python.txt +- Python language: ecosystem Used for -- CS education (this course!) Application scripting (GIS, GNU Radio, ...) Systems administration and "glue" Web applications (Django etc. etc. etc.) Scientific/technical computing (a la MATLAB, Mathematica, also BioPython etc. ..) Software tools (automated software testing, distributed version control, ...) Research (natural language, graph theory, distributed computing, ...) An unusually large number of niches -- versatile Used by -- Beginners Professional software developers, computer system administrators, ... Professionals OTHER THAN computer specialists: biologists, urban planners, .... It is unusual for the same language to be popular among all these -- versatile You can be productive in Python WITHOUT full-time immersion! +- Python Language: features Gets many things right -- Readable - looks nice, makes sense, usually matches expectations, intuitions No ideology about best way to program: object-oriented programming, functional, etc. all supported, but optional No platform preference - works as well in Windows, Mac, Linux, ... Easy to connect to other languages - C, Fortran - essential for science/math Countless conveniences, large and small, make it pleasant to work with Features Unlike C, C++, C#, Java ... More like Ruby, Lisp, Perl, Matlab, Mathematica ... Dynamic - no type declarations - programs are shorter Interpreted - no separate compile, build steps - programming process is simpler Versions This class uses Python 2.x not Python 3 -- usually 2.6, 2.7, earlier would work Interpreter implementations I use CPython from Jython (JVM), Iron Python (.NET), PyPy also work +- How to write and run a Python program 0. Maybe you don't need a program at all - just start Python and type ad lib $ python >>> print 'Hello, world!' Hello, world! module - a file that contains Python code, filename ends with .py Create module that contains: print 'Hello, world!' Then --- 1. python # must be in current working directory 2. python -m hello # any module on PYTHONPATH anywhere on the system 3. # associate .py extension with python command (Windows) 4. hello # put #!/usr/env/python at top of module 5. python >>> import hello # importing a module executes its contents 6. python -i # import module, remain in interactive session ... >>> +- Python interpreter and Interactive Development Environments (IDEs) Python interpreter Can only import module into python interpreter ONCE (Why?) (demo) IDLE IDE included with Python from Interpreter - much like command-line Python Editor - Python-aware - knows about indentation, keywords Can reload revised module into interpreter without exit, restart In IDLE editor, F5 (run this module) is like python -i but without restarting IDLE Others IPython - popular for scientific computing, includes graphics a la MATLAB, can reload modules without losing context (variables, etc.) BPython, ... many others ...