Michael Shriver Senior Computer Specialist - College of the Environment

2FA Configuration for SSH servers (TOTP)

Ensure that oathtool and pam_oath are installed on your system (libpam-oath and oathtool on Debian) and change the following files:


ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication no
UsePAM yes

# Allow LAN hosts to authentication without 2FA
Match Address
    PasswordAuthentication yes
    UsePAM no


# Option User Prefix Seed


chmod 600 /etc/users.oath
chown root /etc/users.oath


Add the following lines after the @include common-auth section:

# TOTP OATH for SSH logins
auth      required      pam_oath.so usersfile=/etc/users.oath window=30 digits=6

This will require TOTP for password authentication, but will prompt for the TOTP code after the password has been entered