Russell Owen
Astronomy Department
University of Washington in Seattle
I am a systems programmer for the Astronomy Department of the University of Washington. I am presently working for Vera Rubin Observatory writing telescope control software and occasional bits of data processing software. Before that I wrote telescope control system software for Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico.
Vera Rubin Python Software
Documentation for many of my packages (links to the official locations):
- cbp: coordinate conversion software for the Collimated Beam Projector.
- ts_ATDome: auxiliary telescope dome controller (ATDome).
- ts_ATDomeTrajectory: code to make the dome follow the telescope for the auxiliary telescope.
- ts_ATMCSSimulator: simulator for the auxiliary telescope motor control system (ATMCS).
- ts_ATPneumaticsSimulator: simulator for the auxiliary telescope pneumatics control system (ATPneumatics).
- ts_hexapod: High level controller for the main telescope camera and M2 hexapods.
- ts_rotator: High level controller for the main telescope camera rotator.
- ts_hexrotcomm: Code common to ts_hexapod and ts_rotator.
- ts_MTMount: Main telescope elevation, azimuth and associated hardware.
- ts_salkafka: forward messages from SAL to kafka for the EFD.
- ts_salobj: object-oriented Python interface to SAL.
- ts_scriptqueue: queue for managing Script SAL components.
- ts_watcher: watch SAL systems and output alarms when things go out of spec.
Russell Owen
University of Washington
PO Box 351580
Seattle, WA 98195-1580
rowen uw edu
@ .