Code and notebooks¶
Matlab scripts to accompany the book¶
See the book webpage
Jupyter notebooks¶
You can view notebooks posted on the web online via nbviewer. (Check out this link and also the gallery for lots of cool examples of notebooks and books/papers written in this format.)
To view the notebooks for this class, you can now view them directly on the GitHub webpages at This shows the notebook as it was last committed to the repository, which might or might not include the output cells. (Often I delete the output before committing, particularly if there are lots of figures.) At any rate you won’t be able to change anything or execute the notebook.
If you want to modify something in a notebook and re-execute, you will need to download the notebook (or find it in the Class GitHub Repository, in the notebooks directory).
You will need a recent version of Jupyter in order to run a Jupyter notebook. See Software for the course.
If you want to easily run notebooks without installing any software, you might try Using SageMathCloud.
New: You can also run notebooks from this class repository in the cloud using binder. To do so, simply launch binder. This will open a new tab and then might take a minute to start up a kernel, after which you should see an index of notebooks.
Recall that you can select Run All from the Cell menu to execute the entire notebook and see all the output.