International Studies Program Courses 2004-05

(Tentative, as of 1/12/2005 4:25 PM)


Autumn 2004


SIS 200           Yang                States & Capitalism

SIS 401           Latsch              International Political Economy

SIS 498A         TBA                 Trauma, History, & East Asia

SIS 498B         Bachman          International Relations of NE Asia


SIS 344           Mitchell            Migration & Globalization (w/geog 344)

SIS 345           Ramamurthy     Women in Interntl Development (w/women/anth 345)

soc/pols 356    Burnstein          Society and Politics

lsj/pols 367     Cichowski         Comparative Law and Courts

GEOG 371        Jarosz               World Hunger and Resource Development

SIS 375           Sparke             Geopolitics (w/geog 375)

SIS 421           Jones                National Security & International Affairs

SIS 425           Graham            International Law & Arms Control

SIS 426           Prakash            World Politics (w/pol s 426)

SIS 440           Campbell          History of Communism (w/hsteu 440)

SIS 490           Hechter            Ethnicity & Nationalism (w/soc 481)

SIS 490b         Lorenz              International Humanitarian Law


SIS 500           Poznanski         Origins of the Global System

SIS 575           Sparke             Advanced Political Geography (w/geog 575)

SIS 590           Graham            International Law & Arms Control (w/SIS 425)


Winter 2005


SIS 201           Callahan           Intro to International Political Economy

SIS 495a          Warren U.S. economic development strategy for “the South”

SIS 495b         Ellison              U.S.-Russian security cooperation in Europe & Asia

SIS 495c          Hamilton           U.S. development policies in light of China’s global

                                                manufacturing success

SIS 495d         Migdal              U.S. Policy on Nation-Building & Creation of Civil Societies

SIS 495e          Kasaba                        U.S. Policy towards Iran

SIS 495f          Jones                Post-election Transatlantic Security Relations

SIS 495g          Montgomery     Energy & Geopolitics: US Policy in a Post-Saddam World

SIS 495h          Pekkanen R      Remilitarizing Japan?

SIS 498a          Porter               Putting the World on the Couch: IS and Psychoanalysis


SIS 301           Soverel War

SIS 302           Warren Intercultural Relations

SIS 330           Latsch              Political Economy of Development

SIS 333           Ramamurthy     Gender & Globalization (w/women 333)

SIS 342           Pianko              The Role  of Religion in Society and Politics

SIS 406           Robinson          Political Islam (w/pol s 432)

SIS 410           Hellmann          Internet IPE

SIS 433           Christie Environ Degradation in Tropics (w/sma/envir 433)

SIS 470           Godoy              Human Rights in Latin America (w/lsj 410)

SIS 476           Poznanski         Comparative International Political Economy

SIS 490a          S.Pekkanen      Law and Politics of International Trade

SIS 490b         Ingebritsen        International Political Econ & Scandinavia (w/scand 402)

SIS 490c          Barzalai            Politics of Rights, Politics and Rights (w/lsj 490)

SIS 490d         Godoy              Law, Justice, and Social Theory (w/lsj 490)

SIS 490e          Graham            Negotiating a WMD-free Zone for the Middle East


SIS 123           Sparke             Intro to Globalization (w/geog 123)

SIS 225           Waugh             Silk Road (w/hist 225)


SIS 501           Migdal              Comparative International Studies

SIS 511           staff                  Methods in International Studies

SIS 522           Kasaba                        Topics in Ethnicity and Nationalism

SIS 534           Latsch              International Affairs (w/pol s 534/pbaf 530)

SIS 590           S.Pekkanen      Law and Politics of International Trade


Spring 2005


SIS 202           Robinson          Cultural Interactions

SIS 498a          Sorensen          Coloniality and Post-Coloniality

SIS 498b         Kasaba                        Readings on the Modern Middle East

SIS 498c          Lang                 Public and Private in a Globalizing World

SIS 498d         Pianko              Nationalism and Its Critics


SIS 325           Friedman          Immigration

SIS 332           Poznanski         Political Economy of International Trade & Finance

SIS 350ts         Watters,L         Environmental Norms in Interntl Politics (w/scand 350)

SIS 423           Woods             American Foreign Policy

SIS 446           Giebel              History, Memory, Justice (w/hist)

SIS 456           Callahan           State-Society Relations in 3rd World (w/pol s 450)

SIS 460           Barzalai            Law, State & Society

SIS 467           Campbell          Nations and States in the Modern World (w/hist 457)

SIS 490           Fuller                Weapons of Mass Destruction (w/590c)


SIS 502           Jones                Globalization/IR

SIS 512           Migdal              Methods in IS

SIS 553           S.Pekkanen      Environment & Health in the WTO

SIS 590c          Fuller                Weapons of Mass Destruction

SIS 590d         Denny              Seminar in American Foreign Policy (w/pbaf 535)

SIS 590u          Callahan           Human Security (six evening lectures)