PyGuide Version History

Documentation update 2015-07-07

2.3.0 2017-03-14

2.2.2b1 2015-05-08

2.2.1 2013-03-01

2.2.0 2012-04-12

2.1.5 2008-10-01

2.1.4 2008-01-02

2.1.3 2007-06-27

2.1.2 2006-06-07


2.1.1 2006-05-03

This is primarily a bug-fix release. However, doFindStars was also renamed to doPyGuide.

2.1 2005-10-14

2.0 2005-06-19

This is a major overhaul of PyGuide. The main purpose was to make centroiding and star shape fitting more robust. In particular centroiding should no longer attempt to centroid random noise. However, I also took the opportunity to clean up a number of other issues.

Incompatible changes:

Other changes:

1.2.1 2005-03-31

Improved doFindStars so that the mask can be specified as a file name and that parameters may be specified as keyword arguments (to easily override a default value).

Minor tweaks:

Bug fix: findStars failed while trying to display star data if verbosity >= 2.

1.2 2005-02-08

Modified the main routines (listed below) to use conventional xy position instead of ij array index-based position: the axes are swapped and the zero point is has changed (see the manual for more information). As a result, the following routines have modified arguments and the first two also have modified return data:

Added coordinate conversion routines to ImUtil to convert between ij position, xy position and ds9 position.

1.1.1 2005-01-31

Bug fixes:

1.1 2004-12-01

Visible Changes:

Bug fixes:

Internal Changes:

1.0 2004-10-22

First public release.