"She's a witch!" from Monty Python and the Holy Grail Timings from excerpt at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrzMhU_4m-g 1:33 "There are ways of telling whether she's a witch" 1:44 "What do you do with witches?" "Burn them!" Witch(x) => Burn(x) 2:00 "Why do witches burn?" "'Cause they're made of wood!" Wood(x) => Witch(x) 2:08 "How do we tell if she's made of wood?" 2:23 "Does wood sink in water?" "It floats!" Floats(x) => Wood(x) 2:29 "What also floats in water?" ... "A duck!" 2:38 Floats(duck) 2:55 "Exactly! So, logically, .... " "If she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood" weight(x) = weight(duck) => Wood(x) [ from weight(x) = weight(duck) => Floats(x) and Floats(x) = Wood(x) ] 3:00 "And therefore..." "A witch!" 3:28 "Remove the supports!" weight(x) = weight(duck) 3:35 "A witch! Burn her!" ... "Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?"