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- DIIA > Poster printing
- DIIA integrates pedagogy, instructional technology, and assessment promoting effective and innovative instructional and evaluation practices in support of the University's core purpose and values.
- Maps
- HRS - New Employee Checklist
- Buffalo Billiards - Austin, Texas
- Campus Computer Store
- Austin-Bergstrom Nonstop Service From Austin
- City of Austin - Austin-Travis County Traffic Report Page
- Austin Live Music - The Live Music Capital of the World is Austin
- Austin Live Music performances are reputed all over the world. Read about austin music, clubs and venues, various genres like blues, country, classic; various organizations and musical festivals, AM and FM radio channels, television shows and the impact of these musical renditions on the economy.
- Insurance Overview for Current Employees | Human Resource Services | The University of Texas at Austin
- Insurance benefit overview for current University of Texas at Austin employees
- SmartVoice
- Bash Symposium 2009: New Horizons in Astronomy
- Bashfest: Welcome to the Bashfest Organizational Wiki
- active learning college teaching teaching tips
- College instruction often rests on the lecture. Emphasize active learning and engage your college class.
- Writing a Research Plan - Science Careers - Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Faculty, Postdoc jobs on Science Careers
- informative description here
- Chronicle Careers: 3/27/2003
- CCC Registry - Jobs at California Colleges
- California State University Careers
- #1 Internet Resource for Jobs in Higher Education
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- The Chronicle of Higher Education is the number one news and job-information source for college and university faculty members, administrators, and students
- University of San Francisco (USF) - Faculty Pay Policy
- Writing the Teaching Statement - Science Careers - Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Faculty, Postdoc jobs on Science Careers
- Science Careers, a part of the journal Science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, is the world's leading resource for job listings, career advice and community for students and professionals in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields.
- Hints on Preparing Research Proposals | American Astronomical Society
- Grad Students Think Twice About Jobs in Academe -
- Career Exploration Center - The University of Texas at Austin
- - Scarce Jobs in Astronomy: A Cosmic Shame? - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
- Scarce Jobs in Astronomy: A Cosmic Shame?, It's easy to make a wish upon a star -- but if you want to make a living studying stars, planets and galaxies, things get quite a bit tougher.
- Carnegie Doctoral/Research Universities-Extensive
basic astro
- Astronomical Magnitude Systems
- How to integrate hyperbolic functions
- Physical Constants and Astronomical Data
- MBO - Data reduction
- S.O.S. Math - Mathematical Tables and Formulas
- Milky Way Globular Clusters
- Hydrogen recombination lines
- Half-Light Radii for Various Profiles | Biboroku
- Catalog of Cepheids from the LMC
- Galactic Cepheids. Catalogue of light-curve parameters and distances
- Bookmarks
- [astro-ph/0605172] Discovery of an Extended Halo of Metal-poor Stars in the Andromeda Spiral Galaxy
- Fourier coefficients - Google Search
- Fourier Series
- Fourier Series
- Finding Fourier Series Coefficients
- Main Page - VENGA
- Hogg / SDSS images of selected RC3 galaxies
- ANGST - home
- MaNGA-My PBworks : Home
- PBworks lets you quickly set up your own free, hosted, password-protected workspace to edit and share information.
- Discovery of H2 in Space Explains Dark Matter and Redshift
- - Comments
- How to Write a Scientific Paper
- Urban Archipelago
- AskOxford: Is 'data' singular or plural?
- The Bogdanoff Affair
- Rename 42nd Avenue » Campaign to Rename 42nd Avenue Begins!
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Welcome!
- Barack Obama Throwback Basketball T-Shirt
- Mothering Hut - Barack Obama Vintage Throwback Jersey T-Shirt
- Letters To The Mount Wilson Observatory
- How I found glaring errors in Einstein's calculations
- International Cognition and Culture Institute
- Overqualified:
- College Basketball Rankings Page
- LRMC is a college basketball ranking system designed to use only basic scoreboard ... Pure LRMC is the most accurate predictor of NCAA tournament results, ...
- Getting Mom Onto Internet A Sisyphean Ordeal | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
- ROCHESTER, MN—Karen Widmar, 33, who for the past two months has been trying to teach her 60-year-old mother how to use the Internet, called the endeavor a Sisyphean ordeal Monday.
Deal with
- NOAO Proposal Information
- Google Image Result for
- Computing Exposure Times
- Galaxies of the Virgo Cluster
- A List of Nearby Galaxy Groups
- Citation Query Results for 2007MNRAS.374...16L
- ETHZ Institute of Astronomy: zebra
- Discussions - comp.lang.idl-pvwave | Google Groups
- IDL Libraries Browser
- Contents of IDL Astronomy User's Library
- Markwardt Library
- Marc Davis Group IDL code
- Creating an Angstrom Symbol in IDL
- Steward Observatory IDL Seminar
- Installation instructions for shapelets IDL code
- Links to Other Astronomy and IDL related sites
- GDL - GNU Data Language
- Astronomical Data Visualization at NYU / David W. Hogg
- UMich/UChicago IDL Libraries
- JohnJohns Homegrown IDL Routines
- Kcorrect - NYU CCPP Wiki
- Michele Cappellari IDL Programs
- Jeremy Bailin's IDL Utilities / MOMENTDIMEN
- Creating a Sun Symbol
- How to create an astronomical sun symbol in IDL.
- Introduction to IDL
- Description of basic operation of the
Interactive Data Language (IDL) for image processing and data
analysis in astronomy. Developed for course ASTR 511, Astronomical Techniques,
at the University of Virginia. Robert W. O'Connell 1997-2005.
- IOP author homepage - Dr Peter Yoachim
- Author services
- Help 'Subject Key Words'
- IOPscience::.. The Astrophysical Journal
- IOPscience is a unique platform for IOP-hosted journal content providing site-wide electronic access to more than 130 years of leading scientific research, and incorporates some of the most innovative technologies to enhance your user-experience.
- LaTeX Symbols
- FastLane PDF Creation Hints and Pointers
- LaTeX Project Home page
Poster stuff
- How to make a poster
- U of W Astronomy IDL Page
- HSERV 590A: Creating a Poster Using MS PowerPoint
- Posters UWPosters - Health Sciences Academic Services&Facilities
- AASTeX 5.0
- Using BibTeX entries generated by ADS
- The BibTeX Format
- Kile - an integrated LaTeX environment
- How to get the ApJ look of your paper
Lick Stuff
- How to get on the IDS system
- Daniel Thomas' Homepage
- | Introducing Papers... Your personal library of science
- Papers, your
- Dropbox - You're invited to join Dropbox! - Secure backup, sync and sharing made easy.
- Dropbox is the easiest way to store, sync, and, share files online. There's no complicated interface to learn. Dropbox works seamlessly with your operating system and automatically makes sure your files are up-to-date. Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- Mac Singularity: Astronomer Wiki : idl
- Cycle 13 Scientific Justification Templates
- The Astronomer's Proposal Tool
- Apache Point Clear Sky Clock
- GRIM II: The Grism Infrared Imager
- - Local Weather Page
- The Gemini Observatory
- Multi-Object Spectrograph Contents
- GMOS Proposal Checklist
- Gemini Observing Process
- Gemini software
- Schedules
- SpeX Parallactic Angle Calculator
- Multi-Object Spectrograph Contents
- ESO Exposure Time Calculators & Simulations
- ESO Proposal Preparation and Submission
- Observing with ESO Telescopes
- NOAO Observing Proposal Form
- National Optical Astronomy Observatory
- McDonald Observatory - Observing Support
- McDonald Observatory Weather
- A collection of links to weather and astronomical information for McDonald Observatory, Fort Davis, Texas. Arranged by Jody Wilson
- 107observinglimits.jpg (JPEG Image, 793x613 pixels)
- McDonald Observatory
Observing tools
- NOAO Spectral Atlas Central
- NIST Atomic Spectra Database
- LRIS Night Sky Emission Line Plots
- Download Osterbrock Sky Spectra
- SOFA - Standard Object For Astronomy - Home
- Index of
- Lauren's Home Page
- Hogg's Research
Polar Rings
- Polar-Ring References
- Polar ring galaxies
- Polar Rings and Things
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Python Tutorial
- Introduction to UNIX pipes
- Fortran Tutorial
- Introduction to Unix
- Programming in C
- IRAF Project Home Page
- IRAF Documentation Archive
- Index of /iraf/web/iraf/ftp/iraf/extern/
- Using SAOimage on 16(or more)-bit displays
- Managing X Displays in Linux
- Index of /iraf/ftp/iraf/extern-v211
- Python intro
- fitcoords
- igal2 - Image Gallery
- igal2
- The Calcium Triplet Web Page
- SpeX Parallactic Angle Calculator
- GALAXEV: Bruzual & Charlot (2003)
- HII Regions Library
- SAURON Home Page: Panoramic Integral Field Spectrograph
- Physics of the [OII] emission line doublet
- Cloudy & Associates - Photoionization simulations for the discriminating astrophysicist
- StellarAtmospheres - Cloudy - Trac
- Extinction of the optical emission line regions
- Extinction of the optical emission line regions
- SDSS SkyServer DR8
- SDSS Data Release 7
- SDSS SkyServer DR7
- SDSS Publication Procedures
- SDSS papers--hack in through UW
- Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Abstract
- SDSS Mailing Lists
- SDSS DR6 Finding Chart Tool
- SDSS DR6 Image List Tool
- SDSS-II Supernova Survey Data Release
- Princeton/MIT SDSS Spectroscopy Home Page
- SDSS tutorial - NYU CCPP Wiki
SDSS_getting fits
- SDSS Data Archive Server: DR6
- DAS User's Guide - SDSS DR6
- SkyServer DR6 Imaging Query
- A Photo Primer
- Index of /DR5/data/imaging
- SDSS Data Archive Server: DR5
- Umich/UChicago/NYU SDSSIDL Libraries
- Photometric Flux Calibration - Algorithms - SDSS DR5
- CasJobs
- SQL Tutorial
- SkyServer DR6 Spectroscopic Query
- SkyServer Schema Browser
- Index of /DR6/data/imaging/2740/40/corr/5
Stripe 82
- SDSS-II Supernova Survey Data Release
- Run List for Data Release Stripe 82 - Supernovae
- SDSS SkyServer Stripe82
- Run List for Data Release Stripe 82 - Supernovae
- NGC_1589:I:gri:lbf2004.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024x768 pixels)
- NGC_2903:I:gri:lbf2004.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024x768 pixels)
- SDSS Run 100006, Rerun 2, Camcol 1
- The NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey
- Deep Lens Survey: Public Data Release
- Deep Lens Survey Public Release. Images, catalogs, and information about full depth subfields.
- Photometric Redshift Clickable Map
- The Stromlo Missing Satellites Survey
- NYU Value-Added Galaxy Catalog
- HIPASS Data Access
- DIRECT Project Homepage
- SINGS Galaxy Sample
- The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue
- Astronomy Education Review (Issue 1)
- 101 Clearinghouse
- Course Evaluation Catalog
- Project ASTRO/Seattle: Index Page
- ASP: Web Sites for Instructors of Introductory Astronomy Courses
- protractors.gif (GIF Image, 700x980 pixels)
- Science and the Human Prospect
- Index of /astro211
- Astronomy 211 -- Homepage
- Catalyst Tools: EPost Message Board
- Almagest Planetary Model Animations
- Resource: A Private Universe
- Galactic Center Research at MPE
- komo news | Meteor Explosion Lights Up The Northwestern Skies
- The Cosmic Perspective, 3rd Edition Media Update
- Astronomy 102 Introduction to Astronomy
- Newbie: Intro to cron
- Using wget to enter information in html form - Linux Forums
- Discuss Using wget to enter information in html form on the 'Linux Programming & Scripting' forum of 'Using wget to enter information in html form' - Hi, Is there a way to use wget to access a web page and submit information in html form fields? If so, can anyone give me a small "how ...
- SSH login without password
- Linux PDF editor for manipulating PDF documents
- How to Edit PDF Files in Linux using Free and Open Source PDFEdit software. You can write and export PDF files with this tool.
UW, general
- 1999-2000 Graduate Appointee Health Insurance Plan
- Salary Schedules
- Student Guide
- webpine
- U.W. Astronomy
- FastLane: Application Package Preparation and Submission
- NASA Education Program - Graduate Student Researchers Program
- Scholarships - ARCS Foundation, Inc. - Achievement Rewards for College Scientists
- Huckabay Teaching Fellowships--Main Page
- PRIME Home
- PRIME Home
- Welcome to the Hertz Foundation
- FastLane : Revise Draft Applications Package
- GrantsNet
- Huckabay Teaching Fellowships--Main Page
- FastLane NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
- NSF: EHR : DGE - DGE Programs - GRF - Web Sites: Other Fellowship Opportunities (federal and non-federal)
Random Old Stuff
- Ferraro et al., Core of 47 Tuc
- Gilliland et al., Lack of Planets in 47 Tucanae
- Zoccali et al., Distance and Age of 47 Tuc
- HST Cycle 12 Announcement of Opportunity
- Science Justification Templates
- The Globular Cluster Database - Table 1
- HST proposals
- Some Pretty Objects as observed by SDSS
- Ensenada Mexico Vacation Rental - House
- Ensenada Mexico Vacation Rental - Ensenada Mexico Vacation Rental: House Sleeps: 8 - Vacation Rentals by Owner - VRBO
- @cal
- Viewer information
- Peng et al., Decomposition of Galaxy Images
- 4. Properties of Disk Galaxies
- Wu et al., Photometry of NGC 4565
- Observations of Galaxy Structure and Dynamics - John Kormendy
- 17. Local Stability of Disk Galaxies
- Bill Keel's Lecture Notes - Galaxies and the Universe
Galaxy Photometry Fitting
- GIM2D Home Page
- GALFIT Home Page
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Stellar Synthesis
- :::::: Starlight Synthesis Project ::::::
- Observatoire de Strasbourg - équipe galaxies
- Ionised Gas in Early-type Galaxies with SAURON
- A Medium-resolution INT Library of Empirical Spectra: DATABASE
- A Medium-resolution INT Library of Empirical Spectra: MODEL PREDICTIONS
- Most Visited
Journal Tools
- ApJ Letters Manuscript Length Calculator
- Dashboard | Mendeley
- Academic software for bibliography creation and research paper management by Mendeley
- Astrophysical Journal Subject Headings, Astrophysical Journal Subject Headings
- Publish or Perish - Anne-Wil Harzing
- Anne-Wil Harzing is Professor in International Management at the Department of Management and Marketing of the University of Melbourne. Her research interests are headquarters-subsidiary relationships, International HRM, and Comparative and Cross-cultural Management, Language and International Business, and Research Quality and Bibliometrics.
- AstroBetter — Tips and Tricks for Professional Astronomers
- Tips and Tricks for Professional Astronomers
- SarahAskew
- Galaxy Zoo Blog | The Galaxy Zoo Team Blog
- Making the grade : Article : Nature
- Nature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, as well as News and Views, reviews, news, features, commentaries, web focuses and more, covering all branches of science and how science impacts upon all aspects of society and life.
- No Starch Press
- No Starch Press home page
- Study Suggests U.S. Could Use Fewer, Not More Science Students* : ScienceInsider
- *The headline of this story has been changed, see note at Yudhijit BhattacharjeeIt's an article of faith: the United States needs more native-born students in science and other technical fields. The National Academies' influential Rising Above the Gathering Storm...
- The U.S. Can Teach Kids Math Provided... : Mike the Mad Biologist
- Projection Point - Risk Intelligence Testing
- Risk Intelligence Quotient (RQ) is a measure of a person’s ability to estimate probabilities accurately. People with high risk intelligence tend to make better predictions than those with low RQ. This five minute test will measure your RQ.
- Yes, We Have a PhD Glut... : Mike the Mad Biologist
- The Scientist Shortage: It's a Demand-Side, Not Supply-Side Problem : Mike the Mad Biologist
- The secret to the immortality of McDonald's food - Food technology -
- The chain's burgers can resist rot for years. Scientists explain why they have the shelf life of the undead
- The REAL ‘Stuff White People Like’ « OkTrends
- Nature on PhD Overproduction
- The journal Nature’s latest issue features The Future of the PhD as the provocative cover story. The Future of PhD special topic its own contents page, where you can see all of the articles in the series. Thankfully, few of
- Israel on Iran: So wrong for so long - War Room -
- The extremely long history of incorrect Israeli predictions about when Iran will obtain a nuclear bomb
- Do We Need More Scientists, or More Jobs for Scientists? : Mike the Mad Biologist
- I've been told by Very Senior People that 'in five years, there's going to be a massive wave a retirement of older faculty.' This, in my mind, ranks up there with <a href="">the Friedman Unit</a> and the Samuelson Unit (the length of time to the ULTIMATE DOOOMMM!!! of Social Security is always 30-38 years from the time of prediction). Until we create more science-related opportunities, in the private, public, and non-profit sectors, we are just creating an over-qualified, underpaid workforce.
- OFM | 2011 Personnel Detail Report
- The Real Science Gap | Smart Journalism. Real Solutions. Miller-McCune.
- Business leaders have cried scientist shortage, but scores of thousands of young Ph.D.s are laboring in U.S. university labs as low-paid, temporary workers, ostensibly training for permanent faculty positions that will never exist.
- Interactive Debugging in Python - O'Reilly Media
- Jeremy Jones walks through the most important and most frequently used commands of the Python debugger.
- healpy/healpy - GitHub
- healpy - Python healpix maps tools
- scipy - Python 3D polynomial surface fit, order dependent - Stack Overflow
- Making movies from image files using ffmpeg/mencoder
- sphtfunc – Spherical harmonic transforms — healpy vgithub-devel documentation
- SQL Crib Sheet
- These notes are intended to provide a similfied crib sheet on SQL. It is not a tutorial.
- Writing MySQL Scripts with Python DB-API
- scipy/scipy/sparse/linalg/isolve/ at master · scipy/scipy · GitHub
- scipy - Scipy main repository
- Starting the IPython controller and engines — IPython Tutorial v0.1 documentation
- IPython’s Direct interface — IPython Tutorial v0.1 documentation
- The Python Tutorial — Python v2.6.5 documentation
- Python NumPy for IDL users
- Cookbook -
- Matplotlib Examples — Matplotlib v0.99.3 documentation
- Dive Into Python
- This book lives at . If you're reading it somewhere else, you may not have the latest version.
- Dark Matter Awareness Week - 1-8 December 2010
- Stars without Borders: Radial Migration in Spiral Galaxies May 21-24, 2012
Jobs, New
- Handbook for Undergraduate Programs: Dept of Math, Univ of Washington
- Department of Mathematics (Univ of Washington)
- Find a Job | The Career Center of the University of Washington
- Upload Postage Stamp Request File
- Postage Stamp Server Status
- Best Airline Seats - SeatExpert
- Find the best airplane seat on your next flight. SeatExpert provides detailed airplane seat maps and seating advice.
- ePresence Presentation Portal
- Bruce Eckel's Free Electronic Books (Thinking in...)
- Bruce Eckel's Free Electronic Books with Online Editions, Eckel,
Bruce Eckel, Java seminars, C++ Seminars, Java Training, C++ Training,
all by Bruce Eckel
- Detection of Outliers
- 0.1.0-1 : libstarlink-pal-doc : i386 : Quantal (12.10) : Ubuntu
- This library is a collection of code designed to aid in replacing the SLA
library with code from NOVAS and IAU SOFA.
Where possible the API is similar to the C SLA API except for the use of a
"pal" prefix.
This package contains the HTML and PDF documentation.
- Least squares fitting with kmpfit — Kapteyn Package v2.2 documentation
- pyplot — Matplotlib 1.2.0 documentation
Bookmarks Toolbar
UW Astro Dept.
- U.W. Astronomy Dept.
- Main Page - Astronomy Facility Wiki
- Peter Yoachim's Homepage
- Webpage for the University of Washington astronomer Peter Yoachim.
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- Astronomy STF uses
- 2009 Wash. St. & 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005 Wash. St. City, County, Port, ect..., Employees Salary and Job Title
- Printers - CUPS 1.3.7
- Policies and Procedures | Travel Office
- Per Diem Rates
- GSA establishes the maximum CONUS (Continental United States) Per Diem rates for federal travel customers.
- Google
Astro tools
- Astrophysics
- astrophysicsjobs - DokuWiki
- Simbad Astronomical Database
- Moon Phase Calculator
- Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day
- The Canadian Archive (Gemini, Hubble)
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Jobs and $
- AAS Job Register
- astrophysicsjobs - DokuWiki
- International Travel Grants
- Old dead Rumor Mill
- Physics Jobs: Job Seekers - Home [Physics Today Jobs]
- Find physics, physical science, engineering, and computing jobs at Physics Today Jobs. Search highly-specialized scientific employment openings in teaching, industry, and government labs, from entry-level positions to opportunities for experienced scientists and researchers.
- Chronicle Careers, from The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Jobs and employment information for administrators and faculty, from the No. 1 news and job-information source for academe, The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Higher Education Jobs, Jobs in Higher Education -
- Jobs in higher education. Faculty and administrative positions at colleges and universities. Updated daily. Free to job seekers.
- Home - Inside Higher Ed
- Inside Higher Ed offers free online news and job information for college and university faculty, adjuncts, graduate students, and administrators, higher education jobs, faculty jobs, college jobs and university jobs
- Galactic Structure and the Structure of Galaxies
- International Astronomy Meetings
- Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks - Rome, Pontifical Gregorian University, 1-5 October 2007
- The formation of disk galaxies
- IAU Symposium 235: Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time
- IAU Symposium No. 235: Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time, August 2006, Prague, Czech Republic
- IAU General Assembly 2006, Prague
- The First Stars and Evolution of the Early Universe (06-2a)
- Bash Symposium 2007: New Horizons in Astronomy
- Dynamics of Galaxies: Baryons and Dark Matter
- A conference to take place in Las Vegas,
March 2005, with narrow focus on 3 issues important for galactic dynamics
and cosmology: assembly of galaxies in hierarchical models, rotation curves of
galaxies and their interpretation, and dynamics of barred galaxies.
- Galaxy Evolution: Emerging Insights and Future Challenges
- Mac OS X for Astrophysicists
- IAU Symposium 254 - The Galaxy Disk in Cosmological Context
- Interactive Sky Map - WIKISKY.ORG
- American Astronomical Society | Advocates for science since 1899
- StatCounter
- A free yet reliable invisible web tracker, highly configurable hit counter and real-time detailed web stats.
- Detexify LaTeX handwritten symbol recognition
- An approach to simplify finding LaTeX symbols.
- Rumor Mill : AstroBetter — Wiki
- Arxivsorter
- SciCoder | Programming for Scientists
- Writing in Astronomy
- Yahoo! Sports
- Google Calendar
- Facebook
- Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
- LSST Trac
- Home Page of the LSST at UW
- PyLab -
- Login to the LSST HyperNews at HyperNews
- LSST Corporation
- PostgreSQL: Documentation: Manuals: PostgreSQL 8.4: PostgreSQL 8.4.4 Documentation
- LynneJones/LSST_Tickets – LSST Trac
- SSG Repository
- LSSTDP - Astronomy Facility Wiki
- XSEDE User Portal | My XSEDE
- GitDemoAndTutorial – LSST Trac
- DM/Policy/UsingDMCode/FAQ – LSST Trac
- Home - LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration - SLAC Confluence
- LSST Code Repositories
- Index
- MyUW
- APO Home Page
- Dissecting Galaxies with 2D Wide-field Spectroscopy: Home
- EWASS 2013 - Logomo, Turku, Finland, 8-12 July 2013
- ESO - Deconstructing Galaxies
- ESO is the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere. It operates the La Silla Paranal Observatory in Chile and has its headquarters in Garching, near Munich, Germany.