Student information:
This page contains information for students in the department of Epidemiology. If you have any questions, please
email me at khask at
Quick Links
Important Documents
- You can find a copy of the epi lab document here
How to set up the printers
- Click on start -> Printers and Faxes
- Under printer tasks, select add printer
- The add printer wizard should start, select next
- Make sure that "A network, or a printer attached to another computer" is selected and click next
- If using a Windows 7 Machine, you must select printer I
wasn't listed, then follow the instructions below
- Make sure Find a printer in the directory is selected and
press next
- Change entire directory to Epi and hit find now
- Select the appropriate printer for the lab you are in, or repeate the proceedure to add both if you are going to use both
- Contact me if you have any problems adding a printer