What is Computer Science? I believe Computer Science is a vast multifaceted discipline. At a high level, it has to do with the development of computing platforms (both hardware and software), algorithms and how they interact and communicate with one another. In this paper I will attempt to explain in more detail each of these areas, although my perspective is from that of the experienced Electrical & Computer Engineer who is still learning a great deal about the answer to this question. First of all, Computer Science deals heavily with computing hardware platforms and how they are implemented. Computer Architecture has been a major area of research and development in Computer Science over the years. This deals with the higher level of how computer hardware is implemented and connected together such as processor instruction set architectures, memory hierarchy or different user or communication interfaces. As a result, there have been numerous advances in the performance and reliability of computing hardware. Some examples are parallel computing, RISC architectures, memory caching, memory management units and protected memory. Granted these advances would not be possible were it not for the incredible developments in integrated circuits which have allowed for over 100 million transistors to be packed on a chip of about one square centimeter for about $20. However, someone had to figure out what to do with all those transistors or they would be useless. Second, Computer Science is the computing software platform. Operating systems and programming languages and environments have evolved tremendously thanks to the tireless efforts of Computer Science professionals. Can you imagine programming a system by setting toggle switches on the front of the machine to the correct binary value of the next instruction you wanted and then hitting a load button? Probably sounds horrible, but it was reality at one time for people I've worked with over the span of my career. Then came operating systems, but at one time they were so simple and poor that I considered developing my own. Computer languages themselves have contributed heavily to all this improvement; can you imagine developing Windows XP in machine code or assembly language? Not likely, but in something like C++ it came to be. Third, Computer Science is about algorithms. If we were just satisfied with bubble sort, the Internet would not be what it is today, because it would not be practical to find anything as a search engine would be horribly slow. We would not be able to conduct commerce over it either, without advanced encryption algorithms. In fact you probably wouldn't ever have a decent spelling checker. Forth, Computer Science is about computers interacting and communicating with one another. Networking communication protocols and the software to implement them have come substantially from Computer Science, as have the hooks in the operating system to use them. Finally, I'm certain there are other aspects of Computer Science I am overlooking, but I look forward to learning about them in this class.