Diagram, Photos and a Video of the 1/10th Scale PRT Model Developed at the Aerospace Corporation in Los Angeles, CA, in 1978
Stationary vehicle undergoing motor tests on track-simulator test fixture.
Photo that shows the electromagnetic switch installation and two vehicles.
Photo of two vehicles operating on the test guideway. You can see a 7.5 minute video of this scale model in operation with three vehicles, several maneuvers and an emergency stop. It was made in 1978, has no sound track and is 18 mbytes in size. Thanks to Bob Brodbeck for making a digital copy from the a VHS videotape.
These materials and more detail about the Aerospace Corporation's 1/10th scale PRT test facility may be found in Appendix B of the book entitled Fundamentals of Personal Rapid Transit by Jack Irving, et al. See: Table of Contents
Last modified: September 03, 2008