A selective bibliography about postcards and northwest travel
Postcards in the library : invaluable visual resources / Norman D.
Stevens, editor
Binghamton, NY : Haworth Press, 1995
Bothell/CCC Stacks
Z692.P65 P67 1995
Emily Lowe Gallery
Wish you were here; the history of the picture postcard
Hempstead, N. Y., 1974
Art General Stacks
NC1875 .H6
Eesti kirikud : postkaarte Aivo Aia kogust = die Kirchen Estlands :
Postkarten aus der Sammlung von Aivo Aia = Estonian churches :
from Aivo Aia's collection / [pildiallkirjad Egle Tamm]
Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2001
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks
NA5955.E8 E46 2001
Seafirst Gallery
The view from here : 100 artists mark the centennial of Mount Rainier
National Park : postcards from the exhibition / produced by the Seafirst
Gallery in cooperation with the Mount Rainier, North Cascades and Olympic
Fund, November 12, 1998-January 15, 1999
SpecColl Book Arts
F897.R2 S42 1998 Shelved under: Exhibitions
Delivering views : distant cultures in early postcards / edited by
Christraud M. Geary and Virginia-Lee Webb
Washington [D.C.] : Smithsonian Institution Press, c1998
Bothell/CCC Stacks
Tacoma Stacks
NC1872 .D46 1998
NC1872 .D46 1998
Beukers, Alan.
Exotic postcards : the lure of distant lands / Alan Beukers ; introduction
by Paul Theroux
London ; New York, N.Y. : Thames & Hudson, c2007.
Bothell/CCC Stacks
NC1878.T73 B48 2007
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks
NC1878.T73 B48 2007
Burdick, J. R. (Jefferson R.)
Pioneer post cards; the story of mailing cards to 1898, with an
illustrated checklist of publishers and titles
[Syracuse? N.Y.] c1957
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks
NC1872 .B83 1957
Chapkina, M.
Khudozhestvennaia otkrytka / M. Chapkina Pub Info Moskva :
"Galart", 1993Info Moskva : "Galart", 1993
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks
NC1878.7.R8 C496 1993
Chéroux, Clément.
The stamp of fantasy : the visual inventiveness of photographic
: from the collections of postcards of Gérard Lévy, Peter Weiss / Clément
Chéroux, Ute Eskildsen ; [translation, Florian Ebner ... [et al.]].
Göttingen : Steidl, b2007.
Art General Stacks NC1878.F26 C4413 2007
Christensen, Cherie
Greetings from the Washington Coast : a postcard tour from Columbia
to the San Juan Islands / Cherie Christensen
Atglen, PA : Schiffer Pub. Ltd., c2008
SpecColl Pacific NW
F899.P33 C477 2008
Clairday, Robynn
Postcards from World War II / Robynn Clairday and Matt Clairday
Garden City Park, NY : Square One Publishers, c2002
Bothell/CCC Stacks
D769 .C53 2002
Elder, Ken L
Alaska-Yukon postcards : an historical review / by Ken L. Elder, John H.
Ketchikan, Alaska] (Box 5326, Ketchikan 99901) : [Tongass Pub. Co.,
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks
F905 .E43 1986
Grainger, John H
Directory Alaska postcards : 1897-1940 / by John H. Grainger
Ketchican, Alaska : Tongass Publishing, c1992
SpecColl Pacific NW
F905 .G73 1992
Griffin, Kristen
Early views : historical vignettes of Sitka National Historical Park /
produced by the Alaska Support Office, National Park Service and Sitka
National Historical Park ; author, Kristin Griffin
GovPub U.S. Stacks
I 29.2:SI 8/6
SpecColl Pacific NW
F914.S6 A78 2000
Helbock, Richard W.
Postmarks on postcards : an illustrated guide to early twentieth
United States postmarks / by Richard W. Helbock.
Lake Oswego, Or. : La Posta Publications, c1987
SpecColl Reference
HE6184.C3 H44 1987
Holt, Tonie
I'll be seeing you : World War II through its picture postcards / Tonie
and Valmai Holt
Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England : MPC, c1987
Suzzallo Folio
D743.2 .H64 1987
Klamkin, Marian
Picture postcards. Illustrated with photos. by Charles Klamkin
New York : Dodd, Mead, [1974]
Bothell/CCC Stacks
NC1872 .K55 1974b
Khoo, Salma Nasution.
Penang postcard collection 1899-1930s / Khoo Salma Nasution & Malcolm
Wade. Pub Info Penang ; [Great Britain] : Janus Print & Resources,
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks
NC1875.M4 W33 2003
Morgan, Hal
Prairie fires and paper moons : the American photographic postcard,
1900-1920 / Hal Morgan and Andreas Brown ; foreword by John Baskin
Boston : D.R. Godine, 1981
Bothell/CCC Stacks
E168 .M838 1981
SpecColl Pacific NW
E168 .M838 1981
Morgan, Lane, 1949-
Greetings from Washington / by Lane Morgan
Portland, Or. : Graphic Arts Pub. Co., [1988]
SpecColl Pacific NW
F892 .M67 1988
Tacoma Stacks
F892 .M67 1988
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Art of the Japanese postcard : the Leonard A. Lauder Collection at the
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / essays by Anne Nishimura Morse, J.
Rimer and Kendall H. BrownBoston, Mass. : MFA Publications ; New York,
N.Y. : Available through D.A.P./Distributed Art Pub., c2004
Art General Stacks
NC1871.B67 M87 2004
Osborne, Charles, 1927-
The opera house album : a collection of turn-of-the-century postcards /
described by Charles Osborne
New York : Taplinger, 1979
Baker Auxiliary Stacks
NA6821 .O72
Reed, Robert M
Advertising postcards / Robert M. Reed ; photography by Claudette Reed
Atglen, PA : Schiffer Pub. Ltd., c2001
Bothell/CCC Stacks
NC1878.A34 R44 2001
Russkii gorod na pochtovoi otkrytke kon?t?sa XIX-nachala XX veka =
cities and towns on picture postcards of the late 19th-early 20th
centuries / [Sostaviteli M.S. Zabochen', M.A. Blinov ; avtor teksta
Moskva : "Russka?i?a kniga" ; Kaliningrad : GIPP "?I?Antarnyi skaz",
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks
DK553 .R87 1997
Ryan, Dorothy B
Picture postcards in the United States, 1893-1918 / Dorothy B. Ryan
New York : C.N. Potter : Distributed by Crown Publishers, c1982
Bothell/CCC Stacks
NC1872 .R9 1982
Staff, Frank
The picture postcard & its origins
New York, F.A. Praeger [1966]
Bothell/CCC Stacks
NC1872 .S7
Thirkell, Fred, 1930-
British Columbia 100 years ago : portraits of a province / Fred Thirkell
and Bob Scullion
Surrey, B.C. : Heritage House Pub. Co. Ltd., c2002
SpecColl Pacific NW
F1087.8 .T44 2002
Vaule, Rosamond B
As we were : American photographic postcards, 1905-1930 / Rosamond B.
Boston : David R. Godine, Publisher, 2004
Tacoma Stacks
E168 .V385 2004
Willoughby, Martin
A history of postcards : a pictorial record from the turn of the century
to the present day / Martin Willoughby
Secaucus, N.J. : Wellfleet Press, c1992
Bothell/CCC Stacks
NC1872 .W54 1992
Zwerdling, Michael
Postcards of nursing : a world-wide tribute / Michael Zwerdling
Health Books
WY 17 Z97p 2004