; v 22eR only (OK to use with other v22eR patches) ; this adds the ability to set the lowest AOS altitude ; satellite pass-prediction will use. ; You now have a new menu item: ; Satellite > AOS Alt. ; Due to internal shortcuts, the value you enter ; may not be -exactly- what you see a second time, ; but it will be close. The value displayed is the ; one being used. No error checking! ; If you have already patched for 10-degrees or higher AOS, ; you will need to apply this patch to the *original* autostar.rom file ; *not* the already-patched one. ; ; For installation instructions, see: ; http://www.weasner.com/etx/autostar/as_patches.html ; the last line of this file says "end of patch" ; Dick Seymour 21-aug-2001 ; AOS time to-the-second ; this file also contains the to-the-second AOS time display ; if you want that feature, remove the semicolons (;) from ; the next two lines: ; R 89b0e e2 cd ; R 89b22 e2 cd ; automatic tracking: ; if you would like tracking to start when the timer reaches zero ; (there will be no beep), ; remove the semicolons from the next two lines: ; R 8a128 bd 20 ; R 8a129 1e 2a ; identifier: 22Er to 22ER R 32ff 72 52 ; edit satellite AOS altitude: ; ; raise-AOS patch, modified for user-change R 2cf88 5f fc R 2cf89 4f b6 R 2cf8a ed fa R 2cf8b 02 ed R 2cf8c 86 00 R 2cf8d 40 4f R 2cf8e ed ed R 2cf8f 00 02 ; menu table R 1258 12 15 R 1259 62 12 R 1266 12 15 R 1267 52 12 R 1513 6E 40 R 1514 02 00 R 1515 71 BE R 1516 14 12 R 1517 F2 52 R 1518 15 12 R 1519 02 62 R 151A 14 11 R 151F 03 04 R 1520 EB F8 R 1521 1E 9D ; edit satellite AOS altitude: ; code R 04F89D FF 3C R 04F89E FF 3C R 04F89F FF 3C R 04F8A0 FF 3C R 04F8A1 FF BD R 04F8A2 FF 25 R 04F8A3 FF 2B R 04F8A4 FF CC R 04F8A5 FF 00 R 04F8A6 FF BE R 04F8A7 FF BD R 04F8A8 FF 1E R 04F8A9 FF 1E R 04F8AA FF 09 R 04F8AB FF AD R 04F8AC FF E4 R 04F8AD FF BD R 04F8AE FF 25 R 04F8AF FF 47 R 04F8B0 FF C6 R 04F8B1 FF 01 R 04F8B2 FF 30 R 04F8B3 FF E7 R 04F8B4 FF 00 R 04F8B5 FF 5C R 04F8B6 FF BD R 04F8B7 FF 25 R 04F8B8 FF 06 R 04F8B9 FF FC R 04F8BA FF B6 R 04F8BB FF FA R 04F8BC FF 30 R 04F8BD FF ED R 04F8BE FF 04 R 04F8BF FF CC R 04F8C0 FF 00 R 04F8C1 FF 00 R 04F8C2 FF ED R 04F8C3 FF 06 R 04F8C4 FF 8F R 04F8C5 FF C3 R 04F8C6 FF 00 R 04F8C7 FF 04 R 04F8C8 FF 30 R 04F8C9 FF ED R 04F8CA FF 01 R 04F8CB FF C6 R 04F8CC FF 02 R 04F8CD FF E7 R 04F8CE FF 00 R 04F8CF FF C6 R 04F8D0 FF 04 R 04F8D1 FF BD R 04F8D2 FF 1E R 04F8D3 FF 1E R 04F8D4 FF 05 R 04F8D5 FF B3 R 04F8D6 FF 6C R 04F8D7 FF 30 R 04F8D8 FF EC R 04F8D9 FF 04 R 04F8DA FF CE R 04F8DB FF B6 R 04F8DC FF FA R 04F8DD FF 3C R 04F8DE FF 30 R 04F8DF FF BD R 04F8E0 FF 22 R 04F8E1 FF 67 R 04F8E2 FF 38 R 04F8E3 FF 38 R 04F8E4 FF 38 R 04F8E5 FF 38 R 04F8E6 FF 38 R 04F8E7 FF 39 ; end of patch