assign_8.txt +-- Exercise for week 8, Tues Nov 29, bring exercise to turn in (hardcopy) Reading: see course web page Exercise: Write a module that defines a class named bag. A bag (also called a multiset) is a collection without order (like a set) but with repetition (unlike a set) --- an element can appear one or more times in a bag. Implement bag as a subclass of dictionary where each bag element is a key and its value is an integer that represents its multiplicity (the number of repetitions). For example in b1 = bag({'a':2, 'b':3}), b1 is a bag where 'a' occurs twice (has multiplicity 2) and 'b' occurs three times. Provide a bag union operator + (plus sign) that operates on two bags and returns a third bag, their union. The bag union contains all of the elements of both bags, with their multiplicities added. For example, after b2 = bag({'b':1, 'c':2}), then b1 + b2 == bag({'a':2, 'b':4', 'c':2})