$ python cserver.py --help usage: cserver.py [options] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Verbose output -D, --debug Debug mode, some exceptions cause traceback and exit -pPORT, --port=PORT port number [default=8000] -RRX_SUBDEV_SPEC, --rx-subdev-spec=RX_SUBDEV_SPEC select USRP Rx side A or B (default=first one with a daughterboard) -dDECIM, --decim=DECIM set fgpa decimation rate to DECIM [default=%default] -fFREQ, --freq=FREQ set frequency to FREQ -gGAIN, --gain=GAIN set RxPGA gain in dB, 0..20 dB (default is midpoint) -GTXGAIN, --txgain=TXGAIN set TxPGA gain, 0..255 is -20..0 dB [default=%default] -8, --width-8 Enable 8-bit samples across USB -S, --oscilloscope Enable oscilloscope display -T, --fft Enable FFT display -W, --waterfall Enable waterfall display -FFILENAME, --filename=FILENAME Name of file with filter coeffs, sos format -PPFILENAME, --pfilename=PFILENAME Name of file with filter coeffs, params.h format -QFRAC_BITS, --frac_bits=FRAC_BITS fraction bits in data path [default=22] -qCOEFF_FRAC_BITS, --coeff_frac_bits=COEFF_FRAC_BITS fraction bits in filter coeffs [default=22] -CCFILENAME, --cfilename=CFILENAME Name of file with compensator coefficients -BBITSTREAM, --bitstream=BITSTREAM Name of FPGA Bitstream file (.rbf) -nFRAME_DECIM, --frame-decim=FRAME_DECIM set oscope frame decimation factor to n [default=20]