+-- Assignment due week 5, Tues Nov 8, bring exercise to turn in (hardcopy) Required reading: Python Tutorial, lists and data structures http://docs.python.org/tutorial/introduction.html#lists http://docs.python.org/tutorial/datastructures.html Spelling corrector http://www.norvig.com/spell-correct.html Exercise 5A - Write a function sorted_string that takes one string argument and returns a string with the same characters but sorted in lexical (alphabetic) order. You may use the list sort method, but you may NOT use the built-in library function 'sorted' in your solution. Write your function in a module also named sorted_string that defines at least two test strings. In your module, call your function on each of these strings and print the results. Exercise 5B - Write a function sorted_list that takes one list argument and returns a list with the same elements but sorted. This function must NOT change the list in the caller. You may use the list sort method, but you may NOT use the built-in library function 'sorted' in your solution. Write your function in a module also named sorted_list that defines at least two test strings. In your module, call your function on each of these lists and print the results. Also, print both lists after calling the function to show that they have not changed.