protocol.txt +-- Protocols An organizing principle for designing families of types (classes) in Python A collection of methods that a type might have is called a PROTOCOL Any types that provide those methods is said to observe that protocol Any types that observe the protocol can be called by the same code These types might be, but might NOT be, related by inheritance Our vehicle, safe_vehicle, and pedestrian classes all provide 'move' and 'draw' We could say move and draw constitute our 'traffic protocol', Our traffic simulator can use any objects that observe our traffic protocol Protocols have some similarities to interfaces in Java, C#, ... BUT there is no construct in the Python language to define a protocol To see if a type observes a protocol, use dir to see if the methods are present (Recent Python versions have Abstract Base Classes ... ?) +-- Python built-in protocols: Used to build Python itself, but you can define your own types that observe them 'special methods' in these protocols are all have names of the form: __foo__ Objects - all types - attribute access as in f.x, printing, ... __getattribute__, __str__, __repr__, ... Numbers - int, float, etc. - arithmetic __add__, __sub__, ... bound to +, -, .... Sequences - str, list, tuple etc. - ordered collections with indices, slices, ... __getitem__, __getslice__, __add__, ... bound to a[i], a[i:j], a + b, etc. Maps - dict - collections with keys and values __getitem__, keys, values, ... bound to d['x'], etc. Iterators - sequences, files etc. - for x in foo: ... __iter__ etc. Buffers - strings, arrays etc. - internal, used for efficient access +-- Iterator protocol - how it is used The iterator protocol is used by several different language constructs Here s is an iterable (str, list, tuple, dict, set, file, socket, process, ...) Membership test: x in s Iteration: for x in s: ... Reduction: sum(s), min(s), max(s) Construction (or type conversion): list(s), tuple(s), set(s), dict(s), ... +-- Iterator protocol - how it works for x in foo: ... foo can be can be any *iterable* a sequence type (str, list, tuple, dict, their subclasses) a file, a process, a socket ... An iterable is any object with an __iter__ method call it with iter(foo) or foo.__iter__() returns an *iterator* object An iterator is any object with a next method. call it with next(foo_iterator) or 'for x in foo: S' is equivalent to: temp_iterator = iter(foo) while True: try: x = except StopIteration: break S +-- Generators are Iterators Calling a generator creates an iterator Python creates the __iter__ and next methods -- so you don't have to my_xrange is not an iterator, but my_xrange(100) is, has __iter__ and next +-- Design principles Build up complex operations from simple building blocks (protocol methods) Building blocks are versatile: can be used in different ways Building blocks are composable: can be combined in different ways Use the same building blocks again and again Many types can observe the same protocols Many language constructs, libraries, and applications can use the same protocols Use what is already there New types can observe existing protocols, will work with existing constructs etc. Apply these same principles with lesser or greater original invention First - use library functions and types instead of writing your own Then - create your own libraries and types that define or use protocols The first level is sufficient for many purposes Python is a *programmable* programming language Makes Python rewarding for experts as well as beginners