Clinical Neutron Therapy System control system specification
Part II: User Operations

Jonathan Jacky, Ruedi Risler, Ira Kalet, Peter Wootton,
Jonathan Unger and Stan Brossard

May 1992
(revised December 1992)


The Clinical Neutron Therapy System (CNTS) at the University of Washington is a computer controlled cyclotron and neutron therapy treatment facility. This document is the second volume of the functional specification of the CNTS control system. The first volume provides an overview of the CNTS facility and its control system.

This document contains detailed descriptions of the ``user interface'': what the operators see and do at video terminals and control consoles to perform the operations that were described briefly in the first volume. Therefore, this document can be used as an authoritative and comprehensive operator's reference manual, or as a source of material for a briefer user's guide that might be easier to read.

The control system includes several terminals (also called workstations). Chapter 2 describes the characteristics and operations that are common to all of these terminals.

Chapter 3 describes the cyclotron control console.

Chapter 4 describes operations that are performed at the cyclotron operations terminal.

Chapter 5 describes the cyclotron status displays.

Chapter 6 describes the therapy control consoles.

Chapter 7 describes controls and indicators in the treatment rooms.

Chapter 8 describes the operations that are performed at each therapy operations terminal.

Chapter 9 describes the operations that are performed at the diagnostic terminals.

Chapter 10 describes how to start up and shut down the control system.

A forthcoming volume will contain detailed specifications of internal operations involving the cyclotron and therapy apparatus itself, which are only indirectly visible to users.

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