Convert to XHTML

Transform your Tsunami prototypes to valid XHTML

Check to see if YUI has placed some scripting at the bottom of the document, which is for their use, not our use. This scripting should be deleted. You may have done this already. It's the stuff at the bottom of the document that looks like this:

<!-- spaceId: 792404142 -->
<!-- VER-355 -->
<script language="javascript">

Replace the DOCTYPE and <html> statements with the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

Use only lower-case HTML tags, e.g., "<h1>" not "<H1>" and lower-case attribute names, e.g., "id=my_head" and not "id=My_Head".

Explicitly close all the empty tags so they take the form of <img ... /> and <link ... /> and <br /> and so on.

Unescaped Ampersand ("&"): Always use &amp; in place of &.

Incorrect Nesting of Elements: Elements in XHTML must be closed in the reverse order that they were opened in.

Lowercase DOCTYPE: The DOCTYPE is case-sensitive so use the correct case.

Check that your document is valid XHTML by submitting it to the W3C XHTML validator at My page failed the first time because the <link> tag, supplied by YUI, was still an empty tag that needed to be closed.

When you've transformed your document to valid XHTML, add this code at the bottom of the my_main div:

        alt="Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional" height="31" width="88" />

To do

Transform both your Tsunami pages to valid XHTML and upload them to your website for our course.