# z2html-symbol.sed - Z2HTML, symbol font version # # Use symbol font where possible # 23-Nov-1999 J. Jacky Based on GIF-only version # 22-Jan-2000 J. Jacky Change image directory name from zgif to zimg # include link to external stylesheet # Header 1i\ \ \ \ \ Z notation<\/title>\ <\/head>\ \ <body>\ # Footer $a\ \ <\/body>\ <\/html> # Get rid of Fuzz comment lines, otherwise Z behind them will appear in HTML /^%%/d # Get rid of % LaTeX comments but not \% legitimate LaTeX percent /^%.*$/d s/ %.*$//g s/ %.*$//g s/\\%/%/g # Must convert these before writing out *any* HTML tags! # But can't use any & before handling LaTeX tabular and argue s/\\>/\\latex-tab/g s/</\\html-amp-lt;/g s/>/\\html-amp-gt;/g # LaTex tabbing - must convert before inserting any other tags # # tabbing, tabular, argue environments are class="mixed" # because they can contain both Z and informal text /\\begin{tabbing}/,/\\end{tabbing}/ { s/\\begin{tabbing}/<blockquote>\ <p class="mixed">\ <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>/g s/\\end{tabbing}/<\/table>\ <\/p>\ <\/blockquote>\ /g /^[ ]*</!s/.*/<tr> <td>&<\/td>/ s/\\=/<\/td> <td>/g s/\\latex-tab/<\/td> <td>/g } # LaTex tabular /\\begin{tabular}/,/\\end{tabular}/ { s/\\begin{tabular}.*$/<blockquote>\ <p class="mixed">\ <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>/g s/\\end{tabular}/<\/table>\ <\/p>\ <\/blockquote>\ /g /^[ ]*</!s/.*/<tr> <td>&<\/td>/ s/\&/<\/td> <td>/g } # LaTeX argue environment (proofs etc.) /\\begin{argue}/,/\\end{argue}/ { s/\\begin{argue}/<blockquote>\ <p class="mixed">\ <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>/g s/\\end{argue}/<\/table>\ <\/p>\ <\/blockquote>\ /g /^[ ]*</!s/^\([^&]*\)\&\(.*\)$/<tr> <td>\$\1\$<\/td><td align=right>\2<\/td>/g } # Now we've translated all the LaTeX & so... s/\\html-amp-/\&/g # In-line Z text s/\$\([^$]*\)\$/<font face="Helvetica, Arial">\1<\/font>/g # Single line math paragraph s/\\\[\(.*\)\\\]/<blockquote>\ <p class="zed">\ <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\ <tr> <td><font face="Helvetica, Arial">\1<\/font><\/td>\ <\/table>\ <\/p>\ <\/blockquote>\ /g # Single line zed paragraph s/\\begin{zed}\(.*\)\\end{zed}/<blockquote>\ <p class="zed">\ <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\ <tr> <td><font face="Helvetica, Arial">\1<\/font><\/td>\ <\/table>\ <\/p>\ <\/blockquote>\ /g # Multiline zed paragraph /\\begin{zed}/,/\\end{zed}/ { s/\\begin{zed}/<blockquote>\ <p class="zed">\ <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>/g s/\\end{zed}/<\/table>\ <\/p>\ <\/blockquote>\ /g /^[ ]*</!s/.*/<tr> <td><font face="Helvetica, Arial">&<\/font><\/td>/ s/\\also/<img width=1 height=10 align=bottom alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif>/ } # Single line axdef box # We use ! not LaTeX \ inside alt="..." to avoid confusion s/\\begin{axdef}\(.*\)\\end{axdef}/<blockquote>\ <p class="zed">\ <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\ <tr> <td width=1 rowspan=99 bgcolor=black><img width=1 height=1 alt="!begin{axdef}" src=zimg\/clear.gif><br><\/td>\ <tr> <td width=10><\/td><td><font face="Helvetica, Arial">\1<\/font><\/td>\ <tr><td><img width=1 height=1 alt="!end{axdef}" src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <\/table>\ <\/p>\ <\/blockquote>\ /g # Axiomatic definition box /\\begin{axdef}/,/\\end{axdef}/ { s/\\begin{axdef}/<blockquote>\ <p class="zed">\ <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\ <tr> <td width=1 rowspan=99 bgcolor=black><img width=1 height=1 alt="!begin{axdef}" src=zimg\/clear.gif><br><\/td>/g s/\\where/<tr> <td height=10><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=10 height=1 alt="!where" src=zimg\/black-10.gif><\/td>\ <td height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=15 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-15.gif><\/td>\ <td height=1><img width=75 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-75.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td height=10><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>/g s/\\end{axdef}/<tr><td width=10 height=1><img width=10 height=1 alt="!end{axdef}" src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <\/table>\ <\/p>\ <\/blockquote>\ /g /^[ ]*</!s/.*/<tr> <td><\/td><td colspan=2><font face="Helvetica, Arial">&<\/font><\/td>/ s/\\also/<img width=1 height=10 align=bottom alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif>/ } # Schema box # # Box is three columns # First column is space after left edge # Second column is schema name at the top of the box # Third column is box top border after schema name # Schema name sits by itelf on a row above the box top borders # Text inside box (both decl. and pred.) is colspan=2 in columns two and three # Box borders are <td ... bgcolor=black>, shows up when print under MS Windows # Box borders also <img ... src=black.gif>, shows up in Linux .ps out and print # Box top border is columns one and three, column 2 left blank # Line between decl. and pred. in cols 1, 2 is bgcolor=black and src=black.gif # " " " col 3 is no bgcolor but <img width=75 ... src=black.gif> # Box bottom border is colspan=3 in all three columns /\\begin{schema}{.*}/,/\\end{schema}/ { s/\\begin{schema}{\(.*\)}/<blockquote>\ <p class="zed">\ <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\ <tr> <td><img alt="!begin{schema}{" src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <td><\/td><td><font face="Helvetica, Arial">\1<\/font><\/td>\ <td><img alt="}" src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td width=1 rowspan=99 bgcolor=black><br><\/td>\ <tr> <td width=10 height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=10 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-10.gif><\/td>\ <td height=1><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <td width=200 height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=200 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-200.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td height=10><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>/g s/\\where/<tr> <td height=10><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=10 height=1 alt="!where" src=zimg\/black-10.gif><\/td>\ <td height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=15 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-15.gif><\/td>\ <td height=1><img width=75 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-75.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td height=10><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>/g s/\\end{schema}/<tr> <td height=10><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td colspan=3 bgcolor=black><img width=300 height=1 alt="!end{schema}" src=zimg\/black-300.gif><\/td>\ <\/table>\ <\/p>\ <\/blockquote>\ /g /^[ ]*</!s/.*/<tr> <td><\/td><td colspan=2><font face="Helvetica, Arial">&<\/font><\/td>/ s/\\also/<img width=1 height=10 align=bottom alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif>/ } # Generic definition box /\\begin{gendef}\[.*\]/,/\\end{gendef}/ { s/\\begin{gendef}\[\(.*\)\]/<blockquote>\ <p class="zed">\ <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\ <tr> <td><img alt="!begin{gendef}" src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <td><\/td><td><font face="Helvetica, Arial">\[\1\]<\/font><\/td>\ <td><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td width=1 rowspan=99 bgcolor=black><br><\/td>\ <tr> <td width=10 height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=10 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-10.gif><\/td>\ <td height=1><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <td width=200 height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=200 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-200.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td height=3><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td width=10 height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=10 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-10.gif><\/td>\ <td height=1><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <td width=200 height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=200 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-200.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td height=10><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>/g s/\\where/<tr> <td height=10><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=10 height=1 alt="!where" src=zimg\/black-10.gif><\/td>\ <td height=1 bgcolor=black><img width=15 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-15.gif><\/td>\ <td height=1><img width=75 height=1 alt=" " src=zimg\/black-75.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td height=10><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>/g s/\\end{gendef}/<tr> <td height=10><img alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif><\/td>\ <tr> <td colspan=3 bgcolor=black><img width=300 height=1 alt="!end{gendef}" src=zimg\/black-300.gif><\/td>\ <\/table>\ <\/p>\ <\/blockquote>\ /g /^[ ]*</!s/.*/<tr> <td><\/td><td colspan=2><font face="Helvetica, Arial">&<\/font><\/td>/ s/\\also/<img width=1 height=10 align=bottom alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif>/ } # White space: line break, tab, space, indents s/\\\\//g s/ //g s/~/\ /g s/\\t\([1-9]\)/<img width=\10 height=1 align=bottom alt=" " src=zimg\/clear.gif>/ # Logic # We use ! not LaTeX \ inside alt="..." to avoid confusion # between LaTeX commands we want to replace and literal text we want in alt= # Replace all ! with \ at end of the script, after all LaTeX cmds processed s/\\lnot/\¬/g s/\\land/<font face=symbol>\Ù<\/font>/g s/\\lor/<font face=symbol>\Ú<\/font>/g s/\\implies/<font face=symbol>\Þ<\/font>/g s/\\iff/<font face=symbol>\Û<\/font>/g s/\\forall/<font face=symbol>\"<\/font>/g s/@/<font face=symbol>\·<\/font>/g s/\\exists/<font face=symbol>\$<\/font>/g s/\\vdash/<img width=8 height=11 alt="!vdash" src=zimg\/vdash-m.gif>/g s/\\models/<img width=8 height=11 alt="!models" src=zimg\/models-m.gif>/g s/\\LET/<b>let<\/b>/g # LaTeX commands that begin with \in... must precede \in itself, ditto \cap s/\\inrel{\([^}]*\)}/<u>\1<\/u>/g s/\\inseq/<b>in<\/b>/g s/\\inj/<img width=14 height=8 alt="!inj" src=zimg\/inj-m.gif>/g s/\\inv/<sup>~<\/sup>/g s/\\input/input/g s/\\inbag/<img width=7 height=7 alt="!inbag" src=zimg\/inbag-m.gif>/g s/\\caption/caption/g # Sets and expressions s/\\neq/<font face=symbol>\¹<\/font>/g s/\\in/<font face=symbol>\Î<\/font>/g s/\\notin/<font face=symbol>\Ï<\/font>/g s/\\emptyset/<font face=symbol>\Æ<\/font>/g s/\\subseteq/<font face=symbol>\Í<\/font>/g s/\\subset/<font face=symbol>\Ì<\/font>/g s/\\{/{/g s/\\}/}/g s/\\lambda/<font face=symbol>l<\/font>/g s/\\mu/<font face=symbol>m<\/font>/g s/\\IF/<b>if<\/b>/g s/\\THEN/<b>then<\/b>/g s/\\ELSE/<b>else<\/b>/g s/\\cross/<font face=symbol>\´<\/font>/g s/\\power/<img height=11 width=9 alt="!power" src=zimg\/power-m.gif>/g s/\\finset/<img height=11 width=8 alt="!finset" src=zimg\/finset-m.gif>/g s/\\cap/<font face=symbol>\Ç<\/font>/g s/\\cup/<font face=symbol>\È<\/font>/g s/\\bigcap/<img width=11 height=14 alt="!bigcap" align="absbottom" src=zimg\/bigcap-m.gif>/g s/\\bigcup/<img width=11 height=14 alt="!bigcup" align="absbottom" src=zimg\/bigcup-m.gif>/g s/\\setminus/\\/g # Free types s/\\ldata/<img width=8 height=14 align=absbottom alt="!ldata" src=zimg\/ldata-m.gif>/g s/\\rdata/<img width=8 height=14 align=absbottom alt="!rdata" src=zimg\/rdata-m.gif>/g # LaTeX commands that begin with \ran... must precede \ran itself s/\\rangle/<font face=symbol>\ñ<\/font>/g # Relations, except \inrel and \inv must precede \in above s/\\rel/<font face=symbol>\«<\/font>/g s/\\mapsto/<img height=9 width=10 alt="!mapsto" src=zimg\/mapsto-m.gif>/g s/\\dom/<b>dom<\/b>/g s/\\ran/<b>ran<\/b>/g s/\\id/<b>id<\/b>/g s/\\comp/<img width=6 height=12 alt="!comp" src=zimg\/comp-m.gif align=absbottom>/g s/\\circ/<font face=symbol>\°<\/font>/g s/\\dres/<img height=11 width=10 alt="!dres" src=zimg\/dres-m.gif>/g s/\\ndres/<img height=11 width=10 alt="!ndres" src=zimg\/ndres-m.gif>/g s/\\rres/<img height=11 width=10 alt="!rres" src=zimg\/rres-m.gif>/g s/\\nrres/<img height=11 width=10 alt="!nrres" src=zimg\/nrres-m.gif>/g s/\\limg/<img height=14 width=7 alt="!limg" src=zimg\/limg-m.gif align=absbottom>/g s/\\rimg/<img height=14 width=7 alt="!rimg" src=zimg\/rimg-m.gif align=absbottom>/g s/\\plus/<sup>+<\/sup>/g s/\\star/<sup>*<\/sup>/g s/\\oplus/<font face=symbol>\Å<\/font>/g # Functions, except \inj must precede \in above s/\\pfun/<img width=14 height=8 alt="!pfun" src=zimg\/pfun-m.gif>/g s/\\fun/<font face=symbol>\®<\/font>/g s/\\pinj/<img width=14 height=8 alt="!pinj" src=zimg\/pinj-m.gif>/g s/\\bij/<img width=14 height=8 alt="!bij" src=zimg\/bij-m.gif>/g s/\\psurj/<img width=14 height=8 alt="!psurj" src=zimg\/psurj-m.gif>/g s/\\surj/<img width=14 height=8 alt="!surj" src=zimg\/surj-m.gif>/g s/\\ffun/<img width=14 height=8 alt="!ffun" src=zimg\/ffun-m.gif>/g s/\\finj/<img width=14 height=8 alt="!finj" src=zimg\/finj-m.gif>/g # Numbers and arithmetic s/\\#/#/g s/_1/<sub><font size=-3>1<\/font><\/sub>/g s/_2/<sub><font size=-3>2<\/font><\/sub>/g s/_3/<sub><font size=-3>3<\/font><\/sub>/g s/\\num/<img height=11 width=10 alt="!num" src=zimg\/num-m.gif>/g s/\\nat/<img height=11 width=10 alt="!nat" src=zimg\/nat-m.gif>/g s/\\div/<b>div<\/b>/g s/\\mod/<b>mod<\/b>/g s/\\leq/<font face=symbol>\£<\/font>/g s/\\geq/<font face=symbol>\³<\/font>/g s/\\upto/\.\./g # Sequences, except \inseq must precede \in above, \rangle preced \ran s/\\seq/seq/g s/\\iseq/iseq/g s/\\langle/<font face=symbol>\á<\/font>/g s/\\cat/\^/g s/\\dcat/<img width=17 height=14 align=absbottom alt="!dcat" src=zimg\/dcat-m.gif>/g s/\\prefix/<b>prefix<\/b>/g s/\\suffix/<b>suffix<\/b>/g s/\\partition/<b>partition<\/b>/g s/\\disjoint/<b>disjoint<\/b>/g s/\\extract/<img width=5 height=14 align=absbottom alt="!extract" src=zimg\/extract-m.gif>/g s/\\filter/<img width=5 height=14 align=absbottom alt="!filter" src=zimg\/filter-m.gif>/g # Bags - except \inbag must precede \in, above s/\\bag/bag/g s/\\lbag/<img width=7 height=14 align=absbottom alt="!lbag" src=zimg\/lbag-m.gif>/g s/\\rbag/<img width=7 height=14 align=absbottom alt="!rbag" src=zimg\/rbag-m.gif>/g s/\\bcount/<img width=5 height=14 align=absbottom alt="!bcount" src=zimg\/bcount-m.gif>/g s/\\otimes/<img width=9 height=9 alt="!otimes" src=zimg\/otimes-m.gif>/g s/\\subbageq/<img width=9 height=10 align=absbottom alt="!subbageq" src=zimg\/subbageq-m.gif>/g s/\\uplus/<img width=11 height=7 alt="!uplus" src=zimg\/uplus-m.gif>/g s/\\uminus/<img width=11 height=7 alt="!uminus" src=zimg\/uminus-m.gif>/g # Schema calculus s/\\defs/<img height=11 width=11 alt="!defs" src=zimg\/defs-m.gif>/g s/\\theta/<font face=symbol>q<\/font>/g s/\\semi/<img width=6 height=12 alt="!semi" align=absbottom src=zimg\/comp-m.gif>/g s/\\project/<img width=5 height=14 align=absbottom alt="!project" src=zimg\/filter-m.gif>/g s/\\pipe/\>\>/g s/\\hide/\\/g s/\\pre/<b>pre<\/b>/g s/\\lblot/<img width=5 height=14 align=absbottom alt="!lblot" src=zimg\/lblot-m.gif>/g s/\\rblot/<img width=5 height=14 align=absbottom alt="!rblot" src=zimg\/rblot-m.gif>/g # Conventions s/\\Delta/<font face=symbol>D<\/font>/g s/\\Xi/<font face=symbol>X<\/font>/g # LaTeX stuff # Translate these first because they can occur inside section headings etc. s/{\\em\([^}]*\)}/<em>\1<\/em>/g s/{\\bf\([^}]*\)}/<b>\1<\/b>/g s/{\\tt\([^}]*\)}/<tt>\1<\/tt>/g s/\\mbox{\([^}]*\)}/\1/g # Citations s/\\cite{\([^}]*\)}/\[\1\]/g # Labels often occur on same line as section headings so translate them first #s/\\label{\(.*\)}/<a name="\1">\1<\/a>/g # For now just get rid of labels s/\\label{[^}]*}//g # For now just show refs in [...]. Possibly support cross-ref links later. #s/\\ref{\(.*\)}/<a href=\#"\1">\1<\/a>/g s/\\ref{\([^}]*\)}/[\1]/g s/\\chapter{\([^}]*\)}/<h1>\1<\/h1>/g s/\\section{\([^}]*\)}/<h2><a name="\1">\1<\/a><\/h2>/g s/\\section\*{\([^}]*\)}/<h2><a name="\1">\1<\/a><\/h2>/g s/\\subsection{\([^}]*\)}/<h3><a name="\1">\1<\/a><\/h3>/g s/\\subsection\*{\([^}]*\)}/<h3><a name="\1">\1<\/a><\/h3>/g s/\\subsubsection{\([^}]*\)}/<h4><a name="\1">\1<\/a><\/h4>/g s/\\subsubsection\*{\([^}]*\)}/<h4><a name="\1">\1<\/a><\/h4>/g s/\\footnote{\([^}]*\)}/ (\1)/g # Put paragraph headings on a line by themselves so text is clearly informal s/\\paragraph{\([^}]*\)}/<h4>\1<\/h4>\ \ /g s/\\begin{quote}/<blockquote>/g s/\\end{quote}/<\/blockquote>/g # Just get rid of untranslated LaTeX environment directives for now /^\\[^ ]*{[^}]*}$/d s/\\[^ ]*{[^}]*}//g s/\\footnote{\([^}]*\)$/ (\1/g s/^\([^{}]*\)}/\1)/g # s/\\.*{.*}//g -- This test is too weak, deletes legitimate Fuzz/LaTeX also # Misc. LaTeX commands # Commands not explicitly handled in this script will appear verbatim in HTML s/\\dots/.../g s/\\ldots/.../g s/\\_/_/g # Get rid of \kill in \tabbing but keep the \kill lines s/\\kill//g # Get rid of these /\\newpage/d # Make sure in-line text formatting tags at start of line # can't be confused with paragraphs of formal text: start with non "<" char s/^<font /\ <font /g s/^<em>/\ <em>/g s/^<b>/\ <b>/g s/^<tt>/\ <tt>/g # Finally, replace ! with LaTeX prefix char \ inside alt="..." s/alt="!/alt="\\/g # Have a nice day.