vector.txt +-- Extending Python Python is a *programmable* programming language Python itself is built from classes and objects Extend the language seamlessly by definining new classes with special methods type means class, including the built-in types like list and int note constructor syntax: instead of [] or {}, can use list() or dict() object means instance (of a class) including even 2, try dir(2), sys.getsizeof(2) operator means special method 2 + 2 means int('2').__add__(int('2')) Dozens of special methods, including index and slicing for data structures 'class' is just another type, you could define your own: javaclass or ... This is called a metaobject protocol +-- Add a new type: vector inspired by numpy array and matrix types (Demo: explain vectors - built in list + does the wrong thing, * crashes) vector inherits from list - yes, we can inherit from built-in types! Special methods: __repr__ redefines print etc, __add__, __mul__ redefine +, *