Installing the RO Python Package
See the Overview for a summary of the RO package.
- Python 2.6 or later (with Tkinter if using any widget-related components of this package)
- numpy
- matplotlib (optional: used by RO.Wdg.StripChartWdg)
- astropy or pyfits (optional: used by RO.DS9)
- PIL or Pillow (optional: used by RO.Wdg.GrayImageWdg)
- pip (optional, but makes installation easier)
- pygame, including pygame.mixer (optional: used by RO.Sound to play sound files)
- twisted framework (optional: used by some classes in RO.Comm)
If you have pip (you may have to use sudo or run as root):
% pip install RO
If you prefer, you may manually download it from PyPI or github and run:
% python install
or, since RO is pure python, simply copy the RO directory to site-packages.
Installation for use withe eups
If you are wish to manage RO with the eups package management then install RO as follows (instead of using the above instructions):
- Download the RO package from PyPI or github
- Unpack it
- Move the unpacked directory where you wish to leave it
- cd into the main directory of the unpacked package (named ROPackage)
- $ eups declare -r . RO version (where version matches the version you downloaded)
- The code is presently pure python, though that may not always be so.
- This code is provided "as is". Much of the code is quite well tested and is used daily, but some is not.
- I cannot provide much technical support but am always happy to receive bug reports and patches.
- The ups directory is for use with a package manager called eups; non-eups users can safely ignore it.