files.txt +-- Files Files, yes they're on disk, persistent, known to OS. BUT also... Files are a type - have structure and operations fd = open('ceru_human.sp') Files are iterable: for line in fd: print line Many things are made to work like files: also processes, web pages, ... import os pd = os.popen('ls') import urllib wd = urllib.urlopen('') Python usually treats different types as similarly as possible +-- Exceptions Allow recovery from errors, other exceptional conditions Exceptions are typical Python style, "easier to ask forgiveness than permission" try/except is another control structure like for... or if... try: fd = open('missing.txt') except IOError: print "couldn't open missing.txt" book 14.5 163, better: except IOError Don't mask other errors! +-- Operating system functions and scripting import sys sys.argv is array of strings, command line arguments import os dir(os) # many operating system functions os.getcwd() # like Unix pwd command pd = os.popen('ls -l') # run system command and collect output