sequence.txt +-- Lists and tuples Along with dictionaries, the heart of Python! We'll have go beyond the book in lectures, readings Like strings, lists and tuples are sequences and iterables sequence: s + t, and s * n operators, indices s[i], s[i:j] iterable: for x in s:... Unlike strings, lists and tuples can have any type in each element, can be nested [ 1, "two", [2, "three", (4, "five")] ] Like strings, tuples are immutable UNLIKE strings, lists are mutable. LISTS ARE MUTABLE!! s[i] = x # works for lists s + t returns a new list, leaves s and t unchanged (like strings) s.extend(t), s.append(t), s.sort() all return None and mutate list s Lists and strings s.split(c) splits string s on separator c, returns list of strings c.join(l) joins list of strings l, returns one string with separator c +-- Lists: aliasing, sharing, copy l2 = l1 makes l2 an alias for l2, both see same list object, updating l1 changes l2 l3 = copy(l1) or l3 = l1[i:j] or l3 = [:] makes a separate, distinct copy Can mutate list contents from within a function +-- Lists: queues Lists can model queues Add items at end, remove items from front (see Use list of strings to model line of vehicles - functions for arrive, depart, notice we can update list from within functions. In main simulator, note use of arrive and depart function objects - Can do other things with functions besides call them Can put in tuples, assign to variables, test equality, look up names Review __name__ == '__main__' convention Review default args Run it with several values of n +--- Lists of tuples: relational database List of tuples is a ubiquitous data structure Relational database (see List comprehensions make a mini query language In general [ pattern for item in source if condition ] Example: find the names of all the people who have phones in the physics dept [ name for (name, phone) in phones if physics_dept(phone) ] Conditon: physics_dept returns True or False if phone number in range Note tuple assignment: (name, phone) in phones +-- List of tuples: graphs Network data structure (see, Nodes, edges are pairs of nodes (tuples), edge list defines graph Directed graph, edges point one way, draw arrows check path by checking that successive pairs of nodes are in graph *graph parameter gathers however many arguments into a tuple (see 12.4,136) path[i:i+2] is slice within path find path through graph list comprehensions here are just scratch data