!: queer strategies for resisting assimilation. Edited by
Mattilda, aka Matt Bernstein Sycamore.
Theorizing diaspora: a reader. Edited by Jana Evans Braziel and Anita
Theorizing lesbian experience. Edited by Toni A. H. McNaron et al.
Therapist's notebook for lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients: homework,
handouts, and activities for use in psychotherapy. Joy S. Whitman, Cynthia
J. Boyd, editors.
Therapists on the front line: psychotherapy with gay men in the age of
AIDS. Edited by Steven A. Caldwell, Robert A. Burnham, Jr., and Marshall
There's something I've been meaning to tell you.
They don't even know me!: understanding anti-gay harassment and violence
in schools. [Author and principal investigator, Beth Reis]
They shine [videorecording]: on being gay in Mazatepec, Mexico. The
Autonomous University of the State of Morelos and Gringoyo Productions
present; produced and directed by Greg Berger.
Think Again (firm)
Thinking queer: sexuality, culture, and education. Edited by Susan
Talburt and Shirley R. Steinberg.
Thinking straight: the power, the promise, and the paradox of
heterosexuality. Edited by Chrys Ingraham.
The Third pink book: a global view of lesbian and gay liberation and
oppression. Edited by Aart Hendriks, Rob Thielman, and Evert van der
Third sex, third gender: beyond sexual dimorphism in culture and history.
Edited by Gilbert Herdt.
Third wave feminism and television: Jane puts it in a box. Edited by Merri
Lisa Johnson.
The Third WomanSleuth anthology: contemporary mystery stories by women.
Edited by Irene Zahava.
This bridge called my back: writings by radical women of color.
This bridge called my back: writings by radical women of color.
2nd ed.
This bridge we call home: radical visions for transformation. Edited by
Gloria E. Anzaldua and AnaLouise Keating.
This elusive land: women and the Canadian environment. Edited by Melody
Hessing, Rebecca Raglon and Catriona Sandilands.
This is dedicated [videorecording]. An Alleycat production.
This is what lesbian looks like: dyke activists take on the 21st
century. Edited by Kris Kleindienst.
[This mater treateth of a merchauntes wyfe that afterwarde went like a man
and was called Frederyke of Jennen.] [microform]
This mater treateth of a merchauntes wyfe that afterwarde went lyke a man
and was called Frederyke of Jennen. [uniform title]
Thody, Philip Malcolm Waller.
Thody, Philip Malcolm Waller.
Thomas, Amber Flora.
Thomas, Buddy.
Thomas, H. Nigel.
Thomas, Laurence.
Thomas, Wesley.
Thompson, Becky W.
Thompson, C. J. S. (Charles John Samuel)
Thompson, Denise.
Thompson, Graham.
Thompson, Graham.
Thompson, Heidi M.
Thompson, Julie M. (Julie Marie)
Thompson, Karen.
Thompson, Mark.
Thompson, Mark.
Thompson, Mark.
Thompson, Peter E.
Thompson, Rosemary.
Thompson, Scott.
Thompson, W. Scott (Willard Scott)
Thomsen, Hans-Friedrich.
Thomson, D. F. S. (Douglas Ferguson Scott)
Thomson, D. F. S. (Douglas Ferguson Scott)
Thomson, Augusto.
Thornton, Bruce S.
Thorson, Scott.
Thrust (Delta, B.C.)
Thurer, Shari.
Thurman, Judith.
Thurman, Wallace.
Thurman, Wallace.
Thurman, Wallace.
Thurschwell, Pamela.
Thurston, Thomas.
Tibok: heartbeat of the Filipino lesbian. Compiled and edited by Anna Leah
Tiefenbrun, Ruth.
Tierney, William G.
The Ties that bind: questioning family dynamics and family discourse in
Hispanic literature. Edited, with an introduction and notes by Sara E.
The ties that bind [videorecording] By Su Friedrich.
Tifashi, Ahmad ibn Yusuf.
Tiffany, Grace.
Tigert, Leanne McCall.
Tiling, Johann Nikolaus.
Tilleraas, Perry.
Tiny & Ruby [videorecording]: hell divin' women. Jezebel Productions
presents a film by Greta Schiller & Andrea Weiss; with narrative poetry by
Cheryl Clarke; produced in association with Channel 4; produced by Greta
Schiller & Andrea Weiss; directed by Greta Schiller.
Tilting the tower: lesbians, teaching, queer subjects. Ed. Linda Garber.
Tilton, Joanne Elizabeth.
Tim Miller's body blows [videorecording] Produced & directed by Charles
The time of AIDS: social analysis, theory, and method.
A time to speak: a collection of contemporary statements from U. S.
Catholic sources on homosexuality, gay ministry and social justice. Edited
by Robert C. Nugent and Jeannine Gramick. 2nd ed.
The Times of Harvey Milk [videorecording] Director, Robert Epstein;
producers, Richard Schmeichen, Robert Epstein; editors, Deborah Hoffman,
Robert Epstein; music, Mark Isham.
Timmons, Stuart.
Tinkcom, Matthew.
Tipping the velvet [videorecording] A Sally Head production for the BBC;
produced by Georgina Lowe; screenplay by Andrew Davies; directed by
Geoffrey Sax.
Tippins, Sherill.
'Tis nature's fault: unauthorized sexuality during the Enlightenment.
Tkachuk, Janice Michele.
To be continued--. Edited by Michele Karlsberg and Karen X.
To be continued: take two. Edited by Michele Karlsberg and Karen
X. Tulchinsky.
To my women friends [videorecording] A film by Natalja Sharandak in
co-operation with Olga Zhuk.
To Sappho, my sister: lesbian sisters write about their lives.
Tobias, Andrew P.
Tobin, Kay.
Tobin, Robert Deam.
Tobin, William John.
Tode, Emil.
Toder, Nancy.
Todo sobre mi madre [videorecording]=all about my mother. El Deseo S.a.
presenta; una coproduction El Deseo S.A., Renn Productions, France 2
Cinema; written and directed by Pedro Almodovar; produced by Agustin
Toevs, Kim.
Together alone: personal relationships in public places. Edited by Calvin
Morrill, David A. Snow, and Cindy H. White.
Togo, Ken.
Tóibín, Colm.
Tóibín, Colm.
Tóibín, Colm.
Tóbín, Colm.
Tóbín, Colm.
Toilet training [videorecording]: law and order (in the bathroom) A video
by Tara Mateik; a project of the Sylvia Rivera Law Project.
Tolan, Kathleen.
Tolins, Jonathan.
Tolins, Jonathan.
Tolins, Jonathan.
Tommasini, Anthony.
Tommy boys, lesbian men, and ancestral wives: female same-sex practices in
Africa. [Edited by] Ruth Morgan and Saskia Wieringa.
Tondelli, Pier Vittorio.
Tongues untied: poems. By Dirg Aaab-Richards ... [et al.]
Tongues untied [videorecording]. By Marlon Riggs.
Tonks, Douglas.
Tony Kushner: new essays on the art and politics of the plays. Edited by
James Fisher.
"Too busy studying and no time for sex?": homosexually active male
international students and sexual health. Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli ... [et
Tool (Musical Group)
Tools for caring about lesbian health [videorecording] Produced by
Moonforce Media for the Mary-Helen Mautner Project for Lesbian with
Cancer; producer/writer/director, Joan E. Biren.
Torai, Masae.
Torai, Masae.
Torai, Masae.
Torai, Masae.
Torch song trilogy [videorecording]. Screenplay by Harvey
Fierstein; produced by Howard Gottfried; directed by Paul Bogart.
Torch to the heart: anthology of lesbian art and drama.
Torchia, Joseph.
Torres, Daniel.
Tortilleras: Hispanic and U.S. Latina lesbian expression. Edited by
Lourdes Torres and Inmaculada Pertusa.
Total eclipse [videorecording] New Line Features; a film by Agnieszka
Total patient care [videorecording]: the child with an intersex condition.
A production of Access Video; executive producer, Cheryl Chase;
producer/director, Phyllis Ward.
Totman, Richard.
Totally f***ed up [videorecording] Desperate Pictures in association with
Blurco and Muscle+Hate Studios; produced by Andrea Sperling and Gregg
Araki; written/directed by Gregg Araki.
Tough acts to follow: one-act plays on the gay/lesbian experience.
Tourism and sex: culture, commerce and coercion. Edited by Stephen Clift
and Simon Carter.
Toward acceptance: sexual orientation issues on campus.
Town talk.
Townsend, Larry.
Townsend, Larry.
Toyama, Hitomi.
Tracy, Kathleen.
Traendly, Cheryl A.
Trans/forming feminisms: trans/feminist voices speak out. Edited by Krista
Transamerica [videorecording] The Weinstein Company; Belladonna
Productions presents a film by Duncan Tucker; written and directed by
Duncan Tucker; produced by Linda Moran, René Bastian, Sebastian
Dungan; executive producer, William H. Macy.
Transcultural psychiatric research review. v.23, n.3 (1986)
The Transformation [videorecording]. A Starfish Production; produced &
directed by Susanna Aikin and Carlos Aparicio.
Transgender Americans: a handbook for understanding.
Transgender erotica: trans figures. M. Christian, editor.
The Transgender Issue. Ed. by Susan Stryker.
Transgender rights. Paisley Currah, Richard M. Juang, Shannon Price
Minter, editors.
The transgender studies reader. Edited by Susan Stryker and Stephen
Transgressions: a journal of urban exploration. no. 1- 1995-
Transnational Asian American literature: sites and transits. Edited by
Shirley Geok-lin Lim ... [et al.]
Transparent [videorecording] MamSir Productions presents; a Jules Rosskam
Transsexualism and sex reassignment.
Transvestism and the onnagata traditions in Shakespeare and Kabuki. Edited
by Minoru Fujita and Michael Shapiro.
Transvestism - men in female dress.
Traps: African American men on gender and sexuality. Edited by Rudolph P.
Byrd and Beverly Guy-Sheftall.
Trask, Stephen.
Traub, Valerie.
Trauma, stress, and resilience among sexual minority women: rising like
the Phoenix. Kimberly F. Balsam, editor.
Treadgold, Catherine.
Treat, John Whittier.
Treating the psychological consequences of HIV.
Treatment of homosexuals with mental health disorders.
Treatment of drug-dependent individuals with comorbid mental
Treatment of infertility: assisted reproductive technologies.
Trebilcot, Joyce.
Treese, Robert L.
Trefusis, Violet Keppel.
Treichler, Paula A.
Tremain, Rose.
Trembling before G-d [videorecording] = Le-fanekha bi-re'adah [presented
by] Simcha Leib Productions and Turbulent Arts in association with Keshet
Broadcasting, Ltd. (Israel) in co-production with Pretty Pictures (Paris)
and Cinephil, Ltd. (Tel Aviv); produced by Sandi Simcha Dubowski and Marc
Smolowitz in creative collaboration with and edited by Susan Korda;
director/producer, Sandi Simcha Dubowski; producer, Marc Smolowitz.
Trenchard, Lorraine.
Tress, Arthur.
Tress, Arthur.
Tress, Arthur.
Tress, Arthur.
Trevisan, Joao Silverio.
Trexler, Richard C.
Trexler, Richard C.
Triangulated visions: women in recent German cinema. Edited by Ingeborg
Majer O'Sickey and Ingeborg von Zadow.
Trigilio, Tony.
Trillin, Calvin.
Triple cross: Holy place [by] Carlos Fuentes. Hell has no limits [by] Jose
Donoso. From Cuba with a song [by] Severo Sarduy.
Tripp, C. A.
Tripp, C. A.
Tripp, C. A.
Troiden, Richard R.
Tropiano, Stephen.
Trotman, Frances K.
Troubling intersections of race and sexuality: queer students of color and
anti-oppresive education. Edited by Kevin K. Kumashiro.
Troubridge, Una Vincenzo, Lady.
Troubridge, Una Vincenzo, Lady.
Trudy Feognida. [Aleksei Purin ... i dr.]
Troyano, Alina.
A True likeness: lesbian and gay writing today.
True to life adventure stories. Judy Grahn, editor.
Trumbach, Randolph.
Truong, Monique T. D.
Trupin, Toby.
Truthtellers of the times: interviews with contemporary women poets.
Tsinonis, Nikolaos.
Tsui, Kitty.
Tsui, Kitty.
Tsutamori, Tatsuru.
Tsutamori, Tatsuru.
Tsuzuki, Chushichi.
Tuaolo, Esera.
Tucker, Jeffrey A.
Tucker, Scott.
Tucker, Scott.
Tulchinsky, Karen X.
Tulchinsky, Karen X.
Tuller, David.
Tully, Carol Thorpe.
Turan, Kenneth.
Turley, Hans.
Turley, Hans.
Turnbaugh, Douglas Blair.
Turner, Dwayne Curtis.
Turner, Glenn.
Turner, Guinevere.
Turner, Mark.
Turner, William B. (William Benjamin)
Turtle, Georgina C.
Tushnet, Mark V.
Twenty-first century challenge: lesbians and gays in education, bridging
the gap.
21st century sexualities: contemporary issues in health, education, and
rights. Edited by Gilbert Herdt and Cymene Howe.
25 to 6 Baking & Trucking Society.
Twentysomething: poems,
Twice blessed: on being lesbian, gay, and Jewish.
Twice-exceptional and special populations of gifted students. Susan Baum,
Twins and homosexuality; a casebook.
Twist Weekly.
Two friends and other nineteenth-century lesbian stories by American women
Two lives to lead: bisexuality in men and women.
Two-spirit people [videorecording] Gender on a Stick Productions;
produced, directed by Michel Beauchemin, Lori Levy, Gretchen Vogel.
Two spirit people: American Indian, lesbian women and gay men.
Two-spirit people: Native American gender identity, sexuality, and
Two teenagers in twenty: writings by gay and lesbian youth.
2002: a guide for the next generation.
Tying the knot [videorecording] 1,049 Films presents; a film by Jim De
Sève; produced by Jim De Sève, Stephen Pelletier and Kian
Tyler, Carole-Anne.
Tyler, Cynthia.
Tyler, Parker.
Tyrrell, William Blake.
Tytell, John.
Tzukim, Cecilia.
The UCSF AIDS Health Project guide to counseling: perspectives on
psychotherapy, prevention, and therapeutic practice. James W. Dilley,
Robert Marks, editors.
Uhrig, Larry J.
Uhrig, Larry J.
Ujiie, Mikito.
Ullerstam, Lars.
Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich.
Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich.
Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich.
The ultimate guide to lesbian & gay film and video.
Umgidi [videorecording] = The celebration. A film by Sipho Singiswa and
Gillian Schütte; produced by Gillian Schütte & Sipho Singiswa; a
film by 'Hand Held' films; SABC 1.
Uminska, Bozena.
Unauthorized sexual behavior during the enlightenment. ed. Robert P.
Uncommon heroes: a celebration of heroes and role models for gay and
lesbian Americans.
Uncoupling convention: psychoanalytic approaches to same-sex couples and
families. Edited by Ann D'Ercole and Jack Drescher.
Understanding adoption: clinical work with adults, children, and parents.
Edited by Kathleen Hushion, Susan B. Sherman, and Diana Siskind.
Understanding constitutional issues: selections from the CQ
Understanding hate crimes [videorecording]: a service for Jeremy.
Cambridge Educational; producer/director, Greg Harpold; writer, Dan
Understanding human rights. Edited by Conor Gearty and Adam Tomkins.
Underwood, Peter.
Underwood, Reginald.
United States.
U[nited] S[tates]. Census Bureau. Fertility and Family Statistics
U[nited] S[tates] Code. Congressional and Administrative News. 103rd
Congress. 1st Session. 1993. v.2. Public Law 103-160 [H. R. 2401];
November 30, 1993.
United States. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 32. Part 41. Appendix A.
Part 1.H: "Reasons for Separation [from the military].
Homosexuality." pp. 93-95.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services. Military
Forces and Personnel Subcommittee.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor.
Subcommittee on Select Education and Civil Rights.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Operations.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Operations.
Intergovernmental Relations and Human Resources Subcommittee.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Reform.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Operations.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Operations. Human
Resources and Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Rules.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Small Business. Subcommittee
on Government Programs.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee
on Criminal Violence.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee
on the Constitution.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee
on the Constitution.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee
on the Constitution.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee
on the Constitution.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services.
United States. Congress. Senate. 81st Congress. 2nd Session. Committee on
Expenditures in Executive Departments. Senate document. n. 241.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Health, Education, Labor,
and Pensions.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Human
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Human
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Naval Affairs.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee
on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Property Rights.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee
on the Constituion, Civil Rights, and Property Rights.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee
on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Property Rights.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee
on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Property Rights.
United States. Dept. of Defense. Directive.
United States. Dept. of Defense. Directive.
United States. Dept. of Defense. Office of the Inspector General.
United States. Dept. of Defense. Office of the Secretary of
Defense. Military Working Group.
United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Office of Women's
Health ... [et al.]
United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Secretary's Task Force
on Youth Suicide.
United States. General Accounting Office.
United States. General Accounting Office.
United States. General Accounting Office.
United States. General Accounting Office.
United States. General Accounting Office. Office of the General Counsel.
United States. General Accounting Office. Office of the General
United States. General Accounting Office. Office of the General
United States. Government Accountability Office.
United States. National Commission on the Observance of International
Women's Year.
United States. Office of Personnel Mangement.
United States. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and
United States. President. Executive Order 10450.
United States. Supreme Court.
United States. Supreme Court.
The United States Supreme Court. Edited by Paul McCaffrey and Lynn M.
Unity: a celebration of Gay Games IV and Stonewall. [Editor and publisher
Lisa Labrecque.]
The universities and the gay experience: proceedings of the
University of Washington. Equal Opportunity Office.
University of Washington. Libraries.
University of Washington. President's Task Force on Gay, Bisexual,
Lesbian, and Transgender Issues.
University of Washington. President's Task Force on Gay, Bisexual,
Lesbian, and Transgender Issues.
Unleashing feminism: critiquing the lesbian sadomasochism in the gay
Unnatural quotations: a compendium of quotations by, for, or about gay
people. [compiled by] Leigh W. Rutledge.
Unraveling the right: the new conservatism in American thought and
politics. Edited by Amy E. Ansell.
Unspoken rules: sexual orientation and women's human rights.
Unterecker, John Eugene.
Unveiling the body in Hispanic women's literature: from 19th Century Spain
to 21st Century United States. Edited by Renée Sum Scott and Arleen
Chiclana y González.
Upchurch, Michael.
Upon a midnight clear: queer Christmas tales. Greg Herren, editor.
Uprootings/regroundings: questions of home and migration. Edited by Sara
Ahmed ... [et al.]
Upstaging Big Daddy: directing theater as if gender and race matter.
Uranian mirror.
Uranos: unabhängige uranische Monatsschrift für Wissenschaft,
Polemik, Belletristik, Kunst; 1. Jahrgang (1921/22) herausgegeben von
Ferdinand Karsch-Haack und Rene Stelter. Nachdruck mit einem Nachwort und
Register von Sabine Schmidtke.
Using and "the scene": patterns and contexts of drug use among Sydney gay
men. Kate Ireland ... [et al.].
Using entertainment media in student affairs teaching and practice. Deanna
S. Forney, Tony W. Cawthorn, editors.
The UTC recordings. v.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. [sound recording] Ray
V poiskakh seksualnosti. Pod redaktsiei Eleny Zdravomyslovoi i Anny
Vacha, Keith.
Vadillo, Alicia E.
Vaernet: den danske SS-laege i Buchenwald. Hans Davidsen-Nielsen ... [et
Vaid, Urvashi.
Vaill, Amanda.
Valabregue, Catherine.
Valdes, Francisco.
Valentine, David.
Valentine, Johnny.
Valentine, Johnny.
Valentine, Johnny.
Valentine, Penny.
Valerio, Max W.
Valero, Roberto.
Vallejo, Fernando.
Value and vision in American literature: literary essays in honor of Ray
Lewis White. Edited by Joseph Candido.
Valverde, Mariana.
Valverde, Mariana.
Van Arsdale, Sarah.
Van der Vliet, Virginia.
Van Dyke, Annette Joy.
Van Gelder, Lindsy.
Van Gelder, Lindsy.
Van Itallie, Jean Claude.
Van Kirk, Patricia.
Van Leer, David.
Van Oosterwijck, Danielle.
Van Sant, Gus.
Van Vechten, Carl.
Van Wormer, Katherine S.
Vancouver PWA Newsletter. Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society.
Vancouver-Richmond Incest & Sexual Abuse Centre.
Vancouver Women's Chorus.
Vanggaard, Thorkil.
Vanita, Ruth.
Vanita, Ruth.
Vargo, Marc.
Vargo, Marc.
Vargo, Marc.
Variant family forms. Edited by Catherine S. Chilman, Elam W. Nunnally,
Fred M. Cox.
Variations on a theme: diversity and the psychology of women. Edited by
Joan C. Chrisler, Alyce Huston Hemstreet.
Varty, Anne.
Varuh meje [videorecording]: = Guardian of the frontier. Bela Film
predstavlja; v filmu Maje Weiss; reziserka Maja Weiss.
Vasey, Michael.
The Vatican and homosexuality: reactions to the "Letter to the
bishops of the Catholic Church on the pastoral care of homosexual
persons." Edited by Jeannine Gramick and Pat Furey.
Vaucher, Andrea R.
Veeder, William R.
Veenvliet, Scott G.
Velasco, Sherry M. (Sherry Marie)
Venn-Brown, Anthony.
Venus of Mars [videorecording] A documentary by Emily Goldberg; director,
producer, editor, Emily Goldberg.
Verband Lesbischer Psychologinnen und Schwuler Psychologen in Deutschland.
Kongress (6th: 1999: Hamburg, Germany)
Verfolgung als Gruppenschicksal.
[Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Benz und Barbara Distel]
Verfolgung von Homosexuellen im Nationalsozialismus.
Verführung, die grausame Frau [videorecording] Hyena Film presents;
Film von Elfi Mikesch und Monika Treut; Buch und Regie, Elfi Mikesch und
Monika Treut.
Vergessene Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. Rolf Steininger (Hrsg.); mit
Beiträgen von, Franz Aigner ... [et al.]
Verghese, A. (Abraham)
Verqueere Wissenschaft?: zum Verhältnis von Sexualwissenschaft und
Sexualreformbewegung in Geschichte und Gegenwart.
Versage, Robin.
The Very inside; an anthology of writings by Asian & Pacific Islander
lesbian and bisexual women. Edited by Sharon Lim-Hing.
A very natural thing [videorecording] Montage Creations presents; a
Christopher Larkin film; original story and screenplay by Christopher
Larkin & Joseph Coencas; produced and directed by Christopher Larkin.
Veselovskii, A. N. (Aleksandr Nikolaevich)
Via, Dan Otto.
Vicinus, Martha.
Vicinus, Martha.
Victim [videorecording] [Presented by] Allied Film Makers; produced by
Michael Relph; directed by Basil Dearden; screenplay by Janet Green and
John McCormick.
Victor Victoria [videorecording} Screenplay by Blake Edwards; produced by
Blake Edwards and Tony Adams; directed by Blake Edwards;
Victorian Gothic: literary and cultural manifestations in the nineteenth
century. Edited by Ruth Robbins and Julian Wolfreys.
Victorian sensations: essays on a scandalous genre. Edited by Kimberly
Harrison and Richard Fantina.
Victorian sexual dissidence. Edited by Richard Dellamora.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vidal, Gore.
Vieraan ymmartaminen: kirjoituksia kielesta ja kulttuurista. Toimittaneet
Sirkka-Liisa Hahmo, Osmo Nikkila.
Vierteljahrsberichte des Wissenschaftlich-humanitären Komitees.
Vierteljahrsberichte des Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitees
während der Kriegszeit.
War era ephemera collection, bulk 1965-1980.
Vigna, Judith.
Vilaseca, David.
Villarejo, Amy.
Villena, Luis Antonio de.
Vinas, David.
Vincent, John.
Vincent, Keith.
Vincent, Norah.
Vining, Donald.
Vining, Donald.
The vintage book of international lesbian fiction.
Violence against lesbians and gay men; issues for research, practice, and
policy. Ed. Gregrory M. Herek.
Violence and social injustice against lesbian, gay and bisexual
Violence and the law. Mark Costanzo, Stuart Oskamp, editors.
Violence between intimate partners: patterns, causes, and effects. Edited
by Albert P. Cardarelli.
Violence in American schools: a practical guide for counselors. Editors,
Daya Singh Sandhu, Cheryl Blalock Aspy.
Violence in gay and lesbian domestic partnerships.
The Violet Quill reader: the emergence of gay writing after Stonewall.
Virga, Vincent.
Virgen de los sicarios (Motion picture)
Virginia Prince: pioneer of transgendering. Richard Ekins, Dave King,
Virginia Woolf and trauma: embodied texts. Edited by Suzette Henke and
David Eberly; with the assistance of Jane Lilienfeld.
Virginia Woolf: lesbian readings. Edited by
Eileen Barrett and Patricia Cramer.
Virgins, guerrillas & locas: gay Latinos writing on love. Edited by Jaime
Virtual gender: fantasies of subjectivity and embodiment. Mary Ann
O'Farrell and Lynne Vallone, editors.
Visconti, Luchino.
Visconti, Luchino.
Visconti, Luchino.
Vishnu on Freud's desk: a reader in psychoanalysis and Hinduism.
Visibility & invisiblity.
Visions of peace & justice. [Editor & lead archivist, Lincoln
Visualising AIDS: images in art and design. Raymond Donovan and Leong K.
Chan, editors.
Vitacolonna, Giovanni.
Vive l'amour [videorecording]; Fox Lorber Video, Strand Releasing, Central
Motion Picture Corporation, Suang Overseas Corporation, Shiung Fa Film
Corporation; executive producer, Jiang Feng-cay; producer, Hsu
Vivien, Renee.
Vivien, Renee.
Vivien, Renee.
Vivien, Renee.
Vivien, Renee.
Vivien, Renee.
Vogel, Paula.
Vogel, Paula.
The Voice.
Voice and communication therapy for the transgender/transsexual client: a
comprehensive clinical guide. Edited by Richard K. Adler, Sandy Hirsch,
Michelle Mordaunt.
Voice northwest.
Voices Lesbian Choral Ensemble.
Voices made flesh: performing women's autobiography. Edited by Lynn C.
Millet, Jacqueline Taylor, and M. Heather Carver.
Voices of hope. Edited by Jeannine Gramick and Robert Nugent.
Voices of resistance: Muslim women on war, faith & sexuality. Edited by
Sarah Husain.
Voices rising: celebrating 20 years of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual &
transgender writing. Edited by G. Winston James and Other Countries.
Voland, Howard M.
Volcano, Del LaGrace.
Volcano, Del Lagrace.
Volcanoes and pearl divers: essays in lesbian feminist studies.
Vollhaber, Thomas.
Volpp, Sophie Ann Justine.
Volunteer newsletter.
Volunteer voice.
Von Hoffman, Nicholas.
Voor een verloren soldaat [videorecording] = For a lost soldier. Matthijs
van Heijningen presenteert een Roeland Kerbosch film; een Sigma
filmproducte in co-producte met de AVRO-TV.
Vorlicky, Robert.
Voss, Jacqueline.
Vyas, M. D.
Vyner, Harriet.
Waaldijk, C.
Wachman, Gay.
Waddell, Tom.
Wade, Carlson.
Wade, Carlson.
Wadsworth, Ann.
Waelti-Walters, Jennifer.
Wages Due Lesbians.
Wagner, Richard.
Wagner-Martin, Linda.
Wahl, Charles William.
Wahl, Elizabeth Susan.
Wahl, Niko.
Waiting for the moon [videorecording] American Playhouse Theatrical Films
in association with Skouras Pictures presents a film by Jill Godmilow and
Mark Magill; a production of New Front Films, A.B. Films, the Laboratory
for Icon & Idiom; co-produced by La Societe Francaise de Production in
association with ARD/Degeto and Channel 4; written by Mark Magill;
directed by Jill Godmilow; produced by Sandra Schulberg.
Wakefield, Dan.
Wakefield, Tom.
Wakefield, Tom.
Wakefield, Tom.
Wakefield, Tom.
Wald, Elissa.
Waldby, Cathy.
Waldner, Liz.
Waldrep, Shelton.
Walen, Denise A.
Walinder, Jan.
Walinder, Jan.
Walk on water [videorecording] Samuel Goldwyn Films, Roadside Attractions
& Lama Films presents; an Eytan Fox film; produced by Amir Harel and Gal
Uchovsky; screenplay, Gal Uchovsky; director, Eytan Fox.
Walker, Alice.
Walker, Alice.
Walker, Bill.
Walker, Cheryl.
Walker, David.
Walker, Jayne L.
Walker, Kate.
Walker, Lisa.
Walker, Mitch.
Walker, Mitch.
Walker, Mitch.
Walker, Paul Robert.
Walker, Walt Cat.
Walking after midnight: gay men's life stories.
Walkowski, Paul J. (Paul Joseph)
Wallace, Lee.
Wallace, Michele.
Wallenstein, Peter.
Walt Whitmans [videorecording] South Carolina Educational Television
Network, a New York Center for Visual History production; directed by Jack
Smithie; senior producers, Jill Janows, Robert Chapman, Lois
Walter, Nicolas.
Walters, David Martin.
Walters, David Martin.
Walters, Lisa M. (Lisa Maude)
Walters, Suzanna Danuta.
Walton, Jean.
Walworth, Janis.
Walzer, Lee.
Walzer, Lee.
Wandor, Michelene.
Wandor, Michelene.
Wangenheim, Wolfgang von.
Wapshott, Nicholas.
War on lesbians [videorecording], a videotape by Jane Cottis.
Ward, Carol Marie.
Ward, David A.
Ward, David A.
Ward, Merrill.
Ware, Susan.
Ware, Susan.
Warland, Betsy.
Warlick, M. E.
A warm December. By Vega Studios.
Warner, Kate.
Warner, Michael.
Warner, Sylvia Townsend.
Warner, Sylvia Townsend.
Warner, Sylvia Townsend.
Warner, Sylvia Townsend.
Warner, Tom (Thomas E.)
Warren, Carol A. B.
Warren, Patricia Nell.
Warren, Patricia Nell.
Warren, Patricia Nell.
Warren, Patricia Nell.
Wartenberg, Thomas E.
Was auf dem Spiel steht: Diskussionsbeiträge zu Homosexualiät
[sic] und Kirche.
Was heisst hier schwul?: Politik und Identitäten im Wandel. Detlef
Grumbach, hrsg.
Was soll das Volk vom dritten Geschlecht wissen?
The Washington blade [microform]
Washington Cascade voice: biweekly newsmagazine of alternative
Washington (State). Supreme Court)
Wassenaar, Ingrid.
Wasserstein, Wendy.
Wat, Eric C.
Watanabe, Tsuneo.
The watermelon woman [videorecording] A film by Cheryl Dunye; written and
directed by Cheryl Dunye; produced by Barry Swimar, Alexandra Juhasz.
Waters, Sarah.
Waters, Sarah.
Waters, Sarah.
Waters, Sarah.
Waters, Sarah.
Watmough, David.
Watmough, David.
Watmough, David.
Watmough, David.
Watmough, David.
Watmough, David.
Watney, Simon.
Watney, Simon.
Watney, Simon.
Watney, Simon.
Watney, Simon.
Watney, Simon.
Watson, Cynthia Ann.
Watson, George L.
Watson, Wallace Steadman.
Watts, Tim J.
Waugh, Thomas.
Waugh, Thomas.
Waugh, Thomas.
Waugh, Thomas.
Waves: an anthology of new gay fiction. Edited and with an introduction by
Ethan Mordden.
Waves of protest: social movements since the sixties. Edited by Jo Freeman
and Victoria Johnson.
The way forward?: Christian voices on homosexuality and the Church. Edited
by Timothy Bradshaw.
The way forward?: Christian voices on homosexuality and the church. Edited
by Timothy Bradshaw. 2nd ed.
The Way we live now: American
plays & the AIDS crisis.
Ways of aging. Edited by Jaber F. Gubrium and James A. Holstein.
We are dad [videorecording] A film by Michel Horvat; produced/directed by
Michel Horvat; a Tavroh Films Inc. production.
We are all lesbians: a poetry anthology.
We are everywhere. Edited by Harriet Alpert.
We are everywhere: a historical sourcebook in gay and lesbian
We are family [videorecording]
We must love one another or die: the life and legacies of Larry
We the people.
Weatherby, William J.
Web studies. Edited by David Gauntlett and Ross Horsley. 2nd ed.
Web.studies: rewiring media studies for the digital age. Edited by David
Webb, Peter.
Webber, Winni S.
Weber, Bruce.
Weber, Bruce.
Weber, Cynthia.
Webster, Alison R.
The wedding: a family's coming out story. Douglas Wythe ... [et al.]
The Wedding banquet [videorecording] The Samuel Goldwyn Company presents a
Central Motion Pictures Corporation Production in association with Good
Wedekind-Schwertner, Barbara.
Weedon, Chris.
Weeks, Jeffrey.
Weeks, Jeffrey.
Weeks, Jeffrey.
Weeks, Jeffrey.
Weeks, Jeffrey.
Weeks, Jeffrey.
Weeks, Jeffrey.
Weeks, Jeffrey.
Wehner, Regina Durand.
Weiblichkeit als Maskerade. Herausgegeben von Liliane Weissberg.
Weiermair, Peter.
Weil, Brian.
Weil, Kari.
Weinberg, George H.
Weinberg, Jonathan.
Weinberg, Jonathan Edman.
Weinberg, Martin S. [et al.]
Weinberg, Martin S.
Weinberg, Thomas S.
Weinberg, Thomas S.
Weinrich, James D.
Weintraub, Stanley.
Weir, John.
Weir, John.
Weirauch, Anna Elisabet.
Weirauch, Anna Elisabet.
Weis, Veronika.
Weisberg, D. Kelly.
Weiss, Andrea.
Weiss, Andrea.
Weiss, Andrea.
Weiss, Andrea.
Weiss, Mike.
Wekker, Gloria.
Welch, Denton.
Welch, Denton.
Welch, Denton.
Welch, Denton.
We'll do it ourselves: combatting sexism in education.
Welles, Paul O'M.
Wellings, Kaye.
Wells, Anna Mary.
Wells, Jess.
Wells, Kristopher.
Wells, Stanley W.
Wells-Petry, Melissa.
Welsh, Louise.
Welch, Louise.
Welter, Ernst Günther.
Weltner, Peter.
Weltner, Peter.
Wenn Buben sich kussen: 7 X 11 Gedichte aus der Zeitschrift "Der Eigene".
Ausgewahlt, eingeleitet und kommentiert von Marita Keilson-Lauritz und
Olaf N. Schwanke.
"We're here to stay" [videorecording]: the history of Hands Off Washington
and the politics of hate in Washington state.
Wersba, Barbara.
Werth, Barry.
Werther, Ralph, pseud.
Wescott, Glenway.
West, Cheryl L.
West, D. J.
West, D. J.
West, D. J. (Donald James)
West, D. J. (Donald James)
West, Mae.
West, Robin.
Westbrook, June.
Westberg, Markus.
Westerlund, Elaine.
Western sexuality: practice and precept in past and present times.
Weston, Kath.
Weston, Kath.
Weston, Kath.
Westwood, Gordon, pseud.
Wetzel, Michael.
Weyr, Garret.
What a lesbian looks like: writings by lesbians on their lives and
lifestyles from the archives of the National Lesbian and Gay Survey (NL
& GS)
What did they say about gays? [compiled by] Allan Gould.
What is a parent?: a socio-legal analysis.
What lesbians do in books. Elaine Hobby and Chris White, editors.
What Sappho would have said: four centuries of love poems between
What sex am I? [videorecording] Joseph Feury Productions; producers,
Joseph Feury, Milton Justice, Mary Beth Yarrow; director, Lee Grant.
Whatling, Clare.
What's health got to do with it? [videorecording] A By Girls for Girls
presentation; produced by Leslie Mason, Equinox Video.
What's left?: liberal American Catholics. Edited by Mary Jo Weaver.
What's queer about queer studies now? Edited by David L. Eng, Judith
Halberstam and José Esteban Muñoz.
Wheelwright, Julie.
Wheen, Francis.
When boys fly [videorecording] New Voices Productions; directed by Stewart
Halpern, Lenid Rolov; produced by Stewart Halpern, Lenid Rolov, Kevin J.
When democracy works [videorecording] National Campaign for Freedom of
Expression, National Lesbian and Gay Task Force, Political Research
Associates present; an Aubin Pictures Production; producer/director,
Catherine Saalfield; content director/writer; Scot Nakagawa.
When I knew. Edited by Robert Trachtenberg; illustrated by
Tom Bachtell.
When your partner has been sexually abused: a guide for partners.
[Writers, Louise Doyle, John Napier-Hemy; editors, Joanne Broatch,
English, Johanne Raynault, French]
Whipple, Vicky.
Whisman, Vera.
Whitacre, Diane.
Whitaker, Brian.
Whitaker, Rick.
Whitam, Frederick L.
White, Antonia.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Edmund.
White, Evelyn C.
White, Evelyn C.
White, James L.
White, Marvin K.
White, Mel.
White, Mel.
White, Patricia.
White, Patrick.
White, Patrick.
White scholars/African American texts. Edited by Lisa A. Long.
Whiteaker, R. L.
Whitehead, Sally Lowe.
Whitemore, Hugh.
Whitfield, Joseph.
Whitlock, Katherine.
Whitman, Don.
Whitmore, George.
Whitmore, George.
Whitmore, George.
Whitney, Catherine.
Who's afraid of feminism?: seeing through the backlash. Edited by Ann
Oakley and Juliet Mitchell.
Who's who in gay and lesbian history. Edited by Robert Aldrich and Garry
Wotherspoon. 2 vols.
Why thee wed? [videorecording] National Film Board of Canada; producer,
Selwyn Jacob.
Wickes, George.
Wideman, John Edgar.
Wideman, John Edgar.
Widmaier-Haag, Susanne.
Wiedemann, Hans-Georg.
Wieler, Diana J.
Wieners, John.
Wieners, John.
Wieners, John.
Wieners, John.
Wieners, John.
Wijngaard, Marianne van den.
Wilber, Shannan.
Wilchins, Riki Anne.
Wilchins, Riki Anne.
Wilcox, James.
Wilcox, Melissa M.
Wilcox, Michael.
The wild good: lesbian photographs and writings on love.
Wild science: reading feminism, medicine, and the media. Edited by Janine
Marchessault and Kim Sawchuk.
Wilde [videorecording] Dove International Inc. presents a Samuelson
Production in association with NDF International Ltd., Pony Canyon, Inc,
Pandora Film, Capitol Films and BBC Films with the participation of The
Green Light Fund; screenplay, Julian Mitchell; produced by Mark Samuelson
and Peter Samuelson; directed by Brian Gilbert.
Wilde, Lyn Webster.
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde, Oscar, [defendant]
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde, Oscar, [defendant].
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde, Oscar.
Wilde writings: contextual conditions. Edited by Joseph Bristow.
Wildeblood, Peter.
Wilhelm, Alison L.
Wilhelm, Gale.
Wilhelm, Gale.
Wilkens, John.
Wilkerson, William S.
Wilkinson, Alec.
Wilkinson, John.
Wilkinson, Lancelot Patrick.
Will & Grace Season one [videorecording] Komut Entertainment in
association with Three Sisters Entertainment and NBC Studios, Inc.;
producers, Tim Kaiser, Jhoni Marchinko; director, James Burrows; created
by David Kohan & Max Mutchnick.
Will & Grace. Season two [videorecording] KoMut Entertainment in
association with Three Sisters Entertainment and NBC Studios, Inc.;
producers, Tim Kaiser, Gail Lerner; writers, Adam Barr ... [et al.];
director, James Burrows.
Willard, Avery.
Willhoite, Michael.
Willhoite, Michael.
Willhoite, Michael.
Williams, Colin J.
Williams, Craig A. (Craig Arthur)
Williams, Dyfri.
Williams, James S.
Williams, Jean Balch.
Williams, Lee.
Williams, Mark J. K.
Williams, Peggy.
Williams, Robert.
Williams, Susan.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Tennesee.
Williams, Tennessee.
Williams, Walter L.
Williamson, Margaret.
Willingham, Calder.
Willis, Julia.
Willis, Stanley Earl.
Willumsen, Dorrit.
Wilson, Andrew.
Wilson, Angelia R.
Wilson, Angus.
Wilson, Angus.
Wilson, Angus.
Wilson, Angus.
Wilson, Angus.
Wilson, Anna.
Wilson, Barbara.
Wilson, Barbara.
Wilson, Barbara.
Wilson, Barbara.
Wilson, Barbara.
Wilson, Barbara.
Wilson, Barbara.
Wilson, Barbara.
Wilson, Barbara.
Wilson, Barbara.
Wilson, Carter.
Wilson, Carter.
Wilson, Doric.
Wilson, Doric.
Wilson, Doric.
Wilson, Doric.
Wilson, Glenn D. (Glenn Daniel)
Wilson, Glenn D. (Glenn Daniel)
Wilson, Jean Moorcroft.
Wilson, Jean Moorcroft.
Wilson, Lanford.
Wilson, Lanford.
Wilson, Lyn Hatherly.
Wilson, Nancy L.
Wilson, Paul R.
Wilton, Tamsin.
Wilton, Tamsin.
Wilton, Tamsin.
Wilton, Tamsin.
Wilton, Tamsin.
Wilton, Tamsin.
Wilton, Tamsin.
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim.
Windham, Donald.
Windmeyer, Shane L.
Winecoff, Charles.
Winfield, Liz.
Wings, Mary.
Winick, Judd.
Winik, Marion.
Winkler, John J.
Winkler, Josef.
Winkler, Josef.
Winkler, Josef.
Winkler, Josef.
Winkler, Joseph.
Winkler, Joseph.
Winning, Joanne.
Winnubst, Shannon.
Winsloe, Christa.
Winsloe, Christa.
Winsloe, Christa.
Winslow, Robert Wallace.
Wintemute, Robert.
Winterson, Jeanette.
Winterson, Jeanette.
Winterson, Jeanette.
Winterson, Jeanette.
Winterson, Jeanette.
Winterson, Jeannette.
Winterson, Jeanette.
Winterson, Jeanette.
Winterson, Jeannette.
Winterson, Jeannette.
"Wir sind so jung--so sonderbar": Klaus Mann und die Hamburger
Kammerspiele. Herausgegeben von Sabine Walter; mit Beitragen von Albert
Buhne ... [et al.]
Wisdom, J. O. (John Oulton)
Witeck, Robert.
With compassion toward some: homosexuality and social work in America.
Witness aloud: lesbian, gay & bisexual Asian/Pacific American writing.
Witness to revolution: the Advocate reports on gay and lesbian politics,
1967-1999. Edited by Chris Bull.
Witt, Lynn.
Witten, Tarynn.
Wittig, Monique.
Wittig, Monique.
Wittig, Monique.
Wittig, Monique.
Wittig, Monique.
Wittlinger, Ellen.
Wittlinger, Ellen.
Wittman, Carl.
Wives and warriors: women and the military in the United States and
Wo ai chu fang [videorecording] = Kitchen. A Golden Harvest presentation;
Amuse; a Pineast Pictures Limited & Harvest Crown Limited co-production;
produced by Yim-Ho, Akira Morishige; screenwriter and director,
Wojnar, Danuta Maria.
Wojnarowicz, David.
Wojnarowicz, David.
Wojnarowicz, David.
Wojnarowicz, David.
Wojnarowicz, David.
Wojnarowicz, David.
Wojnarowicz, David.
Wojtasik, Ted.
Wold, Donald J.
Wolf, Deborah Goleman.
Wolf, Deborah Goleman.
Wolf, Reva.
Wolf, Stacy Ellen.
Wolf girls at Vassar: lesbian & gay experiences, 1930-1990.
Wolfe, Alan.
Wolfe, Daniel.
Wolfenden of Westcott, John Frederick Wolfenden, Baron.
Wolff, Charlotte.
Wolff, Charlotte.
Wolff, Charlotte.
Wolff, Charlotte.
Wolff, Charlotte.
Wolff, Larry.
Wolff, Wilfried.
Wolfgang Koeppen: mein Ziel war die Ziellosigkeit. Gunnar Muller-Waldeck,
Michael Gratz, hg.
Wölfle, Thomas.
Wolfson, Evan.
Woliver, Laura R.
Wolkomir, Michelle.
Wolpert, Ellen.
Wolter, Ellen.
Wolverton, Terry.
Wolverton, Terry.
Womack, Craig S.
The woman-centered economy: ideals, reality, and the space in
between. Edited by Loraine Edwalds and Midge Stocker.
A woman like that: lesbian and bisexual writers tell their coming out
stories. Edited by Joan Larkin.
The Womansleuth anthology: contemporary mystery stories by women. Edited
by Irene Zahava.
Women: a feminist perspective. Edited by Jo Freeman. 5th ed.
Women, AIDS, and activism.
Women and bisexuality: a global perspective. Serena Anderlini-d'Onofrio,
Women and British aestheticism. Edited by Talia Schaffer and Kathy Alexis
Women and film: a Sight and sound reader. Edited by Pam Cook and Philip
Women and girls in the social environment: behavioral perspectives. Nancy
J. Smyth, editor.
Women and leadership: transforming visions and diverse voices. Edited by
Jean Lau Chin ... [et al.].
Women and sports in the United States: a documentary reader. Jean O'Reilly
and Susan KL. Cahn, editors.
Women and the Holocaust: narrative and representation. Edited by Esther
Women and the media: diverse perspectives. Edited by Theresa Carilli, Jane
Women and the United States Constitution: history, interpretation, and
practice. Edited by Sibyl A. Schwarzenbach and Patricia Smith.
Women & therapy. v.8, n. 1/2 (1989)
Women & therapy. v. 18, n.2 (1996)
Women and war in the twentieth century: enlisted with or without consent.
Edited by Nicole Ann Dombrowski.
Women artists and modernism. Edited by Katy Deepwell.
Women-identified women.
Women in
contact with the gay and lesbian community: Sydney Women and Sexual Health
Survey 1996 and 1996. Juliet Richters ... [et al.].
Women in contact with the gay and lesbian community: Sydney Women and
Sexual Health survey 1996, 1998, and 2000. Juliet Richters ... [et
Women in film noir. Edited by E. Ann Kaplan. Rev. and expanded ed.
Women in Russia: a new era in Russian feminism.
Women like that [videorecording]
Women like us. [Ed. by Suzanne Neild & Rosalind Pearson].
Women like us [videorecording] A Clio Co-op Production for Channel 4.
Women, men & gender: ongoing debates. Edited by Mary Roth Walsh.
Women of color: integrating ethnic and gender identities in
Women of the American South: a multicultural reader. Edited by Christie
Anne Farnham.
Women on the verge: lesbian tales of power and play. Edited by Susan Fox
Women online: research in women's studies using online databases.
Women, science, and technology: a reader in feminist science studies.
Edited by Mary Wyer ... [et al.]
Women, sport, and culture. Susan Birrell and Cheryl L. Cole, editors.
Women who write plays: interviews with American dramatists. Edited and
with a foreword by Alexis Greene.
Women writing culture. Edited by Ruth Behar and Deborah A. Gordon.
Women's bodies: discipline and transgression. Edited by Jane Arthurs and
Jean Grimshaw.
Women's gynecologic health. Kerri Durnell Schulling, Frances E. Likis.
Women's health concerns sourcebook: basic consumer health information
about the medical and mental concerns of women, including maintaining
health and wellness, gynecological concerns, breast health ... Edited by
Amy L. Sutton.
Women's rights and social transition in FR Yugoslavia. [Editor, Vesna
Women's sexualities and masculinities in a globalizing Asia. Edited by
Saskia E. Wieringa, Evelyn Blackwood, and Abha Bhaiya.
Wonder boys [videorecording] Paramount Pictures and Mutual film Company
present a Scott Rudin/Curtis Hanson production; produced by Scott Rudin,
Curtis Hanson; screenplay by Steve Kloves; directed by Curtis Hanson.
Wonderlands: good gay travel writing. Edited by Raphael Kadushin.
Wong, Norman.
Wood, James R.
Wood, John Colman.
Wood, Robert Watson.
Wood, Robin.
Wood, Roy F.
Wood, Roy F.
Wood, Summer.
Wooden, Wayne S.
Woodhouse, Annie.
Woodhouse, Reed.
Woodlawn, Holly.
Woodman, Natalie Jane.
Woodrell, Daniel.
Woods, Chris.
Woods, Gregory.
Woods, Gregory.
Woods, Gregory.
Woods, James D.
Woods, Richard.
Woodson, Jacqueline.
Woodson, Jacqueline.
Woodson, Jacqueline.
Woodward, James.
Woog, Dan.
Woog, Dan.
Woog, Dan.
Woog, Dan.
Woolaston, Graeme.
Woolf, Virginia.
Woolf, Virginia.
Woolf, Virginia.
Woolf, Virginia.
Woolf, Virginia.
Woolf, Virginia.
Woolley, Tom.
Word is out [videorecording]: stories of some of our lives. A Mariposa
Film Group and Adair Films production; a film made by Mariposa Film Group,
Peter Adair ... [et al.]; produced by Peter Adair.
Word of mouth: an anthology of gay American poetry. Edited by Timothy Liu.
Work, life, and family imbalance: how to level the playing field. Edited
by Michele A. Paludi and Presha E. Neidermeyer.
The work of opera: genre, nationhood, and sexual difference.
Working papers on gay-lesbian liberation and socialism.
Working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender college students: a
handbook for faculty and administrators. Edited by Ronni L. Sanlo.
The World between women: an anthology.
World Christianities c. 1914-c.2000. Edited by Hugh McLeod.
The world in us: lesbian and gay poetry of the next wave: an
The world the sixties made: politics and culture in recent America. Edited
by Van Gosse and Richard Moser.
Worlds apart: an anthology of lesbian and gay science fiction and
fantasy. Edited by Camilla Decarnin, Eric Garber, and Lyn Paleo.
The worlds cause lawyers make: structure and agency in legal practice.
Edited by Austin Sarat, Stuart Scheingold.
Woronoff, Rob.
Worsley, T. C. (Thomas Cuthbert)
Worthy, Ken.
Wotherspoon, Garry.
Woubi chéri [videorecording] La Sept ARTE & Dominant 7
présente;un film de Philip Brooks & Laurent Bocahut; produit et
réalisé par Philip Brooks & Laurent Bocahut.
Wouters, Liliane.
Wrangler, Jack.
Wrestling with manhood [videorecording]: boys, bullying & battering.
Producer, Ronit Ridberg; written & directed by Sut Jhally. Full &
abridged versions.
Wrestling with the angel: faith and religion in the lives of gay men.
Wright, Adrian.
Wright, Beth Ann.
Wright, Doug.
Wright, Ezekiel.
Wright, Janet M.
Wright, Ralph G.
Wright, Stephen.
Wright, Stephen.
Wright, William.
Write from the heart: lesbians healing from heartache. Rev. ed.
Writing AIDS: gay literature, language, and analysis.
Writing Los Angeles: a literary anthology. Edited by David L. Ulin.
Writing themselves in: a national report on the sexuality, health and
well-being of same-sex attracted young people. Lynne Hillier ... [et
Writings through John Cage's music, poetry, and art. Edited by David W.
Bernstein and Christopher Hatch.
Wu, Cuncun.
Wu, Qingkang.
Wu, Rose.
Wullschlager, Jackie.
Wurtzel, David.
Wyden, Peter.
Wyman, Julie.
Wymer, Rowland.
Wysor, Bettie.
X, Jacobus, pseud.
X, Jacobus.
X, Jacobus, Dr., pseud.
Xing, Jun.
Xtra! West.
XXXY. A film by Porter Gale, Laleh Soomekh.
Y sigue la marcha andando! [videorecording]=And the march continues!
Closet de Sor Juana A.C. presenta; directed by Guadalupe Olvera San
Miguel; script by Guadalupe Olvera San Miguel and Mary Carmen Flores
Y tu mama tambien [videorecording] Jorge Vergara Producciones,
Producciones Anhelo presentan; [distributed by] IFC Films and Good
Machine; producite por Jorge Vergara; escrita, producite y dirigida por
Alfonso Cuaron; escrita, Carlos Cuaron.
Yale French Studies. n. 90. (1996)
Yale French Studies. n. 91. (1997)
Yamauchi, Toshio.
Yamauchi, Toshio.
Yanase, Ryuta.
Yankowski, John S.
Yaraana: gay writing from India. Edited by Hoshang Merchant.
Yarbro-Bejarano, Yvonne.
Ye jing [videorecording] = Night scene. Dao yan, bian ju Cui Zien; Cuizi
DV Studio; director, script, Cui Zien; producers, Liu Shujing, Du
Yeager, Ken.
A year at the Supreme Court. [Edited by] Neal Devins & Davison M.
Yeazell, Ruth Bernard.
Yee, Bernadette Fung.
Yee, Kevin F.
Yew, Chay.
Yi, Jon.
Yin shi [videorecording] Zhong shi chuan mei gu fen you xian gong si,
Guangdong guo shi wen hua chuan bo you xian gong si, Fujian sheng dong yu
ying shi you xian gong si; zhi zuo ren, Xiao Feng, Wei Dahang; bian ju,
Wang Taorui; dao yan, Huang Jianzhong, Yan Yi.
Yingling, Thomas E.
Yingling, Thomas E.
Yip, Andrew K. T.
Yosef, Raz.
Yoshimoto, Dan K.
Yoshinaga, Michiko.
Yoshino, Kenji.
You don't know Dick [videorecording]: courageous hearts of transsexual
men. A Northern Light, Candace Schermerhorn production; directed and
produced by Candace Schermerhorn, Bestor Cram.
Young, Allen.
Young, Allen.
Young, Antonia.
Young, Hugh.
Young, Ian.
Young, Ian.
Young, Ian.
Young, Ian. [comp.]
Young, Ian.
Young, Michael B.
Young, Patricia Jean.
Young, Perry Deane.
Young, Perry Deane.
Young, Val.
Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth.
Young, gay & proud! [Prepared by Sasha Slyson with the help and
cooperation of Enid Braun, Beth Ireland, ...[et al.] [1st ed.]
Young, gay & proud! Edited by Sasha Alyson. 3rd ed.
Young Women's Christian Association (University of Washington)
Young wives' tales: new adventures in love and partnership. Edited by Jill
Corral and Lisa Miya-Jervis; foreword by Bell Hooks.
Yourcenar, Marguerite.
Yourcenar, Marguerite.
Yourcenar, Marguerite.
Yourcenar, Marguerite.
Yourcenar, Marguerite.
Yourcenar, Marguerite.
Yourcenar, Marguerite.
Yourcenar, Marguerite.
Yourcenar, Marguerite.
Youth and sexualities: pleasure, subversion, and insubordination in and
out of schools.
Youth, education, and sexualities: an international encyclopedia. Edited
by James T. Sears. 2 vols.
Youth information-seeking behavior II: context, theories, models, and
issues. Edited by Mary K. Chelton, Colleen Cool.
Yukio Mishima [videorecording]: Samurai writer. A BBC TV production in
association with RM Arts.
Yu, Tianji.
Yuzgun, Arslan.
Zackheim, Michele.
Zafiruddin, Muhammad.
Zafiruddin, Muhammad.
Zalcock, Beverley.
Zalcock, Beverley.
Zapata, Luis.
Zapata, Luis.
Zappulla, Catherine.
Zayas y Sotomayor, Maria de.
Zayas y Sotomayor, Maria de.
Zeeland, Steven.
Zeeland, Steven.
Zeeland, Steven.
Zeeland, Steven.
Zeikowitz, Richard E.
Zeligs, Meyer A.
Zellmer, Valerie.
Zernentsch, Sheri.
Zero patience [videorecording] a Zero Patience Productions presentation;
produced with Telefilm Canada with the participation of the The Ontario
Film Development Corporation; in association with Channel Four Television,
U.K.; produced by Anna Stratton, Louise Garfield; written & directed by
John Greyson; composer, Glenn Schellenberg; lyrics by John Greyson, Glenn
Zhang, Zaizhou.
Zhou, Huashen.
Zhou, Zuyan.
Zhuk, Olga.
Ziebura, Eva.
Ziegler, Philip.
Zigaina, Giuseppe.
Zilboorg, Caroline.
Zimet, Jaye.
Zimler, Richard.
Zimmerman, Bonnie.
Zingo, Martha T.
Zinn, Alexander.
Zinner, Hedda.
Zinoveva-Annibal, L. D. (Lidiia Dmitrievna)
Zinoveva-Annibal, L. D. (Lidiia Dmitrievna)
Ziolkowski, Jan.
Zipter, Yvonne.
Zipter, Yvonne.
Zirin, Dave.
Zita, Jacquelyn N.
Zlobin, Vladimir.
Zlobin, Vladimir.
Zolla, Elemire.
Zosimov, Aleksei.
Zschokke, Heinrich.
Zschokke, Magdalena.
Zube, Kurt Helmut.
Zubro, Mark Richard.
Zubro, Mark Richard.
Zubro, Mark Richard.
Zubro, Mark Richard.
Zubro, Mark Richard.
Zubro, Mark Richard.
Zubro, Mark Richard.
Zubro, Mark Richard.
Zucker, Kenneth J.
Zuckerman, Amy J. (Amy Jo).
Zuckerman, Amy J. (Amy Jo)
Zuger, Armin.
Zuniga, Jose.
Zurlinden, Jeffrey.
Zus & zo [videorecording] Cine Summer CV en Filmprodukties de Luwte
presenteren; een film van Paula van der Oest; producer, Jacqueline de
Goeij; director and writer, Paula van der Oest.
Zweig, Stefan.
Zwetz, Ulrich.
Zygfryd [videorecording] = Siegfried. Film Polski; Zespol Filmowy "TOR";
scenariusz, Andrzej Domalik; kierownictowo produkcji, Henryk Romanowski;
rezyseria, Andrzej Domalik.
Zylstra, Mignon.
Zynda, Stefan.
La Batarde. With an introduction by Simone de Beauvoir.
Translated from the French by Derek Coltman.
note: originally published by P. Owen, 1965.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2623 .E3657 B33
Suz PQ 2623 .E3657 Z513 1985 (Virago reissue, with new intro. by Anny
Bot PQ 2623 .E3657 B33 1966
La Folie en tete.
[Paris] Gallimard, 1970.
Suz PQ 2623 .E3657 F6
Mad in pursuit. Translated from the French by Derek Coltman.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux [1971]
note: translation of: Folie en tete.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2623 .E3657 F613
Bot PQ 2623 .E3657 F613 1972
Therese et Isabelle.
[Paris] Gallimard, 1966.
Suz PQ 2623 .E3657 T5
Murder and the reasonable man: passion and fear in the criminal
NY: New York University Press, 2003.
note: [chapter] 2, Unreasonable women, gay men, and men of color,
pp. 46-66; [chapter] 3, Gay panic, pp. 67-95.
Law KF 9246 .L44 2003
Virginia Woolf.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1996.
Suz PR 6045 .O72 Z775 1996
Gay men speak. In collaboration with Frank Melleno and Robert Mullis.
San Francisco: Multi Media Resource Center, 1973.
Suz HQ 76 .L43 1973
Dinner for two: recipes, menus & techniques for the easy preparation
of elegant dinners for two.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1981.
Suz TX 737 .L43 1981
Amazing grace: a life of Beauford Delaney.
NY: Oxford University Press, c1998.
Suz, Ugl, Art, Bot, Tac ND 237 .D339 L44 1998
James Baldwin: a biography.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1994.
Suz, Ugl, Tac PS 3552 .A45 Z77 1994
Stephen Spender: a life in modernism.
NY: Henry Holt, 1999.
Suz PR 6037 .P47 Z76 1999
The Dreyfus affair: a love story.
NY: HarperPerennial, 1993.
Suz PS 3562 .E3737 D7 1993
Arthur Rimbaud.
Paris: Fayard, 2001.
Suz PQ 2387 .R5 Z6958 2001
Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.
note: Is kinship always heterosexual? (Judith Butler), pp. 229-258; Beyond
gay marriage (Michael Warner), pp. 259-289.
Suz, Law KF 380 .L44 2002
Berkeley: Nolo Press, 1999.
note: also online as e-book, University of Washington affiliates only
note: for earlier editions, see Curry, Hayden...
Suz KF 539 .L44 1999
Law KF 538 .C87 1998
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995.
Suz, Law, Bot K3242.3 .Z9 L44 1995
Edited by Leslie J. Moran, Daniel Monk, and Sarah Beresford.
London; NY: Cassell, 1998.
Suz K3242.3 .Z9 L448 1998
Oxford; Portland, OR: Hart, 2001.
Suz K670 .L44 2001
Law K699 .A6 L44 2001
Homophile studies in theory and practice.
Written and edited by W. Dorr Legg ... [et al.]
[Los Angeles]: ONE Institute Press; San Francisco: GLB Publishers,
Suz HQ 75.16 .U6 L44 1994
Portland, OR: Portland Town Council, 1977, c1976.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 L43 1977
All the powerful invisible things: a sportswoman's notebook.
Seattle: Seal Press; [Emeryville, CA]: Distributed to the trade by
Publishers Group West, c1995.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3562 .E39 Z463 1995
Christopher Isherwood: a personal memoir.
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1987.
Suz PR 6017 .S5 Z77 1987b
Bot PR 6017 .S5 Z77 1989 (Holt ed.)
In the purely pagan sense.
London: GMP, 1985.
Suz PR 6023 .E4 I5 1985
Rupert Brooke, his life and his legend.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, c1980.
note: U.S. edition appeared as: The strange destiny of Rupert Brooke.
see also: Lehmann, John. The strange destiny of Rupert Brooke.
Suz PR 6003 .R4 Z69
The strange destiny of Rupert Brooke.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
note: British edition appeared as: Rupert Brooke, his life and his
see also: Lehmann, John. Rupert Brooke, his life and his legend.
Ugl PR 6003 .R4 Z69 1980
Here's what we'll say: growing up, coming out, and the U.S. Air Force
NY: Carroll & Graf, 2006.
Ugl UB 418 .G38 L43 2006
Bücher fur das "dritte Geschlecht": der Max Spohr Verlag in Leipzig;
Verlagsgeschichte und Bibliographie (1881-1941)
Wiesbaden: in Kommission bei Harrassowitz, 2002.
(Veröffentlichungen des Leipziger Arbeitskreises zur Geschichte des
Buchwesens. Schriften und Zeugnisse zur Buchgeschichte; Bd. 14)
Suz Z315 .M34 L445 2002
Maskeraden und Metamorphosen: als Männer verkleidete Frauen in der
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1994.
Suz PN 56.6 .W64 L44 1994
Wenn Frauen Männerkleider tragen: Geschlecht und Maskerade in
Literatur und Geschichte.
München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1997.
Suz PN 56.5 .W64 L44 1997
Queer family values: debunking the myth of the nuclear family.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1999.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 L44 1999
Officially gay: the political construction of sexuality by the U.S.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003.
Suz, Tac UB 418 .G38 L44 2003
Sex and eroticism in Mesopotamian literature.
London; NY: Routledge, 1994.
note: [chapter] 14, Liminal sexuality. Eunuchs, homosexuals and the common
prostitute, pp. 157-169.
Suz PJ 4047 .l45 1994
Dark lover: the life and death of Rudolph Valentino.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.
Suz PN 2287 .V3 L45 2003
Dark water's embrace.
NY: Avon, c1998.
Suz PS 3562 .E457 D37 1998
Gay cops.
New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, c1993.
Suz HV 8138 L353 1993
Sexual politics in Cuba: machismo, homosexuality, and AIDS.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, c1994.
Suz HQ 57.6 C9 L45 1994
Liberty, justice, and morals; contemporary value conflicts.
NY: Macmillan [1973]
note: [chapter] 2, Homosexuality, pp. 33-68.
Law K240 .L43 1973
Liberty, justice, and morals; contemporary value conflicts. 2nd ed.
NY: Macmillan, c1979.
note: [chapter] 2, Homosexuality, pp. 30-74.
Law K240 .L43 1979
Liberty, justice, and morals: contemporary value conflicts. 3rd ed.
NY: Macmillan; London: Collier Macmillan, c1986.
note: [chapter] 2, Homosexuality, pp. 31-69.
Bot BJ 55 .L44 1986
The trace elements of random tea parties.
NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, c2003.
Ugl PS 3612 .E48 T73 2003
Out on the field: gender, sport and sexualities.
Toronto, ON: Women's Press, 2003.
Suz GV 709 .L465 2003
Klaus Mann: il romanzo di un'utopia. Introduzione di Fulvio Ferrari; in
appendice, Omosessualita e fascismo di Klaus Mann.
Bologna: Centro di documentazione il cassero, 1990.
(Quaderni di critica omosessuale, n. 8)
Suz PT 2625 A435 Z788 1990
Sexuality and the law: an encyclopedia of major legal cases.
NY: Garland, 1993.
(Garland reference library of social science. American
law and society, v.3)
SuzRef KF 9325 A7 L46 1993
Montgomery Clift.
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1997.
Suz PN 2287 .C545 L46 1997
Changing: 50 drawings. introduced by Edward Lcie-Smith.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1984, c1983.
SpecColl Book Arts NC 139 .L457 A4 1984
The diva's mouth; body, voice, prima donna politics.
By Susan J. Leonardi and Rebecca A. Pope.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c1996.
Suz, Music ML 400 .L46 1996
Egipetskii golub'. Ditoa dushi.
NY: Izd-vo im. Chekhova, c1954]
note: titles transliterated; titles in English: Egyptian
Dove. Child of the Heart.
Suz 891.73 L5541e
Egipetskii golub: roman, povesti, vospominaniia.
[Sostavlenie, vstupitelnaia statia, primechaniia V. Kotelnikova]
Moskva: "Sovremennik", 1991.
(Iz naslediia)
Suz PG 3467 .L4 A6 1991
The Egyptian dove; the story of a Russian, 1881.
Translated from the Russian by George Reavey. Introduction
and notes by George Ivask.
NY: Weybright and Talley [c1969]
note: Translation of: Egipetskii golub (romanized form)
Suz, Ugl PG 3467 .L4 E313
Andre Gide le messager: biographie.
Paris: Editions du Seuil, c1997.
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 Z8 L385 1997
The grand surprise: the journals of Leo Lerman. Edited by Stephen
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007.
Suz PN 4874 .L376 A3 2007
The heart is deceitful above all things.
NY: Bloomsbury: Distributed to the trade by St. Martin's Press, c2001.
Suz PS 3562 .E773 H4 2001
NY: Bloomsbury, c2000.
Ugl PS 3562 .E773 S37 2000
Histoire juridique de l'homosexualite en Europe.
Paris: Presses universitaires de France, c1997.
(Medecine et societe, 3)
Suz HQ 76.3 .E85 L47 1997
Berlin: Dietz, c1990.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G35 L47 1990
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2005.
Ugl HQ 75.6 .U5 L34 2005
NY: Berkley Books: Produced by the Philip Lief Group.
SuzRef HQ 75.6 .U5 L35 1996
NY: CRI, p1998.
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 8982
NY: DRAM, [2007]
note: composers- Pauline Oliveros, Nurit Tilles, Linda Montano, Lori
Freedman, Marilyn Lerner, Paula M. Kimper, Eve Beglarian, Jennifer Higdon,
Annea Lockwood, Madelyn Byrne, Ruth Anderson.
note: part of the Database of Recorded American Music (UW users only)
available electronically:
Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
Philadelphia: Chelsea House, c1997.
Ugl, Bot PS 153 .L46 L43 1997
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, c2003.
Bot WA 309 L623 2003
Edited by Sean Gill.
London; NY: Cassell, c1998.
Suz BR 115 .H6 L48 1998
Edited by Stephen Hicks and Janet McDermott; foreword by Pat Verity and
Gerri McAndrew.
London; Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley, 1999.
SocWk, Tac HV 875.58 .G7 L47 1999
By Hilda Hidalgo, Travis L. Peterson, and Natalie Jane Woodman.
Silver Spring, MD: National Association of Social Workers, c1985.
SocWk HV 1449 L47 1985
Guest editors: Scott Wirth, Rani Eversley, Nancy Rubin.
[Special issue of:] Catalyst. v.3, n.4 (1981); also called issue 12
SocWkPer HV 1 .C36
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 76.3 U5 L47 1992
Talk back!: the gay person's guide to media action.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1982.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.8 .U5 L4 1982
Santa Rosa, CA: Northern California Gay Media Project, Inc., [1979]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian news)
note: continues Sonoma County Lesbian & Gay Alliance news
Microfilm A10331 reel 84
v.2,n.11/12-v.3,n.1 (Dec 1979/Jan 1980-Feb 1980)
Oxford, UK; Malden, MA: BPS Blackwell, 2002.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.15 .L47
Eds. Beverly Greene, Gregory M. Herek.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1994.
(Psychological perspectives on lesbian and gay issues, v.1)
note: sponsored by the Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian and
Gay Issues, Division 44 of the American Psychological Association.
Suz HQ 75.5 .L438 1994
Edited by Andy Medhurst and Sally R. Munt.
London; Washington: Cassell, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.15 .L43 1997
London; Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2000.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.15 .L44 2000
Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, c2000.
Suz, Tac PS 66 .L45 2000
Robert K. Martin, guest editor.
[Special issue of:] English studies in Canada. v.20, n.2 (June, 1994)
Suzzallo Periodicals PR 1 .E59 v.20
Robert K. Martin, guest editor.
[Special issue of:] English studies in Canada. v.21, n.2 (June, 1995)
Suzzallo Periodicals PR 1 .E59 v.21
NY: Routledge, 1993.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 .L48 1993
Edited by Ide O'Carroll and Eoin Collins.
London; NY: Cassell, 1995.
Suz 76.3 .I73 L47 1995
London: Macmillan, 1989.
Suz PR 120 G39 L47 1990b
Bot PR 120 .G39 L47 1990 (U. S. ed., entitled: Lesbian
and gay writing: an anthology of critical essays)
[NY]: Heresies Collective, c1977.
(Heresies, 3)
Art Periodicals N1 .H54 no. 3
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2005.
Ugl HQ 75.5 .L4384 2005
[San Francsico: LesCon,
note: a "lesbian-feminist" publication
note: "bi-urban" [San Francisco and Seattle]; through issue 33 (Win 1991)
had both San Francisco and Seattle addresses; thereafter, San Francisco
SpecColl Folio HQ 75 .L44 no.1-48 (Winter 1982/83-Fall 1994)
MicNews Microfilm A8402 Spring 1983-Fall 1992
Edited by Julia Penelope and Susan J. Wolfe.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1993.
Ugl, SocWk PS 509 L47 L47 1993
Venice, CA: LE Publications, c1984-
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .L473 v.2-5 (1986-1996)
NY: New York University Press, 1995.
(The cutting edge--lesbian life and literature)
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.5 .L439 1995
NY: Haworth Press, c2006.
Suz HQ 75.53 .L47 2006
see: Lesbians in Germany: 1890's-1920's.
Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, c1981.
Suz, Bot PS 648 L47 L4 1981
Edited by Jacqueline S. Weinstock and Esther D. Rothblum.
NY: New York University Press, c1996.
(Cutting edge)
Suz, Tac HQ 75.6 .U5 L375 1996
Oxford [England]; NY: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 L45 2001
Edited by Charlotte J. Patterson, Anthony R. D'Augelli.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1998.
note: continues Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities over the
see also: Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities over the lifespan.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.25 .L485 1998
Edited by Anthony R. D'Augelli and Charlotte J. Patterson.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1995.
note: continued by Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities in families:
psychological perspectives.
see also: Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities in families: psychological
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Tac, Bot HQ 76.25 .L49 1995
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, c1998.
Suz, Tac HV 1449 .L483 1998
NY: Columbia University Press, c2006.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .L494 2006
Washington, DC: American Public Health Association, 2001.
Ugl, Bot WA 300 L6228 2001
Alexandria, VA: Council on Social Work Education, 2001.
SocWk HV 1449 .L484 2001
Editors: Vitka Eisen and Irene Hall.
[A special issue of] Harvard Educational Review. v.66, n.2, (Summer)
Suzzallo Periodicals 370.5 HA v.66 n.1-2
Newsletter. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Health Science
Librarians, Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Medical Library
[Chicago, IL.?]: MLALGBT, [1994]-
available online,
v.1,n.1- (1994-
Lesbian/Gay Freedom Day Committee records, 1983.
note: ca. .03 cubic ft.; mailings, ephemera; the Committee organized a
Gay Pride parade and a rally in June, 1983.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives Inquire at Special Collections
NY: Bar Association for Human Rights of Greater New York.
Law Periodicals, floor 7; shelved by title. Dec. 1986-
[Special issue of:] Modern drama. v.39, n.1 (Spring, 1996)
Drama 809.205 MO v.39
Ugl Microfilm B1412
Bot Microfilm BOT-42
Tac Microfilm TAC-42
[A Special issue of:] Radical teacher. A Socialist and feminist journal on
the theory and practice of teaching. #45 (Winter, 1994)
Suzzallo Periodicals L 11 .R24
NY: National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs. 1999+
note: annual report of lgbt domestic violence coordinated by the New York
City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project
note: online: 1999+
note: for its report on Anti-LGBT violence, see Anti-lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender violence...
[Edited by] Jocelyn White and Marissa C. Martinez.
Seattle: Seal Press; [Emeryville, CA]: Distributed to the trade by
Publishers Group West, c1997.
SpecColl Book Arts WA 300 L62322 1997
Andrea L. Solarz, editor; Committee on Lesbian Health Research Priorities,
Neuroscience and Behavioral Health Program [and] Health Sciences Policy
Program, Health Sciences Section, Institute of Medicine.
Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1999.
note: Report based on a workshop held in Oct. 1997.
HSLIC, Tac WA 300 L62323 1999
Washington, D.C.: Office of Women's Health, [2000]
Santa Cruz, CA: Santa Cruz Women's Health Center, c1979. (1980
Suz WA 300 L6232 1979
1994 Lesbian Health Roundtable Report: February 27- March 1, 1994,
Washington DC. Sponsors, Human Rights Campaign Fund... [et al.]
[Washington, DC?: 1994]
Suz WA 300 L6233z 1994
Washington, D. C.: Taylor & Francis, c1993.
Suz, Tac WA 300 L623 1993
NY: Garland Pub., 2000.
note: For companion title, see Gay histories and cultures: an
SuzRef, BotRef HQ 75.5 .L4395 2000
London; NY: Routledge, 2001.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G7 L47 2001
Ellen Louise Hart ... [et al.]; edited by Sarah-Hope Parmeter and Irene
Santa Cruz, CA: HerBooks, c1988.
Suz LB 2837 .L47 1988
[A special issue of] Signs: Journal of women and culture and society. v.9,
n.4, (Summer) 1984.
note: also published as a book: The Lesbian issue: essays from
see also: The Lesbian issue: essays from Signs.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 1101 S55 v.9
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
Suz HQ 75.5 L44 1985
[A special issue of:] Resources for feminist research. v.12, n.1 (Mar
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 1101 .C35 v.12
Minneapolis: Word Weavers, c1985.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 L38 1985
Compiled by Rosa Ainley and Belinda Budge; [introduction by Mandy
London: Scarlet Press, c1993.
note: Book of 42 postcards with pictures of lesbians.
Suz HQ 75.5 .L442 1993
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2002.
Ugl HQ 75.5 .L4423 2002
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1989.
Ugl PS 648 L47 L44 1989
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1991.
Suz PS 648 .L47 L442 1991
Edited by Kate Griffin and Lisa A. Mulholland.
London; Washington: Cassell, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.53 .L462 1997
Edited by Donna J. Hitchens and Ann G. Thomas.
San Francisco: Lesbian Rights Project, 1980.
note: research and assistance by Nina Ginsberg, Karen Harbeck, Ellen
Shapiro, Diane Whitney.
Suz Z 7164 .H74 L47 1980
Rights of Women Lesbian Custody Group; [written by Markie Barratt ... et
London: Women's Press, 1986.
note: Part Two was originally published as 'Lesbian Mothers on Trial' ...
Suz KD 772 .L47 1986
see: Lesbian mothers' legal handbook.
[United States]: Chance Publications, c1989.
SpecColl Book Arts CE 11 .L47 1989
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1985.
Suz, Ugl BX 4225 L47 1985
Charlottetown, P. E. I.: Gynergy, 1995.
SocWk HQ 75.53 .L464 1995
Edited by Marcy Adelman. 2nd ed.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1996.
note: 1st ed appeared (1986) as: Long time passing.
see also: Long time passing.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.5 .L4424 1996
Monterey, CA: Angel Press; NY; Exclusive distributors, Caroline House,
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 L383 1980
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press; Eugene, OR: Distributed by Subterranean,
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.3 L475 1985
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, c1990.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 L443 1990
[A special issue of] Hypatia: a journal of feministphilosophy. v.7, n.4,
(Fall) 1992.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 1101 H9 v.7
London: Methuen, 1987-1989.
Drama PR 1259 .L47 L4 1987 v.1 [and] v.2
Suz PR 1259 .L47 L4 1987 v. 1 [and] v.2
Toronto, ON: Playwrights Canada Press, c2006.
Drama PR 9196.37 .L46 L47 2006
Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, c1981.
Ugl PS 595 L46 L4
NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
Ugl HQ 75.6 .U5 L385 1999
NY: Columbia University Press, c1994.
(Between men--between women)
Suz PS 153 L46 L47 1994
Edited by the Boston Lesbian Psychologies Collective.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1987.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 75.5 L445 1987
San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2005.
Bot PS 153 .L46 L453 2005
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1993.
SuzRef PN 6084 .L45 L47 1993
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, c2001.
Suz BM 753 .L47 2001
[Oakland, CA]: Amazon Press. 1975-
Suz HQ 75 .L45 1975 (lst ed)
LRC newsletter.
Seattle, WA: Pacific Women's Resources Newsletter,
note: continued by Lesbian Resource Center community news; LRC community
news; and LRC news
note: Jul 1979 issue has title: Lesbian Resource Center: [newsletter];
issues for Sep 1979, Jun 1981-Jun 1982 have title: Lesbian Resource
Center newsletter; issues for Jan-Feb, Nov 1980; Feb-Apr 1981 have title
Newsletter; Aug 1986 entitled Pacific women's resources newsletter.
SpecCollPNW HQ 75 .L46
Jun-Jul 1979, Sep 1979; Jan-Feb 1980; Oct-Nov 1980; Feb 1981; Apr 1981;
Jun 1981; Oct-Nov 1981, Feb 1982; May-Jun 1982, Aug 1986; Jun-Oct 1987;
Dec 1987-May 1990.
Seattle, WA: The Center,
note: continued by LRC community news; LRC news; and preceded by Lesbian
Resource Center community news; for holdings of those titles, see those
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .L46
Jun-Jul 1990; Sep-Dec 1990; Jan 1991; Apr-May 1991
see: LRC news
Altadena, CA: The Lesbian Review of Books, c1994-2001/02
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .L47 v.1-8, n.2 (Autumn 1994-2001/02)
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 75.5 .L453 2003
Denver, CO: Lace Publications, c1988.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 L39 1988
Seattle, WA: Lesbian Separtist Group, [1973]
Suz HQ 75.6 .U6 L47 1973
NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 L393 1999
NY: Haworth Press, 1995.
SocWk HV 1449 .L49 1995
Old Westbury, NY: Feminist Press, c1982.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 75.3 L48 1982
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.16 .U6 L47 1996
Edited by Karla Jay and Joanne Glasgow.
NY: New York University Press, c1990.
Suz, Bot PS 153 L46 L46 1990
Nancy D. Davis, Ellen Cole, Esther D. Rothblum, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, c1996.
note: also published as special issue of: Women & therapy. v. 18, n. 2
Suz WM 21 L623 1996
SocWkPer W 1 WO655
San Francisco: Whereabouts Press: Distributed to the trade by Consortium
Book Sales & Distribution, [1998]
Suz PS 648 .L47 L465 1998
Campbell, CA: Sisters of Sappha, 1974-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 59 v.1-v.4,no.2 (Winter 1974-1981)
Seattle: Donna Burgess, and Patty Mead.
SpecColl PNW HQ 1426 .L48 no.1 (1979/80)
Santa Cruz, CA: I. Reti/S. McCabe, c1984.
Suz PS 509 .L47 L47 1984
NY: Masquerade Books, 1995.
Suz PS 648 .L47 L47 1995
NY: Distributed by Latin American Video Archives, [2002]
note: VHS; Spanish with English subtitles.
note: Lesbians in Buenos Aires speak about their lives and experiences in
the macho culture of Argentina.
UglMed Videorecord LAVA 123
NY: Garland, 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v.7)
Suz HQ 75.5 .L467 1992
Esther D. Rothblum [and] Ellen Cole, editors.
[A special issue of:] Women & Therapy. v.8, n. 1/2 (1989)
note: also published as a monograph under the title: Loving boldly: issues
facing lesbians.
see also: Loving boldly: issues facing lesbians.
SocWkPer W 1 WO655
NY: Arno Press, 1975
note: reprint of 11 titles (6 articles, 5 monographs) by various authors,
in German; the monographs are:
The six journal articles are:
Ugl HQ 76.3 .G4 L47 1975
New Orleans: University Press of the South, c2000.
(Iberian studies, 37)(Gay, lesbian, and queer studies, 4)
Suz PN 56 .L45 L47 2000
Edited by Nancy Myron & Charlotte Bunch.
Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, c1975.
Ugl HQ 76 L47
NY: Garland, 1992.
(Garland gay and lesbian studies, v.8)
SocWk HQ 75.53 L47 1992
Dava L. Weinstein, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1992.
note: also published as: Journal of chemical dependency treatment.
v.5, n.1, 1992. (special issue)
Suz WM 270 L623 1992
SocWk Periodicals W 1 JO58L v.5 (journal issue)
Joan Laird and Robert-Jay Green, editors; foreword by Monica
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1996.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 L48 1996
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
Suz, SocWk HQ 75.6 .U5 L47 1999
Edited by Judith M. Glassgold and Suzanne Iasenza.
NY: Free Press, c1995.
SocWk, Bot WM 611 L623 1995
Edited by Barbara Sang, Joyce Warshow, and Adrienne J. Smith.
San Francisco: Spinsters Book Co., c1991.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 L394 1991
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Ugl HQ 75.5 .L458 2004
NY: New Press, dist. by W.W. Norton, c1993.
Suz, Bot, Law KF 4754.5 A7 L48 1993
Edited by Barbara Grier and Coletta Reid; illustrated by Ellen Vogel.
Baltimore: Diana Press, c1976.
Suz PS 647 .W6 1976
Edited by Beth Mintz and Esther Rothblum.
NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz LB 2332.3 .L47 1997
Toronto: Between the Lines, c1990.
Suz HQ 75.6 .C2 D47 1990
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
EAsia HQ 75.6 .E18 L47 2006
[Edited by] Lillian Faderman and Brigitte Erikson. 2nd ed.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1990.
note: Translated from German.
note: previously published as: Lesbian-feminism in turn-of-the-century
Germany. 1980.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.6 .G3 L47 1990
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 1219 .L476 1999
NY: Haworth Press, c1995.
SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .L494 1995
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.53 .L48 1997
[Berkeley, CA: Free Women's Press, 1970?]
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 L485 1970
Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974.
note: originally conceived and collected by Carol Wilson...
Suz HQ 75.5 .L469 1974
see: Mason-John, Valerie. Making black waves: lesbians talk.
Plock: Fundacja Lorga, 2006.
Suz HQ 75.5 .L475 2006
London: Cassell, 1995.
Suz HQ 75.6 .I75 L43 1995
play of desire: Sinclair Ross's gay fiction.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Université de Montréal, 2000.
available online:
Dying with AIDS/living with AIDS.
Dorion, Quebec: Muses' Company, c1992.
Suz WC 503.7 L636d 1992
Casebook: homophile. Introduction by Leonard Lowag.
NY: Dalhousie Press, 1966.
Suz HQ 76 .L48 1966
New Delhi, India: AIDS Bhedbhav Virodi Andolan, 1991.
Suz HQ 76.3 I4 L47 1991
Ottawa: Canadian Teachers' Federation, c2005.
Suz HQ 76.4 .L47 2005
Digressions on some poems by Frank O'Hara.
NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2003.
Suz PS 3529 .H28 Z7 2003
[United States]: New Day Films: Women's Educational Media, c2003.
note: VHS
note: accompanying curriculum guide contains lessons and activities that
help address the issue of bullying and name-calling.
note: Examines issues that lead to taunting and bullying in middle
schools, including racial differences, perceived sexual orientation,
learning disabilities, religious differences, sexual harassment and
others. Students who have been the targets of bullying, as well as
students who do the bullying, describe their experiences and how they make
them feel.
UglMed Videorecord NDF 033
UglMed Videorecord NDF 033 guide
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1773
Compiled and edited by Larry Dane Brimmer.
NY: Franklin Watts, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 B55 1997
Male colors: the construction of homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1995.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .J3 L48 1995
Transgender emergence: therapeutic guidelines for working with
gender-variant people and their families.
NY: The Haworth Clinical Practice Press, c2004.
Tac WM 611 L655t 2004
Albrick's gold.
NY: Masquerade Books, 1997.
Suz PS 3562 .E865 A77 1997
City of friends: a portrait of the gay and lesbian community in
America. By Simon LeVay and Elizabeth Nonas.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c1995.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.2 .U5 L46 1995
Queer science: the use and abuse of research into homosexuality.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c1996.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 .L497 1996
The sexual brain.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c1993.
Suz, NatSci WL 300 L656s 1993
The secret epidemic: the story of AIDS and Black America.
NY: Pantheon Books, c2004.
Suz WC 503.4 AA1 L4s 2004
Butterfly man.
NY: Castle Books; distributed by Book Sales, [1960?]
Suz PS 3523 .E792 B87 1960z
The black marble pool.
NY: Amethyst Press, c1990.
Suz PS 3562 .E8734 B57 1990
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1989.
Suz PS 3562 .E8734 F38 1989
A herd of tiny elephants: and other short fictions.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1988.
Suz PS 3562 .E8734 H4 1988
Mountain climbing in Sheridan Square: a novel.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1988.
Suz PS 3562 .E8734 M6 1988
Les buchers de Sodome: histoire des "infames."
Paris: Fayard, c1985.
Suz HQ 76.2 .F8 L48 1985
Tom: the unknown Tennessee Williams.
NY: Crown Publishers, c1995.
Drama PS 3545 .I5365 Z736 1995
The gay novel in America.
NY: Garland, 1991.
(Garland reference library of social science, v. 643)
(Garland gay and lesbian studies, v. 4)
Suz PS 374 .H63 L4 1991
The gay novel; the male homosexual image in America.
NY: Irvington Publishers, c1983.
Suz PS 374 .H63 L4 1983
Reflections on the American homosexual rights movement.
[Afterword by Wayne Dynes]
NY: Scholarship Committee, Gay Academic Union, c1983.
(Gai saber monograph; no. 2)
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 L46 1983
A madman dreams of Turing machines.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006.
Ugl PS 3612 .E9238 M33 2006
Love and death & other disasters: stories 1977-1995.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1996.
Suz PS 3562 .E8896 L6 1996
In the pink: the making of successful gay- and lesbian-owned
NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
Suz HD 62.5 .L477 1999
Bayard Rustin and the civil rights movement.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2000.
Suz, Ugl, Tac E185.97 .R93 L49 2000
Men in women's clothing: anti-theatricality and effeminization,
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
(Cambridge studies in Renaissance literature and culture, 5)
Drama PR 658 .S42 L48 1994
Gay macho: the life and death of the homosexual clone.
Edited with an introduction by Michael S. Kimmel.
NY: New York University Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 L49 1998
Manuel Puig and the spider woman: his life and fictions.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000.
Suz PQ 7798.26 .U4 Z772 2000
Outspoken: free speech stories.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2003.
note: chapter 9, Insubordinate (Penny Clinton), pp. 217-239 [teacher fired
for using glbt titles in course work, Wilton, N.H., March 1996]
Suz KF 4772 .L48 2003
Boy meets boy.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, c2003.
ChiLit, BotChi PZ 7 .L5799 Bo 2003
Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 1999.
note: Transcendent faces, masks of desire: androgyny as artistic device
(Wendy McDaris), pp. 117-123; Gilbert & George (MM), pp. 206-209.
Art N8236 .P58 H37 1999
Cinema of outsiders: the rise of American independent film.
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
note: [chapter] 12. The new gay and lesbian cinema, pp. 442-493.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .E96 L43 1999
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2003.
note: "Queer to queer": the Sapphic body as transgressive text (Susan L.
Lanser), pp. 21-46; Eliza Haywood, Sapphic desire, and the practice of
reading (Catherine Ingrassia), pp. 235-257.
Suz PR 448 .W65 L49 2003
The psychoanalytic theory of male homosexuality.
NY: Simon and Schuster, [1988]
note: reissued in 1995 as: Psychoanalytic theory of male
Suz, SocWk HQ 76 L49 1988
Lesbian mothers: accounts of gender in American culture.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1993.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.53 L49 1993
Recognizing ourselves: ceremonies of lesbian and gay commitment.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1998.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 L49 1998
Transsexualism in society: a sociology of male-to-female
South Melbourne: Macmillan Education Australia, 1995.
Suz,Tac HQ 77.9 .L49 1995
Cyril Connolly: a life.
London: Jonathan Cape, 1997.
Suz PR 6005 .O393 Z75 1997
A select body: the gay dance party subculture and the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
By Lynette A. Lewis [and] Michael W. Ross.
London; NY: Cassell, c1995.
Suz HQ 76 .L495 1995
Sunday's women: a report on lesbian life today.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1979.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 L4 1979
Cowboy blues.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1985.
Suz PS 3562 .E9754 C69 1985
NY: Cinevista Video, 1987.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS format; Spanish and English subtitles;
Videocassette release of a 1987 motion picture; Berlin International
Film Festival, 1987: best feature film.
note: credits- photography, Angel L. Fernandez; editor, Jose Salcedo;
cast- Eusebio Poncela, Carmen Maura, Antonio Banderas.
note: Explores the relationships of a gay movie director, who has a
transsexual brother (now a woman living with her daughter) and two lovers,
one of whom murders the other and takes the director's sister (brother)
hostage in order to see the director one more time.
Ugl Videorecord CVV 001
Juego de las decapitaciones. Prologo de Jose Angel Valente.
Barcelona: Montesinos, c1982.
Suz PQ 7389 .L49 J8 1982
Oppinao Licario.
Madrid: Alanza/Era, 1983.
Suz PQ 7389 .L49 O65 1983
Paradiso. Ed. critica, 1a ed.; Cintio Vitier, coordinator.
[Paris] France: ALLCA XX, 1988.
(Coleccion Archivos, 3)
Suz PQ 7389 .L49 P3 1988
Paradiso. Translated by Gregory Rabassa.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 1988, c1974.
Suz PQ 7389 .L49 P313 1988
Ugl PQ 7389 .L49 P313 (Farrar, Straus and Giroux [1974])
NY: Charles Scribner's Sons: Thomson Gale, 2003.
SuzRef, UglRef, BotRef HQ 76.3 .U5 E53 2003 v.1, 2, 3
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Suz HQ 76.25 .L5 2006
Eat drink man woman; The Wedding banquet: two films.
[Introduction by James Schmaus]
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1994.
note: Wedding banquet, English title for Hsi yen.
see also: The Wedding banquet [videorecording]
Suz PN 1997 .A1 L44 1994
Hsi yen. Li An, Feng Kuang-yuan chu. Chu pan edition.
Tai-pei shih: Shih paowen hua chu pan kung ssu: Sun Ssu-chao fa hsing, Min
kuo 82 [1993]
note: title on cover also in English, The wedding banquet.
see also: The wedding banquet [videorecording]
EAsia PN 1997 .L45 H75 1993
Farewell to my concubine: a novel.
Lilian Lee; translated by Andrea Lingenfelter.
NY: W. Morrow, c1993.
note: translation of: Pa-wang pieh Chi, i.e., Bawang bie Ji
see also: Farewell my concubine [videorecording]
EAsia PL 2877 P48 P2713 1993
Imagining the nation: Asian American literature and cultural consent.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998.
note: [chapter] 3, The look, the act, the transvetic, and the
transpirational Asian, pp. 153-173.
Suz, Bot PS 153 .A84 L5 1998
Edited by Norman G. Kester; with a foreword by Cal Gough.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, c1997.
Suz Z720 .A4 L48 1997
Edited by Michael Leahy and Dan Cohn-Sherbok.
London; NY: Routledge, 1996.
note: includes three essays on Gay Liberation, see
Part 3: Gay Liberation, pp. 89-131.
Suz, Tac JC 571 .L54146 1996
Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2006.
Tac BR 115 .H6 L49 2006
Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2007.
note: [chapter] 6, Locating the library as place among lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and queer patrons (Paulette Rothbauer), pp. 101-115.
Suz Z716.4 .L485 2007
[Los Angeles]: DeepFocus Productions, 1997.
note: Associate producer, Thomas G. Miller; directory of photography,
Robert Shepard; music, Miriam Cutler.
note: A riveting journey into the minds of men whose contempt for
homosexuals led them to murder. Videotaped confessions, home and police
videos of gay bashings and murder scenes, news reports and graphic
evidence from police files are fused together with interviews by the
filmaker with seven convicted killers.
note: for study guide to the video, see: Dong, Arthur. Licensed to
UglMed Videorecord DFP 003
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1272
Cavafy: a biography.
NY: Schocken Books, 1976, c1974.
Ugl PA 5610 .K2 Z68 1976
Cavafy: a critical biography.
London: Duckworth, 1974.
Suz PA 5610 .K2 Z68
Mother of the blues: a study of Ma Rainey.
[Amherst]: University of Massachusetts Press, 1981.
Music, Ugl ML 420 .R274 L5
Flensburg: Flensburger Hefte, 2000.
(Flensburger Hefte, 68)
Suz HQ 75.15 .L54 2000
Gerhard Binder, Bernd Effe (Hg.)
Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 1993.
(Bochumer altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium, Bd. 12)
note: papers presented at a lecture series, Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
Summer 1992.
note: includes: Glei, Reinhold F. 'Sappho die Lesbierin' im Wandel der
Zeiten, pp. 145-161.
Suz HQ 13 .L54 1993
Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel, 1995.
(Bibliothek rosa Winkel, bd. 11)
note: Facsimile reprint of the 1900 ed., with new introductory
Suz PN 6071 .H724 L54 1995
Coming out conservative: an autobiography.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1992.
Suz, Ugl, Bot E840.8 L47 A3 1992
Relating women: lesbian experience of friendship.
Ph. D. thesis, La Trobe University, 2003.
available online,
(Early English books, 1641-1700; 254: E.167, no.6)
note: reproduction of original in Thomason Collection, British
London: 1641.
Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms, 1967. 1 microfilm reel
MicNews Microfilm A2791 254:E.167, no. 6
note: re-release of : The Times of Harvey Milk.
see: The Times of Harvey Milk [videorecording]
London, England: Gay Men's Press; Boston, MA: Distributed in North America
by Alyson Publications, 1989.
Art N7572 .L54 1989
San Francisco: Mercury House, c1994.
Ugl NX 180 .A36 L54 1994
NY: Human Sciences Press, [c1984-1991] 6 v.
note: quarterly; some issues have also distinctive title.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 1 .A47 v.7-12 (Fall 1984-1991)
Seattle: Media Lights, 1983-1984.
note: biweekly.
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .L53 no. 1-29 (Apr. 29, 1983-June 21, 1984)
MicNews Microfilm A10330 (April 29, 1983-June 21, 1984)
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1988.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 L55 1988
Homosexuality in Republican and Augustan Rome.
Helsinki: Societas Scientarum Fennica, 1983.
(Commentationes humanorum litterarum, 74)
Suz P 9 F5 v.74
Gay men's literature in the twentieth century.
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1993.
Suz PN 56 .H57 L55 1993b
Tac PN 56 .H57 L55 1993 (NYU Press ed.)
Celluloid comrades: representations of male homosexuality in contemporary
Chinese cinemas.
Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, c2006.
Suz, Tac PN 1995.9 .H55 L56 2006
It's me, Eddie: a fictional memoir.
NY: Random House, c1983.
note: Translation of: Eto ia, Edichka.
Suz, Ugl PG 3483 .I435 E813 1983
Halbweib und Maskenbilder: Subjektivität und schwule Erfahrung im
Werk Josef Winklers.
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1993.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 7)
Suz PT 2685 I467 Z76 1993
Autobiography of an androgyne. With an intro. by Alfred W. Herzog.
NY: Medico-legal journal, 1918.
note: Continued by: The female-impersonators.
note: Earl Lind aka "Ralph Werther," "Jennie June)
see also: Werther, Ralph, pseud. The female-impersonators.
HSLIC 132.754 L64Li
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 L56 1975 (Arno Press reprint)
Employment discrimination law. Barabara T. Lindemann, Paul Grossman;
editor-in-chief, C. Geoffrey Weirich ... [et al.] 4th ed.
Washington, DC: BNA Books: American Bar Association, Section of Labor and
Employment Law, Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, c2007.
note: [chapter]10, IX, Transsexuality, pp. 523-529; [chapter] 11, Sexual
Orientation and gender identity, pp. 551-595; [chapter] 19, II. B, 3,
Same-sex harassment, pp. 1325-1327; [chapter 19], II. B, 4, The equal
opportunity or bisexual harasser, pp. 1327-1328
Law KF 3464 .S34 2007 v.1
Willa Cather, queering America.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 3505 .A87 Z724 1999
Must you conform?
NY: Rinehart [1956]
Suz HM 291 .L48 1956
The outer ring.
NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts [c1955]
note: London edition entitled, Details of Jeremy Stretton
Suz PR 6062 .I47 O998 1955
Corvallis, OR: Calyx Books; St. Paul, MN: Distributed to the trade through
Consortium Book Sales and Distribution, c1998.
note: a collection of short stories, some with lesbian themes, originally
published in the Calyx Journal, e.g., Lives of a long-haired lesbian:
four elemental narrations. (Ruthann Robson) pp. 124-133.
Suz PS 647 .W6 L56 1998
Men in love: male homosexualities from Ganymede to Batman.
Translated from the Italian by Robert H. Hopcke and Paul A. Schwartz; with
a foreword by John Beebe.
Chicago, Il: Open Court, 2002.
note: translation of Compagni d'amore
Ugl HQ 76 .L5613 2002
Detlef Grumbach (Hrsg.); mit Beitragen von Gunter Grau ... [et al.]
Hamburg: MannerschwarmSkript Verlag, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 L55 1995
Political climates, perceptions of risk, and contemporary activisms.
Seattle: University of Washington, 1999.
note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1999.
Suz HM 15 Th48664
Aux Thesis 48664
Weathering change: gays and lesbians, Christian conservatives, and
everyday hostilities.
NY: New York University Press, c2003.
Suz, Tac HN 79 .W23 P85 2003
The rebel of the family. Edited by Deborah T. Meem.
Peterborough, ON: Orchard Park, NY: Broadview Press, c2002.
Suz PR 4889 .L5 R43 2002
The true story of Alice B. Toklas: a study of three autobiographies.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c2006.
Suz PS 3539 .O23 Z75 2006
Beyond diversity day: a Q & A on gay and lesbian issues in schools.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c2004.
Suz LC 192.6 .D56 2004
Understanding homosexuality, changing schools: a text for teachers,
counselors, and administrators.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 L58 1999
Den seksuelle forbannelsens dikter: homoseksuell tematikk i Jiri Karasek
ze Lvovics 1890-tallslyrikk.
Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo, Slavisk-baltisk avdeling, 1999.
Suz PG 5038 .K417 Z72 1999
NY: Turtle Point Press, c1998.
Ugl PS 3562 .I775 L38 1998
Herbert List: the monograph. With texts by Herbert List ... [et al.];
edited by Max Scheler and Matthias Harder.
NY: Monacelli Press, 2000.
note: Eros and photography; the passionate intermediaries of the body
(Edmund White), pp. 142-187.
Art TR 647 .L57 2000
Female fortune: land, gender and authority. The Anne Lister diaries and
other writings 1833-36; [edited by] Jill Liddington.
London; NY: Rivers Oram Press; Distributed in the USA by New York
University Press, 1998.
Suz HQ 75.4 .L57 A3 1998
I know my own heart: the diaries of Anne Lister (1791-1840).
Edited by Helena Whitbread.
London: Virago, 1988
Suz DA 670 .W498 L57 1988
No priest but love: excerpts from the diaries of Anne Lister,
Edited by Helena Whitbread.
Washington Square, NY: New York University Press, 1992.
(The cutting edge)
Suz HQ 75.4 .L57 A3 1992b
NY: Third World Newsreel, c1996.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS.
note: Audre Lorde, poet and lesbian-feminist talks about being a lesbian
and black in New York in the 1950s. Includes conversations and readings by
Lorde and comments by other writers.
UglMed Videorecord NEWS 007
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002.
note: [chapter] 12, Between Aufbruch and Secessio: images of friendship
among Germans, Jews, and gays (John Neubauer), pp. 215-232.
Suz PT 285 .L57 2002
NY: Haworth Press, c1983.
(Research on homosexuality, v.6)
see also: Essays on gay literature.
Suz, Ugl PN 56 .H57 L57 1983
Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000.
(Rodopi perspectives on modern literature, 21)
Suz PN 56 .H57 L58 2000
NY: Columbia University Press, c2003.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 6071 .L47 L58 2003
NY: BBC Video; Burbank, CA: Distributed by Warner Home Video, [2005]
note: DVD; originally broadcast on BBC television in 2003.
note: credits - director of photography, Rob Kitzmann; editor, Mykola
Pawluk; music, David Arnold; costume designer, Annie Hardinge; production
designer, Dennis De Groot; cast - Matt Lucas, David Williams, Steve Furst,
Paul Putner, Stephen Aintree, Anthony Head, Charubala Chokshi, Joann
Condon, Evie Garratt, Sally Hawkins, Siobhan Hayes, Lorraine Hilton, Ruth
Jones, Habib Nasib Nader, Karen Seacombe, Tony Tang.
note: Take a journey around Little Britain, a small and surreal parallel
universe peopled by over-the-top eccentrics, lunatics and social misfits.
Meet Vicky Pollard, the gloriously incoherent trailer trash teenager.
There is Emily Howard, the world's least convincing transvestite. Then
there's Andy, sitting all day in his wheelchair painstakingly looked after
by Lou, who has no idea his friend can walk.
UglMed DVD WHV 291
[United States]: BBC Video; Burbank, CA: Distributed by Warner Home Video,
note: DVD; originally broadcast on BBC television in 2004.
note: cast -Matt Lucas, David Williams, Anthony Steward Head, Tom
note: With the second season comes a host of new characters as well as
returning favoties. Unconvincing transvestite Emily Howard has a new
friend, Vicky Pollard is still butchering the English language, and an
assortment of new oddities are on exhibit.
UglMed DVD WHV 292
Vancouver, B.C.: Moving Images Distribtuion, c2002.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS, DVD; feature length version
note: credits- editor, Cathy Gulkin; music composer, Graeme Coleman;
cinematographer, Ian Hinkle, Mitch Ness.
note: The story of a high stakes legal drama and a small bookstore's fight
for respect. Shooting since 1994, director Weissman has captured the key
moments in the Little Sister's battle against censorship court decisions,
book seizures, moments of personal courage and shocking violence inflicted
on Vancouver's gay community. Sparked by the Little Sister's battle
against censorship, a diverse group of writers, along with free speech
adbvocates speak out in defense of the right of all Canadians to read and
view what they choose.
UglMed Videorecord MID 002
TacMed DVD TAC-1542
Strange gourmets: sophistication, theory, and the novel.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997.
(Series Q)
Suz PN 3331 .L58 1997.
Burnt offerings.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c1995.
Suz PS 3562 .I799 B87 1995
Hard evidence.
Jersey City, N.J.: Talisman House, c2003.
Suz PS 3562 .I799 H37 2001
Of thee I sing: poems.
Athens: University of Georgia Press, c2004.
Suz PS 3562 .I799 O36 2004
Say goodnight.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c1998.
Suz PS 3562 .I799 S29 1998
With listening hearts: understanding the voices of lesbian and gay
Catholics. Foreword by Stephen E. Blaire.
NY: Paulist Press, c2001.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 L58 2001
Santa Monica, CA: Motivational Media, c1995.
note: 1 videocassette. Produced/directed/cameraman, Charley Lang; editor,
Lori Szybist; music, Jim Vukovich.
note: Chronicles the lives of the students of the EAGLES Center, an
alternative high school in Los Angeles for gay and lesbian teens who, due
to persecution, are unable to function in the regular school system. Shows
their efforts to organize a citywide prom for over 200 gay and lesbian
high school students in Los Angeles County and the first gay and lesbian
prom in America.
UglMed Videorecord MOTM 004
The pink swastika: homosexuality in the Nazi party. Scott Lively, Kevin
Abrams. 3rd ed.
Keizer, OR: Founders Pub. Corp., 1997.
Suz DD 253 .L58 1997
NY: Haworth Press, c2005.
note: based on interviews with 62 lesbians ranging in age from 55 to 95
and residing in California, Oregon, and Washington State.
Ugl, SocWk, Bot, Tac HQ 75.6 .U5 L58 2005
Ritch C. Savin-Williams, Kenneth M. Cohen, [editors]
Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Pub., 1996.
SocWk, Tac HQ 76.25 .L59 1996
Bruised fruit: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1999.
Ugl PR 6062 .I895 B78 1999
Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, c1998.
Suz, Ugl E 184 .M5 L58 1998
NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
Suz HQ 75.75.53 .L58 1998
La Crosse, WI: Platinum Disc Corp., [2002]
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 1992
note: cast - Craig Gilmore, Mike Dytri, Darcy Marta, Mary Woronov; credits
- photographer and editor, Gregg Araki.
note: Focuses on the relationship between a pair of young, HIV-positive
gay outcasts.
UglMed DVD PLAT 001
Edited by Will Roscoe.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1988.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 509 H57 L58 1988
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990.
note: these articles originally appeared in Daedalus,
v.118, n. 2 and 3 (Spring, Summer 1989)
Suz, Ugl, Tac WD 308 L785 1990
Suzzallo Periodicals AP 2 D32 v.118, no.2 [and] no.3
Washington, D.C.: Hospice Foundation of America; Philadelphia, PA:
Brunner/Mazel, c1998.
note: [chapter] 15, Sexual orientation and grief (Ron E. Wilder), pp.
Suz BF 575 .G7 L59 1998
Ho Ho Kus, NJ: [Distributed by] Sisters in the, [2000?]
note: VHS; originally produced in 1999.
note: performer -Ruth Ellis, Beja James, C. C. Carter (for recreation
scenes); credits -Camera, Catherine Crouch; editors, Amanda Ault, Paul
Hill; original music, Joseph Welbon.
note: Documentary with narrative recreations about the life and times of
Ruth Ellis, the oldest "out" African American lesbian. Includes archival
SocWk Media HQ 75.6 .U5 L58 2000
Between science and literature: an introduction to autopoetics. Foreword
by N. Katherine Hayles.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 21, Queer in a queer world, pp. 160-173.
Suz PN 49 .L538 2006
For money or love: boy prostitution in America.
With an introduction by Birch Bayh.
NY: Vanguard Press, c1976.
note: publ. in a rev. and exp. British ed. (1977) under the title:
Playland: a study of boy prostitution.
Suz, Ugl HQ 144 L82 1976
Out of the closet and into the classroom: homosexuality in books for young
people. 2nd ed.
[By] Marjorie Lobban [and] Laurel A. Clyde.
Port Melbourne, Vic., Australia: Thorpe; Deakin, ACT, Australia: ALIA
Press, 1996.
note: for 1st ed., see Clyde, Laurel A. (Laurel Anne). Out of the
ChiLitRef Z 1037 .C59 1996
Poetarum Lesbiorum fragmenta. Ed. Edgar Lobel et Denys Page.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955.
see also: Supplementum lyrica Graecis: poetarum lyricorum Graecorum.
Suz 881.08 L783p
Suz 881.08 L783pl [1963 reprint from corrected sheets]
NY: Columbia University Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 5, We shall overcome? changing politics and changing
sexuality in the ex-gay movement (Tanya Erzen), pp. 111-135.
Suz, Bot, Tac HN 57 .L585 2004
Heterosyncrasies: female sexuality when normal wasn't.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2005.
note: Introduction: The Heterosyncratic, pp. xi-xxviii; [chapter] 1, Have
we ever been normal?, pp. 25; [chapter] 4, Before the tribade: medieval
anatomies of female masculinity and pleasure, pp. 71-102; [chapter] 5,
Amazons at the gates, pp. 103-138.
Ugl HA 1147 .E85 L63 2005
Prison sexual violence.
NY: Elsevier North Holland, c1980.
note: originally author's thesis, State University of New York,
SocWk HV 8836 .L63 1980
An analysis of the treatment of the homosexual character in dramas
produced in the New York theatre from 1950 to 1968.
Originally author's thesis: Bowling Green State University, 1969;
with a new preface.
NY: Arno Press, 1975.
Suz PN 1861 L6 1975
Losing Matt Shepard: life and politics in the aftermath of anti-gay
NY: Columbia University Press, c2000.
Suz, Law, Bot HV 6250.4 .H66 L63 2000
Never the sinner: the Leopold and Loeb story.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1999, c1988.
Drama PS 3562 .O4472 N48 1999
The body and the song: Elizabeth Bishop's poetics.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, c1995.
Suz, Tac PS 3503 .I785 Z76 1995
Abnormal sexual behavior; twenty-three detailed case studies.
By Louis Samuel London and Frank S. Caprio with a foreword by Nolan D. C.
NY: Julian Press [1957]
note: Section IV. Homosexuality, pp. 45-269 (8 case studies, 4 male, 4
Suz 132.754 L846a
Dynamic psychiatry.
NY: Corinthian Publication [1952-
note: v.2, Transvestism-desire for crippled women. [Case study of a
transvestite who desired crippled women, a behavior known at that time
as defect fetishism]
HSLIC 131 L846d v.2
Sexual deviations. By Louis S. London and Frank S. Caprio; with a foreword
by Nolan D. C. Lewis.
Washington: Linacre Press [1950]
note: Chapter 4: Homosexuality. Chapter 10: Transvestism.
Suz, HSLIC 132.754 L846s
San Francisco: Frameline, 1997.
note: credits- camera, Michael Eley; editor, John Street; music, Donald
note: The story of the 1993 murder of Nicholas West in Tyler, Texas.
Includes forensic photographs, visits to the crime scene, courtroom and
police interrogation transcripts, death-row interviews with the killers,
and conversations with West's friends in the gay community. Director Paul
Yule evaluates the Bible Belt culture, noting the ways it fosters a
climate of anti-gay violence. Yule depicts with equal clarity, however,
the sense of common decency and respect for the law that compelled public
servants in this city to seek justice on behalf of the victim of a hate
UglMed Videorecord FRAM 005
Men, homosexuality, and the Gods: an exploration into the religious
significance of male homosexuality in world perspective.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Suz BL 65 .H64 L66 2004
AIDS and American apocalypticism: the cultural semiotics of an
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, c2005.
note: chapter 1, Apocalyptus interruptus: Christianity, sodomy, and the
end, pp. 1-28; chapter 2, Exile of the queer evangelist, pp. 29-62;
chapter 3, Larry Kramer and the American Jeremiad, pp. 63-105; chapter 4, AIDS
Armageddon, pp. 107-140; chapter 5, Mal'kim in America, pp. 141-176.
Bot WC 503.7 L849a 2005
NY: New York University Press, c2007.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 H57 2007
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1994.
note: A collection of articles, photographs, essays, interviews, and
cartoons from The Advocate.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.8 U5 L65 1994
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2001.
note: Placing gay in the sixties (John D'Emilio), pp. 209-229.
Suz, Bot, Tac E841 .F67 2001
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986.
note: 2nd ed (1996) published as: Lesbian passages: true stories told by
women over 40. 1996.
see also: Lesbian passages: true stories told by women over 40.
Rev.ed. 1996.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.5 .L65 1986
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.
note: Soupi, pp. 175-199 [struggles with lesbian self-questioning]; Pam,
pp.217-224 [identifies as lesbian]; Rhonda, pp. 263-283 [identifies as
Suz E 185.625 .L66 2003
Santa Monica, CA: MGM Home Entertainment, [2001]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; English or Spanish soundtrack with optional English,
French, Spanish subtitles; originally produced as a motion picture in 1991.
note: cast- Campbell Scott, Patrick Cassidy, Mark Lamos, Dermot Mulroney,
Brian Cousins, Bruce Davison, John Dossett, Mary-Louise Parker, Michael
Schoeffling; credit- Director of photography, Tony Jannelli; editor,
Katherin Wenning; music, Greg DeBelles.
note: Drama concerning the AIDS crisis which focuses on a small group of
friends from the time they first read about AIDS in the New York Times
through the 1980's as they face the impact of the disease on themselves
and their friends.
BotMed DVD BOT-212
Edited by Alfred Lees and Ronald Nelson.
NY: London: Harrington Park, 1999.
Suz HQ 75.7 .L66 1999b
Edited by Stephen Gillers; with a preface by William J. Brennan, Jr. 3rd
rev. ed., Rev. and expanded 3rd ed.
NY: Meridian, 1990.
note: Chapter 7, Advice for lesbians and gay men (Rhonda R. Rivera and
Robert L. Elbin), pp. 118-130.
note: The first two editions, 1977 and 1984, did not include advice for
lesbians and gay men.
Law KF 183 .L66 1990
NY: Meridian, 1997.
note: Chapter 7, Advice for lesbians and gay men (Rhonda R. Rivera and
Robert L. Elbin), pp. 140-154.
LawRef KF 283 .L66 1997
NY: Filmakers Library, [2000?]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally released in late 1999. Shown on
Boston public television, WGBH, in June 2000.
note: credits- camera, Alan Dater; editor, Terry Lajtha; music, John
Daniel; narrator, Kate Nugent.
note: "When Massachusetts enacted an anti-discrimination law establishing
the rights of gay and lesbian high school students, the citizens of
Westhampton were embroiled in controversy. Parents, students, school
committee members and local citizens were polarized. Those opposed to the
new law questioned the morality of the issue and feared the consequences
of introducing a 'gay curriculum' in school. Supporters of this law
worried about escalating drop-out and suicide rates if gay and lesbian
students were not more fully accepted...Among the issues raised are
parents versus governments in determining the education of minors;
community values versus the rights of the individual; nature versus
nurture in determining sexual orientation.
UglMed Videorecord FML 074
NY: Third World Newsreel, 1989.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS format; Berlin Film Festival, 1989: Best short
At head of title: A meditation on Langston Hughes (1902-1967) and the
Harlem Renaissance with the poetry of Essex Hemphill and Bruce Nugent
(1906-1987) SanKoFa Film and Video; producer, Nadine Marsh-Edwards.
note: credits- photography, Nina Kellgren; editor, Robert Hargreaves;
producer, Nadine Marsh-Edwards; cast- Ben Ellison, Matthew Baidoo, Akim
note: A surreal dramatization, including documentary film clips, of
Langston Hughes' milieu in the Harlem of the 1930's. The voice-over
narration is from the poetry and prose of James Baldwin, Essex Hemphill,
Bruce Nugent, and Hilton Als; a meditation on the Black poet Langston
Hughes and an attempt to reclaim him as an important Black gay in
American culture. Original footage of the Cotton Club in the 1920's
and period blues music set the scene for this examination of attitudes
toward homosexualtiy then and now. Part narrative, part polemical
essay, part lyrical art film, part documentary.
UglMed Videorecord NEWS 006
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2084 (Water Bearer Films, c1992 ed.)
Universal City, CA: Paramount Home Video, 1983.
note: 2 videodiscs; release of the 1977 motion picture; based on the novel
by Judith Rossner.
note: credits-producer, Freddie Fields; screenplay and director, Richard
Brooks; cast- Diane Keaton, Tuesday Weld, William Atherton, Richard Kiley,
Richard Gere, Tom Berenger.
note: A demure [heterosexual, female] teacher of deaf children discovers a
different world in cruising bars [some gay venues] at night; ultimately
murdered by a psychotic gay man.
TacMed Videodisc TAC-419
NY: Masquerade Books, 1995.
Suz PS 3566 .R412 Z75 1995
NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 75.6 .U5 L66 1998
Gay spirit: a guide to becoming a sensuous homosexual.
NY: Grove Press, c1974.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 L66 1974
Straight answers about homosexuality for straight readers.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, c1977.
Suz HQ 76 .L753 1977
Living with AIDS: a photographic journal. Introduction by Vicki
Boston: Little Brown, c1994.
SocWk, Tac WD 308 L785 1994
Flaming iguanas: an illustrated all-girl road novel thing.
NY: Simon & Schuster Eds., c1997.
note: followed by: They call me mad Dog!
Ugl PS 3562 .O672 F58 1997
They call me Mad Dog!: a story for bitter, lonely people.
NY: Simon & Schuster Editions, c1998.
note: sequel to: Flaming iguanas.
Suz, Ugl PS 3562 .O672 T48 1998
Understanding homosexuality, its biological and psychological
NY: American Elsevier Pub. Co., 1974.
Suz HQ 76 L76 1974
Perversions, psychodynamics and therapy. Associate editor: Michael
NY: Random House [1956]
note: [Part] II. Homosexuality: On homosexuality (Sandor S. Feldman), pp.
71-96; Homosexuality and psychosis (Gustav Bychowski), pp. 97-130; A
Developmental theory of female homosexuality (Catherine Lillie Bacon), pp.
131-159; The Relation between submission and aggression in male
homosexuality (Milton L. Miller), pp. 160-179.
Healthstor 132.754 L882p
Paradoxes of gender.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1994.
note: [chapter] 3, How many opposites? Gendered sexuality, pp.
55-79; [chapter] 4, Men as women and women as men: disrupting gender, pp.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1075 .L6677 1994
The summer of her baldness: a cancer improvisation.
Austin: University of Texas Press, c2004.
Tac WP 870 L866s 2004
Giacometti: a biography.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1985.
Ugl, Art NB 553 .G4 L67 1985
A burst of light: essays.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1988.
Suz PS 3562 O75 Z463 1988
Chosen poems, old and new.
NY: Norton, c1982.
Suz PS 3562 .O75 C4 1982
I am your sister: black women organizing across sexualities.
NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, c1985.
Tac HQ 75.6 .U5 L67 1985
Sister outsider: essays and speeches.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1984.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PS 3562 .O75 S5 1984
Uses of the erotic: the erotic as power.
Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out books, 1978.
note: first published for distribution at the Conference on Feminist
Perspectives on Pornography, San Francisco, November 1978.
Suz, Tac HQ 460 .L67 1978
Zami, a new spelling of my name.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1982.
Ugl, Tac, Bot PS 3562 .O75 Z23 1982b
Suz PS 3562 .O75 Z23 1983
Zami; Sister outsider; Undersong.
NY: Quality Paperback Book Club, 1993.
Suz PS 3562 .O75 Z234 1993
Father forgive me.
NY: Avon Books, c1997.
Suz PS 3562 .O752 F38 1997
Mother may I: a Sydney Sloane mystery.
NY: Avon Books, c1998.
Suz PS 3562 .O752 M67 1998
Sister's keeper.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996.
Suz PS 3562 .O7524 S57 1996
Los Angeles, Sept. 1967-Apr. 29/May 12, 1970. v.1-4, no.5
(issues no. 32)
note: July 1969 issue not published; vols. for Sept. 1967-Jan. 1968
published by PRIDE (Personal Rights in Defense and Education);
Feb. 1968-Apr. 29/May 12, 1970 by Advocate Publications.
note: continued by The Advocate.
see also: The Advocate.
Microforms/Newpapers Microfilm A4790 Sept. 1967-Apr. 29/May 12, 1970
Report. Los Angeles County Bar Association Committee on Sexual Orientation
Bias: Joseph D. Mandel, chair...[et al.].
[Los Angeles]: The Committee, [1994]
Law KFC 573 .H64 L67 1994
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2001.
Suz NX 180 .A36 L67 2001
[United States]: BBC Video; distributed by Warner Home Video, [2007]
note: DVD; based on the novel by David Leavitt
note: cast- Brian Cox, Eileen Atkins, Angus MacFadyen, Corey Parker, Rene
Auberjonois, Cathy Tyson, John Schlesinger; credits- director of
photography, Remi Adefarsin; editor, Suy Wyatt; music, Julian
note: confronted with his son's confession that he is gay, Owen realizes
that he can no longer live a lie. Although he still loves his wife Rose,
he abandons the safe world of the heterosexual for the difficult but
rewarding journey of 'coming out.'
UglMed DVD WHV 360
Female-to-male transsexualism: historical, clinical, and theoretical
Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983.
Suz, NatSci, HSLIC WM 610 L882f 1983
Mon frere Yves.
Paris: Calmann Levy, 1893.
Suz PQ 2472 .M7 1893
A tale of Brittany (Mon frere Yves); translated from the French by W. P.
NY: Frederick A. Stokes company [1924?]
Suz PQ 2472 .M7 E5 1924
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1993.
Suz HQ 76.3 S6 L67 1993
Handbook on observations of pride marches.
Brussels, Belgium: ILGA-Europe, [2006]
available online,
Meeting the challenge of accession, April 2004: surveys on sexual
orientation discrimination in countries joining the European Union.
Drafted for the Board of ILGA-Europe by Christine Loudes, with the help of
Iain Gill.
Etterbeek, Belgium: ILGA-Europe, [2004]
available online,
Rights, not crimes: the EU's role in ending criminalisation of same-sex
acts in third countries.
Brussels, Belgium: ILGA-Europe, [2005]
(ILGA-Europe report)
available online,
Diversity issues in substance abuse treatment and research.
NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, c2003.
Tac HV 5824 .E85 L68 2003
Gender, ethnicity, and health research.
NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, c1999.
note: chapter 4, Sex, gender, and sexual orientation, pp. 59-66; chapter
11, Sexual orientation and health, pp. 159-170.
note: also available electronically through the catalog, UW users only
Ugl, HSLIC, Bot, Tac WA 20.5 L886g 1999
Breaking the surface. By Greg Louganis with Eric Marcus.
NY: Random House, c1995.
Suz GV 838 .L68 A3 1995
The other side of silence: men's lives and gay identities: a
twentieth-century history.
NY: H. Holt, 1998.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.2 .U5 L68 1998
The lesbian erotic dance: butch, femme, androgyny, and other
San Francisco: Spinsters Books Co., c1990.
Ugl HQ 75.6 L68 1990
Lesbian passion: loving ourselves and each other.With Mariah Burton Nelson.
San Francisco: Spinsters/ Aunt Lute, c1987.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 G37 1987
Lesbian sex.
Drawings by Barbara Johnson; technical drawings by Marcia Quackenbush.
San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, c1984.
Suz HQ 75.5 .G37 1984
Pensi Bilitis. Po M. Geimu, Peru Liuisu i Richardu Demeliu.
Holyoke, Vt: New England Publishing Co., 1983.
note: Reprint of 1922 ed. publ. by Russkoe universalnoe isd-vo,
note: translation of Chansons de Bilitis, into Russian.
Suz PQ 2623 .O8 C517 1983
16 Bilitis dziesmas. Pjers Luiss; no francu valodas tulkojis J.
Sudrabkalns; illustrejis, S. Vidbergs.
Riga: "Avots," 1990.
note: translation of: Les chansons de Bilitis.
note: reprint of 1928: Riga: Izd. Ars.
Suz PQ 2623 .O8 C516 1990
The Songs of Bilitis. Rendered from the Greek and Englished from the
French of Pierre Louys.
Privately issued for subscribers, 1928.
note: These idyls purport to be the work of Bilitis, a Greek poetess of
the sixth century, B. C.; they are actually, however, entirely the work of
Pierre Louys.
note: Translation of Les chansons de bilitis, traduits du grec.
Ugl PQ 2623 .O8 C513
Feeling backward: loss and the politics of queer history.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007.
Suz HQ 76.25 .L68 2007
Universal city, CA: Universal Home Video, c1999.
note: VHS; videocassette release of the 1996 motion picture.
note: cast - John Hurt, Jason Priestley, Fiona Loewi, Sheila Hancock,
Harvey Atkin, Gavin Grainger, Elizabeth Quinn, Maury Chaykin; credits -
producers, Steve Clark-Hall, Christopher Zummer; director of photography,
Oliver Curtis; editor, Susan Shipton; music, The Insects & Richard
note: A chance encounter with struggling B-movie star Ronnie Bostock opens
up a whole new world to buttoned-up British author Giles De'Ath, who
falls for the young star.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1274
Basingstoke [England]; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Suz HM 1161 .L68 2005
NY: Haworth Press, c1990.
note: also includes several essays related to the letters
Suz PR 3291 .A1 L59 1990
Produced by Remco Kobus, Marla Leech, Dan Veltri.
Boston: Fanlight Productions, c1991, [1993] 1 videocassette.
UglMed Videorecord FP 005
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .A76 1997
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 4, The Canadian Cold War on queers: sexual regulation and
resistance (Gary Kinsman), pp. 108-132; [chapter] 5, Margin notes: reading
lesbianism as obscenity in a cold war courtroom (Mary Louise Adams), pp.
135-158; [chapter] 7, Monkey on the back: Canadian cinema, conflicted
masculinities, and queer silences on Canada's Cold War (Thomas Waugh), pp.
183-207; Coda, Communists and dandies: Canadian poetry and the Cold War
(Robert K. Martin), pp. 208-213.
Suz F1034.2 .L68 2004
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Suz HQ 76 .L78 2003
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz PS 648 .L47 L68 1998
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2001.
Suz PS 648 .L47 L69 2001
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, c2001.
Suz PN 6110 .H65 L68 2001
NY: Association Press [1972]
note: all papers, with one exception, are original contributions, prepared
specifically for this volume, an outgrowth of a symposium entitled 'love
as a growth
experience' presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association in San Francisco, August 1968.
note: Chapter 10 (pp. 120-134): Homosexual love -woman to woman, man to
man. By Del Martin and Paul Mariah.
Suz BF 575 .L8 L68
London: Onlywomen Press, [1981]
Suz HQ 75.5 .L68 1981
Homosexuality and the Church.
Old Tappan, N. J.: F. H. Revell, c1978.
Suz BR 115 .H6 L68 1978
By Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine; translated by J. Murat and
W. Gunn.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1979.
SpecColl Book Arts PQ 1170 .E6 L68 1979
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1992.
note: includes lesbian love stories & women in love with gay males
SpecColl PNW PN 6071 .L7 L65 1992
London; NY: Routledge, 1999.
Drama PN 6112 .L595 1999
Walt Whitman: the song of himself.
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, c1999.
Suz PS 3231 .L68 1999
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1989.
note: also published as: Lesbianism: affirming nontraditional roles, a
special issue of Women & Therapy, v.8, n.1/2, 1989.
see also: Lesbianism: affirming nontraditional roles.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 .L69 1989
Edited by the Queer Press Collective.
Toronto: Queer Press, 1991.
Suz PR 9194.4 .L68 1991
Avoidance: a novel.
Saint Paul, MN: Graywolf, 2002.
Ugl PS 3562 .O894 A96 2002
The same embrace.
NY: Dutton, c1998.
Suz, Ugl PS3562 .O894 S26 1998
NY: Lyrichord, [198?]
note: field recordings of folk devotional songs of the Sudras
[transvestites, men who live as women, are part of this cast] and
Music Listening Center Phonodisc AW1 D .12
Identifying research gaps in the prostitution literature [microform]
Ottawa: Dept. of Justice Canada, Research & Statistics Division, 2001.
note: "This paper first outlines trends in the public & political rhetoric
on prostitution in Canada, then reviews the main trends in prostitution
research as reported in the literature...sets out priorities for research
in the following areas:.... and transgender & transvestite
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 104-05994
No quiero quedarme sola y vacía.
San Juan, Puerto Rico: Editorial Isla Negra, 2006.
Suz PQ 7440 .L68 N6 2006
Hrsg. von Manfred Bruns und Rainer Kemper.
Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2001.
Suz HQ 1034 .G3 L62 2001
Seattle, WA: Lesbian Resource Center,
note: continued by LRC news; continues Lesbian Resource Center community
news; LRC newsletter; for holdings under previous or later titles, see those
note: unnumbered except Dec 1995-Feb 1996 (v.14,n.3-v.14,n.5)
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .L46 Feb 1992-Mar 1993; May 1993-Feb 1996; Apr 1996
Seattle, WA: Lesbian Resource Center
note various previous titles: LRC community news; Lesbian Resource Center
Community news; LRC newsletter (for holdings under previous titles, see those
note: issues Apr 1998-Apr 1999 entitled Lesbian Resource Center News
note: Mar-May 1997 unnumbered; Jun 1997+ (v.15, n.9+
note: Oct 2001 and Nov 2001 both numbered v. 20, n.9
note: lacks Dec. 1998 issue, which would have been v.17,n.11, probably
never published
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .L46 [v.15,n.6]-v.22,n.2 (Mar 1997-April 2003)
Impertient decorum: gay theatrical manoeuvres.
London, NY: Cassell, 1994.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G7 L83 1994
OutRage!: an oral history.
London; NY: Cassell, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 L84 1998
Sexual orientation and the law: an examination of the discourse on two
Federal acts in Canada.
Thesis (M. A.) -- University of Manitoba, 1998.
available online,
Gide's bent: sexuality, politics, writing.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 Z6534 1995
Never say I: sexuality and the first person in Colette, Gide, and
Durham: Duke University Press, 2006.
(Series Q)
Suz PQ 307 .H6 L83 2006
see: Straton ek Sardeon. La muse garconniere et Les Amours.
Adam: the male figure in art.
NY: Rizzoli, 1998.
Art N 7572 .L7997 1998
Changing shape: new and selected poems.
Manchester: Carcanet, 2002.
Suz PR 6062 .U2 A6 2002
The dark pagent.
London: GMP, 1986.
Suz PR 6062 .U2 D37 1986
Flesh & stone.
NY: Ipso Facto Publishers: distributed in the United States by Rizzoli
International Publications, c2000.
Art TR 676 .L83 2000
Race, sex, and gender: issues in contemporary art.
NY: H. N. Abrams, 1994.
note: [chapter] 7, Minority sexuality, pp. 94-139.
Ugl, Art, Bot, Tac N7429.4 .L83 1994
Melissa Etheridge: our little secret.
Toronto: ECW Press: Chicago: Distributed in the U.S. by Login Publishers
Consortium, c1997.
Suz ML 420 .E88 L83 1997
Science and structure in Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 A8287 2000
Die Homosexualität in der literarischen Tradition; Studien zu den
Romanen von Jean Genet.
Stuttgart: Enke, 1962.
(Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, H. 26)
Health Serials 392.608 B397 no.25-28
Sick burn cut: (at last, the appearance of our lady of the ugly ones, in
NY: Semiotext(e), c1992.
Suz, SpecColl Pacific NW PS 3562 .U2556 S52 1992
Law, morals, and constitutional decision-making: an examination of the
constitutional validity of placing criminal sanctions on adult consensual
Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1976.
note: microfilm; thesis, Syracuse University, 1976.
Law Reference Area microfilm KF 9328 S6 L82 1976a
The mystery of Irma Vep: a penny dreadful.
NY: S. French, c1987.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Mystery of irma
The mystery of Irma Vep and other plays.
NY: Theatre Communications Group; St. Paul, MN: Exclusively distributed to
the book trade by Consortium Book Sales and Distribution, 2001.
Suz PS 3562 .U258 2001
[NY]: Fox Lorber Home Video, [1997]
note: 2 videocassettes, VHS
note: cast, Helmut Berger, Romy Schneider, Trevor Howard, Silvana Mangano;
photography, Maria Tursi; editor, Ruggiero Mastroianni.
note: originally produced as a motion picture in 1972
note: Historical evocation of Ludwig, King of Bavaria, from his crowning
in 1864 until his death in 1886, as a romantic hero. Fan of Richard
Wagner, betrayed by him, in love with his cousin Elisabeth of Austria,
abandoned by her, tormented by his homosexuality, he will little by little
slip toward madness.
UglMed Videorecord FOXL 075 pt. 1, pt.2
Eros and polis: desire and community in Greek political theory.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Suz JC 73 .L83 2003
Erscheinungsformen des Androgynen bei Thomas Mann.
NY: P. Lang, c1998.
(Studies on themes and motifs in literature, v. 30)
Suz PT 2625 .A44 Z74517 1998
Los Angeles, CA: World Artists Home Video, c1998.
note: DVD, VHS, videocassette release of the 1977 Mexican motion picture,
based on the novel by José Donoso; in Spanish with English
note: cast- Lucha Villa, Carmen Salinas, Ana Martin, Julian Pastor, Don
Fernando Soter, Gonzalo Vega, Roberto Cobo; credits- director of
photography, Miguel Garzon; editor, Francisco Chiu; art director,
Kleomenes Stamatiades.
note: La Manuela, a transvestite, lives in a brothel run by his daughter.
When his daughter is threatened, La Manuela steps in to protect her with
tragic consequences.
UglMed DVD STRAN 012 (Strand Releasing Home Video, 2006)
TacMed DVD TAC-1309 (CONACULTA, 2006?)
UglMed Videorecord WAV 002
Entry denied: controlling sexuality at the border.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 4, Looking like a lesbian; sexual monitoring at the
U.S.-Mexican border, pp. 77-101.
Suz, Bot JV 6602 .L85 2002
Attila Richard Lukacs: Diane Farris Gallery, October 1 through 29,
[Vancouver]: The Gallery, c1992.
Art ND 249 .L78 A4 1992
Attila Richard Lukacs: recent work, 1990: an exhibition at The Illingworth
Kerr Gallery, Alberta College of Art, October 11 through November 10,
1990. Curated by Robin Mayor.
Calgary: Alberta College of Art, c1991.
Art ND 249 .L78 A4 1990
Untold millions: positioning your business for the gay and lesbian
consumer revolution.
NY: HarperCollins Publishers, c1995.
BusAd HC 110 .C6 L85 1995
Untold millions: secret truths about marketing to gay and lesbian
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1999.
Bus HC 110 .C6 L852 1999
Machos, maricones, and gays: Cuba and homosexuality.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.6 .C9 L85 1996
Youths living with HIV: self-evident truths.
NY: Harrington Park, c1997.
SocWk WC 503.7 .L961y 1997
Moral threats and dangerous desires: AIDS in the news media.
London; Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1994.
Suz WC 503.7 L966m 1994
Familiar spirits: a memoir of James Merrill and David Jackson.
NY: Viking, 2001.
Suz PS 3525 .E6645 Z774 2001
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2002.
note: chapter 1: Tivira, the man with the broken butt: same-sex practices
among Brazilian Indians (Joao Silverio Trevisan), pp. 3-11; chapter 3,
Fernando Pessoa's gay heteronym? (Richard Zenith), pp. 35-56; chapter 4,
Brazilian homoerotics: cultural subjectivity and representation in the fiction
of Gilberto Freyre (Jossianna Arroyo), pp. 57-83; chapter 10, Superman and
Chiquita Bacana's daughters: transgendered voices in Brazilian popular music
(Cesar Braga-Pinto), pp. 187-207; chapter 11, Cross-dressing: Silviano
Santiago's fictional performances (Susan Canty Quinlan), pp. 208-232; chapter
12, Small ephiphanies in the night of the world: the writing of Caio Fernando
Abreu (Fernando Arenas), pp. 235-257; chapter 13, Impossible body: queering
the nation in modern Portuguese dance (Andre Torres Lepecki), pp. 258-275; Al
Berto, in memoriam: the Luso queer principle (Mario Cesar Lugarinho),
pp. 276-299.
Suz PQ 9522 .S48 L86 2002
Los Angeles: The Advocate, Liberation Publications, c1991.
note: collection of male nude photographs (ca. 1990) presented with
biographical sketches of the photographers.
SpecColl Ovrs TR 676 .L87 1991
[A special issue of] Textual practice. v.11, issue 3 (Winter 1997)
Suzzallo Periodicals PN 2 .T45 v.11
Sue Slate: private eye.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1989.
Suz PS 3562 .Y426 S8 1989
Correlates of lesbian sexual orientation and the incidence of breast
Thesis (M .P. H.)-University of Washington, 1995.
HSLIC WA 7 Th43599
Aux Thesis 43599
These waves of dying friends: poems. Monotypes by Douglas Kinsey.
Bowling Green, NY: Contact II Publications, 1989.
Suz PS 3562 .Y43 T48 1989
George Platt Lynes: photographic visions.
Boston: Institute of Contemporary Art, c1980.
Art TR 654 .L96
George Platt Lynes: photographs, 1931-1955.
Pasadena, CA: Twelvetrees Press, c1981.
Art Desk TR 675 .L9 1981
When we were three: the travel albums of George Platt Lynes, Monroe
Wheeler, and Glenway Wescott, 1925-1935. Texts by Anatole Pohorilenko and
James Crump.
Santa Fe, NM: Arena Editions; NY: Distribution by D.A.P., 1998.
Suz NX 511.5 .L96 1998
Dragon's winter.
NY: Ace Books, 1998.
Suz PS 3562 .Y443 D73 1998
Hard trade.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1981.
Suz PS 3562 .Y446 H3 1981
Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, 1994, c1993.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS; based on the play by David Henry Hwang;
originally produced as a motion picture in 1993
note: cast- Jeremy Irons, John Lone, Barbara Sukow, Ian Richardson;
credits- director of photography, Peter Suschitzky; editor, Ronald
Sanders; music, Howard Shore
note: Story of a French diplomat and a Beijing Opera star who carry on a
love affair over almost 20 years before the diplomat discovers something
shocking about his lover [lover is a man]
UglMed Videorecord WHV 168
Chapel Hill, N.C.: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2004.
Suz HQ 1033 .M6 2004
Debbie Douglas ... [et al.]
Toronto: Sister Vision, 1997.
Suz PN 6071 .H724 M34 1997
Culver City, CA: Sony Pictures Classics; [dist.] Columbia TriStar Home
Video, 1999.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; 1 videocassette, VHS; in French with English
subtitles. Release of a 1997 motion picture.
note: based on a story by Chris Vander Stappen
note: Michele Laroque, Jean-Philippe Ecoffey, Helene Vincent, Georges Du
Fresne, Daniel Hanssens, Laurence Bibot, Jean-Francois Gallotte, Caroline
Baehr, Julien Riviere, Marie Bunel.
note: camera, Yves Cape; editor, Sandrine Deegen; music, Dominique
note: With six-year-old certainty, Ludovic believes he was meant to be a
little girl and that the mistake will soon be corrected. Instead of the
miraculous, Ludo finds rejection, isolation and guilt as the intense
reactions of family, friends, and neighbors strip away every innocent lace
and bauble.
note: Golden Globe, 1998: Best foreign language film.
UglMed DVD CTHV 002
BotMed DVD BOT-236
UglMed Videorecord CTHV 040
Geister und Kunst: Neuigkeiten aus dem Zauberberg.
Ungekurzte, leicht revidierte Ausg.
Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1997.
Suz PT 2625 .A44 Z4198 1997
Identität und Stigma-Management von homosexuellen
Führungskräften. Mit einem Geleitwort von Martin Stengel.
Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.25 .M28 1999
Pädagogischer Eros: Gustav Wyneken und die Freie Schulgemeinde
Wickersdorf. Mit einem Vorwort von Rüdiger Lautmann.
Berlin: R. Winkel, c1995.
(Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien zur Homosexualität, Bd. 6)
note: translation by Klaus Müller from the Dutch: De pedagogische
eros in het geding: Gustav Wyneken en de pedagogische vriendschap in de
Freie Schulgemeinde Wickersdorf tussen 1906-1931. (published 1988 as
Bd. 11, Homostudies Utrecht)
Suz LB 775 .W952 M3315 1995
Byron: life and legend.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.
Suz PR 4381 .M23 2002
Roger Casement: a new judgment.
London: H. Hamilton [1956]
Suz, Ugl 921 C267ma
Look me in the eye: old women, aging, and ageism. By Barbara Macdonald
with Cynthia Rich.
San Francisco: Spinsters, Ink, c1983.
Suz HQ 1061 .M23 1983
Look me in the eye: old women, aging, and ageism. 2nd ed. By Barbara
Macdonald with Cynthia Rich.
Minneapolis: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
Suz HQ 1061 .M23 1991
Look me in the eye: old women, aging and ageism. Barbara Macdonald
with Cynthia Rich. New expanded ed. (Exp. ed. of 2nd ed.)
Denver, CO: Spinsters Ink Books, 2001.
Ugl, Tac HQ 1061 .M23 2001
Preliminary concepts. International Bachelors Fraternal Order for
& Social Dignity, 1950.
see: A homosexual emancipation miscellany. (reprint)
Frederick the Great: a life in deed and letters.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Suz DD 404 .M23 1999
The lives of Michel Foucault.
London: Hutchinson, 1993.
Suz B 2430 .F724 M327 1993
Gay-straight alliances: a handbook for students, educators, and
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2007.
Bot LC 2574.5 .M33 2007
Sexual orientation and school policy: a practical guide for teachers,
administrators, and community activists.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c2004.
Suz, Bot LC 192.6 .M33 2004
[Quezon city]: VivaVideo, [1999]
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 1988; in
note: cast- Jacklyn Jose, Daniel Fernando, Princess Punzalan, Alan
Paule; credits- cinematography, Joe Tutanes; film editor, Ruben Natividad;
musical director, Mon Del Rosario.
note: Abandoned by his American lover, a handsome teenager from the
mountains journeys to Manila in an effort to support his family. With a
popular call boy as his mentor, Paul enters the glittering world of the
"macho dancer" - a world of male strippers, prostitution, drugs, sexual
slavery, police corruption and murder.
UglMed DVD SEA 032
Edited by Marit Melhuus and Kristi Anne Stolen.
note: Domination and desire: male homosexuality and the construction of
masculinity in Mexico (Annick Prieur), pp. 83-107.
Suz HQ 1075.5 .L29 M33 1996
The hidden Hitler. Translated by John Brownjohn; notes translation by
Suzanne Ehlert.
note: translation of: Hitlers Geheimnis.
NY: Basic Books, c2001.
Suz DD 247 .H5 M253 2001
Loving them both; a study of bisexuality and bisexuals.
London: Martin Brian & O'Keefe [1973]
Suz HQ 72 .G7 M3 1973
Human rights, LGBT movements, and identity: an analysis of international
and South African LGBT websites.
Thesis (M. Intl. Affairs)--Ohio University, 2005.
available online,
Die Buecher der namenlosen Liebe von Sagitta. 3. Ausg. 2 v.
Berlin: R. Winkel, 1979.
note: v.1: Die namenlose Liebe, Bucher 1-6. v.2: Der Puppenjunge.
Suz PT 2625 .A22 B8 1979 v.1 [and] v. 2
The hustler: the story of a nameless love from Friedrich Street.
Translated from the German by Hubert Kennedy.
note: Translation of: Der Puppenjunge. The original German was first
published in 1926 under the author's pseudonym Sagitta.
Suz PT 2625 .A22 P8613 1985
Fenny Skaller and other prose writings from the Books of the nameless
love; translated from the German by Hubert Kennedy.
note: Translations of selections from: Bucher der namenlosen Liebe.
Amsterdam: The Netherlands: Southernwood Press, 1988.
Suz PT 2625 .A22 B813 1988
Thin ice.
NY: Putnam [1957, c1956]
SpecColl PR 6025 .A2526 T47 1957
Vestal fire; new introduction by Sally Beauman.
London: Hogarth, 1985.
Suz PR 6025 .A2526 .V47 1985
Transgender nation.
Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press,
note: Previously published as a Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of New
Mexico, 1991 as: Transsexual ideology, transgenderism, and the gender
movement in America: a sociopolitical analysis of gender bipolarism.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 77 .M54 1994
Gay and lesbian couples: voices from lasting relationships.
By Richard A. Mackey, Bernard A. O'Brien, and Eileen F. Mackey.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 M324 1997
Sex equality.
NY: Foundation Press, 2001.
note: sections on lesbian and gay rights republished in 2003 as Sex
equality: lesbian and gay rights; see, MacKinnon, Catherina A., Sex
equality: lesbian and gay rights.
Suz, Law KF 4758 .A7 M33 2001
Sex equality: lesbian and gay rights.
NY: Foundation Press, 2003
note: reprinted from her Sex equality (2001), pp. 1-50, 551, 1057-1190
Law KF 4754.5 .M33 2003
Uneasy pleasures: the male as erotic object.
London: Cygnus Arts; Madison [N.J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,
Suz HM 101 .M21413 1997
Harmondsworth; NY: Penguin, 1981.
Suz PR 6063 .A3257 L3 1981.
The shooting stage.
Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2002, c2001.
Drama PR 9199.3 .M33412 S56 2002
Embodying ambiguity: androgyny and aesthetics from Winckelmann to
Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c198.
Suz PT 313 .M33 1998
NY: Distributed by Women Make Movies, 2000.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; German dialogue with English subtitles;
videocassette release of the 1977 motion picture.
note: cast- Tabea Blumenschein,
Roswitha Janz, Lutze, Mona III, Yvonne Rainer, Claudia Skoda, Mackay
Taylor, Monika von Cube, Irene von Lichtenstein; credits- cinematography,
Ulrike Ottinger; editor, Dorte Volz.
note: In this allegory, Madame X, the cruel, uncrowned ruler of the China
seas, promises "gold, love, and adventure" to all women who'll leave their
humdrum lives behind.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 143
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999.
Suz PS 3563 .A33942 D43 1999
Fags, hags, and queer sisters: gender dissent and heterosocial bonds in
gay culture.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz HQ 76 .M14 2000
Married and gay: an intimate look at a different relationship.
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1982.
Suz HQ 76.25 M3 1982
Diva by diva [sound recording]: an original musical revue. New Orleans
Gay Men's Chorus; under the direction of Cedric Bridges; written and
arranged by David Maddux.
[New Orleans, LA.]: New Orleans Gay Men's Chorus, c2000.
UglMed Cd NOGMC 001
Weeding at dawn: a lesbian country life.
NY: Alice Street Editions/Harrington Park Press, c2000.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.4 .M324 A3 2000
The sewing circle: Hollywood's greatest secret: female stars who loved
other women.
Secaucus, N.J.: Carol Pub. Group, c1995.
Suz PN 1995.9 .L48 M33 1995
London: Faber, 1987.
Suz PR 1309 .H57 M33 1987
Suz, Ugl PR 1309 H57 M33 1983 (1983 ed.)
Los Angeles: Embassy Home Entertainment, 1987.
note: In German, with English subtitles. 1 videocassette. VHS.
note: Based on the play "Gestern und Heute" by Christa Winsloe.
First released in Germany in 1931. Director, Leotine Sagan; screenplay and
adaptation, Christa Winsloe. Emilia Unda, Dorothea Wieck, Hedwig
Schlichter, Hertha Thiele, Ellen Schwannecke.
see also: Winsloe, Christa. Children in uniform, a play in three acts,
adapted from the same play as Madchen in uniform.
TacMed Videorecord TAC- 262
One in twenty: a study of homosexuality in men and women.
London: Secker & Warburg, 1966.
HSLIC HQ 76 .M17
One in twenty: a study of homosexuality in men and women. New ed.
London: Secker & Warburg, 1968.
note: Scarborough issued this title in paperback as: The Gays among
Ugl HQ 76 .M17 1968
Suz HQ 76 .M17 1969 (Corgi ed.)
Body language.
Denton, TX: University of North Texas Press, c2006.
Ugl PS 3613 .A3428 B63 2006
Lesbian lives: psychoanalytic narratives old and new. [By] Maggie Magee,
Diana C. Miller.
Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press, 1997.
Suz, Ugl WM 611 M191L 1997
Lesbianism: an annotated bibliography and guide to the literature,
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1992.
SuzRef Z 7164 .S42 M34 1992
Lesbianism: an annotated bibliography and guide to the literature,
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1988.
SocWkRef Z 7164 .S42 M33 1988
Veranstaltet von der Magnus-Hirschfeld Gesellschaft, 1985; mit einem
Nachwort zur zweiten Auflage von Ralf Dose. 2.
erw. Aufl.
Hamburg: Von Bockel, 1992.
(Schriftenreihe der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft, Nr. 6)
Suz HQ 60 .M34 1992
Oral history interview with Libby Lunstrum, 1995.
note: 5 sound cassettes, 5 folders, transcript: 57 p.
note: Robin Magonegil-Wontoch discusses her unhappy family life growing up
in Idaho, her growing awareness of her lesbianism...grew up in Jerome,
Idaho, attended two Bible colleges...worked in Seattle at Hands Off
Washington, a civil rights organization for sexual minorities...She
changed her name to her mother's and grandmother's maiden surnames.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives Inquire at Special Collections
Strange boy.
London: Simon & Schuster, 2002.
note: juvenile fiction
ChiLit PZ 7 .M2758 St 2002
Wearing the rainbow triangle: the effect of out lesbian teachers and
lesbian teacher subjectivities on student choice of topics, student
writing, and student subject positions in the first-year composition
classroom. 2004.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Bowling Green State University, 2004.
available online,
Being gay and lesbian in a Catholic high school: beyond the uniform.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2001.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 M34 2001
I am my own woman: the outlaw life of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, Berlin's
most distinguished transvestite. With photographs by Burkhard Peter;
translated by Jean Hollander.
Pittsburgh, PA: Cleis Press, c1995.
note: translation fro the German of: Ich bin meine eigene Frau.
Suz HQ 77.8 .M34 A313 1995
Gentle warriors.
Stamford, CO: Knights Press; Secaucus, N. J.: Distributed by Carol Pub.
Group, c1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 .A3828 G46 1989
Urban aboriginals: a celebration of leather sexuality.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1984.
Suz HQ 79 .M25 1984
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996.
note: Identity and representation as challenges to social movement
theory: a case study of queer nation (Michael R. Fraser), pp. 32-44.
Ugl, Tac E169.12 .M3234 1996
Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003.
note: [chapter] 10, Relationship maintenance in same-sex couples (Stephen
M. Haas), pp. 209-230.
Suz HM 1106 .M34 2003
NY: Distributed by Women Make Movies, [2002]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; videocassette release of a motion picture;
in English and Vietnamese with English subtitles
note: editor, Michele Gisser, music, Jim Anderson, Nguyen Le, Jason
Poras; camera, Marlo Poras.
note: A spunky Vietnamese teenager named Mai gets the chance of a
lifetime, to study in the United States. Expecting Hollywood, she instead
lands in rural Mississsippi, a crazy quilt of self-proclaimed rednecks,
cliquish teenagers, South Vietnamese exiles and transvestite soulmates. As
she tries to fit in and to make ends meet, Mai discovers that "America" is
both less and far more than she bargained for. From cosmopolitan Hanoi to
the heart of the Deep South, Mai's unforgettable journey offers an
outsider's glimpse inside America.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 095
Charles T. Griffes; the life of an American composer.
NY: A. A. Knopf, 1943.
Suz ML 410 .G9134 M2
Music ML 410 .G9134 M2 1972 (repr. with new preface by Donna K. Anderson).
Charles T. Griffes: the life of an American composer.
Updated, with a new introduction and notes.
NY: A. A. Knopf, 1984.
Music ML 410 .G9134 M2 1984
Brittle joys.
London: Virago, 2000.
Suz PR 6063 .A355 B75 2000
Mniejszosc kulturowa w warunkach pluralizacji: socjologiczna analiza
sytuacji homoseksualistow polskich.
Wroclaw: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 2002.
(Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, no. 2414)
Suz HQ 76.3 .P7 M35 2002
London: I.B. Taurus, c2007.
note: chapter 10, The gentle art of manscaping; lessons in
hetero-masculinity from the Queer Eye guys (Joanna L. Di Mattia), pp.
Suz PN 1992.8 .R43 M35 2007
For better or worse: societal health and same-sex marriage bans.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2006.
note: Thesis (M.P.H.)--University of Washington, 2006.
Health WA 7 Th55723
Aux Thesis 55723
Lynda Hart, editor.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1989.
note: see: "Toward a butch-femme aesthetic," pp. 282-299.
Suz, Drama PS 338 .W6 M3 1989
Bielefeld: Transcript: New Brunswick: Transaction, 2006.
note: Philosophy, queer theories, and the overcoming of identity (Flavia
Monceri), pp. 67-82.
Bot HM 1271 .M349 2006
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2001.
note: Papers from a conference held at the University of California at
Berkeley in April 1997
note: Transnational configurations of desire: the nation and its white
closets (Jasbir Kaur Puar), pp. 167-183; How gay stays white and what kind
of white it stays (Allan Berube), pp. 234-265.
Suz, Tac E184 .A1 M2627 2001
San Francisco: Aunt Lute Foundation Books, c1990.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PS 509 .F44 M35 1990
[Farmington Hills, MI]: CBS Fox Video, [1984]
note: VHS; videocasette release of the 1982 motion picture by Twentieth
Century Fox Film Corp.
cast- Michael Ontkean, Kate Jackson, Harry Hamlin, Wendy Hiller, Arthur Hill,
Nancy Olson, John Dukakis; music, Leonard Rosenman; photography, David M. Walsh.
note: A married couple has to come to terms when the husband finds himself
falling in love with another man.
UglMed Videorecord CBS 028
Boston: Allen & Unwin, c1987.
note: [chapter] 13, Howells, Stoddard, and male homosocial attachment in
Victorian America (John W. Crowley), pp. 301-324; [chapter] 14, Byron and
male love: the classical tradition (Louis Crompton), pp. 325-332.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1088 .M35 1987
Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble Books, 1981.
Suz HQ 76.25 .M34 1981
Toronto: Coach House Press, c1992.
Suz, Ugl, Drama, Bot PR 9196.7 H57 M35 1992
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
note: chapter 10, Culture, sexuality and identity in an ethnic minority
community: the case of Greek-Cypriot gay men in London, (Constantinos N.
Phellas), pp. 182-198.
Suz HT 1521 .M256 2005
[Melbourne?, Vic.]: State of Victoria, c2003]
Suz HQ 76.25 .M343 2003
Target-practice: a review of service provision in support of same sex
attracted & transgender people by Victorian local government
[South Yarra, Vic.]: ALSO Foundation, [c2004]
Suz HQ 73.3 .A82 V54 2004
Culver City, CA: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, [2005]
note: DVD; in Spanish with optional English subtitles; originally released
as a motion picture in 2004.
note: cast- Gael García Bernal, Fele Martinez, Daniel
Giménez Cacho, Luís Alcaine; editor, José Salcedo;
music, Alberto Iglesias.
note: traces the effects of sexual abuse and religious schooling on the
lives of two lifelong gay friends.
TacMed DVD TAC-480
Queer Italy: contexts, antecedents and representation.
NY: Peter Lang, c2007.
(Interesections in communications and culture, v. 18)
Ugl HQ 76.2 .I8 M35 2007
Two lives: Gertrude and Alice.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c2007.
Suz PS 3537 .T323 Z7137 2007
Edited by Louis Diamant.
Washington: Hemisphere Pub. Corp., c1987.
Suz, Ugl WM 615 M245 1987
San Francisco: Instituto Obregon, c1987.
(Gai Saber monograph, 2)
Suz HQ 76.2 .L29 M246 1987
Theo Sandfort, Edward Brongersma, Alex van Naerssen, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1991.
Suz HQ 71 .M265 1991
Ugl HA 71 .M265 1991b (Haworth ed.)
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 28 .M35 2000
NY: Rizzoli, 1985.
Art Desk N7572 .M33 1985
[Herausgeber und Gesamtgestaltung: Norbert Kosmowski, Ronald Dittrich].
Fotografien von Wolfgang von Wangenheim, Jurgen Baldiga, Gerhard Wolfgang
Erb, Olivier Ralet Bert Loewenherz.
Berlin: Borderline, 1986.
Art Desk TR 681 .M4 M35 1986
NY: AMS Press, c1982.
(AMS studies in modern society. Political and social issues, n. 15)
SocWk HV 8836 .M34 1982
Minneapolis: University of Minnesoata Press, c1993.
note: The Sissy boy, the fat ladies, and the dykes: queerness and/as
gender in Pee-wee's world (Alexander Doty), pp. 183-201.
Suz, Bot P 1995.9 .M46 M27 1993
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 1992.
SocWk HV 6569 .G7 M35 1992
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Suz HV 6569 .G7 M35 2000
Bot W 795 M245 2000
American masculinity under Clinton: popular media and the nineties "crisis
of masculinity."
note: chapter 2, Little big men and soft-hearted hardbodies: homophobia as
hyper- and hypo-masculinity, pp. 25-60.
Bot HQ 1090.3 .M24 2005
Textual orientations: lesbian and gay students and the making of discourse
Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers, Heinemann, c1995.
Suz PE 1405 .U6 M34 1995
International directory of gay and lesbian periodicals.
Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1987.
SuzRef HQ 76.25 M35 1987
The Civil Partnership Act 2004: a practical guide. Paul Mallender, Jane
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Suz KD 771 .M35 2005
Gay men choosing parenthood.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2004.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.2 .U5 M313 2004
Lesbian and gay youth issues: a practical guide for youth workers.
Washington, DC: CWLA Press, c2001.
SocWk HV 1426 .M34 2001
Let's get this straight: a gay- and lesbian-affirming approach to child
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
Suz, Tac HV 1426 .M35 1999
We don't exactly get the Welcome Wagon: the experiences of gay and lesbian
adolescents in child welfare systems.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1998.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .M35 1998
Brendan Wolf.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2007.
Ugl PS 3613 .A454 B74 2007
The year of ice.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c2002.
Ugl PS 3613 .A454 Y42 2002
Mikhail Kuzmin: a life in art. John E. Malmstad, Nikolay Bogmolov.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999.
Suz, Tac PG 3467 .K93 Z76 1999
Straight women/gay men: a special relationship.
NY: Dial Press, c1980.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 M34
21st century gay.
NY: M. Evans, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 M32 2000
Sex, lies and stereotypes: perspectives of a mad economist.
Los Angeles, CA: Pines Ones Pub., 1994.
note: an anthology of Julianne Malveaux's writings
note: Blacks and gays - it's not the same, pp. 132-135; Don't ask, do
tell, pp. 136-138. [originally published in syndicate, King Features,
April 1993 and July 1993, respectively]
Suz, SocWk HC 106.8 .M3193 1994
Oakland, CA: Mama Bears
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 60
v.0,n.3-v.6,n.6 (Feb/Mar 1984-Dec 1989/Jan 1990)
NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers; [Emeryville, CA]: Distributed by Publishers
Group West, 1997.
Suz PS 648 .H57 M35 1997
NY: Carroll & Graf, 1999.
Suz PR 1309 .L47 M36 1999
NY: Marlowe, c2002.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 M335 2002
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1998.
note: chapter 2, Masculinist practices and gender politics: the operation
of multiple masculinities in international relations, (Charlotte Hooper),
pp. 28-53; chapter 7, Gays in the military: texts and subtexts, (Carol
Cohen), pp. 129-149.
Suz, Bot JZ 1253.2 .M36 1998
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2002.
Suz BL 1215 .S49 M36 2002
Global divas: Filipino gay men in the diaspora.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 .P6 M36 2003
Making love visible: in celebration of gay and lesbian families. Photos by
Geoff Manasse; interviews by Jean Swallow; design by Lee Sylvester.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1995.
SocWk HQ 76.3 .U5 M34 1995
Love in the time of HIV: the gay man's guide to sex, dating, and
Michael Mancilla and Lisa Troshinsky.
NY: Guilford Press, c2003.
Ugl HQ 76 .M234 2003
Victor/Victoria [sound recording]: Original soundtrack recording; music by
Henry Mancini; lyrics by Leslie Bricusse.
Hollywood, CA: GNP Crescendo, p1994.
note: 1 sound disc, digital; biographical and program notes inserted
note: performers- Julie Andrews, Leslie Ann Warren and Robert Preston,
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 6236
Victor Victoria [sound recording]: a new musical comedy: original Broadway
cast recording, music by Henry Mancini; lyrics by Leslie Bricusse;
additional musical material by Frank Wildhorn; dance & incidental music
by David Krane.
NY: Philips, p1995.
note: starring Julie Andrews, Tony Roberts, Michael Nouri, and Rachel
York; chorus and orchestra; Ian Fraser, vocal arrangements and
note: recorded Oct. 26 and Nov. 6, 1995, at the Edison Studio, NY; compact
disc; biographical notes by Andre Previn and synopsis by Leslie Bricusse
([16]p.:ill.] inserted in container
Music Listening center Compact disc CD 6237
Advise and consent; drama in three acts, based on the
Pulitzer prize winning novel by Allen Drury.
NY: French [c1961]
note: for the novel, see: Drury, Allen. Advise and consent.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Advise and
The case of the good-for-nothing girlfriend.
Pittsburg: Cleis Press, c1994.
Suz PS 3563 .A466 C36 1994
The case of the not-so-nice nurse.
Pittsburgh, PA: Cleis Press, c1993.
Suz, SpecColl PNW PS 3563 .A466 C37 1993
[Ann Arbor, MI]: Intersex Society of North America, [2006?].
note: DVD; originally produced in 2002; first broadcast in New Zealand in
note: at head of title: "Blue for boys, pink for girls, yellow for
note: The life of intersex activist Mani Bruce Mitchell. Assigned male at
birth (and named Bruce), at the age of one she was taken off to
specialists who reassigned her as female. Renamed Margaret, the rural New
Zealand community where she lived held a meeting to discuss the decision
and to encourage everyone to keep the family's secret. At eight, without
explanation, she was given the surgery that "feminised" her. This
documentary charts her discovery of the truth, choosing to own her sense
of herself as neither male nor female, and follows her journey to
Milwaukee to present a paper with fellow activist David Vandertie.
UglMed DVD ISNA 001
[United States]: Fantoma Films, [2004]
note: DVD, VHS; in Japanese with optional English subtitles; originally
produced as a motion picture in 1964.
note: based on a novel by Tanizaki Junichiro; for the novel, see,
Jun'ichiro, Tanizaki. Manji or for the translation, Quicksand.
note: cast- Wakao Ayako, Kishida Kyoko, Kawatsu Yusuke, Funakoshi Eijo;
credits- Kantoku, Masumura Yasuzo; kyakuhon, Shindo Kaneto.
note: A dutiful, unhappy lawyer's wife falls in love with a young,
mysterious woman she encounters at an art class. Soon their affair
involves her husband and the young woman's impotent lover and together the
four slowly descend into a web of desire, deceit, blackmail, blood oaths
and suicide pacts.
UglMed DVD FANT 007
UglMed Videorecord EAL 70
The death of Donna-May Dean.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Suz PS 3563 .A519 D4 1991
Execution of justice.
NY: S. French, c1986.
Ugl PS 3563 .A5357 E9 1986
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Execution of
Baltimore, MD: Brickhouse Books, 1998.
Suz PS 3563 .A5362 B55 1998
Loving mountains, loving men.
Athens: Ohio University Press, c2005.
Ugl PS 3563 .A53614 Z468 2005
Der fromme Tanz: das Abenteuerbuch einer Jugend.
Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1986.
Suz PT 2625 .A435 F7 1986
Heute und Morgen. Schriften zur Zeit, hrsg. von Martin Gregor-Dellin.
[München] Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung [1969]
note: Homosexualität und Faschismus, pp. 130-137.
note: see also, Mann, Klaus. Homosexualität und Faschismus.
Suz AC 35 .M35 1969
Homosexualität und Faschismus.
[By] Klaus Mann and Kurt Tucholsky. 3 erweiterte Auflage.
Kiel: Frühlings Erwachen, 1990.
(Fruhlings Erwachen, 1)
note: see also, Mann, Klaus. Heute und Morgen.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 M36 1990
The pious dance: the adventure story of a young man.
Translated by Laurence Senelick.
NY: PAJ Publications, c1987.
note: Translation of: Der fromme Tanz.
Suz, Ugl PT 2625 .A435 F713 1987
The role of sexual practice in the incidence of hepatitis B among
homosexual men.
Thesis (M. Pub. Health) -- University of Washington, 1982.
Seattle, 1982.
HSLIC WA 7 Th30185
Aux Thesis 30185
Death in Venice: a new translation, backgrounds and contexts,
Translated and edited by Clayton Koelb.
NY: W. W. Norton, 1994
(A Norton critical edition)
note: translation of Tod in Venedig.
Bot PT 2625 .A44 T62 1994
Death in Venice, and seven other stories:
translated from the German by H. T. Lowe-Porter.
NY: Knopf, c1991.
note: translation of Tod in Venedig.
Tac PT 2625 .A44 A2 1991
Bot PT 2625 .A44 A25 1989 (Vintage ed., c1963)
Ugl PT 2625 .A44 T613 1954 Vintage ed., [1954]
Death in Venice and other stories.
Translated with an introduction by David Luke.
London: Secker & Warburg, 1990.
note: translation of Tod in Venedig.
Ugl PT 2625 .A44 T613 1990
Death in Venice. [Translator unknown]
Cutchogue, N.Y.: Buccaneer Bks, c1986.
note: translation of: Der Tod in Venedig.
Bot PT 2625 .A44 T613 1986
Der Tod in Venedig: und andere Erzählungen.
Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1980.
Suz PT 2625 .A44 T6 1980
Der Tod in Venedig. ed. by George E. Boyd and Henry M. Rosenwald.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1973.
Suz PT 2625 .A44 T6 1973
Der Tod in Venedig. Edited by A. W. Hornsey.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1969.
Suz PT 2625 .A44 T6 1969
Der Tod in Venedig.
see: Britten, Benjamin. Death in Venice. (for operatic treatment)
see: Death in Venice [videorecording] (for film treatment)
Behind the screen: how gays and lesbians shaped Hollywood, 1910-1969.
NY: Viking, c2001.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 2286.5 .M36 2001
The men from the boys.
NY: Dutton, c1997.
Suz PS 3563 .A53629 M46 1997
Wisecracker: the life and times of William Haines, Hollywood's first
openly gay star.
NY: Viking, 1998.
Suz, Bot PN 2287 .H172 M36 1998
Zürich: Der Kreis, 1960.
SpecColl N 7572 .M35 1960
Herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort von Andreas Brunner und Hannes
Wien: Löcker, 2001.
Suz PT 3823 .M26 2001
Köln: Böhlau, 2004.
(Literatur, Kultur, Geschlecht. Grosse Reihe; Bd. 30)
note: Ist Endymion schwul? Spannungsgeladene Fragen zwischen Feminismus,
Gay und Queer Studies (Abigail Solomon-Godeau), pp. 15-34);
Donatellos David. Politik und der homosoziale Blick (Adrian W. B. Randolph),
pp. 35-51; Identität und Begehren. Bildniss effeminierter
Männlichkeit in der venezianischen Malerei des frühen 16.
Jahrhunderts (Marianne Koos), pp. 53-77; Ein Heiliger der Sodomiten? Das
erotische Bild des Hl. Sebastian im Cinquecento (Daniela Bohde), pp.
79-98; Jungfräuliche Knaben. Androgynie und männliche Adoleszenz
in der Bildkultur um 1800 (Mechthild Fend), pp. 181-198; Narzissmus in der
homoerotischen Kultur und in der Theorie Freuds (Whitney Davis), pp.
213-232; Der Künstler und sein Körper oder neue Bilder braucht
der Mann. Transvestismus in den Fotografien von Jürgen Klauke
(Barbara Lange), pp. 233-246.
Suz N8222 .M38 M36 2004
Herausgegeben von Rüdiger Lautmann und Angela Taeger.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, c1992.
(Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien zur Homosexualität, Bd. 5)
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 M37 1992
The Chinese garden. Afterword by Patricia Juliana Smith.
NY: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2000.
Suz PR 6063 .A385 C47 2000
(Reprint-Reihe im Janssen Verlag)
Berlin: Janssen, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 M38 1996
Eminent maricones: Arenas, Lorca, Puig, and me.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c1999.
(Living out: Gay and Lesbian Autobiographies)
Suz PQ 8180.23 .A52 Z74 1999
Latin moon in Manhattan.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3563 .A573 L38 1992
Twilight at the Equator: a novel.
Boston: Faber & Faber, 1997.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 .A573 T85 1997
San Francisco: Manroot.
note: ceased with n.12 in 1981?
note: n.12 cataloged separately, see Genet, Jean. The complete poems
of Jean Genet.
Suzzallo Periodicals PS 301 .M35 n.1-11 (1969-1977)
Ptown: art, sex, and money on the outer Cape.
NY: Scribner, c2002.
Ugl F74 .P96 M36 2002
Edited by Evelyn Blackwood.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1986.
note: Originally published in 1986...under the title: Anthropology and
homosexual behavior.
Suz, Ugl GN 484.35 .A57 1986b
Gay Asian and Caucasian men in Sydney: cultural, social, and cognitive
factors associated with sex practices.
Ph. D. thesis, University of New South Wales, 2002.
note: available online,
Edited by David Bell & Gill Valentine.
London; NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.25 .M36 1995
Madison [N.J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson Press; London; Cranbury, N.J.,
Suz PR 468 .S48 M36 2000
Black book. Foreword by Ntozake Shange.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1986.
ArtDesk TR 681 .M4 M36 1986
Certain people: a book of portraits.
Pasadena, CA: Twelvetrees Press, [1985]
Art Oversize TR 680 .M296 1985
Lady, Lisa Lyon. Text by Bruce Chatwin.
NY: St. Martin's Press, [1991], c1983.
ArtDesk TR 681 .W6 M36 1991
Robert Mapplethorpe.
Tokyo: Parco, 1987.
note: text in Japanese and English.
Art TR 647 .M362 1987
Robert Mapplethorpe fotografie. a cura di Germano Celant.
Milano: Idea Books, 1983.
note: Catalog of an exhibition held at Palazzo Fortuny in Venice,
Art Desk TR 647 .M28 M8 1983
What it's like to live now.
NY: Bantam, 1995.
Ugl HQ 75.4 .M327 A3 1995
L'évolution de la sexualité et les états
intersexuels. Tr. par Sanjurjo d'Arellano.
[Paris] Gallimard [1931]
Health 612.6 M325eF
Gay liberation; A bonus: the Gay Activists Alliances's 20 questions about
homosexuality, a political primer.
NY: Pyramid Books [1974]
note: issued with: Alvarez, Walter C. Homosexuality and other forms of
sexual deviance.
Suz HQ 76 M235
[Miami Beach, FL] John Schuster, 1993.
Producer, John Schuster; editor, Jarrod Ravanzo. 1 videocassette. VHS.
note: Videotaped at the 1993 March on Washington.
note: "March on! is an uncensored, unorthodox, politically incorrect
documentary of what happened when a million gays, lesbians, and bisexuals,
along with their friends, families, and supporters descended on our nation's
capital and set it on its ear."
UglMed Videorecord JSCH 001
Byron: a portrait.
NY: Knopf, 1970.
Suz, Ugl PR 4381 .M3317
Sangre como la mia.
Santiago de Chile: Alfaguara, 2006.
Suz PQ 8098.23 .A67 S36 2006
Lesbian triptych. Translated by Yvonne M. Klein.
Toronto: Women's Press, c1985.
note: translation of: Tryptique lesbien.
Suz PQ 3919.2 .M2843 T713 1985
Allegorie e varianti in: riflessi di Aldo Palazzeschi.
Bologna: Centro di Documentazione Il Cassero, [1988]
(Quaderni di critica omosessuale, n. 4)
Suz PQ 4835 .A18 R536 1988
Is it a choice? Answers to 300 of the most frequently asked questions
about gays and lesbians.
San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, c1993.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 M35 1993
Is it a choice?: answers to 300 of the most frequently asked questions
about gay and lesbian people. 2nd ed.
[San Francisco, CA]: HarperSanFrancisco, c1999.
Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 M35 1999
Making gay history: the half-century fight for lesbian and gay equal
Rev. and updated ed. of: Marcus, Eric. Making history...
NY: Perennial, c2002.
Ugl, Tac HQ 76.8 .U5 M36 2002
Making history: the struggle for gay and lesbian equal rights, 1945-1990:
an oral history.
NY: HarperCollins Publishers, c1992.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.8 U5 M36 1992
The male couple's guide: finding a man, making a home, building a
NY: HarperPerennial, 1992.
note: Rev. ed. of: The male couple's guide to living together. lst ed.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 M36 1992
The male couple's guide to living together: what gay men should know about
living with each other and coping in a straight world.
NY: Perennial Library, c1988.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 M36 1988
Together forever: gay and lesbian marriage.
NY: Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1998.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 M354 1998
The killing of Sister George: a comedy.
NY: Random House [c1965]
Drama PR 6063 .A63 K5 1965
Drama PR 6063 .A63 K5 1967 (1967 re-issue)
Drama ActEd Killing of (French's acting ed.)
Between women: friendship, desire, and marriage in Victorian England.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, c2007.
Suz HQ 1599 .E5 M37 2007
Marcus Aurelius in love. Marcus Aurelius & Marcus Coprnelius Fronto;
edited, translated, and with an introduction and commentary by Amy
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
note: love letters of Marcus Aurelius and his teacher, Marcus Cornelius
Suz PA 6389 .F7 A4 2006
Frederick Rolfe, baron Corvo.
Milano: U. Mursia, 1969.
SpecCollAuthors PR 5263 .R27 Z76
[Gambier, OH: Kenyon College History Department, 199?]
note: essays on the social and political situations of six marginalized
populations in medieval Europe, namely heretics, Jews, homosexuals,
prostitutes, lepers, and witches.
note: click on Sexualities; includes links, among others, to Two Versions
of the Adelphopoiia Rite (translated excerpts of marriage rites that may
have been used by same-sex couples), The Passion of St. Sergus and Bacchus
(an excerpt from the Medieval Sourcebook showing the strong bond felt
between two men), Alain of Lille: Complaint of Nature...(a spectacular
attack on homosexual activity...and sexuality)
available online,
Aldershot, Hants, England: Arena; Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, c1994.
(Popular cultural studies, 6)
SocWk HQ 76 .M37 1994
Letter to Robert Duncan while bending the bow.
San Francisco: Manroot Books, c1974.
Suz PS 3563 .A654 L4 1974
The broken tower: a life of Hart Crane.
NY: W. W. Norton, c1999.
Suz PS 3505 .R272 Z753 1999
Kangaroo Productions; productora, Margaret Gilpin; direccion: Margaret
Gilpin, Luis Felipe Bernaza.
Water Bearer Films, c1997.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; In Spanish with English subtitles. Release
of 1995 documentary film.
note: cast: Josefina Bocourt Diaz, Armando Suarez, Rafael Montalvan
Mendoza, Yurisel Gutierrez Jimenez, Manuel Provenza Integra, Rafael
Herrera Perez, Jose Alberto Garzes, Lazaro Cabalco, Gonzalo Valera
Rodriguez, Abraham Garcia Perez, Jose Antonio Hernandez, Alexander
Ortiz Martinez, Carlos Alberto Garcia, Humberto Toscano Cardoso, Evelyn
Garcia Marquez, Juan Carlos Padilla, Santos Miro Duenas, Yosvany Lopez
Trujillo, Felipe Enrique Alvarez Prieto, Ernesto Garzes Ibarra.
note: Fotografia y sonido: Raul Perez Ureta, Santiago Yanes Lorties, Julio
Valdes; guion: Luis Felipe Bernaza, Margaret Gilpin; edicion: Luis Felipe
Bernaza, Renata Gangemi, Margaret Gilpin.
note: "A rare view of what day-to-day life is like for the gay and drag
community in modern Cuba."
UglMed Videorecord WBF 007
Dnevnik, 2002-2006.
Tver: Kolonna Publications: Mitin Zhurnal, 2006.
Suz PG 3492.72 .R55 Z46 2006
Redefining the self: coming out as lesbian.
Cambridge, UK: Polity Press; Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.5 .M37 1996
The gay detective novel: lesbian and gay main characters and themes in
mystery fiction. Foreword by Katherine V. Forrest.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c2004.
Ugl PS 374 .H63 M37 2004
Touch: sensuous theory and multisensory media.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 5, Love the one you're with: straight women, gay porn, and
the scene of erotic looking, pp. 73-90.
Suz PN 1995.9 .E96 M37 2002
Across an untried sea: discovering lives hidden in the shadow of
convention and time.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000.
Suz, Ugl PR 4419 .C5 Z65 2000
Uncle: a novel.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 .A666 U58
Christopher Marlowe; edited by Havelock Ellis. With a general introduction
on the the English drama during the reign of Elizabeth and James I, by J.
A. Symonds.
London: Vizetelly, 1887.
Drama PR 2661 .E5 19887
Edward the Second. Ed. Charles R. Forker.
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press; NY, dist. by St. Martin's
Press, c1994.
see also: Edward II [videorecording]
see also: Jarman, Derek. Queer Edward II.
Drama PR 2665 .A2 F67 1994
Suz PR 2665 .A1 1967b (Merchant ed., 1967)
Drama 822 M34elm (McLaughlin ed., 1894)
Suz, Aux 822 M34e (Verity ed., 1904)
Paul Whitfield White, editor.
NY: AMS Press, c1998.
(AMS studies in the Renaissance, no. 35)
Suz PR 2674 .M27 1998
Mr. Madam; confessions of a male madam.
NY: Paperback Library, Inc., 1965, c1964.
SpecColl HQ 76 .M24 1965
Sexual inversion; the multiple roots of homosexuality.
NY: Basic Books [1965]
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC HQ 76 .M243
The politics of homosexuality.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981.
note: revision of author's thesis, Harvard.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.8 U5 M37 1981
Sons of Harvard: gay men from the class of 1967.
NY: Morrow, 1982.
Suz HQ 75.7 M37 1982
Patrick White: a life.
London: Jonathan Cape, 1991.
Suz PR 9619.3 .W5 Z76 1991
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003.
Suz, Bot HQ 1034 .U5 M37 2003
[Seattle, WA]: Seattle University Law Library
note: provides links to news articles, reports, legal cases in
Washington State and the U.S., related resources, religious views,
research guides, all full-text; and links to organizations.
note: online
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2005.
note: [chapter] 10, A Break in the path; lesbian relationships and Jewish
law, (Angela J. Riccetti), pp. 262-294.
Suz BM 713 .M356 2005
Blind bitter happiness.
London: Chatto & windus, 1997.
Suz PN 771 .M34 1997
Monopolies of loss.
NY: Knopf, dist. by Random House, 1993.
Suz, Bot PR 6063 A659 M66 1993
The waters of thirst.
NY: Knopf, 1994.
Suz PR 6063 A659 W38 1994
Hartford: Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in association with Yale
University Press, New Haven, c2002.
Art ND 237 .H3435 A4 2002
Together forever?: the gay guide to good relationships.
London: Pan, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 M37 1995
Guy Hocquenghem.
London: Pluto Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.8 .H63 M37 1996
Counseling lesbian partners.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1997.
Suz BV 4437.5 .M37 1997
Robert Mapplethorpe. With essays by Richard Howard and Ingrid Sischy.
NY: Whitney Museum of American Art; Boston: in association with Bulfinch
Press, 1990.
note: Published on the occasion of an exhibition held at the Whitney
Museum of American Art, NY, July 28-Oct. 23, 1988.
Art Desk TR 647 .M36 1988
Bot TR 647 .M365 M37 1988
Materiaux pour servir a l'histoire des homosexuels en France:
chronologie, bibliographie, 1968-1996.
Lille: GKC, 1996.
(Cahier GKC, no. 35)
Suz HQ 75.6 .F8 M365 1996
The pink and the black: homosexuals in France since 1968. Translated by
Jane Marie Todd.
note: translation from the French of: Rose et le noir.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 75.6 .F8 M3713 1999
Cognitive-behavioral therapies with lesbian, gay, and bisexual
Christopher R. Martell, Steven A. Safren, Stacey E. Prince; foreword by
Marvin R. Goldfried.
NY: Guilford Press, c2004.
Suz WM 425.5 .C6 M376c 2004
Hinterlegte Botschaften: die Darstellung lesbischer Frauen in der
deutschsprachigen Literatur seit 1945.
Stuttgart: M & P, c1991.
Suz PT 405 M353 1991
The lesbian and gay parenting handbook: creating and raising our
NY: HarperPerennial, c1993.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 M36 1993
Femininity played straight: the significance of being lesbian.
NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1206 .M3446 1996
Andre Gide, ou, La vocation du bonheur.
[Paris]: Fayard, c1998-
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 Z654613 1998 v.1
Lesbian/woman. By Del Martin & Phyllis Lyon.
San Francisco: Glide Publications [1972]
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC HQ 76.3 .U5 M37
Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.3 .U5 M37 1972 (Bantam ed.)
Lesbian/woman. By Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon.
Volcano, CA: Volcano Press, 1991.
note: 20th anniversary ed.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 M37 1991
They change the subject.
Madison, WI: Terrace Books, University of Wisconsin Press, c2005.
Ugl PS 3563 .A72355 T47 2005
Stopping the train. Edwin B. Martin, Jr. with Richard N. Cote.
Mt. Pleasant, S.C.: Corinthian Books, c2000.
note: a case of sexual harrassment of men
Suz KF 228 .M36 2000
Situating sexualities: queer representation in Taiwanese fiction, film and
public culture.
Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003.
Suz HQ 76.16 .T34 M37 2003
Serving lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning teens: a
how-to-do-it manual for librarians.
NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers, c2007.
Suz Z711.92 .S49 M37 2007
Break down the walls; American prisons: present, past, and future.
NY: Ballantine Books [1954]
note: Chapter 14, Sex in prison, pp. 177-182.
SocWk 365 M364b
London: GMP, 1989.
Suz PR 6063 .A716 A93 1989
The almanac of women and minorities in American politics.
Foreword by Paula D. McClain.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999.
note: chapter 6, Gays and lesbians in American politics, pp. 241-249.
SuzRef, UglRef, BotRef, TacRef HQ 1236.5 .U6 M3778 1999
The almanac of woman and minorities in American politics.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2000.
SuzRef, UglRef HQ 1236 .M347 2000
Eine Krankheit zum Tode: Aids in der deutschsprachigen Literatur.
St. Ingbert [Germany]: Rohrig, 1995.
(Mannheimer Studien zur Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, 4)
Suz PT 405 .M3545 1995
Hero, captain, and stranger: male friendship, social critique, and
literary form in the sea novels of Herman Melville.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, c1986.
Suz, Ugl PS 2388 .F74 M3 1986
The homosexual tradition in American poetry.
Austin: University of Texas Press, c1979.
Suz, Ugl PS 310 H66 M3
The homosexual tradition in American poetry. An expanded edition.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot PS 310 .H66 M3 1998
Doing justice, doing gender: women in legal and criminal justice
occupations. Susan Ehrlich Martin, Nancy C. Jurik.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2007.
note: The intersections of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and
gender, pp. 73-75.
Suz HV 9950 .M3 2007
Passionate friends: Mary Fullerton, Mabel Singleton & Miles Franklin.
London: Onlywomen Press, 2001.
Suz PR 9619.3 .F85 Z78 2001
Culver City, CA: Strand Releasing Home Video, [2006]
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 1997.
note: cast- Federico Luppi, Juan Diego Botto, Cecilia Roth, Eusebio
Poncela, Ana María Picchio, Sancho Gracia.
note: credits- photography, Porforio Enríquez; music, Fito
Páez; editor, Fernando Pardo.
note: Martin is a film director who lives in Madrid and cannot reconnect
with his past or his son in Argenina. Martin (Hache) is 19, and seems to
be interested only in rock music and drugs. After a nearly fatal drug
overdose his mother sends him to his father, who lives with his new much
younger lover Alicia and gay actor friend Dante.
TacMed DVD TAC-611
Chicken: a novel.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1997.
Suz PS 3563 .A7298 C48 1997
Home movies.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1993.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3563 A7298 H6 1993
k. d. lang.
Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, c1997.
(Lives of notable gay men and lesbians)
Suz ML 3930 .L175 M37 1997
The lesbian and gay book of love and marriage: creating the stories of our
NY: Broadway Books, 1998.
Ugl HQ 75.6 .U5 M39 1998
Lesbian short fiction.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1989.
(Voyagers out, 1)
Suz, SpecColl Book Arts, Ugl PS 648 L47 M38 1989
Out of time.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1990.
Suz, Ugl, SpecColl Book Arts PS 3563 .A7298 O9 1990
The queerest places: a national guide to gay and lesbian historic
NY: Henry Holt, 1997.
SuzRef HQ 75.26 .U6 M37 1997
Un/popular culture: lesbian writing after the sex wars.
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, c1997.
Suz PS 153 .L46 M37 1997
Lesbian voices from Latin America: breaking ground.
NY: Garland Pub., 1996.
Suz PQ 7081 .M3617 1996
The other side: fault lines, guerrilla saints, and the true heart of rock
'n' roll.
London; NY: Verso, 1992.
NY: Vintage, 1993.
note: Vintage edition entitled, The other side. Notes from the new L.A.,
Mexico City, and beyond.
note: A death in the family, pp. 68-73; pp. 70-75 in the Vintage
ed. (recounts an AIDS death and the surviving lover's relationship with
the deceased's family)
Suz F869 .L89 S756 1992
Suz F 869 L89 S756 1993 (Vintage ed.)
El publico: amor y muerte en la obra de Federico Garcia Lorca.
3a ed., ampliada e ilustrada.
Madrid: Hiperion, c1988.
(Libros Hiperion, 114)
Suz PQ 6613 .A763 P835 1988
Il "vitio nefando" nella Venezia del seicento: aspetti sociali e
repressione di giustizia.
Roma: Jouvence, c1988.
(Materiali e ricerche; nuova ser., 4. Sezione di studi storici; 2)
Suz HQ 72 .I8 M37 1988
Emergence: a transsexual autobiography. By Mario Martino, with
NY: Crown Publishers, c1977.
Suz WJ 712 M37 1977
E. M. Forster: passion and prose.
Swaffam, England: Gay Men's Press; Chicago: distributed in North America
by InBook/LPC Group, 1999.
Suz PR 6011 .O58 Z82258 1999
Bangladesh: revaging the vulnerable: abuses against persons at high risk
of HIV infection in Bangladesh.
NY: Human Rights Watch, [2003]
Suz, Tac KNG 4400 .M37 2003
Syracuse: Red Factory, 2001.
(Transformation, 2)
Suz HX 73 .M387 2001
Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press; London: Eurospan [distributor],
note: [chapter] 3, Queering masculinity in Hong Kong movies, (Travis S. K.
Kong) pp. 57-80; [chapter] 7, Fighting female masculinity: women warriors
and their foreignness in Hong Kong action cinema of the 1980s,
(Kwai-cheung Lo), pp. 137-154.
Tac PN 1993.5 .C4 M37 2005
London; NY: Zed Books; Cape Town: David Philip, 2002.
note: chapter 9, Targeting me for a change: AIDS discourse and activism in
Africa (Janet Bujra), pp. 209-234.
Suz, Tac HQ 1090.7 .D44 M37 2002
NY: Routledge, 2001.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .M46 M34 2001
Ciudad de Mexico: Diler: APIS, A.C., c1998.
Suz HQ 1075 .M37 1998
Whitman possessed: poetry, sexuality, and popular authority.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Suz PS 3242 .S47 M37 2001
The American woman in the Chinese hat.
Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 1994.
Suz PS 3563 A786 A8 1994
Defiance: a novel.
NY: Dutton, c1998.
Suz, Bot PS 3563 .A786 D44 1998
The room lit by roses: a journal of pregnancy and birth.
Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, c2000.
Suz PS 3563 .A786 Z47 2000
The spectacle of violence: homophobia, gender and knowledge.
London; NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz HQ 76.45 .A8 M37 2002
The custody wars: why children are losing the legal battle and what we can
do about it.
NY: Basic Books, c1999.
note: [chapter] 7. Fit to be a parent? Gay and lesbian parents come out of
the closet fighting, pp. 175-202.
Ugl KF 547 M368 1999
Making black waves: lesbians talk. By Valeries Mason-John and Ann
London: Scarlet Press, c1993.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G7 M37 1993
London; NY: Routledge, 2001.
note: [chapter] 3, Lesbian masks, beauty and other negotiations (Halla
Beloff), pp. 54-72; [chapter] 5, Is womanliness nothing but a masquerade?
An analysis of The Crying Game (Alkeline van Lenning, Saskia Maas and
Wendy Leeks), pp. 83-100; [chapter] 6, The scarf and the toothache.
Cross-dressing in the Jewish folk theatre (Ahuva Belin), pp. 101-113.
Suz GN 419.5 .M37 2001
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2004.
Suz, Bot PS 591 .G38 M37 2004
Confessions of a Jewish Wagnerite: being gay and Jewish in America.
Foreword by Gottfried Wagner.
London: Cassell, 1994.
Suz HQ 75.8 .M298 A3 1994
Dialogues of the sexual revolution.
NY: Haworth Press, c1990. 2v.
(Haworth series in gay & lesbian studies, 5-6)
note: v.1:Homosexuality and sexuality. v.2: Homosexuality as behavior and
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.5 U5 M38 1990 v.1 [&] v.2
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 4, Sa'ida Sultan/Danna International. Transgender pop and
the polysemiotics of sex, nation, and ethnicity on the Israeli-Egyption
border (Ted Swedenburg), pp. 88-119.
Suz P94.65 .M628 M37 2000
Making colleges and universities safe for gay and lesbian students: report
and recommendations of the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian
Boston: (Rm. 111, State House, Boston 02133): The Commission, c1993.
Suz LB 2866 .M37 1993
Making schools safe for gay and lesbian youth: breaking the silence in
schools and in families.
Boston: The Commission, [1993]
Suz LC 192.6 .M37 1993
Prevention of health problems among gay and lesbian youth: making health
and human services accessible and effective for gay and lesbian youth.
Boston: The Commission, [1994]
Suz HV 1449 .M37 1994
Desiring Arabs.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007.
note: [chapter] 3, Re-orienting desire: the gay interantional and the Arab
world, pp. 160-190; [chapter] 4, Sin, crimes, and disease:
taxonomies of desires present, pp. 191-268; [chapter] 5, Deviant fictions,
Suz DS 36.77 .M38 2007
Le travestissement: essai de psycho-pathologie sexuelle.
Preface du professeur Laignel-Lavastine.
Paris: Editions Hippocrate, 1935.
HSLIC 132.754 M388t
Textual intercourse: collaboration, authorship, and sexualities in
Renaissance drama.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Suz PR 658 .T4 M37 1997
Forbidden sexual behavior and morality; an objective re-examination of
perverse sex practices in different cultures. Introd. by Harry
NY: Julian Press [1962]
HSLIC 132.754 M393f
The homosexual revolution; a challenging expose of the social and
political directions of a minority group.
NY: Julian Press, 1962.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76 .M255
Homosexuality in perspective. By William H. Johnson and Virginia E.
Boston: Little, Brown, 1979.
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC HQ 76 M258
The shared heart: portraits and stories celebrating lesbian, gay, and
bisexual young people.
NY: William Morrow: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, c1997.
Suz, ChiLit HQ 75.2 .M37 1997
Edited by Donald Morton.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996.
(Queer critique)
Suz HQ 75.15 .M37 1996
NY: Routledge, 1997.
note: [chapter] 5, Not for lesbians only (Charlotte Bunch), pp. 54-58.
An expanded and revised version of a speech given at the
Socialist-Feminist Conference, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, July
5, 1975; [chapter] 22, Transgender liberation, a movement whose time
has come (Leslie Feinberg), pp. 227-235; [chapter] 27, The
heterosexual imaginary, feminist sociology and theories of gender
(Chrys Ingraham), pp. 275-290.
Suz, Tac HX 546 .M396 1997
Francis Bacon: the history of a character assassination.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1996.
Suz B1197 .M48 1996
Manhattan mourning.
London: Brilliance Books, 1988.
Suz PR 6063 .A854 M3 1988
Sex, death, enlightenment: a true story.
NY: Riverhead Books, 1996.
Suz PN 4874 .M48358 A3 1996
Toransujendarizumu: seibetsu no higan: sei o ekkyosuru hitobito =
Yokohama-shi: Seori Shobo, 1997.
EAsia HQ 77.8 .M37 A3 1997
San Francisco Area Council of the Mattachine Society, [1955]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues San Francisco Mattachine newsletter, see San Francisco
Mattachine newsletter.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 69 no. 23-no.107 (Apr. 1955-Oct. 1963)
Social Work Periodicals 392.605 n.97 (1961: Sep); n. 100-103 (1962/1963:
Jul-Mar), n.105-107 (1963: Jul-Oct)
[San Francisco, etc.: Mattachine Society] 1955-July 1966. v.1-12
note: bimonthly, Jan./Feb. 1955-Mar. 1956; monthly, May 1956-Oct. 1964,
bimonthly Nov./Dec. 1964-July 1966.
note: reprinted by Arno Press (NY), 1975.
note: for microfilm version, see next entry
Suzzallo Periodicals, Botstx HQ 75 .M38 v.1-12. (Arno reprint)
SocWkPer 392.605 MATT v.6: n. 5-9, 11-12 (1960: May-Sept., Nov.-Dec.)
v.7: n.2-12 (1961: Feb.-Dec.); v.8: n. 1-2, 4-12 (1962 (Jan.-Feb.
Apr.-Dec.); v.9: n. 2-12 (1963: Feb.-Dec.); v. 10: n. 1-3, 10-11 (1964:
Jan. Mar., Oct. Nov.); v. 12: n.1 (1966: Jan.)
Los Angeles, CA: Mattachine Society, [1955]-c1966
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 61-64 v.1-12 (1955-Jul 1966)
The gay rights movement [microform]: Mattachine Society of New York, Inc.:
from the International Gay Information Center, The New York Public
Woodbridge, CT: Research Publications, 1998.
note: filmed from the originals held at the International Gay Information
Center, New York Public Library. 24 microfilm reels.
note: accompanied by a printed reel guide, compiled by John D.
MicNews Microfilm A9664 guide
MicNews Microfilm A9664
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 7, The case of Bush's reelection; did gay marriage do it?
(David E. Campbell and J. Quin Monson), pp. 120-141.
Suz JK 526 2004 .M37 2007
Rat & the Devil: journal letters of F. O. Matthiessen and Russell
Cheney. Edited by Louis Hyde.
Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1978.
Suz PS 29 .M35 A43 1978
On the river Styx: and other stories.
NY: Random House, c1989.
Suz PS 3563 .A8584 O5 1989
Bot PS 3563 .A8584 O5 1990 (Vintage ed.)
Mature Friends: [newsletter]
Seattle: Mature Friends
SpecColl HQ 75 .M385a
Aug-Dec 1998; Feb-Sep 1999; Nov 1999-Jan 2003; Mar-Dec 2003
Men into women: progressive or problematic?: paper presented at the
Women's Studies Center, Novemember [sic] 11, 1998.
[Chiang Mai, Thailand: Women's Studies Center, Chiang Mai University,
Suz HQ 77 .M38 1998
Halfte des Lebens: Leonore Mau, Hubert Fichte: eine fotographische Elegie
von Ronald Kay.
Hamburg: Dolling und Galitz, 1996.
Suz PT 2666 .I25 Z7638 1996
The boy from Beirut, and other stories. Edited by Peter Burton.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1982.
Suz PR 6025 .A858 A6 1982
The deserters: a novel.
London: William Kimber, 1981.
note: later appeared in the U. S. as: Enemy.
Suz PR 6025 .A858 D47
Enemy: a novel.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1983.
note; first published as The deserters in 1981.
Suz PR 6025 .A858 D4 1983
Escape from the shadows: Robin Maugham, his autobiography.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1972.
Suz PR 6025 .A858 Z5 1972
The servant.
NY: Harcourt, Brace [1949]
Suz 823 M4421s
The wrong people. [Rev. ed.]
London: Heinemann [c1970]
Suz PR 6025 A858 W7 1970
NY: Harper & Row, c1984.
Suz, Bot PS 3563 A878 B3 1984
Further tales of the city. lst ed.
NY: Harper & Row, c1982.
note: sequel to: Tales of the city and More Tales of the city.
note: published in somewhat different form in the San Francisco
Suz, Bot PS 3563 .A878 F8 1982
Ugl PS 3563 .A878 F8 1989 (re-issue of 1982)
Maybe the moon: a novel.
NY: HarperPerennial, c1993.
Suz PS 3563 .A878 M38 1993
Michael Tolliver lives.
NY: HarperCollinsPublishers, c2007.
Suz, Bot PS 3563 .A878 M53 2007
More tales of the city.
NY: Harper & Row, c1980.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3563 A878 M67 1980
The night listener: a novel.
NY: HarperCollins, c2000.
Suz PS 3563 .A878 N5 2000
Significant others.
NY: Perennial Library, c1987.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3563 A878 S5 1987
Sure of you.
NY: Harper & Row, c1989.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3563 A878 S8 1989
Tales of the city.
NY: Harper & Row, c1978.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 A878 T34 1978
28 Barbary Lane: a tales of the city omnibus.
NY: HarperCollins, 1990.
Ugl PS 3563 A878 A6 1990
[United States]: Criterion Collection: Distributed by Home Vision
Entertainment, 2004.
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 1987; based on the
novel by E. M. Forster.
note: E. M. Forster's story of two Edwardian-era Cambridge graduates that
fall in love, but must abide by British society's strict norms regarding
UglMed DVD CRIT 093
Illustrated great decisions of the Supreme Court.
Washington, D.C.:CQ Press, c2000.
note: Bowers v. Hardwick, pp. 14-17; Romer v. Evans, pp. 171-173.
SuzRef KF 4549 .M334 2000
Illustrated great decisions of the Supreme Court. 2nd ed.
Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, c2006.
note: Gay Rights, pp. 173-185: Bowers v. Hardwick, pp. 175-177; Romer v.
Evans, pp. 178-180; Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, pp. 180-182; Lawrence
v. Texas, pp. 183-185: for each case, a review of the decision, the
background, the vote, the highlights, excerpts, and the impact.
Law KF 8742 .A4 .M3 2006
Bot KF 4549 .M334 2006
San Francisco: Strait and Associates, [1967]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues Maverick press, see Maverick press.
note: continued by San Francisco maverick, see San Francisco maverick
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 96 v.1,no.2 (1967)
San Francisco: Strait Publication, [1967]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: merger of Citizen's news and Cruise news & world report, see
Citizen's news; see Cruise news & world report.
note: continued by Maverick, see Maverick.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 96 v.1,no.1 (1967)
The ladies of Llangollen: a study in romantic friendship.
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
Suz CT 3320 .M39 1973
Gay(s) language: a dic(k)tionary of gay slang.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1988.
Suz HQ 76 .M36 1988
The folded leaf.
NY, London: Harper & brothers, 1945.
Suz PS 3525 .A946 F6
Ugl, HSLIC PS 3525 .A946 F6 1945 (Book Find Club ed.; Dark legend, a study
in murder [by] Frederic Wertham is bound in)
Friends, lovers, husbands. B. Roxanne May, photographer; Pamela M. Stone,
Phoenix, AZ: Triangle Productions, 1994.
Suz HQ 75.7 .M39 1994
Perceptions on homosexuals and non-homosexuals: a study of counselors',
psychologists', and homosexuals' perceptions.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The otherwise monograph series, 12)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 12
NY: New Press: Distributed by W. W. Norton, 1997.
note: case 9: Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Group of
Boston. 515 U.S.-(1995), pp. 135-151 (text); tape 4, first case
note: actual recorded oral arguments leading to landmark rulings...
Ugl, Law KF 4770 .M35 1997
Law KF 4770 .M35 1997 tapes
TacMed KF 4770 .M35 1997 cassettes
Tac KF 4770 .M35 1997 text
[Edited by] Peter Irons and Stephanie Guitton.
NY: The New Press: Distributed by W. W. Norton, c1993.
note: case 23: Bowers v. Hardwick, pp. 361-375.
Suz KF 4748 .M39 1993
Orono, ME: National Poetry Foundation: University of Maine at Orono,
Suz PS 3537 .A832 Z78 1982
Frankfurt (am Main): Suhrkamp, 1975.
Suz PN 51 .M3 1975
Outsiders: a study in life and letters. Translated by Denis M. Sweet.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c1982.
note: Translation of: Aussenseiter.
Suz, Ugl PN 56.5 .O95 M3713 1982
Zeitgenossen: Erinnerung und Deutung.
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1998.
Suz PT 405 .M48 1998
Gay, lesbian, and heterosexual teachers: an investigation of acceptance of
self, acceptance of others, affectional and lifestyle orientation: their
rightful place.
San Francisco: Mellen Research University Press; Lewiston, NY:
[distributor] Edwin Mellen Press, c1993.
Suz LB 2844.1 G39 M39 1993
Blade to the heat.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1996.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Blade to
Escaping God's closet: the revelations of a queer priest.
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2001.
Ugl BX 5995 .M38 A3 2001
Tim Mayhew Collection on Gay Rights, 1964-1999.
note: 9.19 cubic ft. (22 boxes)
scope note:
The Tim Mayhew Collection on Gay Rights documents a broad range of gay
organizations in Seattle from the 1960s through the 1980s. The material
includes organizational papers such as by-laws, minutes, and
correspondence, as well as fliers, newsletters, brochures, programs, and
other ephemera.
note: Finding aid (biography and inventory of the collection) available in
the repository and on the World Wide Web: click on title above.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Arch Accession 4440-001, 4440-002 inquire at Special
Directed by Dorothy Arzner.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1994.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PN 1998.3 .A763 M39 1994
Framed: lesbians, feminists, and media culture.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2000.
Suz, Ugl PN 1995.9 .W6 M359 2000
Imre: a memorandum. Edited by Xavier Mayne (pseudonym of Edward Irenaeus
Prime Stevenson).
NY: Arno Press, 1975.
note: reprint of the 1906 ed.
Suz PS 3537 .T47617 I5 1975
Disputing the subject of sex: sexuality and public school
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c2004.
Suz HQ 57.5 .A3 M39 2004
Next stop, Greenwich Village
(1976) [electronic resource]: shooting script.
Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street Press, 2003.
(American Film Scripts Online)
note: has black, gay character
note: electronic access restricted to University of Washington affiliated
Miss Knight and others. Foreword by Gore Vidal; edited with an
introduction by Edward N. S. Lorusso.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, c1992.
note: Miss Knight--Distinguished air--the lodging house--The indefinite
Suz PS 3525 .A1143 M58 1992
Why I hate Abercrombie & Fitch: essays on race and sexuality.
NY: New York University, c2005.
Suz, Bot E184.7 .M348 2005
Cole Porter: a biography.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.
Suz, Mus, Tac ML 410 .P7844 M33 1998
Breakfast on Pluto.
NY: HarperFlamingo, c1998.
Suz PR 6063 .C32 B74 1998
Elizabeth Bishop: her poetics of loss.
University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, c1994.
Suz, Tac PS 3503 .I785 Z77 1994
The gay republic: sexuality, citizenship and subversion in France.
Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2005.
Suz HQ 76.8 .F8 M35 2005
The homosexual dialectic.
Edited by Joseph A. McCaffrey with the special assistance of Suzanne M.
Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall [1972]
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.8 U5 M33
Leap in the dark.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1980.
Ugl PR 6063 .A1576 L4
Cary Grant: a class apart.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
Suz PN 2287 .G675 M33 1996
Rebel males: Clift, Brando and Dean.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1993.
Suz, Bot PN 1998.2 M4 1993
Mother of sorrows.
NY: Pantheon Books, c2005.
Ugl PS 3563 .A2575 M67 2005
[Rochester, NY: S. McCarney, 1992]
note: also as: NO MO PRO MO HOMO PHO BO
note: two overlapping sheets, each cut halfway down the middle, stapled
together and alternatively folded over to form 16 pages of contrasting
images; enclosed in a plastic bag; offset printed.
SpecColl Book Arts N 7433.4 .M42 N6 1992
Interiors: paintings. Introduced by Emmanuel Cooper.
London: GMP, 1987.
Suz ND 497 .M218 A4 1987
The group. [A novel]
NY: Harcourt, Brace & World [1963]
Suz, Ugl PS 3525 .A1435 .G7
SpecColl Pacific NW 979.743a M127g
Sexual myths and fallacies.
NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. [1971]
HSLIC HQ 31 .M142 1971
The easy way out.
NY: Pocket Books, c1992.
Suz PS 3563 .C33757 E27 1992b
The man of the house: a novel.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1996.
Suz, Bot PS 3563 .C33757 M36 1996
The object of my affection: a novel.
NY: Simon and Schuster, c1987.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 .C33757 O2 1987
True enough.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2001.
Ugl PS 3563 .C33757 T7 2001
Crossing: a memoir.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz, Tac HQ 77.8 .M39 A3 1999
American theater in the culture of the Cold War: producing and contesting
containment, 1947-1962.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 2, Empty boys, queer others, and consumerism, pp.
Drama PN 2266.3 .M38 2003
The Burnton widows. Illustrated by Janet Fons.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1984.
SpecColl PNW PS 3563 .C344 B8 1984
Dark rides: a novel in stories.
Toronto: Gutter Press; NY: Distributed in the U.S. by Distributed Art
Publishers, c1996.
Ugl PR 9199.3 .M4239 D37 1996
John Gray: poet, dandy, and priest.
[Waltham, MA]: Brandeis University Press; Hanover, N.H.: University Press
of New England, c1991.
Suz PR 6013 .R367 Z73 1991
The man who was Dorian Gray.
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave, 2000.
Suz PR 6013 .R367 Z74 2000b
Roger Casement in death, or, Haunting the free state.
Dublin: University College Dublin Press, 2002.
Suz DA 965 .C3 M33 2003
George Santayana: a biography.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, c1987.
Suz, Ugl B 945 .S24 M38 1987
Sexual salvation: affirming women's sexual rights and pleasures.
Forewords by Elizabeth Rice Allgeier and Albert Ellis.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1994.
note: [chapter] 4, Lesbian and bisexual identities, pp. 57-82.
Suz, Ugl HQ 29 .M46 1994
Gender and sexuality in Weimar modernity: film, literature, and "new
NY: Palgrave, 2001.
note: chapter 6.B. Coming out of the uniform: political and sexual
emancipation in Leontine Sagan's Madchen in Uniform (1931), pp.
Suz, Bot PN 1993.5 .G3 M39 2001
Queer street: rise and fall of an American culture, 1947-1985: excursions
in the mind of the life.
NY: W.W. Norton, c2004.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 M383 2004
Time remaining.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1993.
Suz PS 3563 .C3448 T55 1993
The first verse: a novel.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 2005.
Ugl PQ 8113 .C37 F57 2005
The roots of lesbian & gay oppression: a Marxist view.
[Preface and afterword by Shelley Ettinger] 3rd ed.
NY: W W Publishers, c1993.
note: original title: The gay question: a Marxist appraisal.
Suz HQ 76.5 .M3 1993
Clock without hands.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981.
Suz 813 M138c
Collected stories: including The member of the wedding and The ballad of
sad Cafe.
Introduction by Virginia Spencer Carr.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987.
Suz PS 3525 .A1772 A15 1987
The heart is a lonely hunter.
Cambridge, [MA]: Riverside Press, c1940.
Suz PS 3525 .A1772 H4 1940
The member of the wedding.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, company, 1948.
Suz, ChiLit PS 3525 .A1772 M5 1946a
Ugl PS 3525 .A1772 M5 1946
The member of the wedding, a play.
[NY, 1951]
note: based on the author's novel of the same title
Suz, Ugl, Drama, Bot PS 3525 .A1772 M5 1951
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Member of
Reflections in a golden eye. With an introduction by Tennessee
NY: New Directions Books, 1950, c1941.
Suz PS 3525 .A1772 R4 1950
Suz, Ugl PS 3525 .A1772 R4 (Houghton Mifflin, 1941)
Just say yes: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1991.
Ugl PS 3563 .C3538 J8 1991
Report for murder. 2nd ed.
Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
Suz PR 6063 .C37 R47 1998
Acqua calda.
NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers; [Berkeley, CA]: Distributed by Publishers
Group West, 2005.
Ugl PS 3613 .C3869 A65 2005
From mouth to mouth: an oral history of lesbians and gays in Kingston from
World War II to 1980.
M.A. thesis, Queen's University, 1999.
available online,
Cruising the movies: a sexual guide to oldies on TV. Designed by Bruce
NY: Gay Presses of New York, 1985.
Suz PN 1995.9 .S45 M32 1985
Homosexuality: a practical guide to counseling lesbians, gay men, and
their families.
By Helen B. McDonald and Audrey I. Steinhorn; foreword by William Van
NY: Continuum, 1990.
SocWk WM 615 M135h 1990
Queer judgments: homosexuality, expression, and the courts in Canada.
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c2000.
Suz KE 4399 .M33 2000
Wives who love women. By Jane Scott [pseud.]
NY: Walker & Co., 1978.
Suz HQ 75.6 U5 S36
The German urban experience, 1900-1945: modernity and crisis.
London; NY: Routledge, 2001.
note: [chapter] 8, Masculine women and feminine men, pp. 197-232.
Suz HT 384 .G3 M39 2001
Strange birds in the tree of heaven: a novel.
Athens, GA: Hill Street Press, c1999.
Ugl PS 3563 .C35966 S7 1999
Enduring love.
London: J. Cape, 1997.
Suz, Ugl PR 6063 .C4 E53 1997b
The sodomite in fiction and satire, 1660-1750.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1997.
(Between men--between women)
Suz PR 844 .G34 M38 1997
Portrait: the life of Thomas Eakins.
NY: W. W. Norton, c2007.
Art ND 237 .E15 M26 2007
Fatherhood for gay men: an emotoional and practical guide to becoming a
gay dad.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Ugl HQ 76.13 .M343 2003
Becoming visible: an illustrated history of lesbian and gay life in
twentieth-century America.
NY: Penguin Studio, 1998.
note: "The New York Public Library. Based on an exhibition curated by Fred
Wasserman, Molly McGarry, and Mimi Bowling."
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.16 .U6 M37 1998
Facets gay & lesbian video guide.
Chicago: Facets Multimedia, Inc./Academy Chicago Publishers, c1993.
SuzRef, TacRef PN 1995.9 H55 M35 1993
Facets gay & lesbian video guide. 2nd ed., rev. and expanded. By Gabriel
Chicago: Facets Multi-Media, Inc.: Academy Chicago Publishers
[distributor], c1997.
SuzRef, TacRef PN 1995.9 .H55 M35 1997
Boys like us.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Suz PS 3563 .C36374 B6 1991
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Suz PS 3563 .C36374 S93 1992
Homosexuality, law, and resistance.
London; NY: Routledge, 2001.
Suz KD 4103 .M38 2001
George Cukor: a double life: a biography of the gentleman director.
NY: St. Martin's Griffin, 1997.
Ugl PN 1998.3 .C8 M34 1997
Acts of faith, acts of love: gay Catholic autobiographies as sacred
NY: Continuum, 2004.
Suz BX 4669 .M248 2004
Surveying for sexuality in cyberspace: sexual orientation and stage of
change for cervical cancer screening. 2003.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Ohio State University, 2003.
available online,
Major conflict: one gay man's life in the Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell
NY: Broadway Books, 2005.
Suz UB 418 .G38 M35 2005
Silent partner: a memoir of my marriage.
NY: Hyperion, c2007.
Suz F140.22 .M38 M38 2007
The confession. James E. McGreevey with David France.
NY: Regan, c2006.
Ugl F 140.22 .M34 A3 2006
Chemical palace.
Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 2002.
Ugl PR 9619.3 .M3237 C48 2002
Innocence: the life and death of Michelangelo Merisi, Caravaggio.
London: Faber, 1987.
Suz,Drama PR 6063 .C515 I56 1987
Complete poems. Edited and with an introduction by William J. Maxwell.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2004.
Suz, Bot PS 3525 .A24785 A17 2004
Home to Harlem.
Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1987, c1928.
note: with a new introd.; originally published: Harper, 1928
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3525 .A24785 H6 1987
Suz 813 M1923h (1928 ed.)
Moments of trust: sibling responses to the disclosure of a sister's
lesbian identity.
M.S. thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2003.
available online,
The secret life of Oscar Wilde.
London: Arrow Books, 2004.
Suz PR 5823 .M34 2004
Bot PR 5823 .M36 2005 (Basic Books)
Perform or else: from discipline to performance.
London; NY: Routledge, 2001.
note: chapter 9, Professor Rutherford and Gay Sci Fi, pp. 221-242.
Ugl, Drama BF 481 .M395 2001
Straight science?: homosexuality, evolution and adaption.
London; NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .M342 1997
Sexual blackmail: a modern history.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002.
note: chapter 1, Sodomy and the invention of blackmail, pp. 10-29; chapter
5, The homosexual target between the wars, pp. 105-143; chapter 9, Disarming
the postwar blackmailer, pp. 220-238; chapter 10, The gay movement's
attack on victimization, pp. 239-255.
Suz HV 6688 .M393 2002
Twentieth-century sexuality: a history.
Oxford, UK; Malden, MA: Blackwell, 1999.
note: [chapter] 5, 'Perverts': mannish women, effeminate men and the sex
doctors, pp. 87-109; [chapter] 10, 'Backlash': AIDS and the sexual
counter-revolution, pp. 193-218.
Suz HQ 16 .M35 1999
The girls: Sappho goes to Hollywood.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Ugl PN 1995.9 .L48 M39 2000
Male homosexuality in modern Japan: cultural myths and social
Richmond: Curzon, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.2 .J3 M35 2000
Queer Japan from the Pacific war to the internet age.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .J3 M35 2005
Lesbian and gay liberation in Canada: a selected annotated chronology,
Toronto: ECW Press/Homewood Books, c1996.
SuzRef HQ 76.8 .C3 M35 1996
Enchanted boy.
London: GMP, 1989.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 M35 1989
Male rape: breaking the silence on the last taboo.
London: GMP, 1990.
SocWk HV 8836 .M42 1990
Striptease culture: sex, media and the democratization of desire.
London: Routledge, 2002.
note: [chapter] 7, The mainstreaming of gayness, pp. 129-148; [chapter]
10, Queer culture, pp. 179-190.
Suz P96 .S45 M36 2002
Andre's mother and other short plays.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1995.
note: Street talk; The wibbly, wobbly, wiggly dance that Cleopatterer did;
Prelude & Liebestod; Andre's mother.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Andre's mother
Corpus Christi.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1999.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Corpus Christi.
Corpus Christi: a play.
NY: Grove Press, c1998.
Drama PS 3563 .A323 C67 1998
The Lisbon traviata..
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1986.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Lison traviata
The Lisbon traviata. Rev.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1992.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Lisbon traviata 2
Love! Valour! Compassion!
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1995.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Love! Valour!
Love! Valour! Compassion!; and, A perfect ganesh: two plays.
NY: Plume, 1995.
Suz, Drama, Bot PS 3563 .A323 L6 1995
The Times Square hustler: male prostitution in New York City.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1994.
Suz HQ 146 .N7 M24 1994
I dwell in possibility: a memoir.
NY: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, [distributor]
Talman Co., c1992.
Suz, Ugl PE 64 M38 A3 1992
Poisoned ivy: lesbian and gay academics confronting homophobia.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997.
Suz LC 212.862 .M35 1997
A disturbed peace: selected writings of an Irish Catholic homosexual.
Washington, DC: Dignity, c1981.
Suz HQ 75.8 .M36 A33 1981
Gay issues in the workplace.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993.
BusAd, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.3 U5 M4 1993
Now that I'm out, what do I do?
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 M395 1997
On being gay: thoughts on family, faith, and love.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1988.
see also: A Conversation with Brian McNaught on being gay
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.25 M375 1988
Both feet firmly planted in midair: my spiritual journey.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1998.
Suz BX 4668.3 .M38 A3 1998
The church and the homosexual.
Kansas City [KA]: Sheed Andrews and McMeel, c1976.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76 .M156
The church and the homosexual. Updated and expanded edition.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1988.
Ugl HQ 76.25 M38 1988
Freedom glorious freedom: the spiritual journey to the fulness of life for
gays, lesbians, and everybody else.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1995.
Suz BV 4596 .G38 M65 1995
Taking a chance on God: liberating theology for gays, lesbians, and their
lovers, families, and friends.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1988.
Suz, Ugl BV 4596 G38 M46 1988
Crip theory: cultural signs of queerness and disability. Forward by
Michael Bérubé.
NY: New York University Press, c2006.
Bot HV 1568 .M37 2006
The queer renaissance: contemporary American literature and the
reinvention of lesbian and gay identities.
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
Suz PS 153 .G38 M38 1997
The vanilla kid.
Stamford, CT: Knights Press, c1986.
Suz PS 3563 .C9 V36 1986
Esenin: a life.
Ann Arbor: Ardis, c1976.
Ugl PG 3476 .E8 Z758
Isadora & Esenin.
Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1980.
Suz, Ugl GV 1785 .D8 M27
The male couple: how relationships develop. By David P. McWhirter and
Andrew M. Mattison.
Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, c1984.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.2 U5 M38 1984
Bodies and pleasures: Foucault and the politics of sexual
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, c1999.
Suz, Bot HQ 23 .M369 1999
Highsmith: a romance of the 1950s: a memoir.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c2003.
Suz PS 3558 .I366 Z77 2003
NY: McGraw-Hill, c1996.
SocWk, Bot, Tac HN 59.2 .M44 1996
[Editors] Karen E. Rosenblum, Toni-Michelle C. Travis.
Boston: McGraw-Hill, c2000.
Bot HN 59.2 .M44 2000
Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Ugl, Bot HN 59.2 .M44 2003
Boston: McGraw-Hill, c2006.
Bot HN 59.2 .M44 2006
Dallas, TX: Spence Pub. Co., 2006.
note: [chapter] 2, What about the children? Liberal cautions on same-sex
marriage (Don Browning and Elizabeth Marquardt), pp. 29-52; [chapter] 8,
Soft despotism and same-sex marriage, (Seana Sugrue), pp. 172-196.
Tac HQ 536 .M415 2006
Bruce Chatwin.
NY: Twayne, 1997.
(Twayne's English authors series; TEAS 542)
Ugl PR 6053 .H395 Z76 1997
see: In another part of the forest: an anthology of gay short fiction.
Les Droits des homosexuel-les. By Caroline Mecary,... Geraud de La
Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1998.
Suz KJV 4198 .G39 M43 1998
Between little rock and a hard place: the new gay/lesbian/bisexual struggle
for national political power.
Portland, OR: Williams Publishing, c1993.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 M43 1993
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c2007.
note: [chapter] 6, Homosexuality (Dave Cassady), pp. 81-89
Tac PN 4888 .O25 M45 2007
Seattle: Mayor's Lesbian/Gay Task Force, 1988.
note: "Portions of this guide have been adapted, with permission,
from Talk Back! The Gay Person's Guide to Media Action."
see also: Lesbian and Gay Media Advocates. Talk back! the gay person's
guide to media action.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 M42 1988
Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 4. Typesetting desire: a critical reading of mainstream
press construction of gay identity as disease (Roger Myrick), pp. 63-74;
[chapter] 6. From "their" disease to "our" disease: portrayals of AIDS on
prime-time televsion (Rod Carveth), pp. 97-116.
Suz P96 .A39 M43 2003
NY: Peter Lang, c2007.
Suz P94.5 .G38 M43 2007
Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, c1999.
note: [chapter] 10, "We are your neighbors": Serving in Silence and the
simulated lesbian (Amy Villarejo), pp. 165-180.
Suz HQ 1421 .M43 1999
NY: McGraw-Hill Medical Pub. Division, c2007.
note: chapter 27, Sexuality as vulnerability: the care of lesbian and gay
patients (Anne Rosenthal, Allison Diamant), pp. 275-283; chapter 38,
HIV/AIDS: impact on vulnerable populations (Meg D. Newman, Margaret B.
Wheeler), pp. 397-406.
Health, Bot WA 300 M4895 2007
NY: Garland Pub., 1984.
(Garland library of medieval literature, v. 7)
Suz PA 8164 .M4 1984
see: Looking for Langston
Attitudes toward homosexuality at private colleges.
M.A. Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
available on line,
Contacts desired: gay and lesbian communications and community,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Suz HQ 76.25 .M44 2006
Better angel.
Boston: Alyson Publications, [1990]
Suz PS 3503 .R812 B48 1990
Bombay talkie.
NY: High Risk Books, 1994.
Suz PS 3563 .E333 B65 1994
(SEM) erotics: theorizing lesbian: writing.
NY: New York University Press, c1992.
(Cutting edge)
Suz, Bot PS 153 .L46 M44 1992
edited by John Banks and Martina Weitsch with an afterword by Mary D. E.
[Manchester: Friends Homosexual Fellowship], 1982.
Suz BX 7748 .H6 M44 1982
Free spirits: feminist philosophers on culture. Kate Mehuron, Gary
NY: Macmillan College Pub. Co.; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan Canada,
note: Commodity Lesbianism (Danae Clark), pp. 82-94; Gender treachery;
homophobia, masculinity, and threatened identities (Patrick D. Hopkins),
pp. 419-433.
Ugl HQ 1190 .M44 1995
Emanzipation als Herausforderung: rechtsrevolutionäre Schriftsteller
zwischen Bisexualität und Androgyne.
Wien: Böhlau, c1998.
(Literatur in der Geschichte, Geschichte in der Literatur, Bd. 46)
Suz PN 56 .A57 M45 1998
Histoire de l'amour grec dans l'antiquité, par. M.-H.-E. Meier;
d'un choix de documents originaux et de plusiers dissertations
complémentaires, par L.-R. de Pogey-Castries.
Paris: Guy Le Prat, [c1952]
note: "Cette histoire a eté publiée pour la première
fois dans l'Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und
Künsten...hrsg. von J.S. Ersch and J.G. Gruber (3e section, tome IX,
pp. 149-188), Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1837.
Suz HQ 13 .M4 1952
Mord, Philosophie und die Liebe der Männer: Franz Desgouttes und
Heinrich Hössli; eine Parallelbiographie.
Zürich: Pendo, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.2 .S9 M454 2001
[Horst Hornig, Christina Gottschall, Hg.]
Hamburg: Männerschwarm, 1998.
note: "Ausstellung im Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, 22. April
bis 7. Juni 1998."
Suz WC 503.7 .M514 1998
Feldforschung: Erzählungen.
Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2006.
Suz PT 2673 .E529 F45 2006
Bambule. Fürssorge, Sorge für wen? Nachwort: Klaus Wagenbach.
[Berlin] Wagenbach [1971]
Suz PT 2673 .E54 B3
Portrait of an artist as a mature woman: a study of Virginia Woolf's
androgynous aesthetics in To the Lighthouse by Margaret E. Melia.
Godwinian influences in Wordsworth's The borderers: reconciling head and
heart by Barbara Peiffer.
Emporia, KS: School of graduate and Professional Studies, Emporia State
University, [1988]
Emporia State research studies, v.37,no.1 (Summer, 1988)
Suz PR 6045 .O72 Z8165 1988
Legalizing gay marriage. Foreword by David L. Chambers.
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2004.
Suz, Law, Bot HQ 1034 .U5 M45 2004.
Clint Eastwood loves Jeff Bridges, true!: "homosexuality", androgyny &
evolution: a simple introduction.
London (c/o 5 Caledonian Rd., N.1): Quantum Jump Publications: another
Orbit Press, c1978.
Suz HQ 76.25 .M45 1978
Teaching America about sex: marriage guides and sex manuals from the late
Victorians to Dr. Ruth. [By] M. E. Melody and Linda M. Peterson.
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
[chapter] 8. Does pleasure demand the conjunction of particular body
parts? Gay and lesbian sex, (Charles Silverstein, M.D.,
Edmund White, Felice Picano, Emily L. Sisley, M.D., Bertha Harris,
Joann Loulan), pp. 179-206.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 56 .M365 1999
The golden boy.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1992.
Suz WC 503.7 M528g 1992
Edited with an introduction by John Preston.
NY: Dutton, c1992.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.2 U5 M46 1992
Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 M46 1994
Edited by Franklin Abbott.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1990.
note: 35 personal accounts; some gay, bisexual
Ugl HQ 1090 .M427 1990
London; NY: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003.
note: [chapter] 2, What masculinity?: transgender practices among Japanese
"men" (Wim Lunsing), pp. 20-36; [chapter] 4, Female masculinity ["...interest
in non-lesbian female masculinity..."] and fantasy spaces; transcending
genders in the Takarazuka theatre and Japanese popular culture (Karen
Nakamura and Kisako Matsuo), pp. 59-76; [chapter] 11, HIV risk and the
(im)permeability of the male body; representations and realities of gay men
in Japan (Takashi Kazama and Kazuya Kawaguchi), pp. 180-197.
Suz HQ 1090.7 .J3 M46 2003
Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, c2003.
note: [chapter] 3, "And she became a man": King Ahebi Ugbabe in the
history of Enugu-Ezike, Northern Igboland, 1880-1948 (Nwando Achebe), pp.
Suz HQ 1090.5 .A357 M45 2003
Amherst, NY: Pometheus Books, 1999.
note: [chapter] 5: Masculinity as homophobia: gear, shame and silence in
the construction of gender identity (Michael S. Kimmel), pp.
105-128;[chapter] 9, Gay male pornography/gay male community. Power
without consent, mimicry without subversion (Christopher N. Kendall), pp.
Suz HQ 1090 .M4283 1999
Edited by Ronald F. Levant, Gary R. Brooks.
NY: J. Wiley, c1997.
note: Chapter 10. Gay men and nonrelational sex. (Roy Scrivner), pp.
Suz, Tac HQ 28 .M44 1997
Betty J. Kramer, Edward H. Thompson, editors.
NY: Springer Pub., 2002.
note: [chapter] 7, The Experiences and relationships of gay male
caregivers who provide care for their partners with AIDS (Carolyn Sidwell
Sipes), pp. 151-189; [chapter] 8, AIDS caregiving stress among
HIV-Infected men (Richard G. Wight), pp. 190-212.
Tac HV 1441.4 .M44 2002
NY: Routledge, 1998.
note: chapter 4, On your knees: carnal knowledge, masculine dissolution,
doing feminism (Brian Pronger), pp. 69-79;chapter 16, Reading like a
(Transsexual) man (Henry S. Rubin), pp. 305-324; chapter 17, Feminist
ambiguity in heterosexual lives: reflections on Andrea Dworkin (Laurence
Mordekhai Thomas), pp. 325-336.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1090.3 .M44 1998
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, c1996.
SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .M46 1996
Athens: University of Georgia Press, c1992.
note: poems by men about coming of age and relationships; the
section, Brothers, Friends, Lovers, and Others (pp. 241-288), includes
poems about male-male love
Ugl PS 590 .M4 1992
Edited with an introduction by George Stambolian.
NY: New American Library, [1986]
Suz, Ugl PS 648 H57 M46 1986
Edited with an introduction by George Stambolian.
NY: New American Library, c1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 648 H57 M47 1988
Edited with an introduction by George Stambolian.
NY: Dutton, c1990.
Suz PS 648 H57 M472 1990
Edited by George Stambolian; introduction by Felice Picano; afterword by
Andrew Holleran.
NY: Plume, c1992.
Suz PS 648 .H57 M473 1992
Edited and with an introduction by David Bergman.
NY: Plume, c1994.
Suz PS 648 .H57 M474 1994
NY: Penguin, 1996.
Suz PS 648 .H57 M475 1996
NY: Plume, C1998.
Suz PS 648 .H57 M48 1998
[Mont Albert, Vic.]: Gamma Project, 1996.
SocWk HQ 74.2 .A8 M46 1996
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, c1999.
Suz, Tac HQ 117 .M46 1999
The race card: campaign strategy, implicit messages, and the norm of
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c2001.
note: chapter 9, Implicit communication beyond race: gender, sexual
orientation, and ethnicity, pp. 239-267.
Suz, Bot E185.615 .M38 2001
The elusive embrace: desire and the riddle of identity.
NY: Knopf, 1999.
Suz HQ 75.8 .M46 A3 1999
Later Auden.
NY: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1999.
Suz PR 6001 .U4 Z7585 1999
Life and work of Walt Whitman: a Soviet view. Maurice Mendelson;
[translated from the Russian by Andrew Bronfield; illustrated by G.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1976.
Suz PS 3231 .M4 E5 1976
Una mala noche la tiene cualquiera. 3. ed.
Barcelona: Tusquets Editores, 1989.
Suz PQ 6663 .E49 M35 1989
The Mendola report: a new look at gay couples.
NY: Crown, c1980.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 U5 M46 1980
A gay couple's journey through surrogacy: intended fathers.
NY: Haworth Press, c2006.
Ugl, Bot HQ 76.13 .M46 2006
The representation of masochism and queer desire in film and
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Suz PN 1995.9 .M38 M46 2007
Wanton words: rhetoric and sexuality in English Renaissance drama.
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 2, Performance anxiety: metonymy, Richard II, The Roaring
Girl, pp. 35-67.
Drama PR 649 .R46 M45 2004
Edited by Bjorn Krondorfer.
NY: New York University Press, c1996.
note: chapters 5-9, Empowerment: the construction of gay religious
identities (Michael L. Stemmeler), pp. 94-107; Bringing good news to the
body: masturbation and male identity (Scott Haldeman), pp. 111-124; Facing
the body on the cross: a gay man's reflections on passion and crucifixion
(Robin Hawley Gorsline), pp. 125-145; Men and Christian Friendship (Philip
L. Culbertson), pp. 149-180; "The Manly love of comrades":
Mythico-Religious models for an athletics of male-male friendship (William
G. Doty), pp. 181-201.
Suz, Bot BT 703.5 .M46 1996
Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, c1992.
(Research on men and masculinities, 2)
Suz, Bot HQ 1090 M47 1992
NY: Macmillan; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan Canada, c1992.
note: The new masculinity of gay men, and beyond, (Seymour Kleinberg), pp.
80-94, reprinted from his Alienated Affections, St. Martin's Press, 1980;
Men and AIDS (Martin S. Kimmel and Martin P. Levine), pp. 318-329;
Homophobia among men: supporting and defining the male role, (Gregory K.
Lehne), pp. 381-394; The politics of gay men's friendships, (Peter M.
Nardi), pp. 394-398; When men are the victims of rape, (Susan
Brownmiller), pp. 418-420, reprinted from: her Against our will: men,
women and rape, Simon and Schuster, 1975; Men loving men: the challenge of
gay liberation, (Gary Kinsman), pp. 483-496, reprinted from Beyond
patriarchy: essays by men on pleasure, power and change, (Michael
Kaufmann, ed.), Oxford University Press, 1987; ARVN as faggots: inverted
warfare in Vietnam, (Charles J. Levy), pp. 183-198, originally appeared
in Society. v.8, no. 12, 1971; The Status of gay men in the workplace,
(Martin P. Levine), pp. 251-266; Gay in the Fifties, (Martin Duberman),
pp. 298-329, reprinted from Salmagundi, Fall 1982-Winter 1983, originally
appeared as Interview: Martin Duberman, Gay Sunshine, Spring 1977; To love
and cherish: gays and lesbians lead the way in redefining the family,
(Patricia Horn), pp. 515-521, reprinted from Dollars & sense (June 1990),
pp. 9-11, 21-22; Life-styles of gay husbands and fathers, (Brian Miller),
pp. 538-547.
Ugl HQ 1090.3 .M465 1992
Boston: Allyn and Bacon, c2001.
note: Article 11, Memories of Same-Sex Attractions (Ritch C.
Savin-Williams), pp. 117-133; Trips to Fantasy Island: Contexts of Risky
Sex for San Francisco Gay Men (Rafael M. Diaz), pp. 327-343; Article 34,
The Politics of Gay Men's Friendships (Peter m. Nardi), pp. 380-383;
Article 38, The Heterosexual Questionnaire (M. Rochlin), pp. 407; Article
41, Chicano Men: A Cartography of Homosexual Identity and Behavior (Tomas
Almaguer), pp. 415-428; Article 42, Sociocultural Facets of the Black Gay
Male experience (Susan D. Cochran, Vickie M. Mays), pp. 429-437; Article
44, Life-Styles of Gay Husbands and Fathers (Brian Miller), pp. 443-450;
Article 50, Looking for My Penis: The Eroticized Asia in Gay Video Porm
(Richard Fung), pp. 515-524.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon, c2001.
Ugl, Bot HQ 1090.3 .M465 2001
Edited by Harry Brod; foreword by Letty Cottin Pogrebin.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1988.
note: chapters- The Jewish View of Homosexuality; Reclaiming Jewish
history: Homo-erotic Poetry of the Middle Ages; the Gay Movement is no Place
for Jew-hating.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1090.3 .M47 1988
Ottawa: National Advisory Council on Aging, 2002.
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 104-02504
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 104-02505 (for French version,
Santé mentale et vieillissement)
note: section on "Gay and Lesbian Seniors"; "Les âinés gais
et lesbiennes"
note: also available online,
for online French version,
NY: Wiley, c2001.
note: [chapter] 48, Affirmative assessment and therapy with lesbian, gay,
and bisexual clients (Thomas V. Palma), pp. 333-341.
SocWkRef WM 140 M5484 2001
Tonda L. Hughes, Carrol Smith, Alice Dan, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, 2003.
Ugl, Tac WA 305 M54922 2003
Edited by Billy E. Jones, Marjorie J. Hill.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Pub., c2002.
(Review of psychiatry series, v.21, no. 4)
Ugl WM 611 M549 2002
Manuale dei diritti degli omosessuali. Con una prefazione di Stefano
Milano: Babilonia edizioni, 1996.
Suz KKH 2467 .G38 M463 1996
Welcome to the jungle: new positions in Black cultural studies.
NY: Routledge, 1994.
note: [chapter] 5. Black masculinity and the sexual politics of race, pp.
130-170; [chapter] 6. Reading racial fetishism: the photographs of Robert
Mapplethorpe, pp. 171-219; [chapter] 7. Dark & lovely: black gay-image
making, pp. 221-232.
Ugl, Bot, Tac NX 512.3 .A35 M47 1994
In your face: 9 sexual studies.
NY: New York University Press, c2000.
Suz P96 .S45 M47 2000
Perversions: deviant readings.
NY: Routledge, 1993.
Suz, Bot HQ 71 .M45 1993
Equality for same-sex couples: the legal recognition of gay partnerships
in Europe and the United States.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Suz, Law K699 .M37 2002
Oscar Wilde; ou, La "destinee" de l'homosexuel.
Paris: Gallimard [1955]
Suz PR 5823 .M42 1955
American studies.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994.
Suz PS 3563 .E7422 A47 1994
An arrow's flight.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 .E7422 A89 1998
Man about town.
London; NY: Fourth Estate, c2003.
Suz PS 3563 .E7422 M3 2003
The Lord won't mind: a novel.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1995, c1970.
Suz PS 3525 .E6413 L67 1995
Now let's talk about music.
NY: Avon Books, 1981.
Suz PS 3525 .E6413 N6 1981
One for the gods; a novel.
[New York]: Bernard Geis Associates [1971]
Suz PS 3525 .E6413 O54 1971
Collected prose. Edited by J. D. McClatchy and Stephen Yenser.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 2004.
Suz PS 3525 .E6645 A6 2004
A different person: a memoir.
NY: Knopf, 1993.
Suz PS 3525 .E6645 Z464 1993
Ugl PS 3525 .E6645 Z464 1994 (Harper paperback ed.)
When Romeo was a woman: Charlotte Cushman and her circle of female
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1999.
Ugl, Drama PN 2287 .C8 M47 1999
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1996.
Suz PS 3563 .E74533 S55 1996
Lesbian versus heterosexual social networks and social support.
Thesis (M. Nur.) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1986.
HSLIC W 7 Th33746
Aux 33746
A gender and space analysis of Seattle's lesbian and gay communities.
Thesis (M. A.) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1992.
Suz G 59 Th39978
Aux Thesis 39978
London: Gay Men's Press, 1983.
Suz PR 1309 .H57 M47 1983
Politics of masculinities: men in movements.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1997.
note: chapter 5, Racial and sexual identity politics: racialized
masculinity politics and gay male liberation, pp. 63-88.
Suz, Bot HQ 1090.3 .M475 1997
Power at play: sports and the problem of masculinity.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1992.
note: [chapter] 2: Boyhood: the promise of sport, pp. 24-41; [chapter] 5.
Friendship, intimacy, and sexuality, pp. 85-107.
Ugl, Bot GV 706.4 .M47 1992
Sex, violence & power in sports: rethinking masculinity.
By Michael A. Messner & Donald F. Sabo.
Freeedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1994.
Ugl, SocWk GV 706.5 .M47 1994
Taking the field: women, men, and sports.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2002.
note: chapter 2, Playing Center: The Triad of Violence in Men's Sports,
pp. 27-61. [how violent homophobia is used as a bonding mechanism in men's
sports, pp. 52-61.]
Suz GV 706.32 .M47 2002
The effect of diagnostic internal anal biopsy on human papillomavirus 16,
18 or 45 DNA detection, and on anal cytologic findings in a cohort of
homosexual males.
Seattle: 1996.
note: Thesis (M. P. H.)- - University of Washington, 1996.
HSLIC WA 7 Th44760
Aux Thesis 44760
Denton Welch, writer and artist. With a foreword by Alan Bennett.
Carlton-in-Coverdale, Leyburn, North Yorkshire: Tartarus Press, 2002.
Ugl PR 6045 .E517 Z73 2002
Norront nid: forestillingen om den umandige mand i de islandske
Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag, 1980.
Suz PT 7193 .M45 M48
The unmanly man: concepts of sexual defamation in early northern
society. Translated by Joan Turville-Petre.
[Odense] Odense University Press, 1983.
note: translation of: Norront nid.
Suz, Ugl PT 7162 M34 M413 1983
Homosexuelle Nazis: ein Stereotyp in Politik und Literatur des Exils.
Hamburg: MannerschwarmSkript, 1990.
Suz DD 256.5 .M486 1990
Ottawa: The Directorate, 1999.
note: French ed. Mexique: traitment des minorités sexuelles on the
same fiche.
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 101-01575
Elliott & Win.
NY: Athenaum, 1986.
note: Fourteen-year-old Win hopes to receive support and guidance in
self-acceptance from his adult friend Elliott, despite another boy's
insistence that Elliott is a homosexual.
ChiLit PZ7 .M5685 El 1986
Biographie der Besturzung.
Hamburg: MannerschwarmSkript, 1997.
Suz PT 2673 .E915 B56 1997
Creating GI Jane: sexuality and power in the Women's Army Corps during
World War II.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
Suz, Ugl Bot UA 565 .W6 M48 1996
Outlaw representation: censorship & homosexuality in twentieth-century
American art.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2002.
(Ideologies of desire)
Art, Ugl N8217 .H67 M49 2002
Law and mental health: a case-based approach. Robert G. Meyer, Christopher
M. Weaver.
NY: Guilford Press, c2006.
note: chapter 10, Sexual orientation and civil rights, pp. 163-177.
Suz, Health KF 480 .A7 M49 2006
Everywhere house: a mystery.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c1994.
SpecColl PNW PS 3563 .E886 E94 1994
How sex changed: a history of transsexuality in the United States.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002.
Suz, Bot HQ 77.95 .E85 M48 2002
The human body and the law; a medico-legal study.
Chicago: Aldine Pub. Co. [1970]
note: [chapter] 3, Transsexualism: Problems of sex determination and
alteration, pp. 48-69.
Ugl, HSLIC HV 6493 .M49
Law K 3601 M49 1970
The human body and the law. 2nd ed.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1990.
note: [chapter] 8, Transsexualism, pp. 219-238.
Law K3601 .M49 1990
Homosexuality and literature, 1890-1930.
Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1977.
Suz, Ugl PN 56 H57 M4 1977a
Somerset Maugham: a life.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 2004.
Suz PR 6025 .A86 Z763 2004
Bot PR 6025 .A86 Z763 2005
The sexual tensions of William Sharp: a study of the birth of Fiona
MacLeod, incorporating two lost works, Ariadne in Naxos
NY: P. Lang, c1996.
(Studies in nineteenth-century British literature, v.2)
Suz PR 5357 .M49 1996
Queers in court: gay rights law and public policy.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2007.
Suz KF 4754.5 .Z9 M49 2007
Standing out, standing together: the social and political impact of
gay-straight alliances. Foreword by Steven Seidman.
NY; London: Routledge, 2005.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 M49 2005
[NY]: Kino International Corp., [2004]
(Gay-themed films of the German silent era)
note: DVD; silent with English intertitles and musical accompaniment;
based on the novel by Herman Bang, Mikaël; special feature- audio
by Danish film scholar Casper Tybjerg.
note: cast- Walter Slezak, Max Auzinger, Nora Gregor, Robert Garrison,
Benjamin Christensen, Dider Asian, Alexander Murski, Grete Moshem, Karl
Freund; credits- photographers, Karl Freund, Rudolph Maté;
original music, Neal Kurz; produced for video by David Shepard.
note: A great, aging artist succumbs to despair when the young model and
pupil he adores leaves him for a woman. Although the story is discreetly
played at a father/adopted son level on the surface, the homosexual
subtext is quite clear in this early Dreyer film made in Germany.
UglMed DVD KINO 089
Unbecoming. Edited by Paul Foss; new preface by Michael Moon; introduction
by Simon Watney.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1997.
(Series Q)
note: first published in Australia in 1990
Suz WC 503.7 M621u 1997
A body to dye for.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1990.
Suz PS 3563 .I3317 B64 1990
Dead as a doornail.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Suz PS 3563 .I2715 D36 1998
Dead on your feet.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1993.
Suz PS 3563 .I2715 D4 1993b
Love you to death.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993.
Suz PS 3563 .I2715 L68 1993
Mask for a diva.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996.
Suz PS 3563 .I2715 M37 1996
Rocky horror: from concept to cult. Scott Michaels & David Evans.
London: Sanctuary, [2002?]
Ugl ML 410 .O129 M53 2002
The essential Duane Michals. [adapted from] Marco Livingstone.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1997.
note: "The biography is adapted from the note by Marco Livingstone in the
exhibition catalogue Duane Michals: Photographs/Sequences/Texts,
1958-1984, published by the Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, England in
Art TR 654 .M4648 1997
Sleep and dream.
NY: Lustrum Press, c1984.
SpecColl Book Arts TR .M522 1984
Deconstructing the representation of AIDS in poetry. 1998.
Thesis (M. A.) -- Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1998
available online,
Love sonnets and madrigals to Tommaso de'Cavalieri.
Translated from the Italian and with an introduction by Michael
London: P. Owen, 1997.
note: English and Italian on facing pages.
Suz PQ 4615 .B6 A268 1997
Michelangelo: a self portrait.
Edited with commentaries and new translations by Robert J.
Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall [1963]
note: for love poems and letters to men, pp. 92-101.
Art 750.92 M58mic
The poetry of Michelangelo: an annotated translation. By James Saslow.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1991.
note: In Italian and English; with scholarly annotations and introductory
Suz, Bot PQ 4615 .B6 A265 1991
Selbstbilder und Fremdbilder der "Anderen": eine Geschichte Männer
begehrender Männer in der Weimarer Republik und der NS-Zeit.
Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, c2005.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 M53 2005
The 100 best companies for gay men and lesbians.
NY: Pocket Books, c1994.
SuzRef, Ugl Career Books HF 5382 .M48 1994
Of sacred worth.
Nashville: Abingdon Press, c1991.
Suz BR 115 .H6 M53 1991
[United States]: Home Box Office, c2006.
note: DVD; originally produced for television broadcast in 2006.
note: credits - Director of photography, Jonathan Partridge; editing,
McDonald Brown; music, Dimitri Tchamouroff; narrator, Gore Vidal.
note: Sensitively explores the controversial subject of the blurring of
gender as well as the serious social and family problems - even dangers -
often faced by those whose gender may fall somewhere in between male and
UglMed DVD HBO 031
Suits me: the double life of Billy Tipton.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
Suz, Ugl, Music, SpecCollPNW ML 417 .T58 M53 1998
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 M53 2000
NY: Garland Pub., 1998.
note: Preposterous pleasures; queer theories and A Midsummer Night's Dream
(Douglas E. Green), pp. 369-397.
Suz, Drama PR 2827 .M544 1998
Homosexuality and liberation: elements of a gay critique.
Translated by David Fernbach.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1980.
note: translation of: Elementi di critica omosessuale; originally
presented as author's thesis.
Suz HQ 76 .M5313 1980
Der homosexuelle Wortschatz im Russischen: Einvernehmliche und
Lagersexualität zwischen Mannern.
München: O. Sagner, 1995.
Suz HQ 9 .M54 1995
Just lucky I guess: from closet lesbian to radical dyke.
Santa Fe, N.M.: Desert Crone Press, c1993.
Suz HQ 75.4 .M55 A32 1993
Beispiel Peter Schult: Pädophilie im öffentlichen
Hamburg: Männerschwarm, 2006.
Suz HV 6570.4 .G3 M55 2006 der Richtung der Homosexualität verdorben: Psychiater,
Kriminalpsychologen und Gerichtsmediziner über männliche
Homosexualität, 1850-1970.
Hamburg: Männerschwarmskript, c2002.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel. Sonderreihe Wissenscahft, Bd. 1)
Suz WM 11 GA1 M64li 2002
Die Münchner Schwulenbewegung 1969 bis 1996: eine Fallstudie
über die zweite deutsche Schwulenbewegung.
Bochum: D. Winkler, 1999.
(Historisch-interdisziplinäre Männerforschungen, Bd. 1)
Suz HQ 76.8 .G4 M55 1999
Fighting for air: a Cal Meredith mystery.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c1995.
SpecColl Pacific NW PR 9199.3 .M4565 F54 1995
Ginsberg: a biography.
NY: Simon and Schuster, c1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3513 .I74 Z745 1989
William Burroughs: el hombre invisible.
NY: Hyperion, c1993.
Suz PS 3552 .U75 Z743 1993
Savage beauty: the life of Edna St. Vincent Millay.
NY: Random House, c2001.
Suz PS 3525 .I495 Z72 2001
Arlington, VA: Office of the Inspector General, Dept. of Defense,
(Report No. D-2000-101. March 16, 2000).
note: available online,
Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, 2006.
note: chapter 7, Sexual orientation and military service: prospects for
organizational and individual change in the United States, (Gregory M.
Herek and Aaron Belkin), pp. 119-142.
UglRef U22.3 .M485 2006
And then-- the brides changed nappies: lesbian mothers, gay fathers and
the legal recognition of our relationships with the children we raise: a
community law reform project: final report. [Authored by Jenni
Sydney: Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, 2003.
Suz HQ 75.28 .A8 M55 2003
Directory of the International Association of Lesbian and Gay Archives and
[Toronto] The Association, 1987.
Suz Z 675 L48 M55 1987
Our own voices: a directory of lesbian and gay periodicals, 1890-1990:
including the complete holdings of the Canadian Gay Archives.
Toronto: Alan V. Miller, c1991.
(Canadian Gay Archives publication, no. 12)
SuzRef Z 7164 .S42 M55 1991
Stages of desire: gay theatre's hidden history.
London; NY: Cassell, 1996.
Ugl, Drama PR 625 .M55 1996
Bringing out Roland Barthes.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1992.
Suz, Bot P85 .B33 M55 1992
Place for us: essay on the Broadway musical.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998.
Suz, Drama ML 1711 .M58 1998
Coping when a parent is gay.
NY: Rosen Pub. Group, 1993.
ChiLit HQ 777.8 .M55 1993
Freedom to differ: the shaping of the gay and lesbian struggle for civil
NY: New York University Press, c1998.
Suz, Law, Bot, Tac HQ 76.8 .U5 M55 1998
The gay males' odyssey in the corporate world: from disempowerment to
NY: Haworth Press, c1995.
Suz HD 6285 .M55 1995
Iron wheel.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
Suz PS 3563 .I3787 I76 1998
The love of good women.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1986.
Suz, Bot PS 3563 .I39 L6 1986
Patience and Sarah.
NY: McGraw-Hill [1972, c1969]
note: 1969 ed. has title: A place for us.
Ugl PS 3563 .I39 P3
Suz PS 3563 .I39 P3 1973
A place for us, see Miller, Isabel. Patience and Sarah.
Side by side.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1990.
Suz PS 3563 .I39 S5 1990
American odalisque: poems.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c1987.
Suz PS 3563 .I4116 A8 1987
Memory at these speeds: new and selected poems.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c1996.
Suz PS 3563 .I4116 M45 1996
Sounds of silence breaking: women, autobiography, curriculum.
NY: P. Lang, c2005.
note: chapter 14, Autobiography as a queer curriculum practice, pp.
Suz, Bot LB 2806.15 .M47 2005
The Passion of Michel Foucault.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1993.
Suz B 2430 .F724 M554 1993
Lou Harrison. By Leta E. Miller, Fredric Lieberman.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 7, Politics and society; activist art, activist arguments,
activist acts, pp. 94-107.
Music ML 410 .H2066 M54 2006
Skin to skin: erotic lesbian love stories.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c1998.
Suz PS 3563 .I4158 S58 1998
Historical dictionary of lesbian literature.
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2006.
SuzRef, BotRef PN 491.3 .M55 2006
On being different; what it means to be homosexual.
NY: Random [1971]
Ugl HQ 76 M55
Suz HQ 76 .M55 1971b (Popular Library ed.)
What happened.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1980.
Suz PS 3525 .I5556 W5 1980
In search of gay America: women and men in a time of change.
NY: Atlantic Monthly Press, c1989.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.33 U5 M55 1989
Out in the world: gay and lesbian life from Buenos Aires to Bangkok.
NY: Random House, c1992.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.25 .M55 1992
Out of the past: gay and lesbian history from 1869 to the present.
NY: Vintage Books, 1995.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 .M56 1995
Out of the past: gay and lesbian history from 1869 to the present. Rev. &
NY: Alyson Books, 2006.
Bot HQ 76.25 .M56 2006
Sex-crime panic: a journey to the paranoid heart of the 1950s.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2002.
Ugl HV 6534 .S53 M55 2002
Men and friendship.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, c1983.
note: [chapter] 10, The fear of homosexuality, pp. 129-142.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 1090 .M56 1983
Prayer warriors.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999.
Suz BR 115 .H6 M53 1999
Pines '79: a romantic comedy in two acts. With an afterword by the
NY: JH Press, c1982.
(The JH Press gay play script series)
Suz PS 3563 .I421453 P5 1982
Body blows: six performances.
With a foreword by Tony Kushner; photographs by Dona Ann McAdams.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2002.
Drama PS 3613 .I56 B63 2002
1001 beds: performances, essays, and travels. Edited by Glen Johnson.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2006.
(Living out)
Ugl HQ 75.8 .M55 A3 2006
Shirts & skin.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1997.
Suz PS 3563 .I4214545 S47 1997
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.
note: [chapter] 4, Courting lesbianism (with Jim McKay and Randy Martin),
pp. 103-125.
Suz GV 706.2 .M55 2001
Homosexuality; a bibliography of literature published since 1959 and
available in New Zealand.
Wellington: New Zealand Library School, 1967 [i.e. 1968]
Suz ZWM 615 M653h 1967
A. D.: a memoir.
NY: W. W. Norton, 1995.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.8 .U5 M64 1995
NY: Knopf; [distributed by Random House] 1974.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1413 .M54 A3 1974
Mother Millett.
London; NY: Verso, 2001.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1413 .M54 A3 2001
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, c1977.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.4 M54 A36 1977
Elizabeth Bishop: life and the memory of it.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1993.
Suz PS 3503 .I785 Z78 1993
The politics of homosexuality.
[London, Pluto P., 1973]
Suz HQ 76.8 .G7 M54 1973
Gide Genet Mishima: intelligence de la perversion.
Paris: Gallimard, 1996.
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 Z785 1996
Horsexe: essay on transsexuality.
Translated from the French by Kenneth Hylton.
Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, c1990.
Suz WM 611 M656h 1990
My son Divine. With Kevin Heffernan and Steve Yeager.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2001.
Suz PN 2287 .D477 M55 2001
Red azalea.
NY: Berkley Books, 1995.
Suz DS 778.7 .M56 1995
EAsia DS 778.7 .M56 1994 (Pantheon ed.)
The splintered day.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1999
Ugl PS 3563 .I462 S65 1999
Lanham, MD: National Film Network, [2004]
note: DVD
note: performer- Primary interviewed narrators, Chili D (aka Diane
Félix), Prado Y. Gomez roundtable participants, Ricky Leyva,
Yoseñio V. Lewis, Olga Texidor; Ana Lazo, Tía Elena
martínez; credits- cinematographer, Michael Guzmán; edited
by Michael Guzmán, Mary Guzmán; music, Manuel Fernancez, Pia
note: Combining personal narratives and round table discussions, Latina
butch lesbians and Latino female-to-male transsexuals talk about their
lives and their feelings towards one another.
BotMed DVD BOT-1221
Range of light.
Cambridge, MA: Zoland Books, 1998.
Suz, Bot PS 3563 .I4647 R36 1998
The talented Mr. Ripley: a screenplay.
NY: Hyperion, c1999.
note: based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith.
Suz PN 1997 .T29 1999
Ferocious romance: what my encounters with the right taught me about sex,
God, and fury.
NY: Free Press, c1998.
Suz BV 3773 .M56 1998
Departing from deviance: a history of homosexual rights and emancipatory
science in America.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 M56 2002
Para entendernos: diccionario de cultura homosexual, gay y lesbica.
[Barcelona]: Ediciones de la Tempestad, 1999.
SuzRef HQ 76.25 .M58 1999
Homosexualidad hoy: acceptada o todavia condenada?
Presentación de Armand de Fluviá prólogo de la
Sociedad Catalana de Sexologia.
Barcelona: Herder, 1985.
note: translation from Catalan of Homosexualitat avui.
Suz HQ 76.25 .M5718 1985
Confessions of a mask. Translated by Meredith Weatherby.
[Norfolk, CT: New Directions, 1958]
note: Translation of Kamen no Kokuhaku.
Ugl, EAsia PL 833 .I7 K313
Forbidden colors. Translated from the Japanese by Alfred H. Marks.
NY: Knopf, 1968.
note: Translation of Kinjiki (romanized form)
Suz, Ugl PL 833 .I7 K5313
Bot PL 833 .I7 K5313 1970 (Avon ed.: Forbidden colours)
Kamen no kokuhaku.
Tokyo: Shinchosha, Showa 42 [1967], c1950, ([1972] printing)
EAsia PL 833 I7 K5 1967
EAsia PL 833 I7 K5 1950 (1958 printing)
Wien: Wiener Frauenverlag, c1993.
Suz PN 6120.95 .W7 M58 1993
Cloud atlas.
London: Spectre,c2004.
Suz, Bot PR 6063 .I785 C58 2004 (Random House ed.)
The faggots & their friends between revolutions.
Text by Larry Mitchell; drawings by Ned Asta.
Ithaca, NY: Calamus Books, c1977.
Suz, SpecColl Book Arts HQ 76 .M57 1977
The hymn to Eros: a reading of Plato's Symposium.
Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c1993.
Suz B385 .M58 1993
The homosexual & the law.
NY: ARCO [1969]
Suz, Ugl KF 9328 S6 M5
Solution three. [novel] Afterword by Susan M. Squier.
NY: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1995.
Ugl PR 6025 .I86 S57 1995
Hamburg: von Bockel, 1992-
(Schriftenreihe der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft, Bd. 7)
note: Reprint, with minor corrections, of periodical
published irregularly in Berlin.
Suz HQ 60 .M581 v.1-2 (Heft 1-15, 1983-1991)
The Boston sex scandal.
Boston: Glad Day Books, c1980.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 M46 1980
Sports & the macho male. 2d ed.
Boston: Fag Rag Books, 1976.
Suz GV 706 .M57 1976
Watakushi wa toransujenda: futatsu no sei no hazama de aru gen'eki
kokokyoshi no ikkikata.
Tama: Neoraifu, 2000.
EASia HQ 77.8 .M59 W38 2000
Brave journeys: profiles in gay and lesbian courage. By David Mixner and
Dennis Bailey.
NY: Bantam Books, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 M59 2000
Stranger among friends.
NY: Bantam Books, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.8 .M59 A3 1996
Civil wars: a battle for gay marriage.
Orlando: Harcourt, c2004.
Suz, Law, Bot HQ 1034 .U5 M62 2004
Homosexuality: a new Christian ethic.
Cambridge, [Cambridgeshire]: James Clarke, c1983.
note: psychologist, now also anti-gay rights Christian
Suz BR 115 .H6 M63 1983
Psychogenesis, the early development of gender identity.
London, Boston: Routledge & K. Paul, 1983.
SocWk WM 610 M687p 1983
Durham: Duke University Press, c2003.
Ugl, Tac HQ 76.3 .A78 M63 2003
Newbury Park, [CA]: SAGE Publications, c1993.
(Urban affairs annual reviews, v.41)
note: chapter 11, The difficulty of leaving "Home": gay and lesbian
organizing to confront AIDS, pp. 246-269 (Valerie Lehr)
Suz, Tac HN 49 .C6 M62 1993
The shipping mistake: my passage.
Lulu, c2006.
note: also available online for University of Washington users only:
Suz HQ 77.8 .M63 S55 2006
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, c2001.
(Critical perspectives on the past)
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 M63 2001
NY: Icon Editions, c1994.
note: [chapter] 6, Androgyny and spectatorship (Maud Lavin), pp. 117-138;
[chapter] 14, AIDS, Cultural analysis/cultural acrivism (Douglas Crimp),
pp. 273284.
Art N72 .S6 M62 1994
see: Lesbian/gay/queer/drama. (special issue)
v.48,n.4 (Win 2002)
see: Queer fictions of race. (Special issue)
Edited by Ken Plummer.
London; NY: Routledge, 1992.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.25 .M63 1992
San Francisco: Re/Search Publications, c1989.
Art Desk GT 2343 .M63 1989
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 4, "Never admit!"; Colette and the freedom of
paradox (Isabelle de Courtivron), pp. 55-64; [chapter] 8, Looking like a
lesbian; portraiture and sexual identity in 1920s Paris (Tirza True
Latimer), pp. 127-143; [chapter] 9. Djuna Barnes; looking like a
lesbian/poet (Carolyn Allen), pp. 145-154; [chapter] 10, Singular plural;
collaborative self-images in Claude Cahun's Aveux non avenus (Jennifer
Shaw), pp. 155-167; [chapter] 11, "Something hidden, secret, and eternal"
Romaine Broooks, Radclyffe Hall, and the lesbian image in The Forge (Joe
Lucchesi), pp. 169-179.
Suz DC 715 .M557 2003
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press; NY: Distributed exclusively
in the USA by St. Martin's Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 2, 'The generation of the green carnation': sexual
degeneration, the representation of male homosexuality and the limits of
Yeats's sympathy (Jason Edwards), pp. 41-55; [chapter] 11, True stories:
Orlando, life-writing and transgender narratives (Melanie Taylor), pp.
202-212; [chapter] 12, The Plumed Serpent and the erotics of primitive
masculinity (Hugh Stevens), pp. 219-238; [chapter] 13, Reading Miss
Amelia: critical strategies in the construction of sex, gender, sexuality,
the gothic and grotesque (Clare Whatling), pp. 239-250.
Suz PN 56 .S5 M56 2000
Termoiadernyi muskul: isprazhneniia dlia iazyka; izbrannye teksty.
Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2001.
note: Letuchaia Gollandiia; Sverkhchelovecheskie superteksty; Uprazhneniia
dlia iazyka.
Suz PG 3549 .M57 A6 2001
Panduan hidup mak nyah: kembali pada fitrah. Oleh Mohd. Nur Njmi
Kuala Lumpur: Yakin Jitu, 1996.
note: Muslim transvestites and male homosexuals in Malaysia, social and
religious aspects.
Suz HQ 77.9 .M65 1996
A donor insemination guide: written by and for lesbian women. Marie Mohler
and Lacy Frazier.
NY: Alice Street Editions, Harrington Park Press, c2002.
Ugl WQ 208 M698d 2002
Homosexual rites of passage: a road to visibility and validation.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.25 .M64 2000
Gay ideas: outing and other controversies.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1992.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.8 .U5 M64 1992
Gays/justice: a study of ethics, society and law.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1988.
Suz, Ugl, Law, Tac HQ 76.3 U5 M64 1988
The long arc of justice: lesbian and gay marriage, equality, and
NY: Columbia University Press, c2005.
note: rev. ed. of: A more perfect union. 1994.
Suz, Law, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 M642 2005
A more perfect union: why straight America must stand up for gay
Boston: Beacon Press, c1994.
note: rev. ed. of 2005 as: The long arc of justice.
Suz, Law, Bot, Tac HQ 76.3 U5 M643 1994
Dick's kiss. A critical edition and translation of Beso de Dick by John C.
New Orleans, LA: University Press of the South, 2005.
Suz PQ 8180.23 .O415 B4713 2003
Berühmte Homosexuelle.
Wiesbaden: J.F. Bergmann, 1910.
(Grenzfragen des Nerven- und Seelenlebens, Heft 75)
Suz HQ 76 .M644 1910
Les perversions de l'instinct genital, etude sur l'inversion sexuelle
basee sur des documents officiels, avec une preface du Docteur R. V.
Krafft-Ebing. Tr. de l'allemand par le Docteur Pactet et le Docteur
Romme. 5 ed.
Paris: Carre, 1893.
note: Translation of Die contrare Sexualempfindung.
Suz WM M727c 1893a
Omnigender: a trans-religious approach. Virginia Ramey Mollenkott.
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2001.
Ugl BR 115 .T76 M65 2001
Bias crimes and incidents in Seattle, 2000 to 2005: an analysis by type of
bias and neighborhood. Edited by Kristina Armenakia.
[Seattle?]: Hate Crimes Awareness Project, Seattle LGBT Community Center,
Suz, Law HV 6773.54 .S4 M658 2006
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz HQ 759 .M986 1998
[San Francisco]: Frameline, c2006.
note: DVD
note: performer- narrator, Kate Clinton; credits- photography, Cathy Cade
... [et al.]; editors, Shad Reinstein, Jody Laine; music, Margie Adam,
Alix Dobkin, Mary Watkins and Cris Williamson.
note: "While the beginnings of the LGBT Civil Rights movement was gaining
momentum, the 1970s witnessed horrific custody battles for lesbian
mothers. 'Mom's Apple Pie: The Heart of the Lesbian Mothers' Custody
Movement' revisits the early tumultuous years of the lesbian custody
movement through the stories of five lesbian mothers and their four
children." This program also discusses two organizations in the 1970s that
provided funds and support for lesbian child custody cases: The Lesbian
Rights Project in San Francisco and the Lesbian Mother's National Defense
Fund in Seattle, Washington.
UglMed DVD FRAM 007
London; NY: Rivers Oram Press; NY: Distributed in the USA by New York
University Press, 1999.
note [chapter] 7, Disorders of the mind, disorders of the body social:
Peter Wildeblood and the making of the modern homosexual (Chris Waters),
pp. 134-151.
Suz DA 589.4 .M65 1999
NY: Frank-Maurice, 1926.
Suz 824 M641ne
A natural history of homosexuality.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, c1996.
Suz, HSLIC, Tac HQ 76.25 .M649 1996
see: It's a gay world.
NY: Crown Publishers, c1990.
Ugl PS 3563 .O523 A69 1990
Suz PS 3563 .O523 A69 1991 (Avon ed.)
Becoming a man: half a life story.
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 75.8 M64 A3 1992
Tac HQ 75.8 M64 A3 1993 (Harper, 1993 re-edition)
Borrowed time: an AIDS memoir.
San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1988.
Suz, Ugl WD 308 M742b 1988
Tac WD 308 M742b 1990 (Avon ed.)
The gold diggers.
NY: Avon, c1979.
Suz PS 3563 .O523 G64 1979
Halfway home.
NY: Crown Publishers, c1991.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 .O523 H35 1991
Last watch of the night: essays too personal and otherwise.
NY: Harcourt Brace, c1994.
Suz PS 3563 .O523 L3 1994
The long shot.
Secaucus, N. J.: Carol Pub. Group, 1995.
Ugl PS 3563 .O523 L6 1995
Love alone: 18 elegies for Rog.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 O523 L65 1988
The politics of silence.
Washington, [D. C.]: Library of Congress, 1993.
Suz, Tac Z 658 .U5 M66 1993
Sanctuary: a tale of life in the woods.
NY: Scribner, c1997.
Suz PS 3563 .O523 S26 1997
Selected from borrowed time: an AIDS memoir.
NY: Literacy Volunteers of New York City, 1992.
see also: Monette, Paul. Borrowed time: an AIDS memoir.
UglESL PE 1127 .A4 M64 1992
Taking care of Mrs. Carroll.
NY: Avon, 1979, c1978.
Suz PS 3563 .O523 T35 1979
Suz PS 3563 .O523 T35 1987 (St. Martin's ed.)
West of yesterday, east of summer: new and selected poems, 1973-1993.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1994.
Suz PS 3563 .O523 W47 1994
To all the girls I've loved before: an AIDS diary.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1987.
Suz WC 503.7 M742t 1987
Gay, straight, and in-between: the sexology of erotic orientation.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1988.
Suz, NatSci WM 610 M742g 1988
Gendermaps: social constructionism, feminism, and sexosophical
NY: Continuum, 1995.
Suz HQ 23 .M588 1995
The lovemap guidebook: a definitive statement.
NY: Continuum, c1999.
note: [chapter] 3, Gender Transpositions, pp. 62-79.
Suz BF 692 .M57 1999
Lovemaps: clinical concepts of sexual/erotic health and pathology,
paraphilia, and gender transposition of childhood, adolescence, and
NY: Irvington, c1986.
Ugl, HSLIC WM 610 M742L 1986
Venuses penuses: sexology, sexosophy, and exigency theory.
Buffalo, NY: PRometheus Books, c1986.
HSLIC HQ 21 .M693 1986
Phallos: sacred image of the masculine.
Toronto: Inner City Books, c1987.
(Studies in Jungian psychology by Jungian analysts, 27)
note: also published as: Phallos: sacred image of masculinity
Suz BF 175.5 .M37 M66 1987
[San Francisco: Michael Lane and Jim Crotty, Sept. 1986-
note: no. 14, 16, & 17 (Seattle issue; San Francisco issue; Portland
issue, 1995)
SpecColl PNW E 169.04 .M665 no.14, 16, 17
Thomas William Monnahan papers, 1996.
note: ca. .03 cubic ft.; invitation and program to the ceremony in St.
Mark's Cathedral, Seattle, celebrating the union of Monnahan and his
partner, James Arthur Black; Seattle gay man and assistant to a member of
the Seattle City Council.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives Inquire at Special Collections.
L'androgyne romantique: du mythe au mythe litteraire.
Grenoble: ELLUG, 1994.
Suz BF 692.2 .M66 1994
The very rich hours of Adrienne Monnier. Translated, with an introduction
and commentaries, by Richard McDougall; introduction to the Bison Books
edition by Brenda Wineapple.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1996.
note: translations from Les gazettes d'Adrienne Monnier, Dernieres
gazettes et ecrits divers, Rue de l'Odeon; excerpts from Shakespeare and
Suz PQ 146 .M6413 1996
Bangalore: Institute of Law and Ethics in Medicine, National Law School of
India University, 2002.
note: Transsexual and the law (Anjolie Singh; rev. and ed. V. Kesava Rao,
Mrinal Satish), pp. 65-101.
Suz KNS 1520 .M66 2002 v.1
Gender politics.
London; Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press, 2005.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .M6494 2005
Telling the beads: sonnets.
Baltimore: Chestnut Hills Press: Distributed by New Poets Series, Inc.,
Suz PS 3563 .O539 T4 1994
Sisterhood: the untold story.
Singapore: Kuala Lumpur: Times Books International, c1990.
Suz HQ 77 .M66 1990
God, sex, and politics: homosexuality and everyday theologies.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Suz BR 115 .H6 M66 2004
Disseminating Whitman: revision and corporeality in Leaves of grass.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991.
Suz, Ugl PS 3238 .M66 1991
A small boy and others: imitation and initiation in American culture from
Henry James to Andy Warhol.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 1998.
(Series Q)
Suz HQ 76.25 .M66 1998
[London]: Creation Books, 2002.
(Persistence of vision, v.1)
Suz PN 1998.3 .A54 M66 2002
Perry Ellis.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1988.
Suz TT 505 .E55 M66 1988
Sunshine and rainbows: the development of gay and lesbian culture in
St. Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland Press, in association with the
API Network, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.3 .A8 M66 2001
The late Lord Byron; posthumous dramas.
Philadelphia: Lippincott [1961]
Suz, Ugl, Bot PR 4381 .M67
Lord Byron; accounts rendered.
NY: Harper & Row [1974]
Suz, Ugl PR 4381 .M69 1974
Drag!: male and female impersonators on stage, screen, and television: an
illustrated world history.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, c1994.
Ugl, Drama PN 2071 .I47 M66 1994
The body in context: sex and catholicism.
London: Continuum, 2000.
(Contemporary Christian Insights)
note: [chapter] 10, Homosexuality, pp. 182-208.
note: originally published: London: SCM Press, 1992.
Suz BJ 1249 M66 2000
A question of truth: Christianity and homosexuality.
London; NY; Continuum, 2003.
Ugl BX 1795 .H66 Mdd 2003
The white blackbird: a life of the painter Margarett Sargent.
By her granddaughter Honor Moore.
NY: Viking, 1996.
Ugl ND 237 .S313 M66 1996
The architect: Karl Rove and the master plan for absolute power. James
Moore and Wayne Slater.
NY: Crown Publishers, c2006.
note: [chapter] 3, The gospels of Karl: gay ain't good, pp. 33-47;
[chapter] 5, Not as I say: gay in the GOP, pp. 63-76.
Suz E840.8 .R68 M66 2006
Shakespeare: a new image.
Southampton, England: Clio, 2003 (2004 printing)
note: further investigates a male beloved as subject in the sonnets
Ugl PR 2848 .M66 2003
Dangerous intimacies: toward a sapphic history of the British novel.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997.
Suz PR 858 .L46 M66 1997
Downsize this!
NY: Crown Publishers, c1996.
note: Harassing gays for extra credit, pp. 229-232.
Ugl, Tac E885 .M66 1996
A matter of life and sex.
NY: Dutton, c1991 (1992 printing)
Suz, Bot PR 6063 .O642 M38 1991
PWA: looking AIDS in the face.
[London]: Picador, [1996]
Suz PR 6063 .O642 Z472 1996
Beyond shame: reclaiming the abandoned history of radical gay
Boston: Beacon Press, c2004.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 M64 2004
Forty ways to Sunday.
Stamford, CT: Knights Press, [1987]
Suz PS 3563 .O639 F67 1987
God's beauty parlor: and other queer spaces in and around the Bible.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, c2001.
Suz BS 680 .H67 M66 2001
Sexuality in adolescence: current trends. Susan Moore and Doreen
Rosenthal. 2nd ed.
London; NY: Routledge, 2006.
note: [chapter] 7, Issues for gay and lesbian adolescents, pp.
Suz HQ 27 .M635 2006
The Complete strangers in paradise. Managing editor, Robyn Moore. v.3.
Houston, TX: Abstract Studio, c2000-
Bot PN 6727 .M66 C6 2000 pt. 1,2,3
Strangers in paradise: I dream of you.
Houston, TX: Abstract Studio, c1996.
note: reprint of the comic book Strangers in paradise, no. 1-9. "2"
Ugl PN 6728 .S77 M66 1996
Die Freundinnen: Roman. Mit einem Nachwort von Regula Venske.
Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch, 1988.
Suz PT 2625 .M789 F8 1988
Cereus blooms at night.
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Suz PR 9199.3 .M6353 C47 1996
Ugl, Bot PR 9199.3 .M6353 C47 1998 (Grove Press ed.)
Out on Main Street & other stories.
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Suz PR 9199.3 .M659 O9 1993
The predicament of or.
Vancouver: Raincoast Book Publishers, c2001.
Ugl PR 9199.3 .M6353 P74 2001
Cinemachismo: masculinites and sexuality in Mexican film.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2006.
note: [chapter] 3, The last dance (homo) sexuality and representation in
Arturo Ripstein's El lugar sin limites and the fichera subgenre, pp.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 1993.5 .M4 M67 2006
Defeated masculinity: post-traumatic cinema in the aftermath of war.
Bruxelles, NY: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2009.
(Rethinking the cinema, no. 4)
note: Part I. Post-Traumatic New German Cinema After World War II. Chapter
3, The Utopian Bisexual Model, pp. 105-124; Chapter 4, The Transsexual
Model, pp. 125-140; Part II. American Post-Traumatic Cinama in the
Aftermath of the Vietnam War. Chapter 8, The Homoerotic Model, pp.
Suz PN 1995.9 .M34 M67 2009.
Giving up the ghost: teatro in two acts.
Los Angeles: West End Press, 1986.
Suz PS 3563 .O75 G58 1986
Heroes and saints & other plays.
Albuquerque: West End Press, 1994.
note: Giving up the ghost; Shadow of a man; Heroes and saints
Drama PS 3563 .O753 H47 1994
The last generation: prose and poetry.
Boston: South End Press, c1993.
Suz PS 3563 .O753 L37 1993
Loving in the war years: lo que nunca paso por sus labios.
Boston: South End Press, c1983.
Suz, Ugl, Tac PS 3563 .O75 L68 1983
Loving in the war years: lo que nunca paso por sus labios. Expanded
2nd ed.
Cambridge, MA: South End Press, c2000.
Suz PS 3563 .O753 L6 2000
Waiting in the wings: portrait of a queer motherhood.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1997.
Suz, Tac HQ 759 .M8617 1997
Raymond Tatalovich, Byron W. Daynes, editors: with a foreword by Theodore
J. Lowi.
Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, c1998.
note: rev. & expanded ed of: Social regulatory policy. 1988.
note: [chapter] 4, Gay rights: lifestyle or immorality? (Margaret Ellis),
pp. 104-134.
Suz KF 450 .P8 M67 1998
Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, c2005.
note: [chapter] 5, Gay rights, lifestyle or immorality? (Margaret E.
Ellis), pp. 121-144.
Bot KF 450 .P8 M67 2005
Social work: a profession of many faces. Armando T. Morales, Bradfor W.
Sheafor. 7th ed.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon, c1995.
note: chapter 12, Social work practice with lesbians and gays (George A.
Appleby and Jeane W. Anastas), pp. 332-366.
SocWk HV 91 .M67 1995
Social work: a profession of many faces. Armando T. Morales, Bradford W.
Sheafor. 8th ed.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon, c1998.
note: chapter 12, Social work practice with lesbian, gay, and bisexual
people, (George A. Appleby and Jeane W. Anastas), pp. 312-345.
SocWk HV 91 .M67 1998
La monja alferez (cronica de una vida que tuvo perfil de romance)
[Santiago de Chile] Editorial Ercilla [1938]
Suz 921 Er18m
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, c2003.
note: [chapter] 9, Same-sex marriage: a philosophical defense (Ralph
Wedgwood), pp. 96-116; [chapter] 10, Is it wrong to discriminate on the
basis of homosexuality? (Jeffrey Jordan), pp. 117-129.
Ugl, Bot HN 59.2 .M68 2003
The homosexual (ity) of law.
London; NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz KD 7976 .S6 M67 1996
Sexuality and the politics of violence and safety.
Lesblie Moran and Beverley Skeggs, with Paul Tyrer and Karen Corteen.
London; NY: Routledge, 2004.
Suz HM 1116 .M67 2004
The tricky part.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, Inc., c2005.
Drama PN 2287 .M6993 A3 2005
The tricky part.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, Inc., c2005.
Drama PN 2287 .M6993 A3 2005
Understanding gender, crime, and justice.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2006.
Tac HV 7419 .M67 2006
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1986.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 .O7717 B8 1986
Everybody loves you: further adventures in gay Manhattan.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 .O7717 E94 1988
How long has this been going on?
NY: Villard Books, 1995.
Suz PS 3563 .O7717 H68 1995
I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore: tales from gay Manhattan.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1985.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 .O7717 I9 1985
One last waltz.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1986.
Ugl PS 3563 O7717 O54 1986
Some men are lookers.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Suz PS 3563 .O7717 S65 1997
The Venice Adriana.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Suz, Bot PS 3563 .O7717 V4 1998
[Introduction] by Judith Butler.
[A special issue of] Differences: a journal of feminist cultural studies.
v.6, n.2/3, (Summer-Fall) 1994.
note: also published monographically as: Feminism meets queer
see also: Feminism meets queer theory.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 1101 D54 v. 6
I celebrate myself: the somewhat private life of Allen Ginsberg.
NY: Viking, 2006.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 3513 .I74 Z748 2006
see: Hightower, Patricia.
Knowledge and attitudes of preservice teachers towards students who are
gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered . 2003.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of North Texas, 2003.
available online,
Literary outlaw: the life and times of William S. Burroughs.
NY: H. Holt, c1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .U75 Z745 1988
Bot PS 3552 .U75 Z745 1990
NY: Simon and Schuster, c1980.
Suz, Ugl PR 6025 .A86 Z765 1980
Homosexuality, heterosexuality, perversion.
With an introduction by Werner Muensterberger; translated from the German
by Andreas Aebi; edited by Paul Moor.
Hillsdale, N. J.: Analytic Press: Distributed by Lawrence Erlbaum,
note: translation of: Homosexualität, Heterosexualität,
Suz W 610 M851h 1988
Morimura Yasumasa ten: bi ni itaru yamai: joyu ni natta watakushi. [Henshu
Yokohama Bijutsukan Gakugeibu]
[Yokohama-shi]: Yokohama-shi Bijutsukan, c1996.
note: catalog of an exhibition held at Yokohama Museum of Art, Apr.
6-June 9, 1996 (transvestism in art exhibition)
Art TR 647 .M663 1996
Anal pleasure & health: a guide for men and women.
Illustrations by Jan-Ann Kirchmeier, Tom Hill.
Burlingame, CA: Down There Press, c1981.
Suz HQ 72 .U53 M74 1981
Anal pleasure & health. Rev., 3rd ed.
San Francisco: Down There Press, c1998.
Suz HQ 31 .M719 1998
Men loving themselves: images of male self-sexuality.
Photographs and text, Jack Morin; concept and editing, Joani Blank.
Burlingame, CA: Down There Press, c1980.
SpecCollStx TR 681 .M4 M67 1980
John G: the authorised biography of John Gielgud.
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2001.
Drama PN 2598 .G45 M67 2001
Seattle: Morning Due [-1979]
note: v.2,n.6 (Nov/Dec 1976) is a special issue devoted to the
Conference Report, Faggots and class struggle
SpecColl AP2 .M677 v.2,n.1-6 (Jan/Feb 1976-Nov/Dec 1976)
Eden built by Eves: the culture of women's music festivals. Photographs
from the collection of Toni Armstrong Jr. and other women artists.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999.
Ugl, Music ML 35 .M67 1999
Girl reel: a lesbian remembers growing up at the movies: memoir.
Minneapolis: Coffee House Press; St. Paul, MN: Distributor, Consortium
Book Sales, 2000.
Suz, Ugl PN 1995.9 .L48 M67 2000
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [1974]
Suz, Ugl CT 788 M637 A33
Pleasures of a tangled life.
NY: Random House, c1989.
Suz, Ugl PR 6063 .O7489 Z474 1989
The pink triangle: the gay law reform debate in Tasmania.
Sydney, Australia: UNSW Press; Portland, OR: IBS [distributor]. 1995.
Suz HQ 76.8 .T37 M67 1995
If this isn't love!: (two men-twenty years-in three acts)
NY: JH Press, c1982.
(JH Press gay play script series)
Suz, Drama PS 3563 .O874475 I4 1982
Broken fever: reflections of gay boyhood.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 75.8 .M67 A3 2001
The explanation for everything: essays on sexual subjectivity.
NY: New York University Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 76.25 .M677 2001
Mapplethorpe: a biography.
NY: Random House, c1995.
Art TR 140 .M347 M67 1995
The homosexual; a frank study of abnormal sex life among males.
Derby, CT: Monarch Books [1962]
Suz HQ 76 .M65 1962
Counseling lesbian women and gay men: a life-issues approach.
By A. Elfin Morton and Robert O. Hawkins, Jr.
St. Louis: Mosby, 1982.
SocWk HQ 76.25 M67
The feminist movement and the gay movement.
Seattle: Radical Women publications, 1975.
Suz HQ 76.3 U5 M68 1975
Seattle, WA: Northwest Lesbian and Gay History Museum Project, 2002.
Suz, SpecColl HQ 76.3 .U52 S436 2002
NY: New York University Press, c1990.
note: Chapter 20. Gay prisoners in concentration camps as compared with
Jehovah's Witnesses and political prisoners. (Rüdiger Lautmann), pp.
Suz D 804 .G4 M63 1990
All-American boys.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1983.
ChiLit PZ 7 .M84693 Al 1983
Gender and citizenship: the dialectics of subject-citizenship in
nineteenth-century French literature and culture.
Lanham [MD]: Rowman & Littlefield, c2000.
Suz PQ 283 .M64 2000
Health care without shame: a handbook for the sexually diverse and their
San Francisco, CA: Greenery Press, c1999.
Bot WA 300 M899h 1999
Counseling lesbian women and gay men: a life-issues approach.
St. Louis: Mosby, 1982.
SocWk HQ 76.25 .M67
Cleopatra's wedding present: travels through Syria.
London; Duckworth, 1997.
Suz DS 94 .M67 1997
The fascist revolution: toward a general theory of fascism.
NY: H. Fertig, c1999.
note: [chapter] 9, On homosexuality and French fascism, pp. 175-182.
Suz JC 481 .M63 1999
Nationalism and sexuality: respectability and abnormal sexuality in modern
NY: H. Fertig, 1985.
note: chapter 2, Manliness and Homosexuality, pp. 23-47.
Suz, Ugl HQ 18 .E8 M67 1985
Les lois de l'amour: les politiques de la sexualite en France de 1950 a
nos jours.
Paris: Editions Payot, c1991.
note: encompasses sex crimes, birth control, abortion, sex instruction for
youth, and homosexuality
Suz KJV 8212 .M67 1991
NY: Cinema Guild, 1999.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: credits- camera, Mary Eiben, Harriet Hirshorn, Mary Pateirno; music,
Miki Navazio.
note: Filmmaker Mary Patierno focuses on her gay brother David, recording
significant events during the last five years of his life. The video
portrays David's relationship with his gay lover, Carlos, their breakup,
Carlos' falling ill from AIDS, and the surprise wedding of David to his
female chiropractor. David's life then changes three months later with the
violent death of his new wife, and soon he is dealing with his own failing
health from AIDS. Includes frank and revealing interviews with several
members of the family during the five years. Examines inadequacies of our
current definitions of family and identity.
UglMed Videorecord CG 138
Components of internalized homophobia, self-disclosure of sexual
orientation to physician, and durable power of attorney for health care
completion in older gay men. 2004.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Kent State University, 2004.
available online,
Stanford, CA: Mother, [1971]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continued by Proud woman, see Proud woman.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.1 (1971)
Knock on any door. Introduction by Robert E. Fleming.
DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 1989.
Suz PS 3563 .O888 K6 1989
Escrividao, homossexualidade e demonologia.
Sao Paulo, SP: Icone Editora, c1988.
Suz HT 1126 .M63 1988
Homofobia: a violacao dos direitos humanos de gays, lesbicas & travestis
no Brasil.
Prefacio, Marta Suplicy; relatorio elaborado pelo Grupo Gay da Bahia e
Comissao Internacional de Direitos Humanos de Gays e Lesbicas.
Bahia: Grupo Gay da Bahia, c1997.
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 M677 1997
O lesbianismo no Brasil.
Porto Alegre-RS: Mercado Aberto, c1987.
Suz HQ 75.6 .B6 M68 1987
NY: Mouth of the Dragon, c1974-c1980)
SuzPer PS 595 .H65 M68
n.1-4 (May 1974-Mar 1975); n.6-7 (Sep 1975-Dec 1975); n.9-11/12 (dec
1976-Mar/Jun 1977); v.2,n.1-2 (Feb 1979-Jun 1979); v.2,n.4-5 (May 1980-Oct
Gay oppression and liberation: or, Homophobia, its causes and cure.
Philadelphia: The Movement, c1977.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 M68 1977
Horace Walpole: the great outsider.
London: Murray, 1996.
Suz DA 483 .W2 M69 1996
William Beckford: composing for Mozart.
London: J. Murray, 1998.
Suz PR 4092 .M69 1998
Passion. Translated from the Slovene (Pasijon) by Tamara Soban.
Jersey City: Talisman House, 2005.
Suz PG 1919.23 .O87 P3713 2005
Love with a few hairs. Translated from the tape in Moghrebi [and edited]
by Paul Bowles.
NY: G. Braziller [1968]
Ugl PJ 6768.9 .M73
Suz PJ 7846 .R3 L6 1986 (reprint)
Coming along fine: today's gay man and his world.
By Wes Muchmore and William Hanson.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 M83 1986
This infinite fraternity of feeling: gender, genre, and homoerotic crisis
in Hawthorne's The Blithdale romance and Melville's Pierre.
Madison, [N. J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London: Associated
University Presses, c1996.
Suz PS 1855 .M84 1996
Her: a novel.
San Francisco: Aunt Lute Foundation, c1990.
Suz PS 3563 .U367 H4 1990
Her: a novel. Afterword by Mattie U. Richardson. 2nd ed.
San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, c2006.
Ugl PS 3563 .U367 H4 2006
A taste for freedom: the life of Astolphe de Custine. Translated by Teresa
NY: Helen Marx Books, 1999.
Suz PQ 2211 .C85 Z7513 1999
Die Homosexualität. Ein Beitrag zur Sittengeschichte unserer
In: Gesamtausgabe. Bd.3: Prosaschriften I, pp. 7-47.
Berlin: Verlag Europäische Ideen, 1978
note: reprint of: Berlin: M. Lilienthal Verlag, 1903.
Suz PT 2625 .U25 1977 v.3
Die Jagd auf Harden. In: Gesamtausgabe. Bd. 3: Prosaschriften I,
pp. 209-256.
Berlin: Verlag Europäische Ideen, 1978
note: reprint of: Berlin-Schoneberg: Neuer Biographischer Verlag,
Suz PT 2625 .U25 1977 v.3
This narrow place: Sylvia Townsend Warner and Valentine Ackland: life,
letters and politics 1930-1951.
London: Pandora, 1988.
Suz PR 8045 .A812 Z787 1988
Parents matter: parents' relationships with lesbian daughters and gay
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1987.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 U5 M85 1987
Homosexuelle Männer im KZ Sachsenhausen. Joachim Müller, Andreas
Sternweiler; herausgegeben vom Schwulen Museum Berlin.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 2000.
note: "Zur Ausstellung 'Verfolgung homosexueller Männer in Berlin
1933-45' des Schwulen Museums in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gedenkstätte
Suz D804.5 .G38 M85 2000
Ausgrenzung der Homosexuellen aus der "Volksgemeinschaft": die Verfolgung
von Homosexuellen in Köln 1933-1945.
Köln: Emons, 2003.
(Schriften des NS-Dokumentationszentrums der Stadt Köln, Bd. 9)
Suz D804.5 .G38 M88 2003
Geschichten hellenischer Stämme und Städte. Hrsg. v. F. W.
Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1969. 3v.
note: early exposition of Doric man-boy love in Sparta and Crete; v.3. Die
Dorier, pp. 285-293.
note: reprint of 1844 edition, Breslau
Suz DF 251 .M88 1944a v.1, 2, 3
The history and antiquities of the Doric race.
Translated from the German by Henry Tufnell and George Cornewall
London: J. Murray, 1839. 2 v.
note: translation of vols. 2-3 (Die Dorier) of Geschichten hellenischer
Stämme und Städte.
note: early exposition of Doric man-boy love. The History and
Antiquities of the Doric Race, v.2, pp. 300-306.
Suz 938.3 M91h2 v.1, 2
Aber in meinem Herzen sprach eine Stimme so laut: homosexuelle
Autobiographien und medizinische Pathographien im neunzehnten Jahrhundert.
Mit einem Vorwort von Rüdiger Lautmann.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 4)
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1991.
Suz HQ 75.7 .M85 1991
Colonial affairs: Bowles, Burroughs, and Chester write Tangier.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2002.
Suz, Bot PS 159 .M67 M85 2002
Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press, 1996.
note: Variation in the deaf community: gay, lesbian, and bisexual signs,
(Mala Silverman Kleinfeld and Noni Warner), pp. 3-35.
Suz HV 2474 .M868 1996.
NY: Garland Pub., 1999.
(Garland reference library of the humanities, v. 2094)
note: concerns various minority groups including lesbians and gays in
detective literature)
Suz PS 374 .D4 M85 1999
Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association, c2006.
note: chapter 19, Counseling gay men (A. Michael Hutchins), pp. 269-289;
chapter 20, Counseling lesbian clients (Colleen R. Logan), pp.
291-301; chapter 21, Affirmative counseling with transgendered persons
(Jeffrey Mostade), pp. 303-317.
SocWk BF .C6 M84 2006
NY: Springer Pub. Co., c1997.
note: Chapter 10: Redefining the family: the concepts of family for
lesbians and gay men, (Stephen McFadden, MSW), pp. 167-180.
SocWk, Tac HV 699 .M85 1997
NY: Springer, c2005.
note: chapter 10, Practice with families where sexual orientation is an
issue: lesbian and gay individuals and their families (Gerald P. Mallon),
pp. 199-227.
SocWk HV 699 .M85 2005
London; Philadelphia: Falmer Press, 1999.
Suz, Bot, Tac LC 1099.3 .M857 1999
Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c1998.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: credits- Executive producer, John Drury; director, Amanda Hancox;
series editor, Anne Reevell; research, Fiona O'Sullivan.
note: a segment from the television program: Heart of the matter, written
and presented by Joan Bakewell; originally released in 1997 by BBC.
note: discusses questions regarding gender identity and addresses the
moral implications of multisexual orientation.
UglMed Videorecord FFH 7514
Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1994.
note: Abominable and detestable crime against nature: a brief history of
homosexuality and Mormonism 1840-1980 (Rocky O'Donovan), pp. 123-170.
Suz BX 8643 .S49 M85 1994
Lanham, ND: Scarecrow Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 11, The intersection of race and queer sexuality, (Joseph
Diaz), pp. 167-177. [annotated bibliography of gay interracial
SuzRef E184 .A1 M88 2005
Disidentifications: queers of color and the performance of politics.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1999.
(Cultural studies of the Americas, v.2)
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 M87 1999
The lived experience of gay men caring for others with HIV/AIDS: living,
loving, and dying in the era of HIV/AIDS.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Deakin University, 2002.
available online,
Heroic desire: lesbian identity and cultural space.
NY: New York University Press, 1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.5 .M85 1998
Coin locker babies. Translated by Stephen Snyder.
Tokyo; NY: Kodansha International, c1995.
note: translation of: Koin rokka beibizu.
Bot PL 856 .U696 K613 1995
[United States]: Zeitgeist Films, [1997]
note: 1 videocassette; VHS. Originally produced as a motion picture in
note: cast- Joanna Merlin, Kathleeen Chalfant, Catherine Kellner, Isa
Thomas, Novella Nelson; credits- director of photography, Stephen
Kazmierski; music, Frank London.
note: Beginning with a 63-year-old woman, who, after being married, having
a daughter and now a granddaughter, then living alone for 15 years (and
seeming to like doing so) falls in love with, and enters into a lesbian
relationship with another woman, other lesbian relationships are portrayed
as well, some of which, as the title implies, deteriorate into
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1306
The bell: a novel.
NY: Viking Press, 1958.
SpecColl, Ugl PR 6063 .U73 B44
Chong/Moodok; Yi Myong-sop yok. Pulnip ui norae/Lesing; Yi Chae-ho
Soul Tukpyolsi: Samsong Chulpansa, 1980.
note: translation into Korean of Bell and a work by Doris Lessing.
EAsia PR 6063 .U7 B416 1980
Courting justice: gay men and lesbians v. the Supreme Court. Joyce Murdoch
and Deb Price.
NY: Basic Books, c2001.
Suz, Law, Bot HQ 76.8 .U5 M97 2001
The disrobing: sex and satire. Edited by Winston Leyland.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1982.
Suz PS 3525 .U6535 A6 1982
Suicide risk among gay, lesbian, and bisexual college youth.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2007.
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2007
Suz LA 7 Th57281
Homosexual liberation; a personal view.
NY: Praeger Publishers [1971]
Suz HQ 76 .M85 1971
The use of sexual orientation-related insults among college students.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Cincinnati, 2004.
avialable online,
Perverts by official order: the campaign against homosexuals by the United
States Navy.
NY: Haworth Press, c1988.
Suz VB 324 G38 M87 1988b
Ugl, Bot VB 324 G38 M87 1988 (Harrington Park Press ed.)
Anxiety, homosexual attitude, duration of time since initial explicitly
sexual responses: admitted homosexual and heterosexual samples.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1971.
Suz LA 7 Th19897
Aux Thesis 19897
Studs, tools, and the family jewels: metaphors men live by.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2001.
note: [chapter] 5, Sex as exclusively heterosexual, pp. 98-116.
Suz HQ 1090.3 .M87 2001
Getting off clean.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Suz, Ugl PS 3563 .U76196 G4 1997
Gay science: the ethics of sexual orientation research.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1997.
(Between men--between women)
Suz HQ 76.25 .M87 1997
Pink fits: sex, subcultures and discourses in the Asia-Pacific.
Clayton [Vic.]: Monash Asia Institute, c2001.
(Monash papers on Southeast Asia, no. 53)
note: includes throughout concerns of and about prostitutes with same-sex
clients; also, specifically, chapter 4, Let them take ecstasy: Class and
Jakarta lesbians, pp.43-61; chapter 7, Peers and queers part 1 SWOP, Sydney,
pp. 113-122; chapter 8, Peers and queers part 2: Southeast Asia, pp.
Suz, Bot H 241 .A5 M877 2001
Opacity: gender, sexuality, race, and the "problem" of identity in
NY: P. Lang, c2002.
note: chapter 1, "Real" men in black and white: popular public
performatives of identity, pp. 23-44; chapter 5, Unsettling masculinity?
narratives of desire and escape among "gai" Martinican men, pp. 109-134;
chapter 6, Quel Travesti! spontaneity and ambivalence in carnival
performances, pp. 135-148.
Suz HQ 1075.5 .M435 M87 2001
Bosie: a biography of Lord Alfred Douglas.
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2000.
Suz PR 6007 .O86 Z77 2000b
Bruce Chatwin.
Bridgend: Seren, c1993.
Suz PR 6053 .H395 Z75 1993
Images in the dark: an encyclopedia of gay and lesbian film and video.
Philadelphia: TLA Publications, c1994.
UglRef PN 1995.9 .H55 M87 1994
Images in the dark: an encyclopedia of gay and lesbian film and video.
Completely revised and updated.
NY: Plume, c1996.
SuzRef, Suzstx PN 1995.9 .H55 M87 1996
American gay.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.2 .L29 M87 1996
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .M89 2000
Islamic homosexualities: culture, history, and literature.
By Stephen O. Murray and Will Roscoe; with additional contributions by
Eric Allyn ... [et al.]
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .I75 M87 1997
Latin American male homosexualities. With additional contributions by
Clark L. Taylor... [et al.]
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.2 .L29 M87 1995
Oceanic homosexualities.
With additional contributions by Arnold R. Pilling...[et al.]
NY: Garland Pub., 1992.
(Garland gay and lesbian studies, v.7)
Suz HQ 76.3 .A78 O26 1992
Social theory, homosexual realities.
NY: Scholarship Committee, Gay Academic Union, New York City, c1984.
(Gai saber monograph, no. 3)
Suz HQ 76.25 .M874 1984
Moral panic: exposing the religious right's agenda on sexuality.
By Theresa Murray with Michael McClure.
London: Cassell, c1995.
(Listen up!)
Suz BT 708 .M87 1995
Like a film: ideological fantasy on screen, camera, and canvas.
London; NY: Routledge, 1993.
Suz PN 1995.25 .M87 1993
Janet, my mother, and me: a memoir of growing up with Janet Flanner and
Natalia Danesi Murray.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2000.
Suz PS 3511 .L285 Z77 2000
Marcel Proust et son temps. Institut de France, Musée
Jacquemart-André préface par Julien Cain.
Paris: [Musée Jacquemart-André], 1971.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z78933 1971
London; New York: Routledge, 2002.
note: [chapter] 7, Representing lesbians and gay men in British social
history museums (Angela Vanegas), pp. 98-109.
Tac AM7 .M8853 2002
Trenton, N.J.: Africa World, c2005.
note: chapter 16, Créolité's queer mangrove (Jarrod Hayes),
pp. 307-332.
Music ML 3565 .M87 2004
Die Verwirrungen des Zoglings Torless. 3 . Aufl.
Berlin: S. Fischer [1911]
Suz 833 M973v
Young Torless. Translated from the German by Eithne Wilkins and Ernst
Kaiser. With an afterword by John Simon.
[NY]: New American Library [c1964]
note: translation of: Die Verwirrungen des Zoglings Torless.
Ugl PT 2625 .U8 V413 1964
Suz 833 M973vE (NY: Pantheon, [1955])
The Brandon Teena story [videorecording],
see The Brandon Teena story.
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, 2001.
Suz TX 941 .D48 M88 2001
note: DVD; in spanish and Zapotec with English subtitles; originally
produced 2003-2004.
note: credits- cinematography, Alejandro Quesnel Mariña; music,
Alejandro Herrera; editor, Alejandra Islas, Alejandro Quesnel.
note: Among the Zapotec Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico, boy babies who are born
in a certain position, or little boys who prefer to play with girls, are
raised as women, and are known as Muxes (pronounced "Mooshays"). The Muxes
of Juchitán are proud of their identity, enjoy their lives, laugh
at themselves as well as at "straight" society, and admit their own foibles
freely. They call themselves "Authentic, Intrepid Seekers of Danger," and
have banded together to lead the fight against AIDS in Oaxaca. In this
documentary, they talk frankly about their experiences of acceptance and
rejection, and their successes in finding freedom, love and delight in
their special identity.
Ugl DVD EFV 002
Irvine, CA: Karl Lorimar Home Video, c1985.
note: VHS format, 1 videocassette. Videocassette release of the 1985
motion picture.
Director, Stephen Frears; producers, Sarah Radclyffe and Tim Bevan,
writer, Hanif Kureishi. Saeed Jaffrey, Roshan Seth, Daniel Day Lewis,
Gordon Warnecke, Derrick Branche, Shirley Ann Field.
Set in the Pakistani community in south London, the film focuses on two
youths-Johnny, a working-class white, and Omar, a Pakistani. Together
they operate a laudrette, which Omar inherits from his uncle. While Johnny
looks upon the laundrette as a life line on which to salvage his
self-respect, Omar sees it as just the beginning step on the road to
see also: Kureishi, Hanif. My beautiful laundrette.
Ugl Media Videorecord KLV 385
Bot Media Videorecord BOT-399
San Francisco: Leyland Publications, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.25 .M9 1998
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1983.
Suz, Ugl PQ 7087 E5 M9 1983
NY: First Run Features, [1993]
note: VHS; originally produced as motion picture in the U.S. and
Germany by Hyena Films and Filmwelt in 1990.
note: "Vicky, a frustrated, out of work German actress in New York City,
finds out she is about to receive a visit from her Bavarian father who
mistakenly believes that she is happy, successful and married. Vicky's
attempts to fool her father include her persuading her gay male roommate
to pose as her husband. Vicky's world quickly collapses when her father
inadvertently lands a role in a prime-time television commercial, and
begins to have his own highly entertaining sexual adventures, including a
session with New Age sex goddess Annie Sprinkle. In the wake of her
father's fame, fortune and new-found pleasures, Vicky also begins to open
up to new experiences, slipping into a lesbian affair and a compelling
relationship with a handsome female-to-male transsexual.
UglMed Videorecord FRF 018
NY: Ballantine Books, 1996.
Suz PS 595 .L46 M9 1996
New Line Home Cinema; [Burbank, CA]: [Distributed by] Columbia Tristar
Home Video, c1992.
note: 1 videocassette release of the 1991 motion picture; VHS; road movie
about two young hustlers.
note: Executive producers, Allan Mindel, Gus Van Sant; producer, Laurie
Parker; written and directed by Gus Van Sant.
UglMed Videorecord NLHV 001
UglMed Videorecord THE 4095 (Widescreen, not letterboxed)
BotMed Videodisc BOT-87 (New Line Home Video, CLV Extended play (with
chapter stops); widescreen (letterboxed);
What God has joined together?: a Christian case for gay marriage.
David G. Myers and Letha Dawson Scanzoni.
NY: HarperSanFrancisco, c2005.
Ugl BT 706.7 .M94 2005
Uncle Mame: the life of Patrick Dennis.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz PS 3554 .E537 Z78 2000
Historical dictionary of the lesbian liberation movement: still the
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2003.
(Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements, no.
SuzRef HQ 76.5 .M94 2003
Leonard Bernstein.
London: Phaidon Press, 1998.
Music ML 410 .B566
M84 1998
AIDS, communication, and empowerment: gay male identity and the politics
of public health messages.
NY: Harrington Park Press, 1996.
Ugl, SocWk, Tac WC 503 M998a 1996
Women remembered; a collection of biographies from the Furies.
Ed. by Nancy Myron & Charlotte Bunch.
Baltimore: Diane Press Publications [c1974]
Suz HQ 1123 .M95 1974
[S.l.]: Strand Releasing Home Video, c2006.
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 2004; based on the
novel by Scott Heim.
note: credits - director of photography, Steve Gainer; original music,
Harold Buss, Robin Guthrie; editor, Gregg Araki; cast - Joseph
Gordon-Levitt, Brady Corbet, Elisabeth Shue, Michelle Trachtenberg, Jeff
Licon, Bill Sage, Mary Lynn Rajskub.
note: At age 8, Neil and Brian played on the same baseball team in their
small Kansas hometown. Now 10 years later, Neil is a hustler and Brian a
nervous introvert who believes he has been abducted by aliens. As their
lives intersect, they discover a shared past shrouded in mystery.
UglMed DVD STRAN 013
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1987.
Ugl PS 3564 A36 C47 1987
Sexual behaviour and AIDS in India.
New Delhi: Vikas Pub. House, 1996.
note: chapter 5, Homosexuality, pp. 71-82; chapter 6, Hijras and male sex
workers, pp. 83-89.
HSLIC WC 503.4 J14 N32s 1995
Gnev Dionisa.
St. Petersburg: "Severo-Zapad," 1994.
(Zhenskaia biblioteka. Seriia "Romans")
note: contents: Gnev Dionisa; Belaia kolonnada; Chistaia liubov; On; Ania;
Za samovarom; Romanticheskoe prikliuchenie.
Suz PG 3467 .N22 G59 1994
The wrath of Dionysus: a novel.
Translated and edited by Louise McReynolds.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1997.
note: translation of: Gnev Dionisa.
Suz PG 3467 .N22 G513 1997
The talented Mr. Ripley; adapted from the novel by Patrica Highsmith.
London: Methuen, 1999.
Drama PS 3564 .A38 T35 1999
The new couple: women and gay men. By Rebecca Nahas and Myra Turley.
NY: Seaview Press, c1979.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 N34 1979
Women with mustaches and men without beards: gender and sexual anxieties
of Iranian modernity.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2005.
Suz HQ 1735.2 .N35 2005
Watakushigoto: shinda tsumori de ikite iru.
Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2005.
note: female impersonator biography
EAsia PN 2928 .N27 A3 2005
Invisible lives: the erasure of transsexual and transgendered people.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Suz, Tac HQ 77.95 .C2 N35 2000
Sex change, social change: reflections on identity, institutions, and
Toronto: Women's Press, 2005.
Suz HQ 77.95 .C2 N37 2005
Edited by Kerry Lobel for the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Lesbian Task Force.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1986.
SpecColl Book Arts, Ugl, SocWk HQ 75.6 U5 N36 1986
London: Virago, 1988.
Suz PR 1178 L4 N3 1988
Bot PS 595 .L46 N36 1989
Feminist fables. Drawings by Susan Trangmar.
London: Sheba Feminist Publications, 1981.
Suz PR 9499.3 .N258 F4 1981
Gender diversity: crosscultural variations.
Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, c2000.
Suz, Bot GN 479.65 .N385 2000
Neither man nor woman: the Hijras of India.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1990.
Suz, Ugl HQ 449 .N36 1990
Neither man nor woman: the hijras of India. 2nd ed.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1999.
Ugl HQ 449 .N36 1999
Born to be gay: a history of homosexuality.
Stroud: Tempus, 2004.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .N36 2004
Sex crimes: from Renaissance to Enlightenment.
Stroud, Gloucestershire: Tempus, 2004.
note: [chapter] 5, Sodomites and male sexual deviance, pp. 103-132;
[chapter] 7, Tribades and female sexual deviance, pp. 153-177; [chapter]
8, Masturbation, incest, group sex and sadism, pp. 179-205.
Suz HQ 18 .E8 N35 2004
Gay men's friendships: invincible communities.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 N37 1999
Queer: "despised sexuality", law, and social change.
Bangalore: Books for Change, 2004.
Suz HQ 77.95 .I4 N37 2004
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2007.
note: [chapter] 8, Internalized homophobia: lessons from the Mobius strip
(Glenda M. Russell), pp. 151-173.
SocWk WM 420 N2342 2007
Parent-son compatibility [microform]: a study of the relationship between
interpersonal relations orientations and the development of male
Eugene: Microform Publications, College of Health, Physical Education and
Recreation, University of Oregon, 1975.
(Health, physical education, and recreation publications (Microfiche)
note: Thesis (M. Ed.)--Memphis State University, 1973.
MicNews Microfiche M-3462
Ek thi larki.
Lahaur: Sang-i Mil Pablikeshanz, 1995.
note: in Urdu
Suz PK 2200 .N3612 E47 1995
Faisalabad, Pakistan: Ham Khayal Pablisharz, 1994.
note: in Urdu; includes an introduction by Caudhri Muhammad Naim.
Suz PK 2200 .N3612
N37 1994
Individuelle Freiheit und staatliche Reglementierungen: Lesben und Schwule
in der DDR.
Marburg: Tectum, 1999.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G3 N37 1999
Lesbians talk transgender.
London: Scarlet, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.5 .N29 1996
Mishima: a biography.
Boston: Little, Brown [1974]
Ugl, EAsia PL 833 .I7 Z6994
see: A Queer Nation. (special issue)
Cuba transnational. Edited by Damián J. Fernández.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2005.
note: [chapter] 4, Gay sex tourism, ambiguity, and transnational love in
Havana, (Gisela Fosada), pp. 61-78; [chapter] 5, Locas al Rescate; the
transnational hauntings of queer Cubanidad, (Lázaro Lima), pp.
Tac F1788 .N345 2003
Sexual orientation and U. S. military personnel policy: options and
Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1993.
note: Prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Suz UB 418 .G38 N37 1993
[NY]: National Film Board of Canada, [1999-?]
note: tape 5 includes an excerpt of Forbidden love: unashamed stories of
lesbian lives (1992), directed and written by Aerlyn Weissman and Lynne
note: for complete film, see, Forbidden love: unashamed...
UglMed Videorecord NFBC 017 v.5 and guide
Anti-gay violence and victimization in... : a report by the Violence
Project of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
Washington, D. C.: The Task Force, 1985.
note: for other editions and annuals, see also: Anti-gay/lesbian
victimization: a study of the National Gay Task Force in cooperation with
gay and lesbian organizations in eight U. S. cities (1984) [and] National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U. S.). Anti-gay violence, victimization &
defamation in...(1986, 1988) [and] National Gay and Lesbian Task force (U.
S.). Policy Institute. Anti-gay/lesbian violence, victimization &
defamation in... (1990-1993) [and] Anti-gay/lesbian violence in
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 N37a 1985
Anti-gay violence, victimization & defamation in ... By the NGLTF.
Washington, D. C.: The Task force, 1986-1989. 4v.
note: for other editions and annuals, see also: Anti-gay/lesbian
victimization: a study of the National Gay Task Force in cooperation with
gay and lesbian organizations in eight U. S. cities (1984) [and] National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U. S.) Anti-gay violence and victimization in
... (1985) [and] National gay and Lesbian Task force (U. S.) Policy
Institute. Anti-gay/lesbian violence, victimization & defamation in
...(1990-1993) [and] Anti-gay/lesbian violence in ... (1994)
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 N37a 1986, 1988
Anti-gay/lesbian violence, victimization & defamation in ... NGLTF
Policy Institute.
Washington, D. C.: The Institute, c1990-c1994. 4v.
note: for other editions and annuals, see also: Anti-gay/lesbian
victimization: a study of the National Gay Task Force in cooperation with
gay and lesbian organizations in eight U. S. cities (1984) [and] National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U. S.) Anti-gay violence and victimization in
... (1985) [and] National Gay and Lesbian Task force (U. S.) Anti-gay
violence, victimization & defamation in ...(1986, 1988) [and]
Anti-gay/lesbian violence in ...(1994)
Suz HV 6240.4 .H66 N37a 1990-1993 (6th-9th)
Seattle [Wash.]: Tacky Tourist Clubs of America, Seattle Chapter,
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .N38 n.3-4 (Jun 1990-Jun 1991)
National Institute of Mental Health Task Force on Homosexuality: final
report and background papers. Edited by John M. Livingood.
Rockville, MD: National Institute of Mental Health; [for sale by the Supt.
of Docs., U. S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington, 1972]
(DHEW publication, no. (HSM) 72-9116)
HSLIC HQ 76 .U55 1972
National Institute of Mental Health Task Force on Homosexuality: final
report and background papers. Edited by John M. Livingood.
Rockville, MD: U. S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public
Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration,
National Institute of Mental Health; Washington: for sale by the Supt. of
Docs., U. S. govt. print. off., [1976]
(DHEW publication, no. (ADM) 72-357)
HSLIC HQ 76.25 .U54 1976
[Chapel Hill,
N.C.: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill], 1995-
note: an online (world wide web) journal
What is good instruction now?: library instruction for the 90s: papers
and session materials presented at the Twentieth National LOEX Library
Instruction Conference hald at Eastern Michigan University 8 to 9 May
1992, and related resource materials gathered by the LOEX Clearinghouse,
edited by Linda Shirato.
Ann Arbor, MI: Published for Learning Resources and Technologies, Eastern
Michigan University, by Pierian Press, 1993.
note: Instructive Session No: 5. Helping students find sensitive
materials: a guide to the literature on homosexuality (Gary M. Klein), pp.
Suz Z711.2 .N37 1992
see: Part of the U.S.A.! [videorecording]
Second National Workshop on HIV, Alcohol and Other Drug Use: proceedings.
Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, 1994.
note: Proceedings of a information and strategies to reduce
HIV transmission associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs,...
targeting vulnerable populations such as women, youth, and gays...
note: The French edition, Deuxieme Atelier national sur le VIH et l'usage
de alcool et des autres drogues: actes, is available on Microfiche M-2261,
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 99-02997
Burkhard Jellonek, Rüdiger Lautmann (Herausgeber)
Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2002.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 N38 2002
Wagner androgyne: a study in interpretation. Translated by Stewart Spencer.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, [1993]
Music ML 410 .W13 N3513 1993
Washington, D. C.: Georgetown University Press, c1998.
note: "The essays in this volume grew out a a conference at
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University, in April
note: Nature, morality, and homosexuality (Robert P. George), pp. 29-40.
Suz, Bot K460 .N347 1998
NY: Haworth Press, c1982.
(Research on homosexuality, v.3)
note: also published as : Philosophy and homosexuality.
see also: Philosophy and homosexuality.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 N37 1982
Water wings.
London: Onlywomen Press, 1990.
Suz PR 60664 .A76 W38 1990
Ruhe gibt es nicht, bis zum Schluss: Klaus Mann (1906-1949): Bilder und
Dokumente. Herausgegeben von Uwe Naumann.
Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1999.
Suz PT 2625 .A42 Z77 1999
Created equal: why gay rights matter to America.
By Michael Nava and Robert Dawidoff.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1994.
Suz, Law, Tac, Bot HQ 76.8 U5 N38 1994
Boston: Alyson, 1988.
Suz PS 3564 .A8746 G64 1988
How town: a novel of suspense.
Harper & Row, c1990.
Ugl PS 3564 .A8746 H69 1990
The little death. 2nd ed.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1997, c1996.
Suz PS 3564 .A8746 L58 1997
Les loukoums; roman.
Paris: Flammarion [1973]
Suz PQ 2674 .A88 L6
Sweet tooth. Translated by Donald Watson.
London: Calder, 1976.
note: translation of: Les loukoums.
Suz PQ 2674 .A88 L613 1976
Our share of time. Translated from the French by Dominic Di Bernardi and
Noelle Domke.
The Dalkey Archive Press, 1987.
Ugl PQ 2674 .A88 T413 1987
Ja jsem ja. Martina Navratilova with George Vecsey; prelozil Josef
note: translation from English to Czech of: Martina
Toronto: Sixty-eight Publishers, 1985.
Suz GV 994 .N38 A3412 1985
Martina. Martina Navratilova with George Vecsey.
NY: Knopf, 1985.
Ugl GV 994 .N38 A34 1985
[Washington, D.C.]: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, [2002]-
note: An online exhibition created in conjuinction with the special
exhibit, "Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals, 1933-1945," held at the United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum from November 15, 2002 through March 16,
2003. Traces the rise of National Socialism and its impact on homosexuals
in Germany, particularly the way in which Nazi racial science was used to
classify gay men as a threat to the state. Describes the arrest and
persecution of thousands of men, their harsh treatment in Nazi prisons and
concentration camps, and the continued discrimination against them
following the war. Provides the personal stories of eight different men
impacted by the Nazi policies against homosexuality. Also includes the
reproductions of numerous photographs, drawings, paintings, and
historically significant documents.
Istanbul: Berdan Matbaacilik, 2006.
Suz HQ 73.3 .T92 1886 2006
Foundlings: lesbian and gay historical emotion before Stonewall.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2001.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 N43 2001
New black man.
NY: Routledge, 2005.
note: chapter 3, Queers in a barrel, pp. 67-97.
Tac E185.86 .N395 2005
Fire in the rain-- singer in the storm: an autobiography.
With Derk Richardson.
NY: W. Morrow, c1990.
Ugl ML 420 .N375 A3 1990
London; NY: Routledge, 2005.
note: chapter 8, The uncanny architect: fears of lesbian builders and
deviant homes in modern Germany (Despina Stratigakos), pp. 145-161;
chapter 9, A queer analysis of Eileen Gray's E. 1027 (Katarina Bonnevier),
pp. 162-180.
AUP NA 2543 .W65 N44 2005
Edited by Monica Dorenkamp and richard Henke.
NY: Routledge, 1995.
note: essays from the Fifth Annual Lesbian and Gay Studies Conference,
held at Rutgers University and Princeton University in 1991.
Suz HQ 76.25 .N44 1995
Rough amusements: the true story of A'Leila Walker,
patroness of the Harlem Renaissance's down-low culture: an urban
NY: Bloomsbury: Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck, 2003.
Suz, Ugl PS 3564 .E296 R68 2003
NY: Garland Pub., 1997.
note: "The Fruit Brigade" Neil Simon's gay characters, (Richard Grayson),
pp. 137-147.
Drama PS 3537 .I663 Z79 1997
Recognizing a different other: neo-Kleinian analysis of
lesbian relationship violence.
Ph. D. thesis, Duquesne University, 2004.
available online,
Tabu im Diskurs: Sexualität in der Literatur österreichischer
Innsbruck: Studien Verlag, c2001.
note: [chapter] 2.3.4, Die Themen der 70er: Abtreibung, Lesben, sexuelle
Gewalt..., pp. 57-63; [chapter] 2.4, "Anders als die andern" - weibliche
Homosexualität, pp. 64-79; [chapter] 3.3 Von heimlichen Kammern in
öffentliche Räume - lesbische Sexualität in Texten, pp.
Suz PT 3818 .N457 2001
The boy who picked the bullets up.
NY: Morrow, 1981.
Suz PS 3564 .E458 B6 1981
Panthers in the skins of men.
Secaucus, N.J.: Meadowland Books, c1989.
Suz PS 3564 .E458 P36 1989
Finding true love in a man-eat-man world: the intelligent guide to
gay dating, sex, romance, and eternal love.
NY: Dell, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 N45 1996
Lesbian motherhood: an exploration of Canadian lesbian families.
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.53 .N45 1996
sottie sans souci: essai d'interpretation homosexuelle.
Paris: H. Champion, 1977, c1976.
Suz PQ 515 N4 1977
Between two gardens: reflections on sexuality and
religious experience.
NY: Pilgrim Press, c1983.
note: Homosexuality, pp. 93-95.
Suz BT 708 .N43 1983
Choices: my journey after leaving my husband for Martina and a lesbian
NY: Carol Pub. Group, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.4 .N45 A3 1996
So--you're thinking about domestic partnership benefits?: Here's how!: (An
employer's quick reference guide to domestic partnership benefits).
Neomosha Nelson, author and project coordinator (Seattle Office for
Women's Rights)
Seattle: The Office, 1996.
Suz KF 538 .N62 1996
Earthshine: a novel.
NY: Orchard Books, c1994.
note: Slim watches over her father, a disarmingly charismatic man, as his
struggle with AIDS reaches its climax.
ChiLit, BotChi PZ 7 .N4377 Ear 1994
A fragile union: new & selected writings.
San Francicsco: Cleis Press, c1998.
Suz, Ugl PS 3564 .E822 F73 1998
A restricted country.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1987.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 75.4 N47 A3 1987
Suz HQ 75.4 .N47 A3 1996 (Pandora ed.)
A restricted country. 3rd ed.
San Francisco, CA: Cleis, 2003.
Suz HQ 75.4 .N47 A3 2003
A restricted country: documents of desire and resistance.
Hammersmith, London: Pandora, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.4 .N47 A3 1996
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, c2004.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel, Bd. 36)
Suz HQ 75.8 .U47 N48 2004
Klaus Mann: eine Psychobiographie.
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, c1995.
Suz PT 2625 .A435 Z83 1995
Androgynous Judaism: masculine and feminine in the dual Torah.
Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1993.
Suz BM 1496.9 .S48 N48 1993
Bodies at risk: unsafe limits in romanticism and postmodernism.
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, c1998.
Suz PN 56 .B62 N48 1998
London; NY: Routledge, 1998.
note: see chapter 1: Sisters in exile: the lesbian nation; chapter 10:
Lesbian space; and chapter 13: Ubran culture and virtual bodies.
Suz HQ 1154 .S617 1998
NY: IconEditions, c1994.
note: A space of infinite and pleasurable possibilities: lesbian
self-representation in visual art (Harmony Hammond), pp. 97-131;
Transgressing Le Droit du Seigneur: the lesbian feminist defining herself
in art history (Cassandra L. Langer), pp. 306-326.
Art, Tac N72 .F45 N48 1994
Palo Alto, CA: Ramparts Press, c1979.
Suz HQ 76.2 U5 N48
Michael T. Wright, B. R. Simon Rosser, Onno de Zwart, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1998.
note: also published as a special issue of: Journal of psychology & human
sexuality, v.10, n.3/4 (1998)
SocWk, Tac HQ 76 .N48 1998
Edited and introduced by Sally Munt.
NY, London: Wheatsheaf, 1992.
Suz PS 153 L46 N48 1992
Edited by Bonnie Zimmerman and Toni A. H. McNaron; foreword by Margaret
NY: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1996.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HQ 75.15 .L47 1996
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press; Eugene, OR: dist. by Subterranean Co.,
Suz, Bot PS 509 L47 N48 1984
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1987.
Ugl HQ 1090.5 .U5 N48 1987
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1992.
note: [chapter] 10, Loving women: lesbian life and relationships, (The
Lesbians Revisions Group, including Barbara A. Burg ... [et al.]), pp.
Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 1426 .B69 1992
Gina Vida, editor;
Karol D. Lightner; assistant editor, Tany Viger, assistant editor.
NY: Touchstone Book, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 N48 1996
Edited by Rachel Stein.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 1, Toward a queer ecofeminism (Greta Gaard),
pp. 21-44; [chapter] 6, Sexual politics and environmental justice;
lesbian separatists in rural Oregon (Catriona Sandilands), pp. 109-126;
[chapter] 7, Toxic bodies?; ACT UP's disruption of the heteronormative
landscaper of the nation (Beth Berila), pp.127-136; [chapter] 14, "Lo que
quiero es tierra"; longing and belonging in Cherrie Moraga's ecological
vision (Priscilla Solis Ybarra), pp. 240-248; [chapter] 15, Detecting
toxic environments; gay mystery as environmental justice (Katie Hogan),
pp. 249-261.
NatSci, Bot, Tac GE 220 .N48 2004
NY: J.
Wiley, c1998.
note: Chapter 12, Being gay and being male: psychotherapy with gay and
bisexual men, (Steven Schwartzberg and Lawrence G. Rosenberg), pp.
NatSci WM 420 N532 1998
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, c2006.
Ugl, Tac PN 1992.8 .H64 N69 2006
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2004.
Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 N48 2004
Washington Square, NY: New York University Press, 1997.
note: Based on a conference which was held at Middlesex University in July
note: [chapter] 4, Sexual values revisited (Jeffrey Weeks), pp. 43-59;
[chapter] 9, 'Yes, but does it work?' Impediments to rigorous evaluations
of gay men's health promotion (Graham Hart), pp. 113-124; [chapter] 12,
The case of the lesbian phallus: bridging the gap between material and
discursive analyses of sexuality (Jane Ussher), pp. 157-168; [chapter] 15,
Queer identities and the ethnicity model (Alan Sinfield), pp. 196-204;
[chapter] 16, Seeling the world from a lesbian and gay standpoint (Mary
McIntosh), pp. 205-213; [chapter] 17, The good homosexual and the
dangerous queer: resisting the 'new homophobia' (Anna Marie Smith), pp.
214-231; [chapter] 18, Death camp: feminism vs queer theory (Mandy Merck),
pp. 232-237.
Suz, Bot HQ 23 .N48 1997
Edited by Lester A. Kirkendall and Robert N. Whitehurst. With a preface by
Paul Kurtz.
NY: D. W. Brown [1971]
note: Chapter 7: The Homosexual revolution--a status report, pp. 85-95
Suz HQ 18 .U5 N38 1971
Sofia: Bilitis Resource Center, 2006.
Suz HQ 29 .N49 2006
Love lives on [sound recording].
Beverly Hills, CA: Virgin Classics, p1991.
note: Gary Miller, director
UglMed Cd VIR 045
see: Prejudice and Pride: Lesbian and Gay Traditions in America. (special
NY: New York University Press, c2001.
note: chapter 21, Congregation Beth Simchat Torah: New York's gay and
lesbian synagogue (Helaine Harris), pp. 312-321.
Suz BL 2527 .N7 N49 2001
NY: That New Magazine, Inc., 1980- note: biweekly newspaper
MicNews Microfilm A9914 (issue 1-716, Dec. 5, 1980 - Jan. 6, 1997)
The forger's tale: the search for Odeziaku.
Athens: Ohio University Press, c2006.
Suz PR 6037 .T915 Z79 2006
The whole lesbian sex book: a passionate guide for all of us.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c1999.
Ugl HQ 75.5 .N48 1999
The whole lesbian sex book: a passionate guide for all of us. 2nd ed.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c2004.
Bot HQ 75.51 .N49 2004
Belinda's bouquet. Illustrated by Michael Willhoite.
Boston: Alyson Wonderland, c1991.
ChildLit PZ7 .N47988 Be 1991
The best short stories of Leslea Newman.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2003.
Ugl PS 3564 .E91628 A6 2003
Girls will be girls: a novella and short stories.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Suz PS 3564 .E91628 G57 2000
Gloria goes to gay pride. Illustrated by Russell Crocker.
Boston: Alyson Wonderland, c1991.
ChildLit PZ 7 N47988 G1 1991
Good enough to eat: a novel.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1986.
Suz, Ugl PS 3564 .E91628 G6 1986
Heather has two mommies. Illustrated by Diana Souza.
Boston, MA: Alyson Wonderland, c1989.
ChildLit, BotChi PZ 7 N47988 Hea 1989
A letter to Harvey Milk: short stories.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 3564 E91628 L47 1988
The little butch book. With illustrations by Yohah Ralph.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c1998.
Suz PS 3564 .E91628 L55 1998
Secrets: short stories.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c1990.
Suz, Ugl PS 3564 E91628 S4 1990
Still life with buddy; a novel told in fifty
Radnor, OH: Pride Publications, c1997.
Suz PS 3564 .E91628 S74 1997
Seattle: Gay Community Center [1974-1975]
note: continued by Seattle Gay News
SpecCollOversz HQ 75 .S43
v.1,n.1-2 (Jun-Jul/Aug 1974); v.1,n.4-5 (Oct-Nov 1974); v.2,n.1-2
(Jan/Feb-Mar 1975); v.2,n.4-6 (Jun/Jul-Oct 1975)
Thousand Oaks, CA; London: Sage Publications, c2006.
Suz PN 4888 .H66 N49 2006
Washington, D.C.: The Association, 1985-2001.
note: continued by Newsletter of the AALS Section on Sexual Orientation
and Gender Identity Issues, see Newsletter of the AALS....
Law KF 263 A8 G3915 1985/1(1985)-Fall 2001
San Francisco: Committee for Homosexual Freedom, [1969]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: also known as, CHF Newsletter
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 Apr. 22, 1969 - Oct. 16, 1969
[San Francisco: Daughters of Bilitis, San Francisco Chapter,
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm 10331 reel 43 July 1959-June 1978
Chicago, IL: Leather Archives & Museum, -2003
online: Winter 2003-Fall 2003 (issue 16-issue 19)
continued by Leather times: news from the Leather Archives & Museum, see
Leather Times: news from the Leather Archives & Museum.
Seattle: Multifaith AIDS Projects, -[1998]
note: continued by Newsletter (Multifaith Works (Organization)) and In the
works: newsletter; see Newsletter (Multifaith Works (Organization)) and In
the works: newsletter.
SpecColl HV 99 .S62 M84a no. 65 (Jun 1997); no. 73 (Oct 1998)
Seattle: Multifaith Works, [1998-1999]
note: continues: Newsletter (Multifaith AIDS Projects (Seattle, Wash.))
and continued by In the works: newsletter, see Newsletter (Multifaith AIDS
Projects (Seattle, Wash.)) and In the works: newsletter.
SpecColl HV 99 .S62 M84a no. 74-76 (Dec 1998-Apr 1999)
[Washington, D.C.?]: Association of American Law Schools, 2002-
note: formerly Newsletter (American Association of Law Schools. Section on
Gay and Lesbian Legal Issues), see Newsletter (American Association
Law KF 263 .A8 G3915 Fall 2002-
Gay and lesbian rights: a reference handbook.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, c1994.
SuzRef, UglRef, SocWkRef HQ 76.3 .U5 N48 1994
Cherry Grove. Fire Island: sixty years in America's first gay and lesbian
Boston: Beacon Press, c1993.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.6 U5 N49 1993
Margaret Mead made me gay: personal essays, public ideas. Forewords by
Judith Halberstam and William L. Leap.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 N49 2000
Mother camp: female impersonators in America.
Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall [1972]
Suz, Ugl HQ 77 N49
The Huey P. Newton reader.
Edited by David Hilliard and Donald Weise; foreword by Fredrika Newton;
introduction by David Hilliard.
NY: Seven Stories Press, c2002.
note: The women's liberation and gay liberation movements: August 15,
1970, pp. 157-159.
Suz, Tac E185.97 .N48 A28 2002
To die for the people: the writings of Huey P. Newton. Edited by Toni
NY: Writers and Readers Pub., 1995.
note: The Women's Liberation and Gay Liberation Movements: August 15,
1970, pp. 152-155.
Suz E185.615 .N4 1995
From Panthers to Promise Keepers: rethinking the men's movement.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c2005.
Bot HQ 1090.3 .N493 2005
Hollywood, DA: Paramount, [2000]
note: DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in 2000
note credits - Music, Gabriel Yared; editor, Peter Honess; director of
photography, Elliot Davis; cast - Rupert Everett, Madonna, Benjamin Bratt,
Michael Vartan, Josef Sommer, Lynn Redgrave.
note: A woman and her gay boyfriend have a child, but their unconventional
family is put to the test when she meets her dream man.
UglMed DVD PARA 146
NY: Monacelli Press, 2002.
note: To hell and back: Jerusalem's queer center (Amir Sumaka'i Fink), pp.
Arch NA 9246.6 .J4 N49 2002
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1994.
note: Out from under, v.2; for v.1, see, Out from under...
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 N494 1994
Zhongguo tong xing ai shi lu. Xiaoming Xiong zhu.
Xianggang: Fen hong
san jiao chu ban she, 1997
note: Edition, Zeng ding ban.
note: Chung-kuo Han tsu, i ming tzu
"Siuming" wei hsing, pu i fu hsing wei hsing, piao shih pu i i hsing ai
chia ting chih tu (pao k'uo nan tsun nu pei -- gu ci zhi zhuan fu xing)
wei ji chu.
note: other titles, Zhong-guo tong xing ai shi lu; Zhongguo tongxingai
shilu; History of homosexuality in China.
EAsia HQ 76.2 .C5 K62 1997
SQ21: Singapore queers in the 21st century. Edited by Jason Wee.
Singapore: Oogachaga Counseling & Support, c2006.
Suz HQ 76.3 .S55 N43 2006
You can be free: an easy-to-read handbook for abused women. Ginny
NiCarthy, Sue Davidson.
note: chapter 18, Lesbian abuse, pp. 103-111.
SocWk, SpecCollBkArts HV 6626 .N5 1989
You can be free: an easy-to-read handbook for abused women. Ginny NiCarthy
and Sue Davidson.
Emeryville, CA: Seal Press; Distributed by Publishers Group West,
note: chapter 17, Lesbian abuse, pp. 141-150.
SocWk HV 6626.2 .N48 2006
Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1982.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.6 U5 N52
Edited by Evelyn Torton Beck. [2nd ed.]
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, [1984]
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 N52 1984
Edited by Evelyn Torton Beck. Rev. and updated ed.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1989.
Ugl HQ 75.6 .U5 N5 1989
Somebody else: Arthur Rimbaud in Africa, 1880-91.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz PQ 2387 .R5 Z7178 1999
The gay agenda: talking back to the fundamentalists.
With a foreword by George Weinberg.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 N52 1996
Welcome to Fire Island: visions of Cherry Grove and the Pines.
Photos. By Steve Yates.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1976.
Suz F 127 .S9 N57 1976
Rhetoric and sexuality: the poetry of Hart Crane, Elizabeth Bishop, and
James Merrill.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, c2006.
Suz PS 310 .H66 N52 2006
Healing homosexuality: case stories of reparative therapy.
By Joseph Nicolosi, with the assistance of Lucy Freeman.
Northvale, N. J.: J. Aronson, c1993.
SocWk WM 615 N639h 1993
Reparative therapy of male homosexuality: a new clinical approach.
Northvale, N. J.: J. Aronson, c1991.
Suz, SocWk WM 615 N651r 1991
Long life.
NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, c1998.
Suz CT 788 .N486 A3 1998
Portrait of a marriage.
NY: Athenaum, 1973.
Suz, Bot PR 6037 .A35 Z8
Bot PR 6037 .A35 Z8 1980
Virginia Woolf.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2000.
PR 6045 .O72 Z8326 2000
Memory babe: a critical biography of Jack Kerouac.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.
Suz, Bot PS 3521 .E735 Z79 1994
Boomer: railroad memoirs.
Pittsburgh, PA: Cleis Press, [1992]
note: 2nd ed (1997) published as: On the rails.
Suz HD 6073 .R12 U66 1992
On the rails. Introduction by Leslie Marmon Silko. 2nd ed.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, 1997.
note: earlier ed (1992) published as: Boomer.
Tac HD 6073 .R12 U66 1997
Strange brother.
London: GMP, 1991.
note: Blair Niles, pseudonym for June Westbrook.
Suz, Bot PS 3527 .I69 S77 1991
The soul beneath the skin: the unseen hearts and habits of gay men.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c2002.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5N55 2002
Cahiers secrets: Henry and June, (Octobre 1931-Octobre 1932)
Traduit de l'anglais par Beatrice Commenge.
Paris: Stock, c1987.
Suz PS 3527 .I865 Z464214 1987
Delta of Venus; Little birds: erotica.
NY: Quality Paperback Book Club, c1993.
Suz PS 3527 .I865 D4 1993
Henry and June: from a journal of love: the unexpurgated diary
of Anais Nin, 1931-1932.
San Diego: Harcourt Brace & Co., 1989.
Suz PS 3527 .I865 Z4642 1989
In favor of the sensitive man, and other essays.
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976.
note: "Un chant d'amour", pp. 109-110 (review of Jean Genet's film
reprinted from the Los Angeles Free Press, 24 December, 1965)
Suz, Ugl PS 3527 .I865 I5
Little birds: erotica.
NY: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, c1979.
note: some vignettes have lesbian or gay interest
Suz PS 3527 .I865 L57 1979
London; NY: Routledge, 1999.
Suz PR 1111 .H57 L68 1999
Homoeroticism in the biblical world: a historical perspective. Translated
by Kirsi Stjerna.
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, c1998.
note: translation from the Finnish of: Homoerotikka Raamatun
Suz BS 680 .H67 N5713 1998
Adult lesbians' relationships with their mothers: emotional closeness,
self-esteem and the coming-out process. Thesis (M. Nurs.) -- University
of Washington, 1983.
Seattle, 1983.
HSLIC WY 7 Th30579
Aux Thesis 30579
People with AIDS. Photographs by Nicholas Nixon; texts by Bebe Nixon.
Boston: D. R. Godine, 1991.
Suz WD 308 N736p 1991
San Francisco, CA: National Lesbian Information Service, c1972-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.1,no.1 (May 1972)
[NY: available from L/GRMG, [1980]
note: sequel to: Gay liberation and socialism.
see: Gay liberation and socialism.
Suz HQ 76.5 .N615 1980
[S.l.]: New Day Films, c2001.
note: VHS
note: credits- cinematography, Melissa Regan & the girl's dad
note: The program follows three sisters as they struggle to understand why
and how Uncle Bill is becoming Aunt Barbara. With just weeks until Bill's
first visit as Barbara, the sisters navigate the complex territories of
anatomy, sexuality, personality, gender and fashion. Their reactions are
funny, touching, and distinctly different. This film offers a
fresh perspective on a complex situation from a family that insists there
are no dumb questions.
Bot Videorecord BOT-2312
Los Angeles: Picture This! Home Video, 1999.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS. Based on a novel by Jaime Bayly.
note: cast- Santiago Magill, Lucia Jimenez, Christian Meier, Carmen Elias,
Hernan Romero, Giovanni Cicia, Lita Baluarte; credits- Director of
photography, Carlos Gusi; editor, Nicholas Wentworth; music, Roque
note: Based on the alleged autobiography of gay Peruvian talk show host
Jaime Bayly, this is the story of Joaquin, a troubled youth from a
well-to-do family in Peru, who must overcome the domineering influences of
his macho, racist father and obsessively religious mother to discover his
true sexual nature.
see also: for the novel, Bayly, Jaime. No se lo digas a nadie.
UglMed Videorecord PTHV 001
note: 1 videodisc, DVD
note: credits- director of photography, Sophia Constantinou; editor, Gary
J. Westphalen; music, Claire Harding; narrator, Kate Clinton.
note: Chronicles the lives of two women who have been partners in love and
political struggle for half a century. San Francisco icons, Del Martin and
Phyllis Lyon are known as the founders of the modern lesbian civil rights
movement. No Secret Anymore follows them through six decades, tracing the
emergence of lesbians from the fear of discovery to the expectation of
UglMed DVD FRAM 001
TacMed DVD TAC-648
By Gere Goodman et al. Foreword by Malcolm Boyd.
Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, c1983.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.5 .N62 1983
Building identities, building communities: lesbian women and gaydar.
M.A. thesis, York University, 1998.
available online,
An assessment of the campus climate for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgender persons as perceived by the faculty, staff, and administration
at Texas A & M University. 2004.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Texas A & M University, 2004.
available online,
The new eroticism: theories, vogues and canons.
NY: Random House
note: The new homosexuality (Tom Burke), pp. 77-97.
Ugl HQ 460 .N6
Masculinities without men?: female masculinity in twentieth-century
Vancouver: UBC Press, c2004.
Suz PN 56 .G45 N63 2004
Sons of the movement: FtMs risking incoherence on a post-queer cultural
Toronto: Women's Press, 2006.
Suz HQ 77.9 .N62 2006
The double goddess: women sharing power. Illustrated by Kimberley Eve.
Rochester, VT: Bear & Co., 2003.
Bot BL 473.5 .N63 2003
Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, c2006.
Bot HQ 77.9 .N64 2006
The development of a Guttman-type scale to measure psychological
masculinity and femininity among educators.
Seattle: University of Washington, 1990.
note: Thesis (Ed. D.)-- University of Washington, 1990.
Suz LA 7 Th38044
Aux Thesis 38044
Ludwig Wittgenstein und David Pinsent: die andere Liebe der
Berlin: Rowohlt, 1998.
Suz B3376 .W564 N57 1998
That other realm of freedom.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1983.
Suz PR 6064 .O58 T4 1983
Red beans & rice: recipes for lesbian health & wisdom.
Illustration & design by Diana Souza.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1986.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 N66 1986
Riskante relaties: vijf eeuwen homoseksualiteit in Nederland,
Hilversum: Verloren, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.3 .N4 N66 1995
Guy to goddess: an intimate look at drag queens. Photographs
by Rosamond Norbury; text by Bill Richardson.
Vancouver: Whitecap Books, c1994.
Drama HQ 77 .N67 1994b
Queer theory: a bibliography.
Santa Cruz, CA: Reference and Research Services, 1997.
(Social theory, no. 48)
SuzRef HQ 75.16 .U6 N76 1997
American cultural pluralism and law. Jill Norgren and Serena Nanda.
3rd ed.
Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2006.
note: chapter 10, Family values: gays and marriage, pp. 183-202.
Suz, Law KF 4755 .N67 2006
[Wolf Creek?] Southern Oregon: Pearlchild, c1999.
SpecCollBkArts HQ 75.4 .C64 N67 1998
NY: Guilford Press, c1993.
note: chapter 10, Lesbian and gay families (Joan Laird), pp. 282-328.
note: the lst edition ((c1982) had no chapter on lesbian and gay
SocWk HQ 728 .N83 1993
Getting out.
Garden City, NY: N. Doubleday, c1979.
Drama PS 3564 .O7 G4 1979
Suz PS 3564 .O623 G4 1980 (Avon Books)
Out in the open: people talking about being gay or bisexual.
By Stephanie Norris and Emma Read.
London: Pan Books, 1985.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 N67 1985
Beat hotel.
San Diego, CA: Atticus Press, 1983.
Suz, Ugl PS 3527 .O56 B4 1983
Carnivorous saint: gay poems, 1941-1976.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1977.
Suz PS 3527 O56 C36
Harold Norse, the love poems, 1940-1985.
Trumansburg, N.Y.: Crossing Press, c1986.
Suz PS 3527 .C56 H37 1986
In the hub of the fiery force: collected poems of Harold Norse,
NY: Thunder's Mouth Press;
[Berkeley, CA]: Distributed by Publishers Group West, c2003.
Suz PS 3527 .O56 A6 2003
Memoirs of a bastard angel.
NY: W. Morrow, 1989.
Suz PS 3537 .O56 Z468 1989
Seattle: Seattle Bisexual Women's Network, 1988-
SpecColl HQ 74.2 .U5 N67
v.2,n.6 (Dec 1989/Jan 1990); v.3,n.1 (Feb/Mar 1990); v.3,n.4-5
(Aug/Sep-Oct/Nov 1990); v.9,n.1 (Feb/Mar 1996); v.11,n.4-v.16,n.3
(Nov1998/Jan 1999-Aug/Oct 2003)
Anchorage, Alaska: Identity, Inc. [2000]-
note: continues Rainbow borealis
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .N63
v.1,n.11-v.2,n.4 (Nov 2000-Apr 2001); v.3,n.5
(May 2000)
see: NW fountain.
Seattle: Northwest gay & lesbian reader.
SpecColl PNW PN 56 .H57 N67
v.1,n.2 (Sep/Oct 1989); v.2,n.1-2 (Jan/Feb-Mar/Apr 1990); v.2,n.4
(Jul/Aug 1990); v.3, n.4-v.4,n.3 (Jul/Aug-May/Jun 1992); v.4, n.6
(Nov/Dec 1992)
Portland, OR: Historical Outlet Center, 1974-
note: issue for Oct. 1974 lacks numbering but constitutes v.1,n.9; issues
for both June 1977 and Jul/Aug 1977 called v.4,n.5.
note: issue for May 1974 accompanied by separate supplement, titled:
Special visitors guide to San Francisco; issue for June 1974 accompanied
by separate supplement, titled: Portland special; issue for July 1974
accompanied by untitled supplement which covers Seattle; issue for June
1977 accompanied by supplement, titled: Portland from World War II to
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .N65
v.1,n.1-v.2,n.1 Feb 1974-Dec1974/Jan 1975); v.2,n.9-10 (Oct-Nov
1975); v.3,n.2-3 (Mar 1976-Apr/May 1976); v.3,n.6 (Aug 1976); v.3,n.9-10
(Nov 1976-Dec 1976-Jan 1977); v.4,n.2-3 (Mar-Apr 1977); v.4,n.5-5[sic,
actually n.6] (June-Jul/Aug 1997); v.5,n.1 (Jan/Feb 1998)
A historical map of
lesbian and gay Seattle.
Seattle: The Project, 1996.
Maps General Map Cases G 4284 .S4 E624 1995 .N6
Seattle, WA: Northwest Lesbian and Gay
History Museum Project, c1996-
note: published at different
frequencies (v.1, 3 issues; v.2,3,&4, 4 issues each; v.5, 2 issues,
SpecColOversize HQ 75 .N66a v.1,n.1-v.6,n.1+ (Jun 1996-Jun
Seattle, WA: Purple Pumpkin Press, c1980.
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .N67 no. 1 (1980)
Queer bodies, national identity, and performance: sexuality, race, gender
and/in Reaganism 1980-1993.
note: Thesis (Ph.D)
[Seattle, WA: University of Washington, 1994]
Suz PS 15 Th42529
Aux Thesis 42529
Mother Clap's molly house: the gay subculture in England, 1700-1830.
London: GMP; East Haven, CT: dist. by InBok, 1992.
Suz HQ 76.3 G7 N68 1992
The myth of the modern homosexual: queer history and the search for
cultural unity.
London; Washington: Cassell, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .N67 1997
NY: W.W. Norton, c1999.
note: Paul Monette (1945-1995), From Borrowed Time, an AIDS Memoir, pp.
Bot CT 211 .N67 1999
Lesbian History Group.
London: Women's Press, 1989.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 N678 1989
[NY]: Cinema Guild, [198-?]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: credits- Cameramen, Carl Davis, Alan Steinheimer, Rich Weiss;
editor, A. P. Gonzales; narrator, Jim Samuels; music, Frank Harris.
note: Interviews with gay parents and their children about their lives
together and relationships with each other as well as the challenges
presented by society.
UglMed Videorecord CG 052
Edited and introduced by Christopher Reed.
NY: Thames and Hudson, c1996.
note: [chapter] 14, Master bedrooms, master narratives: home,
homosexuality, and post-war art (Kenneth E. Silver), pp. 206-221.
Art, Tac N8217 .H66 N68 1996
London: Onlywomen Press, 1999.
Suz PR 1177 .N68 1999
Compiled by Martin Humphries.
London: GMP Publishers, 1985.
Suz PR 1195 H58 N6 1985
Boulder: Paradigm, c2006.
note: [chapter] 7, On the possibilities of posthumanism, or how to think
queerly in an antiblack world (David Ross Fryer), pp. 227-242.
Suz E184.7 .N68 2006
Taiwan Queer Pride presents a documentary by Mia Chen & Mickey Chen;
producer/director, Mickey Chen, Mia Chen.
NY: Third World Newsreel, c1997.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; dialogue in Chinese with English subtitles
note: director of photography, Mickey Chen; editor, Marjorie Dimanche,
Mickey Chen, Mia Chen
note: Documents the first public gay wedding in Taiwan. Includes
interviews with the wedding couple, Gary and Yosheng, and other
Taiwanese gay men and lesbians.
UglMed Videorecord NEWS 010
[NY, Radical Feminism, 1970]
note: "with several articles crucial to the emergence of political
Suz HQ 1426 .N66 1970
Beverly Hills, CA: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, [2007]
note: DVD; based on the book by Zoe Heller.
note: cast- Judi Dench, Cate Blanchett, Bill Nighy, Andrew Simpson, Phil
Davis, Michael Maloney, Juno Temple, Max Lewis; credits- director of
photography, Chris Menges; editors, John Bloom, Antonia Van Drimmelen;
music, Philip Glass; costume designer, Tim Hatley; productions designer,
Tim Hatley.
note: Barbara is a cynical schoolteacher who is close to retirement. Her
only means of taking the edge off her desperate loneliness is writing in
her journal. Sheba is a younger, attractive woman, who joins the faculty
as an art teacher. Barbara watches her from afar and has nothing but
caustic things to say in her diary. Barbara finds herself reaching out to
Sheba. Sheba responds by inviting her to dinner at her house to meet
Sheba's lecturer husband and their two children. Later, when Barbara
discovers that Sheba is having a sexual relationship with a 15-year old
student, Barbara realizes that knowledge of this secret gives her power over
Sheba which she can use for her own purposes. Sheba becomes uneasy with
Barbara's friendship. The tenuous relationship between the two women reaches a
crisis point when Barbara's cat is dying and she asks Sheba to go with
her to the vet. Sheba chooses to go with her family to see their son in a
play instead. In revenge, Barbara sets in motion the scandal that will
rock both their lives in ways they never imagined.
UglMed DVD TCFHE 204
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997.
(Series Q)
Suz, Bot PS 374 .H63 N68 1997
[San Francisco, CA]: Frameline, 2002.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; in English and Spanish with English
note: credits- edited by Yael Bitton, Liz Miller
note: "A group of Nicaraguan feminists have fused human rights with
popular culture to create Nicaragua's most popular telenovela (soap
opera), Sexto Sentido. Novela, Novela examines how this ground-breaking
series made it to broadcast, and how the creators, writers, actors and
viewers grappled with controversial themes like domestic violence and
homophobia in this impoverisheed country heavily influenced by the
Catholic Church"
UglMed Videorecord FRAM 008
Edited by Winston Leyland; translated by Erskine Lane, Franklin D.
Blanton, and Simon Karlinsky.
note: Translations from Portuguese and from Spanish.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1979.
Suz, Bot PQ 9637 .E5 N68 1979
The accusing ghost; or, Justice for
London: Gollancz, 1957.
Suz 921 C267no
Münster: Lit, c2002.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G42 B46 2002
Gay rebel of the Harlem renaissance: selections from the work of Richard
Bruce Nugent; edited and with an introduction by Thomas H. Wirth; foreword
by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Durham, [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2002.
Suz PS 3527 .U34 G39 2002
Employment discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Buffalo, NY: W. S. Hein, 1998.
(Legal research guides, vol. 30)
Law KF 241 .L33 N83 1998
Building bridges: gay & lesbian reality and the Catholic Church.
By Robert Nugent and Jeannine Gramick.
Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications, c1992.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 N828 1992
Homosexual Catholics: a new primer for discussion. By Robert Nugent,
Jeannine Gramick, Thomas Oddo.
Washington, D.C.: Dignity; Mt. Rainier, MD: New Ways Ministry, c1980.
note: earlier edition entitled Homosexual Catholics: a primer for
discussion; contemporaneous edition entitled Catholic Homosexuals: a new
primer for discussion.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 N83 1980
Problems of bisexuality as reflected in circumcision.
London: Imago Pub. Co. [1949]
note: originally printed in the International Journal of Psycho-analysis,
v. 28, 1947, under the title: Circumcision and problems of
HSLIC 132.754 N92p
Epidemic of courage: facing AIDS in America.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1986.
Suz WD 308 N972 1986
Homosexual acts, actors, and identities.
NY: Praeger, 1983.
Suz HQ 76.25 .N87 1983
The afterlife of property: domestic security and the Victorian novel.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1994.
Suz PR 878 D65 N86 1994
Oscar Wilde.
NY: Chatham House Publishers, c1995.
(Lives of notable gay men and lesbians)
Suz PR 5823 .N96 1995
Oscar Wilde. by Jeff Nunokawa and Amy Sickels; [introduction by Leslea
Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, c2005.
(Gay and lesbian writers)
Bot PR 5823 .N86 2005
Tame passions of Wilde: the styles of manageable desire.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c2003.
Suz PR 5824 .N86 2003
Good intentions: how big business and the medical establishment are
corrupting the fight against AIDS.
NY: Atlantic Monthly Press, c1990.
Ugl WD 308 N975g 1990
Hiding from humanity: disgust, shame, and the law.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, c2004.
note: chapter 3. Disgust and the Law. II. Disgust and the offender: the
"Homosexual-Provocation" Defense, pp. 126-134; chapter 3. Disgust and the
Law. IV. Disgust as a reason for illegality: sodomy, necrophilia, pp.
Suz K346 .N87 2004
Sex & social justice.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
note: Part I, 7: A Defense of Lesbian and Gay Rights, pp. 184-210; Part
II, 12: Platonic love and Colorado Law: The Relevance of Ancient Greek
Norms to Modern Sexual Controversies, pp. 299-331.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 1150 .N87 1999
Completing the course: a fairy tale set in the school of life.
Seattle: On Course Books, c1997.
Suz, SpecCollPNW PS 3564 .U787 C6
Kommentteja kahteen elamaan.
Helsinki: Kustannusosakeyhtio Tammi, c1995.
Suz LA 2365 .F52 N88 1995
Portland, OR: Taurus Publ., -1983.
note: monthly; to v.5, no. 12 (Mar. 1983)= issue 60.
note: with the April 1983 issue, title changed to: Northwest Fountain.
note: from v.5,n.10 (Jan. 1982) on, there are numerous inconsistencies in
volume & issue numbering; e.g., the issue after v.4,n.9 is called
v.5,n.10; v.6 reverts to v.5 after several issues; both Mar and April 1983
are called v.5,n.12; issues for May and July 1983 are called v.5, n.4;
dates are reliable and should be included in cited material to avoid
note: whole numbering of issues began with v.3,n.2 (May 1980) as issue 26;
whole numbering is accurate until issue 60 (both Mar and Apr of 1983 are
called issue 60); issue numbering ceased thereafter; whole number issues
held are: 26-31, 33, 35-36, 38-39, 41-42, 44-48, 51-60.
SpecColl Stacks Folio HQ 75 .N8
v.1,n.2 (May 1978); v.1,n.3 (June1978); v.1,n.6 (Sept 1978);
v.1,n.8 (Nov 1978);v.2,n.8 (Nov 1979); v.2,n.12-v.3,n.7 (Mar 1980-Oct
1980); v.3,n.9 (Dec 1980); v.3,n.11-12 (Feb-Mar 1981); v.4,n.2-3
(May-June 1981); v.4,n.5-6 (Aug-Sept 1981); v.4,n.8-9 (Nov-Dec 1981);
v.5 [sic!],n.10-12 (Jan-Mar 1982); v.6,n.3-v.5 [sic!],n.12 (June 1982-Mar
1983); v.5,n.12 [sic!] (Apr 1983); v.5,n.4 [sic!] (May 1983); v.5,n.4
[sic!] (July 1983)
XY survival guide. Edited by Benjie Nycum and Michael Glatze; design and
layout by Teddee McGuire: research by Brian Knecht.
San Francisco: XY Pub., 2000.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .N93 2000
Mascunlinity and male codes of honor in modern France.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1993.
note: [Chapter] 6, Male Sexuality and the "Perversions" in the Fin de
Siecle, pp. 98-126.
Suz BJ 1533 .H8 N84 1993
Oppression by mental health providers: a report by gay men and lesbians
about their treatment.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1997.
Seattle, 1997.
SocWk HV 13 Th45943
Aux Thesis 45943
NY: Grove Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot PS 627 .H67 O2 1998
Days of awe.
NY: Ballantine Books, 2001.
Ugl PS 3565 .B34 D39 2001
Memory mambo: a novel.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, c1996.
Suz, Tac PS 3565 .B34 M4 1996
We came all the way from Cuba so you could dress like this?: stories.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, c1994.
Suz PS 3565 .B34 W4 1994
Martial und der Diskurs über Männliche "Homosexualität" in
der Literatur der frühen Kaiserzeit.
Tübingen: Narr, c1998.
(Classica Monacensia, Bd. 18)
Suz PA 6507 .O24 1998
Dimensions of psychological adjustment and style of life in single
lesbians and single heterosexual women.
note: Thesis, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles,
Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms, 1975.
Suz HQ 76 O35
Living with AIDS.
[Seattle]: Seattle Times, c1992.
note: Reprint of articles originally appearing in the Seattle Times,
SocWk, SpecColl Pacific NW WD 308 O12L 1992
Richard O'Brien's the Rocky Horror show [sound recording]: the new
Broadway cast recording. Book, music & lyrics by Richard O'Brien.
NY: RCA Victor: Distributed in the U.S. by BMG Distribution, p2001.
note 1 sound disc; recorded Mar. 12, 2001, at Clinton Recording Studio A,
note: performers: Dick Cavett, Lea DeLaria, Jarrod Emick, Raul Esparza,
Sebastian LaCause, Alice Ripley, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Tom Hewitt; with
supporting cast; instrumental ensemble; Henry Aronson, conductor.
note: program notes by Christopher Ashley inserted in container
UglMed Cd RCA 150
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 7375
TacMed Compact disc TAC-28
The Rocky Horror picture show [sound recording]: the original soundtrack;
music & lyrics by Richard O'Brien.
[NY]: Ode Sounds & Visuals; Santa Monica, CA: Manufactured & marketed by
Rhino Records, p1989.
note: 1 sound disc; featuring vocals by Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry
Bostwick, and others; Richard Hartley, arranger; recorded at Olympic
Studios, London; originally released in 1975
note: Science fiction/Double feature; Dammit Janet; Over at the
Frankenstein place; The time warp; Sweet transvestite; I can make you a
man; Hot patootite, bless my soul; I can make you a man: reprise; Touch-a,
touch-a, touch me; Eddie; Rose tint my world. Floor show; Fanfare/Don't
dream it; Wild and untamed thing; I'm going home; Super heroes; Science
fiction/Double feature: reprise; The time warp.
note: for motion picture based on the film, see Rocky Horror picture
UglMed Cd ODE 002
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 6331 (1974, original Roxy cast)
The Rocky Horror show. Book, music, and lyrics.
London; NY: S. French, c1983.
note: 36 p.
note: for motion picture based
on the stage musical, see Rocky Horror picture show
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Rocky horror
Rocky Horror show. Book, music, and lyrics.
London; NY: S. French, c1983.
note: 54 p.
note; for motion picture based on the stage musical, see Rocky
Horror picture show
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Rocky Horror 2
Willa Cather. Introduction by Martin B. Duberman.
NY: Chelsea House, c1995.
(Lives of notable gay men and lesbians)
Suz PS 3505 .A87 Z746 1995
Willa Cather: the emerging voice.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1987.
Suz, Ugl PS 3505 .A87 Z746 1987
Willa Cather: the emerging voice: with a new preface.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997.
Suz, Tac PS 3505 .A87 Z476 1997
Paedophilia: the radical case.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1982.
note: Reprint of London: Owen, 1980. With new foreword and afterword.
Suz HQ 71 .O38 1982
Cuba's political and sexual outlaw: Reinaldo Arenas.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, c2003.
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 Z82 2003
A gay Cuban activist in exile: Reinaldo Arenas.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, c2007.
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 Z823 2007
Jibun rashiku ikiru: doseiai to feminizumu. Ochiai Keiko, Ito Satoru
Kyoto-shi: Kamogawa Shuppan, 1998.
(Kamogawa bukkuretto, 116)
EAsia HQ 76 .O25 1998
Outspeak: narrating identities that matter.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 76 .O36 2001
Wild desires & mistaken identities: lesbianism and psychoanalysis.
By Noreen O'Connor and Joanna Ryan.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1993.
(Between men-between women: lesbian and gay studies)
Suz HQ 75.5 .O36 1993
Bot HQ 75.5 .O36 2003 (London Karnac printing]
Straight acting: popular gay drama from Wilde to Rattigan.
Washington: Cassell, 1998.
Drama PR 635 .H65 O28 1998
In the shadow of the epidemic: being HIV-negative in the age of AIDS.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1995.
(Series Q)
Suz WM 611 O23i 1995
Katowice: "Slask", 2002.
Suz HQ 23 .O36 2002
Find me.
NY: Warner Books, c2002.
Ugl PN 2287 .O27 A3 2002a
Port Washington, NY: Odysseus Enterprises, c1994.
Suz HQ 75.25 .O39 1994
Memberi suara pada yang bisu.
Yogyakarta: Galang Pres Yogyakarta, 2001.
note: author's account on his life as a homosexual and the future of gays
in Indonesia
Suz HQ 75.8 .O47 A3 2001
Watertown, MA: Documentary Educational Resources, 2002.
note: VHS, in French with English subtitles
note: credits- camera, Anne Lescot, Jean-Francois Chalut, Laurence
Magloire; interviews, Anne Lescot; edited by Rachele Magloire, Laurence
Magloire; directed by Anne Lescot, Laurence Magloire.
note: Through interviews with several openly gay Haitan men, this film
examines Haitain society's attitude towards homosexuality. Although
homosexuality is considered taboo, gay culture is allowed to flourish
within the context of the Voudou religion. As "children of the
Gods" gay men find an outlet for theatrical expression through
exhilarating performances in which they embody the gods. The film also
deals with how the daily lives of gay men in Haiti are affected by
UglMed Videorecord DER 035
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c1996.
Suz PS 3509 .L47 O34 1996
Producer, director and editor, Katherine Sender; executive producer, Sut
Northampton, MA: Media Education Foundation, 1998, [2002].
note: includes interviews with Richard Dyer, Larry Gross, Meg Moritz, and
Sasha Torres.
note: VHS, 1 videocassette; DVD
note: Off the Straight & Narrow casts a critical eye over the growth of
gay images on TV. Leading media scholars provide the historical and
cultural context for exploring the social implications of these new
representations. Off the Straight & Narrow challenges viewers to consider
the value and limits of available gay images: who is represented, what
they get to say, and how people respond to them.
note: VHS, 1 videocassette; DVD
UglMed DVD MEF 017 [2002, DVD]
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2111 [1998, VHS]
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1218 [1998, VHS]
Homosexual rights as human rights: activism in Indonesia. Singapore, and
Oxford; NY: Peter Lang, c2003.
Suz HQ 76.8 .I5 O34 2003
Changing views of homosexuality.
NY: Public Affairs Committee, 1978.
(Public Affairs Pamphlet, no. 563)
Suz 305 P961 no. 556-565
Ugl Per 305 P961 no. 561-570
Homosexuality in our society.
NY: Public Affairs Committee, 1972.
(Public Affairs Pamphlet, no. 484)
Suz 305 P961 no. 473-487.
Ugl Per 305 P961 no. 482-490
Self-defense and battered women who kill: a new framework. Robbin S. Ogle
and Susan Jacobs.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002.
note: chapter 6, Application of these theoretical ideas to gay and lesbian
battering (Anne Garner and Robbin S. Ogle), pp. 185-208.
Suz KF 9305 .O34 2002
NY: Routledge, c2007.
note: [chapter] 9, Queer voices and musical genders (Judith Halberstam),
pp. 183-195; [chapter] 10, [Un]justified; gestures of straight-talk in
Justin Timberlake's songs (Stan Hawkins), pp. 197-212; [chapter] 11, "Not
with you but of you"; "Unbearable intimacy" and Jeff Buckley's
transgendered vocality (Shana Goldin-Perschbacher), pp. 213-233; [chapter]
12, "Some of us can only live in songs of love and trouble"; voice,
genre/gender, and sexuality in the music of Stephin Merritt (Mark J.
Butler), pp. 235-259.
Bot ML 3470 .O4 2007
Poems retrieved. Edited by Donald Allen.
Bolinas, CA: Grey Fox Press; Berkeley, CA: distributed by Book People,
Suz PS 3529 .H28 A6 1977
Selected plays.
NY: Full Court Press, c1978.
Suz, Drama PS 3529 .H28 A19 1978
Autopornography: a memoir of life in the lust lane.
NY: Haworth Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 472 .U6 O33 1997
Rarely pure and never simple: selected essays.
NY; London: Harrington Park, 1999.
Suz HQ 75.8 .O53 A3 1999b
Gewalt gegen Lesben.
Berlin: Querverlag, 2000.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G3 O48 2000
End of the empire.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993.
SpecColl Pacific NW PS 3565 H58 E5 1993
Sekando kamingu auto: doseiaisha to shite eizu to tomoni ikiru.
Tokyo: Asahi Shuppansha, 1995.
EAsia HQ 74.2 .J3 O37 1995
NY: Cinevista Video,
note: videocassette, VHS; in Japanese with English subtitles;
originally released as a motion picture in Japan in 1992.
note: credits, music producer, Hiroshi Ariyoshi, music, Edison;
photography, Yoshimasa Hakata; editing, Kenji Goto; cast, Misa Shimizu,
Takehiro Murata, Takeo Nakahara.
note: "Okoge" is a Japanese word that describes the crust of burned rice
left in the bottom of a rice cooker, and in recent years, it has also come
to be used as a pejorative term for a woman who likes to hang around with
gay men. Sayoko is both curious about the gay lifestyle and free of the
homophobic sentiments which permeate Japanese society.
UglMed Videorecord CVV 008
Mój swiat jest kobieta: dziennik lesbijki.
Warszawa: Wydawn. Jacek Santorski & Co., c2004.
Suz PG 7215 .K66 M65 2004
The Bosnia elegies: poems.
Ashfield, MA: Paris Press, 1997.
Suz PS 3565 .K75 B67 1997
Understanding diverse families: what practitioners need to know. Foreword
by Carol Anderson.
NY: Guilford Press, c1996.
note: [chapter] 5: About homosexuality: the participants in context, pp.
106-137; [chapter] 6: Homosexuality over the life span, pp. 138-167;
[chapter] 7: Treatment issues pertaining to homosexuality, pp.
Tac WM 430.5 .F2 O41u 1996
Fully human: how everyone can integrate the benefits of masculine and
feminine sex roles.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, c1981.
note: androgyny
Ugl HQ 1075 .O4 1981
Rare and commonplace flowers: the story of Elizabeth Bishop and Lota de
Macedo Soares. Translated by Neil K. Besner.
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002.
Suz, Bot PQ 9698.25 .L4816 F513 2002
Sexual deviation in American society; a social-psychological study of
sexual non-conformity.
New Haven, College & University Press [c1967]
note: chapter 11, The Homosexual, pp. 122-146.
Suz HQ 72 .U53 O4
Closing distance.
NY: G. P. Putnam's, c1992.
Suz PS 3565 .L475 C5 1992
Wings in the snow.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1998.
Suz PS 3565 .L475 W5 1998
The life of William Beckford.
London: Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1932.
Suz 921 B387o
Antipodes. Translated by Kathleen McNerney.
Seattle, WA: Seal Press, c1989.
note: translated from the Spanish, Antipodes
note: secdondary character, Quim, a gay detective
SpecColl Book Arts PC 3942.25 .L53 A5813 1989
Study in lilac. Translated by Kathleen McNerney.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1987.
note: translated from the Spanish, Estudi en lila
note: secondary character, Quim, a gay detective
SpecColl Book Arts PC 3942.25 .L53 E813 1987
Benjamin Britten.
London: Phaidon, 1996.
Music ML 410 .B853 O45 1996
see: Bussy, Dorothy.
The juvenile homosexual experience and its effect on adult sexuality.
NY: Julian Press, 1966.
Health 132.754 OL4j
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1998.
Suz PS 3565 .L8237 V36 1998
Queer corners.
Portland, OR: BridgeCity Books, c1999.
Ugl PS 3565 .L825 Q43 1999
The queer movie poster book.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, c2004.
Ugl PN 1995.9 .P5 O47 2004
Lemon Gulch.
[London]: Gay Men's Press; Chicago, IL: Distributed in North America by
InBook/LPC Group, 2000.
Suz PR 6065 .M35 L46 2000
Lund: Studentlitteratur, c2004.
Suz PT 9367 .W67 O498 2004
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers,
note: [Chapter] 6, Gestalt couples therapy with gay male couples:
enlarging the therapeutic ground of awareness, (Allan Singer), pp.
166-187; [Chapter] 7, Gestalt couples therapy with lesbian couples:
applying theory and practice to the lesbian experience, (Fraelean Curtis),
pp. 188-209.
SocWk WM 55 O58 1994
Edited by Nancy Manahan; illustrations by Lynne Tuft; with a foreword by
Victoria A. Brownworth.
Northboro, MA: Madwoman Press, c1997.
Suz HS 3357 .L47 O5 1997
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2005.
Suz PQ 2683 .I8 Z78 2005
Seattle: Health Sciences Center for Educational Resources, University of
Washington, c1995.
note: 1 videocassette; Narrator, Cecilia Beckworth-Stanley.
note: For health providers and students on how to conduct sexual history
interview with their clients so as to avoid judgmental assumptions and
alienation; includes a role play of a sexual health history interview
between a lesbian client and her health care provider.
HSLIC WB 290 D427o 1995 manual
HSLIC Reserve WB 290 D427o 1995 cassette
TacMed Videorecord TAC-905
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1981.
Suz, Bot PS 648 .H57 O5 1981
Robert P. Cabaj, David W. Purcell, editors.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, c1998.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 O523 1998
Los Angeles, CA: One Inc., 1953-
SpecCollStx HQ 75 .O54
v.1 n.1,3,5-8, 10-12 (Jan, Mar, May-Aug, Oct-Dec 1953); v.2 n.1-10
(Jan-Dec 1954); v.3 n.1-12 & index (Jan-Dec 1955); v.4 n.1-8 (Jan-Dec
1956); v.5 n.2-5, 7, 9 (Feb-May, Aug/Sep, Dec 1957); v.6 n.4-7, 12
(Apr-Jul, Dec 1958); v.7 n.5 (May 1959); v.8 n.1-6, 8-12 (Jan-Jun, Aug-Dec
1960); v.9, n.1-4, 6-12 (Jan-Apr, Jun-Dec 1961); v.10 n.2-3, 5-6, 8-11
(Feb-Mar, May-Jun, Aug-Nov 1962); v.11 n.1, 3, 10 (Jan, Mar, Oct 1963);
v.13 n.1-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12 (Jan-Mar, May-Jun, Aug-Sep, Nov-Dec 1965);
v.14 n.1-11 (Jan-Dec 1966); v.15 n.1-4, 6-7/12 (Jan-Apr, Jun-Jul/Dec
1967); v.16 n.1-3 (Jan/Feb-May/Jun 1972)
Homosexuals today; a handbook of organizations &
Marvin Cutler, editor.
Los Angeles: Publications Division of One, Inc., 1956.
SuzRef HQ 76 .O5 1956
Anchorage, AK: Identity, c1986.
SpecColl PNW HQ 76.25 O64 1986
Los Angeles: One Institute of Homophile Studies, c1958-
note: v.4, no. 4 (issue 15) has indexes to vols. 1,2, and 3; v.7, no. 1-2
(issue 20[-21?]) has indexes to vols. 4, 5, and 6.
note: v.8 = Final report of the NIMH Task Force on homosexuality, chaired
by Evelyn Hooker.
SpecColl 132.754 HO v.1-8 (issues 1-22), Spring 1958-1970)
Montreal, Quebec: National Film Board of Canada, [2000]
note: DVD
note: cast- Elisa Moolecherry, Cara Pifko, Josh Peace, Dov Tiefenbach,
Jennifer Villaverde; credits- director of photography, Brian Rougeau;
editor, Robert Lower; original music, Spur of the Moment.
note: Freedom from bullying, name-calling and violence motivates the high
school seniors in this school-based drama. One of them raises the
questions that high school students talk about in school halls and
washrooms. With a focus on homophobia and discrimination, not sexual
behaviour, the dramatization prompts viewers to examine their own
responses and promote a safe school environment for all students.
UglMed DVD NFBC 004
Hohokus, N.J.: [Dist.] New Day Films, [2001]
note: VHS
note: performer, Noel Castaneda, John Rosenzweig, Joanne Silva, Robert
Silva; credits- editors, Gerard Dawson, Emi Macuaga; cinematographers,
Kennedy Wheatley, S. Leo Chiang; music, Peter Adams.
note: "John and Noel are in a panic. The condom broke during sex, and John
happens to have AIDS. Joanne breaks down when the counselor asks about her
HIV-positive husband Robert. In their six-year marriage, Joanne has been
tested twice a year, each time more stressful than the last."
UglMed Videorecord NDF 032
Kevin Jennings, ed.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1994.
SocWk, Tac LB 2844.1 .G39 O64 1994
Los Angeles, CA: Alyson Books, 2005.
Ugl, Bot LB 2844.1 .G39 O64 2005
Edited by Ann Heron.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1983.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 U5 O54 1983
San Francisco, CA: Women's Educational Media; New Day Films [distr.]
note: DVD
note: performer- Gavin Newsome, Kate Kendell, Mabel Teng; credits-
co-producer/editor, Kate Stilley; cinematography, Sophis Constantinou,
Fawn Yacker; original music, Miriam Cutler.
note: On February 12, 2004, the mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom,
instructed city and county officials to allow lesbian and gay couples to
marry. Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, founders of the first lesbian-rights
organization and celebrating their 51st anniversary, were invited to be
first couple married.
UglMed DVD NDF 001
Sex with god. [Illustrations by Ty Wilson]
NY: Indulgence Press, c1989.
Suz PS 3565 N46 S4 1989
Coming out within: stages of
spiritual awakening for lesbians and gay men. By Craig O'Neill and
Kathleen Ritter.
San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, c1992.
Suz, Ugl BV 4596 G38 O54 1992
At swim, two boys: a novel.
NY: Scribner, 2002.
Ugl PR 6065 .N4194 A92 2002
Fixer Chao.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001.
Ugl PS 3565 .N58 F5 2001
The gay liberation movement.
Chicago: Alliance Press, 1971.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 O54 1971
Feminist revolution in literacy: women's bookstores in the United
NY: Routledge, 2006.
Suz Z473 .O64 2006
Affaire van Oosterwijck: 1. décision du 27 février 1980, 2.
arrêt du 6 novembre 1980 = Van Oosterwijck case: 1 décision of 27
February 1980, 2. judgment of 6 November 1980.
Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe, 1981.
(European Court of Human Rights. Publications de la Cour européenne
des droits de l'homme. Série A, Arrêts et décisions; v.
see also: European Commission of Human Rights. D. van Oosterwijck...
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Affaire Van Oosterwijck: 1.
see also: Oosterwijck, D. van. Affaire Van Oosterwijck = Van...
see also: Van Oosterwijck, Danielle.
Law KJC 5138 .A5 v.40
Suz K 627 .E97 1981
Affaire Van Oosterwijck = Van Oosterwijck case.
Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe; Köln: C.
Heymanns, 1983.
(Publications de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme. Serie B,
Mémoires, plaidoires et documents; v. 36 = Publications of the
European Court of Human Rights. Series B, Pleadings, oral arguments and
documents; v. 36)
(Publications de la Cour européene des droits de l'homme. Serie B,
Mémoires, plaidoires et documents, v. 36)
see also: European Commission of Human rights. D. van Oosterwijck
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Affaire Van Oosterwijck: 1.
see also: Oosterwijck, D. van. Affaire van Oosterwijck: 1. decision du
see also: Van Oosterwijck, Danielle.
Suz K 627 .O47 1983
Law KJC 5138 .A52 v. 36
London: Gay Teachers' Group.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G7 O6 1978
Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, c1996.
Suz LC 192.6 .O74 1996
Cork: Cork University Press, 2007.
note: chapter 5, 'But Greek ... usually knows Greek' Recognizing queer
sexuality in Kate O'Brien's Mary Lavelle (Katherine O'Donnell), pp.
Suz PR 8733 .O64 2007
Jakarta: Teater Koma, [199?]
note: 1 videocassette, Beta format; in Indonesian
note: cast- Salim Bungu, Didi Petet, Tarida Gloria, Ratna Riantianro,
Idris Pullingan; credits- music, Harry Roesli & DKSB; artistic director,
Jim Barry Aditya.
note: Story about the lives of poor Kampung dwellers, who are threatened
with eviction by the authorities. Particular focus on the
transvestite, Julini and his lover. Video of the stage production.
UglMed DVD SEA 059
UglMed DVD SEA 059 Beta Master
Le choix du sexe: a propos des theories de R. J. Stoller.
Agnes Faure-Oppenheimer sous la direction de Jean Laplanche. 1re ed.
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1980.
Suz BF 692.2 .F37
Idol Rock Hudson: the true story of an American film hero. By Jerry
Oppenheimer and Jack Vitek.
NY: Villard Books, 1986.
Suz PN 2287 .H75 O77 1986
Knocking on heaven's door: American religion in the age of
New Haven: Yale University Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 1, Unitarians and gay rights, pp. 29-60.
Suz, Bot BL 2525 .O66 2003
Culver City, CA: Columbia TriStar Home Video, c1998.
note: DVD
note: cast- Christina Ricci, Martin Donovan, Lisa Kudrow, Lyle Lovett,
Johnny Galecki, William Lee Scott,Ivan Sergei; credits- director of
photography, Hubert Taczanowski; editor, David Codron; music, Mason
note: Dedee Truitt, a 16-year-old girl from Louisiana, flees to the
suburban Indiana home of her gay half-brother Bill, where she proceeds to
seduce his hunky live-in boyfriend, get pregnant, steal $10,000 and lead
everyone in a chase across the country.
UglMed DVD CTHV 264
NY: New York University Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .O66 1998
Boston: McGraw-Hill, c2004.
Bot HM 821 .O67 2004
Derek Jarman: dreams of England.
London: British Film Institute, 1996.
Suz PN 1998.3 .J3 O67 1996
The homosexual question.
Translated from the French by Jane Zeni Flinn.
NY: Harper & Row, c1977.
note: translation of: La question homosexuelle.
Suz HQ 76.25 .O713 1977
Edited by David Rees and Peter Robins.
London: Third House, 1987.
Suz PR 1309 .H57 O7 1987
[London]: Second Sight, [2003]
note: DVD; originally shown on British television in 1989; from the novel
by Jeanette Winterson.
note: credits- music, Rachel Portman; photography, Ian Punter; editor,
John Strickland; cast- Geraldine McEwan, Charlotte Coleman, Kenneth
Cranham, Cathryn Bradshaw, Barbara Hicks, Marjorie Withers, Elizabeth
Spriggs, Pam Ferris, Peter Fordon, Celia Imrie, Emily Aston.
note: The coming-of-age story of Jess, the adopted daughter of a deeply
religious woman, who grows up isolated and insulated in the north of
England in the 1960's. Jess meets Melanie, and the two teenagers fall in
love, greatly upsetting Jess's mother and her congregation.
UglMed DVD SSF 001
American eugenics: race, queer anatomy, and the science of
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2003.
note: [Part]II: Queer anatomy: one hundred years of diagnosis, dissection,
and political strategy, pp. 57-124 in six chapters, Science as savior;
Delineating deviance: moral imperatives, hereditarian hypotheses and the
letter of the law; Biological apologists: appeals and miscalculations;
Gender, race, and the strategy of metaphor; Homosexuality and the
bio/psyche merge: an additive model of causation theories; AIDS, backlash,
and the myth of liberatory biologism.
Suz, Tac HQ 755.5 .U5 O73 2003
Portland, OR: Columbia Media Inc.
note: continues City week, see City week
note: continued by Portland monitor, see Portland monitor
SpecCollFol HQ 75 .C55
v.3,n.14,iss.127 (Jun 27, 1988); v.3,n.22-24,iss.114-116 (Mar 16-30,
1988); v.3,n.29,iss.121 (May 4, 1988); v.3,n.31,iss.123 (May 26, 1988);
v.3,n.33,iss.125 (Jun 23, 1988); v.3,n.35-36,iss.127-128 (Jul 21-28,
1988); v.3,n.38,iss.130 (Aug 19, 1988); v.3,n.41-v.4,n.2,iss.133-135 (Sep
30-Oct 28, 1988); v.4,n.4-7,iss.137-140 (Nov 2, 1988-Jan 27, 1989)
[Portland, OR]: Portland Gay Liberation Communications Committee,
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .O74 June 1972, Fall 1972
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1977.
SpecColl Book Arts PN 6071 .H724 O7 1977
Impersonations; the performance of gender in Shakespeare's England.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Ugl, Drama PR 3095 .O74 1996
Edited by Julia Penelope and Susan J. Wolfe. Exp. ed.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1989.
note: Rev. ed of: The Coming out stories. lst ed. c1980.
see also: The Coming out stories.
Ugl HQ 75.3 C65 1989
Edited by John P. De Cecco and Michael G. Shivley.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1985.
note: also published as: Bisexual and homosexual identities: critical
theoretical issues.
see also: Bisexual and homosexual identities: critical theoretical
Suz HQ 76.25 .B57 1985
T. E. Lawrence: biography of a broken hero.
Jefferson: McFarland & Co., c2002.
Suz D568.4 .l45 O75 2002
Una Troubridge: the friend of Radclyffe Hall.
London: J. Cape, 1984.
Suz CT 788 .T76 O7 1984
The Contemporáneos Group: rewriting Mexico in the thirties and
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003.
note: [chapter] 2, Gay and baroque literatures, pp. 28-53; [chapter] 4,
Agustin Lazo (1896-1971), Xavier Villaurrutia's Shadow, pp. 69-93.
Suz PQ 7153 .O76 2003
Reflecting on the well of loneliness.
London, NY: Routledge, 1989.
Suz PR 6015 A33 W56 1989
Pasado y porvenir para el hombre actual.
Madrid: Revista de Occidente [1962]
note: Conferencias.-Commentario al "Banquete" de Platon.
Suz B4568 .O73 P3
Vulgar favors: Andrew Cunanan, Gianni Versace, and the largest failed
manhunt in U.S. history.
NY: Delacorte Press, c1999.
Suz HV 6529 .O77 1999
Le Gay ghetto: Gay cartoons from Christopher Street. Charles Ortleb &
Richard Fiala.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1980.
Suz NC 1429 .O616 A4 1980
Relax! This book is only a phase you're going through.
By Charles Ortleb and Richard Fiala.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1978.
note: gay cartoons from Christopher Street
Suz NC 1428 .C48 O77 1978
The boy hairdresser; and, Lord Cucumber: two novels. Joe Orton and Kenneth
Halliwell; introduction by Francesca Coppa.
London: Nick Hern Books, 1999.
Suz PR 6065 .R7 B69 1999
The Orton diaries: including the correspondence of Edna Welthorpe
and others. Edited by John Lahr.
London: Methuen, 1986.
note: for drama based on the Orton diaries, see: Lahr, John. Diary of a
Suz PR 6065 .R7 Z467 1986b
Ugl, Drama PR 6065 .R7 Z467 1986
What the butler saw: [a play]
NY: Grove Press, 1970.
Drama PR 6065 .R7 W5 1970
Drama PR 6065 .R7 W5 1970a (with intro. by John Lahr)
Drama Acting Editions ActEd What the butler (S. French ed.)
Coming home to America: a road map to gay & lesbian empowerment.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O82 1996
W. H. Auden: the life of a poet.
London: Methuen, 1980, c1979.
Suz PR 6001 .U4 Z765 1980b
Inadmissible evidence: a play.
Faber and Faber [c1965]
Ugl PR 6065 .S18 I5 1965
Drama PR 60656 .S18 I5 1966b (NY: Grove Press)
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Inadmissible evidence (Chicago: Dramatic Pub.
Co., [c1965]
A patriot for me.
London: Faber, 1966.
Drama 822 Os1pa
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Patriot for (Dramatic Pub. Co. ed)
A patriot for me: and, A sense of detachment.
London; Boston: Faber and Faber, 1983.
Drama PR 6065 .S18 P3 1983
[London]: BBC Video; Burbank, CA: distributed by Warner Home Video,
note: 2 videodiscs, DVD; based on the work of Oscar Wilde, productions for
television originally broadcast from 1969 through 1995.
note: cast- Importance of being Earnest: Joan Plowright, Paul McGann,
Amanda Redman, Rupert Frazer, Natalie Ogle, Gemma Jones, Alec McCowen.
Picture of Dorian Grey: Jeremy Brett, Peter Firth, John Gielgud,
Gwen Ffrangon-Davies, Nan Munro, Mark Dignam, Judi Bowker. Ideal husband:
Jeremy Brett, Susan Hampshire, Keith Michell, Dinah Sheridan. Lady
Windemere's Fan: Helena Little, Tim Woodward, Stephanie Turner, Kenneth
Cranham, Sara Kestleman. credits- Importance: producer, Shaun Sutton;
director, Stuart Burge. Picture: producer, Cedric Messina; director, John
Gorrie; dramatist, John Osborne; music, Joseph Horovitz. Ideal husband:
producer, Cedric Messina; director, Rudolph Cartier. Lady Windemere's fan:
producer, Louis Marks; director, Tony Smith. Life and loves: a BBC/Arts
and Entertainment Networks co-production; producer, Annie Paul.
note: A collection of four of Oscar Wilde's masterpieces, and a 1995
documentary about his life, his relationship with Alfred Douglas and the
trials that destroyed his career. Includes reflections by Wilde's grandson
Merlin Holland, and Douglas; grandniece Alice Douglas.
note: special feature, "The Life and Loves of Oscar Wilde.
BotMed DVD BOT-253
Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c1991.
note: VHS, videocassette release of a 1986 television program.
note: Producer and director, Sean O'Mordha; script, Richard Ellmann;
performers- Denys Hawthorne; Alan Stanford.
note: A portrait of the multi-talented and self-destructive genius that is
generously sprinkled with Wilde's infamous bon mots. Includes the only
known recording by Wilde of "The Ballad of reading Gaol."
UglMed Videorecord FFH 2925
BotMed Videorecord BOT-581
NY: AMS Press, c2003.
Suz PR 5823 O68 2003
Homophobia is a social disease.
Evanston, IL: Kinheart Program on Sexuality & Homophobia, 1987.
Suz HQ76.25 .O87 1987
People's movements, people's press: the journalism of social justice
Boston, MA: Beacon Press, c2006.
note: The gay and lesbian press, pp. 72-116.
Suz, Bot PN 4888 .U5 O88 2006
A constant journey: the fiction of Monique Wittig.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, c1991.
Suz PQ 2683 .I8 Z8 1991
I used to be nice: sexual affairs.
London; NY: Cassell, 1996.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 .O88 1996
Lesbians talk (safer) sex. By Sue O'Sullivan and Pratibha Parmar.
London: Scarlet Press, c1992.
Suz HQ 75.5 .O87 1992
Nichome kara uroko: Shinjuku gei sutorito zakkicho.
Tokyo: Shoeisha, 1995.
EAsia HQ 76.2 .J32 O88 1995
Edited by Charles O. Jackson.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1996.
note: mostly previously published essays; five concern same-sex
Suz, Tac HQ 72 .U53 O86 1996
NY: Other Countries, c1988-
note: v.2 published as: Sojourner: Black gay voices in the age of
see: Sojourner: Black gay voices in the age of AIDS.
Suz PS 501 .O85 v.1
SpecCollStx PS 509 .H57 S64 1993 [Other countries, v.2]
Edited with an introduction by Seymour Kleinberg.
NY: Vintage Books, 1977.
Suz, Ugl PN 6071 .H724 O8
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1998.
note: [chapter] 10. Mothering the self: writing through the
lesbian sublime in Audre Lorde's Zami and Gloria Anzaldua's Borderlands/La
Frontera. (Jennifer Browdy de Hernandez), pp. 244-262.
Suz, Bot PS 153 .M56 O85 1998
[New York?] National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and
Homosexuality. 1-2, 4-5, 8-10, 12-19 1972
note: no.1, On opening an admission of being different. A college
president looks at homosexuality and college public relations (William M.
Birenbaum); no.2, Student personnel services and homosexuality. A national
review of provisions and opinions of deans of students, directors of
counseling, and homosexual college students (Ralph Blair); no. 4, Male
homosexual students speak for themselves (Benjamin Hemric, ed.), no. 5,
Etiological and treatment literature on homosexuality (Ralph Blair); no.
8, The National gay student center (Warren Blumenfeld); no. 9, Gay peer
counseling at Michigan (Cindi Gair, Jim Toy, and Dr. Ralph Blair); no. 10,
Student teaching and gay liberation (David Martin Walters); no. 12,
Perceptions on homosexuals and non-homosexuals: a study of counselors',
psychologists', and homosexuals' perceptions; no. 13, Homosexuality and
religion (Dr. Ralph Blair, Fr. John P. Rash, Fr. Herbert Rogers, and
"Paul"); no. 14, Homophiles of Penn State (David Martin Walters); no. 15,
Homosexuality and psychometric assessment (Ralph Blair); no. 16, Gay
community at Queens College (Philip Roskam, Bebe, and Jeff); no. 17,
Rutgers conference on gay liberation (Jerry Sprung); no. 18, Hindsight of
one gay student (David Aherne); no.19, Vocational guidance and gay
liberation (Ralph Blair)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 1-2, 4-5, 8-10, 12-19
Camel's farewell.
San Francisco: Pan-Graphic Press, c1961.
(Dorian vignette series, 2)
SpecColl PS 3565 .T45 C35 1961
The keval and other gay adventures.
Los Angles: One Inc., c1959.
SpecColl PS 3565 .T45 K48 1959
Nichome kara uroko: Shinjuku gei sutorito zakkicho.
Tokyo: Shoeisha, 1995.
EAsia HQ 76.2 .J32 O88 1995
Homotropie und die Figur des Homotropen in der Literatur
des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts.
Frankfurt; Bern; Cirencester, UK; Lang, 1979.
(Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe I: Deutsche Literatur und
Germanistik, Bd. 324)
Suz PN 56 .H57 O86
The new sexuality. Edited by Herbert A. Otto.
Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books [1971]
note: Chapter 14: The New sexuality and the homosexual, pp. 198-214.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 O85 1971
Educational Video Plus, 2000.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: interviewer, M. Avidon Brook; editing and post production, Laurie
Simons; film crew, Laurie Simons, Andrew Zuber, Jay Sterrenberg
note: An educational video that looks at the experiences of gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) youth, adults, and their families through
their own eyes. Includes a five-minute addendum for professionals
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1612
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1876
Robert E. Goss, Amy Adams Squire Strongheart, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O93 1997
[NY]: Cinema Guild, c1999.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS.
note: credits- Editor, Nancy Graydon Roach; directors of photography,
William Rexer II, Victoria Ford, and Scott Sinkler; original music, John
M. Davis.
note: Interviews with five families from New York, Arkansas, Arizona, and
New Jersey describing their experiences of living in households led by gay
and lesbian parents.
UglMed Videorecord CG 048
Toronto: Second Story Press, c 1991.
Suz PR 9194.5 .L47 O97 1991
San Jose, CA: Our Projects, Inc., c1982-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reels 65-67 v.1-8 (1982-1989)
Edited by Ronni Sanlo, Sue Rankin, and Robert Schoenberg.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.
Suz, Bot LC 2574.6 .O85 2002
Ginny Vida, editor: produced in cooperation with women of the National Gay
Task Force.
Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, c1978.
Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 O9
Cambridge, MA: Cowley Publications, c1996.
Suz BT 708 .O87 1996
By the working Group on Gays and Lesbians and the Church of the Human
Rights Unit of the Anglican Church of Canada.
[Toronto?]: The Group, 1990]
Suz BR 115 .H6 O97 1990
NY: Out Pub., Inc., c1992-
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .O97 no. 49-68 (Nov 1997-Jul 1999)
Boise, ID: The Community Center, [1990-1992]
SpecCollFol HQ 75 .D58
note: continues Paper, an alternate lifestyles journal
note: continued by Diversity, see Diversity
v.6,n.9 (Jun 1990); v.6,n.11-v.7,n.2 (Oct-Nov 1990); v.7,n.4-6 (Jan-Mar
Verona, WI: Attainment Company, c1999.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS
note: camera and editor, Rich Reilly; music, Phil Davis, Rich Reilly;
interviews, Phil Davis, Tom Kinney
note: Shows how to combat homophobia through the sensitization of every
member of a school community. The video is designed for students and
presents candid interviews with gay teenagers who discuss the reactions of
their friends and families and ways in which they have coped with
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1657 (student version, 26 min.)
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1657 guide)
Verona, WI: Attainment Company, c1999.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS
note: camera and editor, Rich Reilly; music, Phil Davis, Rich Reilly;
interviews, Phil Davis, Tom Kinney
note: Shows how to combat homophobia through the sensitization of every
member of a school community. The video is designed for teachers and
educational staff and presents candid interviews with gay teenagers who
discuss the reactions of their friends and families and ways in which
they have coped with harassment. Also includes commentary from teadchers
and school administrators.
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1656 (staff version, 42 min.)
[Seattle] Out and about.
note: subtitled- Seattle Lesbian Feminist Newsletter.
note: most issues show no volume number;
however, May 1976 was issued as v.1, n.1 and the May 1980 issue as v.5,
issue 1
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 O95
May 1976 (v.1,n.1); Jul 1976 (v.1,n.3); Dec1976 (v.1,n.8); Feb-Mar 1977;
Sep 1977-Dec 1980; Jan-Mar 1981);Sept/Oct 1983; Feb./March 1984; Aug./Sept.
Edited by Kim Howard and Annie
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Suz, Ugl, Tac LC 2574.6 .O87 2000
Seattle, WA: Out & About Magazine, [1999-
SpecCollPNW HQ 76.2 .U52 S43 v.1, n.1-4 (May 6, 1999 - Oct. 26, 1999)
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2001.
(Cultural poltiics, 17)
Suz HD 6285.5 .U6 O878 2002
By Kelly Anderson, Tami Gold; produced and directed by Tami Gold, Kelly
Anderson in association with Labor at the Crossroads, Hunter College
Department of Communications.
San Francisco: Frameline, 1996.
note: 1 videocassette; director of photography, Tami Gold; editor, Kelly
Anderson; music, Don Dinicola.
note: Documents of the lives of three gay workers from 1991 to 1996. One
is a lesbian who became politically active after being fired from Cracker
Barrel restaurant in Georgia. One is a gay man who worked with his union
to fight harassment in an auto factory in Detroit. One is a New york
Public Library employee who sought health benefits for his partner.
UglMed Videorecord FRAM 001
Washington, D. C.: Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, c1994.
Suz JK 2283 O87 1994
Dublin: Dublin Lesbian and Gay Men's Collectives and Womens Community
Press, 1986.
Suz HQ 76.3 .I73 O95 1986
San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1983.
note: Out from under, v.2 entitled, The next step: lesbians in long-term
recovery; see, The next step...
Suz, NatSci WM 274 O94 1983
Edited and with an
introduction by Don Shewey.
NY: Grove Press, 1988.
Suz, Ugl, Drama PS 627 H67 O9 1988
Berlin: Querverlag, 1998.
Suz HQ 75.2 .O98 1998
NY: Warner Books, [1997], c1995.
note: originally published in hardback with different subtitle: The
almanac of gay and lesbian America; for it, see: Witt, Lynn. Out in all
Suz, Bot HQ 75.6 .U5 O95 1995
Edited by Michael Goff and the staff of Out magazine.
NY: Viking Studio Books, 1994.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 O95 1994
London: GMP, 1986.
Art N 72 .H64 O9 1986
Ed. by Corey K. Creekmur and Alexander Doty.
Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1995.
(Series Q)
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 O98 1995
Edited by Gregory M. Herek, Jared B. Jobe, Ralph M. Carney.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.
Suz UB 418 .G38 O93 1996
Chichester, West Sussex, England; Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, c2007.
Suz HQ 73 .O88 2007
New Almaden, CA: Wolfe Video, [199-?], c1988.
note: 1 videocassette. Producer/director/editor Pam Walton. Produced in
the Dept. of Communication, Stanford University. Videocassette release of
a 1988 motion picture.
note: Eleven women discuss their lives, including marriage, motherhood,
discrimination, stereotypes, and female roles.
UglMed videorecord WOL 1005
San Francisco: Leyland Publications, 2002.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 C26 2002
Edited by Ellen Lewin and William L. Leap.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1996.
Suz GN 34.3 .F53 O87 1996
[San Francisco, CA]: Frameline, 2005.
note: VHS; originally produced as a motion picture in 2005.
note: performer- Bob Johnson, Jeff Nally, Adam Nally-Johnson, Abby Drane,
Jennifer [Crossen or Clausen?], R. Wayne Nally, Lou Nally; credits-
camera, Davina Pardo; original music, The Secrets of Family Happiness.
note: Explores the human impact of a campaign to ban gay marriage in
Kentucky and seeks to illustrate the long-term consequences of anti-gay
UglMed Videorecord FRAM 014
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 S276 2001
Richard A. Rasi and Lourdes Rodriguez-Nogues, editors.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1995.
Suz HD 6285.5 .U6 O88 1995
Edited by Ellen Lewin and William L. Leap; foreword by Esther Newton.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2002.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.5 .O936 2002
see: Outlook.
Compiled by the Women's Songbook Project.
Oakland, CA: Inkworks Press, c1978.
Ugl M 1977 W64 O9 1978
NY: Anchor Books, 1995.
Suz PN 6231 .H57 O98 1995
Edited by Kevin Moss; introduction by Simon Karlinsky.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1997.
Suz PG 3205 .H65 O94 1997
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1994.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.6 .U5 C65 1994
Edited by Laura Siegel and Nancy Lamkin Olson.
San Francisco: Leyland Publications, 2001.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 O96 2001
Edited by Karla Jay and Allen Young with a foreward by John D'Emilio. 2nd
NY: New York University Press, c1992.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.8 U5 O88 1992
NY: Theatre Communications Group:
Distributed to the book trade by Consortium Book sales and Distribution,
Drama PS 628 .H57 O78 2000
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Ugl HQ 777.8 .O87 2000
Inverted Pictures; directed and produced by Jeff Dupre; written by
Michelle Ferrari. Co-produced by Eliza Starr Byard, Michelle Ferrari;
narrated by Linda Hunt. Performers: Gwyneth Paltrow, Stephen Spinella, Ed
Norton, Cherry Jones, Leland Gantt.
NY: A-Pix Entertainment, Inc. c1997.
Note: 1 videocassette; VHS.
Note: Documentary interweaves the story of Kelli Peterson's attempt to
form a Gay Straight Alliance in her high school with the story of Gays and
Lesbians in American history.
note: subtitle on container, Struggle for gay and lesbian rights in
UglMed Videorecord APIX 001
Edited by Shane L. Windmeyer and Pamela W. Freeman.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz LJ 51 .O88 1998
Compiled by Jane
Allen ... [et al.]
Newcastle-under-Lyme: Association of Assistant
Librarians, 1989.
SuzRef Z 5866 .L4 O98 1989
Edited by Mona Oikawa...[et
[Toronto] Women's Press, c1993.
Ugl PR 9194.5 L47 O98 1993
Berlin: Querverlag, 2000.
SuzRef HQ 75.2 .O98 2000
Durham, [N. C.]: Duke University Press, 1999.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .H55 O88 1999
Edited by Christian
McEwen and Sue O'Sullivan.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1989.
Suz HQ 75.5 O97 1988 (Virago, 1988)
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 O94 1989
Los Angeles, CA: LIP Media, c2003-
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75.25 .O98 2003-
By Youth Communication; edited by Philip Kay, Andrea Estepa, and Al
NY: Youth Communication, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O97 1996
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1996.
Suz PT 2200 .H65 O98 1996
Coming out: a handbook for men.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Ugl HQ 76.2 .U5 O983 2000
San Francsico: Out/Look Foundation, 1988-c1992.
v.1, n.1 (Spring 1988) - v.5, n.1 (Summer 1992)
note: issues for Summer 1989-Summer 1992 also called no.5-no.17
SuzPer HQ 76.3 .U5 O99
Edited by Peter Horne and Reina Lewis.
London; NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.5 .O93 1996
Fitzroy, Vic.: Designer Publications, 1992.
Suz PR 9614.5 .G38 O97 1992
Christa Brelin and Michael J. Tyrkus, editors; Michael Bronski, consulting
Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 1997.
note: selections from: Gay & lesbian biography.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.3 .O97 1997
London; Boulder, CO: Pluto Press, 1993.
Suz, Ugl, Tac PS 153 L46 O94 1993
NY: New Press, c1999.
note: Mirrors and window shoppers: lesbians, photography, and the politics
of visibility (Deborah Bright), pp. 24-47; OI: opportunistic infection,
open identification in PWA portraiture (Jan Zita Grover), pp. 105-122;
Mortal coil: eros and diaspora in the photographs of Rotimi Fani-Kayode.
(Kobena Mercer), pp. 183-210.
Art, Bot, Tac TR 642 .O94 1999
Edited by David Deitcher; with a foreword by Armistead Maupin.
London: Boxtree, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 O93 1995
Edited by James T. Sears and Walter L. Williams.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1997.
(Between men - - between women)
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.3 .U5 O994 1997
San Francisco: Pan-Graphic Press, c1964.
(Dorian Vignettes, 4)
SpecColl PS 509 .H57 O9 1964
Homosexuality and pseudohomosexuality.
NY: Science House [1969]
Suz, HSLIC WM 615 097h 1969
No speed limit: the highs and lows of meth.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2007.
Ugl HV 5822 .A5 O94 2007
Queer kids: the challenges and promise for lesbian, gay, and bisexual
NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 O996 1998
[Oslo?]: Unipub forlag, 2006.
Suz DL 531.5 .P3 2006
Oslo: Aschehoug, 1986.
note: "annotert bibliografi over lesbisk litteratur i Skandinavia
1900-1984": p. 137-[214]
Suz PT 7048 .P36 1986.
see: Lesbian Resource Center: [newsletter]
Queer cowboys: and other erotic male friendships in nineteenth-century
American literature.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Suz, Tac PS 217 .H65 P33 2005
NY: Mysterious Press, c1998.
Suz PS 3566 .A3197 B58 1998
Caribbean pleasure industry: tourism, sexuality, and AIDS in the Dominican
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2007.
note: [chapter] 3, "Orgullo gay Dominicano": shifting cultural politics of
sexual identity in Santo Domingo, pp. 76-105; [chapter] 5, "Love,"
finance, and authenticity in gay sex tourism, pp. 141-167; [chapter]
6, AIDS, the "bisexual bridge," and the political economy of risk in
the Domincan Republic, pp. 168-204.
Suz HQ 162.2 .A5 P33 2007
Chains: David, Canova, Canova, and the fall of the public hero in
postrevolutionary France.
University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 2, Inheriting Greek Eros: Anacreontism and homosexual
desire, pp. 50-85.
Art N72 .S6 P24 2007
Sappho and Alcaeus; an introduction to the study of ancient Lesbian
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955.
Suz 884.2 ZZpa
Ugl PA 4409 .P2 1959 (Reprint of 1955 ed. with corrected sheets)
Auden and Isherwood: the Berlin years.
Houndmills, Basingstoke: Macmillan Press; NY: St. Martin's Press,
Suz PR 6001 .U4 Z765 1998
Edited and with an introduction by Mark Mitchell and David Leavitt.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997.
Suz PR 1110 .G39 P35 1997
Sex, art, and American culture: essays.
NY: Vintage Books, 1992.
note: Homosexuality at the fin de siecle, pp. 22-25; The beautiful
decadence of Robert Mapplethorpe. A response to Rochelle Gurstein, pp.
38-45; What a drag, Marjorie Garber's Vested Interests: cross-dressing and
cultural anxiety, pp. 96-100. These essays originally appeared in Esquire
(October, 1991), Tikkum (Nov/Dec 1991), and the Boston Globe, Dec. 15,
1991), respectively.
Ugl, Bot, Tac E169.12 .P33 1992
Sexual personae. Art and decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1990.
Suz, Bot, Tac PN 751 .P34 1990
Vamps & tramps: new essays.
NY: Vintage Books, 1994.
note: The Penis unsheathed, pp. 3-16 [originally as A Rapido TV production
for World Without Walls, Channel 4, London...aired March 1, 1994]; Rebel
love: homosexuality, pp. 67-92; Gay Stalinism, pp. 103-106 [The Advocate,
September 22, 1992].
Suz, Bot E169.12 .P334 1994
Marcel Proust: a biography.
London: Chatto & Windus,
c1959-1965. 2v.
Suz, Ugl 921 P947p11 v.1, v.2
Marcel Proust: a biography. Rev. and enlarged ed.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1989.
note: 2v. in 1
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z78958 1989b
Toronto; Buffalo: Guernica, 1998.
(Essay series, 38)
Suz ND 249 .P3 P35 1998
Juego de mascaras.
Mexico, D. F.: Juan Pablos; Chiapas, Mexico: Colegio de Estudios
Cientificos y Tecnologicos, 1998.
Suz PQ 7298.26 .A387 J84 1998
Invisible monsters.
NY: Norton, c1999.
Suz, Ugl, SpecColl PS 3566 .A4554 I58 1999
NY: Columbia University Press, c2001.
(Gender and culture)
Suz PR 6015 .A33 W57 2001
Sex adviser: the 100 most asked questions about sex between men.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, c1999.
Suz HQ 76 .P37 1999
Basingstoke [England]; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
note: [chapter] 1, Byron and the choreography of queer desire (Steven
Bruhm), pp. 16-33.
Suz PR 4388 .P35 2007
Gentlemen callers: Tennessee Williams, homosexuality, and
mid-twentieth-century Broadway drama.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Suz PS 3545 .I5365 Z799 2005
Behind the mask: my double life in baseball. By Dave Pallone with Alan
NY: Viking, c1990.
Suz GV 865 .P32 A3 1990
Cultural diversity and men who have sex with men: a review of the issues,
strategies, and resources. Prepared for the Commonwealth Department of
Health and Family Services.
Sydney: National Centre in HIV Social Research, Macquarie University,
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Reserach (Australia)):
SuzFolio HQ 75.6 .A8 P35 1998
Cultures of darkness: night travels in the histories of transgression.
NY: Monthly Review Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 13, Nights of leather and lace. Transgressive sexualities,
pp. 277-301.
Suz HM 646 .P35 2000
Contemporary lesbian writing: dreams, desire, difference.
Buckingham; Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1993.
Suz PS 3529 H28 Z78 1989
Lesbian gothic: transgressive fictions.
London; NY: Cassell, 1999.
Suz PR 888 .T3 P35 1999
AIDS as an apocalyptic metaphor in North America.
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c1997.
Suz W 503.7 .P176a 1997
Sexy origins and intimate things: the rites and rituals of straights,
gays, bi's, drags, trans, virgins, and others.
NY: Penguin Books, 1998.
Suz HQ 25 .P35 1998
The logic of fetishism: Alejo Carpentier and the Cuban tradition.
Lewisburg [PA}: Bucknell University Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 2, Autobiography and the transvestite, pp. 82-118.
Suz PQ 7389 .C263 Z8255 2004
[San Francisco, CA]: Frameline, 2002.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; in Malay and Cantonese with English subtitles;
shot on location in Jalan Petaling, Kuala Lumpur.
note: performer-voice-over, Fahmi Fadzil; credits- writer and director,
Amir Muhammad; camera, Naeim Ghalili; music, Jerone Kugan; editor,
Zulkarnaen Kassim.
note: "Against the bustling backdrop of Kuala Lumpur's Chinatown, a
Malay-Muslim narrator reminisces about a teenage relationship between
himself and an ethnic Chinese classmate. 'Pangyau', the Cantonese word for
friend, is not just the story of a close friendship, but a prism through
which the writer gets to examine his feelings about the ways in which race
and religion have been used in the national socio-political
UglMed Videorecord FRAM 009
The Wolf-Man. With the case of the Wolf-Man, by Sigmund Freud and a
supplement by Ruth Mack Brunswick. Foreword by Anna Freud. Edited, with
notes, an introd., and chapters, by Muriel Gardiner.
NY: Basic Books [1971]
note: earlier versions of fragments of the Wolf-Man's memoirs
had appeared in the Bulletin of the Philadelphia Association for
note: Wolf-Man is the popular title of: From the History of an Infantile
see also: Freud, Sigmund. The standard edition...
Ugl, SocWk WM 40 W859w 1971
Nat WM 40 W859w 1972 (Hogarth ed.)
The me in the mirror.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1994.
SpecColl Book Arts HV 3021 W66 P36 1994
[United States]: Strand Releasing, [2006]
note: DVD originally produced in 2006
note: credits- script, Tomer Heymann; cinematographer, Itai Raziel;
editor, Lavi Ben Gal; music Eli Soorani.
note: After closing the border to Palestinian workers, Israeli authorities
enticed foreigners to fill gaps in the job market. Filipinos in various
stages of gender transition came as caregivers to elderly, orthodox Jewish
men, but are still outsiders.
UglMed DVD STRAN 018
Sex, paranoia, and modern masculinity.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 4, Sex, subjectivity and male-to-female transsexual
autobiography, pp. 139-177.
(SUNY series in psychoanalysis and culture)
Suz HQ 1075 .P375 2007
NY: Filmakers Library, c1999.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; some dialogue in Samoan with English
note: executive producer, Eva Wunderman; performers,
Jeanette Mageo, Tom Pollard, Tania Grey
note: When it comes to gender there is truly a Samoan way of seeing the
world. The story of the Samoan fa'afafines, boys who are raised as girls.
Fa'afafines play an important domestic role in the Samoan culture. Their
traditional role is now under threat as the western drag scene filters
into Samoa.
UglMed Videorecord FML 084
[United States]: New Yorker Video, [2002]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; videodisc release of the 2000 documentary film; in
English, German, and French with English subtitles
note: director of photography, Bernd Meiners; editor, Dawn Logsdan; music,
Tibor Szemzo; writer, Sharon Wood.
note: Historian Klaus Muller interviews survivors of the Nazi persecution
of homosexuals because of the German Penal Code of 1871, Paragraph
note: special features: theatrical trailer, additional interviews,
director's and producer's audio commentary.
UglMed DVD NYV 013
TacMed DVD TAC-1054
[Santa Monica, CA]: Strand Releasing, [1999]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally released as a
motion picture in 1996.
note: credits- written and directed by John G. Young; produced by James
Spione and Nancy Larsen
note: cast- Gabriel Mick (Gabriel Mann), Laurence Mason, Murphy Guyer,
Graham Alex Johnson, Heather Gottlieb, Josh Hopkins, Maureen Shannon,
Julia Weldon.
note: A white teenage boy, fully black-identified, experiences a
life-changing turn when he falls in love with a young black man who was
wounded escaping from prison. An intelligent and haunting depiction of
sexual passions and the interplay between desire and identification.
UglMed Videorecord STRAN 002
Edited by Maria Wyke.
Oxford; NY: Clarendon Press, 1998.
note: chapter 2, 'The Mother of argument': Eros and the body in Sappho and
Plato's Phaedrus, pp. 39-70 (Helene P. Foley); chapter 10, Playing Roman
soldiers: the martyred body, Derek Jarman's Sebastiane, and the
representation of male homosexuality, pp. 243-266 (Maria Wyke)
Suz GT 497 .M44 P37 1998
Tokyo: Potto shuppan, 2001.
EAsia HQ 74.2 .J3 T65 2001
Hillsdale, N. J.: L.
Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1991.
note: [chapter] 4, Double jeopardy: identity transitions and parent-child
relations among gay and lesbian youth (Andrew M. Boxer, Judith A. Cook,
Gilbert Herdt), pp. 59-92.
Suz, Tac BF 723 .P25 P2719 1991
Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, c1999.
note: Families headed by lesbian and gay parents. (Michael E. Lamb, et
al., eds), pp., 191-219.
SocWk HQ 734 .P1825 1999
Seattle, WA: Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Seattle Chapter, [
note: continued by The Banner, see The Banner.
SpecColl HQ 75 .P25
v.5,n.1 (Jan/Feb 1989), v.5,n.4-6 (Jul/Aug-Nov/Dec 1989), v.6,n.5
(Sep/Oct 1990), v.13,n.1 (Mar/Apr 1997), v.13,n.3-4 (May/June-Jul/Aug 1997),
v.14,n.1-5 (Jan/Feb-Sep/Oct 1998)
Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum, 1995.
note: [chapter] 9, Communication in lesbian and gay families: building a
descriptive base (Richard West, Lynn H. Turner), pp. 147-169.
SocWk HQ 755.85 .P373 1995
Generation queer: a gay man's quest for hope, love, and justice.
Warner Books, c1998.
Suz HQ 75.8 .P37 1998
Gorilla suit: my adventures in bodybuilding.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1997.
Suz GV 545.52 .J33 A3 1997
[United States]: Fox Lorber Home Video, c1992.
note: 1 videocassette; cast: Pepper Labeija, Kim Pendavis, Freddie
Pendavis, Dorian Corey, Venus Xtravaganza, Willi Ninja, Octavia St.
Laurent; cinematographer, Paul Gibson; editor, Jonathan Oppenheim;
executive producers, Nigel Finch (BBC Televsion, London), Davis Lacey
(WNYC Television, New York)
note: A documentary about the young homosexual men of Harlem who
originated "voguing" and turned these stylized damce competitions into
glittering expressions of fierce personal pride. A story of street-wise
urban survival, gay self-affirmation, and the pursuit of a desperate
UglMed Videorecord FOXL 011
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1116
London, England: GMP Publishers.
(Gay Eurocity guide)
Suz DC 708 .P375 1991/92
NY: Zeitgeist Films [distributor], 1996, 2003.
note: videocassette, VHS; DVD; in French with English subtitles;
originally produced as motion picture in 1995
note: narrator, Juliet Stevenson; voices: Maureen Ali, Gillian Hanna,
Margaret Robertson; photography, Nurith Aviv ... [et al.]; editor, Greta
Schiller; music, Janette Mason; consultants, Karla Jay, Bonnie G. Smith;
researcher, Andrea Weiss.
note: Through a combination of still photos, archival film footage, and
interview commentary, documents the creative community of French, English
and American women, many of whom were lesbians, who gravitated to the Left
Bank in Paris during the early part of the 20th century.
UglMed Videorecord ZF 002
BotMed DVD BOT-506
"In Defense of Homosexuality."
The Modern Thinker.
June, 1932. pp. 286-297.
see: A homosexual emancipation miscellany. (article reprint)
Gays and lesbians in mainstream cinema: plots, critiques, casts and
credits for 272 theatrical and made-for-television Hollywood releases.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c1993.
Ugl PN 1995.9 .H55 P37 1993
London, UK: Reaktion Books, 1996.
Suz DC 715 .P257 1996
Shiva and Arun.
Norfolk, England: Gay Men's Press; Chicago: Distributed in N. America by
LPC/InBook, 1998.
Suz PR 6066 .A692 S55 1998
A Stone gone mad.
NY: Random House, 1991.
Ugl PS 3566 .A6736 S76 1991
The exploration of the secret smile: the language of art and of
homosexuality in Frank O'Hara's poetry.
NY: P. Lang, c1989.
(American university studies. Series XXIV, American literature, v.25)
Suz PS 3529 .H28 Z78 1989
An expanded edition of Movement in Black.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand books, c1999.
Suz PS 3566 .A6847 M6 1999
Jonestown & other madness: poetry.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1985.
Suz PS 3566 .A6847 J6 1985
Ackerley: a life of J. R. Ackerley.
London: Constable, 1989.
Suz PR 6001 .C4 Z86 1989b
Ugl PR 6001 .C4 Z86 1989 (NY ed.)
Isherwood: a life revealed.
NY: Random House, c2004.
Suz, Bot PR 6017 .S5 Z79 2004
Beneath the equator: cultures of desire, male homosexuality, and emerging
gay communities in Brazil.
NY: Routledge, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.2 .B6 P37 1999
Sexing the text: the rhetoric of sexual difference in British literature,
Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000.
note: [chapter 1], Onania: self-pollution and the danger of female
sexuality, pp. 31-48; [chapter] 2, Swift and the political anus, pp.
Suz PR 448 .S45 P37 2000
Homosexuality: a selective bibliography of over 3,000 items.
Metuchen N.J.: Scarecrow, 1971.
see also: Parker, William. Homosexuality bibliography: supplement...
Suz, SuzRef, Ugl, SocWkRef, HSLIC, Bot Z 7164 S42 P35
Homosexuality bibliography: supplement, 1970-1975.
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977.
see also: Parker, William. Homosexuality bibliography. Second
Suz, SuzRef, Ugl Z 7164 S42 P35 Suppl
Homosexuality bibliography. Second supplement, 1976-1982.
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1985.
SuzRef Z 7164 S42 P34 1985
Homosexuality; selected abstracts and bibliography.
San Francisco: Society for Individual rights, 1966.
note: Reprinted in A Gay Bibliography, 1975.
SuzRef HQ 76 .G32 1975
Homosexuals and employment.
[San Francisco]Corinthian Foundation, 1970.
(Essays on homosexuality, no. 4)
Suz JK 723 .H6 P37 1970
Attitudes, identity, and self-esteem: implications for lesbian, bisexual,
and questioning women. 2004.
Honors Program Thesis, Miami University, 2004
available online,
Sobranie stikhotvorenii. Vstup. statia, podgotovka teksta i primechaniia
S. Poliakovoi.
Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1979.
Suz PG 3476 .P264 A6 1979
Blackshear, GA: Plantagenet House, 1981.
Suz PS 3566 .A753 S66 1981
Fish: a memoir of a boy in a man's prison.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 2006.
Ugl HV 9468 .P38 2006
Djuna Barnes.
Tavistock, Devon, UK: Northcote House in association with the British
Council, 2003.
Suz PS 3503 .A614 Z83 2003
Syphilis and AIDS: historical and social comparisons. 1992.
Thesis (M. A.) --Deakin University, 1992.
available online,
Washington, D.C.: GVI Productions, [199?], c1987.
note: 1 videocassette; Executive producer, Jacques Girard; script, Taylor
Rickard; videographers, Jacques Girard, Estel Dillon, Wally Pfister.
note: "The Official National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay
Rights video. Endorsed by the Executive Committee."
UglMed Videorecord GVI 001
NY: First Run
Features, c1991.
note: Videocassette release of a 1986 motion
note: A love story set in Manhattan. Michael's partner is about to leave
for two years in Africa, his former lover Nick is dying of AIDS, and he is
stuck in NY editing a S&M SF novel he can't stand, instead of his own
TacMed Videorecord TAC-804
Edited by Stephen D. Miller; introduction by Paul Gordon Schalow.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1996.
note: translations of texts from the Japanese
Ugl PL 721 .H59 P37 1996
[Seattle, WA: Sweet Corn Productions, c1986-
note: monthly 1987-1989; quarterly 1992
SpecCollPNW HQ 75 .P27
May 1987-Nov 1987; Apr 1988; Jun 1988-Nov 1989; v.7, n.2-4 (Spr-Fall 1992)
Dude, you're a fag: masculinity and sexuality in high school.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2007.
note: chapter 3, Dude, you're a fag; adolescent male homophobia, pp.
52-83; chapter 5, Look at my masculinity!; girls who act like boys, pp.
Suz HQ 797 .P37 2007
Affabulazione; Pilade.
Milano: Garzanti, 1977.
Suz PQ 4835 .A48 A7 1977
Amado mio, preceduto da Atti impure. Con un scritto di Attilio
Milano: Garzanti, 1982.
Suz PQ 4835 .A48 A73 1982
Milano: Garzanti, 1973.
Suz PQ 4835 .A48 C3
Torino: Einaudi, c1992.
Suz PQ 4835 .A48 P4 1992
Petrolio. Translated from the Italian by Ann Goldstein.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1997.
Suz PQ 4835 .A48 P5813 1997
Porcile; Orgia; Bestia da stile.
Milano: Garzanti, 1979.
PQ 4835 .A48 P67
Comfort of dreams. Photographs by Don Pasquella.
London: GMP, 1990.
SpecColl TR 681 .M4 P372 1990
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1996.
note: Confederate counterfeit: the case of the cross-dressed civil war
soldier (Elizabeth Young), pp. 181-217; Displacing desire: passing,
nostalgia, and Giovanni's room (Valerie Rohy), pp. 218-233.
Suz PS 169 .P35 P37 1996
NY: New York University Press, c2001.
note: [chapter] 1, Brandon Teena, Billy Tipton, and transgender biography
(Judith Halberstam), pp. 13-37; [chapter] 5, From Victorian parlor to
Physique pictorial: the male nude and homosexual identity (Michael
Bronski), pp. 135-159' [chapter] 7, The "Self-Made Man": male
impersonation and the New Woman (Sharon Ullman), pp. 187-207; [chapter] 8,
Mimesis in the face of fear: femme queens, butch queens, and gender play
in the houses of Greater Newark (Karen McCarthy Brown), pp. 208-227.
Suz, Bot HM 1068 .P37 2001
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin
American Studies: Distributed by Harvard University Press, 2005.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 P37 2005
Edited by Robert A. Schanke and Kim Marra; foreword by Jill Dolan.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998.
Drama PN 2286.5 .P37 1998
Edited by Kathy Peiss and Christina Simmons with Robert A. Padgug.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 P37 1989
London; NY: Routledge, 1998.
Suz TR 183 .P27 1998
Edited by Jeff Goodwin, James M. Jasper, and Francesca Polletta.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2001.
note: chapter 8, Rock the boat, Don't Rock the boat, baby: ambivalence and
the emergence of militant AIDS activism (Deborah Gould), pp. 135-157.
Suz HM 881 .P38 2001
Eros and androgyny: the legacy of Rose Macaulay.
Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, c1988.
Suz PR 6025 .A16 Z86 1988
NY: Haworth Pastoral Press, c2001.
Ugl BV 4011 .P344 2001
Cuestión de hombres. Prólogo por Carlos Manuel Rivera.
2nd ed.
[Philadelphia, PA]: Xlibris Corporation, 2006.
Suz PQ 7440 .P3863 C84 2006
Nena, nena, de mi corazón.
[Philadelphia, PA]: Xlibris, 2006.
Suz PQ 7440 .P3863 N46 2006
Les amazones: du mythe a l'histoire.
Paris: Editions G. Pastre, [1996]
(Homosexualites dans le monde antique, t. 2)
Suz BL 820 .A6 P39 1996
Athenes et "le peril saphique". 3eme ed.
Paris: Editions Genevieve Pastre, c1997.
(Homosexualites dans le monde antique, t. 1)
Suz HQ 75.6 .G8 P37 1997
The magician's assistant.
San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1998, c1997.
Ugl PS 3566 .A7756 M34 1998
Truth & beauty: a friendship.
NY: HarperCollins, c2004.
Suz, Bot WE 258 P294t 2004
The gay deceiver; a play in three acts.
NY: (440 Park Ave. S., NY 10016): Dramatists Play Service, c1988.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Gay deceiver
Kennedy's children: a play in two acts.
NY: Random House, c1976.
Ugl PS 3566 .A786 K4
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Kennedy's children (S. French ed.)
Temple slave.
NY: Masquerade Books, 1994.
Drama PS 3566 .A786 T46 1994
Untold decades: seven comedies of gay romance.
Introduction by Harvey Fierstein; preface by William M. Hoffman.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1988.
Suz, Ugl, Drama PS 3566 .A786 U5 1988
Mediterraneo. Preface by Ivan Teobaldelli.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1985.
note: preface in Italian and English.
SpecColl Book Arts TR 681 .M4 P37 1985
Kin, kith, and same-sex couple quality. 2005
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2005.
Suz HM 15 Th54967
Aux Thesis 54967
Virtual in-laws: kinship and relationship quality in gay male couples.
Thesis (M. A.)-University of Washington, 1995.
Suz HM 15 Th43336
Tac HQ 76.2 .U6 P37 1995
Aux Thesis 43336
Woman/Doctor: the education of Jane Patterson, M.D.
By Jane Patterson and Lynda Madaras.
NY: Avon, 1983.
Ugl WZ 80.5 W5 P317w 1983
Fatal advice: how safe-sex went wrong.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1996.
(Series Q)
Suz, Bot HQ 57.5 .A3 P37 1996
Inventing AIDS.
NY: Routledge, 1990.
Suz, Bot, Tac WD 308 P322i 1990
Sex and germs: the politics of AIDS.
Boston: South End Press, c1985.
SocWk, Bot, Tac WD 308 P322s 1985
Die griechische Knabenliebe.
Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1982.
(Sitzungsberichte der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der Johann
Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main, Bd. 19, nr. 1)
Suz HQ 76.2 G8 P37 1982
NY: First Run/Icarus Rilms, c1997.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS.
note: credits- Cameras, Chris Riess ... [et al.]; editor, Chris Riess;
narrator, Linda Hunt; readings by Jonathan Fried; original music, Jon
note: This biographical documentary, shot over three and a half years,
explores Paul Monette's life and work from his seemingly idyllic New
England boyhood and his closeted adolescence to his development into a
successful writer, committed lover and activist, to his death from AIDS in
February, 1995.
UglMed Videorecord FRIP 042
Not afraid to change: the remarkable story of how one man overcame
[By] John Paulk with Tony Marco.
Mukilteo, WA: WinePress publishing, c1998.
Suz HQ 75.8 .P375 A3 1998
Don Paulson papers, 1954-2002.
note: 7.63 cubic ft. (11 boxes, 1 oversize folder)
scope note:
The Paulson Papers are comprised of textual materials, sound recordings,
videocassettes, programs, handbills, and sheet music relating to Paulson's
life as an artist in the Seattle area, his friendships with other gay men,
and his research on female impersonators, notably those who performed at
the Seattle cabaret, the Garden of Allah, in the 1950s. The collection is
organized into three subgroups. The Evening at the Garden of Allah
subgroup contains incoming letters, subject files, clippings, handbills,
programs, ephemera, audio interviews with performers and patrons of the
theater, miscellaneous audio and video recordings, and other material
relating to the research and publicity for the 1996 book, An Evening at
the Garden of Allah: A Gay Cabaret in Seattle. Most of the informants that
Paulson interviewed are no longer living. Correspondents include Billy
DeVoe and Harvey W. Goodwin. Interviewees include Harvey Lee, Billy DeVoe,
and Robin Raye.
note: Finding aid (biography and inventory of the collection) available in
the repository and on the World Wide Web: click on title above.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Arch Accession 5354-001 inquire at Special
An evening at the Garden of Allah: a gay cabaret in Seattle.
By Don Paulson with Roger Simpson.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
Drama, Bot, SpecCollNW, Tac PN 2071 .I47 P38 1996
The broken image: restoring personal wholeness through healing prayer.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, c1996.
note: through Christian prayer, heals homosexuality
note: originally published 1981.
Suz BR 115 .H6 P39 1996
Healing homosexuality.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, c1996.
note: originally published [1985] as: The healing of the homosexual.
Suz BR 115 .H6 P4 1996
El lobo, el bosque y el hombre nuevo.
Mexico, D.F.: Ediciones Era, 1991.
note: for motion picture based on this novel, see, Fresa y chocolate.
Suz PQ 7390 .P39 L93 1991
Strawberry & chocolate.
Introduction, translations & interview by Peter Bush.
London: Bloomsbury, 1995.
note: Translation of: Lobo, el bosque y el hombre nuevo; Fresa y
Suz PQ 7390 .P39 F713 1995
Derek Jarman.
London: Little, Brown, 1999.
Suz PN 1998.3 .J3 P43 1999
The unmasking of Oscar Wilde.
London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2000.
Suz PR 5823 .P38 2000
Good-bye, I love you: a true story of a wife, her homosexual husband, and
a love that transcended tragedy.
Carson City, NV: Gold Leaf Press, c1995.
Suz PS 3566 .E277 Z47 1995
Calling home: queer responses to discourses of nation and citizenship in
contemporary Canadian literary and visual culture. 2004.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Wollongong, 2004.
available online,
Recreating men: postmodern masculinity politics.
London; Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2000.
note: [chapter] 6, Recreating heterosexualities, pp. 76-92.
Suz HQ 1090 .P43 2000
The law of enclosures.
NY: Pocket Books/Washington Square Press, 1997.
Suz PS 3566 .E245 L38 1997
Martin and John: a novel.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1993.
Suz PS 3566 .E245 M37 1993
Now it's time to say goodbye.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3566 .E245 N68 1998
Carrie Chapman Catt, a biography.
NY: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1944.
Suz 921 C295p
All-American boy: a memoir.
NY: Scribner, c1995.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HQ 76.8 .P43 A3 1995
Art and pornography; an experiment in explanation.
NY: Basic Books [1969]
note: chapter 3, part VII (pp. 193-213) concerns homosexuality.
Suz, HSLIC HQ 460 .P42
Edited by Ron Schow, Wayne Schow & Marybeth Raynes; foreword by Lowell
L. Bennion.
Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1991.
Suz BX 8643 .H65 P43 1991
NY: RoutledgeFalmer, 2003.
note: [chapter] 7, Inside Noah's tent: the sodomitical genesis of race in
the Christian imagination (William F. Pinar), pp. 155-187; [chapter] 8,
Queer pedagogies: camping up the difference (Marla Morris), pp. 188-205.
Suz, Bot LC 196 .P45 2003
Gay and lesbian rights: a question--sexual ethics or social justice?
Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, c1996.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 P43 1996
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001.
note: [chapter] 20, The male reproductive system including intersex
disorders (Aliya N. Husain, Dena M. Selby, Louis P. Dehner), pp.
Health WS 200 P37138 2001 v.2
Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, c2005.
note: chapter 61, Intersex (John M. Gatti, MD), pp. 851-863.
Health WO 925 P3715 2005 text
Sexual and spiritual identity transformation among ex-gays and ex-ex-gays:
narrating a new self. 2004.
Thesis (Ph. D.)-- University of Texas at Austin, 2004.
available online,
Issues in gay and lesbian adoption: proceedings of the fourth annual
Peirce-Warwick Adoption Symposium. Ed. Ann Sullivan.
Washington, D.C.: Child Welfare League of America, c1995.
SocWk HQ 75.53 .P44 1994
Seattle: Seal Press: Distributed to the trade by Publishers Group West,
2000, c1992.
Tac PS 3566 .E448 M3 2000
The films of Derek Jarman.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c2002.
Suz PN 1998.3 .J3 P46 2002
Call me lesbian: lesbian lives, lesbian theory.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1992.
Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 P46 1992
Sexist slang and the gay community: are you one, too?
By Julia Penelope (Stanley), Susan J. Wolfe.
[Ann Arbor: Women's Studies Program, The University of Michigan] 1979.
(Michigan occasional paper,n.14)
(Michigan occasional paper in women's studies, n. 14)
Suz HQ 76.25 .S73
Pederasts and others: urban culture and sexual identity in
nineteenth-century Paris.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Suz HQ 196 .P3 P46 2004
Edited by David Leavitt and Mark Mitchell; introduction by David
NY: Viking, 1994.
Ugl PR 1309 .H57 P46 1994
London: Lane, 1983.
Suz PN 6110 .H65 P46 1983b
Suz PN 6110 .H65 P46 1983
Harmonsworth, Middlesex, England; NY, Penguin: c1986.
Ugl PN 6110 H65 P46 1986
Ed. by Mark Mitchell; introduction by David Leavitt.
NY: Viking, 1995.
Suz, Ugl PN 6120.95 .H724 P46 1995
NY: Viking, 1994.
Ugl PN 6120.92 .W65 P46 1994
The gay men's wellness guide: the National Lesbian and Gay Health
Association's complete book of physical, emotional, and mental health and
well-being for every gay male.
NY: Henry Holt, 1997.
Ugl WA 305 P412 1997
Plato's Lysis. Terry Penner, Christopher Rowe.
Cambridge, UK; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
(Cambridge Studies in the Dialogues of Plato)
Suz B375 .P46 2005
The world of perversion: psychoanalysis and the impossible absolute of
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2006.
note: psychoanalytic interpretation of sexual deviation
Bot BF 175.5 .S48 P46 2006
Bisexuelle und ihre Einstellungen zur Liebe.
Berlin: Verlag fur Wissenschaft und Forschung, 1999.
(Akademische Abhandlungen zur Psychologie)
Suz HQ 74 .P45 1999
But Lord, they're gay: a Christian pilgrimage.
Hawthorne, CA: Lambda Christian Fellowship, 1982.
Suz BR 115 .H6 P45 1982
Good news for modern gays: a pro-gay
biblical approach.
Hawthorne, CA: Lambda Christian Fellowship, c1985.
Suz BS 680 .H67 P46 1985
Roland Penrose: the friendly surrealist: a memoir.
Munich; NY: Prestel; Edinburgh: National Galleries of Scotland, c2001.
Art N6797 .P4 P46
Singapore: Select Publishing, c2003.
Suz HQ 76.3 .S55 P46 2003
Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, c2003.
Suz BX 8385 .H6 P46 2003
Three summers: a journal. Illustrated by the author.
Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, c1986.
Suz HQ 75.4 P46 1986
The ultimate guide to pregnancy for lesbians: tips and techniques from
conception through birth: how to stay sane and care for yourself.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, 1999.
Suz WQ 150 P424u 1999
Francis Bacon: anatomy of an enigma.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1996.
Art ND 497 .B16 P46 1996
Such is my love: a study of Shakespeare's sonnets.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1985.
Suz PR 2848 P46 1985
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Ugl PS 3566 .E672 T76 2000
Listening to the sirens: musical technologies of queer identity from Homer
to Hedwig.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2006.
Music ML 3838 .P365 2006
Pederasty and pedagogy in archaic Greece.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G8 P47 1996
What's written on the body.
Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c2007.
Suz, SpecColl PS 3616 .E74 W47 2007
Ministry to persons with AIDS: a family systems approach.
Minneapolis: Augsburg, c1991.
Suz BV 4460.7 .P47 1990
Edited by Liz Constable, Dennis Denisoff, and Matthew Potolsky.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
note: [chapter] 4, Posing a threat: Queensbury, Wilde, and the
portrayal of decadence (Dennis Denisoff), pp. 83-100; [chapter] 6, Opera
and the discourse of decadence from Wagner to AIDS (Marc A. Weiner), pp.
119-141; [chapter] 8, "Comment peut-on etre homosexuel?": Multinational
(in)corporation and the Frenchness of Salome (Melanie C. Hawthorne), pp.
159-182; [chapter] 10, Improper names: pseudonyms and transvestites in
decadent prose (Leonard R. Koos), pp. 198-214.
Suz PN 56 .D45 P47 1999
Gulf dreams.
Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, c1996.
Ugl, Tac PS 3566 .E691324 G85 1996
Cubao 1980 at iba pang mga katha: unang sigaw ng Gay Liberation Movement
sa Pilipinas.
Mandaluyong: Cacho Publishing House, c1992.
Suz PL 5549 .P48 C82 1992
London: Onlywomen Press, 1991.
Suz PR 1309 .L47 P47 1991
Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2006.
Drama PN 6120 .G34 P47 2006
Edited by Sue-Ellen Case and Janelle Reinelt.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1991.
note: Constructing Patroclus: the high and low discourses of Renaissance
sodomy, (Gregory W. Bredbeck), pp. 77-91.
Drama PN 1631 .P47 1991
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
note: [chapter] 6, Reconsidering homophobia: Karen Finley's indiscretions
(Lynda Hart), pp. 67-81; [chapter] 12, Critically queer (Judith Butler),
pp. 152-165.
Drama, Bot PN 2041 .A57 P47 2003
London; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1999.
note: Classing queer; politics in competition, pp. 107-131 (Mariam
Fraser), published simultaneously in Theory, Culture & Society, v.16,n.2,
pp. 107-131 (1999)
Suz HM 1033 .P47 1999
Suzzallo Periodicals H1 .T482 v.16, pp. 107-131.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990.
note: Sexual indifference and lesbian representation (Teresa de Lauretis),
pp. 17-39; "'Lesbian' subjectivity in realism: dragging at the margins of
structure and ideology," (Jill Dolan), pp. 40-53.
Drama PN 1590 .W64 P4 1990
Bristol; Portland, OR: Intellect, 2000.
note: [chapter] 7, "Your Mother is Up Here Working!" Bette Midler, the
Continental Baths, and the Mainstreaming of Gay Male Sensibility (Kevin
Winkler), pp. 83-93.
Drama PN 1584 .P48 2000
Roggebaai, South Africa: Kwela Books, 2005-
v.1: Shaping sexualities, 1994-2004
Suz HQ 76.3 .S5 P47 2005
London; NY: Routledge, 1999.
note: [chapter] 7, The greatest homosexual? Camp pleasure and the
performative body of Larry Rivers (Gavin Butt), pp. 107-126; [chapter] 12,
Performing clits and other lesbian tricks. Speculations on an aesthetics
of lack (B. J. Wray), pp. 186-198; [chapter] 13, Renaming untitled flesh.
Marking the politics of marginality (Meiling Cheng), pp. 199-222.
Drama N6494 .B63 P47 1999
Being a prostitute.
Sydney; Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1985.
note: concerns both male and female prostitution
Ugl, SocWk HQ 229 .A5 P47 1985
Nature boys: camp discourse in American literature from Whitman to
NY: P. Lang, c2003.
Suz PS 217 .H65 P47 2003
Frank O'Hara: poet among painters.
NY: G. Braziller, c1977.
Suz, Ugl PS 3529 .H28 Z8
Explorations in contemporary feminist literature: the battle against
oppression for writers of color, lesbian and transgender communities.
NY: P. Lang, c2002.
Bot PS 228 .F45 P47 2002
Desire and dissent: an introduction to Luis Antonio de Villena.
Oxford; Washington, D.C.: Berg, 1995.
Suz PQ 6672 .I483 Z8 1995
Sexual orientation in child and adolescent health care.
NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002.
SocWk WA 320 P458s 2002
So long as there are women.
Translated from the French by Harold J. Salemson.
NY: Morrow, 1980.
note: translation of: Tant qu'il y aura des femmes.
Suz HQ 75.3 .P4713 1980
Women prefer women. Translated from the French by Harold J. Salmeson.
NY: Morrow, 1979, c1978.
note: Translation of: Les femmes preferent les femmes.
Suz HQ 75.4 .P47 A3413 1979
When the drama club is not enough: lessons from the Safe Schools Program
for Gay and Lesbian Students.
Jeff Perrotti and Kim Westheimer.
Boston: Beacon Press, c2001.
Suz LC 192.6 .P47 2001
Religion in politics: constitutional and moral perspectives.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1997.
note: chapter 3.IV, A case in point: religious argument about the morality
of homosexual sexual conduct, pp. 82-85; chapter 3.V, Finnis's secular
argument about the morality of homosexual sexual conduct, pp. 85-96.
Suz BL 65 .P7 P47 1997
Toward a theory of human rights: religion, law, courts.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
note: [chapter] 9, How should the Supreme Court rule? Capital punishment,
abortion, and same-sex unions, pp. 118-139.
Suz, Tac JC 571 .P4215 2007
Under God?: religious faith and liberal democracy.
Cambridge, UK; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
note: [chapter] 4, Christians, the Bible, and same-sex unions; an argument
for political self-restraint, pp. 55-85; [chapter] 5, Catholics, the
Magisterium, and same-sex unions; an argument for independent judgment,
pp. 86-97.
Suz, Law, Bot BL 2525 .P467 2003
We the people: the Fourteenth Amendment and the Supreme Court.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 5, Beyond race: sex and sexual orientation, pp.
Suz KF 4558 14th .P47 1999
Don't be afraid anymore: the story of Reverend Troy Perry and the
Metropolitan Community Churches. By Troy D. Perry with Thomas L. P.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1990.
Suz BX 9896 .Z8 P47 1990
The Lord is my shepherd & he knows I'm gay: the autobiography of the
Reverend Troy D. Perry.
Los Angeles: Universal Fellowship Press, [1994] , c1972.
Suz BR 1725 .P45 A3 1994
Profiles in gay & lesbian courage. By Reverend Troy D. Perry, and
Thomas L. P. Swicegood.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Suz, Ugl E840.6 .P47 1991
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1992.
Suz, Tac PS 509 .L47 P47 1992
Autobiography of a tattoo.
Vancouver: New Star Books, 1997.
Suz PR 9199.3 .P44 Z463 1997
Boyopolis: essays from gay Eastern Europe.
NY: The Overlook Press, 1996.
note: originally appeared as: Then we take Berlin.
Suz HQ 75.8 .P47 A3 1996
Buddy's: meditations on desire.
Vancouver: New Star Books, 1991.
Suz HQ 76 .P48 1991
Vancouver: New Star Books, 1974.
Suz PR 9199.3 .P44 S5 1974
The sexual century.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, c1999.
note: previously published articles; psychoanalytic perspective
note: [chapter] 5, Gender identity and sexual psychopathology in men: a
psychodynamic analysis of homosexuality, transsexualism, and transvestism
(Lionel Ovesey and Ethel S. Person), pp. 91-109; [chapter] 6, The
Transsexual syndrome in males: primary transsexualism (Ethel S. Person and
Lionel Ovesey), pp. 110-126; [chapter] 7, The Transsexual syndrome in
males: secondary transsexualism (Ethel S. Person and Lionel Ovesey), pp.
127-145; [chapter] 8, Transvestism: a disorder of the sense of self
(Lionel Ovesey and Ethel S. Person), pp. 146-160; [chapter] 9,
Transvestism: new perspectives (Ethel S. Person and Lionel Ovesey), pp.
161-177; [chapter] 10, Homosexual Cross-dressers (Ethel S. Person and
Lionel Ovesey), pp. 178-193;[chapter] 11, Extreme boyhood femininity:
isolated finding or pervasive disorder? (Susan Coates and Ethel S.
Person), pp. 194-207; [chapter] 19, The Omni-available woman and lesbian
sex: two fantasy themes and their relationship to the male developmental
experience (Ethel S. Person), pp. 333-343; [chapter] 20, Harry Benjamin
and the birth of a shared cultural fantasy (Ethel S. Person), pp.
note: [chapter] 19 first appeared as a chapter in: The Psychology of men:
new psychoanalytic perspectives (1986), pp. 71-94; see also, The
Psychology of men: new psychoanalytic perspectives.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1075 .P46 1999
Henry James and the suspense of masculinity.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, c2003.
Suz PS 2127 .P8 P47 2003
[Burbank, CA]: Warner Home Video, [1992]
note: 1 videocassette; VHS.
note: cast- Mariel Hemingway, Patrice Donnelly, Scott Glenn, Kenny Moore;
credits- producer, director, and writer, Robert Towne; executive producer,
David Geffen; music, Jack Nitzsche and Jill Fraser.
note: originally released in 1982 as a motion picture by the Geffen Film
note: fictional account of the relationships between track-and-field
competitors training during the 1980 Olympic Trials.
UglMed Videorecord WHV 181
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1989.
Suz, Tac PS 509 A43 P4 1989
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1997.
note: [chapter] 17, Homophobia and my career in sex (Kenneth D. George),
pp. 171-185; [chapter] 22, Early transgenderist (Ariadne Kane), pp.
225-232; [chapter] 30, Serendipities on the sexological pathway to
research in gender identity and sex reassignment (John Money), pp.
297-306; [chapter] 33, Female-to-male transsexual: transsexual sexologist
(Jude Patton), pp. 334-338.
Ugl HQ 60 .H69 1997
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., c2003.
note: [chapter] 14, A place called home: a queer political economy of
Mexican immigrant men's family experiences (Lionel Cantú), pp.
Suz F1410 .P48 2003
NY: Gay and Lesbian Taskforce of DSA's Feminist Commission, [1984?]
note: Democratic Socialists of America. Feminist Commission. Gay and
lesbian Taskforce.
Suz 76.8 .U5 P47 1984
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, c1999-
note: continued by Gay community periodic survey. Perth, see Gay community
periodic survey. Perth.
Suz HQ 76.2 .A8 G396 1998
[Seattle, WA: Perv, 1995]-
SpecColl HQ 75 .P48 n.1-9 (Nov 1995-Jul 1996)
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003.
(SIC, 4)
note: Confessions of a medieval sodomite (James Penney), pp. 126-158; "As
if set free into another Land": homosexuality, rebellion, and immunity in
William Styron's The Confessions of Nat Turner, pp. 159-186.
Suz PN 56 .S53 P47 2003
London; NY: Karnac, 2006.
note: chapter 10, The feminist ethics of lesbian sadomasochism (Mandy
Merck), pp. 217-240; chapter 12, Lacan meets queer theory (Tim Dean), pp.
261-322; chapter 13, On sexual perversion and transsensualism (Vernon A.
Rosario), pp. 323-342.
Tac BF 175.5 .S48 P47 2006
Book of Gomorrah: an eleventh-century treatise against clerical homosexual
Translated with an introduction and notes by Pierre J. Payer.
Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, c1982.
note: translation of: Liber Gomorrhianus.
Suz BX 1912.9 .P3713 1982
Caring for lesbian and gay people: a clinical guide. Allan Peterkin and
Cathy Risdon.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c2003.
SocWk WA 300 P479c 2003
Jean Cocteau and Andre Gide: an abrasive friendship.
New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press [1973]
Suz PQ 2605 .O15 Z77
Finistere: a novel.
NY: Farrar, Straus, 1951.
Suz 813 P442f
Verfolgt und vergessen: Homosexuelle in Mecklenburg und Vorpommern im
Dritten Reich.
Herausgegeben von Falk Koop im Auftrag des Landesverbandes der Lesben und
Schwulen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern--Gaymeinsam--e.V.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G32 M464 2004
Luna: a novel.
NY: Little, Brown, 2004.
note: 15-year-old Regan's life, which has always revolved around
keeping her older brother Liam's transsexuality a secret, changes when
Liam decides to start the process of "transitioning"...
ChiLit, BotChi PZ7 .P44158 Lu 2004
The confirmation. lst ed.
Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1993.
Drama PS 3566 E7554 C66 1993
May Sarton: a biography.
NY: Knopf, 1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PS 3537 .A832 Z83 1997
Where the bee sucks: workers, drones, and queens of contemporary American
Santa Maria, [CA]: Asylum Arts, 1994.
note: among others, considers many gay poets and gay poetry
Suz PS 325 .P437 1994
Bernard Shaw: the ascent of the superman.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1996.
Drama PR 5366 .P46 1996
Playing god?: genetic determinism and human freedom.
NY and
London: Routledge, 1997.
note: [chapter] 4, The so-called "gay gene" and scientized morality, pp.
NatSci, Bot QH 438.7 .P48 1997
Playing God?: genetic determinism and human freedom. 2nd ed.
NY: Routledge, 2003.
note: [chapter] 4, The so-called "gay gene" and scientized morality, pp.
NatSci, Tac QH 438.7 .P48 2003
Queer identities: rupturing identity categories and negotiating meanings
of queer.
M.A. thesis, University of Toronto, 2001.
available on line,
Unmasking the masculine: 'men' and 'identity' in a sceptical age.
London; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1998.
note: [chapter] 5, 'Queering sexual identity,' pp. 96-119.
Suz, Bot HQ 1090 .P475 1998
Women playwrights of diversity: a bio-bibliographical sourcebook.
By Jane T. Peterson and Suzanne Bennett.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997.
SuzRef, Drama, Tac PS 338 .W6 P48 1997
Satyricon: Cena Trimalchionis, Troiae halosis, Bellum civile.
Introduczione, nota critica, testo e traduzione a cura di Emanuele
Bologna, R. Patron [1970]
note: Italian translations
note: for Fellini film version, see Fellini satyricon [videorecording]
Suz PA 6558 .A2 C37 (Italian and Latin on facing pages)
Suz 877.5 C33f (Cesareo and Terzaghi ed., Sansoni)
L'oeuvre de Petrone: Le Satyricon. Traduction nouvelle et complete avec
introd. et notes, par Louis de Langle.
Paris: Bibliotheque des curieux, 1914.
note: French translations.
Suz PA 6558 .F5 L35
Suz 877.5 Sa8ere (Ernout ed.; French and Latin on facing pages)
Petronii arbitri Satyricon reliquiae. Quartum edidit Konrad Mueller.
Stutgardiae; Lipsiae; In aedubus B. G. Teubneri, 1995.
note: Latin editions.
Suz PA 6558 .A2 M85 1995
Suz 877.5 Sa8mu (1961 ed.)
Suz 877.5 Sa8bu4 (Bucheler, 4th ed., 1904)
Suz 877.5 Sz8bu1 (Buchele, lst ed., 1862, reprint 1958)
Suz PA 6558 .A2 1975 (Pellegrino ed., Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1975)
Suz PA 6558 .A2 1986 v.1 (Pellegrino ed., Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1986)
Suz PA 6558 .A2 1974 v.1, v.2 (Burmanno ed., Olms, 1974)
SpecColl Binding 877.5 Sa8b (Heinsii & Goessi ed., 1709)
Microform Newspapers Microfilm A7173 reel 1494, no. 27 (1711 ed.)
Microform Newspapers Microfilm A2791 872:61 (1693 ed.)
Satyrgeschichten: Lateinisch und Deutsch. [Übersetzt von Otto
Berlin: Akademie Verlag, c1992.
note: German translations
880.8 Sch74 v.40 (Latin and German on facing pages)
Suz PA 6558 .G3 F57 (Fischer ed., Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,
Suz 877.5 Sa8Gh (Begebenheiten des Enkolp; Heinse ed.)
877.5 C33f (Friedlander ed. of Cena Trimalchionis)
Satyricon. Translated with introduction and explanatory notes by P. G.
Oxford [England]: Clarendon Press, 1996.
note: English translations
note: for Fellini film version, see Fellini satyricon [videorecording]
Suz PA 6558 .E5 W3 1996
Suz PA 6558 .E5 B73 1996 (Branham and Kinney ed., University of California
Ugl PA 6558 .E5 A7 (Arrowsmith ed., University of Michigan Press)
Ugl PA 6558 .E5 S8 1986 (J. P. Sullivan ed., Penguin)
Bot PA 6558 .E5 S8 1974
(J. P. Sullivan ed., Penguin)
Suz, Ugl PA 6558 .E5 M5 1923 (J. M. Mitchell ed., Routledge)
Suz PA 6558 .A5 1975 (Cena Trimalchionis, ed. Martin S. Smith, Clarendon
Press, 1975)
Suz 877.5 C33r (Cena Trimalchionis, ed. Michael J. Ryan, Scott, 1905)
Satyriki. Przelozyl i opracowal Mieczyslaw Brozek.
Wroclaw: Zakl. Narodowy im. Ossonlinskich, [1968]
(Biblioteka narodowa; seria II, nr. 154
note: Polish translation
Suz PA 65568 .P6 B7
Dancing against the darkness: a journey through America in the age of
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, c1990.
Ugl WD 308 P479d 1990
The essential book of gay manners and etiquette: a handbook of proper
conduct and good behavior for the gay gentleman. By Steven Petrow with
Nick Steele.
NY: HarperPerennial, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 P43 1995
Nobody was out back then: abuse of alcohol by midlife and older
lesbians. 2005.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2005.
Health WY 7 Th54975
Aux Thesis 54975
Honey, Honey, Miss Thang: being black, gay, and on the streets.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 77 .P44 1996
Les amities particulieres.
Paris: Editions J'ai Lu, [1977], c1951.
Suz PQ 2631 .E915 A7 1977
Les conquetes d'Alexandre.
Paris: A. Michel, 1979.
Suz DF 234.2 .P48
The exile of Capri.
Foreword by Jean Cocteau. Translated from the French by Edward Hyams.
NY: Fleet pub. Corp. [1965, c1961]
note: translation of: Exile de Capri.
Suz PQ 2631 .E915 E913 1965
La jeunesse d'Alexandre.
Paris: A. Michel, c1977.
Suz DF 234.2 .P49
Bernstein: a biography.
NY: Beech Tree Books, c1987.
Ugl, Music ML 410 .B566 P5 1987
Cartographies of desire: male-male sexuality in Japanese discourse,
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1999.
EAsia HQ 76.3 .J3 P35 1999
A bibliography: gay, lesbian, and bisexual issues in education.
Lakewood, CO (P.O. Box 280346, Lakewood 80228-0346): Gay, Lesbian, and
Straight Teachers Network of Colorado, [1996]
Suz Z7164 .H74 P5 1996
A bibliography: gay, lesbian, and bisexual issues in
Lakewood, CO (P.O. Box 280346, Lakewood 80228-0346): Gay, Lesbian, and
Straight Education Network of Colorado, c1999.
SuzRef Z7164 .H74 P5
Homophobia, a weapon of sexism. Illustrations by Susan G. Raymond.
Inverness, CA: Chardon Press, c1988.
Suz,Ugl, Tac HQ 76.3 U5 P43 1988
Homophobia: a weapon of sexism. Illustrations by Susan G. Raymond. 2nd
ed., expanded ed.
Berkeley, CA: Chardon Press; Little Rock, AR: Distributed by the Women's
Project, c1997.
Suz, SocWk, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 P43 1997
In the time of the right: reflections on liberation.
Berkeley, CA: Chardon Press; Little Rock, AR: distributed by The Women's
Project, c1996.
Suz JC 573.2 .U6 P45 1996
Getting specific: postmodern Lesbian politics.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1994.
Suz, Ugl Bot HQ 75.5 .P47 1994
Identity politics: lesbian feminism and the limits of community.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.5 P48 1989
Sexual strangers: gays, lesbians, and dilemmas of citizenship.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.
(Queer politics, queer theories)
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 P48 2001
The construction of sexual and cultural identities: Greek-Cypriot men in
Aldershot: Ashgate, c2002.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 P44 2002
Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, c2004.
note: Theater and performance in Los Devaneos de Erato (Sharon Keefe
Ugalde), pp. 63-87; The queer case of Plumas de Espana (Brad Epps), pp.
Suz PQ 6668 .O858 Z74 2004
Burbank, CA: Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1998.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; 1 videodisc, DVD. In English, French or
Spanish with subtitles in Spanish of Korean; originally released as a
motion picture in 1993.
note: cast- Tom Hanks, Dnezel Washington, Jason Robards, Mary Steenburgen,
Antonio Banderas, Joanne Woodward, Ron Vawter, Anna Deveare Smith;
credits- director of photography, Tak Fujimoto; editor, Craig McKay;
music, Howard Shore.
note: story of two competing lawyers who join together to sue a
prestigious Philadelphia law firm when the firm fires one of them because
he has AIDS.
UglMed Videorecord CTHV 098
UglMed DVD CTHV 220 [2004]
BotMed DVD BOT-141 [1997]
TacMed DVD TAC-347 [2004]
Blue boys. Poems by Philebus, Edmund John, Cuthbert Wright.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1990.
Suz PR 1178 .G39 P45 1990
From the devotions: poems.
Saint Paul, MN: Graywolf Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot PS 3566 .H476 F76 1998
Transgender on screen.
Basingstoke [England]; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 .T69 P35 2006
Nikki Dawn papers, 1985.
note: ca. .24 cubic ft.; tape-recorded interviews, summary, biographical
information, photographs, photocopies of documents; Nikki Dawn Phillips, a
transsexual, was born Donald Philip Nicholson and underwent gender surgery
in 1979.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives Inquire at Special Collections
Conservative Christian identity & same-sex orientation: the case of gay
NY: Peter Lang, c2005.
Ugl BX 8643 .H65 P39 2005
The bitterweed path. With a new introduction by John Howard.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.
Suz PS 3566 .H524 B5 1996
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1985.
note: originally published as: Nature and causes of homosexuality.
see also: Nature and causes of homosexuality.
Ugl 76.3 .U5 N37 1985
Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1975.
note: The question of homosexuality (Joseph Margolis), pp. 288-302.
Suz HQ 32 .P5
Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1984.
note: Gay marriage (Frederick Elliston), pp. 146-166; An essay on
"Paederasty" (Jeremy Bentham), pp. 353-369; The morality of homosexuality
(Michael Ruse), pp. 370-390; Curing homosexuality (Frederick Suppe), pp.
391-420; Taking responsibility for sexuality (Joyce Trebilcot), pp.
Suz HQ 32 .P5 1984
Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, c1998.
note: [chapter] 12, Is it Wrong to Discriminate on the Basis of
Homosexuality? (Jeff Jordan), pp. 177-189; [chapter] 13, The Case for Gay
Marriage (Richard D. Mohr), pp. 190-211; [chapter] 14, Same-sex Marriage:
a Philosophical Defense (Ralph Wedgwood), pp. 212-230; [chapter] 22,
Sexual Perversion (Thomas Nagel), pp. 326-336; [chapter] 23, Why
Homosexuality is Abnormal (Michael Levin), pp. 337-349; [chapter] 24, An
Essay on "Paederasty" (Jeremy Bentham, pp. 350-364; [chapter] 25,
Pathologizing Homosexuality (Robert B. Baker), pp. 365-382; [chapter] 26,
Essentialism and Constructionism in Sexual Orientation (Edward Stein), pp.
383-396; [chapter] 27, Taking Responsibility for Sexuality (Joyce
Trebilcot), pp. 397-404; [chapter] 28, Domain (Michel Foucault), pp.
405-412; [chapter] 34, Dangerous Pleasures: Foucault and the Politics of
Pedophilia (Linda Martin Alcoff), pp. 500-529.
Suz, Ugl HQ 32 .P5 1998
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2007.
note: [chapter] 3, What is queer philosophy? (Randall Halle), pp.
Tac BD 21 .P476 2007
Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1998.
note: [chapter] 23, Critically queer (Judith Butler), pp. 171-177[excerpt
from Bodies that matter].
Suz P106 .P456 1998
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
note: Homosexuality (Anthony Quniton), pp. 197-211.
Suz, Bot, Tac WM 100 P568 1994
The gay theology.
Plainfield, N. J.: Logos International, c1977.
Suz BR 115 .H6 P48 1977
Clerical celibacy: the heritage.
NY: Continuum, c2004.
note: chapter 3, A celibate Jesus?: Arguments pro and con: His sexual
orientation, pp. 20-59.
Ugl BX 1912.85 P48 2004
London; NY: Seagull, c2007.
Suz HQ 18 .I4 P46 2007
note: The collection contains images of the members of the Seattle Women's
Ensemble. Included are a group portrait and informal shots of rehearsals
for choral and theatrical performances.
The Seattle Women's Ensemble, a choral group in existence from 1980 to
2000, performed culturally-diverse music that often focused on feminist
issues, including lesbian rights, class, diversity, and the plight of
oppressed groups.
online finding aid
SpecCollPNW Photograph collection 626
Same-sex marriage.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.
(Historical guides to controversial issues in America)
Ugl, Bot HQ 1033 .P47 2006
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1982.
note: a pictorial history of the Athletic Model Guild.
SpecColl Book Arts TR 675 .P48 1982
Holy homosexuals: the truth about being gay or
lesbian and Christian. Rev. Ed.
Dallas: Source of Hope Pub., 1997.
Suz BR 115 .H6 P5 1997
Rainbow family values: a family formation guide for lesbian and gay
Dallas, TX: Sources of Hope Pub., [c1995]
Suz BR 115 H6 P53 1995
Christopher Isherwood: myth and anti-myth.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1978.
Suz PR 6017 .S5 Z8
Ambidextrous: the secret lives of children.
NY: Gay Presses of New York, 1985.
Suz PS 3566 .I25 A84 1985
Art and sex in Greenwich Village: gay literary life after Stonewall.
NY: Carroll & Graf, c2007.
Suz, Bot PS 153 .G38 P53 2007
An Asian minor: the true story of Ganymede. Illustrations, David
NY: Sea Horse Press, c1981.
Suz PS 3566 .I25 A93 1981
The book of lies.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999.
Suz PS 3566 .I25 B66 1999
The deformity lover and other poems. 3rd ed.
NY: Sea Horse Press, 1980.
Suz PS 3566 .I25 D4 1980
A house on the ocean, a house on the bay: a memoir.
Boston: Faber and Faber, c1997.
Suz PS 3566 .I25 H68 1997
Late in the season.
NY: Dell; 1982, c1981.
Suz PS 3566 .I25 L3 1982
Like people in history.
NY: Viking, 1995.
Suz, Bot PS 3566 I25 L5 1995
Looking glass lives: a novel. Illustrated by F. Ronald Fowler.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz PS 3566 .I25 L66 1998
The lure.
Barnstable, MA: Crane Duplicating Service, c1979.
note: uncorrected page proof of the same title published by Delacorte
Press, NY, in 1979.
Suz PS 3566 .I25 L87 1979b
Men who loved me: a memoir in the form of a novel.
NY: NAL Books, c1989.
Suz PS 3566 .I25 M4 1989
The New York years: stories.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Suz PS 3566 .I25 N49 2000
Slashed to ribbons in defense of love, and other stories.
NY: The Gay Presses of New York, c1982.
Suz PS 3566 .I25 S45 1982
Brief motivational interviewing in a publicly funded HIV counseling and
testing clinic: a pilot study with gay and bisexual men.
Seattle: University of Washington, 1999.
note: Thesis (M. S.)--University of Washington, 1999.
HSLIC WA 7 Th48422
Aux Thesis 48422
London; NY: Quartet Books, 1984.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 P53 1984
Anthologized by
Makeda Silvera.
Toronto: Sister Vision, 1991.
Suz, Tac PR 9194.5
.L47 P5 1991
Edited by
Anna Livia and Lilian Mohin.
London: Onlywomen, 1989.
Ugl PR 1309
L4 P53 1989
Pier Paolo Pasolini: biografia per
By Fabio Pierangeli, Patrizio Barbaro.
Gribaudo, c1995.
Suz PQ 4835 .A48 Z864 1995
Courts, liberalism, and rights: gay law and politics in the United States
and Canada.
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2005.
Suz, Law, Bot KF 4754.5 .P54 2005
Woman on the edge of time.
NY: Knopf, 1976.
Ugl PS 3566 .I4 W6
Suz PS 3566 .I4 W6 1983
Bot PS 3566 .I4 W6 1983b
Koln; NY: Taschen, c1997.
Art TR 654 .P55 1997
London: Merrell, with the New Museum of Contemporary Art; NY: Distributed
in the USA and Canada by Rizzoli International, through St. Martin's
Press, 2000.
Art TR 680 .P54 2000
Spike, Mike,
slackers & dykes: a guided tour across a decade of American
independent cinema. With conversational collaboration of Keven Smith.
NY: Miramax Books/Hyperion, 1995.
Suz, Bot PN 1998.2 .P56 1995
Considering parenthood: a workbook for lesbians.
San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, c1985.
Suz HQ 75.53 .P54 1985
Queer impressions: Henry James's art of fiction.
NY: Routledge, 2005.
Suz PS 2127 .H63 P54 2005
Plata quemada.
Buenos Aires: Planeta, c1997.
Suz PQ 7798.26 .I4 P6 1997
On objects and affections: contemporary representations of the gay
man/straight woman dyad in popular film and television.
M.A. thesis, University of North Texas, 2000.
available online,
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz PS 648 .L47 P55 1998
Empowering the tribe: a positive guide to gay and lesbian
NY: Kensington Books, c1999.
Suz BF 697.5 .S46 P55 1999
Autobiography, politics, and sexuality: essays in curriculum theory
NY: P. Lang, c1994.
note: [chapter] 9, Understanding curriculum as gender text: notes on
reproduction, resistance, and male-male relations (1981), pp. 151-181;
[chapter] 10, The Corporate production of feminism and the case of Boy
George (1983), pp. 184-189; [chapter] 15, The Lost Language of Cranes:
windows and mirrors in the regressive phase of Currere (1992), pp. 253-268.
Tac LB 1570 .P55 1994
The gender of racial politics and violence in America: lynching, prison
rape, & the crisis of masculinity.
NY: P. Lang, c2001.
(Counterpoints: Studies in the postmodern theory of education, v. 163)
Suz E185.61 .P594 2001
Perspectives on organizational change in the Canadian forces.
Alexandria, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social
Sciences, 1994.
(Research report, 1657)
GovPubU.S. D 101.60/2:1657
Understanding diversity: an introduction to class, race, gender, and
sexual orientation.
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2006.
Bot, Tac HM 1271 .P56 2006
America's struggle for same-sex marriage.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Ugl, Law, Bot, Tac HQ 1034 .U5 P55 2006
Casebook on sexual orientation and the law: 150 edited American appellate
cases adjudicating lesbian and gay rights claims.
[NY]: Daniel R. Pinello, 200?]
available online,
Gay rights and American law.
Cambridge, UK; NY: Cambridge University
Press, 2003.
Suz, Law KF 4754.5 .P56 2003
Homosexuelle Partnerschaften: eine empirische Untersuchung.
[By] Rolf
Pingel and Wolfgang Trautvetter.
Berlin: R. Winkel, c1987.
(Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien zur Homosexualität, Bd. 4)
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 P46 1987
Buffalo, NY: Prometheus, c1993-
note: continues IGA Pink book [1st ed.]; and ILGA pink book [2nd ed.]
Suz, Tac HQ 76.5 .I43
Boulder, CO: East European Monographs; [Chichester]: [Wiley] (distributor),
(East European monographs, 577)
Suz HQ 1587 .P565 2001
Buckingham [England]: Bristol, PA: Open University Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.25 .P54 1996
Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Documentary Films, c1982.
1 videocassette + study guide. VHS format.
note: Warren Blumenfeld, Alice T. Friedman, Robin Greeley, Mark Heumann,
Cathy Hoffman, Margaret Lazarus, Julie Palmer, Lena Sorensen, Renner
note: Takes a look at the nature of discrimination against lesbians and
gay men and challenges some of society's attitudes toward homosexuality.
Also examines historical and contemporary patterns of racial, religious,
political, and sexual persecution.
UglMed Videorecord CDF 004
TacMed Videorecord TAC-596
TacMed Videorecord TAC-596 guide
Edited by Pam Mitchell.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1980.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.5 .P56 1980
Cold hands.
NY: New American Library, 1986, c1979.
Suz PS 3566 .I56 C65 1986
Raft of the Medusa.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1992.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Raft of
Queering gay and lesbian studies.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2006.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.15 .P56 2006
Gay lifestyles: a Christian interpretation of homosexuality and the
Los Angeles: The Universal Fellowship Press, 1977.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 P57 1977
Time for consent. 2nd ed. revised and enlarged.
London: S. C. M. Press, 1970.
Ugl HQ 76 .P5 1970
Time for consent: a Christian's approach to homosexuality.
3rd revised and enlarged ed.
London: S. C. M. Press, 1976.
Ugl HQ 76 P5 1976
The madness and perversion of Yukio Mishima.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004.
Suz PL 833 .I7 Z784 2004
Burbank, CA: Miramax Home Entertainment: Buena Vista Home Entertainment,
note: videodisc, DVD; in French with optional English subtitles; closed
captioned; originally produced as a motion picture in 2000; awards:
Shanghai International Film Festival, 2001; Golden Goblet - Best Actor
(Daniel Auteuil)
note: cast, Daniel Auteuil, Gerard Depardieu, Thierry Lhermitte, Michele
Laroque, Michel Aumont, Jean Rochefort, Alexandra Vandernoot.
note: director of photography, Luciano Tovoli; art director, Hughues
Tissandier; editor, Georges Klotz; music, Vladimir Cosma.
note: Francois Pignon, a very bland sort of man who works as an
accountant in a condom factory, is about to be fired. His new neighbour
comes up with an idea to prevent such a thing from happening: he creates
photos and then spreads the rumor that Francois is gay so that the factory
management might be afraid they'll be sued for sexual discrimination. Of
course, nothing happens as it should, but the changes in Francois Pignon's
life -- and other people's too -- is drastic!
UglMed DVD BHVE 042
TacMed TAC-1573
Edited by Kate McDermott.
Iowa City, Iowa: Aunt Lute Book, 1985.
Drama PS 627 L47 P56 1985
Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2001.
note: [chapter] 5, A queer journey to queer geography (Lawrence Knopp),
pp. 78-98.
Suz G67 .P63 2001
[Montreal]: Scirocco Drama, 1996.
Suz PR 9196.7 .A53 P57 1996
note: online search engine for all topics of glbt
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarcecrow Press, 1984.
note: Daughters of darkness: the lesbian vampire on film (Bonnie
Zimmerman), pp. 153-163.
Ugl PN 1995.9 .H6 P56 1984
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2004.
note: [chapter] 6, Daughters of darkness: the lesbian vampire on film
(Bonnie Zimmerman), pp. 72-81.
Suz PN 1995.6 .H6 P56 2004
The pink triangle: the Nazi war against homosexuals.
NY: H. Holt, c1988.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 76.2 G4 P55 1986
The accident.
NY: Ticknor & Fields, 1991.
Suz, Bot PS 3566 .L257 A65 1991
American ghosts.
Boston: Beacon Press, c2005.
Suz PS 3566 .L257 A824 2005
The Catholic.
Athenaum, 1986, c1985.
Suz, Bot PS 3566 .L257 C3 1986
The foreigner.
NY: Athenaum, 1984.
Suz, Ugl PS 3566
.L257 F6 1984
The coming of Lilith: essays on feminism, Judaism, and sexual ethics,
1972-2003. Edited with Donna Berman.
Boston, MA: Beacon Press, c2005.
note: Sexual orientation and human rights; a progressive Jewish
perspective, pp. 178-192.
Suz BM 729 .W6 P54 2005
[Santa Monica, CA]: Strand Releasing Home Video, [2002]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; dialogue in Spanish with optional
subtitles in English; based on the book, Plata quemada, by Ricardo
note: cast- Eduardo Noriega, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Leticia Bredice, Pablo
Echari; credits- cinematography, Alfredo F. Mayo; editor, Juan Carlos
Macias; music, Osvaldo Montes.
note: When two gay thugs Angel (Eduardo Noriega) and El Nene (Leonardo
Sharaglia) join a plan to hold up an armored truck with a group of
seasoned gangsters, their love and loyalty to each other is tested. Angel
is wounded by police gunfire during the robbery, forcing El Nene to kill
them all in a fit of rage. Things become complicated when they escape to
Uruguay and the policy threaten to torture the driver's moll if she
doesn't tell them where they are. With their pictures plastered on the
cover of every paper, drowning in drugs and alcohol, the gang begins to
bicker. Against his boss's wishes El Nene leaves the apartment and roams
the streets where he meets a prostitute named Giselle (Leticia Bredice) in
whom he begins to trust.
UglMed DVD STRAN 004
TacMed DVD TAC-520
note: the major Platonic dialogues concerned with same-sex relations are:
The Lysis, The Phaedrus, and The Symposium)
The Charmides, Laches, and Lysis of Plato; edited by Barber Newhall.
NY: American Book Co. [c1900]
note: Greek text.
Suz 888.4 C38
Laches et Lysis. Ed., introd. et commentaire de Paul Vicaire.
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1963.
note: Text in Greek, introduction and commentary in French.
Suz PA 4279 .L2 1963
see: Plato. Plato, with an English translation. v.5
see: Plato. The Phaedrus, Lysis, and Protagoras.
see: Plato. The Charmides, Laches, and Lysis.
see: Plato. Laches et Lysis.
see: Plato. On homosexuality: Lysis, Phaedrus, and Symposium
On homosexuality: Lysis, Phaedrus, and Symposium.
Translated by Benjamin Jowett; with selected retranslation, notes, and
introduction by Eugene O'Connor.
Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1991.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G8 P572 1991
Phaedrus. Translated with introduction and commentary by R. Hackforth.
Cambridge, [Eng.]: University Press, 1952.
Suz, Ugl B 380 .A5 H3
Suz 888.4 Sy6he (Greek; ed. K. F. Hermann; Teubner, 1950)
Suz 888.4 P491Ehe (trans., intro by W. C. Heimbold and W. G. Rabinowitz,
Suz PA 4279 .P4 1868 (repr. 1868, English notes H. Thompson, Arno
Press, 1973.)
Bot B 380 .A5 H35 1973 (and 7th & 8th letters; trans., intro. by
Walter Hamilton, 1973)
Suz B 380 .A5 H3 1986 (English & Greek; trans. & comm. by C. J.
Rowe; Aris, 1986)
Suz B 385 .A5 C63 1993 (& the Symposium, trans. & intro by
William S. Cobb, SUNY, c1993)
Suz B 380 .A7 H45 1993 (in German; trans. & comm. by Ernst
Heitsch; V & R, 1993)
Tac B 380 .A5 N44 1995 (with early Greek
poems & fragments; trans., intro., & notes; Hackett, c1995)
Suz B 380 .A5 N53 1998 (translated with introduction, notes, and
interpretive essay by James H. Nichols, Jr.; Cornell University Press)
see also: Plato. Plato with an English translation. [and] Plato. On
homosexuality: Lysis, Phaedrus.....
note: additional editions also held in various editions of collected
dialogues and works.
The Phaedrus, Lysis, and Protagoras of Plato: a new and literal
translation mainly from the text of Bekker, by J. Wright.
London: Macmillan, 1900.
see also: Plato. Plato, with an English translation.
Suz 184.1 W93
Plato, with an English translation.
v.1: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Phaedrus. v.5: Lysis, Symposium,
Gorgias. W. R. M. Lamb.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press; London: W. Heinemann, 1946. 12
note: Loeb Classical Library. Greek and English in parallel text.
Ugl PA 3612 P6 1928 v.1
Suz, Ugl PA 3612 P6 1928 v.5
Plato's Symposium. A translation by Seth Benardete; with commentaries by
Allan Bloom and Seth Benardete.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
note: first work originally published: The dialogues of Plato.
1993; the 2nd, Love and friendship, 1993.
Suz, Ugl B385 .A5 B46 2001
The symposium of Plato: the Shelley translation. Edited and
introduced by David K. O'Connor.
South Bend, IN: St. Augustine's Press, 2002.
Suz B385 .A5 O25 2002
Plato: the banquet. Translated by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Provincetown, MA: Pagan Press, 2001.
note: translation of the Symposium
Suz B835 .A5 S44 2001
Symposium; and The Phaedrus: Plato's erotic dialogues.
Translated with introduction and commentaries by William S. Cobb.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c1993.
note: translation from the Greek.
note: SUNY series in ancient Greek philosophy.
Suz B385 .A5 C63 1993
Suz PA 4279 .S8 1932a (ed., intro, notes and commentary by R. G. Bury;
Heffer, 1932)
Suz PA 4279 .S8 1980 (Greek text; pref., intro. and commentary by Sir
Kenneth Dover; 1980)
Suz B 385 .A5 G7 (trans by Suzy Q. Groden; ed. by John A. Brentinger;
drawings by L. Baskin; 1970)
Ugl, Bot B385 .A5 H36 (trans. By Walter Hamilton; Penguin, c1951)
Suz 888.4 Sy6he (Hermann ed; Teubner, 1950)
Suz PA 4279 .S8 1884 (Hug ed.; Teubner, 1884)
Suz 888.4 Sy6Ej (trans. by Michael Joyce; Dent 1935)
Suz PA 3612 .P6 v.5 (Lamb ed; Greek and English on opposite pages; Loeb
Classical Library; Harvard)
Suz B 385 .A5 M37 1992 (Fine talk at Agathon's: a version
with an
by H. A. Mason; c1992)
Suz B385 .A5 N44 1989 (trans, intro. and notes by Nehamas & Woodruff;
Hackett, c1989)
Suz 888.4 Sy6Esl (trans. By Percy B. Shelley; Pauper Press)
Suz B 385 .A5 W38 1994 (trans. By Robin Waterfield; Oxford University
Press, 1994)
Suz B385 .A8 A7 (Arabic ed.: al-Madubah..., 1970)
see also: Plato. On homosexuality: Lysis, Phaedrus, and Symposium.
note: additional editions also held in various editions of collected
dialogues and works.
note: for dramatized version, see: Kobler, Franz. Plato: The symposium.
The symposium of Plato: the Shelley translation. Edited and introduced by
David K. O'Connor.
South Bend, IN: St. Augustine's Press, 2002.
Suz B385 .A5 O25 2002
Edited by Nancy Boyd Webb; foreword by Lenore Terr.
NY: Guilford Press, c1999.
note: chapter 14, Developmental identity crisis in nontraditional
families: cases of Emma, age 8, and Chad, age 13, children of lesbian
parents (Leslie H. Wind), pp. 318-338.
SocWk WS 350.2 P7227 1999
Northampton, MA: Media Education Foundation, c2002.
note: videocassette, VHS
note: commentators: Mary Jo Kane,
Pat Griffin, Michael Messner; editor, Kenyon King; camera, Kelly Garner;
music, Stone Coyotes; investigative reporting, Jessica Nachem.
It has been 30 years since Title IX legislation granted women equal
playing time, but the male-dominated world of sports journalism has yet to
catch up with the law. Coverage of women's sport lags far behind men's,
and focuses on female athletes femininity and sexuality over their
achievements on the court and field. Taking the field: the impact of Title
IX; Out of uniform: the media backlash against female athletes; Playing
along: empowerment of exploitation? The glass closet: homophobia in sports
and sports media; Fair play: women athletes in action.
UglMed Videorecord MEF 018
TacMed DVD TAC-043
NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 P58 1997
London: Pandora Press; [NY]: Distributed in North America
by New York University Press, 1992.
note: "The papers, images, and poetry collected in this volume originated
at the Scholar and the Feminist IX conference held on April 24, 1982 at
Barnard College in New York City"
note: The Taming of the Id: Feminist Sexual Politics, 1968-83
(Alice Echols), pp. 50-72; Public Silence, Private Terror (Dorothy
Allison), pp. 103-114; The Fem Question (Joan Nestle), pp. 232-241; The
Misunderstanding: toward a More Precise Sexual Vocabulary (Esther Newton
and Shirley Walton), pp. 242-250; Thinking sex: Notes for a Radical Theory
of the Politics of Sexuality (Gayle Rubin), pp. 267-319; Loving in the War
Years (Cherrie Moraga), pp. 420-421; Passage (Cherrie Moraga), p. 422; The
Slow Dance (Cherrie Moraga), pp. 423-424.
Suz HQ 29 .P54 1992
London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1993.
Suz HQ 21 .P56 1993
Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2001.
note: [chapter] 2, Producing lesbians: canonical proprieties (Robin
Peace), pp. 29-54; [chapter] 4, Fragments for a queer city (David Bell),
pp. 103-128; [chapter] 5, The Erotic possibilities of the city (Jon
Binnie), pp. 103-128.
Suz GN 298 .P54 2001
Truman Capote: in which various friends, enemies, acquaintances, and
detractors recall his turbulent career.
NY: Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, 1997.
Suz PS 3505 .A59 Z83 1997
Einsame Freundinnen?: lesbisches Leben wahrend der zwanziger Jahre in der
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkrip, 1999.
(WerkstattTexte. SchwulLesbische Studien Bremen, 4)
Suz HQ 75.6 .G3 P567 1999
What happened to Lani Garver.
San Diego: Harcourt, c2002.
BotChi, TacChi PZ7 .P7323 Wh 2002
One of the boys: masculinity, homophobia, and modern manhood.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 76 .P53 1999
Queer people. Introduction by Donald Webster Cory.
NY: Citadel Press, [1965, c1963]
Suz, HSLIC 392.6 P736q
Intimate citizenship: private decisions and public dialogues.
Seattle: University of Washington Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 3, Culture wars and contested intimacies, pp. 33-48;
[chapter] 5, Public intimacies, private citizens: inequalities and the
pluralization of public spheres, pp. 67-83; [chapter] 8, Globalizing
intimate citizenship, pp. 117-138.
Suz HQ 2042 .P58 2003
Sexual stigma: an interactionist account.
London: Routledge and Kegan
Paul, 1975.
Suz, Ugl HQ 71 P54 1975
Telling sexual stories: power, change, and social worlds.
London, NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz, Tac HQ 23 .P58 1995
Edited by the Bisexual Anthology Collective: Leela Acharya
... [et al.]
Toronto: Sister Vision, c1995.
Suz PR 9194.5 .W6 P58 1995
see: The Gay Liberation Movement. (special issue)
NY: Columbia University Press., 1997.
(Between men - - between women)
note: published in London as What Sappho would have said.
see also: What Sappho would have said.
Suz PR 1184 .P62 1997
Aldershot, Hampshire, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2005.
note: chapter 11, Lost in translation: gender and the figure of the
translator in contemporary queer fiction (Emma Parker), pp. 118-125.
Suz PR 408 .C47 P64 2005
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1992.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 595 .L46 P6
Edited with an introduction by Michael Klein; essays by Paul Moore, Jr.,
Joseph Japp, and Carol Muske.
NY: Crown Publishers, c1989.
Ugl PS 595 .A36 P64 1989
Bawdy and soul: a revaluationof Shakespeare's sonnets.
Heidelberg: Winter, c2003.
Suz PR 2848 .P65 2003
L'homosexualité dans l'imaginaire de la Renaissance.
Paris: H. Champion, 1996.
(Confluence, 7)
Suz PN
56 .H57 P69 1996
NY: Fox Lorber Home Video: Distributed by WinStar TV & Video, c1999.
note: DVD, originally produced as a motion picture in 1990, inspired by
the novels of Jean Genet.
note: cast- Edith Meeks, Larry Maxwell, Susan Gayle Norman, Scott
Renderer, James Lyons Ellsworth; credits- director of photography, Maryse
Alberti; black and white camerawork, Barry Ellsworth, editors, James
Lyons, Todd Haynes; music, James Bennett.
note: Part horror film, part drama, part exposé, with an offbeat
morality Poison examines the motives behind a seven-year-old boy's murder
of his father, relates the story of a scientist who isolates the sex drive
in liquid form, and graphically explores the sexually obsessive
relationship between two prison inmates.
UglMed DVD WINS 068
Zakatnye ony dni-Tsvetaeva i Parnok.
Ann Arbor: Ardis, c1983.
Suz PG 3476 .T75
Z83 1983
Boston: South End Press, c1996.
note: Edited by Ephen Glenn Colter and others.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 P64 1996
NY: Garland Pub., 2000.
note: chapter 3, Androgyny and the eternal feminine in Schoenberg's
oratorio Die Jakobsleiter (Jennifer Shaw), pp. 61-83.
Music ML 410 .S283 P65 2000
London; NY: Routledge, 1994.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 P65 1994
London; Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980.
note: Ten years of gay liberation (David Fernbach), pp. 169-188.
Suz JN 1129 .L32 P65 1980
Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, [2005]
note: DVD; originally broadcast on television as a segment of Nightline on
May 17, 2004.
note: Explores the politics of gay marriage and abortion during the 2004
United States presidential campaign. Travels first to Massachusetts to
consider the legal ramifications of same-sex marriage, and then to
Colorado, where a bishop has declared that people who vote for a supporter
of abortion rights or gay marriage should not take communion.
UglMed DVD FFH 132
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Suz, Law HQ 76.8 .U5 P65 2000
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007.
Suz HQ 1034 .U5 P65 2007
London; NY: Routledge, 1998.
(Routledge/ECPR studies in European political science; 4)
note: Based on a workshop on 'The Politics of Sexuality' at the joint
sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research, held at the
University of Oslo from March 29 to April 3, 1996.
note: [chapter] 2, Sexual citizens. Legislating the age of consent in
Britain (Matthew Waites), pp. 25-35; 4, Sexuality and the UK armed forces:
judicial review of the ban on homosexuality (Paul Skidmore), pp. 46-57; 5,
Sexual orientation and anti-discrimination policy: the European Community
(Mark Bell), pp. 58-67; 6, Sexual politics. Feminist politics, gay
politics and the problem of homosexuality (Stevi Jackson), pp. 68-78; 7,
Sexuality and rights. Problematising lesbian and gay politics (Momen
Rahman), pp. 79-88.
Suz HQ 23 .P66 1998
Edited by Sandra Pollock and Jeanne Vaughn.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1987.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Bot HQ 75.53 P64 1987
NY: Oxford University Press, 1998.
note: [chapter] 5. From the "Muscle Moll" to the "Butch" ballplayer:
mannishness, lesbianism, and homophobia in U. S. women's sports (Susan K.
Kahn), pp. 67-81.
Suz, Tac HQ 1206 .P56 1998
Aaron Copland: the life and work of an uncommon man.
NY: Henry Holt, 1999.
Music ML 410 .C756 P6 1999
The journey out: a guide for and about lesbian, gay and bisexual teens. By
Rachel Pollack and Cheryl Schwartz.
NY: Viking, 1995
ChildLit, SocWk, BotChi, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 P655 1995
Real boys: rescuing our sons from the myths of boyhood.
NY: Henry Holt & Company, 1999.
note: [chapter] 9, Being "different": being gay, pp. 206-229.
Ugl, Bot HQ 775 .P65 1999
Suz, Tac HQ 775 .P65 1998 (Random House ed.)
The second plague of Europe: AIDS prevention and sexual transmission among
men in Western Europe.
NY: Haworth Press, c1994.
Suz WC 503.6 P772s 1994
The erotic Whitman.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2000.
Suz PS 3242 .S47 P65 2000
Andre Gide: homosexual moralist.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1991.
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 Z6637 1991
NY: Semiotext (e), c1981.
note: Semiotext (e) v.4, no.1.
Suz HQ 23 .P65 1981
Contra natura.
Barcelona [Spain]: Editorial Anagrama, c2005.
Suz PQ 6666 .O643 C66 2005
Boys and sex.
[NY]: Delacorte Press [1968]
note: discusses pre-adolescent sex play, masturbation, homosexuality,
dating and petting, and intercourse and its consequences. Includes a
section of commonly asked specific questions with answers.
Ugl, HSLIC HQ 41 .P614
Boys and sex. Rev.ed.
NY: Delacorte Press, c1981.
ChiLit 612.6 P771b 1991
Boys and sex. 3rd ed.
NY: Delacorte Press, c1991.
ChiLit HQ 41 .P614 1991
Edited by Carol Queen and Lawrence Schimel.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c1997.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .P66 1997
O ateneu: cronica de saudades. Com ilus. do autor; introd., cotejo e
estabelecimento do texto pelo Prof. Francisco Maciel Silveira.
Sao Paulo: Editora Cultrix, 1976.
note: homoerotic subtext
Suz PQ 9697 .P655 A8 1976
Identities in the lesbian world: the social construction of self.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1978.
(Contributions in sociology, n. 28)
Suz HQ 75.6 U5 P66 1978
[Seattle, WA?: s.n.,
note: 1st issue published April 29, 1983 in the premier
issue of Lights; for it, see Lights; also at times appeared with the
Seattle Gay News (annually, in April); 1994 issue in v.22,n.14 (Apr 8,
SpecColFolio HQ 75 .P66 Apr 27, 1991; Apr 25, 1992
Dirty Poole: the autobiography of a gay porn pioneer.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Suz, Ugl PN 1998.3 .P665 A3 2000
Durham: Duke University Press, 1996.
(Series Q)
Art, Ugl, Bot NX 512 .W37 P66 1996
Männerliebe, Homosexualität und Literatur.
Stuttgart: Metzler, 1992.
Suz PN 56 H57 P66 1992
Edited by Perry Link, Richard P. Madsen, and Paul G. Pickowicz.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2002.
[chapter] 11, In love and gay (Robert Geyer), pp. 251-274.
Ugl DS 727 .P67 2002
Detroit: Thomson/Gale, c2005.
(Opposing viewpoints series)
note: Chapter 4, What values does popular culture promote? Viewpoint 3,
Television promotes acceptance of homosexuality (Albert Mohler), pp.
160-164; Viewpoint 4, Television encourages viewers to reject homosexuals
(Abigail Graber), pp. 165-168.
Bot HN 90 .M3 P66 2005
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1999.
note: Section 10, Gay, Bi, Lesbian, and Transgendered Pornography: chapter
37, Gay porn/queer erotica (Henry Mach), pp. 457-464; chapter 38, Notes on
the New Camp: gay video pornography, pp. 465-472; chapter 39, Beyond
"Looking for my penis": reflections on Asian gay male video porn (Daniel
C. Tsang), pp. 473-478; chapter 40, Cross-gender identification in
commercial pornographic films (Russell Wilcox), pp. 479-491; chapter 41,
Representation of S/M in the gay community: the radical 1970s (Connie
Shortes), pp. 492-498.
Suz HQ 472 .U6 P67 1999
Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.
note: part 2: Gay, lesbian, and homosocial pornographies, pp. 124-220:
Homosociality in the classical American stag film: off-screen, on-screen
(Thomas Waugh), pp. 127-141; The cultural-aesthetic specificities of
all-male moving-image pornography (Rich Cante and Angelo Restivo), pp.
142-166; What do you do call a lesbian with long fingers?, the development
of lesbian and dyke pornography (Heather Butler), pp. 167-197; The gay sex
clerk: Chuck Vincent's straight pornography (Jake Gerli), pp. 198-220;
part 3, Pornography, race, and class. The Resurrection of Brandon Lee: the
making of a gay Asian American porn star (Nguyen Tan Hoang), pp.
Suz, Bot HQ 471 .P59 2004
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2006.
note: "He's in the closet but he's not gay": male-male desire in
Penthouse Letters, (Henry Jenkins), pp. 133-153.
Suz, Bot Tac PN 1995.9 .S45 P665 2006
The monkey's mask: an erotic murder mystery.
London: NY: Serpent's Tail, 1997, c1994.
Suz PR 9619.3 .P558 M65 1997
Sexual politics in the Third Reich: the persecution of the homosexuals
during the holocaust. Rev. ed.
Newton, MA: Spencer Press, 1995.
Suz, Ugl D 810 .H6 P678 1995
Resident aliens: a novel.
Chicago: New Amsterdam Books, c2000.
Suz PS 3566 .O6515 R47 2000
Portland, OR: Columbia Media Inc., [1989]
note: continues City week, see City week; and then, Oregon gay news, see
Oregon gay news.
SpecCollFol HQ 75 .C55
v.4,n.9, issue 143 (Feb 24, 1989);
v.4,n.12-14, issue 145-147 (Apr 7, 1989-May 5, 1989)
[Silver Spring, MD]: Acorn Media, [2006]
note: DVD origially produced in 1990 for the program Masterpiece
theatre; from the book by Nigel Nicholson
note: The true story of Vita Sackville-West's tortured, public affair with
novelist Violet Keppel. Though Vita and her husband, diplomat Harold
Nicolson, knowingly cheated on each other throughout their 50-year
marriage. It was her liaison with her childhood friend Violet that
threatened the marriage. Frank and daring in its depiction of lesbian
love, this release includes scenes cut from the original broadcast.
UglMed DVD ACM 015 v.1, v.2
Princeton, N.J.: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, c1992.
note: 1 videocassete, VHS
note: script, composing, direction, Tineke Hulsbergen; performers-
Nakamura Shiajaku, Ichikawa Mon-nosuke, Ichikawa Danshiro, Uemura Kichiya,
Aoki Takayori, Harmke Pijpers
note: Examines the role of the Onnagata in Kabuki theater, the male actor
who plays a female role, who exemplifies ideal and ultimate womanhood.
Because Kabuki theater is played entirely by men, the role of the Onnagata
is very important.
UglMed Videorecord FFH 3802
Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel, c1997.
note: catalog to the
exhibition "Positionen schwuler Kunst," held at the Akademie der Kunste,
Berlin, May 28-August 17, 1997.
Suz N7626 .P67 1997
see: Circuits of
desire. (special issue)
NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, c2005.
note: chapter 4, HIV-Positive gay and bisexual men (Jeffrey T. Parsons),
pp. 99-133.
Health, Tac WC 503.6 P67 2005
Bot WC 503.6 P855 2005b (Springer)
Millbrae, CA: Celestial Arts, c1979.
Suz HQ 76.3 U5 P68 1979
Edited by Betty Berzon; foreword by Barney Frank. Updated and
Berkely, CA: Celestial Arts, 1992.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 P68 1992
Berkeley, CA: Toronto, ON: Celestial Arts, c2001.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 P68 2001
Artful seduction: homosexuality and the problematics of exile.
Oxford: Legenda/European Humanities Research Centre, 2003.
Suz PQ 9697 .S2732 Z85 2003
Edited by Kathleen M. Vernon and Barbara Morris.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995.
Suz PN 1998.3 .A46 P67 1995
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001.
Suz PN 56 .H57 P67 2001
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2001.
(SUNY series, explorations in postcolonial studies)
Suz HQ 76.25 .P67 2001
NY: Routledge, 2003.
note: [chapter] 7, Gay capitals in global gay history: cities, local
markets, and the origins of Bangkok's same-sex cultures (Peter A.
Jackson), pp. 151-163.
Ugl, Tac HT 384 .A78 P67 2003
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 3, Lavender ain't white: emerging queer self-expression in
the broader context (John C. Hawley), pp. 53-77.
Suz JV 305 .P67 2005
[Flushing, NY, USA]: Published by the International Third World Legal
Studies Association; [Valparaiso, Ind.]: Valparaiso University School of
Law, c2000.
(Third World legal studies, 1998-99)
note: Homosexual rights and the non-Western world: a postcolonial reading
of homosexual rights in international human rights law (Simon Obendorf),
pp. 179-204.
Law HC 59.7 .T57 2000
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1995.
note: Part III. Queering. Chapters 7, 8, and 9: The Seductive Power of
Science in the Making of Deviant Subjectivity (Jennifer Terry),
pp. 135-161; Phantom and Reel Projections: Lesbians and the (Serial)
Killing-Machine (Camilla Griggers), pp. 162-176; "Death of the Family,"
or, Keeping Human Beings Human (Roddey Reid), pp. 177-199,
Suz GT 495 .P67 1995
Amsterdam; NY: Rodopi, c2003.
note: Heralding new possibilities: female masculinity in Jackie Kay's
Trumpet (Irene Rose), pp. 141-157; Alan Hollinghurst and metropolitan gay
identities (Emma Liggins), pp. 159-170.
Suz PR 478 .M36 P67 2003
The delights of democracy: the triumph of American politcs.
NY: Cooper Square Press, c2002.
note: Gay rights III [in Maine], pp. 157-161.
Suz JK 1726 .P68 2002
Gay men in modern southern literature: ritual, initiation, & the
construction of masculinity.
NY: Peter Lang, c2006.
Ugl PS 261 .P68 2006
The lesbian periodicals index.
Compiled & edited by Clare Potter.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press,
SuzRef, Suz, Bot HQ 75.6 U5 P68 1986
Strange loves; a study in sexual abnormalities.
NY: The Robert Dodsley
Company [c1933]
Suz HQ 71 .P65 1933
Flesh and the ideal: Winckelmann and the origins of art
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1994.
note: chapters 4, Beauty and Sublimity, pp. 113-144; 5, Ideal Bodies, pp.
145-181; and 6, Freedom and Desire, pp. 182-221.
Art N 7483 .W5 P68 1994
When will my turn come?: the Civil Service purges and the construction of
a gay security risk in the Cold War United States, 1945-1955.
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Saskatchewan, 2005.
available online,
The male homosexual character as portrayed in six selected plays from the
American theater, 1968-1978.
Thesis, Ph. D., Bowling Green State University, 1984. Photocopy.
Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1986.
Drama PS 338 H66 P68 1986
The pagoda: a novel.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1998.
Suz PR 9265.9 .P68 P34 1998
A small gathering of bones.
Oxford: Heinemann Educational, c1994.
Bot PR 9265.9 .P64 S6 1994
Becoming a couple affected by HIV infection.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Washington.
Seattle, 1992.
HSLIC WY 7 Th40594
Aux thesis 40594
No bath but plenty of bubbles: an oral history of the Gay Liberation
Front, 1970-1973.
London: Cassell, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 P69 1995
A family and friend's guide to sexual orientation: bridging the divide
between gay and straight.
By Bob Powers, Alan Ellis.
NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.25 .P685 1996
A manager's guide to sexual orientation in the workplace.
By Bob Powers and Alan Ellis.
NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz HD 6285 .P69 1995
Edited by Ann Snitow, Christine Stansell, and Sharon Thompson.
NY: Monthly Review Press, c1983.
note: includes: Rich, Adrienne. "Compulsory
heterosexuality and lesbian existence." pp. 177-205.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 21 .P68 1983
Nijinsky: death of a faun.
London: Oberon Books, 1997.
Drama PR 6066 .O995 N5 1997
Tchaikovsky: the quest for the inner man.
NY: Schirmer Books; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan Canada; NY: Maxwell
Macmillan International, c1991.
Ugl, Music ML 410 .C4 P85 1991
Tchaikovsky's last days: a documentary study.
Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Music ML 410 .C4 P856 1996
San Francisco: Seismograph Publications; Eugene, OR: Distributed by
Subterranean Co., 1986.
note: includes many gay and lesbian-themed poems
Suz, Ugl PS 572 .S33 P7 1986
Thomas Mann: a life.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Ugl PT 2625 .A44 Z7658 1995
James Baldwin.
Boston: Twayne Publishers, c1978.
(Twayne's United States authors series; TUSAS 290)
Suz PS 3552 .A45 Z86 1978
Crime against nature.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1990.
Suz, Ugl PS 3566 .R35 C75 1990
Rebellion: essays, 1980-1991.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1991.
Ugl PS 3566 .R35 R4 1991
Ithaca, N.Y.: Firebrand Books, 1995.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.4 .P7 A3 1995
Walking back up Depot street: poems.
Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c1999.
Suz, Tac PS 3566 .R35 W35 1999
We say we love each other.
San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, c1985.
Suz PS 3566 .R35 W4 1985
Army of lovers.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1980.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 P69 1980
Lorca's New York poetry: social injustice, dark love, lost faith.
Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1980.
Suz, Ugl PQ 6613 .A763 P676 1980
London; Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.8 G7 P73 1983
[A special issue of] New York Folklore.. v. 19, n.1-2,1993.
[NY]: New York Folklore Society, 1993.
Suzzallo Periodicals GR 1 .N472
Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 P73 1993
Edited by Louise Fradenburg and Carla Freccero with the assistance of
Kathy Lavezzo.
NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz HQ 12 .P74 1996
Renaissance fantasies: the gendering of aesthetics in early modern
Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, c1999.
Suz PN 3481 .P74 1999
Louisville, KY: Office of the General Assembly, Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.), c1991.
note: III.B. Gays and lesbians, pp. 48-56. "Minority report" on human
sexuality, pp. 99-129.
Suz BT 708 .P738 1991
Lewisburg [PA]: Bucknell University Press; London; Cranbury, NJ:
Associated University Presses, c2001.
Suz PR 448 .W65 P74 2001
Investigating sexuality: a personal review of homosexual behaviour,
identities, and subcultures in social research.
Ph. D. thesis, University of New South Wales, 2002.
available online,
The arena.
NY: Badboy, 1993.
Suz PS 3566 .R412 A73 1993
The big gay book: a man's survival guide for the 90's.
Edited by John Preston.
NY: Plume, c1991.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 P74 1991
Classified affairs: a gay man's guide to the personal ads.
Alyson Publications, c1984.
SpecColl HQ 76.2 .U5 P76 1984
Deadly lies.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1985.
(Mission of Alex Kane, #3)
Suz PS 3566 .R412 D42 1985
Franny, the Queen of Provincetown: a novel.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1995.
Suz PS 3566 .R412 F73 1995
Golden years.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1984.
(The mission of Alex Kane, #2)
Suz PS 3566 .R412 G64 1984
Lethal silence.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1987.
(Mission of Alex Kane #6)
Suz PS 3566 .R412 L47 1987
Secret dangers.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1986.
(Mission of Alex Kane, #5)
Suz PS 3566 .R412 S43 1986
Stolen moments.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1985.
(The mission of Alex Kane, #4)
Suz PS 3566 .R412 S76 1985
Sweet dreams.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1984.
(Mission of Alex Kane, #1)
Suz PS 3566 .R412 S97 1984
Winter's light: reflections of a Yankee queer.
Edited and with an introduction by Michael Lowenthal; foreword by Andrew
Suz, Tac PS 3566 .R412 Z478 1995
Berlin--"Vorposten im Kampf fur die Gleichberechtigung der Homoeroten":
die Geschichte der Gesellschaft fur Reform des Sexualrechts e.V.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 2001.
(Hefte des Schwulen Museums, Heft 3)
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 P8 2001
Wegen der zu erwartenden hohen Strafe--: Homosexuellenverfolgung in Berlin
1933-1945. Andreas Pretzel und Gabriele Rossbach; herausgegeben vom
Kulturring in Berlin e. V.
Berlin: R. Winkel, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G42 B477 2000
Edited by Esther D. Rothblum, Lynne A. Bond.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1996.
note: based on the 17th Vermont Conference on the Primary Prevention of
Psychopathology held in June 1995 at the University of Vermont.
(Primary prevention of psychopathology, v. 17)
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 P74 1996
Intersex and identity: the contested self.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2003.
Suz, Bot, Tac WJ 712 P944i 2003
Alphabet city: a novel.
London: Olive, 1983.
Suz PR 6066 .R52 A48 1983
And say hi to Joyce: America's first gay column comes out.
NY: Doubleday, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.6 .U5 P75 1995
Navigating differences: friendships between gay and straight men.
NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
Suz BF 692 .P75 1999
Shattered mirrors: our search for identity and community in the AIDS
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Ugl, Bot, Tac WD 308 P946s 1989
The promise of rest.
NY: Scribner, c1995.
note: "This book concludes the trilogy by R. Price which began with
The surface of the earth (1975), and continued with The source of light
(1982) "
Suz PS 3566 .R54 P76 1995
The source of light.
NY: Athenaum, 1981.
Suz PS 3566 .R54 S6 1981
The surface of the Earth.
NY: Athenaum, 1975.
Suz, Ugl PS 3566 .R54 S97
Hitchcock and homosexuality: his 50-year obsession with Jack the Ripper
and the superbitch prostitute: a psychoanalytic view.
Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 1992.
Ugl PN 1998.3 H58 P75 1992
Los Angeles, CA: Virgin Vision, Inc.: Distributed by Image Entertainment,
note: videodisc; DVD release of the 1987 motion picture; based on the
biography by John Lahr
note: producer, Andrew Bacon; director, Stephen Frears; screenplay, Alan
Bennett; cast- Gary Oldman, Alfred Moline, Vanessa Redgrave, Julie Waters,
Wallace Shawn, Frances Barber, Lindsay Duncan, Janet Dale.
note: based on the true story of the murder/suicide of playwright Joe Orton
and his lover, Ken Halliwell. When Orton, after years of unsuccessful
collaboration with Halliwell breaks away and achieves fame and fortune on
his own, Halliwell cracks, hammers Orton to death and then kills himself.
TacMed Videodisc TAC-312
UglMed DVD MGM 166 (Santa Monica, CA: MGM Home Entertainment, 2004)
With pride: Pride Foundation quarterly* newsletter.
Seattle: The Foundation, [1992-
*note: v.1 two issues (Jun, Oct 1992); v.2-3 quarterly; v.4-7, triennial;
v.8+ biennial
note: Sep 2005 (also numbered as v.13,n.1) lacking
SpecColl PNW HV 98 .A192 P75a v.1,n.1-v.13,n.1; v.13,n.2+ (Jun 1992-Mar
2004; Mar 2005)+
Mema's house, Mexico City: on transvestites, queens, and machos.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
note: revised translation of author's thesis (University of Oslo, 1994)
entitled:Iscenesettelser av kjonn.
Suz HQ 77 .P6813 1998
note: published under pseudonym, Xavier Mayne.
see: Mayne, Xavier.
Ethics and sex.
London; NY: Routledge, 1999.
note: [chapter] 9: Homosexuality, pp. 110-132.
Suz HQ 32 .P75 1999
Expecting Teryk: an exceptional path to parenthood.
Athens: Swallow Press/Ohio University Press, c2005.
Suz HQ 755.8 .A3 2005
NY: Guilford Press, c1980.
note: chapter 11, Treatment of sexual dysfunction in homosexual male
couples, pp. 321-345.
NatSci, SocWk WM 55 P74 1980
NY: Guilford Press, 1989.
note: [chapter] 10, Sex therapy with lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals
(Margaret Nichols), pp. 269-297.
HSLIC M 611 P9572 1989
NY: Guilford Press, c2007.
note: chapter 13, Therapy with sexual minorities: queering practice
(Margaret Nichols, Michael Shernoff), pp. 379-415; chapter 16, Gender
dysphoria and transgender experiences (Richard A. Carroll), pp.
Health WM 611 P9572 2007
Victorian Sappho.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1999.
Suz PR 129 .G8 P75 1999
Sydney gay saunas, 1967-2000: fight for civic acceptance and experiences
beyond the threshold.
Ph. D. thesis, University of New South Wales, 2004
available online,
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2002.
Suz HV 8836 .P78 2002
NY: First Run/Icarus Films, [1995]
note: VHS; HBO originally broadcast as part of the America Undercover
televsion series; "HBO Original programming."
note: credits, director of photography, William Rexer II; editor, David
Petersen; original music, John M. David ... [et al.]; executive producer,
Sheila Nevins.
note: Surveying men from all walks of life, young and old, gay and
straight, large and small, this documentary presents interviews with 25
men who explore how men feel about their penises. The men, many of whom
appear nude, offer personal revelations that are honest, humorous, and
often poignant as they frankly discuss puberty, masculinity, impotence,
circumcision, sexuality, myths and perceptions, growing old, and, of
course, size. Among those interviewed are a retired 73-yr. old professor
who reflects on the decline in libido and prostate troubles, a 28 year-old
porn star, a paralyzed advertising director who talks about sex as a
paraplegic and a slang dictionary editor who explains the etymology of
penis-related slang words and offers some rare historical slang.
UglMed Videorecord FRIP 170
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2003.
note: [chapter] 4, masculinity as homophobia; Fear, shame, and silence in
the construction of gender identity (Michael S. Kimmel), pp. 51-74;
[chapter] 5, the heterosexual questionnaire (M. Richlin), pp. 75-76;
[chapter] 7, the invention of heterosexuality (Jonathan Ned Katz), pp.
83-98; [chapter] 15, becoming 100 percent straight (Michael A. Messner),
pp. 181-188; [chapter] 21, how gay stays white and what kind of white it
stays (Allan Berube), pp. 253-283. (These are all reprints; sources given
in the text)
Suz, Tac HN 90 .S6 P75 2003
Outside belongings.
NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1206 .P744 1996
Paris: Bibliothèque des curieux, 1920.
Suz HQ 72 F8 P763 1920
Mel Brooks' The Producers [videorecording]
can Avco Embassy film; Springtime Productions, a joint venture of U-M
Productions inc. and Crossbow Productions inc.; producer, Sidney Glazier;
writer, Mel Brooks; directed by Mel Brooks.
Los Angeles, CA: Voyager Press, c1988.
note: 1 videodisc; videodisc release of a 1967 motion picture.
note: editor, Ralph Rosenblum; director of photography, Joseph Coffey;
songs, Mel Brooks; cast, Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder, Dick Shawn, Kenneth
Mars, Estelle Winwood, Renee Taylor, Christopher Hewett, Lee Meredith,
Andreas Voutsinas.
note: A producer and his accountant face catastrophe when their play
unexpectedly becomes a success; minor gay characters
note: for vocal score and sound recording, see: Brooks, Mel.
UglMed Videodisc VOY 009
TacMed Videodisc TAC-123
TacMed DVD TAC-135 (2003, DVD, MGM Home Entertainment)
BotMed DVD BOT-336 (2002, DVD, MGM Home Entertainment)
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2001.
note: [chapter] 6, Star search: psychoanalysis and Marxism in lesbian and
gay studies, pp. 131-156.
Suz PR 51 .U5 P76 2001
by George E. Haggerty and Bonnie Zimmerman.
NY: Modern Langugage Association of America, 1995.
Suz PS 153 .G38 P76 1995
Hamburg: von Bockel, 2004.
(Schriftenreihe der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft, Nr. 11)
Suz HQ 75 .J343 2004
NY: Avon Books, c1992.
Suz WC 503.7 P965 1992
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, c1995.
(Primary prevention of psychopathology, v. 16)
note: [chapter] 16, Lesbians and gay men also grow old (Douglas C. Kimmel),
pp. 289-303.
SocWk WT 145 P965 1995
George W. Albee, Sol Gordon, and Harold Leitenberg, editors.
Hanover: Published for the University of Vermont and the Vermont
Conference on the Primary Prevention of Psychopathology by University
Press of New England, 1983.
(Primary prevention of psychopathology, 7)
note: papers presented at the Seventh Annual Vermont Conference held in
June 1981 at the University of Vermont.
note: Vermont Conference on the Primary Prevention of Psychopathology
(7th: 1981: University of Vermont)
note: Overcoming self-hate through education: achieving self-love among
gay people, (Brian R. McNaught), pp. 133-145; Transsexuality: the epitome
of sexism and homosexual denial, (Harold Leitenberg), pp. 183-219.
Suz WM 611 P965 1983
The arena of masculinity: sports, homosexuality, and the meaning of
NY: St. Martin's, 1990.
Suz, Ugl GV 706.5 P76 1990
Against nature?: types of moral argumentation regarding homosexuality.
Translated by John Vriend; foreword by Hendrik Hart.
Grand Rapids, MI: W. B. Eerdmans, c1993.
note: translation of: Tegennatuurlijk?
Ugl BR 115 .H6 P76613 1993
Prison homosexuality: myth and reality.
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, c1981.
SocWk HV 8843 P76
Caravaggio: painter of miracles.
NY: Atlas Books/HarperCollins, c2005.
Ugl, Tac ND 623 .C26 P76 2005
Edited by Constance C. Relihan and Gordan V. Stanivukovic.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
note: chapter 4, The thigh and the sword: gender, genre, and sexy dressing
in Sidney's New arcadia (Steven Mentz), pp. 78-91; chapter 5, Prisoners of
love: cross-cultural and supernatural desires in Lady Mary Wroth's Urania
(Sheila T. Cavanagh), pp. 93-110; Part II: Queer Fictions: chapter 6, Same
difference: homo and allo in Lyly's Euphues (Stephen Guy-Bray), pp.
113-117; chapter 7, Rogue-sirens: urban seductions and the collapse of
amicitia (Morgan Holmes), pp. 129-146; chapter 8, Gelding Gascoigne (Alan
Stewart), pp. 147-169; chapter 9, "Knights in armes": the homoerotics of
the English Renaissance prose romances (Goran V. Stanivukovic), pp.
Suz PR 839 .S49 P76 2004
Second skins: the body narratives of transsexuality.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 77.9 .P76 1998
Stanford, CA: Mother Publications, c1972-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues Mother, see Mother.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.2,no.1 (Mar.Apr. 1972)
Brokeback mountain.
NY: Scribner, 2005.
note: originally published in the New Yorker, v.73, n.31 (Oct. 13, 1997),
pp. 74-85; reprinted in Prize Stories, 1998, pp. 380-406.
Suzzallo Periodicals AP 2 N6763 v.73, n.30-34, pp. 74-85
Ugl PS 647 .S5 P74 1998 (in Prize Stories, 1998)
Suz PS 3566 .R697 B76 2005
Brokeback Mountain: story to screenplay. Annie Proulx, Larry McMurtry, and
Diana Ossana.
note: consists chiefly of the short story written by Proulx and the
screenplay by McMurty and Ossana; with three new essays by the authors.
NY: Scribner, 2005.
Ugl PN 1997.2 .B75 2005
A la recherche du temps perdu.
Paris: Gallimard, 1919-1927. 15v.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 A7 1919
A la recherche du temps perdu.
Texte etabli et presente par Pierre Clarac et Andre Ferre.
[Paris, Gallimard, 1954] 3v.
(Bibliotheque de la Pleiade, 100-102)
note: originally issued in parts under the following subtitles: Du cote de
chez Swann; A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs; Le cote de Guermantes;
Sodome et Gomorrhe; La prisonniere; La fugitive; Le temps retrouve.
note: library holds numerous other editions of the whole work and of
titles within the work.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 A7 1954 v.1, 2, 3
A la recherche du temps perdu. Edition publiee sous la direction de
Jean-Yves Tadie.
[Paris]: Gallimard, c1987-1989. 4v.
note: avec, pour ce volume, la collaboration de Florence Callu, Francine
Goujon, Eugene Nicole, Pierre-Louis Rey, Brian Rogers et Jo Yoshida.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 A7 1987
Le cote de Guermantes.
II. Sodome et Gomorrhe. I.
Paris: Nouvelle revue francaise [c1921]
(A la Recherche du temps perdu. t.4)
Suz 843 P94col
La prisonniere (Sodome et Gomorrhe, III)
Paris: Nouvelle revue francaise, 1923. 2v. in 1.
(A la Recherche du temps perdu; v.6)
Suz 843 P94p1
La prisonniere (Sodome et Gomorrhe III)
Paris: Nouvelle revue francaise, 1924. 2v.
(A la Recherche du temps perdu, t. 6)
Suz 843 P94p
Remembrance of things past.
Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin.
NY: Random House, c1981.
note: translation from the French of: A la recherche du temps perdu.
note: the final part, Time regained, translated by Andreas Mayor.
note: originally issued in parts under the following subtitles: Swann's
way. Within a budding grove; Guermantes way; Cities of the plain [i.e.,
Sodom and Gomorrah]; The captive; The fugitive; Time regained.
note: library holds numerous other translated editions of the whole work
and of titles within the work.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 A72 1981 v.1, 2, 3
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 A713
1982 v.1, 2, 3 (Vintage ed., 1982)
Sodom and Gomorrah. Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff & Terence
Kilmartin; revised by D. J. Enright.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1992.
note: translation of: Sodome et Gomorrhe
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 S613 1992
Sodome et Gomorrhe, II.
Paris: Librairie Gallimard: Editions de la Nouvelle revue francaise,
1922-1924. 3v. in 1
(A la Recherche du temps perdu, t. 5)
note: Part I issued with his Le cote de Guermantes; Pt. III has title: La
Suz 843 P94s1
Sodome et Gomorrhe, II.
Paris: Nouvelle revue
francaise, 1926. 2v. in 4.
(A la Recherche du temps perdu. t. 5)
note: v.1 in his Le cote de Guermantes
Suz 843 P94s v.1, 2, 3
Paris: Lettres modernes Minard, 2005.
note: [chapter] 14, L'"Andromède Masculine"; sources de
l'imaginaire homosexuel dans A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu, (Yasué
Kato), pp. 287-297.
(Revue des lettres modernes. Marcel Proust, 5)
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z8293 2005
London; NY: Routledge, 1993.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 P76
Rockville, MD (5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville 20857): U.S. Dept. of Health
and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, [2001]
(DHHS publication, no. (SMA) 01-3498)
(NCADI publication, no. BKD 392)
GovPubStxU.S. HE 20.402:SU 1/4
Shock treatment.
[Rochester, N.Y.}: Visual Studies Workshop, 1991.
SpecColl Book Arts N 7433.4 .P78
S5 1991
The tiger's tender touch: the erotic life of Goethe. Translated by
Kathleen Bunten.
Carol Stream, IL: Edition Q, c1999.
note: translation of :Liebkosungen des Tigers.
Suz PT 2081 .P7813 1999
Cyril Connolly: journal and memoir.
London: Collins, 1983.
Suz PR 6005 .O393 Z75
Edited by Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine; editorial board, Alvin
Frank ... [et al.]; consultants, Jacob A. Arlow ... [et al.]
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1995.
note: Homosexuality (Jon K. Meyer, M.D.), pp. 346-363.
Bot, Tac WM 460 P97447 1995
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1969.
note: reprinted from the Journal of nervous and mental disease, v. 147,
no. 5, November, 1968, pp. 431-531.
HSLIC WJ 712 P974 1969
Edited by Nada L. Stotland, Donna E. Stewart.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, c2001.
note: [chapter] 24, Psychological aspects of lesbian health care (Margery
S. Sved, M.D.), pp. 549-570.
HSLIC WP 140 P9734 2001
[Edited by] Lenore T. Szuchman and Frank Muscarelia.
NY: Wiley, c2000.
note: chapter 4, Issues of Transgender (Sandra S. Cole, Dallas Denny, A.
Evan Eyler, and Sandra L. Samons), pp. 149-195; chapter 5, Sexual
Orientation (Alan L. Ellis and Robert W. Mitchell), pp. 196-231; chapter
11, Adolescent Sexuality (Roberta L. Paikoff, Anthony McCormick, and Lynda
M. Sagrestano), pp. 416-439.
Suz HQ 21 .P77 2000
Ed. by Linda D. Garnets and Douglas C. Kimmel.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1993.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 P78 1993
NY: Columbia University Press, c2003.
SocWk, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 P783 2003
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2004.
note: [chapter] 10, Diversity and sexual orientation: including and
valuing sexual minorities in the workplace (Micah E. Lubensky, Sarah L.
Holland, Carolyn Wiethoff, and Faye J. Crosby), pp. 206-223.
Bus HF 5549.5 .M5 P79 2004
[a special issue of]: Journal of Social Issues. v.34, n.3 (Sum. 1978)
Suzzallo Periodicals 305 JI v.34
NY: Nova Science Publishers, c2005.
note: chapter 6, Absent signs, elusive experience on young gay men and
absence of adequate signs and cultural images, (Anne-Lise Middelthon,
Vincent Colapietro), pp. 93-111.
Tac BF 692.2 .P765 2005
Edited by Gerald I. Fogerl, Frederick M. Lane, and Robert S. Liebert.
NY: Basic Books, c1986.
note: [chapter] 3, The Omni-available woman and lesbian sex:
two fantasy themes and their relationship to the male developmental
experience (Ethel S. Person), pp. 71-94; [chapter] 7, A Conceptual model
of male perversion (Otto F. Kernberg), pp. 152-180; [chapter] 8, The
History of male homosexuality from ancient Greece through the Renaissance:
implications for psychoanalytic theory (Robert S. Liebert), pp. 181-210;
[chapter] 13, Homosexuality in homosexual and heterosexual men: some
distinctions and implications for treatment (Richard A. Isay), pp.
note: [chapter] 3 was reprinted in The Sexual century (1999), pp. 333-343;
see also, Person, Ethel Spector. The sexual century.
Suz, Ugl BF 692.5 .P78 1986
Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2004.
note: v.3: Bias based on gender and sexual orientation.
UglRef, BotRef, TacRef BF 575 .P9 P79 2004
NY: Basil Blackwell, 1984.
Nat WM 611 P974 1984
Newport, CT: Greenwood Press,
Suz HQ 16 .P79 1995
see: The Treatment of homosexuals with mental health disorders.
Edited by Lydia Temoshok and Andrew Baum.
Hillsdale, N. J.: L. Erlbaum, 1990.
note: [chapter] 5, Assessing the costs and benefits of an increased sense
of vulnerability to AIDS in a cohort of gay men (Jill B. Joseph et al.),
pp. 65-79; [chapter] 6, Misperception among gay men of the risk for AIDS
associated with their sexual behavior (Laurie J. Bauman, Kaolynn Siegel),
pp. 81-101; [chapter] 7, Changes in sexual behavior among gay and bisexual
men since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic (Thomas J. Coates, et al.),
pp. 103-137.
Ugl WD 308 P9747 1990
NY: Guilford Press, c2000.
note: chapter 5, African American lesbians and bisexual women in
feminist-psychodynamic psychotherapies: surviving and thriving between a
rock and a hard place (Beverly Greene), pp. 82-125.
Suz, SocWk WM 460.5 W6 P97422 2000
NY: Harrington Park Press, 2003.
SocWk WM 420
P97432 2003
see: Integrated identity for gay men and lesbians...
see: Innovations in psychotherapy with homosexuals.
"Should public schools teach homosexuality as a normal lifestyle in school
curriculum?": (a response report to the City of Seattle Commission on
Children and Youth, Report on gay and lesbian youth) December, 1988 and a
look at-- the emergence of sexual attitude and behavior restructuring
through AIDS education. Published by the Public Education Committee on
Children and Youth. 3rd ed., rev.
Seattle, WA: (P.O. Box 33082, Seattle 98133-0082): The Committee,
note: designed for use with: Report on gay and lesbian youth in Seattle.
see, Seattle, (Wash). Commission on Children and Youth. Report on...
GovPub LC 192.6 .P82
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c2003.
note: chapter 4, The evangelical response to homosexuality: a survey,
critique, and advisory (Jeffrey Satinover), pp. 69-91; chapter 5,
Evangelicals and the same-sex "marriage" debate (David Orgon Coolidge),
pp. 93-100.
Suz BR 1642 .U5 P83 2003
NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
note: Gay and lesbian library materials: a book selector's toolkit, pp.
Suz Z687.2 .U6 P83 1998
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006.
note: chapter 8, The civil state: trust, polarization, and the quality of
state government (Eric M. Uslaner), pp. 142-162.
Suz JK 2408 .P83 2006
A report by Human Rights Watch and the International Gay and Human Rights
NY: Human Rights Watch: IGLHRC, c1998.
Suz, Tac DR 268 .P83 1998
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
(Between men--between women)
Suz HQ 76 .P8 1999
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, c2001.
(The Lockert library of poetry in translation)
note: translation of The Greek Anthology. Book 12.
Suz PA 3624 .E75 P84 2001
Sodomy in Reformation Germany and Switzerland, 1400-1600.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 P84 2003
Queering medieval genres.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Suz PR 317 .S48 P84 2004
"Mehr als blosse Schwarmerei": die Darstellung von Liebesbeziehungen
zwischen Madchen/jungen Frauen im Spiegel der deutschsprachigen
Frauenliteratur des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Essen: Verlag Die Blaue Eule, 2002.
(Literatur Mannlichkeit, Weiblichkeit, Bd. 6)
Suz PT 167 .P945 2002
Bajo un manto de estrellas: pieza en dos actos; El beso de la mujer arana:
adaptacion escenica realizada por el autor.
Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1983.
Suz PQ 7798.26 .U4 B24 1983
note: for the videorecording of the 1985 film release of the novel El
beso de la mujer arana (Kiss of the spider woman), see: Kiss of the spider
woman [videorecording]
El beso de la mujer arana.
Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1976.
Suz PQ 7798.26 .U4 B3
Kiss of the spider woman. English translation by Allan Baker.
Oxford: Amber Lane, 1987.
note: Translation of: Beso de la mujer arana.
Drama PQ 7798.26 .U4 B313 1987
Kiss of the spider woman.
Translated from the Spanish by Thomas Colchie.
NY: Knopf; distributed by Random House, 1979.
note: Translation of: Beso de la mujer arana.
Suz, Ugl PQ 7798.26 .U4 B313
Bot PQ 7798.26 .U4 B413 1991 (Vintage)
Kiss of the spider woman and two other plays.
[Translations by Allan Baker and Ronald Christ]
NY: W. W. Norton, 1994.
note: Kiss of the spider woman is a translation of: Beso de la mujer
Drama, Bot PQ 7798.26 .U4 A2313 1994
Documenting gay men: identity and performance in reality television and
documentary film.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, c2007.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 P85 2007
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press: Distributed in the US by
Palgrave, 2004.
note: [chapter] 3, A, A and B: coding same-sex union in Amis and Amiloun
(Sheila Delany), pp.63-81.
Suz PR 321 .P85 2004
NY: St. Martin's Griffin, 2003.
Ugl PS 648 .H57 P65 2003
Cabot Wright begins.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux [1964]
Ugl PS 3531 .U426 C3
Eustace Chisholm and his works.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux [1967]
Suz, Ugl PS 3531 .U426 E87
SpecColl PS 3531 .U426 E87 1968 (Bantam Books [1968], 1970 printing)
Garments the living wear.
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3531 .U426 G37 1989
I am Elijah Thrush.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.
Suz PS 3531 .U426 I2
In a shallow grave.
NY: Arbor House, c1975.
Suz, Ugl PS 3531 .U426 I5
NY: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy [1959]
Suz, Ugl PS 3531 .U426 M3
Bot PS 3551 .U426 M34 1994 (Serpent's Tail ed.)
Narrow rooms.
NY: Arbor House, c1978.
Suz PS 3531 .U426 N3
The nephew.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy [1960]
Ugl PS 3531 .U426 N4
Suz PS 3531 .U426 N4 1987
63, dream palace: selected stories, 1956-1987.
Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1991.
Suz PS 3531 .U426 A615 1991
Tracy Fessenden, Nicholas F. Radel, and Magdalena J. Zaborowska,
NY: Routledge, 2001.
note: A Sodom within: historicizing Puritan homoerotics in the diary of
Michael Wigglesworth (Nicholas F. Radel), pp. 41-55; Americanization of a
"Queer Fellow"; performing Jewishness and sexuality in Abraham Cahan's The
Rise of David Levinsky, with a footnote on the (Monica) Lewinsky'ed nation
(Magdalena J. Zaborowska), pp. 213-234; Desert of the Heart:
Jane Rule's Puritan outing (Margaret Soenser Breen), pp. 235-252.
Suz PS 169 .S454 P87 2001
Kent Gerard, Gert Hekma, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, 1989, c1988.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 E9 P87 1989
The divine androgyne: adventures in cosmic erotic ecstasy and androgyne
[San Diego, CA]: Sanctuary Publications, c1981.
Art Desk HQ 76 .P87 1981
Seattle, WA: Push, c1999-
SpecColl HQ 75 .P87 n. 1-7 (Sum 1999-Spr 2004)
Edited by Shelley Tremain.
Toronto: [Women's Press], 1996.
Suz PR 9194.5 .L47 P87 1996
Edisol W. Dotson, editor & compiler.
San Francisco: Putting Out Books, c1991.
Suz Z475 .P88 1991
Edisol W. Dotson, editor.
Pittsburgh, PA: Cleis Press, c1994.
Suz Z475 .P88 1994
Edited by Edisol W. Dotson.
San Francisco: Cleis Press; distributed by Publishers group West,
SuzRef Z475 .P88 1997
The sweet dove died.
NY: Dutton, 1979, c1978.
Suz PR 6066 .Y58 S94
Liberace: an American boy.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2000.
Suz ML 417 .L67 P97 2000
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 Q18 1998
Vancouver, B.C.: Push Press, [1987-1988]
SpecCollFol HQ 75 .Q2
n.1-3 (Aug-Oct 1987), n.5-8 (Nov 15-Dec 15, 1987-Mar 1988), v.10-11 (May
1988-Sum 1988)
QCDC news.
Seattle: QCDC
note: continued by Queen City news and Seattle LGBT Community Center:
[newsletter], see Queen City news and Seattle LGBT Community Center
SpecColl HQ 75 .Q44 [Spr? 1996]
Seattle, NWGI Pub., c1998-
note: continues GI. Gay Ink Magazine.
SpecColl HQ 75 .G515
4/8/98-12/16/98; 1/14/99-2/11/99, 3/25/99-6/17/99, 8/12/99-8/26/99
NY: Quality Paperback Book Club, c2002.
note: Was Shakespeare gay? (Norrie Epstein), pp. 39-40.
Bot PR 2976 .Q2 2002
London: British Film Institute, 2003.
note: [chapter] 6, 'Must see' queer TV: history and serial form in Ellen
(Anna McCarthy), pp. 88-102.
Ugl, Tac PN 1992.3 .U5 Q35 2003
Calendar boy.
Vancouver, B.C.: New Star Books, 2001.
Suz PR 9199.3 .Q318 C35 2001
Dublin: Basement Press, 1994.
Suz PR 8876.5 .G37 Q37 1994
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998.
Suz PR 6019 .O9 Z7837 1998
see: Queer theory: desire, authorship and visibility. (special issue)
Real live nude girl: chronicles of sex-positive culture.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 Q44 1997
Seattle: Queen City Community Development Corporation.
note: continues QCDC news and continued by Seattle LGBT Community Center:
[newsletter], see QCDC news and Seattle LGBT Community Center
SpecColl HQ 75 .Q44
Fall-Win 1996 (v.1,n.3-4); Spr. 1997 (v.2,n.1); Spr 1998 (v.3,n.1)
[Hollywood, CA?]: Camp, [195-?]
UglMed Phonodisc CAMPR 001
note: An issue of International Examiner Asian American Journal (Seattle),
v.28, n.19 (Oct 3/Oct 16, 2001), an Asian-American ethnic
newspaper, featured the topic "Queer & Asian" in several articles
SpecCollFolio F899 .S4 I63 v.28, n.19 (Oct 3/16, 2001)
[Miami Beach, FL]: C1TV, [2000]
note 2 videocassettes; VHS; originally produced for television broadcast
in 1999.
note: cast- Aiden Gillen, Craig Kelly, Charlie Hunnam; credits- music,
Murray Gold; editors, Tony Cranstoun, Anthony Ham; director of
photography, Nigel Walters.
note: Episodes from the first season of a drama serial following the lives
of three men - Stuart, his best mate Vince, and Nathan, living it large in
Manchester's gay village, and stalwarts of the gay club scene on Canal
Street. There they meet Nathan, young, wild and coming out with a
vengeance, and nothing can ever be the same again.
note: Series 1: Pt. 1. episodes 1-4; pt. 2. eps. 5-8.
UglMed Videorecord C1TV 001 pt. 1
UglMed Videorecord C1TV 001 pt. 2
[Miami, FL]: C1TV, [2000]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally produced for television broadcast
in 2000.
note: cast- Aiden Gillen, Craig Kelly, Charlie Hunnam, Denise Black,
Antony Cotton; credits- music, Murray Gold; editor, Tony Cransoun;
director of photography, Alisdair Walker.
note: Episode from the second season of the drama serial. Stuart, Vince
and Nathan are back for one last wild, outrageous adventure on Canal
Street; series 2
UglMed Videorecord C1TV 002
Queer as folk. First season [videorecording] Showtime presents; producer,
Sheila Hockin; Tony Jonas Productions; a Cowlip production; Temple Street
[United States]: Showtime Entertainment, c2001.
note: 6 videodiscs, DVD
note: cast, Michelle Clunie, Theo Gill, Gale Harold, Randy Harrison, Scott
Lowell, Peter Paige, Chris Potter, Hal Sparks, Sharon Gless; directors,
Russell Mulcahy (ep. 1-3, 18, 20), Kevin Inch (ep. 4), Kari Skogland (ep.
5,6), David Wellington (ep. 7, 19), Steve DiMarco (ep. 8), John Greyson
(ep. 9, 12), John L'Ecuyer (ep. 10), Michael DeCarlo (ep. 11, 14, 17, 21),
Ron Oliver (ep. 13), Alex Chapple (ep. 15, 22), Jeremy Podeswa (ep. 16);
wirters, Ron Cowen (ep. 1-3, 7, 12, 18,22), Daniel Lipman (ep. 1-3, 7, 12,
18, 22), Richard Kramer (ep. 4, 8, 12), Jason Schafer (ep. 5, 9, 11, 16,
18, 20), Jonathan Tolins (ep. 6, 9, 11, 18, 20, Doug Guinan (ep. 10, 14),
Drew Z. Greenberg (ep. 13), Garth Wingfield (ep. 15, 19, 21); director of
photography, Thom Best; music, Tom Third, Mitch Magonet; editors, Bill
Goddard, Lisa Grootenboer, Wendy Hallam Martin.
note: originally produced as a television series in 2000; based on the
British series created by Russell T. Davies; developed for American
television by Ron Cowen, Daniel Lipman; 22 episodes, including special
editions of episodes 1, 11, and 18.
note: focusing on the loves, careers, ambitions and relationships of a
group of gay men and women in Pittsburgh, PA
note: bonus materials include special editions of episodes 1, 11, 18;
extended scenes; outakes, meet the folk, trailers, photo gallery, DVD-ROM
UglMed DVD SN 002 pt.1,2,3,4,5,6
Queer as folk. Second season [videorecording] Showtime presents; producer,
Sheila Hockin; Tony Jonas Productions; a Cowlip production; Temple Street
[United States]: Showtime Entertainment, [2002]
note: 6 videodiscs, DVD. In English or Spanish; closed-captioned.
note: cast- Michelle Clunie, Thea Gill, Gale Harold, Randy Harrision,
Scott Lowell, Peter Paige, Chris Potter, Hal Sparks, Sharon Gless;
writers- Ron Cowen [ep. 1-20]; Daniel Lipman [ep. 1-20]; Karen Walton [ep.
3,11,15]; Michael MacLennan [ep. 3,8,12,16,19]; Efrem Seeger [ep.
5,9,13,17,19];Matt Pyken [ep. 6,10,14,18,19]; Michael Berns [ep. 6,10,14,18,
19]; Blair Fell [ep. 7]; directors- Alex Chapple [ep. 1,8,18]; John Greyson
[ep. 2, 13]; Michael DeCarlo [ep. 3,7,10,19]; Kevin Inch [ep. 4,11]; David
Wellington [ep. 5,17,20]; Bruce McDonald [ep. 6,9,16]; Thom Best [ep.
12]; John Fawcett [ep. 14]; director of photography, Thom Best; music,
Michael A. Perlmutter; editors, Lisa Grootenboer ... [et al.]
note: originally broadcast by Showtime in 2002; based on the British
series created by Russell T. Davies; developed for American television by
Ron Cowen, Daniel Lipman; 20 episodes of the Showtime TV series.
note: Focusing on the loves, careers, ambitions and relationships of a
group of gay men and women in Pittsburgh.
note: special features- "A week in the life of Queer as Folk"; wrap party
outtakes; the making of "Rage gay crusader"; Folks on the road: a
backstage pass; season 3 sneak peak.
UglMed DVD SN 004 pt. 1,2,3,4,5,6
Queer as folk. The complete third season [videorecording] Showtime
presents a Cowlip/Tony Jonas/Temple Street production; directed by Jeremy
[United States]: Showtime Entertainment, [2004]
note: 5 videodiscs; DVD; originally broadcast by Showtime in 2003.
note: cast- Michelle Clunie, Robert Gant, Thea Gill, Gale Harold, Randy
Harrison, Scott Lowell, Peter Paige, Hal Sparks, Sharon Gless; credits-
Producer, Michael MacLennan; director of photography, Thom Best; editor,
Wendy Hallam Martin.
note: The Showtime series about a group of gay men and women living
day-to-day in Pittsburgh, PA
UglMed DVD SN 005 pt. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, suppl.
Queer as folk. Fourth season [videorecording] Showtime presents a
Cowlip/Tony Jones/Temple Street production; produced by Sheila Hockin.
[United States]: Showtime Entertainment, [2005]
note: 5 videodiscs; DVD; originally broadcast on television in 2004; based
on the British series created by Russell T. Davies, developed for American
television by Ron Cowen & Daniel Lipman.
note: cast- Michelle Clunie, Robert Gant, Thea Gill, Gale Harold, Randy
Harrison, Scott Lowell, Peter Paige, Hal Sparks, Sharon Gless.
note: Season Four continues to follow the journey of a group of gay
friends and lovers living in Pittsburgh. All 14 episodes.
UglMed DVD SN 008 pt. 1, 2, 3, 4-5
Queer as folk. Final season [videorecording] Showtime presents a
Cowlip/Tony Jonas/Temple Street production; produced by Sheila Hockin.
[NY]: Showtime Entertainment, [2006]
note: 5 videodiscs, DVD; originally broadcast by Showtime in 2005.
note: bonus features: Cyndi Lauper "Shine" music video, Rosie O'Donnell
photo montage, season finale wrap party reel, Season finale extended
scenes, Marky Dong, Patrick Antosh fashion extra, a special message from
The Trevor Project and Queer as Folk.
note: credits -Director of photography, Thom Best; music supervision,
Michael A. Perlmutter; cast -Michelle Clunie, Robert Gant, Thea Gill, Gale
Harold, Randy Harrison, Scott Lowell, Peter Paige, Hal Sparks, Sharon
Gless. Based on the British series created by Russell T. Davies, developed
for American television by Ron Cowen & Daniel Lipman.
note: season 5 continues to follow the journey of a group of gay friends
and lovers living in Pittsburgh. Brian buys and revamps the sex club
Babylon, Michael embraces domesticity with Ben, Emmett finds success as a
TV personality, Ted struggles with body prejudices and Mel and Lindsay
find their relationship in trouble.
UglMed DVD Sn 013 pt.1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c2004.
Ugl PS 509 .H57 Q44 2004
London: SCM Press, c2006.
Suz BS 680 .H67 Q44 2006
Olympia, WA: Evergreen Galleries, Evergreen State College, [1992]
note: ... curated by Kate Cummings & Huey Lentz
... April 10-March 3 [sic] 1992, Galleries 2 & 4, The Evergreen State
SpecColl Book Arts TR 681 .H65 Q94 1992
NY: Routledge, 2004.
Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 Q397 2004
Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2001.
(Journal for the study of the Old Testament. Supplement series, 334)
Ugl BS 1186.5 .Q84 2001
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Ugl HQ 76 .Q423 2004
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, c2004.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .Q367 2004
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1998.
Suz BQ 4570 .H65 Q84 1998
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 2000.
Suz BQ 4570 .H65 Q842 2000
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2000.
(Series Q)
Suz HQ 76.25 .S4994 2000
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c1997.
Suz PS 595 .D63 Q44 1997
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c2005.
SuzRef, UglRef, Bot PN 1590 .G39 Q44 2005
San Francisco, CA: Cleis Press, c2004.
SuzRef, Music ML 100 .Q44 2004
San Francisco: Cleis Press; [Berkeley, CA]: Distributed by Publishers
Group West, c2004.
SuzRef N72 .H64 Q44 2004
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2002.
Music ML 63 .Q44 2002
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1999.
Ugl, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 Q44 1999
NY: Columbia University Press, c2001.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Bot HQ 75.15 .Q44 2001
[A special issue of] Modern Fiction Studies. v.48,n.4 (Win 2002)
TacPeriodicals PS 379 M55 v.48
available online through Project Muse to University of Washington users
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
Suz PR 6011 .O58 Z8335 1997
Edited by Joseph A. Boone ... [et al.]
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.25 .Q37 2000
NY: New York University Press, c2002.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.15 .Q45 2002
Edited by Josiah Blackmore and Gregory S. Hutcheson.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1999.
(Series Q)
Suz HQ 76.3 .S7 Q44 1999
NY: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2003.
Suz HQ 75.16 .U6 Q43 2003
SuzPer HX 1 .S622 v. 22.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Ugl PQ 4028 .Q44 2004
Translated and edited by Barbara Summerhawk, Cheiron McMahill, Darren
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, 1998.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HQ 76.3 .J3 Q44 1998
NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz HQ 75.16 .U6 Q44 2002
Editors Martha Grever, Patibha Parmar, and John Greyson.
NY: Routledge, 1993.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 H55 Q4 1993
Basingstoke [England]; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Suz HQ 76 .Q427 2006
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2005.
note: includes papers presented at two conferences: "Sexuality, Migration,
and the Contested Boundaries of U.S. Citizenship," held at Bowling Green
State University, Feb. 28 and Mar. 1, 2002; and "On the Line: Gender,
Sexuality, and Human Rights in the Americas," held at the University of
California, Santa Cruz, Mar. 8-9, 2002.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .L29 Q56 2005
[Special issue of]: The Nation. v.257, n.1. July 5, 1993.
SuzPer 051 N 1993
Philadelphia: Running Press, c1996.
Suz PN 6084 .G35 Q44 1996
NY: Peter Lang, c2007.
(Digital formations, v.40)
Suz HQ 76.25 .Q375 2007
San Francisco: Cleis Pess; [Emeryville, CA]: Distributed by Publishers
Group West, c1998.
Suz PS 648 .H57 Q44 1998
Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, c2007.
Suz PR 448 .H65 Q44 2007
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Suz PN 1992.8 .H64 Q44 2007
NY: Painted Leaf Press, c1999.
note: continued by Harris guide
Suz HQ 76.9 .H37
Boston: Beacon Press, c2004.
Ugl PN 6084 .G35 Q45 2004
London: Fourth Estate, c1993.
Suz PN 6071 .H724 Q844 1993
Edited by Martin Duberman.
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
note: Essays, most rev. and enl., originally presented at events sponsored
by the Center for Lesbian and and Gay Studies (CLAGS)
Suz, Bot, Tac NX 650 .H6 Q43 1997
Edited by Paul Burston and Colin Richardson.
London; NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 .Q38 1995
London; NY: Routledge, 2007.
Ugl PN 1995.9 .H55 Q47 2007
Amsterdam; NY: Rodopi, 2007.
(French literature series, v. 34)
Suz PQ 145.1 .H66 Q88 2007
London; NY: Routledge, 1999.
Suz HQ 76 .Q43 1999
NY: Routledge, 1999.
Suz, Bot PS 153 .G38 Q44 1999
Boston: Beacon Press, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.25 .Q39 1995
Edited by Brett Beemyn and Mickey Eliason.
NY: New York University Press, c1996.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .Q383 1996
Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2003.
Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 75.15 .Q48 2003
SuzPer HX 1 S622
Jeffrey Escoffier, Regina Kunzel, Molly McGarry, editors.
[Special issue of]: Radical History Review. Issue 62 (Spring, 1995)
Suzzallo Periodicals, UGL Periodicals, Tac HX 1 R32 no. 61-63
Houndmills [England]; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .Q3843 2004
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .Q384 2003
NY: Columbia University Press, c2003.
(Between men--between women)
Ugl HQ 75.15 .Q5 2003
Fabrienne Worth, guest editor.
[A special issue of]: Quarterly Review of Film and Video: QRFV, v.15, n.1
(Nov, 1993)
Suzzallo Periodicals PN 1993 .Q84 v.15
Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1998.
(Studies in curriculum theory)
Suz, Bot LC 192.6 .Q84 1998
[A special issue of]: Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies,
v.3, n.2 (Summer), 1991.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 1101 D54 v.3
Cambrdige, MA: Blackwell, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.25 .Q385 1996
Amsterdam: Homodok, c1997.
note: Parallel English and Dutch.
Suz Z 695.1 .G29 Q43 1997
NY: Rob Weisbach Books, c1998.
Suz LC 2575 .Q84 1998
[A special issue of]: Social Text. v.15, n. 3/4 (issues 52-53) Fall/Winter
Suzzallo Periodicals HN 1 .S635
note: Guide to glbt characters in TV shows aired in the UK and Ireland by
TV show, character name, character gender, actor, when aired, network, and
descriptive note; because many U.S. and Canadian shows do air in the UK
and Ireland, it is also quite useful for U.S. and Canadian TV shows
online resource:
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 1995.
Suz PR 9197.33 .G39 Q44 1995
James C. Johnstone, Karen X. Tulchinsky, editors.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press 1997.
Suz PR 9197.33 .G39 Q442 1997
Lanham: Lexington Books, c2007.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .J3 Q46 2007
NY: New York University Press, c1994.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 Q44 1994
Edited by Martin Duberman.
NY: New York University Press, [1997]
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76 .Q44 1997
Barbara Way, Ronald Pallier, Roswith Roth, herausgeber.
Innsbruck; Wien: StudienVerlag, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .Q447 1997
NY: New York University Press, c2002.
(Sexual cultures)
Drama PN 2270 .G39 Q44 2002
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, c1993.
Suz PR 9197.33 .G39 Q45 1993
Berlin: Querverlag, 2000.
note: Kongress "Queering Demokratie. Sexualität, Geschlecht,
BürgerInnenrechte" (1998: Berlin, Germany)
Suz HQ 76.25 .Q44 2000
Edited by William J. Letts IV and James T. Sears.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c1999.
Suz, Bot, Tac LC 192.6 .Q85 1999
NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz HQ 76.2 .I4 Q84 2002
Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, c2007.
Suz HQ 75.16 .U6 Q445 2007
NY: Peter Lang, c2007.
(Complicated conversation, v.22)
Suz LC 192.6 .Q857 2007
Edited by Christoph Lorey and John L. Plews.
Columbia, S.C.: Camden House, 1998.
(Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture)
Suz, Ugl PT 71 .Q44 1998
Minneapolis: University of Minnesoata Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 76.3 .E8 Q43 2001
Edited by Philip Brett, Elizabeth Wood, Gary C. Thomas.
NY: Routledge, 1994.
Music, Tac ML 55 Q44 1994
NY: Routledge, c2006.
Music ML 55 .Q44 2006
NY: Routledge, 2006.
Music ML 3470 .Q44 2006
Durham: Duke University Press, 1994.
(Series Q)
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 E8 Q44 1994
Boston: South End Press, c1997.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 Q445 1997
Edited by Anna Livia and Kira Hall.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Suz, Ugl P 120 .S48 Q44 1997
Edited by Gordon Brent Ingram, Anne-Marie Bouthillette, and Yolanda
Seattle: Bay Press, c1997.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.25 .Q395 1997
Edited by Gary David Comstock and Susan E. Henking.
NY; Continuum, 1997.
Suz BL 65 .H64 Q44 1997
NY: Macmillan, c1989.
UglRef PN 6084 G35 Q46 1989
Burbank, CA: Columbia TriStar Home Video, c2001.
note: DVD (Ugl), VHS (Bot); based upon the novel by Jean Genet, "Querelle
de Brest"; originally released in 1982 as a motion picture.
note: credits- camera, Xaver Schwarzenberger, Josef Vavra; music, Peer
Raben; editors, Juliane Lorenz, Franz Walsch; cast- Brad Davis, Franco
Nero, Jeanne Moreau, Laurent Malet, Hanno Poschi, Burkhard Driest.
note: Fassbinder's final film; a stylized, delirious interpretation of
Genet's story of a proud and tough loaner, the sailor Querelle who becomes
involved in drug-smuggling, sexual adventures and murder. Originally shot
in English; also released in a German-dubbed print as "Querelle--ein Pakt
mit dem Teufel".
see also: Genet, Jean. Querelle.
see also: Fassbinder, Rainer Werner. Querelle Filmbuch; and in
translation: Querelle: the film book.
UglMed DVD CTHV 262
BotMed Videorecord BOT-906
Kiel: Ludwig, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.25 .Q45 2001
NY: Scribner, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 Q47 1995
Banff, Alta: Banff Centre Press, the Banff Centre for the Arts, c1995.
note: Situating art within existing cultural events; a queer morphology
(Wayne Baerwaldt), pp.191-204.
Tac NX 180 .A77 Q48 1995
Genève: Labor et Fides, 2001.
Suz BX 4852 .Q53 2001
Edited by Robert Wuthnow and John H. Evans.
note: [chapter] 10, Vital conflicts; the mainline denominations debate
homosexuality (Wendy Cadge), pp. 265-286.
Suz BR 516 .Q4 2002
Culver City, CA: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, [2007], c2006.
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 2006
note: credits - director of photography, Eric Steelberg; editors, Robin
Katz, Clay Zimmerman; music, Victor Bock ... [et al.]; costume designer,
Jessica Flaherty; production designers, Denise Hudson, Jonah Markowitz;
cast -Jesus Castanos, Araceli Guzman-Rico, Emily Rios, J.R. Cruz, Listette
Avila, Alicia Sixtos, Johnny Chavez, Jesse Garcia, Chalo Gonzalez.
note: On the evening before Magdalena's 15th birthday, her simple,
blissful life is complicated by the discovery that she's pregnant. Forced to
leave her house, she finds a new family with her uncle and gay cousin.
Same-sex dynamics among nineteenth-century Americans: a Mormon
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1996.
Suz BX 8643 .H65 Q55 1996
The mentor: a memoir of friendship and gay identity.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 75.8 .Q56 A3 2000
Accessing health: the context and the
challenges for LGBT people in Central and Eastern Europe,.
Brussels, Belgium: ILGA-Europe, [2006]
available online,
Going beyond the law: promoting equality in employment. By Sheila Quinn
and Birgit Hardt.
Brussels, Belgium: ILGA-Europe, [2005]
(ILGA-Europe report)
available online,
Home girls: Chicana literary voices.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996.
note: Chapter 6. New visions: culture, sexuality, and autobiography.
Suz, Bot PS 153 .M4 Q56 1996
Tropics of desire: interventions from queer Latino America.
NY: New York University Press, c2000.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 .L29 Q57 2000
A question of mercy. Based on the essay by Richard Selzer.
NY: Grove Press; [Emeryville, CA]: Distributed by Publishers Group West,
Drama PS 3568 .A23 Q47 1998
A question of mercy. Based upon the journal by Richard Selzer.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1998.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Question of mercy
NY: Knopf: distributed by Random House, 1977.
Suz, Drama PS 3568 .A23 S85 1977
Drama PS 3568 .A23 S85 1985
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Streamers (S. French ed.)
Love, politics and "rescue" in lesbian relationships.
Santa Cruz, CA: HerBooks, c1987.
(HerBooks lesbian-feminist essay series, no.2)
Suz HQ 76.25 .R33 1987
Pleasure consuming medicine. 2004.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of New South Wales, 2004.
Pleasure Consuming Medicine investigates the significance of the
classification of drugs for conceptions of personhood in the context of
consumer citizenship. ... Pleasure Consuming Medicine uses a theoretical
frame developed from queer theory, corporeal feminism, governmentality
studies and cultural studies to explore the political character of drug
regimes, tracing some of the ramifications for sex, race, class, and
citizenship. Then it turns to the field of gay men's HIV education to
conceive some alternative and provisional vocabularies of safety. ...
available online:
Man alive: a primer of men's issues. [By] Fredric E. Rabinowitz, Sam V.
Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., c1994.
SocWk HQ 1090 .R33 1994
[compiled by] Margaret L. Andersen and Patricia Hill Collins.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1992.
Ugl, Bot, Tac HN 59.2 R32 1992
[compiled by] Margaret L. Andersen and Patricia Hill Collins.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, c1995.
Suz, SocWk, Bot, Tac HN 59.2 .R32 1995
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1998.
SocWk, Tac HN 59.2 .R32 1998
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, c2001.
SocWk, Bot, Tac HN 59.2 .R32 2001a
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, c2004.
Bot HN 59.2 .R32 2004
Washington, D.C.: The Race, Ethnicity, and Gender (REG) Justice Project in
the Americas, American University, Washington College of Law, c2001.
note: Sexual orientation; toward a black lesbian jurisprudence (Theresa
Raffaele Jefferson), pp. 168-174; Beyond sexual orientation in queer legal
theory: majoritarianism, multidimensionality, and responsibility in social
justice scholarship or legal scholars as cultural workers (Francisco
Valdez), pp. 226-231.
Suz KDZ 574 .R33 2001
NY: Haworth Press, 2000.
Suz HV 6789 .R3 2000
Monsieur Venus; preface de Maurice Barres.
Paris: Libraire francaise, L. Genonceaux & cie., 1902.
Suz 843 V2431m1
Monsieur Venus. Translated by Liz Heron; with a preface by Maurice Barres
and an afterword by Madeleine Johnston.
Sawtry: Dedalus, 1992.
(Decadence from Dedalus)
Suz PQ 2643 .A323 M613 1992
Blood dues.
NY: Knopf; [distributed by Random House] 1973.
Suz, Ugl HN 90 .R3 R3
see: Becoming a spectacle: lesbian and gay politics and culture in the
nineties. (special issue) [and] Becoming a spectacle: Part II. Culture and
politics in the nineties. (special issue), respectively.
San Francisco, CA: Woman Vision, c2002.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD
note: credits- Associate producer, Margie Adam; associate director, June
Millington; editors, Lisa Ginsburg, Marla Leech, Dina Maria Munsch;
narrator, Regina Louise.
note: A documentary film, featuring interviews and performance footage,
looking at women's music and how the movement came to prominence;
among others, features lesbian musicians
UglMed DVD WVIS 001
Music Listening Center Videodisc DVD 247
TacMed DVD TAC-392
see: Queer. "The Queer Issue: New Visions of America's Lesbian and Gay
[Berkeley, CA; s.n.]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collections)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 Jan. 25, 1970-Feb.1, 1970
Edited by Bob Cant and Susan Hemmings.
London; NY: Routledge, 1988.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.8 G7 R33 1988
London; NY: Routledge, 1998.
note: chapter 6, AIDS crusaders act up a storm (Alisa Solomon), pp. 42-51;
chapter 32, A Queer circus: amok in New York (Mark Swenson), pp.
Drama PN 2049 .R34 1998
see: Lesbian/gay/queer studies. (special issue)
NY: Book-of-the-Month Club, 1990.
note: three science fiction novels: Walk to the end of the world (Suzy
McKee Charnas); The female man (Joanna Russ); Triton (Samuel R.
Suz PS 648 .U85 R33 1990
A new era for women workers, minority women and lesbians: president's
draft report to the Radical Women Annual Conference.
Seattle: Radical Women's Publications, [1976?]
Suz HQ 1426 R325 1976
Seattle: Red Letter Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 1426 .R327 2001
"The Woman Identified Woman." In: Radical feminism.
Edited by Anne Koedt, Ellen Levine [and] Anita Rapone, pp. 240-245.
[NY]: Quadrangle Books [1973]
note: essay originally appeared in: Notes from the Third Year (1970)
Suz HQ 1426 .K63
The modern androgyne imagination: a failed sublime.
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2000.
Suz PR 888 .A52 R33 2000
Changing corporate America from inside out: lesbian and gay workplace
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2004.
(Social movements, protest, and contention, v. 20)
Suz, Bot HD 6285.5 .U6 R34 2004
Queer and pleasant danger: writing out my life.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, c1992.
Suz PS 3568 .A385 Q4 1992
The pink triangle.
St. Lucia, Queensland; NY: University of Queensland Press; Hemel
Hempstead, Herts.: distributed by Prentice-Hall International, c1981.
Suz PR 9619.3 .R24 P5 1981
Portland, OR: Ragtimes, 1982-1987
SpecCollFol HQ 75 .R33 Jun 1986, Aug 1986, Dec 1986
Gay rights: a Libertarian approach.
Washington, D.C.: Libertarian Party, [1976?]
Suz HQ 76.5 .R34 1976
In praise of outlaws: rebuilding gay liberation.
San Francisco: Students for a Libertarian Society, 1979.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 R35 1979
Anchorage, Alaska: Identity, Inc., 1999-2000
note: continued by North view
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .N63 Sept 2000
[San Francisco, CA]: Atlantis InterNetworks, c1996-
note: search engine for glbt sites & information
Rainbow Women's Chorus of San Jose [sound recording]; No More Silence.
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival 2000, v.7)
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: 1st chorus: Ruth Hubert/Betsy Wagner, co-directors; Doug Forsyth,
accompanist. 2nd chorus: No More Silence members, artistic producers.
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.7
note: DVD; originally produced in 2006.
note: credits- cinematography, Jochen Hick; editor, Jorn Hartmann;
narrator, Stephen Taylor.
note: A multinational journey throughout Europe and the world, exploring
the future of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. From parades
and protests in Warsaw and Krakow to personal stories with social,
religious and political insights, the film moves from street activism to
the United Nations in Geneva.
UglMed DVD FRAM 006
NY: Museum of Modern Art: Distributed by Harry N. Abrams, c1997.
note: Published in conjunction with a film exhibition held at the Museum
of Modern Art, New York, Jan. 23.-Mar. 20, 1997.
Suz PN 1998.3 .F37 R34 1997
Vita and Virginia: the work and friendship of V. Sackville-West and
Virginia Woolf.
Oxford: Clarendon Press; Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Suz PR 6037 .A35 Z84 1993
The boyfriend.
New Delhi: London: Penguin; NY: Penguin Putnam, c2003.
Suz PR 9499.3 .R289 B6 2003
One day I locked my flat in soul-city.
New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 1995.
Suz PR 9499.3 .R289 O54 1995
NY: Doubleday, 2001.
Ugl AC8 .R22 2001
Dirty pictures: Tom of Finland, masculinity, and homosexuality.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
ArtDesk NC 312 .F53 T6637 2000
Closet devotions.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 1998.
(Series Q)
Suz PR 438 .D48 R36 1998
Two flutes playing: a spiritual journeybook for gay men. Foreword by
Mark Thompson.
San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, c1997.
Suz BV 4596 .G38 R35 1997
In pursuit of images.
San Francisco: Peace & Pieces Foundation, c1976.
SpecColl Book arts TR 654 .R33 1976
Transsexuals; candid answers to private questions.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 77.9 .R36 1996
Teaching and learning in a diverse world: multicultural education for
young children. Foreword by Sonia Nieto. 2nd ed.
note: Sexual orientation, pp. 86-89.
Suz, Bot, Tac LC 1099.3 .R36 1998
Teaching and learning in a diverse world: multicultural education for
young children. Foreword by Sonia Nieto. 3rd ed.
NY: Teachers College Press, c2004.
note: chapter 7, The context of gender and sexual orientation, pp.
Suz LC 1099.3 .R36 2004
Barbie's queer accessories.
Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1995.
(Series Q)
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 23 .R36 1995
Marijuana & AIDS: pot, politics & PWAs in America.
Washington, D.C.: Galen Press, c1991.
Suz WD 308 R189m 1991
Internalized homophobia in lesbians: a factor analytic study.
M.Ed. thesis, University of Northern British Columbia, 2000.
available online,
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
Ugl PS 3568 .A579 B94 1997
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c2003.
note: chapter 3, [part 2] Fighting words: racism, sexism and homophobia in
Pop and Rap (Juan Williams), pp. 105-109; chapter 4, Case study in
controversy: Eminem and gay bashing (Chris Norris, Eric Boehlert, Richard
Kim, Lorraine Ali), pp. 137-161.
Ugl E185.86 .R35 2003
East Molesey, Surrey, U.K.: Journeyman Pictures, [2006]
note: DVD. Originally released in 2006.
note: credits -music, Flavio Regni; editor, Antoine Rodet; photography,
Lovinsa Kavuma.
note: As well as facing institutional discrimination, lesbians in South
Africa run the risk of being raped becuause of their sexuality. The
authorities seem reluctant to tackle the growing problem. This film
reflects the voices of African lesbians who have been brave enough to
share their experiences of hate crimes.
UglMed DVD JOUR 001
Dancing on Tisha b'Av.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1990.
Suz, Ugl PS 3568 A5988 D3 1990
The Edith Wharton murders: a Nick Hoffman mystery.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Suz PS 3568 .A5988 E35 1997
Journeys & arrivals: on being gay and Jewish.
Boston: Faber and Faber, c1996.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.8 .R36 A3 1996
Winter eyes: a novel about secrets.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Suz PS 3568 .A5988 W5 1992
Writing a Jewish life: memoirs.
NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers, c2006.
Ugl PS 3568 .A5988 Z46 2006
Fiestas, banos y exilios: los gays portenos en la ultima dictadura.
By Flavio Rapisardi, Alejandro Modarelli.
Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.2 .A7 R37 2001
Judaism and homosexuality: an authentic Orthodox view. Foreword by
Jonathan Sacks; preface by Dayan Berkovits.
London; Portland, OR: Vallentine Mitchell, 2003.
Suz BM 729 .H65 R37 2004
Charlotte Wolff (1897-1986): Ärztin, Psychotherapeutin,
Wissenschaftlerin und Schriftstellerin.
Teetz: Hentrich & Hentrich; Berlin: Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin, Centrum
Judaicum, 2005.
(Jüdische Miniaturen, Bd. 34)
Suz WZ 100 W8556R 2005
Black markets, white boyfriends, and other acts of elision.
Toronto: TSAR, 1991.
Suz PR 9199.3 .R32 B42 1991
We the students: Supreme Court decisions for and about students.
Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, c2000.
note: The right of gay and lesbian students against harassment, pp.
Suz, Ugl KF 4150 .A7 R37 2000
We the students: Supreme Court decisions for and about students. 2nd
Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, c2003.
note: Discrimination against gays and lesbians, pp. 194-201; The right of
gay and lesbian students against harassment, pp. 215-218.
CurMat, Law, BotChi KF 4150 .A7 R37 2003
Becoming subjects: sexualities and secondary schooling.
London; NY: Routledge, 2005.
Suz, Tac LC 192.6 .R37 2005
Consequences of prejudice-related discrepancies: compunction alters the
perception of ongoing behavior. 2004.
Thesis (M.S.)--Ohio University, 2004
available online,
Der Schutz gleich- und verschiedengeschichtlicher Lebensgemeinschaften in
Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2003.
Suz KJC 1159 .R38 2003
Man and boy; [play]
London, H. Hamilton [1964, c1963]
AuxStx 822 R189m
Man and boy, a drama in three acts.
NY: S. French, c1963.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Man and
Separate tables: two plays.
NY: Random House, c1955.
Drama PR 6035 .A75 S4 1955
Ugl PR 6035 .A75 S4 (London ed.)
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Separate Tables
Gay marriage: why it is good for gays, good for straights, and good for
NY: Times Books/Henry Holt and Co., 2004.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1034 .U5 R38 2004
Alternative Familienformen: Eineltern, gleichgeschlechtliche Paare,
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c1997.
Suz HQ 626 .R33 1997
Schwule, Lesben, Bisexuelle: Lebensweisen, Vorurteile, Einsichten. 2.
überarbeitete Augl.
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.25 .R38 1996
Die stille und die schrille Szene: Erfahrungen von Schwulen im Alltag.
Freiburg: Herder, 1995.
Suz HQ 75.7 .R38 1995
The feathers of death.
NY: Simon and Schuster, 1960 [c1959]
Suz PR 6068 .A9 F42 1960
Mother Clap's molly house: a play with songs. Music by Matthew Scott.
London: Methuen Drama, 2002.
Drama PR 6068 .A92 M68 2002
herausgegeben von Klaus Jarmatz; mit einem Essay von Hedda Zinner.
Berlin: Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag, 1992.
Suz PT 2653 .I625 R38 1992
Military necessity & homosexuality.
note: Reprinted in: Gays-in or out?...
see: Gays-in or out?: the U. S. military & homosexuals: a source
The dream of Lhasa: the life of Nikolay Przhevalsky (1839-88) explorer of
Central Asia.
[Athen]: Ohio University Press, 1976.
Ugl DS 785 .P93 R38 1976b
A passion for friends: toward a philosophy of female affection.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1986.
Ugl, SocWk HQ 1206 .R39 1986
The transsexual empire: the making of the she-male.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1979.
Suz, SocWk WM 610.3 R627t 1979
A year among the girls.
NY: L. Stuart [1966]
On the fringe: gays and lesbians in politics.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G7 R39 1998
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1996.
(Classics and contemporary thought, 3)
Suz PA 4409 .R47 1996
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 6, Luchino Visconti's (homosexual) Ossessione (William Van
Watson), pp. 172-193.
Suz PN 1993.5 .I88 R45 2002
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2000.
Suz, Tac PS 3552 .A45 Z865 2000
NY: Guilford Press, c1998.
note: Chapter 24: The families of lesbian women and gay men. (Thomas W.
Johnson and Michael S. Keren), pp. 320-329.
Tac WM 430.5 F2 R453 1998
Edited by Lilian Mohin & Sheila Shulman.
London: Onlywomen Press, c1984.
Suz PR 1111 H57 R39 1984
[San Francisco, CA: Reaching Out Productions, 2005]
note: narrators, Jim Van Buskirk and Shellie Cooke, Jewelle Gomez.
Originally produced as a video in 2004.
note: LGBTQ youth drop out of high school at higher rates than other
students, and face higher rates of violence, homelessness, isolation,
depression, and suicide in comparison with their peers. Although they may
not be visible library patrons, this video highlights the ways in which
the library has, can, and should serve as a life-line for these young
people. LGBTQ youth speak about their own experiences, and San Francisco
public librarians Jim Van Buskirk, Jennifer Collins, Shellie Cooke and
author/activist Jewelle Gomez offer suggestions on how to better serve
UglMed DVD ROP 001
Other voices: the style of a male homosexual tavern.
Novato, CA: Chandler & Sharp Publishers, c1980.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 R42
How I learned to snap: a small-town coming-out and coming-of-age
Athens, GA: Hill Street Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 75.8 .R4 A3 2001
Sexual heretics; male homosexuality in English literature from 1850 to
1900, an anthology selected with an introduction by Brian Reade.
NY: Coward-McCann [1971, c1970]
Suz, Ugl PR 1111 .H57 R4
Chicago; London: Fitzroy Dearborn, c2000.
SuzRef HQ 75.15 .R42 2000
Edited by Susanna Chavez-Silverman and Librada Hernandez.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2000.
Suz PQ 6041 .R43 2000
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 4, Bataille's queer pleasures: the universe as spider or
spit (Shannon Winnubst), pp. 75-93.
Suz B2430 .B33954 R43 2006
Produced and created by Eileen Littig; director/editor, Tom Micksch.
Green Bay, WI: NEWIST/CESA #7 Telecommunications, 1991. 1 videocassette.
note: title on container: Sexual orientation: reading between the
note: Teenagers discuss their homosexual and bisexual orientation.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-698
BotMed Videorecord BOT-698 guide
NY: Columbia University Press, c1999.
note: [chapter] 4, "Ask Any Girl"; Compulsory heterosexuality and girl
group culture (Patricia Juliana Smith), pp. 93-124; [chapter] 5, "Do Doc
Martens have a special smell?" Homocore, skinhead eroticism, and
queer agency (Ashley Dawson), pp. 125-143.
Ugl, Music ML 3534 .R3844 1999
London; NY: I. B. Tauris; NY: In the United States and in Canada
distributed by Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Ugl PN 1995.9 .L48 R43 2006
London; NY: I.B. Tauris; NY: Distributed in the United States and Canada
by Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
note: [chapter] 14, "Black guys, my ass": uncovering the queerness of
racism in The Sopranos, (Brian Gibson), pp. 194-213.
Ugl PN 1992.77 .S66 R43 2006
[NY]: Fales Library, New York University, 1995.
Drama PR 5824 .R42 1995
NY; London: Routledge, 2000.
note: [chapter] 16, "An Asian lesbian's struggle" (C. Allyson Lee), pp.
118-120; [chapter] 33, "Masculinity as homophobia: fear, shame, and
silence in the construction of gender identity" (Michael S. Kimmel), pp.
213-219; [chapters] 46-59, Section 5: Heterosexism, pp. 261-318 (various
authors); [chapter] 90, Allies (Gloria E. Anzaldua), pp. 475-477;
[chapter] 91, Can white heterosexual men understand oppression? (Cooper
Thompson), pp. 477-482.
Suz E184 .A1 R38 2000
State College, PA: Strata Pub., c2001.
note: From "Gay is Good" to the scourge of AIDS: the evolution of gay
liberation rhetoric, 1977-1990 (James Darsey), pp. 301-325.
Suz HM 881 .R43 c2001.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Letter, c1995.
note: Gay students find little support in most schools (Susan Eaton),
Tac LB 3409 .U5 R35 1995
NY: Carousel Film & Video, c1998.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS.
note: credits- Editor, Paul Wiesepape; camera, Steve Priola ... [et
note: Examines the controversial, 1990s television sitcom "Ellen" in which
the main character reveals that she is a lesbian. Includes interviews with
actors, writers, and others involved with the production.
UglMed Videorecord CFV 007
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, c1996.
note: [chapter] 11, Tennessee William's "Personal Lyricism": toward an
androgynous form (Thomas P. Adler), pp. 172-188.
Drama PS 338 .R42 R43 1996
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, c2003.
note:; Marian's moustache; bearded ladies, hermaphrodites, and intersexual
collage in The Woman in White (Richard Collins), pp. 131-172.
Suz PR 4497 .R43 2003
The umbrella country.
NY: Ballantine Books, 1999.
Suz PS 3568 .E263 U53 1999
Edited by Leonard D. Eron, Jacquelyn H. Gentry & Peggy Schlegel.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, c1994.
note: [chapter] 9, Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths (Anthony R. D'Augelli
and Lawrence J. Dark), pp. 177-196.
Bot HV 1431 .R42 1994
NY: Southern Tier Editions, Harrington Park Press, c2001.
Suz PS 647 .G39 R43 2001
NY: Southern Tier Editions/Harrington Park Press, c2002.
Suz PS 647 .G39 R434 2002
1956 and all that: the making of modern british drama.
London; NY: Routledge, 1999.
Ugl, Drama PR 736 .R35 1999
Bern: Stampfli, 2007.
Suz KKW 515 .R43 2007
Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2000.
(Beitrage zum auslandischen und internationalen Privatrecht, 70)
Suz K3242.3 .R43 2000
Beneath the skin: the collected essays of John Rechy. With added
commentaries by the author.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 2004.
Suz PS 3568 .E28 A16 2004
Bodies and souls: a novel.
NY: Carroll & Graf; distributed by publishers Group West, 1983.
Suz, Ugl PS 3568 .E28 B6 1983
City of night.
NY: Grove Weidenfeld, c1988.
Bot PS 3568 .E28 C5 1988
Suz, Ugl PS 3568 .E28 C5 (Grove ed. [1964, c1963])
Tac PS 3568 .R28 C5 1963 (Grove ed. [1963])
The coming of the night: a novel.
NY: Grove Press, c1999.
Suz PS 3568 .E28 C66 1999
The fourth angel.
NY: Seaver Books: Distributed by Grove Press, 1983, c1972.
Suz PS 3568 .E28 F6 1983
The life and adventures of Lyle Clemens: a novel.
NY: Grove Press, c2003.
Suz PS 3568 .E28 L54 2003
Marilyn's daughter.
NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 3568 .E28 M3 1988
The miraculous day of Amalia Gomez: a novel.
NY: Arcade Pub., c1991.
Suz, Bot PS 3568 .E28 M5 1991
Numbers. With a new introduction by John Rechy.
NY: Grove Press, 1984, c1967.
Suz PS 3568 .E28 N8 1984
Our lady of Babylon.
NY: Arcade Pub., 1996.
Suz PS 3568 .E28 O93 1996
Rushes: a novel.
NY: Grove Press: distributed by Random House, 1979.
Suz, Ugl PS 3568 .E28 R88 1979
The sexual outlaw: a documentary.
NY: Dell, 1977.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 R43 1977
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 R43 1977b (Grove)
This day's death: a novel.
NY: Grove Press, 1971, c1969.
Suz PS 3568 .E28 T47 1971
Reclaiming San Francisco: history, politics, culture.
[DeKalb, IL]: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table of the
American Library Association.
available online:
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 17, Claude Cahun, Marcel Moore, and the collaborative
construction of a lesbian subjectivity (Julie Cole), pp. 342-359.
Art, Ugl, Bot, Tac N72 .F45 R43 2005
Edited by James Brook, Chris Carlsson, and Nancy J. Peters.
San Francisco: City Lights, c1998.
note: The Miracle mile: South of Market and gay male leather 1962-1997
(Gayle S. Rubin), pp. 247-272.
Suz F869 .S357 R43 1998
NY: Routledge, 1994.
Suz HQ 76 .R39 1994
Karen Lee Osborne and William J. Spurlin, editors.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1996.
Suz PS 508 .G39 R43 1996
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1997.
Suz PR 120 .G39 R43 1997
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Ugl PR 120 .G39 R43 2003
Edmonton, Alberta: The Institute, 2002.
Law KE 591 .R44 2002
Textes edites par Francois Dermange, Celinge Ehrwein et Denis Muller;
Jean-Daniel Causse ... [et al.]
Geneve: Labor et fides, 2000.
(Le champ ethique, no. 34)
Suz HQ 76.25 .R43 2000
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2001.
note: Body and soul: identifying (with) the Black lesbian body in Cheryl
Dunye's Watermelon woman (Mark Winokur), pp. 231-252.
Suz, Ugl E185.86 .R37 2001
The Nazi extermination of homosexuals.
NY: Stein and Day, 1981.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.2 G4 R4
Indiepix: Cinema Libre Studio, 2007.
note: DVD
note: performers- Mark Oliver Farley, Clair Farley, Scott Farley, Jennie
note: "Red without Blue" is the goundbreaking documentary about the
indestructible ties of family. This visually arresting film chronicles the
close, yet sometimes strained relationship between identical twins Mark
and Alex as Alex undergoes a transformation into a woman named Clair.
Captured over a period of three years, RWB documents the twins and their
parents, examining the Farleys' struggle to redefine their family."
UglMed DVD CLS 007
TacMed TAC-1646
With respect to sex: negotiating hijra identity in South India.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
Suz HQ 77.95 .I4 R43 2005
Stephen B. Boyd, W. Merle Longwood, Mark W. Muesse, editors.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1996.
note: chapter 3, God's phallus and the dilemmas of masculinity
(Howard Eilberg-Schwartz), pp. 36-47; chapter 16, The Thunder of new
wings: AIDS - a journey beyond belief (William F. Bentley), pp. 209-221;
chapter 19, Gay men, masculinity, and an ethic of friendship (J. Michael
Clark), pp. 252-262.
Suz BT 703.5 .R43 1996
Zur gleichgeschlechtlichen männlichen Prostitution.
see: Studien zur männlichen Homosexualität.
Death by the riverside.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c1990.
Suz PS 3568 .E3617 D4 1990
Hart Crane: after his lights.
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 2, How queer, pp. 39-70. Examines queer aspects of Crane's
writings; contrasts Crane and Djuna Barnes.
Suz PS 3505 .R272 Z783 2006
Boy Caesar.
London: Peter Owen; Chester Springs, PA: Distributed in the USA by Dufour
Editions, c2004.
Ugl PR 6068 .E34 B69 2004
Delirium: an interpretation of Arthur Rimbaud.
Peter Owen, 1991.
Suz PQ 2387 .R5 Z77 1991
Behold a pale horse: a novel of homosexuals in the Nazi holocaust.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1985.
Suz PS 3568 .E3672 B44 1985
Facing it: a novel of AIDS.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1984.
Ugl PS 3568 .E369 F3 1984
Longing: a novel.
Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts, c1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 3568 .E369 L66 1988
Growing up gay: the sorrows and joys of gay and lesbian adolescence.
NY: W. W. Norton, c1997.
Suz HQ 75.2 .R44 1997
Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2001.
note: Imagined violence/queer violence; representations of rage and
resistance (Judith Halberstam), pp. 244-266.
Suz, Ugl PN 1995.9 .W6 R454 2002
Madison [N.J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London; Cranbury,
N.J.: Associated University Presses, c2002.
note: Utopian revisioning of Falstaff's tavern world: Orson Welles's
Chimes at Midnight and Gus Van Sant's My Own Private Idaho (Kathy M.
Howlett), pp. 165-188; Shakespeare, Branagh, and the "Queer Traitor":
close encounters in the Shakespearean classroom (Douglas E. Green), pp.
Suz PR 3093 .R44 2002
A better class of blond: a California diary.
London: Olive Press, 1985.
Suz PR 6068 .E368 Z463 1985
The colour of his hair.
Exeter, England: Third House, 1989.
Suz PR 6068 .E368 C6 1989
The estuary.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1983.
Suz PR 6068 .E368 E77 1983
London: Third House, 1988.
Suz PR 6068 .E368 F59 1988
The hunger.
London: GMP, 1986.
Suz PR 6068 .E368 H86 1986
In the tent.
London: Dobson, 1979.
ChildLit PZ 7 R3288 In 1979
Suz PR 6068 .E368 I5 1985 (Alyson)
Islands: a collection of short stories.
Stamford, CT: Knights Press, c1984
Suz, Ugl PR 6068 E368 I8 1984
Milkman's on his way.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1982.
Suz PR 6068 .E368 M55 1982
Out of the winter gardens.
London: Olive, 1984.
Suz PR 6068 .E368 O87 1984
Packing it in.
Brighton: Millivres, c1993.
Suz PR 6068 .E368 Z468 1993
Stamford, CT: Knights Press, c1986.
Suz PR 6068 .E3368 W3 1986
Words & music. Afterword by Peter Burton.
Brighton: Millivres, 1993.
Suz PN 56 .H57 R44 1993
Wrong apple.
Stamford, CT: Knights Press, c1987.
Suz, Ugl PR 6068 .E368 W7 1987
They stand apart; a critical survey of the problems of homosexuality.
Ed. by J. Tudor Rees and Harley V. Usill. Contributors: Viscount Hailsham
[and others]
London: Heinemann [1955]
HSLIC 132.754 R259t
Affaire Rees = Rees case.
Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe; Köln: Carl
Heymanns, 1991.
(Publications de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme.
Série B, Mémoires, plaidoiries et documents, v. 89)
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Affaire Rees.
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Rees case.
Law KJC 5138 .A52 v.89
Dear sir or madam: the autobiography of a female-to-male
London; NY: Cassell, 1996.
Suz HQ 77.8 .R44 A3 1996
A young man's journey with AIDS: the story of Nick Trevor.
NY: Franklin Watts, c1997.
Suz WC 503.7 R329y 1997
Notes from a waiting-room: anatomy of a political prisoner.
London: Heretic, 1983.
Suz WM 40 R331n 1983
Seattle, WA: Seattle Office for Women's Rights.
note: issued jointly with the Seattle Commission for Lesbians and
Suz HV 1447 .S42 R44 1991, 1996/98
Durham: Duke University Press, 1997.
note: Out of the cinematic closet: homosexuality in the films of Eloy de
la Iglesia. (Stephen Tropiano), pp. 157-177; Pornography, masculinity,
homosexuality: Almodovar's Matador and La ley del deseo. (Paul Julian
Smith), pp. 178-195; Regendering Spain's political bodies: nationality and
gender in the films of Pilar Miro and Arantxa Lazcano. (Jaume
Marti-Olivella), pp. 216-238.
Suz PN 1993.5 .S7 R35 1997
Cape Town, South Africa: David Philip; Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2002.
note: 'The history of the past is the trust of the present': preservation
and excavation in the Gay and Lesbian Archives of South Africa (Graeme
Reid), pp. 192-207.
Suz CD 2454.5 .S6 R44 2002
The power of language: selected papers from the Second REFORMA National
Conference=El poder de la palabra. Edited by Lillian Castillo-Speed and
the REFORMA National Conference Publications Committee.
Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2001.
note: Entendidos: library services to Hispanic gay teens and their
families (Ina Rimpau), pp. 159-166; Queer community history and the
evidence of desire. The Archivo Rodrigo Reyes, a gay and lesbian Latino
archive (Luis Alberto de la Garza and Horacio N. Roque Ramirez), pp.
181-198; Latina lesbian literary herstory from Sor Juana to Days of Awe
(Tatiana De la Tierra), pp. 199-212.
Suz Z711.8 .R44 2001
NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz, Bot PS 3569 .E316 Z73 2002
NY: Routledge, 2005.
note: [part] 1, The Regulation of Queer Identities and Intimacies:
chapter 1, Liberalism and social movement success: the case of United
States Sodomy Statutes, pp. 3-17; chapter 2, Contract and the Legal
Mooring of Same-Sex Intimacy, pp. 19-34; chapter 3, Unprincipled
exclusions: the struggle to achieve judicial and legislative equality for
transgender people, pp. 35-48.
Ugl HQ 23 .R43 2005
Fag love: Roman.
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript Verlag, 2005.
Suz PT 2678 .E3166 F33 2005
In the company of men: representations of male-male sexuality in Meiji
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006.
Suz PL 726.63 .H59 K45 2006
The lives of Roger Casement.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976.
Suz, Ugl DA 965 .C3 R44
Tom Barber: Young Tom, The retreat [and] Uncle Stephen.
Introd. by E. M. Forster.
NY: Pantheon Books [1955]
Suz PR 6035 .E43 T6
Uncle Stephen.
London: Faber & Faber, 1946.
Suz 823 R272u
The best little boy in the world.
NY: Ballantine Books, 1977.
note: John Reid, pseudonym for Andrew Tobias.
see also: Tobias, Andrew. The best little boy in the world grows up.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 R44 1977
Suz, HSLIC HQ 76.3 .U5 R44 [Putnam, c1973 ed]
Black gay man: essays. Foreword by Samuel R. Delany.
NY: New York University Press, c2001.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 R45 2001
Once you go Black: choice, desire, and the Black American
NY: New York University Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 5, Queer sweetback, pp. 146-168.
Suz E 185.86 R418 2007
The best man.
NY: E. P. Dutton, c1986.
Suz PS 3568 .E479 B4 1986
Risk, body image, and internalized homonegativity among gay men: body
building, eating disturbance, tanning, and unsafe sex. 2004.
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Ohio State University, 2004.
available online,
Abraham Lincoln's DNA and other adventures in genetics.
Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, c2000.
note: chapter 12, Gay genes: what's the evidence, pp. 143-154.
Ugl QH 431 .R38 2000
Beldon's crimes: a novel about notoriety.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986.
Suz PS 3568 .E4924 B4 1986
A history of shadows: a novel.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986.
Suz PS 3568 .E4924 H57 1986
Telling moments: 15 gay monologues.
NY: Applause, c1994.
Drama PS 3568 E4924 T45 1994
Entmannung: die Geschichte Ottos und seiner vier Frauen.
[Neuweid]: Luchterhand, 1977, c1976.
Suz PT 2678 .E347 E5 1977
Die ewige Schule: Erzählungen.
München: Frauenoffensive, 1982.
note: re-edition of Mädchen ohne Uniform: Erzählung with minor
Suz PT 2678 .E347 E94 1982
Die Frau im Brunnen: Roman.
München: Frauenoffensive, 1984.
Suz PT 2678 .E347 F7 1984
Idleness is the root of all love. Translated by Ilze Mueller.
Corvallis, OR: Calyx Books, 1991.
note: translation from the German of: Müssigang ist aller Liebe
Suz PT 2678 .E347 M813 1991
Mädchen ohne Uniform: Erzählung.
Offsetlithographien von Klaus Endrikat.
Düsseldorf: Eremiten-Presse, c1981.
Suz PT 2678 .E347 M32
Müssiggang ist aller Liebe Anfang: Gedichte.
Düsseldorf: Eremiten-Presse, c1979.
(Broschur, 93)
Suz PT 2678 .E347 M8
Ehe, Hetärentum und Knabenliebe im antiken Griechenland.
München: Beck, c1989.
Suz HQ 13 R38 1989
NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 2. Coherent identities amid heterosexist ideologies: deaf
and hearing lesbian coming-out stories (Kathleen M. Wood), pp. 46-63;
[chapter] 13. Language, socialization, and silence in gay adolescence
(William Leap), pp. 259-272; [chapter] 15. Conversationally implicating
lesbian and gay identity (A. C. Liang), pp. 293-310; [chapter] 16.
Indexing polyphonous identity in the speech of Aftrican American drag
queens (Rusty Barrett), pp. 313-331.
Suz P120 .S48 R47 1999
Eighty-three thousand youth: selected findings of eight population-based
studies as they pertain to anti-gay harassment and the safety and
well-being of sexual minority students. From the Safe Schools Coalition of
Washington; [authors, Beth Reis and Elizabeth Saewyc]
[Seattle, WA]: Safe Schools Coaltion of Washington, [1999]
note: also available online,
Suz LC 212.82 .R44 1999
Wearing the breeches: gender on the antebellum stage.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Ugl, Drama PN 2071 .I47 R45 2000
NY: Unapix Entertainment, [2000]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; 1 videodisc, DVD. Originally produced as a
motion picture in 1997.
note: cast- Mitchell Anderson, T.C. Carson, Lori Petty, Serena Scott
Thomas, Jennifer Tilly, Cynda Williams, Billy Wirth, Paul Winfield;
credits- director of photography, Lon Magdich; editor, Tom Seid; music,
Lori Eschler Frystak.
note: Tara's biological clock is ticking, but her boyfriend is not quite
ready yet for children. Meanwhile a gay playwright is still searching for
Mr. Right, while longtime couple Megan and Sarina break-up over Megan's
affair with a man.
UglMed Videorecord UNAP 006
UglMed DVD UNAP 002
Las Collinas, TX: Monument Press, 1992.
note: chiefly papers presented in the Gay Men's Issues in Religious Group
program of the American Academy of Religion meeting held in New Orleans,
La., fall 1990.
(Gay men's issues in religious studies series, v.3)
note: includes translation of: Shin'yuki.
Suz BL 65 .H64 R45 1992
Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, c2007.
note: chapter 3, Sweet land of liberty: the gay marriage amendment in
Nevada (David F. Damore, Ted G. Jelen, & Michael W. Bowers), pp. 51-71;
chapter 4, Clergy and controversy: a study of clergy and gay rights in
Columbus, Ohio (Paul A. Djupe, Jacob R. Neiheisel, & Anand Edward Sokhey),
pp. 73-100.
Tac HN 39 .U6 R45 2007
NY: W. W. Norton, c2004.
note: The queerest book I read, The Scapegoat by Jocelyn Brooke, pp.
Suz Z1039 .A87 R46 2004
Buhay bading.
Pasig City, Philippines: Anvil Publishing, 2004.
Suz HQ 76 .P6 R46 2004
Seduction & solitude: essays.
Manila, Philippines: Anvil Pub., 1995.
Suz PR 9550.9 .R46 S43 1995
Los Angeles; China Film; Millbrae, CA: Han Hai Co., Inc., U.S.A.,
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally released as a motion picture;
Chinese dialogue with English subtitles
note: cast- Xu Shouli, Bei Yanling, Li Baotian; cinematography, Xia Lixing;
art direction, Zheng Chengfu; music by Yang Mao.
note: Qui Yun is a famous "Kunqu" Chinese opera actress who specializes in
male roles, and attains her greatest success as Zhong Kui in "Zhong Kui
Marries Off His Sister." Her career successes do not bring her happiness
in her personal life. More and more she comes to rely on the character of
Zhong Kui to keep her going.
UglMed Videorecord EAL 133
A critical ethnography of lesbian families with biologically born
Seattle: University of Washington, 2000.
note Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Washington, 2000
HSLIC WY 7 Th49989
Aux Thesis 49989
Mary Renault is the pseudonym used by Mary Challans.
The charioteer.
[NY]: Pantheon [1959]
Suz PS 3525 .E6645 Z464 1993
Fire from heaven.
NY: Pantheon Books [1969]
Suz, Ugl PR 6035 .E55 F5
The friendly young ladies. With a new afterword by the author.
London: Virago, 1984.
note: also published by William Morrow, 1945, as The Middle Mist; see
also Renault, Mary. The Middle Mist.
Suz PR 6035 .E55 F74 1984
The last of the wine.
[NY] Pantheon [1956]
Suz, Ugl PR 6035 .E55 L3
The mask of Apollo.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1966.
Suz, Ugl, Drama, SpecColl PR 6035 .E55 M28
Drama PR 6035 .E55 M37 1988 (re-issue, Vintage)
The middle mist.
Larchmont, NY: Queens House, 1978.
note: Reprint of the 1972 ed. published by Popular Library, NY.
note: first published in the U.K., Longmans, 1944 as Friendly young
ladies; see also Renault, Mary. Friendly young ladies.
Suz PR 6035 .E55 M52 1978
The nature of Alexander.
NY: Pantheon Books, 1976, c1975.
Ugl DF 234 .R46 1976
Suz DF 234 .R46 1975
The Persian boy.
NY: Pantheon Books [1972]
Suz, Ugl PR 6035 .E55 P4
Understanding sexual identity: a book for gay teens and their friends.
Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, c1990.
ChiLit HQ 76.26 .R46 1990
Playing our selves: a cartography of passing in everyday life.
Seattle, WA: University of Washington, 2002.
note: some, but relatively little, attention to gay/straight passing; not
note: Thesis (M.A.), University of Washington, 2002.
Suz HM 1551596
Sexuality as social status. 2005
note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2005.
Suz HM 15 Th55566
see: Larson, Jonathan. Rent. Libretto.
Violent betrayal: partner abuse in lesbian relationships.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, c1992.
Ugl, SocWk HQ 75.6 U5 R46 1992
Let it be [sound recording] The Replacements.
[Minneapolis, MN]: Twin/Tone records, p1984.
note: one sound [compact] disc; rock music; recorded at Blackberry Way
Studios, Minneapolis, MN
note: includes the song, Androgynous
UglMed Cd TTR 001
Die Geschichte der Lesben- und Schwulenbewegung in Österreich.
Wien: Milena, 2006.
(Feministische Theorie, Bd. 48)
Suz HQ 75.6 .A9 R45 2006
Amityville, NY: Baywood Pub. Co., [c1989]
note: chapter 20, Androgyny and the life cycle: the Bacchae of Euripides
(Nancy Datan), pp. 273-281.
Suz, Bot HA 1426 .R47 1989
Edited by Donald E. Hall and Maria Pramaggiore.
NY: New York University Press, c1996.
Suz, Bot HQ 74 .R46 1996
Durham: Duke University Press, 1994.
note: Representing the lesbian in law and literature (Anne B. Goldstein),
pp. 356-384.
Suz, Bot, Tac K349 .R47 1994
NY: New York University Press, c2007.
note: chapter 13, Beyond straight interpretations: researching queer youth
digital video (Susan Driver), pp. 304-324.
Suz HQ 796 .R484 2007
NY: Garland Pub., 1997.
note: Lesbian mothers II: Long Night's Journey into Day (Annamay T.
Sheppard), pp. 27-54. [reprint from Women's Rights Law Reporter, v.8, n.4
(Fall 1985)]
(Gender and the law, 2)
BotRef KF 478 .A5 R46 1997
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Suz HV 1449 .R47 2003
[Utrecht]: Dept. of Gay and Lesbian Studies, University of Utrecht,
Suz HQ 76.3 .N4 R47 1988a
Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, c1993.
note: [chapter] 6, Developing a community sample of gay men for an
epidemiological study of AIDS (John L. Martin and Laura Dean), pp.
Tac HD 62 .R43 1993
Edited by Mona Oikawa, Dionne Falconer, and Ann Decter.
Toronto: Women's Press, c1994.
Suz PR 9194.5 .L47 R47 1994
San Francisco: National Association of Black and White Men Together,
Suz HT 1521 .R47 1991
Seattle, WA: [Resource, Inc., 1987-
note: v.1,n.28 incorrectly numbered as n. 23
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .R38
v.1,n.1-4 (Aug 19-Sep 9, 1987); v.1,n.6 (Sep 23, [1987]; v.1,n.8-9 (Oct
7-14, [1987]; v.1,n.11-12 (Oct 28-Nov [4, 1987]; v.1,n.14 (Nov 18, 1987);
v.1,n.16 (Dec 2, 1987); v.1,n.18 (Dec 16, 1987); v.1,n.20-21 (Dec 30,
1987-Jan 6, 1988); v.1,n.23 (Feb 3, 1988); v.1.,n.25-28 (Feb 17-Mar 9,
see: The lesbian issue/Etre lesbienne.
Dramatic changes: talking about sexual orientation and gender identity
with high school students through drama.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, c2002.
CurMat PN 3171 .R47 2002
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Ugl, Bot HQ 75.7 .R47 2004
Seattle: Seal Press; [Berkeley, CA]: Distributed to the trade by
Publishers Group West, c1999.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HV 1569.3 .W65 R48 1999
Amorous acts: Lacanian ethics in modernism, film, and queer theory.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, c2006.
Tac BF 175.5 .L68 R47 2006
[Davis, CA: The Chair?, 1987]
Law KF 4754.5 .Z9 G39 1987
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 5, Curioser and curioser: gay days at the Disney theme
parks, (Sean Griffin), pp. 125-150.
Ugl PN 1999 .W27 R48 2005
Edited by Larry May and Robert A. Strikwerda, with the assistance of
Patrick D. Hopkins.
Lanham, MD: Littlefield Adams Quality paperbacks, c1992.
note: [chapter] 3, Gay jocks: a phenomenology of gay men in athletics
(Brian Pronger), pp. 41-55; [chapter] 7, Gender treachery: homophobia,
masculinity, and threatened identities (Patrick D. Hopkins), p.
Ugl HQ 1090.3 .R48 1992b
Edited by Larry May, Robert Strikwerda, and Patrick D. Hopkins.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c1996.
note: [chapter] 6, Gender treachery: homophobia, masculinity, and
threatened identities (Patrick D. Hopkins), pp. 95-115.
Suz HQ 1090.3 .R48 1996
San Diego: University of California, San Diego, 1999.
note: Reflections on Euro-Homo Normativity: gay and lesbian studies and
the creation of a universalist homosexual (Linda Heidenreich), pp.
Suz HT 1505 .R47 1999
London; Boulder, CO: Pluto Press, 1994.
note: [chapter] 6, Anti-lesbian harassment (Celia Kitzinger), pp.
Suz HD 6060.3 .R47 1994
David H. J. Larmour, Paul Allen Miller, and Charles Platter, editors.
Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, c1998.
note: [chapter] 4, This myth which is not one: construction of
discourse in Plato's Symposium (Jeffrey S. Carnes), pp. 104-121; 8,
Reversals of Platonic love in Petronius' Satyricon (Daniel B.
McGlathery), pp. 204-227
Suz, Bot HQ 12 .F683 R47 1998
Simone de Beauvoir et Ingeborg Bachmann: Tristan ou l'androgyne?: la femme
et son amour.
Berne; NY: P. Lang, c1989.
(Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 28, Vergleichende
Literaturwissenschaft, Bd. 51)
Suz PQ 2603 .E362 Z873 1989
Ho-Ho-Jus, NJ: Patch Works Film Library, c1997.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: Editors, Lise Braden, Ken Schnieder; photography, Tina
DiFeliciantonio, Elizabeth Thompson; music, Davka.
note: Three Jewish women, Myriam Klotz, Rus Burdman, and Marcia Jarmel,
discuss their relationship to Judaism. "A film about women, tradition, and
making sense of modern life." (among other themes, addresses
lesbianism in Judaism)
UglMed Videorecord PFL 001
American sexual character: sex, gender, and national identity in the
Kinsey reports.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 5, "An Age of Sexual Ambiguity"; Homosexuality and
National Character in the Postwar United States, pp. 165-198.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 18 .U5 R48 2005
Fabulous!: a loving, luscious, and lighthearted look at film from the gay
NY: Broadway Books, 2004.
Suz PN 1995.9 .H55 R48 2004
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2002.
note: chapter 6, Dragging out the queen: male femaling and male feminism
(Terry Goldie), pp. 125-145; chapter 8, Turnabout: gay drag queens and the
masculine embodiment of the feminine (Steven P. Schacht), pp. 155-170.
Suz, Bot 1090 .R455 2002
Edited by Wayne Curtis.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1988.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 R48 1988
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2000
note: [chapter] 8, Female homoerotics and lesbian textuality in the works
of Marguerite Duras (Renate Gunther), pp. 155-169.
Drama PQ 2607 .U8245 Z858 2000
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002.
note: [chapter] 10, Adoption by unmarried cohabitants, same-sex couples,
and single persons in Europe (Rainer Frank), pp. 121-132; [chapter] 11,
Marriage and belonging: reflections on Baker v. Vermont (David Orgon
Coolidge), p. 146-153; [chapter] 13, Marriage policy and the methodology
of research on homosexual parenting (Robert Lerner and Althea K. Nagai),
pp. 155-166.
Suz HQ 536 .R456 2002
On homosexuality: a Stalino-Leninist guide to love and sex.
Ann Arbor, MI: Revolutionary Union, 1975.
Suz HQ 76 .R48 1975
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.25 .R48 2000
The necessary hunger: a novel.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1997.
Suz PS 3568 .E7964 N4 1997
NY: Akashic Books, c2003.
Suz PS 3568 .E7964 S67 2003
Lavendelschwert: Dokumente einer homosexuellen Revolution.
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1978.
(Bibliothek rosa winkel, Bd. 20)
Suz PT 2678 .E9 L38 1999
Parcours de Freud: economie et discours.
Paris: Editions Galiless, [1974]
note: de la bisexualite, pp. 11-55.
SuzStx BF 173 .F85 R45
Disclosing a positive HIV diagnosis: experiences of young adult men who
have sex with men.
Seattle, WA: 2002.
note: Thesis (M. Nur.)-- University of Washington
Health WY 7 Th51906
AuxStx Thesis 51906
Walt Whitman's America: a cultural biography.
NY: Knopf, 1995.
Suz, Ugl PS 3231 .R48 1995
The Sappho history.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Suz PN 57 .S335 R49 2003
From camp to queer: re-making the Australian homosexual.
Carlton South, Vic.: Melbourne University Press, 2002.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .A8 R48 2002
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
Drama PS 3551 .B2685 Z84 1999
[Bakersville, NC]: RFD, 1974
note: no. 17-20 in Suzzallo Periodicals Oversize section
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .R43 no. 1-116 (Winter 1978-Winter 2003)
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, c2001.
note: [chapter] 5, Bribery, buggery, and the fall of Lord Chancellor Bacon
(Alan Stewart), pp. 125-142.
Suz KJC 408 .R48 2001
Coming out in college: the struggle for a queer identity.
Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1994.
Suz HQ 76.3 U5 R48 1994
The night G.A.A. died.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993, 1992.
Suz PS 3568 .I24 N54 1993
Autobiographical representation in Pier Paolo Pasolini and Audre
Tubingen: Stauffenburg, c2001.
(Studies in English and comparative literature, v. 14)
Suz PQ 4835 .A48 Z86424 2001
The logic of the lure.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Ugl N72 .H64 R53 2002
Managing diversity in public sector workforces.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 8, Diversity and sexual orientation, pp. 135-151.
Suz JK 765 .R53 2002
Cry to heaven.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1982.
Suz PS 3568 .I265 C7 1982
Legalizing homosexual conduct: the role of the Supreme Court in the gay
rights movement. With an introduction by Robert T. Donnelly.
Cumberland, VA: Center for Judicial Studies, c1984.
Law KF 4754.5 Z9 R5
A density of souls.
NY: Hyperion, c2000.
Suz PS 3568 .I2717 D46 2000
The snow garden: a novel.
NY: Hyperion, c2001.
Ugl PS 3568 .I2717 S56 2001
Toronto: Queer Press, c1998.
Suz PR 9194.5 .G38 R53 1998
Adrienne Rich's poetry and prose: poems, prose, reviews, and
criticism. Selected and edited by Barbara Charlesworth Gelpi, Albert
NY: W. W. Norton, c1993.
note: includes: "Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian
Existence," pp. 203-224.
vBot, Tac PS 3535 .I233 A6 1993b
Blood, bread, and poety: selected prose, 1979-1985.
NY: Norton, c1986.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 3535 .I233 B6 1986
"Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence."
In: Signs: Journal of women and culture and society. v.5, n.4, (Summer)
1980, pp. 631-660.
See also: Powers of desire: the politics of sexuality. pp. 177-205.
See also: Rich, Adrienne Cecile. Adrienne Rich's poetry and prose...pp.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 1101 .S55 v.5
UglMicro Microfilm B1657
Suz HQ 75.5 .R52 1982 (Denver: Antelope Publications, [1982], c1980.)
The dream of a common language: poems, 1974-1977.
NY: Norton, c1978.
note: "Twenty-one love poems," pp. [23]-36.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3535 .I233 D7 1978
Fox: poems, 1998-2000.
NY: W. W. Norton, c2001.
Suz PS 3535 .I233 F69 2001
Leaflets; poems, 1965-1968.
NY: Norton, [c1969]
Suz, Ugl PS 3535 .I233 L4 1969
Suz PS 3535 .I233 L4
Necessities of life; poems, 1962-1965.
NY: W.W. Norton [1966]
Suz, Ugl PS 3535 .I233 N4
On lies, secrets, and silence: selected prose, 1966-1978.
NY: W.W. Norton, 1979.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PS 3535 .I233 O6
A wild patience has taken me this far: poems, 1978-1981.
NY: Norton, c1981.
Suz, Ugl PS 3535 .I233 W48 1981
Chick flicks: theories and memories of the feminist film movement.
Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1998.
note: Prologue. Euphoria reclaims history, pp. 174-178; chapter 11. From
repressive tolerance to erotic liberation: Maedchen in Uniform
(1979-1983), pp. 179-206; Prologue. Softball, the Goddess, and Lesbian
film culture, pp. 207-211.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 .W6 R47 1998
The case for gay rights: from Bowers to Lawrence and beyond.
Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, c2005.
Ugl, Law, Bot KF 4754.5 .R525 2005
Identity and the case for gay rights: race, gender, religion as
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 R53 1999
Women, gays, and the constitution: the grounds for feminism and
gay rights
in culture and law.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
Suz, Ugl, Law KF 4754.5 .R53 1998
Lesbian lists: a look at lesbian culture, history, and personalities.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1990.
Suz HQ 75.5 .R53 1990
Superstars: twelve lesbians who changed the world.
NY: Carroll & Graf, 1993.
Suz HQ 75.3 .R53 1993
Lovers and beloveds: sexual otherness in southern fiction, 1936-1961.
Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, c2005.
Suz PS 374 .H63 R53 2005
Rhetoric and courtliness in early modern literature.
Cambridge, U.K.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
note: [chapter] 6, A new poet, a new social economy: homosociality in The
Shepheardes Calendar, pp. 139-167. [contrasts homosocial 'amicitia' with
heterosexual 'eros']
Suz PR 428 .C64 R53 2003
No way Renee: the second half of my notorious life. Renee Richards with
John Ames.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2007.
Ugl HQ 77.8 .R52 A3 2007
Second serve: the Renee Richards story. By Renee Richards with John
NY: Stein and Day, 1983.
Ugl WM 610 R518s 1983
Wise before their time: people with AIDS and HIV talk about their
By Ann Richardson [and] Dietmar Bolle; with a foreword by Sir Ian
London: Fount, 1992.
Suz WC 503.7 R521w 1992
Gilbert & George.
[Baltimore, MD.]: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1984.
note: Catalog of an exhibition held Feb. 19-Apr. 15, 1984 at the Baltimore
Museum of Art, and at other museums.
Art N 6797 .G47 A4 1984
Rethinking sexuality.
London; Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2000.
Suz HQ 21 .R453 2000
Mars without Venus: a study of some homosexual generals.
Edinburgh, W. Blackwood, 1981.
Suz UB 410 R53 1981
Guidebook on vicarious trauma [microform]: recommended solutions for
anti-violence workers.
Ottawa: Health Canada, Population & Public Health Branch, Healthy
Communities Division, Family Violence Prevention Unit, National
Clearinghouse on Family Violence, 2001.
note: "Vicarious trauma is the result of a transformation of a therapist's
or helper's inner experience as a result of empathic engagement with
survivors of traumatic experiences....Part 3 discusses equity issues in
anti-violence organizations along with solutions related to ..... and
homosexuals or bisexuals..."
GovPub Microciche M-2261, 102-05530
NY: Viking Press [1971]
Suz, Ugl PQ 2464 .R5 1971
And Tango makes three. Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell; illustrated by
Henry Cole.
NY: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2005.
ChiLit, BotChiLit, TacChiLit PZ 10.3 .R414 Tan 2005
Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbruchs, 2002.
note: Buddies in Babylonia: Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and Mesopotamian
homosexuality (Jerrold S. Cooper), pp. 73-85.
Suz DS 69.6 .R53 2002
I, Jonathan [sound recording]
Cambridge, MA: Rounder, p1992.
note: 1 sound disc; recorded at JG Studios, Grass Valley, Calif.
note: composed and performed by Jonathan Richman, vocals and guitar; with
various additional musicians.
note: includes song, I was dancing in the lesbian bar
UglMed Cd ROUN 066
The gay liberation book. Edited by Len Richmond and Gary Noguera.
San Francisco: Ramparts Press [1973]
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC HQ 76 R53
Laocoon's body and the aesthetics of pain: Winckelmann, Lessing, Herder,
Moritz, Goethe.
Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, c1992.
note: [chapter] 2, Winckelmann: Laocoon and the eunuch, pp. 38-61.
Art N64 .R53 1992
The social construction of sexual practice: setting, sexual culture, and
the body in casual sex between men.
Ph. D. thesis, University of Sydney, 2001.
available online,
Is it medically legitimate to provide assisted reproductive treatments to
fertile lesbians and single women?
[Canberra, A.C.T.]: Dept. of the Parliamentary Library, 2001.
Suz WQ 208 R539i 2001
also available online,
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c1999.
(Living out)
Suz PS 3568 .I35335 Z47 1999
Lesbians and gay men as foster parents.
Portland, ME: National Child Welfare Resource Center, Center for Child and
Family Policy, Edmund S. Muskie Institute of Public Affairs, University of
Southern Maine, 1991.
Ugl, SocWk HQ 759.7 R52 1991
The long falling.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
Ugl PR 6068 .I287 L66 1998
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1991.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 509 .L47 R5 1991
The gay and lesbian movement: references and resources.
NY: G. K. Hall; London: Prentice Hall International, [1996]
SuzRef HQ 76.5 .R53 1996
The homosexual and society: an annotated bibliography.
NY: Greenwood Press, c1990.
(Bibliography and indexes in sociology, n. 18)
SuzRef, Suz, BotRef Z 7164 S42 R5 1990
An index to the Advocate: the national gay newsmagazine, 1967-1982.
Los Angeles: Liberation Publications, c1987.
SuzRef HQ 76 .A35 suppl
Heimliches Begehren: eine verbotene Liebe in Wien. Ines Rieder, Diana
Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2003.
Suz DS 135 .A93 C95 2003
Priscilla, (white) queen of the desert: queer rights/race privilege.
NY: P. Lang, c2006.
(Gender, sexuality & culture, v.6)
Ugl HQ 76.8 .A8 R54 2006
The world of Christopher Marlowe. David Riggs.
NY: Henry Holt, 2005.
Suz PR 2673 .R54 2005
Seattle: Sweet Corn Productions, c1996.
note: 1 videocassette. VHS format.
note: A Sweet Corn Production in collaboration with Partners Task Force
for Gay & Lesbian Couples."
note: Explores the various issues surrounding lesbian and gay marriages
including those dealing with religious, legal, social and economic
problems. Includes both random interviews from people on the street and
more formal statements from a variety of people including Mel White,
Richard D. Mohr, Phyllis Burke, Kevin Cathcart and Sue Reardon. Also
includes actual footage of a number of gay marriage ceremonies.
UglMed Videorecord SCP 001
note: 1 videocassette, recorded at the University of Washington School of
Law, Oct. 28, 2003, sponsored by the American Constitution Society and the
Federalist Society.
note: "A debate with Michael Medved & Jamie Pedersen."
LawSpecColl KF 539 .R54 2003
A pilgrim's way.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1998.
Suz BX 5995 .R49 A3 1998
London: The Labour Party, [1981]
Suz KD 7975 .R53 1981
Toronto, NY: Bantam Books, c1983.
see also: Hunter, Nan D. The rights of lesbian and gay men...3rd ed.
Suz, Law KF 4754.5 .Z9 R54 1983
NY: Discus Books, 1975.
see also: Hunter, Nan D. The rights of lesbian and gay men...3rd ed.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 R53 1975
Law HQ 76 .R55
Schwule Biedermanner?: die Karriere der "schwulen Ehe" als Forderung der
Schwulenbewegung: eine politikwissenschaftliche Untersuchung.
Hamburg: Verlag MannerschwarmSkript, c1993.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 R56 1993
From identity to politics: the lesbian and gay movements in the United
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, c2002.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.8 .U6 R56 2002
Eating fire: family life, on the queer side.
Toronto: Between the Lines, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.3 .C2 R55 2001
The first stone: homosexuality and the United Church.
Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1990.
Suz BX 9881 R56 1990
Out our way: gay and lesbian life in the country.
Toronto: Between the lines, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .C2 R56 1996
NY: Basic Civitas Books, c2003.
note: The homosexual faces a challenge (1956, Ken Burns), pp. 216-221;
Furthering the homophile movement (August 25, 1966, Franklin Kameny), pp.
291-295; Take destiny into your own hands (June 26, 1977, Karla Jay), pp.
340-342; Recognition NOW (May 25, 1974, Phyllis Lyon), pp. 358-361;
Tired of silence (June 25, 1978, Harvey Milk), pp. 366-370; Acting up
(March 10, 1987, Larry Kramer), pp. 390-397; Creating change (November 20,
1988, Virginia Apuzzo), pp. 398-402; What gay consciousness brings (June
26, 1991, Harry Hay), pp.403-407; The story of self-hatred (March 27,
1993, David Mixner), pp. 413-416; Protecting same-sex marriage (July 12,
1996, Barney Frank), pp. 463-464.
Ugl, Tac E184 .A1 R53 2003
Moskva: "Argo," 1991- 1-
SpecColl HQ 75 .R57 no.1-2 (1995-1996)
NY: Hemisphere Pub. Corp., c1991.
note: Originally published as v.2 of: Report of the Secretary's Task Force
on Youth Suicide. U. S. Dept. of Health & Human Services,.....1989.
note: Includes Harry, Joseph. "Sexual Identity Issues."
see also: United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Secretary's
Task Force on Youth Suicide. Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Youth
Suicide...[1989] v.2
see also: Harry, Joseph. "Sexual Identity Issues."
SocWk HV 6546 .R57 1991
Homoerotik bei Francois Mauriac: zur literarischen Gestaltung eines
Heidelberg: C. Winter, c2000.
(Studia Romanica, Bd. 105)
Suz PQ 2625 .A93 Z757 2000
Heartlands: a gay man's odyssey across America.
NY: Dutton, 1992.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.3 U5 R57 1992
No more secrets: violence in lesbian relationships.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz HQ 75.5 .R574 2002
Teacher narrative as critical inquiry: rewriting the script.
Joy S. Ritchie and David E. Wilson with Ruth Kupfer ... [et al.]; foreword
by Bonnie Sunstein.
NY: Teachers College Press, c2000.
note:[chapter] 8, Retracing my journey toward self-acceptance and
effectiveness as a lesbian teacher (Ruth Kupfer), pp. 150-170.
Suz LA 2311 .R58 2000
Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press; London; Associated University
Presses, c1999.
note: Transvestite Dionysos (Jan N. Bremmer), pp. 183-200.
Suz, Drama PA 3131 .R47 1999
God's gay tribe: laying the foundations of communal memory.
New Haven, CT: Beloved Disciple Press, c1994.
Suz BR 115 .H6 R58 1994
From man to man. Henry Ritter with Owen Spann.
San Francisco: Harper & Row, c1979.
note: "The gay life", pp. 111-119.
Suz HQ 36 .R54 1979
Handbook of affirmative psychotherapy with lesbians and gay men.
Kathleen Y. Ritter, Anthony I. Terndrup; foreword by Sari H. Dworkin.
NY: Guilford Press, c2002.
SocWk WM 611 R614h 2002
Duo: Herb Ritts photographs, Bob Paris & Rod Jackson.
[Altadena, CA]: Twins Palms Publishers, 1991.
Art Oversize TR 681 .H65 R58 1991
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1984.
Suz GN 668 R54 1984
Edited by Gilbert H. Herdt; with an introduction by Roger M. Keesing.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1982.
Suz GN 671 .N5 R55 1982
Bullying: a handbook for educators and parents. Ian Rivers, Neil Duncan,
and Valerie E. Besag.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007.
note: chapter 5, Homophobic bullying, pp. 70-92.
Suz LB 3013.3 .R58 2007
Proust and the art of love: the aesthetics of sexuality in the life,
times, and art of Marcel Proust.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1980.
Suz PQ 2631 R63 Z8352
NY: Galiens Press, 1991.
Suz PS 595 .H65 R6 1991
London; NY: Routledge, 1997.
note: Part III: Alternative Routes. [chapter] 12, Home and away;
friends of Dorothy on the road in Oz (Pamela Robertson), pp. 271-286;
[chapter] 13, Race on the road; crossover dreams (Sharon Willis), pp.
287-306; [chapter] 14, Revitalizing the road genre; The Living End as
an AIDS road film (Katie Mills), pp. 307-329; [chapter] 15, My Own
Private Idaho and the new queer road movies (Robert Lang), pp.
330-348; [chapter] 16, Disassociated masculinities and geographies of
the road (Stuart C. QAitken and Chritopher Lee Lukinbeal), p.
Suz PN 1995.9 .R63 1997
NY: W. W. Norton & Co., 2000.
Suz PQ 2387 .R5 Z825 2000
Strangers: homosexual love in the nineteenth century.
NY: W. W. Norton, 2004.
Suz HQ 76.3 .E8 R63 2004
M: the man who became Caravaggio.
NY: Henry Holt, 2000.
Art ND 623 .C26 R62 2000
The fourth sex.
Canoga Park, CA: Viceroy Books, c1967.
Suz HQ 74 .R6 1967
Private employment discrimination based upon sexual orientation: the
effect of local ordinances.
Seattle, 1983.
note: Submitted to Professor Linda Hume for Law B 586, Issues in
Discrimination Seminar, 1983.
Law KF 253 .W3s
Voyage from Lesbos; the psychoanalysis of a female homosexual.
[Introd. by William V. Silverberg. 1st ed]
NY: Citadel Press [1959]
Suz WM 615 R539v 1959
Black lesbians, an annotated bibliography.
Compiled by J. R. Roberts; foreword by Barbara Smith.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1981.
SuzRef HQ 75.5 R63 1981
Siegfried Sassoon: (1886-1967)
London: Richard Cohen Books, 1999.
Suz PR 6037 .A86 Z784 1999
Disproportionate harm: hate crime in Canada, an analysis of recent
Ottawa: Dept. of Justice Canada, Policy Sector, Research, Statistics &
Evaluation Directorate, 1995.
note; The purpose of this report is to collect information on the
incidence of hate crimes, summarizing data from three sources: several
police services, B'nai Brith of Canada, and gay/lesbian community hate crime data from the United States, United Kingdom,
and Canada, and notes aggregate trends...Appendices include tables of hate
crime statistics.
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 97-01285
A piece of the night.
London: The Women's Press, 1978.
Suz PR 6088 .O155 P5 1978
Recognizing lesbian and gay families: strategies for obtaining domestic
partners benefits.
lst [i.e. 2nd] ed. [Written by Patti Roberts and Lisa Dettmer with
assistance from Abby Abinanti, Maria Gil de Lamadrid, and Kirstin
San Francisco: National Center for Lesbian Rights, 1992.
note: previous ed. entitled, Recognizing lesbian & gay families:
strategies for extending employment benefit coverage. [Teresa Lynn Friend,
Pamela Liberty]
Suz HD 4928 .N62 U67 1992
The age of consent and gay men in New South Wales. Richard J. Roberts and
Peter Maplestone.
[Sydney, Australia: University of New South Wales, School of Social Work],
Suz HQ 76.2 .A82 N487 2001
Sexual generations: "Star trek, the next generation" and gender.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1999.
note: chapter 5, "What makes you think you can dictate how we love?"
Sexual orientation, pp. 108-124.
Suz, Ugl PN 1992.77 .S732 R63 1999
Sexual orientation and legal rights. Orientation sexuelle et garanties
Ottawa: Library of Parliament, Research Branch, 1992.
(Current issue review, 92-1E, 92-1F)
note: some of the legal issues related to sexual orientation in Canada
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 93-07107
Sexual orientation and legal rights. Rev. Orientation sexuelle et garantie
juridiques. Rev.
Ottawa: Bibliotheque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1993.
note: revised March 12, 1993; legal issues related to sexual orientation
in Canada
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 94-01053
Takarazuka: sexual politics and popular culture in modern Japan.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1998.
note: [chapter] 2, Staging androgyny, pp. 47-88.
Ugl, Drama GN 635 .J2 R62 1998
k.d. lang [sic]: carrying the torch.
Toronto: ECW Press, c1992.
Suz ML 420 .L238 R6 1992
David Robilliard: a roomful of hungry looks = een ruimte vol hongerige
blikken: 8.4.1993-1.6.1993, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
[Amsterdam, Netherlands: Het Museum], 1993.
Art ND 497 .R66 A4 1993
L'enigme sexuelle d'Henri.
Paris: Wesmael-Charlier [1964]
HSLIC DC 119 .R6
The gay touch: short stories.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1982.
Suz PR 6068 .O194 G38 1982
Our hero has bad breath.
London: Brilliance Books, 1982.
Suz PR 6068 .O194 O97 1982
Scandal in the ink: male and female homosexuality in twentieth-century
French literature.
London; NY: Cassell, 1995.
Suz PQ 307 .H6 R63 1995
Closeted writing and lesbian and gay literature: classical, early modern,
Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub., c2006.
Suz PN 56 .H57 R63 2006
A study of the Greek love-names, including a discussion of paederasty and
a prosopographia, by David M. Robinson and Edward J. Fluck.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1937.
Suz 488.3 R561s
Teardrops on my drum.
London: GMP, 1986.
Suz DA 690 .L8 R63 1986
An artistic friendship: Beauford Delaney and Lawrence Calcagno. With a
foreword by David Leeming.
University Park, PA: Palmer Museum of Art, the Pennsylvania State
University, c2001.
Art ND 237 .D335 A4 2001
Gay lives: homosexual autobiography from John Addington Symonds to Paul
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.2 .R63 1999
Opera, sex, and other vital matters.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
note: chapter 9, The Opera Queen: A Voice from the Closet, pp. 157-169;
chapter 10, Homosexuality: Choice or Destiny?, pp. 170-184; chapter 11,
Sex Studies and Sex Books: Four Reviews. [Review] 3. Alan P. Bell, Martin
S. Weinberg, and Sue Kiefer Hammersmith, Sexual Preferences (1981), pp.
195-199; chapter 12, For the Love of Big Brother: The Sexual Politics of
Nineteen Eighty-Four, pp. 206-218 [author contrives a queer reading];
chapter 13, "Dear Paul": An Exchange between Student and Teacher, pp.
219-237 [a coming out disclosure]; chapter 14, Three Essays on Freud, [the
third essay] Freud and Homosexuality, pp. 273-278.
Music AC8 .R546 2002
Queer wars: the new gay right and its critics.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.85 .R63 2005
A year with Rudolf Nureyev. By Simon Robinson with Derek Robinson.
London: Robert Hale, 1997.
Suz GV 1785 .N8 R62 1997
NY: St. Martin's Presss, 1997.
Suz, Bot PS 3568 .O3187 A8 1997
Another mother: a novel.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1995.
Suz PS 3568 .O3187 A83 1995
Cecile: stories.
Ithaca, NY: Fiebrand Books, c1991.
Suz PS 3568 .O3187 C4 1991
Eye of a hurricane: stories.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1989.
Ugl PS 3568 .O3187 E94 1989
Gay men, lesbians, and the law.
NY: Chelsea House Publishers, c1997.
(Issues in gay and lesbian life)
Suz KF 4754.5 .Z9 R63 1995
Lesbian (out)law: survival under the rule of law.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1992.
Suz, Ugl, Law KF 4754.5 R63 1992
Sappho goes to law school: fragments in lesbian legal theory.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1998.
Suz, Law, Tac K349 .R63 1998
The struggle for happiness.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz PS 3568 .O3187 S77 2000
Les roles masculins et féminins: les stéréotypes, la
famille, les états intersexuels. Préface du D.
Paris: Presses universitaires de France, c1964.
Suz 136.1 R584r
Forbidden friendships: homosexuality and male culture in Renaissance
NY: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .I8 F57 1996
Beverly Hills, CA: Twentieth Centruy-Fox Home Entertainment, c1997.
note: 1 videodisc; CLV extended play (with chapter stops); widescreen
(letterboxed); LaserVision; DVD; based on the stage musical Rocky Horror
show; videocassette release of a 1975 motion picture.
note: cast- Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Richard O'Brien,
Meatloaf, Patricia Quinn, Little Nell, Charles Grey; credits- screenplay,
Jim Sharman, Richard O'Brien; music, Richard O'Brien.
note: a mixture of fantastical rock opera and horror movie spoof; a couple
of ordinary kids have car trouble one dark and rainy night and knock on
the door of a looming gothic mansion; they are stunned to learn that they
have stumbled into a convention of kinky characters, hosted by mad
scientist Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a transvestite who is holding the annual
convention for visitors from the planet Transsexual.
BotMed Videodisc BOT-84
UglMed DVD TCHE 104 (2002 release with bonus features)
Same-sex desire in Victorian religious culture.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.
Suz BX 1975 .H66 R63 2002
The queens' vernacular; a gay lexicon.
[San Francisco, CA.] Straight Arrow Books [1972]
note: this title reprinted by Putnam in 1979 under title: Gay talk...
Suz, Ugl HQ 9 .R63
Opinions of military personnel on sexual minorities in the military.
Submitted to Aaron Belkin, Director, Michael D. Palm Center; submitted by
Zogby International; Sam Rodgers, writer.
[Utica, NY:]: Zogby International, c2006.
available online,
The gay invasion: a Christian look at the spreading homosexual myth.
Denver: Accent Books, c1977.
Suz BR 115 .H6 R623 1977
Closet case: a novel.
NY: Plume, [1994], c1993.
Suz PS 3568 .O34854 C56 1994
Fag hag.
NY: Plume Books, c1992, (1993 printing)
Suz PS 3568 .O34854 F34 1992
Garden of exile: poems.
Louisville, KY: Sarabande Books, c1999.
Suz PS 3568 .O348764 G37 1999
Aprendices de brujo.
NY: Rayo, c2005.
Suz PQ 7390 .R588 a67 2005
Queer latinidad: identity practices, discursive spaces.
NY: New York University Press, c2003.
Ugl, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 R63 2003
El personaje gay en la obra de Luis Zapata.
México, D.F.: Fontamara, 2006.
Suz PQ 7298.36 .A6 Z85 2006
Wild heart, a life: Natalie Clifford Barney's journey from Victorian
America to Belle Epoque Paris.
NY: HarperCollins, 2002.
Ugl PQ 3939 .B3 Z75 2002
Charles Ludlam and the Ridiculous Theatrical Company: critical analyses of
29 plays.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c1998.
Drama PS 3562 .U258 Z86 1998
Desiring China: experiments in neoliberalism, sexuality, and public
Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.
note: [chapter] 3, Qualities of desire; imagining gay identities, pp.
85-110; [chapter] 5, Legislating desire; homosexuality, intellectual
property rights, and consumer fraud, pp. 135-155.
(Perverse modernities)
Ugl HN 733.5 .R67 2007
Dry bones breathe: gay men creating post-AIDS identities and cultures.
NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
Suz, SocWk, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 R625 1998
Ugl HQ 76.2 .U5 R625 1998b
"I thought people like that killed themselves": lesbians, gay
men, and suicide.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press, c1983.
Suz, SocWk HV 6546 R63 1983
A radical rethinking of sexuality and schooling: status quo or status
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2005.
Suz LC 192.6 .R64 2005
Reviving the tribe: regenerating gay men's sexuality and culture in the
ongoing epidemic.
NY: Haworth Press, c1996.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.2 .U5 R63 1996
Socrates, Plato & guys like me: confessions of a gay
Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, 1985.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.8 R63 1985
Feeling queer: can a primary health care approach mitigate health inequity
experienced by homosexually active South Australian men?
note: Thesis (Ph. D.)-- University of Adelaide, 2005.
available online:
Sexing the brain.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2001.
note: [chapter] 3, Gay genes?, pp. 47-69.
Ugl WL 300 R727s 2001
Saul's book.
NY: Penguin Books, 1984.
Ugl PS 3568 .O4544 S2 1984
Suz PS 3568 .O4544 S2 1983 (Pushcart Press)
Impossible women: lesbian figures and American literature.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000.
Suz PS 153 .L46 R64 2000
Uncommon arrangements: seven portraits of married life in London literary
circles, 1910-1939.
NY: Dial Press, 2007.
note: marriages examined include Radclyffe Hall & Una Troubridge
Ugl PR 106 .R55 2007
NY: Praeger Publishers, 1991.
note: chapter 5, The role of religious organizations in the gay and
lesbian rights movement (Steven H. Haeberle), pp. 71-89.
Suz BL 2525 .R64 1991
The Venice letters. Edited and with an introduction by Cecil Woolf.
London: Cecil & Amelia Woolf, 1974.
note: Frederick Rolfe frequently used the pseudonym, Baron Corvo;
also Fr. Rolfe.
SpecColl Authors PR 5236 .R27 Z54 1974
AIDS and the sexuality of law: ironic jurisprudence.
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Suz KF 3803 .A54 R65 2004
Acts of intervention: performance, gay culture, and AIDS.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1998.
Suz, Ugl, Drama, Tac PN 2266 .R66 1998
Fragmented identities: popular culture, sex, and everyday life in
postcommunist Romania.
Lanham: Lexington Books, c2003.
note: chapter 7, Between Ars Erotica and Scientia Sexualis: queer
subjectivity and the discourse of sex, pp. 123-143.
Suz HN 647 .R66 2003
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1997.
note: see Part three: Gender slippage in literary constructions of the
masculine. (4 essays)
Suz HQ 13 .R65 1997
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2000.
Suz PS 153 .L46 R66 2000
Brave boys [sound recording]: the best & more of Romanovsky &
Santa Fe, NM: Fresh Fruit Records, p1994.
note: 1 sound disc: compact disc; lyrics and full credits on container
note: performers, Ron Romanovsky and Paul Phillips; with vocal and
instrumental acc.
note: lyrics are gay-themed: Ho ho homophobia; Don't use your
penis (for a brain); Brave boys; Oh no--I'm in love with my therapist;
These things; Womb envy; If there's a god, he's a queen; Waltz for the new age;
To myself; Guilt trip; Give me a homosexual; The Prince Charming tango; Love is
all it takes (to make a family); No false hope; What kind of self respecting
faggot/politically correct lesbian am I?, and others
UglMed Cd FFR 001
Boston: Northeastern University Press, c2003.
Suz PS 648 .H57 R66 2003
Living at night.
Duluth: Spinsters Ink, 1997.
Suz PS 3568 .O56547 L5 1997
Speaking like an immigrant: a collection.
NY: Latina Lesbian History Project, c1998.
Ugl PS 3568 .O56547 S64 1998
Buddha's kisses and other poems. Drawings by Bill Rancitelli.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1980.
Suz PS 3568 .O566 B8 1980
Heteronormativity in a nursing context: attitudes toward homosexuality and
experiences of lesbians and gay men.
Uppsala: Uppsala universitet, 2005.
(Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Digital comprehensive summaries of
Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Social Science, 1 652-9030;
note: summary of thesis (Ph. D.)--Uppsala University, 2005.
abstract available online,
Homophobia and the law.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, c2005.
Suz, Law, Bot KF 4754.5 .R66 2005
Come, as you are: sexuality and narrative.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
Suz PN 56 .S5 R58 1996
A lure of knowledge: lesbian sexuality and theory.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1991.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Ugl PN 56 .L45 R66 1991
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1959.
Suz PR 6064 .E53 R66 1959
Empty without you: the intimate letters of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena
Edited by Rodger Streitmatter.
NY: Free Press, c1998.
Suz, Ugl, Tac E 807.1 .R48 A3 1998
The myth of judicial activism: making sense of Supreme Court
New Haven: Yale University Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 5, Gay rights: Romer, Lawrence, and Goodridge, pp.
Suz, Law KF 8742 .R65 2006
An absolute gift: a new diary.
NY: Simon and Schuster, c1978.
Music ML 410 .R693 A25
The final diary, 1961-1972.
NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston [1974]
see also: Rorem, Ned. The later diaries of Ned Rorem, 1961-1972.
Music ML 410 .R693 A27
Knowing when to stop: a memoir.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1994.
Music ML 410 .R693 A3 1994
The later diaries of Ned Rorem, 1961-1972.
San Francisco: North Point Press, 1983, c1974.
see also: Rorem, Ned. The final diary, 1961-1972.
Suz ML 410 .R693 A272 1983
Lies: a diary, 1986-1999. Introduction by Edmund White.
Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, c2000.
Music ML 410 .R693 A3 2000
The Nantucket diary of Ned Rorem, 1973-1985.
San Francisco: North Point Press, 1987.
Suz ML 410 .T693 A28 1987
The Ned Rorem reader. Foreword by J. D. McClatchy.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c2001.
Music ML 60 .R78425 2001
The New York diary.
NY: G. Braziller [1967]
Music ML 410 .R693 A29
Other entertainment: collected pieces.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1996.
Music ML 60 .R7843 1996
The Paris and New York diaries of Ned Rorem: 1951-1961.
San Francisco: North Point Press, 1983.
see also: The Paris diary and the New York diary, 1951-1961. (1998)
Suz ML 410 .R693 A32 1983
The Paris diary and the New York diary, 1951-1961.
new introduction by Richard Howard; preface to the Paris Diary by Robert
NY: Da Capo Press, 1998.
note: originally published as: Paris and New York diaries of Ned
see also: Paris and New York diaries of Ned Rorem.
Music ML 410 .R693 A3 1998
The Paris diary of Ned Rorem. With a port. of the diarist by Robert
NY: G. Braziller [1966]
Music, Bot ML 410 .R693 A3
Setting the tone; essays and a diary.
NY: Coward-McCann, Inc., c1983.
Music ML 410 .R693 A33 1983
Von Gudrun Hauer ... [et al.]; mit Gastbeiträgen von Doris Hauberger,
Helga Pankratz, Hans Vonk. 2.Aufl.
(Frühlings Erwachen, 7)
note: Homosexuelle Initiative (HOSI) Wien, Auslandsgruppe
Suz HQ 76.3 .E852 R67 1986
München: C. Hanser, c1984.
Suz PN 1998 .A3 P662 1984
The erotic imagination; French histories of perversity.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1997.
note: see chapter 1: Onanists: the public threat to phantasical pollution;
chapter 2: Pinty penises, hysterical mothers, and literary
Suz HQ 463 .R545 1997
Homosexuality and science: a guide to the debates. Foeword by Richard
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2002.
(Controversies in science)
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .R68 2002
Glenway Wescott personally: a biography.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2002.
Suz PS 3545 .E827 Z84 2002
Changing ones; third and fourth genders in Native North America.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Suz, Bot, Tac E 98 .S48 R67 1998
The Zuni man-woman.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1991.
Suz, Ugl, Tac E99 .Z9 R78 1991
Diverse communities: the evolution of lesbian and gay politics in
Cork: Cork University Press, 1994.
Suz HQ 76.3 .I7 R784 1994
Woman of letters: a life of Virginia Woolf.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1978.
Suz, Ugl PR 6045 .O72 Z867
Oedipal rejection: echoes in the relationships of gay men.
Youngstown, NY: Cambria Press, c2007.
Suz HQ 76 .R64 2007
NY: Fox Lorber Home Video; [Los Angeles, CA]: Strand Releasing, c1997.
note: videodisc, DVD; in French with enhanced English subtitles;
originally released as a motion picture in 1994; special features include
interactive menus, production notes, biographies, scene access, and
theatrical trailer; Cesar Awards, 1995; best director; best film; best
writing; most promising actress (Elodie Bouchez); Best Foreign Film
winner, 1994: New York Film Critics Circle, National Society of Film
Critics, Los Angeles Film Critics Association.
note: a poignant coming-of-age story set in southwest France in 1962.
Sensitive young Francois is uncertain of his sexuality as he finds himself
more attracted to his classmate Serge than to his platonic girlfriend
Maite. An older boy, Henri, is drawn into the circle, further complicating
relationships. Through their passage into adulthood, the four experinece a
series of sexual and poltiical conflicts as they explore the mysteries of
the human heart.
UglMed DVD FOXL 027
Lesbianism; a study of female homosexuality. With a foreword by Evelyn
Springfield, IL: Thomas [1973, c1974]
Suz, Ugl, Health HQ 76.3 U5 R67
Plato's Symposium.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1968.
Suz, Ugl B385 .R6
Manens kulor: Studier i dansk bossehistorie, 1628-1912.
Kobenhavn: Rhodos, 1993. 2 vols.
Suz HQ 76.2 .D4 R6 1993
Outreach to lesbians: evaluation of Seattle Lesbian Cancer Project's
effort to inform lesbians of women's health exams offered through the King
County Breast and cervical Health Program.
Thesis (M.P.H._--University of Washington. 1997.
Seattle, 1997.
HSLIC WA 7 Th46262
Aux Thesis 46262
Common women, uncommon practices: the queer feminisms of Greenham.
London; NY: Cassell, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G72 B477 2000
The changing of the guard: lesbian and gay elders, identity, and social
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2003.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 R68 2003
The age of independence: interracial unions, same-sex unions, and the
changing American family.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007.
Suz HQ 536 .R658 2007
Homosexuality: the psychology of the creative process.
[Roslyn Heights, NY] Libra Publishers [1971]
Suz, NatSci, Ugl WM 615 R813h 1971
"Touch wood, everything will be OK": gay men's understandings of clinical
markers in sexual practice. Principal investigator, Marsha
Rosengarten; other investigators, Kane Race, Susan Kippax.
Sydney, Australia: National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts
& Social Sciences, the University of New South Wales, c2000.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia),
Health WC 503.7 R813t 2000
also available online,
Hamburg auf anderen Wegen: die Geschichte des schwulen Lebens in der
Hansestadt. Bernhard Rosenkranz, Gottfried Lorenz.
Hamburg: Lambda, 2005.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G35 R67 2005
Stenaker ach angsmark: erotiska motiv och homosexuella skildringar i Tove
Janssons senare litteratur.
Uppsala: [Uppsala universitet], 1992.
(Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Uppsala studies in social ethics, 13)
Suz PT 9875 .J37 Z67 1991
Gay community at Queens College.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 16)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 16
The house that Jill built: a lesbian nation in formation.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995.
Suz HQ 75.6 .C22 O67 1995
Manning the race: reforming Black men in the Jim Crow era.
NY: New York University Press, c2004.
Suz E185.86 .R77 2004
The married homosexual man: a psychological study.
London, Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983.
Suz HQ 76 R65 1983
Psychovenerology: personality and lifestyle factors in sexually
transmitted diseases in homosexual men.
NY: Praeger, 1986.
(Sexual medicine, v. 3)
HSLIC Serials W 1 SE99F v.3
Male homosexual behavior and the effects of AIDS education: a study of
behavior and safer sex in New Zealand and South Australia.
NY: Praeger, 1991.
Suz HQ 76.2 N49 R67 1991
Plumas de Espana.
Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1988.
Suz PQ 6668 .O858 P58 1988
Sexual experience between men and boys: exploring the pederast
NY: Association Press, c1976.
Suz HQ 76.3 U5 R69
Looking for Mr. Goodbar.
NY: Simon and Schuster, [1975]
note: plot includes some gay venues and psychotic gay man; for film
version, see Looking for Mr. Goodbar.
Ugl PS 3568 .O848 L6
Bookends: two women, one enduring friendship. Leona Rostenberg,
Madeleine Stern.
NY: Free Press, c2001.
Suz, Ugl Z473 .R77 R64 2001
The devil and Daniel Silverman.
Wellfleet, MA: Leapfrog Press; St. Paul, MN: Distributed in the U.S. by
Consortium Book Sales and Distribution, 2003.
Suz PS 3568 .O8495 D48 2003
Sexual ecology: AIDS and the destiny of gay men.
NY: Dutton, c1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot WC 503 R843s 1997
Tac WC 503.41 R843s 1998 (Plume edition)
Written out: how sexuality is used to attack women's organizing. Edited
by, and with contributions by, Scott Long.
San Francisco: International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
(IGLHRC); New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL),
note: considerable attention to lesbians within the context of women's
Suz HQ 1237 .R68 2000
Paris: Revue Noire; London: Autograph, 1996.
Suz TR 647 .F35 R6 1996
Evolution's rainbow: diversity, gender, and sexuality in nature and
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2004.
note: examines the breadth of sexual diversity, including homosexuality,
bisexuality, hermaphroditism, and gender variation among animals, against
the backdrop of Darwinian sexual selection theory.
NatSci QH 541.15 .B56 .R68 2004
also available electronically through NetLibrary link in the catalog
America's boy: a memoir.
NY: Dutton, c2006.
Bot HQ 75.8 .R65 A3 2006
Perilous enlightenment: pre- and post-modern discourses: sexual,
Manchester, UK; NY: Manchester University Press;
NY: dist. by St. Martin's Press, c1991.
note: Companion vol. to author's Enlightenment borders; and Enlightenment
crossings. c 1991.
Suz HQ 16 R68 1991
London: Haus, 2004.
Suz PQ 2649 .O8 Z8385 2004
Edited by Alan Michael Parker and Mark Willhardt.
NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz PR 1195 .W6 R68 1996
note: Although advertised, this title never appeared as such, but appeared
as: Secret sexualities: a sourcebook of 17th and 18th century writing.
see: Secret sexualities...
London: Routledge, 2006.
SuzRef, UglRef, BotRef HQ 76.96 .R68 2006
NY: Routledge, 2000. 4 vols.
note: numerous articles relevant to lesbian topics, as
follows: Butch/Femme, pp. 131-133; Feminism:Lesbian, pp. 783-786; Gay
Pride, p. 899; Heterophobia and Homophobia, pp. 992-994; Lesbianism,
p. 1205; Lesbian Cultural Criticism, pp. 1206-1207; Lesbian Drama,
pp. 1207-1208; Lesbian Popular Music, pp. 1208-1210; Lesbian Sexuality,
pp. 1210-1213; Lesbian Studies, pp. 1213-1217; Lesbian Writing:Overview,
pp. 1217-1219; Lesbian Writing: Contemporary Poetry, pp. 1219-1222;
Lesbian Writing: Crime Fiction, pp. 1222-1223; Lesbians:HIV Prevalence and
Transmission, 1223-1224; Lesbians in Science, pp. 1224-1226;
Marriage:Lesbian, pp. 1304-1305; Motherhood: Lesbian, pp. 1387-1388;
Queer Theory, pp. 1716-1717; Sexual Orientation, pp. 1826-1827.
SuzRef HQ 1115 .R69 2000
London; NY: Routledge, 1998.
note: chapter 6, Cross-dressing, the theatre and gender struggle in early
modern England (Jean E. Howard), pp. 47-51; chapter 26, Introduction to
part five: Cross-dressing and women's theatre (Lesley Ferris), pp.
165-169; chapter 27, Cross-dressing, sexual representation and the sexual
division of labour in theatre (Michelene Wandor), pp. 170-175; chapter 28,
Dress codes, or the theatricality of difference (Marjorie Garber), pp.
176-181; chapter 42, Reclaiming the discourse of camp (Moe Meyer), pp.
255-258; chapter 43, Performing sexuality in psychic space (Mick Wallis),
pp. 259-262; chapter 46, Sexual indifference and lesbian representation
(Teresa de Lauretis), pp. 276-281; chapter 47, From: Bodies that matter:
on the discursive limits of 'sex' (Judith Butler), pp. 282-287.
These chapters with the exception of chapter 26 and 43 were previously
published (or based on essays) in: Crossing the stage: controversies in
cross-dressing; Carry on Understudies: theatre and sexual politics; Vested
interests: cross-dressing and cultural anxiety; The politics and poetics
of camp; Theatre Journal, 40, 2: 155-177 (May 1988); and Bodies that
Suz PN 1590 .W64 R68 1998
The gay health guide. By Robert L. Rowan and Paul J. Gillette.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1978.
Suz, Ugl WA 300 R877g 1978
Gay video: a guide to erotica.
San Francisco: G. S. Press, c1986.
Suz PN 1995.9 .H55 R68 1986
Socialism and the new life: the personal and sexual politics of Edward
Carpenter and Havelock Ellis. By Sheila Rowbotham [and] Jeffrey Weeks.
London: Pluto Press, 1977.
Suz HN 383.2 .C37 R68
The other Henry James.
Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1998.
Suz PS 2127 .P6 R69 1998
Swords in myrtle dress'd: towards a rhetoric of Sodom: gay readings of
homosexual politics and poetics in the eighteenth century.
Madison [N.J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London: Associated
University Presses, c1998.
Suz PR 448 .H65 R69 1998
Homosexuals in history: a study of ambivalence in society, literature, and
the arts. 1st American edition.
NY: Macmillan, 1977.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.7 R68 1977
Bot HQ 75.7 R68 1983 (1983 printing.)
The poet Auden: a personal memoir.
London: Methuen, 1987.
Suz PR 6001 .U4 Z795 1987
The rosy medallions. Selected work by Camille Roy.
Berkeley, CA: Kelsey St. Press, c1995.
Suz PS 3568 .O945 R657 1995
August Strindberg's perversions: on the science, sin and scandal of
homosexuality in August Strindberg's works.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2001.
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2001.
Suz PT 7013 Th51074
AuxStx Thesis 51074
Cases and materials on sexual orientation and the law. 2nd ed.
St. Paul, MN: West Pub. Co., 1997.
note: Rev. ed. of: Lesbians, gay men, and the law. c1993.
note: for lst ed., see: Lesbians, gay men and the law.
Suz KF 4754.5 .A7 L48 1997
1999 supplement to Cases and materials on sexual orientation and the
St. Paul, MN: West Group, 1999.
(American casebook series)
Suz KF 4754.5 .A7 L482 1999
The rights of people who are HIV positive: the authoritative ACLU guide to
the rights of people living with HIV disease and AIDS. By William B.
Rubenstein, Ruth Eisenberg, Lawrence O. Gostin.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, c1996.
SuzRef, Law KF 3803 .A54 R83 1996
Some demographic characteristics of the gay community in the United
William B. Rubenstein, R. Bradley Sears, Robert J. Sockloskie.
[Los Angeles, CA]: Williams Project, UCLA School of Law, [2003?]
note: available online
Self-made man: identity and embodiment among transsexual men.
[Nashville, TN]: Vanderbilt University Press, 2003.
Suz, Bot HQ 77.9 .R83 2003
Deviance: the interactionist perspective; text and readings in the
sociology of deviance [by] Earl Rubington [and] Martin S. Weinberg. 2nd
NY: Macmillan [1973]
note: Occupational Predispositions and Lesbianism, (Charles H. McGaghy and
James K. Skipper, Jr.) pp. 260-267 (reprinted from their article, "Lesbian
behavior as an adaptation to the occupation of stripping" in Social
Problems, v.17, n.2, Fall, 1969, pp. 262-270); A Typology of Tearoom
Participants (Laud Humphreys), pp. 326-338 (reprinted from Laud Humphreys.
Tearoom Trade. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1970), pp. 1-2, 104-105,
108-130; The Social Integration of Queers and Peers (Albert J. Reiss,
Jr.), pp. 395-406 (reprinted from Social Problems, v.9, n.2, Fall, 1961,
pp. 102, 104, 106-109, 112-119)
SocWk HM 291 .R75 1973
Deviance, the interactionist perspective; text and readings in the
sociology of deviance [compiled by] Earl Rubington [and] Martin S.
NY: Macmillan [1968]
note The Social integration of queers and peers (Albert J. Reiss, Jr.),
pp. 371-381 (reprinted from Social Problems. v.9, n.2, Fall, 1961)
Suz, Ugl HM 291 .R75
Of a homosexual teacher: beneath the mainstream of constitutional
By Ronald A. Rubinstein and Patricia B. Fry.
[Tarrytown, NY]: Associated Faculty Press; Frederick, MD: dist. by
University Publications of America, c1981.
Suz KF 4180 .R8 1981
Law KF 4754.5 .R82
Rebekah & Sophie: a lesbian family: an ethnographic portrait.
Watertown, MA: Documentary Educational Resources, 2005.
note: CD-ROM
note: Rebekah and Sophie -- a Lesbian Family is an Oak Park Story that
portrays people living in one of the most "gay-friendly" suburbs in the
U.S. The family lived through the gay civil rights battles of the 1980s
and 1990s and have settled into raising a family and being part of the
middle-class life of the village.
UglCirc HQ 76.3 .U52 I4455 2005
Santa Cruz: [s.n., 1976-1978]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 68 v.1-19 (Feb 1976-Aug/Sep 1978)
The riddle of gender: science, activism, and transgender rights.
NY: Pantheon Books, c2005.
Suz, Bot HQ 77.95 .U6 R83 2005
Tac HQ 77.95 .U5 R83 2006
Crossdressing with dignity: the case for transcending gender lines.
Katy, TX: PM Publishers, c1990.
Suz HQ 77 .R82x 1990
Alienation: minority groups.
NY: Wiley [1972]
note: [chapter] 20, What it means to be a homosexual (Merle Miller),
pp. 205-223.
Suz PE 1127 .M5 R8
Winckelmanns Tod; die Originalberichte.
[Wiesbaden] Insel-Verlag, 1959.
Suz N8375 .W7 R8 1959
see also: Gelman-Waxner, Libby. (pseudonym)
NY: Plume, 1994.
note: for motion picture based on this drama, see Jeffrey.
Drama PS 3568 U334 J44 1994
Mr. Charles, currently of Palm Beach.
NY: Dramatists Play Service
Drama PS 3568 .U334 M72 2004
Sex and the church: gender, homosexuality, and the transformation of
Christian ethics.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1997.
Suz BR 115 .H6 R83 1997
Gays, AIDS, and you. By Enrique T. Rueda and Michael Schwartz.
Old Greenwich, CT: Devin-Adair Co., c1987.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 R82 1987
The homosexual network: private lives and public policy.
Old Greenwich, CT: Devin Adair Co., c1982.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.8 U5 R83 1982
Homosexuality: a changing picture. Edited by Hendrik M. Ruitenbeek.
London: Souvenir Press, 1973.
Suz HQ 76 R82
Homosexuality and creative genius.
NY: Astor-Honor [c1987]
Suz PN 56 S53 R8
The problem of homosexuality in modern society; [anthology. 1st ed]
NY, Dutton [c1963]
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 .R83
Contract with the world.
NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1980.
Suz PR 9199.3 .R78 C65
The desert of the heart.
NY: Arno Press, 1975, c1964.
note: Reprint of the 1965 ed.
Suz PS 3568 .U4 D48 1965a
Bot PS 3568 .U43 D4 1977 (Talonbooks ed.)
Detained at customs: Jane Rule testifies at the Little Sister's
Vancouver: Lazara Press, 1995.
(Discussion on law, 4)
Suz Z658 .C2 R84 1995
A hot-eyed moderate.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1985.
Suz, Bot PR 9199.3 .R78 H6 1985
Inland passage.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1985.
Suz PR 9199.3 R78 I5 1985
Lesbian images.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975.
Suz, Ugl PN 56 S52 R84
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1981.
Suz, Bot PR 9199.3 R78 O9 1981
This is not for you: a novel.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1982, c1970.
Suz PR 9199.3 .R78 T5 1982
Young in one another's arms.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1977.
Suz PS 3568 .U4 Y6
Bot PR 9199.3 .R78 Y6 1984
A day and a night at the baths. [Cover photo. by Stephen Fried]
Bolinas, CA: Grey Fox Press, c1979.
Suz PS 3568 .U43 D39 1979
Gringos and other stories. Introduction by Russell Banks; afterword by
Robert Creeley. A new ed.
Rocky Mount, N.C.: North Carolina Wesleyan College Press, c1991.
Suz PS 3568 .U43 G75 1991
My first Satyrnalia.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press; Eugene, OR: Distributed by the Subterranean
Co., c1981.
Suz PS 3568 .U43 M9 1981
Robert Duncan in San Francisco.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press, c1996.
note: an earlier version...was published by Robert Bertholf in Credences
5/6 (March 1978)
Suz PS 3507 .U629 Z88 1996
Lettin it all hang out: an autobiography.
NY: Hyperion, c1995.
Suz, Tac HQ 77 .R87 1995
Carmen: my life. As told to Paul Martin.
Auckland: Benton Ross, 1988.
Suz HQ 77.8 .R86 M37 1988
A desired past: a short history of same-sex love in America.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 R86 1999
Drag queens at the 801 Cabaret. Leila J. Rupp and Verta Taylor.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.
Suz HQ 77.2 .U6 R86 2003
James Donald Smith, Ronald J. Mancoske, editors.
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 R87 1997
Homosexuality: a philosophical inquiry.
NY: Blackwell, 1988.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.25 R87 1988
The life writing of otherness: Woolf, Baldwin, Kingston, and
NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: chapter 5, The Refusal of Otherness. Winterson's Oranges Are Not the
Only Fruit, pp. 105-132.
Suz PR 808 .A9 R87 2002
The quilt: stories from the NAMES Project.
Photographs by Matt Herron; design by Deborah Zemke; with an introduction
by Elizabeth Taylor.
NY: Pocket Books, c1988.
note: This list of names represents the panels displayed in Washington, D.
C. in October 1987.
Suz, Ugl TT 835 .R88 1988
The female man.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1986, c1975.
Bot PS 3568 .U763 F4 1986
Ugl PS 3568 .U763 F4 1975a ( Gregg reprint of 1975; introd. by Marilyn
Suz, Bot PS 3568 .U763 F4 1975 (Bantam ed.)
On strike against God.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, [1985], c1980.
note: reprint, originally published: Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books,
Ugl PS 3568 .U763 O6 1985
The two of them.
NY: Berkeley Pub. Corp.: distributed by Putnam, c1978.
Ugl PS 3568 .U763 T8
What are we fighting for?: sex, race, class, and the future of
note: chapter 5: On lesbian invisibility.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1190 .R87 1998
Voted out: the psychological consequences of anti-gay politics.
NY: New York University Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 C67 2000
Queer Burroughs.
NY: Palgrave, 2001.
Suz PS 3552 .U75 Z84 2001
Stupid kids.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1999.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Stupid kids
Boys of life.
NY: Dutton, c1991.
Suz PS 3568 .U7684 B6 1991
The coming storm.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Suz PS 3568 .U7684 C65 1999
The gay 100: a ranking of the most influential gay men and lesbians, past
and present.
NY: Carol Pub. Group, c1995.
Suz HQ 75.2 .R87 1995
The salt point.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz PS 3568 .U7684 S2 2000
The celluloid closet: homosexuality in the movies. lst ed.
NY: Harper & Row, c1981.
Suz, Ugl PN 1995.9 .H55 R8 1981
The celluloid closet: homosexuality in the movies. Rev. ed.
NY: Harper & Row, c1987.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 H55 R8 1987
Bisexuality and the challenge to lesbian politics: sex, loyalty, and
NY: New York University Press, c1995.
(The cutting edge: lesbian life and literature)
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 75.6 .U5 R87 1995
NY; Distributed by Women Make Movies, [2002]
note: VHS
note: credits- editor, Rachel Kittner; cinematographer, Ferne Pearlstein;
original music, Chris Cunningham, Michelle Kinney.
note: Tells the story of two Jewish lesbians, Ruthie Berman and Connie
Kurtz, who were both married mothers of young children and lived in a
working class neighborhood in Brooklyn in the 1950s. Their friendship grew
and in 1974 they left their husbands and children and moved in with each
other. In 1995 they made history in a landmark lawsuit that won domestic
partner benefits for all New York City employees.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 157
Time on two crosses: the collected writings of Bayard Rustin. Edited by
Devon W. Carbado and Donald Weise.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c2003.
Suz E185.615 .R84 2003
The gay book of lists.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1987.
Suz HQ 76 .R88 1987
The gay decades: from Stonewall to the present: the people and events that
shaped gay lives.
NY: Plume, c1992.
SuzRef, Ugl, SocWk, Bot, Tac HQ 76.8 U5 R88 1992
The gay fireside companion.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1989.
Suz HQ 76 .R89 1989
The new gay book of lists. 2nd ed.
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, 1996.
SuzRef HQ 76 .R895 1996
Contextualizing HIV positive serostatus disclosure by gay men to their
sexual partners.
Seattle: University of Washington, 2002.
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2002
SocWk HV 13 Th51911
Aux Thesis 51911
Lesbian & gay youth: care & counseling. [By] Caitlin Ryan, Donna
NY: Columbia University Press, 1998.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .R92 1998
The poetry of Michelangelo: an introduction.
Madison, [N.J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson Press; London: Associated University
Presses, c1998.
note: chapter 6, Poems for Tommaso Cavalieri, pp. 94-128.
Suz PQ 4615 .B6 R93 1998
Empress of the world.
NY: Viking, 2001.
BotChi, TacChi PZ 7 .R957 Em 2001
Vamp: a novel.
South Fremantle, W. A.: Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1997.
Ugl PR 9619.3 .R895 V36 1997
Naked and erect: male sexuality and feeling.
Wilmette, IL: Chiron Pub., c1996.
note: author is a Jungian analyst
note: chapter 1, The Alchemy of Masturbation, pp. 9-28; chapter 2,
Homosexuality--the Real Story, pp. 29-55; chapter 5, Bisexuality and the
Father Archetype, pp. 85-95.
Suz BF 175.5 .M37 R93 1996
Sinners and citizens: bestiality and homosexuality in Sweden,
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 72 .S93 R93 2003
Last songs: AIDS and the music therapist.
By Mary Rykov and Gordon Hewitt. 2nd ed.
Toronto: Music Therapy Services of Metropolitan Toronto, c1994.
Music ML 3920 .R94 1994
Lust, or, No harm done.
London: Flamingo, 2001.
Suz PR 6068 .Y74 L87 2001
Was: a novel.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1992.
Ugl PR 6068 .Y74 W37 1992
Suz PR 6068 .Y74 W37 1993
Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, c1983.
note: Diversity in sadomasochism: four [among the four, Glen: profile of
a typical gay S & Mer; Robbie: a masochistic bisexual] S & M careers (G.
W. Levi Kamel, Thomas S. Weinberg), pp. 113-128; A secret side of lesbian
sexuality (Pat Califia), pp. 129-136; Leathersex: meaningful aspects of
gay sadomasochism (G. W. Levi Kamel), pp. 162-174.
Suz, Ugl HQ 79 .S15 1983
Transtorno de identidade sexual: um estudo psicopatológico de
transexualismo masculino e feminino. 2004.
Thesis (doctoral)--Universidade de São Paulo, 2004.
note: when you connect to the title, click on: Tesealexandre.pdf (lower
left), and then check box (to agree not to use commercially) and click on:
available online,
Edward II, 1307-1327.
London: Rubicon Press, c1997.
Suz DA 230 .S23 1997
Ernesto. A cura di Maria Antonietta Grignani. Nuova ed.
Torino: Einaudi, 1995.
(Einaudi tascabili. Letterature; 312)
Suz PQ 4841 .A18 E7 1995
Ernesto; translated from the Italian [into English] by Mark Thompson.
Manchester: Carcanet, 1987.
Suz PQ 4841 .A18 E7 1987
The hunt. Translated from the French by Richard Howard.
NY: Stein and Day [1965]
note: translation of: La chasse a courre.
Suz 848 Sa14chE
Witches' sabbbath. Translated from the French by Richard Howard.
NY: Stein and Day, 1983, c1964.
note: translation of: Le Sabbat.
Suz PQ 2637 .A16 S313 1983
Vita Sackville-West: selected writings. Edited by Mary Ann Caws.
NY: Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002.
Suz PR 6037 .A35 A6 2002
Sacramento Women's Chorus [sound recording]; Deep C. Divas.
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival, v.1)
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: performer- 1st chorus, Mary WillAllen, artistic director; Muffet
Wilkerson, accompanist; Sharon Erman, guest artist. 2nd chorus: Jane
Edwardson, music director.
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.1
Les 120 [i.e. cent vingt] journees de Sodome.
Bruxelles, 1947-48. 4 v.
note: not primarily homosexual; includes homosexual acts
Suz 843 Sa15c1 v.1-2, v.3-4
The 120 days of Sodom and other writings. Compiled and translated by
Austryn Wainhouse & Richard Seaver; with introductions by Simone de
Beauvoir & Pierre Klossowski.
NY: Grove Press, 1987, c1966.
note: translation of Les 120 journees de Sodome.
note: not primarily homosexual; includes homosexual acts
Suz PQ 2063 .S3 A285 1987
Suz 848 Sa15ma
Sex between men: an intimate history of the sex lives of gay men postwar
to the present.
[San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco, c1996.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 S33 1996
Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1992.
EAsia HQ 76.2 .J3 S23 1992
[Durham]: Duke University, Division of Student Affairs, Center for LGBT
Life, 2003.
note: credits- directors of photography, Christina Wang, Tom Wilson;
editors, Christina Wang and Kerry John Poynter.
note: Designed to be used with the Students, Administrators & Faculty for
Equality on Campus (SAFE) training program at Duke University that uses
identity development theory, group interaction and the digital videos on
this disc to help new members with effective strategies to communicate
with others and acquire a better understanding of their own strengths and
limitations around lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues.
DVD includes the 10 video scenarios that are used in the SAFE on Campus
training workshop at Duke University, interviews with the director and
producer and a still gallery. DVD-ROM content includes weblinks to
resources and to the training manuals (downloads to use with videos),
graphics, how to start a SAFE program and program notes.
note: system requirements for DVD-ROM content: computer with a DVD player
and online connection for accessing manuals and other documentation.
UglMed DVD DUKE 001
Annual report.
Seattle, WA: Safe Schools Coalition, [1995-
note: continues its: Report.
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 S24 no.2-4 (1995-1997)
Seattle, WA: Safe Schools Coalition, [1994]
note: continued by its: Annual report.
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 S24 no. 1 (1994)
[Seattle, WA]: Safe Schools Coalition of Washignton, [1997]
SuzRef, Tac LB 2864.5 .S2 1997
It's a family affair: the complete lesbian parenting book.
London: Diva, 2001.
Ugl HQ 75.53 .S24 2001
"What about the children?": sons and daughters of lesbian and gay parents
talk about their lives.
London: Cassell, 1996.
Suz HQ 777.8 .S23 1996
note: also published under pseudonym: Donald Webster Cory.
see also: Cory, Donald Webster.
Odd man in; societies of deviants in America.
Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1969.
note: chapter 4, Homosexuals: the Many Masks of Mattachine, pp. 78-110;
chapter 5, Transvestites and Transsexuals: Boys Will Be Girls, pp.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, HSLIC HV 547 .S2
Structure and ideology in an association of deviants.
NY: Arno Press, 1975, c1966.
note: Reprint of the ed. which was originally presented as the author's
thesis, New York University.
Suz HQ 76.8 U5 S23 1975
Midlife and aging in gay America: proceedings of the SAGE Conference
Douglas C. Kimmel, Dawn Lundy Martin, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press: Haworth Social Work Practice Press, c2001.
Ugl, Tac HQ 75.115 .S24 2000
Thousand Oaks: Sage, c2006.
note: [chapter] 1, Queers, punks, and the Utopian performative,
(José Esteban Muñz), pp. 9-20.
Drama PN 1590 .S6 S24 2006
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, c2005.
note: [chapter 14, Critical humanism and queer theory; Living with the
tensions, (Ken Plummer), pp. 357-373.
note: earlier editions under title, Handbook of qualitative research.
Suz, SocWkRef, Bot H62 .H2455 2005
NY: Teachers & Writers Collaborative, c1980.
Suz PS 509 .H57 S23 1980
Male and female homosexuality; a comprehensive investigation.
By Marcel T. Saghir and Eli Robins.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins [1973]
HSLIC WM 615 S129m 1973
see: Mackay, John Henry
Federico Garcia Lorca and the culture of male homosexuality. Translated
from the Spanish by Erica Frouman-Smith; foreword by Alberto Mira.
Jefferson, N. C.: McFarland & Co., c2007.
Suz PQ 6613 .A763 Z878213 2007
Federico Garcia Lorca y la cultura de la homosexualidad: Lorca, Dali,
Cernuda, Gil-Albert, Prados y la voz silenciada del amor homosexual.
Stockholm: A Sahuquillo Vazquez, c1986.
note: summary in English.
Suz PR 6613 .A763 Z885 1986
Spells of a voodoo doll: the poems, fiction, essays, and plays of Assotto
NY: Masquerade Books, 1996.
Suz PS 3569 .A379 S6 1996
Stations: poems.
NY: Galiens Press, 1989.
Suz PS 3569 .A42 S7 1989
Wishing for wings: poems.
NY: Galiens Press, 1994.
Suz PS 3569 .A379 W57 1994
Yaoi genron: yaoi kara mieta mono.
Tokyo: Natsume Shobo, 1998.
EAsia PL 721 .H59 S25 1998
Akarui toransujenda seikatsu.
Tokyo: Toransubyu, 2004.
note: transsexual biography
EASia HQ 77.95 .J3 S25 2004
Sei doitsusei shogai wa omoshiroi: seibetsu tte kaerareru n dayo.
Tokyo: Gendai Shokan, 1999.
note: biography--transsexuals
EAsia HQ 77.8 .S25 A3 1999
see: Homosexuality: sacrilege, vision, politics. (special issue)
The right to privacy: gays, lesbians, and the Constitution.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991.
Suz, Ugl, Law KF 1262 S26 1991
Philadelphia: Pilgrim Press [1969]
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC HQ 76 S25
South Bend, IN: St. Augustine's Press, 2003.
Ugl BL .h64 S26 2003
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2005.
(Blackwell readers in anthropology, 6)
Ugl, Tac GN 484.35 .S36 2005
Edited by John Corvino.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .S24 1997
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2005.
Ugl HQ 76.3 .G8 S35 2005
NY: Routledge, 2004.
Suz PR 428 .H66 S36 2004
Edited by Brigitte Mahuzier et al.
[A special issue of:] Yale French Studies. n. 90 (1996)
Suzzallo Periodicals 840.5 YA
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1999.
SocWk, Tac HQ 75.5 .L84 1999
NY: Palgrave, 2001.
(The new Middle Ages)
Suz HQ 75.5 .S25 2001
Edited by Robert H. Hopcke, Karen Lofthus Carrington, and Scott
Boston: Shambhala, 1993.
Suz, NatSci HQ 76.5 S244 1993
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz PK 5461 .S26 2000
[Edited, and with an introduction by] Andrew Sullivan; with research
assistance by Joseph Landau.
NY: Vintage Books, 1997.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .S26 1997
NY: Vintage Books, c2004.
Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 1033 .S26 2004
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, c2006.
Suz, Law HQ 1034 .U5 S245 2006
Edited by Robert M. Baird & Stuart E. Rosenbaum.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 S33 1997
Edited by Robert M. Baird & Stuart E. Rosenbaum.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2004.
Suz HQ 1034.U5 S25 2004
Politics on the couch: citizenship and the internal life.
NY: Other Press, 2001.
note: chapter 5, The secret psychology of political forms, pp. 64-74.
Suz WM 420 S193p 2001
Hitchcock's bi-textuality: Lacan, feminisms, and queer theory.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c1998.
(SUNY series in psychoanalysis and culture)
Suz, Bot PN 1998.3 .H58 S26 1998
Writing prejudices: the psychoanalysis and pedagogy of discrimination from
Shakespeare to Toni Morrision.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2001.
Suz PR 408 .P8 S26 2001
Berkeley: University of California, Library Photographic Service,
note: 61 titles on 96 microform reels; accompanied by guide entitled: San
Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serials: a guide to the microfilm
collection. (in MicNews as Microfilm A10331 guide, and in SuzRef as
HQ 76.3 U5 W35 1991 )
MicNews Microfilm A10331
San Francisco, CA: Coming Up! Inc., c1989-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues Coming up, see Coming up
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 42 Apr-Dec 1989
San Francisco, CA: RB & A Associates, [1977-1981]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues Gay crusader, see Gay crusader.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 45-46 no. 46-128 (Jul 1977-Jul 23, 1981)
[San Francisco: s.n., 1969-1970]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continued by San Francisco gay free press, see San Francisco gay
free press.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.1, no.1-v.1, no.10 (Sept. 1969-May
San Francisco, CA: San Francisco Gay Free Press, [1970]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues San Francisco free press, see San Francisco free
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.1, no. 1-v.1-no.2 (Nov. 1970-Dec. 1970)
How fair this place. [sound recording]
[San Francisco, CA]: Golden Gate Performing Arts, p1991.
note: 1 sound disc: digital; American Helix: SFGMC-92-LA
note: sung in English and Latin; Stan Hill, artistic director; James
Conrad, synthesizer; Martin Kahler, oboe; with the Arlekin Moscow String
Quartet and others.
UglMed Cd GGPA 001
San Francisco: Beta Chapter of San Francisco, -[1955]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continued by Mattachine newsletter, see Mattachine newsletter.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 69 no. 6-22 (Nov. 1953-Mar. 1955)
[San Francisco: Maverick Press, c1967]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues Maverick, see Maverick
note: continued by Haight Ashbury maverick, see Haight Ashbury
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 96 v.1,no.3 (1967)
Out at the library: celebrating the James C. Hormel Gay & Lesbian Center.
[Catalogue editor and designer, Stephanie Snyder].
[San Francisco]: San Francisco Public Library, c2005.
SpecColl Book Arts Z675 .G29 S28 2005
San Francisco: CTA Graphics, [1974-1978]
note: continued by Sentinel, and Sentinel U.S.A., and San Francisco
sentinel; see Sentinel, and Sentinel U.S.A., and San Francisco
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 70-71
v.1-v.5,n.11 (1974-Jun 2, 1978)
San Francisco, CA: GayFirst, Inc., c1986-
note: continues Sentinel U.S.A., and Sentinel, and San Francisco
sentinel; see Sentinel U.S.A., and Sentinel, and San Francisco sentinel
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel reel 75-81
v.14,n.17-v.17 (Aug 15, 1986-1989)
S.J. [San Jose: s.n.]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.1,no.7 (Aug. 6, 1970)
Tokyo: Nanatsumori Shokan, 1998.
EAsia HQ 75.16 .J3 S26 1998
Rainbow boys.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2001.
BotChi, TacChi PZ 7 .S19475 Rai 2001
Rainbow high.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2003.
note: follows 3 gay high school seniors as they struggle with issues of
coming out, safe sex, homophobia...
TacChi PZ7 .S19475 Rak 2003
Rainbow road.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2005.
TacChi PZ7 .S19475 Ram 2005
So hard to say.
NY: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2004.
ChiLit PZ7 .S19475 So 2004
Carlos Sánchez: la razón de estar gay. Cristian Cottet.
Santiago de Chile: Mosquito Communiciones, 2005.
Suz HQ 75.16 .C5 S26 2005
Does your house have lions?
Boston: Beacon Press, c1997.
Suz, Bot PS 3569 .A468 D64 1997
Democratic gays, modern gays: the construction of homosexual characters in
Spanish films during the transition (1975-1978).
M.A. thesis, Carleton University, 2000.
available online,
Gay source: a catalog for men. Compiled, written, and edited by Dennis
Sanders, with the assistance of Michael Emory; illustrated by George
Stavrinos; designed by Frederick Myers.
NY: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1977.
Suz HQ 76 .S29 1977
Mediawatch; the treatment of male and female homosexuality in the British
London: Cassell, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 S26 1995
Boys on their contacts with men: a study of sexually expressed
Elmhurst, NY: Global Academic Publishers, c1987.
Suz HQ 72 .N4 S26 1987
Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics; [London]: Turnaround [distributor], c2006.
note: Lesbian language, queer imaginings, and death: the time of your
life, (Joe Sutliff Sanders), pp. 185-196.
Ugl, Bot, Tac PN 6728 .S26 S36 2006
Performance, ritual, and negotiation of identity in the Michigan Womyn's
Music Festival.
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services, 2002.
note: photocopy, Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Maryland, 2002.
Music ML 37 .U5 M53 2002a
Tweakers: how crystal meth is ravaging gay America.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, c2005.
Ugl HV 5825 .S353 2005
The emerging lesbian: female same-sex desire in modern China.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2003.
Ugl HQ 75.6 .C6 S25 2003
Unheard voices: the effects of silence on lesbian and gay educators.
Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1999.
Suz, Bot, Tac LB 2844.1 .G39 S36 1999
Imágenes del desvío: la voz homoerótica en el arte
cubano contemporáneo.
[Chile]: J.C. Sáez, [2004]
Suz N8217 .H67 S36 2004
Stella Manhattan. Translated by George Yudice.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1994.
Suz PQ 9697 .S2732 S7413 1994
Sirena Selena. Translated by Stephen Lytle.
NY: Picador USA, 2000.
Suz PQ 7440 .S26 S5713 2000
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.5 .S27 2006
American dreams.
NY: High Risk Books/Serpent's Tail, 1994.
Suz PS 3569 A63 A47 1994
Black wings & blind angels: poems.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1999.
Suz PS 3569 .A63 B58 1999
San Francisco, CA: Sapphire, c1973.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.1,no.1-v.1,no.2 (Feb. 1973-Mar.
The Love songs of Sappho.
Translated by Paul Roche; with an introduction by Page Dubois.
NY: Signet Classic, c1991.
Suz PA 4408 .E5 R6 1991
Lyrics in the original Greek, with translations by Willis Barnstone.
Foreword by Andrew R. Burn.
[NY]: New York University Press, 1965.
Ugl PA 4408 .A2 1965
Sappho, a garland: the poems and fragments of Sappho.
Translated by Jim Powell.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1993.
Suz PA 4408 .E5 P58 1993
Sappho; a new translation by Mary Barnard. Foreword by Dudley
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1958.
Suz, Ugl PA 4408 .E5 B3
London: Chatto & Windus, 2000.
Suz PA 4409 .S27 2000
Edited by Chava Frankfort-Nachmias & Erella Shadmi.
Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005.
(SUNY series in Israeli studies)
Suz HQ 75.16 .I75 S27 2005
London: Anvil Press Poetry, 1996.
Suz PR 1175 .S27 1996
Christ on the rue Jacob. Translated by Suzanne Jill Levine and Carol
San Francisco: Mercury House, c1995.
note: translation of: Cristo de la rue Jacob.
Suz, Bot PQ 7390 .S28 C713 1995
The androgynous manager.
NY: AMACOM, c1981.
Bus HD 38 .S3143
Beyond sex roles.
St. Paul: West Pub. Co., c1977.
note: androgyny
SocWk BF 692.2 .S27
John Singer Sargent: the male nudes. John Esten; preface by Donna
NY: Universe Pub., 1999.
note: introductory material considers homoerotic aspects
Art ND 237 .S3 A4 1999
Like a brother, like a lover: male homosexuality in the American novel and
theater from Herman Melville to James Baldwin. Translated from the French
by Richard Miller.
Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1978.
note: translation of: Comme un frere, comme un amant.
Suz, Ugl, Tac PS 169 H65 S213 1978
Conversations with May Sarton. Edited by Earl G. Ingersoll.
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, c1991.
Suz, Bot PS 3537 .A832 Z464 1991
Dear Juliette: letters of May Sarton to Juliette Huxley.
Selected, edited, and introduced by Susan Sherman; foreword by Francis
Huxley; drafts of introductions by May Sarton.
NY: W. W. Norton, c1999.
Suz PS 3557 .A832 Z483 1999
The education of Harriet Hatfield: a novel.
NY: W. W. Norton, c1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3537 .A832 E38 1989
Kinds of love; a novel.
NY: Norton [1970]
Suz, Ugl PS 3537 .A832 K4
Bot PS 3537 .A832 K4 1980
May Sarton: a self-portrait.
Edited by Marita Simpson and Martha Wheelock. Rev. ed.
NY: W. W. Norton, 1986, c1982.
note: Rev. ed. of: World of light.
Suz, Bot PS 3537 .A832 Z47 1986
Mrs. Stevens hears the mermaids singing: a novel. Introduction by Carolyn
G. Heilbrun.
NY: Norton, 1975, c1965.
Ugl PS 3537 .A832 M6 1975
Suz, Ugl PS 3537 .A832 M6
A reckoning: a novel.
NY: Norton, c1978.
Suz, Ugl PS 3537 .A832 R4
The small room, a novel.
NY: Norton [1961]
Suz, Ugl PS 3537 .A832 S6
A world of light: portraits and celebrations.
NY: Norton, c1976.
note: later ed. entitled: May Sarton: a self-portrait.
Ugl PS 3537 .A832 Z526
Wider Gutmachung: Die versaumte Entschadigung der schwulen Opfer des
see: Schulz, Christian. Paragraph 175.
Coming out!
Tokyo: Gentosha, 1995.
EAsia HQ 75.4 .S27 A3 1995
Ganymede in the Renaissance: homosexuality in art and society.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1986.
Suz, Art NX 650 H6 S27 1986
Pictures and passions: a history of homosexuality in the visual arts.
NY: Viking, 1999.
Art N8217 .H67 S27 1999
Diaries, 1920-1922. Edited and introduced by Rupert Hart-Davis.
London: Faber and Faber, 1981.
Suz PR 6037 .A86 Z545
Homosexuality and the politics of truth.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 S35 1996
[Santa Monica, CA]: Strand Releasing Home Video, [2004]
note: DVD; in Thai with optional English subtitles; originally
produced as a motion picture in 2003.
note: cast- Jessadaporn Pholdee, Sahpap Virakamin, Giorgio Maiocchi,
Chaicharn Nimpoonsawas, Gokgorn Benjathkul, Siridhana Hongsopon; credit-
editor, Sunit Assavinkul; music, Amorbong Methakunvudh; director of
photography, Sayomphu Mukeeprom.
note: The sequel [Satree-lex = Iron Ladies] to the smash hit about a gay
volleyball team. This time out, the teammates experience difficulty
adjusting to their lives of unexpected success and split over creative
differences. After a series of misadventures, the team reunites in hopes of
resuming their winning streak.
UglMed DVD STRAN 010
[Hong Kong]: Ocean Shores Video: Golden Scene [distributor, 2000]
note: DVD, Region 3; soundtrack in Cantonese and Thai with optional
Chinese and English subtitles.
note: cast- Jessadaporn Pholdee, Sahapap Virakamin, Ekachai Buranapanit,
Giorgio Maiocchi, Chaicharn Nimpoonsawas; Gokgorn Benjathikul, Siridhana
Hongsopon; credits- editor, Sunit Assavinikul; music, Wild at Heart.
note: The true story of a Thai male volleyball team that competes in the
national championships in 1996 with a team consisting mostly of gays,
transsexuals, and tranvestites.
UglMed DVD SEA 023
see: Satree-lex
Mujeres lesbianas.
Madrid: Zero: distribuidor exclusivo ZYX, c1979.
(Biblioteca feminista, no. 2)
Suz HQ 75.5 .S28 1979
Imps of the perverse: gay monsters in film.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 S28 1998
Lesbian etiquette: humorous essays. Cartoons by Alice Muhlback.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1986.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 S38 1986
More lesbian etiquette: humorous essays. Cartoons by Alice Muhlback.
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1990.
Ugl HQ 76.6 U5 S37 1990
The commitment: love, sex, marriage, and my family.
NY: Dutton, c2005.
Ugl HQ 1033 .S28 2005
The kid: what happened after my boyfriend and I decided to go get
pregnant: an adoption story.
NY: Dutton, c1999.
Ugl HV 875.72 .U6 S28 1999
SocWk HV 875.72 .U6 S28 2000 (Plume ed.)
Beverly Hills, CA: MGM Home Entertainment, c2004.
note: DVD
note: cast- Jena Malone, Mandy Moore, Macaulay Culkin, Patrick Fugit,
Heather Matarazzo, Eva Amurri, Martin Donovan, Mary-Louise Parker.
note: credits- director of photography, Bobby Bukowski; editor, Pamela
Martin; music, Christophe Beck; costume designer, Wendy Chuck; production
designer, Tony Devenyi.
note: Good girl Mary and her best friend Hilary Faye are at the top of the
high school food chain at American Eagle Christian. But after Mary becomes
pregnant (by a gay friend she is trying to save), Hilary Faye and her
devoted "disciples" turn on Mary and label her an outcast. Now Mary's
only hope for salvation and friendship is through a group of rebellious
misfits. Together, can they navigate the treacherous halls of high school
life and make it to graduation ... or will Hilary Faye make all their
lives a living hell?
UglMed DVD MGM 143
Marguerite Youcenar: inventing a life. Translated by Joan E. Howard.
Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1993.
Suz, Bot PQ 2649 .O8 Z8713 1993
A queer chivalry: the homoerotic asceticism of Gerard Manley Hopkins.
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2000.
Suz PR 4803 .H44 Z825 2000
"--and then I became gay": young men's stories.
NY: Routledge, 1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 S37 1998
Gay and lesbian youth: expressions of identity.
NY: Hemisphere Pub. Corp., c1990.
(Series in clinical and community psychology)
Suz HQ 76.25 S38 1990
Mom, Dad, I'm gay: how families negotiate coming out.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, c2001.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 .S39 2001
The new gay teenager.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .S395 2005
Culver City, CA: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, [2005]
note: DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 2004.
note: credits -director of photography, Harlan Bosmajian; editors, Susan
Graff, Sabine Hoffman; music, Anton Sanko; costume designer, Jill Newell;
production designer, Dan Ouellette; cast -Joan Chen, Michelle Krusiec,
Lynn Chen, Jin Wang, Guang Lan Koh, Jessica Hecht, Ato Essandoh.
note: Wilhelmina is a Chinese-American lesbian and a young surgeon who
has kept her sexual orientation secret from her conservative Chinese
community in New York. But when her widowed mother becomes pregnant and is
kicked out by her own parents, Wil suddenly has to juggle her mother's
secrets with her own. Wil has a new romance with Vivian who is a ballet
dancer and the daughter of Wil's boss.
Homosexuality, transvestism and change of sex.
Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas [1958]
Health WJ 712 S367h 1958
Communists, cowboys, and queers: the Politics of masculinity in the work
of Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota press, c1992.
Suz, Drama PS 338 .P6 S28 1992
A queer sort of materialism: recontextualizing American theater.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2003.
Suz PN 2270 .G39 S28 2003
Taking it like a man: white masculinity, masochism, and contemporary
American culture.
Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, c1998.
note: chapter 4, Queer masculinities, pp. 213-239; chapter 5, Man and
Nation, pp. 240-292.
Suz, Bot HQ 1090.3 .S28 1998
Casement, the flawed hero.
London; Boston: Routledge & K. Paul, 1984.
Suz DA 965 .C3 S29 1984
The continual pilgrimage: American writers in Paris, 1944-1960.
NY: Grove Press, 1992.
note: among others, discusses Baldwin, Himes, Ashberry, Ginsberg, and
Suz PS 159 .F5 S28 1992
An invisible spectator: a biography of Paul Bowles.
NY: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, c1989.
Suz, Ugl PS 3552 .O874 Z89 1989
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1998.
Suz HQ 75.16 .S34 S33 1998b
Eros & Greek athletics.
NY: Oxford University Press, 2002.
note: [chapter] 3, Athletics, initiation, and pederasty, pp. 64-97;
[chapter] 8, Eros and Greek athletics, pp. 199-273.
Suz GV 21 .S32 2002
Death of the good doctor: lessons from the heart of the AIDS epidemic.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, 1999.
Suz WZ 100 S238d 1999
Is the homosexual my neighbor?: a positive Christian response.
Rev. and updated edition.
San Francisco: HarperSan Francisco, c1994.
note: lst ed. , 1978, entitled: Is the homosexual my neighbor?: another
Christian view.
Suz BR 115 .H6 S3 1994
Is the homosexual my neighbor?: another Christian view.
San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1980.
note: Rev. ed, 1994, entitled: Is the homosexual my neighbor? a positive
Christian response.
Suz BR 115 .H6 S3 1978
Ugl BR 115 .H6 S3 1980
Male on male rape: the hidden toll of stigma and shame.
Foreword by William B. Rubenstein.
NY: Insight Books, c1997.
Suz HV 6561 .S32 1997
Smearing the queer: medical bias in the health care of gay men.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1999.
Suz WA 300 S285s 1999b
Tac WA 300 S285s 1999 (Haworth Press)
Danger zones: homosexuality, national identity, and Mexican culture.
Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c1996.
Suz PQ 7203 .S44 1996
Borrowed light: a novel.
Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 2002.
Ugl PS 3619 .C3255 B67 2002
Shattered applause: the lives of Eva Le Gallienne.
Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, c1992.
Drama, Bot PN 2287 L3 S34 1992
"That furious lesbian:" the story of Mercedes de Acosta.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, c2003.
Suz PS 3501 .C7 Z87 2003
The lost life of Horatio Alger, Jr. With Jack Bales.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1985.
Suz, Ugl PS 1029 .A3 Z84 1985
Two halves of New Haven.
NY: Crown Publishers, c1992.
Suz PS 3569 .C4783 T88 1992
The AIDS notebooks.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c1990.
note: examines AIDS within the frame of social and cultural theory
note: Aron on AIDS: homosexuality as an absolute difference, pp. 57-64;
Stories, pp. 117-122.
HSLIC WD 308 S314a 1990
Alcibiades at the door: gay discourses in French literature.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1995.
Suz PQ 629 .S33 1995
French gay modernism.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2004.
Suz PQ 637 /J65 S44 2004
Parts of an andrology: on representations of men's bodies.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997.
Suz PN 56 .B62 S34 1997
The shock of men: homosexual hermeneutics in French writing.
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995.
Suz PQ 307 .H6 S34 1995
"Ich bin HIV-positiv": wie schwule Manner ihre Infektion verarbeiten,
hrsg. und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Karl-Oswald Bauer.
Hamburg: MannerschwarmSkript, 1996.
(WerkstattTexte, 1)
Suz WC 503.7 S323i 1999
Gay tourist map, Amsterdam. Producer/editor, Leo Schenk; graphic design,
Menne Vellinga.
Amsterdam: Sad-Schorerstichting, c1997.
Map Section General Map Cases G 6004 .A5 E635 1997 .S3
Truly Wilde: the unsettling story of Dolly Wilde, Oscar's unusual
NY: Basic Books, 2000.
Suz CT 788 .W7 S34 2000b
Aging and male sexuality.
Cambridge, U.K.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 6, Aging and homosexual relationships, pp. 90-98.
Suz HQ 1064 .U5 S34 1999
Chaucer's queer poetics: rereading the dream trio.
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c2006.
Suz PR 1933 .S35 S35 2006
The erotic margin: sexuality and spatiality in alteritist discourse.
London; NY: Verso, 1999.
[chapter] 4, Gendered geography, sexualized empire, pp. 105-173.
Suz HQ 21 .S315 1999
Rainer Werner Fassbinder dreht Querelle.
München: W. Heyne, c1982.
see also: Genet, Jean. Querelle.
Suz PN 1997 .Q47 S34 1982
A reading list for gay men. Compiled by Adam Schiff.
Chicago, IL: American Library Association, Social Responsibilities Round
Table, Gay and Lesbian Task Force, [1991]
note: Photocopy. [Seattle, WA: University of Washington Libraries,
Suz Z7164 .H74 S34 1991a
From toads to queens: transvestism in a Latin American setting.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1999.
note: translation of De ranas a princesas.
Suz HQ 77.2 .C8 S3513 1999
Latino truck driver trade: sex and HIV in Central America.
NY: Haworth Hispanic/Latino Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 18 .C35 S34 2001
Lila's house: male prostitution in Latin America.
NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
note: translation of Casa de Lila.
Suz HQ 154 .A5 S3413 1998
Macho love: sex behind bars in Central America.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Hispanic/Latino Press, 1999.
note: translation of: Amor de machos.
Suz HV 8836 .S3513 1999
Public sex in a Latin society.
NY: Haworth Hispanic/Latino PRess, c2000.
note: translation of: Caperucita Roja y el lobo feroz.
Suz HQ 76.2 .C6713 S353 2000
The sexual construction of Latino youth: implications for the spread of
HIV/AIDS. Jacobo Schifter, Johnny Madrigal.
NY: Haworh Hispanic/Latino Press, 2000.
Suz HQ 27 .S257 2000
The drag queen of Elfland and other stories.
Cambridge, MA: Circlet Press, 1997.
Suz PS 3569 .C496 D7 1997
"Merkwurdigerweise bekam ich Neigung zu Burschen:" Selbstbilder und
Fremdbilder homosexueller Manner in Schaffhausen 1867 bis 1970.
Zurich: Chronos, 2002.
Suz HQ 76.3 .S9 S3 2002
Die Sozialisation zur schwulen Identitat.
Hamburg: MannerschwarmSkript Verlag, 1997.
(Werkstatt Texte, 3)
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 S35 1997
Goethe und andere Schwule.
Frankfurt: R. G. Fischer, 1996.
Suz PT 2680 .L445 G64 1996
Das grosse Tabu. Zeugnisse und Dokumente zum Problem der
Hrsg. von Willhart S. Schlegel. Unter Mitarbeit von Albrecht D. Freiherr
von Dieckhoff [u.a.]
München: Rütten & Loening (1967)
Suz HQ 76 .S33 1967
Hated to death: homophobia, violence, and Jamaica's HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Human Rights Watch
NY: Human Rights Watch, c2004.
Tac HQ 76.45 .J25 S35 2004
Gay life in the former USSR: fraternity without community.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz HQ 76.3 .S653 S38 2002
The stranger Wilde: interpreting Oscar.
NY: Dutton, 1994.
Drama PR 5823 S35 1994
Walt Whitman: a gay life.
NY: Dutton, c1997.
Suz PS 3232 .S36 1997
Natural born celebrities: serial killers in American culture.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2005.
note: chapter 6, The unbearable straightness of violence: queering serial
murder in true crime, pp. 209-243.
Ugl HV 6529 .S32 2005
Sitara und der Weg dorthin; eine Studie uber Wesen, Werk & Wirkung Karl
[Karlsruhe] Stahlberg [1963]
Suz 833 M451zsc
Koeppen, Andersch, Boll: Homosexualität und Faschismus in der
deutschen Nachkriegsliteratur. Mit einem Geleitwort von Rüdiger
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2001.
Suz PT 772 .S352 2001
The Nazi abduction of Ganymede: representations of male homosexuality in
postwar German literature.
Oxford; NY: P. Lang, c2003.
Suz PT 772 .S3524 2003
The bride of catastrophe.
NY: Picador, c2003.
Suz PS 3569 .C51554 B75 2003
Hadrian: a novel.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1984.
Suz PS 3569 .C5156 H3 1984
The first poets: lives of the ancient Greek poets.
NY: Knopf: distributed by Random House, 2005.
note: includes comment on homoerotic aspects of several of the poets'
lives and works: [chapter] 1, Orpheus of Thrace, pp. 3-20; [chapter] XI,
Alcaeus of Mytilene, pp. 159-169; [chapter] XII, Sappho of Eressus, pp.
170-184; [chapter] XVII, Anacreon of Teos (and His Offspring, the
Anacreontea of Alexandria), pp. 217-231; [chapter] XXV, Theocritus of
Syracuse (c.308-240 BC), pp. 334-350.
Suz PA 3064 .S36 2005
Straight and narrow?: compassion & clarity in the homosexuality
Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, c1995.
Ugl BR 115 .H6 S35 1995
Bio-bibliography of male-male sexuality and eroticism in Muslim
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.2 .I74 S35 1995
Secret places: my life in New York and New Guinea.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2000.
(Living out)
Ugl GN 21 .S287 A3 2000
Where the spirits dwell: an odyssey in the New Guinea jungle.
NY: Grove Press, 1988.
Suz DU 744.35 A82 S37 1988
Wild man. With illustrations by the author; new foreword by David
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, c2003.
note: originally published: NY: Viking Press, 1979
Ugl G465 .S36 2003
Beautiful Inez: a novel.
NY: Shaye Areheart Books, c2005.
Ugl PS 3569 .C522374 B43 2005
Secret love.
NY: Viking, 2001.
Suz PS 3569 .C522374 S43 2001
Street Zen: the life and work of Issan Dorsey; foreword by Roshi Bernie
Glassman. 2nd ed.
NY: Marlowe & Co., c2000.
Suz BQ 950 .O77 s25 2000
Writing men: literary masculinities from Frankenstein to the new man.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, c2000.
note: Part IV. Coming out of Bildung: A Case of Gay Subversion. 13. Of
Ceremonies: Neil Bartlett's Ready to Catch Him Should He Fall, pp.
Suz PR 468 .M38 S36 2000
A minority; a report on the life of the male homosexual in Great
By Gordon Westwood [pseud.
Edinburgh] Longmans [1960]
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 S33 1960
Society and the homosexual. By Gordon Westwood [pseud]
With an introd. by Edward Glover.
London: Gollanez, 1952.
HSLIC 132.754 W529s
Sociological aspects of homosexuality; a comparative study of three types
of homosexuals.
Boston: Little, Brown [1965]
Ugl, HSLIC HQ 76 .S36
Suz HQ 76 .S36 1965b (Longmans, Green)
The last time I wore a dress. By Daphne Scholinski, with Jane Meredith
NY: Riverhead Books, 1997.
Suz, Bot, Tac WJ 712 S368L 1997
Guidelines on certain aspects of homosexuality.
Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe; London:
BLITHE Centre for Health and Medical Education, c1988.
(Aspects of sexuality and family planning, module 5)
HSLIC HQ 76 .S34 1988
NY: Haworth Press, c1997.
Suz, Tac LC 2575 .S36 1997b
Bot LC 2575 .S36 1997 (Harrington Park Press)
NY: H. W. Wilson, 2000.
note: I.7, Gay teens fight back; a new generation of gay youth won't
tolerate harassment in their schools, pp. 56-63.
(The reference shelf; v.72, no. 1)
Ugl LB 3013.3 .S3764 2000
Days of masquerade: life stories of lesbians during the Third Reich.
Translated by Allison Brown.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
note: translation from the German of: Zeit der Maskierung.
(Between men-between women)
Suz, Ugl HQ.6 .G3 S36313 1996
Nationalsozialistische Sexualpolitik und weibliche Homosexualität.
2., überarbeitete Aufl.
Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus, 1997.
(Frauen in Geschichte und Gesellschaft, Bd. 30)
Suz HQ 75.6 .G3 S36 1997
"Der Skorpion:" Frauenliebe in der Weimarer Republik. 2.
Hamburg: Frühlings Erwachen, 1991.
(Frühlings Erwachen, 8)
Suz PT 2647 .E46 S5583 1991
Verbotene Verhältnisse: Frauenliebe 1938-1945.
Berlin: Querverlag, 1999.
Suz HQ 75.6 .A9 S33 1999
"Mon cas n'est pas unique": der homosexuelle Diskurs in französischen
Autobiographien des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, c1999.
Suz PQ 307 .H6 S37 1999
Making out. Photographs by Laurence Jaugey-Paget.
London: Pandora, 1995.
Suz HQ 75.5 .S372 1995
False clues. [Ill., Joseph Modica]
[Ithaca, NY: Calamus Books], c1977.
Suz PS 3569 .C5293 F3 1977
Moving to a new place.
Cambridge, MA: Alice James Poetry Cooperative, [1975] c1974.
Suz PS 3569 .C52935 M6 1975
Tomorrow will really be Sunday.
NY: Calamus Books, 1984.
Suz PS 3569 .C5293 T65 1984
Der Schlachter empfiehlt noch immer Herz: Roman.
München: Frauenbuchverlag, 1980.
Suz PT 2680 .R618 S3 1980
Beruf, Mary: die zweite Haut des Georg Preusse.
Berlin: Das Neue Berlin, 2001.
Suz PN 2658 .P74 S38 2001
Gay parenting.
Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1985.
Suz HQ 777.8 .S38 1985
After Delores.
NY: Dutton, c1988.
Ugl PS 3569 .C5393 A69 1988
Girls, visions, and everything.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1986.
Ugl, SpecColl Book Arts PS 3569 .C5393 G5 1986
My American history: lesbian and gay life during the Reagan/Bush years.
Foreword by Urvashi Vaid.
NY: Routledge, 1994.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 S38 1994
People in trouble.
NY: Dutton, c1990.
Ugl PS 3569 .C5393 P46 1990
Rat Bohemia.
NY: Dutton, c1995.
Suz PS 3569 .C5393 R37 1995
Stagestruck: theater, AIDS, and the marketing of gay America.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1998.
Suz, Ugl, Drama, Tac ML 410 .L2857 S38 1998
Besuche in Sackgassen: Aufzeichnungen eines homosexuellen Anarchisten.
Mit einem Vorwort zur Neuausgabe von Florian Mildenberger. [3]. Aufl.
Hamburg: Männerschwarm, c2006.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel, Bd. 41)
Suz HQ 75.8 .S33 A37 2006
Policing public space: community response to park cruising and sexual
[Seattle]: University of Washington, 1998.
note: Thesis (M. Landsc. Arch.)--University of Washington, 1998.
Arch SB 472 Th47365
AuxStx Thesis 47365
Paragraph 175. (abgewickelt): Homosexualität und Strafrecht im
Nachkriegsdeutschland: Rechtsprechung, jurisitische Diskussionen und
Reformen seit 1945.
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, c1994.
note: includes: Wider Gutmachung: Die versäumte Entschädigung
der schwulen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. By Michael Sartorius.
Suz KK 8582 .A65 S3 1994
Philip Johnson: life and work.
NY: A. A. Knopf, 1994.
Arch NA 737 .J6 S38 1994
Bot NA 737 .J6 S38 1996 (University of Chicago Press ed.)
Dancing bodies dancing gender: Tanz im 20. Jahrhundert aus der Perspektive
der Gender-Theorie.
Dortmund: Edition Ebersbach, 1999
note: Sasha Waltz: Geschlechterdifferenz im Post-Tanztheater, pp. 110-144;
"Tough guys don't dance"-Mannlichkeitskonzepte im Tanz, pp. 145-206.
Suz GV 1781 .S358 1999
Das Schicksal der Verfemten; die Verfolgung der homosexuellen im
"Dritten Reich:" und ihre Stellung in der heutigen
Tubingen: Katzmann [1969]
Crimes without victims; deviant behavior and public policy: abortion,
homosexuality, drug addiction.
Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall [1965]
note: Homosexuality, pp. 67-119.
Ugl, SocWk, HSLIC HV 6493 .S3
Law Historical Collection HV 6250.25 .S3 1965
The politics of deviance: stigma contests and the uses of power.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-hall, c1980.
note: chapter 4, Mobilizing protest, pp.190-227; with example,
Generating and sustaining protest: Gay activism.
Suz, Ugl HM 291 .S373 1980
Auf den Spuren einer Minderheit: Weg ohne Wahl: Lebensbericht eines
homosexuellen Arztes.
Hannover: Reichold Verlag, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 S37 1997
Passionate communities: reading lesbian resistance in Jane Rule's
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
(Cutting edge)
Suz PR 9199.3 .R78 Z87 1999
Love is for all.
Mountlake Terrace, WA: Schuster-Isaacson Family Productions, c1974.
Suz HQ 7.25 .S42 1974
Theoretical orientations toward homosexuality of psychiatrists and
Thesis (M. Nurs.) -- University of Washington, 1976.
Seattle, 1976.
HSLIC WY 7 Th24109
Aux Thesis 24109
Undertow: a novel.
Corvallis, OR: Calyx Books; St. Paul, MN: Distributed to the trade through
Consortium Book Sales and Distribution, c2000.
Ugl PS 3569 .C5565 U5 2000
A few days: poems.
NY: Random House, c1985.
Suz PS 3569 .C56 F48 1985
Just the thing: selected letters of James Schuyler, 1951-1991.
NY: Turtle Point Press, 2004.
Suz PS 3569 .C56 Z48 2004.
Sexual subjects: lesbians, gender, and psychoanalysis.
NY: Routledge, 1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.5 .S39 1998
Pasolini requiem.
NY: Pantheon Books, c1992.
Suz PN 1998.3 .P367 S39 1992
Cole Porter: a biography.
NY: Dial Press, 1977.
Music ML 410 .P7844 S4
Guidelines for bias-free writing. Marilyn Schwartz and the Task Force on
Bias-Free Language of the Association of American University Presses.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1995.
note: [chapter] 4, Sexual orientation, pp. 82-86.
SuzRef, UglRef, Bot, Tac PS 1460 .S474 1995
A crisis of meaning: how gay men are making sense of AIDS.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Suz, SocWk, Tac WC 503.7 S399c 1996
Gay voices of the Harlem Renaissance.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2003.
Suz, Tac PS 153 .G38 S39 2003
Radical faminists of Heterodoxy: Greenwich Village, 1912-1940.
Lebanon, N.H.: New Victoria Publishers, c1986.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1906 .N5 S38 1986
Tod in Persien. Mit einem Essay von Roger Perret.
Basel: Lenos, c1995.
Suz PT 2638 .W28 T63 1995
Explosion aboard the Iowa.
Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, c1999.
note: government hearing does not attribute explosion and deaths aboard
the Iowa to a homosexual suicide (despondent over failed love affair) as
Navy asserted
Suz VA 65 .S38 1999
Herausgegeben von Jens Dobler.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 S39 1996
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2001.
Suz BR 115 .H6 S355 2001
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G4 S38 2001
NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .S48 1997
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1998.
(Bending the landscape)
Suz PS 648 .S3 S265 1998
NY: Lyons Press, c1999.
note: Evidence for a biological influence in male homosexuality (Simon
LeVay and Dean H. Hamer), pp. 171-181.
Bot QP 360.5 S35 1999
Scientific Workshop on Lesbian Health 2000 [electronic
resource]: steps for implementing the IOM report.
Dept. of Health and Human Services; Office on Women's Health. National
Institutes of Health. Office of Research on Women's Health; Gay and
Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA). Lesbian Health Fund.
[Washington, D.C.: The Office, 2000]
note: available online,
GovPubUSStx HE 20.41:2 L56
Everything you have is mine.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1991.
Suz PS 3569 .C586 E9 1991
Gonna take a homicidal journey.
Boston: Little, Brown and Co., c1998.
Suz PS 3569 .C586 G66 1998
Happy endings are all alike: a novel.
NY: Harper & Row, c1978.
Suz PS 3569 .C586 H36 1978
Trying hard to hear you.
NY: Harper & Row, [1974]
ChildLit PZ 7 S4136 Tr 1974
Lesbian writer: collected work of Claudia Scott. Edited by Frances Hanckel
and Susan Windle.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1981.
Suz PS 3569 .C598 L4 1981
Execution, Texas, 1987: a novel.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Suz, Ugl PS 3569 .C614 E97 1997
Phallic worship: a history of sex & sexual rites.
London: Senate, 1996, c1966.
note: originally published: London: T. Werner Laurie, 1941.
Suz BL 460 .S35 1996
James Baldwin's later fiction: witness to the journey.
East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, c2002.
Suz PS 3552 .A45 Z885 2002
The life and death of Yukio Mishima.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux [1974]
Ugl, EAsia PL 833 .I7 Z874
Suz PL 833 .I7 Z874 1985 (Ballantine)
Hohokus, NJ: New Day Films, c2001.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS
note: credits- edited by Jim Klein; music by Miriam Dutler; director of
photography, Tina DiFeliciantonio .. [et al.]; executive producer D.
Stuart Harrison; writer, Meg Moritz.
note: originally released as 2001 motion picture; later broadcast on PBS'
series P.O.V.
note: Documentary examining the Boy Scouts of America policy against gays
in the organization, which focuses on Steve Cozza, boy scout and activist
against the policy, and the anti-discrimination organization 'Scouting for
all'. It also relates the stories of others removed from the Boy Scout
organization for being gay or for working to have the policy
UglMed Videorecord NDF 028
A framework for exploring counselor's anti-queer biases.
Seattle: The University of Washington, 2002.
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2002.
Suz LA 7 Th51611
Aux Thesis 51611
San Francisco, CA: Frameline, [2006]
note: DVD; originally produced in 2005.
note: credits - Editor, Laurie Schmidt; director of photography, Sophie
Constantinou; music, Heikki Koskinen.
note "Screaming queens tells the little-known story of the first known
act of collective, violent resistance to the social oppression of queer
people in the United states -- a 1966 riot in San Francisco's impoverished
Tenderloin neighborhood, three years before the famous gay riot at New
York's Stonewall Inn."
TacMed DVD TAC-1153
The New Testament and homosexuality: contextual background for
contemporary debate.
Philadelphia: Fortress Press, c1983.
Suz BS 2545 H63 S37 1983
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 75.16 .U6 S42 2000
Colonies of the heart.
Swaffham, England: Gay Men's Press; Chicago, IL: Distributed in North
America by InBook/LPC Group, 1998.
note: contents, Dilraj: empire of the heart; A woman's life.
Suz PR 6069 .E1418 C65 1998
Love in a different climate: men who have sex with men in India.
London; NY: Verso, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.2 .I4 S43 1999
Mother and son: an autobiography.
London: Gollancz, 1979.
Suz HQ 75.8 S4 A35
Conduct unbecoming.
London: Gay Mens Press, 1991.
Suz PR 6069 .E22 C64 1991
Full circle.
London: Gay Men's Press; Chicago: Distributed in North America by InBook,
Suz PR 6069 .E22 F85 1997
Out of bounds.
London: England; East Haven, CT: dist. in North America by InBook,
Suz PR 6069 E22 O8 1992
The state of women in the world atlas. New rev. 2nd ed.
London; NY: Penguin, c1997.
note: [map] 5, Lesbians, pp. 24-25 with notes on p. 106
note: rev. ed. of: Women in the world: an international atlas. The first
edition had no lesbian map or information
MapsAtlases, Ugl, TacRef G1046 .E1 S43 1997
The Penguin atlas of women in the world. [Cartography by Isabelle
Lewis] 3rd ed., completely rev. and updated
NY: Penguin Books, [c2003]
note: [chapter] 6, Lesbians, pp. 24-25.
UglRef G1046 .E1 S4 2003
The policing of gender in middle school. 2005.
Thesis (M.S.)--North Carolina State University, 2005.
note: "Based on 43 semi-structured interviews with children in grades 6th
through 8th, this study examines how heteronormativity, or normative
heterosexuality shapes and reinforces gender stratification among
available online,
Faggots-according to Sean-Michael: confessions of a homophobic
Seattle: Sean-Michael Fan Club, c1987.
Suz PS 3569 .E174 F34 1987
A four-sided bed: a novel.
Saint Paul: MN: Graywolf Press, c1998.
Suz PS 3569 .E1766 F68 1998
The homosexual agenda: exposing the principal threat to religious feedom
today. Alan Sears & Craig Oaten.
Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, c2003.
Suz HQ 75.15 .S42 2003
Behind the mask of the Mattachine: the Hal Call chronicles and the early
movement for homosexual emancipation.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Ugl, Bot HQ 75.8 .C34 S43 2006
Growing up gay in the South: race, gender, and journeys of the spirit.
NY: Haworth Press, c1991.
(Haworth series in gay and lesbian studies, v.4)
Suz HQ 76.3 U5 S43 1991
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 S43 1991b
Lonely hunters: an oral history of lesbian and gay southern life,
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.6 .U52 S687 1997
Rebels, rubyfruit, and rhinestones: queering space in the Stonewall
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U52 S689 2001
Same-sex couples and same-sex couples raising children in the United
States: data from census 2000.. By R. Bradley Sears, Gary Gates, and
William B. Rubenstein.
Los Angeles: Williams Institute, 2005.
available on line
Same-sex couples and same-sex couples raising children in Washington: data
from census 2000. By R. Bradley Sears and William B. Rubenstein.
Los Angeles: Williams Institute, [2005]
available online
Seattle AIDS Memorial Vigil records, 1988-1998.
note: ca. 2.12 cubic ft.; albums of photos, obituaries, tributes,
note:"...for the gay community to come together in grieving and to
memorialize their late friends..."
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives Inquire at Special Collections
MLGTF update. Mayor's Lesbian/Gay Task Force.
Seattle, Wash.: Mayor's Lesbian/Gay Task Force.
note: continued by Seattle Commission for Lesbians and Gays. SCLG update,
see Seattle Commission for Lesbians and Gays. SGLC update.
note: The task force was first established in 1985 and became a
commission on Dec. 11, 1989.
GovPubStx HQ 76.3 .U5 S54a June, Nov. 1989
Bias crime against sexual minorities: recommendations to the Seattle
Police Department.
[Seattle: Seattle Office for Women's Rights: Seattle Commission for
Lesbians and Gays, 1995]
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 S42 1995
SCLG: [newsletter]
[Seattle]: The Commission,
note: continues its SCLG update
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 S54a Aug. 1993, Dec 1993, Apr 1994, Aug 1994, Dec
1994, Apr 1995, Aug 1995, Dec 1995, Apr. 1996
SCLG update.
Seattle: The Commission,
note: 3 x year
note: continues Seattle (Wash.) Mayor's Lesbian/Gay Task Force. MLGTF
update, see Seattle (Wash.) Mayor's Lesbian/Gay Task Force. MLGTF
note: continued by its SCLG: [newsletter]
Suz HQ 76.3 U5 S54a Mar 1990, Jul 1990, Apr 1991, Aug 1991, Dec 1991, Apr
1992, Apr 1993
?v.2, no. 3- (Winter/Spring 1985-April 1993)?
Newsletter. Seattle Gay Couples.
Seattle: Seattle Gay Couples, [2002]-
note: continues: Seattle Gay Couples (Organization) SGC: [newsletter],
see Seattle Gay Couples (Organization) SGC: [newsletter]
SpecColl HQ 76.3 .U52 S437a
Feb 2002; Apr 2002; June 2002-Dec 2003
available online, Jan-Aug 2004
SGC: [newsletter] Seattle Gay Couples
Seattle: Seattle Gay Couples, -[2002]
continued by: Seattle Gay Couples (Organization) Newsletter, see Seattle
Gay Couples (Organization) Newsletter
SpecColl HQ 76.3 .U52 S437a
Jul 1998; Sep 1998-Apr 1999; Jun 1999-May 2000; July 2000-Jan 2002
Seattle, Gay Community Center.
note: continues: News (Gay Community Center (Seattle, Wash.)
MicNews Microfilm A7169 Jun. 1977-Dec. 31, 1982; Jul. 29, 1983-
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .S43
v.3,n.1-7 (Dec/Jan 1976-Sep/Oct 1976); v.3,n.9 (Dec 1976)
SpecColl latest issues until filmed
SpecColl Microfilm A7169 (First Generation Master)
SpecColl Microfilm A7169 (Printing Master)
Seattle, WA: Seattle Gay Standard, [2000-2001
note: weekly newspaper
note: v.1, n. 9 (Jan. 5, 2001) is actually v.2, n.1
Spec Coll Stacks Folio HQ 75 .S438 v.1, n.1 - v.2, n.48 (Nov.
2000-Dec. 6, 2001)
Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival: [program]
[Seattle, WA]: Three Dollar Bill Cinema, [1996]-
SpecColl PN 1995.9 .H55 S43a
1996-2004 (1st-9th)
Seattle LGBT Community Center: [newsletter]
Seattle: Seattle LGBT Community Center, [2001]-
note: continues Queen City news and QCDC news, see Queen City news and
QCDC news
SpecColl HQ 75 .S44a
Jun-Dec 2001 (v.1,n.1-2); v.2,n.3 (Oct 2002); v.3,n.1 (Fall 2003);
Fall 2004 (unnumbered)
Seattle, WA: Seattle Men in Leather
SpecColl HQ 79 .S42
v.11, n.6-8 (Jun-Aug 1999); v.12,n.9-v.14,n.1-4 (Nov 2000-Apr 2002);
v.14,n.6-v.15,n.6 (Jun 2002-June 2003); v.15,n.9-12 (Sep2003-Dec 2003)
The Seattle Men's Chorus [sound recording]
[Seattle]: Emerald City Arts, p1996.
note: 1 sound disc: digital; recorded at Meany Theater and St. Thomas
Center, Seattle, WA and at Shelter Island Sound, New York; program
notes [6p.] inserted in container
note: Seattle Men's Chorus; Dennis Coleman, conductor; Evan Stults, piano;
with Philandros, Ladies Don't Drum, and other additional musicians;
featuring guest vocalists Holly Near, Harvey Fierstein, Ann Hampton
Callaway and Diane Schur.
UglMed Cd ECA 001
Soul full [sound recording]
[U.S.]: Emerald City Arts, c1998.
note: 2 sound discs, digital; sung in English or undetermined
language; recorded Mar. 27-29, 1998, at Meany Theater, Seattle,
program notes in container.
Performers- Seattle Men's Chorus, Northwest Girlchoir, Total Experience
Gospel Choir, and/or Urban Rhythms.
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 7001
Seattle, WA: Source Communications, c1986-
SpecCollStxFolio HQ 75 .S445
note: v.1,n.3 [Apr 4] is mislabelled as v.1,n.2 (Mar 28, 1986)
[v.1.n.1]-v.1,n.10 (Mar 14/27, 1986-May 23, 1986)
Seattle, WA: Seattle Treatment Project, 1989-
SpecColl W1 St443s
v.1,n.1 (May 1989); v.2,n.1-2 (Mar-Sep 1990); v.6,n.1-2 (Spr 1994-Sum
1994); v.7,n.1 (Spr 1995); v.8,n.1 (Spr 1996); v.98*,n.1-3 (Win,Sum,Fall
1998); V.99,n.1-3 (Win,Sum, Fall 1999); v.00,n.1-2 (Spr,Sum 2000);
v.01,n.1-2 (Spr-Sum 2001); v.02,n.1-2 (Spr,Fall 2002)
*vol. number determined by last two digits of year published, e.g.,
v.98 = the volume for 1998)
note: Online index to
and full text of articles from Seattle Treatment Education Project (1995+)
Report on gay and lesbian youth in Seattle.
[Seattle] Seattle Commission on Children and Youth, [1988]
Suz HQ 76.3 U5 S5 1988
City of Seattle Office for Women's Rights strategic plan, 1994-1999.
[Seattle: The Office, 1994]
Suz HQ 1439 .S4 S42b 1994
Photographs of the Seattle Women's Ensemble, ca. 1982-1999 [graphic]
note: 18 photographic prints; the collection consists of 18 photographs of
the members of the Seattle Women's Ensemble. Included are a group portrait
and informal shots of rehearsals for choral and theatrical performances;
the Seattle Women's Ensemble, a feminist choral group founded in 1980,
performed culturally diverse music which often focused on women's issues.
The women of SWE were enthusiastically supported by Seattle's lesbian and
feminist communities, but other issues including class, diversity, and the
plight of oppressed groups, were also important to the Seattle Women's
Ensemble. The chorus disbanded in 2000.
note: online finding aid
SpecColl Photograph collection 626
Seattle Women's ensemble records, 1982-1999.
note: 1.75 cubic ft. (2 boxes, 1 tube); 2 videocassettes, 5 sound
cassettes (analog); 3 sound discs (analog)
note: Seattle Women's Ensemble, a feminist choral group that was broadly
supported by the Seattle area women's community of the 1980s and '90s,
performed culturally diverse music that often focused on women's
note: minutes, agendas, notes, and other board materials, plus programs,
clippings, ephemera, posters, audio and video cassette recordings of
performances, photographs, and other materials, ca. 1982-ca. 1999.
note: online guide and finding aid
SpecColl Manuscripts/Arch Accession no. 5257-1
San Francisco: Hoddypoll Press, c19970-c1972.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 94 no. 1-3 (Fall 1970-Summer 1972)
NY: Kino International: Kino on Video [distributor], c2003.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; originally produced as motion picture in 1976 by
Distac Ltd.; in Latin with English subtitles.
note: cast- Leonardo Treviglio, Barney James, Richard Warwick, Ken Hicks,
Janusz Romanov, Neil Kennedy, Donald Dunham, Daevid Finbar, Robert
Medley; credits- cinematography, Peter Middleton; music, Brian Eno;
editor, Paul Humfress; Latin translation, Jack Welch; dance choreographed
and performed by Lindsay Kemp and troupe; writers, Derek Jarman, James
note: describes the last few days of the life of the Catholic martyr St.
Sebastian, in particular his relationship with the Emperor Diocletian in
303 A.D., his banishment to a remote outpost of the Roman Empire because
of his Christian sympathies, the ambiguous relation with his commanding
officer, Severus, and finally his execution by his fellow soldiers.
note: special feature- Derek Jarman biography and filmography
UglMed DVD KINO 053
La lovenge des femmes, inuention extraite du commentaire de Pantagruel,
sus L'Androgyne de Platon ... [microform]
[Paris?], 1551.
MicNews Microfilm A2512 roll 147, item 5
Seksualitet og samfund i Herman Bangs romaner.
Kobenhavn, Borgen, 1973.
note: Homoseksualiteten i romanen, pp. 302-307.
Suz PT 8123 .B3 Z9
Los Angeles: Alyson Publications, c1996.
note: sequel to : Coming to power.
Suz HQ 79 .S43 1996
Utrecht: Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht,
(Utrecht series on gay and lesbian studies, no. 12)
(Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht, 12)
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.5 S43 1988
Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, 1994.
note: French ed. (Deuxième Atelier national sur le VIH...):
note: "Proceedings of a workshop held to contribute to the prevention of
HIV infection ......targeting vulnerable populations such as women, youth,
and gays; ..."
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 99-02997
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1989.
note: some stories includes lesbian themes and lesbian detectives
Ugl PS 648 .D4 S36 1989
Between me and life; a biography of Romaine Brooks.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1974.
Suz ND 237 .B872 S42
Leonard Bernstein: a life.
NY: A. A. Knopf, 1994.
Music ML 410 .B566 S43 1994
Stephen Sondheim: a life.
NY: Knopf, 1998.
Music ML 410 .S6872 S43 1998
Edited by Ian McCormick.
London; NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz PR 1110 .G39 S43 1997
Edited by Shane L. Windmeyer & Pamela W. Freeman.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2001.
Suz LJ 51 .S43 2001
Barrel fever: stories and essays.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1994.
Ugl PS 3569 .E314 B3 1994
Dress your family in corduroy and denim.
Boston: Little, Brown, c2004.
Ugl PS 3569 .E314 R47 2004
Me talk pretty one day.
Boston: Little, Brown & Co. c2000.
Suz PS 3569 .E314 M4 2000
Boston: Little, Brown & Co., c1997.
Suz, Ugl PS 3569 .E314 Z469 1997
Between men: English literature and male homosocial desire.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1985.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PR 409 .M38 S4 1985
Epistemology of the closet.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1990.
Suz PS 374 .H63 S42 1990
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1993.
(Series Q)
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 56 H57 S43 1993
Touching feeling: affect, pedagogy, performativity.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
(Series Q)
note: chapter 1, Shame, theatricality, and queer performativity: Henry
James's The Art of the Novel, pp. 35-65.
Suz PS 3569 .E316 T68 2003
[NY]: Docurama: Distributed by New Video Group, c2003.
note: DVD; videodisc release of a 2001 motion picture.
note: credits- editor- Tony Saxe; music, Jimmy Luxury and the Tommy Rome
Orchestra; cinematography, George Spies ... [et al.]
note: "In 1999, celebrity Mayor Willie Brown ruled San Francisco and
appeared to be a shoo-in for re-election to a second term. Twelve
candidates wanted his job, but of these pretenders to the throne, the only
threat was a write-in candidate - openly gay city supervisor and stand-up
comedian Tim Ammiano. What ensued was a David vs. Goliath showdown mired
in intense political backstabbing and media fighting that, lucky for us,
was all captured on film.
UglMed DVD NVG 069
Seattle, WA: Pongo Pub., 2003.
Suz PS 595 .H65 S43 2003
Troubled vision: gender, sexuality, and sight in medieval text and image.
Edited by Emma Campbell and Robert Mills.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
note: [chapter] 1, Picturing same-sex desire: the falconer and his lover
in images by Petrus Christus and the housebook master (Diane Wolfthal),
pp. 17-46.
Suz PN 682 .W6 S44 2002
Ottawa, ON: Canadian Teachers' Federation: Toronto, ON: Elementary
Teachers' Federation of Ontario, [2003]
Suz LC 212.83 .C2 S44 2003
I, Pierre Seel, deported homosexual: a memoir of Nazi terror.
NY: Basic Books/Harper Collins, c1995.
note: Translated from the French by Joachim Neugroschl: Moi, Pierre Seel,
deporte homosexuel.
Reissued in 1997 by Da Capo under the title: Liberation was for others:
memoirs of a gay survivor of the Nazi Holocaust.
Suz HQ 75.8 .S44 A3 1995
Gleichgeschlechtliches Verhalten als Strafbestand. Die Beratungen der
Grossen Strafrechtskommission.
Stuttgart: Enke, 1966.
(Beitrage zur Sexualforschung, Bd. 36)
HSLIC Serials 392.608 B397 no.36
Exile [sound recording]. Music, Robert Seeley; words, Robert
San Francisco, CA: San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus, [2000?]
UglMed Cd SFGMC 001
Indivisible by two: lives of extraordinary twins.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 5, Straight, gay, and straight, pp. 97-108 [identical
triplet boys, one of whom is gay]; [chapter 6], Agnus to Andru, pp.
109-131 [identical twin girls, one of whom is transsexual].
Ugl HQ 777.35 .S44 2005
Andre Gide: pederasty and pedagogy.
Oxford: NY: Clarendon Press, 1998.
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 Z685 1998
Born to belonging. Writings on spirit and justice.
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, c2002.
Suz HQ 75.25 .S44 2002
Memoir of a race traitor.
Boston: South End Press, c1994.
Suz, Tac F 220 A1 S38 1994
My mama's dead squirrel: lesbian essays on Southern culture.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1985.
Suz, Ugl F 216.2 S44 1985
Berlin: Edition Tranvia: Frey, 2001
(Gender Studies Romanistik, Bd. 6)
Suz PQ 307 .H6 S44 2001
Kyoto-shi: Koyo Shobo, 2001.
note: on the legal status of sex change and transsexuals in Japan
Law KNX 2467 .T73 S45 2001
Beyond the closet: the transformation of gay and lesbian life.
NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz HQ 76.25 .S485 2002
Difference troubles: queering social theory and sexual politics.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Suz HM 276 .S445 1997
Social construction of sexuality.
NY: Norton, c2003.
Ugl HQ 16 .S45 2003
Soul T'ukpyolsi: Tongnyok, 1999.
(Haksul ch'ongso, 23)
EAsia HQ 23 .S4835 1999
Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1995.
EAsia HQ 18 .J3 S44 1995
A rational approach to the adjudication of homosexual rights under the
(Independent Research submitted to Wallace Loh, Law 600, October
(Student papers-University of Washington School of Law)
Law KF 4754.5 S44 1986
Law Reading Room Microfiche KF 4754.5 S44 1986
[Seattle]: WSBA, c1997.
Law KFW 100 .A75 S45 1997
Law Reference Area Microfiche KFW 100 .A75 S45 1997
Maskeler süvariler gacilar: Ülker Sokak: bir alt
kültürün dislanma mekani.
Erenköy, Istanbul: Aykiri Yayincilik, 2001.
(Arastirma dizisi, 8)
Suz HQ 76.8 .T8 S45 2001
Dorian: an imitation.
NY: Grove Press, c2002.
Ugl PR 6069 .E3654 D6 2002
Perfidious man. Will Self and David Gamble.
London: Viking, 2000.
Ugl TR 681 .M4 S45 2000
Identidade homossexual e normas sociais: historias de vida.
Florianapolis: Editora da UFSC, 1987.
Suz HQ 76.2 .B6 S45 1987
Cinnamon gardens.
NY: Hyperion, c1999.
Suz PR 9440.9 .S42 C56 1999
Funny boy: a novel in six stories.
Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, c1994.
Suz PR 9199.3 .S432 F85 1994
Bot PR 9440.9 .S42 F86 1997 (Harcourt ed.)
Swimming in the monsoon sea.
Toronto, Ont.; Plattsburgh, NY: Tundra Books, c2005.
ChiLit PZ 7 .S46235 Sw 2005
Gay and lesbian rights: a guide for GLBT singles, couples, and
families. 1st ed.
Naperville, IL: Sphinx Pub., 2003.
Law KF 4754.5 .S455 2003
Every trick in the book: the essential lesbian & gay legal guide.
NY: M. Evans and Company, c2003.
Ugl KF 4754.5 .S46 2003
A fragile circle: a memoir.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz HQ 75.8 .S455 A3 1998
HIV, AIDS, and the law: a guide to our rights and challenges.
Foreword by Tim Seenwey.
NY: Insight Books, c1996.
Suz, SocWk, Law, Tac KF 3803 .A54 S46 1996
Business, not politics: the making of the gay market.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2004.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Bot HC 110 .C6 S46 2004
The changing room: sex, drag and theatre.
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
Drama PN 2071 .I47 S46 2000
The frog who dared to croak.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1982.
Suz, Tac PS 3569 .E62 F7 1982
San Francisco, CA: San Francisco Sentinel, c1978-c1984
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues San Francisco sentinel; continued by Sentinel U.S.A., see
San Francisco sentinel, see Sentinel U.S.A.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 71-73
v.5,n.12-v.11,n.9 (Jun 16, 1978-Apr 26, 1984)
San Francisco, CA: GayFirst, Inc., c1984-c1986
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues Sentinel; continued by San Francisco sentinel; see,
Sentinel; see, San Francisco sentinel
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 74-75
v.12-v.14, n. 16 (May 1984-Aug 1, 1986)
Whipping girl: a transsexual woman on sexism and the scapegoating of
Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, c2007.
Suz HQ 77.9 .S47 2007
L'homosexualite dans la mythologie greque.
Paris: Payot, 1984.
Suz BL 795 H6 S47 1984
L'homosexualite initiatique dans l'Europe ancienne.
Paris: Payot, 1986.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G8 S47 1986
Homosexuality in Greek myth.
Translated by Arthur Goldhammer with a preface by Georges Dumezil.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1986.
note: translation of: L'homosexualite dans la mythologie greque.
Suz, Bot BL 795 H6 S4713 1986
One boy at war: my life in the AIDS underground.
NY: A. A. Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1993.
Suz WC 503 S484o 1993
NY: Aldine de Gruyter, c1998.
SocWk HV 3176 .S3 1998
Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America, c1991.
SocWk HV 1449 .S47 1991
Culver City, CA: Columbia TriStar Home Video, [1998]
note: DVD; videocassette, VHS; closed-captioned; recorded in hi-fi stereo;
videocassette release of a 1994 television program; filmed in Vancouver,
British Columbia.
note: cast, Glenn Close, Judy Davis, Jan Rubes, Wendy Makkena, Susan
Barnes, William Converse-Roberts, Colleen Flynn, William Allen Young,
Kevin McNulty, Vic Polizos, Eric Dane, Molly Parker, Trevor St. John, Ryan
Reynolds, Lance Robinson.
note: credits, director of photography, Glen MacPherson; editor, Geoffrey
Rowland; music, David Shire.
note: Emmy Awards, 1995: Outstanding Individual Achievement in Writing for
a Miniseries of a Special (Alison Cross); Outstanding Lead Actress in a
Miniseries of a Special (Glenn Close); Outstanding Supporting Actress in a
Miniseries or a Special (Judy Davis)
note: drama based on the court-martial of Colonel Margarethe Cammermeyer,
dismissed from the Army Reserve as a homosexual.
UglMed Videorecord CTHV 135
TacMed DVD TAC-1336 (Sony Pictures, 2006)
Mississippi sissy.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2007.
Ugl PN 4874 .S428 A3 2007
The Golden Gate: a novel in verse.
NY: Random House, c1986.
Suz PR 9499.3 .S38 G65 1986
Sergei M. Eisenstein, a biography.
NY: A. A. Wyn [1952]
Suz, Ugl, Tac PN 1998 .A3 E57
Karl Heinrich Ulrichs zu Ehren: Materialien zu Leben und Werk. Hrsg. v.
Wolfram Setz.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 2000.
Suz HQ 75.8 .U47 S48 2000
Playing on-line: sexual subjectivity, gender play, and the construction of
the dyke SM fantasy. 2000.
Thesis (M. A.) -- Concordia University, 2000.
available online,
Public sexuality: a contemporary history of gay images and identity.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Louisiana State University and Agricultural and
Mechanical College, 2005.
available online,
Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, c2006.
note: Chapter 1, Viewpoint 5, Same-sex marriage will undermine the
institution of marriage (Robert P. George and David L. Tubbs), pp. 49-53;
viewpoint 6, Same-sex marriage does not threaten the institution of
marriage (Cynthia Tucker), pp. 54-57; chapter 2, Viewpoint 5, Marriage
should be available to gays and lesbians (Andrew Sullivan), pp. 92-95;
Viewpoint 6, Marriage should unite one man and one woman, (Alliance for
Marriage), pp. 96-101; chapter 3, viewpoint 5; Schools should support
tolerance of gay and lesbian students, (Kevin Jennings and Kristen
Loschert), pp. 133-137; viewpoint 6, Gay tolerance education ignores
the needs of straight students, (Joan Frawley Desmond), pp. 138-143.
(Opposing viewpoints)
Bot HQ 18 .U5 S45 2006
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, c2003.
note: Section II.1 Representation: ProFoucault: [chapter] 6, The Social
body and the sexual body (David Halperin), pp. 131-150; 2. Representation:
Anti-Foucault: [chapter] 7, Law, society and homosexuality in classical
Athens (David Cohen), pp. 151-166; [chapter] 19, "Vested Interests" in
Plautus' Casina: cross-dressing in Roman comedy (Barbara Gold), pp.
334-350; [chapter] 20, The Hippocratic "Airs, Waters, Places" on
cross-dressing eunuchs: "Natuarl" yet also "Divine" (Elinor Lieber), pp.
Suz HQ 18 .G8 S49 2003
Basingstoke; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
note: Part III, Sexual orientation and virtue. [chapter] 11, Intellectual
virtue and knowing one's sexual orientation (Heather D. Battaly), pp.
149-161), [chapter] 12, Coming out, outing, and virtue ethics (James S.
Stramel), pp. 162-174.
Suz HQ 32 .S394 2007
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 14, Advertising and the political economy of lesbian/gay
identity (Fred Fejes), pp. 196-208.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac P96 .F46 S49 2002
[Cape Town]: Double Storey, 2005.
Suz HQ 76.3 .S5 S49 2005
London; NY: Routledge, 2006.
note: [chapter] 4, Regulating male same-sex relationships in the People's
Republic of China (Li Yinhe), pp. 82-101.
Bot HQ 18 .C6 S43 2006
NY: New York University Press, c1998.
note: chapter 10, "Imperfect disclosure,": cross-dressing and containment
in Charles Brockden Brown's Ormond (Heather Smyth), pp. 240-261.
Suz, Tac HQ 18 .A37 S48 1998
Seattle: Seal Press: Distributed to the trade by Publishers Group West,
Suz HQ 29 .S486 2000
San Francisco: White Crane Press, c1995.
note: a publication of White crane newsletter, San Francisco
Suz BL 65 .H64 S49 1995
HBO presents; created by Darren star; Darren Star Productions.
[United States]: HBO Video, c2003.
note: 2 videodiscs, DVD; in English with optional Spanish soundtrack and
optional French, Spanish or English subtitles; close-captioned; originally
aired as a television series during the 2002-2003 season.
note: performers- Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis,
Cynthia Nixon, Chris Noth, John Corbett, Willie Garson, David Eigenberg,
Kyle MacLachlan.
note: .....the season's finale, finds all four at the straight wedding of
a seemingly gay pal and contemplating their future with a wry, bemused
UglMed DVD HBO 98925 v.1, v.2
Executive producer, Bronwen Evans; producer, Caroline Mylon; written &
directed by Lucinda Broadbent.
NY: Women Make Movies, c1991.
note: 1 videocassette. "An Oakum Production for Channel Four
Television (UK)." English dialogue; Spanish dialogue with English
Explores the life style of gays and lesbians in the traditional machismo
culture of Nicaragua, and the impact of the Sandinista revolution upon
that life style.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 021
John P. De Cecco, David Allen Parker, editors.
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, 1995.
Suz, Tac QP 81.6 .S48 1995
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c1999.
note: [chapter] 7, Schools should teach about homosexual families (Kate
Lyman), pp. 52-60; [chapter] 8, Schools should not teach about
homosexuality (Ed Vitagliano), pp. 61-66.
(At issue)
Bot HQ 56 .S376 1999
NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: Chapter 4. Gay male video pornography: past, present, and future.
(Joe A. Thomas), pp. 49-66.
Suz HQ 115 .S49 2000
London; NY: Falmer Press, 1994.
Suz WD 308 S518 1993
Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003.
note: chapter 13, Media at the margins: homoerotic appeals to the gay and
lesbian community (Gary R. Hicks), pp. 229-246.
Suz HF 5827.85 .S494 2003
Boston: Little, Brown, c1994.
note: chapter 9: Homosexuality.
Ugl, SocWk HQ 18 .U5 S475 1994
Edited by Jill Julius
St. Leonards, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.6 .A8 S48 1997
NY: Garland Pub., 1991.
note: "Fawn of my delights": boy-love in Hebrew and Arabic verse (Norman
Roth), pp. 157-172; Politics of sodomy: Rex v. Pons Hugh de Ampurias
(1311) (James E. Brundage), pp. 239-246.
Suz HQ 14 .S25 1991
NY: Time-Life Books, 1968.
note: [chapter] 5, The gay crowd (Douglas Auchincloss), pp. 65-75.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 S478 1968
Edited by Martha Hodes.
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
note: Chapter 20, The prison lesbian: race, class and the construction of
the aggressive female homosexual, 1915-1965, pp. 423-443. (Estelle B.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 18 N6 S49 1999
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Suz PR 8734 .G39 S49 1997
Ithaca: ILR Press, 2007.
note: [chapter] 4, The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender challenge
to American labor (Gerald Hunt and MOnica Bielski Boris), pp. 81-98.
Suz HD 6079.2 .U5 S49 2007
Edited by Thomas Foster, Carol Siegel, and Ellen E. Berry.
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
note: also published as special issue of: Genders. n.25 (1997)
Suz HQ 471 .S495 1997
Suzzallo Periodicals PN56 .S5 G46 n.25
Edited by David M. Estlund and Martha C. Nussbaum.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1997.
note: chapter 3, Sexual orientation and gender: dichotomizing differences,
pp. 44-59 (Susan Moller Okin); chapter 8, The economic approach to
homosexuality, pp. 173-191 (Richard A. Posner); chapter 9, The sexual
economist and legal regulation of the sexual orientations, pp. 192-207
(Janet E. Halley); chapter 10, Homosexuality and the constitution, pp.
208-226 (Cass R. Sunstein); chapter 11, Natural law, morality, and sexual
complementarity, pp. 227-246 (Paul J. Weithman); chapter 13, Beyond
lesbian and gay "Families we choose," pp. 277-289 (William N. Eskridge,
Suz K 625 .S49 1997
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Suz, Law HQ 1236 .S43 2005
Boston: WGBH Boston Video, c2001.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally produced for broadcast on
television program NOVA
note: editor, Karen Silverstein ... [et al.]; camera, Paul Jenkins,
Stephen McCarthy; music, Ray Loring; narrated by Will Lyman.
note: explores gender identity with contributions of psychologists and
researchers, and through personal insights from the Reimer family,
including candid, heartrending interviews with Janet Reimer and her son,
who ultimately rejected his female identity and is now living as a
UglMed Videorecord WGBH 038
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1754
Edited by Frederique Delacoste and Priscilla Alexander.
Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, c1987.
note: Living on the edge (Peggy Morgan), pp. 21-28; Coming out of denial
(Sharon Kaiser), pp. 104-105; Stripper (Debi Sundahl), pp. 175-180;
Lesbians and prostitutes: A historical sisterhood (Joan Nestle), pp.
Suz, Bot HQ 144 .S49 1987
Edited by Frederique Delacoste and Priscilla Alexander.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c1998.
note: Living on the edge (Peggy Morgan), pp. 21-28; Coming out of denial
(Sharon Kaiser), pp. 104-105; Stripper (Debi Sundahl), pp. 175-180;
Lesbians and prostitutes: A historical sisterhood (Joan Nestle), pp.
Suz HQ 144 .S49 1998
NY: Haworth Press, c2005.
note: subject is gender identity disorders
Tac HQ 1075 .S4919 2005
Edited by Michael Hubert, Nathalie Bajos and Theo Sandfort.
London: UCL Press, 1998.
(Social aspects of AIDS)
Suz WC 503.7 S518 1998
Columbus: Ohio State University Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 7, The trials of Alice Mitchell: sensationalism, sexology,
and the lesbian subject in turn-of-the-century America (Lisa Duggan), pp.
165-186; [chapter] 8, Christian brotherhood or sexual perversion?:
homosexual identities and the construction of sexual boundaries in the
World War I era (George Chauncey), pp. 187-217.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 S488 2003
Edited by Gilbert Herdt.
Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 1997.
note: see chapter 4: Migration, Sexual Subcultures, and HIV/AIDS in
Brazil; chapter 9: Homophobia and the Ethnoscope of Sex Work in Rio de
Janeiro; chapter 13: Sexual relations between migrating populations
(Vietnamese with Mexican and Anglo) and HIV/AIDS Infection in Southern
Suz, Tac HQ 23 .S483 1997
Edited by Jeffrey Weeks and Janet Holland.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996.
Suz, Tac HQ 16 .S47 1996
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press, c1999.
note: Stigmatised sexualites, chapters 4-7; 4, Same-sex relations among
men in Europe, 1700-1900 (Gert Hekma), pp. 79-103; 6, National reponses to
sexual perversions: the case of transvestism (Angus McLaren), pp. 121-138;
7, Keeping their fingers on the pulse: lesbian doctors in Britain,
1890-1950 (Emily Hamer), pp. 139-155.
Suz HQ 18 .E8 S29 1999 [v.1]; [v.2]
Edited by Sandra R. Leiblum and Raymond C. Rosen; foreword by Harold I.
NY: Guilford, c1988.
note: Part V. Homosexuality and sexual desire. Chapter 14. Low sexual
desire in lesbian couples (Margaret Nichols), pp. 387-412; chapter 15,
Treating low sexual desire among gay men (Eli Coleman and Rex Reece), pp.
HSLIC WM 611 S5125 1988
Patricia Beattie Jung with Joseph Andrew Coray, editors.
Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, c2001.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 S49 2001
Madison, CT: International Universities Press, c2002.
Suz BF 175.5 .S48 S47 2002
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 76.5 .S49 2001
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: International Islamic University Malaysia,
Suz HQ 77.95 .M4 S49 2005
Alan L. Ellis, Ellen
D. B. Riggle, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, c1996.
Suz HD 6285.5 .U6 S48 1996
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.
note: chapter 1, Childhood sexual abuse and HIV among Latino gay men: the
price of sexual silence during the AIDS epidemic (Sonya Grant Arreola),
pp. 35-49; chapter 2, In our own backyard: HIV/AIDS stigmatization in the
Latino gay community (Rafael M. Díaz), pp. 50-65; chaper 6, Circuit
culture: ethnographic reflections on inequality, sexuality, and life on the gay
party circuit (Christopher Carrington), pp. 123-147; chapter 9, The
family-friends of older gay men and lesbians (Brian de Vries and Patrick
Hoctel), pp. 213-232.
Ugl HQ 21 .S47365 2007
Edited by Luc Van Campenhoudt ... [et al.]
London; Bristol, PN: Taylor & Francis, 1997.
Suz WC 503.6 S518 1997
Edited by Roy Porter and Mikulas Teich.
Cambridge [England]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
note: [chapter] 11. Masculinity and the Decadence (George L. Mosse), pp.
251-266; [chapter] 17. Tainted love (Richard Davenport-Hines and
Christopher Phipps), pp. 367-383.
Suz HQ 60 .S5 1994
Ed. by Udo Parikas and Teet Veispak.
Tallinn [Estonia]: Institute of History, 1991.
(Papers on the history of sexuality, nr. 1)
Suz HQ 76.3 .E8 S48 1991
NY: Haworth Social Work Practice Press, c2003.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.25 .S497 2003
Edited by Deana F. Morrow and Lori Messinger.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2006.
Suz, Tac HV 1449 .S49 2006
[Toronto, Ont.]: Law Society of Upper Canada, [2005?]
available online,
Edited by Saul M. Olyan & Martha C. Nussbaum.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Suz, Bot BR 115 .H6 S49 1998
[Ottawa]: Library of Parliament, Research Branch, [1992]-
note: issued in irregularly revised editions
(Current issue review, 92-1E)
GovPubStxFor YM32-1/92-1 Oct. 28 1992-1996
Edited by Allen M. Omoto and Howard S. Kurtzman.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, c2006.
Suz, Tac WM 460.5 .S3 S518 2006
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990.
Suz, Ugl, Law KF 4754.5 S492 1990
NY: C. Boardman Co., 1985+
note: a loose-leaf, updated
note: also known as, Gay rights skills seminar manual
Law KF 4754.5 S49 1985 v.1, v.2
Standing Committee on Lesbian and Gay Issues, Contemporary Social Problems
SIS, American Association of Law Libraries. 2d draft.
Chicago?: American Association of Law Libraries, 1989.
Law KF 4754.5 A1 S49 1989
Standing Committee on Lesbian and Gay Issues, Social Responsibilities Special
Interest Section, American Association of Law Libraries; introduction by Brad
Sears; editor-in-chief, James M. Donovan ... [et al.]
Buffalo, NY: William S. Hein & Co., 2007.
Law KF 4754.5 .A1 S498 2006
London; NY: Routledge, 2007.
(Routledge IAFFE advances in feminist economics, 4)
Suz HD 6285 .S49 2007
see: Reading between the labels [videorecording]
Edited by Lee Ellis and Linda Ebertz; foreword by Brian A. Gladue.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
Suz HQ 19 S518 1997
NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: a 4-volume anthology of texts (1750-1850) concerning sexual
transgressions drawn from criminal reports, scientific and medical
publications, newspaper items, sex manuals, guidebooks, speculative
accounts and case histories.
note: v.2, Sodomy, includes texts 6 through 19, as follows: 6) Mr.
Bradbury's Case Truly Stated (1755), pp. 27-89; 7) Remarks on Mr. Bradbury's
State of his Case (1755), pp. 91-124; 8) The Cobler Undone, by the Loss of his
Awl and his Ends (1756), pp. 125-163; 9) The Trial of Thomas Andrews, for
Sodomy (1761), pp.165-175; 10) Mr. Foote's Trial at Westminster Hall (1776),
pp. 177-181; 11) Robert Holloway, The Phoenix of Sodom, or the Vere Street
Coterie (1813), pp. 183-213; 12) Religion & Morality Vindicated, Against
Hypocrisy and Pollution (1813), pp. 215-248; 13) The Sentence and Affidavit
of John Church, the Obelisk Preacher (1817), pp. 249-255; 14) The Infamous
Life of John Church (1817), pp. 257-279; 15) The Trial and Conviction of John
Church (1817), pp. 281-346; 16) The Bishop!! Particulars of the Charge against
the Hon. Percy Jocelyn, Bishop of Clogher (1822), pp. 347-369; 17) A
Correct Account of the Horrible Occurrence (1822), pp. 371-378; 18) William
Benbow, The Crimes of the Clergy, or the Pillars of Priestcraft Shaken (1823),
pp. 379-394; 19) 'Buggery', from The Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer
(1837), pp. 395-400.
Suz HQ 21 .S47375 2000 v.2
[NY] Facts on File, 1994.
Suz HQ 1421 S48 1994
Edited by Susan J. Wolfe and Julia Penelope.
Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1993.
Suz PS 153 L46 S48 1993
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 9. Designed for (male) pleasure: the myth of Lesbian chic
in mainstream advertising (Tom Reichert, Kevin R. Maly, and Susan C.
Zavoina), pp. 123-133; [chapter] 14. Deconstructing Ellen: Time, sitcoms,
and the meaning of gayness (Susan Stearns and Meta G. Carstarphen), pp.
185-197; [chapter] 16. Competing rhetorical strategies in the gay and
lesbian video wars: marching for freedom and gay rights, special rights
(Emile C. Netzhammer), pp. 211-224.
Suz P96 .S45 S49 1999
Ottawa: Health Canada, Population & Public Health Branch, Bureau of
HIV/AIDS, STS & TB, Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention & Control,
note: French ed. Comportements sexuels... on the same fiche
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 101-01041
Edited by James Bristow.
London, NY: Routledge, 1992.
Suz, Bot PR 120 G39 S49 1992
Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 2, Queers, bodies, and postmodern sexualities: a note on
revisiting the "sexual" in symbolic interactionism (Ken Plummer), pp.
16-30; [chapter] 12, Sexual scripting and self-process:
intersubjectivity among gay men, pp. 191-208.
Suz HQ 21 .S4738 2007
New Delhi; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2004.
note: [chapter] 3, Controlling the Ganymedes; the colonial gaze in J. R.
Ackerley's Hindoo Holiday (Zahid Chaudhary), pp. 83-98; [chapter] 4,
Theatrical transvestism in the Parsi, Gujarati and Marathi theatres
(1850-1940) (Kathryn Hansen), pp. 99-122; [chapter] 5, Rakhti;
impersonating the feminine in Urdu poetry (Carla Petievich), pp. 123-146;
[chapter] 6, Crossing 'lines' of subjectivity; the negotiation of sexual
identity in Hyderabad, India (Gayatri Reddy), pp. 147-164; [chapter] 7, A
Preliminary report on emerging gay geographies in Bangalore, India
(Chandra S. Balachandran), pp. 165-187; [chapter] 8, Emancipated
bodies/embodying liberation; debating through Fire (Vikash N. Pandey), pp.
Suz HQ 18 .S64 S49 2003
London; NY: Routledge, 1992.
note: chapter 3, Judy Garland and Gay Men, pp. 141-194.
Suz PN 1995.9 .S45 S485 1992
Lena Nilsson Schonnesson, editor.
NY: Haworth Press, c1992.
note: also published as a special issue of: Journal of psychology & human
sexuality. v.5, n. 1/2 (1992)
Suz WD 308 S5185 1992
San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1995.
(Opposing viewpoints series)
note: chapter 2, How should society regard gays and lesbians?, pp. 58-125.
Consists of 8 pro and con viewpoints on four major issues:
normality/abnormality, social danger/not a social danger, pro civil
rights/anti civil rights, and military access/no military access,
respectively; reprints and excerpts from works by various authors.
SocWk HQ 34 .S48 1995
Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, VT: Gower, c1985.
SocWk HQ 72 G7 S48 1985
Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1988.
(Wege der Forschung, Bd. 605)
note: reprinted articles
note: includes: Bethe, Erich. Die Dorische Knabenliebe. Ihre Ethik und
Ihre Liebe (1907); Devereux, George. Greek Pseudo-Homosexuality and the
'Greek Miracle'(1968); Cartledge, Paul. The Politics of Spartan Pederasty
(1981); Fehling, Detlev. Phallische Demonstration (1974)
note: see also: Bethe, Erich. Die Dorische Knabenliebe.
HQ 13 .S49 1988
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, c2007.
note: [chapter] 4, "Quare" studies, of (almost) everything I know about
queer studies I learned from my grandmother (Part 1), pp. 69-85; [chapter]
6, Language, socialization, and silence in gay adolescence (William Leap),
pp. 95-106; [chapter] 9, M. Dragonfly: two-spirit and the Tafoya principle
of uncertainty (Terry Tafoya), pp. 129-135; [chapter] 10, Migrancy and
homodesire (Myron Beasley), pp. 137-144; [chapter] 12, A critical
appraisal of assimilationist and radical ideologies underlying same-sex
marriage in LGBTR communities in the United States, (Gust A. Yep, Karen E.
Lovaas, and John P. Elia), pp.165-178; [chapter] 13, Performing a rhetoric
of science: Dr. Laura's portrayal of homosexuality (Paul Turpin),
pp.181-193; [chapter] 14, Disciplining the transgendered: Brandon Teena,
public representation, and normativity (John M. Sloop), pp. 195-215;
[chapter] 15, "Ah, yes, I remember it well": memory and queer culture in
Will and Grace (Christopher Castiglia and Christopher Reed), 217-231;
[chapter] 16, Living in the middle: performances bi-men (John T. Warren
and Nicholas A. Zoffel), pp. 233-242; [chapter] 18, Queering the (sacred)
body politic: considering the performative cultural politics of the
sisters of perpetual indulgence (Cathy B. Glenn), pp. 247-261; [chapter]
21, "Quare" studies, or (almost) everything I know about queer studies I
learned from my grandmother (part 2) (E. Patrick Johnson), pp. 297-300.
Bot HQ 21 .S47512 2007
NY: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Bot, Tac HQ 21 .S47514 2004
NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: [chapter] 7, Family Life and the Regulation of Deviance (John
D'Emilio and Estelle B. Freedman), pp. 141-165; [chapter] 12, Anne
Lister's Construction of Lesbian Identity (Anna Clark), pp. 247-279;
[chapter] 13, Richard Krafft-Ebing's "Step-Children of Nature," Psychiatry
and the Making of Homosexual Identity (Harry Oosterhuis), pp. 271-292;
[chapter] 14, Trade, Wolves, and the Boundaries of Normal Manhood (George
Chauncey), pp. 293-326; [chapter] 17, AIDS and the Discursive Construction
of Homosexuality (Steven Seidman), pp. 375-385; [chapter] 20,
Leatherdyke Boys and their Daddies. How to Have Sex without Women or
Men (C. Jacob Hale), pp. 421-433.
Suz HQ 12 .S46 2002
Madison, CT: International Universities Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 75.5 .S49 2001
Arno Schmitt, Jehoeda Sofer, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, 1991.
Suz HQ 76.2 I74 S49 1992
Ugl HQ 76.2 .I74 S49 1992b
Cambridge, Eng.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
note: chapter 8, Troping Utopia: Donne's brief for lesbianism. (Janel
Mueller), pp. 182-207.
Suz NX 180 .F4 S488 1993
NY: Haworth Press, c2005.
note: chapter 2, Hierarchies of difference: national identity, gay and
lesbian rights, and the church in postcommunist Romania (Voichita
Nachescu), pp. 57-77; chapter 3, From sworn virgins to transvestite
prostitutes: performing gender and sexuality in two films from Yugoslavia
(Kevin Moss), pp. 79-94; chapter 7, The social status of lesbian women in
Slovenia in the 1990s (Tatjana Greif), pp. 149-169; chapter 9, The new
visibility: representing sexual minorities in the popular culture of
post-Soviet Russia (Brian James Baer), pp. 193-205.
Ugl HQ 18 .E852 S49 2005
Edited by Jane T. Costlow, Stephanie Sandler, Judith Vowles.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1993.
note: Loving in bad taste: eroticism and literary excess in Marina
Tsvetaeva's 'The Tale of Sonechka.' (Svetlana Boym), pp. 156-176; Laid out
in lavender: perceptions of lesbian love in Russian literature and
criticism of the Silver Age, 1893-1917. (Diana Lewis Burgin), pp.
Suz, Ugl HQ 18 .R9 S49 1993
Dunedin: University of Otago Press, c2005.
Suz HQ 18 .N46 S48 2005
Robert T. Francoeur, general editor; Patricia Barthalow Koch and David L.
Weis, editors; [preface by Patricia Barthalow Koch and David L. Weis; with
contributions by Diane Baker ... et al.; foreword by Robert T.
NY: Continuum, 1998.
note: [chapter] 6, Homoerotic, homosexual and ambisexual behaviors, pp.
145-165; [chapter] 7, Cross-gendered persons, pp. 165-171; [chapter] 15.C,
Intersexuality and the politics of difference, pp. 281-283.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 S517 1998
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
note: chapter 17, Winckelmann's "homosexual" teleologies (WHitney Davis),
pp. 262-276.
Art N5333 .S425 1996
London; San Francisco: Saqi, 2006.
note: Creating queer space in Beirut; zones of encounter within the
Lebanese male homosexual sphere (Sofian Merabet), pp. 199-242; Transition
Beirut: gay identities, lived realties; the balancing act in the Middle
East (Jared McCormick), pp. 243-260.
Bot HQ 18 .A65 S49 2006
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1996.
note: [chapter] 6. Perversion, degeneration, and the death drive,
(Jonathan Dollimore), pp. 96-117; [chapter] 8. Reimaging masculinity in
Victorian criticism: Swinburne and Pater, (Thais E. Morgan), pp. 140-156:
[chapter] 10. Turn-of-the-century male impersonation: rewriting the
Romance plot, (Martha Vicinus), pp. 187-213; [chapter] 11. "I am the woman
for spirit." A working woman's gender transgression in Victorian London,
(Camilla Townsend), pp. 214-233.
Suz HQ 18 .G7 S473 1996
Hove [England]; Philadelphia: Brunner-Routledge, 2001.
note: chapter 9, Genital and phallic homosexuality (Steven Mendoza), pp.
Suz BF 175.5 .S48 S49 2001
Lake Mills, IA: Graphic Publishing Company, 1988.
note: a reference compendium of scales, inventories, questionnaires,
tests, and other measures related to sexual matters; updated by Handbook
of sexuality-related measures (1998)
note: Homophobia, pp. 155-156; Homosexualities, pp. 157-170; Identity, pp.
171-177; Transsexualism, pp. 256-270.
HSLIC Ref HQ 60 .S49 1988
Selinsgrove [PA]: Susquehanna University Press; London: Associated
University Presses, 1992.
note: Bisexuality in Helene Cixous, Virginia Woolf, and H. D.: An Aspect
of L'Ecriture Feminine (Jane Augustine), pp. 11-18.
Suz NX 180 .F4 S49 1992
Edited and with introductions by Harvey L. & Jean S. Gochros.
NY: Association Press, c1977.
Suz, SocWk HN 57 .S48
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c1999.
(At issue)
note: [chapter] 11, Gay sexual promiscuity contributed to the AIDS
epidemic (Gabriel Rotello), pp. 70-82; [chapter] 12, Gay men can have
safe sex and avoid AIDS (Joseph Sonnabend and Richard Berkowitz), pp.
Bot WC 503.7 S5182 1999
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, c2006.
note: Viewpoint 5, Gay men should take responsibility for their sexual
practices (Katherine Ernst), pp. 127-132; Viewpoint 6, Accusing gay men of
irresponsible sexual practices is counterproductive (Patrick Moore), pp.
(Opposing viewpoints series)
Bot WC 503.6 S5182 2006
Edited by David G. Ostrow, Terry Alan Sandholzer, and Yehudi M.
NY: Plenum Medical Book Co., c1983.
HSLIC WC 140 S798 1983
Elke-Vera Kotowski, Julius H. Schoeps (Hrsg.)
Berlin-Brandenburg: BeBra Wissenschaft, c2004.
Suz HQ 18.32 .H57 S49 2004
Edited by Elizabeth Grosz and Elspeth Probyn.
London; NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz, Ugl HQ 16 .S49 1995
Women in love: portraits of lesbian mothers & their families.
Photographs & interviews by Barbara Seyda with Diana Herrera; foreword by
Linda Villarosa.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1998.
Suz, Tac HQ 75.53 .S49 1998
San Francisco, CA: Frameline, [2005]
note: DVD, in Hindi with English subtitles
note: credits -background score, P. Sameer; choreography, Ganesh Acharya
... [et al.]; story, S. Sachindra; screenplay, Yogeshbhardwaj, Aadesh K.
Arjun, S. Sachindra; dialogues, Aadesh K. Arjun; editing, Deepak Y.
Wirkud, Vilas Ranade, Arun Naik; cinematography, Karim Khatri; lyrics,
Sudhakar Sharma ... [et al.]; music, Dilip Hari Kishen ... [et al.];
produced by Sudesh R. Bhosle, Manoj K. Jaiswal; directed by Yogesh
Bhardwaj; cast - Ashutoch Rana (Shabnam Mousi), Govind Namdeo, Vijay Raaj,
Vivek Shauq, Paintal.
note: inspired by a real person, Shabnam Mousi is an action-packed
Bollywood musical about a hijra (eunuch) who transcends societal
oppression to become a successful politician. The story begins with
Shabnam's birth and her parents' decision to ask other hijras to take care
of the child. Shabnam then grows up under the influence and cultures of
these hijras who are her daily companions, friends and parents. She grows
up to be a dancer, then runs away and, through grit and determination (and
lots of great song and dance numbers and action sequences), fights against
social prejudices, eventually rising to political power.
Ugl Med DVD FRAM 005
Edited by Bruce Morrow and Charles H. Rowell.
NY: Avon Books, c1996.
Suz PS 648 .H57 S46 1996
Edited by Charles Jurrist [and Sasha Alyson]
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 648 H57 S52 1988
NY: Southern Tier Editions/Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Suz PS 648 .H6 S525 2004
orientation-based employment discrimination [electronic resource]:
states' experience with statutory prohibitions.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. General Accounting Office, [2002]
available online:
Defense of Marriage Act [electronic resource]: update to prior
Washington, D.C.: U.S. General Accounting Office, [2004]
available online:
employment discrimination [electronic resource]:
state and federal status.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. General Accounting Office, [2002]
available online:
E. M. Forster: a study in double vision.
New Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann Publishers (India), 1975.
Suz PR 6011 .O58 Z8413
The green bay tree: a play in three acts.
Boston: The Baker International Play Bureau, 1933.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Green bay
Bruce Chatwin.
London: Harvill in association with Jonathan Cape, 1999.
Suz PR 6053 .H395 Z88 1999
The riddle of Shakespeare's sonnets; the text of the sonnets, with
interpretive essays by Edward Hubler [and others] and including the full
text of Oscar Wilde's The portrait of Mr. W.H.
note: Wilde's musings (The portrait of Mr. W.H.) on the adored subject, a
young man, of Shakespeare's love sonnets
NY: Basic books [1962]
NY: Garland Pub., 1999.
(Shakespeare, the critical complex, 2)
note: a collection of previously published articles
note: Androgyny, mimesis, and the marriage of the boy heroine on the
English Renaissance stage (Phyllis Rackin), pp. 53-41; In the field of
dreams: transvestism in Twelfth Night and The Crying Game (Jonathan
Crewe), pp. 183-203; "You must eat men"; the sodomic economy of
Renaissance patronage (Jody Greene), pp. 229-263.
Suz PR 3069 .S45 S52 1999
London; NY: Verso, 1995.
note: [chapter] 10. The two Antonios and same-sex love in Twelfth Night
and The Merchant of Venice (Joseph Pequigney), pp. 178-195; [chapter] 13.
Shakespeare, Zefferelli and the homosexual gaze (William Van Watson), pp.
Suz PR 3069 .S45 S53 1995
NY: Palgrave, 2000.
note: chapter 7, No holes Bard: homonormativity and the gay and lesbian
romance with Romeo and Juliet (Richard Burt), pp. 153-186.
Suz PR 2880 .A1 S53 2000
The world of homosexuals.
New Delhi: Vikas Pub. House, c1977.
Suz HQ 76.25 S5
Living well: the gay man's essential health guide.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Bot WA 300 S528L 1998
Reclaiming the spirit: gay men and lesbians come to terms with
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c1998.
Suz BL 65 .H64 S53 1998
The crimson letter: Harvard, homosexuality, and the shaping of American
NY: St. Martin's Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 S49 2003
Ralph Adams Cram: life and architecture.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1995-
note: v.1: Boston bohemia, 1881-1900. v.2: An architect's four quests:
medieval, modernist, American, ecumenical.
AUP NA 737 .C7 S44 1995 v.1-2.
Bot NA 737 .C7 S44 1995 v.1
Just marriage. Edited by Joashua Cohen and Deborah Chasman for Boston
Oxford [UK]; NY: Oxford University Press, c2004.
note: Mystification, neutrality, and same-sex couples in marriage (David
B. Cruz), pp. 52-57; The Relational case for same-sex marriage (William N.
Eskridge Jr.), pp. 58-62.
Suz, Law, Bot HQ 536 .S4815 2004
Unlived affections.
NY: Harper & Row, c1989.
ChildLit PZ 7 S5288 Un 1989
Sovereign amity: figures of friendship in Shakespearean contexts.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
note: [chapter] 2, Chaste associations in Cary's Tragedy of Mariam: sexual
mixtures, same-sex friendship, and the genders of integrity, pp. 54-89.
Suz PR 3069 .F73 S48 2002
Gender in play on the Shakespearean stage: boy heroines and female
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1994.
Suz PR 3095 .S524 1994
Edited by Laura McCall and Donald Yacovone; foreword by Mark C. Carnes.
NY: New York University Press, c1998.
note: chapter 8, "Surpassing the love of women", Victorian manhood and the
language of fraternal love (Donald Yacovone), pp. 195-221; chapter 11,
Socrates in the slums; homoerotics, gender, and settlement house reform
(Kevin P. Murphy), pp. 273-296.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 1075.5 .U6 S48 1998
Selected and introduced by Therese Jones.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, c1994.
note: The baddest of boys (Doug Holsclaw); Myron, a fairy tale in black
and white (Michael Kearns); Queen of angels (James Carroll Pickett); Satan
and Simon Desoto (Ted Sod); AIDS! the musical! (Wendell Jones and David
Stanley, music by Robert Berg); What are Tuesdays like? (Victor Bumbalo);
My queer body (Tim Miller).
Drama PS 627 A53 S53 1994
Chocolate, and other writings on male-male desire. Translated from Hindi
and with an introduction by Ruth Vanita.
New Delhi; NY: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Suz, Ugl PK 2098 .S468 A2 2006
Hijras, the labelled deviants.
New Delhi: Gian Pub. House, c1989.
Suz HQ 449 .S5 1989
Homosexuality: a select bibliography.
Compiled by Umesh D. Sharma and Wilfred C. Rudy.
Waterloo, Ontario, 1970.
Suz WM 615 S531h 1970
Lesbian identity narratives: telling tales of a stigmatised identity.
Ph. D. thesis, University of Western Sydney, 2002.
available online,
Morality politics in American cities. With the research assistance of
Yvette Alex-Assensoh ... [et al.]
Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, c2005.
note: [chapter] 6, Gays, rights, and local morality politics,
(Elaine B. Sharp, Susan Clarke, and Marjorie Sarbaugh-Thompson), pp.
Suz, Tac JS 331 .S46 2005
School crisis case studies: solutions to crucial problems facing
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2007.
note: [chapter] 15, Gay bashing, pp. 45-47.
Suz LB 2866.5 .S47 2007
Avery Hopwood: his life and plays.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998.
Drama PS 3515 .O655 Z87 1989
Summit Avenue: a novel.
Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 2000.
Ugl PS 3569 .H3449 S8 2000
Proust's way: a field guide to In search of lost time.
NY: W. W. Norton, c2000.
Suz PQ 2531 .R63 A883 2000
The cinematic body.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1993.
note: "Masculinity, Spectacle, and the Body of Querelle," pp. 159-198.
Suz, Bot PN 1995 .S484 1993
Social and personal ethics. 3rd ed.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub., c1999.
note: Homosexuality, morals, and the laws of nature (Burton M. Leiser),
pp. 355-363; Is it wrong to discriminate on the basis of homosexuality?
(Jeff Jordan), pp. 363-372; Romer v. Evans (U.S. Supreme Court), pp.
Bot BJ 1012 .S45 1999
Social and personal ethics. 4th ed.
Australia; Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, c2002.
note: Homosexuality, morals, and the laws of nature (Burton M. Leiser),
pp. 355-364; Is it wrong to discriminate on the basis of homosexuality?
(Jeff Jordan), pp. 364-372.
Suz BJ 1012 .S45 2002
And the flag was still there: straight people, gay people, and sexuality
in the military.
NY: Haworth Press, c1995.
Suz UB 418 .G38 S58 1995
Culver City, CA: Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, [2005]
note: DVD, originally released as a motion picture in 2004.
note: credits - Director of photography, Matthew Libatique; editor, Barry
Alexander Brown; music, Terence Blanchard; cast - Anthony Mackie, Kerry
Washington, Ellen Barkin, Monica Bellucci, Jim Brown, Brian Dennehy, Woody
note: Executive John Henry Jack Arnstrong gets fired when he blows the
whistle on his bosses' business dealings. Desperate to make a living, he
accepts his lesbian ex-girlfriend's offer for cash to impregnate her and
soon he has a line seeking his services.
Eva La Gallienne: a biography.
NY: Knopf, c1996.
Drama PN 2287 .L2896 S54 1996
If a partner has AIDS: guide to clinical intervention for relationships in
NY: Haworth Press, c1992.
SocWk WD 308 S544 1992
People with HIV and those who help them: challenges, integration,
Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, c1995.
SocWk WC 503.7 S544p 1995
"Gay is good." In: Out of the closets: voices of gay liberation.
2nd ed., pp. 31-34.
note: originally published in: Rat. February 24, 1970.
Ugl HQ 76.8 U5 O88 1992
"I am lesbian and I am beautiful." In: DeLora, Jack R. Intimate life
styles: marriage and its alternatives. 2nd ed., pp. 212-215 (reprinted
from the Berkeley Tribe, July 10/17, 1970)
note: also in: DeLora, Joann S. Intimate life styles: marriage and its
alternatives. 1st ed., pp. 265-268.
Suz HQ 18 U5 D38 1975 [2nd ed.]
Ugl HQ 18 .U5 D38 [lst ed]
Kite music.
Austin, TX: Banned Books, c1988.
Suz PS 3569 .H39362 K5 1988
Positively false: exposing the myths around HIV and AIDS. Foreword by
Gordon T. Stewart.
London; NY: I. B. Tauris, 1998.
Suz WC 503 S546p 1998
Lesbian, gay, gisexual & transgender campus organizing: a
comprehensive manual.
Written, edited and produced by Curtis F. Shepard, Felice Yeskel, &
Charles Outcalt.
[Washington, D. C.]: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, [1995]
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 S54 1995
Management of Kaposi's sarcoma associated with human immunodeficiency
virus infection.
Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada, 1991.
note: bilingual, Traitement du sarcome de Kaposi...
GovPub Microfiche M-2261, 91-06329
Traitement du sarcome de Kaposi associe a l'infection due au virus de
l'immunodeficience humaine.
Ottawa: Sante et bien-etre social Canada, 1991.
note:.....La manifestation inhabituelle du sarcome de Kaposi chez de
jeunes homosexuels de la Californie et de New York a mene a
l'identification du syndrome d'immunodeficience acquise (sida), en
note: biblingual (Management of Karposi's sarcoma)
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 91-06329
Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999.
Suz PS 3569 .H3967 W76 1999
Because we're queers: the life and crimes of Kenneth Halliwell and Joe
London: Gay Mens Press, 1989.
Suz PR 6065 .R7 Z85 1989
Beside myself.
London: Hutchinson, 2001.
Suz PN 2598 .S47 A3 2001
The indoor boy.
NY: Viking, 1992.
Suz PR 6069 H4556 I54 1992
Andre Gide: a life in the present.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999.
Suz PQ 2613 .I2 Z6916 1999
Barton Mumaw, dancer: from Denishawn to Jacob's Pillow and beyond. By Jane
Sherman and Barton Mumaw.
NY: Dance Horizon, c1986.
Suz GV 1785 .M77 S54 2000 (Wesleyan University Press, University Press
of New England)
Ugl GV 1785 .M86 S54 1986
NY: Avon Books, [1980] c1979.
see also: Silverman, Stanley. Bent/music, Stanley Silverman; lyrics,
Martin Sherman.
Suz, Drama PS 569 .H433 B4
Drama PS 3569 .H433 B4 1979 (Book club ed.)
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Bent
Plays. With an introduction by Tish Dace.
London: Methuen Drama, 2004-
note: v.1: Cracks; Bent; Messiah; Rose
Drama PS 3569 .H433 A19 2004 v.1
Sarah Orne Jewett, an American Persephone.
Hanover: Published for University of New Hampshire by University Press of
New England, c1989.
Suz PS 2133 .S54 1989
Without condoms: unprotected sex, gay men & barebacking.
NY; London: Routledge, 2006.
Ugl HQ 76 .S48 2006
The gay, lesbian, and bisexual students' guide to colleges, universities,
and graduate schools.
NY: New York University Press, c1994.
UglRef, Bot, TacRef LC 192.6 S54 1994
Kairos, confessions of a gay priest.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1987.
Suz BX 5995 .S3458 A3 1987
Edo danshoku ko.
Tokyo: Hiyoshi, 1992-1993. 3v.
note: [1] Akusho hen; [2] Wakashu hen; [3] Shikido hen.
EAsia HQ 76.2 J3 S55 1992 v.1, v.2, and v.3
And the band played on: politics, people and the AIDS epidemic.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1987.
see also: And the band played on [videorecording]
Ugl, NatSci, SocWk WD 308 S556a 1987
Suz, HSLIC, Tac WD 308 S556a 1988 (Reprint with supplemental material,
Penguin, 1988)
Conduct unbecoming: gays and lesbians in the U. S. military.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993.
Suz, Ugl, Law, Tac UB 418 G38 S55 1993
Bot UB 418 .G38 S55 1994
The mayor of Castro Street: the life and times of Harvey Milk.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1982.
Suz, Bot, Tac F 869 S353 M547
NY: Women Make Movies [distributor], c1996.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; in Japanese with English subtitles; editor,
John Mister; documentary television program.
note: A documentary about three onnabes who work as hosts at the New
Marilyn Club in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; the club is patronized almost
exclusively by heterosexual women. Onnabes are women who live as men and
have girlfriends, although they don't usually identify themselves as
lesbians. Follows them at home and at their jobs, where all three discuss
their lives, and views about women, sex, transvestism, and lesbianism.
UglMed Videorecord BOT-2137
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2137
This remarkable gift: being gay and Catholic.
St. Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 1997.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 S54 1997
Drum beats: Walt Whitman's Civil War boy lovers.
Edited with an introduction and bibliography by Charley Shively.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1989.
Suz PS 3233 .S5 1989
Sex, time, and power: how women's sexuality shaped human evolution.
NY: Penguin, c2003, 2004.
note: chapter 16, Gay/Lesbian, pp. 226-238; chapter 17, Same
sex/hermaphrodite, pp. 240-258.
NatSci, Bot HQ 23 .S45 2003 [Viking, 2003]
Tac HQ 23 .S45 2004
Oxford; NY: Berg, 2006.
note: [chapter] 14, Beyond the rainbow: queer shoes (Clare Lomas, Peter
McNeil and Sally Gray), pp. 290-305; [chapter] 19, The male Cinderella:
shoes, genius and fantasy (Peter McNeil and Giorgio Riello), pp.
Suz, Tac GT 2130 .S468 2006
Tokyo: Ayumi Shuppan, 1995.
EAsia HQ 54 .S56 1995
A gay synagogue in New York.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1995.
Suz, SocWk BM 225 .N5 S56 1995
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, c2005.
note: chapter 4, Family portrait: queering the nuclear family in
François Ozon's SITCOM, (Jaap Kooijman), pp. 73-87.
Bot P94.5 .F34 S56 2005
Southern Baptist sissies: a play in two acts.
NY; S. French, c2005.
Drama PS 3569 .H5798 S68 2005
Written in the flesh: a history of desire.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c2005.
note: chapter 3, A Baseline for gays and lesbians, pp. 52-79; chapter
7, The Great breakout for gays and lesbians, pp. 148-166; Gay Men move
towards total body sex, pp. 182-192; Lesbians and total body sex, pp.
Suz HQ 21 .S56 2005
[NY, NY]: Thinkfilm, [2007]
note: DVD
note: cast -Sook-Yin Lee, Paul Dawson, Lindsay Beamish, P.J. Deboy,
Raphael Barker, Peter Stickles, Jay Brannan, Justin Bond; credits
-Director of photography, Frank G. Demarco; editor, Brian A. Kates;
original score, Yo La Tengo; costume designers, Kurt and Bart; production
designer, Jody Asnes.
note: An exploration into the lives of several characters living in New
York as they navigate the comic and tragic intersections between love and
sex. Male and female, straight and gay, they find one another - and
eventually themselves - when they all converge at a weekly underground
salon called "Shortbus," a mad collision of art, music, politics, and
polysexual carnality.
UglMed DVD TFILM 009
[Santa Monica, CA?]: Strand Releasing, c2000.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; in Swedish with English subtitles; includes
theatrical trailer
note: cast, Alexandra Dahlstrom, Rebecca Liljeberg, Erica Carlson, Mathias
Rust, Stefan Horberg, Josefin Nyberg, Ralph Carlsson, Maria Hedborg;
director of photography, Ulf Brantas; editor, Michael Leszczylowski,
Bernhard Winkler.
note: Story of Agnes and Elin and their teenage friends growing up in the
small town of Amal. When Elin shows up at Agnes' birthday party, Elin's
life takes an unexpected turn. Stuck in the middle of two love interests,
Elin tried to come to terms with her real self, and the courage it takes
to be different.
UglMed DVD STRAN 001
A literature of their own: British women novelists from Bronte to
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1977.
note: chapter 10, Virginia Woolf and the flight into androgyny, pp.
Suz, Ugl PR 115 .S5
A literature of their own: British women novelists from Bronte to Lessing.
Expanded ed.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1999, c1977.
note: chapter 10, Virginia Woolf and the flight into androgyny, pp.
Suz PR 115 .S5 1999
Sexual anarchy: gender and culture at the fin de siecle.
NY: Penguin, 1991, c1990.
Ugl PR 468 S48 S56 1991
Suz PR 468 F46 S56 1990 (Viking ed., 1990)
Erotische Maskeraden: Sexualität und Geschlecht bei Marcel
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2007.
(Reihe Siegen, Bd. 152)
Suz PQ 2631 .R86 A7955 2007
Separatism and women's community.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, c1995.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 1190.5 .U6 S58 1995
Jean Genet in Tangier. Translated by Paul Bowles; introd. by William
NY: Ecco Press, 1974.
note: title page shows author's name as Mohamed Choukri.
Drama PQ 2613 .E53 Z54
A's dream.
Oakland, CA: O Books, 1989.
Suz PS 3569 .H86 A8 1989
Giving up the ghost. [with a preface by Robert Duncan]
San Francisco: Rose Deeprose Press, 1980.
Suz PS 3569 .H86 G5 1980
The night sun: [poems]
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1976
Suz PS 3569 .H86 N5 1976
Byt i bytie Mariny TSvetaevoi.
Fontenay-aux-Roses: Syntaxis, 1988.
Suz PG 3476 .T75 Z859 1988
Tsvetaeva. Translated from the Russian by Robert Chandler and H. T.
Willetts; poetry translated by Peter Norman; edited and annotated by
Angela Livingstone.
London: Harvill, 1992.
note: translation of: Byt i bytie Mariny TSvetaevoi.
Suz PG 3476 .T75 Z85913 1992
Not like other boys: growing up gay: a mother and son look back.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.8 .S48 A3 1996
Cong ku er kong jian dao jiao yu kong jian: [di er jie si xing xue shu yan
tao hui lun wen ji. bian zhe He Chunrui; [Zhu bian Wang Dewei]
[Taibei Shi]: Mai tian chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 2000.
(Mai tian ren wen, 35)
EAsia HQ 1075.5 .T28 S79 1997
Adrienne Rich. [Introduction by Leslea Newman]
Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, c2005.
(Gay and lesbian writers)
Ugl, Bot, Tac PS 3535 .I233 Z88 2005
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2005.
Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 S53 2005
Ethnic drag: performing race, nation, sexuality in West Germany.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2002.
note: chapter 5, Queer colonialism: ethnographic authority and homosexual
desire, pp. 187-220.
Suz NX 650 .R34 S54 2002
Exiles, eccentrics, activists: women in contemporary German theater.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1994.
note: chapter 3, Queers, tramps, and savages: Else Lasker-Schuler, pp.
83-107; chapter 5, Postmodern inversions: Elfriede Jelinek, pp.
Drama, Bot PT 668 .S535 1994
New millennial sexstyles.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2000.
Suz, Ugl HQ 18 .U5 S55 2000
Female homosexuality; choice without volition; a psychoanalytic study.
With a foreword by Theo L. Dorpat.
Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press: Distributed by L. Erlbaum Associates,
(Psychoanalytic inquiry book series, v. 9)
Suz WM 615 S5715f 1988
The patient who cured his therapist, and other tales of therapy.
NY: Dutton, c1992.
Suz WM 40 S571p 1992
Uncharted lives: understanding the life passages of gay men.
NY: Dutton, c1994.
Suz HQ 76 .S49 1994
Siegener Hans Henny Jahnn Kolloquium: Homosexualität und
Dietrich Molitar, Wolfgang Popp, hrsg.
Essen, Die Blaue Eule, c1986.
(Kultur, Literatur, Kunst, Bd. 6)
Suz PT 2619 A6 Z679 1986
(3rd: 1990: Universität-Gesamthochschule Siegen)
Erkenntniswunsch und Diskretion: Erotik in biographischer und
autobiographischer Literatur: 3. Siegener Kolloquium Homosexualität
und Literatur. Gerhard Härle, Maria Kalveram und Wolfgang Popp,
Berlin, Verlag Rosa Winkel, 1992.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 6)
Suz PN 56 H57 S53 1990
Die Geschichte des Hitlerjungen Adolf Goers. Mit einem Nachwort von
Jörn Meve.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 2000.
(Bibliothek rosa Winkel, Bd. 24)
note: Reprint Previously published: Düsseldorf: Komet, 1947.
note: Purports to be the story of a German youth, "Adolf Goers," as told
to Hans Siemsen.
Suz DD 253 .S56 2000
Schriften. Herausgegeben von Michael Föster.
Essen: Torso, 1986-
note: v.1: Verbotene Liebe und andere Geschichten.
v.2: Kritik-aufsatzpolemik. v.3: Briefe.
Suz PT 2639 .I45 All 1986 v.1,2,3
Sexual orientation, gender, and socioculturally acquired vulnerability to
eating disorders.
Seattle: University of Washington, 1989.
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 1989
Suz LA 7 Th36633
Aux Thesis 36633
Transvestism, masculinity, and Latin American literature: genders share
NY: Palgrave, 2002.
Ugl PQ 7081 .S56 2002
Tucson, AZ: Culture Q Connection, c1997.
note: VHS, Videocassette of 6 short films from 1977 through 1996 about
lesbian relationships: Dike (1996); Apartments (1977); Seth's aunts; Cruel
(1994); The Potluck & the passion (1993); Minor disturbances (1992)
note: Dike: writer-director, Lisa Hayes; producers, Lisa Hayes, Allyson
Mitchell. Apartments: Megan McMurchy. Seth's aunts: Nina Dabek. Cruel:
Chula Pictures; writer/producer/director Desi del Valle. The Potluck & the
passion: dancing girl productions; prod.-dir., Cheryl Dunye; writers, Pat
Branch, Cheryl Dunye. Minor disturbances: Clash Pictures; dir., Carol
Ashley, producers, Carol Ashley, Kathy Clark.
note: cast- Dike/Allyson Mitchell. Apartments/Jeune Pritchard, Sandy
Edwards, Michael Snelling. Seth's aunts/Becca & Peggy. Cruel/Susan Papa,
Kristen Ochoa. The Potluck & the passion/Nora Breen, Shelita Birchett.
Minor disturbances/Kathy Clark, Clyde Derrick, Marion Jones.
UglMed Videorecord CQC 001
Edited by Whitney Chadwick and Isabelle de Courtivron; with 76
London; NY: Thames and Hudson, c1993.
note: [chapter] 4, The "Left-Handed Marriage" Vanessa Bell & Duncan Grant,
pp. 64-81 (Lisa Tickner); 5, "Tinder-and-Flint" Virginia Woolf & Vita
Sackville-West (Louise DeSalvo), pp. 82-95; 11, The Art of Code: Jasper
Johns & Robert Rauschenberg, pp. 189-208 (Jonathan Katz)
Suz BF 411 .S53 1993
Life outside: the Signorile report on gay men: sex, drugs, muscles, and
the passages of life.
NY: HarperCollinsPublishers, c1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 76.2 .U5 S54 1997
Outing yourself: how to come out as lesbian or gay to your family,
friends, and coworkers. [Foreword by Betty Berzon]
NY; Simon & Schuster, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 S54 1996
Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 S54 1995 (Random House)
Queer in America: sex, the media, and the closets of power.
NY: Random House, c1993.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.8 U5 S57 1993
Bot HQ 76.8 .U5 S57 1994 (has a new afterword)
Queer in America: sex, the media, and the closets of power. Updated,
with a new chapter.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, c2003.
Ugl HQ 76.8 .U5 S57 2003
see: The lesbian issue. (special issue)
see: Theorizing lesbian experience. (special issue)
Karl Heinrich Ulrichs: der erste Schwule der Weltgeschichte.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 2000.
(Bibliothek rosa Winkel, Bd. 21)
Suz HQ 75.8 .U47 S53 2000
Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, c2003.
note: [chapter] 2, We're here, we're queer, would everyone please take a
seat now so we can get started? (Wendell Ricketts), pp. 15-23.
Suz, Bot LB 2844.1 .P6 S57 2003
NY: Filmakers Library, c1984. 1 videocassette. VHS.
note: Director of photography, Paula de Koenigsberg; executive producer,
Harvey Marks; editor, Sharon Karp.
note: Elderly lesbians and gays discuss the changed social conditions
which have allowed them greater freedom in their relationships.
UglMed Videorecord FML 019
Almanac of the dead: a novel.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1991.
Suz PS 3569 .I44 A79 1991
Bot PS 3569 .I44 A79 1992 (Penguin ed.)
Troy, MI: Anchor Bay Entertainment, [1999]
note: 1 DVD; 1 videocassette; originally released as a motion picture in
note cast- Meryl Streep, Kurt Russell, Cher, Craig T. Nelson, Diana
Scarwid, Fred Ward, Ron Silver, Charles Hallahan, Josef Sommer, M. Emmet
Walsh, Les Lannom; credits- director of photography, MIroslav Ondricek;
editor, Sam O'Steen; music, Georges Delerue.
note: Karen Silkwood becomes contaminated with plutonium at ther job,
voices her protest at the indifference and denial of her company, and
becomes a threat to the entire nuclear industry and the government
agencies that monitor, it. Based on a true story. Karen's friend Dolly
is a lesbian character in the film.
UglMed DVD ABE 010
UglMed Videorecord ABE 10556
Un-Sichtbare Frauen: Lesben und ihre Emanzipation in der DDR.
Berlin: LinksDruck Verlag, 1991.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G3 S55 1991
The new Civil War: the lesbian and gay struggle for civil rights.
NY: Franklin Watts, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 S59 1997
In gay company [sound recording] Written and composed by Fred Silver.
[Beverly Hills, CA]: AEI, p1995.
note: 1 sound disc: digital
note: The Los Angeles revival cast starring Beverly Bremers, Greg Dawson,
Lance Philips, John Racca and Anthony Vento; recorded at Skip Saylor
Studios, Hollywood; includes "numbers written for the revial; other songs
have been given their correct titles as heard in the original New York
production"; program notes inserted.
Music Listening Center Compact disc CD 6442
Beautiful child.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c2004.
Drama PS 3569 .I4712 B43 2004
Etiquette and vitriol: The food chain and other plays.
NY: Theatre Communications Group, 1996.
note: contents, The food chain; Pterodactyls; Free will & wanton lust; Fat
men in skirts.
Drama PS 3569 .I4712 A6 1996
Raised in captivity.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, Inc., c1995.
Drama Acting Editions actEd Raised in
Raised in captivity.
NY: Theatre Communications Group, 1995.
Drama PS 3569 .I4712 R35 1995
Her head a village.
Vancouver, B.C.: Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Suz PR 9199.3 .S51766 H47 1994
Produced in association with Channel Four Television, London and J.P.
Weiner Productions, Inc.; Betelgeuse Productions.
NY: New Video, c1994.
note: 1 videocassette. VHS. 1 videodisc. DVD (Docurama, 2003)
note: Produced & directed by Tom Joslin and Peter Friedman; co-producers,
Doug Block, Jane Weiner; camera, Tom Joslin, Mark Massi, Elaine Mayes,
Peter Friedman; editor, Peter Friedman. Videocassette release of a 1993
television production.
note: Presents the story of Tom Joslin and Mark Massi, a gay couple who
both have AIDS. Documents their life together and the process of living
with AIDS. Told with guts and humor by longtime companions, this
documentary celebrates the human spirit while capturing the emotional
challenges of living with a fatal illness.
note: DVD has special features: never-before-seen epilogue footage by
Elaine Mayes, filmmaker interviews by Parvez Sharma, filmmaker
biographies and statement, awards and critical acclaim for Silverlake
life, resource guide to AIDS organizations.
UglMed DVD NVG 030
BotMed Videorecord BOT-992
The world is a text: writing, reading, and thinking about culture and its
contexts. Jonathan Silverman, Dean Rader.
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, c2003.
note: "Not that there's anything wrong with that": reading the queer in
Seinfeld (Katherine Gantz), pp. 130-152; Society's need for a queer
solution: the media's reinforcement of homophobia through traditional
gender roles (Archana Mehta), pp. 152-171.
Bot PE 1408 .S48785 2003
note: music, Stanley Silverman; lyrics, Martin Sherman; manuscript
photocopy; contains song Streets of Berlin and the chase music
from the play.
see also: Sherman, Martin. Bent.
Drama M1510 .S54 B46 1981
AIDS activist: Michael Lynch and the politics of community.
Toronto: Between the Lines, 2003.
Suz, Tac WC 503 S587a 2003
A family matter: a parent's guide to homosexuality.
NY: McGraw-Hill, 1978, c1977.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.3 .U5 S56 1978
The joy of gay sex: an intimate guide for gay men to the pleasures of a
gay lifestyle. By Charles Silverstein and Edmund White; illustrated by
Michael Leonard, Ian Beck, & Julian Graddon.
NY: Simon and Schuster, [1978] c1977.
SocWkRes HQ 76 .S53 1978
The joy of gay sex. Charles Silverstein and Felice Picano; illustrations
by Joseph Phillips. Fully rev. and expanded 3rd ed.
NY: Collins, 2006.
Bot Reserve HQ 76 .S533 2003
Man to man: gay couples in America.
NY: Morrow, 1981.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 S57 1981
The new joy of gay sex.
By Charles Silverstein and Felice Picano; preface by Edmund White.
NY: HarperCollins Publishers, c1992.
note: new ed. of: The Joy of gay sex.
SocWk Reserve HQ 76 .S533 1992
Man into woman: a transsexual autobiography.
NY: Macfadden-Bartell, 1971.
Suz PS 3537 .I56 Z52 1971
Out of bounds: coming out of sexual abuse, addiction, and my life of lies
in the NFL closet. With Damon Dimarco in collaboratioon with David Fisher
and Jimmy Hester.
NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers, c2006.
Ugl GV 939 .S465 A3 2006
Body blows.
NY: Dutton, c1986.
Suz PS 3569 .I4768 B6 1986
Stein, gender, isolation, and industrialism: new readings of Winesberg,
San Jose: toExcel, c1999.
note: chapter 5, "More Than Man or Woman," pp. 69-84.
Suz PS 3501 .N4 W577 1999
The biography of Alice B. Toklas.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1977.
Suz, Ugl PS 3537 .T323 Z823
Global perspectives on social issues: marriage and divorce. Rita J. Simon
and Howard Altstein.
Lanham: Lexington Books, c2003.
note: [chapter] 2, Gay marriages, pp. 13-19.
Ugl, Bot HQ 503 .S56 2003
NY: Distributed by Women Make Movies, [2001]
note: VHS
note: credits- director of photography, Nicky Newman; editor, Michael
Brian Waugh; music, Bev Ditsie, Hugh Masebenza.
note: The story of Simon Nkoli and his friend, Bev Ditsie, both activists
in the anti-apartheid and gay and lesbian liberation movements in South
Africa. Their relationship is viewed against the backdrop of intense
political activism and the HIV/AIDS crisis.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 168
UglMed Videorecord CALN 148 (California Newsreel, [2002])
[NY]: Kino on video, [2003], c1973.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; originally released as a motion picture in 1974,
based on the play by Simon Gray (for the play, see Gray, Simon.
note: cast- Alan Bates, Jessica Tandy, Michael Byrne, Georgina Hale, Susan
Engel, Richard O'Callaghan.
note: Butley, a professor at a London University, finds out that his wife
wants a divorce, his boyfriend is leaving him and his untalented colleague
is getting a book published all in one day.
note: special features: theatrical trailer; "Simon Gray and Butley" an
essay by Michael Feingold; AFT cinebill for Butley; stills gallery; an
interview with Edie Landau; "Ely Landau: in front of the camera" AFT
promotional reel, 1974; American Film Theatre trailer gallery; American
Film Theatre scrapbook.
UglMed DVD KINO 060
BotMed DVD BOT-395
Metaphorically speaking: ethnic analogies and the construction of gay
Thesis (M.A.)--Carleton University, 1998.
available online:
Ed. Angelia R. Wilson.
London, NY: Cassell, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.5 .S56 1995
Washington, D. C.: The Committee, c1993.
note: The official video of the 1993 March on Washington for lesbian, gay
and bi equal rights and liberation. "This video expresses all the
emotions of the joyful protest that was the 1993 March on Washington.
Sections on civil rights, AIDS and health care, the military and our
families are beautifully woven together from coverage of the incredible music,
comedy, speeches and marchers of the weekend. A Simple Matter of Justice
is a powerful and moving piece on the state of the lesbian, gay and
bisexual movement today."
UglMed Videorecord CMW 001
TacMed Videorecord TAC-635
The Cleveland Street affair.
By Colin Simpson, Lewis Chester, David Leitch.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1976.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 S53 1976
It's a queer world: deviant adventures in pop culture.
NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 .G7 S55 1999
Male impersonators: men performing masculinity.
NY: Routledge, 1994.
Suz HQ 1090 .S54 1994
From the closet to the courts: the lesbian transition.
NY: Viking Press, 1976.
Suz, Ugl 76 U54 1976
Suz HQ 76 U54 1977 (Penguin Books ed.)
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004.
note: chapter 7, Clergy sexual abuse and homosexuality (Gerald D.
Coleman), pp. 73-84.
Ugl BX 1912.9 S56 2004
The primary health care experiences of gay men in Australia.
Thesis (doctoral)--Swinburne University of Technology, 2006.
available online:
The Red and the blue: intelligence, treason, and the universities.
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1986.
Suz DA 585 .A1 S56 1986b
Cultural politics-queer reading.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, c1994.
(University of Pennsylvania press new cultural studies)
Suz, Bot PR 120 .G39 S55 1994
Gay and after.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.25 .S564 1998
On sexuality and power.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2004.
(Between men--between women)
Suz HQ 76 .S545 2004.
Out on stage: lesbian and gay theatre in the twentieth century.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1999.
Suz, Drama, Bot PR 739 .H65 S56 1999
The Wilde century: effeminacy, Oscar Wilde and the queer moment.
London: Cassell, c1994.
Suz PR 582 .S56 1994b
Gay & lesbian stats: a pocket guide of facts and figures.
With an introduction by Gerry E. Studds and a preface by Stephanie
NY: Free Press, dist. by W. W. Norton, c1994.
SuzRef HQ 76.3 .U5 S59 1994
Androgyny: the opposites within. 2nd ed.
Boston: Sigo Press, c1989.
note: originally published by Doubleday, 1976.
Suz BF 692.2 .S55 1989
Androgyny: toward a new theory of sexuality.
1st ed. Introduction by Sheldon S. Handler.
Garden City, NY: Anchor Press, 1976.
Suz, Ugl BF 692.2 .S55
Erotic welfare: sexual theory and politics in the age of epidemic.
Edited and introduced by Judith Butler and Maureen MacGrogan.
NY: Routledge, 1993.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1190 .S46 1993
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, c1999.
note: [chapter] 10. The Sapphic strain: English lesbians in the Long
Eighteenth Century. (Margaret R. Hunt), pp. 270-296.
Suz, Tac HQ 800.2 .S59 1999
The rise and rise of David Geffen.
Secaucus, N.J.: Carol Pub. Group, c1997.
Suz PN 1998.3 .G42 S56 1997
Lincoln, Nebraska: Sinister wisdom,
note: 3 x a year, July, 1976-1978; quarterly, Summer 1978-
Suzzallo Periodicals PN 56 L45 S56 no. 4- 1977-
Toms and dees: transgender identity and female same-sex relationships in
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, c2004.
Suz HQ 75.6 .T5 S56 2004
NY: Masquerade Books, c1992.
note: First published in a two volume set: London: privately printed, 1881
as: The sins of the cities of the plain, or, The recollections of a
Suz PR 3991 .A1 S56 1992
Gay pornographic videos: the emergent Falcon formula.
M.A. thesis, McGill University, 1997.
available online,
The girls; a biography of Frances Loring and Florence Wyle.
Toronto: Clarke, Irwin [1972]
Suz NB 248 .S57
The joy of lesbian sex: a tender and liberated guide to the pleasures and
problems of a lesbian lifestyle. By Emily L. Sisley & Bertha Harris;
illustrated by Yvonne Gilbert, Charles Raymond & Patricia
SocWk Reserve HQ 75.5 .S57 1977
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
Suz WS 105.5 .P3 S623 1999
San Francisco: HarperSan Francisco, c1994.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.6 .U5 .S577 1994
Pittsburgh: Sidewalk Revolution Press, c1993.
Suz HQ 75.5 .S58 1993
San Francisco, CA: Daughters of Bilitis, San Francisco Chapter,
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: "A magazine by and for gay women."
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 82-83 v.1-6 (1970-1975)
Edited by Arlene Stein.
NY: Plume, 1993.
Suz HQ 75.6 U5 S58 1993
Sistrum-Lansing Women's Chorus [sound recording]; Portland Lesbian
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival, v.6)
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: 1st chorus: Rachel Alexander, music director; Sue Thomas,
accompanist. 2nd chorus: Teri Beemer, director.
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.6
Edited by Lenore Manderson and Margaret Jolly.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
note: Chapter 7, Kathoey
Suz HQ 18 .A8 S58 1997
NY: HBO Video, [2003]
note: DVD; originally broadcast on HBO in 2001.
note: cast- Peter Krause, Michael C. Hall, Frances Conroy, Lauren Ambrose,
Rachel Griffiths, Freddy Rodríguez, Matthew St. Patrick, Jeremy
Sisto, Richard Jenkins; credits; directors, Alan Ball (ep. 1, 13), John
Patterson (ep. 3), Lisa Cholodenko (ep. 4), Kathy Bates (ep. 5, 10),
Rodrigo Garcia (ep. 6, 12), Jim McBride (ep. 7), Allen Coulter (ep. 8),
Jeremy Podeswa (ep. 9), Michael Engler (ep. 11); writers, Alan Ball (ep.
1,5,13), Christian Williams (ep. 2,7), Bruce Eric Kaplan (ep. 3, 10),
Laurence Andries (ep. 4, 8), Christian Taylor (ep. 6,9), Rick Cleveland
(ep. 11), Kate Robin (ep. 12); producers, Christian Taylor, Rick
Cleveland, Laurence Andries; directors of photography, Alan Caso (ep. 1,
5-13), Bruce Douglas Johnson (ep. 2,3,4), Frederick Iannone (ep. 4);
editors, Christopher Nelson (ep. 1,2,5,8,11), Michael Ruscio (ep.
3,6,9,12), Tanya Swerling (ep. 7,10,13); main title theme, Thomas
note: A look at members of a dysfunctional family that operates a funeral
home in Pasadena. With the elder son (David Fisher, a gay character)
returning home for the holidays to shattering news, the family must learn
to deal with a death of their own, while figuring out how to go ahead with
the business of the living. A funny and emotional look at a grieving
American family ... that just happens to be in the grief mangement
business. David's personal and social concerns and his gay relationships
are often featured themes.
UglMed DVD HBO 99132 pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4
[United States]: HBO Video, [2004]
note: DVD; originally broadcast by HBO in 2002.
note: cast- Peter Krause, Michael C. Hall, Frances Conroy, Lauren Ambrose,
Freddy Rodriguez, Mathew St. Patrick, Rachel Griffiths; credits- writers,
Alan Ball (ep. 1,9), Laurence Andries (ep. 2), Kate Robin (ep. 3, 13),
Rick Cleveland (ep. 4, 11), Bruce Eric Kaplan (ep. 5, 10), Christian
Taylor (ep. 6), Jill Soloway (ep. 7, 12), Scott Buck (ep. 8); credits-
directors, Rodrigo Garcia (ep. 1), Kathy Bates (ep. 2), Rose Troche (ep.
3), Michael Cuesta (ep. 4,9), Jeremy Podeswa (ep. 5), Michael Engler (ep.
6,12), Dan Attias (ep. 7), Alan Taylor (8), Alan Poul (ep. 10), Miguel
Arteta (ep. 11), Alan Ball (ep. 13)
note: When death is your business, what is your life? for the employees at
Fisher & Sons Funeral Home, the world outside continues to be at least as
challenging, and far less predictable, as the one inside.
UglMed DVD HBO 007 pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5
Different sexual worlds: contemporary case studies of sexuality.
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, c1999.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 S56 1999
[NY]: Water Bearer Films, c1999.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally released as a motion picture in
note: cast- Natsuko Ohama, Keram Malicki-Sanchez, Dana Brooks, Melanie
Nicholls-King, David Crean; credits- director, Midi Onodera; screenplay,
Midi Onodera, Barbara O'Kelly; produced by Midi Onodera, Mehernaz Lentin,
Phillip Ing; editor, Sarah Peddie; composer, Kathryn Moses; director of
photography, Robert MacDonald.
note: Alex, a lesbian filmmaker, decides to make a film on body art. She
places an ad in a local tattoo magazine for production help. Chris, a
young woman with a male personality responds. Alex becomes so fixated with
her project that she begins to poach Chris' experiences for her script.
Blinded by ambition, Alex fails to recognize Chris growing infatuation for
her until everything spirals dangerously out of control.
UglMed Videorecord WBF 020
Bezeichnungen fur das Homosexuelle im Deutschen. 2 vols.
v.1: Eine lexikologische Analyse und lexikographische Aufgabe.
v.2: Ein Worterbuch.
Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 1999.
(Sprache und Theorie in der Blauen Eule, Bd. 12-13)
Suz PF 3683 .H6 S55 1999 v.1, v.2
Sexuality in Greek and Roman culture.
Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005.
note: Flirtation at the gym, pp. 87-97; Pederasty and class, pp. 118-124;
Safe sex, pp. 158-164; Desiring women - and their detractors, pp. 185-191;
Imported vices, pp. 197-200; Boys named Sue, pp. 247-249; Greek love under
Rome, pp. 269-275; Toward salvation?, pp. 275-281.
Suz, Bot HQ 13 .S535 2005
Skool's out!: a report from the Skool's Out Forum on homophobic bullying
and harassment in and around schools, 2002./CPD, Attorney General's
Department. New South Wales [and] Anti-Discrimination Board of New South
[Sydney, N.S.W.: Attorney-General's Dept., 2002]
available online,
The minority rights revolution.
Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2002.
note: [chapter] 9, White males and the limits of the minority rights
revolution: The disabled, white ethnics, and gays, pp. 263-327.
Suz, Law, Bot, Tac JC 571 .S62978 2002
Who's in a family? Illustrations by Laura Nienhaus.
Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press, c1995.
note: age level, 3 to 6
CurMat HQ 734 .S665 1995
Minneapolis, MN: New River Press; NY: Distributed by the Talman Co.,
note: Growing up queer in America (Chris Cinque), pp. 149-176.
Drama PS 634 .S575 1990
Reading Petronius.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, c1990.
Suz PA 6559 .S5 1990
Entangled edens: visions of the Amazon.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2002.
note: explores early New World stories of Amazon-like women, and
analogizes the Amazon and the warrior women (Amazons) of the Old
NatSci F2546 .S67 2002
The lesbian family life cycle.
NY: Free Press, c1995.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HQ 75.5 .S65 1995
The sex culture project report. Sean Slavin, Susan Kippax, Kane Race.
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, 1998.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia)),
SuzFolio HQ 76.2 .A8 S55 1998
Edited by Martha C. Nussbaum and Juha Sihvola.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2002.
note: chapter 2, The legend of the Sacred Band (David Leitao), pp.
143-169; chapter 6, Plato, Zeno, and the object of love (A. W. Price), pp.
170-199; chapter 9, The first homosexuality? (David Halperin), pp.
Suz, Bot HQ 13 .S54 2002
Gay and lesbian characters and themes in mystery novels: a critical guide
to over 500 works in English.
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company, c1993.
Suz PR 1309 D4 S55 1993
Lost gay novels: a reference guide to fifty works form the first half of
the twentieth century.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Suz PS 374 .H63 S65 2003
Silent topics: essays on undocumented areas of silent film.
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2005.
note: chapter 5, The silent closet: gays, lesbians, and silent film, pp.
Tac PN 1995.75 .S57 2005
Disciplining gender: rhetorics of sex identity in contemporary U.S.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 1, Re-membering David Reimer; heteronormativity and public
argument in the John/Joan case, pp. 25-49; [chapter] 2, Disciplining the
transgendered; Brandon Teena, public representation, and normativity, pp.
50-82; [chapter] 3, "So long, chaps and spurs, and howdy--er, bon jour--to
the wounded songbird"; k.d. lang, ambiguity, and the politics of
genre/gender, pp. 83-103;[chapter] 4, The disciplining of female
masculinity; Janet Reno as "the Lesbian Swamp Monster", pp. 104-122;
[chapter] 5, In death, a secret "finally and fully exposed"; Barry
Winchell, Calpernia Addams, and the crystallization of gender and desires,
p. 123-141; Conclusion, Bringing it all back home, pp. 142-149.
Ugl, Bot HQ 1975 .S576 2004
The homoerotic photography of Carl Van Vechten: public face, private
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2006.
Art TR 681 .H65 S66 2006
Name all the animals: a memoir.
NY: Scribner, c2004.
Suz BF 575 .G7 S58 2004
Same-sex adoptions. [microfilm]
[Washington, D. C.]: Congressional Information Service, Library of
Congress, [2004]
MicNews Microfilm A6816 2004, reel 11, fr. 0589
Same-sex adoptions.
[Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Information Service, Library of
Congress, [2005}
MicNews Microfilm A6816 2005, reel 12, fr. 0660
Same-sex marriage: legal issues. [microform]
[Washington, D. C.]: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress,
MicNews Microfilm A6816 2004, reel4, fr. 0816
Victorian demons: medicine, masculinity and the Gothic at the
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press; NY: Distributed exclusively
in the USA by Palgrave, 2004.
note: [chapter] 6, Performing masculinity: Wilde's Art, pp. 150-176.
Suz PR 468 .M38 S65 2004
New right discourse on race and sexuality: Britain, 1968-1990.
Cambridge [England]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
note: originally presented as author's thesis (doctoral)-University of
Suz, SocWk, Bot DA 125 .A1 S597 1994
Toward a black feminist criticism.
Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books; Freedom, CA: distributed by Crossing
Press, c1977.
Suz PN 98 W64 S63 1977
The truth that never hurts: writings on race, gender, and freedom.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c1998.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac E 185.86 .S635 1998
Openly Bob.
NY: Rob Weisbach Books, c1997.
Suz, Bot PN 2287 .S58 A3 1997
Homosexual desire in Shakespeare's England: a cultural poetics.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1991.
Suz, Bot PR 428 H66 S6 1991
Women in pants: manly maidens, cowgirls, and other renegades. Catherine
Smith & Cynthia Grieg.
NY: H. N. Abrams, 2003.
Drama GT 610 .S62 2003
Queer poet lives: poems 1973-1978.
South San Francisco: ManRoot, 1979.
Suz PS 3569 .M5176 Q44 1979
Remedial English: [a play]
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1987.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Remedial English
Dear Dora, Dangerous Derek Diesel Dyke: an American tragedy.
Los Angeles: Samaritan Division of Universal Fellowship Press, [1982?]
Suz PS 3569 .M533 D4 1982
Reflecting on practice: current challenges in gay and other homosexually
active men's HIV education. Gary Smith and Paul Van de Ven.
Sydnsy, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, the University of New South Wales, [2001]
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia),
Suz HQ 76.2 A8 S55 2001
also available online,
Sexual adventurism among Sydney gay men. Gary Smith, Heather Worth,
Susan Kippax.
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, the University of New South Wales, c2004.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia),
Suz HQ 76.2 .A82 S935 2004
also available online,
Hyperscapes in the poetry of Frank O'Hara: difference, homosexuality,
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2000.
Suz PS 3529 .H28 Z86 2000
Sexual inversion: the questions, with Catholic answers. Herbert F. Smith,
and Joseph A. DiIenno; introd. by Michael Vaccaro.
Boston: Daughters of St. Paul, c1979.
Suz BR 115 .H6 S64 1979
Wait for me at the bottom of the pool: the writings of Jack Smith.
Edited by J. Hoberman & Edward Leffingwell.
NY; London: Serpent's Tail, 1997.
Suz PS 3569 .M489 W35 1997
AIDS and society.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, c1996.
Suz, Tac WC 503.7 S651a 1996
How am I to be heard?: letters of Lillian Smith. Edited by Margaret Rose
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, c1993.
Suz PS 3537 .M653 Z48 1993
Attitudes of resident assistants toward homosexuality and gay and lesbian
students: a study at a southeastern research university. 2004.
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2004.
available online,
Colorful people and places; a resource guide for Third World lesbians and
gay men, and for white people who share their interests.
San Francisco: Quarterly Press of BWMT, c1983.
Suz HQ 76.25 .S64 1983
Lesbian and gay rights in Canada: social movements and equality-seeking,
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.8 .C3 S64 1999
Lesbian panic: homoeroticism in modern British women's fiction.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1997.
(Between men - - between women)
Suz PR 888 .L46 S66 1997
Gay marriages: why the Bible leads us to affirm same-sex unions.
Kansas City, MO: [P. Smith?], c1995.
Suz HQ 1033 .S65 1995
Laws of desire: questions of homosexuality in Spanish writing and film,
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
Suz PQ 6073 H65 S45 1992
The theatre of Garcia Lorca: text, performance, psychoanalysis.
Cambridge, U.K.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Drama PQ 6613 .A763 Z88532 1998
Vision machines: cinema, literature and sexuality in Spain and Cuba,
London; NY: Verso, 1996.
Suz, Ugl PN 1993.5 .S7 S53 1996
The Bible and homosexuality: affirming all sexual orientations as gifts
from God.
Kansas City, MO: [P. Smith?], c1998.
Suz BS 680 .H67 S55 1998
Progay/antigay: the rhetorical war over sexuality. Ralph R. Smith, Russel
R. Windes.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c2000.
(Rhetoric & society, 4)
Suz HQ 75.15 .S6 2000
Gay and lesbian Americans and political participation: a reference
Raymond A. Smith and Donald P. Haider-Markel; foreword by Tammy
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, c2002.
UglRef, BotRef HQ 76.3 .U5 S59 2002
Seduced and abandoned: essays on gay men and popular music.
London: Cassell, 1995.
Suz, Ugl ML 3470 .S64 1995
AIDS, gays, and the American Catholic Church.
Foreword by Robert N. Bellah.
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 1994.
Suz, Tac BX 1795 .H66 S65 1994
The impact of serostatus and HIV testing on the on-going high risk sexual
behavior of two samples of gay and bisexual men in Seattle.
Thesis (M. Soc. Wk.) - University of Washington, 1988.
Seattle, 1988.
SocWk HV 13 Th36635
Aux Thesis 36635
Half straight: my secret bisexual life.
Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1992.
Suz HQ 74 .S65 1992
Plato and popcorn: a philosopher's guide to 75 thought-provoking
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, c2004.
note: [chapter] 14, Gay rights, pp. 152-160.
Ugl PN 1997.8 .S63 2004
Ghetto: from the first five: sixty-four poems; six drawings by Patrick
Liberty, TN: RFD, c1990.
Suz PS 3569 .M5397 G47 1990
The queen is dead [sound recording]
NY: Sire Records; [S.l.} : Rough Trade, p1986.
note: 1 sound disc: digital; 4 3/4 in.; compact disc; analog recording
note: "All words by Morrissey, all music by Johnny Marr"--Insert. Recorded
winter 1985, in England. Lyrics (11p.: port.) inserted in container.
note, contents: The Queen is dead/Take me back to dear old Blighty:
medley; Frankly, Mr. Shankly; I know it's over; Never had no one ever;
Cemetry gates; Bigmouth strikes again; The boy with the thorn in his side;
Vicar in a tutu; There is a light that never goes out; Some girls are
bigger than others.
UglMed Cd SIRE 019
Damn fine art by new lesbian artists.
London; NY: Cassell, c1996.
Ugl, Art N 6490 .S569 1996
Lesbians talk: queer notions.
London: Scarlet Press, c1992.
Suz HQ 26.25 .S648 1992
Imagine being more afraid of freedom than slavery: poems.
NY: Henry Holt, 1998.
Suz PS 3569 .N34 I38 1998
Young men in the street: help-seeking behavior of young male
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995.
Suz, SocWk HQ 144 .S68 1995
Clothing preferences and shopping behavior of male homosexual and
heterosexual college students.
M.S. thesis, Ohio State University, 1986.
available online,
How it feels to have a gay or lesbian parent: a book by kids for kids of
all ages.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Ugl, Bot HQ 777.8 .S66 2004
Sex crimes under the Wehrmacht.
Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, c2007.
note: chapter 6, Homosexuality and violations of paragraph 175, pp.
Suz HV 6569 .G3 S68 2007
Lesbian desire in the lyrics of Sappho.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1997.
(Between men - between women)
Suz PA 4409 .S64 1997
Sappho. Jane McIntosh Snyder and Camille-Yvette Welsch; [introduction by
Leslea Newman]
Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, c2005.
(Gay and lesbian writers)
Ugl, Bot PA 4409 .S65 2005
Lavender road to success: the career guide for the gay community.
Berkeley: Ten Speed Press, c2003.
Ugl Career HD 6285 .S693 2003
Gay marriage and democracy: equality for all.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2006.
Ugl, Bot HQ 1034 .U5 S58 2006
Springfield, MA: WGBY [Distributed by] PBS Video: Washington, D. C.,
note: 1 videocassette. Executive producer Beth Curley, producer/director
Kevin Crane, associate producer/editor Mary Makley. Tom Cottle.
note: Episode of the WGBY television series, Soapbox with Tom Cottle. Just
when teens are beginning to deal with the complex issues of sexuality, the
feelings of homosexuality arise in a minority of young people. Here, a
group of gay and lesbian teens deal with these feelings.
UglMed Videorecord PBS 134
Scripture and homosexuality: biblical authority and the Church
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1995.
Suz BS 680 .H67 S64 1995
Beyond sexual freedom.
NY: Quadrangle/New York Times Book Co., [1975]
note: chapter 7: Homosexuality.
Suz HQ 21 .S617
NY: J. Aronson, c1978.
NatSci WM 615 S678h 1978a
NatSci WM 615 S678h 1989 (re-issue entitled: Homosexuality: psychoanalytic
Homosexuality: a freedom too far: a psychoanalyst answers 1000 questions
about causes and cure and the impact of the gay rights movement on
American society.
Phoeniz, AZ: Adam Margrave Books, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.25 .S65 1995
The overt homosexual.
NY: Grune & Stratton [1968]
Health WM 615 S678 1968
University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, c2006.
note: I want muscle: male desire and the image of the worker in American
art of the 1930s, (Jonathan Weinberg), pp. 115-134; an extended
version of this essay appears in: Male desire: the homoerotic in American
art. See, Weinberg, Jonathan. Male desire...
Art, Bot N72 .P6 S64 2006
[Selected and edited by] Tracy E. Ore.
Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Pub., c2000.
Ugl HN 59.2 .S585 2000
Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, c1992.
(American Sociological Association presidential series)
Suz, Ugl, Tac WD 308 S677 1992
Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., 1996, c1994. 6 vols.
note: v.3, Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Oppression. Edited by Maurianne
Adams, Peg Brigham, Paulette Dalpes, Linda Marchesani.
SocWk LC 196.5 .U6 S6 1996
NY: P. Lang, c2004.
note: [chapter] 11, Same-sex desire, gender, and social education in the
Twentieth Century (Jackie M. Blount), pp. 176-191.
Suz, Tac LB 1570 .S645 2004
Cambridge, MA: Abt Books, c1988.
Ugl WD 308 S6778 1988
Edited by Anne N. Costain and Andrew S. McFarland.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, c1998.
note: see chapter 4: Mobilizing gay activists (Claude Dufour)
Suz JK 1118 .S685 1998
NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 6, From struggle to settlement; the crystallization of a
field of lesbian/gay organizations in San Francisco, 1969-1973,
(Elizabeth A. Armstrong), pp. 161-192.
Suz HM 881 .S6293 2005
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c2001.
note: chapter 11, The institutionalization of homosexual panic in the
Third Reich (Geoffrey J. Giles), pp. 233-255
Suz DD 256.5 .S579 2001
Edited by Peter M. Nardi and Beth E. Schneider; [with an afterword by Ken
London; NY: Routledge, 1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.16 .U6 S63 1998
Edited by Kathryn Ellis and Harley Dean; consultant editor, Jo
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 8, Disciplinary interventions and resistances around
'Safer Sex' (Martin Mitchell), pp. 139-159.
Suz HM 110 .S62 2000
Edited by Linda Nicholson and Steven Seidman.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
note: [chapter] 5, Deconstructing queer theory or the under-theorization
the social and the ethical (Steven Seidman), pp. 116-141; [chapter] 6,
Queer visibility in commodity culture (Rosemary Hennessy), pp. 142-183;
[chapter] 12, The space of justice: lesbians and democratic politics
(Shane Phelan), pp. 332-356;[chapter] 13, Against the liberal state:
ACT-UP and the emergence of postmodern politics (Stanley Aronowitz), pp.
357-382; [chapter] 14, Democracies of pleasure: thoughts on the goals of
radical sexual politics (R. W. Connell),. pp. 384-397.
Suz, Bot HM 24 .S5443 1995
London: Surrey University Press in association with Academic Press,
note: 'My own special creation'? The construction of gay identity (Adrian
Coyle), pp. 187-220.
Suz BF 697 .S66 1992
NY: Haworth Press, c1994.
Suz HV 1449 .S63 1994
NY: Haworth Press, c1997.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .S65 1997b
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1999.
Ugl HQ 77.9 .S63 1999
see: Queer transexions of race, nation, and gender. (special issue)
London; Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.
note: chapter 6, Ageing against the grain: gay men and lesbians (Elizabeth
Price), pp. 97-110.
SocWk, Bot HV 1568 .S696 2007
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2007.
note: chapter 8, Human diversity: service learning and gender studies
within a gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender context (John R. Yoakam
and Patricia Bolaños), pp. 121-132.
SocWk HV 11 .S5864 2007
see: Queer innovation. (special issue)
see: Queer subjects (a special section)
Society of Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists newsletter.
[Stanford, cA?]: The society, [1988?-
available online, v.1,n.1-v.22,n.2 July 1, 1979 - Fall 2003, restricted to University of
Washington users
Homosexuality; a psychoanalytic study [by ] Irving Bieber [and
NY: Basic Books [1962]
see also: Homosexuality: a psychoanalytic study. (1988 re-edition)
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC HQ 76 .S64
Edited by Donald J. West and Richard Green.
NY: Plenum Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.25 .S65 1997
Edited with introduction by Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson.
NY: Garland Pub., 1992.
(Studies in homosexuality, v. 13)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 S63 1992
NY: Schocken Books, 1978.
note: Homosexuality: the scene and its students (Arno Karlen), pp.
Suz HQ 18 .U5 S77 1978
Malden, MA: Blackwell, 1999.
note: [chapter] 5, Partners by choice: equality, power and commitment in
non-heterosexual relationships (Jeffrey Weeks, Brian Heaphy and Catherine
Donovan), pp. 111-128.
Bot HQ 518 .S655 1999
Binghamton: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Ugl HQ 76 .S643 2006
The world of normal boys.
NY: Kensington; Southampton: Mallard, 2001.
Ugl PS 3569 .O3775 W67 2001
Anak kehidupan: kisah sejati perjalanan hidup ratu waria tingkat dunia
Chenny Han: anak manusia yang terlahir sebagai lelaki menjalani kehidupan
sebagaimana perempuan.
Jakarta: Cipta Cinta, 1996.
note: biography of Chenny Han, b. 1963, an Indonesian transsexual.
Suz HQ 77.8 .H35 S654 1996
B. Michael Hunter, managing editor.
NY: Other Countries Press, 1993.
(Other countries, v.2)
note: for v.1 of Other Countries, see: Other Countries.
SpecCollStx PS 509 .H57 S64 1993
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 8, Queering Vietnam; Katherine V. Forrest's fictional oral
history (Priscilla L. Walton), pp. 167-182.
Suz, Bot, Tac DS 557.7 .S648 2004
Edited by Paula Bennett and Vernon A. Rosario II.
NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz HQ 447 .S73 1995
Benjamins Tagebuch. Martin E. Kautter (Fotos)
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, c2000.
Suz PT 2681 .O336 B46 2000
Herrengedeck: das letzte von Paul: [Erzählungen]
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2002.
note: stories published previously in Siegessäule
Suz PT 2681 .O336 H47 2002
see: Zube, Karl Helmut.
Re-dressing the canon: essays on theater & gender.
London; NY: Routledge, 1998.
Drama, Tac PN 1650 .W65 S65 1998
Male trouble: a crisis in representation.
London: Thames and Hudson, c1997.
note: chapter 2, The Body politics of homosociality, pp. 42-97; chapter 3,
Ephebic masculinity: the difference within, pp. 98-175.
Art N 6847.5 .N35 S64 1997
Nureyev, his life.
NY: William Morrow, c1998.
Ugl GV 1785 .N8 S66 1998
Queering the color line: race and the invention of homosexuality in
American culture.
Durham [N. C.]: Duke University Press, 2000.
(Series Q)
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 1075.5 .U6 S65 2000
Philip Gambone; with photographs by Robert Giard.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c1999.
Suz, Bot PS 374 .H63 S66 1999
Die Strafbarkeit der Homosexualität von der Kaiserzeit bis zum
Nationalsozialismus: eine Analyse der Straftatbestände im
Strafgesetzbuch und in den Reformentwürfen (1871-1945)
Frankfurt: NY; NY: P. Lang, c1998.
(Rechtshistorische Reihe, Bd. 187)
Suz KK 8582 .A65 S65 1998
Wider die Natur?: Homosexualität und Evolution.
München: C. H. Beck, c1990.
Suz HQ 76.25 .S67 1990
Behind closed doors.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1993.
Suz PS 3569 .O65335 B44 1993
Stop kiss.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1999.
Drama PS 3569 .O6536 S7 1999
Stop kiss.
NY: Dramatists Play service, Inc., 2000.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Stop kiss
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1983.
Suz, Bot PS 595 H65 S66 1983
The fragile scholar: power and masculinity in Chinese culture.
Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, c2004.
Suz PL 2297 .S65 2004
Soul: Hwanggum Kaji, 1996.
note: Translation of: Sexualites occidentales.
note: for English translation, see: Western sexuality...
EAsia HQ 12 .S49165 1996
[United States]: Lions Gate Home Entertainment: distributed by Trimark
Home Video, [2001]
note: DVD, 1 videodisc, originally produced as a motion picture in
note: cast- Janet McTeer, Aidan Quinn, Pat Carroll, Jane Adams, Greg
Russell Cook, Iris DeMent, Stephanie Roth Haberle, David Patrick Kelly, E.
Katherine Kerr, Taj Mahal, Emmy Rossum; credits- director of photography,
Enrique Chediak; art director, Molly Mikula; editor, Keith Reamer;
original music, David Mansfield; costume designer, Kasia Walicka Maimone;
production designer, Giner Tongas.
note: When musicologist doctor Lily Penleric is passed over, again, for a
prominent teaching position, she decides to leave the city to visit her
sister (Elna Penleric, who with Harriet Tolliver, form lesbian subplot),
in the rugged mountains of Appalachia. While there, Lily discovers a
wellspring of emotional ballads that have been passed down through
generations from the original Irish and Scottish immigrants who have
settled in the area. Determined to document the history of the songs, and
the recording of them as well, she is profoundly changed by the
generosity, strength and freedom of the fiercely proud mountain
UglMed DVD TRHV 011
Defying queer space in Seattle: community support and its messages; gay
and lesbian community center & youth resource center and hostel.
Thesis (M. Arch.)-University of Washington, 1995.
Seattle, 1995.
Arch NA 25 Th43368
AuxStx Thesis 43368
Santa Rosa, CA: Sonoma County Gay Alliance, [1978]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continued by Sonoma County Lesbian & Gay Alliance news, see Sonoma
County Lesbian & Gay Alliance news.
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 84 v.1, n.1-2 (Feb-Mar 1978)
Santa Rosa, CA: Sonoma County Lesbian and Gay Alliance, [1978-1979]
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continues Sonoma County Gay Alliance news, see Sonoma County Gay
Alliance news.
MicNews Microfilm 10331 reel 84 v.1,no.3-v.2,no.10 (Apr. 1978-Nov. 1979)
Aids and its metaphors.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1989.
NatSci, Ugl, HSLIC WD 308 S699a 1989
Illness as metaphor; and, AIDS and its metaphors.
NY: Doubleday, 1990.
note: Reprint (lst work) of Farrar ed.; reprint (2nd work) of Farrar
Bot, Tac WZ 330 S699 1990
Adolescent sexuality in contemporary America: personal values and sexual
behavior, ages, thirteen to nineteen. Introduction by Paul Moore, Jr. A
note on the methodology by Jiri Nehnevajsa.
NY: World Pub. [1973].
note: [chapter] 11, Adolescent sexuality, pp. 283-295.
Suz, Ugl, HSLIC HQ 27 .S67
The directory of gay, lesbian and bisexual community publications in the
United States and Canada.
Guerneville, CA: James Sorrels, P. O. Box 1946, c1993.
UglRef Z1361 G28 S67 1993
Androgyny and mental health; a study comparing women's sex role
orientation and level of self-actualization.
Seattle: University of Washington, 1977.
note: Thesis (M. Nur.)-- University of Washington, 1977
HSLIC WY7 Th25489
Aux Thesis 25489
Reinaldo Arenas.
NY: Twayne Publishers; London: Prentice Hall International, c1998.
(Twayne world authors series, TWAS 870)
Suz PQ 7390 .A72 Z87 1998
[S.l.]: Water Bearer Films, [1995]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; in Russian with English subtitles; a film by
Dzhavabshir Kamandar and Anatolii Kasimov
note: credits, screenplay, Vladimir Maslov, Vitalii Moskalenko; camera,
Sergei Machilskii; music, Andrei Sigle.
note: cast, Saulius Balandis, Sergei Vinogradov, Aleksandr Strizhenov,
Irina Metlitskaia, Anzhelika Nevolina
note: Andrey's marriage is in trouble when his wife accuses him of being
gay. Andrey helps a young gay man, Philip, escape from some local
bullies. A work visit from a charismatic, wealthy businessman turns
Andrey's life around.
UglMed Videorecord WBF 016
Gertrude and Alice.
London: Pandora, 1991.
Suz, Bot PS 3537 .T323 Z824 1991
Gluck, 1895-1978: her biography.
London: Pandora, 1988.
Suz ND 497 .G57 S68 1988
Greta and Cecil.
London: Flamingo, 1996, c1994.
Suz PN 2778 .G3 S68 1996
Mrs. Keppel and her daughter.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Suz, Bot PR 6039 .R39 Z89 1997
The trials of Radclyffe Hall.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1998.
Suz PR 6015 .A33 Z86 1998
Wild girls: Paris, Sappho, and art -- the lives and loves of Natalie
Barney and Romaine Brooks.
NY: St. Martin's Prss, 2005.
Ugl PQ 3939 .B3 Z88 2005
Pei Yu: boy actress.
Translated from the French by Gerald Fabian and Guy Wernham; illustrations
by Nemi Frost.
San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, 1991.
note: translation of: Bijou-de-ceinture.
Suz PQ 2637 .O813 B5313 1991
Sound Circle [sound recording]; Renaissance City Women's Choir.
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival, v.12)
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: 1st chorus: Sue Coffee, artistic director. 2nd chorus: Susan Haugh,
artistic director; E. Keeney, asst. director, accompanist; C. Allen, guest
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.12
Olympia, WA: Sound Out.
note: numbering ceased with Dec 1993 (Nov 1993=v.2,n.11); v.2,n.4 of May
1993, also called the "annniversary issue" is actually v.2,n.5
[v.1,n.2?, Jun?1992]; v.1,n.6-v.2,n.3 [Oct 1992-Mar 1993];
v.2,n.4[sic] May 1993-Dec 1994; Feb 1995; Apr-Jun 1995.
SpecColPNW HQ 75 .S68
note: [chapter] 4, Notes on lesbian theatre (Emily L. Sisley), pp. 52-60;
[chapter] 10, Reading past the heterosexual imperative: Dress suits to
hire (Kate Davy), pp. 136-156; [chapter] 14, Holly Hughes: polymorphous
perversity and the lesbian scientist. An Interview. (Rebecca Schneider),
pp. 239-253.
London; New York: Routledge, 1996.
Drama PN 2270 .F45 S68 1996
Oxford: Berg, 2003.
note: [chapter] 10, A kiss is just a kiss...Or is it? South Asian lesbian
and bisexual women and the construction of space (Rani Kawale), pp.
Suz HQ 1735.3 .S673 2003
see: Displacing homophobia (special issue)
Federal Way, WA: The South End News
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .S695
v.2,n.23 (Mar 1997); v.2,n.29 (Aug 1997); v.2,n.31 (Oct 1997); v.2,n.33
(Dec/Jan 1997-98); v.3,n.35-36 (Mar 1998-Apr 1998); v.4,n.41-46 (Sep
1998-Feb 1999)
Chicago, IL: Open Court, c2007.
note: [chapter] 11, In defense of fags (Richard Hanley), pp. 121-135.
Bot, Tac PN 1992.77 .S665 S67 2007
Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2002.
note: Queer locations, queer transformations: Randall Kenan's A Visitation
of Spirits (Robert McRuer), pp. 184-195.
Suz PS 261 .S63 2002
Auke Bay, Alaska: Southeast Alaska Gay & Lesbian Alliance.
SpecColl HQ 75 .S698
v.4,n.7 (Jul 1989); v.4,n.10-12 (Oct-Dec 1989); v.5,n.1 (Jan 1990);
v.5,n.4-6 (Apr-Jun 1990); v.5,n.9-10 (Sep-Oct 1990); v.6,n.2-3 (Feb-Mar
[United States]: Docurama: Distributed by New Video Group, [2003]
note: DVD
note: credits- co-producer, Elizabeth Andams; music, Joel Harrison.
note: Toccoa, Georgia. Robert Eads is a 52-year-old wise-cracking cowboy
who was born female and transitioned into living as a man after bearing
two sons. Fifteen years later, he has fallen in love with Lola Cola, a
vivacious and magnetic woman who was born male. Together they are coping
with Robert's terminal case of ovarian cancer.
UglMed DVD NVG 042
Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 5, The delayed entrance of Lily Mae Jenkins: queer
identity, gender ambiguity, and southern ambivalence in Carson McCuller's
The Member of the Wedding (Betty E. McKinnie, Carlos L. Dews), pp. 61-72.
Drama PS 261 .S57 2002
Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2004.
note: Visibility and performance in the anti-gay sexy Spanish comedy: No
desearás al vecino del quinto (1970) (Alfredo
Martínez-Expósito), pp. 12-38.
Suz PQ 7653 .S63 2004
NY: Routledge, 2004.
Bot E184 .A1 S695 2004
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1999.
note: [chapter] 5, Feminism's double: lesbian activism in the mediated
public sphere of Taiwan (Tze-lan Deborah Sang), pp. 132-161.
Suz, EAsia, Tac HQ 1767 .S6 1999
A presence with secrets.
NY: Dutton, 1982.
Suz PS 3569 .P3 P7 1982
The Spada report, the newest survey of gay male sexuality.
NY: New American Library, c1979.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 S66 1979
Now go home: wilderness, belonging, and the crosscut saw.
Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, c2004.
NatSci, SpecColl CT 275 .S5995 A3 2004
In the city of shy hunters: a novel.
NY: Grove Press, c2001.
Ugl PS 3569 .P339 I5 2001
The man who fell in love with the moon: a novel.
NY: Atlantic Monthly Press, c1991.
SpecColl PNW PS 3569 .P339 M36 1991
Suz PS 3569 .P339 M36 1992 (Harper ed.)
Now is the hour.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2006.
Ugl, SpecColl PS 3569 .P339 N69 2006
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 9, Sex change and cultural transformation in Aranda and
Abril's Cambio de sexo (Marsha Kinder), pp. 128-146; [chapter] 15,
¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto? Almodóvar,
1984. (Núria Triana-Toribio), pp. 226-241; [chapter] 17, Las
cosas del querer. Chávarri, 1989 (Chris Perriam, pp. 254-269.
Suz PN 1993.5 .S7 S72 1999
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.
Suz PQ 6046 .S49 S66 1999
As long as it's pink: the sexual politics of taste.
London; San Francisco: Pandora, 1995.
Art HQ 1233 .S63 1995
Hell soup: the collected writings of Sparrow 13 LaughingWand.
San Francisco: Manic D Press, c1996.
Suz PS 3569 .P373 H45 1996
A documentary by John Kalauskas; conceived, written, filmed and assembled by
John Kazlaukas.
Northampton, MA: Media Education Foundation, [2001]
note: VHS
note: commentary: Arlene Avakian, Deborah Carlin, Betty DeGeneres,
Caroline Gould, Danny Roberts, Julie Stoffer, Judy Shepard, Anthony Rapp;
executive producer, Sut Jhally; video editor, Kenyon King.
note: "Explores what these students have done to transform their schools
into safer and more welcoming environments. Interviews with students,
parents, teachers, administrators and national activists highlight not
only the need for transformation, but offer resources and advice for those
actively working for change."
UglMed Videorecord MEF 021
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.16 .U6 S53 2004
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1990.
Suz PS 648 .L47 S64 1990
Edited by William L. Leap and Tom Boellstorff.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2004.
Suz P35 .P57 2004
Henry Louis Gates ... [et al.]; with an introduction by Ira Glasser.
NY: New York University Press, c1994.
note: [chapter] 6, Since when is the Fourteenth Amendment our route to
equality? Some reflections on the construction of the "Hate-Speech" debate
from a lesbian/gay perspective (William B. Rubenstein), pp. 280-299.
Suz, Bot KF 9345 .A75 S67 1994
The "Divine" Guido: religion, sex, money, and art in the world of Guido
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1997.
Art, Bot ND 623 .R6 S66 1997
Slang and eupehemism: a dictionary of oaths, curses, insults, sexual slang
and metaphor, racial slurs, drug talk, homosexual lingo, and related
Middle Village, NY: David Publishers, c1981.
SuzRef PE 3721 .S67 1981
Lila; Das gluhend Mannla; Amiweisen: drei Stucke.
Frankfurt: Verlag der Autoren, 1990.
Suz PT 2681 .P43 L5 1990
Gay books in the public library: responsibility fulfilled or access
denied?: how 19 large urban American and Canadian library systems compare
in service to their communities.
Toronto: International Information Research Group, c1998.
Suz Z 711.92 .G37 S65 1998
Gay Canada: a bibliography and videography, 1984-2000.
Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars' Press, 2001.
SuzRef HQ 76.3 .C2 S64 2001
When all hell breaks loose: a novel.
NY: Villard, c1999.
Ugl PS 3569 .P4459 .W47 1999
Homosexuality in history.
NY: Harcourt Brace, c1995.
note: originally published as: Homosexuality, a history. (London,
Suz HQ 76.25 .S684 1995
Which of us two? the story of a love affair.
London: Viking, 1990.
Suz PR 6069 .P48 Z497 1990
Gay and Gaia: ethics, ecology, and the erotic.
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 1996.
Suz BT 695.5 .S7 1996
D.H. Lawrence: novelist, poet, prophet.
NY: Harper & Row [1973]
note: D.H. Lawrence and homosexuality (Jeffrey Meyers), pp. 135-146
Suz, Ugl PR 6023 .A93 Z9175 1973b
Letters to Christopher: Stephen Spender's letters to Christopher
Isherwood, 1929-1939: with "The line of the branch"-two Thirties
Edited by Lee Bartlett.
Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1980.
Suz, Bot PR 6037 .P47 Z544 1980
The Temple.
NY: Grove Press, 1988.
Ugl PR 6037 .P47 T4 1988
Suz PR 6037 .P47 T4 1988b (London ed.)
World within world: the autobiography of Stephen Spender.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1994
Suz PR 6037 .P47 Z478 1994
Suz, Ugl 921 Sp34sp (1951 ed)
One-night stand & other poems. With a preface by Robert Duncan; edited by
Donald Allen.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press, c1980.
Suz PS 3569 .P47 O5 1980
The Tower of Babel.
Hoboken, N. J.: Talisman House, c1994.
Suz PS 3569 .P47 T68 1994
Hemingway's quarrel with androgyny.
Lincoln; London: University of Nebraska Press, 1990.
Suz PS 3515 .E37 Z873 1990
Vancouver, B. C., Canada: For Eyes Press, c1990.
Suz GV 722.5 .G36 S65 1990
NY: Crossroad, 1996.
note: [chapter] 13. Gay spirituality, (J. Michael Clark), pp. 335-355.
Suz BL 624 .S693 1996
Edited by Sue-Ellen Case.
London; NY: Routledge, 1996.
Drama PS 627 .L48 S65 1996
Here I stand: my struggle for a Christianity of integrity, love, and
[San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco, c2000.
Suz BX 5995 .S77 A3 2000
Living in sin?: a bishop rethinks human sexuality.
San Francisco: HarperSanFrncisco, c1988.
Suz BT 708 .S66 1988
Rescuing the Bible from fundamentalism: a bishop rethinks the meaning of
[San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco, c1991.
Ugl BS 511.2 .S69 1991
Ontario; Oxford: Oxford University Press, c1998.
note: chapter 9, Women, sport, and sexualities: breaking the silences
(Helen Jefferson Lenskyj), pp. 170-181; chapter 10, Fear and
trembling: homophobia in men's sport (Brian Pronger), pp. 182-196.
Suz GV 709.18 .C2 S66 1999
London; NY: Routledge, 2007.
Suz GV 708.8 .S657 2007
Michael A. Messner, Donald F. Sabo, editors.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Books, c1990.
note: chapter 10, Little Big Man: Hustling, Gender Narcissism, and
Bodybuilding Subculture, pp. 127-139 (Alan M. Klein); chapter 11, Gay
Jocks: A Phenomenology of Gay Men in Athletics, pp. 141-152 (Brian
Pronger); chapter 17, Addressing Homophobia in Physical
Education: Responsibilities for Teachers and Researchers, pp. 211-221 (Pat
Griffin and James Genasci).
Suz, Bot GV 706.4 .S66 1990
London; NY: Routledge, 2006.
Ugl GV 708.8 .S66 2006
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1995.
Suz GV 708.8 .S68 1995
The kindness of strangers: the life of Tenessee Williams.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1985.
Suz PS 3545 .I5365 Z836 1985
Tac PS 3545 .I5365 Z836 1997 (Da Capo reprint)
Berlin: Erich Schmidt, c2001.
(Philologische Studien und Quellen, Heft 166)
note: Von abartig bis Zylinderversilberer: Das erste Wörterbuch
für das Homosexuelle im Deutschen (Jody Skinner), pp. 209-230.
Suz P120 .S48 S683 2001
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c1997.
(At issue)
note: [chapter] 6, HIV-Positive homosexuals should be more sexually
responsible (Michelangelo Signorile), pp. 37-39. Reprinted from The
New York Times, Feb. 26, 1995.
Ugl WC 503.6 S768 1997
Die stumme Sünde: Homosexualität im Mittelalter: mit einem
Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1988.
(Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, Nr. 498)
Suz HQ 76.3 E8 S67 1988
Outrage: how gay activists and liberal judges are trashing democracy to
redefine marriage.
Washington, D.C.: Regnery; Lanham, MD: Distributed to the trade by
National Book Network, c2004.
Suz, Bot HQ 1034 .U5 S67 2004
Paul Cadmus: the male nude.
NY: Universe, 2002.
Art NC 139 .C32 S665 2002
Seattle: The Foundation, [1988-
note: a newsletter by and for people with AIDS
GovPub W1 SP512 v.1-v.7,n.2 (March 1988-March/May 1994)
Desiring women: the partnership of Virginia Woolf and Vita
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c2006.
Suz PR 6045 .O72 Z8773 2006
Rutgers conference on gay liberation.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 17)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 17
Ana Castillo.
Boise, ID: Bosie State University, 2004.
SpecColl PS 3553 .A8135 Z86 2004
Imperialism within the margins: queer representation and the politics of
culture in southern Africa.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Suz HQ 76.3 .A356 S68 2006
Att skapa en ny man: C.J.L. Almqvist och MannaSamfund 1816-1824.
Stockholm/Stehag: B. Ostling, 2002.
Suz PT 9729 .Z5 S73 2002
Burbank, CA: RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, 1985.
note: VHS; videocassette release of a 1985 motion picture
note: cast- Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Judd
Nelson, Ally Sheedy, Mare Winningham, Martin Balsam, Andie MacDowell;
credits- executive producers, Ned Tanen, Bernard Schwartz; writers, Joel
Schumacher, Carl Kurlander; producer, Lauren Shuler; director, Joel
Schumacher; music, David Foster.
note: Minimal gay thematic aspect; seven friends, recent college
graduates, search for a place in the real world and face the issues of career
and commitment. Against the backdrop of St. Elmo's, their local hang-out,
they save, betray and love one another as only the closest of friends
can. One of the group is mistakenly thought to be gay.
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1089
Detroit, MI: St. James Press, c1998.
SuzRef, BotRef HQ 76.3 .U5 S75 1998
In the name of the family: rethinking family values in the postmodern
Boston: Beacon Press, c1996.
note: chapter 5, Gay and lesbian families are here; all our families are
queer; let's get used to it!, pp. 105-144.
Suz HQ 536 .S718 1996
Allan Stein: a novel.
NY: Grove Press, c1999.
Suz PS 3569 .T149 A45 1999
The dissolution of Nicholas Dee: his researches.
NY: Grove Press, 2000.
Suz PS 3569 .T149 D57 2000
Landscape: memory.
NY: Scribner, c1990.
Suz, Ugl PS 3569 .T149 L35 1990
Ugl PS 3569 .T149 L35 1991
The sex offender: a novel.
NY: HarperCollins, c1994.
Suz, Ugl PS 3569 .T149 S48 1994
[Seattle, Wash.]: The Clinic,
SpecCollPNW W1 St131f May 1983, Nov 1983, Dec 1983, Feb 1984, May 1984,
Jun 1984
Sexual behavior in the Communist world; an eyewitness report of life,
love, and the human condition behind the Iron Curtain.
NY: Julian Press [1967]
note: with considerable material on homosexuality
HSLIC HQ 18 .C7 S7
Ann Arbor [MI]: University of Michigan Press, c2002.
Drama PS 338 .H66 S73 2002
Edited by John M. Clum; foreword by Tony Kushner.
Boulder, CO: Westview press, 1996.
Drama PS 627 .H67 S73 1996
Lorca: a dream of life.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1999.
Drama PQ 6613 .A763 Z8856 1999
Male fantasies/gay realities: interviews with ten men.
NY: SeaHorse Press, 1984.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 S73 1984
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, c2001.
note: v.3, Queer Sexuality: the trouble with knowing; standards of
complexity and sexual orientation (Erik Malewski), pp. 773-793.
SuzRef, TacRef LB 2822.82 .S82 2001 v.1,2,3
Marriage on trial: the case against same-sex marriage and parenting. Glenn
T. Stanton and Bill Maier.
Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, c2004.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1033 .S726 2004
Larry Stanton: painting and drawing. Writing by David Hockney...[et
Pasadena, CA: Twelvetrees Press, 1986.
Art ND 237 .S649 A4 1986
Sullivan County K-12 administrators' perceptions and attitudes regarding
harassment and the associated legal liability. 2005.
Thesis (Ed. D.)--Est Tennessee State University, 2005.
note: includes sexual orientation harassment among other forms of bullying
and harassment
available online,
London; NY: Routledge, 1991.
note: [chapter] 21, 'A Queer Feeling When I Look At You'; Hollywood stars
and lesbian spectatorship in the 1930s (Andrea Weiss), pp. 283-299.
Suz PN 1995 .S677 1990
Shy girl.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1999.
Ugl PS 3569 .T335736 S49 1999
k. d. lang: all you get is me.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1994.
Music ML 420 .L238 S7 1994
By Ellen Wolpert for the Committee for Boston Public Housing; produced by
Redleaf Press.
St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press; Beltsville, MD: Distributed by Gryphon House,
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: credits- narration by Regina Laroche and Natalie Rasmussen; music,
QCCS Productions, Inc.
note: Covers the anti-bias curriculum used at the Washington Beech
Community Preschool. Part 1 gives a summary of the 4 goals of an anti-bias
approach and 9 underlying assumptions. Part 2 contains individual sections
that address 6 specific areas of bias: age, gender, sexual orientation,
economic class, physical abilities, and physical characteristics. Each
section provides several concrete examples of the ways that bias comes up
in a classroom, as well as strategies to support children's development of
strong self and group identities, their ability to recognize and think
critically about bias, and their capacity to stand up for themselves and
note: for the book related to this title, see: Wolpert, Ellen. Start
seeing diversity.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1491
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1491 guide
Three-hand jax & other spells.
San Francisco: Permeable Press, c1995.
Suz, SpecColl PS 3569 .T3367 T47 1995
Wind of knives.
Seattle, WA: Okama, c1998.
Suz PS 3569 .T33637 W55 1998
Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004.
note: chapter 9, A different affair? openness and nonmonogamy in same sex
relationships (Brian Heaphy, Catherine Donovan, Jeffrey Weeks), pp.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 806 .S82 2004
London; NY: Bantam, 2000.
Suz PR 6005 .R65 Z465 2000
Edited by Renee R. Curry and Terry L. Allison.
NY: New York University Press, c1996.
note: Chapter 4, Fuck community, or why I support gay-bashing, (Ian
Barnard), pp. 74-88; Chapter 5, Rage and remembrance, The AIDS plays, (D.
S. Lawson), pp. 107-125, reprinted from AIDS: the literary response.
For the latter chapter, see also: AIDS: the literary response.
Suz, Bot HN 90 .V5 S83 1996.
Nashville: Abingdon Press, c2003.
Suz BX 349 .H66 S73 2003
"Anderes als die Andern": ein Film und seine Geschichte; mit einem Beitrag
von Matthias M. Weber und Wolfgang Burgmair.
Hamburg: Männerschwarm Verlag, 2007.
(Bibliothek rosa Winkel, Bd. 43)
note: revised and enlarged version of: Film und Zensur in der Weimarer
Republik: der Fall "Anders als die Andern" (Capri, Zeitschrift für
schwule Geschichte, Nr. 21, 1996, Berlin)
Suz PN 1997 .A348 S74 2007
The homosexual emancipation movement in Germany.
Salem, N.H.: Ayer Co. Pub., Inc., 1993, c1975.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G4 S8 1993
Suz HQ 76.8 .G4 S8 1975 (Arno Press)
The grapevine.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1964.
Ugl HQ 73 .S78
Suz HQ 73 .S78 1965 (Manor Books)
The sixth man.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1961.
Suz HQ 76 .S73 1961
Schwule Macht, oder, die Emanzipation.
Berlin: Elefanten Press, c1998.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G4 S83 1998
Cocteau, a biography.
Boston: Little, Brown [170]
Suz, Ugl PQ 2605 .O15 Z86
Bot PQ 2605 .O15 Z86 1986
DNA and destiny: nature and nurture in human behavior.
NY: Plenum Press, c1966.
note: [chapter] 11, Sexual orientation, pp. 185-201.
Suz, Health, Tac BF 341 .S74 1996
Tac BF 341 .S74 2002 v.1 (Perseus Publ, [200-?], c1996)
Häutungen: autobiografische Aufzeichnungen, Gedichte, Träume,
München: Verlag Frauenoffensive, 1975.
Suz PT 2681 .T3566 Z515
Wortgetreu ich traume: Geschichten & Geschichte.
Zurich: Arche, c1987.
Suz PT 2681 .T3566 W6 1987
Gays and the military: Joseph Steffan versus the United States.
Marc Wolinsky and Kenneth Sherrill, eds.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1993.
Suz, Law KF 228 .S74 S74 1993
Honor bound: a gay American fights for the right to serve his
NY: Villard Books, 1992.
Ugl VB 324 G38 S74 1992
Als wenn Du mein Geliebter wärest; Liebe und Begehren zwischen
Frauen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1750-1850.
Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, c2003.
Suz PT 289 .S74 2003
In Männerkleidern: das verwegene Leben der Catharina Margaretha Linck
alias Anastasius Lagrantinus Rosenstengel, hingerichtet 1721; Biogrpahie
und Dokumentation.
Köln: Böhlau, 2004.
Suz HQ 75.4 .L55 S74 2004
Sex and sensibility: stories of a lesbian generation.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.5 .S75 1997
Shameless: sexual dissidence in American culture.
NY: New York University Press, c2006.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 75.6 .U5 S74 2006
The stranger next door: the story of a small community's battle over sex,
faith, and civil rights.
Boston: Beacon Press, c2001.
Suz, SpecCollPNW HQ 76.8 .U5 S74 2001
The mismeasure of desire: the science, theory and ethics of sexual
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.25 .S69 1999
Bot HQ 76.25 .S69 2001. (2001 printing)
The autobiography of Alice B. Toklas. (Reprint of
Harcourt, c1933)
NY: Vintage Books, 1990.
Ugl PS 3537 .T323 Z463 1990
Ugl PS 3537 .T323 Z5 1961 (Vintage, 1961 ed. of 1933)
Ugl 921 St34st 1933a (Random 1955 reprint of 1933)
Ugl, Drama 921 St34st (Harcourt, 1933)
Baby precious always shines: selected love notes between Gertrude Stein
and Alice B. Toklas. [Edited] by Kay Turner.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Suz PS 3537 .T323 Z465 1999
Dear Sammy: letters from Gertrude and Alice B. Toklas.
Edited with a memoir by Samuel M. Steward.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977.
Suz PS 3537 .T323 Z547
Bot PS 3537 .T323 Z494 1984 (St. Martin's)
Fernhurst, Q.E.D., and other early writings.
NY: Liveright [1971]
Suz, Ugl PS 3537 .T323 F4
Four in America. Introd. by Thornton Wilder.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947.
Suz, Ugl PS 3537 .T323 F56
The letters of Gertrude Stein and Carl Van Vechten, 1913-1946.
Edited by Edward Burns.
NY: Columbia University Press, 1986. 2v.
Suz PS 3537 .T323 Z497 1986 v.1 [and] v.2
Lifting belly. Rebecca Mark, editor.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1989.
Ugl PS 3537 .T323 L5 1989
City of sisterly and brotherly loves: lesbian and gay Philadelphia,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 P57 2000
Classrooms and courtrooms: facing sexual harassment in K-12 schools.
Foreword by Pat Schroeder.
NY: Teachers College Press, c1999.
note: includes examination of glb harassment in schools
Suz, Tac LC 212.82 .S72 1999
A fairy tale: a novel.
NY: Delacorte Press, c1980.
Suz PS 3569 .T3755 R35 1980
La confusion des sexes: le travestissement de la Renaissance à la
[Paris]: Fayard, c2001.
Suz HQ 77 .S74 2001
Die Liebe ist mit zartem Rot gefärbt: Zeichnungen und Gouachen:
03.12.1995 bis 24.02.1996 Magnus Hirschfeld Centrum Hamburg - 07.03.1996
bis 14.04.1996, Kulturverein Berggasse Wien. Mit Beitragen von Matthias
Arnold, Thomas Plaichinger, Michael Wenger.
Hamburg: MHC, Magnus Hirschfeld-Centrum; Wien: Kunstverein Berggasse,
Suz NC 251 .S845 A4 1995
Aristokraten aus Not und ihre "Philosophie der zu hoch hängenden
Trauben": Nietzsche-Rezeption und literarische Produktion von
Homosexuellen in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts: Thomas Mann,
Stefan George, Ernst Bertram, Hugo von Hofmannsthal u. a.
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, c2001.
(Epistemata. Reihe Literaturwissenschaft, Bd. 326)
Suz PT 405 .S7414 2001
Homosexualität als Schöpferserfahrung: ein Beitrag zur
theologischen Urteilsbegründung.
Stuttgart: Quell, c1998.
Suz BR 115 .H6 S74 1998
Milk: a novel.
NY: Bloomsbury: Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers,
Ugl PS 3569 .T37924 M55 2005
Die Geschichte der Kameradschaft die runde, 1950 bis 1969.
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1998.
(Hefte des Schwulen Museums, Heft 1)
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 S8 1998
Der Kreis: Mitglieder, Künstler, Autoren. Karl-Heinz Steinle;
Schwules Museum.
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, 1999.
(Hefte des Schwulen Museums, Heft 2)
Suz HQ 76.95 .S9 S75 1999
Der literarische Salon bei Richard Schulz; hrsg. v. Schwulen Museum,
Berlin: Schwules Museum, c2002.
note: exhibition in Berlin, Schwules Museum, April 25-July 29, 2002.
Suz HQ 75.8 .S38 S745 2002
Auto-eroticism, a psychiatric study of onanism and neurosis.
With a foreword by Emil A. Gutheil. With an introd. by Frederic Wertham.
Authorized translation by James S. Van Teslaar.
NY: Liveright Pub. Corp., [1950]
note: A translation of the first part of the author's Onanie und
NatSci, HSLIC WM 610 S824a 1950
Bi-sexual love. Authorized translation by James S. Van Teslaar.
NY: Emerson Books, [c1936]
note: translation of a part (Onanie und Homosexualität) of: Die
homosexuelle Neurose.
Suz HQ 74 .S7613 1936
Compusion and doubt (Zwang und Zweifel).
Authorized translation by Emil A. Gutheil.
NY: Liveright Pub. corp. [1949].
note: includes a chapter: Homosexuality and Patricide.
HSLIC 132 St3zE v.1, v.2
The homosexual neurosis.
Authorized translation by James S. Van Teslaar.
NY: Emerson Books, 1950 [c1922]
note: Translation of part of v. 2 of the author's Störungen des
Trieb- und Affektlebens.
HSLIC 132.754 St3b
The homosexual neurosis.
Authorized translation by James S. VanTeslaar, M. D. Rev. ed.
NY: Emerson Books, Inc., [c1949]
note: "The present volume completes my English version of the
Homosexualität portion of the author's Onanie und
Homosexualität. The first portion has been issued...under the title:
Bisexual love.
see also: Stekel, Wilhelm. Bi-sexual love.
HSLIC 132.754 St3h
Sadism and masochism: the psychology of hatred and cruelty.
Authorized version by Louise Brink.
NY: Liveright, 1939, c1929.
(Disorders of the instincts and emotions, 8)
note: translation of: Sadismus und Masochismus für Ärtzte und
note: v.1, chapter 5: Relation of Sadomasochism to Homosexuality.
Suz, HSLIC 132.754 St3sE v.1, v.2
Suz HQ 79 .S815 1953 v.1, v.2
The gay detective.
Dublin: New Island Books; London: N. Hern books, 1996.
Drama PR 6069 .T419 G39 1996
see Seattle Treatment Exchange perspective: official quarterly publication
of Seattle Treatment Exchange.
Amsterdam, Netherlands: United for Intercultural Action, [2001]
note: 3. Seminar, June 21-25 Wien: Combatting sexual orientation
discrimination=Combattre la discrimination fondée sur l'orientation
sexuelle=Bekämpfung von Diskriminierung aufgrund der sexuallen
available online,
The man who loved.
NY: Harcourt, Brace [1951]
Suz 823 St45m
Predicting abstinence from high risk sexual behavior among men following
an AIDS risk reduction treatment program: the roles of self-efficacy and
outcome expectancies.
Thesis (Ph. D.) - University of Washington. 1992.
Suz BF 21 Th40630
Aux Thesis 40630
Reasons for having sex as predictors of condom use.
Thesis (M. S.) - University of Washington.
Seattle, 1990.
Suz BF 21 Th38106
Aux Thesis 38106
Liebe, Forschung, Lehre: der Kunsthistoriker Christian Adolf
Berlin: R. Winkel, c1998.
(Schwules Museum Lebensgeschichten, 4)
Suz N7483 .I84 S74 1998
Selbstbewusstsein und Beharrlichkeit: zweihundert Jahre Geschichte.
Berlin: Schwules Museum, c2004.
note: catalog from an exhibit at the Schwules Museum
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 S74 2004
750 warme Berliner: ein Katalog zur Ausstellung der Freunde eines Schwulen
Museums in Berlin e. V.
Zusammengestellt von Andreas Sternweiler und Wolfgang Theiss.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, [between 1987 and 1995]
Suz HQ 76.2 .G42 B4 1987
Und alles wegen der Jungs: Pfadfinderfuhrer und KZ-Haftling:
Heinz Dormer.
Berlin: R. Winkel, c1994.
(Schwules Museum Lebensgeschichten, 2)
Suz HQ 75.8 .D68 S74 1994
The sum of us.
NY; London: French, c1990.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Sum of
The waters of Babylon: a novel about Lawrence after Arabia.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2000.
Suz PR 6069 .T445 W38 2000
Henry James and sexuality.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
note: originally presented as author's thesis (doctoral)--Cambridge
Suz PS 2127 .S48 S74 1998
The Beggar's Benison: sex clubs of Enlightenment Scotland and their
East Linton, Scotland: Tuckwell Press, 2001.
Suz HQ 18 .G7 S74 2001
see: Mayne, Xavier. (pseudonym)
Death trick.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1981.
Suz PS 3569 .T4567 D43 1981
Ice blues: a Donald Strachey mystery.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1986.
Suz PS 3569 .T4567 I3 1986
Shock to the system.
NY: St. Martin's Press, [1996], c1995.
Suz PS 3569 .T4567 S74 1996
Strachey's folly: a Donald Strachey mystery.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Suz PS 3569 .T4567 S76 1999
Third man out.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993.
Suz PS 3569 .T4567 T45 1993
Romanticism and the androgynous sublime.
Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, c1996.
Suz PR 585 .A49 S74 1996
Bad boys and tough tattoos: a social history of the tattoo with gangs,
sailors, and street-corner punks, 1950-1965.
NY: Haworth Press, c1990.
(Haworth series in gay and lesbian studies, v. 3)
Suz GT 5960 .T36 S747 1990
The Caravaggio shawl.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1989.
Suz PS 3537 .T479 C37 1989
Chapters from an autobiography.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press, c1981.
Suz PS 3537 .T479 Z464 1981
Murder is murder is murder.
Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, 1985.
Suz PS 33537 .T479 M87 1985
Parisian lives: a novel.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1984.
Suz PS 3537 .T479 P3 1984
Understanding the male hustler.
NY: Haworth Press, c1991.
Suz, SocWk HQ 144 .S76 1991
Close readers: humanism and sodomy in early modern England.
Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, c1997.
Suz, Tac PR 418 .H8 S74 1997
Art, desire, and the body in ancient Greece.
Cambridge [England]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Art, Bot N 5633 .S74 1997
Gay and lesbian issues: a reference handbook.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, c2003.
SuzRef, Bot HQ 76.25 .S748 2003
Homosexuality and the law: a dictionary.
Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2001.
note: available online to University of Washington users
SuzRef, Bot KF 4754.5 .A68 S74 2001
Sexually stigmatized communities: reducing heterosexism and homophobia: an
awareness training manual.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1999.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 S757 1999
When parents come out as parents of gay and lesbian children: a
transformation of the self.
note: M.A. thesis, East Tennessee State University, 2002.
available online,
Gay & lesbian youth. Photographs by Natasha Frost.
San Diego: Lucent Books, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.26 .S74 1997
Emerald city blues.
Huntington Station, NY: Rising Tide Press, c1996.
SpecColl Pacific NW PS 3569 .T4649 E5 1996
Voices from communities, First Nations and Inuit: a summary of
recommendations for community healing.
Ottawa: Health Canada, Medical Services Branch, First Nations & Inuit
Health Programs Directorate, Health Programs Support Division, 1995.
note: ....purpose is to summarize First Nations and Inuit recommendations
on community healing....developing programs for special needs clients such
as elders, people with disabilites, women, and gays...
GovPub Microfiche M-2261, 99-01264
Gay Hollywood film & video guide: over 75 years of male homosexuality
in the movies.
Laguna Hills, CA: Companion Publications, c1993.
SuzRef PN 1995.9 H55 S74 1993
Gay hollywood film & video guide: 75 years of gay & lesbian images in the
movies. 2nd ed.
Laguna Hills, CA: Campanion Publications, c1994.
SuzRef PN 1995.9 .H55 S74 1994
Positive image: a portrait of gay America.
Text edited by Thomas J. Watson.
note: pictorial work.
NY: Morrow, c1985.
Suz TR 820.5 S75 1985
Cassell's queer companion: a dictionary of lesbian and gay life and
London: Cassell, 1995.
SuzRef, BotRef HQ 76.3 .U5 S88 1994
From this day forward: commitment, marriage, and family in lesbian and gay
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1999.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.3 .U5 S76 1999
Editor, Gregory M. Herek.
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, c1998.
(Psychological perspectives on lesbian and gay issues, v.4)
note: Sponsored by the Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian and
Gay Issues, Division 44 of the American Psychological Association.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.25 .S78 1998
15 pieces: glaced ceramics from 1982-1984.
NY: Holly Solomon gallery, [1986]
Suz NK 4210 .S85 A4 1986
Where the meanings are. [:feminism and cultural spaces]
NY: Methuen, 1988.
note: essays originally published 1970-1987.
Suz PN 98 W64 S75 1988
Padophilie: Befreiung oder sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern: Fakten,
Mythen, Theorien.
Frankfurt; NY: Campus, c1998.
Suz HQ 71 .S76 1998
Lesbian letters.
San Francisco: Heron Press, c1986.
Suz PS 3569 T613 L4 1986
Beautiful bottom, beautiful shame: where "Black" meets "queer".
Durham: Duke University Press, 2006.
Suz, Bot PS 374 .H63 S76 2006
God between their lips: desire between women in Irigaray, Bronte, and
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994.
Suz PR 8787 F45 S76 1994
Cruising the South Seas: stories. Edited by Winston Leyland.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1987.
note: "These stories originally appeared in South Sea Idyls,
1873/1892, and the Island of Tranquil Delights, 1904.
Suz PS 2931 A33 1987
For the pleasure of his company: an affair of the misty city.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1987.
Suz PS 2930 .F67 1987
For the pleasure of his company [microform]: an affair of the misty city,
thrice told.
Designs by Marshall Douglass.
San Francisco: A. M. Robertson, 1903.
(American fiction IV, 1901-1905; reel 222, no. 2166)
Microforms/Newspapers Microfilm A3261
Oscar Wilde: myths, miracles, and imitations.
Cambridge [UK]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Drama PR 5823 .S68 1996
Edited by Tessa Boffin and Jean Fraser.
London: Pandora Press, 1991.
Suz HQ 75.5 .S76 1991
Lessons from the damned: queers, whores, and junkies respond to AIDS.
NY: Routledge, 1998.
Suz, Bot WC 503.7 S875L 1998
Observing the erotic imagination.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1985.
note: 5 chapters on same-sex concerns
Suz BF 692 .S785 1985
Presentations of gender.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985.
HSLIC WM 100 K172k 1994
Sex and gender; on the development of masculinity and femininity.
NY: Science House [1968]
note: v.1, The development of masculinity and femininity.
Health WM 610 S875s 1968
Ugl, Health WM 610 S975s 1974 v.1 (Aronson ed., 1974)
Tac WM 610 S875s 1984 v.1 (Karnac ed., 1984)
Splitting; a case of female masculinity.
[NY]: Quadrangle [1973]
NatSci, HSLIC WM 615 S875s 1973
A queer history of the ballet.
London; NY: Routledge, 2007.
Drama GV 1787 .S674 2007
[Guilford, VT]: After Stonewall Productions, Inc., c2006-
note: DVD, 3 videodiscs
note: performers- v.1. Allen Ginsberg, Carroll Davis, Liza Ben, Ann
Bannon; Johnnie Phelps, Barbara Gittings, Audre Lorde & Yvonne Flowers,
Ricky Streicher, Donna Smith, Ann Bannon; Bruce Nugent, Carroll Davis,
Craig Rodwell, Frank Kameny, Jim Kepner & Morris Kight, Pat Rocco, Black
Cat Reunion, Jose Sarria; interviewer, Andrew Kopkind; editor, Michael
Hanish; "Archival material released here is part of the Before Stonewall
Archive Project."
note: The film Before Stonewall traced the social, political and cultural
history of homosexuality in America from the 1920s to 1969; the beginning
of the Gay Liberation Movement after a police raid on Stonewall Inn, a gay
bar in New York City; and the three-day riot that followed. These DVDs
contain original interviews and performances recorded for the film, broken
into theme chapters for easy use in classrooms. v. 1: The Before
Stonewall interviews: DVD #1: The Gay performers; DVD #2. The Lesbian
pioneers; DVD #3, Gay men take action before Stonewall.
note: special features- [v.1, no.1] two poems by Allen Ginsberg,
performances from the Before Stonewall Garden Party.
UglMed DVD After 002 v.1
Spokane, WA: Stonewall Pub., Inc., c1995-
note: continues Stonewall news Spokane
SpecColFolio HQ 75 .S766
v.4,n.3-v.5,n.1 (Mar 1995-Jan 1996); v.5,n.3-v.5,n.10 (Mar 1996-Oct 1996);
v.5,n.12-v.6,n.12 (Dec 1996-Jan 1997); v.7,n.2-v.7,n.6 (Feb 1998-Jun
1998); v.7,n.8-v.12,n.4+ (Dec 1998-Apr 2003+
Spokane, WA: Stonewall Pub., Inc., 1992-1995
note: continued by Stonewall news Northwest
SpecColFolio HQ 75 .S766
v.1,n.4 (Jul 1992); v.1,n.6-9 (Sep 1992-Dec 1992); v.2,n.3 (Mar 1993);
v.2,n.9 (Sep 1993); v.3,n.1 (Jan 1994); v.3,n.7-9 (Jul-Sep 1994);
v.3,n.12-v.4,n.2 (Dec 1994-Feb 1995)
The invention of love.
London: Faber, 1997.
note: A. E. Housman, Oscar Wilde and other gay figures of that period are
among the characters.
Drama PR 6069 .T6 I66 1997
Outbound: finding a man, sailing an ocean.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 75.8 .S76 A3 2001
Radcliffe; a novel.
[London]: Longmans, [1963]
Suz, Ugl PR 6069 .T65 R3
Sexual deviation.
Baltimore: Penguin Books [1964]
HSLIC WM 610 S886s 1964
Same-sex partnerships? a Christian perspective.
Grand Rapids, MI: F. H. Revell, c1998.
Suz BR 115 .H6 S765 1998
Forest fire.
NY: Grosset & Dunlap, [c1933]
SpecColl 979.5 St762f
Gay spirit warrior: an empowerment workbook for men who love men.
Forres, Scotland; Tallahassee, FL: Findhorn Press, 1999.
Suz BL 65 .H64 S73 1999
Deviant eyes, deviant bodies: sexual re-orientations in film and
NY: Columbia University Press, 1996.
(Between men-between women)
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 S77 1996
The letters of Lytton Strachey. Edited by Paul Levy; assisted by Penelope
London: Viking, 2005.
Suz PR 6037 .T73 Z48 2005
The durable fig leaf: a historical, cultural, medical, social, literary,
and iconographic account of man's relations with his penis.
NY: Morrow, 1980.
note: some homosexual interest; although published in 1980, draws mainly
on concepts of earlier periods.
Suz GT 495 .S86 1980
Gay dads: a celebration of fatherhood. With Susanna Margolis.
NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, c2003.
Ugl HQ 76.13 .S77 2003
[Special issue of]: New Republic. Issue 4,086. May 10, 1993. pp.
SuzPer 051 NER 1993
Los Angeles: Motivational Media, 1994.
note: 1 videocassette. Produced and directed by Dee Mosbacher and Frances
Reid; writer, Sharon Wood; editor, Deborah Hoffmann; music, Mary Watkins;
cinematography, Frances Reid; narrator, Robert McAfee Brown. Videocassette
release of a 1994 motion picture. Academy Award for Best Documentary
Short, 1994.
note: Parents of gay chilren tell of their struggles with homophobia.
UglMed Videorecord MOTM 003
TacMed videorecord TAC-723
Edited by Gabriele Griffin and Sonya Andermahr.
London; Washington [DC.]: Cassell, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.16 .G7 S77 1997
Edited by Calvin Thomas; with the assistance of Joseph O. Aimone and
Catherine A. F. MacGillivray.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2000.
Suz PS 228 .S42 S77 2000
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c2006.
Suz PR 149 .S5 S77 2006
[Berkeley, CA: s.n., 1972]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A 10331 reel 95 no. 1/2 (Mar. 1972)
[San Francisco, CA]: Frameline, 2003.
note: VHS
note: cast- Monet Paul, Meta Golding, Michelle Richards, Meta Golding,
Guinevere Turner, Dwayne Bullock, Aaron Norvell; credits- director of
photography, Denise Brassard; editor, Lisa Ginsburg; animation, Richard
"Doc" Bailey; music supervisor, Kristi Lomax.
note: the love lives of an 8-year old girl, a 20-year old lesbian, and a
40-year old accountant through the point of view of two subatomic
UglMed Videorecord FRAM 012
The challenge of same-sex marriage: federalist principles and
constitutional protections.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999.
Suz, Law KF 539 .S768 1999
Legally wed: same-sex marriage and the Constitution.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997.
Suz, Tac KF 539 .S77 1997
Law KF 511 .S77 1997
On same-sex marriage, civil unions, and the rule of law: Constitutional
interpretation at the crossroads.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002.
Suz, Tac KF 539 .S769 2002
Law KF 539 .S773 2002
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 12 .S45 1999
La muse garconniere et Les amours.
Paris: Flammarion [1973]
note: translation into French from the original Greek by Roger Peyrefitte
of the Mousa paidike of Straton of Sardis and the Erotes of Lucian of Samosata.
Suz PA 4441 .S6 M614 1973
Sex sells!: the media's journey from repression to obsession.
Cambridge, MA: Westview Press, 2004.
note: The gay nineties: Adam and Eve + Adam and Steve, pp. 140-153; Paying
for sex (on Cable): sex and the city and Queer as Folk, p. 196-209.
Suz, Bot, Tac P96 .S45 S77 2004
Unspeakable: the rise of the gay and lesbian press in America.
Boston: Faber and Faber, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.95 U5 S77 1995
Edited by Christa Brelin; foreword by Jenie Hall.
Detroit: Visible Ink Press, c1996.
SuzRef, SocWkRef HQ 76.3 .U5 S77 1996
Washington, DC: National Education Association, [1999]
Suz LC 192.6 .S792 1999
London; West Nyack, N.Y.: Journeyman Press, 1980.
note: Strike while the iron is hot (Red Ladder Theatre); Care and Control
(Gay Sweatshop); My mother says I never should (Women's Theatre
Drama PR 1272 .S77 1980
Married women who love women.
NY: Doubleday, 1998.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 75.5 .S77 1998
A lesbian feminist community in a western city; its ideological and
structural organization. 1977.
Thesis (M. A.) - University of Washington.
Seattle, 1977.
Suz HM 15 Th24896
Aux Thesis 24896
The old world: a novel.
Cambridge, MA: Zoland Books, 1997.
Suz, Bot PS 3569 .T698 O38 1997
Lines drawn towards.
Tokyo; Sedona, AZ: Saru, 1979.
Suz PS 3569 .T728 L5 1979
Plot twists and critical turns: queer approaches to early modern spanish
Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, c2007.
Suz PQ 6105 .S79 2007
NY: Routledge, 2003.
note: [chapter] 11, Sexual orientation, AIDS, and human rights in
Argentina: the paradox of social advance amid health crisis (Mario
Pecheny), pp. 253-270.
Suz, Bot HM 671 .S77 2003
Gay by the Bay: a history of queer culture in the San Francisco area.
By Susan Stryker and James Van Buskirk; foreword by Armistead Maupin.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 S267 1996
Queer pulp: perverted passions from the golden age of the paperback.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, c2001.
Suz PS 374 .H63 S77 2001
Gay and lesbian theologies: repetitions with critical difference.
Aldershot, Hampshire, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2003.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 S78 2003
Just good friends: towards a lesbian and gay theology of
NY: Mowbray, 1995.
Suz BV 4647 .F7 S78 1995
Religion is a queer thing: a guide to the Christian faith for lesbian,
gay, bisexual, and transgendered people. Elizabeth Stuart with Andy
Braunston ... [et al.]
London; Washington: Cassell, 1997.
Suz BR 115 .H6 S78 1997
The uninvited dilemma: a question of gender.
Lake Oswego, OR: Metamorphous Press, c1983.
Suz HQ 77.9 .S78 1983
Perpetual motion: the public and private lives of Rudolf Nureyev.
NY; Simon & Schuster, c1995.
Ugl, Tac GV 1785 .N8 S78 1995
Sexualities and homosexualities.
London: Karnac Books, 1994.
note: translation of: Sexualidades y Homosexualidades
SocWk, Tac BF 175.5 .S48 S88 1994
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, [1995]
(New directions for student services, no. 72)
note: Concerns of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender graduate
students (Jan Smith), pp. 111-119.
Suz LB 2343 .S83 1995
Rock on the wild side: gay male images in popular music of the rock
San Francisco: Leyland Publications, 1994.
Music, Bot ML 156.4 .G4 S78 1994
Stuttgart, Enke, 1954.
(Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Bd. 5)
note: Die Homophilen und die Gesellschaft (Gerrit Theodor Kempe); Zur
gleichgeschlechtlichen männlichen Prostitution (Reinhard
HSLIC Serials 392.608 B397 no. 1-8
Cambridge, MA: Harvard College Library, 2001.
note: "And we sing gay songs": the Klezmatics: negotiating the boundaries
of Jewish identity (David Kaminsky), pp. 51-87.
Suz ML 3776 .S78 2001
Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, c1999.
note: Part I. New "Families"?. The status of status: domestic partnership
and the politics of same-sex marriage (Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller), pp.
3-38; Benign neglect: affirmative action, same-sex marriage, and the
underlying conservatism of Baehr v. Lewin (Helena Silverstein), pp.
Suz K 23 T82 v.19
Lesbians talk left politics.
London: Scarlet, c1994.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G7 S78 1994
Someone killed his boyfriend.
NY: Kensington Books, c2001.
Suz PS 3619 .T85 S66 2001
Alter werden wir umsonst: schwules Leben jenseits der Dreissig;
Erfahrungen, Interviews, Berichte. Mit Beiträgen von Michael Bochow
... [et al.]
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 1998.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 S88 1998
Homosexuelle in Deutschland: eine politische Geschichte.
München: C. H. Beck, c1989.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 S875 1989
Michael Field.
NY: The Macmillan company, 1922.
SpecColl 821 F457zst
Chaucer's Pardoner and gender theory: bodies of discourse.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz PR 1868 .P3 S78 2000
Aubrey Beardsley: a biography.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1999.
Art NC 242 .B3 S78 1999
Governing sexuality: the changing politics of citizenship and law
Oxford; Portland, OR: Hart, 2003.
Suz K3242.3 .S79 2003
Law's desire: sexuality and the limits of justice.
London; NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz K 646 .S79 1995
A nation by rights: national cultures, sexual identity politics, and the
discourse of rights.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.5 .S79 1998
The confessions of Nat Turner.
NY: Random House [1967]
Suz, Ugl, SpecColl PS 3569 .T9 C6
Bot PS 3569 .T9 C6 1992 (Vintage ed.)
Bike boys, drag queens & superstars: avant-garde, mass culture, and
gay identities in the 1960s underground cinema.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1996.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .E96 S82 1996
Edited by Mark A. Cheetham, Michael Ann Holly, Keith Moxey.
Cambridge, [England]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
note: [chapter] 6. "Homosexualism," gay and lesbian studies, and queer
theory in art history, (Whitney Davis), pp. 115-142.
Art N7480 .S83 1998
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2002.
note: [chapter] 13, Doctor's orders: parents and intersexed children
(Ellen K. Feder), pp. 294-320.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1206 .S9 2002
Edited by Russell West and Frank Lay.
Amsterdam; Atlanta: Rodopi, c2000.
(GENUS--gender in modern culture, 1)
note: Nobody wants to be a man anymore? cross-dressing in American movies
of the 90's (Elisabeth Krimmer), pp. 29-43; American culture X: identity,
homosexuality, and the search for a new American hero (Stefan Brandt), pp.
67-93; Queering the straights: straightening queers: commodified
sexualities and hegemonic masculinity (Rainer Emig), pp. 207-226.
Suz HQ 1090 .S83 2000
Berlin: Argument Verlag, c1984.
(Literatur im historischen Prozess; n. F., 13)
(Argument-Sonderband; AS 128)
Suz PT 2619 A6 Z88 1984
Jalan hidupku: autobiografi seorang gay priyayi Jawa awal abad XX. Amen
Budiman, 1992.
[Jakarta]: Apresiasi Gay Jakarta, 1992.
note: original title: Jalan sempurna.
note: Autobiography of a Javanese homosexual in the 1920s to 1930s; Malay
manuscript collection of the National Library, ML 512 and 524.
Suz HQ 75.8 .S83 A3 1992
[Burbank, CA]: RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, c1984, 1959.
note: 1 videodisc (114 min.); sd., b&w; 12 in. Extended play (CLV);
LaserVision; VHS, videocassette release of a 1959 motion picture.
note: cast: Elizabeth Taylor, Katharine Hepburn, Montgomery Clift, Albert
Dekker, Mercedes McCambridge. Screenplay, Gore Vidal & Tennessee Williams.
Based on the play by Tennessee Williams. Videodisc release of the 1959
motion picture.
note: Summary: A psychological drama about the effects of the sordid death
of a young man upon his cousin, whose life and sanity are endangered, and
upon his mother, a wealthy New Orleans widow whose diseased adoration of
her son drew her into his depravity. "VLD5560."
note: see also (for the drama itself): Williams, Tennesse. Suddenly, last
Tac Media Videodisc TAC-76
Bot Media Videorecord BOT-1158 (VHS, Columbia Tristar Home Video)
Filming gay representations: male homosexuality in Hong Kong and
Taiwanese cinema. 2000.
Thesis (M. Phil.) -- University of Hong Kong, 2000.
available online,
NY: H. W. Wilson, 1995.
note: Verbal and physical abuse as stressors in the lives of lesbian, gay
male, and bisexual youths (Ritch C. Savin-Williams), pp. 28-50, reprinted
from the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, v.62, n.2, pp.
26-29, 1994.
Ugl HV 6545 .S815 1995
Lille: Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp, 1995.
(Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp, no. 28)
(Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp. Universite, 6)
Suz HQ 76.25 .S8 1995
Love undetectable: notes on friendship, sex, and survival.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 S85 1998
Virtually normal: an argument about homosexuality.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.25 .S85 1995
The Satyricon of Petronius: a literary study.
London: Faber, 1968.
Suz, Ugl PA 6559 .S8
Information for the female-to male crossdresser and transsexual. 2nd
San Francisco: L. Sullivan, 1985.
Suz HQ 77 .S85 1985
From female to male: the life of Jack Bee Garland.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1980.
Suz HQ 77.8 .G37 S85 1990
The family of woman: lesbian mothers, their children, and the undoing of
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2004.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 75.53 .S85 2004
A critical introduction to queer theory.
NY: New York University Press, 2003.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .S86 2003
Edited by Teresa Williams-Leon and Cynthia L. Nakashima; foreword by
Michael Omi.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, c2001.
note: chapter 12, The Convergence of Passing Zones: Multiracial Gays,
Lesbians, and Bisexuals of Asian Descent (Teresa Williams-Leon), pp.
Ugl E184 .O6 .S86 2001
Santa Monica, CA: MGM Home Entertainment, [2003]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD, English dialogue with optional English, French or
Spanish subtitles; closed-captioned; originally released as a motion
picture in 1994; based on a play by David Stevens.
note: cast- Jack Thompson, Russell Crowe, John Polson, Deborah
Kennedy; credits- director of photography, Geoff Burton; editor, Franss
Vandenburg; music, david Faulkner, Mark Seymour; constume designer, Louise
Spargo; production designer, Graham 'Grace' Walker.
note: A heterosexual father and his gay son are trying to find Ms./Mr.
Right respectively. The film shows their relationship with one another and
the objects of their affection as tragedy strikes.
UglMed DVD MGM 130
The silk road: a novel.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2000.
Ugl PS 3569 .U3815 S55 2000
Circles of power: shifting dynamics in a lesbian-centered community.
Barbara Summerhawk, La Verne Gagehabib.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 O77 2000
Official and confidential: the secret life of J. Edgar Hoover.
NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, c1993.
Suz HV 7911 .H6 S86 1993
Christopher Isherwood.
NY: Ungar, c1980.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PR 6017 .S5 Z85
Gay fictions: Wilde to Stonewall: studies in a male homosexual literary
NY: Continuum, 1990.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PR 888 G34 S86 1990
Manliness and its discontents: the Black middle class and the
transformation of masculinity, 1900-1930.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 4, Flaming youth, pp. 155-199; [chapter] 5, A Man and
Artist, pp. 200-241.
Suz E185.86 .S865 2004
The queen of Whale Cay.
NY: Viking, 1998.
Suz, Ugl, Bot CT 9991 .C37 S96 1998
[s.l.]: MGM/UA Home Video, [1995?]
note: VHS; videocassette release of the 1971 motion picture
note: cast- Glenda Jackson, Peter Finch, Murray Head, Peggy Ashcroft, Tony
Britton, Maurice Denham, Bessie Love, Vivian Pickles.
note: a young designer shares his sexual favors equally between loves of
different sexes, a Jewish doctor and a lady executive
UglMed Videorecord MGM 202672
Designing democracy: what constitutions do.
NY: Oxford University Press, 2001.
note: [chapter] 8, Homosexuality and the constitution, pp. 183-208.
Suz, Law 3165 .S86 2001
One case at a time: judicial minimalism on the Supreme Court.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 7, Sex and sexual orientation, pp. 137-171.
Suz, Bot KF 8748 .S875 1999
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974
note: supplements: Poetarum Lesbiorum fragmenta...
see also: Lobel, Edgar. Poetarum Lesbiorum fragmenta.
Suz PA 3443 .S8 1974
Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, c1999.
note: chapter 11, Queer new institutionalism: notes on the naked power
organ in mainstream constitutional theory and law (Susan Burgess), pp.
Suz KF 8748 .S879 1999
Male sexual armor: erotic fantasies and sexual realities of the cop on the
beat and the man in the street.
Falls Village, CT: Irvington Publishers, 1992.
Suz HQ 28 .S88 1992
Bears on bears: interviews and discussions.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2002.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .S87 2002
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1996.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.3 .S87 1996
[Seattle, WA], Seattle Commission for Lesbians and Gays, [1991]
note: "Co-sponsored by the Seattle Office for Women's Rights and the
Lesbian Resource Center."
Suz HQ 76.3 U5 S97 1991
Washington, D. C.: Sevicemembers Legal Defense Network, 2003.
SocWk UB 418 .G38 S87 2003
[NY: People with AIDS Coalition, Inc., c1987- ]
note: v.1, Hints for the newly diagnosed; v.2, Collected wisdom.
Suz WD 308 S9635 1988 v.1 [and] v.2
Seattle: University of Washington Press, c1997.
note: David Wojnarowicz: a portrait of the artist as X-ray technician
(Peter F. Spooner), pp. 333-365; The Trials of Robert Mapplethorpe (Steven
C. Dubin), pp. 366-389.
Ugl, Art, Bot, Tac N8740 .S87 1997
Nan Goldin: I'll be your mirror. Curated by Elisabeth Sussman and David
Armstrong; with cont[r]ibutions by David Armstrong ... [et al.]; edited by
Nan Goldin, David Armstrong, and Hans Werner Holzwarth.
NY: Whitney Museum of American Art; Zurich: Scalo, c1996.
Art TR 680 .S89 1996
London; Washington, D.C.: Falmer Press, 1993.
Suz WD 308 S964 1993
Eros: an anthology of friendship. Edited by Alistair Sutherland and
Patrick Anderson.
NY: Arno Press, 1975, c1961.
Suz PN 6071 .H724 S9 1975
Stephen Spender: a literary life.
Oxford [England]; NY: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Suz PR 6037 .P47 Z88 2005
Venus as a boy.
NY: Bloomsbury, 2004.
Ugl PR 6069 .U834 V46 2004
Unzipping gender: sex, cross-dressing and culture.
Oxford; NY: Berg, 2004.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 77 .S88 2004
Hearing us out: voices from the gay and lesbian community.
Photographs by Lisa Ebright, with a foreword by M. E. Kerr.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1994.
ChildLit HQ 76.3 U5 S88 1994
The queer Dutchman castaway on Ascension. [Edited] by Peter Agnos.
NY: Green Eagle Press, c1978, 1979 printing
note: Journal translated by M. Jelstra from a volume of sea adventures
published in Amsterdam in 1762.
Suz G530 .S883 1978
NY: Picador USA, c1998.
Suz PS 3569 .W17 F57 1998
Leave a light on for me: a novel.
San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, c1986.
Suz PS 3569 .W23 L43 1986
A woman determined.
Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
Suz, SpecColl PNW PS 3569 .W23 W66 1998
Spokane, WA: Wood-Loehr Creations
SpecColl HQ 75 .S93
v.3,n.6-10 (Jun-Oct 1987), v.4,n.7 (Jul 1988), v.4,n.11-v.5,n.1-5 (Jan-May
From queer to eternity: spirituality in the lives of lesbian, gay, and
bisexual people.
London; Washington: Cassell, 1997.
Suz BL 65 .H64 S94 1997
White Sambo: a novel in stories.
San Francisco: GLB Publishers, c1993.
Suz PS 3569 .W37 W45 1993
Edited by Susannah Radstone.
London: Lawrence & Wishart, c1988.
Suz PR 888 I3 S9 1988
Mary Renault: a biography.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1993.
Suz PR 6035 E55 Z87 1993b
Made with words. Gardner McFall, editor.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998.
Suz PS 3537 .W4786 Z47 1998
Our God too.
NY: Pyramid Books, 1974.
Suz BV 4470 S9
Wenn Ally Frauen küsst-- : Lesben in US-Fernsehserien.
Königstein/Taunus: Helmer, 2003.
Suz PN 1992.8 .H64 S95 2003
Christopher Park regulars.
[Latham, NY: British American Pub., c1989]
Suz PS 3569 .W483 C47 1989
Splendora: a novel.
NY: Viking Press, 1978.
Suz PS 3569 .W483 S64 1978
note: 1 videocassette, VHS.
note: credits- Editors, Andrew T. Neddermeyer, Elaine Trotter and InVision
Productions; narrators, Linda Tillery and Joseph Delgado.
note: A musical and dramatic sone-man show illustrating the African
American spiritual's power to comfort those with AIDS.
UglMed Videorecord HJM 002
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1999.
note: Finding community in the early 1960s. Underground cinema and sexual
politics (Janet Staiger), pp. 39-74; "You are an interesting man" Gender,
empire and desire in David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia (Abdullah Habib
AlMaaini), pp. 76-102; Making the homophile manifest (Mark D. Jordan),
pp. 180-205; Rusty fems out. Straightening hair, sexuality, and gender in
Freckled and Fourteen (Erica Rand), pp. 326-346.
Suz, Tac HQ 18 .U5 S95 1999
Coming out as parents: you and your homosexual child.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, c1996.
note: Rev. ed. of: Parents of the homosexual. (1980)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 S94 1996
Parents of the homosexual. By David K. Switzer and Shirley Switzer.
Philadelphia: Westminster Press, c1980.
(Christian care books, 11)
note: for rev. ed. (1996), see Switzer, David K. Coming out as
Suz HQ 76.25 .S93 1980
[Culver City, CA]: Strand Releasing Home Video, c2004.
note: DVD; originally produced as motion picture by Intolerance
Productions, Inc. and Fine Line Features in 1992.
note: cast - Craig Chester, Daniel Schlachet, Ron Vawter, Michael Kirby,
Michael Stumm; credits - director of photography, Ellen Kuras; editor, Tom
Kalin; music, James Bennett.
note: A film noir "thriller" that presents the true case of Nathan Leopold
and Richard Loeb, brilliant young men from good Jewish families, who were
convicted for murdering a 13-year-old boy; story has a homosexual
UglMed DVD STRAN 017
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, c1999.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia),
Suz HQ 76.2 .A82 S94 1999
also available online,
The society of captives.
Princeton University Press, 1958.
note: The Deprivation of Heterosexual Relationships, pp. 70-72; Wolves,
Punks, and Fags, pp. 95-99.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Business HV 9475 .N52 T7
Teaching bodies, learning desires: feminist-poststurctural life histories
of heterosexual and lesbian physical education teachers in western
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of British Columbia, 1998
available online:
[The Center, 1998?]
note: v.3: Arts and humanities collection
Suz HQ 75.16 .U6 S95 1998 v.3
The brutality of fact: interviews with Francis Bacon. 3rd enl. ed.
London: Thames & Hudson, 1987.
note: previously published in the USA as Interviews with Francis
Art, Bot ND 497 .B16 S92 1987
Looking back at Francis Bacon.
London: Thames & Hudson, 2000.
Art ND 497 .B16 S95 2000
[Seattle, WA: University of Washington School of Law, 1997]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS.
note: presenters- Walter J. Walsh; Marieka M. Klawitter; recorded at
the University of Washington School of Law, on Mar. 7, 1997; sponsored
by the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students' Society.
Law KF 4754.5 .S96 1997 3/4/97
John Addington Symonds, a biography,
compiled from his papers and correspondence by Horatio F. Brown. 2d ed.
London: Smith, Elder, 1903.
Suz 921 Sy67s2
The letters of John Addington Symonds.
Ed. Herbert M. Schueller & Robert L. Peters. 3v.
Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1967-1969.
Suz, Ugl PR 5523 .A4 1967 (Suz v.1, v.3; Ugl v.1, v.2, v.3)
Male love: a problem in Greek ethics and other writings.
Foreword by Robert Peters; edited by John Lauritsen.
NY: Pagan Press, 1983.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G8 S95 1983
The memoirs of John Addington Symonds.
Ed. and intro. by Phyllis Grosskurth.
London: Hutchinson, 1984.
Suz PR 5523 .A425 1984
A problem in Greek ethics and other writings.
Foreword by Robert Peters; edited by John Lauritsen.
NY: Pagan Press, 1983
see: Symonds, John Addington. Male love: a problem in Greek ethics and
other writings.
A problem in Greek ethics, being an inquiry into the phenomenon of sexual
inversion, addressed especially to medical psychologists and jurists.
NY: Haskell House, 1971. [reprint of 1901 ed.]
Suz HQ 76 .S85 1901a
A problem in modern ethics: being an inquiry into the phenomenon of sexual
inversion addressed especially to medical psychologists and jurists.
London: The Author, 1896.
HSLIC Special Coll. HQ 76 .S853 1896
Sexual inversion.
see: Symonds, John Addington. Studies in sexual inversion....
Studies in sexual inversion embodying: A study in Greek ethics and A Study
in modern ethics.
Privately printed, 1928.
note: reprinted in 1984 under the title: Sexual inversion.
HSLIC 392.6 Sy67s
Walt Whitman; a study.
London: G. Routledge; NY: Dutton [1893]
Suz 921 W596sl
Suz 921 W596s (Nimmo ed.)
The quest for Corvo; an experiment in biography.
London: Cassell, [1934]
note: biography of Frederick Rolfe
Suz, SpecCollAuthors PR 5236 .R27 Z8
Helmet of flesh: a novel.
NY: New American Library, [1988], c1986.
Suz PR 9199.3 .S97 H4 1988
[Stockholm]: Stockholmia forlag, [1999]
(Stockholmsmonografier, v.78:2)
Suz HQ 76.2 .S82 S877 1999
[San Francisco]: The Swig Judaic Studies Program at the University of San
Francisco, 2002.
note: Swig lecture, April 21, 2002
Suz BM 729 .H65 S96 2002
John K. Meyer, guest editor.
(Clinics in plastic surgery, v.1, no. 2)
Philadelphia: Saunders, 1974.
HSLIC W1 CL 831D v.1 no. 2
Atlanta, GA: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, [2004]
available online:
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, c2004.
(Monograph 7/2004)
Suz WC 144 S994 2004
available online,
The manufacture of madness; a comparative study of the Inquisition and the
mental health movement.
NY: Harper & Row [1970]
note: [chapter] 13, The Model Psychiatric Scapegoat -- The Homosexual, pp.
Ugl WM 11 S996m 1970
Bot WM 440 S996i 1977
Das Gastmahl: ein Kapitel aus dem verlorenen Roman Ephebos.
Ubersetzt und herausgegeben von Wolfgang Johling.
Berlin: Rosa Winkel, c1993.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel, Bd. 6)
note: manuscript of the novel Ephebos, now lost, was originally in Polish.
This chapter survived in a Russian translation by the author, which was
subsequently translated back into Polish after its rediscovery. Also
included are four poems originally written in French.
Suz PG 7158 .S897 A6 1993
Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 2003.
note: Aspects of arts, culture, and language of gay and lesbian in the
Philippines; collection of articles.
Suz HQ 76.2 .P6 T33 2003
NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz GN 346 .T33 1995
Providence, R. I.: Berghahn Books, 1996.
Suz PT 111 .T3 1996
[Watertown, CT]: GLSEN, c1999.
CurMat LC 192.6 .T33 1999
Tacoma, WA: Tacoma Advisor, [1986]-
SpecColl HQ 75 .T317
v.1,n.1 (Jun 1986); v.1,n.3-4 (Aug/Sep 1986-Oct 1986); v.1,n.6 (Nov 1986);
v.2,n.2 (May 1987); v.2,n.5-8 (Aug-Dec 1987)
TLC newsletter.
Tacoma, WA: Tacoma Lesbian Concern
SpecColl HQ 75 .T29a
Dec 1989; Jan-Feb 1998; Apr 1998-Jul 1999; Sep 1999-Jul 2000; Sep 2000-Mar
2001; May 2001-Jul 2002; Sep 2002; Nov 2002-Dec 2003
Tacoma, WA: Tacoma Sounds
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .T32
V.1,n.1-v.3,n.10 (Aug 1988-Oct 1990); v.3,n.12-v.4,n.2 (Dec 1990-Feb
1991); v.4,n.4 (Apr 1991); v.6,n.12 (Dec 1993); v.8,n.6-8 (Jun 1995-Aug
v.8,n.10 (Oct 1995); v.8,n.12 (Dec 1995); v.9,n.3 (Mar 1996)
Lytton Strachey and the search for modern sexual identity: the last
eminent Victorian.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2002.
Suz PR 6037 .T73 Z87 2002
Marcel Proust. Translated by Euan Cameron.
NY: Viking, 2000.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z925213 2000
Marcel Proust: biographie.
[Paris]: Gallimard, c1996.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z933 1996
Party crasher: a gay Republican challenges politics as usual.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1999.
Suz, Ugl E840.8 .T34 1999
Homoszexualitás és társadalom.
Budapest: Új Mandátum Könyvkiadó, 2004.
Suz HQ 76.3 .H9 T35 2004
Social exclusion of young lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT)
people in Europe.
Brussels, Belgium: ILGA-Europe; Amsterdam, the Netherlands: IGLYO,
available online,
Muku no chikara: "shonen" hyosho bungakuron.
Tokyo: Kodansha, 2003.
EASia PL 721 .H59 T35 2003
Homelessness, AIDS, and stigmatization: the NIMBY syndrome in the United
States at the end of the twentieth century.
Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Suz HM 136 .T25 1998
A bunch of keys; selected poems.
Translated by Hiroaki Sato; with an introduction by Robert Peters.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1984.
note: translation of Kagitaba.
Suz, Ugl PL 862 A4212 K313 1984.
Sleeping sinning falling. Translated from the Japanese by Hiroaki
San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1992.
EAsia PL 862 .A4212 A27 1992
NY: Asian American Writers' Workshop: Distributed by Temple University
Press, c2000.
Ugl PS 508 .G39 T35 2000
U.S. women writers and the discourses of colonialism, 1825-1861.
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, c2003.
chapter 3, Heterosexual national economy; Eliza Leslie, Catharine Beecher,
and the Child on the Home Front, pp. 62-81; chapter 5, "Queer" Burma;
Emily Judson in Southeast Asia, pp. 125-149.
Suz, Tac PS 228 .I6 T35 2003
Edited by Erica Carter & Simon Watney.
London: Serpent's Tail in association with the ICA, 1989.
Suz, SocWk, Tac WD 308 T136 1989
Edited by Michael Bronski.
NY: Masquerade Books, 1996.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 T35 1996
Sydney, NSW: NCHSR, c2003.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia)),
Suz WC 503.6 T1355 2003
Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, c2007.
note: issue 13, Is sexual orientation conversion therapy ethical?
(Christopher H. Rosik, Robert-Jay Green), pp. 272-290.
Ugl WM 140 T136 2007
Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill, c2007.
note: Issue 9, Should same-sex couples be able to marry? (Larry A. Kurdek,
Peter Sprigg), pp. 150-165; issue 10, Can lesbian and gay couples be
appropriate parents for children? (American Psychological Association,
Timothy J. Dailey), pp. 166-179.
Ugl HQ 1075 .T39 2007
Selected, edited, and with introductions by Richard P. Halgin.
Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, c2003.
note: Issue 18, Is sexual orientation conversion therapy ethical? (Mark A.
Yarhouse, Douglas C. Haldeman), pp. 320-351.
Bot WM 140 T136 2003
Selected, edited, and with introductions by Richard P. Halgin.
Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, c2005.
note: Issue 20, Is sexual orientation conversion therapy ethical? Yes
(Mark A. Yarhouse), No (Douglas C. Haldeman), pp. 364-395.
Tac WM 140 T136 2005
Edited, selected, and with introductions by Alison D. Spalding.
Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, c1998.
note: issue 14, Do Lesbian couples naturally adopt separate gender roles?,
pp. 254-269.
Suz HQ 1075.5 .U6 T355 1998
Selected, edited, and with introductions by Stephen Satris. 9th ed.
Guildford, CT: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, c2004.
note: issue 16, Should hate-crime laws explicitly protect sexual
orientation? (Elizabeth Birch, Paul M. Weyrich), pp. 298-308.
Ugl, Bot BJ 1012 .T24 2004
Seattle: Chicken Soup Brigade
note: bimonthly
SpecCollOversize HV 99 .S62 C54a
Mar-May 1996; May/Jun 1998-Nov/Dec 2000
Boys will be girls: the hidden world of the heterosexual male
Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c1982.
Ugl HQ 77 T34 1982
Warts and all: reflections of a garden variety drunk: an autobiographical
gay-man blackout.
Seattle: Rain City Projects, c1993.
Drama PS 3570 A93 1993
Subject to identity: knowledge, sexuality, and academic practices in
higher education.
Albany: State University of New York Press, c2000.
Suz, Bot LB 2332.32 .T24 2000
Hollywood, CA: Paramount [2000]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; closed-captioned; based on the novel by
Patricia Highsmith
note: cast- Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, Cate Blanchett.
note: credits- director of photography, John Seale; editor, Walter Murch;
music, Gabriel Yared.
note: Tom Ripley is a calculating young man who believes it's better to be
a fake somebody than a real nobody. He's hired to go to Italy to bring
back the playboy son of a millionaire and soon is plunged into a daring
scheme of duplicity, lies and murder. Tom denies being a homosexual.
UglMed Videorecord PARA 032
[Silver Spring, MD]: Acorn Media, [2002]
note: DVD, complete 6-episode unedited ed., based on the novel by
Armistead Maupin; originally produced as a television mini-series for
American Playhouse in 1993.
note: cast- Olympia Dukakis, Donald Moffat, Laura Linney, Marcus D'Amico,
Chloe Webb, Thomas Gibson, Barbara Garrick, Billy Campbell, Paul Gross;
cinematography, Walt Lloyd; editor, David Gamble; music, John Keane.
UglMed DVD ACM 006
NY: Peter Lang, c2005.
note: [chapter] 9, Ticket to a queer planet? Communication issues
affecting young lesbian and gay people (Sarah O'Flynn), pp. 147-161.
Suz HQ 796 .T345 2005
Edited by Valerie Mason-John.
London: Cassell, 1995.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G7 T25 1995
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, c2002.
note: [chapter] 4, It's a Catch-22: same-sex-attracted young people on
coming out to parents (Lynne Hillier), pp. 75-91.
Suz HQ 57.3 .T36 2002
Inside gayland.
Delhi: Kalpaz Publications, 2001.
Suz PR 9499.3 .T365 I57 2001
A history of homosexuality in Europe: Berlin, London, Paris,
NY: Algora, 2004-
note: translation of Histoire de l'homosexualité en Europe.
Suz HQ 76.3 .E8 T3513 2004
Suz HQ 76.3 .E8 T3513 2004 v.2
Hollywood, CA: Tangents, c1965-1970
SpecColl HQ 75 .T35
v.1,n.1-2 (Oct 1965-Nov 1965); v.1,n.4-6 (Jan 1966-Mar 1966); v.1,n.8-10
(May 1966-Jul 1966); v.2,n.2-6 (Nov 1966-Mar/Apr 1968*); v.3,n.1-5/7 (Oct
1968-Feb/Apr 1969)
*v.2,n.6 (Mar/Apr 1968) is probably actually 1967 (v.2,n.5 is Feb 1967)
Trans-gendered: theology, ministry, and communities of faith.
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2003.
Suz BR 115 .T76 T36 2003
Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1985.
EAsiaAux AC 145 .I9 Ser.6 005-4
Quicksand. Translated from the Japanese by Howard Hibbett.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf; distributed by Random House, 1994.
note: Translation of: Manji.
EAsia PL 839 .A7 M3613 1994
A Parisian from Kansas.
NY: Dutton, c1997.
Suz, Ugl PS 3570 .A5678 P37 1997
[NY]: Water Bearer Films, [2004]
note: DVD, originally released as a motion picture in 2001.
note: cast- Karim Tarek, Riyad Echahi, Mustapha Khaddar, Sihem Benamoune
and Farid Tali.
note: credits- photography, Serge Feuillard; editors, Remi Lange, Antoine
Parlebas; music, Bruno Haney.
note: This romantic drama follows a young and apparently straight
French-Algerian student, Karim, on a sociological quest to find gay Muslims.
Through his investigations, the likable and handsome Karim meets a number
of gay Arabs, from self-focussed Youssef to sexually aggressive Mustapha.
But it is handsome flight attendant Farid who leaves a lasting impression.
While the friendship between Karim and Farid slowly intensifies, Karim is
forced to confront the fact that his investigation will not only reveal
the fascinating history and culture of gay Muslims, but also his own
UglMed DVD WBF 008
Olympia, WA: The Department, [1993]
Suz HQ 76.2 .U6 T37 1993
Growing up in a lesbian family: effects on child development.
By Fiona L. Tasker and Susan Golombok.
NY: Guilford Press, c1997.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HQ 777.8 .T39 1997
Boys like her: transfictions. By Taste This, Anna Camilleri ... [et al.];
photography by Tala Brandeis, Chloe Brushwood Rose & Tricia McDonald.
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1998.
Suz PR 9197.33 .G39 T37 1998
NY: Avon Books, c1995.
Suz PS 648 .L47 T37 1995
Same sex, same laws: lesbians, gay men, and the law in B. C.
[Vancouver]: Public Legal Education Program, Legal Services Society,
Suz KEB 458.3 .H6 T38 1996
The battle for Bermondsey. Preface by Tony Benn. 2d ed.
London: Heretic, 1984, c1983.
Suz JN 956 .T37 1984
Europe in the pink: lesbian & gay equality in the new Europe.
London: GMP, 1992.
Suz HQ 76.8 .E85 T38 1992
We don't want to march straight: masculinity, queers and the
London: Cassell, 1995.
Suz, Tac UB 418 .G38 T38 1995
The insatiable psalm: poems.
Hershey, PA: Wind River Press, 2005.
Suz PS 3620 .A895 I57 2005
A life through poetry: Marina Tsvetaeva's lyric diary.
Columbus, OH: Slavica Publishers, 1989, c1988.
Suz PG 3476 .T75 Z89 1989
written and directed by Frank Ripploh; producers, Frank Ripploh, Horst Shier,
Laurens Straub.
[NY]: cinevista, [2002?]
note: DVD, In German with English subtitles, originally released as a
motion picture in 1981; contains explicit sex scenes intended for adult
note: cast- Frank Ripploh, Bernd Broaderup, Peter Fahrni, Orpha Termin,
Dieter Godde; credits- cinematography, Horst Schier; music, Hans
Wittstatt; editors, Gela-Marina Runne, Matthias Von Gunten.
note: German writer/director Frank Ripploh stars in this candid
autobiography about a homosexual school teacher who can't say no.
UglMed DVD CVV 001
Alberta Hunter: a celebration in blues. [By] Frank Taylor with Gerald
NY: McGraw-Hill, c1987.
Ugl ML 420 .H949 T35 1987
El Ambiente: male homosexual social life in Mexico City.
Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1984.
note: Thesis (Ph. D.), University of California, Berkeley, 1978.
note: photocopy
Suz HQ 76.3 .M62 T39 1978a
MicNews Microfiche M-3461 (Human Relations Area Files, NU54, Mexico,
D.F.;19, selections form thesis)
Waiting for the call: from preacher's daughter to lesbian mom.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2007.
Suz BR 1725 .T29 A3 2007
The last of her lies.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1996.
SpecColl Book Arts PS 3570 .A935 L3 1996
We know where you live: a Maggie Garrett mystery.
Seattle, WA: Seal Press; [Emeryville, CA]: Distributed to the trade by
Publishers Group West, c1995.
Suz PS 3570 .A935 W4 1995
Lesbians talk violent relationships.
By Joelle Taylor and Tracey Chandler.
London: Scarlet Press, c1995.
SocWk HQ 75.6 .G7 T39 1995
The innocent.
Santa Barbara, CA: Fithian Press, 1997.
Suz PS 3570 .A9516 I5 1997
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, c1998.
Suz PS 3570 .A9544 C63 1998
Faultline: a novel.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1982 (1995 printing)
Tac PS 3570 .A9544 F3 1982
Working-class lesbian life: classed outsiders.
Basingstoke [England]; NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Suz HQ 75.6 .G7 T29 2007
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1998.
note: Tchaikovsky androgyne: The Maid of Orleans (Leslie Kearney), pp.
Music, Tac ML 410 .C4 T36 1998
The homoerotic art of Pavel Tchelitchev, 1929-1939.
[North Pomfret, VT.]: Elysium Press, c1999.
ArtDesk ND 699 .T4 A4 1999
Seattle: The Group,
note: continues The Dorian Group Newsletter, see The Dorian Group
note: Jun 1983 is numbered v.8,n.5, but is actually v.8,n.6; Apr 1987
is unnumbered
SpecCollPNW HQ 75 .D67
SpecCollPNW HQ 75 .D67
v.5,n.9-v.9,n.4 (Oct 1980-Apr 1984); v.9,n.6-v.14,n.3 (Sep 1984-Apr 1989)
The Chelsea whistle.
NY: Seal Press, c2002.
Suz PS 3570 .E15 Z45 2002
Rent girl. Written by Michelle Tea; illustrated by Laurenn McCubbin.
San Francisco: Last Gasp, c2004.
Ugl, SpecCollBkArts PS 3570 .E15 R45 2004
Rose of no man's land: a novel.
San Francisco: MacAdam/Cage Pub., c2005.
Ugl PS 3570 .E15 R67 2005
Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, an imprint of Avalon Pub. Group, c2000.
Ugl PS 3570 .E15 V35 2000
Edited by Maurianne Adams, Lee Anne Bell, Pat Griffin.
NY: Routledge, 1997.
note: chapter 8, Heterosexism Curriculum Design (Pat Griffin, Bobbi
Harro), pp. 141-169.
SocWk LC 196.5 .U6 T43 1997
NY: Routledge, c2007.
note: Overview: Sexism, heterosexism, and transgender oppression (Pat
Griffin), pp. 167-172; [chapter] 8, Sexism curriculum design (Steven
Botkin, Joanne Jones, Tanya Kachwaha), pp. 173-193; [chapter] 9,
Heterosexism curriculum design (Pat Griffin, Katja Hahn D'Errico, Bobbie
Harro, Tom Schiff), pp. 195-218; [chapter] 10, Transgender oppression
curriculum design (Chase Catalano, Linda McCarthy, Davey Shlasko), pp.
Suz LC 196.5 .U6 T43 2007 text
Suz LC 196.5 .U6 T43 2007
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, c22003.
note: [chapter] 20, Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex
issues in the psychology curriculum (Jacqueline S. Weinstock), pp.
Ugl BF 77 .T4 2003
note: Outing lesbian health in medical education (Ruth McNair), pp.
NY: Haworth Medical Press, 2003.
Tac WA 309 T253 2003
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, c2002.
note: [chapter] 4, The queer performance that will have been;
student-teachers in the archive (Craig Gingrich-Philbrook), pp. 69-84.
Bot PN 1576 .T43 2002
NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2000.
Suz, BotRef Z711.2 .T43 2000
note: [chapter] 8, Creating a positive learning environment for gay,
lesbian, and bisexual students (Nancy J. Evans), pp. 81-87.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, c2000.
Suz, Bot LB 1060 .T39 2000
The gay militants.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1995.
note: originally published by Stein and Day, 1971.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 T4 1995
SocWk HQ 76 .T4 (Stein and Day, 1971 ed.)
Personal best [sound recording]
Portland, OR: Chainsaw/Candy-Ass Records: Distributed by Revolver USA,
note: contents, Fagetarian and dyke; Hate the Christain right!; She's
crushing my mind; Freewheel; She's amazing; Fake fight; #1 chance pirate
TV; D.A. don't care; Growing up in Springfield; Screwing yer courage.
note: recorded Aug. 12-16, 1994 at Avast!; performed by Team Dresch.
UglMed Cd CHSW 002
San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2005.
note: [chapter] 7, Homosexual activist groups are recruiting students
into homosexuality (Ed Vitagliano), pp. 60-65; [chapter] 8, Gay-straight
alliances provide students with a valuable forum (Leslie Bulion), pp.
Bot HQ 27 .T387 2005
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, c2000.
(At issue)
note: [chapter] 3, Homosexuality is a risk factor for teen suicide (James
Orlando), pp. 19-24; [chapter] 11, The extent of homosexual teen suicide
is exaggerated (Delia M. Rios), pp. 88-91.
Suz, Bot HV 6546 .T42 2000
Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press/Thomson Gale, c2006.
note: Viewpoint 3, Homosexuality should be discussed in high schools (Bill
Boushka), pp. 183-192; Viewpoint 4, Homosexuality should not be discussed
in high schools (Linda P. Harvey), pp. 193-199.
Bot HQ 27 .T422 2006
The mak nyahs: Malaysian male to female transsexuals.
Singapore: Eastern Universities Press, 2002.
Suz HQ 77.95 .M4 T44 2002
Male to male: sexual feeling across the boundaries of identity.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 1090 .T453 2000
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006.
(Opposing viewpoints)
note: Chapter 1, Viewpoint 7, Reality TV Shows Perpetuate Stereotypes
of Gays (Dana Stevens), pp. 54-58; Viewpoint 8, Reality TV Shows Help
Debunk Stereotypes of Gays (Erik Meers), pp. 59-66.
Bot PN 1992.6 T377 2006
Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, c2001.
note: [chapter] 9, Pixies: homosexuality, anti-communism, and the
Army-McCarthy hearings (Thomas Doherty), pp. 193-206.
Suz PN 1992.56 .T45 2001
Twilight men: a novel.
NY: Lion Books, 1950.
Suz PS 3539 .E35 T8 1950
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Suz PR 9194.5 .W6 T44 1990
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2003.
Suz HQ 75.3 .T45 2003
San Francisco, CA: Frameline, [2005]
note: DVD; Ndim ndim is in Xhosa with English subtitles
note: The three short films (1 parody and 2 documentaries) made for the
Out in Africa-sponsored Telling Tales workshop in 2005.
note: Tai Chi for tipplers: This timeless, hilarious self-help film uses
secret ancient teachings to assist lesbians from all walks of life in
coping with the rigours and stresses of their daily activism and angst.
Wanted: From the age of 21, Matthew has wanted to be a parent. With quiet
dignity, this gentle film examines Matthew's personal perspective on
single parenthood and getting to know his son in the new South Africa.
Ndim, ndim: A fascinating portrait of the brave, quietly persistent Funeka
Soldaat who is an out lesbian and anti-abuse activist.
note: contents- Tai Chi for tipplers. An Out In Africa production; a film
by Karen Rutter and Jenny Radlof; produced by Nodi Murphy and Sharon
Jackson -- Wanted. An Out In Africa production; a film by Lisa Holland;
produced by Nodi Murphy and Sharon Jackson-- Ndim ndim = it's me, it's me.
An Out In Africa production; a film by Martha Qumba; produced by Nodi
Murphy and Sharon Jackson.
UglMed DVD FRAM 009
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz LC 2575 .T45 1998
Hombres con hombres con hombres: Männlichkeit im Spannungsfeld
zwischen macho und marica in der argentinischen Erzählliteratur
Berlin: Edition Tranvia, 2002.
(Gender Studies Romanistik, Bd. 8)
Suz PQ 7707 .M39 T45 2002
1 videocassette; VHS format.
NY: Women Make Movies, c1995.
note: Autobiographical film tracing the life of Barbara Hammer, lesbian
film maker, including numerous black and white stills from her early
UglMed Videorecord WMM 075
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1154
NY: Routledge, 2002.
note: "That quiet little play"; bourgeois tragedy, female impersonation,
and a portrait of the artist in The Glass Menagerie, pp. 33-50; The
politics of sexual ambiguity in Sweet Bird of Youth, pp. 79-90.
(Casebooks on modern dramatists, v.31)
Drama, Bot PS 3545 .I5365 Z84514 2002
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1977.
note: "Authorized and sponsored by the University of Southern Mississippi,
note: In pursuit of the lyric quarry: the image of the homosexual in
Tennessee Williams' prose fiction (Edward A. Sklepowich), pp. 525-545;
Sexual roles in the works of Tennessee Williams (Robert Emmet Jones), pp.
The haunted mind: an autobiography.
London: A. Deutsch, 1984.
Suz PR 6039 .E64 Z464 1984
Lessing, Goethe, Kleist, and the transformation of gender: from
hermaphrodite to amazon.
NY: P. Lang, c2003.
(American university studies. Series I, Germanic languages and literature,
v. 110)
Suz PT 289 .T47 2003
The practical and conceptual problems with regulating harassment in a
discriminatory institution.
[Santa Barbara, CA]: Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the
Military, [2004]
available online:
College Park, MD: Art Gallery, University of Maryland, c1997.
note: Nancy Fried, pp. 8-9.
Art N8354 .T47 1997
Manchester, UK; NY: Manchester University Press: Distributed exclusively
in the USA by St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz HQ 76.25 .T477 2000
An American obsession: science, medicine, and homosexuality in modern
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 T45 1999
Dancing after the whirlwind: feminist reflections on sex, denial and
spiritual transformation.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1997.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1190 .T434 1997
Gay relationships for men and women: how to find them, how to improve
them, how to make them last.
Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher; NY: distributed by St. Martin's Press,
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.25 T37 1989
Edited by Sarah Homes.
Boston: Alyson Publications, c1988.
Suz HQ 75.5 .T47 1988
Inside out: straight talk from a gay jock.
Mississauga, ON: J. Wiley and Sons Canada, c2006.
Ugl GV 838 .T38 A3 2006
Edited by Robert P. Cabaj, Terry S. Stein.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1996.
HSLIC WM 611 T355 1996
London: Sage, 1989.
(Inquiries in social construction)
note: [chapter] 6, The regulation of lesbian identities: liberal humanism
as an ideology of social control (Celia Kitzinger), pp. 82-98.
Suz BF 698.9 .S63 T49 1989
see: Luxurious sexualities:...(special issue)
Sakhiyani: lesbian desire in ancient and modern India.
London; NY: Cassell, 1996.
Suz HQ 75.6 .I4 T53 1996
Tabuzonen lesbischer Sexualität. [Mit einem Nachwort von Rüdiger
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 1997.
(WerkstattTexte. SchwulLesbische Studien Bremen, 2)
Suz HQ 75.6 .G3 T43 1997
Directors, Laurie Colbert and Dominique Cardona; producer, Laurie Colbert;
editor, Geraldine Peroni.
NY: distributed by Women Make Movies, 1992.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS.
note: Directors, Laurie Colbert and Dominique Cardona;
producer, Laurie Colbert; editor, Geraldine Peroni.
note: Lesbians of various backgrounds are asked to express their feelings
and thoughts on being a lesbian, coming out, relationships, feminism,
outing famous people, s & m, bisexuality, and history of the gay
UglMed Viderorecord WMM 028
[Krung Thep: Samnakphim Lek-Lek, 2548 i.e. 2005]
note: stories of relationships between gay men in Thailand
Suz PL 4208 .T43 2005
Edited by Susan Swartzlander and Marilyn R. Mumford.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1992.
Suz PS 3537 .A832 Z89 1992
NY: Routledge, 1999.
Suz BF 175.5 .S48 T43 1999
NY: Manchester University Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 5, Rochester's homoeroticism (Paul Hammond), pp.
Suz PR 3669 .R2 T43 2000
San Francisco: Women's Educational Media, c2000.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: credits- editor, Kate Stilley; director of photography, Fawn Yacker;
original score, Jon Herbst; graphic design and animation, Pam Stalker &
Sara Petty.
note: Designed for children in elementary school, this film shows the many
different shapes that families take today. Children describe their own
families and explain concepts like "birth mom", "mixed race", "gay and
lesbian", and "stepdad."
UglMed Videorecord WEMI 002
UglMed Videorecord WEMI 002 guide
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1532
TacMed Videorecord TAC-1532 guide
[South Burlington, VT]: California Newsreel, [2001?]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; in English and Xitswa with English
note: credits: That's me: camera, Patrick Lindsell; editor, Grettl Hughes;
music, Keith Farquharson; Choose life: original music, Kapa Dech; director
of photography, Pipas Forjaz; editor, Matthieu Bron.
note: in That's Me, a HIV-positive drag queen discusses being gay and
HIV-positive in Zimbabwe
note: Choose life is Mozambican music video centered around the funeral of
a young man who has died of AIDS. It stresses that people should cherish
and enjoy life while acting responsibily regarding HIV and AIDS.
UglMed Videorecord CALN 153
Brooklyn: Soft Skull Press, c2004.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 T47 2004
Poemes elegiaques. Texte etabli et traduit par Jean Carriere.
Paris: Belles Lettres, 1948.
note: French and Greek on opposite pages.
note: Livre 2, pp. 85-91, devoted to male-male love poetry. Commentaire
critique, pp. 135-138.
note: see also: Edmonds, J. M. (John Maxwell), ed. and tr. Elegy and
Suz 888.9 T342p
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2003.
note: [chapter] 8, In the shadows of Stonewall: examining gay
transnational politics and the diasporic dilemma, (Martin F. Manalansan
IV), pp. 207-230.
Suz JV 6032 .T44 2003
[A special issue of] Signs. Journal of women in culture and society. v.18,
n.4, (Summer) 1993.
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 1101 S55 v.18
NY: Haworth Clinical Practice Press, c2003.
SocWk WM 420 T3984 2003
Washington, D. C.: American Psychiatric Press, c1994.
NatSci, Tac WD 308 T398 1994
Edited by Loralee MacPike.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1989.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 T47 1989
Seattle, WA: Safe Schools Coalition, [1999]
note: "a report on the five year anti-violence research project of the
Safe Schools Coalition of Washington State."
Suz, Bot, Tac HV 6250.4 .H66 T48 1999
Mexico, D.F.: UAEM and Gringoyo; NY: Distributed by Latin American Video
Archives, 2002.
note 1 videocassette; in Spanish with English subtitles.
note: A documentary on gay life in a small Mexican town, focusing on the
Mojiganga, the one day of the year when gay men are given free licence by
the town to be who they are.
UglMed Videorecord LAVA 042
A brief history of outrage.
[S.l.]: Think Again: Politicizing Pictures Press, c2003.
note: visual protests of outrages against queers, the
poor, immigrants, women, workers, people of color, and foreign labor by means
of the law, economic and social policies, cultural prejudices, and military
technology; unpaged.
Tac N72 .P6 T45 2003
NY: Peter Lang, c2000.
(Counterpoints, v. 118)
Suz, Bot LC 192.6 .T55 2000
NY; London: Routledge, 2005.
Suz HQ 76.4 .T45 2005
Buffallo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1993.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.5 T47 1993
NY: Zone Books, 1994.
Suz, Tac HQ 71 .T57 1994
London; NY: I.B. Taurus; NY Distributed in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan,
note: [chapter] 4, Getting wet: the heteroflexibility of Showtime's The L
Word (Candace Moore), pp. 119-146; [chapter] 5, Queer as box: Boi
spectators and boy culture on Showtime's Queer as Folk (Bobby Noble), pp.
147-165; [chapter] 7, "The Room" as "Heterosexual Closet": the life and
death of alternative relationalities on HBO's Six Feet Under (Leslie
Heywood), pp. 189-217.
Suz PN 1992.8 .W65 T45 2007
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1990.
note: some stories include lesbian themes and lesbian detectives
Ugl PS 648 .D4 S36 1989
Editors: Cherrie Moraga, Gloria Anzaldua; foreword: Toni Cade Bambara.
Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.
note: The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. Comments
at "The personal and the political" panel. [Second Sex Conference, October
29, 1979] (Audre Lorde), pp. 98-106; Across the kitchen table;
a sister-to-sister dialogue (Barbara Smith and Beverly Smith),
pp. 113-127; Lesbianism: an act of resistance (Cheryl Clarke), pp.
note: for translation into Spanish, see Esta puente, mi espalda. The
Spanish edition does not have the Smith dialogue.
Ugl PS 508 .W7 T44
Editors, Cherrie Moraga, Gloria Anzaldua; foreword, Toni Cade Bambara.
NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, c1983.
note: The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house, comments
at "The personal and the political" panel (Second Sex Conference, October
29, 1979)(Audre Lorde), pp. 98-101; Across the kitchen table, a
sister-to-sister dialogue (Barbara Smith and Beverly Smith),
pp. 113-127; Lesbianism: an act of resistance (Cheryl Clarke), pp.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PS 508 .W7 T44 1983
NY: Routledge, 2002.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 509 .L47 T48 2002
Vancouver: UBC Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 8, Where the mountain men meet the lesbian rangers:
gender, nation, and nature in the Rocky Mountain National Parks (Catriona
Sandilands), pp. 142-162.
Suz HQ 1453 .T55 2005
NY: Filmakers Library, [1991?]
note: VHS format. Producer/director Jan Mathew.
Documents the particular grief experienced with the death of a gay male or
lesbian partner, in the light of a prejudiced and insensitive society.
UglMedia Videorecord FML 025
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1999.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 .U5 T55 1999
[London: Wynkyn de Worde, 1517?]
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 1940. 1 microfilm reel
(Early English books, 1475-1640, 67:8)
note: imprint conjectured by STC; reproduction of the original in the
Bodleian Library; imperfect; a fragment consisting of two leaves, the
first of which is torn, with loss of print (title taken from STC 11361, of
which this is another edition)
note: available online to University of Washington users
MicNews Microfilm A99600 Reel 67:8
Here begynneth a propre
treatyse of a marchauntes wife, that afterwarde wente lyke a man and became a
grete lorde, and was called Frederyke of Iennen. [microform]
[Imprynted at London: In Puales churchyarde at the sygne of the Lambe, by
[W. Copland for] Abraham Vele, [1560?]
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 1980
1 microfilm reel
(Early English books, 1475-1640, 1546:3)
note: imprint from colophon; actual printer's name and publication date
from STC; reproduction of the original in the British Library
note: available online to University of Washington users
MicNews Microfilm A9600 Reel 1546:3
Jean Genet: a study of his novels and plays.
NY: Stein and Day [1969, c1968]
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 Z886 1969
Drama PQ 2613 .E53 Z886 (Hamilton ed., 1968)
Marcel Proust.
Basingstoke: Macmillan Education, 1987.
note: [chapter] 5, Heredity, homosexuality and science, pp. 68-84.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z935 1987b
Ugl PW 2631 .R63 Z935 1988 (American edition, St. Martin's Press, 1988)
Eye of water: poems.
Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, c2005.
Suz PS 3570 .H543 E93 2005
The crumple zone: a comedy.
London: Samuel French, c2001
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Crumple zone
Spirits in the dark.
Oxford; Portsmouth, N. H.: Heinemann, 1994.
Suz PR 9199.3 .T46 S64 1994
Sexual orientation and human rights. Laurence M. Thomas, Michael E.
Lanham, MD.: Rowman & Littlefield, c1999.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.5 .T475 1999
Gendering Navajo bodies: a personal, political and philosophical
Seattle: University of Washington, 1999.
note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1999.
Suz GN6 Th48500
Aux Thesis 48500
Mothering without a compass: white mother's love, Black son's courage.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2000.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 75.53 .T48 2000
Ladies or gentlemen?: women who posed as men and men who impersonated
NY: Dorset Press, 1993.
note: originally published as: The mysteries of sex.
Suz HQ 77 .T48 1993
Flaws in the social fabric: homosexuals and society in Sydney.
Sydney; Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1985.
Suz HQ 76.3 A8 T56 1985
The business of America: the cultural production of a post-war nation.
London; Sterling, VA: Pluto Press, 2004.
note: [chapter] 6, Queer profits and losses, pp. 149-171.
Suz GN 450.8 .T48 2004
Male sexuality under surveillance: the office in American literature.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c2003.
note: chapter 5, "Opaque glass bricks" sloan wilson's Gray Falnnel Man in
the Queer Organization, pp. 87-107.
Suz PS 374 .O34 T48 2003
Uroboros: visions of the androgyne.
Seattle: University of Washington, 1996.
note: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 1996
Suz PS 15 Th44516
Aux Thesis 44516
Mommy queerest: contemporary rhetorics of lesbian maternal identity.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c2002.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 75.53 .T49 2002
Why can't Sharon Kowalski come home?
By Karen Thompson and Julie Andrzejewski.
San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, c1988.
Ugl, SocWk KFM 5491 H3 T48 1988
Gay body: a journey through shadow to self.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Suz HQ 75.8 .T46 A3 1997
Gay soul: finding the heart of gay spirit and nature with sixteen writers,
healers, teachers, and visionaries.
Interviews and photographs by Mark Thompson.
[San Francisco: HarperSan Francisco, c1994]
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 T56 1994
Gay spirit: myth and meaning.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1987.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Bot HQ 76.25 T49 1987
The triumphant Juan Rana: a gay actor of the Spanish golden age.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c2006.
Drama PN 2788 .R36 T46 2006
Nurturing future generations: promoting resilience in children and
adolescents through social, emotional, and cognitive skills.
NY: Routledge, 2006.
note: chapter 10, Sexual minority youth (formerly gay, lesbian, bisexual,
and transgendered youth [GLBT], pp. 375-417.
Ugl WM 463 T475n 2006
Buddy Babylon: the autobiography of Buddy Cole.
NY: Dell Pub., c1998.
Suz PR 9199.3 .T4725 B83 1998
The price of achievement: coming out in Reagan days.
London: Cassell, 1995.
Suz E 840.8 .T48 A3 1995
Der andere Christ: Homosexualität bei evangelischen Pfarrern und
katholischen Priestern in Deutschland.
Aachen: K. Fischer, 1999.
Suz BX 1912.9 .T5 1999
Catullus: a critical edition. Edited and introduced by D. F. S.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1978.
Suz PA 6276 .T5
Catullus. Edited with a textual and interpretative commentary by D. F. S.
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c1997.
Suz PA 6274 .A2 1996
La pasion y muerte del cura Deusto, novela.
[Por] Augusto D'Halmar [pseud.] 2. ed.
Santiago, Chile: Nascimento, 1938.
Suz PQ 8097 .T55 P3 1938
Eros: the myth of ancient Greek sexuality.
Boulder, CO: WestviewPress, 1997.
note: [chapter] 4. Monsters of Appetite [concerns passive homosexuality,
the kinaidos], pp. 99-120; [chapter] 8. Eros the pedagogue [concerns
same-sex intergenerational/mentoring relationships], pp. 193-212.
Suz, Ugl HQ 13 .T46 1997
Behind the candelabra: my life with Liberace. By Scott Thorson with Alex
NY: Dutton, c1988.
Suz ML 417 .L67 T53 1988
Delta, B.C.: Thrust,
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .T47
v.1, n.2-9; v.1, n.11-12 (Jul 1973-Feb 1974); (Apr-May 1974)
The end of gender: a psychological autopsy.
NY: Routledge, 2005.
Bot HQ 1075 .T495 2005
Secrets of the flesh: a life of Colette.
NY: Knopf, 1999.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2605 .O28 Z836 1999
The blacker the berry; a novel of negro life.
NY: The Macaulay company, 1929.
Suz PS 3539 .H957 B5
Suz PS 3539 .H957 B5 1929a (Arno reprint, 1969)
Infants of the spring.
NY: The Macaulay Company [c1932]
Suz PS 3539 .H957 I5
Infants of the spring: a novel. Afterword by John A. Williams.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, [1979] c1932.
Ugl PS 3539 .H957 I5 1932a
Literature, technology, and magical thinking, 1880-1920.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
(Cambridge studies in nineteenth-century literature and culture, 32)
Suz PR 468 .M34 T48 2001
Homosexuality and Roman Catholic ethics.
San Francisco: International Scholars Publications, 1994.
(Catholic Scholars Press)
Suz BX 1795 .H66 T48 1996
Pasig City, Philippines: Anvil Pub.; Quezon City, Philippines: Circle
Pub., c1998.
Suz HQ 76.3 .P6 T52 1998
Moment of torment; an interpretation of Franz Kafka's short stories.
With a preface by Henry T. Moore.
Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1973.
Suz, Ugl PT 2621 A26 Z936
Academic outlaws: queer theory and cultural studies in the
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1997.
Suz HQ 75.15 .T54 1997
[Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c2004]
note: [chapter] 8, Family in Levi Calderón's Dos mujeres:
post-traumatic stress or lesbian utopia?, (Sara E. Cooper), pp.
Tac E184 .S75 T54 2004
[NY]: Outcast Films, [2005]
note: DVD, originally produced as motion picture in 1984
note: performer, Lore Bucher Friedrich
note: An experimental film which relates the experiences of the
filmmaker's mother, who lived in Ulm, Germany during the Third Reich. Uses
archival footage, interviews and commentary to consider political
responsibility and personal loss. With bonus feature, The Lesbian Avengers
eat fire, too, a documentary based in New York City fighting for lesbians'
rights; Su Friedrich filmography.
(The films of Su Friedrich, v.1)
UglMed DVD OUTC 003
see: al-Tifashi, Ahmad ibn Yusuf.
Erotic beasts and social monsters: Shakespeare, Jonson, and comic
Newark: University of Delaware Press; London; Cranbury, N.J.: Associated
University Presses, c1995.
Suz PR 3069 .A425 T54 1995
Coming out while staying in: struggles and celebration of lesbians, gays,
and bisexuals in the church.
Cleveland, OH: United Church Press, 1996.
Suz BR 115 .H6 T54 1996
Hauchbilder der Erinnerung: biographische Spuren und die Entwicklung
literarischer Motive im Werk Hubert Fichtes.
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1996.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 10)
Suz PT 2666 .I25 Z88 1996
Circle of hope: our stories of AIDS, addiction & recovery.
San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990.
Suz WD 308 T575c 1990
note: VHS, 1 videocassette
note: credits-camera and editor, Greta Schiller; music, Tiny Davis and
Ruby Lucas.
note: This tribute profiles the legendary jazz trumpeter Ernestine "Tiny"
Davis, and her lover and partner of 40 years, drummer Ruby Lucas (aka
Renee Phelan) Includes colorful interviews with Tiny and Ruby in their
Chicago home, compelling archival material, lively musical performances,
and an evocative narration by poet Cheryl Clarke.
UglMed Videorecord CG 081
NY: Routledge, 1994.
Suz HQ 75.5 T55 1994
Health beliefs and barriers to care seeking among lesbians.
Thesis (M. Nur.) - University of Washington, 1985.
Seattle, 1985.
HSLIC WY 7 Th33094
Aux Thesis 33094
[Brooklyn, NY]:, [2003]
note: DVD, recorded Nov. 30, 2002 at Performance Space 122, NYC
note: credits- Body Blows: writer, performance & designed by Tim Miller;
video camera & editor, Charles Dennis.
note: Features excerpts from a performance by America's premier gay
performance artist based on a new book of the same name. It explores the
tangible body blows -- ones taken and ones given -- of Tim Miller's life &
times. This program also features additional commentary by Tim Miller on
his life and artistic process.
UglMed DVD CHARD 004 pt. 1
UglMed DVD CHARD 004 pt. 2
[Edited by] Gilbert Herdt, Shirley Lindenbaum.
Newbury Park: Sage Publications, c1992.
Suz WD 308 T583 1990
Mt. Rainier, MD: New Ways Ministry, 1982.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 T35 1982
Beverly Hills, CA: Pacific Arts Video, c1986.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS format.
note: An Academy Award winner as best documentary.
note: A portrait of the life and career of Harvey Milk, a charismatic
grass-roots activist, and one of the first avowed homosexuals elected to
political office. Through television news footage and interviews, follows
him from his early days as a Castro Street businessman to his murder,
along with San Francisco Mayor George Moscone, in 1978. Relates these
events to the ongoing movement for gay rights in the United States.
UglMedia Videorecord PAV 632
BotMedia Videorecord BOT-88
The trouble with Harry Hay: founder of the modern gay movement.
Boston: Alyson, 1990.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 75.8 H39 T56 1990
Working like a homosexual: camp, capital, cinema.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.
(Series Q)
Suz PN 1995.9 .H55 T56 2002
Silver Spring, MD: Distributed by Acorn Media, [2004]
note: DVD; originally broadcast by BBC2 in 3 parts, Oct. 2002; based on
the novel by Sarah Waters.
note: cast- Keeley Hawes, Rachael Stirling, Anna Chancellor, Jodhi May,
Hugh Bonneville, John Bowe; cinematographer, Cinders Forshaw; art
director, Leigh Walker; editor, Kristina Hetherington; music, Terry
Davies, Adrian Johnston; costume designer, Susannah Buxton; production
designer, Malcolm Thornton.
UglMed DVD ACM 007
February house.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005.
note: considers the literary landmarks of several gay American authors,
among others
Ugl PS 255 .N5 T57 2005
Edited by Robert P. Maccubbin.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Suz HQ 18 .E8 T57 1987
Sexual behaviours and fantasies in relation to sex and sexual
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Regina, 1998
available online:
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1998.
Suz PS 648 .L47 T6 1998
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1999.
Suz PS 648 .L47 T63 1999
San Francisco, CA: Frameline, [2005?]
note: DVD, in Russian with English subtitles; originally produced in
note: camera, Katrin Keller; editing, Teodora Ansaldo, Annemarthe Mewes;
music, Andrej Petrov; singing, V. Ponomareva, Olga Krause, Larissa
Vladimirova; English subtitles by Nina Draganic, Halbzoll M.
note: Six Russian women talk about their experiences as lesbians living in
UglMed DVD FRAM 002
Lee Fleming, editor.
Charlottetown, P. E. I.: Gynergy Books, c1995.
Suz HQ 75.6 .C2 T6 1995
The best little boy in the world grows up.
NY: Random House, c1998.
note: sequel to, Reid, John [pseudonym]. The best little boy in the
see also: Reid, John [pseudonym]. the best little boy in the world.
Suz HQ 75.8 .T6 1998
The gay crusaders. By Kay Tobin and Randy Wicker.
NY: Arno Press, 1975, c1972.
note: Reprint of the ed. published by Paperback library, NY.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 T6 1975
Warm brothers: queer theory and the age of Goethe.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, c2000.
Suz PT 321 .T58 2000
Homosexuality and marriage; a canonical evaluation of the relationship of
homosexuality to the validity of marriage in the light of recent Rotal
Rome: Catholic Book Agency [1964]
Law HQ 1024 .T6
Border state. Tonu Onnepalu; translated from the Estonian by Madli
Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, c2000.
note: translation of Piiririik.
Suz PH 666.3 .O33 P5513 2000
Choices: a classic lesbian love story.
Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, [1984], c1980.
Suz, Ugl PS 3570 .O395 C48 1984
Culver City, CA: Columbia TriStar Home Video, c2000.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; 1 videodisc DVD; originally released as a
motion picture in 1999; in Spanish with English subtitles
note: cast- Cecilia Roth, Marisa Paredes, Penelope Cruz, Candela Pena,
Antonia San Juan, Rosa Maria Sarda, Eloy Azorin, Carlos Lozano; director
of photography, Alfonso Beato; editor, Jose Salcedo; music, Alberto
note: Manuela is a single mother in Madrid. When her 17-year-old son dies,
she goes to Barcelona to find the boy's father who is a transvestite
named Lola. Her life becomes interwoven with the people who become her
colorful extended family, and she finds some peace by giving peace to
UglMed Videorecord CTHV 126
UglMed DVD CTHV 025
BotMed DVD BOT-415
TacMed DVD TAC-040
The essential guide to lesbian conception, pregnancy, and birth. Kim Toevs
and Stephanie Brill.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2002.
Ugl HQ 75.53 .T64 2002
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 7, Inclusion and intrusion; gender and sexuality in gay,
lesbian, and straight bars, (Lori L. Reid, Carolyn J. Aman Karlin, and
Michael D. Bonham-Crecilius), pp. 134-158.
Suz, Tac HM 1106 .T64 2005
Joshiki o koete: Okama no michi 70-nen. Shohan.
Tokyo: Potto Shuppan, 2002.
EAsia HQ 76.3 .J3 T64 2002
The blackwater lightship.
London: Picador, 1999.
Suz PR 6070 .O455 B43 1999
Love in a dark time: and other explorations of gay lives and
NY: Scribner, 2002.
Suz PS 153 .G38 T65 2002
The master: a novel.
NY: Scribner, 2004.
Suz, Bot PR 6070 .O455 M37 2004
Mothers and sons.
London: Picador, 2006.
Ugl PR 6070 .O455 M68 2006
The story of the night: a novel.
NY: Henry Holt and Co., 1997.
Suz PR 6070 .O455 S76 1997
[NY]: Sylvia Rivera Law Project, [2003]
note: DVD
note: concept by Dean Spade.
note: "Using stories of people who have been harrassed, arrested, or
beaten for trying to use bathrooms, this groundbreaking film focuses on
bathroom in public space, in schools and at work. Includes discussions of
legal questions of equal access; the health effects associated with
"holding it"; and the social consequences of experiencing pervasive
discrimination in bathrooms and other gendered spaces."
UglMed SRLP 001
UglMed SRLP 001 suppl.
A weekend near Madison.
NY: S. French, c1984.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Weekend Near
The last Sunday in June.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c2004.
Drama PS 3570 .O4275 L37 2004b
The last Sunday in June and other plays.
NY: Grove Press, 2004.
note: The last Sunday in June; The twilight of the Golds; If memory
Drama PS 3570 .O4275 L37 2004
The twilight of the golds: a play in two acts.
NY: S. French, c1994.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Twilight of
Virgil Thomson: composer on the aisle.
NY: W. W. Norton, c1997.
Music ML 410 .T452 T58 1997
Johannesburg: Jacana Media, 2005.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.6 .A35 T65 2005
Separate rooms. Translated by Simon Pleasance.
London; NY: Serpent's Tail, 1992. c1989.
note: translation of Camere separate
Suz PQ 4880 .O47 C36 1992
London: GMP, 1987.
Suz PR 1195 .H58 T65 1987
1 videocassette; VHS format; originally released as a motion picture
in 1989
San Francisco: Frameline [distributor], [1994]
note: Producer, director, photographer and editor, Marlon T. Riggs;
performers: Marlon T. Riggs, [poetry performances] Essex Hemphill.
note: Derogatory accusations, judgments, and jokes in our culture are met
head-on by this video about black, male, and gay identity. Poetry,
personal testimony, and drama unite to oppose the homophobia and racism
that attempt to split a person into opposing loyalties; in an
experimental amalgam of rap music, street poetry, documentary film,
and dance, a gay African-American man expresses what it is like to be
gay and black in the United States. Although he deals with social
ostracism and fear of AIDS, he affirms the beauty and significance of
the gay black man.
UglMed Videorecord FRAM 002
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1098
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1666 (1996 release)
Teaching AIDS.
NY: Routledge, 1996.
CurricMat WD 308 T665t 1996
Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c2006.
note: [chapter] 1, "The angels of fructification": Tennessee Williams,
Tony Kushner, and images of homosexuality on the American stage, (James
Fisher), pp. 5-27; [chapter] 5, Stonewall, "constant historical progress,"
and Angels in America; the neo-Hegelian positivist sense, (David Krasner),
pp. 98-111; [chapter] 6, Queer politics to fabulous politics in Angels in
America; pinklisting and forgiving Roy Cohn, (Atsushi Fujita), pp.
Suz PS 3561 .U778 Z92 2006
Sydney: National Centre in HIV Social Work, c1999.
(Monograph. (National Centre in HIV Social Work, The University of New
South Wales), 4/1999)
Suz LB 2376 .A8 T66 1999
Undertow [sound recording]
NY: Volcano, p1993.
note: some songs have explicit male-male sex lyrics: Prison sex;
UglMed Cd VOLC 004
Washington, DC: Mautner Project for Lesbians with Cancer, c1998.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: narrator, Franchelle S. Dorn; camera, Shiela Smith, Evan Fairbanks;
special consultants, Michelle Parkerson, Liza Rankow; executive producer,
Bev Baker.
note: Explores some of the barriers to health care for lesbian clients.
Focuses on solutions to removing these barriers and suggests guidelines
that health care practitioners can implement in their work.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1995
Aru sei tenkansha no kiroku. Torai Masae, Usami Keiko.
Tokyo: Seikyusha, 1997.
note: transsexuals biography
EAsia HQ 77.7 .T67 1997
Onna kara otoko ni natta watashi.
Tokyo: Seikyusha, 1996.
note: transsexuals biography
Suz HQ 77.8 .T67 A3 1996
Toransu jenda no jidai: sei doitsusei shogai no ima.
Tokyo: Jugatsusha, 2000.
EAsia HQ 1075 .T67 2000
Toransu janda no nakamatachi.
Tokyo: Seikyusha, 2000.
EAsia HQ 77.9 .T67 2000
New Line Home Video: Turner Home Entertainment, [1995]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS.
note: Originally released in 1988 as a motion picture; cast- Anne
Bancroft, Matthew Broderick, Harvey Fierstein, Brian Kerwin.
note: Set in the 1970s, chronicles the relationships of a gay, Jewish New
Yorker with his bisexual lover, with the fashion model he believes is his
one true love, and with his overbearing mother.
note: Based on the play by Harvey Fierstein.
see also: for the play of the same name, see Fierstein, Harvey. Torch
song trilogy.
UglMed Videorecord NLHV 4110
Edited by Sue McConnell-Celi; with a special introduction by Pamela
Red Bank, N. J.: Lavender Crystal Press, c1994.
Suz PS 627 .L48 T67 1994
As if after sex: a novel.
NY: Holt, Rinehart and Wisnton, c1983.
Suz PS 3570 .O67 A9 1983
Verbo y carne en tres poetas de la lírica homoerótica en
Santiago de Chile: Editorial Cuarto Propio, 2005.
Suz PQ 7082 .P7 T675 2005
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003.
Suz, Bot, Tac PQ 7081.5 .T68 2003
New Line Home Video: Turner Home Entertainment, 1996.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: Leonardo DiCaprio, David Thewlis, Romane Bohringer; music by Jan A.
Kaczimarek; directed by Agnieszka Holland; screenplay by Christopher
note: Paul Verlaine, a writer, is torn between his growing infatuation
with the genius poet Arthur Rimbaud and the domestic demands of his
patient wife.
UglMed Videorecord NLHV 006
Petaluma, CA: Intersex Society of North America, 2001.
note: VHS; participants: Cheryl Chase, Kathryn M. Clark, William Reiner,
Sallie Foster, Debbie Rode-Hartman, Kelli Rode-Hartman, Kenneth
note: Over the last ten years, new evidence and advances in medical ethics
have led to the need for revision in the standard of care for the
treatment of intersex. This discussion outlines the problems with many
current practices and provides guidelines for a new standard of care that
is more advanced scientifically and ethically. A group of experts
(including medical professionals, an adult with intersex, and a parent)
talk about these issues.
UglMed Videorecord ISNA 004
The third sex: kathoey, Thailand's ladyboys.
Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books, c2003.
Suz HQ 77.2 .T5 T68 2003
[Culver City, CA]: Strand Releasing, c2005.
note: DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in 1993.
note: cast - James Duval, Roko Belic, Susan Behshid, Jenee Gill, Gilbert
Luna, Lance May; credits - photographer and editor, Gregg Araki.
note: The story of the troubled world of gay and lesbian teenagers who
hang around empty parking structures and deserted car washes and agonize
about drugs, sex, dating, suicide, violence, family and gay identity.
UglMed DVD STRAN 016
Edited by Noreen C. Barnes & Nicholas Deutsch.
San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, c1992.
Ugl, Drama PS 627 H67 T68 1992
London; NY: Pinter, 2000.
note: [chapter] 7, The use of commercial sex venues and male escorts by
gay tourists in New York City (Michael Luongo), pp. 109-130; [chapter] 11,
Tourism and the sexual ecology of gay men (Stephen Clift and Simon
Forrest), pp. 179-199.
Suz HQ 117 .T68 2000
Edited by Vernon A. Wall and Nancy J. Evans.
Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c2000.
Suz, Tac LC 192.6 .T69 2000
San Francisco: Pan-Graphic Press, [1964]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 35 v.1,no.1-v.3,no.1 (July 1964-Jan/Feb
Leatherman's handbook.
NY: Freeway Press, c1974.
note: Reprint of NY: Traveller's Companion, 1972.
see also: the author's sequel: Leatherman's handbook II.
Suz HQ 79 .T68 1974
Leatherman's handbook II. Updated 2nd ed.
NY: Carlyle Communications, c1989.
note: Sequel to the author's: Leatherman's handbook.
Suz HQ 79 .T68 1989
Miss dandi: otoko to shite ikiru joseitachi.
Tokyo: Shinchosha, 1999.
note: biography-transsexuals
EAsia HQ 77.95 .J3 T68 1999
Ellen: the real story of Ellen DeGeneres.
Secaucus, N.J.: Carol Publishing Group, c1999.
Suz PN 2287 .D358 T74 1999
The women: Gay Games III, Vancouver, Canada: Celebration '90. Photography
by Cheryl A. Traendly.
Eldridge, CA: C. A. Traendly Productions, c1992.
Suz GV 722.5 .G36 T73 1992
Toronto: Sumach Press, c2006.
Suz HQ 77.9 .T715 2006
Solana Beach, CA: Distributed by Genius Products, 2006.
note: DVD. Originally released as motion picture in 2005.
note: credits - director of photography, Stephen Kazmierski; editor, Pam
Wise; music, David Mansfield; costume designer, Danny Glicker; production
designer, Mark White; cast - Felicity Huffman, Kevin Zegers, Fionnula
Flanagan, Burt Young, Carrie Preston, Elizabeth Peña, Graham
note: Bree Osborne, a pre-operative transsexual, learns she
fathered a child back when she was Stanley Osborne. The wheels of fortune
take Bree and her teenaged son on a cross-country trip that will change
both their lives.
UglMed DVD GENI 001
TacMed DVD TAC-829
see: Culture and homosexuality. (special issue)
NY: distributed by Richter Productions, [1998?]
note: 1 videocassette; VHS; Narration in English with Spanish dialogue and
English subtitles.
note: credits- Associate producers, Ricardo Aparicio, Jorge Carmona;
videography, Carlos Aparicio; editing, Susanna Aikin; original music, Hahn
note: Follows Ricardo (Sara in The Salt Mines) as he rejects his street
life to join a group of born again Christians in an effort to transform
his life from that of a homosexual to a married heterosexual.
UglMed Videorecord RICP 002
[Washington, DC]: Human Rights Campaign Foundation, [2005]
available online:
NY: Southern Tier Editions, Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Bot PS 648 .E7 T73 2006
[A special issue of] GLQ: a journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies. v.4, n.2
Suzzallo Periodicals HQ 75 .G56 v.4
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2006.
Suz, Tac HQ 77.9 .T716 2006
NY: Routledge, 2006.
Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 77.9 .T72 2006
London: Salamander Press Ltd., 1995-
Suzzallo Periodicals HT 101 .T736 no.1- (1995-)
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2006.
note: [chapter] 4, "Valuing" Transnational Queerness; Politicized Bodies
and Commodified Desires in Asian American Literature (Stephen Hong Sohn),
pp. 101-122.
Suz PS 153 .A84 T73 2006
San Francisco, CA: Frameline, 2005.
note: DVD; originally released in 2004.
note: credits -camera, Jules Rosskam, Anat Salomon; editor, Anat
note: Looks at 19 female-to-male transsexuals living in the United States
who have given birth and, in all but a few cases, gone on to raise their
biological children. Focuses on their lives as parents, revealing the
diverse ways in which each person reconciles giving birth and being a
biological mother with his masculine identity. Traditional views of gender
are re-examined through the variety of genders the children use to
conceive of their parents. Challenges the ways that people relate to one
another, particularly within immediate families, based on gender.
TacMed DVD TAC-769
Edited by William A. W. Walters, Michael W. Ross.
Oxford [Oxfordshire]: NY: Oxford University Press, c1986.
HSLIC WM 610 T772 1986
Folkestones, Kent, UK: Global Oriental, 2006.
Drama PN 2924.5 .K3 T73 2006
Edited by David O. Cauldwell. 2nd ed.
NY: Sexology Corp., 1961.
Suz HQ 77 .T72 1961
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c2001.
note: [chapter] 26, A Letter from Huey to the revolutionary brothers and
sisters about the women's liberation and gay liberation movements (Huey P.
Newton), pp. 281-283; [chapter] 32, "Ain't nothin' like the real
thing": black masculinity, gay sexuality, and the jargon of
authenticity, pp. 327-341.
Ugl, Bot E185.86 .T72 2001
Hedwig and the Angy Inch. Text, John Cameron Mitchell; music & lyrics,
Stephen Trask; photographs, Rivka Katvan, Carol Rosegg.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 2000.
note: libretto to the musical
Suz ML 50 .T769 H4 2000
The renaissance of lesbianism in early modern England.
Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Suz HQ 75.6 .E5 T73 2002
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, 2003.
Bot HQ 76.25 T73 2003
Sexual ambiguity in opera: shifting attitudes toward women and
[Seattle]: University of Washington, 1992.
note: Thesis (M. Music)--University of Washington, 1992.
Music Theses M 1 Th40369
Aux Thesis 40369
Great mirrors shattered: homosexuality, orientalism, and Japan.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.3 .J3 T74 1999
Michael F. O'Connor, editor; Irvin D. Yalom, general editor.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1997.
HSLIC WC 503.7 T784 1997
Edited by Michael W. Ross.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1988.
note: originally published as: Psychopathology and psychotherapy in
Suz WM 615 P9744 1988
Editors, Lisa Simon Onken ... [et al.]
Rockville, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, National
Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Division of
Clinical Research, 1997.
Depression substance use, and sexual orientation as cofactors in
HIV-1 infected men: cross-cultural comparisons (Paul Satz et al.), pp.
GovPubUS HE 20.3965:172
available also online
[Ottawa]: Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies, c1993.
note: Part 2, [chapter] 8, Lesbian women and donor insemination: an
Alberta case study (Fiona A. L. Nelson), pp. 515-534.
GovPubCanada Z1-1989/3-41-22E
Dyke ideas: process, politics, daily life.
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, c1994.
Suz, Bot HQ 1190 .T74 1994
Homosexuality: a contemporary view of the biblical perspective.
San Francisco: Glide Urban Center, [1966?]
note: prepared for the Consultation on Theology and the Homosexual,
sponsored by Glide Urban Center and The Council on Religion and the Homosexual
in San Francisco, August 22-24, 1966.
Suz BS 680 .H67 T74 1966
Violet to Vita: the letters of Violet Trefusis to Vita Sackville-West.
Edited by Mitchell Leaska and John Phillips; with an introduction by
Mitchell A. Leaska.
London: Methuen, 1989
Suz PR 6039 .R39 Z47 1989
How to have theory in an epidemic: cultural chronicles of AIDS.
Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 1999.
Suz WC 503.7 .T787h 1999
Sacred country: a novel.
NY: Washington Square Press, 1995, c1992.
Ugl PR 6070 .R364 S23 1995
[NY]: New Yorker Video, c2003.
note: 2 videodiscs, DVD; in English, Hebrew and Yiddish with optional
Hebrew, Yiddish and Spanish subtitles; closed-captioned in English;
originally released as a motion picture in 2001; shot on location in
Israel, New York City, London, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco.
note: A documentary built around personal stories of gay and lesbian
Hasidic and Orthodox Jews. Portrays people who face a profound dilemma -
how to reconcile their passion for Judaism with the biblical prohibitions
against homosexuality. Includes interviews with closeted and out gay
Orthodox and Hasidic Jews, including the first openly gay Orthodox rabbis,
Steven Greenberg.
UglMed DVD NYV 021
TacMed TAC-633
Being lesbian.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1989.
Suz HQ 75.5 .T74 1989
Arthur Tress. Edited by Peter Weiermair; [translation from the German by
John S. Southard]
Kilchberg/Zürich, Switzerland: Edition Stemmle, c1995.
Art Desk TR 647 .T737 1995
Arthur Tress, facing up.
Geneva: Bernard Letu Editeur, c1980.
note: title on cover: Tress
note: French and English
Art Desk TR 676 .T73 1980b
Photographs by Arthur Tress; introduced by Emmanuel Cooper.
London: Gay Men Press, 1988.
Art Desk TR 675 .T74 1988
Male of the species: four decades of photography by Arthur Tress.
Edited by David Sprigle; essays by Edward Lucie-Smith, Michel Tournier,
Arthur Tress.
Santa Monica, CA: FotoFactory Press, c1999.
Art Desk TR 675 .T745 1999
Perverts in paradise. Translated by Martin Foreman.
London: GMP, 1986.
note: Translation of: Devassos no paraiso.
Ugl HQ 76.3 B6 T73 1986
Religion in social context in Europe and America, 1200-1700.
Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2002.
note: An Early printed text against homosexual behavior (c. 1485), pp.
532-549; Dressing like a woman: the case of the berdache, pp. 550-552;
Gender subordination and political heirarchy in Prehispanic America,
pp. 553-590.
Suz BR 735 .T74 2002
Sex and conquest: gendered violence, political order, and the European
conquest of the Americas.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, c1995.
Suz, Tac HQ 18 .S7 T74 1995
Albany: State University of New York Press, c1998.
note: [chapter] 4, The queer and unqueer spaces of Monika Treut's films
(Marcia Klotz), pp. 65-77; [chapter] 12, Why drag the diva into it? Werner
Schroeter's gay representation of femininity (Ulrike Sieglohr), pp.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .W6 T75 1998
Tribe: an American Gay journal.
Baltimore, MD: Columbia Pub. Co., c1989-
SpecColl HQ 75 .T75 v.1,n.1-4 (Win 1989-Spr/Sum 1991)
Allen Ginsberg's Buddhist poetics.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 2, Queer dharma, anxiety, and fantasy in "Angkor Wat", pp.
Suz, Bot PS 3513 .I74 Z94 2007
Remembering Denny.
NY: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1993.
Suz H59 .H355 T75 1993
NY: E. P. Dutton, 1972.
note: Hell has no limits has subject: Gay men - -Fiction.
see also: Donoso, Jose. Hell has no limits.
Suz, Ugl PQ 7087 .E5 T75
The homosexual matrix.
NY: McGraw-Hill, [1975]
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 .T75
SocWk, Bot HQ 76 .T75 1975a (New American Library ed., 1976)
The homosexual matrix. With a new preface and expanded notes by the
author, C. A. Tripp. 2nd ed.
NY: New American Library, c1987.
Ugl HQ 76.25 .T75 1987
The intimate world of Abraham Lincoln. Edited by Lewis Gannett.
NY: Free Press, c2005.
Ugl E457.2 .T75 2005
Gay and lesbian identity: a sociological analysis.
Dix Hills, NY: General Hall, c1988.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.25 T76 1988
The prime time closet: a history of gays and lesbians on TV.
NY; Applause Theatre & Cinema Books; Milwaukee, WI: Sales and distribution
[in] North America [by] Hal Leonard Corp., c2002.
Suz PN 1992.8 .H64 T76 2002
Der Konträrsexualismus inbezug auf Ehe und Frauenfrage.
Leipzig: Verlag von Max Spohr, 1895.
see: Lesbianism and feminism in Germany, 1895-1910.(reprint)
Psychotherapy and counseling with older women: cross-cultural, family, and
end-of-life issues. Frances K. Trotman, Claire M. Brody.
NY: Springer Pub., c2002.
(Springer series, focus on women)
note: Chapter 10, Older lesbians' concerns and psychotherapy: beyond a
footnote to the footnote (Beverly Greene), pp. 161-174.
Tac WT 150 T858p 2002
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001.
(Curriculum, cultures and (homo)sexualitites)
Suz, Bot LC 2575 .T76 2001
The life and death of Radclyffe Hall.
London: Hammond [1961]
Suz 921 H146tr
The life of Radclyffe Hall.
NY: Citadel Press [1963, c1961]
note: First published in 1961 under title: The life and death of Radclyffe
Ugl 921 H146trl
Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo AOZT "Atos", 1996.
(Urb, vyp. 7)
note: Supposedly lost poems of Theognis, translated (or possibly ghost
written by) the posthumourly discoved poet Nikolai Upers (himself possibly
a fiction). Presented with extensive commentary.
Suz PG 3485.3 .U68 T78 1996
I, Carmelita Tropicana: performing between cultures.
Alina Troyano with Ela Troyano and Uzi Parnes; edited by Chon
A. Noriega.
Boston: Beacon Press, c2000.
Drama PS 3570 .R698 I23 2000
Edited and with introd. and prefaces by Felice Picano.
NY: Sea Horse Press, c1980.
Suz PS 509 .H57 T7 1980
Trumansburg, N.Y.: Crossing Press, 1983- 2vols.
Suz PS 647 .W6 T78 1983 v.1, v.2
Sex and the gender revolution.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998-
note: v.1, Heterosexuality and the third gender in Enlightenment
(The Chicago series on sexuality, history, and society)
Suz HQ 18 .G7 T785 1998 v.1
The book of salt.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003.
Suz PS 3620 .R86 B66 2003
The measurement of psychological androgyny in children.
Seattle: University of Washington, 1979.
note: Thesis--University of Washington
Suz LA 7 Th26605
Aux Thesis 26605
Edited by Janet Palmer Mullaney; introduction by Toi Derricotte.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1998.
note: includes lesbian poets, Robin Becker, pp. 1-5; and Minnie Bruce
Pratt, pp. 88-95.
Suz PS 151 .T78 1998
Still burning witches: violence on the basis of sexual orientation/gender
identity: the facts, the laws and the question of protection.
Athens: Sakkoulas; Brussles: Bruylant, 2003.
Suz HV 6250.4 .H66 T75 2003
Breathless: erotica.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1996.
Suz PS 3570 .S83 B74 1996
The words of a woman who breathes fire.
San Francisco: Spinsters, Ink, c1983.
Suz PS 3570 .S85 W67 1983
Koibito to kurasu Okinawa: otoko ga onna ni natte onna o ai suru.
Tokyo: Misutapatona; Tokyo: Seiunsha, 2000.
note: biography--transsexuals
EAsia HQ 77.8 .T78 A3 2000
Otoko de mo naku, onna de mo naku: shinjidai no andorojinasu-tachi e.
Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 1993.
note: transsexuals-biography
EAsia HQ 77 .T78 1993
Edward Carpenter, 1844-1929: prophet of human fellowship.
Cambridge [Eng.]; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1980.
Suz HN 383.2 .C37 T78
Alone in the trenches: my life as a gay man in the NFL. Esera Tuaolo, with
John Rosengren.
Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, c2006.
Ugl GV 939 .T78 A3 2006
A sense of wonder: Samuel R. Delany, race, identity and difference.
Middletown, CT: Weslyan University Press, c2004.
Suz PS 3554 .E437 Z93 2004
Fighting words: an open letter to queers and radicals.
London; NY: Cassell, 1995.
Suz HN 90 .R3 T83 1995
The queer question: essays on desire and democracy.
With a foreword by Sarah Schulman.
Boston: South End Press, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 T88 1997
I am a woman.
London: Sphere Books: Rainbird, 1982.
Suz HQ 77.8 .T84 1982
Love and other ruins.
Vancouver, B.C.: Polestar; Berkeley, CA: Publishers Group West, c2002.
note: sequel to Love ruins everything
Suz PR 9199.3 .T76 L67 2002
Love ruins everything: a novel.
Vancouver, B.C.: Press Gang Publishers, c1998.
Suz PR 9199.3 .T76 L68 1998
Cracks in the iron closet: travels in gay & lesbian Russia.
Boston: Faber & Faber, c1996.
Suz HQ 76.3 .R8 T85 1996
Lesbians, gays, & the empowerment perspective.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2000.
Suz, Tac HV 1449 .T85 2000
Sinema: American pornographic films and the people who make them.
By Kenneth Turan and Stephen F. Zito.
NY: Praeger [1974]
note: pp. 108-114 and chapters 16-18 concern homosexual pornography.
Suz PN 1995.9 .S45 T8
The homosocial subject: piracy, sexuality, and identity in the novels of
Daniel Defoe.
Thesis (Ph. D.)-University of Washington, 1994.
Seattle, 1994.
Suz PS 648 .L47 T86 1994
Rum, sodomy, and the lash: piracy, sexuality, and masculine identity.
NY: New York University Press, c1999.
Suz G535 .T87 1999
Duncan Grant and the Bloomsbury Group.
Secaucus, N.J.: L. Stuart, c1987.
Art ND 497 .G68 T87 1987
Risky sex: gay men and HIV prevention.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1997.
(Between men - - between women)
Suz, Ugl SocWk HQ 76.2 .U52 W477 1997
Fairy tales: a treasury of gay jokes.
NY: Pinnacle Books, c1985.
Suz PN 6231 .G37 T87 1985
Go fish. [Guinevere Turner and Rose Troche; with a foreword by Lea
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1995.
Suz PN 1997 .G5573 T87 1995
Backward glances: cruising the queer streets of New York and London.
London: Reaktion, c2003.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G7 T87 2003
A genealogy of queer theory.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2000.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.25 .T775 2000
Over the sex border. With a foreword by Kenneth Walker.
London: V. Gollancz, 1963.
HSLIC 132.754 T869o
A court divided: the Rehnquist court and the future of constitutional
NY: W.W. Norton Co., c2005.
note: chapter 6, Anthony Kennedy and gay rights, pp. 156-179.
Law KF 8742 .T87 2005
Suz KF 8742 .T87 2006 (with new epilogue)
Edited by Sue McConnell-Celi.
Red Bank, NJ: Lavender Crystal Press, c1993.
Suz LC 192.6 .T84 1993
London; NY: Routledge, 2007.
note: [chapter] 4, Homophobia and harassment in school populations (Christine
E. Pettett), pp. 29-31; [chapter] 6, Transmen: behind assimiliation, problems
exist (Jamison Green), pp. 35-37; [chapter] 9, The "down low", new jargon,
sensationism, or agent of change? (Gilberto R. Gerald), pp. 44-46;
[chapter] 13, Sexual networks online (Gregory Rebchook and Alberto
Curotto), pp. 57-59; [chapter] 15, Finding Nemo and transgender creatures
(Judith Halberstam), pp. 63-66; [chapter] 16, The L word. A little
something for the femmetrosexual? (Kris Scott Marti), pp. 67-68; [chapter]
27, No place to call home: transgender persons, discrimination, and HIV
(Rita M. Melendez), pp. 107-109; [chapter] 35, Sexual practice: the
erasure of bisexuals in academic and the media (Loraine Hutchins), pp.
135-139; [chapter] 36, Seeking help in rural communities: homophobia and
racism impact mental healthcare (Cathleen Willging et al), pp. 140-144;
[chapter] 39, Heterosexual and bisexual S/M: cultural formations (Kathy
Sisson), pp. 154-156; [chapter] 40, Ms. etiquette and the transgender
employee: is nothing private any more? (Jillian Todd Weiss), pp. 157-159;
[chapter] 42, My intersex journey: from awkward teenager to human rights
activist (David Cameron), pp. 163-165.
Suz HQ 16 .A18 2007
Great gay in the morning! One group's approach to communal living and
sexual politics.
[Washington, N.J.: Times Change Press, 1972]
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.3 U5 T83
by Dinyar Godrej, Pat O'Brien & Tim Neave; intro. and edited by Martin
London: GMP, 1992.
Suz PR 1195 H58 T84 1992
Edited by Christie Balka and Andy Rose.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1989.
Suz, Ugl, Tac BM 729 H65 T85 1989
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 6, Gifted and gay: a study of the adolescent experience
(Jean Sunde Peterson, Heather Rischar), pp. 81-108.
Suz LC 3993.9 .T95 2004
Edited, with an introduction by Geoff Puterbaugh.
NY: Garland Pub., 1990.
(Garland gay and lesbian studies, v.2)
SocWk HQ 76.25 T78 1990
Seattle, WA: Triangle Media, [1992]
note: continued by Twist Weekly
SpecCollFol HQ 75 .T85
Jun 7/30, 1992 [1st issue]-Jul 1/15, 1992; Aug 1-15, 1993 [v.1, issue 4]
Seattle, WA: Triangle Media, [1992-
note: continues Twist
note: lst two issues of 1993 entitled Twist
SpecCollFol HQ 75 .T85
Oct 1, 1992 (v.1,n.10); Oct 15, 1992 (v.1, n.12); Nov 12-24
(v.1,n.16-18); Dec 17, 1992 (v.1,n.21); Jan 6/12-Jan 13/19, 1993
(v.3 [sic, actually v.2],n.1-2); Jan 21, 1993 (v.2,n.3); Feb 25, 1993
(v.3,n.8); Mar 11-Mar 18, 1993 (v.2, n.10-11); Apr 15-22, 1993
(v.2,n.15-16); May 27-Jun 10, 1993 (v.2, n.21-23); Jul 22, 1993 (v.2,
n.29); Aug 12/19-Aug 19/26, 1993 (v.2,n.32-33); Sep 16, 1993(v.2, n.37);
Sep 30/Oct 6, 1993 (v.2,n.39); Nov 11, 1993 (v.2,n.45); Dec 2/8-Dec
23/29, 1993 (v.2, n.48-51); Jan 20/26-Feb 17/23, 1994 (v.3,n.3-7);
Mar 3/9-Mar 19/16, 1994 (v.3,n.9-10); Mar 24/30, 1994 (v.3,n.12)
Edited and with an introduction by Susan Koppelman.
NY: Meridian, c1994.
Suz PS 648 .L47 T86 1994
Edited by Fritz Klein and Timothy J. Wolf.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1985.
note: originally appeared as: Bisexualities: theory and research.
Suz HQ 74 .B57 1985
Frameline, 1991. [2005?]
note: 1 videocassette; DVD [2005?]
note: credits- Edited by Michel Beauchemin, Lori Levy, Gretchen Vogel;
performers- Terry Tafoya, Paula Gunn Allen, Randy Burns, Clyde Hall, Will
Roscoe, Janice Gould.
note: DVD originally released as a documentary in 1991
note: "The Berdache tradition in Native American culture." Gays and
lesbians describe their own stories; what Americans call gayness not only
has distinct cultural characteristics, its participants have long held
positions of social power in history and ritual among people all over the
UglMed FRAM 007 [VHS]
SocWkMed E98 .S48 T86 2005 [DVD]
BotMed Videorecord BOT-1462 [VHS]
Lester B. Brown, editor.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1997.
Suz, Tac E 98 .S48 T84 1997
Edited by Sue-Ellen Jacobs, Wesley Thomas, and Sabine Lang.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c1997.
Suz, SocWk, Bot E98 .S48 T86 1997
Edited by Ann Heron.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1994.
ChildLit HQ 76.3 .U5 T96 1994
Seattle, WA: Beyond 2002, c1995-
note: monthly; the June 1996 issue includes: Pride without borders
1996 ("The 1996 Pacific Northwest Pride Guide"); v.1,n.1 was issued in
two different covers, one featuring a man, the other, a woman. Both
are held.
SpecColl PNW HQ 75 .T856 v.1, n.1-v.2, n.2 (July 1995-Aug. 1996)
[NY: Outcast Films, c2004; [United States]: Docurama; NY: Distributed
by New Video Group, [2005]
note: VHS; DVD
note: credits- edited by Constance Rodgers, Jim de Sève, Stephen
Pelletier; co-produced by Joshua Koffman, Justin Tan, Matthew Lavine;
music, Steve De Sève
note: documentary on same-sex marriage which provides a historical and
legal perspective. Contains archival footage, news clips, and interviews.
Examines the institution of marriage today and how it has changed through
history. Explores rights, privilege and love as gay activists and
right-wing politicians lock horns in the fight for marriage.
Bot Videorecord BOT-2366
UglMed DVD NVG 099
Female impersonation.
NY: Routledge, c2003.
Suz HQ 1190 .T95 2003
Descanso: a soul journey.
Binghamton, NY: Alice Street Editions/Harrington Park Press, c2005.
Ugl PS 3620 .Y59 D47 2005
Screening the sexes; homosexuality in the movies. [lst ed.]
NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston [c1972]
Ugl PN 1995.9 H55 T9
Suz PN 1995.9 .H55 T9 1973 (Anchor reprint)
Amazons, a study in Athenian mythmaking.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, c1984.
Suz, Ugl, Aux BL 280 .A6 T95 1984
Naked angels: the lives & literature of the Beat generation.
NY: McGraw-Hill, c1976.
Suz, Ugl PS 228 .B6 T9 1976
A fish out of water.
Hod Hasharon, Israel: Astrolog Pub. House, 2002.
Suz PR 9510.9 .T98 F57 2002
San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1998.
SocWk, Tac WC 503 U17 1998
Sex positive: a gay contribution to sexual and spiritual union.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986.
Suz BT 708 .U37 1986
The two of us: affirming, celebrating, and symbolizing gay and lesbian
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1984.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 U37 1984
Bushido to erosu.
Tokyo: Kodansha, 1995 (2000 printing)
EAsia DS 827 .S3 U35 1995
The erotic minorities. Introd. by Yves de Saint-Agnes. Translated by
Anselm Hollo.
NY: Grove Press [1966]
note: translation from the Swedish, Erotiska minoriteterna.
note: see Homosexuality, pp. 94-103.
Suz 392.6 Ul4eE
Matrosengeschichten und Gedichte: ein Lesebuch. Herausgegeben von Wolfram
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, 1998.
(Bibliothek Rosa Winkel, Bd. 18)
Suz PT 2545 .U195 M38 1998
The riddle of "man-manly love": the pioneering work on male
homosexuality. Translated by Michael A. Lombardi-Nash; foreword by Vern L.
Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1994. 2v.
note: Translation of: Forschungen uber das Ratsel der manmannlichen
note: This is a compendium of Ulrich's twelve books on male-male love:
Vindex (1864); Inclusa (1864); Vindicta (1865); Formatrix (1865); Ara Spei
(1865); Gladius Furens 1868), which includes his "Speech before the Forum
of the Association of Jurists," his proposal for the
decriminalization of male-male love; Memnon (1868); Incubus (1869);
Argonauticus (1869); Prometheus (1870); Araxes (1870); and Critical Arrows
[Kritische Pfeile] (1880)
Suz HQ 76 .U4713 1994 v.1 [and] v.2.
"Vier Briefe von Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (Numa Numatius) an seine
note: letter to his sister, Sept. 22, 1862; letter circulated to eight
relatives, Nov. 28, 1862 with five appended responses,
Dec. 15, 1862-Jan. 21, 1863; two letters to his uncle, Dec. 12 and Dec.
23, 1982.
see: Jahrbuch fur sexuelle Zwischenstufen. Leipzig. v.1, 1899. (from
see: Documents of the homosexual rights movement in Germany, 1836-1927.
(reprint, 1975)
Edited by Jenni Olson.
NY: Serpent's Tail, 1996.
SuzRef PN 1995.9 .H55 U48 1996
[San Francisco, CA]: California Newsreel, [2004]
note: DVD; originally produced as a documentary film in 2004; English and
Xhosa with English subtitles.
note: performer- Sipho Singiswa.; credits- camera, Gillian Schütte,
Sipho Singiswa; editor, Gillian Schütte.
note: "When Sipho, a former Robben Island inmate for 5 years gets a call
from his father to help convince his reluctant younger brother to get
circumcised, he procrastinates. Then he gets an anguished letter from this
brother Vuyo, informing him that he finally discovered he was adopted at
birth. Vuyo is in crisis and is convinced that Sipho knows the truth about
his biological parents. Sipho returns to Cape Town to help his brother.
Sipho was covertly circumcised in the Robben Island prison but failed to
perform the full ceremony so he decides to do so now. Meanwhile, Vuyo
announces that he is gay which throws the family into confusion. On the
eve of the circumcision ceremony, he attempts suicide. This 'acting out'
effectively deflects attention from Sipho's ceremony. The film explores a
family and a country trying to embrace both modernity and tradition.
While Sipho struggles to help his brother accept his roots, his brother
desperately wants to escape them. This extraordinary film is made even
more complex by the fact that it is filmed by Sipho's wife who happens to
be a white woman, both outsider and insider in this tight-knit family
UglMed DVD CALN 018
Barykady: kroniki obsesyjne.
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo eFKa, 2006.
Suz HQ 1665.7 .U555 2006
[A special issue of] Eighteenth century life. v.9, n.s. 3 (May, 1985)
Suzzallo Periodicals HN 1 E42 v.9
Executive editor, Phillip Sherman, edited by Samuel Bernstein.
NY: Fletcher Press, c1994.
Suz HQ 75.2 .U53 1994
Hillsdale, N.J.: Analytic Press, c2004.
Ugl WM 430.5 M3 U54 2004
Lanham, MD: J. Aronson, c2006.
note: chapter 5, Gay and lesbian parents in the world of adoption (Sandra
Silverman), nno. 61-76.
SocWk HV 875 .U48 2006
Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, c2004.
note: [chapter] 17, Gay marriage (Kenneth Jost), pp. 329-350.
Bot KF 4550 .Z9 U537 2004
Charleston, WV: Cambridge Educational, [2000]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS
note: cast- Maria Cooper, Jeremy Cooper, Casey Dalporto, Aaron Stull,
Travis Stephens; videographer, K.C. Bragg; editor, Greg Harpold; music,
note: A dramatization of the effects on a community after a junior high
school student is abducted and beaten to death for being gay. While fellow
students prepare a memorial service for the boy they hardly knew, they
begin to question the forces that led to the murder. Comments from a
variety of professionals are interspersed throughout.
UglMed Videorecord CAM 006
London; NY: Mansell, 1996.
note: chapter 10, Essential rights and contested identities: sexual
orientation and equality rights jurisprudence in Canada (Carl F. Stychin),
pp. 218-238; chapter 13, Human rights, sexual orientation and the social
and legal impact of law and law reform (Nicholas Bamforth), pp. 293-312;
chapter 14, The homosexualization of human rights (Leslie Moran), pp.
313-335; chapter 15, Human rights, HIV and AIDS (Anne Scully), pp.
Suz K3240.6 .U53 1996
Life's a drag!: Danny la Rue & the drag scene.
London: Frewin, 1974.
Suz PN 2598 .L24 U5 1974
Bachelor's hall: a novel.
NY: Arno Press, 1975, c1937.
note: reprint of the Fortune Press ed. (London)
Suz PR 6041 .N62 B32 1975
An Act to Define and Protect the Institution of Marriage.
[Washington, D.C.?: U.S. G.P.O.: Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor,
note: Sept. 21, 1996, (H.R. 3396); 110 Stat. 2419; Public Law 104-199;
commonly known as The Defense of Marriage Act.
Government Publications Ref U.S. AE 2.110:104-199
Technical note on same-sex unmarried partner data from the 1990 and 2000
[United States]: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Fertility &
Family Statistics Branch, 2002.
available online,
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994. Section 571.
Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces. 107 Stat.
note: Establishes the so-called "don't ask, don't tell"
Government Publications U. S. Reference 345 Un3un 1993 v.2
U. S.: GPO, 1995.
(SuDoc# AE2.106/3:32/P.1-190/995)
Inquire at Government Publications.
Policy implications of lifting the ban on homosexuals in the military:
hearings before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives,
One Hundred Third Congress, first session, hearings held May 4 and 5,
Washington, D. C.: G. P. O., 1993.
(H.A.S.C. no. 103-18)
Government Publications Y 4.AR 5/2 A:993-94/18
Law Reference Area microfiche Y 4.AR 5/2 A:993-94/18
Assessment of the plan to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military:
hearings before the Military Forces and Personnel Subcommittee of the
Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred and
Third Congress, first session, hearings held July 21, 22 and 23, 1993.
Washington: U.S.G.P.O.: For sale by the U.S.G.P.O., Supt. of Docs.,
Congressional Sales Office, 1994.
(H.A.S.C. no. 103-19)
GovPubStxUS Y 4.AR 5/2 A:993-94/19
Law Reference Area microfiche Y 4.AR 5/2 A:993-94/19
Employment discrimination against gay men and lesbians: hearing before the
Subcommittee on Select Education and Civil Rights of the Committee on
Education and Labor, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress,
second session, hearing held in New York, NY, June 20, 1994.
Washington, D. C.: G. P. O., 1994.
(Serial no. 103-102)
Government Publications Y 4.ED 8/1:103-102
Law Reference Area microfiche Y 4.ED 8/1:103-102
The federal response to AIDS: twenty-ninth report. By Committee on
Government Operations together with dissenting and additional views.
Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1983.
(House report; no. 98-582)
GovPubs U.S. Stx Y 1.1/2: SERIAL 13546 Bound with other titles
Federal response to AIDS: hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee
on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth
Congress, first session, August 1 and 2, 1983.
Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1983
GovPubs Microfoms Microfiche M-1901 CIS NO: 84-H401-8
Law Reference Area microfiche Y 4.G 74/7:Ac7
Clarification of Federal Employment Protections Act: report together with
minority views (to accompany H.R. 3128)(including cost estimate of the
Congressional Budget Office).
[Washington, D.C.]: U.S. G.P.O., 2005]
(United States. Congress. House Report; 109-313)
also available online,
GovPub U.S. Stx Y 1.1/8:109-313
The politics of AIDS prevention: science takes a time out: twenty-fifth
report. By the Committee on Government Operations together with separate
Washington: U.S.G.P.O., 1992.
(House report, 102d Congress, 2d session,; 102-1047)
Government Publications U.S. Y 1.1/8:102-1047
The politics of AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control:
hearing before the Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations
Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of
Representatives, One Hunred and Second Congress, second session, July 2,
Washington: U.S.G.P.O.: For sale by the U.S.G.P.O., Supt. of Docs.,
Congressional Sales Office, 1993.
Government Publications U.S. Y 4.G 74/7:P 75/4
Providing for the consideration of H. R. 3396, Defense of Marriage Act:
report (to accompany H. Res. 474)
[Washington, D. C.?: U. S. G. P.O., 1996]
Government Publications US Y 1.1/8:104-666
H. R. 1863, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act: hearing before the
Subcommittee on Government Programs of the Committee on Small Business,
House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session,
Washington, DC, July 17, 1996.
Washington: U.S. G.P.O.: For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs.,
Congressional Sales office, 1996.
(Serial no. 104-87)
Government Publications US Y 4.SM 1:104-87
Law Reference Area Microfiche Y 4.SM 1:104-87
Defense of marriage Act: report together with dissenting views (to
accompany H. R. 3396).
[Washington, D. C.?: U. S. G. P. O., 1996]
Government Publications US Y 1.1/8:104-664/CORR
Federal Marriage Amendment: the Musgrave Amendment:
hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of
Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on H.J. Res. 56,
May 13, 2004.
Washington: U.S.G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.G.P.O.,
(Serial no. 90)
GovPub U.S., Law Y 4.J 89/1:108/90
available online,
Marriage Protection Act of 2004: report
together with dissenting views (to
accompany H. R. 3313) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget
[Washington, D.C.: U.S.G.P.O., 2004]
(Report. 108th Congress, 2d session, House of Representatives;
GovPub U.S. Y 1.1/8:108-614
available online,
Anti-gay violence: hearing before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice of
the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth
Congress, second session...October 9, 1986.
Washington, D.C.: G.P.O., 1987.
(Serial no. 132)
GovPubs US Stacks Y 4.J 89/1:99/132
Law Reference Area microfiche Y 4.J89/1:99/132
Defense of Marriage Act: hearing before the Subcommittee on the
Constiution of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives,
One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, on H. R. 3396, Defense of
Marriage Act, May 15, 1996.
Washington: U. S. G.P. O.: For sale by the U. S. G. P. O., Supt. of Docs.,
Congressional Sales Office, 1996.
(Serial no. 69)
Government Publications US Y 4.J 89/1:104/69
Law Reference Area microfiche Y 4.J 89/1:104/69
Defense of Marriage Act: hearing before the Subcommittee on the
Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives,
One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, March 30, 2004.
Washington: U.S. G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.,
(Serial no. 70)
Government Publications US, Law Y 4.J89/1:108/70
available online,
Legal threats to traditional marriage: implications for public policy:
hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on
the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress,
second session, April 22, 2004.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.
G.P.O., 2004.
(Serial no. 76)
Government Publications US, Law Y 4.J 89/1:108/76
Limiting federal court jurisdiction to protect
marriage for the states: hearing before the Subcommittee on the
Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, June 24, 2004.
Washington: U.S.G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.G.P.O.,
(Serial no. 92)
GovPub U.S., Law Y 4.J89/1:108/92
available online,
Policy concerning homosexuality in the armed forces: hearings before the
Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One Hundred Third
Congress, second session, March 29, 31; April 29; May 7, 10, 11; July 20,
21, 22, 1993.
Washington, D. C.: G. P. O., 1994.
(United States. Congress. Senate. S. hrg; 103-845)
Government Publications Y 4.AR 5/3:S.HRG. 103-845
Law Reference Area microfiche Y 4.AR 5/3:S.HRG.103-845
Employment of homosexuals and other sex perverts in government.
Washington, D. C.: GPO, 1950.
(U. S. serial set on microfiche. n. 11401 on fiche 17 (S. Document
see also: Government versus homosexuals (reprint)
Inquire at MicNews
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act: hearing of the Committee on Health,
Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh
Congress, second session on S. 1284, to prohibit employment discrimination
on the basis of sexual orientation, February 27, 2002.
Washington: U.S.G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.G.P.O.,
[Congressional Sales Office], 2002.
(United States. Congress. Senate. S. hrg; 107-307)
note: available online,
GovPubUSStx, Law Y 4.L 11/4:S,HRG.107-307
Employment Non-discrimination Act of 1994: hearing of the Committee on
Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Third
Congress, second session, on S. 2238 to prohibit employment discrimination
on the basis of sexual orientation, July 29, 1994.
Washington, D. C.: G. P. O., 1994.
(United States. Congress. Senate. S. hrg.; 103-703)
Government Publications Y 4.L 11/4 S.HRG. 103-703
Law Reference Area microfiche Y 4.L 11/4:S.HRG.103-703
Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 1997: hearing of the Committee on
Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth
Congress, first session, on S. 869, to prohibit employment discrimination
on the basis of sexual orientation, October 23, 1997.
Washington: U.S. G.P.O.: For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs.,
Congressional Sales Office, 1998.
(United States. Congress. Senate. S. hrg; 105-279)
Government Publications U.S., Law Y 4.L 11/4:S.HRG.105-279.
Alleged immoral conditions at Newport (R. I.) Naval Training Station.
Report...67th Congress, 1st session.
Washington, D.C.: G. P.O., 1921.
see: Government versus homosexuals (reprint)
The Defense of Marriage Act: hearing before the Committee on the
Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second
session on S. 1740 ... July 11, 1996.
Washington: U. S. G. P. O.: For sale by the U. S. G. P. O., Supt. of
Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1996.
(United States. Congress. Senate. S. hrg.; 104-533)
(Serial no. J-104-90)
Government Publications Stacks US Y 4.J 89/2:S. Hrg. 104-533
Law Reference Area Microfiche Y 4.J 89/2:S. HRG.104-533
A proposed constitutional amendment to preserve traditional marriage:
hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One
Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, March 23, 2004.
Washington, D.C.: U.S.G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs. G.P.O., 2005.
(United States. Congress. Senate. S. hrg.; 108-763
(Serial no. J-108-61)
also available online,
GovPubU.S.Stx, Law Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG.108-763
An examination of the constitutional amendment on marriage: hearing
before the Subcommittee on the Constiution, Civil rights and Property Rights of
the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth
Congress, first session, October 20, 2005.
Washington: U.S.G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.,
also available online,
GovPub U.S. Stx Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG.109-184
Judicial activism vs. democracy: what are the national implications of the
Massachusetts Goodridge decision and the judicial invalidation of
traditional marriage laws?: hearing before the Subcommittee on the
Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights of the Committee on the
Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second
session, March 3, 2004.
Washington: U.S.G.P.O.: for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.G.P.O.,
(United States. Congress. Senate. S. hrg.; 108-717
(serial no. J-108-59)
also available online,
GovPubU.S.Stx, Law Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG.108-717
Less faith in judicial credit: are federal and state defense of marriage
initiatives vulnerable to judicial activism?: hearing before the
Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Property Rights of the
Committee on the Judiciary, United states Senate, One Hundred Ninth
Congress, first session, April 13, 2005.
Washington, G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.G.P.O., 2005.
(United States. Congress. Senate. S. hrg.; 109-52)
(Serial no. J-109-52)
GovPub U.S. Stx, Law Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG.109-52
also available online,
What is needed to defend the bipartisan Defense of Marriage Act of
a hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and
Property Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate,
One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, September 4, 2003.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.
G.P.O., 2005.
(United States. Congress. Senate. S. hrg; 108-813)
(Serial no. J-108-36)
also available online,
GovPub U.S. Stx, Law Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG. 108-813
Qualification Standards for Enlistment Appointment, and Induction. DODD
1304.26-CHANGE-1 B.8: Provisions Related to Homosexual Conduct.
note: DOD directive incorporating the demands of Public Law
103-160; for the text of that law, see: U[nited] S[tates] Code.
Congressional and Administrative News...; the so-called "don't ask,
don't tell" policy.
note: CHANGE-1 is shown in red italics in the Dec 21, 1993 version of the
document incorporating Change 1, Mar 4, 1994, available on the Internet:
Qualification Standards for Enlistment, Appointment, and Induction.
E1.2.8. Provisions related to Homosexual Conduct.
DODD 1304.26 December 21, 1993.
available online,
Military Environment with Respect to the Homosexual Conduct Policy:
evaluation report.
Arlington, VA: Office of the Inspector General, Dept. of Defense,
(Report D-2000-101. March 16, 2000)
GovPubUSStx D 1.2:D-2000-101x
note: also available online,
Summary report of the Military Working Group.
[Washington, D. C.?: Office of the Secretary of Defense, [1993]
note: "OSD Working Group memorandum, 8 June 1993, 'Recommended DoD
homosexual policy outline"
GovPubStxU.S. D 1.2:H75
Scientific Workshop on Lesbian Health 2000 [electronic source]: steps for
implementing the IOM report.
[Washington, D.C.: The Office, 2000]
note: Scientific Workshop on Lesbian Health (2000: Washington, DC)
note: available online,
Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide.
Rockville, MD: U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health
Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, [1989]
note: Supt. of Docs no.: HE 20.8002:Y 8/v.1-4
note: "Gay Male and Lesbian Youth Suicide."
In v.3: Prevention and Interventions in Youth Suicide. pp. 110-137
(By Paul Gibson)
note: " Sexual Identity Issues." In v.2: Risk Factors for Youth
Suicide. pp. 131-142. (By Joseph Harry)
(DHHS publication no. (ADM) 89-1621; (ADM) 89-1622)
HSLIC HV 6546 .U58 1989 v.1; v.2; v.3; v.4
Inquire at GovPubs.
Defense force management [microform]: DOD's policy on homosexuality:
report to congressional requesters.
Washington, D. C.: The Office; Gaithersburg, MD: The Office [distributor,
note: GAO/NSIAD-92-98
note: supplemented by: Defense force management: statistics related to
DOD's policy on homosexuality.
see also: United States. General Accounting Office. Defense force
management statistics related to DOD's policy on homosexuality.
see also: Gays-in or out?: the U. S. military & homosexuals.
Inquire at MicNews Gov Doc# GA 1.13: NSIAD-92-98 S.
Defense force management [microform]: statistics related to DOD's policy
on homosexuality: supplement to a report to congressional
Washington, D. C.: The Office; Gaithersburg, MD: The Office [distributor,
note: GAO/NSIAD-92-98S
note: supplement to: United States. General Accounting Office. Defense
force management: DOD's policy on homosexuality.
see also: United States. General Accounting office. Defense force
management: DOD's policy on homosexuality.
Inquire at MicNews Gov Doc# GA 1.13: NSIAD-92-98 S.
Homosexuals in the military [microform]: policies and practices of
foreign countries: report to the Honorable John W. Warner, U. S.
Washington, D.C.: The Office; Gaithersburg, MD (P.O. Box 6015,
Gaithersburg 20884-6015): The Office [distributor, 1993].
MicNews GA 1.13:NSIAD-93-215
Security clearances: consideration of sexual orientation in the
clearance process: report to Congressional requesters. United States
General Accounting Office.
Washington, D.C.: The Office; Gaithersburg, MD (P.O. Box 6015,
Gaithersburg 208894-6015): The Office [distributor, 1995]
GovPub Microforms GA 1.13:NSIAD-95-21 1 microfiche
available online,
Defense of Marriage Act
[microform]. United States General Accounting Office, Office of the
General Counsel.
Washington, D.C. (441 G St., NW, Rm. LM, Washington 20548): U.S. General
Accounting Office, [1997]
note: a report in the form of a letter to Henry J. Hyde, Chairman,
Committee on the Judiciary, January 31, 1997, to identify federal laws in
which benefits, rights, and privileges are contingent on marital status,
all those laws in the U.S. Code in which marital status is a factor;
identified 1,049.
note: online,
GovPubs Microforms GA 1.13:OGC-97-16
Defense of Marriage
Act: Update to Prior Report. United States General Accounting
Office, Office of the General Counsel.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. General Accounting Office, 2004
note: a report in the form of a letter to Bill Frist, Majority Leader,
United States Senate, January 23, 2004 to update the 1997 report;
identified 120 statutory provisions enacted between September 21, 1996 and
December 31, 2003 and 31 repealed or amended, thus identifying a total of
1,138 statutory provisions in the U.S. Code in which marital status is a
note: GAO-04-353R
note: online,
Sexual-orientation-based employment discrimination [microform]: states'
experience with statutory prohibitions.
Washington, D.C. (P.O. Box 37050, Washington, D.C. 20013): The Office,
MicNews Documents GA 1.13:OGC-98-7 R 1 microfiche
Military personnel:
financial costs and loss of critical skills due to
DOD's homosexual conduct policy cannot be completely estimated: report to
congressional requesters. United States Government Accountability
[Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Government Accountability Office, [2005]
note: available online,
Sexual preference.
Washington: National Commission on the Observance of International Women's
Year: for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1977.
GovPubStxUS Y 3.W 84:10/14
Addressing sexual orientation discrimination in federal civilian
employment: a guide to employees' rights. United States Office of
Personnel Management.
Washington, DC: The Office: For sale by the U.S.G.P.O., Supt. of Docs.,
GovPubStxU.S. PM 1.8:SE 9/2
Review of the effectiveness of the application and enforcement of the
department's policy on homosexual conduct in the military [computer file]:
report to the Secretary of Defense, Office of the Under Secretary of
Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
[Washington, D.C.?]: Dept. of Defense, [1998]
available online from the Dept. of Defense,
Security Requirements for Government Employment.
Washington, D. C.: GPO, April 27, 1953.
note: also in: U. S. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 3 - The President.
1949-1953 Compilation, pp. 936-940.
note: also reprinted in: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. v.11, n.4,
April, 1955, pp. 156-158.
Inquire at GovPubs
SuzPer 341.671 BU 1955 v.11 (for reprint as journal article)
Boy Scouts of America v. Dale (2000)
Bethesda, MD: University Publications of America, c2001.
Law KF 101.9 .L36 v.287-288
Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Group (1995); United
States v. Lopez (1995)
Bethesda, MD: University Publications of America, c1996.
(Landmark briefs and arguments of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Constitutional Law, v. 242)
Law KF 101.9 .L36 v.242
Bronx, NY: H. W. Wilson, 2005.
(The Reference Shelf, v.77, no. 5)
note: Gay rights groups hail landmark decision in Texas case, (Chuck
Lindell), pp. 82-86 (article from Austin American-Statesman, June 27,
Ugl, Bot KF 8742 .Z9 U55 2005
San Francisco: Labrecque Publishing, c1994.
Suz GV 722.5 .G36 U64 1994
Sponsored by the women and men of the Gay Academic Union, November 23 and
24, 1973.
NY: Gay Academic Union, 1974.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 U55 1974
University of Washington, Equal Opportunity Office records, 1959-2005.
note: 78 boxes; correspondence, administrative files, affirmative action
plans...and other papers of the office.
note: Sex and sexual orientation are among the many issues of concern to
the Equal Opportunity Office.
SpecColl Manuscripts/Archives inquire at Special Collecitons
Northwest GLBT journals and other serial publications: University of
Washington Libraries.
bibliography available online
Affirming diversity: moving from tolerance to acceptance and beyond: final
report of the President's Task Force on Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, and
Transgender Issues.
[Seattle, WA]: University of Washington, [2001]
note: draft for UW community comment
Suz LD 5742.9 .U52 2001
Affirming diversity: moving from tolerance to acceptance and beyond: final
report of the President's Task Force on Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, and
Transgender Issues.
[Seattle, WA]: University of Washington, [2001]
Suz, Bot, Tac LD 5742.9 .U522 2001
Pat Parker ... [et al.]; [edited by Irene Reti]
Santa Cruz, CA: Herbooks, c1993.
Suz HQ 75.5 .U65 1993
Boston: Alyson Publication, 1988.
SuzRef PN 6084 .G35 U56 1988
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1998.
note: [chapter] 7, Why did Armey apologize? Hegemony, homophobia, and
the religious right, (Anna Marie Smith), pp. 148-171.
Suz JC 573.2 .U6 U57 1998
Edited by Rachel Rosenbloom; with a foreword by Charlotte Bunch.
London; NY: Cassell, 1996.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 .U57 1996
Voyager: a life of Hart Crane.
NY: Liveright, 1987, c1969.
note: reprint: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1969.
Suz PS 3505 .R272 Z797 1987
Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, c2006.
note: Haunting the Chicana: the queer child and the abject mother in the
writing of Cherríe Moraga (Joanna L. Mitchell), pp. 203-222)
Suz PQ 7081.5 .U68 2006
Passive intruder: a novel.
NY: W. W. Norton, c1995.
SpecColl PNW PS 3571 .P375 P37 1995
NY: Southern Tier Editions/Harrington Park Press, c2004.
Ugl PS 648 .H57 U66 2004
Oxford; NY: Berg, 2003.
note: [chapter] 5, Making home: queer migrations and motions of attachment
(Anne-Marie Fortier), pp. 115-135; [chapter] 6, Nostalgia, desire,
diaspora: South Asian sexualities in motion (Gayatri Gopinath), pp.
Suz JV 6013 .U67 2003
Ellen Donkin and Susan Clement, editors.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1993.
note: "Ways of Looking at Agnes de Castro (1695): A Lesbian History Play
at WOW Cafe," pp. 107-120(Kendall); "Split Britches and the Alcestis
Lesson: 'What Is This Albatross?'," pp. 133-149 (Sabrina Hamilton);
""Not...but"/"Not-Not-Me": Musings on Cross-Gender Performance," pp.
291-307. (Rhonda Blair)
Drama PN 2270 .F45 U68 1993
Berkeley, CA: Uranian Mirror, [1971]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 Summer 1971
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 2002.
(Bibliothek rosa Winkel, Bd. 32)
Suz HQ 75 .U72 2002
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, c1999.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia)),
also available online
Suz HQ 76.2 .A82 S9435 1999
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2004.
note: [chapter] 4, Using entertainment media to inform student affairs
teaching and practice related to sexual orientation (Tony W. Cawthorn),
pp. 37-47.
Bot, Tac LB 1044.2 .U83 2004
[S.l.]: Cool Cat Daddy Productions, c2002.
note: 5 sound discs, digital; originally released in 1950's by UTC as:
An Evening in Copenhagen (UTC-1), You're stepping on my eyelashes (UTC-2),
Don't call me madam (UTC-3), Bourbon 100 proof (UTC-5), Let me tell you
about my operation (UTC-7), Hollywood expose (UTC-9)
note: stand-up comedy, humorous poetry with piano accompaniment
UglMed Cd CCDP 003 v.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Sankt-Petersburg: D. Bulanin, 2002.
(Trudy fakulteta politicheskikh nauk i sotsiologii, vyp. 3,
Evropeiskii universitet v Sankt-Peterburge)
Suz HQ 18 .R8 V165 2002
Quiet fire: memoirs of older gay men.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1985.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 75.7 V33 1985
Santeria y Vodu: sexualidad y homoerotismo: caminos que se cruzan sobre la
narrativa cubana contemporanea.
Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, c2002.
Suz PQ 7372 .V33 2002
Kobenhavn: J. P. Boger, 2002.
Suz D805.5 .B83 V34 2002
Virtual equality: the mainstreaming of gay and lesbian liberation.
NY: Anchor Books, 1995.
Suz, Tac HQ 76.8 .U5 V35 1995
Somewhere: the life of Jerome Robbins.
NY: Broadway Books, c2006.
Drama GV 1785 .R52 V35 2006
Le droit de vivre autrement: modes de vie inhabituels, enquetes et
Paris: Denoel/Gonthier, [1975]
Suz HQ 737 V34
"Queers, Sissies, Dykes and Tomboys: Deconstructing the Conflation
of "Sex," "Gender," and "Sexual Orientation" in Euro-American Law and
Society." In: California Law Review. v.83, n.1 (Jan. 1995), pp. 1-377.
Law Library 7th floor (journal titles in alphabetical order)
Imagining transgender: an ethnography of a category.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.
Ugl HQ 77.7 .V35 2007
The daddy machine. Illustrated by Lynette Schmidt.
Boston: Alyson Wonderland, c1992.
ChiLit PZ7 .V24 D34 1992
The duke who outlawed jelly beans. Illustrated by Lynette Schmidt.
Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, c1991.
ChiLit PZ8 .V2343 Du 1991
One dad, two dads, brown dad, blue dads. Illustrated by Melody
Boston: Alyson Wonderland, c1994.
ChiLit PZ 8.3 V325 On 1994
Dancing with demons: the authorized biography of Dusty Springfield.
Penny Valentine and Vicky Wickham.
NY: St. Martin's Press, [2001]
Ugl ML 420 .S765 V35 2001
The testosterone files: my hormonal and social transformation from female
to male.
Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, an imprint of Avalon Pub. Group, Inc.,
Ugl V35 .A3 2006
Este viento de cuaresma.
Miami, FL: Ediciones Universal, 1994.
Suz PQ 7390 .V345 E76 1994
Our lady of the assassins. Translated by Paul Hammond.
London: Serpent's Tail, 2001.
note: translation of Virgen de los Sicarios
Suz PQ 8180.32 .A4277 V5713 2001
Athens: Ohio University Press, c1999.
note: chapter 13, "My young man of Mars": the gay World War II love poetry
of Dunstan Thompson (Jim Elledge), pp. 202-217.
Suz PS 58 .V35 1999
Law's dream of a common knowledge.
note: chapter 5, "The lifestyle that fits the doctrine of sexual
orientation," pp. 112-140.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c2003.
Suz K380 .V35 2003
Sex, power and pleasure.
Philadelphia: New Society, c1987.
Suz HQ 29 .V34 1987
Toward amnesia.
NY: Riverhead Books, 1995.
Suz PS 3551 .R725 T69 1995
The politics of AIDS.
London: Bowerdean Pub. Co., 1996.
Suz WC 503.7 V241p 1996
The search for a woman-centered spirituality.
NY: New York University Press, c1992.
(Cutting edge: lesbian life and literature)
Suz, Ugl PN 3437 V36 1992
Are you two-together?: a gay and lesbian travel guide to Europe.
By Lindsy Van Gelder & Pamela Robin Brandt.
NY: Random House, c1991.
Suz D909 .V284 1991
The girls next door: into the heart of lesbian America.
By Lindsy Van Gelder and Pamela Robin Brandt.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1996.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.6 .U5 V35 1996
Ancient boys.
see: Gay plays: an international anthology.
Patricia Van Kirk and the cast of Hidden histories [sound
[Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington, School of Drama, 1992]
note: Drama 401 colloquium; recorded at the University of Washington,
Seattle, on December 7, 1992.
DramaMed Phonotape DRA-45 1992 no.15
The queening of America: gay culture in straight society.
NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 153 .G38 V36 1995
Affaire Van Oosterwijck = Van Oosterwijck case.
Strasbourg: Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe; Koln: C. Heymanns,
(Publications de la Cour europeenne des droits de l'homme Serie B,
Memoires, plaidoiries et documents, v.36)
see also: European Commission of Human Rights. D. van Oosterwijck
see also: European Court of Human Rights. Affaire Van Oosterwijck: 1.
see also: Oosterwijck, D. van. Affaire van Oosterwijck: 1. decision...
see also: Oosterwijck, D. van. Affaire Van Oosterwijck = Van
Law KJC 5138 .A52 v.36
NY: Nan A. Talese, 1997.
Suz, Ugl PS 3572 .A42268 P56 1997
Parties, scenes from contemporary New York life.
NY: A. A. Knopf, 1930.
Suz 813 V37pa
Social work with lesbians, gays, and bisexuals: a strengths
Katherine van Wormer, Joel Wells, Mary Boes.
Boston: Allyn & Bacon, c2000.
Suz, SocWk, Tac HV 1449 .V36 2000
Vancouver, B.C.: The Society,
SpecCollPNW W1 VA625
no. 7 (Apr 1987); no. 26-27 (Nov 1988-Dec 1988/Feb1989); no. 29-32 (Jun
1989-Dec 1989); no. 34-36 (Feb/Mar-May 1990); no. 40-42 (Sep-Nov
1990); no. 44-51 (Jan/Feb 1991-Oct/Nov 1991); no. 53-55 (Feb 1992-Apr
When your partner has been sexually abused: a guide for partners.
Vancouver, BC: Ottawa; Health Canada, Family Violence Prevention Division;
Family Services of Greater Vancouver, Vancouver-Richmond Incest & Sexual
Abuse Centre, 1994.
note: "This booklet is written for people in heterosexual or homosexual
relationships whose partners were sexually abused as young children or
GovPub Microfiche M-2261, 99-02895
GovPubCanada H72-21/103-1994
A Vancouver's Women's Chorus [sound recording]; Crescendeo: The Tampa Bay
Womyn's Chorus.
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival, v.3)
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: 1st chorus: Crystal Bergman, music director; Dan Lauterbach,
accompanist. 2nd chorus: Sunny Hall, artistic director; Lori Surrency,
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.3
Phallos: a symbol and its history in the male world.
Translated from the Danish by the author.
London: Cape, 1972.
HSLIC HQ 71 .V3313 1972
Suz HQ 71 .V3313 1972b (International Universities Press ed.)
S.F.: Vanguard Inc., [1966]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 95 v.1,no.1-v.3,no.1 (Aug. 1966-1970)
Love's rite: same-sex marriage in India and the West.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Suz HQ 1033 .V36 2005
Sappho and the Virgin Mary: same-sex love and the English literary
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
(Between men -- between women)
Suz PR 408 .H65 V36 1996
Acts of disclosure: the coming-out process of contemporary gay men.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 V37 1998b
Noble lives: biographical portraits of three remarkable gay men--Glenway
Wescott, Aaron Copland, and Dag Hammarskjold.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2005.
Ugl HQ 75.7 .V37 2005
Scandal: infamous gay controversies of the twentieth century.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2003.
Ugl, Tac HQ 76 .V37 2003
Newbury Park: Sage Publications, c1988.
(Families in trouble series, v.5)
note: chapter 5, Some problems of gay/lesbian families (Joseph Harry), pp.
96-113; chapter 6, Choosing a gay/lesbian lifestyle: related issues of
treatment services (Susan Rice and Jim Kelly), pp. 114-132.
SocWk HV 699 V299 1988
Albany: University of New York Press, c1995.
note: Women and violence: a comparison of lesbian and heterosexual
battering relationships (Geraldine Butts Stahly, Gwat-Yong Lie), pp.
Suz, Bot HQ 1206 .V27 1995
A preface to Oscar Wilde.
London; NY: Longman, 1998.
Drama PR 5824 .V37 1998
Ljubljana, Slovenia: Bela Film, with the support of Filmski Sklad RS,
note: VHS; Slovenian dialogue with English subtitles.
note: performer- Iova Krajnc (Simona); Pia Zemlijic (Zana); Tanja Potocnik
(Alja); Jonas Znidarsic (Guardian of the Frontier); credits: Brock Norman
Brock, Zoran Hocevar, Maja Weiss (screenplay); Bojan Kastelic (director of
photography); Peter Braatz (editor); Stewart Dunlop (music); Hanna Preuss,
Harry Rag (sound designers)
note: Three girls' summer canoe trip down the river Kolpa becomes a
journey into fear when they discover that the woods hide not only the
border between Slovenia and Croatia, but also the border between the
permissible and the forbidden (lesbian sexuality).
UglMed Videorecord SLA 151
Strangers and friends: a new exploration of homosexuality and the
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1995.
Suz BR 115 .H6 V37 1995
NY: Crossroad, 1988.
Suz, Ugl BX 1795 H66 V38 1988
Muses from chaos and ash: AIDS, artists, and art.
NY: Grove Press, 1993.
Suz, Ugl NX 504 .V38 1993
San Francisco [CA]: Society for Individual rights.
note: misleading information- v.7,n.6 (Jun 1971) says n.5 on
cover; v.7,n.7 (Jul 1971) says n.6 on cover; v.8,n.3 (Mar 1972) issue says
Feb on cover; v.8,n.9 (Oct 1972) says n.8 on cover; v.8,n.10 (Nov 1972)
says n.9 on cover); v.9,n.8 (Aug 1973) says n.7 on cover); in each case
interior information provides the correct information
note: according to numbering, evidently no Jul issue in 1972
note: for microfilm version, see next entry
SpecColPNW HQ 75 .V43
v,3, n.7-10 (Jun-Sep 1967); v.4, n.2-5 (Jan-Apr 1968); v.4,n.7-10 (Jun-Oct
1968); v.5,n.1 (Jan 1969); v.5, n.9-10 (Sep-Oct 1969); v.6,n.1-v.9,n.2
(Jan 1970-Feb 1973); v.9,n.7-8 (Jul-Aug 1973); v.9,n.11-v.10,n.1
(Nov 1973-Jan 1974); v.10,n.3-v.11,n.2 (Mar 1974-Feb 1975); v.11,n.8
(Aug 1975); v.11,n.10(Oct 1975)
San Francisco, CA: Society for Individual Rights, [1964]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 86-90 v.1,n.1-v.12,n.7 (1964-1976)
Mary Shelley & Frankenstein: the fate of androgyny.
Chicago: University of chicago Press, 1986.
note: androgyny in literature
Suz, Ugl PR 5397 .F73 V44 1986
"Love the sinner, hate the sin": reality of fiction?
M.A. thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 2001.
available online,
The lieutenant nun: transgenderism, lesbian desire & Catalina de
Austin: University of Texas Press, c2000.
Suz PN 57 .E68 V45 2000
A life of unlearning: coming out of the church: one man's struggle.
Frenchs Forest, NSW: New Holland, 2004.
Suz BX 8765.5 .Z8 V46 2004
[St. Paul, MN]: Media Gratification [2004]
note: DVD; originally released in 2003
note: performer, Venus DeMars, Lynette Reini-Grandell, All the Pretty
Horses; credits- director of photography, Matt Ehling; music, Venus.
note: "On stage, wearing a vinyl corset and stiletto boots, s/he's Venus,
lead singer of the glam rock band All The Pretty Horses. At home in
Minneapolis with Lynette, her wife of twenty years, s/he's Steve. Born
male, Venus is transgender. S/he's "in between," taking female hormones,
but not planning to have sexual reassignment surgery. To some, s/he's a
pioneer, courageously exploring a brave new world of gender identity, free
of categorization. To others, s/he's a freak. Venus Of Mars is both the
unique coming out story of Venus' gender-redefining journey, and the truly
contemporary love story of a couple weathering dramatic changes in
uncharted relationship territory."
UglMed DVD MEDGR 001
Lesben und Schwule in der Arbeitswelt: Dokumentation des Kongresses
19.-21.3.1999, veranstaltet vom Verband lesbischer Psychologinnen und
schwuler Psychologen in Deutschland e. V. (VLSP) mit DGB, OTV, HBV und
weiteren Einzelgewerkschaften zusammengestellt von Wolfgang Kohne.
Berlin: Deutsche Aids-Hilfe, 1999.
Suz HD 6285.5 .G3 L47 1999
Dachau: Verlag Dachauer Hefte, [1998]
(Dachauer Hefte, Heft 14)
Suz D805 .G3 D32 v. 14
[Herausgeberin: KZ-Gedenkstatte Neuengamme; Redaktion, Herbert Diercks ...
[et al.]
Bremen: Edition Temmen, 1999.
(Beitrage zur Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung in
Norddeutschland, Heft 5)
Suz D804.5 .G38 V4 1999
NY: First Run Features, c2003.
note: DVD, videodisc release of the 1985 German motion picture, German
dialogue with English subtitles.
note: cast- Mechthild Grossmann (Wanda), Udo Kier (Gregor), Sheila
McLaughlin (Justine), Carola Regnier (Caren), Peter Weibel (Herr
Mährsch); camera- Elfi Mikesch; editor, Renate Merck; music, Maran
note: A drama concerning the erotic relationships of a dominatrix who runs
a gallery on the Hamburg waterfront, where audiences pay for
sadomasochistic entertainment.
UglMed DVD FRF 012
Innsbruck: StudienVerlag, c2000.
Suz D804.5 .G38 V48 2000
My own country: a doctor's story of a town and its people in the age of
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1994.
Suz, SocWk WD 308 V496m 1994
Ursula Ferdinand, Andreas Pretzel, Andreas Seeck (Hg.)
Munster: Lit, 1998.
(Geschlecht - Sexualität - Gesellschaft. Berliner Schriften zur
Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualpolitik, 1)
note: proceedings of a conference held Summer 1997 in Berlin.
Suz HQ 76.3 .G4 V38 1998
Tops, bottoms and sidepockets. Robin Versage and Leland Garner.
Detroit: Foremost, c1965.
Suz HQ 75.8 .V47 1965
Toronto: Sister Vision, c1994.
Suz, Bot PS 509 .L47 V48 1994
[NY]: Water Bearer Films, [1999]
note: DVD, originally produced as emotion picture in 1973.
note: cast- Robert Joel, Curt Gareth, Bo White, Anthony McKay, Marily
Meyers, Jay Pierce, Barnaby Rudge; director of photography, C. H. Doglass;
editor, Terry Manning; music, Bert Lucarelli, Gordon Gottlieb.
note: "An important film in the history of American gay film making, 'A
very Natural Thing' is considered the first feature film on the gay
experience made by an out-of-the-closet gay man to receive commercial
distribution. The simple but insightful story involves a 26-year-old gay
man, Jason, who leaves the priesthood and moves to New York City in hopes
of finding a meaningful gay relationship. Now a school teacher, he soon
falls in love with a handsome young advertising executive, David. Together
they discover passion and romance while learning to respect and love each
UglMed DVD WBF 004
Croissans-crescens i sredneviekovyia legendy o polovoi meamorfozie.
Sanktpeterburg: Tip. Imperatorskoi akademii nauk, 1881.
(Sbornik Otdieleniia russkago iazyka i slovesnosti Imperatorskoi akademii
nauk; t. 22, no. 3)
Suz 491.706 Ak131s v.22
Homosexuality and the Bible: two views. Dan O. Vita and Robert A. J.
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003.
Ugl BS 680 .H67 V52 2003
Intimate friends: women who loved women, 1778-1928.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.5 .V53 2004
Suffer and be still; women in the Victorian age.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press [1972]
note: [chapter] 2, From dame to woman: W. S. Gilbert and theatrical
transvestism (Jane W. Stedman), pp. 20-37.
Suz, Ugl HSLIC, Bot HQ 1596 .V5
Sleeping beauty: a lesbian fairy tale. Drawings by Gail; words by Vicki;
calligraphy by Ginny. Rev. ed.
Atlanta: Sojourner Truth Press, c1972.
Suz PS 3500 .A42 S58 1972
[United States]: Home Vision Entertainment, c2002.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in
note: cast- Dirk Bogarde, Sylvia Syms, Dennis Price, Anthony Nicholls,
Peter Copley, Norman Bird; credits- director of photography, Otto Heller;
editor, John D. Guthridge; music, Philip Green.
note: "A highly respected, but closeted barrister, Melville Farr, risks
his marriage and reputation to take on an elusive blackmail ring
terrorizing gay men with the threat of public exposure and police
UglMed DVD HOV 011
NY: MGM/UA Home Video, c1983.
note: 2 videodiscs, videodisc release of the 1982 motion picture
note: original music by Henry Mancini; lyrics by Leslie Bricusse; cast-
Julie Andrews, James Garner, Robert Preston, Alex Karras, Lesley Ann
Warren, John Rhys-Davies, Graham Stark.
note: A starving singer in Depression-era Paris is convinced by an equally
hapless performer that she may have more luck on the nightclub circuit if
she can first pass herslf off as a man.
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2258 (1991 VHS)
TacMed Videodisc TAC-198
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire [England]; NY: Palgrave, 2000.
note: [chapter] 10, Apparitions can be deceptive: Vernon Lee's androgynous
spectres (Ruth Robbins), pp. 182-200.
Suz PR 468 .G68 V53 2000
Columbus: Ohio State University Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 11, "Chafing at the social cobwebs": Gender and
transgender in the work of Charles Reade (Richard Fantina),pp. 126-137.
Suz PR 878 .S44 V53 2006
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Suz PR 468 .H65 V53 1999
Armageddon?: essays 1983-1987.
London: Andre Deutsch, 1987.
note: appeared in 1988 in different form in U. S. under title: At home:
essays 1982-1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 3543 .I26 A89 1987b
At home: essays 1982-1988.
NY: Random House, 1988.
note: originally published in different form in Great Britain under title:
Suz, Ugl PS 3543 .I26 A89 1988
Bot PS 3543 .I26 A89 1990
The city and the pillar.
NY: Grosset & Dunlap [c1948]
Suz 813 V667c
SpecColl PS 3543 .I26 C5 1948
Bot PS 3543 .I26 C5 1950 (NAL ed.)
The city and the pillar and seven early stories: revised with a new
preface by the author.
NY: Random House, c1995.
note: Consists of the novel The city and the pillar and seven short
stories originally published under title: Thirsty evil.
Suz, Tac PS 3543 .I26 C5 1995
The city and the pillar: including an essay, Sex and the Law, and an
afterword. Rev. ed.
NY: New American Library, c1965.
Suz, Ugl PS 3543 .I26 C5 1965
The essential Gore Vidal. Edited by Fred Kaplan.
NY: Random House, c1999.
Suz PS 3543 .I26 A6 1999
Gore Vidal: sexually speaking, collected sex writings. Donald Wise,
San Francisco: Cleis, c1999.
Suz PS 3543 .I26 A6 1999
The last empire: essays 1992-2000.
NY: Doubleday, c2001.
note: A note on the city and the Pillar and Thomas Mann, pp. 114-121; C.
P. Cavafy, pp. 153-158.
Suz PS 3543 .I26 L37 2001
Myra Breckenridge; Myron.
NY: Random House, 1986.
Ugl PS 3543 .I26 M9 1986
Ugl PS 3543 .I26 M9 (Little Brown [1968] ed. without Myron)
Suz PS 3543 .I26 M9 1968 (Bantam Books [1968] ed. without Myron)
Suz PS 3543 .I26 M9 1997
Pink triangle and yellow star: and other essays (1976-1982)
London: Heineman, 1982.
Ugl PS 3543 I26 P56 1982
Point to point navigation: a memoir, 1964 to 2006.
NY: Doubleday, c2006.
Suz PS 3543 .I26 Z475 2006
The season of comfort.
NY: E. P. Dutton, 1949.
Suz 813 V667s
A thirsty evil: seven short stories.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, c1981.
note: Reprint; originally published in NY by Zero Press, c1981.
see also: Vidal, Gore. The city and the pillar and seven early
Suz, Ugl PS 3543 .I26 T4 1981
Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, [1996]
(Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia, 656)
Suz PH 108 .N88 V54 1996
see: Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Homosexualität.
see: Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Homosexualität.
ca. 1965-1980.
note: 5.25 cu. ft. (16 boxes)
note: Collection of printed ephemera including pamphlets, posters,
manifestos, newsletters, booklets, and open letters created by the various
Seattle-area and University of Washington manifestations of American civil
rights and protest movements of the late 1960's and 1970's. The material
centers mainly around the Vietnam War, but includes much about feminism,
racism, socialism, labor unions and the rights of farm workers, gay
rights, environmental and economic boycotts of large corporations and
agro-industry, prisoners' rights, and the Iranian revolution of
1979. Documents include the publications of groups such as the Seattle
Liberation Front, the UW chapter of Students for a Democratic Society, the
Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam, WashPIRG, Young
Socialist Alliance, UW Staff Rights Organizing Committee, Seattle Gay
Liberation Front, Students against Violent Expression, United Workers
Union, and the Northwest Nihilist League; the majority of the material
dates from 1970-1973.
note: description, guide and selections available online,
SpecCollPNW DS 559.62 .W3
My two uncles.
Morton Grove, IL: A. Whitman, 1995.
BotChiLit PZ 7 .V67 Myt 1995
Hindsight and the real: subjectivity in gay hispanic autobiography.
NY: Peter Lang, c2003.
Suz PQ 6134 .A97 V55 2003
Lesbian rule: cultural criticism and the value of desire.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
Suz HQ 75.5 .V55 2003
El charlatan crepuscular: Oscar y Bosie.
Barcelona: Planeta, 1997.
Suz PQ 6672 .I483 C53 1997
Los duenos de la tierra.
Buenos Aires, Editorial Losada [1959]
Suz 863 V738d
Queer lyrics: difficulty and closure in American poetry.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.
Suz PS 310 .H66 V46 2002
Gei sutadizu. Kisu Vinsento, Kazama Takashi, Kawaguchi Kazuya.
Tokyo: Seidosha, 1997.
EAsia HQ 75.16 .J3 V46 1997
Self-made man: one woman's journey into manhood and back again.
NY: Viking, 2006.
Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 1075 .V546 2006
A gay diary.
NY: Pepys Press, c1979-
note: [1] 1933-1946. v.2: 1946-1954. v.3: 1954-1967. v.4: 1967-1975. v.5:
Suz HQ 75.8 .V56 A38 1979 v.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
How can you come out if you've never been in?: essays on gay life &
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1986.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 V56 1986
Edited and with an introduction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle.
NY: Vintage Books, 1999.
Suz, Bot PN 6120.92 .W65 V56 1999
[A special issue of] Journal of interpersonal violence. v. 5, n.3
SocWk Periodicals HV 6618 .J68
Tac Microforms Microfilm TAC-402
Lacey M. Sloan, Nora S. Gustavsson, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, c1998.
Suz, SocWk HV 6250.4 .H66 V56 1998
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, c1994.
(Claremont symposium on applied social psychology)
note: "Heterosexism, hate crimes, and the law," pp. 89-112. (Gregory M.
SocWk HV 6789 .V56 1994
Boston: Allyn & Bacon, c1997.
Suz, SocWk HV 6626 .V55 1997
Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association, c2000.
note: [chapter] 17, Preventing school violence aimed at gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgender youths (Mark Pope), pp. 285-303.
SocWk LB 3013.3 .V585 2000
Claire M. Renzetti and Charles Harvey Miley, editors.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1996.
Tac HQ 76.2 .U5 V58 1996
Edited by David Bergman.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1994.
Ugl PS 648 .H57 V56 1994
NY: Avon, 1980.
Suz PS 3572 .I652 G39 1980
La virgen de los sicarios [videorecording] = Our lady of the
Les Films du Losange, Le Studio Canal+, Vertigo Films, Tucan Producciones
con la participacion de Canal+ presentan; producers, Margaret Menegoz,
Barbet Schroeder; screenplay, Fernando Vallejo; director, Barbet
Hollywood, CA: Paramount Home Video, [2002]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD, in Spanish with English subtitles; originally
produced as a motion picture in 2000; based on the novel by Fernando
note: cast: German Jaramillo, Anderson Ballesteros, Juan David Restrepo,
Manuel Busquets
note: director of photography, Rodrigo Laline; editor, Elsa Vasquez;
music, Jorge Arriagada
note: An older writer, Fernando, returns to his hometown, Medellin,
Colombia. There he falls in love with 16-year-old assassin, Alexis. After
Alexis is killed, Fernando hunts for his killer in the Medellin slums and
falls in love with Wilmar, a boy who resembles Alexis.
UglMed DVD PARA 034
NY; Haworth Medical Press, c2005.
Ugl HQ 77.9 .P56 2005
NY: Pace University Press, c2007.
note: Trauma and lesbian returns in Virginia Woolf's The Voyage Out and
The Years (Patricia Morgne Cramer), pp. 19-50.
Suz PR 6045 .O72 Z89243 2007
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
(The cutting edge)
Suz PR 6045 .O72 Z8936 1997
San Francisco: Cleis Press, c1999.
Suz PS 509 .H57 V57 1999
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1999.
note: "The essays in this volume were developed in response to issues
considered at the 1996 Virtual Gender conference sponsored by the
Interdisciplinary Group for Historical Literary Study (now the Center for
Humanities Research) at Texas A&M University."
note: Theorizing early modern Lesbianisms: invisible borders, ambiguous
demarcations (Harriette Andreadis), pp. 125-146; Virtual sex, real gender:
body and identity in transgender discourse (Bernice L. Hausman), pp.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1075 .V57 1999
The Damned [videorecording]
see: The Damned [videorecording]
Death in Venice [videorecording]
see: Death in Venice [videorecording]
Ludwig di Luchino Visconti. A cura di Giorgio Ferrara.
Bologna: Cappeli, 1973.
(Dal soggetto al film, 47)
Suz PN 1997 .L82 V5
Edited by T. G. Vaidyanathan and Jaffrey J. Kripal.
Delhi; NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
[chapter] 14. The bloodthirsty tongue and the self-feeding breast:
homosexual fellatio fantasy in a South Indian ritual tradition. (Sarah
Caldwell), pp. 339-366.
Suz BL 1219 .V55 1999
[Columbia, SC: Gay and Lesbian Advocacy Research Project, c1990]
(Empathy, v.2, no.2)
Suz HQ 76.25 .V57 1990
Berkeley, CA: Inkworks Press, c2007.
note: [chapter] 5, Queer liberation (Sushawn Robb), pp. 84-93.
Tac NC 999.4 .I55 A4 2007
Sydney: University of New South Wales, College of Fine Arts, 2000.
note: catalog of an exhibition held at the Ivan Dougherty Gallery, College
of Fine arts, University of New South Wales, from 5-12 February 2000.
Suz NX 180 .A36 V57 2000
A sweet and sour romance: (a twinkie's defense)
London: Gay Men's, 1982.
Suz PS 3572 S83 1982
NY: Fox Lorber, c1998.
note: 1 videodisc; DVD; Mandarin with English subtitles.
note: credits- Screenplay, Tasi Ming-liang, Yang Pi-ying, Tsai Yi-chun;
director, Tsai Ming-liang; cast- Yang Kuei-mei, Lee Kang-sheng, Chen
note: Bizarre love triangle in Taipei, Taiwan between a chic real estate
agent, a street merchant, and the young gay man who spies on the couple's
see also: for videocassette format, Ai ching wan sui.
UglMed DVD FOXL 012
At the sweet hour of hand in hand. Translated from the French with an
introd. by Sandia Belgrade; foreword by editor and collaborator Bonnie
Poucel; [cover ill, by Tee A. Corinne] 1st ed.
[Weatherby Lake, MO]: Naiad Press, 1979.
note: translation of: A l'heure des mains jointes.
Suz PQ 2649 .I9 A22 1979
The muse of the violets: poems.
Translated from the French by Margaret Porter & Catharine Kroger.
[Bates City, MO] Naiad Press, 1977.
Ugl PQ 2643 .I9 A26 1977
Poemes de Renee Vivien. 2v.
Paris: A. Lemerre, 1923-24.
note: Ouvrages en vers de Renee Vivien: v.1, 3d prelim. leaf.; lack
Suz 841 V838p v.l
Poemes de Renee Vivien. 2v.
NY: Arno Press, 1975.
note: Reprint of the 1923-24 ed. published by A. Lemerre, Paris.
Suz PQ 2643 .I9 1975 v.1-2
A woman appeared to me.
Translated from the French by Jeannette H. Foster; with an introd. by
Gayle Rubin.
[Reno, Nev.]: Naiad press, 1976.
note: Translation of: Une femme m'apparut.
Ugl PQ 2643 .I9 F3713 1976
Suz PQ 2643 .I9 F3713 1982
The woman of the wolf, and other stories.
Translated by Karla Jay and Yvonne M. Klein.
NY: Gay Presses of New York, 1983.
note: translation of: Dame a la louve.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2643 .I9 D3513 1983
The Baltimore waltz.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1992.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Baltimore waltz
The Baltimore waltz and other plays.
NY: Theatre Communications Group, c1996.
note: The Baltimore waltz -- And baby makes seven -- The oldest profession
-- Desdemona: a play about a handkerchief -- Hot 'n' throbbing
Drama PS 3572 .O294 A6 1996
San Francisco, CA: P. D. Hardman & Associates, 1979-c1983.
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
note: continued by California voice, see California voice
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 36, 91-93 v.1-v.5,no.6 (Oct. 19, 1979-Mar.
11, 1983)
San Diego: Plural Publ., c 2006
NatSci WL 340.2 V889 2006 text, disc (NatSciMed)
Seattle, WA: Voice Northwest, c1989-
SpecCollFol HQ 75 .V65
v.1,n.1-3 (Jun 16, 1989-Jul 5, 1989), v.1,n.5-7 (Jul 26, 1989-Aug 9,
1989), v.1,n.9-10 (Aug 30, 1989-Sep 7, 1989)
Voices: Lesbian Choral Ensemble [sound recording]; Festival
Clarence, NY: Mark Custom Recording Service, [2000?]
(Festival, v.11)
note: compact disc; recorded on July 22-29, 2000 in either Civic
Auditorium or Center for Performing Arts, San Jose, California.
note: 1st chorus: Yulia Ronskaya, music director; Deborah Jue, assistant
director. 2nd chorus: Diane Loomer & Morna Edmundson, Conductors; Rachel
Kramer, accompanist.
UglMed Cd GALAC 001 v.11)
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 2, Gertrude Stein, never enough (Lynn C. Miller),
p. 47-65; [chapter] 7, The last reading of Charlotte Cushman (Carolyn
Gage), pp. 125-151; [chapter] 10, On being an exemplary lesbian; my life
as a role model (Jacqueline Taylor), pp. 192-214.
Drama, Bot PS 339 .W6 V65 2003
NY: Center for Homophobia Education, 1995.
note: Pt. 1. Positive Catholic Statements on Gay and Lesbian Issues,
1973-1995. Pt. 2. Positive Catholic Documents on Gay and Lesbian Issues,
1979-1993. Pt. 3. Responses to the 1992 Vatican Statement on
Non-Discrimination of Homosexual Persons.
Suz BX 1795 .H66 V65 1995
Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, c2006.
note: the str8 path: a coming out sequence, (Tina Zaman), pp. 226-231. [10
lesbian-content poems]
Suz, Tac HQ 1170 .V63 2006
Washington, D.C.: RedBone Press, 2007.
Ugl PS 508 .G39 V65 2007
The framing of an issue: a case study of minority news coverage.
Thesis (M. A.) - University of Washington.
Seattle, 1991.
Suz P90 Th39690
Aux Thesis 39690
The drag king book. Del LaGrace Volcano and Judith 'Jack' Halberstam.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1999.
Ugl, Bot HQ 77 .V65 1999
Love bites. Photographs. By Della Grace.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1991.
ArtDesk TR 681 .L47 G73 1991
Edited by Suzanne Raitt.
London: Onlywomen, 1995.
Suz PN 98 .W64 V65 1995
Das Nichts, die Angst, die Erfahrung; Untersuchung zur
zeitgenössischen schwulen Literatur.
Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1987.
(Homosexualität und Literatur, Bd. 1)
Suz PT 134 H73 1987
The male queen: boy actors and literati libertines.
note: Thesis (Ph. D.) Harvard University, 1995.
Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1997.
Suz PN 2071 .I47 V64 1995a
Seattle, WA: G.C.H.P. [Gay City Health Project]
note: continues Gay City monthly, see Gay City monthly; continued by
Volunteer voice, then Volunteer newsletter [reverted to that title], then
Beat, then Gay City bulletin; see those titles in this biblography
for holdings.
note: holdings both for earlier and later use of title Volunteeer
newsletter, shown in the holdings of this record.
SpecColl HQ 75 .B43 Apr 1997, Jan 1998
Seattle, WA: [Gay City Health Project]
note: continues Gay City monthly, then Volunteer newsletter, see
Gay City monthly, then Volunteer newsletter; continued by Volunteer
newsletter [reverted to that title], then Beat, then Gay City bulletin;
see those titles in this bibliography for holdings.
SpecColl HQ 75 .B43 May-Sept 1997, Nov 1997
Citizen Cohn.
NY: Doubleday, 1988.
Suz, Ugl KF 373 .C62 V66 1988
Los Angeles, CA: Fox Lorber Home Video, c1994.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS; in Dutch, German, and English, with English
subtitles; originally released as a motion picture in 1992; based on the
novel by Rudi Van Dantzig.
note: cast- Maarten Smit, Andrew Kelley, Jeroen Krabbe; scenario, Roeland
Kerbosch; camera, Nils Post; montage, August Verschueren; muziek, Joop
Stokkermans; producent, Matthijs van Heijningen; regie, Roeland
note: When Jeroen, a choreographer, becomes frustrated by a lack of
creative inspiration, he turns to some difficult childhood memories for a
solution. As a lonely, uncertain 12-year-old boy growing up in the
Netherlands, he found friendship and first love with a Canadian soldier
at the end of the war. Years later, however, he is able to turn the
painful ending of that relationship into a powerful new beginning.
UglMed Videorecord FOXL 076
Act like a man: challenging masculinities in American drama.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1995.
Drama, Bot PS 338 .M37 V67 1995
A young woman's guide to sex. By Jacqueline Voss, Jay Gale; [illustrations
by Scott E. Carroll]
NY: Holt, 1987, c1986.
note: [chapter] 14, Sexual differences, pp. 192-206.
ChiLit HQ 51 .V67 1987
The life style of the eunuchs. By M. D. Vyas and Yogesh Shingala.
New Delhi, India: Anmol Publications; Delhi: Distributed by Anupama
Publishers & Distributors, 1987.
Suz HQ 449 .V93 1987
Groovy Bob: the life and times of Robert Fraser.
London: Faber and Faber, 1999.
Suz N8660 .F685 V96 1999
Sexual orientation discrimination in the European Union: national laws and
the Employment Equality Directive. Kees Waaldijk and Matteo
The Hague, The Netherlands: T.M.C. Asser Press; West Nyack, NY: Cambridge
University Press [North American distributor], c2006.
note: based on a report of the European Group of experts on Combating
Sexual Orientation Discrimination.
Suz KJE 2945 .G39 W32 2006
Lesbian empire: radical crosswriting in the Twenties.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2001.
Suz PR 888 .L46 W34 2001
Gay Olympian; the life and death of Dr. Thomas Waddell.
By Tom Waddell and Dick Schaap.
NY; Alfred A. Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1996.
Suz GV 697 .W33 A3 1996
Homosexual generation.
NY: L. S. Publications, 1967.
note: on cover: by Ken Worthy
Suz HQ 76.2 .U5 W29 1967
Queer path.
NY: L. S. Publications, 1967.
Suz HQ 76 .W23 1967
Light, coming back: a novel.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2001.
Ugl PS 3623 .A39 L54 2001
Damned women: lesbians in French novels, 1796-1996.
Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, c2000.
Suz PQ 637 .H65 W34 2000
Policing the bedroom and how to refuse it. 3rd ed.
[Editor, Selma James; introduction by Wilmette Brown and Anne Neale]
London: Crossroads Books, [1991]
Suz HQ 75.6 .G7 W25 1991
Gay Catholic priests: a study of cognitive and affective dissonance.
San Francisco: Specific Press, c1981.
(Monograph. Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality; 1)
note: originally presented as the author's [doctoral] thesis, The
Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.
Suz BX 1912.9 .W33 1981
Favored strangers: Gertrude Stein and her family.
New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, c1995.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 3537 .T323 Z87 1995
Sexual problems; diagnosis and treatment in medical practice.
NY: Free Press [1967]
note: see Chapters 10, 13, 16 and 'Homosexuality' in the Index.
SocWk, HSLIC WM 610 W136s 1967
Invisible relations: representations of female intimacy in the Age of
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1999.
Suz PR 448 .H65 W35 1999
Verfolgung und Vermögensentzug Homosexueller auf dem Gebiet der
Republik Österreich während der NS-Zeit: Bemühungen um
Restitution, Entschädigung und Pensionen in der Zweiten Republik.
(Veröffentlichungen der Österreichischen Historikerkommission.
Vermögungsentzug während der NS-Zeit sowie Rückstellungen
Entschädigungen seit 1945 in Österreich, Bd. 25)
Wien: Oldenbourg, 2004.
Suz HQ 76.45 .A9 W34 2004
Chicago, IL: Facets Video, [2000]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; originally released as a motion picture in
note: cast- Linda Hunt, Linda Bassett, Bernadette Lafont, Bruce McGill,
Jacques Boudet, Andrew McCarthy; credits- music, Michael Sahl; director of
photography, Andre Neau; editor, Georges Klotz; executive producer,
Lindsay Law.
note: An engrossing and fascinating exploration of the complex
relationship of Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas.
UglMed Videorecord FAC 105
The hijacking of Jesus: how the religious right distorts Christianity and
promotes violence and hate.
NY: Nation Books, 2006.
note: [chapter] 5, The Wedges: dividing to conquer, pp. 101-124.
Bot BR 1642 .U5 W34 2006
Forties' child.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1988, c1980.
Suz PR 6073 .A374 Z464 1988
London: Gay Men's Press, 1983.
Suz PR 6073 .A374 M37 1983
The scarlet boy. Completed by Patrick Gale.
London: Serpent's Tail, c1998.
Suz PR 6073 .A374 S3 1998
Secret lives: three novellas. By Tom Wakefield, Patrick Gale, Francis
London: Serpent's Tail, 1992.
note: The Other Way (Tom Wakefield); Caesar's Wife (Patrick Gale); Secret
Lives (Francis King)
Suz PR 6073 .A374 S42 1992
Holding fire: a love story.
NY: Context Books: Distributed by Publishers Group West, c2001.
Ugl PS 3573 .A42115 H65 2001
AIDS and the body politic: biomedicine and sexual difference.
London; NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz, Tac WC 503.7 W157a 1996
A point is that which has no part: poems.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c2000.
Suz PS 3573 .A42158 P65 2000
The aesthetics of self-invention: Oscar Wilde to David Bowie.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2004.
Suz PR 5827 .A35 W35 2004
Constructions of female homoeroticism in early modern drama.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Drama PR 658 .H58 W35 2005
A social-psychiatric follow-up study of 24 sex-reassigned
By Jan Walinder [and] Inga Thuwe; [translated by Alan Jacobs]
Stockholm: Esselte Studium, c1975.
(Reports (Goteborgs universitet. Demografiska forskargruppen), 10.)
HSLIC Serials W1 GO855 no.10
Transsexualism. A study of forty-three cases. [Translated by Helen
Goteborg: Akademieforlaget/Gumpert, 1967.
(Reports from the Psychiatric Research Centre, St. Jorgen's Hospital,
University of Goteborg, Sweden, 2)
(Reports (Goteborgs universitet. Demografiska forskargruppen, 2)
Health Serials W1 GO855 no.2
Culver City, CA: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, [2005]
note: DVD release of the 2004 motion picture.
note: credits - Director of photography, Tobias Hochstein; editor, Yosef
Grunfeld; music, Ivri Lider; cast - Lior Ashkenazi, Knut Berger, Caroline
Pewters, Gidon Shemer, Sivan Sasson, Eyal Rozales, Yousef (Joe) Sweid.
note: While on assignment in Berlin, a homophobic Israeli intelligence
agent is tasked with offing a Nazi war criminal. However, he has a crisis
of consciousness after he befriends a target's gay grandson.
By the light of my father's smile: a novel.
NY: Random House, c1998.
Suz PS 3573 .A425 B9 1998
The same river twice: honoring the difficult: a meditation on life,
spirit, art, and the making of the film, The color purple, ten years
NY: Scribner, c1996.
Suz PS 3573 .A425 Z47 1996
San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serials: a guide to the microfilm
collection. Jointly produced by the University of California, Berkeley and
the Gay and Lesbian Historical Society of Northern California.
[Berkeley, CA: University of California, 1991]
note: guide to 61 titles on 96 microfilm reels in MicNews, Microfilm
MicNews Microfilm A10331 guide
SuzRef HQ 76.3 .U5 W35 1991
Masks outrageous and austere: culture, psyche, and persona in modern women
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1991.
note: [chapter] 2, Women and feminine literary traditions; Amy Lowell and
the androgynous persona, pp. 16-43.
Suz PS 310 .S34 W35 1991
Differing scope and methodology in GAO and
University of California reports account for variations in cost estimates
for homosexual conduct policy.
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Accountability Office, [2006]
available online,
The making of a modernist: Gertrude Stein from Three lives to Tender
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984.
Suz, Ugl PS 3537 .T323 Z88 1984
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993.
ChildLit PZ 7 W15198 Pe 1993
Looking like what you are: sexual style, race, and lesbian identity.
NY: New York University Press, c2001.
Suz HQ 75.5 .W35 2001
Men loving men: a gay sex guide and consciousness book.
Photos by David Greene; drawings by Bill Warrick.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1977.
Suz HQ 76 W27 1977
The revolutionary psychology of gay-centeredness in men: three short
[Hollywood, CA]: M. Walker, c1999.
Suz HQ 76 .W275 1999
Visionary love: a spirit book of gay mythology and transmutational faerie.
By Mitch Walker and friends.
San Francisco: Treeroots Press, c1980.
Suz HQ 76 .W28 1980
The method.
San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1990.
ChiLit PZ7 .W15377 Me 1990
Gay and Lesbian Studies. A Research Guide for the UCLA Libraries.
MicNews ERIC microfiche ED 328271
Hall Carpenter Archives, Men's Oral History Group.
London, NY: Routledge, 1989.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.7 W35 1989
From trial court to the United States Supreme Court: anatomy of a free
speech case: the incredible inside story behind the theft of the St.
Patrick's Day parade. By Paul J. Walkowski and William M. Connolly.
Boston: Branden, c1996.
Law KF 228 .A45 W35 1996
Sexual encounters: Pacific texts, modern sexualities.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2003.
Suz GN 662 .W35 2003
Dark designs and visual culture.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.
note: Part VI, Queer theory and visual culture [in terms of
African-Americans]: [chapters] 36-54, pp.
Bot, Tac E185.86 .W344 2004
Tell the court I love my wife: race, marriage, and law: an American
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.
note: Appendix 4, Transsexuals, gender identity, and the law of marriage,
pp. 259-260.
Suz, Bot KF 511 .W35 2002
Santa Barbara, CA: Intellimation [distributor], c1988.
(Voices & visions, 12)
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; "The Annenberg/CPC Collection."
note: The life and career of Walt Whitman, American poet, related through
photographs, dramatizations, readings of his work and commentary by
literary critics and other poets.
UglMed Videorecord ACPB 012
Blasphemy in Britain: the practice and punishment of blasphemy and the
trial of Gay news.
London: Rationalist Press Association, 1977.
Suz KD 373 .G39 W34 1977
Homophiles of Penn State.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 14)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 14
Student teaching and gay liberation.
National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality,
(The Otherwise monograph series, 10)
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 O8 no. 10
"No experience required": coming out and identity formation of middle age
lesbians in the Atlantic Provinces.
M.A. thesis, Mount Saint Vincent University, Dalhousie University, and
Saint Mary's University, 1999.
available online,
All the rage: the story of gay visibility in America.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Suz PN 1992.8 .H64 W35 2001
Fair sex, savage dreams: race, psychoanalysis, sexual difference.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2001.
note: chapter 2, "Nightmare of the uncoordinated white-folk":
psychoanalysis and the queer matrix of Borderline, pp. 41-81; chapter 5,
The Ethnographic alibi, pp. 129-143; chapter 7, A Rap on race: Mead and
Baldwin, pp. 177-189.
Suz, Ugl BF 175.4 .R34 W35 2001
Transsexual workers: an employer's guide.
Los Angeles: Center for Gender Sanity, c1998.
Suz HQ 77.9 .W35 1998
Between Sodom and Eden: a gay journey through today's changing Israel.
NY: Columbia University Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.2 .I75 W35 2000
Gay rights on trial: a reference handbook.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, c2002.
SuzRef, Law, Bot KF 4754.5 .W35 2002
Carry on, understudies: theatre and sexual politics.
London; NY: Routledge & Kegan Paul, c1986.
note: the second edition of: Understudies: theatre and sexual
note: includes discussion of The Gay Liberation Front, the Gay Sweatshop,
the Gay Street Theatre Group, among other gay politics and theatre
see: Wandor, Michelene. Understudies: theatre and sexual
politics...[for first edition]
Drama, Bot PN 2595.13 .W65 W36 1986
Understudies: theatre and sexual politics.
London: Methuen, c1981.
note: a second edition appeared in 1986 as: Carry on, understudies:
theatre and sexual politics.
note: includes discussion of The Gay Liberation Front, the Gay Sweatshop,
the Gay Street Theatre Group, among other gay politics and theatre
see: Wandor, Michelene. Carry on, understudies...(for second edition)
Drama PN 2049 .W36
Der verworfene Stein: Winckelmanns Leben.
Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, [2005?]
Suz N7483 .W5 W36 2005
Older: the unauthorized biography of George Michael. By Nicholas and Tim
London: Pan, 1999.
Suz ML 420 .M426 W36 1999
NY: Women Make Movies, c1992.
note: A parody about lesbianism.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 007
Rita Mae Brown.
NY: Twayne, 1993.
(Twayne's United States authors series; TUSAS 615)
Ugl PS 3552 .R698 Z93 1993
Women's prison; sex and social structure. By David A. Ward and Gene
G. Kassebaum.
Chicago: Aldine Pub. Co., [1965]
see also: The dynamics of prison homosexuality: the character of the love
affair is reprinted in: Douglas, Jack D. Observations of deviance,
pp. 89-106.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, HSLIC HV 8738 W27
Women's prison: sex and social structure. David A. Ward and Gene G.
New Brunswick [N.J.]: Aldine Transaction, [2007]
Suz HV 8738 .W27 2007
Gay threads in the fabric of Western culture: dramatized biographies of
famous gay men.
San Leandro, CA: Community Pub., c1985.
Suz PS 3573 .A7336 G39 1985
Partner and I: Molly Dewson, feminism, and New Deal politics.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1987.
Suz E 748 .D49 W37 1987
Title IX: a brief history with documents.
Boston: Bedford/St.Martin's, c2007.
note: [chapter] 23, Homophobia in women's sports (Lucy Jane Bledsoe), pp.
Suz KF 4166 .W37 2007
Proper deafinitions: collected theorograms.
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Suz PN 56 L45 W37 1990
Max Ernst and alchemy: a magician in search of myth. Foreword by Franklin
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001.
note: [chapter] 6, The alchemical androgyne: Ernst and the women in his
life, pp. 136-183.
Art N6888 .E7 W37 2001
Sicklerville, N. J.: Vega Press, 1992.
SpecCollStx PS 595 .H65 W37 1992
Adoption by same sex couples. Kate Warner and Claire Buxton.
[Hobart, Tas.]: Tasmania Law Reform Institute, [2003]
Suz KUF 60 .W37 2003
also available online,
The trouble with normal: sex, politics and the ethics of queer life.
NY: Free Press, c1999.
Suz HQ 32 .W367 1999
The diaries of Sylvia Townsend Warner. Edited and introduced by Claire
London: Chatto & Windus, 1994.
Suz PR 6045 .A812 Z463 1994
I'll stand by you: selected letters of Sylvia Townsend Warner and
Valentine Ackland: with narrative by Sylvia Townsend Warner.
Edited by Susanna Pinney.
London: Pimlico, 1998.
Suz PR 6045 .A812 Z4815 1998
Mr. Fortune's maggot.
NY: The Literary Guilde, 1927.
Suz 823 W24m
Summer will show; with a new introduction by Claire Harman.
NY: Penguin Books--Virago Press, 1987.
Suz PR 8045 .A812 S8 1987
Suz 823 W24s (Viking ed., 1936)
Never going back: a history of queer activism in Canada.
Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c2002.
Suz HQ 76.8 .C3 W37 2002
Identity and community in the gay world.
NY: Wiley, [1974]
Suz, Ugl, SocWk HQ 76.3 U5 W37
Billy's boy.
Beverly Hills, CA: Wildcat Press, c1997.
Suz PS 3573 .A776 B55 1997
The fancy dancer.
NY: Morrow, 1976.
Suz PS 3573 .A776 F3 1976
The front runner.
NY: Bantam Books, 1975.
Suz, Ugl PS 3573 .A776 F76 1975
The lavender locker room: 3000 years of great athletes whose sexual
orientation was different.
Beverly Hills, CA: Wildcat Press; London: Turnaround [distributor],
Ugl GV 708.8 .W37 2006
Unlikely couples: movie romance as social criticism.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999.
note: [chapter] 10, Desert hearts. Betting on lesbian love, pp.
193-207; [chapter] 11, The crying game. Loving in ignornace, pp.
Suz, Tac PN 1995.9 .L6 W37 1999
Barbara Kittelberger, Wolfgang Schürger, Wolfgang Heilig-Achneck,
München: Claudius, c1993.
Suz BR 115 .H6 W37 1993
Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 1997.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 W27 1997
Published under the auspices of the Wissenschaflich-Humanitäres
Komitee, Berlin, 1903.
see: A homosexual emancipation miscellany. (for reprint of abridged
translation into English)
Washington, D.C.: Washington Blade, Inc., 1980-
continues: The Blade; previously, The Gay blade.
see also: The Blade.
see: The Gay blade.
MicNews Microfilm A9797 v.23, n.27-v.25 (July 3, 1992-Dec. 30, 1994)
Seattle, WA: Cascade Media, Inc., [1984-
note: continues Cascade voice (Seattle, WA), see Cascade voice (Seattle,
SpecCollFolio HQ 75 .C27
v.2,n.3-18 (Jun 29, 1984-Jan 25, 1985)
Washington State Supreme Court oral arguments [videorecording]: Frank
Vasquez v. Joseph Hawthorne, February 13, 2001.
[Olympia, Wash.?]: Washington Public Affairs Network (TVW), [2003]
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; recorded Feb. 13, 2003.
note: oral arguments in a case to determine meretricious relationship
equity, in which one partner in a 28 year same sex relationship died and
the other partner brought suit for an equitable share of their joint
Law KFW 142 .W37 2003
Proustian passions: the uses of self-justification for A la recherche du
temps perdu.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 A9428 2000
The Heidi chronicles and other plays.
San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1990.
note: a gay character, Peter, is Heidi's best friend
Ugl PS 3573 .A798 H4 1990
Suz, Drama PS 3573 .A798 H4 1991 (Vintage ed.)
Drama PS 3573 .A798 H4 1989
The making of a gay Asian community: an oral history of pre-AIDS Los
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., c2002.
Suz HQ 76.2 .U52 C28 2002
Love of the Samurai: a thousand years of Japanese homosexuality.
By Tsuneo Watanabe & Junichi Iwata; translated by D. R. Roberts.
London: Gay Men's Press, 1989.
note: translation of: La Voie des Ephebes.
Ugl HQ 76.2 J3 W37 1989
NY: First-Run Features, [2000?]
note: 1 videodisc, DVD; originally released as a motion picture in
note: cast, Cheryl Dunye, Guinevere Turner, Valarie Walker, Lisa Marie
Bronson; cinematography by Michelle Crenshaw; edited by Annie Taylor; original
score, Paul Shapiro; includes interview with Cheryl Dunye.
note: Cheryl is young, Black, and lesbian, working in a Philadelphia video
store, and on a film project about her search for a Black actress from
Philadelphia who was known as the Watermelon Woman. Following various
leads, Cheryl discovers the Watermelon woman's names, and that the actress
had a long affair with one of Hollywood's few female directors.
UglMed DVD FRF 003
BotMed DVD BOT-596
NY: Riverhead Books, 2000.
Suz PR 6073 .A828 A69 2000
Bot PR 6073 .A828 A69 2002 (paperback ed)
NY: Riverhead Books, 2002.
Suz PR 6073 .A828 F56 2002
The night watch.
NY: Riverhead Books, 2006.
Ugl PR 6073 .A828 N54 2006
Tipping the velvet.
NY: Riverhead Books, 1999.
Ugl PR 6073 .A828 T56 1999
Tipping the velvet [sound recording]
Prince Frederick, MD: Recorded Books, 2003.
note: 17 sound discs; narrated by Juanita McMahon.
Ugl Audiobooks Cd RECB 078
Ashes for Easter & other monodramas.
Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1972.
Drama PR 9199.3 .W37 A9
The Connecticut countess: chronicles of Davey Bryant.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, c1984.
Suz PR 9199.3 .W37 C6 1984
Hunting with Diana.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, c1996.
Suz PR 9199.3 .W37 H86 1996
No more into the garden: chronicles of Davey Bryant.
Toronto; Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978.
Suz PR 9199.3 .W37 N6
The time of the kingfishers.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 1994
Suz PR 9199.3 .W37 T55 1994
The year of fears.
Oakville, Ontario: Mosaic Press, c1987.
Suz PR 9199.3 .W37 Y4 1987
The art of Duncan Grant.
London: J. Murray, 1990.
Art ND 497 .G68 W38 1990
Imagine hope: AIDS and gay identity.
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
Suz WC 503.7 W336i 2000
Policing desire: pornography, AIDS, and the media.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1987.
Suz, NatSci WD 308 W336p 1987
Policing desire: pornography, AIDS, and the media. 2nd ed.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1989.
Ugl, Tac WD 308 W336p 1989
Policing desire: pornography, AIDS and the media. 3rd ed.
London: Cassell, 1997.
Suz WC 503.7 W336po 1997
Practices of freedom: selected writings on HIV/AIDS.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1994.
(Series Q)
Suz WC 503.7 W336p 1994
U.S. military service: a reference handbook.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, c2007.
note: Does sexual orientation of some military personnel affect overall
unit effectiveness and cohesion?, pp.42-43; What is the relationship
between sexual orientation and the military?, 43.
Ugl, Bot UB 323 .W358 2007
A. E. Housman; a divided life.
London: R. Hart-Davis, 1957.
Suz 921 H817wa
Understanding Rainer Werner Fassbinder: film as private and public
Columbia, S. C.: University of South Carolina Press, c1996.
Suz, Ugl PN 1998.3 .F37 W38 1996
Gay couples and the law: a bibliography.
Monticello, IL: Vance Bibliographies, [1990]
Suz Z 7164 S42 W37 1990
The fruit machine: twenty years of writings on queer cinema. Foreword by
John Greyson.
Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 2000.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 W38 2000
Hard to imagine: gay male eroticism in photography and film from their
beginnings to Stonewall.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
(Between men - between women)
Art TR 681 .H65 W38 1996
Out/lines: underground gay graphics from before Stonewall. Compiled and
with an introduction by Thomas Waugh.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, c2002.
ArtDesk N8217 .H67 W38 2003
The romance of transgression in Canada: queering sexualities, nations,
cinemas. Foreword by Bruce LaBruce.
Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, c2006.
Suz, Bot PN 1995.9 .H55 W39 2006
NY: Vintage Books, 1994.
Suz PS 648 .H57 W38 1994
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c1999.
(People, passions, and power)
note: chapter 7, AIDS, anger, and activism: ACT UP as a social movement
organization (Abigail Halcli), pp. 135-150.
Suz HN 59 .W34 1999
London; Sydney; Auckland: Hodder & Stoughton, 1997.
note: "The St. Andrew's Day Statement, published in November 1995, has
succeeded in attracting a range of opinions and this collection includes a
number of different responses and takes the issues very much further."
Suz BX 5131.2 .W39 1997
Grand Rapids, MI: W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2004.
note: 2nd ed. originally published in great Britain by SCM Press
Tac BR 115 .H6 W39 2004
Edited by M. Elizabeth Osborn.
NY: Theatre Communications Group, 1990.
Ugl, Drama, Bot PS 627 .A53 W38 1990
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2003.
note: chapter 8, Identity careers of older gay men and lesbians (Dana
Rosenfeld), pp. 160-181.
Bot, Tac HQ 10061 .W368 2003
[Los Angeles, CA?]: Tavroh Films, c2005.
note: DVD
note: credits- editor, Michel Horvat; photography, Joan-Olof Fritze,
Alberto Herschovitz.
note: Chronicles the story of Steven Lofton and Roger Croteau and their
extended family of five foster children. Back in the 90s, these two
pediatric AIDS nurses took in four African American infants with HIV whom
nobody wanted, and fostered them as their own. One child was born HIV
positive, but at age 3 he tested HIV negative, and the state of Florida
reclassified him as adoptable. As Florida is the only state with a blanket
ban on gay adoption, this disqualified the family. The case of Lofton v.
State of Florida, which challenged Florida's ban on adoption by gay
couples, went all the way to the Supreme Court, which refused to hear the
case and let the Florida law stand.
UglMed TAVR 001
BotMed DVD Bot-732
[NY: Violet Press [1973]
Suz PS 589 .W4 1973
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1988.
note: writings by and about lesbian parents
Suz, Ugl PS 509 L47 W4 1988
Edited by Mark Blasius and Shane Phelan.
NY: Routledge, 1997.
Suz, Tac HQ 76 .W33 1997
Aimee Sands, WGBH Boston in association with Cambridge Documentary Films;
producer/writer, Aimee Sands; director/photographer, Dasal Banks.
NY: Filmakers Library, 1986.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS. Videocassette release of the 1986 television
note: Editor, Julia Dizon Eddy; narrator, Susan Stamberg.
note: Looks at life in homosexual families, with the focus on the well
being of children. Investigates three different family situations; one
foster, one biological, and one adoptive. Questions are raised about the
possible influences on the children, and health professionals discuss
these issues.
UglMed Videorecord FML 039
Edited by Lawrence D. Mass.
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press; NY: St. Martin's
Press, 1997.
Suz, Bot PS 3561 .R252 Z99 Z99 1997
Forestville, CA: Northern California Gay Media Projext, [1988]-
(San Francisco Bay Area gay and lesbian serial collection)
MicNews Microfilm A10331 reel 84 v.1-v.2, n.8 (1988-1989)
James Baldwin: artist on fire: a portrait.
NY: D. I. Fine, c1989.
Suz, Drama, Tac PS 3552 .A45 Z94 1989
London: Arnold; NY: Distributyed in the U.S.A. by Oxford University Press,
note: chapter 11, Pornography online, lesbian style (Meredith Balderston),
pp. 137-145.
Suz P94.6 .W43 2004
London: Arnold; NY: Co-published in the United States of America by Oxford
University Press, 2000.
note: [chapter] 8, Queer 'n' Asian on - and off- the net: the role of
cyberspace in queer Taiwan and Korea (Chris Berry and Fran Martin), pp.
Bot P94.6 .W43 2000
Portrait of David Hockney.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1988.
Art N 6797 .H57 W42 1988
Lesbians in the military speak out.
Northboro, MA: Madwoman Press, 1993.
Suz UB 418 .G38 W43 1993
Branded youth and other stories.
Boston: Bullfinch Press/Little, Brown and Co.; London, England: in
association with National Portrait Gallery, c1997.
note: Published to coincide with the exhibition held at the National
Portrait Gallery, c1997.
Art, Bot TR 647 .W39 A4 1997
Hotel room with a view. Photographs.
Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, c1992.
Suz TR 690.4 .W43 1992
Faking it: U.S. hegemony in a "post-phallic" era.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c1999.
note: [chapter] 7, America's queer accessory, pp. 127-138.
Suz F2178 .U6 W43 1999
Found wanting: women, Christianity and sexuality. Foreword by Sara
London: Cassell, 1995.
Suz, Ugl BT 83.55 .W420 1995
NY: Avon Books, 2000.
Suz HQ 1033 .W43 2000
Beverly Hills, CA: FoxVideo, 1994, c1993.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS format. Videocassette release of the 1993
motion picture. Producers, Ted Hope, James Schmaus and Ang Lee; director,
Ang Lee; writers, Ang Lee, Neil Peng and James Schmaus. Ah-Leh Gua, Sihung
Lung, May Chin, Winston Chao,
Mitchell Lichtenstein.
note: Second of Ang Lee's unofficial trilogy about parents and their
children. In New York, the Taiwnese half of a gay couple hopes to end his
parents' matchmaking by announcing that he's engaged. What he doesn't
count on is that they'll fly in to meet the bride and plan the
see also: Li, An. Eat drink man woman; The Wedding banquet: two films.
Ugl Media Videorecord FOX 010
Tac Media Videorecord TAC-796
Bot Media Videodisc BOT-68 (videodisc edition, widescreen, letterbox
"Dass ich eins und doppelt bin": Studien zur Idee der Androgynie unter
besonderer Berucksichtigung Thomas Manns.
Frankfurt am Main; NY: P. Lang, 1984.
(Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 1, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur,
Bd. 785)
Suz PT 2625 .A44 Z927 1984
Feminism, theory, and the politics of difference.
Oxford; Maden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1999.
note: chapter 3, Lesbian difference, feminism and queer theory, pp.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1190 .W42 1999
Against nature: essays on history, sexuality and identity.
London: Rivers Oram, 1991.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.25 W435 1991
Coming out: homosexual politics in Britain, from the nineteenth century to
the present.
London; NY: Quartet Books, 1977.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.8 G7 W43 1977
Invented moralities: sexual values in an age of uncertainty.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1995.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 32 .W44 1995
Making sexual history.
Cambridge, UK: Polity Press; Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2000.
Suz HQ 12 .W44f 2000
Same sex intimacies: families of choice and other life experiments.
Jeffrey Weeks, Brian Heaphy, and Catherine Donovan.
London; NY: Routledge, 2001.
Suz HQ 76.34 .W44 2001
Sex, politics, and society: the regulation of sexuality since 1800.
London; NY: Longman, 1981.
Suz HQ 18 .G7 W43
Sex, politics, and society: the regulation of sexuality since 1800. 2nd
London; NY: Longman, 1989.
Suz HQ 18 .G7 W43 1989
The world we have won: the remaking of erotic and intimate life.
London; NY: Routledge, 2007.
Suz HQ 16 .W44 2007
Methods to ensure a safe environment for homosexual students in high
school: a literature review and analysis. 2004.
note: " partial fulfillment...for the Masters in Guidance and
Counseling...University of Wisconsin--Stout, August, 2004."
available online,
Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1994.
Suz HQ 79 .W45 1994
The hidden image: photographs of the male nude in the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries. Translated by Claus Nielander.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988, c1987.
note: Translation of: Das verborgene Bild.
Art Desk TR 675 .W4513 1988
Every 17 seconds: a global perspective on the AIDS crisis.
Introduction by Simon Watney.
[NY]: Aperture, c1992.
Suz WD 308 W422e 1992
Androgyny and the denial of difference.
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1992.
Suz BF 692.2 .W45 1992
Society and the healthy homosexual.
NY: St. Martin's Press [1972]
Ugl, SocWk, HSLIC HQ 76 .W38
Suz HQ 76 .W38 1973 (Anchor Press/Doubleday ed., 1973)
Male desire: the homoerotic in American art.
NY: H. N. Abrams, 2004.
Art N72 .H64 W45 2004
Speaking for vice: homosexuality in the art of Charles Demuth, Marsden
Hartley, and the first American avante-garde.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, c1993.
Suz, Art ND 237 .D36 W45 1993
Dual attraction: understanding bisexuality.
By Martin S. Weinberg, Colin J. Williams, Douglas W. Pryor.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Tac HQ 74 .W44 1994
Male homosexuals; their problems and adaptations.
By Martin S. Weinberg and Colin J. Williams.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1974.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 W44 1974
Gay men, drinking, and alcoholism.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, c1994.
SocWk HV 5139 .W45 1994
Gay men, gay selves: the social construction of homosexual
NY: Irvington Publishers, c1983.
Suz HQ 76 W39 1983
Sexual landscapes: why we are what we are, why we love whom we love.
NY: Scribner's, 1987.
Suz BF 692 .W335 1987
Reggie; a portrait of Reginald Turner.
NY: G. Braziller [c1965]
Suz, Ugl PR 6039 .U69 Z95
The irreversible decline of Eddie Socket: a novel.
NY: Harper & Row, c1989.
Suz PS 3573 .E39745 I7 1989
What I did wrong.
NY: Viking, 2006.
Suz PS 3573 .E39645 W53 2006
The outcast. Translated from the German by Guy Endore.
NY: Arno Press, 1975 [c1948]
note: sequel to The scorpion; reprint of the rev. ed. published by Willey
Book Co., NY
Suz PT 2647 .E46 O83 1975
The scorpion.
NY: Arno Press, 1975 [c1948]
note: translation from the German of: Skorpion.
Suz PT 2647 .E46 S63 1975
Sexualität und Kontrolle: Verfolgung und Diskriminierung
Homosexueller in Österreich im Dritten Reich und heute.
Frankfurt am Main; NY: Lang, 2006.
(Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXXI, Politikwissenschaft, Bd.
Suz D804.5 .G38 W458 2006
Children of the night: a study of adolescent prostitution.
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, c1985.
Ugl, SocWk HQ 144 .W44 1985
Before Stonewall: the making of a gay and lesbian community.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1988.
note: an illustrated historical guide to the Emmy Award-winning film.
see also: Before Stonewall [videorecording]
Suz, Bot HQ 76.8 .U5 W43 1988
Paris was a woman: portraits from the Left Bank.
London; San Francisco: Pandora, c1995.
Suz PS 151 .W399 1995
Vampires & violets: lesbians in film.
NY: Penguin Books, 1993.
note: British edition under title: Vampires & violets: lesbians in the
Ugl PN 1995.9 L48 W45 1993
Vampires & violets: lesbians in the cinema.
London: J. Cape, 1992.
note: American edition under title: Vampires & violets: lesbians in
Suz PN1995.9 L48 W45 1992
Double play: the San Francisco City Hall killings.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1984.
Ugl HV 6534 .S3 W44 1984
The politics of passion: women's sexual culture in the Afro-Surinamese
NY: Columbia University Press, c2006.
Suz HQ 29 .W476 2006
In youth is pleasure.
NY: L. B. Fischer, 1946.
Suz 823 W442i
The journals of Denton Welch. Edited by Michael De-La-Noy.
NY: Dutton, 1984.
Suz PR 6045 .E517 Z52 1984b
Maiden voyage.
NY: L. B. Fischer, 1945.
Suz 921 W442w
SpecColl Authors PR 6045 .E517 Z527 1943
SpecColl Authors PR 6045 .E517 Z527 1945
SpecColl Authors PR 6045 .E517 Z527 1984
A voice through a cloud.
[Austin: Humanities Research Center] University of Texas [1966]
Ugl PR 6045 .E517 V6 1966
SpecColl Authors PR 6045 .E517 V6 1950 (London, J. Lehmann [1950])
SpecColl Authors PR 6045 .E517 V6 1983 (Dutton, [1983?]. c1966]
Suz, SpecColl Authors PR 6045 .E517 V6 1996 (Exact Change, 1996)
Editors: David Rosen, Steve Werner, Barbara Bates; with essays by Warren
Blumenfeld ... [et al.]
Lincoln, Neb.: Student Committee, Study Commission on Undergraduate
Education on Undergraduate Education and the Education of Teachers,
note: of 11 chapters, 4 on gay/lesbian concerns.
Suz LA 210 .W42
Project Lambda.
Port Washington, NY: Ashley Books, c1979.
Suz PS 3573 .E462 P75 1979
Stopping AIDS: AIDS/HIV education and the mass media in Europe.
[By] Kaye Wellings and Becky Field.
London; NY: Longman, 1996.
Suz WC 503.6 W452s 1996
Miss Marks and Miss Woolley.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978.
Suz LD 7092.7 1901 W44
Aftershocks: a novel.
Chicago: Third Side Press, 1992.
Ugl PS 3573 .E488 A68 1992
Creating safe, caring, and inclusive schools for LGBTQ students: a guide
for counsellors. Authored by Kristopher Wells, L. Michelle
Edmonton, Alta.: Society for Safe & Caring Schools & Communities,
available online
Looking for sex in Shakespeare.
Cambridge, U.K.: NY: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Suz PR 3069 .S45 W45 2004
Exclusion: homosexuals and the right to serve.
Washington, D. C.: Regnery Gateway; Lanham, MD: National Book Network,
[distributor], c1993.
Suz, Ugl UB 418 G38 W45 1993
The cutting room.
Edinburgh; NY: Canongate, 2003, c2002.
Ugl PR 6123 .E47 C88 2003
Tamburlaine must die.
NY: Canongate, 2004.
Suz PR 6123 .E47 T36 2004
Bibliographie Freundschaftseros, einschliesslich Homoerotik,
Homosexualität und der Verwandten und vergleichenden Gebiete.
Frankfurt am Main: Dipa-Verlag [1964]
(Schriftenreihe der Jugendnot, Bd. 6)
HSLIC ZWM 615 W464b 1964
How the body prays: a novel.
Saint Paul, MN: Graywolf Press, c1999.
Suz PS 3573 .E4967 H69 1999
In a time of combat for the angel: three short novels.
San Francisco: Five Fingers Press, c1991.
Suz PS 3573 .E4967 I5 1991
Berlin-Friedrichshagen: Muggel-Verlag Rolf F. Lang, 2000.
Suz PT 1231 .E7 W46 2000
Lizard Productions; produced and directed by Liz Latham.
Seattle, WA: Lizard Productions, c1998.
note: 1 videocassette; VHS. "Premiered at Seattle's historic Paramount
Theatre on May 8, 1998."
note: Tells the story of Hands Off Washington, a gay and lesbian advocacy
group, and more broadly, the story of the struggle for gay and lesbian
civil rights in Washington state.
UglMed Videorecord LP 001
UglMed Videorecord LP 001 text Booklet
Whistle me home.
NY: Holt, c1997.
ChiLit, TacChiLit PZ 7 .W473 Wh 1997
The scarlet professor: Newton Arvin, a literary life shattered by
NY: Nan A. Talese, c2001.
Suz PE 64 .A78 W47 2001
The female-impersonators. By Ralph Werther - Jennie June ("Earl
NY: Arno Press, 1975 [c1922]
note: Continues: Autobiography of an androgyne, by E. Lind.
Reprint of the ed. published by Medico-legal journal, New York.
see also: Lind, Earl, pseud. Autobiography of an androgyne.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 W47 1975
Continual lessons: the journals of Glenway Wescott, 1937-1955.
Edited by Robert Phelps with Jerry Rosco.
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1990.
Suz PS 3545 E827 Z464 1990
Before it hits home.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1993.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Before it
Chicago: Aldine Pub. Co. [1968, c1967]
note: 4th ed. published as: Homosexuality re-examined.
see also: West, D. J. The other man.... (title of U. S. edition)
Health WM 615 W517h 1967
Homosexuality re-examined. 4th ed., rev. and augm.
London: Duckworth, 1977.
note: previous editions published under title: Homosexuality.
SocWk HQ 76.25 .W47 1977
Suz HQ 76.25 .W47 1977b
Male prostitution.
By Donald J. West in association with Buz de Villiers.
NY: Haworth Press, c1993.
note: Originally published in Great Britain by Gerald Duckworth & Co.,
Suz HQ 117 .W57 1993
The other man; a study of the social, legal, and clinical aspects of
homosexuality. With a foreword by Alfred A. Gross.
NY: Whiteside, Inc., and W. Morrow, 1955.
note: Published in Britain under the title Homosexuality
see also: West, D. J. Homosexuality.
Health 392.6 W52o
Three plays by Mae West. Edited by Lillian Schlissel.
NY: Routledge, 1997.
note: Sex; The drag; The pleasure man.
Drama PS 3545 .E8332 A6 1997
Marriage, sexuality, and gender.
Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, c2007.
note: chapter 4, Just marriage ("We can work it out"), pp. 141-195.
Suz HQ 536 .W44 2007
see: Niles, Blair. (pseudonym)
Gaylex: das informative und unterhaltsame Nachschlagewerk fur den schwulen
Mann: mit uber 1000 Begriffen rund um das schwule Leben.
Hamburg: Himmelsturmer, c1999.
SuzRef HQ 76.25 .W46 1999
Women's sexuality after childhood incest.
NY: Norton, 1992.
note: [chapter] 5, Sexual preference and sexual "lifestyle,"
Suz, Ugl HQ 72 .U53 W47 1992
Edited by Philippe Aries and Andre Bejin; translated by Anthony
Oxford, UK; NY: B. Blackwell, 1985.
note: translation of: Sexualites occidentales.
note: for Korean translation, see: Song kwa sarang ui yoksa
Suz, Ugl, Bot HQ 12 S4413 1985
we choose: lesbians, gays, kinship.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1991.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Ugl, SocWk, Bot, Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 W48 1991
Tac HQ 76.3 .U5 W48 1997 (1997 ed., with new preface)
Long slow burn: sexuality and social science.
NY: Routledge, 1998.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 .W475 1998
Render me, gender me: lesbians talk sex, class, color, nation, studmuffins
- -
NY: Columbia University Press, c1996.
Suz, Bot HQ 75.6 .U5 W47 1996
see: Schofield, Michael George
Mignon: die Kindsbraut als Phantasma der Goethezeit.
München: M. Fink, c1999.
Suz PT 313 .W48 1999
see Freymann-Weyr, Garret.
London, NY: Routledge, 1992.
Ugl HQ 75.6 G7 W45 1992
Toronto: ECW Press; East Haven, CT: Inbook, c1995.
SuzRef PN 6084 .G35 W43 1995
Edited by Andrew Bainham, Shelley Day Sclater, and Martin Richards for the
Cambridge Socio-Legal Group.
Oxford; Portland, OR: Hart Pub., 1999.
note: [chapter] 9, Lesbian mother families (Susan Golombok), pp.
Suz KD 772 .A75 W48 1999
London: Women's Press, 1991.
Suz PN 56 L45 W48 1991
Edited by Emma Donoghue.
London: Hamish Hamilton, 1997.
note: published in NY as Poems between women.
see also: Poems between women.
Suz PR 1184 .W57 1997
Oak Forest, IL: MPI Home video, [1987]
note: VHS
note: credits- director of photography, Fed Murphy; editor, Joanne Burke,
Stephanie Palewski; narrator: Lee Grant.
note: A thought-provoking discussion of sex changes in humans. Takes you
on a journey into the unseen world of transsexuals, transvestites and
UglMed Videorecord MPI 003
Screen dreams: fantasising lesbians in film.
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press; NY: Distributed exclusively
in the USA by St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Suz PN 1995.9 .L48 W53 1997
note: DVD; videodisc of a 2002 documentary video.
note: credits- camera, Leslie Mason.
note: A diverse group of 16 high-school girls as they explore the meanings
of physical, mental, and emotional health in their lives. Filmed during a
four-week course sponsored by Smith College's By Girls for Girls project,
the young women share their candid views on topics such as body image,
depression, eating disorders, relationships, sexual orientation,
sexuality, and violence.
TacMed DVD TAC-423
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1999.
not: [chapter] 4. Resisting traditional Catholic sexual teaching:
pro-choice advocacy and homosexual support groups (Mary Jo Weaver), pp.
Suz BX 1406.2 .W53 1999
Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press; Brooklyn, NY: Ubiquity Distributors,
Suz HQ 75.15 .W5 2005
Amazons and military maids: women who dressed as men in the pursuit of
life, liberty, and happiness.
London; Boston: Pandora, 1989.
Suz HQ 77 .W49 1989
Who was Dr. Charlotte Bach?
London: Short, 2002.
Suz HQ 77.8 .B33 W44 2002
[Philadelphia, PA]: TLA Releasing, 2002.
note: DVD; videodisc release of a 2002 motion picture.
note: credits- photography, Clay Westervelt; original music, Robert
Johnson; music editor, Gerry Rothschild with Merelyn Davis Music; edited
by Stewart Halpern, Lenid Rolov; editor, Jenni Gold.
note: A reality-based film that follows four young men on the "circuit
scene" at the 2000 Miami White Party and that also examines their lives
away from the dance floor.
TacMed DVD TAC-257
NY: Aubin Pictures, : Frameline [dist.], [1997]
note: VHS
note: credits- editor, Mary Manhardt; camera, John Bourbanais ... [et
note: Examines the radical right wing in the U.S. featuring case studies
on the Right: David Duke's campaigns for political office in Louisiana;
the conservative drive to pass anti-gay Amendment 2 in Colorado; and the
anti-immigrant Proposition 187 and anti-Affirmative Action initiatives in
California. Looks at democracy's role in combatting these movements.
UglMed Videorecord FRAM 013
NY: Regan Books, c2005.
Ugl HQ 75.2 .W44 2005
Vancouver: Family Services of Greater Vancouver, c1994.
GovPubCanada H72-21/103-1994
GovPub Microforms Microfiche M-2261, 99-02895
Lesbian widows: invisible grief.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c2006.
Bot HQ 75.55 .W45 2006
Queer by choice: lesbians, gay men, and the politics of identity.
NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.3 .U5 W5 1996
Will you be mine?: domestic partnership, San Francisco City Hall, February
14, 1991. With foreword by Harry Britt.
San Francisco: Crooked Street Press, 1992.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 W53 1992
Unspeakable love: gay and lesbian life in the Middle East.
London: Saqi, 2006.
Ugl, Bot HQ 76.3 .M628 W45 2006
Assuming the position: a memoir of hustling.
NY: Four walls Eight Windows, 1999.
Suz HQ 146 .N7 W45 1999
Male homosexuality in four societies: Brazil, Guatemala, the Philippines,
and the United States. By Frederick L. Whitam and Robin M. Mathy.
NY: Praeger, 1986.
Suz HQ 76 W45 1986
Frost in May.
London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1948.
note: novel of passionate same-sex adolescent friendships
Suz 823 W582f
Suz PR 6045 .H15634 F7 1980 (NY edition)
Arts and letters.
San Francisco, CA: Cleis Press, c2004.
Suz NX 456 .W49 2004
The beautiful room is empty.
NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1988.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3537 .H463 B43 1988
A boy's own story.
NY: Plume, c1994.
note: originally published by Dutton, 1982.
Suz PS 3573 .H463 B6 1994
Ugl PS 3573 .H463 B6 1982
Bot PS 3573 .H463 B6 1983
The burning library: essays. Edited by David Bergman.
NY: Knopf, 1994.
Suz PS 3573 .H463 B87 1994
NY: Dutton, c1985.
Suz, Ugl PS 3573 .H463 C37 1985
Chaos: a novella and stories.
NY: Carroll & Graf, c2007.
Suz PS 3573 .H463 C536 2007
The darker proof: stories from a crisis.
By Edmund White and Adam Mars-Jones.
NY: New American Library, c1988.
Suz, Ugl PS 3573 H463 D3 1988
The farewell symphony: a novel.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, c1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3573 .H463 F37 1997
Fanny: a fiction.
NY: Ecco/HarperCollins, c2003.
Suz PS 3573 .H463 F36 2003
The flaneur: a stroll through the paradoxes of Paris.
NY: Bloomsbury, 2001.
Suz DC 707 .W6 2001
Genet: a biography. With a chronology by Albert Dichy.
NY: Knopf, 1993.
Suz, Bot PQ 2613 E53 Z9 1993
Marcel Proust.
NY: Viking, 1999.
Suz PQ 2631 .R63 Z982 1999
The married man.
NY: Knopf, 2000.
Suz PS 3573 .H463 M37 2000
My lives.
London: Bloomsbury, 2005.
Suz PS 3573 .H463 Z46 2005
Nocturnes for the king of Naples.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1988, c1978.
Suz PS 3573 .H463 N64 1988
Our Paris: sketches from memory. With drawings by Hubert Sorin.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995.
Suz DC 752 .A04 W48 1995
Skinned alive: stories.
NY: Knopf, dist. by Random House, 1995.
Suz, Bot PS 3573 .H463 S58 1995
States of desire: travels in gay America.
NY: Dutton, c1980.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 76.2 U5 W45 1980
Alice Walker: a life.
NY: Norton, c2004.
Suz, Tac PS 3573 .A425 Z93 2004
Chain chain change: for Black women in abusive relationships.
Expanded 2nd ed.
Seattle: Seal Press; [Emryville, CA]: Distributed to the trade by
Publishers Group West, c1995.
SocWk, SpecColl Book Arts HV 6626 .W48 1995
The salt ecstacies: poems.
Port Townsend, WA: Graywolf Press, 1982.
Suz PS 3573 .H4725 S34 1982
Last rights: poems.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999.
Ugl PS 3573 .H47443 L37 1999
Religion gone bad: the hidden dangers of the Christian right.
NY: J.P. Tarcher/Penguin, c2006.
Ugl, Bot BR 115 .H6 W45 2006
Stranger at the gate: to be gay and Christian in America.
NY: Simon & Schuster, c1994.
Suz BX 9896 .Z8 W45 1994
Uninvited: classical Hollywood cinema and lesbian representability.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1999.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .L48 W54 1999
Flaws in the glass: a self-portrait.
NY: Viking Press, 1982, c1981.
Suz, Ugl PR 9619.3 .W5 Z5 1982
The Twynborn affair.
NY: Viking Press, 1980, c1979.
Ugl PR 9619.3 .W5 T9 1980
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2005.
note: Faulty analogies; queer white critics teaching African American
texts, (Sabine Meyer), pp. 123-133.
Suz E184.7 .W48 2005
Capitol Hill locator map [electronic resource]
[Seattle]: Capitol Hill Travel: Courtesy of Beyond the Closet Bookstore,
note: map of the Broadway area of Capitol Hill, showing businesses
and landmarks; updated from time to time
The truth shall set you free: a memoir.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1999.
Ugl HQ 759 .W46 1999
Breaking the code.
Based on the book Allen Turing, the enigma by Andrew Hodges.
Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Amber Lane, 1987.
Drama PR 6073 .H577 B73 1987
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Breaking the (S. French edition)
The eternal quest: a mystical story of love. 1st ed.
Roanoke, VA: Treasure Publications, 1983.
Suz PS 3673 .H4885 E7 1983
Bridges of respect: creating support for lesbian and gay youth, written
for the American Friends Service Committee. 2nd ed. Rachel Kamel,
Philadelphia: American Friends Service Committee, c1989.
Suz, SocWk HQ 76.25 .W54 1989
Mountain men: the male photography of Don Whitman.
Introduced by David Chapman.
London: GMP, 1991.
SpecColl TR 681 .M4 W45 1991
Confessions of Danny Slocum, or, Gay life in the big city.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1980.
Suz HQ 75.8 .W48 A33 1980
Nebraska: a novel.
NY: Grove Press, 1987.
Suz, Ugl PS 3573 .H527 N44 1987
Someone was here: profiles in the AIDS epidemic.
NY: New American Library, c1988.
Suz, Ugl WD 308 W616s 1988
Uncommon lives: gay men and straight women.
NY: New American Library, c1990.
Suz, Ugl HQ 74 W48 1990
London: Hamish Hamilton, 1997.
note: Thoughts of a latecomer: on being a lesbian in the backlash (Susan
Heath), pp. 99-110; Homophobia and hegemony: a case of psychoanalysis
(Joanna Ryan), pp. 129-143.
Suz HQ 1121 .W46 1997
Ugl, Tac HQ 1154 .W5367 1997 (NY: New Press ed.)
London; NY: Routledge, 2001.
note: v.1, From antiquity to World War II; v.2, From World War II to
present day.
(Who's who series)
SuzRef HQ 75.2 .W46 2001
Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, [2006]
note: DVD; originally produced 2005
credits -composer, Gordon Durity; narrator, Cal Garingan; editor, Dennis
Day; cinematographers, Moira Simpson, Cal Garingan; performer, Jane
note: Presents interviews with same-sex married couples who share their
views on marriage, religious and political opposition, child adoption, and
love. Also includes interviews with their families, the lawyer who
represented them, and gay rights activist Jane Rule -- who takes issue
with the institution of marriage.
UglMed DVD FFH 143
BotMed DVD BOT-1115
The Amazon of letters: the life and loves of Natalie Barney.
NY: Putnam, c1976.
Suz PQ 3939 .B3 Z94 1976
A glance away.
NY: Harcourt, Brace & World [1967]
Ugl PS 3573 .I26 G5
Hurry home.
NY: Harcourt, Brace & World [1970]
Suz PS 3573 .I26 H8
Es war das Lächeln des Narziss: die Theorien der Psychoanalyse im
Spiegel der literaturpsychologischen Interpretationen des "Tod in
Venedig." Mit einem Vorwort von Wolfgang Mertens.
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, c1999.
PT 2625 .A44 T649 1999
Homosexuell: das Buch für homosexuell Liebende, ihre Angehörigen
und ihre Gegner. Mit Beiträgen von Magdalene Bussmann, Helmut Kentler
und Rainer Stuhlmann.
Stuttgart: Kreuz, c1995.
Suz HQ 76.3 .E85 W54 1995
Bad boy.
NY: Delacorte Press, 1992.
ChiLit, TacChiLit PZ 7 W6354 Bad 1992
Behind the state capitol, or, Cincinnati Pike: a collection of poetry.
Boston: Good Gay Poets, 1975.
note: "cinema decoupages, verses, abbreviated prose
Suz PS 3573 .I35 B4 1975
Cultural affairs in Boston: poetry & prose, 1956-1985.
Edited by Raymond Foye; preface by Robert Creeley.
Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1988.
Suz PS 3573 .I35 C85 1988
The Hotel Wentley poems.
San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1958.
Suz 811 W431h
The journal of John Wieners is to be called 707 Scott Street for Billie
Holiday, 1959.
Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1996.
Suz PS 3573 .I35 Z467 1996
Selected poems, 1958-1984. Edited by Raymond Foye; Foreword by Allen
Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1986.
Suz PS 3573 .I35 A6 1986
Reinventing the sexes: the biomedical construction of femininity and
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1997.
NatSci QP 81.5 .W55 1997
Best practice guidelines: serving LGBT youth in out-of-home care. Shannan
Wilber, Caitlin Ryan, and Jody Marksamer.
Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America, c2006.
SocWk HV 1449 .W545 2006
Queer theory, gender theory: an instant primer.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2004.
Ugl, Bot HQ 76.25 .W55 2004
Read my lips: sexual subversion and the end of gender.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1997.
Suz HQ 77.8 .W55 A3 1997
Plain and normal: a novel.
Boston: Little, Brown, c1998.
Suz PS 3573 .I396 P53 1998
Coming out in Christianity: religion, identity, and community.
Bloomington, Indiana University Press, c2003.
Ugl BR 115 .H6 W54 2003
Benjamin Britten's operas.
Bath, Somerset, England: Absolute Press; NY: Distributed in the U.S. and
Canada by Stewart, Tabori, and Chang, 1997.
Music ML 410 .B853 W55 1997
Edited by Beatrix Gates.
NY: Anchor Books, 1996.
Suz PS 509 .L47 W54 1996
London; NY: Routledge, 2000.
note: chapter 6, What made Ellen (and Anne) gay? Feminist critique of
popular and scientific beliefs (Bobbie P. Spanier), pp. 80-101.
Suz WA 31 W668 2000
Culver City, CA: Columbia Tristar Home video, [2002]
note: DVD; originally produced as a motion picture in 1997; based on the
book Oscar Wilde by Richard Ellman.
note: cast- Stephen Fry, Jude Law, Vanessa Redgrave, Tom Wilkinson,
Jennifer Ehle, Gemma Jones, Judy Parfitt, Michael Sheen, Zöe
Wanamaker; credits- director of photography, Martin Fuhrer;
editor, Michael Bradsell; music, Debbie Wiseman.
note: notorious poet and playwright Oscar Wilde devours all that life has
to offer, but there's only so much that late Victorian England will
tolerate. As Wilde delves into a taboo world of unrealized homosexual
desire, his life rapidly becomes a turbulent charade. He cannot escape the
repercussions wrought by "pure" society, nor will he hide in shame for
being true to his nature.
UglMed DVD CTHV 219
On the trail of the women
London: Constable, 1999.
note: concerns Amazons and women soldiers
Suz BL 820 .A6 W5 1999
The annotated Oscar Wilde.
Edited, with introductions and annotations by H. Montgomery Hyde.
London: Orbis, 1982.
Suz PR 5812 .H9 1982b
Bot PR 5812 .H9 1982 (NY ed.)
The complete letters of Oscar Wilde. Edited by Merlin Holland and Rupert
NY: Henry Holt, c2000.
Suz PR 5823 .A4 2000
Cross-examinations in the Oscar Wilde trials.
Foreword by James W. Jeans, Sr.
Minnetonka, MN: Professional Education Group, [1991]
(Classics of the courtroom, v. 18)
note: excerpts from the trial of a libel action brought against Lord
Queensbury and the criminal trial of Oscar Wilde for indecent acts.
Law KF 220 .C55 v.18
De Profundis: a facsimile. Introduction by Merlin Holland.
London: British Library, 2000.
note: "A facsimile of Oscar Wilde's original manuscript. British Library
Additonal MS 50141a; published on the occasion of the centenary of the
death of Oscar Wilde (on November 1900)
SuzFolio PR 5817 .D271 2000
De Profundis; with notes by Rupert Hart-Davis, an essay by W.H. Auden, and
The ballad of Reading Gaol.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1998.
note: De Profundis is Wilde's letter [January-March 1897] written in
prison to Lord Alfred Douglas. The manuscript is in the British
Museum. The letter was given upon Wilde's release to Robert Ross for
delivery to Lord Alfred Douglas.
note: The collection also contains Wilde's letter (1 April 1897) to Robert
Ross in which Wilde requests that Ross deliver the letter written in
prison to Lord Alfred Douglas. Ross published extracts in 1905 under the
title De Profundis.
note: Auden's essay, "An Improbable Life" originally appeared in the March
9, 1963 issue of The New Yorker.
note: The volume has extensive notes including some other full text
letters from Oscar Wilde to Lord Alfred Douglas.
Drama PR 5818 .D3 1998
Letters. Edited by Rupert Hart-Davis.
London [R. Hart-Davis] 1962.
note: includes love letters to Lord Alfred Douglas and the well-known
prison letter (De Profundis) to Lord Alfred Douglas.
Suz 921 W644wi
Ugl PR 5823 .A27 1962a (American edition)
The picture of Dorian Gray; with an introduction by Edmund White.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
note: introduction, pp. v-xx, gives a gay reading to the novel
Suz PR 5819 .A1 1999
Oscar Wilde [by] H. Montgomery Hyde. [New and enlarged edition]
Baltimore: Penguin Books [c1962]
(Famous trials, 7th ser.)
note: first published in the Notable British Trials series under the
title: The Trials of Oscar Wilde.
see also: Wilde, Oscar. The Three trials of Oscar Wilde. [and] Wilde,
Oscar. The Trials of Oscar Wilde.
Suz 921 W644hy 1962
The portrait of Mr. W.H.
Portland, ME: T.B. Mosher, 1908.
note: Wilde's musings on the adored subject, a young man, of Shakespeare's
love sonnets
SpecCollAuthors PR 2935 .W4 1908
The portrait of Mr. W.H. The greatly enl. version prepared by the author
after the appearance of the story in 1889 but not published. Edited, with
an introd. by Vyvyan Holland.
London, Methuen [1958]
note: Wilde's musings on the adored subject, a young man, of Shakespeare's
love sonnets
Suz PR 2935 .W5 1938
Teleny: a novel attributed to Oscar Wilde. Edited by Winston Leyland.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1984.
note: Based on the 1893 English text and the 1934 French text. Previous
ed. under: Teleney.
Suz PR 5820 .T4 1984
The three trials of Oscar Wilde.
Edited, with an introduction by H. Montgomery Hyde; with a foreword by Sir
Travers Humphreys.
NY: University Books, [1956]
note: first published in 1948 under the title: The trials of Oscar
see also: Wilde, Oscar. The trials of Oscar Wilde. [and] Wilde, Oscar.
Oscar Wilde.
SpecColl Authors 343.1 W644tl
The trials of Oscar Wilde. [Ed.] H. Montgomery Hyde.
NY: Dover Publications, 1973, c1962.
see also: Oscar Wilde. Oscar Wilde.
Suz KD 372 .W54 W55 1973
The trials of Oscar Wilde: Regina (Wilde) v. Queensbury; Regina v. Wilde
and Taylor. Edited, with an introduction by H. Montgomery Hyde;
with a foreword by Travers Humphreys.
Birmingham, AL: Notable Trials Library, c1989.
(Notable British Trials, v.70)
note: reprint, originally published: London: H. Hodge, 1948.
note: official report of these trials is to be found in v. 121 and 122 of
the Central Court sessions papers, Apr.-Jun, 1985, from which all evidence
is omitted.
see also: later reprint published under the title: Wilde, Oscar. The three
trials of Oscar Wilde. [and] Wilde, Oscar. Oscar Wilde.
Law KD 372 .W55 H94 1989
Toronto: Published by the University of Toronto Press in association with
the UCLA Center for Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Studies and the
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, c2003.
note: chapter 3, Love-letter, spiritual autobiography, or prison writing?
Identity and value in De Profundis (Ian Small), pp. 86-100; chapter 4,
Wilde's exquisite pain (Ellis Hanson), pp. 101-123; chapter 7, Master
Wood's profession: Wilde and the subculture of homosexual blackmail in the
Victorian theatre (Laurence Senelick), pp. 163-182; chapter 10, Oscar
Wilde, new women, and the rhetoric of effeminacy (Lisa Hamilton), pp.
Suz PR 5824 .W55 2003
Against the law.
NY: J. Messner [1959]
Ugl HQ 76 .W5 1959
Unsafe sex among HIV-positive gay men: a longitudinal analysis.
Seattle, 2003.
note: Thesis (M.S.)--University of Washington, 2003.
Suz BF 21 Th52788
Aux Thesis 52788
Torchlight to Valhalla; a novel.
NY: Naiad Press, 1985.
note: originally published 1938.
Suz PS 3545 .I362 T67 1985
We too are drifting: a novel.
Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1984.
note: originally published 1935.
Suz PS 3545 .I362 T67 1985
Civil rights, democracy & Amendment 2.
Denver, CO: GLADD/Denver, c1993.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 W54 1993
Ambiguity and sexuality: a theory of sexual identity.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Suz HQ 76.25 .W553 2007
Mr. Apology and other essays.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003.
note: Conversations with a Killer, pp. 245-279; based on conversations and
other sources, recounts the story of John Wayne Gacy, serial murderer
and sexual abuser of young men.
Suz AC8 .W597 2003
Q & A: questions and answers about domestic partnerships.
Written and designed by John Wilkinson from the briefing paper by Shelley
Seattle: Seattle Commission for Lesbians and Gays, [1988]
Suz KF 538 .W54 1988
Classical attitudes to modern issues: population and family planning,
women's liberation, nudism in deed and word, homosexuality.
London: W. Kimber, 1979.
Suz DE 71 W55
[United States]: Distributed by Lions Gate Home Entertainment, c2003.
note: DVD; originally broadcast by NBC 1998-1999.
note: cast- Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Megan Mullally, Sean Hayes;
credits- executive producers, David Kohan, Max Mutchnick, James Burrows;
story editors, Jon Kinnally, Tracy Poust.
note: contains episodes 1 through 22. Will and Grace live together in an
apartment in New York. Will is a gay lawyer, Grace is a straight interior
designer, and every day is full of laughs.
UglMed DVD LION 015 pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4
Marina Del Rey, CA: Lions Gate Home Entertainment, c2004.
note: DVD; originally produced as 23 episodes of the 1999-2000 season of
the NBC television series.
note: cast- Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Megan Mullally, Sean Hayes,
Shelley Morrison, Leigh Allyn Baker, Tom Gallup, Gregory Hines; credits-
director of photography, Tony Askins; art director, Melody Harrop; editor,
Peter Chakos; music, Jonathan Wolff; costume designer, Lori Eskowitz;
production designer, Glenda Rovello; visual effects, Adam Howard.
note: continues the exploits of Will, a gay lawyer, and Grace, a straight
interior designer, who share an apartment in New York City.
UglMed DVD LION 016 pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4.
Female impersonation.
NY: Regiment, c1971.
Suz PN 2071 .I47 W45 1971
Daddy's roommate. [written and illustrated by Michael Willhoite]
Boston: Alyson Wonderland, 1990.
ChildLit, BotChi PZ 7 W655485 Dad 1990
Daddy's wedding. [text and illustrations]
Los Angeles, CA: Alyson Wonderland, 1996.
ChildLit PZ 7 .W655485 Dag 1996
"Now for my next trick---": cartoons from the Washington Blade.
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986.
Suz NC 1429 .W552 A4 1986
Homosexuals and the military; a study of less than honorable discharge.
By Colin J. Williams and Martin S. Weinberg.
NY: Harper & Row [1971]
Suz UH 630 .W55 1971
Roman homosexuality: ideologies of masculinity in classical antiquity.
Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 .R6 W56 1999
The Warren cup.
London: The British Museum Press, c2006.
Art NK 7107.3 .W55 2006
The erotics of passage: pleasure, politics, and form in the later work of
Marguerite Duras.
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1997.
Suz PQ 2607 .U8245 Z938 1997
Homosexuality in nonhuman primates: a bibliography, 1940-1992.
Seattle, WA: Primate Information Center, Regional Primate Research Center,
University of Washington, [1992]
(Primate Information Center topical bibliographies, 92-005)
Nat Z 7996 .P85 W525 1992
After nirvana: a novel.
NY; W. Morrow, c1997.
Suz, Ugl, SpecColl PNW PS 3573 .I44972 A69 1997
Sexual pathways: adapting to dual sexual attraction.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999.
Suz HQ 74 .W55 1999
Lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. [Produced by Peggy Williams, Ray Qualls,
and David Wilson, editors]
[Rockville, Md.?]: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, U.S. Dept. of
Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration, [1994]
(DHHS publication; no. (SMA) 94-2097)
GovPubStx U.S. HE 20.8008:AL 1/11
Just as I am: a practical guide to being out, proud, and Christian.
NY: Crown Publishers, c1992.
Suz, Ugl BV 4596 G38 W55 1992
Lesbianism: a socialist feminist perspective.
Seattle: Radical Women, [1973?]
Ugl HQ 76 W55
Androgyne, mon amour: poems.
[NY]: New Directions Pub. Corp., 1977.
Suz, Ugl PS 3545 .I5365 A68
Collected short stories. With an introduction by Gore Vidal.
NY: New Directions Pub. Corp., 1985.
Suz, Ugl PS 3545 .I5365 A6 1985
Conversations with Tennessee Williams. Edited by Albert J. Devlin.
Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, c1986.
note: interviews originally published 1940-1981; some translated into
English for this collection.
Suz, Drama PS 3545 .I5365 Z463 1986
Hard candy: a book of stories.
NY: New Directions, 1967, c1954.
Suz, Ugl PS 33545 .I5365 H3 1967
In the winter of cities: poems.
[Norfolk, CT]: New Directions, 1964.
Suz 811 W6751 1964
Suz, Ugl PS 3545 .I5365 I5 (1956 ed)
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975.
Suz, Ugl PS 3545 .I5365 Z52
Bot PS 3545 .I5365 Z52 1976
Moise and the world of reason.
NY: Simon and Schuster, [1975]
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 3545 .I5365 M6
Notebooks. Edited by Margaret Bradham Thornton.
New Haven [Conn.]: Yale University Press, c2006.
Drama PS 3545 .I5365 A6 2006
One arm, and other stories.
[NY]: New Directions, 1967.
Ugl PS 3545 .I5365 O5 1967
Selected letters of Tennessee Williams. Edited by Albert J. Devlin and
Nancy M. Tischler.
NY: New Directions, c2000.
Suz PS 3545 .I5365 Z48 2000 [v.1. 1920-1945]
Suz PS 3545 .I5365 Z48 2000 v.2
Something cloudy, something clear.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1995.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Something cloudy
Suddenly, last Summer.
[NY]: New Directions [1958]
note: for videorecording of screenplay, see: Suddenly, last Summer.
Suz, Ugl, Drama PS 3545 .I5365 S83 1958
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Suddenly last (Dramatists Play Service)
Tennessee Williams' Letters to Donald Windham, 1940-1965.
Edited and with comments by Donald Windham.
NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977.
Suz, Ugl PS 3545 .I5365 Z548 1977
Bot PS 3545 .I5365 Z548 1980
The spirit and the flesh: sexual diversity in American Indian culture.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1992.
Ugl E98 S48 W55 1992
Suz, Ugl, Tac E 98 .S48 W55 1986
Sappho's immortal daughters.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995.
Suz, Bot PA 409 .W55 1995
End as a man.
NY: The Vanguard Press, Inc. [1947]
Suz 813 W678e
Reel time.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Ugl PS 3573 .I456526 R44 1999
Understanding and counseling the male homosexual.
Foreword by Charles William Wahl.
Boston: Little, Brown [1967]
(International psychiatry clinics, v.4, n.3)
HSLIC, Ugl WM 615 W735u 1967
HSLIC Serials 616.8905 IN v.4 no.3
Bang: en roman om Herman Bang.
Kobenhavn: Gyldendal, c1996.
Suz PT 8176.33 .I46 B35 1996
Beautiful shadow: a life of Patricia Highsmith.
NY: Bloomsbury, c2003.
Suz PS 3558 .I366 Z95 2003
Below the belt: sexuality, religion and the American South.
London; NY: Cassell, 2000.
note: chapter 5, Conditional love, pp. 125-156.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U52 S678 2000
Anglo-Saxon attitudes, a novel.
NY: Viking Press, 1956.
Suz, Ugl PR 6045 .I577 A77
Hemlock and after; a novel.
NY: Viking Press, 1952.
Suz, Ugl PR 6045 .I577 H4
Late call.
NY: Viking Press [1965, c1964]
Suz, Ugl PR 6045 .I577 L37
The middle age of Mrs. Eliot.
NY: Viking Press [1959, c11958]
Suz, Ugl PR 6045 .I577 M5
No laughing matter.
NY: Viking Press [1967]
Ugl PR 6045 .I577 N6
Persuasive fictions: feminist narrative and critical myth.
Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press; London; Cranbury, NJ: Associated
University Presses, c2001.
note: [chapter] 4. The visible margin: Audre Lorde as I/Icon; the mythic
I/Zami, pp. 95-127.
Suz, Bot PS 228 .F45 W55 2001
Ambitious women: a novel.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1985, c1982.
SpecCollBookArts PS 3573 .I45678 A8 1985
SpecCollPNW PS 3573 .I45678 A4 1982 (Spinsters Ink ed.)
Cows and horses: a novel.
Portland, OR: Eighth Mountain Press, c1988.
SpecCollPNW PS 3573 .I45678 C68 1988
The dog collar murders.
Seattle, WA: Seal Press, c1989.
Suz, Ugl, SpecCollBookArts, SpecCollPNW PS 3573 .I45678 D64 1989
If you had a family.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1996.
Suz, SpecColl Book Arts PS 3573 .I45678 I36 1996
Miss Venezuela.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1988.
Suz, Ugl, SpecCollBookArts PS 3573 I45678 M5 1988
Murder in the collective.
Seattle: Seal Press, 1984.
SpecColl PNW, SpecColl Book Arts PS 3573 .I45678 M8 1984
Salt water and other stories.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999.
Suz, SpecCollPNW 3573 .T45678 S25 1999
Sisters of the road.
Seattle, WA: Seal Press, 1986.
Suz, SpecCollPNW, SpecCollBookArts PS 3573 .I45678 S5 1986
Trouble in Transylvania: a Cassandra Reilly Mystery.
Seattle, WA: Seal Press, 1993.
Suz, SpecColl PS 3573 .I45678 T76 1993
Walking on the moon: six stories and a novella.
Seattle: Seal Press, c1983.
Suz, Ugl, SpecCollPNW, SpecCollBookArts
PS 3573 .I45678 W3 1983
Hidden in the blood: a personal investigation of AIDS in the Yucatan.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1995.
Suz WC 503.7 W747h 1995
Treasures on earth.
NY: Avon Books, 1983, c1981.
Suz PS 3573 .I4568 T73 1983
Doric Wilson's Street theater: the twenty-seventh of June, 1969, in two
Written for Theatre Rhinoceros.
NY: JH Press, 1983.
(JH Press gay play script series)
Suz, Drama PS 3573 .I456292 S7 1983
Forever after: a vivisection of gaymale love, without intermission.
Written for the First Gay American Arts Festival.
NY: JH Press, c1980.
(JH Press gay play script series)
Suz, Drama PS 3573 .I45692 F6 1980
Street theater...
see: Wilson, Doric. Doric Wilson's Street theater.
Two plays.
NY: Sea Horse Press, 1979, v1978.
note: The plays are: A perfect relationship; The west street gang.
Suz, Drama, Bot PS 3573 .I45692 T85 1979
Born gay: the psychobiology of sex orientation. Glenn Wilson and Qazi
London; Chester Springs [PA]: Peter Owen, 2005.
Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 76.25 W748b 2005
The child-lovers: a study of paedophiles in society.
By Glenn D. Wilson and David N. Cox.
London; Boston: Peter Owen, 1983.
Suz HQ 71 .W525 1983
Siegfried Sassoon: the journey from the trenches: a biography
NY: Routledge, 2003.
Suz PR 6037 .A86 Z9 2003
Siegfried Sassoon: the making of a war poet: a biography (1886-1918)
London: Duckworth, 1998.
Suz PR 6037 .A86 Z93 1998
Four short plays.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, c1994.
note: Days ahead--The madness of Lady Bright--This is the rill
speaking--Say de Kooning.
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Four short 5
The Hot l Baltimore; a play.
NY: Hill and Wang [1973]
Drama PS 3573 .I458 H65 1973
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Hot L
Sappho's sweetbitter songs: configurations of female and male in ancient
Greek lyric.
London; NY: Routledge, 1996.
Suz PA 4409 .W54 1996
Our tribe: queer folks, God, Jesus, and the Bible.
[San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco, c1995.
Suz BR 115 .H6 W55 1995
The sexual dilemma: abortion, homosexuality, prostitution, and the
criminal threshold.
[St. Lucia] University of Queensland Press [1971]
Suz HQ 71 .W53 1971
Antibody politic: AIDS and society. with cartoons by the author.
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire: New Clarion Press, 1992.
Suz WD 308 W75a 1992
EnGendering AIDS: deconstructing sex, text and epidemic.
London; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1997.
Suz WC 503.7 W756e 1997
Finger-licking good: the ins and outs of lesbian sex.
London: Cassell, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.5 .W55 1996
Good for you: a handbook on lesbian health and wellbeing.
With illustrations by the author.
London; Washington, DC: Cassell, c1997.
Suz WA 300 W756g 1997
Lesbian studies: setting an agenda.
London; NY: Routledge, 1995.
Suz HQ 75.15 .W55 1995
Sexual (dis)orientation: gender, sex, desire and self-fashioning.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Suz, Bot HQ 29 .W55 2004
Sexualities in health and social care: a textbook.
Buckingham; Philadelphia: Open University Press, 2000.
Suz HV 1449 .W55 2000
Queersumme 11; von und über Johann Joachim Winckelmann. Herausgeber,
Werner Hiller.
Wolfenbüttel: Mandalas, c2004.
(Mandalas Dokumente, Bd. 2)
Suz N7483 .W5 A32 2004
Lost friendships: a memoir of Truman Capote, Tennessee Williams, and
NY: W. Morrow, c1987.
Suz PS 3573 .I5 Z473 1987
Bot PS 3573 .I5 Z473 1989
The Advocate college guide for LGBT students.
NY: Alyson Books, c2006.
UglRef, Bot LC 2574.6 .W56 2006
Split image: the life of Anthony Perkins.
NY: Dutton, c1996.
Suz, Bot PN 2287 .P388 W56 1996
Straight talk about gays in the workplace: creating an inclusive,
productive environment in your organization. By Liz Winfield and Susan
NY: AMACOM, c1995.
BusAd, Tac HD 6285 .W56 1995
She came by the book.
NY: Berkley Prime Crime, 1996.
Suz PS 3573 .I53213 S47 1996
Pedro and me: friendship, loss, and what I learned.
NY: Henry Holt, 2000.
Ugl WC 503.7 W7722p 2000
First comes love.
NY: Vintage Books, 1997.
Suz WC 503.7 W772f 1997
The constraints of desire: the anthropology of sex and gender in ancient
NY: Routledge, [1990]
note: [chapter] 6, Double consciousness in Sappho's lyrics, pp.
Suz, Ugl, Bot DF 93 .W56 1990
Flowers for Jean Genet. Translated by Michael Roloff.
Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, c1997.
note: translation of Zoglingsheft des Jean Genet.
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 Z9213 1997
Friedhof der bitteren Orangen: Roman.
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1990.
Suz PT 2685 .I55 F74 1990
Der Leibeigene: Roman.
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1987.
Suz PT 2685 .I467 .L4 1987
The serf. Translated and with an afterword by Michael Mitchell.
Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, c1997.
note: translation of Der Leibeigene.
Suz PT 2685 .I467 L4513 1997
Das wilde Karnten: Menschenkind, Der Ackermann aus Karnten, Muttersprache:
drei Romane.
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1995.
Suz PT 2685 .I467 W55 1995
Das Zoglingsheft des Jean Genet.
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1992.
Suz PQ 2613 .E53 Z92 1992
The Pilgrimage of Dorothy Richardson.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c2000.
Suz PR 6035 .I34 P5395 2000
Queering freedom.
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, c2006.
note: [chapter] 3, The place of sexual difference; idealizing heterosexual
desire, pp. 78-117; [chapter] 4, Free to be queer, queer to be free,
pp. 111-149.
Suz HM 1266 .W56 2006
The child Manuela.
NY: Arno Press, 1975 [c1993]
note: translation of Das Madchen Manuela.
note: reprint of the ed. published by Farrar & Reinhart, New York.
Suz PT 2647 .I67 M33 1975
Children in uniform, a play in three acts; adapted from the same play as
Madchen in uniform, English adaptation by Barbara Burnham.
London: V. Gollancz, 1932.
note: The German play was performed in Germany under the title: Gestern
und heute.
see also: Maedchen in uniform.
Aux 832 W73mE
Drama Acting Editions ActEd Children in (S. French ed., 1933)
Girls in uniform, a play in three acts; adapted from the German play
Gestern und heute upon which the film Madchen in Uniform is based; English
adaptation by Barbara Burnham.
Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1933.
Suz, Drama 832 W73g
The emergence of deviant minorities, social problems and social
change. Edited by Robert W. Winslow.
San Ramon, CA: Consensus Publishers [1972]
note "Selections from Commisssions on Crime, Campus Unrest, Causes and
Prevention of Violence, Marijuana, Homosexuality and Prostitution, and
Obscenity and Pornography."
Ugl HM 291 .W53
Sexual orientation and human rights: the United States Constitution, the
European Convention, and the Canadian Charter.
Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Suz, Law, Bot, Tac HQ 76.5 .W56 1995
Ugl HQ 76.5 .W56 1997 (reprint with corrections)
Art objects: essays on ecstasy and effrontery.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1996.
Suz, Ugl PR 6073 .I558 A8 1996
Great moments in aviation and Oranges are not the only fruit: two
London: Vintage, 1994.
Suz PR 6073 .I558 G74 1994
Gut symmetries.
NY: A. A. Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1997.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PR 6073 .I558 G87 1997 (Suz & Bot, London ed.)
Orlando, FL: Harcourt, c2004.
Ugl, Bot PR 6073 .I558 L54 2004
Oranges are not the only fruit.
NY: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987.
note: Reprint, originally published by Pandora Press, 1985.
Suz, Bot PR 6073 .I558 O7 1987
Bot PR 6073 .I558 O7 1985 (Pandora ed.)
The passion.
NY Atlantic Monthly Press, 1988, c1987.
Suz PR 6073 .I558 P38 1988
Ugl PR 6073 .I558 P36 1989
London: Jonathan Cape, 2000.
Suz PR 6073 .I558 P69 2000
Sexing the cherry.
London: Bloomsbury, 1989.
Suz PR 6073 .I558 S4 1989b
Ugl PR 6073 .I558 S4 1990 (Atlantic ed.)
Bot PR 6073 .I558 S4 1991 (Vintage ed.)
The world and other places.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, distributed by Random House, 1999.
note: The story, The Poetics of Sex is on lesbian love.
Suz PR 6073 .I558 W54 1999 (Knopf, 1999)
Written on the body.
NY: Knopf, 1993.
Suz, Ugl PR 6073 I558 W56 1993
Bot PR 6073 I558 W56 1994 (Vintage ed.)
Hamubrg: Edition Fliehkraft, 1999.
Suz PT 2625 .A435 Z97 1999
Freud, women and society.
New Brunswick, N. J.: Transaction Publishers, c1992.
Suz, Ugl BF 173 W549 1992
Business inside out: capturing millions of brand-loyal gay consumers.
Robert Witeck and Wesley Combs.
Chicago: Kaplan Pub., c2006.
Bot HF 5415.33 .U6 W58 2006
Edited by Robert Schoenberg and Richard S. Goldberg, with David A.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1985.
note: Rev. ed. of: Homosexuality and social work.
see also (for original ed.): Homosexuality and social work.
Suz HV 1449 .W58 1985
[guest edited by Curtis Chin ... et al.]
NY: Asian American Writers' Workshop, c1993.
note: Special issue of The APA journal; v.2, n.1 (spring/summer 1993)
Suz PS 509 .H57 W57 1993
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 W584 1999
Out in all directions: the almanac of gay and lesbian America.
Edited by Lynn Witt, Sherry Thomas, Eric Marcus; assistant editor, Don
NY: Warner Books, c1995.
note: for paperback version, see: Out in all directions: a treasury of gay
and lesbian America.
SuzRef, Tac HQ 75.6 .U5 W57 1995
Gender identity and the military: transgender, transsexual,and
intersex-identified individuals in the U.S. Armed Forces.
[Santa Barbara, CA]: University of California, Santa Barbara, [2007]
note: a report commissioned by the Michael D. Palm Center, University of
California, Santa Barbara.
available online:
Across the Acheron. Translated from the French by David Le Vay; in
collaboration with Margaret Crosland.
London: Peter Owen, 1987.
note: translation of: Virgile, non.
Suz PQ 2683 .I8 V513 1987
Brouillon pour un dictionnaire des amantes.
Paris: Grasset, c1976.
Suz HQ 75.5 W57
The lesbian body. Translated from the French by David Le Vay.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1986, c1975.
note: Translation of: Le corps lesbien.
Suz PQ 2683 .I8 C613 1986
Lesbian peoples: material for a dictionary.
NY: Avon, 1979.
note: translation of: Brouillon pour un dictionnarie des amantes.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 W5713
The straight mind and other essays. Foreword by Louise Turcotte.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1992.
Ugl, Tac HQ 1190 W58 1992
Suz HQ 1190 W58 1992b (Harvester Wheatsheaf ed.)
Hard love.
NY: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c1999.
ChiLit PZ7 .W78436 Har 1999
NY: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2007.
ChiLit PZ7 .W78436 Par 2007
"A Gay Manifesto." In: Out of the closets: voices of gay
liberation. 2nd ed., pp.330-342;
also in: DeLora, Jack R. Intimate life styles: marriage and its
alternatives. 2nd ed., pp. 202-212.
also in: DeLora, Joann S. Intimate life styles: marriage and its
alternatives. lst ed., pp. 255-265.
note: originally published under the title: "Refugees from Amerika: A
Gay Manifesto" in: Free Press (San Francisco), Dec. 22, 1969-Jan. 7,
1970. Also appeared in: Liberation, February, 1970.
Ugl HQ 76.8 U5 O88 1992 (Out of the closets)
Suz HQ 18 .U5 D38 1975 (Intimate life styles. 2nd ed.)
Ugl HQ 18 .U5 D38 (Intimate life styles. lst ed.)
Edited by Laurie Weinstein and Christie C. White; foreword by Cynthia
note: chapter 8, Conduct unbecoming: second annual report on "Don't ask,
don't tell, don't pursue" (C. Dixon Osburn and MIchelle M. Benecke), pp.
Suz, Ugl U21.75 .W58 1997
[Tokyo]: Amuse Video, [2000?]
note: VHS (NTSC); in Cantonese with Japanese subtitles; originally
released as a motion picture in 1997; based on the novel by Banana
cast- Jordan Chan, Yasuko Tomita, Law Kar Ying, Karen Mok, Lau Siu Ming,
Lo Koon Lan; credits- She ying zhi dao, Poon Hangsang; jian jie, Poon
Hungyu; yuan zuo yin yue, Otomo Yoshihide, Uchihashi Kazuhisa.
note: Aggie hides from the world after the loss of her grandmother.
Invited to move in with Louie and his mother, she slowly redicovers her
appetite for life. Transsexual theme.
UglMed Videorecord EAL 653
Miscarriage experiences of lesbian birth and social mothers. 2005.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2005
Health WY Th55083
Aux Thesis 55083
Close to the knives: a memoir of disintegration.
NY: Vintage, 1991.
Suz HQ 75.8 W64 A3 1991
David Wojnarowicz, tongues of flame.
Edited by Barry Blinderman; University Galleries, Illinois State
University, Normal, Illinois.
Normal, IL: University Galleries of Illinois State University; NY:
Distributed Art Publishers, 1992, c1990.
note: Published to accompany a travelling exhibition originating at the
University Galleries, Illinois State University, Normal, Jan 23-Mar. 4,
1990, and closing at The Temple Gallery and Tyler Gallery, Tyler School of
Art, Philadelphia, Feb. 1-Mar. 2, 1991.
Suz, Art N 6537 .W64 A4 1992
Fever: the art of David Wojnarowicz. Dan Cameron ... [et al.]; edited by
Amy Scholder.
NY: Rizzoli, 1998.
Art N6537 .W63 A4 1998
In the shadow of the American dream: the diaries of David Wojnarowicz.
Edited and with an introduction by Amy Scholder.
NY: Grove Press, c1999.
Suz PS 3573 .O4425 Z47 1999
Memories that smell like gasoline.
San Francisco: Artspace Books, 1992.
Art, SpecColl Book Arts WC 503.7 W847m 1992
Rimbaud in New York 1978-79.
[New York]: PPP Editions, c2004.
Art TR 654 .W625 2004
The waterfront journals. Edited by Amy Scholder.
NY: Grove Press, c1996.
Suz PS 3573 .O44 W38 1996
Collage: a novel.
Livingston, AL: Livingston Press, c2004.
Suz PS 3573 .O445 C6 2004
Out of order: homosexuality in the Bible and the ancient Near East.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, c1998.
Suz BS 680 .H67 W65 1998
The lesbian community.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1979.
note: a revision of the author's thesis, University of California at
Ugl HQ 75.6 U5 W6
The lesbian community: with an afterword, 1980.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980, c1979.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 W6 1980
Andy Warhol, poetry, and gossip in the 1960s.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
Art NX 512 .W37 W66 1997
A problem like Maria: gender and sexuality in the American musical.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2002.
note: considers Mary Martin, Ethel Merman, and others
Music ML 2054 .W65 2002
Compiled and edited by Anne McKay.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993.
Suz HQ 75.6 U5 W643 1993
One nation, after all: what middle-class Americans really think about God,
country, family, racism, welfare, immigration, homosexuality, work, the
Right, the Left, and each other.
NY: Viking, 1998.
Suz, Ugl, Bot HT 690 .U6 W65 1998
Men like us: the GMHC complete guide to gay men's sexual, physical, and
emotional well-being.
NY: Ballantine Books, 2000
Suz WA 300 W855m 2000
Turning points: the memoirs of Lord Wolfenden.
London: Bodley Head, 1976.
note: [chapter] 8, The Committee on Homosexual Offenses and
Prostitution(1954), pp. 129-146.
Suz LA 2375 .G72 W648
Bisexuality: a study.
London; NY: Quartet Books, 1977.
Suz HQ 74 .W64 1977
Bisexuality: a study. Revised and expanded edition.
London; NY: Quartet Books, 1979, c1977.
SocWk HQ 74 W64 1979
London; NY: Quartet Books, 1980.
Suz, Ugl WZ 100 W855 1980
Love between women. 2nd ed.
London: Duckworth, 1973.
Suz, Ugl HQ 73 W65 1973
Magnus Hirschfeld: a portrait of a pioneer in sexology.
London: Quartet, 1986.
Suz HQ 18.32 .H57 W64 1986
The boys and their baby.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1988.
Suz PS 3573 .O534 B69 1988b
Max Hodann (1984-1946): Sozialist und Sexualreformer.
Hamburg: von Bockel, 1993.
(Schriftenreihe der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft, Bd. 9)
Suz HQ 57.6 .G3 W6 1993
Hamburg: Europaische Verlagsgesellschaft, c1998.
Suz PT 2621 .O46 Z95 1998
Gleichgeschlechtliche Lebenspartnerschaft: das Recht in Deutschland und
dem europäischen Ausland. 2 vols.
Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2005.
(Schriftenreihe Studien zum Familienrecht, Bd. 3)
Suz KK 5216 .H64 W65 2005 v.1, v.2
Why marriage matters: America, equality, and gay people's right to
NY: Simon & Schuster, c2004.
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1034 .U5 W659 2004
Law HQ 1034 .U5 W65 2004
The political geographies of pregnancy.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2002.
note: The "Gay Gene" Quest, pp. 56-58
Suz WQ 208 W861p 2002
"Be not deceived": the sacred and sexual struggles of gay and ex-gay
Christian men.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c2005.
Ugl BV 4596 .G38 W65 2006
Start seeing diversity: the basic guide to an anti-bias classroom. By
Ellen Wolpert for the Committee for Boston Public Housing.
St. Paul: MN: Redleaf Press, c2005.
note: chapter 5, Bias related to sexual orientation, pp. 33-38.
note: for the videorecording related to this title, see under title, Start
seeing diversity.
CurMat LC 1099 W65 2005
Die homoerotische Darstellung im narrativen Film.
Alfeld: Coppi-Verlag, 2001.
(Aufsatze zu Film und Fernsehen, Bd. 79)
Suz PN 1995.9 .H55 W65 2001
Bailey's beads: a novel.
Boston: Faber and Faber, 1996.
Ugl PS 3573 .O573 B35 1996
Insurgent muse: life and art at the Woman's Building.
San Francisco: City Lights, c2002.
Bot PS 3573 .O573 Z56 2002
Drowning in fire.
Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c2001.
Suz PS 3623 .O6 D76 2001
Chicago: Third Side Press, c1995.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 1421 .W652 1995
NY: Avon Books, c1999.
Suz PS 153 .L46 W66 1999
Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, c1988.
note: some stories include lesbian themes and lesbian detectives
Ugl PS 648 .D4 W56 1988
Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Pub. Co., c1995.
note: What price independence? Social reactions to lesbians, spinsters,
widows, and nuns (Rose Weitz), pp. 448-457; Lesbian feminism and the
feminist movement (Lisa Ransdell), pp. 641-653.
Suz HQ 1426 .W62 1995
By the ACT UP/New York Women and AIDS Book Group; Marion Banzhaf ... [et
Boston: South End Press, c1990.
note: Lesbians in the AIDS crisis (Zoe Leonard), pp. 112-118; Bisexual
women and AIDS (Alexis Danzig), pp. 193-198.
Suz, Ugl, Tac WD 308 W872 1990
NY: Haworth Press, c2003.
Ugl, Bot HQ 74 .A53 2003
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1999.
note: chapter 11. Engaging "Delicate Brains": from working-class
enculturation to upper-class lesbian liberation in Vernon Lee and Kit
Anstruther-Thomson's psychological aesthetics. (Diana Maltz), pp.
211-229; chapter 13. The Forest beyond the frame. Picturing women's
desires in Vernon Lee and Virginia Woolf. (Dennis Denisoff), pp.
Suz PR 468 .A33 W66 1999
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993.
Bot PN 1995.9 .W6 W63 1993
NY: Haworth Social Work Practice Press, c2003.
note: A Feminist approach to exploring the intersections of individuals,
families, and communities: an illustration focusing on lesbian mother
research (Lucy R. Mercier, Rena D. Harold), pp. 79-95.
Ugl, Bot, Tac HQ 1150 .W643 2003
Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2007.
note: chapter 17, Lesbian women and leadership: which comes first? (Nancy
L. Baker and Beverly Greene), pp. 341-354.
Suz HQ 1111 .W72 2007
Boston: Northeastern University Press, c2007.
note: Changing the game: homophobia, sexism, and lesbians in sport (Pat
Griffin), pp. 217-234; Homophobia alleged in University of Florida
softball (Jim Buzinski), pp. 235-245.
Bot GV 709.18 .U6 O74 2007
Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c1999.
note: Chapter 2, Lesbians and the Holocaust, (R. Amy Ellman), pp.
Tac D804.47 W65 1999
Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c2005.
note: chapter 3, Lesbians in film: an examination of intimate danger,
(Catherine Gillotti), pp. 35-43.
Suz, Bot P94.5 .W65 W66 2005
NY: Columbia University Press, c2003.
note: chapter 15, The right to privacy and gay/lesbian sexuality; beyond
decriminalization to equal recognition (David A. J. Richards), pp.
Suz, Law, Tac KF 478 .A5 W654 2003
see: Lesbianism: affirming nontraditional roles. (special issue)
see: Lesbian therapists and their therapy: from both sides of the couch.
(special issue)
NY: Garland, 1999.
note: [Chapter] 9: The Lesbian threat within the World War II Women's Army
Corps, (Leisa D. Meyer), pp. 186-209.
Suz D810 .W7 W653 1999
Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press; NY: Distributed exclusively
in the USA by St. Martin's Press, 1998.
note: [chapter] 4, Performing the picture or painting the Other: Romaine
Brooks, Gluck and the question of decadence in 1923 (Bridget Elliott), pp.
70-82; [chapter] 5, Elizabeth McCausland: art, politics and sexuality
(Susan Platt), pp. 83-96.
Ugl, Art NX 164 .W65 W65 1998.
Edited by Trudy Darty and Sandee Potter; with a foreword by Judith
Palo Alto, CA: Mayfield Pub. Co., 1984.
Suz, Ugl HQ 75.5 W65 1984
Sydney, NSW: National Centre in HIV Social Research, 1999.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia)),
Suz HQ 75.6 .A82 S95 1999
also available online
Sydney, NSW: AIDS Council of New South Wales: National Centre in HIV
Social Research, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the University of
New South Wales, c2001.
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia): Online),
available online
London: British Film Institute, 1998.
note: [chapter] 9. Postscript: queers and women in film noir. (Richard
Dyer), pp. 123-129; [chapter] 10. Female spectator, lesbian spectre: the
haunting. (Patricia White), pp. 130-150; [chapter] 11. Femme fatale or
lesbian femme: bound in sexual difference. (Chris Straayer), pp.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac PN 1995.9 .W6 W66 1998
Edited by Anastasia Posadskaya and others at the Moscow Gender Centre;
translated by Kate Clark; originated by Ruth Steele.
London; NY: Verso, 1994.
note: [chapter] 10, Teh lesbian subculture: the historical roots of
lesbianism in the former USSR (Olga Zhuk), pp. 146-153.
Suz, Bot, Tac HA 1665.15 .W66 1994
A Clio & Co Production for Channel 4. Producers, Suzanne Neild,
Rosalind Pearson; writer, Suzanne Neild.
NY: Distributed by Women Make Movies, 1991.
note: videocassette release of a 1991 television production.
note: A follow-up to "Women like us" where the participants
reflect on the effect the airing of the program had on their lives.
see also: Women like us [videorecording]; and Women like us
[Ed. by Suzanne Neild...]
TacMed Videorecod TAC-629
London: The Women's Press, 1992.
note: Expansion of the stories of 19 women presented in a Channel 4
documentary of the same name.
see also: Women like us [videorecording]; and Women like that
Suz HQ 75.3 .W66 1991
NY: Distributed by Women Make Movies, 1990.
note: VHS. Videocassette release of a 1989 television production.
Producers, Suzanne Neild, Rosalind Pearson; Writer, Suzanne Neild.
note: British women relate their experiences as young, gay women in the
years prior to the gay liberation movement.
see also: Women like us. [Ed. by Suzanne Neild....]; and Women like that
TacMedia Videorecord TAC-628
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1997.
note: Question [i.e., chapter] 8, Sexual orientation: is it determined by
biology?, pp. 181-203 (J. Michael Bailey, Richard C. Pillard, Celia
Kinzinger, Sue Wilkinson)
Suz, Bot, Tac HQ 1206 .W8748 1997
Edited by Lillian Comas-Diaz, Beverly Greene; forewords by Jean Baker
Miller, Elaine Pinderhughes.
NY: Guilford Press, c1994.
note: chapter 14, Lesbian women of color: triple jeopardy (Beverly
Greene), pp. 389-427.
Suz, SocWk, Bot WM 460.5 W6 W8726 1994
NY: New York University Press, c1997.
note: chapter 16, Searching for Southern Lesbian History (Pippa Holloway),
pp. 258-272.
Suz, Tac HQ 1438 .S63 W67 1997
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 W68 1999
Steven D. Atkinson, Judith Hudson, editors.
NY: Haworth Press, c1990.
note: Lesbians online (Connie Miller), pp. 281-299.
SuzRef HQ 1180 .W675 1990b
NY: Routledge, 2001.
note: The medical construction of gender: case management of intersexed
infants (Suzanne J. Kessler), pp. 161-174.
NatSci Q130 .W678 2001
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, c1994.
note: chapter 20, Personal Best: Women in Love, pp. 315-322; Part V: Sport
and the Politics of Sexuality, pp. 323-397, chapter 21, Crushes,
Competition, and Closets: the Emergence of Homophobia in Women's Physical
Education, pp. 327-339 (Susan Cahn), chapter 22, Femininst Bodybuilding,
pp. 341- 352 (Anne Balsamo); chapter 23, The Embodiment of Gender:
Deiscipline, Domination, and Empowerment, pp. 353-371 (David Whitson);
chapter 24, Double Fault: Renee Richards and the Construction and
Naturalization of Difference, pp. 373-397 (Susan Birrell and Cheryl L.
Ugl, Tac GV 709 .W577 1994
Hanover, NH: Smith and Kraus, 2001.
note: The Five Lesbian Brothers, pp. 173-199; Cherrie Moraga, pp.
Drama PS 352 .W66 2001
Berkeley: University of California Press, c1995.
note: [chapter] 16, Writing lesbian ethnography (Ellen Lewin), pp.
Suz, Ugl, Bot, Tac GN 27 .W66 1995
London; NY: Cassell, 1999.
note: [chapter] 9, The Bearded Lesbian (Mandy Kidd), pp. 195-207.
Suz, Ugl HQ 1219 .W65 1999
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, c2006.
note: chapter 10, Gynecologic health care for lesbians (Linda A.
Bernhard), pp. 229-248.
Health WP 140 W872 2006
Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, c2004.
note: chapter 7, Lesbian health concerns, pp. 73-78.
BotRef WA 5 W872 2004
Belgrade: Center for Women's Studies, Research and Communication,
note: Lesbian human rights, pp. 48-52.
Suz HQ 1236.5 .Y8 W66 1997
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Suz HQ 75.6 .A75 W66 2007
Hollywood, CA: Paramount Pictures, 2000.
note: DVD; based on the novel Wonder boys by Michael Chabon;
originally released as a motion picture.
note: cast- Michael Douglas, Tobey Maguire, Frances McDormand, Katie
Holmes, Rip Torn, Robert Downey, Jr.; credits- director of photography,
Dante Spinotti; editor, Dede Allen; music, Christopher Young; costume
designer, Beatrix Aruna Pasztur; production designer, Jennine
note: During a single weekend, college professor Grady Tripp scrambles to
gather together a life that has suddenly reeled out of control. An
unfinished novel, a stolen car, a murdered pet and a failing marriage are
just a few of the crises piling up; with secondary gay/transvestite
note: for the novel on which this motion picture is based, see:
Chabon, Michael. Wonder boys.
UglMed DVD PARA 035
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press Terrace Books, c2004.
Ugl HQ 75.25 .W66 2004
Cultural revolution: stories.
NY: Persea Books, c1994.
Suz PS 3573 .O5815 C85 1994
Where the spirit leads: the evolving views of United Methodists on
Nashville: Abingdon Press, c2000.
Suz BX 8385 .H6 W66 2000
When men are women: manhood among Gabra Nomads of East Africa.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, c1999.
Suz DT 433.545 .G32 W66 1999
Christ and the homosexual: some observations. Introd. by Albert Ellis.
NY: Vantage Press [1960]
Suz, Ugl HQ 76 .W6
Hitchcock's films revisited.
London: Faber and Faber, c1991.
note: [chapter] 16, The murderous gays: Hitchcock's homophobia, pp.
Suz PN 1998.3 .H58 W66 1991
Bot, Tac PN 1998.3 .H58 W66 1989 (Columbia University Press, 1989)
Restless rednecks: gay tales of the changing South.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press; Eugene, OR: dist. by Subterranean Co.,
Suz PS 3573 O5965 R4 1985
Stamford, CT: Knights Press, c1987.
Suz PS 3573 .O5965 S4 1987
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, c2001.
Ugl PS 3573 .O5967 A89 2001
Men behind bars: sexual exploitation in prison.
NY: Plenum Press, c1982.
Suz, SocWk HV 8836 .W66 1982
Fantastic women: sex, gender and transvestism.
Basingstoke: Macmillan Education, 1989.
Suz HQ 77 .W66 1989b
Unlimited embrace: a canon of gay fiction, 1945-1995.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1998.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PS 374 .H63 W66 1998
A low life in high heels: the Holly Woodlawn story. Holly Woodlawn with
Jeffrey Copeland.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Suz PN 2287 .W64 A3 1991
Counseling with gay men and women: a guide for facilitating positive
life-styles. By Natalie Jane Woodman and Harry R. Lenna.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1980.
SocWk WM 615 W892c 1980
Tomato red: a novel.
NY: Henry Holt, 1998.
Suz, Bot PS 3573 .O6263 T66 1998
State of the queer nation: a critique of gay and lesbian politics in 1990s
London: Cassell, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.8 .G7 W66 1995
Articulate flesh: male homo-eroticism and modern poetry.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1987.
Suz, Ugl, Bot PR 605 H65 W66 1987
A history of gay literature: the male tradition.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c1998.
Suz, Bot PN 56 .H57 W66 1998
May I say nothing.
Manchester: Carcanet, 1998.
Suz PR 6073 .O6262 M39 1998
The corporate closet: the professional lives of gay men in America.
By James D. Woods with Jay H. Lucas.
NY: The Free Press; Toronto: Macmillan, c1993.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.2 U5 W66 1993
Another kind of love: homosexuality and spirituality. 3rd ed.
Ft. Wayne, IN: Knoll Pub. Co., 1988.
Suz BX 1795 H66 W66 1988
The dear one.
NY: Delacorte Press, 1991.
ChiLit PZ 7 .W868 de 1991
BotChi PZ 7 .W686 De 2004 (Putnam ed.)
From the notebooks of Melanin Sun.
NY: Blue Sky Press, 1995.
ChildLit, BotChi, TacChi PZ 7 .W868 Fr 1995
The house you pass on the way.
NY: Delacorte Press, 1997.
ChiLit PZ 7 .W868 Ho 1997
Signs of sexual behavior: an introduction to some sex-related vocabulary
in American sign language. Ill. by Frank Allen Paul.
Silver Spring, MD: T. J. Publishers, c1979.
Suz HV 2475 .W66 1979
Friends & family: true stories of gay America's straight allies.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1999.
Suz, Ugl HQ 76.8 .U5 W66 1999
Gay men, straight jobs.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2001.
Ugl HD 6285.5 .U6 W664 2001
Jocks: true stories of America's gay male athletes.
Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 1998.
Suz GV 697 .A1 W687 1998
School's out: the impact of gay and lesbian issues on America's
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1995.
Suz, SocWk, Tac LC 192.6 .W66 1995
Stranger than love.
London: GMP, 1985.
Suz PR 6073 .O67 S77 1985
Between the acts.
London: The Hogarth Press, 1941.
see also: Woolf, Virginia. Pointz Hall...
Suz 823 W88b
SpecColl Book Arts PR 6045 .O72 B3
Ugl PR 6045 .O72 B3 1941 (Harcourt ed.)
Melymbrosia: an early version of The voyage out. Edited, with an
introduction by Louise A. DeSalvo.
[NY]: New York Public Library: Distributed by the Pub. Center for Cultural
Resources, 1982.
note: This early version of The voyage out more candid, explicit and
incisive about matters concerning sexuality and homosexuality.
Suz PR 6045 .O72 V68 1982
Mrs. Dalloway. Edited by Morris Beja.
Oxford, UK: Published for the Shakespeare Head Press by Blackwell,
Suz PR 6045 .O72 M7 1996b
Suz PR 6045 .O72 M7 1993 (Knopf edition)
Suz, Ugl PR 6045 .O72 M5 (Harcourt ed.)
Ugl, Bot PR 6045 .O72 M7 1990 (Harcourt re-edition)
Suz 823 W88m (Modern Library ed.)
Orlando; a biography.
NY: Harcourt, Brace and Company [c1928]
Suz, Ugl, SpecColl PR 6045 .O72 O7
Tac, Bot PR 6045 .O72 O7 1973 (1973 re-issue)
Pointz Hall: the earlier and later typescripts of Between the acts.
Edited, with an introduction, annotations and an afterword by Mitchell A.
NY: University Publications, 1983.
see also: Woolf, Virginia. Between the acts.
Suz PR 6045 .O72 B42 1983
To the lighthouse.
NY: Harcourt, Brace and Company [1927]
Suz, Ugl PR 6045 .O72 T6
Ugl PR 6045 .O72 T6 1978 (Rivercity Press reprint)
Bot PR 6045 .O72 T67 1990
Alexandria, VA: illiterati, c1998.
Suz PS 3573 .O674 W6 1998
NY: New Yorker Video, [1992]
note: VHS; originally produced in 1977
note: camera, sound, interviewing, and editing by: Lucy Massie Phenix,
Robert Epstein, Andrew Brown, Veronica Selver, Nancy Adair, Peter
note: Interviews with 26 diverse people who speak out about their
experiences as gay men and women.
note: for the book, see: Adair, Nancy. Word is out.
UglMed Videorecord NYV 018
Jersey City, N.J.: Talisman House, c2000.
Suz PS 595 .H65 W67 2000
Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007.
note: chapter 25, Redefining the U.S. family and laws to include gay,
lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered individuals: parents and employers
in the twenty-first century (Eros R. DeSouza), pp. 37-50.
Suz HD 4904.25 .W7365 2007
Richard Dellamora and Daniel Fischlin, editors.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1997.
Music ML 1700 .W67 1997
[Chicago]: New American Movement, 1979.
Suz HQ 76.8 .U5 W67 1979
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.
Suz, Tac LC 192.6 .W67 1998
Santa Cruz, CA: HerBooks, c1987.
note: on cover: edited by Abby Bee, Irene Reti, Sarah-Hope Parmeter.
Suz PS 509 .W6 W67 1987
Cambridge, UK; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
note: [chapter] 29/2, Homosexuality, pp. 546-555 (David Hilliard)
Suz BR 477 .W87 2006
Edited by Michael Lassell and Elena Georgiou.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Suz PS 591 .G38 W67 2000
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 7, Fabulous politics: gay, lesbian, and queer movements,
1969-1999 (Jeffrey Escoffier), pp. 191-218; [chapter] 8, A very American
epidemic; memory politics and identity politics in the AIDS Memorial
Quilt, 1985-1993 (Christopher Capozzola), pp. 219-241.
Suz, Tac E839.5 .W67 2003
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986.
Suz PS 648 .H57 W67 1986
Stanford, CA: Stanford Law and Politics, 2005.
note: chapter 6, Supporting a cause, developing a movement, and
consolidating a practice; cause lawyers and sexual orientation in Vermont,
(Scott Barclay and Anna-Maria Marshall), pp. 171-202.
Suz, Law K118 .P82 W67 2005
Out of the margins: a report on regional listening forums highlighting the
experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth
in care. Principal authors, Rob Woronoff, Rudy Estrada, Susan Sommer;
contributing authors, Michelle Marzullo ... [et al.].
Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America; NY: Lambda Legal Defense
and Education Fund, c2006.
note: also available online:
SocWk HV 1426 .W67 2006
Fellow travellers: a memoir of the thirties.
London: London Magazine Editions, 1971.
Suz DP 269.9 .W66
see: Wade, Carlson.
City of the plain: history of a gay sub-culture.
Sydney, NSW: Hale & Iremonger, c1991.
Suz HQ 76.2 .A8 W67 1991
San Francisco, CA: California Newsreel, [1998]
note: VHS; in French with English subtitles
note: credits- cinematography, Germain Desmoulins, Aldo Lee; editor, Nadia
Ben Rachid.
Note: "Woubi Chéri is the first film to give African homosexuals a
chance to describe their world in their own words. Often funny, sometimes
ribald, but always real, this documentary introduces us to gender pioneers
demanding their right to construct a distinct African homosexuality."
UglMed Videorecord CALN 141
Vies et morts de Mademoiselle Shakespeare.
see: for English translation (The lives and deaths of Miss Shakespeare)
The Jack Wrangler story or what's a nice boy like you doing?
By Jack Wrangler and Carl Johnes.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1984.
Suz PN 2287 .W7 A34 1984
Northampton, MA: Media Education Foundation, c2003.
note: 1 videodisc, DVD, closed-captioned; videodisc release of a 2000
video program; the abridged version is edited for profanity, nudity, and
note: "Drawing the connection between professional wrestling and the
construction of contemporary masculinity, they [Sut Jhally and Jackson
Katz] show how so-called 'entertainment' is related to homophobia, sexual
assault and relationship violence."
TacMed DVD TAC-065
Ed. by Brian Bouldrey.
NY: Riverhead Books, 1995.
Suz, Ugl, Tac BR 115 .H6 W74 1995
Foreign country: the life of L. P. Hartley.
London: A. Deutsch, 1996.
Suz PR 6015 .A6723 Z94 1996
Rural lesbians: navigating unique terrain.
Ph. D. thesis, North Carolina State University, 2003.
available online,
I am my own wife.
NY: Dramatists Play Service, Inc, 2005.
Drama, Bot PS 3573 .R512 I3 2005
God is gay: an evolutionary spiritual work..
[By Ezekiel Wright & Daniel Inesse]
[Santa Rosa,CA]: Tayu Press, c1982.
note: some material herein appeared previously in: Saints or sinners? Gays
and the spiritual path, c1978.
Suz BV 4596 .G38 W75 1982
Lesbian step families: an ethnography of love.
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, c1998.
Suz, Ugl, Tac HQ 75.53 .W75 1998
SocWk HQ 75.53 .W75 1998b
Inside the statehouse: lessons from the speaker.
Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, c2005.
note: [chapter] 8, The gay rights issue, pp. 156-173.
Ugl, Bot F55.22 .W75 A3 2005
Brief encyclopedia of homosexuality.
NY: S. Wright, c1978.
Suz HQ 76.25 .W74 1978
Different: an anthology of homosexual short stories.
Edited with an introd. by Stephen Wright.
NY: Bantam Books, 1974.
Suz PN 6071 .H724 1974
Harvard's secret court: the savage 1920 purge of campus homosexuals.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c2005.
Suz LD 2160 .W75 2005
Edited by Anita L. Pace. Rev. ed. Questions and answers by Dakota
Sands and Valerie Gold-Neil.
Beaverton, OR: Baby Steps Press, c1996.
Suz HQ 75.6 .U5 W75 1996
Timothy F. Murphy and Suzanne Poirier, editors.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1993.
Suz, Bot, Tac PS 153 .G38 W74 1993
NY: Library of America: Distributed to the trade by Penguin Putnam,
note: [excerpt] from The Sexual Outlaw (John Rechy), pp. 614-621.
Suz PS 572 .L6 W74 2002
Carlton South, Vic.: Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and
Society, 1998.
(Monograph series, no. 7)
(Monograph (National Centre in HIV Social Research (Australia)); no.
Suz HQ 76.3 .A8 W75 1998
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
note: [chapter] 2, John Cage's queer silence; or, how to avoid making
matters worse (Jonathan D. Katz), pp. 41-61.
Music ML 410 .C24 W74 2001
Homoerotic sensibilities in late imperial China.
London; NY: RoutledgeCurzon, 2004.
Suz HQ 76.2 .C5 W8 2004
The rainbow connection: the Internet and the Singapore gay community. By
Ng King Kang; preface by Duncan Holaday.
[Singapore]: KangCuBine Publishing Pte Ltd., c1999.
Suz HQ 76.2 .S55 K36 1999
A dissenting church.
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Christian Institute: Hong Kong Women Christian
Council, 2003.
note: [chapter] 6, Homosexuals deserve equal rights, pp. 60-63.
Suz BR 1609.5 .W8 2003
Hans Christian Andersen: the life of a storyteller.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Ugl PT 8119 .W85 2002
SpecCollAuthors PT 8119 .W85 2001 (Knopf ed.)
Thomas Lyster: a Cambridge novel.
[London?]: Brilliance Books, 1983.
Suz PS 3573 .U78 T46 1983
Growing up straight; what every thoughtful parent should know about
homosexuality. By Peter and Barbara Wyden. Introduction by Stanley F.
NY: Stein and Day [1968]
SocWk HQ 76 W9
A boy named Sue [videorecording] Produced and directed by Julie Wyman.
NY: Women Make Movies, 2000.
note: VHS; performers- Theo A. Steffan, Lisi, Kris Force, Wendi Raw, Maya
Gonzalez, Caroline Libresco, Charles Hermann-Wurmfeld; camera, Ann
Etheridge and Julie Wyman; editor, Julie Wyman; original music: Abbie
Conant, Eliza Slavet.
note: documents the transformation of a female-to-male transsexual over
the course of six years, highlighting changes in his relationships with his
female partner and close friends.
UglMed Videorecord WMM 063
Derek Jarman.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2005.
(British film makers)
Ugl PN 1998.3 .J3 W96 2005
The lesbian myth.
NY: Random House, [1974]
Suz, Ugl HSLIC HQ 76 W93
Crossways of sex; a study of eroto-pathology.
NY: American Anthropological society, privately re-issued [n. d.]
Health Special Coll. 392.6 X1c1
The erogenous zones of the world: descriptions of the intra-sexual manners
and customs of the semi-civilized peoples of Aftrica, Asia, America and
Oceania, the whole paraphernalia of their love as taken from Untrodden
fields of anthropology. By a French Army surgeon; with an introduction by
Norman Lockridge.
NY: Book Awards, c1964.
note: abridged version of Untrodden fields of anthropology (translation of
Amour aux colonies)
Suz GN 479 .X22i3 1964
Untrodden fields of anthropology; observations on the esoteric manners and
customs of semi-civilized peoples; being a record of thirty years
experience in Asia, Africa, America and Oceania. By a French army-surgeon.
[2. ed.]
Paris: Libraire de medecine, folklore et anthropologie, 1898. 2v.
note: Translation of L'amour aux colonies.
note: v. 2 covers Africa and Oceania. (lack v. 1)
note: abridged version of v.1 in: The erogenous zones of the world.
Health Special Coll. 392.6 X1a2e v.2
Reversing the lens: ethnicity, race, gender, and sexuality through film.
Jun Xing and Lane Ryo Hirabayashi.
Boulder: University Press of Colorado, c2003.
note: [chapter] 10, The queering of Chicana studies; philosophy, text, and
image (Elisa Facio), pp. 185-195.
Ugl PN 1995.9 .M56 X56 2003
Vancouver, BC: Pink Triangle Press.
SpecColFolio HQ 75 .X78
n.53 (Aug 24, 1995); n.95 (Apr 3, 1997); n. 97 (May 1, 1997); n.105 (Aug
21, 1997); n.109 (Oct 16, 1997); n.122 (Apr 16, 1998); n.126 (Jun 11,
1998); special pride issue (Jul 22, 1999); n.158 (Sep 2, 1999); n. 211
(Sep 20, 2001); n.227 (May 2, 2002); n.235 (Aug 22, 2002); n. 239
(Oct 17, 2002); n. 243-244 (Dec 12, 2002-Dec 26, 2002); n. 250-258 (Mar
20, 2003-Jul 10, 2003); n. 261-268 (Aug 21, 2003-Nov 27, 2003); n. 271-291
(Jan 8, 2004-Oct 14, 2004)
Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Media, [200-?]
note: DVD; produced at Stanford University Department of Communication;
originally produced in 2000 as a student film.
note: A portrait of two individuals born with ambiguous genitalia that
calls into question the medical practice of gender assignment surgery of
intersex infants and children.
UglMed DVD BERKM 005
San Francisco: Frameline, c1998.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; In Spanish with English subtitles.
note: credits- Director of photography and editor, Guadalup Olvera San
Miguel; fiction script, Lourdes Jauregui.
note: Interviews covering the standing of Lesbians in Mexico.
UglMed Videorecord FRAM 003
Santa Monica, CA: Metro Goldwyn Mayer Home Entertainment, c2002.
note: DVD, 1 videodisc; in Spanish with English subtitles.
note: cast- Maribal Verdu, Gael Garcia Bernal, Diego Luna; credits-
director of photography, Emmanuel Lubezki; editing, Alfonso Cuaron, Alex
Rodriguez; narrator, Daniel Gimenez Cacho; includes "Me la debes", a
short film by Carlos Cuaron; deleted scenes.
note: Two teens set off on a wild cross-country trip with seductive,
26-year-old Luisa. Luisa schools them in the finer points of passion, but
will their mutual desire for her destroy their friendship forever?
UglMed DVD MGM 084
BotMed DVD BOT-262
see: Same sex/different text? Gay and lesbian writing in French. (special
see: Genet: in the language of the enemy. (special issue)
Sei no kyokai: karada no sei to kokoro no sei.
Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2000.
EAsia HQ 1075 .Y36 2000
Sei tenkan shujutsu wa yurusareru no ka: sei doitsusei shogai to sei no
Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 1999.
EAsia HQ 1075 .Y38 2000
Gei kappuru otoko to otoko no renai noto: koi to kurashi to shigoto no
paton ashippu. Yanase Ryuta, Ito Satoru.
Tokyo: Taro Jiaro Sha, 1994.
EAsia HQ 76 .Y36 1994
The tortured sex. By John S. Yankowski and Hermann K. Wolff.
Los Angeles: Holloway House, 1965.
Suz HQ 76.3 .U5 Y3 1965
New Delhi: Penguin Books, 1999.
Suz PR 9497.33 .G39 Y38 1999
The wounded heart: writing on Cherrie Moraga.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001.
(Chicana matters series)
Suz PS 3563 .O753 Z96 2001
Transseksual: sebuah studi kasus perkembangan transseksual perempuan ke
laki-laki. Yash; kata pengantar, Johana E. Prawitasari.
Semarang: Aini, 2003.
Suz HQ 77.95 .I5 Y27 2003
Water Bearer Films, [2005]
note: DVD, in Mandarin with English subtitles.
note: credits- cinematography, Zhang Huilin, Yuan Deqiang; editor, Gao
Bojie, Qi Jiang; special effects, Ren Yi, Wang Fei; cast, Gao Yang, Liang
Haobin, He Yong, Liu Lang, Yu Zun,
Quan Wei.
note: This film delineates male homosexual relationships, disclosing male
prostitution in China.
UglMed DVD WBF 007
Trailblazers: profiles of America's gay and lesbian elected officials.
NY: Haworth Press, c1999.
Suz E840.6 .Y43 1999
Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.
note: chapter 3, A revolutionary year: judicial assertiveness and gay
rights (David J. Garrow), pp. 55-70.
Suz, Law KF 8742 .Y428 2004
Harems of the mind: passages of Western art and literature.
New Haven: Yale University Press, c2000.
note: [chapter] 11, Multiplying effects: lesbians and eunuchs, pp.
Art NX 650 .H37 Y43 2000
Heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbianism and male homosexuality as
related to their affective orientation toward sexuality and sex guilt
Eugene, OR: Microform Publications, College of Human Development
and Performance, University of Oregon, 1984.
note: Thesis (M.S.)--Purdue University, 1982
(Health, physical education, and recreation publications (Microfiche))
MicNews Microfiche M-3462
Aesthetic homosociality in Wackendroder and Tieck.
NY: P. Lang, c2000.
Suz PT 2551 .W25 Y44 2000
Porcelain, and: A language of their own: two plays.
NY: Grove Press, 1997.
Drama PR 9570 .S53 Y486 1997
What are you doing in my undies?
Singapore: Word Press, c2002.
Suz HQ 77.2 .S55 Y5 2002
Guangzhou: Zoke Culture; [s.l]: Jiu Zhou yin xiang chu ban gong si,
note: DVD PAL; in Mandarin with simplified Chinese subtitles
note: performers- Meng Yao, Gu Yang, Wang Guohui, Yan Shunkai, Wang
Qingxiang; credits- She ying, Liu Yonghong; zuo qu, Zou Ye; jian ji,
Chen Yihong.
note: adapted from a novel of the same title by Zhou Daxin; originally
released as a motion picture in 2005
note: A woman is married to a gay transvestite and is unhappy. She has an
affair with a man and her gay husband lays plans to kill her lover.
UglMed DVD EAL 366
AIDS and the national body.
Edited, and with an introduction by Robyn Wiegman.
Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1997.
(Series Q)
Suz WC 503.7 Y51a 1997
Hart Crane and the homosexual text: new threshholds, new anatomies.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
Suz PS 3505 R272 Z93 1990
Gay male Christian couples: life stories.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
Suz, Bot HQ 76.2 .G7 Y56 1997
Beyond flesh: queer masculinities and nationalism in Israeli cinema.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2004.
Suz PN 1993.5 .I86 Y67 2004
Are communication patterns influenced by gender in gay & lesbian
Seattle: University of Washington, 2000.
note: Thesis (M.S.)-University of Washington
Suz BF 21 Th50053
AuxStx Thesis 50053
Sei doitsusei shogai.
Tokyo: Shueisha, 2000.
EASia HQ 1075 .Y67 2000
Covering: the hidden assault on our civil rights.
NY: Random House, c2006.
Suz, Law KF 373 .A3 Y67 2006
Berkely, CA: University of California Extension Center for Media and
Independent Learning, [1997?]
note: 1 videocassette; VHS
note: Provides honest and riveting portraits of six men who once were
women. Through their commentaries and the experiences of partners,
friends, and family emerges an unforgettable story of self-discovery.
UglMed, Videorecord UCEMC 38409
BotMed Videorecord BOT-2090
Gay sunshine interview: Allen Ginsberg with Allen Young.
Bolinas, [CA]: Grey Fox Press, 1974.
Suz PS 3513 .I74 Z95 1974
Gays under the Cuban revolution.
San Francisco: Grey Fox Press, c1981.
Suz HQ 76.2 C9 Y68
Women who become men: Albanian sworn virgins.
Oxford; NY: Berg, 2000.
Suz HQ 1075.5 .A38 Y68 2000
Genital abnormalities, hermaphroditism & related adrenal diseases ... with
379 plates containing 534 drawings by William P. Didusch.
Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1937.
HSLIC 617.46 Yo8g
The AIDS dissidents: an annotated bibliography.
Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1993.
SuzRef Z 6664 .A27 Y68 1993
The male homosexual in literature: a bibliography; with essays by Ian
Young, Graham Jackson, and Rictor Norton.
Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 1975.
SuzRef, Ugl Z6514 .C5 S47
The male homosexual in literature: a bibliography; with essays by Ian
Young, Graham Jackson, and Rictor Norton. 2nd ed.
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1982.
SuzRef Z6514 C5 S47 1982
The male muse; a gay anthology.
Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press [1973]
Suz, SpecColl, Bot PR 1195 .H58 Y6 1973
Stonewall experiment: a gay psychohistory.
London, NY: Cassell, 1995.
Suz HQ 76 Y68 1995
King James and the history of homosexuality.
NY: New York University Press, 2000.
Suz DA 391 .Y68 2000
Measure 9: Oregon's 1992 anti-gay initiative.
Thesis (M.A.)--Portland State University, 1997.
Suz KFO 2811.5 .H64 Y68 1997
Lesbians and gays and sports. Martin Duberman, general editor.
NY: Chelsea House Publishers, c1995.
Suz, Ugl GV 708.8 .Y68 1995
Two of the missing: a reminiscence of some friends in the war.
NY: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, [1975]
Suz DS 559.5 .Y68 1975
The equality complex: lesbians in therapy: a guide to anti-oppressive
London; NY: Cassell, 1995.
Suz WM 615 Y77e 1995
Where do we fall when we fall in love?
NY: Other Press, c2003.
note: [chapter] 8, Are human beings "by nature" bisexual?, pp. 179-212;
[chapter] 9, Beyond "The female homosexual", pp. 213-245; [chapter]
11, Homophobias: a diagnostic and political manual, pp. 271-284.
Suz BF 173 .Y68 2003
Boston: Alyson, c1980.
note: 'Much of this book was originally published in Australia, under the
same title, by the Gay Teachers and Students Group of
Suz HQ 76.25 .Y68 1980
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1991.
note: "Much of this book was originally published in Australia, under
the same title, by the Gay Teachers and Students Group of
Ugl HQ 76.25 .Y68 1991
Young Women's Christian Association (University of Washington) photograph
collection, 1971-1981 [graphic]
note: This collection of photographic prints and slides documents
activities of the Young Women's Christian Association (University of
Washington) during the early 1980s...The bulk of the collection contains
photographs relating to the Lesbian Resource Center, including portraits
of co-coordinators Shelley Reddick and Kathy Timmons. There is also a
series of photographs of women at work in the skilled
trades...advertising Mechanica's services...The Aradia Clinic's construction
by an all-female crew in 1972 is also documented.
note: ...the YWCA pioneered in feminist programming...three examples were
Mechanica, the Lesbian Resource Center, and the Aradia Clinic. Mechanica
began as a women's cooperative garage and auto mechanics course...The
Lesbian Resource Center (LRC), begun as the Gay Women's Resource Center in
1971, provided peer counseling support services to lesbians in the
Seattle-King County area. The Aradia Clinic opened in 1972...
note: finding aid available in the repository and on
the web
SpecColl Photograph collection 628
111 photographic prints, 25 slides
Seattle, WA: Seal Press, c2001.
note: Twenty-One Questions (Jane Eaton Hamilton), pp. 25-38; One queer
family: the ultimate mixed marriage (Faith Haaz-Landsmann), pp. 50-58; Table
for Three, Please (Ellen Anne Lindsey), pp. 67-74; Omnisexual for life
(Sabrina Margarita Alcantara-Tan), pp. 92-96; The lesbian baby dance (Diane
Anderson-Minshall), pp. 146-156; One Size Does Not Fit All (or, My Brief
Career as a Political Action Figure) (Leigh Cotnoir), pp. 165-171; Something
to Believe in (Jennifer M. Collins), pp. 212-217; Answering Homer (Katie
Hubert), pp. 237-247.
Bot HQ 759 .Y66 2001
The abyss. Translated from the French by Grace Frick in collaboration with
the author.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, c1976.
note: translation of: Oeuvre au noir.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2649 .O8 O413
Alexis. Translated from the French by Walter Kaiser in collaboration with
the author.
NY: Farrar Straus Giroux, c1984.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2649 .O8 A7513 1984
Coup de Grace; translated from the French by Grace Frick in collaboration
with the author.
NY: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy [1957]
Suz, Ugl PQ 2649 .O8 C613
Essais et memoires. av.-pr. de l'editeur.
Paris: Gallimard, c1991.
note: Mishima ou la vision du vide, pp. 195-272.
Suz PQ 2649 .O8 A6 1991
Fires. Translated from the French by Dori Katz in collaboration with the
NY: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1981.
note: translation of: Feux.
note: Sappho, or, Suicide, pp. 115-130.
Suz, Ugl PQ 2649 .O8 F413
Memoires d'Hadrien.
Paris, Plon [1951]
Suz 843 Yo88m
Memoirs of Hadrian, and reflections on the composition of memoirs of
Hadrian; translated from the French by Grace Frick, in collaboration with
the author.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1963.
note: Translation of: Memoires d'Hadrien.
Suz PQ 2649 .O8 M413 1963
Memoirs of Hadrian. Translated from the French by Grace Frick in
collaboration with the author.
NY: Farrar, Straus & Young [1954]
note: Translation of: Memoires d'Hadrien.
Ugl PQ 2649 .O8 M413
Mishima: a vision of the void. Translated by Alberto Manguel in
collaboration with the author.
NY: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1986.
note: Translation of: Mishima, ou, La vision du vide.
Ugl PL 833 .I7 Z98713 1986
Edited by Mary Louise Rasmussen, Eric Rofes, and Susan Talburt.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Suz HQ 76.25 .Y68 2004
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005.
note: The somewhat general title notwithstanding, this encyclopedia is
devoted solely to GLBT youth in society and in the schools.
SuzRef, BotRef LC 192.6 .Y68 2005 v.1, v.2
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2007.
note: [chapter] 4, Process of information seeking during "queer" youth
coming-out experiences (Bharat Mehra and Donna Braquet), pp. 93-131.
Suz ZA 3075 .Y69 2007
Princeton, N.J.: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, [2003]
note: DVD; originally produced for television in 1985
note: Readings by John Hurt; credits- executive producers, Anthony Wall,
Nigel Finch; director, Michael Macintyre; video editor, Mike Thomas; film
editor, John Veal.
note: This program combines extensive archival footage of Mishima;
interviews with colleagues including his biographer; Henry Scott Stoles,
and two of this translators; readings by actor, John Hurt to portray
Japan's immensely popular novelist, playwright, actor, and patriot of the
extreme right.
UglMed DVD FFH 069
UglMed Videorecrod FFH 10056
Predictors of relapse from safer to riskier sexual behaviors among
homosexual men.
Thesis (M. P. H.) -- University of Washington, 1993.
Seattle, 1993.
HSLIC WA 7 Th41185
Aux Thesis 41185
Turkiyede escinsellik: (dun, bugun)
Istanbul: Hur-Yuz, 1986.
Suz HQ 76.3 T9 Y89 1986
Violette's embrace: a novel.
NY: Riverhead Books, 1997, c1996.
note: fictionalized biography of Violette Leduc
Suz PS 3576 .A274 V56 1997
Nasl kushi.[1965]
note: in Urdu.
Suz HQ 76 .Z3
Nasl kushi. [1972]
note: in Urdu.
Suz BP 190.5 H7 Z33 1972
Renegade sisters: girl gangs on film.
London; San Francisco: Creation Books, 1998.
(The creation cinema collection, 11)
Suz PN 1995.9 .W6 Z35 1998
Renegade sisters: girl gangs on film. New and updated ed.
[London?]: Creation, 2001.
(Creation cinema colleciton, 11)
Suz PN 1995.9 W6 Z35 2001
Adonis Garcia: a picaresque novel. Translated by E. A. Lacey.
San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1981.
note: translation of: Las aventuras, desventuras y suenos de Adonis
Garcia, el vampiro de la Colonia Roma.
Suz PQ 7298.36 .A6 A9613 1981
El vampiro de la Colonia Roma.
Mexico, D. F.: Grijalbo, c1996.
Suz PQ 7298 .A6 V36 1996
Suffering in silence: teachers with AIDS and the moral school
NY: P. Lang, c1997.
Suz WC 503.7 Z35s 1997
Desenganos amorosos, parte segunda del sarao y entretenimieneto honesto;
ed. y prologo de Agustin G. de Amezua y Mayo.
Madrid: Aldus, 1950.
note: Amar solo por vencer, pp. 210-258; Mal presagio casar lejos, pp.
Suz 863 Za19p1
The disenchantments of love; a translation of the Desenganos amorosos by
H. Patsy Boyer.
Albany: State University of New York, c1997.
note: 6, Love for the sake of conquest (Amar solo por vencer), pp.
203-241; 7, Marriage abroad: portent of doom (Mal presagio casar lejos),
pp. 243-272.
Suz PQ 6498 .Z5 P3713 1997
Barrack buddies and soldier lovers: dialogues with gay young men in the U.
S. military.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1993.
Suz UB 418 .G38 Z44 1993
The masculine marine: homoeroticism in the U. S. Marine corps.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1996.
Suz VE 23 .Z44 1996
Military trade.
NY: Harrington Park Press, c1999.
Suz UB 418 .G38 Z46 1999b
Sailors and sexual identity: crossing the line between
"straight" and "gay" in the U. S. Navy.
NY: Haworth Press, c1995.
Suz VB 324 .G38 Z44 1995
Homoeroticism and chivalry: discourses of male same-sex desire in the
fourteenth century.
NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Suz HQ 76.3 .E8 Z45 2003
Friendship and fratricide; an analysis of Whittaker Chambers and Alger
NY: Viking Press [1967]
Suz, Ugl E743.5 .H55 Z4
Evaluating the effectiveness of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program at
training their students in working with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgendered clients. 2001.
note: " partial fulfillment..for the Master of Science degree in
Marriage and Family Therapy. University of Wisconsin--Stout, July,
available online,
Gay families in the media in the age of HIV and AIDS.
Thesis (M.A.)--Concordia University, 1998
available online:
NY: Strand Releasing Home Video, [2005]
note: DVD; videodisc release of the 1993 motion picture.
note: cast- John Robinson, Normand Fauteux, Dianne Heatherington, Richardo
Keens, Bernard Behrens, Maria Lukofsky, Michael Callen, Charlotte
Boisjoli, Brenda Kamino; credits- choreographer, Susan McKenzie;
cinematographer, Miroslaw Baszak; editor, Miume Jan.
note: "John Greyson has woven a tall tale of love and loss, sex and
science, history and hysteria in the age of AIDS. Greyson revives renowned
Victorian Sir Richard Burton who constructs a sensationalist multimedia
museum display focusing on Patient Zero, the gay French-Canadian flight
attendant accused of bringing AIDS to North America."
UglMed DVD STRAN 019
Ai mei de li cheng: Zhongguo gu dai tong xing lian shi=Aimei de licheng:
Zhongguo gudai tongxinglianshi.
Zhengzhou Shi: Zhongzhou gu ji chu banshe, 2001.
EAsia HQ 76.3 .C5 Z43 2001
Tongzhi: politics of same-sex eroticism in Chinese societies.
NY: Haworth Press, c2000.
Suz HQ 76.3 .C2 C48 2000
Androgyny in late Ming and early Qing literature.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii, c2003.
Suz PL 2296 .A474 2003
Russkie amazonki: istoriia lesbiiskoi subkultury v Rossii XX vek.
Moskva: Izd-vo Glagol, c1998.
(Glagol, 37)
Suz HQ 75.6 .R8 Z4 1998
Prinz Heinrich von Preussen.
Berlin: Stapp Verlag, c1999.
Suz DD402 .H4 Z54 1999
Osbert Sitwell.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1998.
Suz PR 6037 .I83 Z95 1998
Temi e treni di Pier Paolo Pasolini: un giallo puramente
Un segno per l'eternita. (Marisa Vescovo).
S. Polo d'Enza (Reggio Emilia): La scarletta, 2000.
Suz PQ 4835 .A48 Z988 2000
The masks of Mary Renault: a literary biography.
Columbia: University of Missouri Press, c2001.
Suz PR 6035 .E55 Z99 2001
Strange sisters: the art of lesbian pulp fiction, 1949-1969. With a
foreword by Ann Bannon.
NY; London: Viking Studio, 1999.
Suz, Ugl NC 961.7 .L47 Z55 1999
Unholy ghosts.
Swaffham, Eng.: GMP; Chicago: Distributed in North America by InBook/LPC
Group, 1996.
Ugl PS 3576 .I444 U53 1996
The safe sea of women: lesbian fiction, 1969-1989.
Boston: Beacon Press, c1990.
Suz, Ugl PN 56 L45 Z56 1990
Sex/gender outsiders, hate speech, and freedom of expression: can they say
that about me?
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998.
Suz, Bot KF 4772 .Z46 1998
Die soziale Konstruktion des homosexuellen Nationalsozialisten: zu Genese
und Etablierung eines Stereotyps.
Frankfurt; NY: P. Lang, c1997.
Suz HQ 76.2 .G4 Z56 1997
Berlin: Henschelverlag, 1973.
note: Der Teufelskreis, pp. [147]-266; Ravensbrucker Ballade, pp.
Suz PT 2653 .I625 S8
The tragic menagerie. Translated from the Russian and with an introduction
by Jane Costlow.
Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, c1999.
note: translation of Tragicheskii zverinets.
Suz PG 3470 .Z5 T713 1999
Tridtsat tri uroda: [roman, rasskazy, esse, pesy]
[sost., predisl., komment. M. V. Mikhailovoi]
Moskva: Agraf, 1999.
note: includes, Tridtsat tri uroda, Tragicheskii zverinets, Net!, Pesy,
Liricheskie miniatiury, Kriticheskie esse.
Suz PG 3470 .Z5 T75 1999
Alan of Lille's grammar of sex: the meaning of grammar to a
twelfth-century intellectual.
Cambridge, MA: Medieval Academy of America, 1985.
(Speculum anniversary monographs, 10)
Suz P85 Z38 Z56 1985
Diamonds are a dyke's best friend: reflections, reminiscences, and reports
from the field on the lesbian national pastime.
Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, c1988.
Ugl GV 881.3 Z57 1988
Ransacking the closet.
Duluth: Spinsters Ink, c1995.
Suz PN 6231 .L43 Z57 1995
What's my name, fool?: sports and resistance in the United States.
Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2005.
note: chapter 8, Taking car of T-C-B: sports, sexism, and gay bashing, pp.
Bot GV 706.5 .Z57 2005
Body talk: philosophical reflections on sex and gender.
NY: Columbia University Press, c1998.
(Between men--between women)
Suz, Ugl HM 110 .Z58 1998
A difficult soul: Zinaida Gippius. Edited, annotated, and with an
introductory essay by Simon Karlinsky.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.
(Documentary studies in modern Russian poetry)
note: Translation of: Tiazhelaia dusha
Suz PG 3460 .G5 Z9813
Tiazhelaia dusha. Posmertnoe izd.
Vashington: V. Kamkin, 1970.
Suz PG 3460 .G5 Z98
The androgyne: reconciliation of male and female.
NY: Crossroad, c1981.
(Illustrated library of the sacred imagination)
Art, Bot BL 325 B45 Z64 1981b
Esli ty goluboi.
Moskva: Argo-Risk, 1995.
Suz HQ 76.3 .R8 Z67 1995
Novellen und Dichtungen. 10., vermehrte Ausgabe.
Aarau, H. R. Sauerlander, 1856-1857.
note: Bd. 1. Der Eros, oder uber die Liebe, pp. 227-289.
(Gesammelte Schriften. 2., vermehrte Ausgabe. Abth. 1)
Aux PT 2591 .A15 1856 v.1-2
Windswept: a novel.
Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, 1996.
Suz PS 3576 .S75 W5 1996
Der Bahnbrecher John Henry Mackay: sein Leben und sein Werk. By K. H. Z.
Solneman [i.e., K. H. Zube]
Freiburg/Br.: Verlag der Mackay-Gesellschaft, 1979.
Suz PT 2625 .A22 Z9 1979
Drop dead: a Paul Turner mystery.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Suz PS 3576 .U225 D76 1999
An echo of death.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1995.
Suz PS 3576 .U225 E28 1995
One dead drag queen.
NY: St. Martin's Minotaur, 2000.
Suz PS 3576 .U225 O54 2000
The only good priest.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Suz PS 3576 .U225 O55 1991
Political poison.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993.
Suz PS 3576 .U225 P65 1993
The principal cause of death.
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Suz PS 3576 .U225 P75 1992
A simple suburban murder.
NY: St. Martin's Press, c1989.
Suz PS 3576 .U225 S56 1989
Sorry now?
NY: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Suz PS 3576 .U225 S67 1992
Gender identity disorder and psychosexual problems in children and
adolescents. Kenneth J. Zucker, Susan J. Bradley.
NY: Guilford Press, c1995.
Suz WS 105.5 P3 Z94 1995
Sexual orientation in the workplace: gays, lesbians, bisexuals &
heterosexuals working together.
Santa Cruz, CA: International Partners Press, 1994.
Suz HF 5549.5 .S47 Z83 1994
Sexual orientation in the workplace: gays, lesbians, bisexuals &
heterosexuals working together. Rev. and expanded ed.
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, c1996.
note: Rev. and expanded ed. of work orig. publ. by International Partners
Press, c1994.
Suz, Tac HF 5549.5 .S47 Z83 1996
Mannerbilder, Frauenbilder: Androgyne Utopie in der deutschen
Bern; NY: P. Lang, c1992.
Suz PT 134 .A54 Z83 1992
Soldier of the year.
NY: Pocket Books, c1994.
Suz UB 418 .G38 Z86 1994
Lesbian and gay nurses.
Albany: Delmar Publishers, c1997.
HSLIC, Tac WY 16 Z96L 1997
NY: Wellspring Media, Inc., [2001]
note: 1 videodiscs, DVD; Dutch with English subtitles; originally released
as a motion picture in 2001.
note: cast- Jacob Derwig, Halina Reijn, Monic Hendricks, Anneke Blok,
Sylvia Poorta; credits- director of photography, Bert Pot; editor, Sander
Vos; music, Fons Merkies.
note: Zus & Zo follows three sisters as they attempt to sabotage their gay
brother's upcoming wedding so he does not inherit the treasured family
UglMed DVD WELL 005
Confusion: the private papers of Privy Councillor R von D. Translated from
the German by Anthea Bell.
London: Pushkin Press, [2002]
note: translation of Verwirrung der Gefuhle.
Suz PT 2653 .W42 V4713 2002
Das Geheimnis der Schrift: zum Symptom der Bisexualität bei Clemens
Lage (Allemagne): H. Jacobs, c1998.
Suz PT 1825 .Z5 Z94 1998
NY: Contal; Sarasota, FL: Polart, c1995.
note: 1 videocassette, VHS; in Polish with English subtitles; based on the
short story by Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz; videocassette release of the 1986
motion picture.
note: cast- Gustaw Holoubek, Tomasz Hudziec, Maria Pakulnis, Jan Nowicki,
Adam Ferency, Edward Zentara; credits- music, Jerzy Satanowski;
photography, Grzegorz Kedzierski; editor, Malgorzata Domalik.
note: A selfish and cynical art connoisseur and a young circus acrobat who
dreams of a more exciting life develop a subtle emotional relationship
with homosexual overtones.
UglMed Videorecord POL 022
When AIDS comes home: answers to the most commonly asked questions: what
to say, what to do, and how to live with AIDS.
[By] Mignon Zylstra and David Biebel.
Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, c1996.
Suz WC 503.7 Z99w 1996
Sexualität bei Klaus Mann.
Bonn: Bouvier, 1986.
(Abhandlungen zur Kunst-, Musik- und Literaturwissenschaft, Bd. 362)
Suz PT 2625 .A435 Z88 1986