Homework 0ΒΆ

Due by 11:00pm PDT on Tuesday, October 4.

This assignment is not worth any points but is intended to make sure you are set up for later assignments and to provide us with some information.

  • First fill out this survey to to tell us about your background, and to let us know what email account to use for setting up a shared Dropbox folder (shared only between you and the instructor and TA).
  • Then a Dropbox folder will be shared with you, which you will use to submit this and later homeworks. See Using Dropbox to submit homework.
  • The file hw0.pdf explains what else needs to be done.
  • To do this, you will have to follow the instructions in Class GitHub Repository to use Git to clone the class repository, in which you will find a directory homeworks/hw0 containing the file hw0.tex.
  • Create a folder hw0 in your Dropbox folder and copy hw0.tex from the class repository to that directory.
  • Modify that version of the file to add your name and netid, along with the pdf file created by running latex on it.