+-- BioPython demo - packages, files, strings, regular expressions Problem: find a pattern in a protein - ceru_human is human ceruloplasmin (see refs in file itself) - PS00079 is a prosite pattern, "Multicopper oxidases signature" Data in file format called SwissProt (after database) Usee BioPython package to help analyze it (must be installed) BioPython has modules to read SwissProt files and many many others Open the file, get fd Use SwissProt.read to get record with attributes this read is defined in BioPython.SwissProt, not same read as book 14.8, 166 We're interested in r.sequence, a string, that's what we'll search Using re in Python: compile, then search returns match object with m.start etc. A (one-off) script: ad-lib programming in interpreter, then save in module. No functions are defined.