Judith Yarrow


Fiction & Poetry Borderlands (chapbook, 1999)
Turtle Island (Web site, 1999)
Women’s Words (short story, 1998)
New to North America: Writings by Immigrants, Their Children and Grandchildren (anthology, 1997)
Exhibition (1997)
Cicada (1997)
Clear-cut: An Anthology of Seattle Writers (1996)
Ringing in the Wilderness (anthology, 1995)
Duckabush Journal (Spring/Summer 1993)
Edge: International Arts Interface (featured poet, 1990)
Bellowing Ark (1987)
Wide Open (1987)
Seattle Arts Focus (1986)
North Country Anvil (1985)
The Immigrant (chapbook, 1984)
Peace & Justice Education Center News (1984)
New Mexico Humanities Review (1983)
San Fernando Poetry Journal (1981)
Poetry Seattle (1981)
Seattle Voice (story, 1981)
Backbone III (interview, 1981)
Backbone II (story, 1980)
Raindance (1979)
Fragments (1978)
Northwest Poets (anthology, 1978)
Writer Magazine (1978)
Washington Verse (1977)
Northwest Arts (1977)
Northwest Passage (1975)
Chaos Magazine (story, 1975)
Pilot Rock (1973)
The Masque (1963)
Nonfiction Sound Consumer, Seattle WA ("Beyond Organic Agriculture," 1997; article 1996; two book reviews 1995; articles in six issues in 1994)
Pacific Fishing Magazine, Seattle, WA ("Puget Gillnetters Win Seabird Regs," 1997)
Co-op Consumer News, Minnetonka, MN (reprint:"The Complicated Cost of Food," 1996)
Co-Options: Sevenanda Natural Foods Cooperative, Atlanta GA (reprint" "The Complicated Cost of Food," 1996)
Friends of Dame Dora Rose Valley Farms newsletter/Website (reprints: "The Complicated Cost of Food" and "The Future of the Organic Industry," 1996)
Cultural Diversity at Work newsletter (articles, 1991, 1994-1997)
Diversity Business News (article, 1995)
Via FedEx (article, 1995)
New Voices newsletter(Seattle Education Assn., 4 articles, 1995-97)
What’s Working in Parent Involvement newsletter (two articles, 1995)
South District Journal (articles, 3 issues, 1995)
Metro News (articles for Spring & Fall issues, 1995)
Traditions & Beyond newsletter (article, 1992)
Corporate Philanthropy Report (articles for magazine, 1991-1992)
Washington Library for the Blind (The Making of a Library: a history of the library, 1991)
Adapt (articles, three issues, 1989-90)
reading room
yarrow house