Notes on the design of Flip Introduction Modules Modular structure and design rules Adding a logic Introduction This document discusses the design of the Flip logical framework. Before reading this, it would be helpful to look over the Flip web pages. Modules The nd module provides proof checking and editing. It manages proof state, provides prover commands, print/display, and save. (Saved proofs can be reloaded by the Python import command). The nd module supports proofs expressed in natural deduction style. It is possible to write other proof modules to support proofs in other styles, for example equational style. It is possible to write proof modules that provide a graphical user interface, as an alternative to the Python interpreter. The logic modules define logics. Each logic module defines the language and inference rules of its logic. (Axioms are just inference rules without premises.) The nd module can use any of these logics. The formula module provides formula representation, matching, and substitution. It also provides formula generation for proof automation. This module defines the base classes for formulas, terms, and variables that are used by the logic modules. The session modules are preludes for interactive or non-interacive sessions with their various logics. They configure the nd module and logic modules to work together (explained in a following section). To prepare to edit or check proofs in a logic, just execute its session module: python -i The test modules contain test cases. They are self contained; each test module imports the session module it needs to run its test cases. Modular structure, design rules Flip is a logical framework, where you can add a logic by a writing one or more logic modules. In order for this to work, the nd module (which manages proof state) and the formula module (which manages matching and substitution) cannot depend on any logic modules; especially, they cannot mention any particular rules. In Python, this means that the nd and formula modules cannot import any logic modules. Instead, we provide session modules (one for each logic) which import the nd module and also import the logic modules. The session module passes the rules from the logic modules to the nd module by calling a function add_rules provided by the session module. The nd module has attributes and function arguments named "formula" and "rule", but cannot refer to particular logical operators or rules. Likewise, the formula module knows that formulas are composed of symbols and subformulas, but cannot refer to particular operators or to any other elements of the logic languages. Some of the comments in the formula and nd modules mention particular rules, but those are only intended as examples; the code itself does not depend on or even mention those rules. The nd module does distinguish a few *kinds* of rules: assumers (which make assumptions and start subproofs), dischargers (which discharge assumptions and close subproofs) and others. The nd module itself classifies rules into these categories by checking the form of each rule. There is no code anywhere that explicitly says that a particular rule belongs to a particular category. The nd module does not import any logic modules, but it uses the rules defined in the logic modules. The nd module provides a function named add_rules which takes a list of rule collections (one rule collection for each logic), then updates an attribute (named rules) in the nd module with the contents of all those collections. This is accomplished with the help of the session modules. Each session module imports one or more logic modules and the nd module. The sesssion module then calls nd.add_rules, passing it the rules from all the logic modules it imports. In this way, the rules in all the logics imported by the session module are made available to the nd module *at run time*. The session modules are preludes for interactive or non-interacive sessions with their various logics. To prepare to edit or check proofs in a logic, just execute its session module with the Python interpreter, for example: python -i It is not necessary to import the session module or any logic modules. The session modules are preludes for sessions with their various logics. The session module imports identifiers from all the logic modules it uses. This makes the logical operators and inference rules for those logics available in the Python session. The session module also imports identifiers from the nd module, to make its prover commands available in the Python session. Finally, the session module may import or define additional items which might be useful in a proof session. You can define a customized prelude for your proof sessions by writing a session module. Most session modules import more than one logic module. There are several smaller logic modules, rather than a few larger ones, so that they can be merged in different combinations by session modules. For example, prop_session configures classical propositional logic by importing both prop_common and prop_classic; prop_constructive_session configures a constructive propositional logic by importing prop_common and prop_constructive. Logic modules do not depend on each other; a logic module does not import any others. For example, the fol (first order logic) module does not import any of the prop (propositional logic) modules. Instead, logics which are used together are all imported by a session module, which passes them all to the add_rules function in the nd module. Adding a logic To add a logic, write one or more logic modules that define its language and inference rules, see flip-logics.html. Then write one or more session modules that combine the logic modules in various combinations with each other, and with the logic modules already provided. Session modules may also provide any other facilities that would be helpful.