
The Video Distrometer will be located behind the Elena Restaurant on the hill beyond the harbor


Gusti Berchhold with Elias Tsonis

We can put rain gauges on their properties.


Finikounda will be the site of the Dense Rain Gauge network.  Various residents of Finikounda have agreed to have automatically recording Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges placed in their yards during the Ionian Sea Rainfall Experiment.  Particularly helpful are Elias and Nikos Tsonis, owners of the Elena Restaurant in Finikounda.  In addition to the rain gauges, they have agreed to deploy the 2-Dimensional Video Disdrometer in the back lot behind their restaurant.  Elias helped to identify the locations for the other rain gauges and introduced us to his wife, who works at the weather station in Methoni.



Live music accompanied an excellent fish dinner at Elena’s Restaurant in Finikounda