Poker Tracker Version 2.0

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Printing/Exporting Reports From Poker Tracker

Most of the data sections have a small blue "p" button the top left corner of the section. Clicking this button will open the following window to allow you to print the data contained in that section.

You can change the report title by typing in whatever you want and clicking the Change Title button.

You can choose whether you want the page layout to print portrait or landscape.

To change the print margins, enter the values you want to use in the appropriate field and click the Change Margins button. You must to do this for the changes to the margins to be applied.

The Preview Zoom % field allows you to change how big the report appears on the window.

Show Dollar / BB Amounts in Color - for those with color printers, you can have the dollar values and big bet values on the report display in color when the report prints out.

When the print window is closed, these settings are remembered and used the next time the window is opened to print the same report.

If you want to export the report values to a file, click the Export... button and the following window will display.

You can export your report to an Excel file, a comma separated file or a tab delimited file.

You can choose columns to exclude from the export by unchecking the "Export?" checkbox. By default, all the fields are checked.

If you prefer to export the columns in a different order than the defaults, you can enter your own export order in the "Export Order" field.

To include headers in the file, check the "Included Headers" checkbox. The column description will not appear in the file, rather the column name given to the field on the Poker Tracker report (you cannot see this value when looking at the report).

Enter the folder and file name where you want to save the file. If you want to overwrite an existing file, you can click the Browse... button and find the file you want to overwrite.

Click the Export button when you are ready and the file will be saved.