Usage: pmv [options] models PyModel Viewer. A single program that invokes pma, pmg, and Graphviz dot to to perform analysis, generate dot commands, and generate a file of graphics in .svg, .pdf or another format. The pmv program provides brevity and convenience, so analysis and display can be accomplished by a single command. This program accepts all of the command line options and arguments of both pma and pmg, and the -T option of dot (to select the graphics format), then passes the options to the appropriate program. Options aemo are passed to pma, lxy are passed to pmg, T is passed to dot. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -a ACTION, --action=ACTION Action to include in generated FSM, as many as needed, if no -a include all actions -e EXCLUDE, --exclude=EXCLUDE Action to exclude from generated FSM, as many as needed -m MAXTRANSITIONS, --maxTransitions=MAXTRANSITIONS Maximum number of transitions to include in the generated FSM, default 100 -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT Output file basename (before the .foo suffix), default is FSM -l TRANSITIONLABELS, --transitionLabels=TRANSITIONLABELS Transition labels: action, name, or none, default is action -x, --noStateTooltip Omit tooltips from state bubbles (to work around dot svg problem) -y, --noTransitionTooltip Omit tooltips from transition arrows -T FILETYPE, --fileType=FILETYPE Graphics file type (format), default svg