
Simple Computer - SimpComp


This virtual computer allows us to approach the nature of systems software.  With this computer we will study various aspects of systems software for controlling the machine and for translating codes from more human readable form to machine readable form.  The basic architecture for the machine is shown in the figure below.

The CPU is comprised of 8, 16-bit programmer-visible registers, a 16-bit program counter (PC), a flag register, an I/O port register (4 bits), an interrupt decode register (4 bits), an acknowledge bit, a 32-bit instruction register and an arithmetic/logic unit (ALU).  Additionally there is an internal 8-bit bus for all signals (address, data and control).  Details of control have been suppressed to emphasize the essential features pertinent to systems programming.  The memory is a 64k space of byte organized cells.  The figure shows a layout for memory composed of a 2k ROM (read only memory) and 62k of RAM (volitile random access memory).  Shown is a map of regions used for various system purposes. The boot and BIOS (basic input/output system) occupy ROM. from location 0 to 2048d.  The next 32 bytes are dedicated to an interrupt vector table.  Next an approximate area dedicated to the BDOS (basic disk operating system).  The reason this area is approximate is that different versions of the OS occupy different amounts of space.  The largest area is devoted to user programs (USR).  This area is also approximate since it is sandwiched between the BDOS and the system stack area.  Extra care is needed in establishing the boundries of these areas and making sure the user program does not extend into either of the other two areas.

The first five registers, A, B, C, D, E are general purpose, except that A is used as the accumulator.  All arithmetic/logic operations results are sent to the A register.  The rest of the registers are special purpose (e.g. IX for indexed addressing, BP for base addressing, and SP for stack pointer)  The E register is an extra 16-bit register which is used as an adjunct to the accumulator (A) for multiplication and division arithmetic operations for double precision results.

Instruction Set

The following instruction set is a subset of the possible instructions.  This set does not include the richer addressing modes that are available in SimpComp.  This subset just allows us to address fundamental programming constructs.  Later we will expand the instruction set to include all of the addressing modes and extra "features" of the computer.

Instruction formats

Format 0 00
Format 1 01 dest, r1      | src, r2
Format 2 01 immediate
Format 3 10 immediate high immediate low
Format 4 11 r1      | src, r2 immed/addr high immed/addr low

Opcode decoding

Bit 7: 0 for all instructions except load/store, 1 for load/store/move
Bit 2: if bit 7 == 1: 0 = byte mode, 1 = word mode
Bits 0,1: as above, determines the number of bytes needed in the instruction

Conventions r = A, B, C, D, E, IX, BP, SP
r' = r; F (flags, Int and I/O word)
rH = the high order 8 bits of register r, rL is the low order 8 bits of register r. These designations are required to designate the destination or source for 8-bit data.

addr stands for a memory address
immed stands for an immediate value
M stands for main memory.
The [] brackets indicate contents of an address in memory or contents of a register in certain cases.
neg = negative flag
carry = carry flag
ovfl = overflow flag
zero = zero flag

-1 = true
0 = false

push(r) is an internal call that accomplishes the PUSH operation on register r.
pop() is an internal call that accomplishes the POP operation into the desiganted register

Instruction Semantics Example Bytes Hex
Load and Store    
LDB   r, addr rL <- M[addr] LDB    C, COUNTER 4 83
LD   r, addr rL <- M[addr]; rH <- M[addr+1] LD    C, COUNTER 4 87
LDB   r, #immed rL <- immed LDB    D, #ONE_HUNDRED 3 8A
LD   r, #immed rL <- immed; rH <- immed+1 LD    D, #ONE_HUNDRED 4 8F
LDB   r, !addr rL <- M[IX]  ; indexed LDB    D, !INDEX 2 81
LD   r, !addr rL <- M[IX++]; rH <- M[IX++] LD    D, !INDEX 2 85
LDB   r, +offset rL <- M[BP+offset]  ; base+offset LDB    D, +START_LINE 4 8B
LD   r, +offset rL <- M[BP+offset]; rH <- M[BP+offset+1] LD    D, +START_LINE 4 97
LDB   r, +[r'] rL <- M[BP+[r']]  ; base+reg LDB    D, +C 2 89
LD   r, +[r'] rL <- M[BP+[r']]; rH <- M[BP+[r']+1] LD    D, +C 2 95
LDB   r, @addr rL <- M[M[addr]]  ; indirect LDB    D, @POINTER 4 9B
LD   r, @addr rL <- M[M[addr]]; rH <- M[M[addr+1]] LD    D, @POINTER 4 9F
LDB   r, @r' rL <- M[M[[r']]]  ; register indirect LDB    D, @E 2 99
LD   r, @r' rL <- M[M[[r']]]; rH <- M[M[[r]]+1] LD    D, @E 2 9D
MOV  r, r' r1 <- [r'] MOV   D, A 2 B5
STB   addr, r M[addr] <- rL  ; memory destination direct STB    RESULT, A 4 93
ST   addr, r M[addr] <- rL; M[addr+1] <- rH ST    RESULT, A 4 B7
STB   !, r M[IX++] <- rL  ; indexed (no dest operand) STB    !, A 2 B1
ST   !, r M[IX++] <- rL; M[IX++] <- rH ST    !, A 2 BD
STB   +offset, r M[BP+offset] <- rL  ; base reg + immed offset STB    +OFFSET, A 4 C3
ST   +offset, r M[BP+offset] <- rL; M[BP+offset+1] <- rH ST    +OFFSET, A 4 C7
STB   +r', r M[BP+[r']] <- rL  ; base reg + reg STB    +C, A 2 C1
ST   +r', r M[BP+[r']] <- rL; M[BP+[r']+1] <- rH ST    +C, A 2 C5
STB   @addr, r M[M[addr]] <- rL  ; indirect STB    @POINTER, A 4 CB
ST   @addr, r M[M[addr]] <- rL; M[M[addr]+1] <- rH ST    @POINTER, A 4 CF
STB   @r', r M[M[[r']]] <- rL  ; register indirect STB    @C, A 2 D1
ST   @r', r M[M[[r']]] <- rL; M[M[[r']]+1] <- rH ST    @POINTER, A 2 D5
Arithmetic Logic        
COMP  r2 A <- ~r2;   2s complement
neg <- A[7];
carry <- 0;
ovfl <- 0;
zero <- 1 if A == 0
COMP   D 39 
ADD  r1, r2 A <- r1 + r2;
neg <- A[7];
carry <- 1 if r1[7] + r2[7] > 1;
ovfl <- 1 if r1[7]==r2[7] AND A[7] != r1[7];
zero <- 1 if A == 0
ADD   A, D 01 
ADDC r1, r2 A <- r1 + r2 + carry
neg <- A[7];
carry <- 1 if r1[7] + r2[7] > 1;
ovfl <- 1 if r1[7]==r2[7] AND A[7] != r1[7];
zero <- 1 if A == 0
ADDC  A, C 05 
SUB  r1, r2 A <- ~r2; A <- ADD r1, r2;
flags set by ADD op
SUB   B, C 09 
AND  r1, r2 A <- r1 & r2   ; bitwise AND
neg <- A[7];
zero <- 1 if A == 0
AND   B, D 11 
OR   r1, r2 A <- r1 | r2   ; bitwise OR
neg <- A[7];
zero <- 1 if A == 0
OR    B, D 15 
XOR  r1, r2 A <- r1 ^ r2   ; bitwise XOR
neg <- A[7];
zero <- 1 if A == 0
XOR   B, D 19 
NOT  r1 A <- ~r1   ; bitwise NOT
neg <- A[7];
zero <- 1 if A == 0
NOT   A 1D 
LAND  r1, r2 A <- -1 if (r1 && r2) else 0   ; logical AND
neg <- A[7];
zero <- 1 if A == 0
LAND   B, D  
LOR   r1, r2 A <- -1 if (r1 || r2) else 0   ; logical OR
neg <- A[7];
zero <- 1 if A == 0
LOR    B, D  
LNOT  r1 A <- -1 if (!r1) else 0   ; logical NOT
neg <- A[7];
zero <- 1 if A == 0
LNOT   C  
Data Manipulation        
SHL  r A <- r * 2;
neg <- A[7];
carry <- r[7] before shift;
zero <- 1 if A == 0
SHL   D 21 
SHR  r A <- r / 2;
neg <- 0;
carry <- r[0] before shift;
zero <- 1 if A == 0
SHR   D 25 
ROTL r1 A <- r * 2; r[0] <- carry
neg <- A[7];
carry <- r[7] before rotate;
zero <- 1 if A == 0
ROTL  D 29 
ROTR r1 A <- r / 2; r[7] <- carry
neg <- A[7];
carry <- r[0] before rotate;
zero <- 1 if A == 0
Flow Control        
JMP  r PC <- [r] JMP   D 41 
JMP  immed PCL <- immed; PCH <- immed+1 JMP   LOOP1 42 
JMPx r  [x=N,C,O,Z] PC <- [r] JMPZ  D N 4D
C 49
O 46
Z 45  
JMPx immed PCL <- immed; PCH <- immed+1 JMPZ  LOOP1 N 56
C 52
O 5A
Z 4E  
CALL r push(PC); PC <- [r] CALL  D 51 
CALL immed push(PC); PCL <- immed; PCH <- immed+1 CALL  CHECK_RESULT 5E 
RET PC <- pop(SP) RET 50 
RETI flags <- pop(SP); PC <- pop(SP) RETI 54 
PUSH r M[SP]<- rH; SP <- SP-1; M[SP]<- rL; SP <- SP-1 PUSH   A 55 
POP  r SP <- SP+1; rL <-M[SP]; SP <- SP+1; rH <-M[SP] POP    A 5D 
PUSHB r M[SP]<- rL; SP <- SP-1 PUSH   A 55 
POPB  r SP <- SP+1; rL <- M[SP]; POP    A 5D 
IN    r  rL <- Port[F[3..0]]  IN    B  69 
OUT   r  Port[F[3..0]] <- rL  OUT   B  6D 
SETP  immed  F[3..0] <- immed  SETP  3  71 
NOP no operation NOP 00 
HALT stops the computer (run bit <- 0) HALT 04 
ESC indicates next instruction is FPU instruction if FPU present ESC 08 
SIM  immed F[11..8] <- immed[3..0]; set interrupt mask SIM   0x03 31 
EI inables interrupts EI 30 
DI disables interrupts DI 34 
EOI end of interrupt processing EOI 38 
TRAP immed generates software interrupt at vector offset, immed TRAP #13  ; call trap routine at offset 13 decimal