UW Certificate Program in Python Programming

System Development with Python: Student Projects

from Spring Term, 2011

Daniel Araneda: My Firewall, web interface to iptables firewall configuration using web2py.

Aaron Bazar: DUMPYLITE, store network packet captures in a database for query and retrieval, using Django, SQLite and scapy.
(with Delane Jackson)

Jeff Boschee: Mindcloud Python Snippets, web site with code examples that can be retrieved by various criteria, using Django.

Peter Conerly: Plumbergone, AI opponent player in arcade game
(with Patrick Morgan)

Jon Crump: Medieval hostage exchanges, modeling and displaying historical social networks using N3, rdflib and pydot.

Jesse Franceschini: Image gallery using DJango, Amazon S3, and PIL

Aaron Franklin: Crowdegy, strategic planning, situational assessment via SWOT analysis of survey data, using Django with JQuery Flot for scatterplots.
(with Jon Poland and Ted Tieken).

Delane Jackson: DUMPYLITE, store network packet captures in a database for query and retrieval, using Django, SQLite and scapy.
(with Aaron Bazar)

Sun Hee Jung: PPD, Python Peptide Detectability, analyze protein sequences with model of peptide detectability, using BioPython to parse FASTA files of protein data.

Patrick Morgan: Plumbergone, two-player arcade game, usig PyGame
(with Peter Conerly)

Jacob Newfield: Decrypt Dataset, client application to automate upacking and decrypting, using many libraries, py2exe, and Inno Setup.

Jon Poland: Crowdegy, strategic planning, situational assessment via SWOT analysis of survey data, using Django with JQuery Flot for scatterplots.
(with Aaron Franklin and Ted Tieken).

Jeff Silverman: documenting, reverse engineering, and demonstrating dpkt Ethernet packet analyzer.

Joe Simpson: N2 Chart ("N squared chart"), data entry and checking for web application, using web2py.

Ted Tieken: Crowdegy, strategic planning, situational assessment via SWOT analysis of survey data, using Django with JQuery Flot for scatterplots.
(with Aaron Franklin and Jon Poland).

Gregg Toth: Control software for radio scanner, using pyserial.

Jonathan Jacky, jon at u dot washington dot edu