decorator.txt +-- Decorators Transform/generate code programmatically at load time See Recall there are usually two passes of computation: 1. first: import the module - usually execute def + class, but can do anything 2. later: use vars, fcns, classes defined at import time You can do arbitrary computations at import time including computations that transform or create code so you can call it later You can define a new function *in a function* and return that function addn in You can pass a function as an argument and use that to construct the new function you return sieve in The decorator construct formalizes that @sieve in We can call *any* function a seive by prefixing @sieve +-- Decorator example memoize - a realistic example - see motivation: some fcns take a long time to compute, so save results to use over store in dict whose keys are function args and values are function results before call, look up args in dict and either retrieve or call and store Need separate dict for each function, seems like a lot of repetitious coding Decorators to the rescue! How can we use decorator to store information? Can't just have the result of decoration be a function - no permanent storage A decorator can also be a class because classes and objects are callables too call a class to execute its __init__, call an object to execute its __call__