Courtesy Books Bibliography

Courtesy Books bibliography

Titles in italics do not circulate.

Titles Published Before 1950

Manners and conduct in school and out / by the deans of girls in
Chicago high schools
Boston : Allyn and Bacon, c1921
Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 M36 1921 AVAILABLE

Practical morality : or, A guide to men and manners : consisting of
Lord Chesterfields' Advice to his son. To which is added, a supplement
containing extracts from various books, recommended by Lord Chesterfield to Mr. Stanhope.
Together with The polite philosopher, or an essay on the art of being happy and agreeable.
To which is added, Dr. Blair's Advice to youth, Dr. Fordyce On honour as a principle, Lord Burghley's Ten precepts to his son, Dr. Franklin's Way to wealth, and Pope's Universal prayer
Hartford [Conn.] : S. Andrus, 1856
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks BJ1671 .P7 1856

Barbour, Ralph Henry, 1870-1944
Good manners for boys, by Ralph Henry Barbour
info New York, London, D. Appleton-Century company, incorporated, 1937
Children's Literature BJ1855 .B27 1937 AVAILABLE

Bryant, Bernice Morgan, 1908-
Miss Behavior; popularity, poise and personality for the teen-age
girl. Illus. by Jean Baker
Pub info Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co. [1948]
Children's Literature BJ1856 .B72 1948 A

Burnham, Helen A
Boys will be men [by] Helen A. Burnham ... Evelyn G. Jones [and]
Helen D. Redford ... in consultation with Benjamin R. Andrews
Chicago, Philadelphia [etc] J. B. Lippincott company, [1942]
Children's Literature BJ1671 .B92 1942

Hall, Florence Howe, 1845-1922
Manners for boys and girls, by Florence Howe Hall
Boston, The Page company c1913
Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 H34 1913

Jonathan, Norton Hughes, 1914-
Gentlemen aren't sissies [by] Norton Hughes Jonathan; illustrated by Pelagie Doane
Philadelphia, Chicago [etc.] The John C. Winston company, 1938
Children's Literature BJ1855 .J6 1938 AVAILABLE

King-Harmon, Montague Jocelyn
British boys : their training and prospects / by M.J. King-Harmon
Pub Info London : Bell, 1913
Auxiliary Stacks 370.2 K59

Learned, Ellin T. Craven, d. 1940
Title Good manners for boys and girls, by Ellin Craven Learned (Mrs. Frank
New York : F.A. Stokes, 1923 (1927 printing)
SpecColl Childrens BJ1857.C5 L4 1923

Leslie, Eliza, 1787-1858
Miss Leslie's behaviour book; a guide and manual for ladies
New York, Arno Press, 1972 [c1859]
Odegaard Stacks BJ1856 .L47 1972 AVAILABLE
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks BJ1856 .L47 1972 AVAILABLE

Philadelphia (Pa.). South Philadelphia High School for Girls
Everyday manners for American boys and girls / by the faculty of the
South Philadelphia High School for Girls ; illustrated by Ethel C. Taylor New York : Macmillan, 1923
Auxiliary Stacks 375.0395 P53e AVAILABLE

The Babees' book: medieval manners for the young: done into modern English from Dr. Furnivall's texts, by Edith Rickert
London, Chatto and Windus; New York, Duffield, 1908
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks BJ1551 .F8 1908

Newcomb, Harvey, 1803-1863
Title How to be a lady: a book for girls, containing useful hints on the
formation of character. By Harvey Newcomb
Boston, Gould and Lincoln, 1852
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks BJ1651 .N4 1852

Pierce, Beatrice
It's more fun when you know the rules: etiquette problems for girls,
by Beatrice Pierce; illustrated by Marguerite De Angeli
Pub info New York, Farrar & Rinehart, inc. [c1935]
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks BJ1856 .P58 1935 AVAILABLE

Woodward, Elizabeth
Personality preferred! How to grow up gracefully, by Elizabeth Woodward
New York, London, Harper & Brothers, 1935
Auxiliary Stacks 395 W872p

Titles Published Between 1950 and 2000

Allen, Betty, 1896-
Mind your manners [by] Betty Allen [and] Mitchell Pirie Briggs
Chicago, Lippincott [1957]
Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 A42 1957

Allen, Betty, 1896-
If you please! : a book of manners for young moderns / [by] Betty
Allen ... ; [and] Mitchell Pirie Briggs ... ; drawings by Charles Malcolm Allen
Philadelphia; Chicago [etc.] : J. B. Lippincott Company, [c1942] Suzzallo/Allen Stacks BJ1853 .A4 1942

Beery, Mary
Manners made easy
New York, McGraw-Hill, c1954
2nd ed
Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 B37 1954

Berry, Joy Wilt.
A children's book about being rude / by Joy Berry.
[United States] : Grolier Enterprises Corp., c1988.
SpecColl Childrens BJ1631 .B437 1988

Brainard, Beth.
Soup should be seen, not heard! : the kids' etiquette book : a
complete manners book for children / by Beth Brainard and Sheila Behr.
Info New York : Dell Pub., c1990.
SpecColl Childrens BJ1857.C5 B64 1990

Buehner, Caralyn
It's a spoon, not a shovel / Caralyn Buehner ; pictures by Mark Buehner
N ew York : Dial Books for Young Readers, c1995
Edition 1st ed
Tacoma Children's Lit BJ1857.C5 B75 1995

A short history of rudeness : manners, morals, and misbehavior in modern America by Mark Caldwell
New York : Picador USA, 1999
1st ed | 2 Editions
Bothell/CCC Stacks BJ1853 .C23 1999

Chapman, Cheryl
Pass the fritters, critters / Cheryl Chapman ; Susan L. Roth
New York : Scholastic Inc., 1994
Tacoma Children's Lit PZ8.3.C368 Pas 1994

A short history of rudeness : manners, morals, and misbehavior in modern America by Mark Caldwell
New York : Picador USA, 1999
1st ed | 2 Editions
Bothell/CCC Stacks BJ1853 .C23 1999 AVAILABLE

Clark, Mary Elizabeth
Etiquette, Jr. by Mary Elizabeth Clark and Margery Closey Quigley.
Illus. by Luciana Roselli Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday c1965
Edition Rev. ed Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 C4 1965 AVAILABLE

Claster, Nancy
The Romper room do bee book of manners / by Nancy Claster ;
pictures by Art Seiden
New York : Wonder Books, c1960
Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 C53 1960

Dow, Emily R., 1904-
Brooms, buttons, and beaux; a world of facts for girls in their teens
New York, M. Barrows, 1957
Children's Literature BJ1857.G5 D7 1957

Eagan, Andrea Boroff, 1943-
Why am I so miserable if these are the best years of my life? : A
survival guide for the young woman / by Andrea Boroff Eagan ; with an
introd. by Ellen Frankfort
Philadelphia : Lippincott, c1976
Edition 1st ed Children's Literature HQ35 .E17 1976 AVAILABLE

Ephron, Delia
Do I have to say hello?: Aunt Delia's manners quiz for kids and their
grownups/Delia ephron; with drawings by Edward Koren
New York: Viking, 1989.
Children's Literature PN6231 E8 E64 1989

Garretson, J. (John) The school of manners, or, Rules for childrens behaviour : at
church, at home, at table, in company, in discourse, at school, abroad,
and among boys, with some other short and mixt precepts / by the author of,
the English exercises
London : Oregon Press Limited for the Victoria and Albert Museum, c1983
SpecColl Childrens BJ1877.B7 G37 1983
SpecColl Childrens BJ1877.B7 G37 1983

Haupt, Enid Annenberg, 1906-
The Seventeen book of etiquette & entertaining
Pub Info New York, D. McKay Co. [1963]
Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 H26 1963

Joslin, Sesyle
What do you say, dear? Pictures by Maurice Sendak
Info New York, Young Scott Books, c1958
Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 J6 1958

Leaf, Munro, 1905-1976
. Manners can be fun
Philadelphia, Lippincott [1958]
Edition Rev. ed Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 L35 1958

Lee, Tina
Manners to grow on; a how-to-do book for boys and girls. Pictures by Manning Lee
Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday [1955]
Edition [1st ed.]
Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 L43 1955

MacDonald, Betty Bard
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's magic. Betty MacDonald ; illustrated by Hilary Knight
[Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1957]
Children's Literature PZ7.M1464 Mim 1957

Menninger, William Claire, 1899-1966
Blueprint for teen-age living, by William C. Menninger and others
New York Sterling Pub. Co. [1958]
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks 136.7354 M527b

Packer, Alex J., 1951-
How rude! : the teenagers' guide to good manners, proper behavior,
and not grossing people out / by Alex J. Packer ; edited by Pamela
Espeland ; illustrated by Jeff Tolbert Minneapolis, Minn. : Free Spirit Pub., 1997
Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 P33 1997

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962
Book of common sense etiquette
New York, Macmillan [1962]
Auxiliary Stacks BJ1853 .R65 1962

Stewart, Marjabelle Young
What to do when, and why : at school, at parties, at home, in your
growing world / Marjabelle Young Stewart and Ann Buchwald
New York : D. McKay Co., c1975
Children's Literature BJ1857.G5 S75 1975

Wallace, Carol, 1955-
Elbows off the table, napkin in the lap, no video games during
dinner : the modern guide to teaching children good manners / Carol McD. Wallace
New York : St. Martin's Griffin, 1996
Edition 1st St. Martin's Griffin ed Curriculum Materials BJ1857.C5 W29 1996

Wildeblood, Joan, 1904-
The polite world; a guide to English manners and deportment from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century [by] Joan Wildeblood and Peter Brinson

London, New York, Oxford University Press, 1965

Books Published after 2000

Bloom, Suzanne, 1950-
Piggy Monday : a tale about manners / [written and illustrated by]
Suzanne Bloom
Morton Grove, Illinois : Albert Whitman & Company, c2001
Bothell/CCC Childrens Lit PZ8.3.B59836 Pi 2001

Dutton, Sandra.
Dear Miss Perfect : a beast's guide to proper behavior / by Sandra Dutton.
Pub Info Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2007.
Children's Literature PZ7.D952 Dea 2007

Elerding, Louise
You've got manners! : youthful dining etiquette : table tips from
A to Z for kids of all ages / by Louise Elerding
Burbank, Calif. : Grandy Publications, c2003
Edition 2nd ed
Children's Literature BJ1857.C5 E45 2003

Frankel, Alona,
Joshua's book of manners / written and illustrated by Alona Frankel
[New York] : HarperFestival, 2000
Edition 1st U.S. ed
Children's Literature PZ7.F8528 Jp 2000

Heller, Rebecca, 1973-
Surf like a girl : the surfer girl's ultimate guide to paddling
out, catching a wave, and surfing with aloha / Rebecca Heller ;
illustrations by Sujean Rim
New York : Three Rivers Press, c2005
1st ed
Odegaard Stacks GV839.7.W65 H45 2005

Post, Peggy, 1945-
Emily Post's the guide to good manners for kids / by Peggy Post & Cindy Post Senning.
New York : HarperCollins Publishers, c2004.
Edition 1st ed.
Bothell/CCC Childrens Lit BJ1857.C5 P66 2004 AVAILABLE

Post, Peggy, 1945-
Emily Post Emily's everyday manners / by Peggy Post & Cindy Post
Senning ; illustrated by Steve Björkman.
New York : Collins, c2006.
Edition 1st ed. Bothell/CCC Childrens Lit BJ1857.C5 P63 2006

Post, Elizabeth L.
Emily Post's teen etiquette / Elizabeth L. Post and Joan M. Coles.
New York, N.Y. : HarperResource, 2003, c1995.
Edition 1st HarperResource pbk. ed.
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks BJ1857.C5 P62 2003

Radunsky, Vladimir Table manners : the edifying story of two friends whose discovery of good manners promises them a glorious future / Vladimir Radunsky ; Chris Raschka Cambridge, MA : Candlewick Press, 2001 1st ed Children's Literature PZ7.R1226 Tab 2001

Rosenthal, Amy Krouse.
Cookies : bite-size life lessons / written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal ;
illustrated by Jane Dyer.
New York : HarperCollins, c2006.
Edition 1st ed.
Bothell/CCC Childrens Lit BJ1595 .R57 2006 AVAILABLE

Reference Works

Hodges, Deborah Robertson
Title Etiquette : an annotated bibliography of literature published in English in the United States, 1900 through 1987 / by Deborah Robertson Hodges
Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c1989
Suzzallo Reference Z5877 .H6 1989

Newberry Library
A check list of courtesy books in the Newberry library / compiled by Virgil B. Heltzel
Chicago : The Newberry library, 1942
Auxiliary Stacks 395 A-N42c

Schlesinger, Arthur M. (Arthur Meier), 1888-1965
Learning how to behave, a historical study of American etiquette
books, by Arthur M. Schlesinger
New York, The Macmillan Company, 1946
Suzzallo/Allen Stacks E161 .S25 1946